Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K127B. Brothers have been turned into bulls. 13.15.31.

A group of brothers is turned into bulls (oxen) and then disgraced.

Nubians, Spaniards, Basques, Portuguese, Italians (Piedmont), Maltese, Icelanders.

Sudan - East Africa. The Nubians [seven brothers go to the mountains, leaving their sister at home; the old woman invites the sorcerer Senib to get rid of the brothers in order to marry their sister; he stabbed the young man with pins and turned them into bulls ; people killed and ate them, left their bones; their sister buried them, watered them, seven palm trees grew, but only on one date, the girl eats them; 25 years later S. came, ate the girl, sat under a palm tree, an ant crawled to him, he became deaf; a crocodile crawled in at night and ate it; Neil washed the palm trees, they were carried by the current, a man named Sadad Bekri buried them]: Reinisch 1879, No. 8:221-224.

Southern Europe. Spaniards [when daughter Mariquita is born, parents forget about their seven sons, they leave; M. gets lost, ends up in the brothers' house, secretly cleans it up; the brothers wait for her, recognize her sister by the ring ; M. forgets to feed the dog, he fills the fire with urine, M. follows the fire to the dragon; she gives a gun; the dragon comes after him, everyone sucks blood from M.'s finger; the brothers kill him, on his grave Parsley grows, whoever eats will become a black bull; M. forgets about it, puts it in soup, the brothers become bulls; the prince marries M., the bulls with her; leaves; the maid turns M. into a dove, sticking her in the head is a pin, takes its place, makes the bulls work; the dove flies to the prince, he accidentally takes out the pin, M. takes a human form; the brothers are spoiled with the same pin; the maid executed]: Malinovskaya 2002:210-214; Basques (recorded in French) [seven brothers leave home; after that, the mother gives birth to a girl; while playing, other children tell her that she would be the same as good as her brothers; the mother admits that her daughter has brothers, she goes looking for them; finds the brothers' house, cleans, cooks, hides; every night when the brothers fall asleep, she sews a shirt for one of them; the youngest wakes up; the brothers do not tell her to go to her neighbor; the sister goes to look for fire to cook; the witch gives fire and herbs to put in a basin to wash her feet; immersing her legs in there, brothers turn into cows {probably bulls after all}, the youngest into a Breton cow; her girlfriend loves her more than others; the king sees her, she agrees to marry him on condition that he allows take care of cows, especially Breton cows; she gives birth without her husband; a witch throws her into the abyss, goes to bed instead of her; tells the king that he will recover if he slaughtered a Breton cow ; the servant goes after the cows, they are at the abyss; he hears the Queen's voice; she says that she suffers not for herself, but for her child, husband and cows; the king pulls his wife out of the abyss; threatens the witch to burn her in to the stove, if it does not restore the young men to their human appearance; it returns, but is still burned; the ashes are scattered, the brothers married the ladies of the court]: Webster 1879:187-191; the Portuguese [two or seven The brothers leave after the sister is born; she grows up and goes looking for them; the bird brings her to the brothers' house; they warn her not to let the fire go out, not to take water from a certain source; she violates the ban, using a pin or witchcraft herbs, the witch turns brothers into oxen or deer; the sister takes care of them; var.: they disappear; she agrees to marry the king if he allows them to take and her bewitched brothers; her younger brother promises to keep in touch with her sister; a black woman bewitches the king's wife, takes her place; or the courtiers intrigue, seeing that the king's wife is secretly with someone communicates at the gate (this is her ox brother); the king's wife is taken into custody or turns into a dove; she is disgraced by the prince or rescued by disgraced brothers, or she calls her mother and that Shatters his sons, or witches disgrace them]: Cardigos 2006, No. 451:108-109; Italians (Piedmont) [12 brothers built a house in the woods, became carpenters; their sister grew up; raven took her necklace away, she ran after her and went to her brothers; cooked, cleaned it, hid; the next day, her younger brother began to watch, found her sister; the brothers told her not to join anyone the conversation is around a witch; one day the fire went out, the girl came to the witch's house; she gave fire, but promised to come tomorrow to suck blood from her finger; no need to unlock the door - just stick your finger out; the brothers noticed that her sister was turning pale, they asked her; when the witch came again, the girl did not stick her finger out; the witch put her head in the cat's hole, the brothers cut off her head; the girl met another witch, she gave her 12 bowls and when the brothers ate, 11 of them turned into oxen, and the youngest, who only took a little sip, into a lamb; the prince saw the girl, married her, brought her animals to him; the witch came and asked the young queen to pick a bunch of grapes for her, standing on the edge of the pool, pushed her into the pool, took her shape, asked the king to slaughter the lamb; he suspected something was amiss, went to get the lamb, took his wife out pool; the witch was burned and as she burned, oxen and lamb turned human again]: Calvino 1980, No. 16:48-50; Maltese [13 brothers leave home, become robbers; sister they are found and lived in their palace; violates the ban on entering the same room; a witch is imprisoned there; she gives a piece of apple for each of the brothers; after eating them, they turn into bulls; the leper prince vows to marry a Maltese girl if she recovers; offers her hand; she agrees to the condition that the bulls will be kept with her in the palace; the brothers are disgraced, the sorceress was cooked in resin]: Mifsud- Chircop 1978, No. 451:122-123

Baltoscandia. Icelanders [the king has 12 sons; bad weather found them hunting, they got lost, the giantess came to the cave; she is kind enough to eat; she has 11 daughters and a captive girl; she teaches how to cut off curls Giantess's sleeping daughters, put it on their heads; then at night the giant will slaughter her own daughters; it happened; the last of the princes jumped up and the giantess understood everything; cast a spell: brothers will turn into bulls until someone gives them the same food they eat on an island in the middle of the lake; a girl at the same lake will pour water from one well to another; the brothers killed and burned the giantess, and then disappeared with the girl; people noticed that 12 bulls regularly come to the palace; the poor's son Thorstein went to solve this riddle; asked the king to leave him in the palace for a year; went for the bulls; they took him to an island where they became young men; when they swam back, T. saw a girl overflowing with water; sprinkled her with water and she recovered; in the palace, the bulls were given the same bread and the wine that was on the island then they became human again; a feast; T. married a royal daughter; he was made heir to the throne]: Poestion 1884, No. 36:297-303.