K130. Who is the sweetest person in the world? .11.12.14.-.17.27.-.32.
A woman asks who is the most beautiful and gets the answer that she is. Once she is told that the other one is more beautiful, she tries to get rid of her rival.
Maragoli, Swahili, Songhai, Moroccan Arabs, Kabila, Egyptian Arabs, Iraqi Arabs, Yemen, Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Ladins, French, Scots, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Grimms ), Albanians, Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians, Romanians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Pskov, Ryazan, Voronezh, Kursk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Galicia, Volyn, Podolia, Pokutye, Yekaterinoslavskaya, Kiev, Poltava), Belarusians, Balkarians, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Icelanders, Eastern Sami, Swedes, Karelians, Estonians, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Maragoli [mother is dead, stepmother hates Donyobe's stepdaughter; takes care of her body, but her mirror always replies that D. is more beautiful; then she gave her a poisoned banana and D. died; alone the man revived her by touching her staff and got her as a wife; Father D. drove his wife away]: Kavaji 2005, No. 17:240-241.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Swahili [The sun, the moon answer the Sultan's wife that she is more beautiful; she gives birth to a daughter Amina more beautiful than herself; leaves the maid, tells her husband that she had a miscarriage; A. grows up, the mother tells the maid leave her in the woods; A. comes to the genies house, cleans them up, the genies call her sister; the mother comes, pierces her combs into her head; the sultan of the genies takes them out, A. comes to life; the mother puts the poisoned ones on her feet shoes; Amina is put in a jewelry box, thrown into the sea; the box is washed ashore; the son of the sultan and the son of a merchant argue who will get it; the box swims into the channel of the merchant's son; the young man cannot open it, takes the box as his wife without knowing what's in it; opens it, takes off A.'s shoes, she comes to life; A. and her husband stay with the genies; A.'s father walled up his wife in an empty room]: Baker 1927, No. 16:299-305.
West Africa. Songhai (zarma) [the witch has two dish lids - gold and silver; she asks the sun which one is more beautiful; the sun: gold is beautiful, silver is beautiful, and you are beautiful yourself, but the most beautiful is the one in your womb; the same thing again; she started hitting herself in the stomach - the same again; after giving birth to a daughter, she threw her into a fox hole; 7 spirits raised the girl as a sister; the witch again asks the sun; comes to her daughter disguised as a hairdresser; stabs her head with knives; 7 brothers find the girl unconscious; wrap her in cloth, put her body on a camel and tell the slave to take him to desert; the camel ran, caught by a blacksmith, gave it to the chief; that little daughter Fatima found the body, took out her knife, the girl came to life; the chief married her; her brothers found her, sent cattle and other gifts; the sun again says to the witch that her daughter is the most beautiful; she again comes with an offer to comb a young woman; the woman tells the slaves to dig a deep hole; the witch fell upside down, broke her neck, her buried]: Calame-Griaule 2002:145-150.
North Africa. Arabs of Morocco [a woman always tells the Moon that there is no other beautiful woman like her and the Moon; the moon replies that the woman is carrying is more beautiful; the woman tells the midwife to throw it away a newborn, to be replaced by a puppy; the husband throws the puppy away; the midwife raises the girl, her name is Lalla; the mother suspects the truth, gives L. a ball, tells her to go and unwind; she gets to the gulas; mother circumcises thread so that L. does not find her way back; L. hides on the roof, found by the maid of seven gulas; hides it at night, L. helps her cook during the day; they agree to divide everything in half; the brothers notice that the food got better; the youngest hides, finds the girl, others agree to their marriage; the maid is jealous; L. wants to share the bean she found with her, she deliberately pretends to be sleeping; the spulbob disappears; the maid fills the fire with water, sends L. for fire; a ghoul named Uncle Yazit gives fire for the right to cut her forehead; the pigeon tries to dry the blood with flaps of its wings, but L. thinks he's interfering with it, chasing it; On a bloody trail, the ghoul finds L.'s house, tells him to put his finger in the keyhole, sucks blood from it; L. is losing weight; the younger brother spies; the brothers dig a hole, tell L. to answer the gulya rude; he breaks in falls into a hole; the maid was burned in her with him; L. asks a Jewish merchant to say hello to her mother Fulana; she asks to give her daughter a ring; L. put it under her tongue, fell into a coma; the guli put it a stretcher with her on a camel who replied that she would not wear it for a year, not 10 years, but always; the camel's name was "shoe"; the sultan's servants could not catch her, but the old woman loses her shoe, shouts "my shoe" the camel stops; the ring is taken out of her mouth, L. comes to life, the sultan marries her; she sits on her camel, returns to the ghoul brothers]: El Koudia 2003, No. 9:53-63; kabila [woman asks the moon who is the most beautiful in the world; the moon replies that the woman and she, but her daughter lying in the cradle will surpass them both; the daughter has grown up, went for a ball of threads, came to someone's house; hides and secretly cooks; the children answer the owner of the house that none of them cook; the owner waited for the girl (her name Thizourith), married her; she ate the bean, the cat tells me to give it to her, otherwise she will put out the fire; T. offers other beans, but the cat demands this one; puts out the fire; she comes to the ogre for fire; he starts going to her and asking her how she saw him; T. replies that he was sitting on the sofa eating partridges; the husband tells me to ask why the cannibal came; in response, the cannibal wants to eat the woman, but the husband shot him; the woman came to her father, who asked him to open his mouth, threw opium into her daughter's mouth, she lost consciousness; her husband found her; put her body in a chest, sent her on a camel, the sultan saw him, took out his body; the servants noticed an opium pill, took it out, the woman came to life; told the camel to bring her back to her husband; everyone is happy]: Rivière 1882, No. 6:215-221; the Arabs of Egypt [the ruler is childless; the old woman gave his wife a pomegranate to eat in half with her husband; a daughter was born Pomegranate Apple (GJ); the mother died, the ruler took another wife, she has her own daughter and sorcerer friend; the woman asks him who is the most beautiful, he replies that GJ; to get rid of the GJ, let her stepmother send her to the cellar, give her dirty claps and tells you to tie stockings out of it; the old woman teaches: the blue, red, and Black Sea will pass by; when the white sea appears, you have to immerse cotton in it, wash your hands and face; stockings have appeared, the GJ has become even more beautiful; stepmother sent her own daughter; the old woman tells her to wash in the Black Sea, the girl became a freak; the stepmother told her husband that his daughter was walking with boys; he sent a vizier to kill the girl; the vizier let her go, brought blood dogs; GJ came to 40 as a robber, cleaned everything up; the next day one robber stayed to see; the robbers left GJ as their mistress; stepmother asks the sorcerer if she is more beautiful; sorcerer: no , GJ, who has 40 robbers; stepmother came, gave GJ a poisoned ring; the robbers put the body in a glass coffin; the prince saw, asked to give the coffin to him, decided to bury the girl; the servants took off the ring, she came to life; put it back on and asked the prince how he would reward them; when GJ came to life, the prince generously rewarded the servants; the GJ invited 40 thieves to the wedding, asking them for permission to marry the prince; the mirror again replies that the GJ is more beautiful; the sorcerer gave a pin to stab the GJ's head; she will become a dove, she must be replaced by the woman's own daughter; she is ugly: it means she is sick; the dove puts the gardener to sleep, he forgets water the trees, they are dry; the prince caught the dove, takes care of it; the sorcerer teaches a woman to ask a woman to kill a dove in order to rub her daughter with blood - she will recover; but the prince accidentally took out the pin, the wife returned it her appearance; a woman and a sorcerer were burned at the stake]: Ildan Dan 197:25-28 in Sutrop 2018:679-682.
Southern Europe. Spaniards [the beautiful woman has seven sons and a daughter; the mirror tells her that there is no woman in the world more beautiful; when her daughter has grown up, she replies that she is more beautiful than her; the mother tells the servants to take her daughter to the forest, cripple her; they bring the dog's eyes and tongue; the girl secretly lives and cooks in the house of seven robbers; they find her, call her sister; the mother turns to the mirror again; asks the sorceress to lime her daughter; she gives the poisoned shirt; robbers put a lifeless girl in a crystal coffin, let her go to sea; the prince finds him, his parents tell her to be buried; the maid takes off her shirt, the girl comes to life, the prince marries her; mother cooked in oil, burned by a sorceress]: Malinovskaya 2002:146-150; Portuguese: Cardigos 2006, No. 709 [(many records); childless woman dreams of a daughter with snow-white skin and red lips like blood; stepmother (mother herself, aunt) envies the beauty of a grown girl; her beauty is reported by a mirror; she orders to kill the girl with her tongue (heart, eyes, finger), but the servant brings instead, parts of the animal's body; the girl is released or thrown into the sea in a chest; ends up in the house of robbers (dwarfs); the old woman gives her poisoned shoes and throws the coffin into the sea; or her stepmother (mother, aunt) learns about the girl's rescue from the mirror, puts poisoned objects on her; dwarfs (etc.) prevent the assassination attempt, but eventually the girl dies; the prince finds the coffin with the girl's body, she comes to life ( usually thanks to her mother, sisters, maid)]: 159-160; Coelho 1870:1870 in Sutrop 2018 [the beauty asks the mules drovers passing by if they saw anyone more beautiful than her; one replies that he saw the girl who combed her hair by the window; this is the daughter of a beautiful woman she hides from people; she sends two servants to kill her, the girl persuaded her to let her go; she came to the robbers' house, cooked everything, hid ; they ask to go out to them; they leave them with their sister; one day an old woman came in, then came to the girl's mother; said that she saw a woman more beautiful than her; the woman sends her to give the girl poisoned shoes; she put on one eye - closed one eye, put on the other - died; but imperishable, the robbers left her in an open coffin; the prince found her; took off one shoe - she opened one eye, took off the other - she came to life completely; he married her; her mother continued to try to kill her daughter, but she failed]: 494-495; Portuguese (Ourilhe {north}) []: Coelho 1879, No. 35:84-85; ladins [the queen pricked her finger, a drop of blood fell into the snow; she wanted to give birth to a daughter white as snow, rosy as blood, her eyebrows were chestnut like window covers; after giving birth to a daughter, the queen died, the king took another wife; at that mirror; she asks him who is the most beautiful in the world; the mirror says Snow White; the king went to war; the stepmother told the soldier to take Snow White to the forest and kill her, bring her eyes; the soldier shot the bird, brought the birds eyes; they were eaten by a dog; Snow White came to the house; inside there is a table for 7 people, 7 beds; 7 brothers came, each asking who drank from his cup, who crushed his bed; they left the girl to watch at the household; the mirror again says that Snow White is more beautiful; the stepmother dressed up as a maid, Snow White unlocked the door; the stepmother thought she had strangled her with a neckerchief, but Snow White survived; the next once she gave a poisoned apple; the brothers put it in a glass coffin; the mirror says the stepmother that she is the most beautiful; the prince saw the coffin, ordered it to be moved to his castle, and a piece of apple fell out of his throat from the shaking, Snow White has come to life; her stepmother has smallpox; the mirror tells her that there is no one uglier than her, and Snow White is the most beautiful; the stepmother is poisoned; the king thinks that he has lost both his daughter and his wife; once a daughter and his husband visited, he's happy]: Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 54:290-297.
Western Europe. The French (Champagne) [the beauty asks in front of the mirror who is the most beautiful; the mirror replies that her daughter Snowball is more beautiful than her; the mother left her daughter in the mountains; she came to the house of the three laps {Lapons}; the girl drank cocoa from one cup and went to bed; the Lopari returned and allowed her to stay to do the housework; the mother asks the mirror; comes disguised as a ribbon seller; combs; tight bandages the ribbon, the girl loses consciousness; the laps untied the ribbon; took out the comb; then the mother was an apple seller; the girl bit the apple and fell; the Lopari carried her to bury, met the prince; he took the girl into his wagon; the poison apple came out of her throat from the shaking, the girl came to life; the prince married her; turning to the mirror again, her mother died in grief]: Morin 1890, No. 12:725-728 in Sutrop 2018: 499-501; Scots [the Queen died leaving Princess Golden Tree; Silver Tree's new wife asks trout who is the most beautiful, she replies that ZD; SD pretended to be sick, demands husband to bring her daughter's heart; he married her daughter to a foreign prince, and brought his wife the heart of a goat; the trout again tells the Queen the truth; SD sailed to the ZD, she was hidden in the basement, asked the SD to stick her finger, pricked with a poisoned needle; ZD remained imperishable, and the prince married another; the new wife was kind, found ZD, took out the poisoned needle, it came to life, both stayed with the prince; trout again reports SD that ZD was alive; SD brought poisoned wine, but ZT's friend pushed the goblet, drops fell into SD's mouth and she died]: Klyagina-Kondratyeva 1967:127-137; Germans: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 53 [queen sewed, pricked her finger, three drops fell on the snow; she wished the baby white as snow, rosy as blood, black-haired as a tree on the window frame; gave birth to Snow White and died; her stepmother's magic mirror answers her that she is the most beautiful; once replied that Snow White is more beautiful; the Queen tells the servant to take B. to the forest, bring her lungs and liver; the servant brought the lungs and liver of a deer; B. came to the hut, where 7 small cribs, cups, etc.; dwarf miners come in, everyone asks who was sitting in his chair, eating his vegetables, etc.; the youngest notices B. in his bed; dwarfs offer her to run their household; The Queen asks for the mirror again; dressed as a merchant, comes to the dwarfs, B. let her in, she laced her up on the B. bodice, she suffocated, but the dwarfs brought her to life; next time the queen combed her hair B. gave a poisonous scallop the same; gave a poisonous apple; then the mirror tells the Queen that she is the most beautiful; the dwarfs left B. in a glass coffin on the mountain; the Queen asked to give the coffin to him; from a poison piece of concussion fell out of her throat, B. came to life; the Queen was invited to a wedding, forced to dance in hot iron shoes until she died]: 181-188 (=Grimm, Grimm, Grimm 1987:146-152); Philipp von Lohbauer, Mayer 1855 [roughly the same as the Grimms, but Snow White's antagonist is his own mother]: 158-166 in Sutrop 2018:512-518
Western Asia. The Palestinians [a childless merchant and his wife asked God for a child - even if a girl white as snow and rosy as blood; they called Snow White (B.); the father did not care about his daughter, the mother hated out of jealousy; asked the old woman to kill the girl; when B. was returning from school, the old woman offered her a walk, led her far into a deserted area and, waiting for her to fall asleep, left her; her mother brought pigeon blood, she drank it; the girl came to the house of 14 robbers, hid under a chair; the chieftain sensed that someone was in the house; if a young man, be our brother, if the girl was a sister, if the old woman was a mother; B. went out and became each sister; when leaving, the robbers took turns leaving one of them at home; then B. said that it was not necessary - she was not afraid to be alone; at this time, the mother again turned to the eye of the sun {not mentioned before}: who is more beautiful, she or B.; answer: it is ridiculous to compare you to her; she has 14 young men who care about her; when she returns home, the mother called the old woman; she said that she carried out the order, but God revived B.; the mother again gave the old woman 10 gold coins and told her to mix poison into the coffee; when they returned, the robbers found B. dead; left her in the house and went on a journey; met Father B., who went to look for her after she disappeared; he learned from robbers that his daughter was dead; Prince Alaij Ed-Dean hunted, found a house and a dead beauty on the floor; he went there to cry for 10 days; his mother learned about the incident from her servant, ordered her body to be delivered to her, washed her with warm water and B. came to life; the wedding; one day 14 robbers and Father B. came and found out that she was alive; the robbers returned to their home, and father began to live with son-in-law and daughter]: Littmann 2016:332-350; Iraqi Arabs [the beauty asks the moon who is more beautiful - the moon, she or her daughter Hajir; the moon replies that H.; the mother tells the maid to take X . to the mountains and leave there; H. comes to the cave of the seven efreets; hides; when they leave again, cook and clean; they take turns guarding but falling asleep; on the eighth day, one of the efreets was discovered by H., they made her brothers; her mother asked the moon again; when she found out that H. was alive, sent a maid to give her poisoned chewing gum; H. lost consciousness, the Ifrites left her on the top of the mountain; she was found by the Sultan's son, the doctor brought her to life, the Sultan's son married her; having received an answer from the moon again that H. is the most beautiful, the mother died of anger; son H. plays with other boys, they say that he is no one's son; mother: tell me about his seven uncles; one of the Efretes noticed that the boy looked like H., came to him, asked him for water, he took him to his mother, efreet threw a ring into the bowl; promised the boy that seven efreet would always be him help]: Stevens 2006, No. 29:114-119; Yemen [girl asks Luna if there is anyone more beautiful than her; Luna replies no; after getting married, she gives birth to a daughter; Luna replies that her daughter is more beautiful; her the mother leaves the baby at the Afrit castle; but he did not eat the girl, but adopted her; when she grew up, he went somewhere, forbidding her to open one window; she opens another palace, there is an ostrich in the garden, he tells her that Afrit will eat her when she returns; this is how every day; the girl has become ill; the returning Afrit asks what is wrong with her, she confesses everything; he tells her to tell the ostrich that her father will pass her off as the son of the Sultan, and she will walk on the ostrich feathers; the ostrich is sad, his feathers fell out; the sultan orders to know why; the servants followed, saw the girl; showed the Sultan's son; first servants, then The Sultan himself, ask Afrit to extradite his daughter; he rejects for a long time: he does not have a daughter; finally, he says that his daughter is not native; he passes her off as the son of the Sultan on the condition that he drives away the ostrich; wedding, feast]: Daum 1992, No. 3:24-37
Balkans. Greeks: Legrand 1881 [coming to the window, the older sisters ask the sun who is more beautiful; the sun says that it and they are beautiful, but their little sister Rodia is the most beautiful; they lead R. collect herbs and throw them in the forest; the goddess of the night Nycteris arrives, takes R. to her palace; the sun again told the sisters that R. is the most beautiful; the sisters came to R., gave scarves, she put it on herself shoulders and died; R. accidentally pulled off her scarf, R. came to life; next time they gave her candy (pastille); N. put R. in a silver coffin, a coffin on a wagon, let the horse carry it; the horse brought the wagon to the prince; mother the prince came in in in his absence, pulled R.'s hair, the candy fell out of her mouth, R. came to life; the wedding; when R. gave birth to a boy, the sisters came and stabbed a pin into her head, turning it into a bird, and one occupied her place; the bird flew in and told all the vegetation to dry; flew to the prince, he felt for and took out the pin, R. was reborn; the prince wanted to execute the sisters, but N. offered them a choice of death or torment envy; they died of envy]: 133-143; Megas 1970, No. 37 [three sisters ask the Sun which one is more beautiful; the Sun points to the youngest one named Myrsina ("myrtle") three times, even when she is in rags; the sisters say that the grave of their deceased mother is in the mountains, must be reburied; they throw M. in the mountains; the beech tells them to go, she ends up in the house for 12 Months; she secretly cleans it up; the youngest finds her, she is now their sister; sisters find out that M. is alive; they come, give him poisoned bread, he is eaten by a dog; the ring, M. falls breathless; they put her in a coffin for months; the prince picks him up; he is sick himself, asks to open the coffin, takes off the ring , M. comes to life, the prince marries her; sisters come, the prince tells them to get rid of them, they have not been seen again]: 106-113; Schmidt 1877, No. 16 [Erota's mother asks the mirror if she is more beautiful than anyone else in the world; one day the mirror replies that Princess Maroula is more beautiful; Erota's mother decides to destroy her; threw a poisoned apple on her, she bit it off, fell; the brothers took the bitten piece from her sister's mouth, she came to life; then Eros's mother gave the poisoned ring; the brothers did not notice it, left his sister's body in a coffin in the grove; the prince saw, took off the ring, M. came to life, he married her; M. gave birth to twins; the prince's jealous mother she decapitated them, put a knife on M.; her husband ordered that M.'s hands be cut off, a bag of children should be hung around her neck, and driven them away; an angel in the guise of a monk united the bodies and heads of the babies, gave them back, and created a palace; the prince goes there, everything is explained; the prince's guests decide: burn his mother in a resin barrel in the sea]: 109-112; Serbs [three sisters ask the sun who is more beautiful than them; sun: younger; the sisters took the youngest through the forest, supposedly to celebrate a wake; said that they had forgotten candles at home, told her to wait, but left themselves; a lamb came up, the girl fed him, followed him; the house of 9 brothers; the girl cooks, cleans and hides; brothers take turns guarding, everyone falls asleep, only the youngest ninth grabs the girl; brothers make her sister; sisters prepared a poisoned loaf, sent the old woman to hand it over to the girl ; she gave crumbs to the pigeons, they died, the girl did not eat; then the sisters sent a poisoned ring; the brothers decided that the girl was dead, put her in a glass coffin on an oak tree; the prince found him and brought him home , she put it on the girl's face with wine, she came to life; wedding]: Tesic 2018:29-33; Bulgarians [three sisters ask the sun in the morning which one is more beautiful; the sun replies that everyone is beautiful, but the youngest was the best; the elders brought the youngest to the cemetery at night and said that they would go for the hoe; the youngest agreed, although it is not clear why the hoe was needed; waited a long time, climbed onto the poplar; drove in the morning Tsarevich, his horse refused to drink from the stream; the prince looked up, saw the girl, brought her home; the king was also amazed at her beauty, married her son; the sisters, disguised as beggars, came to their sister; they opened up, stayed in the palace; offered to look in her head, stabbed her pin, her sister became a bird; her sister put on her clothes and took turns introducing herself to the prince's wife; he noticed that his wife had fool, but did not understood the deception; at night the bird arrives, asks the gardener if the prince, the evil sisters, the baby are sleeping; every time the tree on which the bird sits dries up; many have already dried up; the gardener told about everything to the prince; he grabbed the bird, noticed and took out the pin, the bird became a woman again; the evil sisters were torn apart by two horses]: Leskien 1915:69-73 in Sutrop 2018:409-411; Albanians [three sisters, the youngest, Fatima, is the most beautiful; the older ones ask the Sun who is more beautiful; the Sun: F.; they smear mud on F.'s face, get the same answer; the sisters take F. to the forest for firewood, hang a pumpkin on the tree so that knocked in the wind, went home themselves; F. climbed a tree, saw light in the distance, came to the house of 40 thieves; they had a servant; he advised F. to cook dinner; the robbers liked it, left F. mistress, passing her off as that servant; the sisters found out that they had sent the maid to hand over the poisoned necklace; when the robbers returned and removed F.'s necklace, she came to life; the sisters sent a sieve full of gold coins; But; they sent the ring; the robbers did not notice it; they put F. in a coffin, which they hung from a tree; the king's horse refuses to drink; the king sees the reflection of the coffin in the water; the king brought F. and left it in his room. the ring fell off her finger, F. came to life; all is well]: Dozon 1881, No. 1:1-6 (in Elsie 2001, No. 20, probably the same text, but in a different translation); Romanians (Banat) [the beauty has a mirror she asks Is there anyone more beautiful than her; the mirror always says no; but when her daughter grew up, the mirror replied that the daughter was more beautiful; the woman took her daughter to the forest; when she was exhausted from hunger and thirst, she gave her salty a cake in exchange for an eye, and then water for her second eye; she pushed her daughter into the river; she climbed ashore; the mirror replied that the woman is more beautiful because her daughter is blind; St. The virgin told the girl to wash her eye sockets three times and her eyesight returned; she was found by 12 robbers, made a sister; the mirror again replies to the woman that her daughter is the most beautiful; she sent the old woman to give the girl the poisoned ring; wearing it, she lost consciousness; mirror: your daughter is dead; the robbers removed the ring, the girl came to life; the next time the mother sent a poisoned flower; the robbers left the girl's body between two trees; a prince found him, brought him home; one of the servants decided to carry the flower, the girl came to life; the prince married her; the mother dressed up as an old woman, came to the prince, hired to take care of his wife and as a baby; stabbed a baby, but did not have time to slaughter her; the prince woke up and grabbed her; the woman was executed]: Schott, Schott 1845:105-113 (Estonian translation in Sutrop 2018:505-511); Hungarians [in itself in a beautiful country in Asia, the king decided to marry only the most beautiful woman in the world; she was found; the king married; the witch tells the young queen that her daughter will be more beautiful than her; gives poison to poison the king; but the queen is already pregnant; the witch gives a mirror; let the queen ask in the morning if there is anyone in the world more beautiful than her; the mirror replies that she is not yet but will be born soon; the witch tries to make the baby's face ugly, but her witchcraft is powerless; when the girl is 13 years old, a witch took her to the forest to burn her alive; 12 robbers appeared, the witch was hit on the head, the girl was taken to her; seeing her beauty and kindness, made their queen, gave three maids to serve; the witch woke up and told her mistress that there was no need to ask for a mirror anymore; she thought that the robbers had killed the girl; one day asked the mirror; then the witch dressed as a gypsy woman, gave the girl a ring, she put it on and died; while preparing her body for burial, the robbers took off the ring and the girl came to life; next time she stuck a pin in her handkerchief - the same (dressed as Jewish); the third time she pretended to be a girl, plunged a pin into her hair; the robbers did not notice her; put her in a golden coffin, fastened it on the antlers of a deer; the deer brought the coffin to the Persian prince; he hid the coffin with the girl in his room; when he went to war, the prince's three sisters found the girl, began to comb her hair, pulled out her pin, the girl came to life; the prince came back and married her; the Queen the mirror again says that her daughter is more beautiful; the prince has left again; the wife gave birth to golden-haired twins; the witch replaced the letter with a message that the prince's wife gave birth to two puppies; she also replaced the prince's letter with an order kill his wife and children; the king told the soldier to take them to the forest and kill them, but the soldier agreed to let them go; the prince returned and found his wife and children in the hollow; the witch was brought and she admitted that she had been kidnapped as a child and raised the devil; that the mirror mocked the queen - she was not beautiful for a long time; the witch was hung over the fire, the remains were scattered by horses; the queen was locked, she jumped out the window and broke her neck]: Jones, Kropf 1889, No. 35:163-181
Central Europe. Slovaks [the queen pricked, remembered her stepdaughter white as snow and rosy as blood; asks the mirror, it replies that the queen is beautiful and the stepdaughter is better; the queen tells the servants to take the servants away the girl goes to the forest; they let her go; she comes to the dwarf house, eats, lies down; they find her in bed; they leave her at home, tell no one to open it; the mirror replies that the girl is more beautiful than the queen ; she executes servants; comes, gives an apple, the girl dies; the mirror is silent; the dwarfs shake the girl, a piece of apple pops out of her throat, the girl comes to life; the mirror again says that the girl is more beautiful; the same - the queen gives a lace, laces the girl; the third time she sticks a pin into her hair; the dwarfs do not notice her; leave the girl in a glass coffin on the mountain; the king finds her, notices her, takes out her pin; raised a girl]: Gorbov 1949:78-81; the Poles [the queen says that her stepdaughter is more beautiful; she tells her stepdaughter to sort out the grain (pigeons use); the girl pulls out magic from under the oak tree dresses; wearing dresses, comes after others twice to church, runs away in time; stepmother tells her to be killed, servants bring the dog's heart and the dead man's finger with his stepdaughter's ring on him; pigeons give the girl has a ball, she follows him to the oak tree with treasures; wearing pig skin, hires to herd pigs; comes (in luxurious clothes) to the ball; for the fourth time the threshold is smeared with resin, the shoe sticks; she is tried on to all girls; wedding; queen dies of envy when the mirror says she is not the most beautiful]: Cox 1893, No. 58:24; Poles (Poznan) [stepmother hates stepdaughter; took her to the woods and left her there; the girl came to the robbers' house; they did not harm her and kept her; the stepmother found out, came unrecognized, gave her stepdaughter a poisoned dress; she put it on, fell dead; when the robbers took off dress, the girl came to life; the next time the stepmother gave a poisoned ring; the robbers took off her dress, but the girl did not come to life; out of grief they committed suicide; the forester came in, took off the ring, the girl came to life; went beyond forester]: Knoop 1916, No. 4:207-208 (translated to Sutrop 2018:490); Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Pskov, Ryazan, Voronezh, Kursk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Galicia, Volyn, Podolia, Yekaterinoslav, Kiev, Poltava), Belarusians [The Magic Mirror (Dead Princess): Learning with the help of a magic mirror what is the most beautiful Sveta is not her, but her stepdaughter, her stepmother orders her to be killed, she escapes and lives in the forest with seven brothers (robbers); her stepmother tracks her down and poisons her; the girl is put in a transparent coffin, the prince sees her and falls in love; she comes to life]: SUS 1979, No. 709:179; Russians (Vologodskaya, Kirillovsky U.) [father and son left, daughter at home, father's brother, monk, began to embarrass her; she refused; he wrote to his brother that his daughter was dissolute; he told his son to kill her, bring her heart; brother agreed to slaughter the dog, sister let go; the girl came to 12 robbers, cleaned everything up, hid; the robbers returned, swore not to slaughter the one who was hiding; fell in love with the girl as a sister; the monk found out, sent the old woman with the poisoned with a shirt; the robbers hung the coffin on 12 oaks; the merchant's son came across the coffin, brought it to his place, put it in his bedroom; when the son was away, the parents found the body, took off his shirt, the girl came to life; the son was wearing it got married; she dressed sexually, went to the inn where all her relatives were; told her story; her uncle and father were shot, and she took her brother with her husband]: Sokolov, Sokolov 1981, No. 39: 154-155; Belarusians (Hrodna and Novogrudok districts) [the queen died, the new one disliked her stepdaughter after the mirror told her that she was more beautiful; told the servant to go for a walk with her, kill her, bring her heart; he let the girl go, brought her heart dogs; the girl came to the palace in the woods; cleaned everything up; 12 queens returned, named her sister; the mirror again replied to the Queen that her stepdaughter was more beautiful; the queen sent a sorceress; she said to a girl who sells rings and rings; the girl tried it on and died; the brothers noticed the ring, took it off, it came to life; they told no one else to unlock it; the next time the witch came and prayed; the girl sent the servant to give her; the servant was bribed, brought a pin from the witch; the girl thought it was hers, stuck it in her hair, died; the brothers did not notice the pins, put the girl in a silver coffin, they hung it on a tree; the Queen found him, brought him home, hides it from his parents; once he accidentally took out a pin, the girl came to life; the girl's father also arrived at the wedding, she told him everything; he wanted to stretch my wife was on the harrow, but my daughter did not allow me; and I was there, drinking honey wine, flowing down my beard, did not get into my mouth]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 210:123-126; Ukrainians (Pokutye) []: Zinchuk 2005b, No. 75:417-419.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays or Balkarians [Khan's wife asks the mirror if there is anyone more beautiful than her; mirror: orphan girl Fatimat, one cheek is like the sun and the other like the moon; she lives in this village; the witch advises to pretend to be sick; she will indicate the remedy: to drink F.'s blood; the servants told F. to leave, gave hansha dog blood; F. came to the gorge at the house of seven brothers; she sewed them new clothes; hansha asks the mirror again and receives the same answer; the witch came to the forest brothers, gave F. poison, but she survived, the mirror repeats the old one; the witch came in the guise of an old man, took F. into the forest to kill; the younger brother saw and shot the witch; the khansha sent an army, the brothers killed many, including the khan's sons; stayed in the forest with F.]: Malkonduev 2017:314-318; Georgians [the king has a daughter Agatha and a new one wife; she pretends to be sick, tells her husband to feed her stepdaughter's meat; the servants brought A.'s clothes, smeared them with animal blood; A. came to the palace of 9 brothers, secretly cooks and cleans; the brothers waited she was made a sister; the stepmother asks the mirror if she is more beautiful than anyone else in the world; the mirror replies that A. is more beautiful; the stepmother sends a sorceress to A., giving her poisoned resin; the younger brother managed to remove the poison from the girl's mouth; next time the stepmother sends a poisoned grenade, A. saw through and died; the brothers left her in the coffin; the prince found the coffin, brought live water, resurrected the girl, they have a son; stepmother again sends an old woman, she killed the baby, put a knife in A.; her eyes were gouged out, the killed baby was given, driven away; the old man put her eyes back, she saw the light; the son grew up, the father comes to them without knowing who it is; the son planted a bunch of rubies on his father, accused him of stealing; everything was clarified, his stepmother was tied to a horse, tore]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 97:150-156; Armenians: Hoogasian-Villa 1966 in Sutrop 2018 [ the beautiful woman gave birth to a daughter, Nuri Hadig ("pomegranate seed"); when she asks the moon which one is more beautiful, the moon says she is a woman; but when NH is 14 years old, the moon said that it is more beautiful than both of them; a woman tells her husband to kill her daughter and bring a bloody shirt; the father left NH in the woods; she came to the palace, the door closed behind her; the voice tells NH to take care of the sleeping young man; mother every new moon asks for a mirror, gets the same answer, but cannot find NH; after 4 years, NH saw and invited a gypsy woman; 3 years later, the young man woke up just when the gypsy woman was with him; he married her and NH held her maid; when he left, he asks what to bring her; saber dashee (Turkish expression: a stone of suffering or patience); the mason explains that if the suffering is too great, the stone will burst, and if nothing special really happens to the person who asked for the stone, the beggar will burst; NH tells his story, the stone swells and bursts; at which time the prince enters, does not marry a gypsy woman, but NH; NH's mother sends a witch to give NH a poisoned ring; prince promises to protect NH's sleep forever; calls the doctor; he decides to steal the ring and accidentally discovered its secret; prince, NH and The gypsy maid is happy; the mother died of anger]: 729-734; Gullakian 1990, No. 709 [the magic mirror tells the stepmother that the stepdaughter is more beautiful than her; she orders to take the girl to the forest and kill her; servant, Having regretted her, she leaves her alive, brings her stepmother a handkerchief covered with the blood of a bird; the girl settled with seven brothers; the stepmother, having found out that the girl was alive, sent an old woman with a poisoned comb to her, poisoned by an apple; after eating an apple, the girl died; the brothers put her in a coffin, hung her in a tree; the girl's fiancé wanted to bury her, the coffin fell, broke, the apple jumped out of her throat, the princess came to life; when she learned that Stepdaughter is alive, stepmother broke the mirror and burst]: 35; Turks: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 167 (Istanbul, Ankara, Malatya, Kars, etc.) [the stepmother asks the moon (or the mirror) who is the most beautiful in the world and gets the answer that the stepdaughter; the stepmother makes the girl swallow the snake and it seems that she is pregnant; the father chases her away; she gets to the robbers who make her sister; the stepmother asks the moon (mirror) again; when she finds out that the stepdaughter is alive, she gives the girl poisoned cherries; the robbers revive her, but the next attempt poisoning succeeds; robbers leave the girl in the coffin; the prince finds him, brings him to him, falls in love, the girl comes to life and marries the prince]: 185; Kúnos 1913 [the padishah's wife asks every day a maid who is beautiful; she replies that the padishah's wife, the moon and she, the maid; one day replies that the grown-up daughter of Padishah's wife Nar-Tanesi ("pomegranate apple", GJ) is the most beautiful; her three hunting brothers found, agreed to make them their sister; the witch gave the padishah's wife two pins; dressed as a beggar, she came to the hunters' house and plunged pins into her daughter's head through a crack in the door; the girl died; brothers they put her in a golden coffin, hung her between two trees; the prince found him, moved him to his room; when he went to war, his fiancée went there, saw the GJ, took out her pins, the GJ flew away as a bird; prince came back and got sick from grief; a bird comes to ask about him; every time the tree it sits on dries up; the gardener told the prince about it; the prince's young wife killed the bird, said it was the cat bit her; roses grew out of the drops of blood; the gardener's wife brought one into the room, which turned into a bird again, the old woman pulled a diamond pin out of her head, the bird turned into a GI {here a discrepancy; it was previously said that the prince's wife pulled out both pins and the girl turned into a bird}; the old woman told the prince; he returned to the GJ, but chased the monkey; at which time GJ's mother came to kill her; the prince had time to return; married GJ, and ordered her mother and wife to be hanged]: 174-181.
Baltoscandia. Icelanders [Vala is beautiful and evil; her daughter Vilfridur is more beautiful than her, she is called Völufehri ("more beautiful than Vala"); Vala took her daughter to the forest and left her; two dwarfs came out of the stone; allowed her to live with asking them not to wake them up - they have a bad dream; and not open the door to anyone; Vala asks her magic mirror; she replies that Wilfridur has dwarfs; Vala came to the stone and persuaded her daughter put her finger through the slit to put her grandmother's ring on it, cast a spell that caused the ring to shrink on her finger; the dwarfs found the same gold from which the ring was made and contact with him, the ring unclenched; the mirror again tells Valya that her daughter lives with dwarfs; Vala persuaded her daughter to stick her leg in to wear her great-grandmother's gold shoe (the same as with the ring ); for the third time, Vala brought a belt with a spell that only the king of Germany could remove it; the dwarfs transported Wilfridur across the sea and left it on the shore; blowing, raised a storm at sea to swim nearby, the king of Germany landed on the shore; he took off the girl's belt and she came to life; found the dwarfs dead - they were exhausted because they blew so hard; Wilfridur agreed to marry the king on condition that he would not take anyone to the palace without her advice; Vala sent a husband named Raudur (B.E. Rother) to Germany to kill her daughter and bring her curl, tongue and some blood; he sailed and persuaded the king to leave him for the winter; Wilfidur is giving birth hard; R. told the king he could help, flew out the midwife to go out; cut off the baby's ear, put it in his mother's mouth, and threw the baby out the window; the same with the second birth (put it in his mouth severed toe); the third time, the finger; the king allowed his wife to be taken to the forest; R. ordered the servants to bring her curl, tongue and blood; they brought the dog's tongue and blood; Wilfridur came to the hut and the owner sheltered her; at this time, in the herds of the king of loss; he, taking R., goes to the forest to find a predator; they got lost and came to the house where Wilfidur lived; the owner let the king in, and R. only on condition that he told his story; the owner told the ring to stab the narrator if he lied; he had to confess everything; with the king's consent, the master put R.'s head into the boiling pot; in the next room, the queen, and one has three children; one boy has no ear, the other has a finger, and a girl has a toe; this man picked up the children when they were thrown out the window; when the girl grew up, the owner of the house was wearing her married]: Poestion 1884, No. 19:152-166 (reprint of part one, by Rittershaus 1902:118-123 in Sutrop 2018:421-426; according to one option, Vala pursues her daughter at sea and she turns her into the very ugly fish); Eastern Sami [the merchant is dead, his daughter is more beautiful than her mother; guests talk about it; mother drove away the guests and daughter; the daughter came to the weird's house, hid; freaks: if a girl, be we are a sister; she went out; the mother found out where her daughter was, sent poisoned pies with the old man, the dog ate and died; then she sent poisoned clothes; the freaks put the girl in the coffin; the prince saw her, brought her coffin to her mother; that girl was stripped and she came to life; the prince married her]: Kert 1961, No. 51:207-208; Swedes [stepdaughter is white as snow and blush as blood; the mirror says to her stepmother that stepdaughter the most beautiful; the stepmother tells the girl to be killed, but those sent let her go, bringing the heart of an animal to her stepmother; the girl comes to the house of seven dwarfs (robbers, knights); they treat her like a sister; After learning from the mirror that the stepdaughter is alive, the stepmother comes by herself or sends someone else and gives her a poisoned comb, a lace, an apple; dwarfs save the girl twice, but the third time they leave her in crystal coffin; a prince finds her, accidentally extracts poison from her body, marries; stepmother punished]: Liungman 1961, No. 709:198-199; Karelians [wife gave birth and died, husband took another; she asks beggars, is there anyone more beautiful than her; they answer that the girl in the cradle is more beautiful; the woman put the baby in a box and put him on a pole; the beggar took it and brought it to him; the girl grew up, the beggar died; she 8 men came to the house; washed everything, cooked everything; so for a few days; the brothers promise to consider her younger sister, she opened to them; when they left, a three-headed serpent crawled in; the girl told him to open his mouth, promised to feed; put hot stones in her mouth, poured water, the serpent died; the same with 6-, with 7-headed snakes; when the brothers were away, the stepmother sent a poisoned shirt; the girl put it on and died; brothers they placed her in an open coffin on a pole; Popovich found the coffin and brought her home; began to lose weight; when he was not in the room, a girl was found in the coffin, the shirt was thrown into the fire, the girl came to life; asked the brothers permits to marry; stepmother came to harm her but stepmother was shot]: Rausmaa 1972:5-7-511 in Sutrop 2018:624-626; Estonians (Karksi) [queen dropped a drop of blood on the snow; gave birth to a beautiful daughter ; died; the stepmother asks the mirror who is more beautiful; the mirror replies that the stepdaughter is; the stepmother tells her stepdaughter to be taken to the forest and killed; the servants let her go; she came to the house of the seven dwarfs; (the end is crumpled; They are trying to poison the girl with a pin, a belt, and finally an apple; the dwarfs put the girl in a glass coffin until she wakes up]: Sutrop 2018, No. 12:957.
Volga - Perm. Chuvash [the old man's three daughters ask the Sun twice whose face is cleaner and whiter, the Sun says the youngest; the sisters push the youngest into the river, tell their father that the Sun named the youngest the youngest dirty, she stayed to wash; the mother goes to the river, the daughter replies that she is strangled by a snake, crushed by a millstone; after that, the Bear calls the girl, she does not respond; the bear honed the blacksmith's tongue, calls in a thin voice, the girl repeats the words about the millstones, etc.; The bear pulls her out of the river, brings her wife; she gives birth to a son, the Bear carries them to visit their parents, leaves before Wednesday; parents put stakes under the floor; wife warns him not to enter, he comes in, falls on stakes; his wife stays with her parents]: Eisin 1993:33-35; Kazan Tatars (1 entry) [the queen pricked her finger; wished her daughter beautiful as blood; gave birth ; when the daughter is 16, died; the king remarried; the stepmother envies the beauty of her stepdaughter; aims to kill her; the servant left her in the forest; she came to the dwarfs and became their sister; the stepmother asks the old woman if she is all more beautiful; she replies that there is a girl a thousand times more beautiful; the old woman came to the princess, gave an apple, she tried it and fainted; woke up; the stepmother saw in the mirror that there was a girl more beautiful than her; the old woman brought the princess a poisoned dress; she dressed her and lost consciousness; the dwarfs left her in a glass closet; soldiers were walking, began to rip off her dress, the princess came to life, the Tsarevich Colonel saw her and married her ; invited his stepmother to the wedding, gave her poisoned gold shoes; she put it on and died]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 53:187-189.