Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K128. Herd without losses. 14.-.17.27.-.32.34.35.

The character tells the hero to herd animals (or birds) and promises to execute (deprive the reward) if at least one animal is lost. Wed. K128B (ATU 570).

Kabilas [hares], Portuguese [hares], Spanish [hares], Galicians [hares], Catalans [hares], Sicilians [ducks], Italians (Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Abruzzo) [ hares], Bretons [squirrels; hares], French (Provence) [hares], Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Switzerland) [hares], Germans (Pomerania) [horses], Germans (Swabia, Austria) [horses], Palestinians [hares?] , Serbs [horses], Bosnians [hares], Hungarians [hares? ; horses], Moldovans [horses], Romanians [mares], Greeks [hares], Slovaks [hares? ; horses], Czechs [hares? ; horses], Poles [hares], Luzhitans [hares], Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Galicia, Poltava) [horses], Belarusians [hares; horses], Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Novgorod, Vologda, Yaroslavl [hares], Arkhangelskaya [hares; goats], Olonetskaya [cows], Pskov [horses], without registration [horses]), Tomsk [horses]), Western Ukrainians (Ugric Russia, Galicia, Pokutye) [hares], Western Ukrainians ( Transcarpathia) [horses], Eastern Ukrainians (Poltava) [horses], Adygs [horses], Ossetians [horses], Ingush [horses], Chechens [horses], Avars [horses], Turks [hares], Persians [turkeys], Latvians [hares], Lithuanians [hares?] , Icelanders [hares?] , Finns [hares?] , livas [hares?] , Setu [hares], Estonians [horses; hares], Karelians [hares; horses], Norwegians [horses; hares], Swedes [hares], Western Sami [hares], Chuvash, Komi [sheep, cows], (mari [horses]), Bashkirs [horses], Kazan Tatars [ hares], Udmurts [hares], Khakas [hares], Mansi [horses].

North Africa. Kabila [the father goes to Mecca, the son loses everything; the demon gives him money, he recoups, but later must come to the demon on Black Mountain; after the father returns, he goes there; the demon says: 1) cut down the forest in a day, set up a garden and bear fruit (the demon's daughter does everything); 2) herd hares (they run away, but the demon's daughter collects them with a magic wand); 3) get dates from the palm tree as high as the sky; the demon's daughter tells her to kill, cook her, drive the bones into a palm tree and climb them, then collect everything, revive it with a ring; this is what happened, but the young man lost a bone from a big stick legs; the girl tells them to run with a lightning horse, but the young man mistakenly takes the wind horse; the demon caught up with them on a lightning horse, but the girl turned them into a garden and a gardener; the demon asks if two people passed horses, and the gardener keeps saying that the watermelons are not yet ripe; the demon is back, and his wife guessed that the garden is her daughter, the gardener is a young man; the wall and the mason are the same; the girl's mother chased together with her husband; the girl became a frog, the young man a toad; the mother predicts that her daughter will be forgotten as she forgot her parents; the girl lost her ring; the young man forgot her, came alone to his native village; with him wedding with a local girl; a demon's daughter comes to dance, brings two pigeon eggs, two pigeons fly out of them, have a conversation that the young man remembers everything, marries the demon's daughter]: Arezki 2010:11-20.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [the king will give his daughter to someone who can herd rabbits; the old woman gives the hero a pipe that makes rabbits gather; to get a rabbit (and thus prevent the guy fulfill the condition) the maid, the servant, the queen, the princess, the king agree to kiss his ass (meet in him; lift his skirt higher each time); then the king tells him to say a bag of lies; the guy begins to tell us how it happened; the king tells him to be silent, gives his daughter]: Cardigos 2006, No. 570:143-144; the Spaniards (Leon) [the king promises a daughter to someone who can herd a hundred rabbits for a week; the eldest son of a peasant refuses to share food with a woman who has a baby; his rabbits have run away; the same with the middle one; the youngest shared, received a pipe, to the sound of which any animal begins to dance; when the guy meets the condition, the king dressed his daughter as a merchant to try to buy a rabbit from the guy; he agrees to sell only as a "joke"; the princess takes the rabbit, but at the sound the pipes run back; the next day the queen goes the same; the king is the same (which is especially shameful); then the king demands to fill the bag with crooks; the guy begins to talk about what happened; The princess, queen and king are shouting "it's a lie"! bag full; wedding]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 570:582-587; Galicians [story known]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995:587; Catalans (Mallorca included) [the king promises a daughter to someone who will complete difficult tasks, including herding animals without losing; with the help of animals and magic objects, the hero does everything; in conclusion, the king demands to fill the bag with crooks; the hero says how the royal servants acted, and they shout, "That's a lie!" ; the hero gets a princess; {the paraphrase is deliberately devoid of any specifics, but apparently as in other Iberian versions}]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 570:127-128; Sicilians [king calls Muntifiuri to the service; he takes a portrait of his sister with him; the king sees him, wants to marry; M. comes to pick up his sister; the old woman asks to take her ugly daughter with her on the ship; tells his daughter to make a hole to The siren took Sister M.; the liar puts on the beautiful clothes; M. tells the king that her sister has fallen overboard; the king marries the neighbor brought in; she wants to lime M., tells the king that M. can overnight 1 ) build a fountain; a sister appears out of the water, who is held by sirens on a gold chain, promises that the fountain will be ready by morning; 2) plant a blooming garden around (the same); 3) the liar tells her to herd 12 ducks, if they go missing alone in a day, execute; sister shakes pearls and gold from goats, ducks eat it; shout that Sister M. is brighter than the sun; the next morning, the liar hides one duck, says that M. is her lost; M. asks the king to allow him to go ashore for the last time; his sister orders M. to ask him to be buried by the fountain after execution; three nights he goes out to mourn him; tells the king that he cuts off the chain, marries sister M.; the liar's body is cut into pieces, salted in a barrel, put her hand with a ring on the bottom, sent to her mother; she eats, does not let the cat and the dog; when she realizes that it is a daughter, a cat with They rejoice at the dog, otherwise they would comfort it]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 4:21-27; Italians (Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Abruzzo): Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 570:136; Italians (Emilia- Romagna) [the princess eats an incredible amount of figs; the king promises her to someone who will bring her as much as she does not eat; her older brother carries figs, refuses to share it with her neighbor; the princess eats everything ; the same with the middle brother; the younger one shares generously, he gives a wand: hit the ground and the basket will immediately fill up again; the king demands that 1) the young man go overseas to the princess's aunt and invite her to wedding; the neighbor gives a horn: you have to blow on the seashore, the aunt will hear and appear; 2) took the ring from the bottom of the sea; neighbor: blow the horn; when you hear the sounds, the fish brought the ring; 3) herd for three days hares and bring them all back; they run to the sound of the same horn; by the end of the third day, the princess's aunt came and asked to sell her a hare; the guy sold for 100 crowns; when the horn sounded, the hare came back; same with the princess; with the king himself; 4) fill the bag with truth; neighbor: tell us what happened, the bag would be filled; the king had to give his daughter]: Calvino 1984, No. 47:145-147.

Western Europe. Bretons: Luzel 2016 [the king promises a daughter to the one who will bring the best apples; the older brother carries apples, rude to the old woman, when the basket is opened, snakes crawled out; the same middle brother (toads); both were imprisoned; the younger Tugdual is a hunchback, friendly to the old woman, his apples are the best; the prince, hoping to win, requires an additional challenge: herd squirrels ; that old woman blows the whistle, the squirrels run, in the evening T. brings everyone back; the next day the princess sent a maid; the young man sold one squirrel for money and a kiss; when he whistled, the squirrel returned; the next day the princess herself went - the same; the rival prince went, disguised as a peasant, got a squirrel for 7 injections with an awl in the ass; the awl got stuck, the squirrel ran away, the prince fell off his horse and ran into a sharp stem, died; the princess demands to fill the bag with truths; T. talks about the maid's kiss, tells her to get into the bag; wants to talk about the princess, she tells her to be silent, agrees to go out for T.; wedding; T. brothers released; old woman turned T. into handsome]: 202-212; Orain 1904 [the king promises to give his daughter to the one who brings the best fish; the older brother carries a basket of fish, answers the old woman, whoever lays eggs, chickens fly out of the basket in the presence of the king; the middle one is the same (frogs); the younger woman is polite to the old woman, who makes the fish in the basket especially large; the king is ready to give his daughter, but she does not want to ; the minister proposes to tell the young man to herd 30 birds with one stone for three days; the old woman blows the whistle when the hares come running immediately; dressed as a coal miner, the minister tries to buy one hare; the young man invites him to first slide off the cliff on his own back; the minister is injured but gets a hare; but when the young man whistles, the hare returned to the bag; the next day the king comes dressed peasant; the young man tells him 36 to turn over (the same); for the third time the princess (let him hug him; the same); the minister conveys the princess's new demand: fill the bag with truths; the young man talks about everything what happened; the princess herself says she hugged a young man and marries him]: 9-19; French (Provence) [the king will give his daughter to someone who brings a basket of fresh figs for Christmas; the elder the poor man's son carries dried figs, answers the old woman that he carries horned heads; opens the basket in the presence of the king - it has horned heads; the middle son (there is manure in the basket); the younger responds politely an old woman, fresh figs in a basket; now the king demands that a hundred birds be herded in the mountains for a year and one day; the old woman blew a whistle, at the signal of which the hares gather together; an old woman {another} comes, asks for a hare; the young man agrees if she eats a bunch of crap; she ate half, the young man whistles on the whistle, the hare is back; invites the old woman to finish eating the crap, she leaves; the same with the second old woman (the young man offers to put a garden tool in her ass that makes holes); the third old woman is a hunchback (stick a needle in her hump a hundred times); now the king demands to fill three bags true; the young man comes to those three old women; asks if it is true that one hare ate crap; she replies that it is true that the bag is full; the same with the others (put it in the ass; stab it with needles); the young man got the princess]: Going 1938:292-295; the French [the princess is silent, the king will give her to whoever talks to her; the noble lady gives the shepherdess a wand; what she touches will not leave; the young man took it from a parrot and stopped at the inn; at night the maid tried to steal it, but stuck to it; in the morning, a servant stuck to the naked maid and the master to the servant; then the hostess, a woman with a broom, another with cheese; when she saw this, the princess spoke; but the king would give her daughter for a shepherdess only if he could herd 100 rabbits; the same lady whistled to return the rabbits; the knight bought one, agreeing for the shepherdess to stab his awl in the ass three times; but he whistled and the rabbit returned; the princess bought the same for three kisses; the king to kiss the horse's tail three times; now the king demands to fill three the bag is true; the young man tells how they bought rabbits; the king tells him to be silent, gives him a daughter]: Carlin 1991:256-263; Germans [royal daughter will recover if she eats an apple; carried apples the eldest son of a peasant; the little man asks what he is carrying, the guy replies that they are frogs; when they open the basket, the frogs in it, the guy was driven away; the same with the middle son (pork stubble); the youngest Hans with The little man is polite, the princess has recovered from the apples he brought; but the king demands 9 boats to walk on water and on land; the older and middle brothers make boats, answer the little man what they carry wooden dishes; G. is polite again, sails to the palace in one of the boats; the king demands that a hundred birds be herded without loss; the little man gives a horn to the sound of which they resort; princess sends the maid - let G. give the hare urgently; G. demands that the princess herself come; she comes, gets a hare, he runs back to G.; the king demands a griffin pen; on the way, the owner of one castle asks him to know where he lost the key to the chest of money; the inhabitants of the other - how to cure the owner's daughter; the man by the river - how many more people he should carry to the other side; the griffin's wife tells G. to hide, at night, G. pulled out his pen; the griffin's wife says that a Christian really came in and told all sorts of nonsense; then asks questions and the griffin answers them; the key is under the threshold outside the door; the toad in the cellar made a nest of a girl's hair; a man by the river must throw off the one he is carrying; G. took out a toad, found the key; when he saw that G. was rich, the king himself followed in his footsteps; the man threw him into the river, and G. married on the princess]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 185:482-485 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:382-387); Germans (Pomerania) [young man herding pigs in the forest from year to year; once I came across a tree whose top went to clouds; I climbed for a day, spent the night, tied to a thick branch, then reached the fork where the village was; when I found out that the tree continued, I reached the castle; there was an enchanted girl: she must live forever in this castle; the young man stayed with her; she warns not to unlock one of the rooms; the young man unlocked, there is a raven nailed to the wall with three nails; asks to let him drink; the young man gave a few drops, nails fell out, the raven flew out the window; the girl says it was the devil who bewitched her; now he will take her away; in the morning she is gone; the young man came down from the tree and went in search; met a wolf; he gave three a hair to call him for help; the same bear; a lion; a young man comes to the princess; she says that she is being guarded by an old hunter (i.e. that sorcerer); he has a three-legged horse that knows everything and can easily catch up fugitives; they run away, the three-legged screams, the sorcerer ran: are they far away? - Not far away, sit on me and catch up; sorcerer young man: this time I forgive because I gave me water, but next time I'll kill me; the young man teaches the princess: I'll come, get under the bed, and you ask where the sorcerer got it a three-legged stallion; the sorcerer and the princess call each other "daughter" and "dad"; the sorcerer replies that he got a three-legged three-day service; a witch nearby, she tells those who come to herd her foals; who she can, can choose a foal to her liking; sometimes she also lets 12 lambs throw them to 12 wolves to let them through the forest; but she did not give him, the sorcerer, so the wolves caught up with the foal and tore one off leg; whoever fails to herd, head off shoulders and stake; it's time to put around the house for the ninth time; the young man makes the witch a condition that, in addition to the foal, she also gives lambs; the witch gave supplies; the young man drank vodka and fell asleep; when he woke up, he remembered the wolf's hairs; he told him to sit on it, and after catching up with those who had run away, hit them three times, making the sign of the cross; the foals stood up as if dug in; the young man brought them the witch in time; she started beating the foals, but they talked about the wolf; the next day the witch gave the young man more vodka; he woke up later, but called the bear and he brought the foals back; on the third day the witch poured a full flask; the lion brought the foals; the witch had to let the young man choose his foal, who chose the most inconspicuous one; he barely jumps: the witch put the pies in her bag, leaving the foal hungry; the young man gave them to him, he found strength; the young man threw lambs to the wolves; when the sorcerer chased the young man on a three-legged foal, his four-legged did not convince him, but advised his foal to throw off his sister the sorcerer; she threw him off and the foals trampled him to death; then the princess drove a three-legged and the young man a four-legged one; the wedding; the king died and the young man received the throne; the four-legged tells him to cut off the heads of him and his sister; he did this and the horses turned into prince and princess; they were bewitched by the same sorcerer; the forest turned into a flourishing country with villages and cities; if the king and his wife did not die, still alive]: Jahn 1891, No. 3:19-29; Germans (Swabia) [when dying, the king orders his three daughters to marry in 6 years, and let his son follow; in three years they will be married by Thunder, Lightning and Wind; after waiting for the young king to be away from the castle, they took all three sisters away; the king went in search; reaches Lightning Castle, his older sister is married to him; after staying there for 8 days, he comes to Thunder Castle; then to the Wind; while hunting, the king chases a wonderful deer, got lost; in the meadow, a shepherd with sheep explained that it was not a deer, but the Wind, the husband of the king's younger sister; gave a ram to give his king of wolves, otherwise the wolves will eat him; the king of wolves let him through the forest and promised to help; fish are beating near the lake on the shore, the king let it into the water, promised to help; the king helped the hornet fly - promised help; on the edge of the witch in the house, fed; she is the mother of Lightning, Thunder and Wind; in the evening they came, the king pretended to be asleep, overheard their conversation; witch: the king must be given impossible assignments, otherwise he will gain power over us; three nights to herd three horses (these are the sons of the witch); the first night they ran into the forest (the wolves found and brought them), the second night they hid in the water (they brought the fish ), on the third night - in the clouds (the hornets were brought in); then the witch gave the king another horse with 4 heads; a voice from heaven: bran them off, then you will free the sisters; then he appeared in place of the 4-headed beautiful horse; the king rode it to his sisters, they took treasures from three castles and all four returned home]: Meier 1852a, No. 6:29-39; Germans (Austria) [the king bequeaths three sons to give it away their three sisters are the first to ask; they are given to strangers; the brothers go in search; at night, the cloud almost extinguishes the fire twice, and when it is his younger brother's turn, it extinguishes it altogether; he goes to look for fire comes to the giants; they tell him to help them get three royal daughters; a young man kills giants one at a time, brothers marry queens; the king does not tell him to take his wife with him: she will be kidnapped immediately by a white knight; the young man leaves with his wife, the white knight takes her away; the young man consistently comes to his sisters, they are married to three-, six-, nine-headed dragons; the latter summons animals, only a lame fox knows the way; the kidnapped wife explains that the white knight has a fast horse; you must hire his mother, ask for a bridle and a foal as a reward; on the way, the young man saved a fish, ants, bandaged a fox's leg; the old woman tells three mares to herd three nights; 99 stakes have 99 heads of those who tried to herd; fish, ants, fox help (you need to throw a bridle on three fish, three ants, a basket of three eggs are mares); the young man gets a bridle and a foal; he is weak, tells him to let him drink, is strong in the morning; the young man takes his wife (the foal asks if he runs like the wind or as a thought); the horse is white He can't catch up with the knight, the rider throws off; the sisters' husbands have taken human form]: Zerf 1992:183-192; Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Switzerland), Flemish, Friezes, Scots , Irish people: Uther 2004 (1), No. 570:339-340.

Western Asia. Palestinians [to get a princess, you have to herd wild animals with a magic object; (judging by the list of motives, there are also other difficult tasks); fill a bag with lies; queen and king forced to do something shameful; a woman agrees to be naked to get the items she wants]: Al-Shamy 2004, No. 570:331.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the tsar promises a daughter to someone who will be able to herd a certain number of hares without loss; with the help of a magic pipe (a certain spell, an assistant animal, etc.), the condition is fulfilled poor young man; to invalidate the contract, the king sends a wife, a minister, under the guise of a buyer, and then goes by himself to buy at least one hare; the guy gives the hare, but for that puts a seal on the buyer's ass; the hare returns; in the end, the king orders to fill the bag with crooks; the guy begins to talk about what happened, but the king interrupts him: there are enough lies; guy gets princess]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 570:216; Bosnians [three brothers, younger simpleton; someone steals hay from a haystack; the elders hear a rumble, run away; the youngest catches a snow-white horse in silk harness; then a horse in a silver hoist; then a bay in gold; hides everyone in a summer stall; the sultan promises a daughter to the one who jumps on horseback a ditch, each time wider; three on horses, the young man fulfills the condition three times, marries three princesses; the sultan thinks that there were three suitors; the wedding will take place when all three appear; and let them build a ship that moves on the water and by land; St. Peter asks everyone what they are doing; the older brothers answer rude, the younger brothers explain politely; Peter gives an ax: if you turn, the ship will move, stop in the other direction; the young man brought him to the ship and swam his three horses; on the way he took a hungry Obedala, a starving horse, and a man who ran after hares with a millstone on his leg; the king orders to eat bread from 70 ovens overnight (Eat eats); for the horse to eat 90 carts of hay during the night (the hungry horse ate); tells him to catch three birds with one stone (a giant catches a millstone); the sultan sent his daughter to buy one hare; he went in a gypsy costume; the giant sold them, but they ran back; the young man and his brothers received a princess]: Preindlsberger-Mrazovic 1905:116-126; the Greeks (Crete) [the poor widow does not have bread for the dervish, he fed her children himself; took one to study; brought him to the mountains, the door opened in the rock, the dervish asked the boy to come in and pick up a lamp; girls play musical instruments in the cave; an hour later the door closed; the boy came to a place where bones in front of the horse, and hay in front of the dog; shifted them; they say that the dervish is torturing them; let the boy ask the girls for a candle; the horse lit a candle lamp, a lion appeared, asked what was needed; boy: get out of here; lion: take the board out of the closet, throw it, it will be in the river, sit down and swim downstream; the horse and the dog hit the hair: if burned, they will come to the rescue; when they come somewhere, the boy called the horse and a dog; the horse brought him to his mother, and the dog protected him from predators; the boy asked the lion for valuables, who delivered gold and diamonds; in order not to meet the dervish, the family moved to Constantinople; The robbers took the gold along the way, but did not take the lamp; in K. they hired a house from a dervish; the gold taken ended up in the basement of the house, because the dervish was one of the robbers; when the dervish came for payment, boy, on the advice of a lion, he lowered a dog on him and it tore him apart; in the city, the king and the minister agreed to marry the princess with the minister's son; the young man wants to marry her himself; the king demanded precious slaves clothes, etc.; everything was delivered; the ministers decided that the young man was of royal blood; but let him still be able to herd 14 birds with one stone without losing three days; the maidens give a pipe to lure the hares back; the minister changed his clothes to make him not to know, he came to buy a hare; but the young man recognized him, sold the hare for three slaps in the face, bought a new one from the hunter; the next day the king himself went the same; the queen for a kiss; now the king orders to build a palace - done; now we have to fill three bags with tales; the young man began to tell, he was interrupted - the bags are full; he received a princess]: Kretschmer 1919, No. 34:128-142; Romanians [The king has a son Ionita nicknamed Fat Frumos (FF). He rides with the royal herd to herd horses at Lake Fairy. When she falls asleep, a girl comes out of the lake, hugs him and asks: "Wake up, dear friend!" The herdsman tells FF. He tries to stay awake, but falls asleep the next and third day. The sorceress cries, says she will not come again, takes off the FF ring from her finger and wears her personalized ring with the inscription "Ilyana Kosynzyan (IK), the braid is golden, the flowers in the braid are melodious, they sing wonderfully, at nine kingdoms can be heard." FF puts on his iron shoes, takes a steel staff and goes looking for it. He visits his three sons-in-law, none of them know about IC. He comes to the mountain, sees a cave on the other side of it, goes down into it, walks for a long time, turning into the light, and goes to the mill, which stands on a river with black water. He sees an old miller so ancient that his eyelids hadn't been raised anymore, and he raised them with hooks. The old man says that so far not a single resident who owns it has been to the mill, nine mighty birds come here every day, each carrying four bags of grain, and he needs everything by morning grind the grain. FF helps the old man, hides in one of the bags, the birds take him to the IC cook. FF shows the cook an IR ring and stays in his house. The cook bakes bread for IK, she doesn't take anything else in her mouth. FF helps him. IK likes lush bread, the next one turns out to be twice as good, the third time FF bakes his ring in a loaf, the cook tells IK about FF, she tells him to bring him in, orders him to be given a gold-sewn dress, they're getting married in two weeks. After the feast, FF receives IR keys to all rooms except the basement. Finally, he begs for this key, unlocks the basement. The voice from the barrel tells you to open the door wider. FF listens, opens the door, hoops fly off the barrel, the snake flies out, takes IR away ten lands. FF puts on iron shoes, takes a steel staff, and goes in search. She comes to Holy Friday and asks if he is a kind person. He gives him a bow. FF comes to a house where crows are flying over and wolves howl around. There's a witch with horse legs, steel teeth and curved fingers. When asked by her, FF says that he has come to work to hire a horse and earn a horse. Grandma tells him to herd his mare every night. On the way to pasture, FF sees a bird with a broken paw, aims, asks not to destroy it, but to bandage its paw, and promises to be useful. FF does this, goes on, does not get off the mare to pasture, but falls asleep on horseback. The mare puts him on a rock, turns herself into a bird, flies into the forest with other birds and sings there. The bird he saved tells all birds to look for a vagrant bird among them, and it is brought to the FF. He quilts her head with a bridle and orders her to turn into a mare. The witch gets angry, hits the mare. On the second evening, FF meets a hare with a broken paw (still the same). When FF falls asleep, the mare leaves him with a bridle on the rock, turns into a hare, and jumps through the woods with other hares. The lame hare collects all the hares and finds a mare by the horse's teeth. The witch is already preparing to cook FF in the cauldron, angrily hits the mare with an iron bar. On the third evening, the mare turns into an old oak tree among the trees. A hare and a bird are advised to knock on each tree with a staff. When hit, the old oak tree starts to jump, and FF orders it to turn into a mare. From the witch, FF, on the advice of a rescued bird, chooses the seediest horse. He turns into a magic horse. He has 14 spleens so he doesn't know if he's tired. FF finds himself at the snake palace and takes IR. The serpent jumps on the horse and sets off in pursuit. IK shouts to the horse to throw them off, for which he will bathe him in milk, feed him oats and sugar. FF shouts to the snake horse that he will feed him with clover and bathe him in dew, which will throw off and trample the snake with its hooves. FF on a snake horse and IK on a FF horse arrive at the IK Palace and celebrate their wedding]: Iljana Kosynzyan 1989:11-38; Hungarians, Slovenes, Macedonians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 570:340; Serbs [The king's apple tree blooms and bears fruit in one night, but the fruits disappear; two sons guard and fall asleep; the youngest sees 8 peacocks coming down to peck for apples, the ninth turns into a girl; gives the young man has two apples - for him and for the king; this is the case every night; envious older brothers send an old woman, she cuts off a lock of the peacock girl's hair; the peacocks fly away; the prince tells the old woman to be tied to her tail horse; goes to look for a girl; in the castle, an old woman offers him her daughter; gives the servant a fur blow over the prince's ear; because of this, the prince falls asleep; the peacock wife cannot wake him up three times; the prince cuts him off the servant's head, the hermit sends him to the dragon city, the prince finds his wife; she tells him not to unlock the twelfth room; there is a barrel in it, someone in it asks for a drink; the prince gives, the dragon flies out, takes the prince's wife; the prince saves a fish, a fox, a wolf on the way; finds and takes his wife, the dragon on his horse easily catches up with them, spares the prince, takes his wife; she learns from the dragon that his horse's brother is lousy the old woman has the foal; she gives the task of herding her mare with the foal for three nights; from this herd there is a dragon horse; the prince comes to the old woman, only one cola has no head yet; fish, fox, wolf help find a mare with a foal, which turned into fish, foxes, wolves; the prince chooses a lousy foal, takes his wife away; the dragon horse says that they cannot catch up with the prince, throws him off, the dragon breaks, The prince's wife sits down for this horse]: Karadzic 1854, No. 4:23-40 (=Mijatovies 1874:43-58, =Ashliman 2002, =Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:18-25); Hungarians: Ortutai 1974, No. 8 [the king's apple tree blooms in the morning, to apples at night, but someone steals them; the king will recover if he eats an apple; promises a daughter as a wife; Janosh swineherd undertakes to guard; climbs an apple tree into heaven; there Queen Etelka picked apples; I took her to wives; she tells me not to open the 12th room; I opened, there is a seven-headed dragon chained there; promises three kingdoms if I give him water; freed himself and carried away E.; J. the follower takes three horses, finds E. and takes it away; for the first time, the dragon's horse says that he will have time to eat, drink, chop a bag of nuts - we'll still catch up; each time the dragon takes one kingdom from Y.; the fourth time it tears it to pieces, puts it He ties them in a bag, ties them to the horse, lets them go; the horse sees the snake dragging a blade of grass to revive the snake that the cart has run over; asks for half a blade of grass, I revives; he asks E. to find out where The dragon took out his horse; the dragon first hits E., but the third time replies that the old woman Iron Nose asks her horses to herd three days a year; whoever can do it will give him a horse; along the way, I. makes fish, duck, fox healthy, they promise to help; the old woman makes horses fish (fish brought), white crows (birds brought), eggs (the fox grabbed the rooster, the old woman chased her, I. broke the eggs; the best horse warns that he will be a lousy foal, you must choose it; teaches you how to avoid death when the old woman gets up to cut the bed at night. Teaches you to ask for a foal, a dirty saddle, a bridle, an old sword; the dragon can't catch up, his horse is the horse's uncle Y., threw off the dragon; wedding; I brought apples to the king and a guy like himself, whom I married the earthly queen]: 164-189; Jones, Kropf 1889 [ the king has one eye laughing and the other crying; three sons ask him why this is so; he is angry but then confesses; laughs because his sons themselves will become kings; cries because two in black they stole a pelican from him, whose singing makes them younger; his sons jump in search; the older two do not pay attention to the beggar; did not look for a bird, but began revelry; the youngest gives alms; the beggar teaches : a bird in church for Operencian Sea; a witch has two horses, she asks to herd them for a year; her year is three days, her horses are her daughters, they will disappear into the clouds or underground; here's the whistle, he can summon the king of mosquitoes, the king of fish and the king of mice; as a reward, you should ask a thin foal under a pile of manure; you must carry the foal to the bridge, wash it in the river; it will become a flying horse; mosquitoes, fish, mice helped return the horses; the beggar then explained that you can only cross the sea twice a year at the end of the forest and in early spring, when two trees on its opposite banks kiss each other; trees on the other side, the young man went through a golden forest, then a silver forest, then a copper forest; in each of them there is an old woman, he asks them; two Jesuits who stole the bird live near the church; but she does not sing here; young man took the bird away, the old women gave it gold and silver; on his return, the young man met his brothers: they were forced to work in shackles; his brothers cut off his arms and legs and took the bird away; he was picked up by a swineherd; smeared it hands and feet covered with bloody clay and they grew back; the bird sang, everyone became 17 years old; he tied the brothers to horses and then hanged; the father gave half the kingdom to his youngest son; they are still alive, unless they died]: 250-262; Moldovans: Moldavian tales 1968:139-157 [the childless queen conceived from the tear of an icon; her son Fat-Frumos (Born from Tears); he puts up with his father's enemy; that witch Lesova pays tribute, every tenth baby; FF defeats her, she runs away shackled; he follows; her daughter Ilyana tells her to change the kegs of water and force; FF kills her, takes her daughter as his wife; the king asks to defeat the Lute , bring him his daughter; FF takes her away; L. asks his horse if he should hurry to chase, the horse says not so good; the first time L. takes his daughter, the second incinerates FF; St. Peter asks God to revive him; daughter L. turns FF into a flower, hides it, asks L. how to get a double-hearted horse; FF hears, comes to an old woman tasked to herd her herd along the way helps a mosquito, cancer; mosquitoes drive scattered horses, crayfish drive them out of the water; a maid replaces an old woman's sleepy food with a good one; an old woman puts the hearts of mares into a skinny three-year-old, FF chooses him ; rides it away with the maid; she tells him to throw the brush (forest), whetstone (rock), handkerchief (lake), the witch drowns at midnight; the maid disappears, FF takes L.'s daughter on a seven-heart horse; the two-hearted throws L. to heaven; the king marries daughter L., FF to I.], 390-409 [the poor man's wife gave birth, no one wants to go to cronage; the father rejects Death, the Moon, agrees to the Sun's offer; the boy was named Fat Frumos; father The snake does not tell him to go abroad; FF chases the hare, the snake comes to the palace; the owner is invulnerable, grows to a gigantic size; spares FF for his promise to get him Frumoasu-Frumoacelor, daughter king of the garden state; the little man hides FF in a bag of flour that two eagles carry to the garden kingdom; the princess liked the bread he baked and himself; the guards killed FF; the princess sees one ant revive with a blade of grass of another, revives FF; you can only escape on Baba Jgivera's horse; FF kills a snake crawling to the bird's nest, a bird gives a feather; a bee rescued from the water is a piece of wing; a fish thrown into the water scales ; comes to J., only one cola has no head; J. tells three mares to herd three days; they run away; on the first evening they are collected by a bird called by a feather, on the second by bees, on the third by fish; J. allows you to choose a horse, takes it out of eight hearts, puts it in a plain foal; FF chooses it because only he eats hot coals; FF takes the bride, wants to fly home, but the horse is already flying to snake; the girl's contemptuous words burst his heart and gallbladder, FF married Frumoas].

Central Europe. Slovaks: Gorbov 1949 [=Bogatyrev 1955:5-15; Janko is hired as a shepherd; sheep go missing; the snake doubles the number of sheep on the condition that I come again; so three times (three times more sheep); tells me to wrap her in a handkerchief, take it with you, not lie down on the feather bed; at home I lie down on the stove; the mother sees the snake become a girl; the next day I do not sleep, takes a beautiful woman as his wife; king falls in love with her; gives instructions to lime I.; 1) level the pond in the morning, grow grapes there, make wine; 2) level the rock, sow it in that place, bake bread; everything is done; 3) bring the girl's father; The snake's father-in-law asks Y. to give the king two grains and two grapes with a request to bake bread, make wine; the king throws them away; the Serpent reproaches him, the king falls to hell, the Serpent tells him to make King J.]: 7-17; Nmcová 1970 [in the absence of the King and Queen, their three daughters are married and taken away by the Sun King, the Wind King and the King of the Month; upon the return of their parents, Queen Janko goes look for sisters; I meet three times the place where people's bones lie, the skulls say that they were beaten by the beautiful hero Uliana; I come to her palace, replaces the sword hanging on the wall, fights with W., that admits defeat, becomes his wife; when I leave, I allow me to open the doors of 12 rooms, forbids him to look into the thirteenth; he breaks the ban, sees the Dragon chained, he gives him wine three times , each time the Dragon falls off another shackles; after the first time, the Dragon gives Me a second life, then another; after the third, he flies away, carrying W.; I find sisters, the Sun King sends him to the king Months, that to the King of the Wind; he gives the horse that brings Me to the Dragon's Cave, I. takes W.; the Dragon's horse tells him that he will have time to sleep for an hour and smoke for an hour, easily catches up with Me, the Dragon takes me away. one life, W. takes away; the same second time; the Dragon promises to tear the fugitives apart for the third time; the King of the Wind orders to get the brother of the magic horse on which the Dragon rides; takes him across the sea to the witch; she tells Three days to herd three mares (this is her daughter), he will kill him if he misses them; on the first day, the mares turn into cabbage rolls, fly away; the King of the Wind makes them go down, gives me magic I'll throw them at them, the cabbage rolls are again made into mares; on the second day, the mares turn into ducks, the King of the Month dries the lake; on the third day, the mares turn into spruce trees, the Sun King sends heat forcing them to regain their former appearance; advises the witch to reward a sick skate lying on a pile of manure; the witch tells them to milk mares, swim in their milk; the milk boils, the skate cools him, I. becomes handsome; the witch wants to be beautiful, to become a wife I., the end returns the heat to the milk, the witch is cooked; on the way to the Dragon, the horse tells him to buy him, becomes a magnificent horse; I. W.; horse Y. shouts to the Dragon's horse that the brother should not chase his brother; he drops the Dragon, W. sits on the horse, they come to Y.'s parents; holiday, I. gets the throne]: 150-163; Czechs [fisherman sees a huge bird fly out of the reeds; swims there to ruin the nest; bird: don't spoil what you find; he finds 9 huge eggs, brings them home; so three times; 27 young men appear from eggs, father appoints the youngest chief; sends the king; he orders to mow and remove hay in the meadow; at night one guards, falls asleep, in the morning the haystack is scattered across the field; the same the next night (four fall asleep); on the third the younger brother goes, does not sleep; 27 horses come running; the white horse says that the young man's name is Sternberg, and he will serve him; the brothers take black horses; return to their father; 26 brothers decide to leave, but S. theirs catches up; on the way, S. frees the tied greyhound, eagle, carp aground; the brothers remain with the king, whose fiancée Velenka was kidnapped; the brothers say that S. can return her; the white horse brings him to kidnapped by the witch V.; tells to pretend to be a merchant, offer gold shoes; V. gets out of the boat on which she sailed, Sh. Grabs her, takes her away, the witch cannot catch up; V. is in love with Sh. wedding with the king, she needs the witch's remaining dress; the king asks S. for help; the witch will give the chest of dresses if S. tames three mares (this is her daughter); the first runs away as a hare, his catches up with a greyhound; the second with a crow, catches up with an eagle; the third with fish (catches up with the carp); the witch wanted to hit S. with a rod, but he pulled him out, hit it, turned it into stone; brought a chest; third task: the key to chest; the skate tells you to take a magic rod with him; S. turns lion guards into stones, takes the key from the latter's mouth; V. unlocks the chest, takes out not the dress, but the sword: I'll cut off the heads of both the king and Sh. whose blood is nobler will come to life; S. has come to life, the king is dead; the brothers Sh. (they are now dukes) are jealous that he became king; they turned to the witch, who turned S. into a nightingale; the horse took V. to the forest, explained that the nightingale should be sprayed three times with water from the spring; the nightingale turned into Sh.; he caught up with the fleeing brothers, turned him into stones, threw the rod into the fire, a cliff grew; a white horse tells him to cut off his head; a dove flew out of his body and flew away; S. ruled happily ever after]: Ně mcová 1990:77-99; Nemtsova 1978 [when leaving, the king and queen tell Janko's son to look after his three sisters; Sun, Wind, Month come successively, asking sister Y. to marry, all three agree, they leave the house; the king is happy that his daughters have married kings; I go to visit them; the field is strewn with bones; the skull replies that everyone was defeated by the beautiful hero Ulyana; the same on another field; I enter the castle, change my sword to the one that hangs on the wall and jumps; W. wins, who offers to live with her; when she leaves, gives keys, forbids me to enter room 13; I discovered, there is a fire dragon chained to the wall with three hoops; says he is thirsty and asks for wine from the last barrel; after each jug he drinks, one hoop falls down; the dragon gives Y. life and takes W.; I. comes to The sun, which does not know where W., refers to the Month; the Month to the Wind; he replies that the dragon makes W. wash clothes for steep boiling water; he, the Wind, tries to cool the boiling water; I. takes W.; the winged horse The dragon raises the alarm, but says that there is nowhere to hurry - we will catch up; the dragon took W. and spared I., since he gave him one life; the wind reports that the witch has a dragon horse's brother overseas, who faster than him; the Sun, the Month and the Wind give Y. a peg (gold, silver, wooden) to call them for help; the wind drove me to the witch, who offers to herd three horses - it was her horse daughters who turned around they flew away with pigeons, but the Wind drove them back and ordered them to put on their bridles; the next day they turned into ducks, the Month put a handkerchief into the lake, it dried up, I put on bridles again; on the third day, the horses turned into pine trees, the Sun began to burn them, they had to become horses again; the Sun tells them to ask for a miserable oath as a reward; the witch tells them to milk the mares; the horse: call me before swimming in milk; the milk began to boil, but the skate drew in the heat, I became even more beautiful; the witch also decided to be beautiful, but the horse released the heat and it cooked; I washed the skate, it became mighty, winged; I took W. the dragon follows, the horse Y. tells my brother to throw off the dragon, the dragon fell into the abyss; I brought my wife to my parents and received the throne from my father]: 119-132; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [To the master, the father of three daughters , a guy comes to beg, the master feels sorry for him and hires him: herd hares. Well done, he can't catch the rabbits that have run away. The old man gives the pipe, the hares run to its sound. It seems unprofitable for the master to pay a good job, he decides to punish him in some way. She sends her daughter to buy a hare, she goes to bed with the shepherd and pays a hundred rubles, he gives the hare. When the pipe sounds, the hare runs away from the girl. The same thing happens with the second, third sister and lady (each next one gives more money). The master goes to buy a hare, the shepherd offers to kiss the horse's ass, the master agrees, but at the sound of the pipe, the hare returns again. The master and his wife came up with the idea that the shepherd would tell stories and put them in a bag. When he starts talking, the guy shames his sisters, then his lady, they all run out of the house. When he talks about his master, he tells him to end the fairy tales and runs away. The lady offers to leave the shepherd, who hides in the cover of the stroller, reminds him that the master did not pay him. At the station, he rushes to the master, who gives all the money]: Onchukov 1917, No. 103:249-251; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [the prince's arrow hit the Firebird's cage; the Firebird promises to give it back if the prince will release her, promises to help; the king drove her son away, giving him a footman; he invited the prince to go down to the well; raised her for his promise to change clothes and status; the prince was told to herd goats; they they run away, the Firebird brings them in the evening, gives the prince a magic tablecloth; the princess peeked, asked for a tablecloth, the prince gave them away; received harps from the Firebird, the goats were gathered again; the dying grandfather Firebird- birds for saving his granddaughter gave the prince a heroic horse; on it, the prince smashes enemies, gets the royal crown; gives it to the footman, for which he cut off his big toe; the same twice more (cut off his finger from the other legs, then finger); the princess must marry the footman, but the Tsarevich showed his fingers; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:152-157; Russians (Karelian Pomorie) [the hunter peasant put his snare on the happiness of a 12-year-old son; a firebird fell into him; the peasant took it to the king, who gave money and a stone house; put the bird in a cage, sent invitations to look at the curiosity; Tsarevich Ivan played and saw it; the bird asks to steal the mother's key and release it; the bird flew out and returned after 6 hours; it needs to sit for another three days; then after 8 hours, another three days, only then will it be able to get up enough high to fly to his kingdom; did not return again, I. quietly returned the key to his mother; the kings gathered decided that the royal family could not be executed, but must be expelled; the king gave a thin horse and a footman, he too Ivan; we need to get water; the servant says that if he goes down to the well, the prince will not be able to pull him out; the prince came down; I.-footman forced the prince to change his clothes and status only then pulled it out; in another kingdom, I.-footman proposes to send the real I.-Tsarevich to herd the chickens; there are no chickens, 300 hares were given three years to herd, they will be punished for the loss; each pasture is a year; the hares immediately ran away; appeared the firebird, told me not to worry, carried it to itself; the bird became king: he fought against another kingdom, fell into a snare; I. lives with the elder sister of the firebird king for 11 months, she gives a bakery tablecloth; the king himself gives an accordion: if you start playing, the hares will gather; I.-Tsarevich returned, unfolded the bread pickle at home, played the accordion, the princess came, sat for a long time; after that, the accordion does not work, I. cannot assemble hares, the firebird brings home again; the middle sister gives a lash to collect hares; the princess comes, I. tells her everything, she gives a ring; after that, the lash has lost its strength, the firebird brings to her younger sister; she would like to marry I., but he refuses; she gives special clothes; firebird: when you return, snakes will come out of the lake to demand a person to be eaten every day; I. will easily win 6- the head and the 9th head, the 12th head will cut off 10 heads, and two in no way; when the sun rises, you must shout: look, your house is burning! he will look around, heads will be cut off; gives the horn to gather hares; under the stone there is a horse and a kladenets sword; princess at home: do whatever you want with me, I agree to anything; lived with him for two whole days; servants: I was alone princesses; a serpent appeared, the king promises a daughter and half the kingdom for the victory over him; I. drank bottles from the firebird, there was a lot of strength, took out a horse and a kladenets sword; the imaginary I.-Tsarevich bought tongues from 6 heads, and this allowed me to cut off my toe and arm; the same after killing a 9-headed snake: cut off my belt from the back on your finger; when the 12-headed one has been fighting for two days; your house is on fire! falling, the serpent scratched I.'s right arm and leg; the princess bandaged her; took another belt from the imaginary prince; at the wedding, the princess orders that all servants, including the hare shepherd, should be present; he sleeps, because blood is dripping under the bandages; I.-Tsarevich came, brought his fingers and belts from the deceiver's back; hit him, the place was wet; inherited the throne; lived to a very old age]: Nechaev 1938:11-38; Russians (Olonetskaya, Petrozavodsk University, p. Kondopoga) [cows]: Azadovsky 1934:357-368; Russians (Vologda) [the soldier aloud wished to spend the night with the princess; the tsar promises to execute him if he fails to herd 12 birds with one stone all summer and in the fall to bring the herd safe; the hares ran away; in the forest the old man gave a violin: the hares would run to its sound; when he learned that the hares were with the soldier, the king decided to buy them; the soldier refused to the king, then the prince sell; the princess has come; the soldier agrees, but only if she lies with him; the princess is gone; in the fall, the king offers an additional task: to tell three bags of fairy tales; the soldier tells how the tsar, the prince and the princess tried to buy hares from him; the tsar: the bags are full; the people told the tsar to get out, the soldier married the princess and became tsar]: Kuzmina 2008, No. 61:153-156; Russians (Pskov) [dying, the father orders To son Panteley, give three sisters to be the first to marry; he gave it away, came to the kingdom of copper, took his wife; his wife orders not to enter the building in the garden; P. went in, where a nine-headed serpent was boiling in resin; asks for a drop of water; P. dripped, the serpent flew out and carried away P.'s wife; he consistently comes to the sisters' husbands, these are Thunder, Lightning (Silver Kingdom) and the bird Agei, the main bird over animals and fish (the golden kingdom) ); she gave a ball to follow him, and her pen to cause her in case of trouble; on the way, P. regretted two wolves, fish and cancer, bees, they promised to help; P. drove home a snake, took his wife away; a blue westerly reports this to the snake; he asks his horse if we will catch up; horse: if we sow wheat, squeeze it, bake bread, we will still have time; the serpent took his wife, but forgave P. for releasing him; for the second time chopped it to pieces; the witch's grandmother burned the pen, the bird A. flew in, collected the pieces, sent two crows for living and dead water, revived P.; first we need to know from the witch's grandmother where to get the same horse, like a snake; the witch grandmother says that there is a witch more cunning than her; she turned her three daughters into mares; the witch's grandmother gave a ball that will lead to a black girl, Baba Ega's shepherdess; the girl explains that Baba-ega demands to herd her mares without losing her mares; whoever can, will take any foal; the girl gave a pipe to lure the horses in the evening; the pipe helped twice; on the third day, Baba Ega threatens kill horses if they come back, but they were driven back by wolves, bees and pike with crayfish, who promised T. their help; baba ega allows you to choose a foal; the girl teaches you to ask for the thinnest and more wool pud; the girl teaches the snake to first kill a West dove; the foal quickly walked to become, took P. away from his wife; the snake caught up, but the horse killed him and his horse; P. and his wife returned home]: Smirnov 1917, No. 108:342-348; Russians (no place of recording) [when dying, Ivan Tsarevich's (I.) parents order his three sisters to be the first to marry; these are Falcon, Orel, Raven; I. goes to visit his sisters, meets Marya Morevna (M.), marries; she does not tell him to look into the closet; I. looks, there Koschey (K.) is in chains, asks for a drink; I. gives him water, he breaks his chains, takes M.; I. meets his sons-in-law, leaves them with a silver spoon, fork, snuffbox; I. takes M. away; K.'s horse tells him that we will have time to sow wheat, squeeze it, bake bread, we'll still catch up; K. forgives I. twice, cuts it into pieces on the third, puts it in a barrel, throws it into the sea; Eagle He gets it, the Falcon and the Raven bring living and dead water, revive I.; M. learns that K.'s horse is from the mare on which Baba Yaga flies around the world every day; gives a handkerchief to cross the river of fire; I. does not touch chicks, honey, lion cubs; Baba Yaga tells mares to herd three times; birds, bees, lionesses drive those who have run away; the bee tells them to ride off on a lousy foal; I. makes a bridge with a handkerchief; Baba Yaga pursues, the bridge collapses, she dies; I.'s horse kills K., I. burns the body with his hoof; I. and M.'s wedding]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 159:376-382; Belarusians [matchmaker came for the elder, for the younger sister, they went out onto the porch, blown away by the wind; brother Ivan the Peasant Son goes looking for them, enters the house, the hostess tells me to marry her; do not look at the door, which is tied with bast, covered with mud; he opened, there Kashchei on chains; asked for three buckets of wine and three bread, three alder logs and three aspen logs; ate and drank, broke the chains with logs, took Mary Krasa away; I. found M., took it; K. asks his three-legged horse, will we catch up; horse: go to bed and go to bed, we'll catch up in the morning; the old man returned M. twice; I. came to his sisters, alone married to the Sun in a copper house, his son-in-law gave a falcon; the second for Thunder in the silver house, gave a dog ; I. took M. away for the third time, K. caught up with him and killed him; Thunder and the Sun grabbed the crows, ordered the crow to bring living and dead water, revived I.; he tells M. to find out where K.'s soul is; K.: island, oak, hollow, hare, duck, egg; Baba Yaga must get a horse like K.; I. went for K.'s soul; let go of the queen of flies, she promised to help; the same king of crayfish; sparrow; Baba Yaga orders to herd mares; flies, crayfish bring mares; they tell you to choose a horse in a scab as a reward; Baba Yaga tells you to collect the sown poppy; thieves collect; I. received a horse, he brought it to the island, I. got an egg with K.'s soul; I. took M., his horse told K.'s horse not to approach; I. broke an egg, K. died]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:115-122; Belarusians (Mogilevskaya, Western 1888-1891, d. Popova Sloboda, Radomlskaya vol., Chaussky district, from Kr. Nester Sergeyeva Vysotsky, 75 years old, illiterate) [Apple trees with gold and silver leaves grow in the royal garden, golden and silver apples on them, the queen has a dream - the uprooted and dug garden is sown with wheat and gold and silver grains, the queen dreams, the king gathers soldiers, they uproot the garden, sow it with wheat; wheat grows rapidly, is filled with gold and silver grains; a thief appears, the king announces a reward to whoever catches a thief; a soldier hides in a hollow and catches a winged thief by the beard at night, the thief is called the Copper Monster, he is put in a crypt; the royal son Ivan shoots sparrows, the arrow falls into the crypt, Copper In exchange for an arrow, the monster asks to open the crypt, tells how to trick him into getting the keys out of his mother's pocket, putting on the royal crown and walking past the sentries; the king's son does everything, lets go of the Copper Monster, he says that Ivan will be useful; the royal guests want to see the Beast, find that Ivan has released him, the king wants to execute his son, but the guests dissuade him and the king drives his son away; the prince meets soldier Ivanka, returns to the palace and begs his father for a soldier; the two of them leave, find a well, the soldier lowers the prince down on the ribbon (to get drunk and get water), agrees raise only after exchanging roles - the prince gives the soldier his clothes, and becomes a servant; they reach a state where the tsar is looking for a groom for his daughter, the soldier is received as a guest, the prince is locked in bathhouse; the tsar instructs the candidate to take 3 immense mares ("nyabylnitsa mares") to western meadows, fall out and bring them back, Ivan the Soldier calls his servant prince and instructs this is for him; the prince pulls the mares under his knees, sits down, takes silk reins and goes to western meadows, where the mares disappear; the prince recalls the Copper Monster, he appears, takes the prince to his the copper house, hovers it in the bathhouse, puts copper clothes and a copper hat on the prince, gives him a glass of beer (which is drunk on Christmas Day), which makes the prince more powerful; the children of Copper Monsters find mares, tie them to lick the stars in the sky; they feast, the Copper Monster gives her eldest daughter's napkin on the road (the napkin makes wishes come true) and the prince goes back; drives up to the palace, rides all three mares, the tsar is surprised by the copper clothes, Ivan the Soldier explains this by stealing, the mares are beaten and driven back, the prince is locked in the bathhouse; the prince with a napkin arranges the royal chambers for herself from the bathhouse, gives alcohol to the sentries before bedtime; the princess comes to him, they feast, the princess asks to sell a napkin, but is refused - Ivan agrees only to give it; the princess leaves, the napkin is folded, the bathhouse takes its former form; the prince is sent to herd mares in protected meadows, history repeats itself, this time the Copper Monster brings the prince to the silver house, nine sends sons in search of mares, and three to heat the bathhouse; the Copper Monster hovers the prince in the bathhouse, puts on him silver clothes and a hat, and gives him beer (which he drinks on Sunday for Lent) - the prince's strength increases; the children of the Copper Monster catch mares from under the stone by the sea, tie them up, after the feast, the prince goes back, repeats the story of his previous return to the palace; at night, the prince with the help of a napkin again turns the bathhouse into royal chambers and gives alcohol for hours, the princess comes, they feast, the princess again asks to sell the napkin, the prince agrees to give it in exchange for night with the princess by candlelight and swords; in the morning, the prince is sent to herd mares in western meadows for the third time, history repeats itself; the Copper Monster leads the prince to the golden house, sends 11 sons in search mares, 11 daughters to heat the bathhouse, the Copper Monster takes him to the bathhouse, then puts him in gold clothes and a hat, the prince feels very strong, the Monster gives him a glass of wine (which he drinks on Yuri's Day ) to reduce strength; sons bring mares, catching them in the sky behind the clouds; after the feast, the prince says goodbye to his wife, sons and daughters of the Copper Monster; the prince returns back, the mares cannot take him, he drags them, when he returns, the mares are beheaded, the prince is locked in a bathhouse; at night, the sentries let him out, he goes to the princess, they feast, but the night did not take place, because the princess breaks the agreement: puts out candles and removes his swords, the prince is angry and leaves; the king gives the task to defeat the enemy strongly, Ivan the Soldier goes to fight; the prince summons the Copper Monster, who gives a horse, a kladenets sword, a whip and copper clothes; the prince catches up with Ivan, whips him, then fights with the enemy, returns, sleeps for three days, the princess secretly comes to him at night; a new enemy comes, the prince remembers again Copper monster - history repeats itself, only with silver clothes, upon returning from battle, the prince sleeps for 6 days, at night the princess secretly comes to him; on the seventh day comes a new enemy, history Again, this time the prince receives gold clothes and a napkin from his youngest daughter to call for help from 12 heroes; this is his last encounter with the Copper Beast; in battle, the prince calls for help heroes, wins, the wounded returns, the tsar bandages his wound with his daughter's napkin and puts the ring on the princess's hand, Ivan takes off his gold clothes, sleeps 11 days in the bath; on a ring and bandage on the wound it recognizes the winner, plays a wedding; Ivan the deceiver is shot]: Romanov 1901, No. 43:395-404; Russians (Tomsk, Biychsky U.) [The tsar has a little son, Neugomon Tsarevich, he is lulled in his cradle, saying that when he grows up, Rusuya Rusu, thirty brothers and sister, will marry him. She grows up, goes looking for her, comes to her palace. She knows that she is her betrothed, treats her and shows her wealth: the first closet contains silver, the second is gold, the third has precious stones, fruit trees grow in the garden, and birds of paradise sing. She flies away for thirty days to ask her brothers for permission to marry, and leaves the prince with the keys, except for one pantry covered with cow manure. Out of curiosity, the prince opens the pantry, where the gray-haired old man boils in resin, each vein is locked with a lock, the key is on the window. He says he doesn't know what he's suffering for and asks him to open at least one vein. N. took pity, the old man turned into Koshchei the Immortal and flew away. The mirror that the PP left is getting darker, which means that it is in trouble. The brothers who arrived explain that Koschey took her away. N. goes looking, comes to Koshchei, picks up the RR and drives him back. At this time, Koschey is walking in the field, asking his horse if everything is alive and well at home. Horse: It's all right, only N. took RR away. Koschey goes home, demands: "Seven children! Bring me seven pitchforks, raise my heavy eyebrows. I'll see how far the Rebellion Tsarevich is going." The children raise their eyebrows with a pitchfork, Koschey looks, announces that there is nothing to hurry, they must plow arable land, sow bread, reap, threshing, grind flour, bake bread, then he will go. After what has been done, Koschey goes, catches up with N., takes away the PP and does not order him to steal it anymore, otherwise he will severely punish her. N. takes RR away for the second time. The horse reports this to Koshchei. Koschey goes home, demands: "Seven children! Bring me seven pitchforks, raise my heavy eyebrows. I'll see if N is going far." The children raise their eyebrows with a pitchfork, Koschey looks, announces that they need to grind flour, bake bread, and then he will go. He catches up with N., whips him, does not tell him to return, otherwise he pulls one leg and tears him apart. N. takes RR away for the third time. The horse reports this to Koshchei. Koschey returns home, everything repeats itself, this time Koschey tears N. apart, throws, RR takes him away. The RR brothers see that the necklace left by N. has turned black, and one of them goes to look for it. A crow ran over the body. He catches a crow, asks a crow to let him go, he tells it to bring alive and dead water, and ties bubbles to its wings so that it can collect from the dead sea and the living sea. Dead water makes the body grow together, N. gets up alive and says that he slept for a long time, but soon got up. The brothers persuade him not to save RR, he does not agree, they teach him to go to the hero's widow, get her horses for three days, and get the worst foal. On the way, the Restless Prince stings the gadfly, asks him not to kill him, let him drink, then he will come in handy. N. wants to kill the wolf, catches pike, but releases them in exchange for a promise to come in handy. The widow has chained heroes who used to herd horses. She sends N. to watch 33 mares, who lie quietly in the field. N. falls asleep. When he wakes up, there are no mares. Gadflies, led by the one N. released, bring mares. He gives them back to her widow: her three daughters and 30 black girls. She scolds her daughters for not being able to escape, executes her eldest. The next day, N. falls asleep again, but wolves, led by the one he decided not to kill, bring mares, and the widow executes her middle daughter for this. On the third day, N. falls asleep, the mares disappear, but the pike causes a flood, horses float up and can only go ashore where N. The widow executes her third daughter, allows N. to choose from good stallions, he asks for a lousy foal, carries him on his shoulders, this is the elder brother of Koshcheev's horse. The foal asks him to let him go to his mother for a drink of milk to become stronger, and when he returns, throw his hat at him to stop him. The first time N. hits the neck with a hat, the second time the horse can walk by himself when he returns, N. hits his hat in the side, the third time he can already ride a horse, he rode from his mother, raising dust. N. takes N. to a cauldron with strong water, N. drinks, feels that there is no stronger hero, at the behest of the horse he drinks more, feels that he can pull the earth and sky into one place. The horse tells me to drink half more, N. says that he has lost half his strength, the horse says it's good, otherwise the earth would not wear it. The horse runs to the hero's widow, deceives her, saying that N. could not ride it, fell and died. She asks him to wear her husband's armor so that he can run in them, otherwise he will become a thin foal again, returns with them to N., who puts on armor and goes to Koshchei. On the advice of the horse, he sets a fire in the field, comes to Kashchei's house, takes the RR away. Koschey returns from the field, discovers the loss, and goes in pursuit. When N. comes to the fire, the horse rises high above it. Koschey makes his horse stand up. He says he can't get so high because his older brother is under N. Koschey tells him to rise, at this time N. attacks him, his horse also hits the rider with his hoof, Koschey falls right into the fire, burns]: Potanin 1902, No. 55:111-114; Ukrainians (Gorinchevo, Khust District, Transcarpathia) [The count's son goes hunting every day. In the morning he wakes up, opens the window, sees that a woman is walking down the street, bringing her son to eat in a pot. The count's son, to test his accuracy, shoots at the pot and breaks it. Baba sees him laughing and says that she barely begged her son for food. She curses him to only marry Seipentel Ilona. The guy runs after his grandmother and asks where she is. She replies that where ninety-nine human heads are on the stakes, and leaves. The count's son does not find a place for himself, he is going to look for his betrothed. He sees how a bear crashes ants, feels sorry for ants, drives a bear into the thicket. Ants give him a pipe that he can use to summon them to help. The guy goes on, sees that the boys have caught a fox and hit it. He asks to keep it and pays them a crown. The fox gives him a pipe to play on, and she will come to his aid. The count's son comes to the water and sees the fish fighting. He throws bread to the fish. The fish calms down, thanks him and gives him a pipe to call for help. More often, he bumps into a hut, around 99 human heads on poles. He comes in and sees the woman he smashed the pot with on the stove. She serves him by telling him to look after her three mares. If he doesn't pull him back, his head will be on a pole. The guy falls asleep, and when he wakes up, he does not find mares. It causes ants with the help of a flute, who explain that the mares have become ants. Real ants will start biting them, then they'll start running away. When the first one runs and then the second one, you don't have to do anything, and when the third one runs, you have to whip it and say, "Be what you used to be!" That's what the guy does. In the evening, a woman checks, sees mares, gets angry and hits them with an iron club (these are her daughters). In the morning, she orders her daughters to go to the water and become fish. When the guy wakes up, he calls fish with the help of a flute. She reports that mares have become goldfish. Real fish will bite them. When the third one jumps out of the water, you should whip it and say, "Be what you were!" That's what the guy does. The woman gets angry in the evening, whips the mares with a fiery whip, accusing them of being in a romantic relationship with the guy. They deny it and tell their mother that she is wise and he is wiser. On the third day, the mares disappear again. The fox summoned by the flute explains that the woman turned them into eggs, put them in a basket on the stove, and sat on them herself. But the woman in the attic has a rooster. The fox will call the ferret, which will start chasing the rooster. The woman will get up from her eggs and climb to save the rooster. Then you have to run into the hut, whip the balls and say, "Be what you used to be!" The ferret starts chasing the rooster, the woman, when she hears a scream, climbs into the attic. The guy hits the balls, the mares are back in the barn, the guy sits on a chair. Baba is convinced that he is wiser than her. He says he served her faithfully and asks what he asks for his service. He wants to stay in service for three more years. Baba agrees, takes him to a big lake in the morning, gives him a wooden shovel, a wooden hoe, a wooden coinage, and tells this lake to fall asleep and walled up so that she can ride it on horseback, if not will do - be his head on the stake. His tools break immediately, he sits and grieves. Babina, Seipentel's daughter Ilona, brings him food and finds out the cause of his burning. After feeding him, she puts him into a deep sleep, whistling to the devils. They fall asleep and walled up the lake. When the guy wakes up, he notifies the woman, she checks, but the lake does not break through under the horse. She sends him into the thicket the next day. There, the wind scattered beech and oak seeds. They must be harvested, each seed separately. At noon, the girl brings food and finds out about the task. The guy eats up and falls asleep because Ilona sleeps on him, and she whistles, devils run, and in an hour all the seeds are collected as the woman wanted. On the third day, the woman orders to cut down the thicket, dig it up, and sow it with wheat. By evening, wheat must be ripe, and he must squeeze it, bring it, grind it, grind the flour and bake bread. The guy cuts down one tree and gets tired. SI wants to bring him an afternoon snack, but the woman yells at her, even breathes fire, suspects that she is doing all the work for him, and he's not so wise, let his sister carry it. But after a while she calms down and leaves her daughter alone. SI brings in an afternoon snack, finds the guy crying. When he has lunch, she falls into a deep sleep, and she cries the devils like sea sand. Everything is ready by evening. Ilona wakes him up, gives him a fresh roll and asks him to tell the woman when she asks what he wants for his service, what he wants to stay with her for another three years. Baba pretty agrees. The count's son stays with her, does everything well, but one day, when a woman falls asleep, SI and her boyfriend get ready for a long journey. SI turns herself and his boyfriend into pigeons, they're flying, and SI asks if you can see anything. The guy turns around and says he sees a cloud of fire. She replies that she is a mother and that she will turn herself into a mill and him into an old miller. The old woman will ask if he saw two pigeons, and he must answer what he saw a long time ago. Baba decides it's not them and comes home. SI turns them into pigeons again and they fly to its land. She asks again, and he sees a fiery cloud again. Then SI turns itself into grass and it into a braid. He tells Baba he saw two pigeons when he was clearing this field for a meadow. Baba is coming home. Two pigeons hit the road again. After a while, SI asks again who he sees. He says the woman is on a fiery horse. SI turns them into fish, but tells them not to stick their heads out of the water or they'll go blind and she'll talk to her mother. But the guy wants to hear what they're talking about, sticks his head out of the water, the woman steals his eyes and comes home. The girl cries, goes like a dove behind his eyes. At home, she gives her mother and sisters a deep sleep, climbs into her mother's bosom, reaches out her eyes, and instead puts pigeon eggs so that her mother thinks when she wakes up, that her eyes are in her bosom. She flies to the riverbank and returns the guy's eyes. They fly to his village. The guy is happy, he leads the girl by the hand. She asks where he's taking her. He says it's to their homestead. She tells me not to do this, because she is not yet known there, asks to be taken to their innkeeper neighbor, who will serve him. In a month, let him tell his father and mother that she wants to get married. They'll get married then, but he must remember not to let anyone at home kiss him. The guy leaves his betrothed with the innkeeper, returns to his parents himself. They welcome him, they want to hug him and kiss him, but they don't give him. Tired, he goes to bed, in the evening an aunt comes to them and kisses a sleepy man in bed. He forgets the girl. It takes two weeks and two months. His relatives decide to marry him. They choose a bride, marry, and set a wedding day. SI knows everything, she cries, makes the guy fall and dislocated his leg. They send him for a doctor, and the innkeeper's maid says she'll heal him faster. This is what happens. The guy asks what to reward her with. She doesn't want anything but asks to be invited to the wedding. The wedding day is coming. She bites through a golden nut, takes out her gold clothes and comes to the wedding. The young ones are just about to get married. But when a young woman sees an innkeeper's maid, she refuses to get married until she gets the same dress. They start looking for silver clothes. They cannot find it anywhere and have to buy it from the maid, they promise to pay her dearly. She doesn't want anything, she asks permission to be with her young man. XI kisses the guy, talks about everything, but he doesn't remember anything. A servant hides under the bed and hears what the girl said. "I've saved your life six times and you've forgotten everything! But it's not all gone. At dawn, I'll be cuckoo at your house, and then you'll see me, then you'll recognize me..." She's going home. The servant crawls out from under the bed, tells the young master what he has heard. After that, the guy remembers everything. In the morning he goes out into the yard, sees a cuckoo, and immediately recalls SI. But the cuckoo is flying away. The count's son is going to travel. The bride is told that they will not get married, she can marry someone else. He orders iron tables from the master and goes around the world. Looking for a betrothed for seven years. One day he sits under the willow, looks - the tables are torn. She thinks this is the only place she should be if his tables are broken. The cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cucko The guy says it's his Ilonka. The bird says it's his. He calls her to his place. She asks me to be afraid that she won't invite her aunt to the wedding, who kissed him. He takes an oath. Then she flies off and becomes a girl. The guy is happy, takes her hand and brings her to his parents. They celebrate their wedding and live happily ever after]: Lintur 1979:121-129; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [wife gives birth to 12 twin sons, younger Dolmanesh; they diverge on 12 roads; D. frees the tied a fox, is hired by the owner of the mares to herd them for three years; if at least one is missing, he will be beheaded; the hostess puts D. to sleep, turns the mares into clods of earth, the fox tells him to hit the clods, they again they are made mares; the same with haystacks; with mares turning into hens with chickens; D. takes a foal for service, which turns into Tatosh's horse; T. orders to marry 12 sisters from the kingdom of far away; after collusion, orders to swap the woman's sleeping brothers and daughters; the woman cuts off the heads of her daughters; 11 brothers return home, D. goes on; contrary to T.'s advice, picks up a horseshoe, golden feathers, three golden hair; D. is hired by the poganin king, his servants report golden hair, the king orders their owner to be brought; the horse cuddles the mother, D. takes her 13th daughter; she agrees to become the king's wife if he will get a horse whose horseshoe D. has; T. tells him to trim it with skins, tows, sprinkle it with ash, fights another horse, D. throws a bridle over him, brings him; get a bird whose feathers; T. turns into a drake , begins to drown gold, D. is enough of it; to bring the woman whose daughters D. killed; T. in the image of a man tells her that he wants to make a barrel in which to drown D., invites the woman to climb into it, strong whether; closes, brings; the girl wants D. to bathe in boiling milk, T. cools it, D. comes out handsome; the tsar jumps into milk, cooks]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:224-231; Western Ukrainians (Galicia, Sambir District) [the rich man begged God for a son, but went to the forest, the baby was lost; the forester raised him; when the guy was 20 years old, he ordered him to tie the club (the first one was too light, ordered him to bind him harder ), went on a journey; three pannas are swimming, he stole his middle dress and wings; married; once she asked for a return - she flies around the hut; flew out the window, told her to look for her on Oatmeal Mountain; hermit the animals whistled - no one knows Oatmeal Mountain; he sent him to his older brother; the same there; to the oldest; the lion was the last to come, the hermit tells him to take the boy; he took him, but threw him into failure; the guy got out; stopped the mill; promised to let him go again if the miller took him to the princess; he hid the guy in a barrel of flour; she was brought to the palace; there he was not told to open the doors like a bast tied up; he came in; someone black asked for bread and water; the guy gave it, he took off and took the princess away; the guy came to the widow, hired to herd horses; the girl warned not to eat food, what they would offer was poison; he herds for three days, hits the horses with his club, brings him in safe, the widow offers to choose whichever he wants, he has chosen a skate; he asks twice for permission to be caught with the mother mare; after that brings to a rock on which the princess is black; the guy threw it at a black club and he is gone]: M. Dragomanov in Pankeev 1992:124-130; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Khust District, p. Gorinchevo) [in the 77th state, behind glass mountains, behind milk streams, grandfather and woman live, there are no children; the old woman asks her grandfather to make a child and a cradle out of wood; he cuts down a sycamore, combs the boy, him they call Yavorovy Ivan (YAI); makes a cradle, a woman shakes her, the child does not come to life, grows up; two years later he goes to the forest, helps his grandfather; snakes (shufflers) took three royal daughters; their savior will receive one of them and the state; YAI goes in search, meets a gypsy, becomes friends; they find a hole, wind a rope, fix them on the stove; one will take the youngest daughter, the second will take the middle daughter, the eldest will serve; YAI goes down, hears a girl singing, she is in a hut rotating on a chicken leg; girl: her husband has five heads, he has strong water; YAI drinks water; an iron club falls into the yard, YAI throws her back, snake sees that someone strong is in his yard; comes in, says he smells sinful; wife: this is my brother; they shake hands; the serpent eats melted tin dumplings, drinks water, then goes to fight; snakes He hammers JAI knee-deep into the ground, YI to the waist, the serpent to the arm, YAI to the neck; begins to beat off his heads with a club, but they come back again; the girl sprinkles ashes on them, the head cannot grow, the snake kill; the girl says that she and YAI belong to each other; YAI tells me to collect everything valuable, lock the house, wait for him; puts on a snake's clothes, takes his sword, comes to her middle sister; she also plays harmonica and sings; her husband has ten heads, drinks special wine; YAI swaps barrels of water and wine; when approaching, the snake throws a club of 12 quintals; YAI drinks wine, throws away the club; (hereinafter the same as in YAI changes his sword to the one that the stronger snake has, comes to the third hut; there is a younger princess; the snake yells at his wife who found her with her lover, breathes fire from 12 mouths; Yai hides from by the door; when the heads show up in the hut, tells her sword to cut them; the elder princess puts all the jewelry in cream, the middle princess puts them in an apple, the youngest in a walnut, Yai puts them in her pocket, sends them upstairs the royal daughters, the gypsy pulls them out and goes away with them; Yai walks along the path day and night, comes to the hut, there is a woman, she has eyelashes to the ground; she calls him a dog son, agrees to take up duty, tells her to take a pitchfork and raise her eyelids, otherwise she does not see him; YAI raises her eyelashes to the woman, she recognizes him as YAI: the sycamore from which he was made knows him; she will take care of the mares: herd three times and bring back, otherwise your head is down; mares are women's daughters; the woman gives YAI a sleepy cake; when YAI wakes up, there are no mares; the fox asks for a cake, tells me to go home and become in a manger: mares have become chickens, the fox begins to torture them, the chickens run into the barn, become mares, YI ties them up, reports to the woman, who hits them with an iron pitchfork for letting themselves be caught, tells them what they should do; on the second the day is still the same, the wolf promises to help if YAI treats him to bread; explains that mares have become crows; the old horse lying on the manure will say everything to do; horse: there is a twig in its tail, they need wave and say: "Stay in place"; three crows sitting in a tree fly into the barn, become mares; the woman hits them with an iron pitchfork: they probably sleep with Ivan, love him, want to destroy her; On the third day, YAI gives a cake to the bear; he advises him to go home, there is an ox on the second pile of manure, he will explain what to do; the ox tells him to take two twigs from its tail, one wave to the left, and the other on the right, until the mares appear, ask the woman for an old horse for his service; the mares turn into crayfish, swim from pool to pool, YAI hits them with twigs, turns them back into mares; the woman tears her hair, tells him to ask what YAI wants; he asks the old horse; the horse advises the woman to bow down, the woman spits after him, he has time to close the door, otherwise he would burn down; the horse asks how to go - in the wind or against winds, soars up, asks to see what's behind them; YAI sees a black cloud, it's a woman, a horse tells you to throw the comb (thickets from ground to clouds); the cloud is almost catching up, but they cross the border of the earth; woman screams terribly, falls to dust; the horse offers to go to the royal city; woman: three royal daughters have returned, the wedding is being prepared, the gypsy takes the youngest; YAI is hired by a shoemaker; princess ordered to make shoes like they had not done before; Yai takes out her younger sister's shoes out of the walnut, hangs them on a carnation; in the morning the younger princess comes and tells the shoemaker that he did not do it, but she also it is necessary to go to the tailor; YAI runs to the tailor, takes out his dress from the walnut; the princess calls the craftsmen for her wedding; YAI tells the horse to climb into his left ear, there are beautiful clothes; they fly to the palace; gypsies to the king: this is an angel going to the wedding; when she sees YAI, the bride cries for joy, but the gypsy does not confess; YAI puts plum, apple and nut on the table; the older sisters take out their wealth, and the youngest's nut is empty; she Understands everything; gypsies are executed, YAI marries a younger princess]: Lintur 1969:151-160; Eastern Ukrainians (c. 1878, Poltava, Piryatinsky y.) [A man and his daughter go to the forest to cut wood, a storm hits, then frost, wind and sun, the daughter disappears, a bag of money appears. The same thing happens to the other two daughters. The man has a son, he goes to foreign countries, enters the house, meets his sister, she hides him under the stove. Her husband Veter ("Russian bone stink") appears, she finds out that he would be happy to see her brother, shows him, feast together. The guy then ends up with two other sisters and their husbands, Frost and Sun. They marry the boy to an orphan princess, in her absence he enters the forbidden room, where a serpent crushed by a stone asks for help to move him, promises to add two centuries. The guy frees him, he steals the princess, dries her ("drying the plaque like that"). The guy pours peas in front of the pigeons, takes the princess back, catches up with the snake, takes it away and leaves the guy "one century". It's all repeated the next night. The serpent promises that if he catches the guy again, he will kill him. And so it happens, the snake burns the guy, scatters ash into the sea. Wind, Sun and Frost collect ash, moisten it with "healing" water, give it live water, and it comes to life. Ivan wants to eat a mosquito - he hasn't eaten for three days, it promises to come in handy, a fly, a gadfly, a pike on a birch tree ask for the same thing, Ivan lets them go. He is hired "to the baba south - her leg is dirty" for 3 days to herd mares (her daughters), she promises to give the best horse if she grazes, if not, kill. The mares run away, the mosquito and its army help to collect them, the gadfly helps on the second day, and the pike on the third day. Baba Yuga offers the best horse, the guy asks for a "little haircut" (2-3 years). The horse asks him to let him go to his mother for the night, promises to come to Ivan himself, and he lets him go. Ivan steals the princess, catches up with the snake, the horse throws one and a half pounds of land from its hooves, the snake kills]: Rudchenko 1869, No. 44:84-89; the Poles [the king promises a daughter to someone who will be able to herd the herd without loss hares (goats); two older brothers are rude to the old woman, fail; the youngest shares food with her, receives a magic pipe, to the sound of which the hares run; the queen, the queen, the king himself they try to buy a hare or a pipe; the guy agrees in exchange for a kiss or a night, and from the king to kiss the horse on the tail; the king demands to fill the bag with lies; stops the guy during his story, gives a daughter]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 570:189-190; Luzhitans [the king promises a peasant boy a daughter if he manages to herd 300 birds with one stone for three days, bringing everyone home every night; boy shared bread with a little man; he gave a pipe to lure the hares; but the king still does not want to give his daughter; let the boy and the noble groom go to bed with the bride: whoever he turns to, he marries her; the guy ate almonds and fragrant seasonings, and told the noble man that he ate his own crap; he did so; the bride turned away from him, the peasant got it]: Schulenburg 1882:41-42; Czechs, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 570:340.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi (shapsugi) [when dying, Erestem tells three sons to give his sister to a rider who will come at night and shout, Zhyu; only the younger brother does it; in the absence of his sister, the two older ones they tell him to do a woman's job; he goes to look for his sister; she says that he kidnapped the beautiful Tletanay; her husband says that the hoarder has a horse Jacques; the young man finds T., at his request, she finds out from a friend where Jacques is caught; on his way to the country of Itam-Ituk, a young man saves a hawk, a fish, a wolf; falls to the chest of an old witch; she promises one of the three foals if the young man manages to herd horses for three nights ; runaway to heaven, sea, forest; horses are driven by a hawk, a fish, a wolf; the young man chooses a plain foal; he says that he is his mother's second, that Jacques drank mother's milk twice, and he is alone once; comes back, drinks two more times; now he is stronger; the hoarder on Jacques cannot catch up with the young man taking T.; Jacques's brother suggests that he throw off his frost, Jacques does; the young man brings the severed head of the frost and wife]: Huth 1987:112-119 (=Kerashev 1957:53-63); Ossetians [Aldar has 3 daughters, he keeps them in an iron tower; later his son Soslanbek was born; the widow's daughter went to fetch water; S. fired an arrow and broke her jugs; the widow teaches the girl to tell S. next time: I would find her sisters better; the mother had to confess, S. came to the sisters, they asked him to beg her parents to let them go a holiday to church; after the service, three monsters kidnapped the girls; parents tell S. to find them; while S. was sleeping, an elephant came out of the river, swallowed S.'s horse and told him to sit on it; consistently brings him to three his sisters; they give a ring, a knife, a purse to summon them if necessary; S. refuses to marry beauties whose portraits are shown and wants to be shown the hidden portrait; father-in-law S. sisters are the dragon Zaliag-Kalm; he sleeps surrounded by an iron fence with his body; S. cut the dragon, entered, and his daughter, beautiful Sugar; she gave him sleeping pills, ordered him to throw him into the tower; S. summoned the horsemen from the ring, they released him, but when they saw Sugar, S. lost consciousness and Sugar took his ring; the same with the knife; the heroes came out of his wallet, and S. hid it in advance; after that, Sugar agreed to marry S.; ordered not to unlock the seventh room; S. unlocked, the giant Khatag-Barag and his horse chained there; HB asks to throw them bread and hay, promises to provide three services; released, HB Sugar took away; S. comes to her three times and takes her away, but HB catches up every time; for the fourth time he chopped S. into pieces; his sisters caught a crow; told his mother to bring live water, otherwise they would tear the crow into shreds; having revived S., the sisters ordered him to get the half-brother of the horse HB; the owner of the herd tells him to herd him without loss: either he will give the horse or cut off the shepherd's head; on the way S. wanted to kill, but let the wolf, fox and wasp go; each of them gathers a herd in the evening; the mare must give birth, the witch beat her; in revenge, the mare told S. that it is necessary to choose the foal she will give birth to, although he will seem weak; the foal tells you to wait three days, becomes a heroic horse; tells you to get into one ear, get out of the other - S. became a hero in gold clothes; S. took Sugar away; when HB caught up and took off to hit S. from above, S.'s horse was taller and S. killed HB; all is well]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 32:80-91; Ingush [little Fusht-Bagg stops crying when his father promises him marry Jinagaz; F. grows up, goes looking for J.; catches a hare, he turns into a beautiful woman, that's J.; promises to come to him in a week; stepmother sends a servant to sedate F., J. cannot wake up; after the third time he leaves the ring, leaves forever; F. meets the maid J., throws J.'s ring into her jug, she recognizes it, keeps it; forbids entering the last room in palace; F. comes in, there is a chained garbash (monster), F. agrees to free his hand, the garbash breaks out, now he is the master; F. and J. run, the three-legged harbash horse replies that after eating, we will catch up, and not after eating we will catch up; easily catches up with the fugitives, the harbash forgives F.; J. tells how the garbash caught the foal; three nights we must herd the witch's mares; in the end one necklaces, birds of prey rushed to the foal; the harbash held it with one hand, fought off the birds with the other sword, one eagle tore off the foal's front leg, but the horse that had grown out of it was the fastest; F. rides, saves an eagle, a fox , fish; herds mares, they run away, eagle, fox, collect fish, F. gets a four-legged foal; the three-legged cannot catch up with him; the brothers agree to throw off the harbash, he falls into a hole, his covers him with earth; F. brings J. to his home]: Bulatova 1985:133-141; Chechens [elderly parents have a son; they often say that he marries Chingaz; the young man grew up, his parents replied that they don't know where to look for C.; Zhara-Baba's old widow tells him to give the young man a horse and a weapon, let him look for C.; he sees three doves fly by the lake, shed their wings, become girls; he hides their wings, promises to give if they tell us about themselves; one of them C. asks the young man to give time to get to know each other, tells him to return home, and come to the oak tree after 7 days and 3 am; the witch wants to marry her daughter as a young man ; sends a servant, tells the servant to stick a needle into the Circassian young man every night; he falls asleep when C. arrives; C. tells the servant to tell: only the worthy will find C.; the young man cuts off the servant's head; saves the eagle whose claws stuck in a driftwood, lets fish into the water, pulls the wolf out of the hole; meets the servant of the 9-headed Black Khozha, who kidnapped C., who brings him to her; the young man tells C. to find out where CH got his fast horse ; such foals are given birth to 3 mares, watched by Jery-Baba; she tells them to herd, the heads of those who failed (there are already 82 of them) are put on stakes; an eagle, a fish, a wolf drive the runaway; a young man receives and tames the foal; he asks for the last time to drink breast milk, then he is immensely strong; the young man takes C., jumps away, the horse Ch catches up, but the young man's horse tells him (this is his older brother) throw off CH, a young man cuts off his heads; wedding]: Kibiev, Malsagov 1981:48-71; Avars [the guy lives with the girl; she goes to visit her father, does not tell him to open one room; he opens, there is a chained sledge, asks for a drink, the young man gives, the sledge is released, flies away, taking the girl away; the young man comes for her, takes her away, the sledge on a wind horse easily catches up, takes away; for the third time he promises kill; the young man asks the girl to know where the soul of the sledge is; he says that she is wearing a broom, she dresses her up; then he says that three eggs in a tree chest in the middle of the lake can only be reached by wind horse, and his sister has such a horse; the young man walks, saves ants, bees, fish along the way; the sledge's sister demands that her horses be herded; the horses go into the ground, but the ants drive them back; the second time the bees they drive; the sledge's sister gives a wind horse, the young man destroys the soul of the sledge, takes his wife]: Ganieva 2011b, No. 26:269-271; Turks: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 58 III [firewood collector (porter, bald ( keloglan) saves a dog and a cat; receives a wish-fulfilling ring (wand, etc.); the padishah promises to give him a daughter if he gets a diamond dress, builds a bridge and a palace in 40 days, goes to herd 40 hares and 80 will lead back; pulls out a shirt without seams; etc.; with the help of a witch, the padishah steals the ring or is kidnapped by the princess herself; the hero is transferred to the Kaf Mountains, thrown into a dungeon or well; cat makes the rat tickle the ring owner in a dream, he sneezes out; the cat and the dog quarrel, the ring falls into the water, the fish swallowed it but is caught], 182 III [to get the bride, bald (keloglan) must herd 40 hares or geese; a snake rescued from the fire gives him a magic remedy; he must increase the number of the herd in which all animals are of the same sex; when it rains, he sits on his dead clothes and they stay dry; Hoja gives him a magic remedy in exchange for telling him how he managed to stay dry; older brothers don't share food with a poor person; the younger one shares and gets a goose with gold with feathers; whoever touches it will stick; a mullah sticks to the goose; the mufti sticks to the donkey; the sorceress, who puts her skirt over her head, remains in this position; the procession of those stuck to each other sees the daughter Sultan and finally laughs; after that, the hero marries her], 232 IV [the fisherman saw the princess bathe; she fell in love with him; the padishah is ready to give his daughter if the applicant knows the signs on her body; The vizier wants to marry his son's princess and advises the applicant to set a condition: 40 days to herd 40 birds with one stone; the fisherman succeeds thanks to the pipe given by his mother; the vizier's son, then the vizier himself and then padishah tries to kidnap, replace or buy a pipe; he marks their ass {and the pipe comes back}; the fisherman must say a bag of lies and a bag of truth; the princess blindfolded and naked must choose her fiance in the pool; the fisherman takes something fragrant in his mouth, and the vizier's son is smeared with crap, so the princess chose a fisherman]: 65, 208-209, 279.

Iran - Central Asia. The Persians [the poor old woman has a bald son; when he saw his peers playing dice, he began selling yarn to his mother, lost everything; the mother found that the last skein was left, threw it to her son, and drove him away; since then, the bald man began to win; the king promises his daughter to whoever cut the deck with one blow, and whoever does not cut it, executes him; Bald buys fried chicken, but she was carried away by a falcon; bald wishes him good health; so three times; he ate cakes, crumbs scattered on the ground; grateful ants ask how to repay him; the bald man asks to exude the deck; the deck fell apart when hit; the king does not want pass off his daughter as a pleshivets and asks the vizier to come up with another task for the Bald Herb; he suggests sending 40 rams to the bald mouth and returning them exactly the same weight as they were in 40 years; bald every day lets a wolf cub go to the sheep, they do not eat herbs out of fear, the weight has remained the same; 40 days to herd 40 turkeys and return them safe; when three days are left, Vakil's daughter decided to help the princess, came to ask give her the turkey; the bald one agrees if she gives herself to him; after copulation, the girl took the rooster home, but the falcon took it away and returned it to the bald one; the same daughter of the vizier; the princess herself; the last requirement: tell a story so that the barn with nuts is empty at the end; the bald man begins to tell the whole turkey story, saying after each phrase, "Throw the nut as a souvenir!" ; the king asks not to be told, the bald man received a princess, a whirlwind's daughter and a vakil's daughter]: Osmanov 1987:82-90.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [the fish tells the childless widow to cook and eat it; the maid ate the piece, the giblets are eaten by a mare; each gives birth to a son, the mare's son is the strongman Kurbad; all three go to free the house from evil spirits; in the first night K. killed a three-headed giant on the bridge, a six-headed giant on the second night; on the third night he was nine-headed, his heads grow back, he drives K. knee-deep, then to his armpits into the ground; the brothers sleep, not they see that the water in the ladle has become blood; K. threw pastals (shoes) at them; the brothers came running, began to burn their severed heads; K. hears insects talking in the cracks: he killed our husbands; let him alone the wife will become a bed, the second a spring, the third a cannibal snake; K. does not allow her to lie down, drink, cuts a bed, a spring; the king lost three daughters when they were washing in the bathhouse; K. pinched a line in the door there, he gave a pipe (10 dwarfs would come out to do the job), said that there was a stone in the swamp, a hole under it, stolen there; K. threw off the stone, ordered the dwarfs to bring a rope; the brothers were afraid, K. went down, cut off a feature of the head; in the princess's silver, gold, diamond castles; they gave K. strong water, and the six-headed drank weak water instead of it; the sisters turn their locks into diamond, gold, silver eggs, give K. K. sent the girls upstairs; the wife of the 9-headed giant cut off the rope and covered the hole with a stone; K. comes to the old man, who says that the cannibal sucked his eyes and beats the giant bird's children with hail; K. killed the ogre, poted the old man's eyes with a potion, he saw the light; covered the chicks from the hail; the bird promises to carry K. across the sea, tells him to prepare meat; K. cut off the last piece from his caviar; K. reveals eggs, lives with the youngest queen in a diamond castle; the wife of the 9th head must be killed; K. came to the forge, where Debess Kaleis forged a golden crown, a silver belt and a diamond ring for the daughter of the Sun; forged for K. the horse to catch up with the witch, ordered not to look back; K. looked around, thunder and lightning, the horse was gone; K. fell asleep, the witch changed the vessels with strong and weak water, K. drank, lost strength for a year; went to hell with the worker, whoever gets angry, cut three strips of meat from the back; 1) herd hares, 2) cows; dwarfs collected everyone from the pipe; K. beat off each cow's leg; hell I have to answer that not angry; 3) horses (the same; cut off their lips); 4) plow how much the white female will run (beat the female, she lay down); 5) clean the stable (the dwarfs cleaned); 6) bring firewood on the mare (the mare is the mother of the devil, K. threatens to cut her belts from her sides, the mare is lucky); 7) slaughter the sheep that looks at you (everyone looks, stabbed everyone); 8) eat a pound of dumplings; K. puts the dumplings by the shirt, and the hell ate his pound, with his stomach bad; K. pretends to rip open his stomach, the dumplings fell out; 9) hell leads K. to the forest to cut an oak tree; K. brings a hare, his younger brother; the devil cannot catch up with him; agrees to carry the felled oak together; hell carries, K. rides an oak tree; killed the devil's children; pulled out his mare's eyes; put a pot of sour cream instead of himself for the night, hell with his mother think they broke K.'s head; hell and mother run away to the witch , K. hid in his belongings, here again; at night they decided to drown K. in the river, K. swapped places, the hell drowned his mother; K. killed the devil; the power returned, K. killed the witches, threw the ogre into the fire, killed the ogre eagle; enemies attacked; the witch poured bile on K.; K. killed her and the ogre himself]: Nierde 1952:116-146; Seto [the king promises a daughter and a throne to whoever makes a ship sailing on and under water, flying through the air, traveling by land; an old man makes such a ship for the son of a poor widow; when they fly by air, there is a tree with a crow's nest on the way; the raven asks not to touch him, gives him a golden pipe, fulfilling any wishes; the king praises the ship, but does not want to give his daughter to the poor man, gives new tasks; 1) collect and bring a cart of spruce cones (kusikulas) by the evening; 2) collect the released hares: 3) black grouse; with the help of a pipe, the young man does everything; at the wedding, the king puts a barrel in which the guests must say the truth; whoever fills the barrel with the truth, the king will give it full gold and silver; when the young son-in-law starts talking, telling his whole story, the king asks him to stop, says the barrel is full; the son-in-law gets a barrel of gold]: Sandra 2004:101-110; Estonians (Yuri; recorded in Sukhum-Kala) [the king of the north (KS) saved the raven, the raven helps him; says that the King of the South (KYU) has a beautiful daughter, but refuses everyone; the COP went to marry her, and his three sisters were kidnapped by a lion (he is the king of animals), an eagle (the king of birds) and a whale (the king of fish); CS's mother decided that her son would rather die with her than disappear in a distant land, took out poisonous drops from the witch, and during farewell dripped on the CS; but drops fell on the horse; the COP made 12 pies with this horse meat, sat on another horse and left; 12 robbers attacked, each ate a pie and died; the COP came to her older sister, she feeds the baby; her husband is a lion for 3 days and a man for 3 days; gives his hairs: if burned, he will come to the rescue; his handkerchief will also show if the CS is in trouble, it turns red; the sister herself gives a magic tablecloth; the same middle sister (the eagle gives feathers); the youngest (the whale gives scales); near the Sea of Fire, a tree with a hawk's nest, there are chicks squeaking; the raven teaches: their mother will return in 3 days, they will starve to death and beat them hail; we must slaughter the horse, feed the chicks with meat and cover them with skin; let their mother carry them across the sea as a reward; the mother bird orders to prepare 12 barrels of poultry meat and 12 barrels of water; KYU's daughter planted the COP in the dungeon, where the other contenders are on her hand; he feeds them all thanks to a magic tablecloth; sells a tablecloth to Kyu's daughter for the opportunity to look at her bare neck; says there is nothing to see; pulls out a tablecloth received from her middle sister; same (Kyu's daughter shows her breasts); same; KYU's daughter agrees to spend the night with the COP; first he turns away, then agrees to hug her; wedding; wife gives keys, does not tell you to unlock the seventh room; once he unlocked it; the sorcerer locked there asked for water three times, promised to forgive the COP three times for this; flew away and took his wife; the raven said that the sorcerer had a flying horse that sees and guards far away; the COP took his wife, but the sorcerer easily caught up and took it away, said that one forgiveness was less; so three times, and the fourth time the sorcerer tore the CS to pieces; lion, eagle and the whale collected the remains, brought live water; tried it on a crow: they tore it and revived it; then they revived the COP; he did no harm to flies, horseflies, cancers, they promised to help; the COP met an old woman, she offered herd her with 12 horses; this is her 12 daughters; flies brought horses on the first evening, horseflies on the second; on the third day, horses climbed into the water, but they were driven out by crayfish; the witch agrees to give them as a reward one horse; raven: if you sit on it, you will die; demands the son of a toad; this toad is the mother of a sorcerer's flying horse, and the frog is his brother; the toad horse tells you to wait three days for him to gain strength, three more learn from his mother, the last three to take an invincible weapon; the COP cut off the witch's head, but she grew back and he hardly rode away from her; the wife found out that the sorcerer's soul was in the egg, the egg was in the duck, the duck was flying over by sea; the COP summoned an eagle, which grabbed a duck, the whale took out an egg that fell into the sea, the COP crushed it, the sorcerer died; the COP began to rule the north and south]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 79:246-264; Estonians (Yuri) [ Whoever cuts down an oak tree in his garden in a day, the king promises a daughter, and whoever does not have time will have his belts cut off his back; the elder brother went, cut down more than in the middle; the princess came up with dinner; when the boy I was about to finish the work, saw that the gun was intact again; returned with his back torn off; the same middle brother; the younger burak took a pipe with him; on the way he saw an axe chopping, commanded him "Get into the bag!" ; the same with a shovel; with a whip; the ax cut down the oak tree himself; the king ordered to dig a well by morning, dug a shovel; ordered the hares to herd and return them safe by evening; the guy plays the pipe, hares they gather; the king sends his daughter to buy one hare; she paid in gold; the boy played the pipe, the hare returned; the same with the second daughter; with the king himself; each time the pay is higher; the king promised to give his daughter , but first told the guy to spend the night in a room with the bear; the bear demands to shave him; the guy asks to put his paws in the crack of the log first; you can't pull out his paws, the guy whipped the bear, he tore him off all the wool; the king let the boy and daughter go, then sent the bear to lift both; the guy stripped the princess, showed the bear; the bear came back and told the king that those as naked as himself, he was nothing cannot be against them]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 87:296-298; Karelians [the girl became pregnant, gave birth to a son, he grew up, served in the army, went to see the king; he gave him money and good clothes; passing by the merchant's house, he saw his daughter, promised to dishonor; the merchant orders to herd a hundred birds with one stone without rubbing, otherwise he executes; the old man in the forest gave the pipe to lure hares; the same on the second day; on the third daughter of the merchant came to buy one hare; the soldier gave the hare, for which the girl gave herself to him and paid him a hundred rubles; the hare returned to the soldier to the sound of a pipe; the same with his eldest daughter (200 rubles); with the merchant (300 rubles); with a merchant (600 rubles "and you will process the mare"); the merchant demands a full bag of fairy tales from the soldier; he tells everything; when he wants to tell about the merchant himself, the merchant says that the bag is full; gave the soldier money and three horses to go away]: Konkka, Tupitsyna 1967, No. 26:225-231; Karelians (Olonetskaya, 1886) [three girls took off their clothes, became ducks and swam; the guy saw and hid her clothes alone; she is silent when a girl promises to be a sister, gives clothes for promising to become a wife; the girl promises to sail on three golden ships; a woman came out of the water, stuck sleepy needles in the guy's ears, he does not woke up; the same on 6, 9 ships; the girl leaves a note: to see her, you will have to wear 3 pairs of iron boots and 3 iron staffs; the guy goes looking, the hut is spinning on cock spurs, in it cannibal woman, nose as a poker; she recognizes the boyfriend as her brother's son; overnight she worn one pair of his iron boots and one staff; the same with two other women; the latter sends to hunt, the guy hid from cold foxes, then cubs, cubs, threw pike into the sea; fox, wolf, bear, pike promise to help; the guy comes to an old woman who has 8 heads on poles, the 9th is prepared for him; the old woman tells her to herd her 9 horses, they run away; the fox, then the wolf, the bear are brought; the horse: at night we will give birth to foals, take the worst as a reward; the stallion tells you to go to the old widow; she says that love his fiancée in an egg inside a blue stone on the island; the horse jumped to the island, the pike took out an egg that fell into the sea; the widow fed it to her goddaughter (i.e. that girl), the guy married her]: Concca 1959, No. 31 : 142-148; Norwegians [the king offers to herd 7 foals; whoever can say in the evening that foals eat and drink will receive a princess and half a kingdom, and those who are crazy will cut out three belts with backs; the older brother spent the whole day with an old woman who took out his lice; when the foals jumped back, gave water and cranberries to eat and drink; his belts were cut out; the same middle brother; younger brother Askeladden does not stop with the old woman; the foal takes him to the underground room, tells him to take his sword to cut off their heads and drink strong water; on the way back he brings him to church, tells him taking wine and bread from the holy doras is drinking and food; A. gets the princess and half the kingdom, cuts off the heads of foals, they turned into seven queens who were bewitched]: Suritz 1991: 195-199; Western Sami [the king promises a reward and a daughter who can herd hares without loss; the old woman has such a long nose that a hundred years ago he was stuck in a stump, she cannot herd it pull it out; two older brothers go to herd hares, refuse to help the old woman; the hares ran away, the brothers were kicked out; the youngest freed her nose, she let the flute lure the hares; after learning about the flute, the princess, then the Queen Mother, then the king himself tries to buy it from the young man, but he does not sell it; the king agrees to kiss the horse on the tail, but the horse is not given; the king is disgraced, gives the young man the promised reward and the daughter , but tells us to get out quickly; they came to that old woman; the old woman offered to live with her; led to a beautiful home, and there were fat pastures, cows and sheep around; everything is fine]: Kohl-Larsen 1982, No. 12:85-96.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi: Eisin 1993:89-96 [], 190-197 []; Komi [the childless king asks God for a son; the man gave him cabbage, his wife ate it and became pregnant; Ivan Tsarevich grew up quickly; the king died and his wife was a witch; I. gives bread to a hungry wolf, meat to a bear; shoved a pike on the shore into the water; mother tells I. to herd pigs, if there is no one in the evening, she will kill them; the pigs have run away, their wolf collected; the horse warns I. that his mother will try to poison him; he gave food to the cat, she died; the mother tells me to herd the sheep (the bear collected it); the mother again gives poison (the same); the mother tells them to herd cows, they rushed into the sea (the pike gathered); Ivan's horse: your mother took a three-headed line as her lover; the horse teaches you to hit the cross on the iron gate with a special stick; they opened; so 6 the gate, and the seventh was broken by the horse himself; followed by Father Ivan's sword and armor; the horse gives a drink of strong wine; they galloped; the horse flies below the cloud, above the forest; in the city, a three-headed devil comes out of the sea, every day to him it is necessary to give a person to eat; Princess Elena's turn; her bones are visible through meat and brain through bones; I. asks E. to look in his head, falls asleep; E. dropped a tear, I. cut off the head of the one who came out of the sea line; the same on the second day (6-headed line); on the third (9-headed); I. hid his heads under a heavy stone; I. injured his right hand, E. tied her with his handkerchief; I. received E., came with her to his kingdom, cut off the heads of a three-headed line, the mother, taking her legs, tore it in half; they must still be alive and reigning]: Fokos-Fuchs 1915, No. 6:84-99; (cf. Marie (meadow) [when dying, father tells Ivan to pass off three sisters as the first to marry them; they are taken by Raven, Kite, Hawk; I. finds a portrait of Maria Marievna in his father's chest, goes to look for her; comes to see her first sister; her husband arrives, sits on three oaks, they go into the ground, he turns into a man; gives him a magic towel, I. leaves his ring, if it turns black, he is in trouble; the same with two other sons-in-law; the Kite gives a magic tablecloth, the Hawk gives a ring; teaches to feed the captured MM suitors first, she keeps them like pigs; locked with his suitors, I. opens a magic towel, all feast; gives it to MM for permission to touch her breasts; tablecloth for permission to touch her hair; ring: MM lies on the bed, I. kisses her {presumably not only}; MM keeps I. at home; MM goes to war, leaves the keys, allows the grooms to be released, forbids unlocking one door with 12 keys; I. unlocks, there is a 12-headed dragon on chains; asks for a bottle of green water; drinks, breaks chains , flies away, takes MM, giving I. three lives; I. arrives, takes MM, the horse answers the dragon that we will have time to sow rye, make beer, drink it, then we will catch up; the dragon catches up, takes one life (century) and MM; so three times; the fourth time the dragon kills I., lowers him into the sea in a barrel; the rings of the Raven, Kite, Hawk have turned black; the Hawk finds a barrel, splices pieces of I.'s body, the Raven revives him with living water; The hawk tells MM to find out from the dragon where he got such a fast horse; brings him to MM; I. overhears how the dragon explains: he herds 300 horses of Yagi Lamb; MM gives I. a tablecloth to make bridge across the sea; I. is a good shepherd, daughters Y. persuade her mother to give I. a horse; I. takes MM away again, I.'s horse tells his brother to throw off the dragon, he dies, MM sits on his horse; wedding, I. ]: Chetkarev 1941, No. 9:160-169); Kazan Tatars [the poor man was hired to work under a contract; the owner orders to herd 40 birds with one stone for a year; the old man gives a piece of wood, makes 40 notches if get around, the hares will run away; the owner tells the haystack to be dragged along a blade of grass; the old man tells the ant padishah to do so; the owner's daughter offers to run; they become a mosque and a muezzin; a lake and a frog; father could not drink the lake, stopped chasing]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 3:38-42; Bashkirs: Barag 1988, No. 56 [the whirlwind consistently takes away Tsar Garif's three daughters; his son Akhmet sees a beautiful dream, goes to look for her, consistently stops with the devas, the husbands of the sisters; one of them is the owner of birds, the other is animals, the third is water creatures; everyone gives a magic handkerchief; Lena the Beautiful ( LP) sends A. to prison, where those who came to marry her are sitting; agrees with A. that he will marry him if four warriors cannot hold him and he kisses her; A. loses twice, gives him each time LP is one of the headscarves; the third time he kisses, marries; finds the deva Kasim Batyr behind the locked door, gives him a drink, he gives A. 150 years of life twice, flies away, takes LP away; A. takes LP three times, K. each once catches up, first takes away their gifts, then kills A.; devas-sons-in-law find out about this when they see blood in the tube left by A.; they look for a doctor, only a lame frog pulls out living and dead water, revives A.; LP A. hides, stabs the girl, tells Kasim that she is crying, wanting to know where he got the six-winged stallion, where K.'s soul is hidden; K. answers, A. listens; first K. says that his soul is in a ram, in a broom, LP adorns them; A. spares the wolf, hawk, anthill, pike, cat; the cat distracts the dogs of an old woman who owns mares; K. took out her 6-winged horse; the old woman tells the mares to herd, they they scatter, turning into foxes, pigeons, fish; wolf, hawk, pike bring them back; the old woman scatters and tells them to collect poppy seeds, ants collect, the cat pulls out what they swallowed with the mouse; A. chooses paying a thin foal is a 12-winged horse; he carries A. to the island; on the way, A. takes a saw from the devils; cuts down a poplar on the island, pulls out a chest from under it, kills a duck that has flown out of it, takes it from she has three eggs, K.'s soul in them; kills K., returns home with LP]: 389-402; 1989, No. 42 [the young man is hired by a girl; she forbids unlocking one of the rooms; there is a dev asking for bread, water; the young man gives , the girl returns when the devil breaks the last chains, goes to bed; first replies that his soul is in a pole, in a broom in the bath; the girl tells me to bring them; dev admits that in two pigeon eggs in a box at the bottom of the lake, a spider weaved a web over them; the young man goes to search, saves a bear, a wolf, bees on the way; he is hired to herd the sorcerer's horses; horses run away, a bear, a wolf, their bees each they collect it once; the poor horse tells you to ask for him as a reward; the horse dives, the lake is covered in blood, the young man pulls it out; the next time the water turns white, the horse takes out a box from the bottom; the young man breaks eggs against the deva's body, takes a girl as a wife]: 194-198; Udmurts [the landowner caught a copper man in the field, locked him in a barn; he saw the landowner's adopted son through the window, persuaded him to release him; the landowner drove him away; the young man hired another, got together with his daughter; he tells him to herd hares, promises to kill if even one runs away; the copper man gives a magic handkerchief, collects hares with it; then fills bag in sheep tongues; gets the landowner's daughter]: Kralina 1960, No. 54:146-148.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [Kresen began to serve, was appointed police officer, then chief governor-general; 9 others are jealous, write to the king that K. wants to marry the royal daughter and become king himself; the tsar orders After 6 days, bring his truth, otherwise he executes; K. treats an old man in a tavern, he gives a dove, tells him to follow him; the dove leads to the boat; on the other side of the hut with a clean upper room, the table is laid; K. ate, drank, hid; a man came and shouted, "Aas!" , a soldier appears, sets the table; in the morning K. calls A. himself; he says that he serves the owner of the water and the owner of the mountain; agrees to go with K., although invisible; K. asks A. to feed people from a hungry ship, which Polamor Khan; P. proposes to change A. to a gun in which a thousand warriors (they fly out in flies, then turn into warriors); A. orders to agree - he will return anyway; K. feeds all the king's people; he orders to herd 12 birds with one stone; the same poor old man gives a pipe; the governor-general in disguise asks to sell the hare, K. gives the severed little finger for money; plays the pipe, the hare returns; the same with the royal son; with the royal wife {it would be logical that the daughter, not the wife}; K. gives her the 13th hare, who is not marked, takes her ring and promises to marry him; the king orders to bring 3 bags of truth; K.: the severed finger of the Governor-General; the king's son; the ring of the king's wife; K. summons warriors with a gun; marries, becomes king himself]: Balter 1986:126-137.

Western Siberia. Muncie [someone ruins the turnip garden; the father tells three sons to guard; the eldest, the middle fall asleep, the youngest grabs the Copper Man (MCH); he tells the horse to go home and tell the sisters that brother is in trouble; father and sons send news to the tsar, he pays 300 rubles for turnips, puts MCH in prison; the royal son Vanya fired an arrow from a toy bow, it fell on the roof of the prison; MCH teaches: roar and stomp with your feet, you will be offered different things, calm down when they give you a bunch of keys; open the prison, I'll get you an arrow; once free, MCH promises to help the boy when necessary; disappears; the neighboring kings who came to see the MCH are dissatisfied; decide to give V. the coachman and expel him from the state; the coachman is Uncle Senpalt; V. wants to drink, S. lowers him into the well; promises to raise him if V. agrees with he will change roles and names and sign his blood; now S. rides in a carriage, and V. is a coachman; they come to another king, the imaginary prince asks to give his daughter; Tsar: feed 30 stallions for three days and three nights; imaginary prince: my uncle S. will herd; V. calls MCH, he takes him to his place, his older sister gives him a handkerchief (wave - dancers, musicians, food); then back, MCH gathers horses, 60 of them; the same the next day (the middle sister gives a box, people come out and ask for work; 90 horses); on the third day (the younger sister gives an egg (it contains food, drinks, dancers, warriors); MCH - Hiiro horse and sword; horses 120); the princess sees this, understands that the shepherd is a real prince, not S.; S. demands a wedding the next day; the three-headed devil demands that the princess be given to him; V. kills him, S. says he killed; the same with 6- and 9- head line; the princess bandaged the wound, then sees her handkerchief on the hand of an imaginary shepherd; at the wedding, the princess showed the second half of the handkerchief; S. was driven away, V. took the princess and inherited the kingdom]: Kannisto 1956:154-176 in Kippar 2002:212-228.