Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K12B. The sorceress's husband violates the ban, ATU 400.


The hero enters a world outside the human world and marries there. The wife allows the hero to visit the old world, but with certain conditions. The hero violates it, which causes (irreparable) misfortunes.

Portuguese, Ladins, Northern Italians (Ticino, Lombardy, Veneto), Sardinians, Corsicans, Ladins, Bretons, French, Germans (Pomerania, Tyrol), Irish (?) , Flemish people (?) , Arabic writing tradition, Garo, Koreans, Slovenes, Poles, Bakhtiyars, Norwegians, Swedes (?) , Finns (?) , Estonians (?) , Khakas, Altaians, Orochi, Tagish, Inner Tlingit, Helmet, Haida, Tsimshian, Sechelt, Sikuani.

Southern Europe. Corsicans [Grandesta has learned a lot, went to visit his elderly mother; on the way he refuses to help the old beggar; he turns into a young man, says that G. will die himself and there is no trace will remain; G. goes to look for the country of immortality; at night he sees an inscription in the mountains in fiery letters: They don't die here; G. stays there; once a storm began; when it was over, the griffin flew in, threw bloody prey, swallowed a grain of sand, flew away; the mountain told G. that there would be no death in this country until it, the mountain, was equal to the plain; but G. wants eternal immortality, so he goes on; remains by a beautiful lake; an oak tree says that everything is immortal here; a storm begins, a black bird arrives, swallows a drop of water: it arrives every thousand years, when there is nothing left of the lake, immortality will end; G. moves on; meets a beautiful woman, she brings him on a chariot to the land of true immortality; once G. remembered his mother and decided to visit her; his wife gave a winged horse: by no means You can't go; no one on earth remembers his mother or himself; on the way back he meets a driver who asks for help; G. jumped off his horse, turned into a skeleton; Death: finally caught you]: Ortoli 1883, No. 28:224-234; Sardinians: Cerise, Serafini, No. 470B: 109; Portuguese [the hero enters a country in another world where there is no death; wants to visit his homeland; his wife warns him not get off his horse; he breaks the ban, Old Time appears, kills him]: Cardigos 2008, No. 470B: 112; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 27 (Veneto, Verona) [the young man goes to look for a country in which they do not die; he meets an old man with a wheelbarrow of stones; he says that until he moves the whole mountain, the young man will not die, it will take at least a hundred years; the young man does not agree to stay with the old man, for a hundred years is not immortality; then he sees an old man pruning tree branches; he will not die until he prunes the branches of all the trees in the forest, it will take two hundred years; the same; the third old man points to the duck: until she drinks the sea, the young man will not die, it will take three hundred years; the same; finally, the young man came to the palace where the fourth old man; he replies that the person who came has achieved his goal; the young man lives in the palace for a long time, but one day decides visit his family; the old man says that the last of them has already died; but if the young man insists, he can take a white horse that jumps like the wind; but if he gets off his horse and touches the ground, it will be instant he will die; on the way, the young man sees the steppe instead of the sea and the bones of the old man who showed him the duck; then he sees a rooted forest and a plain on the site of the mountain; the young man's hometown has changed beyond recognition, about him no one heard the relatives; on the way back, the man asks for help to pull out the cart stuck in the mud; as soon as the young man touched the ground, the owner of the cart grabbed him and said that he was Death; in the cart shoes that had to be worn out when catching up with the young man; he died immediately]: 77-79; Kotrelev 1991 [=Ilyin, Kazakova 1960:203-211; Grantest's scientist went to visit his mother, spoke contemptuously of the poor, but he reminded him of his death; he forgot about his mother and science, went to search for the land of immortality; found a valley where a monster flies every thousand years to pick up one grain of sand; the mountain says that Everything here will be scattered to the grain of sand; he thinks he has come to the lake of real immortality, but a monster also flies there to pick up one drop; by the sea, an old woman asked her son to be cured, but the fairy gave a feather that we must show the eagle, he will take him to the land of immortality; G. forgot about the child, the eagle carried him to the fairies; once G. remembered his mother; the fairy gave a horse, but G. should not touch the ground with his foot; in the village, a man speaks of G. as a nonentity who sought immortality only for himself and forgot about his mother; G. jumped off his horse in anger, crumbled to dust]: 315-320; Italians (Ticino) [someone tramples the meadow at night; the peasant tells his eldest son to guard, he falls asleep; the middle son is the same; the youngest Vittorino sees three white doves at dawn; they take off their clothes from their feathers, turn into girls, dance in the meadow; V. hid the most beautiful clothes; she promises to love him; they live in Sun Castle, where none of the people have been; V. gives her clothes, says at home that he slept all night; the fairy comes back, the wedding; but in the morning must return to the castle; there she is guarded by the monster Orco; she leaves V. a ring; he goes looking for her; two giants fight for speed boots, an invisible cloak, a sword (her touch brings the dead to life); agree to give this to V. so that he can return his wife; V. comes to the old woman, she calls the animals, but no one knows where Suncastle is; she sends her sister, she asks the fish - the same; she - to her older sister, she calls birds; the phoenix is late because he lives far away, in Suncastle; the old woman tells him to take V. there; he meets his wife, kills Orco with his magic sword; revives his wife's father and brother, whom O. killed; stays with his wife in the castle]: Keller 1981:298-308; ladins [poor parents have many children; the gentleman in green clothes offered gold for what the woman had in her hem; she thought coal, and agreed; gave birth to a boy; the master ordered him to be sent to him after 7 years; when the boy was 5, his parents sent him to his hermit godfather; he taught him to read a wise book; at the age of 7, a boy he picked up an eagle, dropped it over the mountain, where the castle of three mountain maidens; when he grew up, he fell in love with the youngest; the wedding; the young man wanted to see his parents and godparents; the wife gave a ring with which to summon her; but you can't call without an important reason; he was offered a bride, he said he had a better one, called the fairy; she was furious; when they went back, she took her ring and disappeared; he went to look for that one mountain; meets three old men successively; this is the north wind, the west wind and the wind in the mountains; the first gives a speedboat shoe, the second an invisible hat, the third staff that lifts to the rock; the invisible, a young man he entered the hall where his wife was married to another; opened up to his wife, who fell in love with him again; asked the maid: the key was lost, the new one was made, the old one was found which one to choose; the maid: old; wedding again]: Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 54:182-186

Western Europe. The Bretons [the eel tells a miller named Even that he is the enchanted princess of the Sun; he agrees to spend three nights in an abandoned castle; giants torment him, the princess revives him, gives him gold, arranges marriage; the witch gives E. an apple, he eats, falls asleep along the way; so three times; E. goes to look for the princess; the first hermit has not heard of the Sun Princess; the second calls wolves, but they are she has only been heard; this hermit sends to his older brother, E. goes for a rolling golden ball; the oldest hermit summons birds, the eagle says that the princess marries her son king of Portugal, brings E. (E. feeds the eagle with sheep on the way); E. sits in the way of the wedding procession, the princess recognizes the starry, moonlit, sunny scarves sent to him, asks to sell; E. sells for kisses on the feet and hand; princess announces who her true fiance is; wedding]: Luzel 1995:203-217; French (Haute-Brittany) [returning from war, the young man La Ramée (R.) comes to a castle in the woods; there's a monster with his head women; she will be disgraced if R. manages to spend three nights in the castle and remain silent all the time; gives a bottle with a remedy that heals; the little witch and demons tear R. with their claws, fry; medicine in the morning heals him; the second night is even worse; on the third night he was torn to pieces, thrown into a well; the princess took it out and revived him, she became beautiful herself, they got married; the wife does not tell me to drink, the witch accepted the appearance of an orange merchant, he drank juice, died; the princess ordered him to be buried, but the servants left his body in the forest; R. came to life, comes to hell; the raven does not know where Heures Castle is, the wind brings R. there; there the princess is preparing to marry another; recognizes R. by her handkerchief; tells her father that the old dresser key is better than the new one, reunites with R.]: Sébillot 1894, No. 25:270-271; the French (south of Normandy) [Pierre, a young peasant, decided to become a soldier, rose to military leader, then appointed chief minister; one of the courtiers reproached him for his low origin; P. asked the king to throw him into prison; courtier: you can't avoid death anyway; then P. went to search for the country of immortality; he found it and stayed there; 300 years later, a huge bird flew in; residents said that it feeds on sand and land; when he eats everything, the world will end for the inhabitants; P. went to look for another country; lived on the island of immortality for 600 years; left it when he was shown a huge fish; when she drank the sea , life will end; once freed a fly from the shadows of a spider; she turned into a fairy and offered to fulfill a wish; P. wished immortality; the fairy took him to the world of stars, where there is no death; but one day he was tired of endless happiness and wanted to return to his village; the fairy advised not to do so, but still gave a horse, warning him that if he got off it and touched the ground, he would die; the horse flew to his native places Pierre; instead of a village, a big city, you can't learn anything; P. came across a man whose cart was stuck in the mud; he asked for help to pull it out; as soon as P. came down, the cart turned into a pile shoes, and the man to Death; she said she had been looking for Pierre for a long time. "What are these shoes? - I wore them out while I was looking for you]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 470B: 163-165; the Germans (Pomerania) [returning from afar, the king told the fisherman to bring vendace fish immediately; he replied that it had they do not exist, but the king does not want to listen; the fisherman threw a net, but there is no vendace; someone came up and promised to help the fisherman if he promised to give him something he did not know at home in 14 years; and let he would sign in blood; the fisherman brought vendace and found out that the wife had given birth to a son and the queen had a daughter; when he found out what was going on, the king refused to eat the fish and ordered it to be thrown back into the sea; the fisherman's son grew up in the castle as prince; when he found out that the devil was promised, the young man cried; but a tiny man came, gave him a book and said it would help; the hell took the young man hundreds of miles away; demanded that he throw the book away, threatened to throw it at the sea, but he did not throw it away; and when they landed, the young man drew a cross sign in the sand so that the devil could not leave; he had to hand over a receipt and write another one stating that he had no control over young man; hell flew away, and the young man went across the plain; six days later he saw a mound and a door; an old man in the room; he was ready to receive the young man, but when he went to the hill, he must stay to the left and not turn to the right; but to him I was tired of it; the old man warned that death was waiting to go to the right; the young man still went, there was an iron gate in front of him; someone's hands seemed to raise him and found himself in the room; everything he wanted appeared immediately; In the evening, a black woman came in and disappeared; at 11, three dwarfs came in, told the young man to play cards with them; he did not react; then they played him like a ball, and disappeared at midnight; the young man woke up when the sun was already high; on the second day it was the same; the woman was half white; until 12, the young man was cut and slaughtered, and then he was whole again; on the third evening the woman became three-quarters bright; the young man was talked to in his father's voice, but he knew it was all hell; so was his mother; he woke up in the royal bedchamber; a disgraced princess threw herself around his neck; one day a young man wanted to go home to bring him parents; wife: here's a white horse, it will ride, but it can only carry one person - leave your parents where they are now; the horse flew above the clouds; the parents did not recognize their son; when he opened, he met also with the king; he paraded; but the young king told the old king that his kingdom was much larger and his wife was incomparably more beautiful than the king's daughter; his wife warned him not to say anything, but the king violated her order and was now thrown into prison; he asked the children to bring his white horse, but he was not there; but then the old king received a letter from the young wife: let her husband go, otherwise the city will be turned to ashes; when he saw the young king's wife and her warriors, the old king realized that the young king was telling the truth; the wife disappeared, leaving her husband with iron shoes and a staff: she would find her when she was worn out; in The forest came across three people who shared the inheritance: an invisible cloak, boots by leaps and bounds, and a hat that shoots silently; the king put on his cloak, took everything and disappeared; came to the house, where the cannibal mother of the month; had dinner; then to the Sun; on the third evening to the Wind; he knows where the kingdom of the king's wife is; she is now celebrating a new wedding; they immediately flew in and the wind caused a terrible storm; the Queen sent a master to repair the towers; the king agreed with him that he would give him a job in the queen's room; when the newlyweds came in, the king beat them while remaining invisible; the groom thought it was hell and ran away; the king opened Queen; the wedding took place, but they]: Jahn 1891, No. 54:281-298; Germans (Pomerania) [father and son went to sea to fish; the storm overturned the boat; the father was carried to their native shore, and the son to a stranger; a hunter came up to him and made a pact; he would hunt for him all week and for himself on Sundays; but he must return before the priest preaches in church; two On Sundays in a row, the young man does not see a single animal in the forest, except for a white deer, which also escapes him; on the third day, the deer turns into a lady in black, leaves it in his palace and asks three nights to be silent; he is cut to pieces, minced meat is made, but at midnight everything ends and the lady revives him; after the third night she is disgraced; she is Queen of Tiefenthal; the young man wants to visit his parents; promises Do not talk about his wife; she gives a ring, it instantly takes him where he needs to go; he brags about his wife's beauty, the local gentleman is insulted, throws the young man in prison; the wife appears and helps him out, disappears, leaving his iron shoes and staff; they should be worn out; he comes to the East Wind, it sends it to the South, South to the West; only the North knows where Tiefenthal is; he dries clothes there, he is washed to Queen's wedding; takes the young man to the newlyweds door; he asked the servant to give him bread and wine, threw a ring into the glass, the Queen found out; said that he broke his promise, but because he found it again, she will be his wife again; courtiers: the former king has more rights than the new one; the spouses have been separated for so long, they celebrated their wedding again; if they do not die, they still live]: Jahn 1891, No. 55:298-304; Germans (Tyrol) [the sorceress, taking the guise of a beautiful girl, was hired by a rich man; his son married her; before the wedding, she made it a condition never to watch at her by candlelight; her husband broke the ban, a drop of wax fell on his wife's cheek; when he woke up, his wife was gone, and a pair of iron shoes was by the bed; the note stated that he would find her after wearing her out them; he got an invisibility cloak and a chair that he carries anywhere; found a wife at the last moment when she should have married another; the husband brought his wife back]: Hartland 1891:274; Flemish people, Irish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 470B: 277

Western Asia. Arabic written tradition (One Thousand and One Nights) [see H55 for the beginning; the following is a plug-in story; King Taigamus had no sons; the stargazers said that he would only have a son from his daughter King Khorasan; King Khorasan agreed to marry; stargazers predicted misfortunes for his son after 15 years; his name was Janshah; at the age of 15, D. chased the gazelle, the gazelle jumped into the boat, she was caught, but D. and his servants went by boat to the island at sea; the father sent letters about his son to all the islands; D. went to land on the wrong island to which he sailed; sent half of the servants deep into the island, remaining in the boat; he was brought to the palace; the island belonged to monkeys; the monkeys sank the boat, made D. king; he ordered the servants to help the monkeys defeat enemies; found a stove with a prophecy: the one who became king of the monkeys will be able to get out from islands only after passing to a city where there is not a single believer of the true faith; the monkeys chased the prince, but they were destroyed by ants; in the city of infidels, D. hired a merchant, received a payment in advance; his they sewed the donkey in the belly and the bird carried the carcass to the nest; precious stones were around; D. threw stones to the merchant, and he left without showing how to go down; D. went to look for a way out, came to the palace; the owner forbids open one door; D. opened and saw three girls dressed as pigeons coming to swim; a year later they flew in again; on the advice of the owner of the castle, D. hid one of the girls's clothes; this is Sitt Samsha, she agreed to become the prince's wife, he returned her feather clothes and they flew to the prince's country; Taigamus built a palace for D. and the secondary school; the secondary school smelled her clothes hidden under the floor of the palace, ordered D. looked for her in the Takney jewelry fortress and flew away; D. came to a man with whom he already lived, hired the same job, was sewn into a horse's skin; refused to throw stones out of the merchant's nest; came again to to the owner of the palace; he does not know about the fortress T.; one of the birds took D. to the king of animals; he called on the animals to ask about T.; the animals do not know; he sends D. to his older brother; the brother does not know, sends to The sorcerer, to whom animals and mountains are subordinate, summoned animals and genies; one bird said that it knew where T. was, took D. there; the king of jinns, i.e. the father of the secondary school, ordered that every person be brought to him; wedding; the couple was taken to the kingdom of D.]: Salle 2010 (2), nights 499-530:64-101; Arabic written tradition (One Thousand and One Nights) [{close to Tunisian text}; Persian praises jeweler's jewelry Hasana, offers to adopt him, promises to teach him a better craft; H.'s mother does not trust a foreigner; the next morning, a stranger makes a gold bar out of copper, H. asks him to teach him how to create gold; this you can only learn in a Persian's house; they go to H.'s house, a Persian drinks it, puts it in a chest, puts it in another, puts money and jewelry in another, sends chests to the ship; the ship sails away; mother X . builds a tomb with the name of his son and lives in it; H. will be killed in the thousandth if he does not betray his faith, but H. refuses to worship fire, the Persian tortures him while they are sailing on the ship; during the storm, sailors they blame the Persian, they want to kill, he apologizes to H., the storm subsides; the Persian and H. go down to land, ride camels; the Persian sews H. into the camel's skin, the bird lifts the skin up the mountain; there's firewood and human bones; the Persian asks to drop firewood, they are needed for alchemy; H. dumps firewood, the Persian leaves, leaving H. on the mountain; H. rushes into the sea, takes him ashore, where the enemies' palace A Persian, there are seven daughters of a genie; H. remains with them; a year later, a Persian appears with a prisoner who is going to be sent to the mountain; H. kills a Persian, throws his head into the fire; frees the prisoner; girls leave for two months; X. opens the forbidden door; 10 birds fly in; X. hides; birds turn into girls; bathe; X. falls in love with the elder; female birds fly away; X. withers from love; Jeennia comes back, H. talks about everything to the youngest, she promises to help; the older gennias go hunting, the youngest advises H. to hide the feathers of the bird girl; the jinnias arrange their wedding; X. dreams of a mother , he goes to her; in case of difficulty, he must hit the Persian drum and the camels will take him to the jinnias; at mother X.'s house, his wife gives birth to two sons; H. decides to visit the jinny, punishes the mother does not go to the city with his wife; the wife violates the ban, goes to the bathhouse, sees her by the Caliph's slave, tells his wife; she calls H.'s wife to her place, dresses up; wife H. says she has feather clothes, let the mother-in-law give it back; the servant brings the clothes, the wife H. turns into a bird, takes the children and flies away - let the husband look for her on the Wak Islands; H. goes to the jinnias for help; Uncle Jinny takes her out horse mountains, gives a letter; on horseback X. reaches the mountain where the mighty sheikh gives a letter; he is allowed into the mountain; he is given a new letter and a case with firefighting accessories, with which you can summon a sheikh in case of trouble; H. flies on the back of the efreet, gives a letter to the king; the king explains how to proceed; Hasan is secretly put on the ship; after getting off the ship, H. hides under a bench; at night asks a warrior girl who brings him armor; H. mixes with warriors; a warrior girl takes off her clothes, turns out to be an old woman; an old warrior commands an army of women, ready to help; says how to get to Wack Island; H. goes with his army through the island of birds; through the island of animals; through the island of genies; H. describes his wife to the warrior, the old woman recognizes the king's eldest daughter; H. must know his wife among other girls; he does not know if the queen is going to cut his head; the old woman intercedes; says that there is not a single woman left in town but the queen herself; she must also appear X.; he sees that the queen looks like his wife; she is her sister; the queen orders her sister with children to be brought; children are brought before their mother; the queen is convinced that the boys are the sons of H.; the queen beats her sister; talks about to all her husband, the father of bird girls; the sorcerer's two children quarrel over a copper stick, which genies and invisible caps obey; H. invites them to race, picks up wonderful objects; invisible, goes to his wife, she is crucified and tied by her hair; H. opens to her children, unties his wife, the old woman opens the gate, the efreets give X. three horses; genie sticks defeat the queen's army, she is captured ; wife H. stands up for her, reconciles; the queen and the old woman go to their city; on the way they thank the king who put H. on the ship and both sheikhs; the sheikhs ask them to give them a wand and hat for what they did help; H. and his family are visiting Jinny, thanking the youngest, returning home]: Salle 2010 (2), nights 778-831:594-702.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Garo [Daran young man saw Juge Balje's apsara swimming in the pond, hid her clothes; she called herself the daughter of a heavenly lord and agreed to marry; Apsara gave a white scarf with which you can take to the air, and a remedy for thirst and hunger; after 7 years, D. wanted to visit his parents and relatives; his wife let him down, promising to return for him in 3 years; relatives surprised that D. did not have children in 7 years; it turns out that the relationship was platonic; D. succumbed to persuasion and married, they have a child; then an apsara appeared; D. was desperate, cried out and died; for wives and domestic apsars remained invisible]: Rongmuthu 1960:48-53.

China - Korea. Koreans [(=Ząng 1952, No. 11:21-25); the lumberjack saved the deer from the hunter; he indicated the place where the heavenly maidens bathe; the lumberjack hid the clothes alone, got married; the rest of the fairies returned to heaven by rainbow; the deer warned the logger not to give clothes to his wife until she gave birth to four children; the husband gave it after the birth of the third; the wife and the children flew away; the husband on a pumpkin throat for her to heaven; after living with his wife, wanted to visit his mother; his wife gave a dragon horse, told him not to get off him; the husband spilled porridge on his back, the horse was frightened, flew away; the husband died of grief, turned into a rooster; var.: do not return to birth third child; in heaven, his wife's parents give difficult tasks; he did not complete the last - to descend on a dragon horse]: Choi 1979, No. 205:62-63.

The Balkans. Slovenes [the gentleman tells the fisherman to catch fish in three days for the feast he is having; the fisherman caught nothing; someone in green clothes promises a rich catch for promising to give what the fisherman has does not know at home; he will come for what he promised in 20 years; the fisherman agreed, immediately caught fish; the man in green warned that the fisherman promised him a son; after completing his studies, the young man tells his father to approach him with him on the shore and when he steps with one foot into the green man's boat, say "In the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit!" ; after that, the boat with the green man and the young man disappeared; they found themselves in Perdonkorten ("Wundergarten"); in the castle, the snake tells her to kiss, he tells her to die in response; the next night, the same, snakes have two heads; the third is three-headed, he kisses her, she turns into a girl; after that, the castle and the city are disgraced, the owner of the castle (and he is the girl's father) and the people greet the young man; he began to miss at home, decided to visit his father; the wife gave a ring that would allow him to travel to his father and return back; if he tells others about the ring, it will be lost; on earth, the master wants to give the young man one of his two daughters; a young man tells them about the ring; they put him to sleep and stole the ring; after 5 years, the young man decides to go to Perdenkorten without a ring; comes to a woman, she has three dangerous brothers; a young man calls himself after their missing fourth brother; they have speed shoes, an invisibility cloak, a hat that makes its way through any obstacle; he asks for permission to wear it all, disappears, comes to the house of the sun; his servant is there; the sun has returned, says he does not know about Perdenkorten, tells him to turn to the Moon; she also does not know, sends it to the Wind; the Wind says that tomorrow it will refresh with the breeze of the princess there gathered for the wedding; thanks to his wonderful objects, the young man follows the Wind through all obstacles; remaining invisible, drops church books on the floor, which the chaplain laid out for the wedding; the old wedding is upset, the princess marries a young man; storyteller: they gave me wine in a sieve and bread in a glass and one on the back with a shovel; after that I left]: Wratislaw 1890, No. 58:301-312

Central Europe. Poles [a merchant is shipwrecked, finds himself on an unfamiliar shore; there is a garden, a palace, beauties drink wine; they do not see or hear it because he wears an invisible cloak; a merchant eats and drinks; once concerns a girl, she shies away in fear; one day his cloak falls off, but the girls allow him to live in their land of immortality; two months later he wants to visit his parents, but the girls say that in his country 200 years have passed; girls give a horse to carry him across the sea; the merchant will live if he does not get off him; at the bazaar he is told that the coin presented was in use 200 years ago; towards an old woman with a cart loaded with worn wings; the cart is stuck, she asks for help; when the merchant descends, rushes to him, she is Death, she has worn out many wings in 200 years while looking for a merchant; he died]: Dombrovsky 1992: 142-150.

Iran - Central Asia. Bakhtiyary [Faiz plays the flute in the mountains; peri invites him to visit her, he stays with her; she demands loyalty; after a few years F. asks for permission to return to visit his former family; peri warns that if he talks about her, he will not see her or their children again; F. returns, does not answer where he was; remaining invisible, Peri watches him; the first wife threatens to put an end to by himself, if the husband does not speak; then threatens to drive the children out of the house; then F. tells everything; hears Peri's voice: he will not see her or their children again; Peri turns into a dove and flies away; F. leaves the family, returns to the mountains and plays the flute]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 35:232-235

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [Halvor doesn't want to do anything, but is hired on a ship; gets off it, comes to the castle, where the princess is kidnapped; she gives him a drink of strong water so he can raise his sword; he beheads a 3-headed troll; the same with two other princesses in two other castles and 6- and 9-headed trolls; H. chooses the youngest to marry; they live in Soria-Moriah Castle; H. wants to visit his parents; the wife gives a wish-fulfilling ring, forbids talking about them; one day he says he wants his wife by his side, then it will become clear how beautiful she is; princesses appear, X. is put to sleep, the wife takes off magical and puts another ring on X.'s finger, the princesses disappear; H. goes looking for them; the old man and the old woman say that the Moon knows about Soria-Moriah, they give them shoes by leaps and bounds; she replies that when she passed There, the castle is covered by a cloud; West Wind knows; H. comes to his wife's wedding with him; H. throws a ring into a glass of wine for his wife; she recognizes him, rejects the new fiancé, marries H.]: Dasent 1970:396-409 (same or very similar text in Asbjíørsen, Moe 1960:67-76, translated into Lubarska 1987:81-98); Finns, Swedes (Gotland; in Säve, Gustavson 1952 (1), No. 62, (2), No. 138) (Rannu) [when he dies, the forester bequeaths his son to take care of the landlord's forest, but not to go to one place; he goes, there the devils fight over bast shoes (speeders), hats (sees everything), the sheepskin coat (makes him invisible); the forester shoots, promises to award things to the one who brings the pellets that have flown out earlier; six swans fly by, he wears bast shoes behind them; they swim in the lake, taking off their clothes from their feathers; he hides his clothes alone, takes as a wife; they have a son; the wife laughs; promises to tell you what if he shows where her clothes are; tells a funny story about the devil; the husband opens the chest; the wife grabs clothes, flies away; he comes to an empty house, eating, drinking, going to bed; six Swans come in; each says that someone ate her bread, slept on her bed; the wife finds her husband in her bed; flies to pick up her son, tells her husband not to go into one room; he comes in, there is a chained old devil; asks for water, the forester gives, drinks the devil three times, breaks the chains, waits for the forester's wife, takes her away; the forester finds her, takes his wife, catches up with the hell, takes her away again; so twice, the third time he kills; previously the forester picked up and saved a half-dead wolf; now the vorons and vorons have flocked to peck the forester's corpse, the wolf caught the crow; promised to return the crow if he He will bring living water; he brought it, the wolf revived the forester; the forester's mother sends him to a far clever old man; he says that a witch lives overseas, her white mare brings 12 foals every year; there are human heads on the stakes, one stake is empty; if you herd for 3 days, you will get a foal, you must take the most inconspicuous one; the king of midges, the king of horseflies and the king of crayfish will help you herd; the forester does everything, takes everything away wife; the horse says he will not catch up, because his brother is stronger than him; both horses kill the devil, the forester and his wife come home to them]: Järv et al. 2009, No. 14:78-84.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakasi [an elderly hunter advises the young man not to hunt late - he will get lost; he did not listen, wandered for forty days, ate clothes other than a felt coat; his wife is preparing memorial food , he is a little bit saturated with the smell; finally he went out to the aal, stayed with the woman; she washed him, clothed him and fed him, hid him from her two sons; they came back, promised not to harm the man, married it is on his mother; they have a child; his wife does not tell you to go to high peaks; the person again did not listen and remembered the country where he used to live; the wife explains that her country does not grow old, and if a person he will return, he will quickly grow old and die; his death in the form of an old man is crushed in the mud by the wheel of the cart, he will ask him to pull it out - you can't pull it out; the man felt sorry for the old man, raised the wheel of the cart with a whip handle; old man: you'll die tomorrow; man saw his wife and children and died]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 24:425-431; Altaians [Böö-kan, son of Kaldan Khan, saw on the lake of three swans; caught one, who turned out to be the daughter of Uch-Kurbustan; became her husband, went up to heaven with her; one day he went down to earth and, despite the ban of his magical wife, went to earth; she sewed a red thread to his clothes; when he returned, his heavenly wife drove him away; said that she would soon give birth to a son Shuna, whom BH would find on the full moon night under a birch tree wrapped in wolf skin, three maralukh fed with milk]: Sherstova, 227, 232 in Sagalaev, Oktyabrskaya 1990:70.

Amur - Sakhalin. Orochi [the ox tells the owner to go to the sea, 12 swans will arrive, take off their clothes, become girls; we must hide the youngest's plumage; she clapped her hands, created a rich house, fed her, put her to sleep; he woke up - neither at home nor girl; the ox reproaches that the young man did not make her wife; we must sow two sunflower seeds, they will grow to the sky; we must climb them; stars are the roots of trees in the upper world; ox also tells him to get into one ear, get out of the other, the young man is great and handsome; the young man hit his head against the sky, it parted, he saw houses, in one of them that beauty; her father gives difficult problems, the girl helps to solve; 1) recognize the bride among three chickens (she will raise her wing, there is a white feather); 2) find out among 12 girls with curtained faces in the same dresses (the bride is glued to clothes needle); 3) find and bring three arrows fired in different directions; the bride tells you to choose a frozen skate, his hair is in the opposite direction; gives a bottle of medicine to heal wounds; the first arrow in the side sturgeon; the young man took the arrow, cured the sturgeon; the second was brought by the mice to their queen; the young man ate the horse; the mouse returned the arrow and revived the horse; the young man helped the weaker army; after the victory he found out that in their city the princess was wounded by an arrow; took out an arrow, applied medicine, the princess recovered; the young man returned to the bride, her father gave it to him; one day a man decided to visit the land; the wife warned not to eat chicken; he was greeted, given cock meat; he ate and became a rooster, so the rooster greets the morning dawn]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1978, No. 82:133-135.

Subarctic. Tagish [8 brothers saw a mouse, began to push her into the water, the youngest saved her; he has an unloved muddy wife; she invites him to marry the daughter of the Sun; he sees smoke over the grass, enters a tiny house, an old lady there; he falls asleep when he wakes up, finds himself in a big house, the old woman has cooked a lot of food; she gives him a piece of ice, a whetstone, two pieces of dried fish, tells him to bring skins blue jays and hummingbirds, buttercup stems, branches of various trees; in a clearing, shoot an arrow into the sky from the buttercup stem, then the second, then fire the rest of the arrows, they form a ladder to the sky; climbing it, he drags the stairs with him; he hears the ringing of a bell, it is the daughters of the Sun swinging on a swing (people did not know what a swing was before); wearing the skin of a jay, he flies up to the daughters of the sun, chases him away; then she flies up in the form of a hummingbird, the youngest of the sisters catches him, the eldest buys hummingbirds from her for a spoon from the abalone shell; in the morning the sisters wake up, the man lies between them; The sun sends a slave to find out what his daughters are doing, he reports that they are with a man; sisters tell the man that many men tried to marry them, but the father killed everyone; the Sun sends his son-in-law to bring water to There are two eagles, a man throws them food, they let it pass; The sun puts the man in the cauldron, cooks for a long time, but he is intact, clinging to the lid of the cauldron in the form of a hummingbird and holding a piece of ice; (then a pass to records; The sun sends the eldest daughter with the man to the ground, gives a pen; if the husband is not faithful, the pen will get wet); they come in a boat to the man's parents; he sends his younger brother to bring his wife, but the boy sees only a ray of sunlight in the boat; a ray enters the house, then turns into a woman; the first wife is jealous, clung to him when he went to get water, scratched it; the daughter of the Sun saw that the feather was wet ; it turns into a ray of sunlight, disappears; the next morning the heat intensifies; the first to die was the former wife, she jumped into the water; the world burned down; only that man, his brother and sister and their spouses hid under the river a cliff, they had that piece of ice; the Sun's daughter's husband came back to her, the rest stayed on earth]: McClelland 2007 (2), No. 53:282-288; inner tlingits [man lost everything; wife advises him marry the daughter of the Sun; he sees smoke above the grass, there is a door to a big house, there is a Little All-Knowing Old Woman in it; she gives the man birdskin, a piece of ice, a whetstone, a bow and 8 arrows; he hears in the clouds laughter, fires arrows, they dig into each other's tail, form a chain, he climbs it into the sky, puts on a blue jay skin; girls swing on a swing, chase a jay; puts on a hummingbird skin, the youngest catches a bird, takes it to bed, in the morning the sisters see a man next to him; their Sun Father offers his son-in-law a test of heat; the man takes a piece of ice in his mouth, unharmed; the Sun tells him not to cheat on his daughter, not meet an ex-wife; a man goes down to the ground with his new wife; goes to fetch water every day; one day he meets his first wife, she scolds her; when he comes back, the daughter of the Sun puts her in a bucket of water the feather, the water became muddy, the wife returns to her father; it causes terrible heat, all people died, except the man, because he held a piece of ice and a whetstone in his mouth; he returned to heaven to the daughter of the Sun]: McClennan 2007 (3), No. 136:617-620; helmet [After completing the difficult tasks of his cannibal father-in-law, Beaver receives his consent to marry his two daughters, takes them to the human world; father-in-law gives his daughters a pen that will be stay dry as long as their husband is loyal to them; one day Beaver meets his first wife; new wives see the feather wet, go up into the sky; it gets terribly hot, people die, alive only Beaver and his brothers remain; Beaver goes to look for his wives who have left him; his father-in-law comes to his overnight stay, replacing their hanged pants; Beaver throws his father-in-law's pants into the fire early in the morning; he admits his defeat, rises to the sky, he is the Sun]: Teit 1917a, No. 1:436-441.

NW Coast. Hyda: Reid, Bringhurst 1989 [The raven marries a Creek woman; the Wealthsound girl is their descendant; tells the young man who picked her up and his relatives how her brother threw a frog into the fire the frog's mother began to look for her child; the old men told Wealthsound to hide in a latrine, the rest were destroyed by the earthquake and fire; the boy's parents adopt a girl, she is of the same kind (theirs coat of arms - dogfish, little shark); W. are married to the mainland; her son complains that other children are teasing him rootless; mother and son are returning to the Haida Islands; her adoptive parents have already died; named Brother W. receives her and his nephew; finds him with his wife, puts him in a box, lets him go to sea; he is washed ashore in the country of Orlov, Orlitsa takes the young man as her husband, her father gives him eagle plumage, tells him miss the big clam; it is enough, dragged under water, the Eagles come to the rescue, each grabs the other, the whole chain of Eagles is almost hidden under water, the old Eagle pulls them out, but the young man remains under water; at the request of his wife, her father pulls his bones from the bottom, revives him; agrees to send his son-in-law and daughter to the country of people; gives three pebbles; when the young man and wife are tired of flying, they they throw a stone, it turns into an island, they spend the night on it; so three times; at home the young man finds his mother; all women want it, he reciprocates it; the eagle wife sees the water become cloudy and flies away; wearing eagle plumage, her husband flies after her; she tells him to return, he refuses; then she deprives him of his plumage, he falls into the sea; when he falls, he hears frog croaking]: 93-103; Tsimshian: Barbados 1953 (b. Ness) [while the chief is hunting, the nephew sleeps with his wife; the chief finds lovers, kills his wife, glues his nephew with resin to the board, lowers him in the boat; the boat sticks to an unknown shore, the sun melted the resin; the mouse invites the young man to his uncle; various birds and animals sit in the house (in human form, but in appropriate clothes); the chief offers the young man a daughter as a wife; she gives him a stone to at night, he first knocked out her vaginal teeth; previous suitors all died; his wife gives eagle clothes, he helps pull the whale out, the Eagles respect him; father-in-law leaves the oyster bait, she drags her son-in-law to the bottom ; the wife is ready to kill herself; the chief raises the floor, moves the net at the bottom of the sea, pulls out his son-in-law's bones, revives; the young man misses home, gets three pebbles from his father-in-law; throws him into the sea on the way home , they turn into islands, the spouses rest on them; bring people food and wealth; taking the form of an eagle, the young man hunts; one day he cheats on his wife; she flies away, he flies after her, falls, drowns; at home, the wife- The eagle withers from grief; father-in-law revives her son-in-law again, he stays with the Eagles]: 42-52; Boas 1912 [starved, an aristocrat woman and her daughter were left alone; at night someone came in and slept with her daughter; then when she touched the fir bark, it fell down, and under it were increasingly large animals: squirrel, partridge, porcupine, beaver, mountain ram, black bear, grizzly; that man appeared (he also often appears nearby in the form of a bird whose scream brings good luck), said that he was sending game; then the animals fell in two; they built two houses to store meat; the father told him to name his son Asdi-Wâ'l, he has become a great hunter; he chases a polar bear, who makes passages through the rock, A. puts an onion in the crack and follows; after the bear he climbs the stairs to the sky; there is a blooming plain; a bear turns out to be the Evening Star, the daughter of the Sun; she warns that her father killed many of her suitors; her father-in-law tells 1) to hunt mountain sheep; the stars think A. is frozen in place, but he is only left his cloak and hat on the pole; A. entered the house where the mountain sheep were gathering; they beat the rhythm, and the shaman was kamlal; the shaman and the lamb jumped over his head, and killed the rest A., brought a lot of fat; 2 ) bring mountain water; she is in a cave, the entrance to which closes and then opens; the slave was crushed, and A. took out water; the Sun told the daughter to step over the bones of the crushed man and he came to life again; 3) bring firewood; wife: as soon as you touch the tree, the bark will fall and crush; under the tree there is a pile of bones of the dead; the tree fell on the slave, and A. is unharmed; the father-in-law revived the slave again and put the fallen tree; 4) lie down on hot stones (The Sun wants to bake and eat his son-in-law); A.'s father gave him pieces of ice under his arms, A. safe in the oven; since then, the Sun and all its star people have fallen in love with A.; A. wants to return to the mother, together with his wife, who has 4 baskets of meat, berries, etc., rolls down to the ground in the sunlight; every day the wife orders to bring water, puts a feather into the bucket - the water is clean; once A. met with another girl, the water is covered with mucus, the wife has returned to her father; he follows her, falls when he almost reaches the sky, breaks, the Sun revives him; he lives with his wife again; they again return to earth; then the wife leaves altogether, and A. marries the chief's daughter; argues her four brothers, claiming that he is a better earner of marine animals than they are land animals; brings four bears, brothers come back empty-handed, pick up their sister; A. marries another girl, she gives birth to him a son; A. hunts walruses better than her four brothers, who leave him on a rock in the middle of the sea; a mouse takes him to an underground walrus house; he heals a wounded walrus; the walrus owner sends him home in a walrus stomach; his wife helps him kill her brothers; he goes hunting in the mountains, turns into stone]: 71-146.

The coast is the Plateau. Sechelt (syciatl) [the young man fell in love with the chief's most beautiful wife; the chief smeared his wife's bed with resin, threw the glued young man into the water along with the board he stuck to; the sun melted resin, the young man went to the other side of the sea; a mouse slave brought him to the house of young women; the mouse advises to choose the last wife; his father-in-law gives his son-in-law an eagle suit, his wife teaches him to fly, catch whales; his claws monsters get stuck in the back, eagles help, tear the monster apart; a born son wants to see his father's parents; father-in-law sends young people with a child in a self-propelled boat; in the husband's village, the wife feeds everyone with an inexhaustible supply of meat, even the Raven cannot eat his portion; the wife warns not to flirt with other women; the husband violates the ban, she walks on the waves, picking up her son; he follows; she turns around, he sinks]: Hill-Tout 1904a: 54-57.

Llanos. Sicuani [an ugly young man is rejected by everyone; Elanoides forficatus, swallow-tailed kite) turns into a woman, helps him catch flying ants, tells them before they fry, suppress with their fingernails; domestic boys try to fry everyone at once, ants fly away; a kite woman takes the young man into her world, makes him handsome; gives birth to a son; sends him to visit a grandmother who misses him; All the girls in the village are now in a hurry to get along with him; when the young man returns to his wife, kite, she warns him not to deal with earthly women anymore; he breaks the ban; she forgives him, but the next since the road to it is completely gone]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 89:338-340.