Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K130A. The girl in the brothers' house, (ATU 709A).

.11.-.17.23.27.-.29. (.30.) .

Several young men (brothers) live far from people. A girl comes to them, or she is born in their home miraculously, they treat her like a sister. After a while, the girl is in danger, but is eventually saved.

Swahili, Songhai, Shilluk, Arabs of Libya, Egypt, Berbers of Morocco (Kabila), Spaniards, Basques, Catalans, Portuguese, Maltese, Corsicans, Italians (Piedmont, Liguria, Veneto, Tuscany, Abruzzo, Calabria, and probably all other regions, including Sicily and Sardinia), Ladins, French (Nivernay, Upper Brittany), Germans (Harz? , Grimms, Austria), Frisians, Palestinians, Iraqi Arabs, India (Hindi), Telugu, (Tamils), Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Albanians, Romanians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Luzhitans, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Pskov, Ryazan, Voronezh, Kursk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Galicia, Volyn, Podolia, Yekaterinoslavskaya, Kievskaya, Poltava), Belarusians, Karachays, Lezgins, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Bukhara Arabs (Persians, Tajiks, Sarykol, Turkmens), Icelanders, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes (?) , Finns (?) , Lithuanians (?) , Lutsies, Latvians, Livons, Setus, Estonians, Karelians, Eastern Sami, Kazan Tatars, Central (?) Yakuts, Steppe Cree, Shayens, Arapahoe, Teton, Santee, Omaha and Ponca, Osage, Iowa, Alabama.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Swahili [The sun, the moon answer the Sultan's wife that she is more beautiful; she gives birth to a daughter named Amina more beautiful than herself; leaves the maid, tells her husband that she had a miscarriage; A. grows up, the mother tells her to the maid to throw her in the woods; A. comes to the genies house, cleans them up, the genies call her sister; the mother comes, stabs her combs in her head; the sultan of the genies takes them out, A. comes to life; the mother puts her on her feet poisoned shoes; Amina is put in a jewelry box, thrown into the sea; the box is washed ashore; the son of the sultan and the son of a merchant argue who will get it; the box swims into the channel of the merchant's son; the young man cannot do it open, takes the box as his wife without knowing what's in it; opens it, takes off A.'s shoes, she comes to life; A. and her husband stay with the genies; A.'s father walled up his wife in an empty room]: Baker 1927, No. 16:299-305.

West Africa. Songhai (zarma) [the witch has two dish lids - gold and silver; she asks the sun which one is more beautiful; the sun: gold is beautiful, silver is beautiful, and you are beautiful yourself, but the most beautiful is the one in your womb; the same thing again; she started hitting herself in the stomach - the same again; after giving birth to a daughter, she threw her into a fox hole; 7 spirits raised the girl as a sister; the witch again asks the sun; comes to her daughter disguised as a hairdresser; stabs her head with knives; 7 brothers find the girl unconscious; wrap her in cloth, put her body on a camel and tell the slave to take him to desert; the camel ran, caught by a blacksmith, gave it to the chief; that little daughter Fatima found the body, took out her knife, the girl came to life; the chief married her; her brothers found her, sent cattle and other gifts; the sun again says to the witch that her daughter is the most beautiful; she again comes with an offer to comb a young woman; the woman tells the slaves to dig a deep hole; the witch fell upside down, broke her neck, her buried]: Calame-Griaule 2002:145-150.

Sudan - East Africa. Shilluk [a childless woman sees a dog in the forest; promises that if she gives birth to a daughter, she will marry a dog; a girl grows up and sees a dog in the forest, she tells her parents to give her away; they give away; one day she got out of a dog's underground house, ran to a river house with seven men in it; said that a dog was chasing her; they shot the dog, threw it into the bushes; the girl stayed with her saviors; after 7 years, the girl went to see the dog's bones, she was told not to go; she went, stepped on the bone, died; the body was lowered down the river, it sailed to the country of the girl's parents, fisherman He caught him, the king told the old woman to wash it, she found the bone, took it out, the girl came to life; she told the king about herself, he realized that it was his daughter]: Westermann 1912, No. 84:205-207.

North Africa. The Arabs of Libya (Tripoli) [seven brothers ask their father's sister: if their mother gives birth to a girl now, hang a spindle on the fence and we will come back, and if the boy is a sickle, we will leave home; born Udêa girl, but her aunt hung a sickle; 15 years later, W. once quarreled with her peers, who said that her 7 brothers left home because of her; her mother gave her a camel, a black maid named Barka, and her black husband; a day later, the maid demanded that W. get off the camel and let her sit; W. called out to her mother, who told B. to walk; but on the third mother no longer heard her daughter's voice, B. forced she swapped seats; the caravans sent them to the brothers' house; before approaching, the maid put W. on a camel, but smeared her with resin; the black man threatened to kill her if she told her; her a tear fell on his arm, the older brother erased the tar, W. admitted that he cut off the heads of a black man and a black woman; when leaving, the brothers tell his sister to always give the cat what she eats herself; once she found and ate a bean; the cat demanded half - this particular bean, not the other; but the bean was already eaten and then the cat extinguished the fire; W. came to the ogre for the fire; he covered himself with one lip, put the other under him; for the coal he demanded from W. a strip of skin from ear to thumb; W. went home leaving a trail of blood; the raven flew from behind and covered the drops of blood with earth; W. scolded him: he frightened her; then the raven removed the ground, revealing blood; the ogre came and asked what W. saw; she replied that she saw him sleeping on silk and closing himself with silk; the cannibal laughed and left, breaking one of the six wooden doors; so every time the seventh iron door remained, W. sent a letter to the brothers with a dove; the brothers rode before midnight, the cannibal had not yet arrived; they dug a hole with hot coals in it; W. replies to the ogre that he covers himself with his own lip and sleeps on his lip; he broke the door but fell into a hole, burned down; one fingernail bounced; pricked W. in his arm and she lost consciousness; the brothers told the camel to take her body home mother; he was stopped by three young men, found a body, one removed the ring from W.'s finger, his fingernail also fell out, W. woke up; returned to her brothers, they returned to their parents with her; stay with them]: Stumme 1898, No. 2:81-93; the Arabs of Egypt [the ruler is childless; the old woman gave his wife a pomegranate to eat in half with her husband; a daughter was born Pomegranate Apple (GJ); the mother died, the ruler took another wife, her own daughter and friend are a sorcerer; a woman asks him who is the most beautiful, he replies that GJ; to get rid of GJ, let her stepmother send her to the cellar, give her dirty claps and tell her to tie stockings out of it; old woman teaches: the blue, red, and Black Sea will pass by; when the white Sea appears, you need to immerse cotton in it, wash your hands and face; stockings have appeared, the GJ has become even more beautiful; the stepmother sent her own daughter; the old woman tells to wash in the Black Sea, the girl became a freak; the stepmother told her husband that his daughter was walking with boys; he sent a vizier to kill the girl; the vizier let her go, brought the dog's blood; GJ came to 40 as a robber, all cleaned it up; the next day one robber stayed to look; the robbers left the GJ as their mistress; the stepmother asks the sorcerer if she is the most beautiful; the sorcerer: no, GJ, who has 40 thieves; stepmother came, gave the GJ a poisoned ring; the robbers put the body in a glass coffin; the prince saw, asked to give the coffin to him, decided to bury the girl; the servants took off the ring, she came to life; put it back on and asked prince, how he will reward them; when the GJ came to life, the prince generously rewarded the servants; the GJ invited 40 robbers to the wedding, asking them permission to marry the prince; the mirror again replies that the GJ is more beautiful; the sorcerer gave put a pin into the GJ's head; it will become a dove, you need to replace it with the woman's own daughter; she is ugly: it means she's sick; the dove puts the gardener to sleep, he forgets to water the trees, they are withered; the prince caught a dove, takes care of her; a sorcerer teaches a woman to ask to kill a dove in order to rub her daughter with blood - she will recover; but the prince accidentally took out the pin, the wife regained her appearance; the woman and the sorcerer were burned on campfire]: Ildan Dan 1977:25-28 in Sutrop 2018:679-682; Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [wife died; husband placed daughter in craft school; owner persuaded her to ask her father to marry her; she has her own daughter ; the stepmother took her stepdaughter to a deserted place; she fell asleep, she wrapped her hair around a thorny bush and left; the gazelle untangled her hair, the girl lived by the gazelle for several years; then came to the house of 7 hunting brothers ; cleaned everything, cooked everything, hid; the next day the eldest remained on guard, fell asleep; the rest did; only the youngest grabbed the girl; others agreed that he should become her husband; her name is Lalla Hallal; a wandering merchant came; LH gave him a gift for his stepmother; stepmother paid him to give LH a poisoned ring; LH took it in the teeth and lost consciousness; the brothers placed the body on the camel and let him go; no one can catch up with him; the poor man accidentally named the camel, he stopped, he brought it to the Sultan; the sultan took out the ring, LH came to life; the sultan took her to his harem, but she wanted return to her first husband; together with six maids, she sat in a closed palanquin and the camel brought them to the hunting brothers; each received a wife]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1926:114-122; (cf. kabila [the man has 7 daughters; one is smart (this is Dzidza), one is stupid, the others are so-so; he went on the Hajj, leaving food, drink and fuel for a year; left a dog named Khudaya; a gulya lives nearby, she is afraid of dogs; every time a gulya comes and says that she will eat D., the dog replies that he is on guard and Gulya D. will not eat; after learning from Stupid that supplies for a year, Gulya came when the girls became go out of the house; told the Silly that she would bring food, but the dog was interfering; they killed her together; but the dog's blood was responsible for her; D. found blood, hid it in a hole in the wall; when the Stupid washed the blood off the floor, the blood from the wall continues to answer; but the Stupid Gulya was also found there; after the dog did not answer, the gulya began to break through the door; D. ran away, asks the moon what the cannibal was doing now; she answers that she ate one sister; then another; and so on everyone; D. came to a house where seven hunters lived; they said that if a man came, he would be their friend, and if a woman, the wife of whoever found her; one of D. found them; when the hunters leave, they tell them not to eat the beans that the cat plays; otherwise she will write on the fire, it will go out, she will have to go for the fire to the ghoul; this happened when she looked to the ghoul and grabbed the coals, D. saw him eating a mule, put his skin and guts on his head; in the evening, the ghoul came and asked what D. saw; she replied that the ghoul ate a fat camel, there was a caftan on his shoulders, a beautiful turban on his head; a ghoul left; so 4 evenings in a row; on the fifth day, the hunters returned; told him to tell Gulya about the guts on his head, he would break the doors and they would kill him; that's what happened; the hunter who found D. married her]: Grim 1983:22-32).

Southern Europe. Spaniards: Malinovskaya 2002:146-150 [the beauty has seven sons and a daughter; the mirror tells her that there is no more beautiful woman in the world; when her daughter has grown up, she replies that she is more beautiful than her; the mother tells her servants take her daughter to the forest, cripple her; they bring the dog's eyes and tongue; the girl secretly lives and cooks in the house of seven robbers; they find her, call her sister; the mother turns to the mirror again; asks the sorceress lime daughter; she gives a poisoned shirt; robbers put a lifeless girl in a crystal coffin, let her go to sea; the prince finds him, his parents tell him to bury the girl; the maid takes off her shirt, the girl comes to life, the prince marries her; the mother is cooked in oil, the sorceress was burned], 210-214 [when daughter Mariquita is born, the parents forget about their seven sons, they leave; M. got lost, ended up in the brothers' house, secretly cleans up; brothers wait for her, recognize her sister by the ring; M. forgets to feed the dog, he fills the fire with urine, M. follows the fire to the dragon; she gives a head; the dragon comes after him, everyone sucks blood from M.'s finger; his brothers kill him, parsley grows on his grave, whoever eats will become a black bull; M. forgets about it, puts it in soup, the brothers become bulls; the prince takes M. as his wife, bulls with her; leaves; the maid turns M. into a dove, sticking a pin in her head, takes her place, makes the bulls work; the dove flies to the prince, he accidentally takes out his pin, M. finds human appearance; brothers are disgraced with the same pin; the maid is executed]; the Basques (recorded in French) [seven brothers leave home; after that, the mother gives birth to a girl; while playing, others the children tell her that she would be as good as her brothers; the mother admits that her daughter has brothers, she goes to look for them; finds the brothers' house, cleans, cooks, hides; every night when the brothers fall asleep, sews a shirt for one of them; the youngest wakes up; the brothers do not tell her to go to the neighbor; the sister goes to look for fire to cook; the witch gives fire and the herbs put in the basin for washing their feet; putting their feet in there, the brothers turn into cows, the youngest into a Breton cow; her girlfriend loves her more than others; the king sees her, she agrees to become his wife on the condition that he will allow you to take care of cows, especially Breton cows; she gives birth without her husband; a witch throws her into the abyss, goes to bed instead of her; tells the king that she will recover if he slaughtered her Breton cow; the servant goes after the cows, they are at the abyss; he hears the Queen's voice; she says she suffers not for herself, but because of her child, husband and cows; the king pulls his wife out of the abyss; threatens the witch burn her in the stove if she does not restore the young men to their human appearance; she returns it, but is still burned; the ashes are scattered, the brothers married the ladies of the court]: Webster 1879:187-191; Catalans [ the couple has seven sons; the husband promises to kill them all if another boy is born; the mother gives birth to a girl, sends a maid to give the brothers an appropriate signal; she is confused, the brothers decided that they were born boy, they leave; the girl has grown up, goes looking for her brothers; because of her father's curse or the machinations of the witch, they have turned into animals; the fairy teaches the girl to break the spell, but she should not talk about it; girl agrees to marry the king, but asks her not to ask her about anything she does; her mother-in-law speaks ill of her daughter-in-law, but she reminds her husband of his promise; when the brothers take on human form, the king's wife explains everything to him]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 451:100-101; Catalans (Mallorca included) [the queen dreams of a daughter as beautiful as a pomegranate (orange, orange blossom); calls the girl born by this name; asks the mirror if she is more beautiful than anyone else in the world, the mirror replies that her daughter is even more beautiful; the queen orders to kill the girl, bring her heart; the servants bring the heart of a goat; the girl 13 robbers come to the castle; when they leave, clean the bed, bite off 13 loaves and drinks 13 glasses; the robbers find her, she remains their maid; the mother learns that the daughter is alive, she manages to give her a ring that the girl wears to sleep; the robbers leave her in a coffin in a cave; the king finds her, takes off her ring, she wakes up; wedding]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, № 709:139-140; the Portuguese [two or seven brothers leave after the sister is born; she grows up and goes looking for them; a bird brings her to the brothers' house; they warn not to let the fire go out, do not take water from a specific source; she violates the ban, using a pin or witchcraft herbs the witch turns her brothers into oxen or deer; the sister takes care of them; var.: they disappear; she agrees to marry the king if he allows her enchanted brothers to be taken; the younger brother promises to maintain contact with her sister; a black woman bewitches the king's wife, takes her place; or the courtiers they intrigue to see that the king's wife is secretly talking to someone at the gate (this is her ox brother); the king's wife is taken into custody or turning into a dove; she is disgraced by a prince or rescued Disgruntled brothers, either she calls her mother and she disagrees with her sons, or witches disappoint them]: Cardigos 2006, No. 451:108-109; Portuguese [(many entries); childless woman dreams of a daughter with skin white as snow and lips red as blood; stepmother (mother herself, aunt) envies the beauty of a grown girl; her beauty is reported by a mirror; she orders to kill a girl with her tongue ( heart, eyes, finger), but the servant brings parts of the animal's body instead; the girl is released or thrown into the sea in a chest; the girl enters the house of robbers (dwarfs); the old woman gives her poisoned shoes and throws the coffin into the sea; or the stepmother (mother, aunt) finds out that the girl has been saved from the mirror, puts poisoned objects on her; dwarfs (etc.) prevent the assassination attempt, but in the end the girl dies; prince finds a coffin with the girl's body, she comes to life (usually thanks to her mother, sisters, maid)]: Cardigos 2006, No. 709:159-160; Portuguese [beauty asks mule drovers passing by, saw whether they are more beautiful than her; one replies that he saw a girl combing her hair by the window; this is the daughter of a beautiful woman she hides from people; she sends two servants to kill her, the girl persuaded her let go; came to the robbers' house, cooked everything, hid; they asked to go out to them; leave her sister; one day an old woman came in, then came to the girl's mother; said that she saw a more beautiful woman her; the woman sends her to give the girl poisoned shoes; she put on one eye - closed one eye, put the other on - died; but imperishable, the robbers left her in an open coffin; the prince found her; took off one the shoe - she opened one eye, took off the other - came to life; he married her; her mother continued to try to harass her daughter, but she failed]: Coelho 1870:1870 in Sutrop 2018:494-495; Maltese [13 brothers leave home, become robbers; their sister finds them and lives in their palace; violates the ban on entering the same room; there is a witch imprisoned there; she gives a piece of apple for each of brothers; after eating them, they turn into bulls; the leper prince vows to marry a Maltese girl if he recovers; offers her a hand; she agrees to the condition that the bulls will be kept with her in palace; brothers are disgraced, cooked in resin by a sorceress]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 451:122-123; Corsicans [Angiulina is kind and beautiful; the mother wants to get rid of her, asks the robbers to kill her; instead they did this to her their sister; ask no one to unlock it; the witch tells Mother A. that she is alive; begs A. to unlock it - she is frozen, leaves a book as a gift; A. does not touch her; when robbers they come back, they tell them to take the book with forceps and throw it into the fire; the book screams; next time the old woman begs A. to allow her to comb her hair, twists her curls so that A. loses consciousness even though her eyes are open; the robbers set up a platform ("altar") in the forest and leave A. there; the prince finds her, brings her home, the prince's sister sees that her hair is wrong; calls the blacksmith, he unwinds his curls, A. comes to consciousness; prince marries her]: Massignon 1984, No. 76:169-171 (=Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 709:654-657); Italians (Piedmont ["The Tale of the Twelve Thieves"], Veneto [Snow White and Seven dwarfs], Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Molise, Abruzzo [Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs], Basilicata, Calabria [Thirteen Thieves]), Sardinians, Sicilians [heroine Snow White, Beauty world]: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 709:156-157; Italians (Liguria) [stepmother hates beautiful stepdaughter and tells her husband to get rid of her; he left his daughter in the woods; she met robbers and they they took her in without causing harm; one day a girl let an old sorceress in; she began to comb her hair and plunged her pin, the girl became like a statue; the robbers left her body unburied; the prince saw brought her home, his sister began to comb the girl, pulled out her pin and the beauty came to life; the prince married her, but soon went to war; his wife gave birth to a boy and a girl; the prince's mother changed the letter the message that the wife gave birth to puppies; also replaced the prince's letter with an order to kill his wife and children; relatives told the woman to take the children and leave as soon as possible; she pleaded to God, St. Virgo and St. Antonia and asked for a palace in the woods; the prince returned, went in search, spent the night in that palace; in the morning he heard the boy call him father when he needed to fix his hand hanging from bed; all OK, Queen Mother punished]: Andrews 1895, No. 58:277-282; Italians (Campania, Capri) [the widower married a nea widow; she told her husband to get rid of his daughter; he took her to the forest, said he would cut down trees; hung a calebasa on a tree himself; calebas knocking on a trunk in the wind, and the woodcutter was long gone; the girl came to the castle; to the refectory for 12 people; she cleaned and cooked everything; came the robbers began to search, found the girl under a pile of straw, called her sister, let her take care of the household; the stepmother sent the old woman, she put a poisoned comb in the girl's hair, the girl lost consciousness; the robbers buried her in a marble coffin; the prince's dog found him; a beautiful woman was in the coffin; the prince's mother took out the comb and the girl came to life; the wedding; the father and stepmother were rotted in prison, the robbers were given nobility]: Zschalig 1925:44-47 (translated into Estonian in Sutrop 2018:231-233); Italians (Tuscany, Calabria): Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 451*:107; ladins [queen pricked her finger, a drop of blood fell into the snow; she wanted to give birth to a daughter white as snow, rosy as blood, her eyebrows were chestnut like window covers; after giving birth to a daughter, the queen died, the king took another wife; at that mirror; she asks him who is the most beautiful in the world; the mirror says Snow White; the king went to war; the stepmother told the soldier to take Snow White to the forest and kill her, bring her eyes; the soldier shot the bird, brought the birds eyes; they were eaten by a dog; Snow White came to the house; inside there is a table for 7 people, 7 beds; 7 brothers came, each asking who drank from his cup, who crushed his bed; they left the girl to watch at the household; the mirror again says that Snow White is more beautiful; the stepmother dressed up as a maid, Snow White unlocked the door; the stepmother thought she had strangled her with a neckerchief, but Snow White survived; the next once she gave a poisoned apple; the brothers put it in a glass coffin; the mirror says the stepmother that she is the most beautiful; the prince saw the coffin, ordered it to be moved to his castle, and a piece of apple fell out of his throat from the shaking, Snow White has come to life; her stepmother has smallpox; the mirror tells her that there is no one uglier than her, and Snow White is the most beautiful; the stepmother is poisoned; the king thinks that he has lost both his daughter and his wife; once a daughter and his husband visited, he's happy]: Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 54:290-297; ladins [a woman cut her finger, a drop of blood fell on the snow; she wished her daughter to be white as snow, blush like blood, the hair is black like coal; the daughter is born, the mother is dead, the father has taken another wife; the stepmother tells the hunter to take the girl to the forest and kill her, bring her tongue; the fox came running: kill me; the hunter brought the fox's tongue; the girl came to the house on the edge of the forest; there were 7 cups of milk and 7 plates of bread; 12 beds; she crumpled everything and lay down on the last one; 12 brothers came in the evening; everyone asks who crushed his bed; finding the girl, the brothers asked her to run their household; dressed as an old woman, her stepmother came, persuaded her to let her in, gave a poisoned tape; the girl woke up; next time an apple; then 10 brothers left, and 2 remained guarded; the girl woke up again; opened it to her stepmother again; the brothers killed her stepmother, the girl stayed with them]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 84:225-228.

Western Europe. The French [recorded at least in Nivernay and Upper Brittany; see Corsicans]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964:659; French (Haute-Brittany) [a woman has 7 sons; mother: if a boy will be born again, you will be coachmen and hit the whip, and if it is a girl, then shepherds and you will get the sticks of drovers; a daughter is born; the brothers are offended that they will not be able to become coachmen, so they retired to The Ardennes built a house for themselves in the woods; the neighbors tell the girl about them, but the mother denies everything; finally agrees to tell if the daughter brings hot coals in her apron; she poured ash into her apron and the coals did not burn it; then he tells him to cut down three large oaks with a knife; St. Virgo: everything is easy; the girl stabbed three times and the oaks fell; the mother tells me to tear off the bark from the oaks and bring it to her; scoop out the pond with a nutshell; St. The virgin helped again; the mother gave her daughter the same stick as the brothers, and she took the dog with her; when the sister came into the house, the brothers were at work; she cooked everything, cleaned it and hid everything; the same the next day; on the third day, the eldest remained to spy, but the sister put him to sleep with her wand; the same with the others; but the seventh sister did not put him to sleep, but confessed everything; he advised him to hide; when the youngest said they would like to see Vestra, others said they would kill her; but the younger one explained that it was not the sister's fault but their mother; the brothers fell in love with their sister and they began to live together]: Sébillot 1880, No. 26:170-173; (cf. Germans (Harz) [the widower has a 14-year-old daughter, an ugly neighbor has her own; the neighbor asked the girl to persuade her father to marry her; she began to tyrant her stepdaughter; she dreams twice that she must leave; she 7 giants come into the house, the old woman hides her, then shows her; the giants do not harm them, send them to others; they send them to 7 dwarfs, tell them to fix the jug at the well, clean the beds; the girl performs, dwarfs make her gold-haired; she returns home; stepmother sends her own daughter; she does not help the old woman in the giants' house, they tell her to break the jug, scatter the beds; the dwarfs tell her be lousy; stepmother wants her stepdaughter to feel bad too; pretended to be sick, sent for strawberries in winter; three men sit by the fire in the forest; they allowed the visitor to warm up, and she shared hers a meager breakfast; it was God, Christ and the Holy Spirit; after eating, Christ filled the girl's basket with strawberries, God made her even more beautiful, and let gold coins fall from her lips when she speaks; when he sees gold, the stepmother sent her own daughter for strawberries; but three people by the fire did not give her a seat, and she did not share their food with them; when she asked for strawberries, three said it was winter; God ordered that it should be on their heads the girls grew horns; the count saw the stepdaughter and married her; after giving birth to a child, she wrote a letter to her father, but it fell to her stepmother; she appeared in the absence of the count, pushed her stepdaughter into the lake and replaced her daughter ; seeing his wife with horns, the count wanted to die; at night the real wife appeared and asked the poodle to bring her baby to feed her; she had a chain on her leg; says he would come twice more and if she did not released with a golden sword, she will be drowned forever; while she was speaking, gold coins fell from her lips; the servant heard this, told the count; the next night he saw and heard everything himself; collected the fallen gold coins and ordered the blacksmith to forge a sword from them; on the third night he cut the chain with a sword; ordered his stepmother and her daughter to be burned, and placed his wife's father in the palace]: Pröhle 1854, No. 5:13-20); Germans [the king and queen have 12 sons; the king orders them to be killed if a daughter is born; the mother tells her sons to leave and see if she raises a white or red flag; brothers see red, so she was born girl, they go to the forest, promising to kill her sister; she grew up, saw 12 shirts, found out from her mother what happened, came to a house in the woods; there's younger brother Veniamin, he hides her, takes the word from her brothers not kill her; they see a sister with a gold star in her forehead; they promise to love her; she accidentally picks 12 lilies, the brothers turn into crows, fly away; the old woman says that it is necessary to remain silent for 7 years and not laugh; the sister spins while sitting in a tree; the king finds her, marries her; his mother persuades her son to burn a strange beggar; crows arrive at the last moment, they are 7 years old, they have become young men, they have scattered a fire; the king's mother was put in a barrel of boiling oil and snakes]: Grimm, Grimm 1987, No. 9:32-36 (Russian per. Grimm, Grimm 1987:30-34); the Germans [the queen sewed, pricked her finger, three drops fell on the snow; she wished the baby white as snow, rosy as blood, black-haired as a tree on the window frame; gave birth Snow White died; her stepmother's magic mirror tells her that she is the most beautiful; once she replied that Snow White is more beautiful; the queen tells the servant to take B. to the forest, bring her lungs and liver; the servant brought deer lungs and liver; B. came to the hut, where there are 7 small cribs, cups, etc.; dwarf miners enter, everyone asks who was sitting in his chair, eating his vegetables, etc.; the youngest notices B. beds; dwarfs offer her to run their household; the queen asks the mirror again; dressed as a merchant, comes to the dwarfs, B. let her in, she laced up on B. the bodice, she suffocated, but the dwarfs brought her to life; the next time the Queen combed B. with a poisonous scallop - the same; gave a poisonous apple; then the mirror tells the Queen that she is the most beautiful; the dwarfs left B. in the glass coffin on the mountain; the Queen asked to give the coffin to him; the concussion caused a poisonous piece to fall out of her throat, B. came to life; the Queen was invited to a wedding, forced to dance in hot iron shoes until she died ]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 53:181-188 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:146-152); Germans (Austria) [stepmother curses seven stepsons, they fly away as crows; sister goes in search; old lady: must be cut finger, leg - only while blood drips, you can climb to the top of the mountain; there is a castle on the mountain, brothers fly in and become human; they tell her sister that she needs to remain silent for 7 years, make 7 nettle shirts for them; the king sees a girl, marries him; she gives birth to a boy, the servant replaces him with a puppy; next time a kitten; an animal; the king puts his wife in a tenmnitsa; she does not have enough nettles, the maid brings him; she is led to the fire; 7 years are over, the crows have arrived and become human; the seventh shirt has an incomplete sleeve, the younger brother has a wing instead of his left hand; he stays with his sister and her king husband]: Cerf 1992:175-181 ; friezes [the queen has 12 sons; she sees a black calf being slaughtered in winter; wants to have a daughter with hair as black, blush as blood, snow-white skin; she would give all her sons for this; an old woman enters: the wish will come true; the king, when his wife gave birth to a daughter, the king ordered her sons to be placed in a guarded room; they became wild geese, flew away through the window; when the girl is 12 years old, her mother is all told; she secretly got out of the house, went looking for her brothers; came to the castle in the woods, got inside through the door; geese flew in, became young men; the eldest tells the girl that they swore to kill the first But the woman who comes to them for what happened to them; the sister says who she is, the brothers do not change their minds; the same old woman comes in, shames the brothers: if their sister is killed, they will become frogs; sister must 6 years to assemble and spin a web, sew 12 shirts out of it, all this time not talk, laugh, cry; then the brothers will become human again; one day a young king comes to the castle and takes a girl as his wife; she is silent and continues to weave and sew; gives birth to a child; the king's stepmother gives her sleeping pills, smears her lips with blood, throws the baby out the window, is picked up and carried away by a bird of prey; the king's stepmother spreads a rumor that the queen ate her baby; the same after the birth of her second child; the queen was brought to the fire; at the last moment she finished her last shirt, screamed that she was innocent; 12 geese were arriving, The queen puts shirts on them, the geese become young men, snatches her sister out of the fire; that bird brings the queen's two unharmed children in its claws, takes her evil stepmother to unknown where]: Mürk 2014:56 -74;.

Western Asia. The Palestinians [a childless merchant and his wife asked God for a child - even if a girl white as snow and rosy as blood; they called Snow White (B.); the father did not care about his daughter, the mother hated out of jealousy; asked the old woman to kill the girl; when B. was returning from school, the old woman offered her a walk, led her far into a deserted area and, waiting for her to fall asleep, left her; her mother brought pigeon blood, she drank it; the girl came to the house of 14 robbers, hid under a chair; the chieftain sensed that someone was in the house; if a young man, be our brother, if the girl was a sister, if the old woman was a mother; B. went out and became each sister; when leaving, the robbers took turns leaving one of them at home; then B. said it was not necessary - she was not afraid to be alone; at this time, the mother again turned to the eye of the sun {not mentioned before}: who is more beautiful, she or B.; answer: it is ridiculous to compare you to her; she has 14 young men who care about her; when she returns home, the mother called the old woman; she said that she carried out the order, but God revived B.; the mother again gave the old woman 10 gold coins and told her to mix poison into the coffee; when they returned, the robbers found B. dead; left her in the house and went on a journey; met Father B., who went to look for her after she disappeared; he learned from robbers that his daughter was dead; Prince Alaij Ed-Dean hunted, found a house and a dead beauty on the floor; he went there to cry for 10 days; his mother learned about the incident from her servant, ordered her body to be delivered to her, washed her with warm water and B. came to life; the wedding; one day 14 robbers and Father B. came and found out that she was alive; the robbers returned to their home, and father began to live with son-in-law and daughter]: Littmann 2016:332-350; Iraqi Arabs [the beauty asks the moon who is more beautiful - the moon, she or her daughter Hajir; the moon replies that H.; the mother tells the maid to take X . to the mountains and leave there; H. comes to the cave of the seven efreets; hides; when they leave again, cook and clean; they take turns guarding but falling asleep; on the eighth day, one of the efreets was discovered by H., they made her brothers; her mother asked the moon again; when she found out that H. was alive, sent a maid to give her poisoned chewing gum; H. lost consciousness, the Ifrites left her on the top of the mountain; she was found by the Sultan's son, the doctor brought her to life, the Sultan's son married her; having received an answer from the moon again that H. is the most beautiful, the mother died of anger; son H. plays with other boys, they say that he is no one's son; mother: tell me about his seven uncles; one of the Efretes noticed that the boy looked like H., came to him, asked him for water, he took him to his mother, efreet threw a ring into the bowl; promised the boy that seven efreet would always be him help]: Stevens 2006, #29:114-119.

South Asia. India (translated from Hindi) [sadhu gives the queen a drink of ash and milk, she becomes pregnant; in order for a daughter to be born, the queen's 12 sons must go to the forest; the daughter sees the princes' children's shirts, the mother is forced to tell her about her brothers, she leaves, finds brothers; the 12-year spell ends; the sister comes to the garden, tears flowers, a witch appears, the brothers turn into ravens; to turn them back into people, the sister must be silent for 11 years; the king finds her; his older wives smear her new mouth with the blood of an infant; the king orders his wife to be burned; the crows who have arrived take her away from the fire, turn into princes; the king burned seven wives and a counselor]: Zographer 1964:398-410; Telugu {the collection contains mainly Telugu texts and several Marathi texts; there is little possibility that this text relates not to Telugu, but to Marathi} [Siromani lives with seven brothers; they herd sheep; in the evening, when she returns home, they ask them to unlock them, say their names; one day she ran out of firewood, she went to the forest and her Rakshas noticed; imitating the voice of one of the brothers, asked to unlock it, but did not give names, she did not discover it; the sandalwood growing nearby does not tell you to unlock it; the rakshasa cut down the tree; the root does not tell either; Rakshasa smeared it with clay; left it on the step; when the brothers came and S. opened the door, she stepped on a nail, fell ill and died; asked her not to cremate, but to place her in a glass coffin and hang it on the tree; the brothers left; the king noticed an imperishable body in the coffin, brought it to him, pulled out a nail, S. came to life; the brothers came, she recognized them, everything was fine]: Venkataswami 1923, No. 38:93-95; (cf. Tamils [brother and sister, younger sister; they went to herd goats, sister climbed a tree to pick fruit; pey {drink, some evil spirit} came, the other children ran away and she could not get down; drink asks to throw off he could not grab the fruit with his hand; then with his legs; he could not grab his arm and leg, but pulled it down by the hair and brought it to him; 7 parrots took her to their house; they tell him not to unlock the door; stand on the roof and if you can see the fire in the well, then it's us; the food is over, the girl went looking for people, came to the house to drink; when she saw it, she rushed back and locked the door; but drink put one claw above the door and the other under by the door; when she saw the light in the well, the girl unlocked the door and went out; her claws pierced her and she died; the parrots put her in the coffin and let her go to sea; the raja and the vizier caught the coffin; agreed that the vizier would take a coffin for himself, and the Raja is inside; he took out his claws and the girl came to life; brought him home, but three women already live in his house; he promises to marry someone who will peel the rice without damaging the grain; parrots are they made and three women crushed the grains; the Raja married a parrot pupil]: Blackburn 2005, No. 17).

The Balkans. Greeks: Legrand 1881 [coming to the window, the older sisters ask the sun who is more beautiful; the sun says that it and they are beautiful, but their little sister Rodia is the most beautiful; they lead R. collect herbs and throw them in the forest; the goddess of the night Nycteris arrives, takes R. to her palace; the sun again told the sisters that R. is the most beautiful; the sisters came to R., gave scarves, she put it on herself shoulders and died; R. accidentally pulled off her scarf, R. came to life; next time they gave her candy (pastille); N. put R. in a silver coffin, a coffin on a wagon, let the horse carry it; the horse brought the wagon to the prince; mother the prince came in in in his absence, pulled R.'s hair, the candy fell out of her mouth, R. came to life; the wedding; when R. gave birth to a boy, the sisters came and stabbed a pin into her head, turning it into a bird, and one occupied her place; the bird flew in and told all the vegetation to dry; flew to the prince, he felt for and took out the pin, R. was reborn; the prince wanted to execute the sisters, but N. offered them a choice of death or torment envy; they died of envy]: 133-143; Megas 1970, No. 37 [three sisters ask the Sun which one is more beautiful; the Sun points to the youngest one named Myrsina ("myrtle") three times, even when she is in rags; the sisters say that the grave of their deceased mother is in the mountains, must be reburied; they throw M. in the mountains; the beech tells them to go, she ends up in the house for 12 Months; she secretly cleans it up; the youngest finds her, she is now their sister; sisters find out that M. is alive; they come, give him poisoned bread, he is eaten by a dog; the ring, M. falls breathless; they put her in a coffin for months; the prince picks him up; he is sick himself, asks to open the coffin, takes off the ring , M. comes to life, the prince marries her; sisters come, the prince tells them to get rid of them, they have not been seen again]: 106-113; Bulgarians [9 brothers go to the forest; their sister comes and stays with them; they they warn her not to let the fire go out, but the fire goes out (a cat or dog wrote on it); a girl comes to a self-diver (dragon, bear) for fire; returning home, the girl reserves ash trail (a ball of thread unwinds behind her); she follows the trail, leaves a tooth (nail, sharp bone) near the girl's house, steps on him, dies; her brothers bury her in a golden coffin; who finds her imperishable body (usually a prince) takes out a tooth (nail, etc.), the girl comes to life, the prince marries her]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, № 709A: 247-248; Serbs [three sisters ask the suns, who are more beautiful than them; the sun is the youngest; the sisters took the youngest through the forest, supposedly to celebrate the wake; they said that they had forgotten candles at home, told her to wait, and left themselves; a lamb came up, the girl fed him, went after him; the house is 9 brothers; the girl cooks, cleans and hides; the brothers take turns guarding, each falls asleep, only the youngest ninth grabs the girl; the brothers make her a sister; the sisters have prepared the poisoned a loaf, sent the old woman to give it to the girl; she gave the crumbs to the pigeons, they died, the girl did not eat; then the sisters sent a poisoned ring; the brothers thought that the girl was dead, put it in a glass oak coffin; the prince found it, brought it to his place, put a wine-soaked handkerchief on the girl's face, she came to life; wedding]: Tesic 2018:29-33; Serbs [the poor widow has 9 sons and a daughter; she has nothing to feed sons - let them at least turn into wolves; brothers ran away as wolves; the girl grew up; when she found out what happened to her brothers, she went to look for them; came to the house where the old woman was; she hid her from wolves on the roof; Wolves came running and became young men; the old woman showed them the girl, they are happy; to spell them, the sister must remain silent for 9 years; she herds cows, the prince saw her; married; when she gave birth, mother-in-law threw the baby out of the window into the lake, but the white wolf picked him up; so three times; puppies instead of babies; the prince agreed to hang his wife; at the last moment 9 knights rode on white horses, brought three children; term expired, spell removed; prince expelled mother]: Eschker 1992, No. 23:121-127; Croats [the king has 12 sons, his wife is pregnant; king: if a daughter is born, I will kill all sons; sons have gathered go away; mother: if I give birth to a girl, there will be a white flag on the tower, and if my son, it will be red; when they see white, they went away; one woman left their house with a vegetable garden and moved to the city herself; after 7 years, daughter saw her mother wash men's clothes, the girl found out that she had brothers and went to look for them; came to their house; although the brothers had previously sworn to kill any woman who came to them, younger persuaded them not to do so; one day she cut off 12 lilies to serve them to her brothers with food; when she saw the lilies, they turned into crows and flew away; that old woman came to restore their human appearance to the brothers, the sister must remain silent for 7 years; the king found her climbing a tree, lowered her down and married her; the Queen Mother did not like her; while the king was at war, his wife gave birth to a son, but the crows took him away; the mother said that the queen ate her baby; the same for the second time; after the third she was sentenced to burn; at the last moment, the queen cried out, Jesus, Mary! , the crows flew in carrying her three sons; became young men; the brothers returned to their parents, the king gave up his intention to kill them]: Leskien 1915:153-158; Albanians [three sisters, younger Fatime everyone is more beautiful; the elders ask the Sun who is the most beautiful; the Sun: F.; they smear mud on F.'s face, receive the same answer; the sisters lead F. into the forest for firewood, hang a pumpkin on the tree to knock in the wind they went home themselves; F. climbed a tree, saw the light in the distance, came to the house of 40 robbers; they had a servant; he advised F. to cook dinner; the robbers liked it, left F. as a hostess, giving her servant for that; the sisters found out, sent the maid to hand over the poisoned necklace; when the robbers returned and removed F.'s necklace, she came to life; the sisters sent a sieve full of gold coins; the same; sent the ring; the robbers did not notice it; put F. in a coffin, which they hung from a tree; the king's horse refuses to drink; the king sees the reflection of the coffin in the water; the king brought F., left it in his room; the ring fell off her finger, F. came to life; all is well]: Dozon 1881, No. 1:1-6 (in Elsie 2001, No. 20, probably the same text, but in a different translation); Romanians [the beauty has a mirror she asks if there is anyone more beautiful than her; the mirror always says no; but when her daughter grew up, the mirror replied that the daughter was more beautiful; the woman took her daughter to the forest; when she was exhausted from hunger and thirst, she gave her a salty cake in exchange for the eye, and then water for the second eye; pushed the daughter into the river; she climbed ashore; the mirror replied that the woman is more beautiful because her daughter is blind; St. The virgin told the girl to wash her eye sockets three times and her eyesight returned; she was found by 12 robbers, made a sister; the mirror again replies to the woman that her daughter is the most beautiful; she sent the old woman to give the girl the poisoned ring; wearing it, she lost consciousness; mirror: your daughter is dead; the robbers removed the ring, the girl came to life; the next time the mother sent a poisoned flower; the robbers left the girl's body between two trees; a prince found him, brought him home; one of the servants decided to carry the flower, the girl came to life; the prince married her; the mother dressed up as an old woman, came to the prince, hired to take care of his wife and as a baby; stabbed a baby, but did not have time to slaughter her; the prince woke up and grabbed her; the woman was executed]: Schott, Schott 1845:105-113 (Estonian translation in Sutrop 2018:505-511); Hungarians [in itself in a beautiful country in Asia, the king decided to marry only the most beautiful woman in the world; she was found; the king married; the witch tells the young queen that her daughter will be more beautiful than her; gives poison to poison the king; but the queen is already pregnant; the witch gives a mirror; let the queen ask in the morning if there is anyone in the world more beautiful than her; the mirror replies that she is not yet but will be born soon; the witch tries to make the baby's face ugly, but her witchcraft is powerless; when the girl is 13 years old, a witch took her to the forest to burn her alive; 12 robbers appeared, the witch was hit on the head, the girl was taken to her; seeing her beauty and kindness, made their queen, gave three maids to serve; the witch woke up and told her mistress that there was no need to ask for a mirror anymore; she thought that the robbers had killed the girl; one day asked the mirror; then the witch dressed as a gypsy woman, gave the girl a ring, she put it on and died; while preparing her body for burial, the robbers took off the ring and the girl came to life; next time she stuck a pin in her handkerchief - the same (dressed as Jewish); the third time she pretended to be a girl, plunged a pin into her hair; the robbers did not notice her; put her in a golden coffin, fastened it on the antlers of a deer; the deer brought the coffin to the Persian prince; he hid the coffin with the girl in his room; when he went to war, the prince's three sisters found the girl, began to comb her hair, pulled out her pin, the girl came to life; the prince came back and married her; the Queen the mirror again says that her daughter is more beautiful; the prince has left again; the wife gave birth to golden-haired twins; the witch replaced the letter with a message that the prince's wife gave birth to two puppies; she also replaced the prince's letter with an order kill his wife and children; the king told the soldier to take them to the forest and kill them, but the soldier agreed to let them go; the prince returned and found his wife and children in the hollow; the witch was brought and she admitted that she had been kidnapped as a child and raised the devil; that the mirror mocked the queen - she was not beautiful for a long time; the witch was hung over the fire, the remains were scattered by horses; the queen was locked, she jumped out the window and broke her neck]: Jones, Kropf 1889, No. 35:163-181.

Central Europe. Slovaks [the queen pricked, remembered her stepdaughter white as snow and rosy as blood; asks the mirror, it replies that the queen is beautiful and the stepdaughter is better; the queen tells the servants to take the servants away the girl goes to the forest; they let her go; she comes to the dwarf house, eats, lies down; they find her in bed; they leave her at home, tell no one to open it; the mirror replies that the girl is more beautiful than the queen ; she executes servants; comes, gives an apple, the girl dies; the mirror is silent; the dwarfs shake the girl, a piece of apple pops out of her throat, the girl comes to life; the mirror again says that the girl is more beautiful; the same - the queen gives a lace, laces the girl; the third time she sticks a pin into her hair; the dwarfs do not notice her; leave the girl in a glass coffin on the mountain; the king finds her, notices her, takes out her pin; raised a girl]: Gorbov 1949:78-81; Luzhitans [after the death of her mother, the girl lives with her aunt; she tyrannizes her, she leaves; she sees a door in the mountain; there is a home for seven men; everyone has their own bed, a pot, a loaf of bread, etc.; the girl cooked food for everyone, tried everything; those who came found her, kept her; then they left it in a glass coffin (the text is torn off)]: Sutrop 2018:553-554; Poles (Poznan) [stepmother hates her stepdaughter; took her to the forest and left her there; the girl came to the robbers' house; they did not harm her and kept her; the stepmother found out, came unrecognized, gave The stepdaughter put on a poisoned dress; she put it on, fell dead; when the robbers took off her dress, the girl came to life; the next time the stepmother gave a poisoned ring; the robbers took off her dress, but the girl did not come to life; out of grief they committed suicide; a forester came in, took off the ring, the girl came to life; married a forester]: Knoop 1916:207-208 (translated into Sutrop 2018:490); Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Pskov, Ryazan, Voronezh, Kursk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Galicia, Volyn, Podolia, Yekaterinoslavskaya, Kievskaya, Poltava), Belarusians [The Magic Mirror ( Dead Princess): Having learned with the help of a magic mirror that she is not the most beautiful in the world, but her stepdaughter, the stepmother orders her to be killed, she escapes and lives in the forest with seven brothers (robbers); stepmother tracks her down and poisons her; the girl is put in a transparent coffin, the prince sees her and falls in love; she comes to life]: SUS 1979, No. 709:179; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Mezen, d. Vozhegora, 1927) [The king has 12 sons, he decides to kill them if the queen gives birth to a daughter and prepares 12 coffins. She tells her sons about this, shows the coffin room and promises to hang a red flag if she gives birth to a girl and a white flag if she gives birth to a boy. The brothers see the red flag, go into the forest and build a hut. The daughter finds a room with 12 coffins, a chest with 12 shirts, asks her mother where her brothers are, she says. The girl goes looking for her brothers. They agree to kill every girl they meet because their sister is forced to live in the woods. The girl meets one of her brothers at the house, tells her who she is, he feels sorry for her and introduces her brothers, but forbids them to kiss. The brothers accept their sister, but she happily forgets the warning and kisses her brothers. They turn into crows and fly away, and she stops for 7 years and makes nettle shirts for them. The girl marries the prince, she weaves shirts day and night, they hate her silence, she does not have time to tie the sleeve of her last shirt when she is sent to the fire. She is rescued by her crow brothers (they extinguished the fire with their wings), she puts on shirts for her brothers, they become human again, only one brother is left without an arm. She starts talking and lives happily with her husband again]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 136:262-263; Russians (Vologodskaya, Kirillovsky University): Sokolov, Sokolov 1981, No. 39 [father and son left, daughter at home, brother her father, the monk, began to embarrass her; she refused; he wrote to his brother that his daughter was dissolute; he told his son to kill her, bring her heart; her brother agreed to slaughter the dog, let his sister go; the girl came to 12 to the robbers, cleaned everything up, hid; the robbers returned, swore not to slaughter the one who was hiding; fell in love with the girl like a sister; the monk found out, sent an old woman with a poisoned shirt; the robbers hung a coffin with 12 oaks; the merchant's son came across the coffin, brought it to his place, put it in his bedroom; when her son was away, the parents found the body, took off her shirt, the girl came to life; her son married her; she dressed sexually, came to the inn where all her relatives were; told her story; her uncle and father were shot, she took her brother with her to her husband], 49 []: 154-155, 190-197; Russians (Pskov) [the master left, leaving his daughter on the farm; the pop climbed into her bathhouse, she poured boiling water on him; he wrote to his father that she was walking; the master told his son to cut off his sister's head; he killed the dog and let his sister go; she came to to the robbers, became their sister; her brother found out that she was alive, sent a comb and a dress; she shoved the scallop into her hair, put on a dress, fell asleep right away; the robbers put her in a glass coffin, put it under the oak tree; the sailor hunted, saw the girl, brought her home, asked her mother to change her into a white dress; the girl came to life, he married her; she decided to visit her parents, boarded the ship, the sailor became to bother, she threw herself into the water, swam to the shore, she became the old woman's chicken coop; by chance everyone gathered there, told; the father wrote off his entire estate to the sailor]: Ploshchuk 2004, No. 53:139-141; Belarusians (Hrodnenskaya, Novogrudok district) [the queen died, the new one disliked her stepdaughter after the mirror told her that she was more beautiful; told the servant to go for a walk with her, kill her, bring her heart; he let the girl go, brought her heart dogs; the girl came to the palace in the woods; cleaned everything up; 12 queens returned, named her sister; the mirror again replied to the Queen that her stepdaughter was more beautiful; the queen sent a sorceress; she said to a girl who sells rings and rings; the girl tried it on and died; the brothers noticed the ring, took it off, it came to life; they told no one else to unlock it; the next time the witch came and prayed; the girl sent the servant to give her; the servant was bribed, brought a pin from the witch; the girl thought it was hers, stuck it in her hair, died; the brothers did not notice the pins, put the girl in a silver coffin, they hung it on a tree; the Queen found him, brought him home, hides it from his parents; once he accidentally took out a pin, the girl came to life; the girl's father also arrived at the wedding, she told him everything; he wanted to stretch my wife was on the harrow, but my daughter did not allow me; and I was there, drinking honey wine, flowing down my beard, not getting into my mouth]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 210:123-126.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays or Balkarians [Khan's wife asks the mirror if there is anyone more beautiful than her; mirror: orphan girl Fatimat, one cheek is like the sun and the other like the moon; she lives in this village; the witch advises to pretend to be sick; she will indicate the remedy: to drink F.'s blood; the servants told F. to leave, gave hansha dog blood; F. came to the gorge at the house of seven brothers; she sewed them new clothes; hansha asks the mirror again and receives the same answer; the witch came to the forest brothers, gave F. poison, but she survived, the mirror repeats the old one; the witch came in the guise of an old man, took F. into the forest to kill; the younger brother saw and shot the witch; the khansha sent an army, the brothers killed many, including the khan's sons; stayed in the forest with F.]: Malkonduev 2017:314-318; Lezgins [=Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 29:288-284 ; the seven sons of the padishah leave home since they have no sister; the queen gives birth to a daughter, she grows up, learns about her brothers, tells her father to buy her iron shoes, goes to look for brothers; the shepherd teaches how to find a home brothers, sister hides there, cooks; older brother finds sister in the chest; brothers tell her not to let the fire go out; she takes the red bead for the coal, does not notice that the fire has gone out; comes for with fire into the house of Azhdakh; he gives fire in the sieve; when the brothers are hunting, they come on an ash trail to suck the girl's blood; the brothers dig a hole, Azhdaha falls into it, they cover it with earth; they take their sister in a chest a white camel, a hare chased, a merchant finds a girl, gets married; she gives birth to two sons, tells them to throw ash at the frog by the swamp, say who their mother is; brothers hear, find a sister, together with a merchant return to their homeland]: Khalilov 1965, No. 69:211-215; Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 54 [nine brothers go hunting; mother gives birth to a girl, puts a spindle at the gate; angry neighbor replaces him with a yoke; another girl tells the brothers' sister that her brothers are missing because of her; the daughter bites her mother's chest, forcing her to reveal the truth; she comes to the brothers, who do not know who is cleaning the house; they they find her; warn her not to let the fire go out; the girl comes to the mother of the devas; she gives smut and cilantro seeds, finds a house on them; the dev bites off the girl's finger; the next day, the brothers kill him; the mother of the devas asks to put a potion in the brothers' food; they turn into deer, run away; walks alone with her; the prince wants to shoot, the girl asks not to do so; the prince marries her; the neighbor tells the servants drown her, puts on her clothes, replaces her, tells her to stab a deer; he calls her sister, she answers, tells the king not to carry water, not to sharpen his dagger; the servants pull out the woman, tie the impostor to horse tail]: 213-218; 1988 (2), No. 97 [the king has a daughter Agatha and a new wife; she pretends to be sick, tells her husband to feed her stepdaughter's meat; the servants brought A.'s clothes, smeared her with animal blood; A. came to the palace is 9 brothers, secretly cooks and cleans; the brothers waited for her, made her sister; the stepmother asks the mirror if she is more beautiful than anyone else in the world; the mirror replies that A. is more beautiful; the stepmother sends to A. a sorceress, giving her poisoned resin; her younger brother managed to remove the poison from the girl's mouth; next time her stepmother sends a poisoned grenade, A. saw it and died; the brothers left her in the coffin; found the coffin prince, brought live water, resurrected the girl, they have a son; the stepmother sends the old woman again, she killed the baby, put a knife in A.; she gouged out her eyes, gave the killed baby, drove her away; the old man put his eyes on her back, she saw the light; the son grew up, the father comes to them without knowing who it is; the son put a bunch of rubies on his father, accused him of stealing; everything is clear, the stepmother was tied to a horse, torn]: 150-156; Armenians [a magic mirror tells the stepmother that her stepdaughter is more beautiful than her; she orders to take the girl to the forest and kill her; the servant, having pity, keeps her alive, brings her stepmother a handkerchief covered with the blood of a bird; the girl She stayed with seven brothers; her stepmother, when she found out that the girl was alive, sent an old woman to her with a poisoned comb, a poisoned apple; after eating an apple, the girl died; the brothers put her in a coffin and hung her from a tree; the girl's fiance wanted to bury her, the coffin fell, broke, the apple jumped out of her throat, the princess came to life; when she found out that her stepdaughter was alive, the stepmother broke the mirror and burst]: Gullakian 1990, No. 709:35; Turks: Stebleva 1986, No. 39 [seven brothers want a sister; a mother gives birth to a girl, a midwife deliberately hangs a black flag rather than a red flag; brothers think a boy has been born, they leave; the girl grows up, her friends tell her about brothers; the mother gives her a donkey out of ash, he brings her to her brothers; they do not understand who is cleaning the house; the younger one guards her, finds her sister; brothers warn her not to let the fire go out; the cat extinguishes the fire, a girl comes to an old woman, she gives a sieve of ash and coals, the ash mark now reaches the house; the brothers dig a trap hole, the old woman's dev-son falls into it, is killed; an old woman comes, the cat brings her the son's head, the old woman pulls out his tooth, pierces the girl's leg; the brothers bring the body to their mother; someone pulls out a tooth, the girl comes to life]: 160-163; Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 166 [woman 7 sons; they promise to leave if the mother gives birth to a boy again; the mother gives birth to a girl, but the villain replaces the red flag with a black one; the girl grew up, went to look for brothers, came to their castle; they warn her not let the fire go out; the fire goes out, the sister came to the giantess for fire; she gives fire and then finds the girl on the ash trail; after digging a trap hole, the brothers kill the giantess's brother who has come (and kill her sons); the giantess kills brothers by putting her sons' teeth on them; the sister finds her teeth, pulls her teeth out, the brothers come to life, return home with the setra], 167 (Istanbul, Ankara, Malatya, Kars, etc.) [the stepmother asks the moon (or the mirror) who is the most beautiful in the world and gets the answer that the stepdaughter; the stepmother makes the girl swallow the snake and it seems that she is pregnant; the father chases her away; she gets to the robbers who make her sister; the stepmother asks the moon (mirror) again; when she finds out that the stepdaughter is alive, she gives the girl poisoned cherries; the robbers revive her, but the next attempt poisoning succeeds; robbers leave the girl in her coffin; the prince finds him, brings him to him, falls in love, the girl comes to life and marries the prince]: 183-185, 185; Kúnos 1913 [padishah's wife every day asks the maid who is beautiful; she replies that the padishah's wife, the moon and she, the maid; one day she replies that the grown-up daughter of Padishah's wife Nar-Tanesi ("pomegranate apple", GJ) is the most beautiful; three brothers the hunters found her, agreed to make her sister; the witch gave the padishah's wife two pins; dressed as a beggar, she came to the hunters' house and put pins into her daughter's head through a crack in the door; the girl died; the brothers put her in a golden coffin, hung her between two trees; the prince found him, moved him to his room; when he went to war, his fiancée went there, saw the GJ, took out her pins, and the GJ flew away a bird; the prince is back and is ill with grief; a bird comes to ask about him; every time the tree it sits on dries up; the gardener told the prince about it; the prince's young wife killed the bird, said that it was the cat that bit her; the drops of blood grew roses; the gardener's wife brought one into the room, which turned into a bird again, the old woman pulled a diamond pin out of her head, a bird turned into a GJ {there is a discrepancy; it was previously said that the prince's wife pulled out both pins and the girl turned into a bird}; the old lady told the prince everything; he returned to the GJ, but chased the monkey; This is the time when GJ's mother came to kill her; the prince managed to return; married GJ, and ordered her mother and wife to be hanged]: 174-181.

Iran - Central Asia. Bukhara Arabs [a man has a daughter with his deceased wife and another wife; his wife asked to buy her a mirror, her daughter a shirt; the emir invited the man's wife to a feast; when she left, she told her stepdaughter to separate Jugaru from millet; sparrows did it; stepmother told her husband to get rid of his stepdaughter; he left his daughter in the steppe; she came to the house of 40 divas, cooked food, hid; the divas were amazed: how delicious it is a man cooked; on the third day, a diva hid, found the girl; the divas called her sister; the stepmother looked in the mirror, saw her stepdaughter, decided to kill; she came gave a potion, the girl seemed to die; her divas were not buried, and loaded on a camel and sent to the steppe; the shepherd and the emir met; the shepherd took the camel, the emir the girl, she came to life, he married her; the stepmother saw her stepdaughter in the mirror again; entered the kitchen was going to kill; but the emir went out and cut off her head]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 10:73-75; (cf. Persians: Osmanov 1987 [seven brothers want a sister; a mother gives birth to a girl, mistakenly hangs a sling over the door, not a spindle; brothers leave; the girl grows up, finds a brothers' house on top of the mountain; secretly cooks and cleans; younger brother hides, catches it; brothers tell us not to eat kishmish berries if they find them on the floor; give it to the cat; the girl eats it, the cat extinguishes the fire, puts a red stone in the hearth so that the girl thinks that the fire is burning; the girl comes to the diva cave for the smut; the next day, the diva comes to her, tells her to stick her finger into the crack; the girl does not tell her brothers, she becomes weaker; Finally, he says, the younger brother breaks the diva's bottle of life, he dies; siblings return to their parents]: 235-238; Marzolph 1984, No. *451 (Khorasan, Azerbaijan) [signs changed, brothers they think that the mother gave birth to a boy again, not a girl, and they leave; the girl grows up, goes to look for brothers; hides, cooks and cleans for three days, then opens; brothers tell her sister not to give go out the fire; sister quarrels with the cat over the zest, the cat extinguishes the fire; the sister comes to the diva for fire; he gave fire and then began to come to suck blood from the girl's finger; the brothers killed the diva]: 92-93; Tajiks [seven brothers want a sister, go hunting; a mother gives birth to a girl Gulmokh, hangs a spinning wheel on the gate, an angry neighbor replaces her with a bow; friends tell G. that her brothers left when she was born; she asks her mother to give her hot wheat with her hand, clamps her hand, makes her tell the truth; she comes to the brothers' house, they do not understand who is cleaning; only the younger brother does not fall asleep, the guard; fire goes out, G. comes to Baba Yaga for him; she gives fire, tells him to throw wheat along the way, follows a goat, tells her to comb her hair, sucks G.'s blood; the brothers push Baba Yaga into a hole, cover himself with earth; dill grows there; after eating it, brothers and sister turn into pigeons, fly to their father's house; brothers turn into poplars, sister into an apple tree; they do not give apples to the prince, for he has not done good deeds; they give rip off the old man, brothers and sister get out of their trunks, hug their parents]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1960:98-105; Sarykol residents [parents want to pass off three sons for three daughters; the youngest climbs plane trees, it goes to heaven; sticks a needle into the house of three brothers, cooks in their absence; only the younger brother does not fall asleep, the brothers make the girl a sister; they tell me to watch the fire, the bead falls into the hearth, the girl takes her for coal; she comes to ask the old woman for fire, she gives her, tells her to bake cakes at home, comes on a goat, sticks a needle into the floor, tells her to dance, the girl stabs her legs, the old woman eats cakes, dipping them in blood; brothers guard, only the youngest kill the witch, burn her corpse]: Pakhalina 1966:103-106; Turkmens [seven hunting brothers tell a pregnant mother to hang a doll at the gate if she is born daughter; evil neighbors replace her with a bow and arrow; brothers do not return; born Ak-Pamyk does not know that she has brothers; neighbors tell her to squeeze her mother's hand when she takes hot wheat grains; mother talks about the brothers, gives a rolling cake that shows the way; AP cleans up the brothers in the cave; the youngest does not fall asleep, the AP grabs, she tells me who she is; eats the berry promised to the cat, he blows out the fire ; AP comes to the diva for fire; he gives, when he comes, kills his brothers; the old woman says that only the milk of the cannibal camel Ak-Maya will revive them; her camel helps AP, sucks, pouring into a wineskin; AM chases AP, which splashes some of the milk, forms the Milky Way; AP revives the brothers, but the youngest does not have enough shoulder blades; the brothers are married, the wives hate AP, they pour lead into her ears, she is dumb and deaf; her They send her on a camel to look for a husband; the prince marries her, and the vizier's son takes a camel; advises the prince to look for a second wife; the son pushes the AP, lead falls out of her; when he learns that his wife has recovered, The prince sent a new one back; Uncle Bayram meets AP's son; she sends bags of scorpions to the brothers' wives, they die]: Sokali et al. 1955:69-81).

Baltoscandia. Icelanders [Vala is beautiful and evil; her daughter Vilfridur is more beautiful than her, she is called Völufehri ("more beautiful than Vala"); Vala took her daughter to the forest and left her; two dwarfs came out of the stone; allowed her to live with asking them not to wake them up - they have a bad dream; and not open the door to anyone; Vala asks her magic mirror; she replies that Wilfridur has dwarfs; Vala came to the stone and persuaded her daughter put her finger through the slit to put her grandmother's ring on it, cast a spell that caused the ring to shrink on her finger; the dwarfs found the same gold from which the ring was made and contact with him, the ring unclenched; the mirror again tells Valya that her daughter lives with dwarfs; Vala persuaded her daughter to stick her leg in to wear her great-grandmother's gold shoe (the same as with the ring ); for the third time, Vala brought a belt with a spell that only the king of Germany could remove it; the dwarfs transported Wilfridur across the sea and left it on the shore; blowing, raised a storm at sea to swim nearby, the king of Germany landed on the shore; he took off the girl's belt and she came to life; found the dwarfs dead - they were exhausted because they blew so hard; Wilfridur agreed to marry the king on condition that he would not take anyone to the palace without her advice; Vala sent a husband named Raudur (B.E. Rother) to Germany to kill her daughter and bring her curl, tongue and some blood; he sailed and persuaded the king to leave him for the winter; Wilfidur is giving birth hard; R. told the king he could help, flew out the midwife to go out; cut off the baby's ear, put it in his mother's mouth, and threw the baby out the window; the same with the second birth (put it in his mouth severed toe); the third time, the finger; the king allowed his wife to be taken to the forest; R. ordered the servants to bring her curl, tongue and blood; they brought the dog's tongue and blood; Wilfridur came to the hut and the owner sheltered her; at this time, in the herds of the king of loss; he, taking R., goes to the forest to find a predator; they got lost and came to the house where Wilfidur lived; the owner let the king in, and R. only on condition that he told his story; the owner told the ring to stab the narrator if he lied; he had to confess everything; with the king's consent, the master put R.'s head into the boiling pot; in the next room, the queen, and one has three children; one boy has no ear, the other has a finger, and a girl has a toe; this man picked up the children when they were thrown out the window; when the girl grew up, the owner of the house was wearing her married]: Poestion 1884, No. 19:152-166; Norwegians [the Queen has a drop of blood from her nose falling on the snow; she wants a daughter white as snow, red as blood, ready to give her 12 sons for it; the trollich promises to fulfill her wish, will pick up her sons as soon as her daughter is around; the queen orders a silver spoon for her sons and daughters; sons turn into wild ducks, fly away; daughters are sad that she has no brothers; her mother tells her the truth, she goes looking for her brothers; finds a home in the woods, secretly cooks and cleans; 12 ducks come in, become princes; take their silver spoons, see another one, they understand that the sister is near; the elder offers to kill her, because she is to blame for their transformation, the youngest says she is not to blame; the brothers find her under the bed; the eldest promises to save her life, if she helps them; the sister must hide the thistle fluff, sew 12 shirts, 12 capes, 12 scarves, then the brothers will be human forever; before that she cannot talk, laugh or cry; when she gathers the fluff, the prince takes her away, marries; the prince's stepmother hates her; throws her child into a snake pit, cuts her finger, smears her mouth with blood, says she ate the baby; so three times; the prince agrees to the wife was burned; the clothes for the brothers are ready, only the younger brother's shirt does not have one sleeve; the youngest is reborn without an arm; the sister can speak, explains everything; the stepmother was torn apart by 12 horses; three children were found in the pit alive and well]: Dasent 1970:51-59; Swedes [stepdaughter is white as snow and blush as blood; the mirror says to the stepmother that the stepdaughter is the most beautiful; the stepmother tells her to kill the girl, but sent to her they let go, bringing the heart of an animal to her stepmother; the girl comes to the house of seven dwarfs (robbers, knights); they treat her like a sister; after learning from the mirror that the stepdaughter is alive, the stepmother comes by herself or sends someone else and gives her a poisoned comb, a lace, an apple; dwarfs save the girl twice, but leave her in a crystal coffin the third time; she is found by a prince, accidentally removed from her body poison, gets married; stepmother punished]: Liungman 1961, #709:198-199; Lithuanians, Finns, Danes {our motive episode K130A is included in the definition of plot 709 in Uther 2004; more it is more significant that it exists in all Nordic traditions that have been verified}: Uther 2004 (1), No. 709:383-394; Lutsi (1893; the informant learned a fairy tale from non-Estonian speakers) [The family has three sons and a daughter; the mother is dead, the father married a witch; the brothers want to go to church and everyone wants a better horse; they start fighting; stepmother: fight like this; the brothers are leaving. (it is clear from the following: they are friends at night, they fight with iron clubs during the day); the sister went to look for brothers; the old man called animals - they don't know; sent them to another, who called birds; birds: brothers fight in the ninth a kingdom by the sea; the sister came to their house, bit off her older brother's edge, hid behind the stove; the next day she put her mother's ring in the middle town; the brothers recognized him and rejoiced at his sister; she will save them if she has not said a word for 9 years; the sister left, lay down in the coffin; the prince was driving, the servant found the girl so beautiful that she could not leave; the same second; the prince himself came, brought them to him, married them; the wife gave birth; the prince's stepmother cut off the baby's leg, put it in the mouth of the woman in labor; the same with the second child; the woman was going to hang; 9 years passed, brothers appeared, and angels appeared from heaven; everyone to heaven, and the prince's stepmother To hell, where there is no sun or moon]: Annom et al. 2018:131-134; Latvians [Stepmother hates her stepdaughter for her beauty, tells her servant to take her to the forest, kill her, bring her eyes (heart). A servant kills a dog instead of a stepdaughter. A girl comes to see dwarfs. They're taking her into their family. The stepmother finds out that her stepdaughter is alive and tries to poison her. Dwarfs revive it twice, they cannot revive it the third time, they put it in a glass coffin, which is placed on a pole (also: they hang it from a tree). One day the coffin falls and breaks, the poisoned piece falls out, the girl comes to life. (Also: the prince takes the coffin to the palace. One day, maids, intending to wash the deceased, take off the poisoned ring (dress). Stepdaughter comes to life, marries a prince)]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 709.I: 313; the Livs [mother has 7 sons and a daughter; she can't feed them, she turned her sons into eagles; when her daughter asked where she was brothers, her mother made her dumb for 7 years; she went to look for her brothers, came to their cave; there are 7 hats, plates, spoons, beds; she cleans everything up; the brothers suspect that it is a sister; on the third day they find her under the bed; the young master decided to marry the girl; his father is against (the bride is dumb), decided to hang her; the son dissuaded her, and the next time the seven-year sentence ended; she told everything; married, and brothers became human beings too]: Setälä in Kippar 2002:53-54; seto [brother's wife tyrannites an orphan girl; she was left in the woods; she came to the house of four brothers who made her a sister; wife She recognized her brother, came, gave the girl poisoned clothes; the brothers came, took off her clothes, the girl came to life; the same for the second time; on the third time she put a ring on the girl's finger; the brothers did not notice the ring, put the girl in the coffin was taken to the chapel; the prince went in, took off the ring, the girl came to life; the prince married her; inherited the throne; the wife gave birth when he was away; the brother's wife replaced the letter with a message that his wife had given birth puppy; the king ordered his wife and offspring to be put in a barrel and thrown into the sea; the boy grew up quickly; knocked down the bottom, they ended up on the island; the son and the king met, everything is fine, his brother's wife was executed]: Sutrop 2018, No. 18: 968-970; Estonians (Karksi) [the queen dropped a drop of blood on the snow; gave birth to a beautiful daughter; died; the stepmother asks the mirror who is more beautiful; the mirror replies that the stepdaughter is; the stepmother tells me to take it away stepdaughter in the forest and kill her; her servants let her go; she came to the house of seven dwarfs; (the end is crumpled; they try to poison the girl with a pin, a belt, and finally an apple; the dwarfs put the girl in a glass coffin for a period until she wakes up]: Sutrop 2018, No. 12:957; Karelians [wife gave birth and died, husband took another one; she asks beggars if there is anyone more beautiful than her; they answer that the girl in the cradle is more beautiful; the woman put the baby in a box and put him on a pole; the beggar took it and brought it home; the girl grew up, the beggar died; she came to the house of 8 men; washed everything, cooked everything; so for a few days; brothers they promise to consider her a younger sister, she opened up to them; when they left, a three-headed serpent crawled in; the girl told him to open his mouth, promised to feed him; put hot stones in her mouth, poured water, and the snake died; the same with 6-, with 7-headed snakes; when the brothers were away, the stepmother sent a poisoned shirt; the girl put it on and died; the brothers placed her in an open coffin on a pole; Popovich found the coffin and brought home; lose weight; when he was not in the room, a girl was found in his coffin, his shirt was thrown into the fire, the girl came to life; asked her brothers for permission to marry; her stepmother came to harm her, but her stepmother was shot]: Rausmaa 1972 : 5-7-511 in Sutrop 2018:624-626; Eastern Sami [the merchant is dead, his daughter is more beautiful than her mother; guests talk about it; mother drove away guests and daughter; daughter came to the chudin house, hid; weirdos: if a girl, be our sister; she went out; the mother found out where her daughter was, sent poisoned pies with the old man, the dog ate and died; then she sent poisoned clothes; the weirdos put the girl in the coffin; saw her Tsarevich, brought the coffin to his mother; that girl was stripped and she came to life; the prince married her]: Kert 1961, No. 51:207-208.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars (1 entry) [the queen pricked her finger; wished her daughter beautiful as blood; gave birth; when her daughter is 16, died; the tsar remarried; the stepmother envies the beauty of her stepdaughter; aims to kill her; the servant left her in the forest; she came to the dwarfs and became their sister; the stepmother asks the old woman if she is more beautiful than anyone else; she replies that there is a girl a thousand times more beautiful; the old woman came to the princess and gave an apple , she tried and fainted; woke up; stepmother saw in the mirror that there was a girl more beautiful than her; the old woman brought the princess a poisoned dress; she dressed and lost consciousness; the dwarfs left her in glass closet; soldiers were walking, began to rip off her dress, the princess came to life, the Tsarevich Colonel saw her, married her; invited his stepmother to the wedding, gave poisoned gold shoes; she put it on and died]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 53:187-189.

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Yakuts (summary of the archival text, place of recording not specified; central? explicit Russian borrowing; there is no plot in Central, Eastern and North Asia) [the queen mother orders her daughter to be killed; she finds salvation from her robber brothers; the older brother gets out of his mouth foam; the girl absorbs her, becomes very strong and defeats the three-headed sea hero; the mother sends a dress wearing which the princess dies and the robbers die; the prince found his sister's grave and He revived the girl with live water, and punished his mother]: Ergis 1967b, No. 161:201).

The Midwest. Steppe Cree: Bloomfield 1930, No. 25 [Windigo has a second person on the back of his head, he kills everyone; Visakechak and ten brothers live alone, the youngest is watching the house; stabbed with a sliver, throws her on the floor, she turns into a little girl; he throws her out of the house, she turns into a girl; V-k tells her they'll be gone for four days, tells her not to open the door if he hears them sooner voices; she hears voices (it's actually Windigo), doesn't open it; one day she picks up a pen, it turns into Windigo, he takes her to his grandmother, tells her to fatten her to then cook; grandmother feels sorry for her, she tells her to kill and cook herself, run; Windigo finds the grandmother's meat, pursues the girl; she runs into an iron house where a young man and a woman are sitting; when she enters Windigo, they cut off his head with a door; an evil spirit jumps off a tree killing young women; a girl puts a sharp stake, the spirit dies; she revives ten women, brings her brothers to life as wives], 33 [V. calls a woman to his boat, takes her to her grandmother; then in (25); a man kills V. with a door; bowls, bowlers, spoons, etc. appear from his burned corpse; a person does not tell a woman to take anything, breaks everything; an evil spirit jumps off a tree, breaking women's knees; An elk takes a woman to his wife; her brothers are starving at this time; The elk agrees to be killed and eaten, but the bones must be kept wrapped in the skin; then it will come to life]: 239-243, 312-314.

Plains. Sheena: Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 [a young girl makes seven beautiful sets of men's clothing and shoes, the last one is the smallest; tells her mother that she has seven brothers in the north; mother accompanies her, then returns, the girl comes to her seven brothers; the Bisons demand her for themselves; the younger brother shoots arrows up, each time the tree that the brothers and the girl climb grows; with With the fifth arrow, they cross into the sky, and a giant bison knocks down a tree; those who have risen turn into the Big Dipper; the girl is the brightest star, the younger brother is a star at the end of the bucket handle]: 205-209; Grinnell 1926 [the girl took the name Possible Sack (hereinafter PS), made 7 sets of clothes and 7 pairs of moccasins for her seven brothers (the youngest is still a little boy), went to look for brothers; mother first goes with her, then returns, telling the PS, when he reaches the brothers, to send his dog home, and pick up what was prepared for the brothers from the leveller and carry it on his shoulders; six brothers went hunting in the house only the youngest Mąk'ss (hereinafter M.); a log house with a passage {i.e. not tipi, but like sedentary Indians}; having received his clothes and moccasins, he runs out to meet his brothers, says that he has come sister; the elder objects, demands her as his wife, but the next oldest tells the youngest that the elder was joking; in the morning, the older brothers leave again, telling the younger to protect the sister; she warns M. if she is taken away, she will throw red and yellow porcupine needles along the way (apparently, penetrations from these needles); one day M. chased the bird, went far; the bison came, told the PS to go out; she went far corner; the bison scattered the logs, said his name was Double-Teethed Bull; she had to follow him; his family and all the bison met him; when they found out what had happened, the brothers cried, for this bison could not be killed; to the river, beyond which the bison, one of the brothers turned the blackbird skin into a blackbird, sent it to the PS, but the bison understood what was going on, told the bird to get out; then the same thing: coyote, raven; yellow bird small, PS quietly said that the brothers were nearby; M. magically sedated the bison; turned the gopher's skin into a gopher, who dug an underground passage, M. took his sister away, and her cape remained on her digging stick; the bison woke up, looked for the PS, but lost track; M. fired an arrow to the house and immediately followed her there; the brothers and sister were already there; they entered the pre-built fortified corral; M. killed four messengers of the main bison with arrows; brothers and sister climbed the willow, surrounded them; M. shot the chief, the bisons ran away; M. cut, trampled on the chief's body into the dust; six brothers with sister turns into Ursa Major (sister in front); M. into a small star {obviously Alcor}]: 220-231; arpaho [one of the brothers steps on a thorn; a girl is born from a tumor on her leg; she is taken away by Bison; the Mole, the Badger dig an underground passage to the buffalo; the brothers and sister run away, hide in the tree; the Bison is killed when his horn is stuck in the trunk; the sister kicks the ball, thereby sending it to the sky of themselves and their brothers; they turn into the Pleiades]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 81-84:153-180; teton [the eldest of four brothers pricked his toe; a girl, their sister, was born from an abscess; a Young Stone receives speeders and magic clothes as a gift; on the way she finds a knife, an ax, an arrowhead, an uncle's hammer; breaks the Rolling Rock; a monstrous woman says that the Living Stone is her master; the young man replies that this is his father; the woman turns into an old man; it is he who crushed the young man's uncle; the young man revives his uncle, presses the old man; from which salt water flows (the origin of salt springs and lakes)] : Walker 1983:140-146; santi [four out of five brothers hunt, younger Hakaikaina watches the house; injured his leg, takes a girl out of the abscess; brothers throw her over the roof, she turns into girl; they make her their little sister; yellow, red, blue, white Otters carry her away, tie her up, pour a boiling ear on her; the black Otter feeds her; H. hears her crying, turns into a chikadi, finds; brothers kill four Otters, save a sister; keep the black Otter alive; so now all otters are black]: Riggs 1893:121-123; Omaha, Ponca [three brothers go hunting, younger the fourth remains in charge; removes the splinter from the sole of his foot, the splinter turns into a girl; the brothers make her their sister; she disappears; the Red Bird, in the guise of a man, takes her away; in the form of a bird returns to tell his brothers about this; the youngest shoots at the bird, she takes his arrow; he follows her; he goes to four villages on the way; finds his sister in the lake, the Red Bird is her husband; sister invites his brother under water; the husband returns the arrow, gives four tiny boats loaded with gifts; the young man leaves each in one of four villages, the boats become large; the young man gets daughters four leaders for herself and brothers]: Dorsey 1888b: 77-78 (= 1890:224-226); Osage [one of the four brothers had a pain in his leg, a girl was born from an abscess, became their sister; they warn her not look at the monster when he comes; she watches the monstrous elk carry her away; they find an elk, the girl jumped off his horn, the elk ran away; her brothers tell her to jump, her hair grows back on her old clothes again]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 40:49-50; iowa [the youngest of four brothers has a pain in his leg; a splinter turned into a girl Tiogritt; she grows up; standing on a platform lures deer for his brothers; in their absence, Ishiinka asks them to call deer for him; he has arrows from sunflower stems, he cannot kill deer, the deer carries T. on his horns; the brothers find they return the girl; now the Otter takes her away; the younger brother kills the Otter, returns the sister; the cannibal kills the brothers one by one; T. kills the cannibal's four brothers by giving them cornbread that swells them in their bellies; throws their heads to the cannibal, she throws her brothers' heads; offers a competition; 1) running on ice (T. wins); 2) whoever digs the first underground passage under the hill; T. turns into a beaver , kills the cannibal with a club when she gets out of the dug passage; revives the brothers]: Skinner 1925, No. 8:461-464.

Southeast USA. Alabama [while five brothers are hunting, the sixth is looking for a tuber that has fallen into the water, finds a baby girl tied to the board; she becomes the siblings; Sharp Butt comes to her in theirs absence, tells me to fry fish for him; girl: how do I fry? Sharp Butt: Put your finger in the fish and hold it over the fire; girl: how do you serve fish? Sharp Ass: lie on your stomach, your back will serve as a plate; this causes her to die; comes to life; so twice; the third time the brothers stay, grab the spirit, put fish on his sharp ass, fry, eat fish on his on his back, he dies, they drop the corpse down the river in a boat; the boat is spinning in one place, five brothers go one by one to find out why, they disappear; the sixth climbs the persimmon, the cannibal who comes up tells go down, fight her; he kills her with a baton, cuts off her head; she grows, but for the fourth time the cannibal dies; he throws her heart, it turns into a tree fungus; her intestines into vines; he cuts off her nose; comes to her daughters, says it's not her nose, but a smoking pipe; told her to lie down, promising to tickle, killed her with a club; throwing an arrow up, revived the dead from the bones; they looked around, turned into a lynx, a crow, a hawk, etc.]: Swanton 1929, No. 13:129-131.