Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

K136C. Sometimes lively, then killed.


When leaving, the demon temporarily kills or puts the girl to sleep, and when he returns, he revives her again.

Algerian Arabs (Blida), Tibetans (Amdo), Mustang, Lepcha, Chins, Karen, Punjabi, Northern India (Hindi), Telugu, Bengalis, Albanians, Ossetians, Azerbaijanis, (Turks), Persians, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Baluchis and Shugnans.

North Africa. Algerian Arabs: Cosquin 1922b (Blida) [The Sultan has 7 wives, only the youngest has given birth to a boy; he offends other teenagers, his father expelled him, his mother went with him; after going through the desert, they went to the castle; the prince hears moans; the girl is hung by the hair, her blood is dripping, turning into rubies; efreet lowered the girl, but she refused to share love with him and he hanged her again; the prince and mother come to the city, the ruby he took glows; the king's daughter is married to the son of a vizier, she wants a second ruby of the same kind; the angel teaches him to greet the child, the old man, if they are without a hat, to keep silent if wearing a hat; prince cut the efreet, took the girl; the princess demands a chest with all her musical instruments; the Ruby Princess tells me to knock on the tree trunk, ask her mother for everything she needs; her father, the sultan of spirits, killed the king and made his son-in-law king]: 10-16; Filleul de Pétigny 1951 [after the death of the merchant, his son squandered his wealth, went on a journey with his mother; leaving her with mules in the clearing, became inspect the forest; the beauty is hanged by the legs above the pool; after falling into the water, three drops of blood from her cut throat turned into rubies; contrary to his mother's warning, the young man took one of the rubies; settled down with her mother in the city and opened a shop; the Sultan has a daughter, Blood Gazelle in the snow; the vizier wants to marry her son; the princess sets the condition: to bring three rubies (and no one in their country had rubies); found out that she would marry the son of a merchant who settled in their city; the Sultan promises a reward to whoever gets rubies; the young man brought and received an award; adviser to the Sultan: whoever brought one ruby will bring two others; a young man came to that pond in the forest; saw a Jew reviving the girl and beating her, demanding that she convert to him and marry him; the young man killed a Jew; the girl said that he was a daughter king of the genies, her name is Rubin; they came to the sea, R. dived but returned accompanied by a luxurious procession; her father gave it to a young man, they came to town and got married; the sultan summoned the young man: he is executed if within a month he will not bring two ruby; his wife took a knife, cut herself slightly, two drops of blood became rubies; the princess now wants a pearl necklace; R. sent her husband with a note to the sea; he called a giant black man; the young man was married by the daughter of a genie vizier named Zhemchuzhina; at home R. deliberately scolded her, she cried, tears turned into pearls; the Sultan hopes that now his daughter will agree marry the son of a vizier, but she demands to bring musk; the same: they send the girl Musk from the sea; R. scolds her: let her wash herself; in the bathhouse, something that turns out to be musk is collected from her skin; Sultan's daughter to her father: I I know that the valuables were not obtained by the vizier's son, but by another young man; the sultan vainly demands that the young man refuse to marry the princess; tells him to cut off his head; but anyone who tries to do so cuts off his head to himself; including the Sultan himself and all viziers; the princess becomes the fourth wife of the merchant's son]: 113-137.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. The Tibetans (Amdo) [the king's son and the old woman's son chased the fox holding a lotus flower in their teeth, but only the old woman's son could catch up with her; the prince complained to his father, who told the old woman's son to bring it 100 lotus flowers; a young man shot a kite carrying a snake in its beak; the snake fell, became human, offered a reward; the young man asked for lotuses; the man ordered to go to the sea, where 3 birds will teach prayers, with these prayers can be used to fly; the young man flew with birds, sat on a tree; the girl's head is under the tree; 6 demons touch her with the white side of the stone, she turns into a beautiful woman, serves them; touch black is just the head again; they leave; the young man touches the white side; the girl brings the young man to the lotuses; demons appear; the girl tells him to run, throwing lotuses behind; the first turns into a mountain, the second into the river , demons stop chasing; the young man gives lotuses to the king; he tells them to fill the palace with gold; there is so much of it that they cannot move; tells gold to disappear, and let the palace be 9-story; more lotuses Wishes do not come true; the king tells the young man to make a pond near the palace; girl: we have one wish left; the young man tells a pond to appear; the rain washes away the royal palace with a flood; the young man is happy with the girl]: Kajihama 2004, No. 15:55-57; Mustang: Kretschmar 1985, No. 10 [two sons are cunning, the third is rustic; aged parents tell them they will be rejuvenated if they bring back a flower from China that returns youth; the elder got to a place where a triangular stone was dancing, a monkey with a silver head was singing, and a baboon was hitting a drum; then he saw an old woman, told her about it; she refused to believe the older brother bet on all the money he had, brought the old woman to that place, but found nothing; picked up more beautiful flowers, returned home; the middle brother was the same; the younger brother stepped to that stone and monkeys, they fell dead; when the old woman came to see, they were there, though dead; he goes on, stops successively with three old women, who warn of demons guarding the flower; he comes, sees the statue girl, pulls the peg out of her head, she comes to life; says she is that flower, but the demons have deprived her of her power; she hid the young man in a hole, covered a stove, a copper pot of water on top, leather on it, a wicker tray for cleaning the grain from the chaff (Worfelplatte) on it, stuck a peg in the back of her head so that the demon would not notice anything; a demon came and revived the girl, the amulet told him to look in a hole, a plain above her, a lake on her, a plain again; the demon does not understand, leaves; the girl tells the young man to split the log house with an ax, from there they will fly out bees, to hit everyone, these are demons; she herself swept the axe back into the log house with a broom; the girl tells me to smear the floor with cow manure, cut her throat, take her legs, sprinkle the manure with blood, grow up flowers that give youth; so it happened; the young man connected the girl's head to the body, sprinkled it with water, she came to life; they collected flowers, gave the flower to those old women, they became girls; rejuvenated the boy's parents], 15 [King Benda's eldest son Horki Gyevo promises to marry a rich bride, the middle son to a smart one, the youngest to a beautiful one; Men's father Suka Drönyok promises to marry her as someone who finds out her name; the demon threatens the jackal eat it if he does not recognize it; the jackal overheard the servant calling the DMD, running to the demon, forgetting the name along the way; so twice; the third time he remembered; the demon called the name, leads the DMD to the golden palace, then to mother-of-pearl, then to a house made of dog crap; the wife agrees to live in such a house every time if it is her and her husband's house; inside, a crap house turns out to be a luxurious palace; when leaving, the demon leaves the DMD keys to all rooms; one has no key; she finds a rusty key hanging above the door; there are corpses of horses and people in the room, an old woman in the corner; she says that a demon locks aged wives in this room; tells you to run, putting a figure dressed in a DMD dress on the terrace, gives her youthful appearance and chest; the DMD in the guise of an old woman meets a demon, he does not recognize her, lets her through; she is hired as a king to take care of dogs, then about cows, horses; all animals get fat and healthy; by roasting grain, the DMD takes off the appearance of an old woman, the younger prince sees it, marries her; princes give the youngest only a goat and dog; let the one who wins the challenges inherit the kingdom; 1) make the best yogurt (DMD puts gems in it, its yogurt is better); 2) whose vomiting is more pleasant; older brothers swallow gold and silver key, but vomiting is common; DMD drinks milk, swallows rubies, her vomiting glows with a rainbow; 3) who will cover the whole kingdom with cloth; the elder covers half, the middle one third, DMD is completely left; the youngest received the kingdom; went on business, the DMD gave birth to a son, whose top is golden, the bottom is silver, the forehead is mother-of-pearl; sends a servant with a letter; he stays with the old man, he replaces the letter: wife gave birth to a broom and a pestle; praises the king of the child, but he is surprised that the letter is different, tells him to wait for his return; the old man replaces the letter again: throw the child beyond 9 valleys and 9 passes; the DMD comes with as a child towards her husband, meets an old man, this is the demon from whom she ran away, he swallows the child; the DMD puts him to sleep, looking for him in his head; a fish appears from the demon's forehead, the DMD pierces her with a pin, a demon died; the horse, which was previously grazed by the DMD, tells him to kill, spread his intestines around the edges of the plain, put the buds on the left and right, his head in the center, four legs in four directions; when I woke up in the palace, at the entrance to the chains, a tiger and a leopard, subjects appeared from drops of blood; her king husband came disguised as a beggar, they reunited]: 79-80, 100-104; lepcha [King Pid-no has seven dangerous demons in service; Tashey-thing arranges that the merchant lost his childless wife; after that, the woman gave birth to a son; forbid him to leave the house; he saw a wonderful flower in the fox's teeth, chased her, got it, came back , took it to the king; the demons advised him to send the young man to bring many of these flowers; the beggar promises to help the young man; the young man goes through the countries of pigeons, parrots, peacocks; each king promises him a daughter if he He will also bring him a flower; a beggar whirlwind carries the young man across the sea to the palace of five demons (they have one, two... five heads); in the garden there are bushes with precious flowers; the young man hides, sees the demon take out He splits parts of the girl's body with living and dead (white and black) water; when he leaves, he disassembles it again; the young man revives her, they take water and the demon's knife, flowers, come back; demons swim across the sea, drown; the young man receives the king's daughters, pigeons, etc.; brings flowers to the king; he orders to create a palace, garden, forest, decorate the palace; pigeons, parrots, peacocks perform everything; the king orders to explain the source of the Tisla River; wife dismembers the young man, says that he will return from heaven in a week, tell; revives the young man; he says that heavenly father did not recognize him, he would tell the secret to seven brothers; seven demons allow themselves dismember, die; young man becomes royal adviser]: Stocks 1925, No. XXVII: 420-427; ranks (Mizoram) [mother dies, father remarried, stepmother hates stepson, father took him to the forest and left him there; God and goddess decided to save him; he came to the palace where everyone sleeps; hid; a demon comes, touches the beauty with a wand, she wakes up, refuses to marry the demon; he puts her to sleep again, leaves; the young man takes the same wand and wakes up the beauty; wished for warriors to appear; they killed the demon who came]: Borgohain, Roy Chaudhury 1975, No. 12:62-65.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [on an island in the sea at a terrible bilu, a book depicted in which it can be embodied; whoever brings it, the king will make an heir; the widow's lazy son sails; picks up , heals, lets the wounded fish and crocodile into the sea; in the hut, the girl is unconscious, there is a staff nearby, one end revives it, the other kills; the young man revives a girl who was kidnapped by a witch and kills on the time she is absent; the girl teaches how to steal a book, gives a potion; when Bilu wakes up and chases the young man, he threw the drug, the river appeared, Bilu stopped chasing; the minister throws the young man from the ship into the sea; the crocodile brings it to the shallows, the fish pulls out living water, revives it; its tail is pinched with stones, since then the fish of this species have a red spot on its tail; the king executed the minister, made the young man heir, and The girl he saved turned out to be the daughter of this king; they all moved to the city from this book]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 163:409-412.

South Asia. The Punjabi (Seraiks, Multan) [the childless king adopted one of the vizier's four sons; and then the king's wife gave birth; the vizier killed the king, expelled the queen and the child; she was sheltered by a potter; a grown boy began to feed his donkeys; the brahmana realized that the king was in front of him, began to send another worker to the potter, and the prince began to teach; he became the best disciple; the son of the vizier, who became king, began to look for an intelligent husband for daughters, the brahmana offered the prince; the mother and son fled into the forest, because the vizier could recognize her; the young man finds two rubies in the river, one sells to the merchant, who gives a house and property for it, sells the ruby to the king; the son and the king's daughter quarreled over a ruby, the king demanded the second one; the young man went for the hidden second ruby, saw more in the river; came to the underwater palace; there the maiden was unconscious; the young man moved things around her, she came to life; her father Deh, who leaves her motionless when she leaves; when Deh comes, the girl turns the boy into a fly and then back into a young man; to find out what Deh's life is like, she pretends to afraid to be alone; Deh: in a parrot under a stone, and only a prince raised by a potter can lift a stone; the young man picked up a stone, killed a parrot, brought the girl to his mother; when the girl laughed, from her lips rubies fell, so they found themselves in the river; the young man gave the ruby, the merchant gave him his daughter in gratitude; the young man began to live in the city with his mother and two wives; the king, at the request of the queen, demanded that silk be brought the fabric of the dehi country; the young man's wife: this country under the river bottom where I lived; the young man found a girl there, also changed her rods next to her, she came to life, gave the cloth; the king's daughter saw the cloth, was delighted, the king gave it back a young man, who now has three wives; he killed a usurper, the son of a vizier, reigned on his father's throne]: Mehta 2011:130-137; Kashmir (translated from Hindi) [fakir gives the childless queen to eat barley grains, is born Sherdil's son ("lion heart"); he goes on a journey with a blacksmith, carpenter and grinder; they come to the enchanted city, each one takes turns cooking; a dwarf arrives riding a rat, demands food, turns into a giant, throws the cook on a tree; when it's S.'s turn, he kills the enemy, leaves the grinder king of the city; in another city, S. kills a witch who appears to be a girl, puts king of a blacksmith; in the third, a carpenter; each sister has a grain of barley, while the barley plant is green, everything is fine with S.; flowers float along the river; S. finds a tree, a basket on it, the head of a beauty in it, drops blood falls into the water, turns into flowers; finds the body on the bed; puts her head to her body, the princess comes to life; the genie who stole the princess decapitates her during his absence; S. asks to know where Sh. soul; there is a tree in the desert, grass in front of the dog, bones in front of the horse; you have to walk past them, remove the cage with the starling from the tree, there is a bee in the starling, there is a genie's soul in it; to pass, you have to give the horse's grass, bones dog; S. did so, killed a bee, the genie died; the princess let a box with her hair along the river, the royal son found it; sends the old woman to his wife Sh.; she found out that S.'s life was in his saber; on the advice of old woman, his wife changed her sword, the old woman threw it into the fire, S. died; the old woman brought her to her master, the princess asked her to wait six months; the barley shoots withered, the brothers found, repaired the sword, S. came to life ; the carpenter made a flying palanquin, brought the princess, threw the old woman from a height; S. returns to his homeland]: Zograf 1964:327-339 (=197:71-80); northern India: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 501 [at the king seven sons; he died, the eldest reigned; the youngest had a gold-haired rani; the yogi came to beg for alms; refuses to take it from the servant, then from the princes and the king, agrees to take it from the younger rani; turns her into a dog, then a rider, takes her to him; when she leaves, she separates her body from her head; her head is under the ceiling, her body sleeps on the bed; the king and his brothers come in the absence of yoga; the old woman turns them to flies; the yogi is back, smells the person; leaves again; the old woman helps to connect the body and head of the wound, they run, but the yogi makes them come back and kills everyone, and the rani remains in the same position; the wife is alone one of the brothers gave birth to a son; the other boys laugh: he has neither a father nor an uncle; the mother talks about everything; he comes to an old woman who connects the body and head of the wound; the young man tells Rani to know what yoga is like; First, the yogi replies that his life is on fire, then gives other answers; finally he says that there is a forest across the seven seas, guarded by a couple of tigers and 900 witches; there is a sandalwood in the forest, with a golden cage with a diamond cage a parrot; the young man called tigers and witches uncles and aunts, they missed him; he explained that the yogi sent him for a parrot and they gave it to him; the young man tore off the parrot's legs, the yoga's legs immediately came off; ordered revive his father, uncle and everyone else; the yogi revived, then the young man killed the parrot; connected the aunt's body and head; everything is fine]: 135-136; 1895, No. 475 (Bijnor County) [the prince took care of the snake and let it go; she gave it to him an iron chain that fulfills wishes; he went to hunt for the Silent Princess; took a splinter from the tigress's paw, who gave one of the cubs; saved Garuda's chicks from the snake, she gave one of the chicks; all of them they swam in the river and covered themselves with gold; the prince appeared at the princess's swayamvara in rags, but she threw a wreath at him; the prince became king; went again to get the Silent Princess; tasks: bridge over the river; create an unprecedented garden; with the help of helper spirits from his chain, the prince laid a mountain across the river and lowered Indra's garden to the ground; made the princess speak; to do this, he begins to talk not to her, but to with objects next to her; they answer that the princess does not wash or clean them; the princess is indignant; becomes his wife; walking, the prince sees rubies in the river; goes upstream; there is another princess who bewitched by a rakshasa; prince awakens her; peri reports that the heart of a rakshasa is in a treetop parrot across seven seas; he is guarded by rakshasa, snakes and scorpions; the prince picks up peri and two on his way home other wives; (animals don't play a role)]: 172-175 (a shorter retelling of this or a very similar text in W.H.D.R. 1896:408-409); Bengalis [the prince went by ship accompanied by his mother; in the whirlpool sees many huge rubies; the mother advises to throw them away, the prince is left alone; the king bought it, his daughter wants other rubies; the prince returned, saw a girl with her head severed, her blood turns into rubies; silver and gold rods nearby; he touches the girl in gold, she comes to life; she tells her to leave: as Shiva finishes meditating, incinerates her gaze; they return, the princess becomes the young man's second wife]: Day 1912, No. 17:211-216 (retelling in Cosquin 1922:19-21); Telugu {the collection contains mainly Telugu texts and several Marathi texts; there is little possibility that this text does not refer to Telugu, but to Marathi} [the prince went on a journey; came to another king, called himself the son of a peasant, became a servant; the princess handed him a letter to the son of the vizier with offering to run at night; he tore the letter and told the vizier that his son was lazy to study; the vizier locked his son; the young man came on a date instead of him; in the morning, when the princess noticed the change, the maid said it was fate; the fugitives stopped in the forest, the young man went to get water; saw the palace, there was a beauty in a pool of blood, her head was separate; the young man twitched the vine, the body and head joined together; the beauty told the young man should leave before the Rakshasa arrives; the young man separated his body from his head again, brought water to the princess, they arrived in another country; there the merchant asks for a high price for fish; the young man says that this fish is three a quarter of the scales and a quarter of the water; both disputed all the property, the young man won, received the merchant's house and property; became a royal stranger; found and gave the king an emerald, he gave his daughter; her parrot replies that the princess will be even more beautiful if she has a second emerald of the same kind; the king sends the young man; he returns to the Rakshasa Palace, connects the beauty's head to her body, and she teaches her to go to her sisters, they give an emerald and a younger sister, who has taken the form of a sheaf of rice; the parrot advises you to ask for a Parijataka flower; the sheaf wife says that the flower is in the sisters' garden; the maid of that first princess proves to her that the young man is a prince, let her ask him to make her the main wife; the young man took out a flower, killed Rakshasa with an arrow; the parrot tells the royal daughter who received the flower to marry the young man; with four As wives, the young man first visited the father of the first princess and then came to his father]: Venkataswami 1923, No. 82:153-160.

The Balkans. Albanians [the son asks his mother who his deceased father was; she does not want to speak, then admits that he is a hunter; the young man finds, puts in order his father's gun, becomes a good hunter; in in the distant forest, she sees pieces of meat hanging on a tree; touches them, the meat turns into the Beauty of the World; she explains that the black dwarf appears at night, revives it, and when he leaves in the morning, cuts it back to pieces; under with a tree, the young man picked up two precious stones without telling the beauty; brought her to his mother; at this time the king died, the new one forbade lighting; the young man did not know that the stones he had taken glowed; the young man I had to bring the stones to the palace; on the way, the vizier tried to persuade him to sell them, but the young man gave them to the king; in order to take revenge, the vizier told the king that the young man could bring many such stones; the wife told her to hit her to fill the pot with tears; these tears must be irrigated stones in the mountains; the young man brought the king stones to build a palace, he was pleased; once he killed a lynx, against his wife's advice, carried the king's skin; refused again a vizier who wanted to buy it himself; he persuaded the king to bring many skins to decorate the entire palace; his wife tells him to fill the spring with wine, the lynxes will get drunk and intoxicated; the king received skins; the vizier suggests sending a message to the deceased king so that he will also rejoice in his son's wealth; the wife orders that all residents write letters to the next world; tells her husband to take them on horseback and unnoticed return; keeps her husband and horse starving so that people believe that they have been to the next world; writes answers to all letters; in response to the king, his late father asks for a vizier; the vizier demands that the young man be sent survived in boiling oil; his wife gives him herbs, which the dwarf used to revive her; the young man is unharmed; the king orders the vizier to be thrown into boiling oil, makes a young man the vizier]: Pedersen 1898, No. 8:53-67.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [younger brother sees a stream of blood, takes stones from there, sells Aldar; goes back to get stones, looks for the source of the stream; there are three dead girls in the house, one more bleeding; he came at night a giant, revived the girl with a pearl; when he left, the young man revived all three, killed the giant with his sword, took one girl, gave the other two to his brothers; the brothers had 3 sisters, they were taken by Uastyrji, Uatzilla, Afsati; while the brothers are hunting, a rider arrives on a three-legged horse, drops his whip, asks to serve, the youngest's wife agrees, he picks her up with the end of the whip, takes her away; the younger brother goes to look for a wife, consistently comes to his sons-in-law; only Uastyrji saw that rider; the kidnapper sleeps and stays awake for 6 days; wife: we must get the foal from the mother of the three-legged, who is at the head of the devils, the mother is pregnant, she is guarded by 7 wolves; the head of the devils allows the foal to be taken, the younger brother takes his wife]: Sokayeva 2012, No. 6:67-70; Azerbaijanis [returning late from the teahouse, the fisherman Balkhudar met the dervish; he gave a golden knife, ordered to give Ulker to the king's daughter; W. took, brought the horses, told them to run; on the way, B. picked up a ruby in the stream; they bought a house; once W. picked up a ruby, the local king saw and fell in love; the vizier advised to accuse B. of stealing a ruby; he promised to bring the same stones; W. tells him to find her sister, kidnapped by divas; B. went up the stream, saw the girl motionless, with a ruby hanging above her head ; a diva came, hit the ruby, he soared into the sky, the girl woke up, but refused to deal with the diva; he put her to sleep again and left; B. hit the ruby himself, the girl woke up; said that the diva's soul was a bird in a glass vessel; if Solomon's ring is lowered into the water, the soul can be caught; W. just gave B. this ring; he lowered it into the stream, a vessel appeared, B. tore off the bird's head, the dead diva fell from the sky; they took the rubies, returned to W.; B. took 5 stones to the king; he demanded gazelle milk; Sister W. let the powder be scattered in the forest; gazelles would become insensitive, they could be milked; told B. to invite tsar; planted a ruby, the tsar and his entourage lost consciousness, their heads were cut off, the people made B. tsar]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:54-60; (cf. Turks [a young shepherd pays gold to three vegetable sellers; an Indian princess made an appointment with the vizier's son but he did not come; a shepherd kidnaps her and she stays with him for fear of returning back; when a shepherd sells a gem, the head of the city demands 40 of them; then demands 100; the princess sends her husband to a stream where you can find similar stones; there is a peri hanging by the hair, kidnapped by a giant; a shepherd frees her; pulls out three worms in which the giant's life is and kills him; now the head of the city demands a certain kind of rose; they are from sister Peri, she sends them to her a shepherd; he gets roses, a girl and a sea horse; the head of the city demands the construction of a mosque and a bridge; Peri brought down the bridge when he stepped on it, the shepherd became the head of the city]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 217: 264).

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Christensen 1971, No. 3 []: 27-39; Marzolph 1984, No. 467 (Hamadan, Khorasan, Isfahan, Fars, Yazd) [the young man finds a beautiful flower or gem in the river, sells it to the king, he demands bring the same one; stones (flowers) arise from the blood of a princess, whom Dev decapitates and revives every day; a young man teaches her to know where the deva's soul is, gets it, dev dies]: 100-101; Osmanov 1987:197-202 [], 202-209 [Aga-Hasanok is expelled from the city after his mother unsuccessfully tried to place him as an employee in a shop; each time he calls himself a significant name (Speech-in-pieces, Butki), cuts fabrics, hits pots, rapes the owner's daughter (parents think she is eaten too much); AH sees a stream with roses floating along; goes upstream; there is a girl who is killed by a diva by stabbing her in The chest is a dagger, then, when she comes back, revives and drinks wine with her; at this time she picks roses and throws them into the water; AH taught the girl to know where life is a diva; AH kills the dog in which life is a diva leads Padishah is his kidnapped daughter, gets her as his wife]; Turkmens [=Sokali et al. 1955:82-88; Bahaveddin gives his son Mamed-Jan to herd camels, does not order to sell an old camel; M. sold, for The whole herd has gone as a camel; M. finds a ruby necklace, gives it to the padishah, but he demands one more, otherwise he executes; M. comes to the gorge, where the blood of the dead beauty has turned into rubies; divas arrive, revives the beauty with a potion from a bubble, kills again, flies away; M. revives her himself; teaches the diva to know where his soul is; the diva shows a stream under the stone, there is fish; M. kills fish, divas dies; M. brings the padishah has a second necklace; the old woman reports that M. has a beautiful wife; the vizier advises to send M. for the lioness's milk; the wife orders to remove the splinter from the lion's paw, he tells the lionesses to give milk, M. brings the lionesses, the padishah is horrified; the vizier suggests sending M. for a talisman that makes the apple cry, the pomegranate laughs; the wife gives a letter to her peri sister; she arranges that the "cruel peri" she serves, gives a talisman; the padishah tells him to build a castle overnight; M. asks him not to shoot pigeons; peri arrive in the form of turtles, the castle is ready; the vizier advises sending M. to the next world to find out how the late parents of the padishah live; the wife advises asking the padishah to light a huge fire, the peri-dove turns M. into a straw, takes him away from the fire; Peri writes a letter on behalf of the late father of the padishah, who calls his son and his vizier to him; at night M. hides in ash, they find him there in the morning; after reading the letter, the padishah and the vizier behave to burn themselves, M. was chosen as the new padishah; peri-doves bring his parents to M.]: Erberg 1953:50-67; Uzbeks [while collecting brushwood, Bald sees a dev take his skull off a tree, turn him into a girl who gives him wine, the devil falls asleep, then leaves, the girl turns into a skull again; The bald man is hired as an apprentice to the cook; grabbing his daughter by the hand, makes him uncover a spell that makes her father cook without kindling a fire; after casting a spell, Bald runs away from the cook, turning into a dove, the cook is a falcon; the dove is a rose in the Shah's garden, the cook is a nightingale; the shah promises the nightingale to give what he wants, he wants a rose; the rose turns into a handful of millet, the nightingale into a chicken with chickens , they bite the grain, one becomes a dove again, flies away, the cook chases again in the guise of a falcon; the dove hides in straw, is not seen, returns home, turns the skull into a girl, brings him; The bald man brings the Shah a rose floating along the river, the Shah gives it to one wife, all 40 want the same; 1) the wife tells her to be beaten with twigs, the bars turn into roses; 2) to take possession of Bald's wife, the Shah sends him bring bear milk; the wife teaches the bear to be cured, he gives milk; 3) bring Peri Gulikakhkah's golden bed from Mount Kuhikaf; the wife (she is Peri Kundukh, sister G., that queen of all pearies) carries Bald To G., dev brings them all on a couch to the Shah's garden; he orders to burn Pleshivy, G. and K. snatched him out of the fire, sent him to the Shah with halves of a melon (it was winter); Bald says he was in paradise, the Shah's parents they call him for the melon festival; both sit on the fire, G. and K. snatch Pleshivy, the Shah burns; Bald reigns]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 301-307; Shugnans [poor shepherd Jumak fell asleep at the royal horseback riding; the king's daughter was going to flee with the son of a vizier with the same name, rode off with J.; gave him royal clothes, on the way he accidentally picked up rubies on the bank; serves the king, he wants his wife; leads hang, J. promises to bring a bag of rubies; collects them, this is blood dripping into the stream from the throat of a slaughtered peri; J. revives her; she is kidnapped by divas and killed during her absence; J. persuades peri ask the diva where his soul is (in a plane tree, in a chest, in a bottle, in a shirt); J. kills a diva, brings his second wife; the vizier advises the king to ask for the Laughing Flower; this is the Green Pari from Mount Kof when he laughs, Flowers fall from his mouth; pariah flies to the lake to swim, J. takes Green Paris's dress, brings her to his wives, this is the sister of his second wife; takes flowers to the king; he tells him to bring his late father's sword; wives they give a sword, hide J. with an imaginary letter in the ashes of the fire; the king and the vizier agree to be burned, J. becomes king]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 2:60-73; Baluchi [the king dreams as if the sun has risen and set on the same side; tells the shepherd; he gives him his sheep, goes to another city; the girl takes him for her lover, runs with him; they spend the night by the pond, whose water turns into gold; the wife teaches the young man to impersonate the prince; the king orders to bring 1) gold; the young man returns to the spring; there are divas and the girl; her head separates and grows according to the diva spells; the diva leaves, the young man repeats the spells, the girl grows together, comes to life; this is peri, she takes the young man, flies with him to the city, he gives the king jewelry; 2) news of seven generations of the dead; the new wife tells Zar Bibi to be called to the cemetery; she gets up from the grave, gives a letter writing about the dead; 3) build a gold tower and a jewelry tower in the Nile; wives teach how to grab a bather by the hair peri; she tells everyone to take a brick, lay down the towers, then, at the signal, each must pull out her brick; the king and people who enter the towers drown in the Nile; the young man reigns]: Zarubin 1932, No. 3:36-52.