Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K132A. Husband's Rooster and Wife's Hen, ATU 219E*, 715A. .

The husband (rarely: wife) sends a rooster to work and he brings money. A wife (husband) sends a chicken (cat, cat, half a rooster, etc.) and gets only mice, sewage, etc. Or instead of money, the rooster brings his wife something bad or nothing at all.

Kabylia Berbers, Tunisia, Germans (south), Flemish, Moldovans, Hungarians, Albanians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Bosnians, Slovenes, Ukrainians (Transcarpathia), Russians (Voronezh), Lithuanians, Latvians.

North Africa. The Berbers (Beni Menacer, Kabylia) [one wife is smart, the other is stupid; they quarreled, separated the only rooster; one part fried, the other kept; Half-rooster (one wing, one leg) went on a pilgrimage; he rushes at the jackal, at the lion, pulls it out by a hair, hides it under his wing; asks for the stubble of a wild boar, he gives it; in the king's house he shouts that he will die tomorrow and he will take his wife; the king orders throw it to sheep and goats; he burns the jackal's hair, he asks not to burn, calls all the jackals, who have gnawed sheep and goats; the same is thrown to the bulls (the lions have torn them to pieces); the king orders to lock the Half-Rooster, to kill with his own hands; he calls the wild boar, the boars broke the door, the Half-Rooster left, taking the gold in the room; asks his mistress to beat him, gold falls; seeing gold, the stupid wife offers to divide the dog; the clever gives her half to it; the stupid sends the dog on a pilgrimage; she saw a yellow stone in the spring, grabbed it, brought it, ordered to beat herself; she killed her and found it in herd a yellow stone]: Basset 1887, No. 42:83-89; Tunisia [the man married but the wife did not get pregnant, the same with the second and third; he told them that if they did not become pregnant, he would marry the fourth ; they began to pray; the first: "At least half of the rooster", the second: "The pot", the third: "The donkey"; this is how they gave birth; digging through the sewage of the royal court, the Rooster found a chest of gold, brought it to his mother; the king found out, ordered the guards to take the Rooster's chest by force; the Rooster got angry, flew to the palace, went up above the palace, saw the royal daughter, and she was bald, he shouted that the royal daughter was bald ; the king ordered him to be locked in a lion cage; the Rooster said, "Let's get the mouse out of the cave!" The lions smashed the cage and started running around the city; the Rooster shouted for the royal daughter again; he was put in the dungeon; he said the same words again, the water came out of the banks and flooded the dungeon, even reached to the Sultan's room; the Rooster began to scream again; the Sultan ordered him to be locked in a wheat warehouse so that he could eat and die, and the rooster called the ants; they took all the wheat away, and he again began to shout about royal daughter; the king ordered the rooster to be turned into a couscous; after eating it, he felt a stomachache, went to the bathroom, a rooster came out of it, shouted about the royal daughter and the king himself that he was red and fat; the king gave the rooster a jug of gold; the Rooster returned to his mother with gold; the pot also decided to help his mother, told him to wash it, turn it over and put it in front of the house; a man passed by, saw the pot, took it home; the wife put fresh meat and vegetables in it, told her husband to take it to the bakery for meat to be cooked there; the baker cooked the meat and placed the pot next to the other dishes; the pot rolled home to his mother, she ate meat; washed the pot again and put it in front of the house; a Jewish jeweler passed by, picked up the pot, put jewelry and precious stones in it, fell asleep, the pot returned to mother; the next time the old man who passed by took the pot to use it as a night vase; sat on the pot at night, and he stuck to it, the old man could not get off, promised whatever he wanted, he demanded a property contract (house); the donkey's mother envied him, began to force him to work too; the donkey ate green unripe plants, went home; a boy ran by, the donkey sent him home to his mother made him a bed; she laid carpets and rugs; the donkey stretched out on the carpets and began spewing sewage, and then rolling on carpets and rugs until he died]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 66 in Korovkina MS

Western Europe. Germans (south, Danube region), Flemish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 219E*: 137.

The Balkans. Moldovans [the woman has a chicken, the grandfather has a rooster, the woman eats eggs, the grandfather is starving; the woman ordered to beat the rooster - let him lay eggs; the rooster ran away, found a purse with two money, the boyars saw, took it away; the rooster after them; he was thrown into a well, into the oven, he drank, then poured water; he was thrown into the herd, he swallowed bulls, cows and calves; he was let into the basement with the treasury, he swallowed all the money, demands his wallet, gets; brings his grandfather all the chickens, spills out the money; the grandfather does not give it to the woman, she hits her chicken, she runs away, brings a glass bead, the woman killed her]: Moldovan tales 1968:22-25; Hungarians [chicken the wife lays eggs, the husband's rooster is of no use, he kicked him out; on the way, the rooster swallowed a wolf, a fox and a river; he came to two robbers or to the king; they want to destroy him, but, regurgitating the swallowed, he remains alive ; takes the treasure and returns to the owner; the wife sends her chicken, she fails, the wife kills her]: Domotor 1988, No. 715*: 464; Albanians: Elsie 2001, No. 15 [old man and old woman they divided the property, the old woman took the cat, the old man of the rooster; the cat caught birds for the old woman, the old man was starving; cut off half of the rooster from the rooster and ate it; the half-rooster went to earn money; met, took with him the swallowed water frog, fox, wolf, mouse, each of them climbs into his womb; the half-rooster climbed into the king's cabbage, began to crow; the king ordered him to be seized; he was found in the last head of cabbage, thrown into the oven; he told the frog to release water, it flooded the fire; the half-rooster was thrown to the horses, the wolf lifted them up; the fox strangled the geese; locked in a chest of gold; the half-rooster swallowed gold coins, told the mice to gnaw a hole, ran away; told the owner to feed him well and hit him on the back every day; a gold coin popped up for the old man to live; the old woman is envious, she sends the cat to get money; she finds the one dropped by a rooster a gold coin, as well as insects, salamanders, snakes and mice; she also ordered her to be fed and hit her on the back every day; only on the first day did the coin fall out, the loan was only reptiles; the old woman killed the cat, died herself from grief]; Serkova 1989 [the old woman gave the rooster to the old man, kept the chicken for herself; does not give the old man eggs; the rooster promises that he will be useful, leaves to crow at the king's palace; the king is tired, he tells him to quit a rooster in the basement where the treasury is; the rooster swallowed gold coins, pretended to be dead; he was thrown into the yard; he came to the old man, poured gold; the old woman wants the same from the chicken; the rooster tells the chicken what it needs swallow the viper; the chicken regurgitated the viper, she bit the old woman to death]: 230-232; Bulgarians [old people share the only property: a woman takes a short rooster, a grandfather a cat, or vice versa; a rooster goes to the king to get money; on the way he meets and swallows a fox, a wolf, a river (swamp); the king tells other roosters, horses, to throw him into the furnace, into the treasury; he releases the fox, the wolf, the water, swallows money and comes back; grandfather sends a cat, he brings mice]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 715A: 249; Bosnians (Herzegovina: Zagorje) [grandfather has a rooster, woman has a chicken; grandfather asked women two or three eggs; woman: let your rooster get it; the grandfather sent the rooster into the field, he decided to go to the king; meets, takes a fox, a wolf, fur with water, a swarm of bees under his wing; calls the king at his palace; the king orders the rooster to be thrown to the turkeys so that they could trample it; the rooster released the fox, it strangled the turkeys; then to the horses (the wolf gnawed their throats); throw it into the fire (the wineskin filled it); the king ordered them to bring the rooster and sat on it, he released the bees, the king agrees to give as many ducats as the rooster has feathers; when he gets home, the rooster tells his grandfather to unfold his coat to pour ducats into him; the woman asks give her at least two coins, but her grandfather does not give him eggs; the woman began to chase the rooster; he picked up a rusty knife, told the woman to open her coat, supposedly for ducats, and threw the knife and he hit woman in the eye; this is how she remained crooked]: Eschker 1992, No. 51:218-222; Serbs [the old woman wanted to stab the rooster, but the old man did not want to; then the old woman cut off one leg of the rooster; he flew in to complain Queen, and she drove him away; he doesn't fly away, she locked him in a treasury; he pecked gold and brought it to the old man; the old man got rich]: Eschker 1992, No. 51:222-223; Slovenes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 715A: 137.

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [grandfather has a cockerel, grandmother has a chicken; grandmother is tired of her grandfather asking her testicles, let his cockerel rush; the grandfather drove the rooster away; he meets, takes the Bear, the Wolf with him, Fox; comes to the king; he locks him up with chickens, horses, oxen; Fox, Wolf, Bear strangled them; locked them in a dungeon, where the treasury, the Rooster pecked all the money; ran to his grandfather, regurgitated; grandfather borrowed from grandmas sieve to measure money, one coin stuck; the grandmother found out, sent her chicken, she found one coin dropped by a rooster, fell off, brought it; the grandmother was upset that there was not enough money, slaughtered the chicken]: Tales Verkhovyna 1970:322-326; Russians (Voronezhskaya, 1969, p. Kirsanovka, Gribanovsky district) [Grandma and grandfather quarreled, grandfather took a rooster, and grandmother took a chicken. She lives well, every day the chicken lays eggs, the grandfather decides to let the rooster go, there is nothing to feed him with. The rooster meets the fox, says that he is going to see the king, show himself, she asks him to take her with him when she gets tired, puts her under her wing. The rooster is accompanied by a wolf (under the wing), a bear (under a tail) and bees (under feathers). The rooster came to the king and cried, the king is angry that he was woken up, orders the rooster to be put in the chicken coop, he releases the fox, and it eats the chickens and roosters when the king orders the rooster to be planted to sheep, he releases a wolf, and a bear to horses. When a rooster is brought to the king, he releases bees, they bite the king, and he asks what the rooster wants and gives him as much gold as his feathers. The rooster returns to his grandfather, asks him to spread the blanket and shakes gold on him from under his feathers. The grandfather takes a measure from the grandmother, she smears the bottom with honey, sees that the grandfather was measuring gold. He sends the chicken for gold, but it lies in the dust and brings shards on its feathers. Grandma invites her grandfather to live together again]: Kretov 1977, No. 45:108-109.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [the grandfather has a rooster, the woman has a chicken; the grandfather kicked the rooster out to work; the rooster has returned, tells him to be raised to the crib, sprinkles money from under his tail; the woman sent the cat to serve, she caught a bag of mice, poured it out; the woman began to beat the cat, the grandfather shouted that you should not (beat) the cat, but you]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 32:75-76 (similar version in Balys 1936, No. 715:70); Latvians [The old man has a cockerel, the old woman has a dog. The old man loves the cockerel and he brings him money. The old woman doesn't like the dog, she craps on the blanket]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 219E*: 265.