Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K128A. The best apples for a princess .15.16.23.

The princess will marry the one who brings her the best apples (figs, fish, etc.) or who brings enough to prevent her from eating everything. Along the way, the two brothers don't share with the magic assistant, their gift to the princesses is rejected. The youngest is divided and (after additional tests) gets a princess.

Portuguese, Italians (Emilia Romagna), Sicilians, Corsicans, Ladins, French (Upper Brittany, Provence), Bretons, Germans (Grimms), Bengalis.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese (Porto, Foz do Douro) [in January, a sick princess wants green figs; king: whoever brings will marry her; one woman has two sons, stupid and smart; also a fig tree, but the fruits are worthless; the clever son decided to take the figs to the princess; towards St. Virgo: What's in the basket? guy: horns; when he opened the king's basket, it really has horns; he ordered the impudent to be executed; the stupid brother went; answered politely: figs; St. The Virgin made more and more ripe figs in the basket along the way; but the king did not like the groom; the courtiers advised him to give the guy two rabbits: let him release him in the forest and return it by evening; St. The virgin gave a pipe: if you play, the rabbits would come running and back into the bag; asked if the guy wanted anything else; he wanted to be as beautiful as the sun, and if he put his hand in the bag, he would take out the money every time; the king still does not want to give his daughter early and the guy agreed to take the money; he bought a horse, came to the palace of another princess, she fell in love with a handsome man; at night he asks: who? the guy replies that he is a student; next time to another princess: preto; returning to the one who wanted figs, says: no one; the princess married a guy without recognizing him; those others came to the wedding princesses; but one said that a student knocked on her and the other said preto; the bride said that no one knocked on her]: Coelho 1879, No. 45:106-108; Italians (Romagna) [princess eats an incredible number of figs; the king promises it to someone who will bring as much as she does not eat; her older brother carries figs, refuses to share it with her neighbor; the princess eats everything; the same with the average brother; the youngest generously shares, he gives a wand: hit the ground and the basket will immediately fill up again; the king demands that 1) the young man go overseas to the princess's aunt and invite her to the wedding; the neighbor gives horn: you have to blow on the seashore, my aunt will hear and appear; 2) took the ring from the bottom of the sea; neighbor: blow the horn; when he heard the sounds, the fish brought the ring; 3) herd the hares for three days and bring everyone back; they run to the sound of the same horn; by the end of the third day, the princess's aunt came and asked to sell her a hare; the guy sold for 100 crowns; when the horn sounded, the hare came back; the same with the princess; with himself king; 4) fill the bag with truth; neighbor: tell us what happened, the bag will be filled; the king had to give her daughter]: Calvino 1984, No. 47:145-147; Corsicans [the widow has three sons, the eldest is a fool, the youngest is smart; at Christmas, the elder sees fruits on a fig tree; the mother does not believe it, but sees them herself in the morning; the elder collected the fruit and went to give it to the king; at the spring an old woman; the guy replies that there is his horns; the king is happy with the gift at first, but when he saw the horns, he threw the guy into prison; the same with his second brother (in the biscuit basket); the younger is polite to the old woman, treats her with figs; the king pays gold for figs; the young man asked for his brothers to be released and they all three returned to their mother]: Massignon 1984, No. 33:74-76; Sicilians [after his father's death, Peppe receives a dilapidated cloak and date tree branches, Alfinu - an old bag and a tree trunk, the younger Ciccu horn and fruits; only Chikku hears the three fairies giving the cape the ability to carry anywhere, the bag filled with money, and the horn if you blow it, create and clean the fleet; brothers give C. a cape and bag; lives luxuriously; the king brings his wife and daughter to him; the daughter lures the bag; when C. comes for her, the king also forces him to give the cape and horn ; brothers agree to share dates; each carries his basket to the palace; P. replies to the counter that he has dirt in the basket; sees that he is so in the palace; he is given 50 blows with a cane; the same with A., he replied that there were horns in the basket, received 150 blows; C. replies that dates; the counter half eats, spits the bones back into the basket, dates in it again; the king takes it on service; brothers say that C. can 1) bring the cannibal's sword; the skate in the royal stable promises to help; C. asks the women to bring him bags of lice, pours the cannibal into bed, he tosses and turns, takes off a sword, C. takes it away; 2) deliver the cannibal himself; C. tells the cannibal that C. is dead, it is necessary to make a coffin; asks to try it on, bobs it up, brings; 3) to marry the most beautiful woman; the horse tells me to give honey to the fly, release the fish, release the eagle from the trap; the horse dances in front of the princess, she asks for permission to ride, the horse takes her away, C. also jumps on the horse; on the way, the princess drops her veil, throws it at water ring; promises the king to marry him if C. returns her ring and fallen veil; birds bring a veil, fish bring a ring; princess wants C. to jump into a hot oven; the horse teaches beforehand rub it afterwards, C. is unharmed, becomes handsome; tells the king to rub himself with fat; the king burns, C. gets the princess and the throne]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 5:28-40; frets [ the princess is sick, she will be cured by black cherries; to whoever brings them, the king will give her as his wife; a man has two eldest sons who are evil and arrogant, and the youngest is kind; in the middle of winter, their tree has black cherries; they have been carried older brother, replies to the old man that he has goat droppings in the box; when he came to the king, there really was goat droppings in the box, the guy was beaten; the same with his middle brother (pig manure); the younger one answers The old man is polite, he advises to feed the hungry, water the suffering, reconcile those who are quarreling; the young man feeds ants, lets the fish on the shore into the water, reconciles the devil and the angel; the princess has recovered, but the king does not want to give it up, gives difficult assignments; 1) separate rye from oats (ants separated); 3) get a ring from the lake that the princess dropped there a year and a day ago (the fish got it); 3) bring the most beautiful flower from paradise and the most terrible fire from hell; the young man went to heaven and hell, received flower and fire from an angel and a devil, brought it to the king, got a princess]: Uffer 1973, No. 18:54-56 (Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 115:289-292).

Western Europe. Bretons: Luzel 2016 [the king promises a daughter to the one who will bring the best apples; the older brother carries apples, rude to the old woman, when the basket is opened, snakes crawled out; the same middle brother (toads); both were imprisoned; the younger Tugdual is a hunchback, friendly to the old woman, his apples are the best; the prince, hoping to win, requires an additional challenge: herd squirrels; that old woman blows a whistle, squirrels run, in the evening T. brings everyone back; the next day the princess sent a maid; the young man sold one squirrel for money and a kiss; when he whistled, the squirrel came back; the next the princess herself went the day - the same; the rival prince went, disguised as a peasant, got a squirrel for 7 injections with an awl in the ass; the awl got stuck, the squirrel ran away, the prince fell off his horse and ran into a sharp stem, died; the princess demands to fill the bag with truths; T. talks about the maid's kiss, tells her to go into the bag; wants to talk about the princess, she tells her to be silent, agrees to marry T.; wedding; brothers T. released; the old woman turned T. into a handsome man]: 202-212; Orain 1904 [the king promises to give his daughter to the one who brings the best fish; the older brother carries a basket of fish, answers the old woman who lays eggs, in In the presence of the king, chickens fly out of the basket; the middle one is the same (frogs); the younger one is polite to the old woman, who makes the fish in the basket especially large; the king is ready to give his daughter, but she does not want to; the minister suggests that the young man be told to herd 30 birds with one stone for three days; the old woman blows the whistle when the hares come running immediately; dressed as a coal miner, the minister tries to buy one hare; the young man suggests that first slide off the cliff on his own back; the minister was injured but got a hare; but when the young man whistled, the hare returned to the bag; the next day the king comes dressed as a peasant; the young man tells him 36 roll over (same); for the third time the princess (let her hug; same); the minister conveys the princess's new demand: fill the bag with truths; the young man talks about everything that happened; the princess herself says she hugged a young man and marries him]: 9-19; French (Haute-Brittany) [when the princess was born, the fairy predicted that she would marry a man who would bring a basket of peaches; the princess grew up and the king announced that he would give her daughter to the one whose peaches would be better; the rich landowner carried peaches; replies to the old woman that he had horns in the basket; in the presence of the king, he opened the basket - in she has smelly goat horns; he is expelled in shame; the son of a peasant is the same (goat droppings); a farmhand who herds cows is kind to an old woman; she gave a magic wand that can fulfill three wishes; her with a stick, the young man created a carriage with a team of horses; on the way he sees and takes with him 1) moving the church to another place; 2) listening to oats grow; 3) blowing to make the mill spin; 4) spitting on the ground - the ground freezes; 5) carrying a bag with two compartments: one day, the other night; 6) a man with a sword reaching 7 leagues; there are few peaches, the king gives difficult assignments; lets a flock of pigeons, they fly to a remote place, then they return; a second pack is sent after them: let the second one return before the first; the listener knows where the pigeons are now, and the one who blows away the first pack; the second returns earlier; tomorrow there will be a battle: let our army defeat the enemies whose army is larger; (defect in pdf: apparently, the spit froze the ground and the enemies began to slide; then another pass); the young man received princess]: Sébillot 1880, No. 13:89-96; the French (Provence) [the king will give his daughter to whoever brings a basket of fresh figs for Christmas; the poor man's eldest son carries dried figs, answers the old woman, what carries horned heads; opens the basket in the presence of the king - it has horned heads; the same is the middle son (manure in the basket); the youngest politely answers the old woman, there are fresh figs in the basket; now the king demands that a hundred birds be herded in the mountains for a year and one day; the old woman blew a whistle, at the signal of which the hares gather together; an old woman {another} comes, asks for a hare; the young man agrees if she will eat a bunch of crap; she ate half, the young man whistles on the whistle, the hare is back; invites the old woman to finish eating the crap, she leaves; the same with the second old woman (the young man suggests putting a garden tool in her ass, who make holes); the third old woman is a hunchback (stick a needle in her hump a hundred times); now the king demands to fill three bags with the truth; the young man comes to those three old women; asks if it is true that one She ate crap for the hare; she replies that it is true that the bag is full; the same with others (put it in the ass; stab it with needles); the young man got a princess]: Going 1938:292-295; Germans [royal daughter will recover if he eats an apple; apples were carried by the eldest son of the peasant; the little man asks what he is carrying, the guy replies that they are frogging; when the basket is opened, the frogs in it, the guy was driven away; the same with middle son (pork stubble); younger Hans and the little man are polite, the princess has recovered from the apples he brought; but the king requires 9 boats to walk on water and land; the older and middle brothers do boats answer the little man that they are carrying wooden dishes; G. is polite again, sails to the palace in one of the boats; the king demands that a hundred birds be herded without loss; the little man gives a horn to the sound of which they sound they come running; the princess sends the maid - let G. give the hare urgently; G. demands that the princess herself come; she comes, gets a hare, he runs back to G.; the king demands a griffin feather; along the way the owner of one castle asks to know where he lost the key to the chest of money; the inhabitants of another - how to cure the owner's daughter; the man by the river - how many more people he has to carry to the other side; the griffin's wife tells G. to hide, at night G. pulled out his pen; the griffin's wife says that the Christian really came in and told all sorts of nonsense; then asks questions and the griffin answers; the key is under the threshold outside the door; the toad in the cellar made a nest out of the girl's hair; the man by the river must throw off the one he carries; G. took out the toad, found the key; when he saw that G. was rich, the king himself followed in his footsteps; the man threw him off into the river, and G. married a princess]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 185:482-485 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:382-387).

South Asia. Bengalis [the king's daughter fell ill; healer: she must eat an orange; only one peasant who brought it from afar grew an orange tree; it should just bear the first fruit; Jadu's eldest son bore fruit; a finger-sized man (Hüpf-auf-Meinen-daumen) asks what's in the basket; the young man replies that frogs; when he opens the basket in the palace, there are frogs in it; he is strong beaten; the same with Gostha's second brother (trichosant seeds (pumpkin seeds, Trichosanthes cucumber, Schangenkürbis in the basket); the younger fool Mānik is kind to the dwarf, replies that he carries oranges princess; after eating orange, the princess recovered; the king does not want to give her for the son of a peasant, comes up with new difficult assignments; 1) build a ship that moves on water and on land; I. takes the ax, responds to the dwarf, what makes the barrel; the barrel turned out; the same G. (it turned out to be a plough); M. is polite to a dwarf again, it turned out to be a peacock-shaped ship painted in appropriate colors; 2) Nāgapakshvara's dragon feather decorate the royal crown; the dragon lives far away in golden palace, easily swallows people; on the way, a rich man asks the dragon to know where the lost key to his iron chest is; another asks to know how his daughter can be cured; by the river a man who carries travelers on his shoulders, asks him to know how much more he must do this job without sleep or rest, which he has been doing all his life; the dragon's wife hides M. under the bed; the dragon I smelled a man, but believed his wife that there was no one; when he fell asleep, M. pulled the pen out of his tail; the wife tells the dragon that his feathers were just pinched; that a man came in asking for the key, sick girl and carrier; dragon: the child put the key in the mattress; the toad bit off the girl's curl and sits in the corner of the house, she must be removed from her hole; the carrier must leave the one he carries in the water, and Let him go home himself; M. gave the carrier the words of the dragon after he was on the other side; as soon as the toad was found and the curl was taken away, the girl recovered; opening the chest, the owner gave M. gold; the king He gave his daughter for M., but envied the treasures he had brought from the dragon's land; he went there himself; the man by the river left him in the water and the king began to perform his duties]: Mode, Ray 1967:309-320.