Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K120A. Prevented incest (sister and brother), (ATU 313E) .12.-.15.17.23. (.27.) .28.-.33.

A man is going to marry his sister (it often turns out that only she meets the requirements that the bride must meet). Usually a girl manages to avoid such a marriage.

Tangale, Mundang, Dinka, Anuak, Nubians, Sakho, Bilin, Sudanese Arabs, Arabs and Berbers Morocco, Kabila, Arabs of Tunisia, Egypt, Italians (Campaign), Palestinians, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kirati, Bugun, Tripuri, Kachari, Kashmiris, Rajastanis, Konkani, Pardhan, Oraons, Baiga, Muria, Oriya, Kannada, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelian Pomorie, Moscow, Ryazan, Oryol, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Volyn, Podolia, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians (Adygs?) , Svans, Turkmens, Bukhara Arabs, Mountain Tajiks, Yagnobs, Khufs, Yazgulyam, Sarykols, Uzbeks, Latvians, Lithuanians, Setu, Finns, Chuvash, Mari, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz.

West Africa. Tangale [brother wants to marry sister; makes a belt the size of his sister's waist, lets bathing girls try on whoever suits him, only fits her sister; sister runs away with her friend {this friend is hereinafter referred to as her sister}; the brother catches up with them, cuts off her sister's legs knee-deep, the friend carries her, climbs a tree with her; the chief comes; the legless spits, one of the servants notices her, chief tells her to go down, takes her eighth wife; the old woman spreads a rumor that the new wife is a legless leper; the girl wants to drown herself; Nanamudo {monster witch} comes, asks her, swallows her and belches, the girl's body becomes whole; the gathered people see a beautiful woman, the old woman was stabbed to death]: Jungraithmayr 2002:178-192.

Sudan-East Africa. Mundang [while her sister sleeps, her brother measures her waist with a lace; promises to marry only the one that fits his bead belt; he only fits his sister; father and mother react to words daughters only when she calls them father-in-law, mother-in-law; a girl runs away with a faithful friend; a brother catches up with them, cuts off her sister's hands and thumbs; a friend helps her reach the leader's village, his wife sheltered them; they go further; the boa constrictor agrees to make the cripple healthy, for this purpose swallows and regurgitates her, the severed hands and fingers are back in place; the girls offer themselves to marry a boa constrictor, that refuses; asks the former cripple, if she gives birth to a son, to send him to him, he will become his friend; if the daughter, send her to marry; the girls come to the chief; he tells all the courtiers to jump over the fire; those , those who insulted the handless woman fall, burn; the old woman advises to stop the extermination, because there will be no subjects left; the leader marries a former handless woman; their son has grown up, the leader leads him to a boa constrictor; everyone is happy]: Louafaya 1990:164-171; Dinka [Diirawig is more beautiful than other girls; her brother Teeng refuses all her suitors because he wants to marry her himself; mother doubts, sends her father to ask; so everything relatives; finally, the maternal aunt agrees; T. is preparing a wedding, stabbed his beloved ox; the kite grabbed and carried away the oxtail, threw D. on her knees; she recognized the tail of her brother's favorite ox, went to find out why he was stabbed to death; his younger sister, Nyanaguek, told her everything and gave her a knife: let her husband cut off his testicles in the morning, when T. is going to get together with his sister at night, a lizard warns not to do this, he lies down again; then grass; rafters; in the morning - walls, utensils, rats; T. fell asleep without getting along with D.; N. woke her up, D. cut off his brother's testicles and he died; sisters became especially to beat the drums; when they hear, the girls must get together and dance, and everyone else is not allowed to come; D. talked about what happened, now she will go to the forest; girls: you and me, because she can also be with us this would happen; they did not take the little girls with them, but N. had to take it, otherwise she promised to raise the alarm; the girls settled on the border between the land of people and the land of lions; built a village; found an anthill, in who was an inexhaustible source of grain and meat; the lion saw the girls, did not dare to attack, returned in the form of a dog; only N. felt the danger; at night the lion knocked, asked D. to open; N. in response calls the names of the girls, about each one - that she sleeps; lion: why don't you sleep? G.: I want to drink, but I only drink water brought in a wicker vessel; the lion tried to bring water in the basket until dawn; so many nights; D. wonders why N. is losing weight (from lack of sleep), but she does not have anything says; finally confesses; D. stays with her for the night and tells her not to answer; in the morning he breaks, D. wants to kill him with a spear, but the lion promises to become a brother; brought cattle, ordered the bull to be slaughtered and feed him to tame him; saliva on his face, a puppy pops out of it, the puppy is killed, the lion is given boiled meat; so 4 times; then hot broth is poured into his mouth; he is fed milk for several months; the lion tells the girls return to the village, taking all the cattle; became a young man - D.'s new brother; D. was the first to know her younger brother, who was young when the girls left; he understood this by D.'s resemblance to his mother; everyone is happy; The chief's two sons, both named T., want D. to marry; D.: I will marry someone who will give my new brother four wives; after getting married, D. gave birth to 12 children; the 13th had the nature of a lion; as a baby, he got up, He put on clothes made of skins and sang; stabbed his claws at his brothers and drank their blood; the lion brother offered to kill this child, but D. refused; but when he grew up and continued to drink blood, he still killed him]: Deng 1984:78 -90; anuak [Awili has Owili's brother; he wants to marry her, his parents don't mind; when O. went to his sister, she cut off his penis head, ran out of the hut, took all the girls in the village, with her and white dog; asked God to open the termite mound, the girls went inside and stayed there; cattle graze nearby, one bull rubs against the termite mound and A. sings at that time; heard the song; the leader tells us to dig up a termite mound, but no matter how much they dug, the dug is again filled with clay; but after the chief sacrificed an ox, the young men dug up a termite mound; A. jumped down the throat of her dog, the boys dismantled the girls, but alone the poor and ugly young man was left without a wife, he only got a dog; he lives with his mother in a hut on the outskirts; when they go to the field, A. gets out of the dog, cooks food; the boy's mother spoke loudly Son: Let's go! but in fact they hid; the young man grabbed A.; she turned into a cow, a hippopotamus, a leopard, a pelican, and other animals and birds, but he did not let her out and A. remained in human form; A. ordered to make a beer and appeared to the people in leopard clothing; became the wife of a young man, refusing to be the leader's wife; he hunted, the young man also went, the chief killed him by filling the corpse with branches; the white dog licked the owner, ran home, the mother saw blood, and the dog led A. to the victim; A. covered him with leopard skin and the young man came to life; the leader denied that he killed the young man; A. touched the ground with her bamboo with a staff and all the villagers fell into the crevice; after 4 days A. returned them, but they were heavily eaten by termites; A. became the village leader]: Evans Pritchard, Beaton 1940, No. 15:66-70; Nubians {synopsis Nubian and Arabic Sudanese versions} [brother wants to marry his sister, Beautiful Fatma; F. and his companions run away, get to the cannibal, they manage to send her away, run away again, they cross the river on a crocodile; F. meets an old man (in two out of five versions, an old woman), peels off his skin with a thorn, puts him on himself; the girls hide in a cave, they are found by young men, taken away, the Sultan's son gets an imaginary the old man, whom he tells to herd geese (pigeons, goats); the slave, followed by the Sultan's son, sees F. bathing with the old man's skin off; the sultan's son plays chess or another game with an imaginary old man, the winner gets the right to skin the loser; F. wins first, but then the Sultan's son wins; wedding]: Goldberg 1997:34; Sudanese Arabs: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 20 [Fatima is so beautiful that her brother Muhammad decided to marry her himself; F. asked her mother to help put a jug of water on her head; she replied that F. should first call her not mother, but mother-in-law; the same with her father (father-in-law), brother (groom) ; F. told all the girls in the village that it was decided to pass them off as brothers, took them all away, they came to the cannibal giant; F. ordered them not to eat anything, hide the food in a cooked hole, but the youngest girl tasted it; F . told the cannibal to bring water from the seventh sea in a net or in a leaky calebass; the girls ran away, but the youngest could not; the cannibal returned, found out from the younger that the girls had run away, told them to be in front of them piles of gold appeared; silk fabrics; each time F. told me to take only a little and run on; the river; F. asked the crocodile to transport, on the other side he would give one girl to eat; when they swam, F. tells the crocodile to transport their mother (i.e. the cannibal) first; when they are in the middle of the river, F. shouted that the crocodile's prey was on his back; he dived and ate the cannibal; the girls settled in a cave; nearby an old man with 6 sons; F. asks him how to remove his skin - to pierce a thorn; she plunged, her skin slept, F. put it on, returned to the cave in the guise of an old man; the camel fits to eat foliage from the bush, girls he is driven away; the young men consistently began to come to find out what was going on; each took a girl; when Wad al-Amin approached, only an imaginary old man came to the cave; the old man says he can't herd cattle; YES agrees that he should herd pigeons by the river; F. removes the old man's skin by the river; the slave sent with her is delighted, but he cannot tell him anything; the imaginary old man said that the slave is sick, let him be burned chest; so several times; then AM himself went, saw everything; at home he offered to play chess, the winner would remove the skin from the loser; F. won, but did not fresh AM; AM won, F. took off her skin; on the whole village gathered for the wedding], 21 [Fatma's older brother's horse slipped on strands of hair by the river; the brother promised to marry the one whose hair it was, even if it was F.; F. persuaded seven girls to run together with her, otherwise their brothers will do the same; before the wedding night, she went out to pee, pierced a pre-prepared wineskin with water, you could hear the murmur of the stream, the girls managed to leave; in the desert they came to the cannibal; she offered them milk and one of the girls tasted it; at night F. replies that she is awake; asks them to go calm the dogs in a distant village; and other tasks (not named); in the morning they asked the cannibal to bake them bread on the fire that burns there; it is the sun; the cannibal tried it, but did not bake the bread; when she returned, she found only the one that drank her milk; broke her neck and ate it; the girls asked the tree to become little, climbed on top of it, then asked him to stand tall again; stuck knives around; lowered the cannibal's rope, picked it up and threw it several times; knives pierced her and she died; the girls went further; F. began to look for the old man in his head; asks how he could be killed; the old man: pierce a thorn into the crown; F. did so, put on old man's skin; the girls began to live in a cave; merchants passed by, them the camel began to chew the straw that closed the entrance; the merchants dismantled the girls; one of them was crooked; he said to the merchant: they took the curve, but left the flower; the Sultan's son heard, returned, took the imaginary old man; when they they go, F.'s jewelry rings; "These are my bones"; F. chose to herd geese rather than sheep to be able to swim; the slave sees her taking off old man's skin; she makes him speechless (apparently by witchcraft) ; at home he points to F., but cannot say anything; F.: he is crazy, he should be burned with iron; burned to death; this is how almost all slaves died; the Sultan's son went to spy himself, climbed a tree, stole F.'s ring; at home offered to play checkers: the winner would take off the other skin; F. won twice, but did not exercise her right; then the Sultan's son won; married F., but hid it from people; once F. went out, people fell breathless because of her beauty; she sprayed blood on them from her little finger, everyone came to life; all is well], 22 [Muhammad wants to marry her sister; I agree to take the jug off her head only if she will call him groom; same mother: mother-in-law; father: father-in-law; she throws a jug, asks the carpenter to make her a dawn-palm (wooden case, DC), comes to the Sultan, stays to work with other slaves; son The Sultan wants to choose a wife, the girls come to dance; DC takes off his cover, dances unrecognized; for the third time, the Sultan's son grabs her hand, he still has her gold ring; he goes in search ; they bake bread for the road, DC puts it in his own ring; this bread is at the bottom of the bag; when the Sultan's son finds the ring, he tells him to return; plays four games of checkers with DC, the loser will be taken off his clothes ; DC wins the first three, but forgives the Sultan's son in the name of himself, his mother, his father; the fourth time he wins, takes off the cover, throws a silk veil on the girl; wedding; once the former DC sees her parents among the poor; forgives them, settles them in a separate house], 23 [Fatma the Beautiful saw the camel come to eat crops; not knowing that it was her brother Muhammad's camel, tied his strands of his hair; M. swore to marry the one whose hair it was; the parents agreed on the condition that M. would bring dowry from distant places; told F. to run away with her mother's sister's six daughters; one of they were limping; they saw big and small lights; F. said that where the big one was, there was a cannibal, but the girls did not listen; the cannibal gave food to crushed human bones moistened with her milk; F. ordered them not to eat ; the lame did not listen, the others quietly threw the food into the dug holes; in the morning the girls said that they should bring water with a net, a calebasa without a hole, an unburned vessel; she could not, returned, fried and ate a lame girl, rushed in pursuit of the others; wants her to meet the wedding (the girls start dancing at the wedding, but they run again), so that the river with the crocodile; he transports on the condition that he will be given one of the girls; but on the other side they ask for the cannibal to be transferred first, they say that she is his share, the crocodile dives; the girls live in a cave; a camel approaches her, followed by him his owner is Wad al-Nimair, he tells the girl to go out; so one girl every day; F. secretly came to the VN garden, asked the old man how to remove his skin (a thorn in his forehead), stabbed a thorn, put on his skin; the imaginary old man agrees to herd only pigeons; and that only a dumb slave with him; by the river F. took off the old man's skin, bathed; at home, the slave tried to gesture what he saw; F. explained that the slave was in pain the head and he wants to be cut off; the slave's head was cut off; so all slaves but the last were beheaded; VN went with him himself; stole F.'s ring while she was bathing; the slave is the same as the previous ones, but VN refuses to cut his head, but offers to fight; the winner will rip open the belly of the defeated; VN loses three times, but F. does not touch him; the fourth time he won, took off the old man's skin, married F.]: 110-114, 114-118, 118-120, 120-125; Sudanese Arabs (Jaaaliyin) [similar to Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 21]: Hurreiz 1977, No. 8:83-85; Sakho [older brother wanted to marry sister, parents agreed; the sister told the sycamore to bend down, climbed on her, told her to straighten up again; the parents asked the sycamore - she did not lean towards them; leaned over to her younger brother, the sister ran away with him; they they live in the steppe, the brother warns not to let the fire go out; the fire went out, the girl came to the witch, she gave fire, followed her on the trail of ash and roasted grains; the witch's four sons found and ate their brother the girl, the eldest married her; she poisoned him, ran away, taking her brother's bones, met the Virgin Mary, who revived the young man]: Reinisch 1889, No. 21:156-162; bilin [the girl went to fetch water; when she returned, her mother says that she is not her mother, but her mother-in-law, her father is not her father, but her father-in-law, etc.; her brother says he is her husband; she sharpened her razor, stabbed her brother, ran away with seven friends; along the way she refuses meat, jewelry, gives everything to her friends, says that she killed her brother; girls come to the ogre's house; the old woman tells them to run; by the river the girl says that if she did evil, let her water it will take away, and if not, let the waters part; the waters have parted, the friends have crossed dry to the other side; the cannibal asks how they crossed; the girls tell him to tie a white stone to his feet; the cannibal drowned; from the rain, the girls climbed a tree, the son of King Dschaga and seven companions stopped under it; the brother's killer pulled the animal's skin over her head to look like a monk; the youngest friend wrote girls noticed; the prince took the imaginary monk as a servant; when the girl was secretly swimming, a dumb servant saw her, but could not tell her master; the interpreter ordered the prince to hang a cow's skin in the doorway; if the girl, seeing wuhir says, she must say: be my monk; if hetekay says, be my wife; she said hetekay, the prince married her, they have seven sons]: Reinisch 1883, No. 51:178-183.

North Africa. Tuaregs (northern Niger) [Teschewa always washes her hair in a bowl; her older brother also washes his hair there when he leaves, promises to marry anyone who washes her hair in the same bowl, let it be at least his mother; T. continues to wash her hair in his bowl; when he returns, his brother notices his sister's hair in her, marries her; T. runs away, turns into a bird; (apparently taking on his hair again), combs her hair his younger brother's grazing cattle; M. is found, spotted in a tree, a tree is cut down, M. is placed in a donkey's belly; the chief's son notices her coming out of the donkey to swim; he hides her clothes; every night returns one thing at a time, takes M. with her; she returns, supposedly, for a forgotten piece of jewelry, becomes a donkey again; the leader's son marries a donkey, that night goes out as a girl; the leader himself, in the absence of his son sees T., decides to kill his son; asks him to go down to the well, leaves it there; the son finds dates put there by his wife in his hair, a palm tree grows out of the bone, he crawls out of it; lures his father to a well covered, a fire at the bottom; father dies]: Casajus 1982:15-17; Arabs of Morocco [the sultan hides Rhaida's daughter from the eyes of strangers and from her older brother; only the youngest enters her; after father's death, the elder inherits the throne; all men have gone to war, the Sultan's daughter asks for permission to go to the river, because there are no men around; her hair swims away, her older brother finds him, promises to find the owner and marry, even if it is his sister; before the wedding night, the sister tells his younger brother to grab the comb and run, she follows him, they hide in the forest; enemies win, the sultan dies, drought covers the country; the younger brother drinks from a stream in the forest, turns into a deer; the old woman notices a beautiful woman in the forest, tells the local sultan; he brings R. to his place; the servant overhears her talking to the deer; he says that the knives are sharpened, the fire is lit, they want to slaughter it; the servant tells the Sultan everything; he marries R., the deer, after drinking again from the same stream, takes on a human form]: El Koudia 2003, No. 5:27-32; Tunisia [The king has a son, Salif, and a daughter, Lulja, are adults, and one son is small. While hunting, Salif left his horse by the river, but the horse suddenly stopped drinking and made a strange sound. Salif looked into his mouth and found hair. He swore he would marry the owner of this hair, even if it was his own sister. I asked an old lady to find this girl. It was L. Salif insisted on getting married. At first the parents were against it, then they agreed. On her wedding day, L. persuaded her younger brother Zarif to grab a comb to comb her hair and give it only to her when she came to him alone. He did so. L. and Z. ran up the mountain together. The king came and tried to persuade her to go down. She replied that when he was her father, she had to obey all his orders, and now it is more difficult to comply with his demand than this mountain gets higher and the mountain is higher. Same thing when mother and brother came, until the mountain was very high so they could hardly see each other. Gradually, the mountain shrunk and L. and Z. went down and followed the road. From a distance, they saw two slides: one white and the other black. We decided that Zarifa would be white and Lulje would be black. White turned out to be salt, and black turned out to be dates. Zarif was thirsty. They went first to the lake of mules, then to the lake of donkeys. Each time, L. kept her brother from drinking this water. When we reached the lake of gazelles, she could not hold it, he drank water and turned into a gazelle. They continued their journey and met the hunting emir. He took Lyulja and the gazelle to the palace and married her. The emir had two more wives. They hated L. When the Emir went to war, L. was pushed into a well where a huge snake lived, and Lyulja was then nine months pregnant. They then decided to slaughter the gazelle. The Emir came back and asked about Lulja. They said they didn't know. But he noticed that the gazelle was still running to the well, looked into it and saw that L. was there with a baby in her arms, and a snake wrapped around her. Then the prince put the food in a wooden bowl into the well, the snake rushed to her, and the prince pulled his wife and child out of the well. The Emir divorced his two wives and found a magician for the gazelle who turned her back into a human]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 73 in Korovkin MS; Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 510C: 263-264; kabila [gold-haired Zalgoum's brother caught her hair in the source; before that, the horse refused to go to the water; promised to marry the one who owns the hair; the mother went around all the girls in the village, such only Z. had hair; her brother was going to marry her; her parents had to agree; the mother began to try on her daughter's wedding dress, saying that her brother's fiancée had the same figure; the mother gave clay and sends Z. to renew the walls of my brother's room; swallow: give me clay for my nest, I'll name my brother's bride; Z.: why do I need it; mother sends wheat to peel, crow asks for grains (same); sends cook couscous; the cow asks to leave some for her calf; Z. it seems strange and she gives seeds to the crow; she says that the bride is herself; Z. runs away from home; hid in the grotto, closing the entrance with a big stone; the shepherd's goat butts the stone; the shepherd hears the song Z. (go away the goat and tell my father from my mother that Z. is here); father came; Z.: you were my father and now my father-in-law; father: stick out your hand; Z. stuck out, he kissed her; same mother (mother-in-law); brother (husband); that compartment his hand with a sword; threw his hand on the roof - let the sun dry it or take it away by birds of prey; when he went to that spring, he pricked his knee, it became inflamed; no one can help; the prince found out about the girl in the cave, promised a reward to whoever lured her out; an old healer; she made a fire, put the pan upside down, began to cook clumsily on purpose; said that she could not see anything from her old age; Z. went out hiding the prince grabbed her, she agreed to go with him; the prince hid her in the upper room of the palace, but the jealous wives found her; noticed the absence of a hand; suggested to the prince: let everyone paint their nails with henna; Z .: I do it late at night; wives: who will sew and sew the best clothes for the prince; the crow asks Z. for a thread, found a dried hand on the roof, brought it, sewed it, grassed a cure, his hand grew; Z. she managed to make the best clothes; she gave birth to two sons, who grew up and went to find her parents; Z. with them, told them to hide her luxurious outfit under rags - from dust and robbers; entered her brother's house disguised as a beggar; his wife and child are there; his brother is lying, his swollen leg is black and thorn; Z. easily pulled it out with the hand that her brother had once cut off; he recovered; remembered his sister's curse: you Only the hand you cut off will heal; Z. ran away, all the inhabitants chased her, but she threw a handful of bran into their eyes; she returned with her sons to her husband and told him her story]: Mammeri 1996, No. 5:82-98 ; Moroccan Berbers (Ouargla): El-Shamy 2004, No. 313E*: 130-132.

Southern Europe. Italians (Naples) [widowed, the king decided to marry his sister named Penta; she asked the servant to cut off her arms and take her to the king; he ordered her sister to be placed in a barrel and thrown into the sea; the fisherman caught her, but his jealous wife threw her into the sea again; the king sailed on the ship, picked up P., she became a maid to the Queen; when she died, she advised her husband to marry P.; in the absence of her husband, she gave birth to a boy; the wife of the fisherman with whom the courier was staying changed the letter: P. gave birth to a puppy; she also replaced the king's letter: P. and her son should be burned; she was sheltered by a magician; announced that whoever would talk about the greatest misfortune, he will receive a crown and scepter from him; P.'s husband returned, burned the fisherman's wife, came to the wizard; King Brother P. also came there; everything was clarified, everyone reconciled, P.'s hands grew]: Basile 2018:271-281.

Western Asia. Palestinians, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen: El-Shamy 2004, No. 510B: 261-262; Lebanon, Syria: El-Shamy 2004, № 313E*: 130-132.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kirati (? eastern Nepal) [the gold-haired princess has seven brothers; one hair is lost, her parents promise to pass her off as the one who found her; finds her middle brother; the princess hides in a tree; father, mother's name, she says that he can no longer call them father, mother, both fall dead out of grief; the middle brother demands that the sister come down, tries to cut down the tree, but it only gets taller {and the felling, obviously overgrows}; younger brother asks her sister to pick him up; she lowers his belt; she has only three sesame seeds from food; brother drops two, they turn into cows; brother and sister go down, pick up cows, find a hut in the mountains, stay in it; the prince hunts, sees a boy with a cow, praises the cow; the boy says that his sister is beautiful; she smears her face with soot, hides her hair under a handkerchief; the prince asks for water I splashed water into the girl's face three times, saw a beautiful woman, married her]: Heunemann 1980, No. 6:75-78; bugun (Khowa) [Haklum harasses his sister Halia; she hides in the clouds, and when she washes her hair, they cover the sky and it turns dark; brother rushes after her, she hits him with her lightning pin; sometimes a pin falls to the ground; thunder is brother's screams]: Elwin 1958b, No. 2:66; kachari [Ráoná He takes an oath from his father that he will fulfill his every wish; the father is forced to agree to Raon's marriage to his sister Ráoni; the preparations for the wedding are hidden from the girl; the mother is forced to confess; Raoni runs to heaven, and when she turns around, the gleam of her face is visible with lightning; thunder is the voice of her brother chasing her]: Endle 1911:68-70 (retelling in Elwin 1958b:66, note 1); tripuri [sister asked Brother was the first to cross the river, but he insisted that she go first; when she entered the water, the sister lifted her skirt, the brother saw her genitals and wanted to marry her sister; the grandmother asked her grandson what his cares; when she found out that he wanted to marry, she began to offer different girls, but her grandson refused; then asked if he wanted to take his sister, the grandson nodded; the grandmother allowed it; scattered rice to dry, chickens they began to peck at him, my grandmother began to scold the chickens: this rice is for cooking for my grandson and granddaughter's wedding; granddaughter heard; at night, the girl heard a voice advising me to plant a chethuan escape and tell him grow up; she climbed the tree, it has grown taller; parents and grandmother promise to give up their plan, but the girl tells them to slaughter all the chickens and pigs cooked for the tree first a wedding feast; at first they stabbed only a few; and when they saw that the girl could not be deceived and stabbed to death, she refused to go down and climbed into heaven; when her brother climbed after her, she shoved off a tree The brother fell and crashed, and the top of this tree is now flat; the rainbow is the staircase that a girl takes down from the sky to collect water]: Mandal 2009; 95-97.

South Asia. Kashmiris [Sanykisar's son and daughter in the family; the son found hair in food and promised to marry only its owner; the mother said it was his sister's hair, but the son insisted; after finding out what was going on, S. ran away crying; to meet the fakir, he gave 7 seeds - 7 trees would immediately grow out of them; as it happened, S. climbed the tree; the father came with the men, they cut down the tree, S. moved to the next one; when the last tree was about to fall, S. asked Mother Luna to pick it up; the moon lowered its ray, S. rose to the moon; the moon asked her to comb her hair, but not to touch one place on on the top of his head, otherwise terrible pain and hair will begin to fall out; once C.. accidentally touched, the Moon threw it to the ground, S. fell into the crow's nest; he is happy that he has a daughter; mother, then father, brother they come to the tree and ask them to go down; the mother says that S. is waiting for her dolls, the father is waiting for a colorful spinning wheel, her brother for wedding clothes and jewelry; S. refuses, but every time asks the crow to bring it he also brings her; the prince sees S. and asks him to go down; S.: I need the permission of my crow father; but he will arrive only in the evening, the vizier advises to cut down the tree; they did so; the prince already has 6 wives; he promises to make the main one that 1) will exfoliate rice faster (the raven tells the birds to do this for S.; when 6 wives ask how S. managed to do everything so quickly, she advises pouring rice into water, but the husks did not float at all); 2) make the rooms fragrant (the raven tells different birds to bring the most fragrant infusions and rub them into the walls; S. advises 6 wives to mix manure with crap and cow urine, the stench is terrifying); 3) cook food (the raven tells the birds to bring the best; S. advises 6 wives to mix inedible grass with manure and cook it in cow urine); the prince drove 6 wives away and lived happily with S.]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 17:50-56; Rajastans [the prince sees women's hair in the river; decides to marry only its owners; the prince's mother shows him all kinds of girls, but the hair only fits two; they are Prince's sisters Sona and Rupa; they climbed a tree above the river and asked them to hide them; the king asks you to come down; daughters: what are we going to call you father-in-law? the prince himself (what are we going to call a husband?) ; the tree began to grow, then split from the lightning strike and the girls in it disappeared]: Coyaud 2013:118-120; konkani (Goa) [the young man fished his golden hair out of the well and decided to marry the one he was to belongs; the mother sent the maid to search, but she returned to no avail; the hair belonged to the young man's sister; the parents decided to marry them; the cat tells the girl that such a marriage is a shame; she is nothing understands, asks the neighbor; the neighbor says, gives a seed; it will grow out of it by the well, you have to hide in its branches; in the morning the maid went to get water: this is my shadow in the water, this is the shadow of a tree, and whose third? she broke the vessel, brought another; when she broke the third one, the girl in the tree laughed; the brother climbed after her sister; she turned to the month: take me to the sky, I will be your bride; a month threw her a rope ray and the girl disappeared into the clouds; a lavish and cheerful wedding in heaven; 10 years later, the wife of a month remembered her parents and cried; a month let her down; she came to the house disguised as a poor man who repairs mats; the maid suspected her, doused her with water, white skin under soot; but the girl managed to run away and picked her up a month ago]: Rodrigues 2020:125-130; Oraons [brother wants to marry his two sisters; those they run away; they suffer from thirst in the forest, ask the tree to bend down, it raises them to the sky to the lake; the younger sister throws her ring, the dried lake is filled with water; after drinking, the youngest demands the ring back; the eldest goes deeper into the water, throws her ring, drowns; the youngest climbs a tree, cries, tears fall on the raja, he marries her; leaves her a flute, the wife blows aimlessly, the Raja says that will not return to the sound again; six childless wives throw the new wife's child into the lake, replace him with a broom; the raja expels the woman in labor; underwater, the older sister nurses the boy; the latter turns into a flower on on the shore, the boy sits in a flower, is not given to the vizier, the raja, six wives; the aunt tells the boy to give the flower only to his own mother; the Raja washes and dresses the expelled wife, the boy approaches her; the raja Buries six wives under the threshold, returns his wife and son]: Elwin 1944, No. 17. 7:386-389; Muria [7 brothers are married, Balosundri's sister is single; older brother wants to marry none; she I ran away, went by boat to sea; parents and brothers came ashore, singing, asking her to come back, because everything is ready for the wedding; B.: you used to be parents, and now father-in-law and mother-in-law; you used to be my brothers and brothers' wives, now brothers of husband and wife of husband's brothers; older brother sings last; B.: used to be brother and now husband, tony, my boat; B. drowned]: Elwin 1944, No. 17.4:381-382; pardhan [ of the seven brothers, the youngest is still single; looks at the younger sister; brings a mushroom, promises to marry the one who eats it; the sister eats it jokingly, the brother seriously prepares the wedding; the sister hears the old woman calls the time Kali-yuga, since the brother marries his sister; goes into the forest, asks the tree to lower the branches, pick it up and pick it up; the brother then threatens to cut down the tree, it lowers the branches again, girl He jumps off, runs to the blacksmith, asks her to be burned in the oven; when he hears her story, the blacksmith complies with his request; the tree raised his brother to the sky, but he jumped, ran to the blacksmith, and enters the furnace after his sister; the girl is unharmed, her brother is burned; the girl marries safely]: Elwin 1944, No. 17.8:389-391 (translated to Zograf 1971, No. 57:237-239); (cf. agaria [the three sisters have six older married brothers, the oldest wife is very beautiful; the younger brother dreams of having an equally beautiful wife; leaves the mushroom - whoever eats, I will marry him; he thought what the older brother's wife will eat, but his sister will eat; the young man went to the forest, met a hermit; the young man has a ring in which the Amarjodi girl's life; she came for the ring, he brought her to a hermit; he tells her not converge with her on the way home; but the young man could not restrain himself, drops of his seed fell to the ground, seven creatures appeared that hid A. inside the banyan, and her jewelry was put on the young man's sister and carried her to him; the young man is sure that his wife is with him; at home he is told that it is his sister; his brothers killed him, cooked him and ate him; the crow dropped his bone from the banyan tree, grew a flower, turns into a young man at night, A. gave birth to a son, then a daughter; the brothers heard a child scream, grabbed a young man who was with A., recognized his brother; all is well]: Elwin 1944, No. 17.5:382-385); baiga [six sons are married, the youngest seventh is still single; brings a mushroom, says she marries someone who eats it; the younger sister accidentally eats it, her brother wants to marry her; she climbs a tree, it gets tall; the mother asks if she should call with her daughter or daughter-in-law, she replies that she does not know; so with all relatives, the latter is her brother; at night she asks to be allowed into the house; only her brother hears and opens; sleeps with her; kills her and herself with an ax] : Elwin 1944, No. 17. 6:385-386; Oriya [the merchant's eldest son is married, the youngest is not; leaves the fruit of Annona reticulata lying down - whoever eats, I will marry him; the younger sister ate; the wedding is being prepared, the girl sails away in the boat; answers all relatives "You used to be father and mother, now father-in-law and mother-in-law", etc.; the boat fell into a whirlpool, the goddess of water took the girl away]: Mohanti 1975:97-98; kannada [three brothers, the youngest fourth is single; decides to marry only a younger sister named Putta; the parents decided to agree, but at the wedding to replace their daughter with another girl; P. went to get water; woman named Obamma, sitting in the water, asked her to rub her back; P.: I can't, no time, everyone is preparing for the wedding; Oh: with her own brother! P. rubbed her back and asked her for more details; she climbed the acacia at home and refused to get down; everyone asks her to go down, P. answers everyone: should I call my mother my mother-in-law now? father - father-in-law? brother - brother-in-law? daughter-in-law - co-wife? brother - husband? her brother climbed after her, she moved to another acacia; so her brother chased P. from one acacia to another; tired, she rushed into the well, her brother after her, both drowned; at night the daughter came to her mother and asked not to bury her with her brother; let him be buried on a hill and her on the plain; they did so; a fruit tree grew on her grave, and a thorny bush grew on it; one of the daughters-in-law plucked the fruit and brought home, put it in a vessel to ripen; the fetus turned into a girl - the former P.; she told her daughter-in-law the whole story]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 2:2-5.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Timor {tetum?} [when the chief dies, the chief's wife gives a ring, tells her to marry a girl whom it fits; the ring fits the chief's daughter; she asks her brother to put it in a box, throw it into the sea; the other chief catches the box brings him into his house; in his absence, someone cooks and cleans; the chief discovers the girl, marries; the insulted brothers of the leader's father, whose daughters he rejected, go to war; the wife tells bees and wasps to bite them to death; revives; everyone is happy]: Correia 1973:169-172.

(Wed. The Balkans. Bulgarians {the text is either rare or does not meet the definition of the motive; in Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994 No. 313E* is missing}: Uther 2004 (1), № 313E*:).

Central Europe. Poles [brother wants to marry his sister; she runs, gets to a witch (falls underground), whose daughter looks like her like two drops of water; they run away together, the witch pursues, girls throw objects behind them that turn into obstacles, the witch dies; the brother cannot understand which of the girls is his sister; they turn into birds; pretending to commit suicide, the sister betrays herself; brother marries a witch's daughter]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 317:100; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Volyn, Podolia, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians ["Sister sank": the brother wants to marry his sister, she runs, falls into the ground; instead, her brother drools and dolls; after a series of adventures, she marries the prince and reconciles with her brother]: SUS 1979, № 313E*: 114; Russians (Arkhangelskaya): Onchukov 2008, No. 44 (Mezen) [the younger sister picked berries and found a golden pebble; the eldest takes {berries}, but she is decreasing; killed the youngest, put it under She took a birch tree, berries and a pebble; father, then brother, mother - each calls the youngest to the bathhouse; she replies that her sister killed her, planted her under a birch tree, drowned her slipper, threw her heel; when she goes to call the older sister, the youngest, says the same thing to her, but "you killed me"; the victim came to the gate and began to cry, asks to open it, otherwise wolves; brother: call me husband, I'll open it; sister refuses; second brother she answers the same thing, she calls him husband; when she entered, she made two dolls, left them to say: shame and disgrace, brother honors his wife; she sank through the ground; ran, ran, there is a hut for chickens legs; in her grandmother says that it is not the cloud that is rolling, but Yagibiha is coming; "and we will close ourselves under the needle" (we will probably "turn into a needle"); in another hut there is an old man; "and we will close ourselves under the cream bag"; the old man and the girl went through the mountain, but Yagibiha could not, ran for a shovel; dug it, chased again; they have a "tailor's pipe", they "spread it out" and sailed across the river on it; and Yagibikha drowned; they crossed the river, the emperor's house is there, they ask for a fathera... (doesn't remember further)], 71 (Shenkursky Street, Shenkalovskaya Vol.) [Well done can't find a better bride than his sister Katya. She agrees, but her backyard grandmother gives her four spindles, puts her in four corners, and orders the girl to wait four nights before getting married. The first night she hears the voices of the spindles: "ku-ku", the second night: "Where are you?" , third: "brother marries sister", third: "sank" and Katya sags through the ground. It turns out at the big house, he comes in Another girl meets her, warns that Baba Yaga will appear and eat her, the girl wraps Katya in a needle, sticks her collar, Yaga does not see her, but smells her. The girl covers the throat of Baba Yaga's son, he has seven. Both girls run away, take a brush, flint, flint with them. Yaga's son licked one throat, and his mother calls. She arrives when he licks all seven, goes in pursuit. The girls throw the brush - the thicket grows, the flint - the river of fire, the flint - the mountain. The girls run to the hole through which Katya sank and go out into the white light. Katya marries her brother, and Katya brings her brother to her brother. He also wanted to marry her and she also sank]: 159-161, 213-215; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [when she dies, the wife tells her to marry the one her shoe fits; the backyard grandmother advises ask my father for a silver; a gold dress; a feather dress and that all the feathers from different birds; the father took it out; the grandmother turned the girl into a chicken, she hid the dresses under her wings; the father opened the cage, the chicken ran away; Ivan Tsarevich wants to shoot her in the forest, but she caresses him; he took her to his bedroom; she swallowed his soap; when he went to the feast, she came there in a silver dress; then in gold, I. put his ring on her finger; wearing a feather dress; I. rushed home, burned the "kurushkin covers"; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1927:194-197; Russians (Karelian Pomorie) [dying, the tsar tells his son marry the one who fits the ring; only suited his sister; the sister ran away, began to live with the widow, started a trade, the widow boy was a salesman; he reached the age of 20 and married her; son Skip was born; immediately spoke and learned to read and write; an old man arrives, and S. is in a cradle; tells him to take him, he will be an assistant; the king put money on the pole, whoever gets it will take it; S. teaches the old man to throw a thread there, then a rope, get it; the king (this brother of mother Sh.): who taught; ordered the boy to be delivered; he took him home; made a devil how to build a ship; orders to equip the ship to sail after the bride; Skip is 7 years old, but he already an adult; they sailed to another kingdom, lured the princess to the ship; she turned into a swan, but S. did not let her fly away; the chase, but Skip's ship sailed under water; brought the bride to the king, but wants the first night with she slept by herself; the king does not agree; at night she put her hand on him, it is difficult for him, he fell asleep, she flew away like a swan; S. agrees to try again, now you should go to the princess dry, not by sea; Sh. with the army; the princess recognizes him, orders him to be executed, and he will ask permission to smoke a pipe and whistle; let the army come; so it was; S. killed the king and took the princess; at night S. lay down with her, threw it away arm, leg, tore his wings and cut them in half; squeezed out the reptiles, washed the halves, united, revived; everyone reconciled, S. married a peasant daughter]: Nechaev 1938:39-58; Russians (Zaonezhye or Pinega, Sura, 1927, N.P. Panfilova, 20 years) [A man's wife dies, he grieves that his daughter will marry and will be left alone. She calls her to marry. The daughter goes to her mother's grave, who prompts her father to demand "the whole silk contract". He buys and continues to insist on marriage, the girl asks for a blue wing on her mother's advice. On her wedding day, she rolls up her silk outfits, attaches her wing and turns into a bird, flies away. She drinks from a stream, finds herself underground with Ivan Tsarevich, asks where he dresses up, he calls her a "casserole" and throws it with soap. She dresses up and comes to a feast, he falls in love with an unknown beauty, asks where she comes from, "from a county where soap is thrown into her faces" she does not allow herself to be spent. She asks him underground (while he is cleaning his boots) the old question, and then he throws a brush at her. At the ball, Ivan Tsarevich again replies that she is from "a parish where brushes are thrown into her faces." The next time, a year, she asks from the underground, he answers the same way, she reproaches him. He calls a girl to marry, they get married, and a child is born. Ivan's former lover comes, he chases her away. In his absence, she takes off his wife's clothes and puts it on herself, and drives his wife away. She's pretending to be her. He kills his son, Ivan Tsarevich comes to his grave, sees his real wife crying, she talks about the substitution. He returns home with her, drives the impostor away]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 61:143-145; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [Well done, he can't find a better bride than his sister. She agrees, but her backyard grandmother gives her four spindles, puts her in four corners, and orders the girl to wait four nights before getting married. The first night she hears the voices of the spindles: "ku-ku", the second night: "Where are you?" , third: "brother marries sister", third: "sank" and the girl sags through the ground. It turns out at the big house, he comes in A girl meets her, warns that Baba Yaga will appear and eat her, the girl wraps Katya in a needle and sticks her collar, Yaga does not see her, but she senses her. The girl covers the throat of Baba Yaga's son, he has seven. The girls run away, take a brush, flint and flint with them, and the son licked one throat, the mother calls. She only arrives when she licks all seven and goes in pursuit of the girls. They throw a brush - a thicket grows, a flint - a river of fire appears, they throw flint - a mountain appears. The girls run to the hole through which Katya sank and go out into the white light. Katya marries a girl to her brother, and she brings her brother to Katya, because she also wanted to marry him, which she sank to]: Onchukov 2008, No. 71:213-214; Russians (North) [Brother calls sister to marry him, she puts dolls in the corners, asks if it is good to live with her brother. 4 times the dolls say that it is bad and the last time they say "ask for the underground", the girl fails through the ground and ends up in a meadow. It stops the hut, which is spinning on a chicken leg, covered with pancake, and backed up by pies. The girl in the hut looks like Annushka, wraps human hair around her bone, warns that Egibova will arrive and want to eat Annushka, and orders the girl to wrap her hair around her bone. She wraps Annushka in a ball and throws her under the bench. Egibova senses the Russian spirit, but the girl says it smells like a bone that was dropped into a pipe by a bird flying from Russia. Egibova eats and lies down on the stove. The girl takes a comb, a scissor and scissors with her, oils the door so that it does not creak and runs away with Annushka. Egibova catches up, the girl throws a creamer, a hill grows, Egibova gnaws, breaks her teeth, threatens to eat the blacksmith, if he does not miss her iron ones, he forges. The same is repeated with the scallop (a forest appears). The girl throws her scissors, a fiery river appears, Egibova cannot pass. Girls run to Annushka's house, her brother marries a second girl and they live together]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 70:151-153; Russians (Moscow) [when dying, the queen tells her son to marry someone to whom the ring will fit; only fits her sister; the sister ran away, sat on the oak tree; the barinov`s children brought her, but she left the box with everything she had in the hollow; calls herself Mashka-Soplivka; asks her master to take her in gathering; he uses her boot; M. takes out a carriage and outfits from the box; at the ball she replies that her name is Boot; next time the master hits her with a towel - Towel; the third time the master broke the mirror against her - Mirror; master's children: the one your dad broke; marries his master's son]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 47:104-105; Russians (Ryazan) [the queen has a son and daughter; the queen died and left her son ring: whoever fits, marry her; the prince walked around the world - no one fits; put it on the window; the sister put it on - it's just right for her; brother wants to marry her; sister ran away; sat down in the hollow of an oak tree; sons the master went hunting, the dogs began to bark; the brothers pulled the girl off the oak tree, brought her to her parents; the girl left the box in the hollow; says her name is Mashka-soplivka (M.); the master is going to gather; M. wants to go with him, he refuses, hits his boot; M. asks for mushrooms - they let her go; went to the forest, took a carriage from the horse box, bought the lady mushrooms; came to the ball; she does not bow with anyone, only with the master; he asks the last name; M.: Boot; comes back, put everything in a box, brought mushrooms to the lady; the next day, the master goes back to the ball, wipes himself with a towel; M. asks her to take it, master hits with a towel; (same: surname - Towel); on the third day, the master cleans himself in front of the mirror; hits M. with a mirror, the mirror is broken; the surname is Mirror; the master's children come up to ask if the surname is true Mirror; M.: the one your dad broke; master's children took M. with them; drove into the forest; took the box; the master's son married M.]: Khudyakov 1964, No. 15:84-85; Russians (Orlovskaya) [The Sun wants marry his sister Elena; God took the Sun to hell to see the torment that was imposed for such a marriage; but the Sun did go to marry his sister; she became a goldfish and went to sea; the Sun I dried the sea and became a month out of the fish]: Belova, Kabakova 2014, No. 81:80-81; Russians (Voronezh) [Mother leaves her son a ring before her death to marry a girl whom it suits. He can't find a bride, the ring only fits his own sister, and her brother calls her to marry, she refuses, but he insists. She tells an old woman passing by about her grief, she asks for three old shirts, makes dolls out of them, and orders them to be placed in the corners of the room before the wedding. The dolls "snack", tell the story of her sister, after each line, the girl falls into the ground: knee-length, to the waist, completely. The replicas of the dolls are accompanied by questions from her brother whether her sister is ready, she answers: she has just put on her shoes, put on her dress, and for the third time, without hearing an answer, Danila enters the room and sees a hole in the floor. The girl falls down and finds herself in the same village as her native, enters the hut, sees a girl who looks like her, she embroiders her flies. She warns that Baba Yaga will eat the guest, turns her into a needle and hides her in a broom (her sister sticks the needle into the top of her head and thus turns her into a needle). Baba Yaga feels that "rus-bone smells", the girl feeds her and puts her to bed, then both girls take a brush, comb and wipe (towel?) , run away. When yaga catches up with them, objects (comb forest, brush reeds, lit duck) are thrown. Danila can't recognize her sister because the girls are similar. The cook helps to find out: he puts a bubble of a pig filled with blood under Danile's arm, pretending to be quarreling with him. The cook stabs Danila with a knife, blood flows from the bubble. Danila's sister is the first to run up to him, he marries her]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 26:129-132.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Svaneti [it used to be warm in Svaneti; the couple had a son and daughter; they decided to marry them; they laid the doors from the inside; the daughter came from the laundry in the evening; the brother promises to open it if the sister agrees marry him; hail began, the girl was forced to agree; when they did a sin, God turned the tower upside down, everyone was overwhelmed; these spouses had 3 swallows in 12 boxes; the woman gave her son a box, he opened, swallows flew, snowed, (first) winter has begun]: Nizheradze 1894:97-100; (cf. Adygi {the presence of a plot requires verification}: Uther 2004 (1), № 313E*: 197-198).

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [the young man says he will marry someone who fits the ring, even if it is his sister; the sister goes to the reeds; all her relatives are looking for her, but she does not tell the reeds to part, for this is not her mother, father, younger brother, younger sister, but mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law; but the younger sister remains, the girl asks her to bring a mirror and a comb from home; both walk along the steppe, the eldest does not tell drink from rivers, otherwise the youngest will become a jackal, a wolf, a keik (goat); she drinks, becomes a keik; the sister climbs the plane tree, her son sees her; his mother pretends to be blind, does not wash, but gets dirty clothes; the girl gets off to help her, the son of bai takes her as his wife, promises to take care of her keik sister; the slave calls her to the river, drowns her, swallows her by fish, puts on her dress; says she is tanned, that she lisps, croaking in response to the crow that she spat, putting his stomach on his head; asks her husband to slaughter the keyik; he complains to his sister; she answers, tells her to ask the bay's son not to do this; he hears a voice, they catch fish, his wife they get a boy born with her; Keik became a girl again; a bald slave was tied to the tails of mares; her father killed his sons, her mother killed her husband because they were the first to open the bag; the mother found it in the bag daughter's head]: Stebleva 1969, No. 21:66-71; Bukhara Arabs: Vinnikov 1969, No. 9 [father wants to marry daughter; she runs away to reeds; father tells the reeds to open up; girl: was a father, now you are father-in-law; the same is mother (mother-in-law), brother (husband); goes out to the younger sister; both leave, the youngest drinks, becomes a gazelle; the maid sees the reflection of a girl who has climbed a tree in the pond, takes it for her her own; the emir marries a girl, promises to feed the gazelle from a golden feeder; the emir's elder wife pushed a new one into a pond, swallowed by fish; while in the belly of a fish, she gave birth to Hassan and Hussein; the elder wife pretends to be sick, orders the gazelle to be slaughtered; the emir watches the gazelle as she talks to the swallowed one by the pond; takes his wife and children out of the fish, executes his eldest wife; the object of his desires and they have achieved their goals], 60 [the father promises his son to give him a wife; he wants his own sister to marry; before the wedding feast, the daughter ran into the reeds; the mother asks me to go out; daughter: you used to be my mother, now my mother-in-law; the same - father (father-in-law), brother (stranger); the fish swallowed it, inside the fish she gave birth to twins; {then the informant clearly missed a large passage}; people were going to slaughter {obviously the younger} brother; he calls sister; sister: I can't go out, let the butcher go blind, his knife be blunt; so with all the butchers; the king asks his wife's {madshom} brother where his sister is; fish in the stomach; fish caught, taken out of the stomach woman and her children; everything is fine]: 69-71, 330-331; mountain Tajiks: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 8 (Darvaz) [Magpie, then Chicken, then the old woman tells the girl that they want to pass her off as an older brother ; she sits on a volvolyak turntable, flies to the sky; refuses to go down at the request of her mother, older brother; goes down to pick up her younger brother, flies away with him; they go down into the gorge; her sister does not tell drink from a pond with frogs, then with snakes, then where mountain goats drink; brother drinks, turns into a one-horned goat; shah hunts, takes a girl as a wife, leaves; two older wives put her on a swing , give the cat lard, tell her to gnaw the rope; the girl falls into the pond; under water gives birth to a silver-fronted son Shoh Hussein ("Shah") and a daughter with golden pigtails Moh Hussein ("Moon"); wives want to slaughter a kid, he complains to his sister, she replies that her braids are entangled in the tree branches, promises to make the knife stupid; the shah hears his wife's voice, tells her not to water the herd, then give the animals a drink of the pond; shah He played a second wedding, his older wives were torn apart by mares]: 48-51; Semenov 1900 (1) (Karategin) [the prince wants his own sister to marry, the tsar refuses; the prince leaves; the princess will be received by someone who overtakes her on horseback, the losers are executed; the prince overtakes, gets the princess]: 41-42; Yagnobtsy [the young man promises to marry a girl like his sister; he does not find it, decides to take the sister herself; the sparrow speaks about it, gives her a magic wand, the girl flies away on it; refuses to return at the request of her mother (she is now her mother-in-law), her younger brother; but then takes it with her; they go, sister forbids the boy to drink from different rivers, for he will become a marmot, a bear, a pig; he drinks from a river that turns half into a goat; his sister climbs a tree above the water; the maid thinks it is so beautiful, refuses to carry water; the old woman persuaded her to go down, the king married the girl; while he was hunting, other wives persuaded her to swing on a swing, cut off the rope, the girl fell into the pond; another wife says that she is sick, asks to slaughter a goat; the goat asks for permission to go to the pond, sings that Bibi-Mo (i.e. his sister) has Hassan and Hussein (newborns) in the arms of Hassan and Hussein (newborns), let the knife turn around, will not give slaughter; the maid tries to slaughter the goat, injures herself; the tsar hears, tells the cattle to be brought, they drink water, the pond dries up; the feast; the other wives are tied to horses]: Andreev, Peshereva 1957, No. 45:206-210; Khufs [The father has two sons and a daughter; the eldest asks the father to give him a wife; the father tells him to stick a flower in his hair with whatever he likes; the son chose a sister; the old woman told her that she was passed off as a brother; the girl went up to plane tree and tells her to grow up; mother asks the plane tree to be shorter; girl: you served as my mother {in the sense that you are no longer my mother}; the same with my father; with my older brother; when my younger brother came up, she went down and went with him to another country; asks him not to drink from the stream - you will become a wolf; then a horse; a dog; for the fourth time the boy got drunk and became a lamb; the king met them, brought them home; the former wife she put a new one on a swing, shakes it, she falls into the pond; when the king returns, she tells the lamb to be slaughtered; he cries by the pond: They sharpen a damask knife, they put Leyla's brother in the cauldron; the king heard, threw a rope to his wife and pulled her out; tied his ex-wife to a horse, who smashed her to pieces]: Sokolova 1959, No. 21:83-86; Yazgulyam [girl cooked noodles by the river; forty: in the evening you will be passed off as your brother; the girl planted seedling, threatened to pull out if it did not become a big poplar; climbed on it; brother: go down sister; girl: you were my brother, became my husband; the same father (became father-in-law), mother (mother-in-law); then the girl went down, came to the old woman, hid under the basket, the mother came, did not find her; the girl went to the cave]: Edelman 1966, No. 21:217; Sarykol residents [parents want to pass off their three sons as her three daughters; the youngest climbs on the plane tree, tells her to grow tall; father, mother, brother ask them to return; she answers everyone that yesterday was a father, and today was a father-in-law, yesterday a mother, and today her mother-in-law, yesterday a brother, and today the husband; by plane he goes to heaven; sticks a needle into the house of three brothers, cooks in their absence; only the younger brother does not fall asleep, the brothers make the girl a sister; they tell me to watch the fire, bead falls into the hearth, the girl takes her for a coal; comes to ask the old woman for fire, she gives her, tells her to bake cakes at home, comes on a goat, sticks a needle into the floor, tells her to dance, the girl stabs her legs, the old woman eats cakes, dipping them in blood; brothers guard, only the youngest one kills the witch, burns her corpse]: Pakhalina 1966:103-106; Uzbeks [the widower has Gulnor's eldest daughter, the youngest Oimoma; the father married a widow, she has her own son; O. tells G. that they want to marry her half-brother; G. ran to the mountains, asked the stone to open, hid inside the stone; only the ends of her hair remained outside; the father asked for a stone open up; G.: was a father, now father-in-law; father's wife: you are not a mother, but a stepmother; to the groom: so that his eyes would not look at you; when O. came, G. asked the stone to open and both sisters went on a journey; O. wanted to drink, G. does not tell you to turn into a bear cub; elsewhere into a wolf cub; in the third place, into a goat; O. wants to become a goat, drinks; Shah's hunters surrounded them, the Shah married G.; the Shah's first wife Bekoim ordered the goat to be chained; G. would give birth soon, the Shah went hunting; B. hung a swing by the pond, G. began to swing, B. cut the rope, G. fell into the pond; B. tells the Shah that G. poisoned her, became the owl and flew away; B. pretended to be sick, the goat meat will cure her; the goat sings over the pond, G. answers from the bottom; the cooks made a fire under the boilers, 40 butchers are ready to slaughter the goat; she asks the butcher not cut it, calls her sister ("The boilers are suspended, the knives are sharpened"), she answers from the bottom ("I have carpets under my feet, there are two cradles next to me, Hassan and Hussein in my arms"); people hear, they have scooped up water, there are two gold ones at the bottom cradles; G. gave the goat a drink of water, she became a girl again; the Shah ordered B. and her healer to tie 40 horses to their tails and died; the horses were driven to the steppe; G. became ruler]: Westerman 2009:222-227.

Baltoscandia. Seth (Vasseliina) [when she dies, the mother tells her son to take a wife who looks like her sister; there is no such thing, he wants to marry his sister; she goes to the barn, leaves the spits responsible for herself, leaves on the other hand, she climbs an oak tree, asks it to rise higher, the sky lower; in the sky she comes to a house where two girls look like her; their mother goes icy at night to eat reeds, drink water from the sea; during the day the girls hide the visitor, tell their mother that the smell is from a scorched pig; returning before dawn, the mother sings, asks her daughters to let her into the house; daughters tell the girl that they have special inserts in the ears - some to hear, others not to hear; the girl replaces the earbuds; daughters do not hear the mother, her head melts in the sun, she dies; all three girls go down to earth; brothers (three of them) do not they can say which of the three is their sister; the old woman advises the eldest to cut his finger; only the sister rushes to tie; older brothers marry girls from heaven; the youngest is dissatisfied that he is left without a wife again ; makes a coffin in the forest; when his sister brings him food, puts it in the coffin, bobs it up; the brothers' wives call her to the bathhouse in vain; a bunch of berries grows on the lid; the hunter brings her home; someone cooks and cleans up; the old man advises to spy, the hunter finds a girl, hangs a cross around her neck, marries her; meets her brothers]: Järv et al. 2009, No. 34:142-147; Finns: Uther 2004 (1), № 313E *: 197-198; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 42 [12 brothers have a sister; the eldest was looking for a wife, he did not find anyone more beautiful than his sister, is preparing a wedding with her; the sister says that she forgot the ring in the cage, asks God help, falls underground, finds herself on the path, comes to the hut, there is a girl like her; she smeared her with sourdough and covered her with sauerkraut ("deja"); the witch flew in, the hostess said that the human spirit, because that man's leg was stuck in her teeth, picked it up with a poker; the witch flew away in a mortar, the girls ran; threw the brush (forest; the witch cut it with an ax, ran take the ax back so as not to disappear), a towel (sea; the witch began to drink, tells her to drink, burst); the girls reached the cage, but there are already floors, they began to scream; brother dismantled the floors; sister: here you have bride; brother married that girl], 44 [the old men have two daughters (only one beautiful) and two sons; the younger brother decided to marry a beautiful sister; in the winter she went out to rinse her scarves and the door was locked; she consistently addresses all family members; everyone answers the same way: if you call it not mother, but mother-in-law (not father, but father-in-law, not sister, sister-in-law, not older brother, brother-in-law, not younger brother, but sweet), I'll open it; she has to call her brother sweet; when she enters his room, she asks the earth to open, her brother has one hair left in her hand; in the hut, two daughters of a witch sew, hide the girl under with a needle (more often turned into a needle); the witch arrives, believes that a person's smell is because of her arm or leg left between her teeth; the witch returns, finds the girl under the beds; the girl asks show how to sit on a shovel, pushes the witch into the stove, the witch's daughters give her a brush, a whetstone, a towel; the witch gets out of the stove, chases, the girl throws objects, they turn into a forest (the witch tells forge an ax, cut a path), a mountain (shackle a shovel), water (the witch drinks, bursts); the girl was hired to work on the estate, married a panych]: 97-99, 102-107; Lebite 1965 [after death The Queen wants to marry her parents; the messengers say that his sister is the most beautiful; he tells her to prepare for the wedding; she replies that she puts on her shoes, wears a dress, a wreath, and at this time she falls into earth, ends up in the lower world; comes to the daughter of the Sun, that witch captive, pierces a needle into the wall, because of which the witch does not see the queen; both girls run, throw a ball behind (mountains, witch digs with a shovel), a brush (the forest, cuts with an ax), a towel (the lake, the witch drinks, tells the mortar to drink, she does not drink, the witch bursts); the girls come to the queen, the same; he puts a bubble of blood under his clothes pretends to kill himself; the sister cries more bitterly, the Queen marries the daughter of the Sun, the brother of the Sun's daughter to the Queen)]: 154-158; Latvians: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 313E* [Sister runs away from her brother, who wants to marry her. She looks for a bride for her brother, ends up with a witch, runs with her daughter, throwing objects behind her. Both houses turn into linden trees. My brother cuts them down. Linden trees are becoming girls again. Brother marries a witch's daughter], 510B [The king wants to marry his daughter (brother wants to marry his sister). The daughter goes to her mother's grave for advice. She advises her to demand rich outfits from the king, a fur coat (made from the skin of a mouse, dog, wolf, bear), and a self-propelled cart (boat). The daughter puts on her fur coat, puts her outfits in a nutshell and runs away. He is hired as a servant to another king. He appears at the ball three times in luxurious dresses. For the third time, the shoe sticks to the porch step, the king finds a girl and marries her]: 274, 295.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [in winter, a drinking widow sent her youngest daughter to fetch water, refused to let her back into the house until she agreed to marry her younger brother; same with her middle daughter and middle brother; younger asks Pulechse (welfare giver) to turn water into a river, buckets into a boat, rocker arms into oars, swims, gets to the witch; her daughter hides the girl in a broom, in a pomelo, in a needle; both girls run, theirs the boat runs aground; the one who has escaped incest asks the daw to fly to her relatives, she replies that it is better to turn off the girls' eyes; the same with the magpie; the cuckoo agrees; the younger brother hears her, asks the healer, that orders to sacrifice a bull; the drunken mistress's house with her married children falls into the ground, the boat goes aground; the brother does not know who the sister is, who her friend is; the healer tells me to cut his finger; sister rushes to help through the fire, a friend around the hearth; brother marries the witch's daughter]: Eisin 1993:151-156 (=Sidorova 1979:126-130); Marie [brother wants to marry sister; girl at the wedding makes it known that she is his sister, abandoned by her mother in infancy; dies]: Sabitov 1989, No. 313E: 23.

Turkestan. Karakalpaks [an old man and an old woman, they have a son and two daughters; her brother fell in love with her eldest; the girl decided to leave; she saw a refuge at the foot of the mountain, the door opened; relatives came and asked Mount Shyn to open the door; father, mother, brother - girl tells grief not to open; when the younger sister prayed, the door opened and both sisters began to live inside the mountain; one day they went out into the steppe, the youngest wanted drink; on one side of the river there is water that cows drink, on the other side the water that goats drink, on the other side the water that sheep drink; and the water that people drink is far away; they have drunk mutton water and the youngest turned into a cat lamb; the eldest went to get the lamb, met bay, married him; the elder wife of the bay decided to destroy her; offered to swim, pushed her into the water; the lamb ran to the bay's house, began to bleat; bai took two oxen and came to that place; gave the oxen all the water to drink; a girl was sitting under the water, combing her hair; she told bayu everything; he tied his eldest wife to the camel's tail, the camel dragged the woman along the thorns, and shreds of her body remained there and there]: Aimbetov 2014a: 25-26; Kyrgyz (Western 1959 p. Zhapasaldy, Ala-Buka District, Jalal-Abad Region) [The old men have three daughters and an older son; one of the sisters is married; the brother took an apple, swore and swore: I will marry whoever he falls; the apple thrown fell into the middle sister; once she was a guard a cornfield, a crow began to bite corn, a girl threw a lump at it; a crow: your older brother to marry you; the girl ran away from home, climbed on a rock, cried; saw a man coming up , prayed: "Open up, Talkamysh, open, I'll get inside"; the stone opened; the girl's parents are looking for her, that man said he saw her hide in a stone; parents asked Talkamysh ("reeds") open up and release their daughter, but she asks the stone not to open and the stone listens to her; the mother turns to the "daughter", who tells the "mother-in-law" to leave; the same with her older sister ("go away, sister-in-law!") ; the girl lets her younger sister into her and they leave together; they are thirsty; water flows through a goat's horn riverbed; the eldest asks not to drink; next time she allowed her to drink, her sister became as a kid; they came to the palace of a rich horseman; he has an evil wife; he decided to marry a girl; went hunting; the wife took the girl to the water and pushed her; told her husband that the girl had left unknown where; asks to slaughter the kid; he runs to water: "Sister, sister, they want to slaughter me!" The older sister replied: "My dear, poor thing, how can I help you, covered me waist-deep with sand, I can't get out"; the rich horseman overheard, did not water his cattle of all four types for seven days - camels, goats and sheep, cows, horses; on the eighth he took the animals to a watering hole, the cattle drank all the water, the bottom appeared, the horseman pulled out the girl; it turned out that the stone in which she was hiding was that His name was Talkamysh; the kid became a girl again; the feast for 40 days]: Kebekov, Tokombaev 2007:80-84.