Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K133. A soaked horse. .17.28.-.32.34.

A person notices that his horse (donkey) looks tired and learns that an animal or demonic creature is riding it. Cf. M182a motif.

Arameans, Russians (Nizhny Novgorod), Abazans, (Ossetians), Kumyks, Avars, Rutulans, Hinalugs, Armenians, Turks, Kurds, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kafirs, Lithuanians, Mari, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Telengits, Altaians.

Western Asia. Aramei [the old woman has a donkey; every time she grazes, a fox comes and rides it from morning to evening; the donkey comes back tired; neighbors advised to smear resin on the donkey's back; shepherd brought the donkey to the old woman and she and her daughter began to beat the fox with a stick; fox: hit as much as you want, but don't lock her in the raisin pantry; eats raisins; she is beaten again; she asks not to be locked in the chicken coop; eats chickens; the rooster crows, the old woman tells him to peck out the villain's eyes; the fox ate the rooster, and when the old lady opened the chicken coop in the morning, she ran away]: Belov, Welsker 1960:326-328.

Central Europe. Russians (Nizhny Novgorod Region, Vetluzhsky Krai) [Izosim and Savvatey built the Solovetsky Monastery; noticed that the horse was foaming: the bear was chasing it; asked Nikola Ugodnik to teach the bear a lesson; he he drove a wedge into a tree stump, asked him to put his paws into the gap and help, knocked out a wedge; began to beat; since then, the bear has been afraid of a man]: Azbelev 1992, No. 322:462.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abazins [Chaltyk notices that his horse's back is all torn; sees a bear, wolf, fox riding it at night; grabs a fox; it asks her not to kill; the wolf lures C. into the forest, where he is the bear grabs; the fox calls C., asks if he has seen the bear, hunters are looking for him; the bear lets C. go, asks him to say that there is a stump in front of him; - Why does the stump have ears? - These are branches; - Then hit the axe between the branches; the bear asks to hit lightly, C. kills the bear with an ax]: Tugov 1985, No. 17:35-36; (cf. Ossetians [the poor man promises to send his son to the army instead of himself and marry him to the daughter of a giant; but he has only three daughters, no sons; the eldest, middle daughter offers to send them in men's clothes, but they are frightened when the father portrays the enemy and attacks; the youngest: if you were not a father, he would cut your head; the giant puts his eldest, middle daughter with his imaginary son-in-law; in the morning they say that the groom disdained them; the youngest tells his father that everything is fine; tells him to take an unsightly stallion, a rusty sword, a bad ring; the imaginary young man goes to the army, the horse tells him to take his hair with him; the younger princess chose a "young man" as her husband "; the king's wife is ill, she needs a special apple; the two older sons-in-law do not want to take the youngest with them; he burns his hair, his horse appears; the "young man" kills the snake, brings apples, gives it to his older sons-in-law, cuts off one ear at a time for this; the queen demands the giblets of a guinea pig; the same, cuts off the belts from the back; queen: we need to know why the village of Agurovsky Kalak turned into stone; the "young man" finds in the village of his king, petrified to the waist; his horses were losing weight; he saw his wife ride to the giants at night; in the morning he let her know that she knew everything, she turned the village into stone; the horse teaches throw a ring at that woman, bring her sword, tell her to turn the heroine into a man (since she made the village stone, she can change her sex); then tell her to spell the village; the girl became a young man, he decapitated that woman; showed the king ears and belts from the back of his sons-in-law; married the princess and daughter of a giant]: Britaev, Kaloev 1959:245-253); Kumyks: Kapiyeva 1974 [Chaltuk-Akhmed notices that his horse wounded; he catches a wolf, a bear, a boar, a fox that scratched it at night; the wolf promises to bring sheep, the boar to plow the field, the bear to show a hollow of honey; the fox promises nothing, but asks let her go; the wolf, the boar keep the promise, the bear leads the CHA to the tree, begins to strangle; the fox calls CHA, shouts that hunters are coming, they need bear skin; the bear asks him not to betray, say, that in front of him is a block, not ears, but branches, asks to hit with an ax easily; CHA hits with all his might, kills a bear, collects honey with a fox]: 126-128; Khalidova 2012, No. 128 [Albanians drove horses at night to the point of exhaustion; then the horse's back was glued, Albasta alone stuck; if you take Albansta's hair, it becomes obedient; one person took it and hid it, but Albasta found out from the child where the hair was, threw the child into the fire, ran away]: 160-161; Avars: Atayev 1972, No. 25 [forester Gelega sees that the mare has wept him away; watches; at night, a wolf, a fox, a boar and a bear ride it; G. caught them, became beat; wolf: I'll bring you fat rams; boar: I'll dig up a vegetable garden for you; bear: I'll show you a hollow of honey; fox: I'll help you in difficult times; wolf, boar fulfilled their promise; the bear took me to the forest, said that now will eat; the fox pretends to be a khan's nuker - the khan is getting married, he needs a bear skin, has he seen a bear? bear: tell me you didn't see; G.: didn't see; fox: what's in front of you? bear: say that a stump; G.: stump; fox: why does the stump have ears? bear: say it's branches; fox: hit between branches; bear: quietly; G. kills a bear with an ax; since then a fox's friend]: 32-33; Saidov, Dalgat 1965 [poor Chakarilav notices that his horse is thin, back in sores; at night he watches: wolf, bear, boar, fox ride it; C. rushed and caught animals; let go after the fox promised to help, and the rest returned with gifts; the wolf brought sheep, boar plowed the ground, and the bear led to the tree where honey was going to eat; suddenly the voice: C., the khan's servants are looking for a bear, the skin is needed, did you not see it? a frightened bear tells C. what to say to him; C.: did not see; fox: Who is next to you? C.: block; fox: Does a block have ears? C.: this is a branch; fox: Hit the fox between the branches with an ax; Bear: Only quietly; C. split the bear's head, hugged and kissed the fox]: 138-140; Rutultsy [Urdukhan notices that his favorite horse is losing weight; watches, sees how at night a bear climbs a horse and drives it; then a jackal, a boar and a fox do the same; W. points a gun; the bear promises to bring honey, the jackal to bring birds to the chicken coop, the boar - dig up the site and remove the stones from it, the fox says it will be useful; the jackal and the boar keep their promises; the bear orders to take honey vessels, leads to the mountain to the tree, where honey is supposedly; someone asks: Grandpa W., what is it about you? The bear tells me to answer that it is a trap; - Why does he have ears? - These are locks; - Hit the trap between the locks with an ax; W. does so, the bear is dead; the fox comes out, says that the bear wanted W. to get honey (the tree is tall, the bear could not reach it himself), and then was going to kill him; teaches him to make a smoky fire, smoke bees, get honey]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 105:253-254; Hinaluga residents (village. Khinalug/Khinalig, Guba District, Azerbaijan) [the horse was taken to graze in the gorge every day; in the evening it returned sweating; the men decided to find out who was boarding the horse and driving it like that; smeared her back was taken away and released; when the horse returned home in the evening, a glued witch arrived on it; the sorceress was removed from the horse and brought into the house; to prevent her from running away, they put pins in her clothes; once butter was melted in the house; a woman went out into the yard, and the witch asked the little girl to pull out her pins and promised her beads; the girl took all the pins out of her clothes; the witch threw her into the cauldron with boiling oil and it was like this]: Kibrik et al. 1972, No. 3:246-247; Armenians (Nagorno-Karabakh, records of the 1920s) [gruels (kashk is an evil spirit) climb into the stables, ride horses, twist their manes and torment them on the spot until they sweat; once the owner smeared the horse's back with resin, and the next day he caught it mush stuck to her back]: Lisitsyan 1992:162; Turks [at night al-Karysy enters the stable and, sitting on a good Arabian horse, drives it; in the morning he braids the horse's mane and tail and leaves; from the chase the horse is all soared, as if it had traveled 10-15 hours, and the owner immediately realizes that A.-K. was in the stable at night; A.-K. sits only on purebred horses; seeing that the horse is soared, the owner realizes that this is a good horse and no longer sells it; if A.-K. gets on a workhorse, the poor man says it to a rich man who, after checking, willingly buys this horse and puts it under the saddle; one the man was an Arab horse at the cost of 1000 lire; at night A.-K. came to the stable and tortured a horse; the concerned owner saddled the horse in the evening and smeared the saddle with resin on top; A.-K. appeared at night, became chasing the horse and eventually stuck to the saddle; when the owner entered the stable, A.-K. began to beg for mercy; the owner married her, stuck a needle in his dress (A.-K. cannot reach it with his own hands and while she is wearing it needle, can't leave); the husband began to ask why A.-K. ate the liver of women in labor and grooms; the wife explained that A.-K. gathers once a week on the outskirts of the city, roast the stolen liver at the stake; if Crush the coals from this fire, mix with water and give a drink to a person whose liver was removed 3-4 hours ago, he will come to life; after long persuasion by A.-K., her husband let her go to meet with relatives, and He followed himself; he saw A.-K. frying and eating liver; in the morning they disappeared, the husband took coals from the fire; on his return, he went into the house, from which he cried; there he poured water and coals into the mouth of the deceased groom, the groom came to life; when he returned home, the husband took the needle out of A.-K.'s floor and kicked it out of the house; it disappeared]: Gordlevsky 1914:23-27; Kurds [the shepherd tells the old woman that the fox rides her donkey every day ; the old woman smeared the blanket with resin, the fox tail stuck, came off; the old woman agrees to return the tail if the Fox brings milk from the mother of the goats Zanglo and Hanglo; the goat demands onja grass in return; the fox brought grass, the goat gave milk, the old woman sewed her tail, other foxes ask where she is so beautiful; fox: you have to sit on the ice, keep your tails in the ice-hole; the tails come off]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 169:474-475.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks [in Samarkand and Ura-Tyube (with their districts) are widely believed that every horse has its own deva, "a dev sticks to the horse"; if the owner finds his horse's mane tangled, so Dev played with her; in Kulyab, the idea of a horse as descended from a deva and has wings that are usually invisible to people, so that she can never tire of covering distances that are not No other animal can defeat"; the same belief in Darvaz and Karategin]: Sukhareva 1975:39-40; Uzbeks [rich Atameta was famous for his generosity; one old man consistently approaches 40 doors of the house A., receiving gold every time; but when he comes back to the first one, A. recognizes him; in response, he says that the daughter of another rich man has 160 doors in the palace and gives it to everyone; A. comes to that girl; she asks you to go find out why the residents of a distant city are crying; residents refuse to talk to A., beat him; one person tells me to ask the cripple - he screams the most; the cripple demands to know first that a young man is planted in Zindan; sitting in Zindan demands to know about King Sanawar's relationship with his wife Gul; on the way he kills a wolf who is about to devour the Samrak chicks; A. asks her take him to Tsar S.; he gives the rest of the pilaf to the dog and chickens; I agree to tell you why, but then he will hang A.; his story: the groom admits that S. Gul ("rose") leaves on horseback at night (so horses lose weight); S. rides after the palace of divas; seven-headed is her lover; S. consistently kills 40 divas who come out, fights with the 7-headed; wife refuses to help, and the dog bites the diva's leg; S. returned his wife and turned her into a chicken; S. did not have time to hang A.: the Simurg bird took him back; he told the story to a man sitting in Zindan; he explained what is even lower is his wife's palace, where she lets him in once a week; (hereinafter other stories: misfortunes through women); but A. still marries a girl]: Ostroumov 1890, No. 12:65-79; kafirs [devas- women, i.e. Balo, or Dänik, love to ride horses; after that, the owner finds his horse in the stall sweaty and shivering]: Snoy 1962:163.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [a person finds horses sweaty; this means that aitvaras (slogutis, laume) rides them; a person hangs a dead magpie in a barn/sanctifies the bar/fumigates cattle /puts them in straw barn; aivaras (slogutis, laume) stops riding horses]: Kerbelite 2001:126, 128.

Volga - Perm. Marie [the man lived in the barn, tangled the horse's mane at night, rode it, the horse was wet with sweat; another person teaches how to smear the horse's back with resin; and I had a hard time tore himself off when they sang roosters, did not appear again]: Aktsorin 1991, No. 70:119; Chuvash (Tetyushsky Uyezd of Kazan Gubernia, 1906-1908) [shepherds and groom boys grazed cattle near the forest every day; when he came out of the forest, he sat on the same horse and rode it all day; the horse was dying; his back was covered with tar; Upăte sat on him again and, because his body was hairy, stuck; the horse ran into the village with his back on his back; he cried: "If my arms and legs stick off, my ass does not stick off. If my ass sticks off, my arms and legs don't stick off"; people beat him with sticks; he went back to the forest and never sat on their horses again]: Meszaros 2000:52; Kazan Tatars: Gilyazutdinov 2015, No. 314 [shurale chooses the best horse in the herd and starts riding it; if the horse returns from the pasture sweaty, it has been driven by a shurale; to wean it, you need to smear the horse's back with resin; residents one repair was done; the horse rode to repair with the shural sitting backwards; the inhabitants burned it], 316 [the horses were returning from the night grazing sweaty; the grandfather smeared resin on their backs; horses in the morning they returned, one of them was sitting on a shuralikha; her grandfather beat her], 317 [Vatai had a herd of horses; the leader of the herd began to lose weight day by day; when V. found out about this, ordered his sons to smear that stallion's back with resin; when They came to watch in the morning and saw a shurale glued to the stallion's back; after a while he came off and ran away], 318 [the horses living in the village of Shigali began to pester the shurale; residents smeared the ridge one of the horses with resin; the shurale stuck to it; the inhabitants caught him and burned it], 319 [the man noticed that his horse was returning from the night grazing in soap; he smeared the horse's ridge with resin; in the morning he saw a shurale stuck, beat him along with others], 320 [the horse returned from the pasture covered in soap; the old man advised him to smear resin on his back; in the morning the horse returned with the shurale boy stuck; the old man ordered him to be flooded bathhouse, shurale suffocated in smoke]: 305, 307, 307, 308, 308, 309; Bashkirs: Barag 1987, No. 126 [the leader of a school of horses comes back black with sweat every time; Kamykay smears him with resin, shurale's daughter sticks to the horse, sitting face to tail; her claws have been cut off, passed off as a servant, the Vyatka family leads from them; the shuralikha asks her husband to grumble before entering her room; he enters, sees his wife combs her hair with his head off his shoulders; wife dies]: 112-113; Nadrshina 1985, No. 63 [one of the old man Azau's sons noticed that the immense stallion returns every time in the morning in black sweat; smears him resin on her back, a shurale girl sticks to her; he marries her, they have five sons; she tells her husband to warn her about his arrival when she washes in the bath; he enters suddenly, sees what his wife is holding in hands the upper part of his skull, examines; the wife falls dead, sons grow up in horsemen]: 55; Roudenko 1908, No. 3 [the man noticed that his best horse is riding a yarymtyk; smeared the horse's back with resin, yarymtyk stuck; the man took him off his horse, was going to burn him; he begged him to let him go, for which he told him what would happen to the man's household; now there are 2 houses, 4 more can be built, but the seventh is impossible; and his they did not build - they would burn down or a person living in such a house would die]: 52.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Telengits [man's horse in the morning in black sweat, worn out; the owner smeared the horse with resin, sees that the diamonds have stuck in the morning; he began to quilt them, promised that they would no longer be on the ground; crying -revya, swore]: Yadanova 2013, No. 27:181; Altaians [diamonds with copper teeth and claws ate people and horses; man smeared the backs of horses with resin, diamonds stuck to them, men began to beat them with thorns, their entire family was sent underground]: Oinotkinova et al. 2011, No. 90:215.