Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K120a1. Three dresses, (ATU 510B) .

To get rid of an unwanted fiancé (her own father, brother, monster), a girl requires him to get her a dress (usually three dresses in sequence) from an unusual material (gold, fly wings, etc.), and when the condition is met, it runs away.

Basques, Sicilians, Sardinians, Italians (Lombardy, Tuscany, Rome, Lazio, Campania, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia), Portuguese, Catalans, Spaniards, Aragon, Ladins, Bretons, French, Germans (Grimms, Schleswig-Holstein? , Pomerania? , Mecklenburg, Switzerland), Scots, Irish, British, Bulgarians, Greeks, Gagauz people, Moldovans, Romanians, Russians (Teresky Bereg, Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Olonetskaya, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Podolia, Poltava, etc.), Belarusians, Swedes, Danes, Latvians, Veps, Karelians.

Southern Europe. The Basques [when she dies, the Queen makes her husband promise to marry one who looks like her; this is their daughter; the daughter makes it a condition to make a dress out of fly wings; the king pulls it out; then she sails by ship or leaves, is hired as a maid; the king has a ball, the old woman gives the girl a nut in which a dress, etc.; the girl runs away, hires to herd the king's geese wearing sheep's skin; the king arranges a party to find a bride for her son; a girl wears a beautiful dress, the queen dances with her, she disappears; on the second and third evening she reappears, each time in an even better outfit; the king gives her a ring, she promises to come to a certain place but does not come; the Queen suspects that the beautiful woman is their maid, they do not believe her; the Queen secretly follows the girl, finds her in a forest hut in a luxurious outfit; his mother advises him to stay in bed - let the maid bring him broth; she puts on sheepskin, throws the ring in the broth; wedding, the girls' father comes to her]: Webster 1879: 165-166; Sicilians [when she dies, the wife gives her husband a ring; asks her to take care of her daughter and not marry until she finds someone who fits the ring; the daughter grows up, finds a ring, puts it on; wraps her finger with a rag, but the father tells me to show; he is going to marry his daughter; the confessor advises asking the father for a dress 1) heavenly color with the sun, moon and stars; 2) the color of the sea with fish, etc.; 3) the color of the earth with animals, flowers; 4) made from the skin of a gray cat; 5) two barrels of pearls and jewelry; the devil gives him what he needs every time; the daughter puts on a cat-skin dress, takes the rest with her, leaves pigeons splash in a vat, runs away; in the woods, the king thinks she is a beast; she replies that her name is Betta Pilusa; lives in a chicken coop; the king invites her to his wedding; in the evening, BP wears her first dress and jewelry, arrives in a carriage; you can't catch up with her, because everyone rushes to pick up the jewelry she has scattered; so three times; the king gives her a gold pin, a watch, a ring; she bakes a pin in a bun; a cook says she baked; same with the watch, with the ring; the cook confesses that she baked BP; the king makes the PSU take off her cat skin; wedding]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 8:52-58; Portuguese: Cardigos 2008, № 510B [girl runs away from home after changing her appearance because her father wants to marry her or fleeing her stepmother; she has three dresses given to her by her father; she is helped by her late mother, grateful an animal, a magical object; she becomes a maid in the royal palace; the prince despises her, throws a towel, soap, and a basin at her; in her dresses given by her father, she dances with the prince; says that came from the land of towels, soap, etc.; the prince gives her a ring or something else to identify her, or finds her shoe, etc.; the prince recognizes her by the ring she leaves in the baked bread; a bird exposes a false bride; or a bird spies on a girl when she changes her appearance; wedding], 514 [1 entry, Algavre; the king wants to marry his daughter; she runs away in men's clothes; wins the tournament and must marry a princess; turns into a man]: 123, 129; Pedroso 1882, No. 15 []: 66-72; Catalans (incl. Mallorca) [the mother is dead, the father wants to marry his daughter, she demands that he give her magic dresses (from the moon and stars, from the sea and fish, etc.); the father gets dresses, the daughter runs away; wearing donkey skin or rags, is hired to work in the palace; wearing her magic dresses, comes to the king's balls, the prince falls in love with her, gives her a ring and other item; falls ill; she says she will make a medical pie; prince finds his ring in it; recognizes a girl, marries her]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 510B: 111-113; Spaniards [father wants to marry daughter; neighbor advises her to go to shepherds to ask make her a cork oak bark dress; in this outfit she is hired by a poultry house for the queen; asks the prince to take her to the ball, he replies that she is covered in chicken manure; she has a magic wand, she appears at ball in a gold dress, the prince dances with her, gives diamond pendants, she runs away; next time she wears a silver dress, the prince gives a diamond bracelet); after the third time, the prince fell ill; girl brings pies, the prince finds the diamonds he gave him, tells him to call the girl, she opens]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 510B: 414-419; Aragon [dying, the wife tells her husband to take the one whom her wedding ring will fit; her daughter wore it, it suits her; to delay the wedding, she demands from her father a dress woven with moonthreads, star canvas and a gleam of the sun; wearing over her skin, she runs away and is hired as a cowgirl in the palace; comes to the princely ball in the dress that her father gave her; the prince falls ill with love; the girl prepares a cake for him with a ring in it; wedding]: González Sanz 1996, No. 510B: 111; Italians (Lombardy, Tuscany, Rome, Lazio, Campania, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia), Sardinians: Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 510B: 117-119; Ladins: Uffer 1973, No. 29 [=Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 88:388-394; when she dies, the wife tells her husband to take whoever her ring fits; many years later, the daughter accidentally found her mother's ring, it suited her; the father wants it to wear it to marry; she demands to get her three dresses - like the sun, like the moon and like stars; and golden shoes; then asks for a spindle that spins itself and a talking spinning wheel; left the spinning wheel with the spindle to be responsible for herself, took her dresses and shoes and ran away; she came to the old man, who sent her to the palace to hire a maid; she was told to watch the stove and the pigs; on New Year's Eve, the prince held a ball; the girl came dressed like stars; Next time, wearing a dress like the moon, the prince put a ring on her finger; while running away, she lost one shoe; the prince fell ill with love; the queen went to bake pancakes for him; the maid offered to bake for her, threw up the ring; the prince found it; she wore a dress like the sun; wedding], 33 [=Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 46:276-277; the king promises to marry someone who fits the deceased's golden shoes queens; they were accidentally dressed by their daughter, their father wants to marry her; the godmother disguised the princess as a maid, gave chickens and pigs to herd; sends them to prom with the king (not the princess's father) in a blue dress; then in a dress the colors of the moon and stars; the colors of the sun; the king fell ill with love, managed to ask the name of the beauty, she replies that her name is Beautiful Curia; the king says that he will drink only the water that the Beautiful will bring Curia; her godmother sends her to him; wedding], 45 []: 112-116, 127-128, 221-228.

Western Europe. Bretons [after the death of his wife, the king of Spain promises to marry the one who suits the deceased's outfit; this is his daughter; the fairy advises asking his father to bring a starry, lunar dress first, sunny; he does everything; taking a dress and leaving the palace; a girl hires to herd pigs; sometimes puts on her dresses; a local prince sees this from afar; he is married to one of the three girls; he pretends to be a dying beggar, asks the landlady to bring him broth one by one; comforting the dying woman, they confess that they have killed their children born before marriage; the princess comes, tells his story; the prince calls them all, beats those girls, marries a princess]: Lopyreva 1959, No. 34:134-142; the French [dying, the wife of the Spanish king tells him to take the girl whom her wedding dress will fit; it fell on her daughter; the old woman advises her father to demand a star dress from her father; then a moonlit one; sunny; he brings everything; the old woman tells her to take her mother's outfit and all three dresses and run; she hired to herd pigs in the castle; a young senor noticed her changing clothes in the woods; was about to marry; asked to spend the night with a peasant woman disguised as a poor dying beggar; three the contenders for his hand consistently come; the imaginary dying woman says that she killed her child; they say that something like this happened to them, it's okay; the daughter of the Spanish king comes and tells us who she is; having found out everything, the senor calls the girls to him; whips the children who have killed her, marries the daughter of the Spanish king]: Lopyreva 1959, No. 34:134-142; Scots [after the death of his wife the king promises to marry only someone who suits the deceased's clothes; she suits her daughter; she sets conditions: bring her a swan down dress, moorland canach down, silk and brocade dress; every time he brings what he needs in a year and one day; a gold and silver shoe brings; a chest with a lock inside and outside that can swim; he brings, she sits in it, asks you to test the chest on water, swims away; a shepherd finds him, the girl is hired to work in the king's kitchen; she comes to the service three times incognito, consistently wearing her three dresses; the queen falls in love with her; they try to detain, she has lost her shoe; the Queen tells everyone to try it on; he fits the maid in the kitchen, she shows another and dresses; wedding; (p. 231-233: similar options)]: Campbell 1890, No. 14:226-229; Irish [husband dies, wife remarried; new husband treated her badly and she died; is going to marry her stepdaughter; she asks for help from her horse; the horse says that the stepfather is a sorcerer, but hers witchcraft is stronger; tells her stepfather to first get her a silk and silver brocade dress that fits in a walnut; she, a horse, will slow down the work of horses, weavers and tailors; then a dress made of silk and gold brocade in chestnut shells; then made of silk and diamonds the size of a pinhead; the princess wore a cat skin dress, smeared her skin with something brown, took three dresses that fit in nuts, rode off on her horse; fell asleep in the forest, but when she woke up, the horse was gone; she was surrounded by the prince's dogs, he brought her to the palace, left her as a maid in the kitchen; the prince asks to bring him a basin with a towel; realized that she was a lady, but she did not confess anything; the prince went to prom; the princess came on her horse in a silver dress; the prince did not recognize her and fell in love; next time the prince asks for hot water and a towel; to the ball in a gold dress; for the third time, the prince asks for a needle and thread; a diamond dress; a prince proposes, puts a ring on her finger; recognizes her; wedding {last page not in pdf}]: Kennedy 1875:81-87 (retelling in Cox 1893, No. 170:66); the British [a gentleman wanted a son; when a daughter was born, he promised never to see her; let him marry the first to asked; the old beggar asked; the poultry house advised me to demand first a silver dress; then a gold one; made from the feathers of all the birds that there are; each gave a pen by a pea; from cat skin; she put on a cat dress, took the others and ran away; after hiding her dress, she hired a cook in the castle; she is rude to her; she comes to prom three times in different dresses; the first time she tried to take time off from cook, she threw a basin of water on her; she replied to the rich gentleman that she lived with Taze Vodi; then the cook broke a ladle on her back; I live in the Broken Ladle; the third time she broke her back skimmer {a tool related to making butter}; she lives in Broken Skimmer; the young master saw her change clothes; his mother agreed to marry him to Catskin, and she showed up to her in gold dress; wedding; cook sees their boy talking to the son of a beggar; says that the beggar clings to the beggar; the wife asks her husband to come to her father; he is alone and repents; he was taken to live in his daughter's castle]: Jacobs 1894:204-210; Germans (Switzerland, Canton of Valais) [mother is dead; father only wants to marry someone who has the same golden hair as his first wife; she only has a daughter; she requires three dresses: like the sun, like a full moon, like a starry sky; he took it out; daughter: and a self-propelled wagon; also got it; on the night before the wedding, the girl left in it, taking her dresses; exchanged clothes with the beggar; the city hired to work in the kitchen; on Sunday she came to church wearing a sunny dress, returned before others; the next time she wore a moon dress, she was noticed by a Portuguese prince; for the third time, the prince gave her a gift her ring; she ran away, losing her shoe; all the girls began to try on the shoe; everyone in the kitchen is baking pies for the prince, Cinderella asked for permission and bake it for her, put a ring in the cake; prince cut the feast and found the ring; Cinderella went out wearing all three dresses; the prince called her his fiancée]: Jegerlehner 1913, No. 137:108-112; Germans (Mecklenburg) [father wants to marry his daughter; she demands from him a dress with silver; with gold; with precious stones; he got everything; then a crow skin dress and a magic wand (Glücksruthe); after receiving them, she put on a crow's dress and with a wave she ended up at the prince's palace; hired her in the kitchen; hid her precious dresses in oak; she was named Cinderella (Aschenpüster); when everyone went to the wedding, she showed up in a silver dress; prince danced with her; when she left, she got into the carriage and said: the darkness is over, the light ahead (Hunter mir dunkel und vorne mir klar, /Daβ Niemand sehe wohin ich gahr); next time in a gold dress; prince asks where she lives; in Stiefelschmeiβ (Where They Throw Their Boots); the third time she's a gemstone dress; she's from Bürstenschmeiβ (Where They Throw Brushes; {Apparently, episodes have been missed when The prince, seeing Cinderella as a maid in raven feathers, threw a boot at her and then with a brush}); the prince put a ring on her finger; she did not have time to hide her dress, but only threw crow feathers over it; the next day she threw the ring into the food prepared for the prince; he ordered the cook to be brought in; saw a gemstone dress under the crow's feathers; wedding]: Bartsh 1879, No. 4:479-481; Germans: Grimm , Grimm 2002, No. 65 [(=Grimm, Grimm 1987:200-204); when she dies, the Queen tells her husband to marry a girl with the same golden hair as hers; only her daughter has; she demands to bring her three dresses first : golden as the sun, silver as the moon, sparkling like stars; also a mantle made of the skins of all the animals of the kingdom; the king did everything; the daughter smeared her face with soot, put on clothes made of skins, took her dresses, putting on they were walnut; also took a gold ring, a spindle and a reel; ran into the forest; royal hunters found her, settled her under the stairs; she comes to the ball; then cooks soup for the king, throwing a ring into it; the third time the king sees a silver dress under his fur robe; marries], 193 [the drummer sees three pieces of white cloth on the lake shore, puts one in his pocket; at night, a girl invisible in the dark asks give her her clothes back; she is the king's daughter, magically trapped on top of a glass mountain; she must swim in the lake every day and fly back; she cannot fly away without clothes; the drummer promises to rescue her; tells the giant that an army will soon come to kill him; the giant is frightened, agrees to take the drummer to the glass mountain; hands him to another giant, the third, the third leaves at the foot of the mountain; two they fight over a saddle that takes them anywhere; the drummer invites them to race, flies on a saddle up a mountain; there the old woman demands 1) to scoop out the pond with a thimble in a day; the girl tells him sleep, magically extracts water; fish lie in a row in size, one to the side; the girl teaches you to throw this fish in the face of a witch; 2) cut down the forest in a day, fold logs (the same, whip the witch in the face with the last branch); 3) burn everything in one fire; on the girl's advice, the drummer throws the witch into the fire, removing the log that has not burned before, it turns into that girl; she warns not to kiss at home parents, he kisses, forgets her; the drummer marries another; the magical wife agrees to give that dress that is like the sun for letting him spend the first night at the bedroom door; but the drummer doesn't wakes up; on the second night, the dress is like the moon; on the third night, like stars; this time the drummer did not drink wine, hears his wife, remembers her; another woman received these dresses as compensation]: 239-242, 558-565; Germans (probably; Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania): Uther 2004, No. 510B: 295-296.

The Balkans. Gagauz people: Moshkov 1904, No. 55 [the widower wants to marry his daughter; the woman advises the girl to ask her father for a silver dress; then a gold one; a wooden one; the woman tells her to offer to wash in separate rooms, leaving a living carp in her basin, and running away, taking her dresses; in the evening, the father decided that his daughter had turned into a fish; the prince went to his master's wedding; a girl in a wooden dress herds geese ; the prince hit her with a whip; she came to the wedding in a silver dress, said that she was from Knutova village; the prince wanted to marry, but no one knew the Knutova village; next time the prince gave a goose slap in the face; at the ball, she replied that she had received a ring from the prince from the prince; the prince was going to look, everyone should bake him bread; the goose baked his ring in her bread; everything was explained wedding], 56 [the ass with golden braids is dead, the pop is looking for the same wife, only the daughter looks like her mother; the daughter replies that they will laugh; the pop sent her to rinse the matting; others rinse the canvases, laugh at as a girl; and the next day they didn't laugh anymore; then the girl offered to wash, poured water into the sauerkraut, planted a goose, ran away; the pop saw a goose, went to look for her daughter; she had already married the king and had a child; pop He stabbed him, accused the queen; advised the king to gouge out her eyes, put her child in a cart drawn by rabid bulls, and let him go; the bulls entered the river; the blind woman washed her eyes and saw the light, and the child rose again; the king executed the priest]: 98-100, 100-102; Romanians [popadya is dead, the pop dreams three times that he must marry someone who is exactly like his first wife; this is a daughter; she requires three dresses that they are placed in walnut: copper, silver, gold; she runs away, the woodcutter makes her a wooden dress so that the animals do not eat; she enters the island, brings a monkey from there, kills her father; then she is hired herd the royal pigs; wears dresses given by her father, the prince falls in love; his mother advises her to step on her slipper that she has lost it; the prince finds a girl trying on a slipper% wedding]: B₂ rlea 1966:429; Romanians [father wants to marry daughter; nanny helps her; she demands magic dresses from her father; father ties a rope to his daughter to prevent her from running away, daughter bandages her to a goat, runs away with a strange outfit; the prince hunts and finds her in the forest; takes her for some beast, settles her in a pigsty; she comes to the ball three times in magic dresses; the third time the prince wears her finger ring; burns with love; she throws a ring into his food; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 195:75; Moldovans [=Moldavian tales 1968:266-275; when she dies, the mother tells her daughter to marry someone she suits ring; the monster The man with the nail found out the size of the ring, forged a finger for his grandson; the girl complains about her mother's grave that she should go for the Snake; she advises demanding that the groom dress like a sunset, noon, dawn; like morning; like night; The serpent brings three times; on the advice of her mother, after the wedding, the girl says, Light is ahead, darkness is behind and disappears; sleeps in the forest; Snakes find her with dogs, they cut off their hands, give them to dogs; the girl tries to cover the fallen chicks, the grateful bird turns her into a chick, raises her with others; the chicks peck Green King's apples; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep, the youngest is an armless beauty; the prince goes to fetch water from under dragon rock; three features fight over boots to walk on water, invisible hats and a musical instrument (transfers to any place); the prince invites them to race, takes away wonderful objects; at the spring, an invisible prince hits snakes, they think at each other, fight; the prince puts the last one in prison, brings water girl, her arms grow; the prince is finished off by a snake, the girl manages to tear off her ring from his finger, the snake turns to dust]: Botezatu 1981:200-210; Romanians [father wants to marry his daughter; the nanny helps her; she demands magic dresses from her father; the father ties a rope to her daughter so that she does not run away, the daughter ties the rope to the goat, runs away with a strange outfit; the prince hunts and finds in the woods; takes her for an animal, puts her in a pigsty; she comes to the ball three times in magical dresses; the third time the prince puts a ring on her finger; burns with love; she throws him up food ring; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 195:75; Bulgarians [when dying, the wife tells her husband to take the one that fits her ring (hryvnia, shoes); they only fit daughters; to delay the wedding, daughter tells her father to bring her a dress 1) like the sky, stars and sun; 2) like flowers, animals and birds; 3) like silver and gold; taking her dresses and wearing animal skin or wooden clothes, the girl runs away, is hired as a maid in the palace; appears at the festival in wonderful dresses, the prince gives her a ring; recognizes her by her ring, gets married]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 510B: 184-185; Greeks: Megas 2012, № 510B [When she dies, a wife tells her husband to take only the one that fits her shoes, ring or something else; only daughters are suitable; the father proves that the gardener has the right to eat the fruit from the tree in in her garden, and the owner of the calf should slaughter it and eat it; on the advice of Destiny, a dead mother or someone else, the daughter requires her father to bring her a dress 1) like the sky and stars; 2) like the sea and fish; 3) like the field and flowers ; candlestick; wooden dress; closet; house on legs; he brings everything (with the help of a line); untying the rope for which her father tied her, or under the pretext of going out of need, the girl runs away, taking her with her her dresses; climbs into the skin of an animal or a tree; is hired to the palace as a maid; everyone laughs at her; she appears three times in church in one of her magic dresses; the prince gives her a ring; asks where she comes from; From a wooden mountain (and other answers, understandable, knowing the insults she was insulted); the prince's mother guesses what was going on, burns sheep's skin (under which the girl hides); or the prince himself burns it; var.: Prince finds a girl in the woods; or buys a piece of wood that can walk; at night a girl goes out and eats food in the prince's room; he grabs her; they have children; others options; a father comes incognito, kills children with a knife in his daughter's hand; a prince kills his wife or cuts off her arms and drives her away; magically a woman and her children are revived, her hands grow back; others options; a woman tells her story in the presence of her father and husband; father punished]: 176-179; Paton 1901, No. 19 (Lemnos) [three daughters and a mother spin, agree to kill and eat the one whose thread breaks; thread the mother breaks three times; the two eldest daughters eat her, the youngest does not eat, puts her bones in a vessel; finds three dresses and shoes instead; one like a blooming meadow, the other like a sea with fish, the third like the sky with stars; a girl goes to prom, a royal son falls in love with her, on the way home she loses her shoe; older sisters hide her under a basket on which the prince sits to try on their shoes; the girl stabs him from below pin; wedding]: 200-201;.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Podolia, Poltava, etc.), Belarusians [Pig cover: father wants to marry his daughter; she demands for him to give her three dresses with stars, the moon and the sun; puts on a pig cover and runs away from home; goes to the palace as a maid; appears three times at the feast in wonderful dresses; the prince falls in love with her, her recognize by the shoe]: SUS 1979, No. 510B: 145-146; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [when dying, the wife tells her to marry the one who fits her ring; she came up to her daughter; she asks for a sunny dress; then one-month old; starry; wedding shoes and earrings; put on all her dresses, and pigskin on top, in another kingdom she hired to herd chickens; the prince orders him to give him soap, the girl jumped out of the chicken coop, tucked it; The prince hit her with soap - it's not your business to serve soap; she came to church in a star dress; replies to the prince that she is from a city where they hit her head with soap; next time she came to church the same (she served a comb where they beat with a comb, moon dress); bucket (where they hit with buckets, sunny dress); the prince came to the chicken shepherdess, cut the pork cover, got married]: Balashov 1970, No. 4:44-46; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [when dying, the wife tells you to marry the one her shoe fits; the backyard grandmother advises you to ask your father for a silver; gold dress; a feather dress and that all the feathers are from different birds; father I took it out; my grandmother turned the girl into a chicken, she hid her dresses under her wings; the father opened the cage, the chicken ran away; Ivan Tsarevich wants to shoot her in the forest, but she caresses him; he took her to his bedroom; she swallowed his soap; when he went to the feast, she came there in a silver dress; then in gold, I. put his ring on her finger; in a feather dress; I. rushed home, burned the "kurushkin covers"; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 70:194-197; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sniffer) [when dying, the wife tells her husband to take whoever her shoe fits; daughter came up; backyard grandmother advises ask for a silver dress (father got it); gold (too); feather, with each bird a feather; also brought it; the girl asks her grandmother to wrap it, she wrapped it in a kurushka; the hunter picked it up, brought it to him bedroom; going to a wedding, took fragrant soap, the chicken swallowed it; guy: there is no one to beat you, says goodbye for the first time; at a feast he sees a beauty in a silver dress, would like to marry; the same in gold dress (swallowed goltyashechka from the collar); swallowed a gold ring for the third time; came in a feather dress, wearing a gotie and a ring on her finger; the guy guessed it, ran, burned the chicken skins; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 70:326-329; Russians (Zaonezhye or Pinega, Sura, 1927, N.P. Panfilova, 20 years old) [A man's wife dies, he grieves that his daughter will marry and will be left alone. She calls her to marry. The daughter goes to her mother's grave, who prompts her father to demand "the whole silk contract". He buys and continues to insist on marriage, the girl asks for a blue wing on her mother's advice. On her wedding day, she rolls up her silk outfits, attaches her wing and turns into a bird, flies away. She drinks from a stream, finds herself underground with Ivan Tsarevich, asks where he dresses up, he calls her a "casserole" and throws it with soap. She dresses up and comes to a feast, he falls in love with an unknown beauty, asks where she comes from, "from a county where soap is thrown into her faces" she does not allow herself to be spent. She asks him underground (while he is cleaning his boots) the old question, and then he throws a brush at her. At the ball, Ivan Tsarevich again replies that she is from "a parish where brushes are thrown into her faces." The next time, a year, she asks from the underground, he answers the same way, she reproaches him. He calls a girl to marry, they get married, and a child is born. Ivan's former lover comes, he drives her away. In his absence, she takes off his wife's clothes and puts it on herself, and drives his wife away. She's pretending to be her. He kills his son, Ivan Tsarevich comes to his grave, sees his real wife crying, she talks about the substitution. He returns home with her, drives the impostor away]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 61:143-145; Russians (Olonetskaya) []: Vlasova 2011, No. 71:104-106; Russians (Karelia, Zaonezhye) [wife before her death told her husband to take the one who would have her slipper at the time; he was just right for Nastasya's daughter; she agrees if her father brings her dresses with stars, a month, with the sun; the man bought dresses; N . asked me to make "a secret lantern so that I would be high and the same width that I could fit in"; the father did, on the wedding day my daughter hid there, my father did not find her, got angry and threw the lantern into the sea; the lantern swam to the city on the island, where N. was made an "ashtray" to remove the ash; the king had a son, and when he "coped with the evening", N. let him wash and quietly hit him on the head with her pelvis; she appeared herself in a dress with stars; the Queen did not recognize her, began to look after her, ask what city she was from? - From a city with a pelvis in the head. Korolevich could not remember such a thing. So three times (hit me with soap; boot). After the third time, he realized that it was N., got married]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 15:79-81; Ukrainians (Gorinchevo, Khust District, Transcarpathia) [Count's son goes hunting every day. In the morning he wakes up, opens the window, sees that a woman is walking down the street, bringing her son to eat in a pot. The count's son, to test his accuracy, shoots at the pot and breaks it. Baba sees him laughing and says that she barely begged her son for food. She curses him to only marry Seipentel Ilona. The guy runs after his grandmother and asks where she is. She replies that where ninety-nine human heads are on the stakes, and leaves. The count's son does not find a place for himself, he is going to look for his betrothed. He sees how a bear crashes ants, feels sorry for ants, drives a bear into the thicket. Ants give him a pipe that he can use to summon them to help. The guy goes on, sees that the boys have caught a fox and hit it. He asks to keep it and pays them a crown. The fox gives him a pipe to play on, and she will come to his aid. The count's son comes to the water and sees the fish fighting. He throws bread to the fish. The fish calms down, thanks him and gives him a pipe to call for help. More often, he bumps into a hut, around 99 human heads on poles. He comes in and sees the woman he smashed the pot with on the stove. She serves him by telling him to look after her three mares. If he doesn't pull him back, his head will be on a pole. The guy falls asleep, and when he wakes up, he does not find mares. It causes ants with the help of a flute, who explain that the mares have become ants. Real ants will start biting them, then they'll start running away. When the first one runs and then the second one, you don't have to do anything, and when the third one runs, you have to whip it and say, "Be what you used to be!" That's what the guy does. In the evening, a woman checks, sees mares, gets angry and hits them with an iron club (these are her daughters). In the morning, she orders her daughters to go to the water and become fish. When the guy wakes up, he calls fish with the help of a flute. She reports that mares have become goldfish. Real fish will bite them. When the third one jumps out of the water, you should whip it and say, "Be what you were!" That's what the guy does. The woman gets angry in the evening, whips the mares with a fiery whip, accusing them of being in a romantic relationship with the guy. They deny it and tell their mother that she is wise and he is wiser. On the third day, the mares disappear again. The fox summoned by the flute explains that the woman turned them into eggs, put them in a basket on the stove, and sat on them herself. But the woman in the attic has a rooster. The fox will call the ferret, which will start chasing the rooster. The woman will get up from her eggs and climb to save the rooster. Then you have to run into the hut, whip the balls and say, "Be what you used to be!" The ferret starts chasing the rooster, the woman, when she hears a scream, climbs into the attic. The guy hits the balls, the mares are back in the barn, the guy sits on a chair. Baba is convinced that he is wiser than her. He says he served her faithfully and asks what he asks for his service. He wants to stay in service for three more years. Baba agrees, takes him to a big lake in the morning, gives him a wooden shovel, a wooden hoe, a wooden coinage, and tells this lake to fall asleep and walled up so that she can ride it on horseback, if not will do - be his head on the stake. His tools break immediately, he sits and grieves. Babina, Seipentel's daughter Ilona, brings him food and finds out the cause of his burning. After feeding him, she puts him into a deep sleep, whistling to the devils. They fall asleep and walled up the lake. When the guy wakes up, he notifies the woman, she checks, but the lake does not break through under the horse. She sends him into the thicket the next day. There, the wind scattered beech and oak seeds. They must be harvested, each seed separately. At noon, the girl brings food and finds out about the task. The guy eats up and falls asleep because Ilona sleeps on him, and she whistles, devils run, and in an hour all the seeds are collected as the woman wanted. On the third day, the woman orders to cut down the thicket, dig it up, and sow it with wheat. By evening, wheat must be ripe, and he must squeeze it, bring it, grind it, grind the flour and bake bread. The guy cuts down one tree and gets tired. SI wants to bring him an afternoon snack, but the woman yells at her, even breathes fire, suspects that she is doing all the work for him, and he's not so wise, let his sister carry it. But after a while she calms down and leaves her daughter alone. SI brings in an afternoon snack, finds the guy crying. When he has lunch, she falls into a deep sleep, and she cries the devils like sea sand. Everything is ready by evening. Ilona wakes him up, gives him a fresh roll and asks him to tell the woman when she asks what he wants for his service, what he wants to stay with her for another three years. Baba pretty agrees. The count's son stays with her, does everything well, but one day, when a woman falls asleep, SI and her boyfriend get ready for a long journey. SI turns herself and his boyfriend into pigeons, they're flying, and SI asks if you can see anything. The guy turns around and says he sees a cloud of fire. She replies that she is a mother and that she will turn herself into a mill and him into an old miller. The old woman will ask if he saw two pigeons, and he must answer what he saw a long time ago. Baba decides it's not them and comes home. SI turns them into pigeons again, and they're flying to its land. She asks again, and he sees a fiery cloud again. Then SI turns itself into grass and it into a braid. He tells Baba he saw two pigeons when he was clearing this field for a meadow. Baba is coming home. Two pigeons hit the road again. After a while, SI asks again who he sees. He says the woman is on a fiery horse. SI turns them into fish, but tells them not to stick their heads out of the water or they'll go blind and she'll talk to her mother. But the guy wants to hear what they're talking about, sticks his head out of the water, the woman steals his eyes and comes home. The girl cries, goes like a dove behind his eyes. At home, she gives her mother and sisters a deep sleep, climbs into her mother's bosom, reaches out her eyes, and instead puts pigeon eggs so that her mother thinks when she wakes up, that her eyes are in her bosom. She flies to the riverbank and returns the guy's eyes. They fly to his village. The guy is happy, he leads the girl by the hand. She asks where he's taking her. He replies to their homestead. She tells me not to do this, because she is not yet known there, asks to be taken to their innkeeper neighbor, who will serve him. In a month, let him tell his father and mother that she wants to get married. They'll get married then, but he must remember not to let anyone at home kiss him. The guy leaves his betrothed with the innkeeper, returns to his parents himself. They welcome him, they want to hug him and kiss him, but they don't give him. Tired, he goes to bed, in the evening an aunt comes to them and kisses a sleepy man in bed. He forgets the girl. It takes two weeks and two months. His relatives decide to marry him. They choose a bride, marry, and set a wedding day. SI knows everything, she cries, makes the guy fall and dislocated his leg. They send him for a doctor, and the innkeeper's maid says she'll heal him faster. This is what happens. The guy asks what to reward her with. She doesn't want anything but asks to be invited to the wedding. The wedding day is coming. She bites through a golden nut, takes out her gold clothes and comes to the wedding. The young ones are just about to get married. But when a young woman sees an innkeeper's maid, she refuses to get married until she gets the same dress. They start looking for silver clothes. They cannot find it anywhere and have to buy it from the maid, they promise to pay her dearly. She doesn't want anything, she asks permission to be with her young man. XI kisses the guy, talks about everything, but he doesn't remember anything. A servant hides under the bed and hears what the girl said. "I've saved your life six times and you've forgotten it all! But it's not all gone. At dawn, I'll be cuckoo at your house, and then you'll see me, then you'll recognize me..." She's going home. The servant crawls out from under the bed, tells the young master what he has heard. After that, the guy remembers everything. In the morning he goes out into the yard, sees a cuckoo, and immediately recalls SI. But the cuckoo is flying away. The count's son is going to travel. The bride is told that they will not get married, she can marry someone else. He orders iron tables from the master and goes around the world. Looking for a betrothed for seven years. One day he sits under the willow, looks - the tables are torn. She thinks this is the only place she should be if his tables are broken. The cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cucko The guy says it's his Ilonka. The bird says it's his. He calls her to his place. She asks me to be afraid that she won't invite her aunt to the wedding, who kissed him. He takes an oath. Then she flies off and becomes a girl. The guy is happy, takes her hand and brings her to his parents. They are getting married and living happily ever after]: Lintur 1979:121-129; Czechs [when the wife dies, asks her husband to marry someone who looks like her; he wants to marry his daughter; the daughter demands to get it first she has magic dresses; her mother helps while sleeping; her daughter wears mouseskin clothes and her mother's veil makes her invisible; wearing mouse clothes she is hired to work in the kitchen and she comes three times to the ball in magic dresses; for the third time, the prince puts a ring on her finger; she throws it into his food; the prince suspects that the beauty at the ball is that maid; spies; wedding; cook awarded for her kindness to heroin; father repents and rejoices that a daughter was found]: Cox 1893, No. 202:77-78; Belarusians [after the death of his wife, the husband wants to marry his daughter; she goes to the mother's grave; mother advises asking the father to make the dress like stars and a month; then the same shoes; horses (the same); for the fourth time: let the widow take the widow with three daughters; the stepmother tyrannites work; the cow helps: in one ear enter, leave the other - the canvas is ready; the stepmother sends her daughter to spy, her own mother teaches her to sleep, removing the lice in her hair; the same with the second; the third eye inserted the third eye; sleep the peephole, sleep the other, and the third looks; the stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered; bones and giblets are buried under the window, an apple tree with golden and silver apples has grown; no one can reach them; on a holy day we went to church, and the stepmother poured them into poppy ash and ordered to be cleaned; on the advice of her own mother, the horses did everything; dressed like a month and stars, the stepdaughter went to church; the prince smeared the threshold with resin, one slipper stuck; they began to try on, only The stepdaughter came up; the apple tree leaned towards her; the stepmother comes to visit, turns her stepdaughter into a fox in the bathhouse, replaces her daughter; the midwife carries the baby, calls the fox, she throws off the fox skin , feeds; the prince spies, burns the skin; stepmother and her daughter are tied to a horse's tail]: Romanov 1887:292-295 (=Potanin 1891:155-157).

Baltoscandia. Swedes: Cox 1907:197 [the king promises his dying wife to remarry someone who looks like her; wants to marry his daughter; the old man advises her to demand from her father 1) a silk dress roses, 2) with gold flowers, 3) with diamonds, 4) a cape made of all kinds of fur, a hood, glasses; takes it all and runs away; the old man takes her to the coal burn hut, gives the key to the boulder; the hostess advises her to hire to the queen with a spinner; she opens a boulder, hides her dresses in it; three times in the guise of a mess she encounters a prince who is sick, he throws a log at her, etc.; appears three times in the church in a luxurious clothed, replying to the prince that she is from "The Land Where Logs Are Thrown"; the third time the prince wears her ring in church; she throws it into his food; everything is explained, the prince marries her], 197-198 [ the king wants to marry his daughter; she asks for a dress like 1) a star, 2) the moon, 3) the sun, 4) a cape of crow's beaks and skins; runs; is hired as a maid to another king; cries from hard work; an old woman makes sure that the work is done by itself; the prince splashes water on her, she replies that she comes from "A Land Where Water Splashes Out"; etc.; comes to church three times in star dresses and other dresses, then runs wearing a crow's cape; for the third time he loses his shoe, the prince tells me to look for an owner; fits only a girl in a crow cape; she throws it off, appears in gold clothes; the prince marries her]; Stier 1971, No. 33 [a person wants to marry a daughter, she sets conditions: bring a crow a skin with twisted beaks; a pig asks to watch over her pig, brings the skin to the girl's father; the same: a dress like stars; like the sun; like the moon; gold stockings and shoes; a flying carriage; a girl picks up her father's gifts, flies away in a carriage, is hired as a maid to the royal castle, wearing her prickly skin; the prince is going to the church, asks the comb, Stoppelpelz brings it, he throws it on the floor - it's better not to brush your hair at all than to take the comb from her hands; in church he sees a beauty in a star dress; the same: the girl brings water; a towel; appears in a moonlit, sunny dress; the prince orders to smear the stone with resin, the golden shoe is stuck, everyone is trying it on; one old woman cut off her daughter's heel and finger on foot to make the shoe fit, but the bird sings about it; the same with another old woman and her daughter; the prince finds a beautiful woman marrying]: 133-138; Danes [widowed, the king wants to marry the one who is the most looks like a dead wife; she is a daughter; a mother from the grave advises her daughter to ask her father for a dress like the sun, a dress like the moon, and feathers to fly on them; he gets everything and while she sleeps, the daughter takes the dresses and flies away; hires him to the castle as a maid; her name is Pulleru ("rastrepa"); the prince tells him to bring him shoes, hits her with a shoe; wearing a dress like the moon, she comes to the ball and replies to the prince that she has come from the country where the maids are beaten with a shoe; next time: where they beat him with a towel; the prince gives her his ring; the prince guesses what is going on, falls ill; when the Queen Mother prepares broth for him, P. throws him into it ring; he tells you to come to him, rips off P.'s rags - a gold dress underneath them; wedding]: Holbek 1987:562-553; Finns [father wants to marry his daughter; she makes a condition for him to get her gold , silver dresses, clothes made of crow's beaks; mother helps her from the grave; is hired in the palace as a pigsty; the king's son throws water, towels, shoes at her; she comes to church; items (token objects) are mentioned; runs away three times; the shoe sticks to the resin; everything is ordered to be tried on; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 197:76; Latvians [The king wants to marry his daughter (brother to sister). The daughter goes to her mother's grave for advice. She advises her to demand rich outfits from the king, a fur coat (made from the skin of a mouse, dog, wolf, bear), and a self-propelled cart (boat). The daughter puts on her fur coat, puts her outfits in a nutshell and runs away. He is hired as a servant to another king. He appears at the ball three times in luxurious dresses. For the third time, the shoe sticks to the porch step, the king finds a girl and marries her]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 510B: 295; the Veps [the old man celebrated the fortieth day after his wife's death and decides to marry on her daughter; the daughter causes her mother to her grave, complains to her father; the mother advises to demand gifts from him: starry dresses, with the sun, with the moon and simple; when receiving gifts, the daughter puts them in the corners of the room four dolls (herself with things in the middle) and, on the advice of her mother, casts a spell: "It's better for me to fall through the ground than marry a dad" - and fails; once in a foreign village, she is hired in workers, in beautiful outfits goes to church; a rich guy falls in love with her, recognizes her by her dress; wedding]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 3:201; Karelians (Kalevalsky district) [wife has a blue finger; dying , she tells her husband to remarry only blue-eyed; only her daughter has the blue finger; she requires her father to wear a star-embroidered outfit (father bought); embroidered for months (the same); suns (the same); daughter takes dresses, brush, sulfur, goes to the bathhouse; runs away, leaving the spits responsible for himself; when he discovers the deception, the old man rushes after him; the daughter throws a broom (a mountain covered with birch forest, the old man returns for with an ax and a hoe, cuts through the road, wants to hide the ax and hoe under the birch tree, the tit says she will tell, the women will steal; the old man takes them home, runs again; the girl throws the comb (resin mountain; the old man runs again for an ax and a hoe; the same); throws a bar (a stream of fire; the old man can't cross, he threw his eggs around his daughter's neck, let her be mimicked); the girl was hired as a pigsty for the king; silent, because the eggs will mimic her; the ball is being prepared, the maids send the dumb to carry water to the king, who with a bucket on her forehead; the late mother gives a staff to hit the stone crosswise, the horse will come out; the girl came to ball in a sunny dress; replies that she came from where they hit her forehead with a bucket; the prince followed the girl, threw the pigsty's clothes into the fire; but the girl is afraid to say a word; the prince married her, she gave birth to a son, he was stabbed to death on her lap, her eyes were gouged out and driven away if she did not want to speak; the pigsty is cooking again, soup is cooked in a pot; pigsty: delicious soup; eggs: delicious; pigsty hangs a ladle around her neck below the eggs, invites them to try the soup; the eggs flopped into the ladle, she flopped them into a boiling saucepan; the pigsty brought soup to the guests; the new bride: look, she carries the hem soup; pigsty: you spoke early, I was silent even when my baby was slaughtered; the new bride was driven away, the pigsty was dressed in a sunny dress]: Onegin 2010, No. 32:300-304.