K136B. Rubies from the river, (ATU 467) .
The character finds gems or unusual flowers (usually in the river) and finds out where they come from.
{Is there a motive in the Aragonese text ATU 467, it is not clear from the summary}
Arabs of Algeria, Egypt, Portuguese, Kashmiris, Hindi, Punjabi, Bengalis, Condas, Sinhales, Albanians, Ossetians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Persians, Turkmens, Shugnans.
North Africa. Algerian Arabs: Cosquin 1922b (Blida) [The Sultan has 7 wives, only the youngest has given birth to a boy; he offends other teenagers, his father expelled him, his mother went with him; after going through the desert, they went to the castle; the prince hears moans; the girl is hung by the hair, her blood is dripping, turning into rubies; efreet lowered the girl, but she refused to share love with him and he hanged her again; the prince and mother come to the city, the ruby he took glows; the king's daughter is married to the son of a vizier, she wants a second ruby of the same kind; the angel teaches him to greet the child, the old man, if they are without a hat, to keep silent if wearing a hat; prince cut the efreet, took the girl; the princess demands a chest with all her musical instruments; the Ruby Princess tells me to knock on the tree trunk, ask her mother for everything she needs; her father, the sultan of spirits, killed the king and made his son-in-law king]: 10-16; Filleul de Pétigny 1951 [after the death of the merchant, his son squandered his wealth, went on a journey with his mother; leaving her with mules in the clearing, became inspect the forest; the beauty is hanged by the legs above the pool; after falling into the water, three drops of blood from her cut throat turned into rubies; contrary to his mother's warning, the young man took one of the rubies; settled with her mother in the city and opened a shop; the Sultan has a daughter, Blood Gazelle in the snow; the vizier wants to marry her son; the princess sets the condition: to bring three rubies (and no one in their country had rubies); found out that she would marry the son of a merchant who settled in their city; the Sultan promises a reward to whoever gets rubies; the young man brought and received an award; adviser to the Sultan: whoever brought one ruby will bring two others; a young man came to that pond in the forest; saw a Jew reviving the girl and beating her, demanding that she convert to him and marry him; the young man killed a Jew; the girl said that he was a daughter king of the genies, her name is Rubin; they came to the sea, R. dived but returned accompanied by a luxurious procession; her father gave it to a young man, they came to town and got married; the sultan summoned the young man: he is executed if within a month he will not bring two ruby; his wife took a knife, cut herself slightly, two drops of blood became rubies; the princess now wants a pearl necklace; R. sent her husband with a note to the sea; he called a giant black man; the young man was married by the daughter of a genie vizier named Zhemchuzhina; at home R. deliberately scolded her, she cried, tears turned into pearls; the Sultan hopes that now his daughter will agree marry the son of a vizier, but she demands to bring musk; the same: they send the girl Musk from the sea; R. scolds her: let her wash herself; in the bathhouse, something that turns out to be musk is collected from her skin; Sultan's daughter to her father: I I know that the valuables were not obtained by the vizier's son, but by another young man; the sultan vainly demands that the young man refuse to marry the princess; tells him to cut off his head; but anyone who tries to do so cuts off his head to himself; including the Sultan himself and all the viziers; the princess becomes the fourth wife of the merchant's son]: 113-137; Egyptian Arabs: Littmann 1955, pt. 1, No. 3:23-30 in El-Shamy 2004, No. 467:238.
Southern Europe. The Portuguese [father is going to eat his children; or is not happy that the son is going to marry an enchanted princess; the son (alone or with his mother) leaves home; he finds it in the river gems brought to the king (stones are associated with the princess), or stones are given by the enchanted princess; the adviser (barber) suggests that the king send a young man to bring more stones; deliver the bird (and a giant) from an enchanted garden; a princess helps carry out errands; a barber is burned alive]: Cardigos 2006, no. 465:110-111.
South Asia. Kashmiris [ahun (religious teacher) asks four sons what they would like to do; three want to follow in their father's footsteps, the fourth wants to be a thief; sneaks into the palace, where the vizier and the princess is preparing to escape; the vizier sends the princess with the thief, he must stay; in the morning the princess sees that she is not the vizier with her, becomes the young man's wife; he is hired by the king as a groom; the jeweler brings two ruby, the young man says that the wormhole is right in one; he is appointed gem keeper; the vizier wants to take possession of the young man's wife, persuades the king's daughter to ask the second one for the same ruby as brought by a jeweler (not defective, but expensive), and send a young man for him; a month later, the wife gives the young man a ruby, which she picked up in the river, he brings it to the king; the vizier suggests demanding a ruby necklace; the wife tells the young man to hide by the river, 6 heavenly fairies will arrive, and then the seventh; her clothes must be hidden; the fairy Lalmal is forced to go with the young man, when she speaks, rubies fall from her lips; he brings it to the king rubies; the barber tells the vizier that the young man has a second wife; let the vizier take one and he, the barber, the other; the vizier offers to send the young man for the bracelet; L. sends her husband with a letter to to the source where he met her; the young man takes the bracelet, taking off the hand that held it out; the vizier: the second bracelet; L. sends her husband with the ring, it opens the entrance to the lower world; the girl to whom a young man speaks, there is a daughter of a woman whose hand he tore off; to save him, the girl turned him into a pebble, took an oath from his mother; the mother sent a letter to her sons ordering him to kill him ; the daughter ordered her to come to her wedding; gave edible peas, you just have to pretend that he was eating inedible; gave iron claws - the brothers will ask them to scratch their backs; he did everything, demons they said that Salomon was calling them, did not come; the young man takes the demoness's daughter as his wife, asks for a flying skin (i.e. a flying carpet) as a gift; brings a bracelet; barber: he has a third wife, the king should receive it ; the king tells the young man to bring news from the deceased king father and the fruit of paradise; the young man tells him to make a fire, flies off it on a flying carpet; the fairy wife makes a fruit from seven metals, writes a letter on behalf of the deceased king: come with the vizier and the barber; they burned down; the first vizier came, the young man gave him his bride, sent the fairy into her world, stayed with his third wife; that vizier became king, the young man became a vizier]: Stein, Grierson 1923, No. 12:85-105; Punjabians: Mehta 2011 (Seraiks, Multan) [the childless king adopted one of the vizier's four sons; and then the king's wife gave birth; the vizier killed the king, expelled the queen from as a child; she was sheltered by a potter; a grown-up boy began to herd his donkeys; the brahmana realized that the king was in front of him, sent another worker to the potter, and began to teach the prince; he became the best disciple; became as king, the son of the vizier began to look for an intelligent husband for his daughter, the brahmana offered the prince; the mother and son fled to the forest, because the vizier could recognize her; the young man finds two rubies in the river, one sells to the merchant, he gives for this is a house and property, the ruby sells to the king; the king's son and daughter quarreled over a ruby, the king demanded the second one; the young man went for the hidden second ruby, saw more in the river; came to the underwater palace; there is a virgin unconscious; the young man has moved things around her, she comes to life; her father Deh, who leaves her motionless when she leaves; when Deh comes, the girl turns the boy into a fly and then again into a young man; so to find out what Deh's life is, she pretends to be afraid to be alone; Deh: in a parrot under a stone, and only a prince raised by a potter can lift a stone; a young man picked up a stone, killed a parrot, brought a girl to her mother; when the girl laughed, rubies fell from her lips, so they ended up in the river; the young man gave the ruby, the merchant gave him his daughter in gratitude; the young man lived in the city with his mother and two wives; the king, at the request of the queen, demanded that the silk fabric of the dehi country be brought; the young man's wife: this country under the river bottom where I lived; the young man found a girl there, also changed her rods next to her, she came to life, gave cloth; the king's daughter I saw the cloth, I was delighted, the king gave it to a young man, who now has three wives; he killed the usurper, the son of the vizier, reigned on his father's throne]: 130-137; Steel, Temple 1984, No. 5 [the fakir gives the queen to eat barley grains, she gave birth to a boy; he grows up, takes Knife Grinder, Blacksmith, Carpenter as his companions; in a demon devastated city, the Grinder cooks, the dwarf on horseback demands to give him food, turns as a giant, hangs the cook on the banyan tree, eats everything; the same with others, but the prince kills the demon; people return, the prince makes the Grinder king, leaving a barley stalk: if it dries up, the prince is in trouble; the same in in another city, the food is eaten by an old woman, the prince kills her, the Blacksmith remains king; in the third city, the Carpenter becomes king; the prince goes alone, sees the ruby carried by the river; upstream a tree with gold a basket with a beauty's head in it, drops of blood fall in rubies; he puts his head to her body, the beauty comes to life; she is a kidnapped princess, a genie decapitates her when he leaves; she provokes a genie tell me where his soul is; it is in the form of a bumblebee in a goiter, a lark in a cage on a tree, guarded by a dog and a horse; the hay must be shifted from dog to horse, bones on the contrary; the prince did everything, the genie died; the princess washed she put her golden hair in the river, one on a leaf, let him go along the river; the king saw him, the old woman promised to find a woman; she came beggar, persuaded the princess to find out what the prince's life was like; the prince: in my sword; the old woman first changed her sword, then put it in the fire, the prince rushed to the palace, but fell decapitated; the old woman brought the princess to the king; the barley stalks dried up, the prince's friends came, the blacksmith fixed his sword, The prince has come to life; the carpenter comes to the kidnapped, offers to sit in the palanquin, who flies away; the king's sister and that old woman who sat down with the princess are thrown down; everyone returns to the prince's father]: 47-58; Kashmir (trans. from Hindi) [the fakir gives the childless queen to eat barley grains, a son Sherdil ("lion heart") is born; he goes on a journey with a blacksmith, a carpenter and a grinder; they come to the enchanted city, each one takes turns cooking; a dwarf rides up on a rat, demands food, turns into a giant, throws the cook at the tree; when it's S.'s turn, he kills the enemy, leaves the grinder king cities; in another city, S. kills a witch who appears to be a girl, puts a blacksmith king; in the third, a carpenter; each sister has a grain of barley, while the barley plant is green, S. is all right; they swim along the river flowers; S. finds a tree, a basket on it, the head of a beauty in it, drops of blood fall into the water, turn into flowers; finds the body on the bed; puts her head to the body, the princess comes to life; the genie who stole the princess decapitates her during his absence; S. asks to know where S.'s soul is; in the desert there is a tree, grass in front of the dog, bones in front of the horse; we must pass by them, remove the cage with the starling from the tree, in the starling a bee, her soul is a genie; to pass, you have to give the horse's grass, bones to the dog; S. did so, killed the bee, the genie died; the princess let a box with her hair along the river, the royal son found it; sends the old woman to his wife Sh.; she found out that S.'s life was in his saber; on the advice of the old woman, the wife changed her sword, the old woman threw it into the fire, S. died; the old woman brought her to her master, the princess asked her to wait six months; barley shoots withered, brothers found, repaired their sword, S. came to life; the carpenter made a flying palanquin, brought the princess, threw the old woman from a height; S. returns to his homeland]: Zograf 1964:327-339 (=1976: 71-80); North India, Bijnor County, Hindi {the "rubies of blood" motif is missing, but given its popularity in other Indian texts, this may be a random pass} [the prince cared for the snake and let her go; she gave him an iron chain that fulfilled his wishes; he went to hunt for the Silent Princess; took a splinter out of the tigress's paw, who gave one of the cubs; saved Garuda's chicks from the snake, she gave one of the chicks; they all swam in the river and covered in gold; the prince appeared at the princess's swayamvara in rags, but she threw a wreath at him; the prince became king; went again to get the Silent Princess; tasks: bridge over the river; create an unprecedented garden; with the help of helper spirits from his chain, the prince laid a mountain across the river and lowered Indra's garden to the ground; made the princess speak; to do this, he begins talk not to her, but to objects near her; they answer that the princess does not wash or clean them; the princess is indignant; becomes his wife; walking, the prince sees rubies in the river; goes upstream; there another princess who is bewitched by the Rakshasa; the prince awakens her; peri reports that the heart of a Rakshasa is in a treetop parrot across the seven seas; he is guarded by rakshasa, snakes and scorpions; the prince takes Peri and two other wives on their way home; (animals don't play a role)]: Crooke 1895, #475:172-175 (a shorter retelling of this or a very similar text in W.H.D.R.: 408-409); Bengalis [prince He went on a ship accompanied by his mother; he sees many huge rubies in the whirlpool; the mother advises to throw them away, the prince is left alone; the king bought it, his daughter wants other rubies; the prince has returned, I saw a girl with her head severed, her blood turns into rubies; silver and gold rods nearby; he touches the girl in gold, she comes to life; she tells her to leave: when Shiva ends meditating, she will incinerate with a look; they come back, the princess becomes the young man's second wife]: Day 1912, No. 17:211-216 (retelling in Cosquin 1922:19-21); condas [the widow has a son; he sees chittiga paggata flowers in the river (fabulous flowers), pulls out and decorates his hair; the king sees him, tells him to get flowers and otherwise he will cut off his head; his mother tells him not to lament, but to go up the river; there are three giants, they must be called "uncle", they they will help; the first giant refers to the second, the second to the third; he tells us to go to the lake, where three fairies come to swim; we must take their clothes and run without looking back; but at the last moment the young man looked back and fell dead; the giant revived him, covered him with banana leaf; the next time the young man ran to the giant's house and gave his clothes only after promising to marry the youngest maiden; during the marriage ceremony the girl laughed and flowers began to fall from her lips; fairies cannot stay with people for long, so they gave the young man a zitra; if you start playing, the wife will appear or the fairies will come to the rescue; on the way back two giants they gave a rope and a stick; when the young man returned to his mother, he played the zither and the maidens appeared; the king's servants saw them; the young man took the flowers to the king; he wanted to take his wife and ordered him to bring the lion milk, hoping that the young man would die; the fairies told the lions to accompany the young man; he brought a herd of lions to the king, who was frightened, the lions were released; the king ordered the poisonous snake to be killed; (same, the young man brought him to the palace many snakes); now the king orders to catch the most ferocious lion (the young man brought the lion); the king summoned the young man to the palace; the fairies brought a mouse with them; the servants threw him into a deep crevice, but the mouse dug out the way to the land and the young man returned to his mother again; now the king sent a young man with a letter to another king to kill him; the young man told the rope and stick to tie and beat the king; he gave him his kingdom; the young man and the fairy steel edit there]: Schulze 1922, No. 10:57-64; Sinhales [seeing a bird, the king and his wife argue whether it is male or female; the queen loses, leaves, gives birth to a son, picks up a gem in the dried riverbed; the child immediately stops crying; the son has grown up, his mother sends him to sell the stone at the bazaar, but no one can determine the price; the king invites the young man and his mother to live in the palace, because he also has no money to pay the full cost of the stone; sends the young man for the second stone; the young man comes to the river, Yakshini explains that she is the daughter of her owner, they are guarding the gems; she runs with the young man; spits precious stones; the king wants to take over Yakshini himself; the minister advises sending the young man to visit the king's deceased parents; he is walled up in an underground passage, Yakshini sends rats (their mistress is her sister) dig another way, dresses her husband in precious clothes; the tsar believes that the young man went to the next world, goes down into the dungeon himself, is walled up; the young man reigns]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 89:211-216.
The Balkans. Albanians [the son asks his mother who his deceased father was; she does not want to speak, then admits that he is a hunter; the young man finds, puts in order his father's gun, becomes a good hunter; in in the distant forest, she sees pieces of meat hanging on a tree; touches them, the meat turns into the Beauty of the World; she explains that the black dwarf appears at night, revives it, and when he leaves in the morning, cuts it back to pieces; under with a tree, the young man picked up two precious stones without telling the beauty; brought her to his mother; at this time the king died, the new one forbade lighting; the young man did not know that the stones he had taken glowed; the young man I had to bring the stones to the palace; on the way, the vizier tried to persuade him to sell them, but the young man gave them to the king; in order to take revenge, the vizier told the king that the young man could bring many such stones; the wife told her to hit her to fill the pot with tears; these tears must be irrigated stones in the mountains; the young man brought the king stones to build a palace, he was pleased; once he killed a lynx, against his wife's advice, carried the king's skin; refused again a vizier who wanted to buy it himself; he persuaded the king to bring many skins to decorate the entire palace; his wife tells him to fill the spring with wine, the lynxes will get drunk and intoxicated; the king received skins; the vizier suggests sending a message to the deceased king so that he will also rejoice in his son's wealth; the wife orders that all residents write letters to the next world; tells her husband to take them on horseback and unnoticed return; keeps her husband and horse starving so that people believe that they have been to the next world; writes answers to all letters; in response to the king, his late father asks for a vizier; the vizier demands that the young man be sent survived in boiling oil; his wife gives him herbs, which the dwarf used to revive her; the young man is unharmed; the king orders the vizier to be thrown into boiling oil, makes a young man the vizier]: Pedersen 1898, No. 8:53-67.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [younger brother sees a stream of blood, takes stones from there, sells Aldar; goes back to get stones, looks for the source of the stream; there are three dead girls in the house, one more bleeding; he came at night a giant, revived the girl with a pearl; when he left, the young man revived all three, killed the giant with his sword, took one girl, gave the other two to his brothers; the brothers had 3 sisters, they were taken by Uastyrji, Uatzilla, Afsati; while the brothers are hunting, a rider arrives on a three-legged horse, drops his whip, asks to serve, the youngest's wife agrees, he picks her up with the end of the whip, takes her away; the younger brother goes to look for a wife, consistently comes to his sons-in-law; only Uastyrji saw that rider; the kidnapper sleeps and stays awake for 6 days; wife: we must get the foal from the mother of the three-legged, who is at the head of the devils, the mother is pregnant, she is guarded by 7 wolves; the head of the devils allows the foal to be taken, the younger brother takes his wife]: Sokayeva 2012, No. 6:67-70; Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 9 [younger Tsarevich Ibrahim dreams how the moon descended on his herd; says Brother Rustam and others; having given his share of the inheritance and taking a heavy staff, he goes on a journey; in another city, the son of the vizier Ibrahim agrees to flee with Princess Kul-Shad; at the last moment changes his mind, and the imaginary shepherd I. accidentally finds himself in his place, the CS runs with him; they tell each other about themselves; I. picks up a stone, the CS says he is dear; builds a palace; the CS gives a stone to the king Melik-Aslan; vizier Mamed-Ali is jealous and offers to demand new stones; I. returns to the spring, where he found the stone, descends under water, where Princess Shah-Sanam ("queen of beauties"), kidnapped by the diva; stones are formed from her blood; I. kills a diva, takes SHS as his wife; when she hits her nose, drops of blood form gems; the king orders to get an atri-lala rose; I. kills a snake that has gathered eat chicks; chicks tell their mother not to drop millstones on I., he is their savior; the bird teaches how to get a rose; two girls in the form of doves fly to a tree by the lake, throw off their clothes, swim; it is necessary climb a tree, take clothes, change them for a rose; one girl laughed, her laughter formed a bouquet of roses, the girls gave their hair; if burned, they would come to the rescue; I. brought roses to the king, the vizier advises send him for pears from behind the blue sea; the bird carries him across the sea; there are apples that form a tail and pears from which he disappears; the king declares war on I., who kills him, the vizier and the warriors, reigns himself]: 71-81; Turks [{whether gems come from peri's blood is not clear from a brief paraphrase}; a young shepherd pays gold to three vegetable sellers; the Indian princess appointed a meeting with the vizier's son, but he did not come; the shepherd kidnaps her, and she stays with him, fearing to go back; when a shepherd sells a gem, the head of the city demands from him 40 of them; then demands 100; the princess sends her husband to a stream where you can find similar stones; there is a peri kidnapped by a giant by her hair; a shepherd frees her; pulls out three worms in which the giant's life is, and kills him; now the head of the city demands a certain kind of rose; they are from Sister Peri, she sends a shepherd to her; he gets roses, a girl and a sea horse; the head of the city demands that a mosque and a bridge be built; Peri brought down the bridge when it stepped on it, the shepherd became the head of the city]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 217:264; (cf. Azerbaijanis [Ibrahim mothers: Who was my father? mother: a birdsman, left a net and a decoy pipe; I. became a birdsman himself, caught a bird with each feather of its own color; she began to lay eggs, I.'s mother sold them to the shopkeeper and he sold them to the Shah; then I. became himself sell eggs to the Shah; the shopkeeper advises the Shah to tell I. to bring the bird itself; I. took the bird, received a lot of gold; the shopkeeper suggests sending him for the male bird, I. catches the male; bring a rose from the diva garden ; I. gets there, runs away with the kidnapped diva Khurshid and gold; H. hit her nose, dripped blood, roses appeared out of the blood; the shopkeeper suggests sending I. to the Shah's deceased parents; And . leaves and returns, the Shah believes that he has been to the next world, sends a shopkeeper; I. tells him to jump into the well, the shopkeeper died; the Shah ran out of impatience, I. married H.]: Akhundov 1955:39-49).
Iran - Central Asia. Persians (Hamadan, Khorasan, Isfahan, Fars, Yazd) [a young man finds a beautiful flower or gem in the river, sells it to the king, he demands to bring the same; stones (flowers) arise from blood a princess whom Dev beheads and revives every day; a young man teaches her to know where the deva's soul is, pulls her out, dev dies]: Marzolph 1984, No. 467:100-101; (cf. Osmanov 1987 [Aga-Hasanok is expelled from the city after his mother unsuccessfully tried to place him as an employee in a shop; each time he calls himself a significant name (Speech-in-pieces, Whack, Bitki), cuts fabrics, beats pots, rapes the owner's daughter (parents think she is jam-packed); AH sees a stream with roses floating along; goes upstream; there is a girl who is killed by a diva by stabbing her The chest is a dagger, then, when she comes back, revives and drinks wine with her; at this time she picks roses and throws them into the water; AH taught the girl to know where life is a diva; AH kills the dog in which life is a diva leads Padishah is his kidnapped daughter, gets her as his wife]: 202-209); Turkmens [=Sokali et al. 1955:82-88; Bahaveddin gives his son Mamed-jan to herd camels, does not order to sell an old camel; M. sold, The whole herd went for the camel; M. finds a ruby necklace, gives it to the padishah, but he demands one more, otherwise he executes; M. comes to the gorge, where the blood of the dead beauty has turned into rubies; divas arrive, revives the beauty with a potion from a bubble, kills again, flies away; M. revives her himself; teaches the diva to know where his soul is; the diva shows a stream under the stone, there is fish; M. kills fish, divas dies; M. brings the padishah has a second necklace; the old woman reports that M. has a beautiful wife; the vizier advises to send M. for the lioness's milk; the wife orders to remove the splinter from the lion's paw, he tells the lionesses to give milk, M. brings the lionesses, the padishah is horrified; the vizier suggests sending M. for a talisman that makes the apple cry, the pomegranate laughs; the wife gives a letter to her peri sister; she arranges that the "cruel peri" she serves, gives a talisman; the padishah tells him to build a castle overnight; M. asks him not to shoot pigeons; peri arrive in the form of turtles, the castle is ready; the vizier advises sending M. to the next world to find out how the late parents of the padishah live; the wife advises asking the padishah to light a huge fire, the peri-dove turns M. into a straw, takes him away from the fire; Peri writes a letter on behalf of the late father of the padishah, who calls his son and his vizier to him; at night M. hides in ash, they find him there in the morning; after reading the letter, the padishah and the vizier behave to burn themselves, M. was chosen as the new padishah; peri-doves bring his parents to M.]: Erberg 1953:50-67; the Shugnans [poor shepherd Jumak fell asleep at the royal horse riding; the king's daughter was about to flee with the son of a vizier with the same name, rode off with J.; gave him royal clothes, on the way he accidentally picked up rubies on the shore; serves the king, he wants his wife; leads to hang, J. promises to bring a bag of rubies; collects them, this is blood dripping into the stream from the throat of a slaughtered peri; J. revives it; she was kidnapped by a diva and killed during her absence; J. persuades Peri to ask the diva where his soul is (in a plane tree, in a chest, in a bottle, in a shirt); J. kills a diva, brings his second wife; a vizier advises the king to ask for the Laughing Flower; this is the Green Pari from Mount Kof, when he laughs, flowers fall from his mouth; they fly to the lake to swim, J. takes the Green Pari dress, brings her to his wives, this is his sister second wife; brings flowers to the king; he orders his late father's sword to be brought; wives give a sword, hide J. with an imaginary letter in the ashes of the fire; the king and vizier agree to be burned, J. becomes king]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 2:60-73.