Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K126. The wolf pays for the horse he eats.

.13.14. (.15.) .28.-.34.36.

A predatory beast or demon eats the hero's horse, but for this he is forced or voluntary to help him.

Kordofan, Western Sahara, (Basques), Russians (Terek coast, North), Ukrainians (Podolia), Ossetians, Karachays and Balkarians, Kumyks, Kyurins, Georgians (?) , Tajiks, Norwegians, Latvians, Setus, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Dungans, Altaians, Shors, Tuvans, Buryats (Khorin), Barguzin Evenks, Evens.

Sudan - East Africa. Kordofan (language not specified) [the king's apricot tree bears golden fruits; the bird steals them; the youngest of three sons {not mentioned about the elders} volunteered to guard; grabbed the bird, it escaped, but the feather remained in his hand; no one saw a bird with such feathers; the king wants to have it; the youngest son went to pick up the bird; the elders too, because everyone wanted to become king, and the father had not yet chosen I made; at the fork there is an inscription: whoever walks on the right road will die, on the middle road he will lose his horse, on the left road he will get to the giants buried under the mounds; the older brothers decided to stop and wait the youngest, and he drove along the middle road; met the gin, ate the horse, the young man walked; the gin apologized: he hadn't eaten for two years, horses were his food, otherwise he would die; now he will be an assistant; one king has a bird ; it's easy to take it, but you can't say a word; but the young man exclaimed, "This bird!" , she woke up and gave a voice, the young man was captured; the local king is ready to let him go with the bird, but let him get him a horse that can be summoned and sent away by rubbing his hair; he is from another king; gin: not touch the leash on which the horse is tied; take the hairs, sit on the horse, rub it, and you will be wherever you want; but the young man untied the leash, is caught; the horse owner promises to give it back if the young man gets the box , in which another king keeps all the servants, dancers, drummers and trumpeters; genie: when the king sleeps, he holds the box in his teeth; I will become a mouse, I will tickle him; but don't open the boxes; the young man took it but opened the box, the musicians and dancers jumped out, began to play and dance around, but nothing back; a year later, the genie found it; came to the owner of the box under the guise of another king and found out what was needed three times say "show" for the musicians and others to return to the box; this happened; gin a copy of the box in exchange for which the young man received a horse; then the gin became a horse, the young man received the bird and kept it for himself as well horse; came to the brothers; when he fell asleep, they threw him into the well and took the box, the horse and the bird; the gin came, lowered the bucket to collect water, the young man clung to him and got out; came to his father, told him everything, offered to gather people in the morning; the older brothers are afraid of the box; when they saw the youngest, who was called dead, turned pale; the younger told the inhabitants of the box to go out, the dancers began to dance, the warriors killed the elders brothers; the younger said "showlim", those who came out fled; the king handed over power to the youngest son]: Frobenius, No. 13:134-147.

North Africa. Western Sahara [a rich man has a garden with valuable (golden) apples; someone steals apples; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep; the youngest grabs a bird with a basket, the bird escapes, leaving pen; the father sends his sons to search, each goes in his own direction; the elders come together, do not search; the youngest horse is eaten by a lion, promises to be a servant of the young man; takes him to the palace of the Emir, whose daughter owns a bird; tells you to take a bird, but without a cage; he takes a cage, he is grabbed, the emir promises to give the bird in exchange for a horse owned by a hostile emir; the lion carries it to the horse, tells him not to take the golden harness; the young man He takes it, they grab him, they promise a horse if he gets the daughter of another emir; the young man gets it, wants a girl for himself; the lion turns into a girl, then into a horse, the young man returns with the girl, the horse and the bird; at night brothers cut his throat; a lion revives him, he forgives his brothers; a father makes his youngest son an heir]: Aris, Cladellas 1991:76-81.

(Wed. Southern Europe. The Basques [the young man is lost; a certain Castillo Branco tells him to come to him to carry out errands, then he will reimburse the lost; the young man goes to the animal house, the deer sends him to the lion; the lion tells him to cook carcasses of four bulls, a young man carries on his back, eats carcasses on the way; KB has two devil daughters and one of divine nature; KB requires 1) to cut down the forest in a day, plow, etc. - grind flour, bake bread (daughter KB performs); 2) pacify three horses (he and his two eldest daughters, the youngest helps); 3) get the youngest daughter's ring from the bottom of the sea; she teaches her body to pieces, fill her body with blood without spilling the bottle, throw it into the sea; the bottle returned with a ring; you have to pour blood on the pieces of the body; the girl came to life, but the young man shed a drop, so his little finger is not enough; KB gave money, promised his daughter, let him choose with blindfolded; the young man felt the girls' hands, chose the one with no little finger; got a wife; they were running, the wife left the spits responsible for her; left a wineskin in bed; KB asked while saliva did not dry out; broke into the room, pierced the bed, mistook the wine for blood; then chased a horse as fast as a thought, and the young had a horse like the wind; asks the reapers, they answer that the young have passed 9 months ago; the KB decides that if so, he will catch up; when he sees the chase, the girl becomes a field of bow, the young man digs bulbs; next time the horse goes to church, himself in the image, the young man into the priest; the KB returned not than]: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 4:17-25).

Central Europe. Russians (Teresky Bereg) [from the king's sons Gavrilo, Peter, Ivan; someone steals apples; G., P. overslept; I. grabbed the Firebird, pulled out the pen; the king orders the Firebird itself to be reached; on a pole with on the one hand, the inscription: you will be full yourself, the horse is hungry, on the other hand, you will be alive yourself, the horse is dead; I. turned to where the horse is dead; the wolf jumped out, tore the horse, told I. to sit on it; tells you to take the bird without cages; I. took a golden cage, he was grabbed; sent for a golden-maned horse; take it without a bridle; the same; get the princess; the wolf grabbed the princess himself; then left her I., turned into a princess himself, I. received a horse , the wolf has returned; the same with the Firebird; now I. has a princess, a horse and a Firebird, he came to his brothers; when he fell asleep, they cut off his head, took everything; the princess tells him to get the dress out of her state; the wolf caught a crow and a crow, forced the crow to bring living and dead water, revived I.; he returned everything, the brothers were expelled from the country]: Balashov 1970, No. 153:406-407; Russians (North; Olonetskaya?) [someone steals golden apples from the garden of the formidable Tsar Vasily; Tsarevich Fedor, Peter fall asleep, the younger Ivan pulls out the feather from the firebird; V. sends him for a bird; at the fork there is an inscription: whoever is right will die with as a horse, to the right - he will die, but the horse will remain, whoever to the left will lose the horse; I. turns to the left, the wolf eats the horse, carries I., tells him to take the bird without a cage; I. takes it with a cage, he is grabbed, told get a golden-maned horse; the wolf tells you to take it without a bridle, I. grabs the bridle, he is told to get Elena the Beautiful; the wolf takes her away, takes her form to exchange the princess for a horse, then takes the form of a horse - get a firebird; returns, I. gets everything; his brothers kill him; the wolf grabs the crow, makes the crow bring alive and dead water; I. marries the EP, the elder princes are expelled]: Karnaukhova 1948:253-261; Western Ukrainians (Podolia) [someone steals golden apples from a royal apple tree; the elder queen guards, falls asleep; the same middle one; the youngest fool put a wreath of thorns on his head and began to read the book; as soon as he bites his nose, the thorns prick, he continues to read; a bird flew in, he pulled out its tail; the queens left on different roads; the youngest horse was eaten by a wolf; the queen complained see Mykolay; he gathered the wolves, asked who ate the horse, told that wolf to take the queen; the wolf brings him to where the beautiful horse is, tells him to take it without a bridle; the queen took the bridle, was caught; he will be given the horse if will get a greyhound; the wolf brings it to the greyhound, tells you not to take the lantsukhiv (?) , he takes it, he is told to get the girl; the wolf: but don't kiss her; the cage with that bird, and the girl is sleeping next to him; the queen takes the cage and the girl, sits on the wolf; he chipped in as a girl, the queen got a greyhound; then but with the horse; sending the queen home, the wolf warns not to tell his brothers anything - they will kill; the wolf found the body, ordered the crow to bring live water; he brought it, the wolf revived the queen; tells pretend to be a doctor; at home the girl is sick, the bird does not sing; as soon as they saw the queen, the girl recovered, the bird sang; the queen told his father everything; he married him to the girl he had received, and his brothers ordered to shoot]: Levchenko 1928, No. 492:357-359.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [Aldar has 3 daughters, he keeps them in an iron tower; later a son Soslanbek was born; the widow's daughter went to fetch water; S. fired an arrow and smashed her jugs; the widow teaches the girl the next Tell S. once: I would have found his sisters better; his mother had to confess that S. came to the sisters, they asked him to beg his parents to let them go to church for the party; after the service, three monsters kidnapped girls; parents tell S. to find them; while S. was sleeping, an elephant came out of the river, swallowed S.'s horse and told him to sit on it; brings him successively to his three sisters; they give a ring, a knife, purse call them if necessary; S. refuses to marry beauties whose portraits are shown and seeks to be shown the hidden portrait; the father-in-law of the S. sisters is the dragon Zaliag Kalm; he sleeps, surrounded by an iron fence with his body; S. cut the dragon, entered, to meet his daughter, beautiful Sugar; she gave him sleeping pills, ordered him to be thrown into the tower; S. summoned the horsemen from the ring, they released him, but when he saw Sahar, S. lost consciousness and Sahar took his ring; the same with a knife; the heroes came out of his purse, and S. hid him in advance; after that, Sahar agreed to become S.'s wife; ordered not to unlock the seventh room; S. unlocked, the giant Khatag-Barag and his horse are chained there; HB asks to throw them bread and hay, promises to provide three services; after being free, HB took Sugar; S. comes three times He takes him to her, but HB catches up every time; for the fourth time he chopped S. to pieces; his sisters caught a crow; told his mother to bring living water, otherwise they would tear the crow to shreds; reviving S., sisters they told him to get the half-brother of the horse HB; the owner of the herd tells him to herd him without loss: either he will give the horse or cut off the shepherd's head; on the way, S. wanted to kill, but let the wolf, the fox and the wasp go; each of A herd gathers them in the evening; the mare must give birth, the witch beat her; in revenge, the mare told S. that it is necessary to choose the foal she will give birth to, although he seems weak; the foal tells wait three days, becomes a heroic horse; tells you to get into one ear, get out of the other - S. became a hero in a golden robe; S. took Sugar away; when HB caught up and took off to hit S. from above, S.'s horse was taller and S. killed HB; everything is fine]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 32:80-91; Karachays or Balkarians [the old man's apple tree bears fruit every year that brings youth; someone else kidnaps; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep, the younger Hasan knocks down the pen of the golden bird that stole the apple with an arrow; H. goes to the fork: you will die to the left, the horse to the right; the horse turns right; his the wolf eats; carries H., tells him to take the bird, not touch the nest; H. takes the nest, is captured, the khan promises a bird for the gold-maned stallion Clay Khan; the wolf brings, tells not to take bridles and saddles, H. He takes it, is captured, the Clay Khan promises a horse in exchange for goldfish from Khan Dadiyan's lake; the wolf brings fish himself, H. makes exchanges, brings his father a bird, apples no longer disappear]: Aliyeva, Kholayev 1983 : 61-64; Kumyks [39 brothers leave with their father to marry 40 sisters; the youngest fortieth Malik-Mamed stays at home, warns not to spend the night near the city of Palace; 40 poor daughters have been married, they are going back, they spend the night by the river; in the morning it turns out that they mistook the Ashdag snake for the river, who surrounded them with a ring; lets them go for a promise to give MA; demands that they bring him the daughter of the Shah Devas; the wolf tells them to find a good horse; MA finds, gives the old one to be eaten by a wolf; on the way she meets, takes Fastfooter, Climber, Water Bread as his comrades; Shah Devas 1) tries to burn them in an iron hut, Vodokhleb regurgles the water , cools her down; 2) the shah tells me to bring water faster than the lame old woman; Quickfoot overtakes her, but she gave him wine, he fell asleep; MA woke him up with an arrow, he caught up with the old woman, was the first to return with a jug ; 3) A climber defeats a local strongman; MA gets a girl; the wolf says that the soul is a snake in an egg in a huge partridge; MA breaks an egg, Ashdag dies, MA marries Khan Deva's daughter], 87-92 [from an old man 12 sons, 11 are evil, the youngest Baiburak is kind; the old man goes to look for brides for them; Kart-Enem offers to marry them his 12 daughters; brothers come and spend the night at CE's house; B. hears her sharpening a knife; says she does not sleep because 1) geese are screaming (CE slaughtered geese, leaving three magic ones); 2) cows are mooing; CE slaughtered cows, B. told brothers to run; CE chases on an arba without wheels, B. throws a stone (mountain), stomps (abyss), CE stops chasing; brothers want to kill B., persuade Khan to send him to CE for 1) a magic blanket; B. comes secretly, stabs CE at night with a needle, she thinks fleas they bite, throw away the blanket, B. takes it away, CE pursues (the same episodes); 2) with magic geese; B. hides behind the CE door; she asks each of the three geese where B. is now, who are responsible for what is outside the door, CE does not believe, tears off two heads, then grabs B.; he advises calling his relatives to eat; tears the ropes, takes the goose away; 3) bring CE herself; B. pretends to be an old man, says that his iron the chest protects against heat and cold, invites CE to climb in for testing, brings it to the khan; he opens the chest, CE swallowed it; saw B. on the tower, stumbled, fell into a hole, crashed]: Kapiyeva 1974:65-71; The Curins [the childless queen suddenly gave birth to 40 sons; after that, the king left home; the wife hired nurses and raised sons; the younger Melik Mamed calls the brothers to find his father; they found him and threatened him kill them if he does not marry them to 40 sisters - daughters of one father and one mother; the king found; MM punishes the brothers not to stay in the Palace; but they spent the night there and are surrounded by a huge snake in the morning; he will let everyone go if MM comes to him; MM has come, the serpent tells him to get the daughter of the king of divas for him; the wolf tells MM to ask the serpent for a horse; MM stabbed his horse for the wolf; MM meets, takes him as companions who is milking deer on the run; throwing stones; drinking the river; the king of divas tells me to spend the night in an iron room, they covered it with firewood, drank water, the room has cooled down; run with a lame old woman for reindeer milk; the old woman gave wine to the deer milker, he fell asleep; MM saw it, shot it, the milker woke up, killed the old woman, brought milk; overcame the hero (the stone-thrower overcame); MM received the king's daughter divas; came to the wolf; the wolf orders to kill a huge hare, an egg in his heart, a snake's soul in the egg; MM broke the egg, the snake died; MM married the daughter of the king diva and the girl brought by his father; the father gave him throne]: Lionidze, Sultanov 1892, No. 5:204-208; Georgians (Imereti) [one apple ripens on the royal apple tree every day; someone is in the habit of plucking; three princes take turns guarding; older, middle fell asleep; the youngest also overslept, did not dare to return to the palace and went on a journey; at the crossroads there is an inscription: if you go straight, you will not return back, to the right you will drown, to the left you will lose your horse, but happiness you'll find it; the prince went to the left; the wolf ran out, ate the horse, told him to sit on it, said that the apples were stolen by a hawk; brought them to the palace: take the hawk so that the bells on his feet did not ring; bells rang; the prince is promised a hawk if he gets Ivan the Tsar's horse; wolf: don't touch the saddles; the prince wanted to take the saddle, he was caught, he was told to get David the king's daughter; the wolf gives a piece of wool, he opens the doors and will put the princess to sleep; on the way back, the wolf turned into a princess, the prince received a horse, and then the wolf ran; the same with the hawk; the wolf sends the prince with the princess, the horse and the hawk home, promises to catch up; the king sent his elder sons to look for the youngest; they found him asleep, killed him, took everything away; the wolf senses bad things, revived the prince with living water, drove him to the palace; the prince entered under the guise of a beggar, asked the king to did with the murderers (tells his story); the tsar says he would hang him; the prince opened up, the wolf and the princess who came running confirmed the story; the prince married the princess and persuaded his father not to execute him brothers]: Glushakov 1905, No. 4:35-40.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks [padishah sends his eldest, then middle son to guard a thief who steals apples; only the youngest son from his youngest wife does not fall asleep, tears off the tail of a fiery bird; playing with money, breaks an old woman's spindle; she advises him to go looking for a thief like his brothers; chooses a skinny horse, a rusty dagger, catches up with his brothers; the stone says that whoever goes to the left will return, but not to the right; the young man turns left, brothers to the right; the wolf eats away the front legs of the young man's horse, then the back legs, torso, head; each time he asks if the horse was bipedal, without legs, etc.; the young man says every time he was; the wolf brings him to the padishah Misra, tells him to take the bird without a cage, he takes the cage, is captured, the padishah tells him to get the horse out of the country of Chin; the wolf tells him not to take harness, the young man takes it, the padishah Chin tells him to bring him Padishah's daughter Machin; the wolf gets everything, puts the guards to sleep each time, the young man returns on horseback with the girl; the wolf is going to stab a girl, a horse, a bird with a dagger; everyone gets poison from his mouth; brothers they cut the young man into pieces, take everything away; the girl promises to marry the padishah when her severed braids grow; the wolf resurrects the young man, who wears a bull rennet, is hired as a servant to the cook; sister and bride they recognize him, drive his brothers away, the young man marries, receives his father's throne]: Amonov 1972:116-126.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [the king loves his seven sons so much that he always keeps one with him; six leave, marry six sisters, and on the way home a giant turns them into stones; the seventh brother leaves on a nag; feeds the crow, saves the salmon, gives the wolf his horse to eat; for this he carries him instead of a horse; in the giant's castle, a young man meets the kidnapped princess and hides; the princess asks where the giant's heart is; decorates the threshold, the closet with flowers; the third time the giant says that the soul is in the egg, in the duck, in the well, in the church on an island in the middle of the lake; the wolf brings there; the keys to churches hang high, the raven pulls them out, the young man grabs the duck, the egg falls into the water, the salmon pulls it out; the young man tells the giant to revive the petrified ones, then breaks the egg, the giant bursts; wedding]: Dasent 1970: 59-68; Latvians [younger brother pulls a pen from a golden bird that has come to steal apples; father sends sons to look for a bird; a wolf (bear) eats his younger brother's horse, promises to help him; takes it to the bird, but tells him to take it without a cage; the fool, without heeding the advice, falls into the hands of the guards; the king promises to give the bird if the fool gets the golden horse; the wolf helps the fool get the horse, the bird and princess; older brothers kill a fool, take possession of a bird, a horse and a princess, return home; a wolf revives a fool with live water; when he returns home, the bird starts singing, the horse laughs, the princess rushes around his neck; the brothers are punished]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 550:229-300; Seto [the bird comes to peck for apples; the king orders to guard; two clever princes, the third fool; the elder goes, falls asleep; the same middle one; the youngest climbed the apple tree, pulled the feather out of the tail of the golden bird; the king promises the throne to the whoever gets the bird; the youngest drove up to the fork: who will lose the horse to the right, to the left - he will say goodbye to life, straight - he will disappear with the horse; the prince went to the left; the wolf jumped out, ate the horse, told the prince to sit on it; the wolf brings him to the king, whose bird tells him to take it without a cage, prince took the cage, was captured; the king will give the bird if the prince gets a horse with a golden tail and mane; the wolf tells you to take the horse without a bridle, the prince took it with a bridle; that king will give the horse if the prince gets it a gold-haired princess; her wolf grabbed and carried her away; the wolf took the form of a princess, then a horse returned; the prince returns with a bird, a horse and a princess; met his older brothers; they killed him and chopped him in pieces; at home, the elder is preparing the wedding; the wolf noticed the crows, ordered the bones to be collected; then ordered the crow to bring dead water, the body grew together; then alive - the prince came to life; came to his father, told everything; wedding; king to son: do whatever you want with your brothers; he expelled them]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 237-240.

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs: Barag 1988, No. 35 [30 brothers, younger Yulbat, are going to marry 30 sisters; the tsar says that his 30 daughters have been carried away by a whirlwind; the brothers turn right where luck awaits, Yu to the left; wolf eats his horse, tells him to ride himself instead of a horse; three deva brothers are married to those girls, 27 girls are turned into mares; Yu kills devas, frees girls, gives them to brothers he meets; wolf eats the hearts of 60 horses, 30 brothers and their wives are carrying; contrary to Yu.'s warning, the brothers stay for the night, they are surrounded by an agdaha dragon with their bodies; he lets Yu go for his promise to get him the daughter of King Birmyak ; on the way, Y. takes Runner, Strelka, Slukhach, Vodoglot, Vodokhod as his companions; Tsar B. orders 1) to spend 6 days in a hot bath, 2) overtake an old woman 80 years old; 3) climb to a pole with a glass of milk; Yu. gets a wife; his son, who grew up during this time, killed Azhdakha; Yu gives him his daughter B.]: 234-242; 1989, No. 41 [someone steals golden apples from the royal garden; the eldest, middle prince is guarding return with nothing the youngest sees how the golden bird has taken the apple, goes in search; at the crossroads a pole with the inscription, to the right you will die, to the left you will lose the horse; the prince turns to the left; the wolf eats the horse, carries it himself prince, orders to take a bird without a cage; the prince takes it with a cage, the guards tell him to get a golden-tailed silver horse for the bird; the same is to take a horse without a bridle, the prince takes a bridle, he is told to get the princess; the wolf turned into a horse, the princess sat down, he took her away; the wolf turned into a princess, then a horse, runs away from the new owners, the prince gets everything; the brothers cut off his head, took everything for themselves; the wolf caught the crow, ordered bring alive and dead water, revived the prince; he married a princess, the brothers repented]: 192-194.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [a young man lets go of a wolf who took his horse when he promises to marry his sister; at night, the wolf's sister turns beautiful; mother-in-law warns not to throw away the wolf's blanket wives before the expiration of 40 days; the young man throws his skin into the fire three days before the deadline; the wife predicts misfortune; the khan sees the young man's wife, the old woman advises sending him for 1) a gold bar that his father dropped into the sea khan; the wife makes a silk flower, the young man uses it as bait, pulls out the hanshu fish, she brings a bar; 2) a herd of horses missing from Khan's father; the wife gives a stick, the young man brings a herd with it; 3) a stallion slaughtered at his father's wake; the wife cannot help, the bar thrown on the ground by the mother-in-law turns into an iron yurt; the wife takes refuge in it while her husband goes to her mother-in-law for advice; she tells me to dig up the grave, the old khan throws away the stallion; when he saw him, the khan was ashamed, the old woman cut off his head]: Daurenbekov 1979:67-73; Kyrgyz [the old man had three sons and an apple tree; he ate these apples every year and was getting younger; one day someone ate all the apples still unripe; the following year, the eldest son went to guard and fell asleep; the next year the middle son did the same; in the third year, the youngest son did not sleep all night , playing the flutes; a goldbird flew in and began to eat apples; the young man crept up, but the bird flew away, leaving a pen in his hand; the father sent his sons to pick up the bird; the eldest two went on good horses, the youngest is in a two-year-old; reached a black stone with the inscription: "Whoever goes to the left will die himself, who to the right will die"; foal: "Go right"; a wolf chased the young man in the forest, the young man jumped from the horse ran away, the wolf attacked the horse; the wolf to the young man: "Since I ate your horse, I will help you achieve what I wanted"; told him to sit on it and close his eyes; when the young man opened them, he saw that the ox had brought it to the city; the wolf: "The bird is in this house, sneak in, grab the wings, not the legs; the young man grabbed the bird by the legs, the bells rang, the horsemen woke up, the young man was brought to the khan; the khan promised to give the bird in exchange for a horse with a gold horse with a mane and tail; the wolf brought to another city: "There is another palace behind 40 palaces, there is a horse in it, do not take it as an excuse, but grab the mane"; the young man again forgot the wolf's order; the khan will give the horse in exchange for a beautiful daughter Hana Bunchy; she went out into the garden in the morning, 40 girls walked in front of her, 40 more behind, left and right; the wolf took B.; on the way back, the young man and B. fell in love with each other, the young man asked the wolf to think of something; he turned into an even more beautiful girl than B., the young man took her to Khan, who gave her horse; when the khan entered the yurt, and there was a wolf, the khan fainted, the wolf caught up with the young man and B.; then turned into a horse, the khan gave the golden bird ; at the khan, the wolf regained his appearance, ate all the horses and caught up with the young man; when they reached the forest, where the wolf ate the young man's horse, the wolf gave the hair from his mustache and stayed there; when the young man and B. fell asleep at rest, the older brothers killed the youngest, took the girl, the bird, the horse; the wolf rushed, and his friend's corpse was pecked by crows; the wolf grabbed the ruler of the ravens, ordered him to get immortal water; he sent the crows for immortal water, they brought it in their beaks; the wolf mixed it with the blood of the raven ruler, smeared the young man's body, the young man woke up: "I slept for a long time"; at home, the elder brother is going to marry B.; the young man sent to his father old woman: let him play the flutes; B.: "Here's a young man who took me, and these two killed him and brought me here"; the old man married his youngest son to B.; one day they were visited by a wolf in the guise of a wandering man dervish; the young man recognized him, accepted him and spent him with honor; the old man ate apples from his apple tree every year and grew younger]: Kebekova, Tokombaeva 2007:187-191; Kyrgyz [an apple ripens and disappears every year; the old man told his wife to watch, she fell asleep; the son waited for the golden bird, knocked out the pen with an arrow; went in search; at the fork on the stone there was an inscription: to the left he would die, to the right the horse would disappear; the young man went to the right; a wolf jumped out, the young man gave him the horse, the wolf himself took him to the city, ordered him to grab the bird by the wings, the latter grabbed his legs, the bells rang, the young man was captured; the khan would give him the bird in exchange for a golden-maned horse; the wolf tells not to touch the reason, the young man grabs the horse for the excuse, the bells are ringing, the khan demands a girl for the horse; the wolf took her away, gave her to the young man, took her form himself, ate the khan, brought the horse; took the horse; the young man returned with his wife, horse and bird; the apple is ripe, the old man is strong]: Brudny 1954:111-114; Dungans: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 20 [brothers Loer and Losan go to other countries, elder Loda is hired to work in the field; the white horse does all the work, the owner does not want to pay, dreams that the brothers are in trouble, goes in search; the goldfish sends to a fork in the roads; first, the horse will fall , on the second, he will die himself, according to the third, both will be saved; Losan went first, the wolf bit to death his horse; Loer - by third, tomorrow he will fight the seven-headed Mynguzi because of the sovereign's seventh daughter; fish warns Lod not to help the old woman get down from the tree, Loda helps, she kills him with her key; the hunter takes the old woman's key, kills her, revives Lod, gives him the key; The wolf who ate the horse Losanya, puts Lod on his back, brings her to the palace, where Losan is waiting for the princess; takes her away, marries Losana; Loer kills the seven-headed, marries the king's seventh daughter; Loda overhears how the caravan is preparing to kill them, take the women; kills him, takes his daughter as his wife, the brothers share the caravan]: 142-146.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [wolves took Juskuzek's cow and goat; it is carried by the Kaan-Kerede bird, pulls him out of the abyss; Wolves invite him into the mountain; there their mother feeds on cow milk, a husky puppy plays a goat; Wolves reluctantly give Yu a puppy; someone cooks at his house; Yu watches, hides a dog skin, marries Altyn-Chach (Golden Braids); she says that her brothers have become wolves she is a puppy, hiding from Karata-Kaan; K. requires 1) to hide three times (A. helps Yu, who finds K., who has become an onion, stallion, birch, K. does not find it); 2) get the Kaan-Kerede egg; her nest on an iron poplar with nine branches; its roots rest on the lower world, branches touch the third heaven, a seven-headed serpent crawls along the trunk; one chick cries, its snake will eat it now; the other laughs, it will be eaten tomorrow; Yu cut off the snake's heads with an ax, blood formed a sea; the chick held out its wing, Yu crossed into the nest through it; Kaan-Kerede flew in, her tears fell in warm rain; recognizes her claw marks on Yu; says that K.'s soul is in the golden egg, but she does not know where it is; brings Y. to his poor old parents; K. takes A.; Yu has been fighting him for seven years; wolves killed K.'s horse, Kaak-Kerede took him to heaven; A. found a golden egg in K.'s palace, threw it into the fire, K. died; A. and Yu began to rule Altai]: 215-239; Plots 1986, No. 8 [Dyakshylykh-Dalakay ("Good-Affectionate") lives alone, herds a herd, wolves ate half, the other, his horse; he is not angry, the Wolf calls to him; on the way, DD meets an old man, then an old woman, does them a favor, they advise them to take only a puppy from Wolf; at home he turns into a woman; Kara-Khan wants to take it away for his son; gives difficult assignments; the last thing: to bring gold and silver bowls from the underworld, which he put in the coffin to his parents; he does everything and triumphs]: 320; Kumandins [the wolf grabbed the horse, told the rider not to shoot at him, to follow him; the door opened in the mountain, the wolf was the master of the mountain, offered to take what the man wanted; he took the dog; the wolf cried and told the dog not to hit; the man returned home, the food was prepared in the morning; the man waited for the girl, threw the dog's skin into the fire; his wife gave him 77 children; they separated and began to speak 77 languages]: Dyrenkova 1949b, No. 16:131-132; Tuvans: Vatagin 1971, No. 13 (Dzun-Khemchik District) [Oskus-ool passed the herds of Karaty Khan; his tailless mare gives birth to 9 foals, good horses; K. wants to kill him, take possession of horses; the old man tells O. to run; the wolf eats all 9 horses, turns into a man, is ready to reward him; the old man tells O. to ask for a dog, 3 millet grains, 3 poles, gold chest; O. wakes up in a rich yurt; beauty chores the housework, disappears when she approaches; O. spies through a hole in the yurt, sees the beauty coming out of the dog's skin, throws her skin at fire; Karaty Khan offers to hide; he and O. turn into different objects, his wife tells O. where K. hides O. from K.; K. orders to find the missing arrow, harpoon; animals and fish find; K. sends army; his wife sends O. to her parents, they give a box with troops, it destroys K.'s army: turns him and his wife O. into servants]: 121-130 (=Samdan 1994, No. 3:249-271); Katanov 1907, No. 880 [y young men have 7 red horses, the wolf eats them consistently; promises a ransom; the young man came to the yurt, where the old man gave him silver; the young man fell into the river and drowned], No. 1095 (Khemchik) [=2011:262-265; the orphan has 7 horses; wolf eats them one by one; invites an orphan to her place; the wife of the Wolf Tsar Shibishkin teaches to ask, when leaving, as a gift for a puppy, a skinny lamb, 3 upper sticks from the yurt; they turn into a beauty, a palace, cattle; Karatta Khan's son sees an orphan's wife, faints, asks his father to marry her; K. tells his son and orphan 1) to play hide and seek; the orphan's wife turns him into a needle, a ring, a fire, a son. K. does not find it; explains to her husband that K.'s son became a birch, a hat, an arrow; an orphan takes a knife to cut them, son K. admits defeat; 2) count the hares (give sugar; the hare will say, "I am one of 50 thousand birds with one stone, and He did not eat such sweets"); 3) K. wants to kill an orphan, but shoots at the feather grass; puts up with him; K. gives the orphan the throne]: 102-103, 128-132; Buryats (Khorinsky) [the wolf ate the orphan's horse; he goes to look for him; old man: when you defeat Shono Khan ("shono" is the wolf), ask for the red dog and the blue chest; he did so; returns to the yurt - the corner of the chest is burned, one leg of the dog is broken; the next day - the second corner, the second leg; on the fourth - four; he hits the dog; in the morning he wakes up in the palace (came out of the chest), next to him a beautiful woman (that dog); S. calls to have a wedding; the wife warns not to step on carpet (there is a hole under it), do not sit on the bed, eat nothing; the orphan touched the food with his finger, died; the 25-headed Hongil Shara Shebshehei put it in the coffin, threw it into the sea; mangadhai wife: if you catch the coffin, put it down on the shore; the coffin is found by the khan's three daughters, inside the baby is growing rapidly; every day the khan's mare is stabbed with a golden foal, it disappears; the khan asks the grooms to guard; they fall asleep, foundling shoots into a descending cloud, a bird's feather falls to the ground; the foundling gives it to the grooms, for which he cuts off everyone's ear; the khan sends for the bird; the foundling sees the nest, one chick laughs, the other sings a third cries; while Han Garaudy's father and mother are flying, the chicks are eaten by a fire serpent (the crying one will be eaten today, the singing tomorrow, the laughing one the day after tomorrow); they deliberately steal gold foals in the hope that the strongest people will go looking for them; the foundling is killed by a snake with an arrow, Khan Garaudy gives 9 foals; the foundling gives them to the grooms, for which he cuts their belts from their backs; they throw it into a hole; the horse digs it up, revives it foundling with his tear; he comes to the khan, shows his belts; the khan hangs the grooms alive on the branch to feed the crows; the foundling smashes Sh.'s army, crushed him himself, clamped him in the crevice for food with insects; 4 months fought with Hongil Shara Shebshehei, the son of the foundling grew up, came to his father's aid, the body of the SHSH was burned]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 5:93-109.

Eastern Siberia. Barguzin Evenks [the hunter loses three fast-footed horses one by one; he goes in search, the giantess gives him a breast, says that the horses were eaten by her son-in-law, the wolf Miroza, tells him to ask for compensation for boxes; a person receives a box, falls asleep in the forest, wakes up in the house, his wife is on the bed, cattle in the yard]: Voskoboynikov 1958:80-83; Evens [when the land was born, three brothers met the old man began to cough; younger Matthele laughed, the middle Oyine grinned, the elder Inkenmel cried with pity; the old man told him to become the master, ancestor of the Russians, O., the ancestor of the Yakuts, M. are Evens, they are the poorest and most helpless; the horse tells the starving O. to put his snare on partridges and hares, then put a fishing net; O. rode a horse down the river, the wolf began to eat the horse behind, then he ate everything, told him to sit on horseback; M. and I. live together, I. goes hunting, at this time three women come, cook and clean; I. stayed on guard, saw white birds arrive, they dropped their plumage, became women, he hid the wing of one of them, Gevak; one day she gives M. a gold ball, for which he gives her the wing hidden by his brother, she flies away; I. tells M. to bring poplar and bird cherry, tells them to become golden sticks and skis, goes to look for his wife; a few years later he sees an iron bird lurking the cradle; I. became a mouse, crawled, grabbed its wing, all the dancing women disappeared, G. stayed with the child; she tells I. to pour the mountain, make a clearing so that the child has pine nuts, berries, tells him to make a lake, I. does everything; the wife tells me to take a dry cell, jump over the hole, to pierce I.Yu's dry trunk; as it happened, she burned the body, was left alone; the son grew up; the father's head tells her to shoot, the son shot, I. came to life, caught up with his wife, hung it on larch; shot at sky, 20 swans and cranes descended, swans became deer, the first crane was Kholuk, G.'s sister, she began to live with I.; (the story ends)]: Danilov, Danilova 1991:6-18.