Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K131C. The kidnapped woman runs away while the shooters compete. .23.33.

The woman offers her kidnappers to shoot a bow - she will marry the winner. While they figure out whose arrow flew next, the kidnapped woman runs away.

Sinhales, Uighurs.

South Asia. Sinhales [the king will give his daughter to someone who pays the price of five burdens of elephant tusks for her; one prince managed to do it, got a princess; when they returned, they spent all the money; the princess told her husband bought thread, weaved a handkerchief; the husband sold it to a merchant; one of the prince grooms rejected by the princess saw the handkerchief, asked who made it, and went with the prince to his wife to order more; at night he intoxicated the prince with sleeping pills and stole the princess; immediately went to war; the prince husband saw his wife in the palace window, she sent him a note stating the time and place; he read it out loud, and the creeper-cutter overheard, came instead of him, the prince fell asleep at that time; the deceiver took the princess away; she said she wanted to marry: everyone must take a vow, being tied by others to a pole or tree; ties the kidnapper tightly and runs away; when she meets two Veddhas, promises to go with whoever shoots the arrow further; while they search for their arrows, she again runs away; she is picked up by a merchant; when he fell asleep, she put on men's clothes, left, hired the sons of the king and minister to teach; they noticed that she was a woman; she put on prince's clothes and ran away again; local the princess saw the imaginary young man, told her father to take him as her husband; on her wedding night, the imaginary princess told the newlywed everything, she promised not to give her away; began to distribute food for free and put her own wax figure: let whoever stops in front of her be detained; all the men the princess encountered during her adventures came; the lumberjack was executed, two Veddas were forgiven, left without The newlywed husband was presented as a prince, whom the princess was supposed to teach as a teacher; she herself returned to her lawful husband]: Parker 2014b, No. 247:313-320/

Turkestan. The Uighurs [the poor man's beautiful wife made a blanket, does not tell her husband to go sell it to 41st Street; he violates the ban, there is Khan's palace, he has to admit that his wife embroidered it; khan came to his house, gave the young man sleeping pills, took his wife away; she promised to marry Khan in a month; she and the young man agreed to run; at night the horses were ready, but the young man fell asleep; instead of him he accidentally jumped on his horse drunk Taz ("bald"); the woman promises to cure him of scab, sends him to buy oil, leaves; tells four hunters that she will marry the first to bring the arrow she fires; shoots 4 arrows, leaves; four other men: who drinks a cup of wine in one spirit and does not get drunk (the same); she changed into a man's dress, a bird of happiness sat on her head, she was made a padishah instead the deceased; everyone a woman has encountered before comes, she tells them to detain them; tells her husband to change into a woman's dress, they change with him, the wedding, no one notices the substitution; the padishah lets go of four hunters and other men, leaves Khan in prison]: Aliyeva, Kabirov 1989:32-41.