Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K129A. Half-alive in the tomb. 23.29.30.

A young woman (lying in a tomb) comes to life and then looks dead again, but is finally disgraced.

Punjabi, Marathi, Bengalis, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Uzbeks.

South Asia. Punjabi [a poor childless brahmana found an eggplant, transplanted it into his garden; he brought one fruit, there was a girl in it; the queen's maid sees her, tells the queen that if the king sees this the girl, he will forget the queen; the queen invites the girl to live in her palace; asks her sleeping what her life is; she replies that the eldest of the queen's 7 sons; the queen kills him, the girl is alive; so All 7 sons are successively killed; after that, the girl answers the truth: there is a red-green fish in the river, there is a bumblebee in it, a box in the bumblebee, a necklace in it, I will die if you wear it; that's what happened, but the girl has time to return to the brahmana, tell her to be left on the bed in a deserted place by building a wall around her; the king finds her asleep, comes there every day, and a year later he sees the boy next to her mother's body; he says that at night she comes to life, because at this time the queen takes off her necklace; says that only he, a boy, can return the necklace; the queen tries to give him poisoned sweets, he asks her in return remove the necklace; he grabs it, brings it to his mother; she demands that the king throw his evil wife into a hole with snakes and scorpions and bury it alive; the king does it; takes the fairy to the palace, her son becomes an heir]: Steel, Temple 1984, No. 8:79-88; Marathi [Princess Sodewa Bai was born with a gold necklace around her neck, her life is in it; once she lost a golden shoe, found it by another prince, married SB; his the former wife decides to destroy her; in her husband's absence, she tells the black woman to tear off the necklace; the SB is placed in the crypt, but at night the black woman takes off her necklace, the SB comes to life; jewelry falls off her when she walks to the pond; the husband notices them, then hears a newborn scream from the crypt; everything opens, the necklace is taken away from the black woman, the first wife is imprisoned for life]: Frere 1868, No. 21:262-272; Bengalis [Duo is the king's eldest, unloved wife, Suo is the beloved youngest; both are childless; the fakir gives S. a potion to give birth to a beautiful boy; his life will be in a gold necklace, it will be in a box, in the belly of a fish in a spring ; D. finds out; when the young man's pigeons fly into her room, she returns them for promising to find out what his life is like; when she finds out, she pretends to be sick, asks her to eat that fish, puts on a gold necklace; a young man dies but his body is left in the garden; every night D. takes off his necklace, the young man comes to life and feeds; the sister of the god of fate, Bidhata-Purusha, learns from him that her daughter will marry the dead; She goes into the garden at night to a young man; they are married; she learns his secret; she has two children; she pretends to be a hairdresser, comes to D.; tells her child to cry; he calms down only when he receives from D. necklace; his mother promises to return it in the morning; the prince no longer dies; the king orders D. to be placed in a vertical hole, covered with thorns, then buried alive]: Day 1914, No. 1:1-16.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Azerbaijanis [the prince wants to take his wife from the genies; the old woman tells me to go west, pierce an abscess on the genie's leg; the genie cried in pain, and when the abscess has passed, he agrees to help; we must cut off the reed, but not cut it before reaching the house; the prince cut it on the way, the girl came out; I had to hide it on the plane tree and go after the army; the maid came; the reed girl asked for a drink, she pushed her into the sea, took her place; the girl was swallowed by fish; the prince's horse is frightened of the fish, he tells her to catch it; the liar tells her to fry; a drop of blood turned into a plane tree; the liar tells her to make it out she has a cradle for a child; an old woman picked up a sliver; someone cooks and cleans the house; the old woman followed, adopted a girl; she died, ordering her to be put in the crypt, but not to bury her; the prince passes by, him someone called out; when he enters the crypt, he first sees a corpse, but next time a girl who comes to life; she says that the liar took the key around her neck, without it she cannot leave the crypt; prince threatens a liar, she gives the key; the liar is tied to the tail of a stray horse]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:96-102; Turks [a girl was born in a poor family (var: princess); three (or more) dervishes ( peri; dead mother) predict that where she passes, the grass will turn green, her tears will become pearls, if she laughs, roses will fall from her lips, gold will appear in the water that she washes; they give her amulet (bracelet); a girl grows up, marries a prince, goes to him accompanied by another woman (sister, maid, neighbor, black woman, etc.; the vizier decides to replace the beauty with her ugly daughter); thirsty, her companion gives her water in exchange for her eyes; takes her place; the blind woman lives with others; roses are needed in the palace, they fall from the girl's lips, they are sold in exchange for her eyes, girl sees the light; (the padishah sees the grass turning green under the girl walking); the liar steals the girl's amulet, she loses consciousness, is put in a tomb; (she has a child, he sucks the chest of a dead mother); Prince finds and revives her]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 240:291-294.

Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks [after cutting down a tree, the woodcutter frees the genie imprisoned in it; he lets him eat an apple in half with his wife; a daughter is born whose tears are pearls, when she laughs, fall out of her mouth roses, where he steps, remains golden sand; the old man is rich, asks for his daughter too big dowry; the evil genie tells me to give it to him; the batyr kills the genie, gets a beautiful woman; the old woman and daughter say that they came from the batyr to pick up the bride; they take her to the desert; the old woman gives her water for her eyes torn out; throws her daughter into the well, dresses her daughter in her clothes; the people are surprised that roses do not fall, in traces the bride has no gold; the poor man pulls the blind man out of the well, builds a pearl palace; when a blind woman smiles, a rose falls, the poor man sells her daughter an old woman by two eyes blind; a good genie dove inserts eyes, the girl sees the light; the evil genie tells the old woman to catch a goldfish with an earring in which the soul of a beauty is; at night the imaginary wife takes out the earring, at which time the girl comes to life; chasing a dove, Batyr finds the true bride, returns the earring; the old woman and her daughter are tied to horses]: Sheverdin 1972 (2): 88-94 (=1984:82-89).