Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K14. Expensive tips, ATU 677, 910A, 910B.

(.12.) .13.-.17.21.-.23.26.-.34.38.

A person receives or buys simple advice, the meaning of which is not clear at first (traveling with a companion, not giving up breakfast, etc.) and either follows them to achieve success , or violates by getting into trouble.

(Guro), Amhara, Sudanese Arabs, Egypt, Kabilas, Berbers and Arabs from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Spaniards, Aragon, Catalans, Portuguese, Galicians, Italians (Basilicata), Sicilians, Sardinians, Corsicans, Ladins, Maltese, Scots, Irish, British, French, Flemish, Germans, Friesians, Thousand and One Nights, Arameans, Palestinians, Arabs of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Qatar, Bahrain, Emiratoa, Saudia, Mehri, Tibetans, Tibetans (Sichuan), Mustang, Karen, Arakan, Monk, Lao, Khmer, Sindhi, Punjabi, Kashmiris, Himachali Pahari, Kumaoni, Northern India (Hindi), Rajastans, Santals, Ho, Oriya, Tamils, Sinhales, Oraons, Muria, Koreans, Bulgarians, Serbs, Slovenes, Albanians, Greeks, Romanians, Hungarians, Russians (Teresky Bereg, Arkhangelskaya, Karelia, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Vologda, Tverskaya, Kostroma, Voronezh, Ryazan, Tula), Ukrainians (Ugric Russia, Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Hutsulshchina, Ivano-Frankivsk, Podolia, Pokutye, Kiev, Poltava, Chernigov), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Adygs, Abazins, Abkhazians, Ubykhs, Karachays or Balkarians, Ossetians, Kumyks, Tatas, Dargins, Lezgins, Aguls, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Megrelians, Svans, Armenians, Turks, Kurds, Bakhtiyars, Persians, Tajiks, mountain Tajiks, Uzbeks, (Turkmens), Vakhans, Ishkashim, Yazgulyam, Sarykols, Pashtuns, Lithuanians, Latvians, Finns, Karelians, Estonians, Livs, leaders, Veps, Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Faroese, Western Sami, Mari, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, (Komi), Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Salars, Dungans, South Altai Tuvans, Trans-Baikal Buryats, Mongols, Japanese.

(Wed. West Africa. Guro []: Tououi Bi 2014:177-179).

Sudan - East Africa. Amhara [the sage tells his son to marry a virgin, and if he does not marry a virgin, let him wear black; the son wears black, the father ordered him to divorce; so twice; the third time friends they advised me to hide everything from my father and wear white; the father was happy, showed his daughter-in-law the hidden gold, ordered not to sow chickpeas by the road and died; the wife told her husband only about chickpeas, hid the gold; the husband found gold and left his wife; to find out what would happen, he sowed chickpeas by the road; the boy cut him off; the husband told his wife that he had drowned the boy and hid him in the monastery; the wife told the judge that her husband was almost executed, but he presented it boy; on the way I met a rich man; suggested that they carry each other; called the city a village and vice versa; the rich man's daughter explained: he offered to tell stories; the village was a city if it was in it both the judge and the elder; the rich man wants to marry him his daughter; he demands that she sow, process cotton and sew clothes in a day; the girl: let her grow chickpeas in a day and make butter from them; he left a note containing "7" and "100"; girl: she will arrive with a hundred relatives in the seventh month; after the wedding, the husband was carrying gold, the robbers attacked him; they are ready to kill him; he advises to go to his wife and say: there are 7 jugs of wine, giving them 6 and leaving 1 with jagged edges; the wife called people; six robbers were hanged; the toothless was told to show where the body of the murdered husband was]: Gankin 1979, No. 116:159-163; Arabs Sudan [when dying, father gives advice to his son; do not walk barefoot on dry lupine; do not lend a pregnant mare to a cousin; don't mind if my brother marries your mother; if your sister will come to complain about her husband, move her back; if you swim with friends, be the first to go ashore; do not allow your wife to wear all her jewelry if she goes to the party; the young man decided to try justice advice; borrowed the mare, her brother drove her, she threw it away; he walked on the lupine, the thorn pierced, his leg hurt for a month; while swimming, he lingered, he was bitten by a crocodile; {it is not entirely clear with his sister and her husband} ; when the uncle asked the young man's mother for hand, he promised to ask her; she said no way; and then he spied and saw that they were lovers; the young man allowed his wife to wear all the jewelry, incognito came to the party and met her, and when she fell asleep, he took off her jewelry and brought her home; then he gathered all the participants, presented material evidence (jewelry to his wife, foal embryo to her cousin etc.); everything is fine]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 53:186-188; Sudanese Arabs (Jaaaliyin) [when the Sultan's favorite deer began to pinch leaves in the man's garden, he locked him in a barn, left food, stabbed him the ram, put the meat in a bag; to check his wife, he promised her to remain silent: he stabbed the Sultan's deer; in the morning, a passer-by old woman smelled the meat, came in, asked for a piece, his wife told her everything; she brought the sultan's meat and said who killed the deer; the vizier came to the man, began to beat him; he was taken into custody, he must pay 20 camels; at one time, the man's father told him not to extradite his sisters for someone who had recently become rich; a man passed off one as a noble rich man and the other as a newly rich man; he immediately divorced his wife, and the noble rich man volunteered to pay 20 camels - and even a hundred, if necessary; people from his entourage gave camels - some one or two; a man brought camels and a deer to the Sultan; the sultan appointed a man to replace the vizier, firing him, and He married a man's divorced sister]: Hurreiz 1977, No. 15:93-95.

North Africa. Kabila, Morocco: El-Shami 2004, No. 910B, 910B1:570-571; Moroccan Berbers: El-Shami 2004, No. 910A: 569-570; Tunisia: El-Shami 2004, No. 311:579-580; Egyptian Arabs [the son studied well, his father married and died; an acquaintance advised him to go to study with a sage; the young man went and worked for him for 20 years in a forge; at the end of the term, the payment consisted in the word "patience"; The man came home and saw a 20-year-old boy next to his wife; he was going to kill him, but remembered his patience; the guy turned out to be his son]: Artin Pacha 1895, No. 9:131-136.

Southern Europe. Spaniards [when dying, the father tells his son to stay away from redheads, not to plant pine trees in the meadow, not to trust a woman's secrets; the son planted a pine tree, hired a red servant; to test his wife, he asked a beggar sit in the cellar for 24 hours, told his wife that he killed a man while hunting; the wife told her friend; the rumor reached the judge, the man was being led to the gallows; not to find the hangman; the red-haired servant offers to lift the owner on planted in that pine tree; the man orders to bring the beggar, tells everything; cut down a pine tree, drove the servant away, beat his wife]: Malinovskaya 2002:214-217; Aragon [the owner does not pay money to the employee three times, but gives advice; follow the path rather than the road, not be curious, think twice about what to do if you are angry; by following advice, a person avoids dangers on the way home and does not commit reckless actions upon return; it turned out that the owner also paid with money, putting it in bread intended for the worker's wife]: González Sanz 1996, No. 910B: 102; Corsicans [leaving pregnant wife, husband went to work and served Solomon for 25 years; when leaving, asked for advice; S. took him 100 francs for each; 1) do not go on a good road; 2) do not interfere in other people's affairs; 3) angry in the evening, wait until morning; S. quietly placed the received 300 francs inside the bread, gave it to the worker and ordered the bread to be cut only when he returned home to his wife; the man met another, they went together; he offered to shorten the road, but the man remembered the first advice; the companion did not have time to go far when he was shot; in the house where the man was staying, he was served soup in his skull, and the owner began to beat his wife; seeing that the guest does not interfere, the host thank him and said that now his wife is disgraced (libérée); when he comes to his house, the man sees his wife dressing the young priest; he goes to a tavern and asks people; it turned out that his wife raised a worthy son who would celebrate mass for the first time; when the bread was cut, there was money in it]: Massignon 1984, No. 62:140-142; Sardinians [the owner of the shoe shop saw a corpse at his door; frightened, decided to leave and hired an owner named Solomon; after 20 years he decided to receive a salary and return; S. offered him instead three tips for money: do not turn from the old expensive to the new one; do not poke into other people's affairs; put your anger aside until tomorrow; S. gave a cake goodbye, telling you to cut it when the person is at home at the family table; on the way home, a man joined a group of wanderers; they turned to the side road, but he refused; the robbers killed those who turned; at nightfall, the man saw a lonely house, knocked; saw When the owner opened the underground, a blind woman came out, he poured soup into her skull and gave her a cane instead of a spoon; she ate and returned to the underground; when asked by the owner what the guest thought about it, the man replied, that it is not his business; master: my ex-wife eats from her lover's skull with the cane with which I picked her eyes; the man again replied that it was not for him to judge; master: I kill those who answer me otherwise; When he reached the house and looked out the window, the man saw his wife with the young man; he grabbed his gun, but took his time, went to ask the neighbors; they replied that the woman was happy - her son had returned from seminary and celebrated the first mass; when the cake was cut, it included a three-year salary]: Calvino 1984, No. 192:687-689; Italians (Basilicata): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 910B: 230-231; Catalans [the person received three tips: not to go off the road to shorten the path; not to interfere in other people's affairs; to think twice before doing an act; thanks to these tips, he did not fall into the hands of robbers, got the money, but when he returned home, he did not kill his son, whom he first took for his wife's lover]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 910B: 180; Maltese [when dying, the father advises his son 1) not to adopt anyone, 2) not to take anyone a policeman as a godchild, 3) do not trust his wife's secrets; a young man marries a widow with a son; kills a person or pretends to kill, and tells his wife about it; after a quarrel with her husband, she reports husband to a police godson; a man sentenced to hang and only an adopted son is ready to be an executed man; (a person is saved)]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 911*: 342-343; Portuguese: Braga 2002 []: 320-322; Shishlova 1971 [a soldier gives an old man his savings in exchange for advice; 1) walk not on the path, but on the highway; 2) do not spend the night in the same house as a rich man; 3) do not judge people by first impression; wife the old man gives a cake; a mule driver walks along the path, the soldier does not turn off the road, the driver is robbed; in the tavern, the rich man offers company, the soldier refused; at night the rich man was robbed and killed; looking into house, the soldier sees a stranger; it turned out to be his wife's brother; the pie contained the money that the soldier gave to the old man for advice]: 173-175; Galicians [the man went to look for work; after working, agreed that the owner should give him not money, but three tips; think three times before doing it; do not turn to the side road; do not go into other people's affairs; the owner also gave a loaf of bread, telling him to cut it into returning home; the man joined a group of travelers, refused to take them to the side road; the travelers were attacked by wolves, leaving only the horseshoes of mules; the man spent the night in the house; opened hatch, someone overgrown got out of there, ate and returned; skulls were visible in the dungeon; in the morning the man was told that they belonged to the questioners; the man continued his journey; when he reached home, I saw a wife and a young priest in the window; wanted to kill them, but he restrained himself; found out from the neighbors that the woman in this house had raised one son, he became a priest, now he came to his mother; when he knocked, the priest insisted that the wanderer be fed; he was given the portion that was always prepared for the family's absent father; the man admitted that this was him; the owner of the bread contained gold]: Contos 1972, No. 1:11-13; Sicilians [when letting the employee go home, the abbot asks if he wants money or three advice for his work; the employee chooses advice; when moving from the old road to the new one, you will meet with unforeseen problems; try to see more and talk less; think first and then do; the companions offered to take a short path, the man refused; soon heard shots - this is the companions were killed by robbers; a man was served at the inn; the man noticed in time, but did not eat or ask; the owner: those who asked were fried themselves; at home he sees his wife, and with her a young priest; he is ready to rush at him, but he restrains himself and realizes that it is his son; he broke the loaf given by the abbot, it contained money]: Crane 1885, No. 41:157-159; Ladins: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 19 [after serving for the owner for 7 years, the poor man was rewarded with a loaf of bread and three tips: never get angry, don't leave the main road, don't be angry; at the inn he was served food in a human skull; the man wanted to be angry, but kept silent; in the morning the owner released all the prisoners from the basement: they were dissatisfied with his dishes made of skulls and bones; the man went then along with the released; they decided to shorten the way to the city by turning into a country road, but the man refused to follow them; in the city they found out that his companions had been robbed and killed; when they reached home and looked Through the window, the man saw a young man kissing his wife; he wanted to kill the young man, but he restrained himself; he learned from the neighbors that he was his son, who had studied to be a priest: tomorrow he had his first mass; when he entered his house, the person allowed the loaf given to him: gold and gems inside]: 68-70; Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 56 [the man has been working for the owner for many years; he asks if he wants a salary as a reward or three tips; the person chose advice; do not go off the highway to the path; do not stick your nose into other people's affairs; deal with anger; the owner gave a loaf on the road, but it only needs to be cut at home; the companions turned to the path, and the man went down the road; the inn is not surprised when the owner takes an old man out of the closet; in the morning the owner brought the man to the cellar: if you turned off the path or started asking questions, then your head would be among those you see; when you get home, a man sees a wife with a young man; he restrained himself, and in the morning it turned out that it was his son - he became a priest; inside the loaf were gold coins]: 302-304.

Western Europe. Scots, English, Flemish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 910A: 528-530; Irish [the person gets three tips, follows them, and understands their value]: Jackson 1936, No. 910B: 289 ; friezes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 910B: 530-531; Germans [15th century manuscript, published by Pfeifer in 1858; father gives two tips: not to miss the impoverishment in the church and to sympathize with the joys and sorrows who will serve; a young man has been hired; another servant named Krasny accused him of taking care of the mistress: he is cheerful when she is cheerful, and sad when sad; the master sent the young man to the place where it was supposed to be burned; but the young man went to church on the way; Krasny went to find out if the young man had been killed and thrown into the furnace himself]: Buslaev in Sumtsov 1894:18; the French [leaving his wife and children at home, the man went to earn money; the fortuneteller advises: do not turn off the highway trying to shorten the path; do not show surprise in someone else's house; do not succumb to anger or take revenge without thinking; earning nothing, a person turned home; three more people like him were walking with him; they turned onto the path to the inn, but the man kept walking along the road; ordered dinner at the inn, but there were no companions; reported that their robbers killed; the man went on and stopped at the castle; the owner has two heads, three eyes and iron legs; during dinner, the owner let the beautiful woman out of the dresser, who drank wine not from a glass, but from human skull; then locked again; when leaving, the person asks how much he owes; master: nothing; I killed everyone who was curious; this woman is my wife, and the skull is her lover who I killed; When approaching the house, a man sees his wife hugging a young abbot; grabs a gun, but first asks his neighbors what kind of people there are; he is told that they are mother and son; she raised children with dignity alone; the man ran home, reunited with his family]: Tenèze, Bru 2000, No. 910B: 107-109.

Western Asia. Arabic Written Tradition (One Thousand and One Nights) ["The Story of Ali Shar and Zumurrud"; Father Ali-Sharu's dying covenant: not to communicate with those who want harm, do good, save money, consult with the elders, do not drink wine; A. spends all the money; joins the circle of those who buy the slave Zumurrud; she is offered to choose a buyer from the circle, everyone is ugly; Z. chooses A., gives him money for his ransom; A. sells On the market, the beautiful curtains that Z. sews, she warns not to sell them to a passerby; a Christian buys for twice as much; follows A., breaks into his house, drinks A. with a potion, takes the keys to the house to an old brother who did not get Z. at the auction; the old man beats Z., tells him to give up true faith; the old woman helps A. find Z.; finds the old man's house when he hears Z.'s moans; convinces the slaves do not beat Z.; A. must take Z. at midnight, falls asleep; the robber puts on his turban, Z. goes down to the robber, who brings Z. to the cave to his mother; Z. searches in her head, she falls asleep; Z. dresses in men's clothing, enters the city with a bag of gold, becomes a sultan (the former is dead, the person who came along this road is chosen as the new one); Z. Sultan arranges a feast every first day of the month; for a feast That Christian comes, his skin is peeled off and stuffed with straw, his insides are burned; the same is true with the robber and the old man; when A. comes, Z. tells him to rub her legs above the knee at night, so reveals himself; Z. orders to choose a governor before his return, leaves with A.]: Salle 2010 (1), night 308-327:961-992; Arameans [the merchant's wooden elbow (i.e. ruler) broke; he told his wife wait for him for 7 years and went on a journey; he hired a merchant for 7 years; with him, the dried vineyard blossomed, the merchant paid generously; at the bazaar he bought three tips for three gold: patience saves from trouble; not let's take control of ourselves with anger; what they like suits everyone; when they get home, I saw through the window that someone was sleeping with his wife; I wanted to shoot my wife and lover, but still knocked first; they went out to meet him wife and two twin sons born to her; the broken elbow is intact again; the merchant learns that the sultan is calling people to answer his question; losers are executed, a tower of skulls has already been built; next to him a girl and a frog with the sultan; the sultan asks which one is more beautiful; merchant: what he likes suits everyone; after this report, the spell fell and the frog turned into a girl; the king appointed a merchant vizier and married a former frog; {the advice about patience is not directly used in the plot}]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:332-338; Syrian Arabs [the shepherd hired to herd camels; for this he received a year camel; when he was three, went home; the sheikh sells him three tips in exchange for camels; 1) don't sleep between two; 2) don't sleep in the valley; 3) it's better to be furious than repent when to sleep you go to bed; on the way, two invited the shepherd to sleep together; when they lay down, the shepherd got up and lay aside; in the morning it turned out that they had stabbed each other, believing that they were stabbing daggers into the one lying between them shepherd; he got the robbers' camel loaded with treasures; the next time he spent the night with the caravan, but did not lie at the bottom of the wadi, where the others were, but on a hill; at night the wadi was filled with water, the caravans drowned, and the shepherd went to a hundred camels of their caravan with goods; when he looked into his house, the shepherd saw his wife, and a young man next to her; wanted to kill them, but remembered the third advice; in the morning it turned out that this is his grown-up son]: Abu Risha 2015:84-87; Iraqi Arabs: Bushnaq 1987 [When he dies, the father tells Ali not to trust secrets to his wife, not to make friends with the prince's servant, not to take a wife from those who richer than you; Ali acted his own way; gave his sister for a wealthy cattle owner; fraternized with a vizier; but decided to check his father's advice; stole the Sultan's hand gazelle, stabbed and killed a lamb, and his wife said that he had stabbed the gazelle; once he quarreled with her, she reported it, and the vizier came for him and said that he had never fraternized with him; the Sultan demanded 50 camels from Ali, or executed him three days later; the sister's husband refused to give camels; but the older sister's poor boom clicked a cry and each of his relatives brought a camel; Ali brought the Sultan and 50 camels, and the gazelle, spoke about everything; the sultan Ali returned camels with a load of gold; Ali appreciated his father's wisdom]: 289-291; Yaremenko 1990, No. 7 [Gazman helped the old man for three days; received three advice; 1) don't tell anyone "You are ugly"; 2) remember that everything your master; 3) if he is angry, count to a hundred and then make a decision; on the way back, the monster took him into the cave, fed him and asked if it was beautiful; G.: I did not see you more elegant; the monster became a young man and the frog sitting next to her was a girl; they were bewitched by a witch; the young man gave G. a jug of gold; G. went with the other travelers, who began to grab a horse with a golden saddle that had come running; G.: don't take it, everything his master; a man with a dagger came, took the saddle, took those who took him to prison; at home G. saw his wife with someone else; it turned out to be her sister; everything is fine]: 47-50; mehri [father advises son: marry to the girl of his tribe, albeit poor; the son married a girl from another tribe, and passed off his sister as a man from his own; came to live in the place where the Sultan lived; hid the Sultan's goat and told his mother Do not say that, otherwise the goat would be stolen; told his mother that he had allegedly killed the Sultan's goat, ordered not to tell anyone; the sultan wanted goat meat; his mother-in-law came to the boy's mother; she said that her son killed a goat Sultan; sultan to a young man: if you do not bring my goat, I will execute; my wife's relative did not help, and my sister's husband helped, gave 30 cows in return for the goat; the young man brought both a goat and cows to the Sultan; the sultan praised him]: Hein, Mü ller 1909, No. 32:80-84; Emirates [when dying, the father tells his son not to pass off three sisters as outsiders and not to trust either a woman or an illegitimate person; but the son gave two sisters for relatives, and the third for a stranger, and also adopted a boy found on the road; wanting to see if his father was right, the man stole and hid the sheikh's sheep, bought meat and told his wife that it was the meat of the stolen sheep; the old woman promised the sheikh to figure it out; cut her finger and went home to ask for fat to lubricate the wound; that man's wife gave fat and told me where he came from; the adopter volunteered to bring his stepfather to the sheikh, and he sentenced a man fined 10 camels; the man went to his brothers-in-law to ask for camels; the stranger gave one patient and the other two; after that, the man brought the sheep and told the sheikh everything; two brothers-in-law a man returned camels loaded with flour and dates, and a third wanted to take better care of the cattle]: Taibah, MacDonald 2016:58-69; Palestinians, Syria, Jordan, Qatar : El-Shami 2004, No. 910B, 910B1:570-571; Lebanon: Uther 2004 (4), No. 910A: 530; Bahrain: El-Shami 2004, No. 311:579-580; Saudia [Muhammad instructs son Said; stay away from the Sultan; do not trust secrets to a woman; marry a girl from a noble family; S. decided to find out if this is so; went to the service of the Sultan and married a random girl of low origin; stole Sultan's favorite ostrich, ate it with friends, and took the fat and skin to her mother, telling her to remain silent; on the instructions of the Sultan, the old woman goes home trying to identify the thief; her daughter allegedly dies - she needs ostrich fat; mother C . gave; the Sultan sentenced Said to life imprisonment or a ransom of one hundred camels; the father's relatives gave camels as much as they could, and his wife's relatives refused S.; the mother gave a bag of gold: father bequeathed to give if a real disaster happens]: Juhaiman 1999:144-147; Saudia [the brushwood seller earned 3 coins (millimetres); one gave to the beggar for advice: leave today's anger until tomorrow; After living in a wonderful city for a long time, he returned home and saw his wife talking to a man like himself through the crack; he thought it was a werewolf, but remembered the advice and continued to listen; man turned out to be his son]: Juhayman 1999:72-74.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [when he dies, the father gives his son two tips: not to trust his wife's secrets until she gives you 10 children; not to hang out with the light-eyed man; the son got married, made friends who had different eyes - blue, yellow, brown, black; was going to reveal all the secrets to his wife after the birth of his first child, but still decided to test it first; brought a slaughtered pig in a bag made of pants and said to his wife who killed a man; one day they quarreled and his wife reported him; five friends came to visit him in prison; four said it was his own fault, and the fifth, who had eyes the same color as his father He considered a man to be the best, gave silver by weight to a person and he was released; he told everything; the ruler made man one of his chief officials]: Shelton 1925, No. 28:114-116; Tibetans (Sichuan) [the llama spent the night with the butcher; at night he hears the llama go through the rosary; repents that he led the life of a butcher, asks the llama how to atone for sin; the llama gives advice: 1) not to kill a motley pig, 2) not to burn zandan tree (sandalwood), 3) do not eat Garide's bird eggs, do not sit on the royal throne; the butcher refused to slaughter the woman's motley pig; when the king needed herbs from a distant land to heal his daughter, the offended woman advised me to call the butcher; the king gave him two guides; when they reached the place, they made a fire made of Zandan wood, began to eat Garide's eggs, but the butcher refused; the whirlwind took those people away, and Garide carried the butcher back to the king; the princess recovered, the king wanted to give half his kingdom to the butcher, but he refused; the king ordered to make a copper tiger, put the butcher inside, and make a fire under the tiger, take around the palace; when they opened the image of Seb Dorzhi inside; the king also wanted to become a burkhan, ordered him to be treated the same way, burned down]: Potanin 1912, No. 2:424-426 (=Komissarov 1997:76-78); The Mustang [king of the lower valley and the king of the upper valley agreed that if they have children of different sexes, they should marry; the king of the lower valley had a son, Goa Patara ("big head"), and the upper king is a daughter, but the GP's father died, and they decided to give the princess for another; the mother gave the GP money, he met an old man, bought three sayings from him; 1) the staircase is not good, the tree is rotten; 2) I came, let others will be quiet; 3) deer and doe are hunted in the mountains, this will have to stop; GP comes to the princess's wedding, each of the sayings is said three times; they are understood in the sense that the princess must be given GP; former fiancé gets expelled, GP marries a princess]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 11:79-81.

Burma - Indochina. Karen: Zapadova 1977 [the old man complains to the storyteller that all his money has been stolen; he tells a story in response; the sage tells three students to complete each case and remember" huge hair, long legs, the name is Akhaley"; no one remembered this phrase in its entirety, the first remembered the legs, the second about the hair, the third "Akhaley"; they began to look for a treasure in the clearing; two were desperate, the third kept digging and finding gold; they carried a pot of gold, spent the night on the outskirts of the village, took turns guarding; the watchman fell asleep, and when he woke up, the pot was gone; then the three of them remembered the whole phrase they found such a man in the village, he admitted that they gave him a quarter of the gold; but the old man never found his money]: 133-136; Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 177 [the poor man sold his wife and son, earned money, went to buy his wife, along the way, nat gave him 5 tips: do not go in the forest without a fellow traveler; do not sleep alone in a roadside house; when you go to rest, do not sleep, but think; do not swim near the highway; if thought of an important thing, take your time, think it over; the poor man caught a crab, fell asleep in a roadside gazebo; the crow's wife asked her husband to kill the poor man to peck his eyes; the raven asked the cobra to sting the sleeper, but the crab pinched him, he woke up, escaped; released the crab (it was his companion); decided to follow the advice he had received; did not sleep in a roadside house, but waited with a knife in his hands; who took shape Bilu's people were frightened, they did not kill the man, but left him gold; the poor man did not swim by the road, otherwise his bag of jewelry would have been stolen; when he returned home, he did not immediately throw himself at the young man with a knife, who slept near his wife - it turned out to be his grown-up son]: 478-481; Arakan people [the peasant went to work and worked for 16 years; he bought three tips from the monk with the money he earned: 1) don't go on the road without a friend; when staying for the night, look around carefully; 3) do not let anger run wild; the peasant saw a spider and took it as a friend; spent the night in a tree, and the spider got out and crawled down; in the morning a peasant saw that a shepherd bit a poisonous snake and thus saved him; the next time the peasant spent the night in the house, but looked closely and noticed something was amiss; began to pray; the girl was cannibal, but not caused harm and gave gold; when he got home, the peasant saw his wife through the window and a boyfriend next to her; began to break through the door, but it turned out that it was his grown son; everything is fine]: Zapadova 1977:91-95; mona [the rich man does not like his poor son-in-law; gives his daughter money; the son-in-law went to buy goods with them, but bought three tips from the old man: 1) do nothing in a fit of anger; 2) you will not die whenever you want, but when God wants; 3) let hatred for your neighbor not blind you; the rich man wants to buy truths at double the price, but when he recognizes them, he expels his son-in-law and daughter; they ran away with the money; from grief, in a fit of fury, the rich man rushed into the river, but he was pulled out; he thought he should not have rushed; that he wanted to die but could not; why hate his son-in-law if he was hard-working and kind; the rich man ordered his daughter and son-in-law to be called back]: Zapadova 1977:188 -191; lao [the poor boy and two friends went to Tuck Kasula ("the city of wisdom"); they had gold with them and his mother could only give him two of her hairs, which he sealed in wax; friends they stopped for the night, the chicken took away the hairs, the young man demanded chicken for them; elsewhere, the elephant stepped on the chicken, the young man received an elephant in exchange; stopped with him under a tree and heard advice, which his friends bought for gold: if you want to know, go to bed, if you want to see, go and see; the young man sold advice to the judge for gold; he went to bed and heard his four wives prepare for him to betray and kill; he shackled them; went to watch the servants at work; one of them, without recognizing his master, said that he had stolen his property, but had broken his fingernail and was now looking for it, for if the fingernail remained on the ground, misfortune awaits the owner; found a fingernail; the judge forgave him]: Fleeson 1898:115-118; Khmers [when the two brothers finished their studies at the monastery, the monk told the elder to go to China, where he would become important tangerine; he gave the youngest three tips: 1) if everyone is tired, but should be on the lookout, don't sleep yourself; 2) when you get married, watch your mother-in-law; 3) do not reveal secrets to your wife; if you follow these rules you will become the ruler of the two kingdoms; the youngest married, lived in poverty; when he learned that the elder had indeed become a court mandarin, he asked the ship captain to take him to China; there he came to the mandarin palace, but his wife ordered the beggar to be shackled in chains; when the mandarin returned, he gave his brother new pants and fed him; when he learned from the soothsayer that his brother would really become the ruler of the two kingdoms, he gave him a piece that was not too much valuable matter and sent him away; his younger brother was offended; returning by ship, he remembered the advice not to sleep; at night a cannibal flew in, his younger brother grabbed him by the mustache; he asked him to let him go, gave him a gift a rope (she binds herself), a baton (she hits himself), a pot (any food in it); in the morning, the younger brother told the captain everything; he brought him to the island and asked him to get the fruit from the tree; he swam away, taking him with him wonderful objects; the abandoned man saw a pig coming on the water; spit out the crystal that allowed him to walk fast on the water, began to eat fruits; the man began to throw fruits further and further from the tree; when the pig walked away, went down, took the crystal, went on the water and caught up with the ship; asked the captain to give him those items - he would tie them into one bag and return them; after receiving the items, he ran away on the water and returned on the same day home; his wife has a lover; she insisted that her husband tell her everything; he said about the wonderful objects he buried at the stairs leading to the house; the lover heard everything, took the objects; the husband brought them to the judge the stairs, accusing her of stealing objects; then he came to the king; he believed the man, gave the cloth to make clothes and told her to give it to his wife; when the holiday was, do not come by himself, but let the wife come with whoever he wants; the lover was identified by this matter, he confessed everything, returned the kidnapped; the man asked for forgiveness of the perpetrators - let them marry; the king offered the man a crown and daughter in exchange for items , but he only asked for a large iron knife used by basket makers; since then his name has been Mr. Basket Knife; he came to another kingdom, lived with a merchant, he fell in love with him; local the king was looking for someone to entrust the kingdom; left a silk-lined bed in the treasury and ordered a feast next to him; each of the candidates remained to guard the treasures, while the king himself watched the candidate; everyone feasted and then went to bed, did not guard; everyone was beheaded; when it was the merchant's turn, the Knife volunteered to go in his place; when the king appeared secretly, the Knife pretended not to recognize him, chased the "thief", stabbed him with his knife, deliberately aiming not at the king, but at the pillars of the throne room, behind which he was hiding; the king named himself; when they left the hall, the roof collapsed; the next day The knife was found; seeing how the Knife cut seven boards with his knife with one blow, the king appointed him heir, ordered the merchant to marry him over his daughter; dying, the king also gave Knife his daughter and throne; he inflicted a visit to the king, from whom he once asked for his knife; the king was old and also handed him a daughter and kingdom; the knife sent for his older brother to China, made him chief minister]: Milne 1972:27-46.

South Asia. Kashmiris: Knowles 1885 [the man asked the king to buy his advice for a hundred rupees; he agreed; every night before going to bed, you have to repeat three times, "He digs a deep well, but in fact he robs the king "; the minister dug an underground passage from his house to the royal bedroom, intending to kill the king; when he was about to dismantle the small remaining bridge, he heard the king's words, thought he was exposed (and refused from his plan)]: 209; 1888 [after leaving his parents and wife, the young brahmana went begging; the king hired him; the wife came and said that there was nothing to eat; he wrote 4 tips and ordered them to be sold; she sent a paper to the king; he ordered the brahmana to be beaten and driven away; then she met the king's son, who bought advice; for this, the king drove him away; 1) don't sleep in an unfamiliar place; the prince stayed at the robbers' house; not sleeps, snatches the sword from the hand of the girl who threw herself at him; tells her how the king's favorite parrot asked for time off for his son's wedding, brought two tree shoots; one tree makes him young and the other old; the hurricane broke off the branches, the snake hiding under them poisoned the leaves; the king gave fruit to the dog, it died; the king killed the dog; a year later the old man ate the fruit and became younger" the king regretted that he had killed the parrot; the next the night is the same, the prince talks about a merchant who borrowed money and gave his dog to another; the dog found property stolen by thieves; the owner grateful for the dog wrote a note: forgives the debt and gives more; the first merchant did not look and killed the dog, thinking that the second sent her to demand a debt; the girl says that now her father will kill her because she did not kill the prince; runs away with him; he becomes a yogi; 2) if you come to a married sister rich, she will accept him with honor, and if poor, she will not recognize him; the king's sick wife {i.e. the prince's sister, did she not recognize him?} came, healed, lost his necklace; the necklace was found, the king wanted to execute yoga, but he fled; the potter says that the princess takes husbands, everyone is dead in the morning; now it is the turn of the potter's son; prince Instead, a young man comes; at night two snakes crawled out of the girl's nostrils, he killed them; the king gave him his daughter, made him an heir; at the head of the motorcade he arrives to his sister, reproaches her; arrives at his parents they are blind with grief; the king realizes how wrong he was in rejecting the brahman's advice]: 32-41; sindhi [the son of the deceased merchant takes 500 coins, goes on a journey; buys 5 simple tips from the dervish; 1) travel with a companion; 2) stay in an unfamiliar house, be on the lookout; 3) when going to bed, try this place with your foot first; 4) do not talk to strangers; 5) do not act in a fit of anger; in In a deserted place, a young man picks up a hedgehog - this is his companion; spends the night in a tree, tying a hedgehog below, that night he kills poisonous snakes; in the city, a young man stays with an old woman; she cries and laughs; to someone who will cure his sick daughter, the king will give her and half the kingdom, the losers are hung; no one can heal, it is the turn of the old woman's grandson; the young man is called to go instead of him; the young man remembers the advice to be on the lookout at night; rat: there is a snake in the princess's belly; the snake: the rat itself sits on a pile of treasures, she needs to pour buffalo fat into the hole; the young man returns to the old woman, who gives medicine, the snake comes out of the princess's belly piece by piece, she recovers; a young man marries a princess, pulls out a rat's treasures; envious courtiers build a palace with a hidden well, disguise the hole, put a bed there; the young man tries first with his foot, the bed fails; the king drives away the perpetrators; the young man asks permission to visit his homeland; he met a woman who asked her to take it; the young man remembered the advice not to trust strangers, went on; followed him the traveler took the woman; the horsemen jumped up and cut him to pieces; it was the prince's daughter, who had run away from home, who was forcibly married; at home the young man found his wife and a boy; he wanted to kill them, but restrained himself , and the mother said it was his son; the young man took his first family, returned to the princess's father, inherited the throne]: Schimmel 1995, No. 3:29-36; Punjabi [Prince Ram Singh quarreling with his stepmother, leaves travel; the old guru gives advice to: 1) obey unquestioningly to who you serve; 2) not to talk badly about anyone; 3) not to lie; 4) not to try to portray yourself as equal to those who are taller than you; 5) if someone is reading a holy book or preaching, stop and listen; in the city, the prince was hired as a vizier's bodyguard; the Raja, along with the vizier and his entire entourage, went on a journey; they found themselves in waterless country; the old man says there is a well, but it has evil spirits; the vizier tells RS to go down there; a giant appeared and, pointing to a pile of bones, asked what the mortal thought of my sweet wife; RS: I I think it's impossible to find another one; the giant was happy and said that RS is the first to have eyes; the rest had to be killed; asks what reward the young man wants; RS: allow all people use the well; RS then became close to the Raja himself and the treasury keeper; Raja's brother, making plans for his removal from power, offered RS his daughter; he hoped to take possession of the treasures; RS remembered that you should not be equal to those above you, refused; then brother told Raja that RS insulted him and his daughter; Raja ordered RS to be executed; sent soldiers to a tower outside town; must be killed whoever comes to ask when the construction will be completed; in the morning, the Raja sent RS with this question; he heard a sermon in the temple and stayed to listen; Raja's brother, disguised himself, went to the tower and saw there only builders and a few warriors and asked when the tower would be finished; he was beheaded, Raja was brought; he found out the truth, raised RS again; RS lived a happy life]: Lang 2009:74-78; himachali plowmen [the king gave his son 300 rupees and sent him into exile; the sadhu promises advice for 100 rupees; the prince agrees; "Do not lie on someone else's bed without cleaning it (without proper dusting)"; the remaining money the prince gave for two more tips; "Don't eat where you don't know the audience"; "Only the rich have relatives"; the prince came to the house in the woods; there is a cannibal who took the form of an old woman; she made a bed for the guest but the prince took off the sheet to shake it; found a deep hole under the bed; killed the old woman and moved on; elsewhere, another old woman and her daughter think to poison the traveler, believing that he had money; the prince did not eat with strangers, but threw a piece of bread to the dog: she died; the prince left as soon as possible; came to the village where his sister refused to recognize him as a relative; the prince came to the city where must choose a king; the elephant knelt before the prince; the prince became king]: Seethalakshmi 1960, No. 34:100-102; Kumaoni [father bequeaths son not to share secrets with his wife, to agree with a prostitute from an upper caste, not a lower caste, with a large, not a small rich man, with a king, and not with royal servants; the man decided to test the fairness of the councils; stole and hid the royal peacock, let his wife cook a pigeon disguised as a peacock; she told the other women everything, they were going to hang her husband; a short prostitute and a rich little man took his shawl and turban, and tried to buy him tall and big; he returned peacock, told the king everything, he is happy]: Minaev 1966, No. 26:70-73; northern India, Mirzapur, Hindi [the son of a Banya man (merchants, money changers) went on a journey; sadhu gave him three advice: take at least some companion on the road; if there are three roads, do not follow the middle road; seeing even a luxurious ottoman, he does not sit down without trying it with his hand or stick; the young man caught a crab and hid it in his turban; fell asleep under a tree where two friends, a snake and a crow, lived; the snake bit the young man, and the crow tried to peck his eye out; then the club grabbed her throat with its claw and let her go only after she asked the snake to suck the poison; the young man killed the snake and the crow and came to the sea; the crab dived and brought two gems; the young man made an incision in his thigh and hid them there from thieves; the crab stayed at sea, and the young man came to the witch; she has 7 sons and a daughter; she offered to run, otherwise his mother and brothers would eat him; she mistakenly chose a slow elephant rather than a fast one; when they saw the upcoming chase, the fugitives hid in the thicket, and when the pursuers began looking for them, sat on their elephant and disappeared from sight; when his second wife returned to his first wife's house, the young man gave her gems; but she gave them them and those that had entered the house earlier Jeweler lover; the young man's father then fell ill; the new wife pretended to be a dancer, lured the jeweler with the jeweler and brought it to his father-in-law; he recovered; the young man executed his first wife and healed with the second]: Crooke 1895, No. 625:212-213; Rajastans [poor brahmana's wife reproaches: without money, she would find some source of livelihood; the brahman left home; ended up in the forest; there the garden, where the ascetic, the brahmana remains to serve him; the ascetic asks what he would like to receive for his labors; the brahmana talks about his daughter; the ascetic gives him the paper, tells him to sell it in the city for the amount necessary for weddings, but no more; the paper says: the sister loves her brother when everything is fine, and the brother's brother loves in all circumstances; if the wife is with her parents, the husband has no power over her; lives only struggling, but the sleeper consider himself dead; happy is the one who can restrain himself; the brahman sold the paper to the merchant's son for 200 rupees and gave his daughter]: Grierson 1908:215; Santals: Bodding 1929:323-337; Bompas 1909:53-56; ho [the youngest of the two princes does not study well, the king kicked him out; he met a hermit, questioned him, the hermit said his words cost money; 1) don't travel without a fellow traveler; 2) laziness brings trouble, work leads to happiness; the young man picked up a crab to have a companion; when he fell asleep, the snake was going to bite him, but the crab grabbed it with its mites; the crab woke the young man up; When he woke up, he accidentally hit him and broke his claw; regretting what had happened, put him in the water and moved on; he hired him to work in the city, three days later the king offered him the princess's hand and promised to do it heir; many married the princess, but in the morning they were found dead; the young man does not sleep, sees two snakes crawl out of the princess's nostrils; he killed them, lived with the princess, and then saw a group the workers and went with them; everyone was given a handful of grain, but the young man did not take it and said that his share would be delivered to him on the back of an elephant; the local king: if this is true, you will receive half the kingdom; his wife came on an elephant and brought food; prince and his wife began to live there]: Halder 1916, No. 15:291-293; oriya: Kudinova, Kudinov 1995 [lazy and poor brahman Harihar decided to listen to the hermit's advice: work like a pariah; eat like a Raja; don't tell the truth to women; don't lie to the king; H. undertook to bury a man of an unknown caste; gold coins fell out of the dead man's hair on the funeral fire; the wife seeks to know how H. became rich, to tell a friend; he lies: if you eat two types of fruit, gold will fall out of his mouth; a friend's husband died from poisoned fruits; H. told Raja everything, he did not condemn him]: 272-277; Tauscher 1959 , No. 26 [the man has both legs paralyzed; he called the other two to help him make the wattle fence; he can't reach it taller, they hold him, and he weaves him; the rich passerby laughs: it would be easier if the two themselves worked; the paralyzed says he knows best how to offer to buy three tips for 3,000 rupees; don't let go of the vessel you hold in your hand; eat before you go, and when you go, take your time; don't tell others what you've heard; promises a refund if the person who bought it doesn't resell these tips for a high price; the king bought them for 4000 rupees; when he took water out of the well, on a jug the serpent lay; the king did not let go of the jug and the servant killed the snake; they came to another king and the one who came was going to kidnap that daughter; the local king ordered that whoever came be thrown into boiling oil; the cook persuaded the king first eat and go slowly; the local minister went, thrown into oil; the son of another minister ran away with the king's daughter; the king learned about this from the cook, but did not say anything to the local king and was released], 77 (dombo) []: 62-65, 149-152; Tamils [an elderly brahman regularly comes to the king to show respect; the king sends him to his bedroom to bring a sword, and the brahman finds the queen with the vizier there; leaves silently; the queen tells her husband that the brahmana attempted on her life and demands his execution; the king tells the servants to prepare a pot of boiling oil and throw someone into it who comes in the morning to ask if everything has been done. In the morning, the brahmana went where the king told him, but a friend invited him to eat breakfast; and the brahmana's father told him never to skip the morning meal; at that time the minister came to the torturers and asked if everything had been done , he was cooked in oil; when the brahmana came with the same question, the torturers ordered him to tell the king that the order had been carried out; the king ordered his wife to be hanged and appointed a brahman as minister]: Natesa Sastri 1884-1888, No. 15: 185-182; Sinhalese [the prince did not learn to read and write, his father wanted to execute him, but his mother sent him away; in one village, a dying astrologer gave advice: see if the chair was strong in someone else's house; not eat immediately, give a piece to an animal; don't sleep in a dangerous place; don't believe what they say; the prince stayed in one house, put a chair above the trap pit, he did not sit on it; in another house, the prince gave a piece to the dog and the cat was dead; the prince came to another king, who married him off his daughter, but warned that the previous suitors had been found dead in the morning; the prince did not fall asleep, saw a cobra coming down from the ceiling, and hacked it down; The tsar sent his son-in-law to war; 12 years later he returned, saw a young man next to his wife, but did not kill him; it turned out to be his son; father-in-law handed over the crown to his son-in-law]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 82:186-187; Oraons [ a person receives advice (it is not said from whom): do not travel alone; when you are going to sit, see where you are sitting; look carefully at an unfamiliar place; a person goes on a journey, picks up a crab - let he will be a companion; when he sleeps in the forest, a snake crawls to bite him, a crab grabs her neck, kills her; a man comes to the robbers, sits not in the middle, but on the edge; not him, but the robbers fall into a prepared trap pit; he wants to cook food, goes to buy a pot, the potter is in mourning: today it is his son's turn to become the princess's husband, all the grooms die on their wedding night; the man goes instead of the son potter; at night he sees a snake crawl out of the princess's mouth; he kills her, gets the princess as his wife, returns home with her]: Hahn 1906, No. 38:71-73; muria [for a pot of money, the beggar gives advice to the widow's son: don't go to the bazaar without taking a cowrie; don't travel without a companion; then go to the rice field and marry a princess; then the second, third beggar gives the same advice for the same money; mother beat her son and he left; took a crab as a companion; went to bed under a tree where the crow lived; when someone came, she croaked, a snake living in a hole crawled out and killed the traveler; the snake bit the young man, the crow came down to peck at him, but the crab grabbed her leg with its claw; the crow asked the snake to revive the young man, otherwise he would die; the snake sucked the poison, the crab grabbed her second claw; the young man killed the snake with its tail and a head; killed a crow with one wing, one leg and head; hired to work in a merchant's rice field; Raja promised a daughter to whoever killed a snake; a syphilitic sweeper found the body of a snake, demanded a princess; a young man showed trophies, received the princess, the sweeper was executed; the young man came to the merchant's field, who scolded him; he replied that Raja's daughter would now bring him lunch; the merchant promised to kill him, if not it will happen, and give everything she has if the princess appears; the princess came on an elephant; the young man dressed in the clothes of a merchant, drove him away; the merchant sent murderers, but the young man joined the head and tail of the snake, she came to life and killed those who came; she also wanted to kill the young man, but he promised to honor the snake as a god and became a member of the Snake Family]: Elwin 1944, No. XXII.6:452-455.

China - Korea. Koreans (Western 1898) [Kim left his wife and went overseas; made a fortune there, decided to return home; before leaving, he came to a fortuneteller; he asked for eight thousand lan and, having received a payment, said: "Remember four things: don't go a straight road, do not walk across the pass at night, not my oil head, be afraid of the kantish, what does the measure of ragged chumiza mean"; K. went home; in one place some of his comrades began to insist go straight by sea, not circling along the coast; few, led by K., did not go, and only they escaped, because a storm struck and drowned those who sailed into the sea; when the survivors reached their homeland, they walked along on the road; evening came when they reached the pass; K. refused to go further; his companions went and were killed by robbers; entering his fanza, K. came across a barrel of oil and fell; oil spilled out to him on his head; at night, wife K.'s new husband entered the house and began to feel where the first husband's head was; K.'s hair blossomed from oil and, mistaking his head for the woman's head, the second husband killed his wife instead of him; K. accused of murder, sent to prison; a year later, the judge called him to his place and asked him to tell him everything in detail; K. spoke about the predictor's words; the judge asked if K. knew anyone the names of Kantisha; K. replied: "I know that this is my neighbor and, as it turns out, the second husband of my late wife"; the judge sent Kantisha for this and tortured him until he confessed everything; the murderer was hanged, K. released]: Garin-Mikhailovsky 1958, No. 40:515-517.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [a farmhand earned three chervonets from a blacksmith; meets two guys and their father, who understands bird language and opens his mouth only for money; a farmhand gives chervonets, receives advice; 1) in do not look for a ford in muddy water; you will see eagles curl, go look; 3) do not dare to do anything without counting to 25; the farmhand did not cross the muddy turbulent river; the merchant waded, drowned, and his horse swam out, into silver sumac; the farmhand saw eagles, came up, there were two robbers killed, chervonets nearby; when he went to the house, he sees his wife with a man; wanted to shoot, but first began to count; it turned out that the man was his son]: Klyagina-Kondratyeva 1951:96-99; Greeks (recorded in Borchalinsky County, Tifli Province) [the shepherd went to work, hired a rich man; he paid twice and gave three tips; 1) don't cross the river until you see the bottom; 2) don't ask what you don't need to know; 3) have patience; shepherd sees how merchants began to cross the deep river; the water carried away the camels, the shepherd pulled gold out of the water; stayed in the same house; there is a woman tied in the corner with her dog; wanted to ask, but he kept silent; if he asked, the owner would cut off his head; the owner's wife was attached, persuading her lover to kill him; in the house the shepherd saw his wife with a man; it turned out to be his son]: Stamboliev 1896, No. 19:104-106 (similar text in Dawson 1916:293-297); Albanians [the poor man went to work and was about to return home 18 years later; the host offered him a choice of three righteous piastres or 300 the unrighteous; the man chose the righteous, set off, even if he spent the night in the house; there is a century-old man; the owner says that every word he says is worth one piaster; man gives all three; "Do not swear God's creation"; "Do not enter muddy water"; "Put off morning anger until evening, and leave evening anger in the morning"; a man came to the well, people are sitting around; everyone who goes down is lifted up without a head; the man asked him let go down; down by the water there are two women, white and black; the man remembered the first advice and replied that both are good; black: you pretend, you like white better; man: no, you are both God's creatures; the women let the man go upstairs, water flowed from the well, and the man was given two mules loaded with gold; when he came to the overflowing river, the man did not enter the muddy water; a man with two horses loaded with gold rushed into the water and drowned; horses with luggage went to man; the water slept and he crossed to the other side; at home a man found his mother, wife and 18-year-old boy (they did not come found out); thought it was his wife's companion, but postponed the murder until morning; in the morning he heard a young man call his wife his mother; everything was clear and everything was fine]: Lambertz 1952:175-180; Serbs [middle son the poor man married an ugly girl and went on a journey the day after the wedding; was hired as an employee, and after 16 to 17 years asked the owner to calculate it; he asked if he wanted 100 ducats with with a curse or three with a blessing; a man chose a blessing; in the mountains, a man went into a house, noise and loud conversations were heard; the traveler came in; everyone was talking and one person was silent; the traveler asked why; he replied that every word he said {utterance} was worth a whole ducat; the traveler gave the ducat, and then the second; St. Thomas (it was him): Don't go into the muddy water; Don't do what you think; the traveler went to the river, but saw that it was muddy, and sat on the shore; three Turks came on horseback, the fourth horse was loaded with money; they asked the traveler to hold her while they were looking for a ford; the water carried them away, and the traveler got the loshen with the money; the next day the water came down and the traveler crossed the river; thinking about what would be needed to buy wax and start a trade, the traveler got home; his wife did not recognize him; when his son returned from work, the man mistook him for an attacker and was going to hack him with an ax; his wife cried out: This is my son! The man remembered the advice he had bought, opened himself to his wife and son and stayed with them; the son asked him for money to trade; the father gave; the son equipped and sent three ships with grain; met another ship, where two boys grabbed to death trying to kill each other, and two girls were starving; the man's son bought the girls by giving the ships full of grain; at home, his father did not reproach him; the following year, ships with salt; the son of man sailed to a kingdom where there was no salt; the king bought ships filled with salt, giving them ships with ducats; while eating, the queen noticed a stranger wearing a handkerchief belonging to her kidnapped robbers to her daughters; promised three more ducat ships if a stranger brought her daughters; he saw a naked corpse on the shore; he was told that this man had been killed for the cause, but he clothed and buried him; a bastard asked him to sail with him, trying to kill him and bring the princesses himself; on his way back to their country, the bastard threw the man into the sea telling the girls to call him his savior himself; The man thrown into the sea was picked up and brought ashore by an eagle; demanded that when the saved man became king, he should give him what he required; the saved man came to the palace when the king gave his daughter off as deceiver; in the kitchen, he threw his ring on the bowl of soup that the bride had carried; she recognized him; the deceiver was hanged; the king married the eldest daughter to the savior and made him heir; they have a son; appeared the man who demanded to fulfill the promise to give what they asked for (he was that eagle); demanded a son; the father agrees; he came: it was just a test, I am that buried dead man; it's all right, man brought his parents to live with him as well]: Eschker 1992, No. 16:84-89; Romanians [the orphan served for three years and received three guilders; on the way home he buys three tips from an old man with them; do not trust cattle to strangers; do not trust his wife; do not reveal his secrets to anyone; he sees Turks drowning in the lake; shot him, took his horse, money and clothes; returns to his master, serves again, marries; once gave the owner carries firewood with his mare with a cart; the cart is stuck, the owner beats the mare, she has a miscarriage; the man hides a dead foal; dresses up as a Turk, seduces his wife and mother-in-law with money, gives his wife drunk, takes and hides the child; mother-in-law burned down the house to say that the child burned down; gathers people, talks about everything, presents the child and foal; since then she trusts only her own relatives]: B îrlea 1966:467-468; Slovenes, Hungarians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 910B: 530-532.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Vologda, Tver, Kostroma, Voronezh, Ryazan, Tula), Ukrainians (Ugric Russia, Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Hutsulshchina , Ivano-Frankivsk, Podolia, Pokutye, Kiev, Poltava, Chernihiv), Belarusians: SUS 1979, № 910A [Mind from disasters: don't visit friends often, don't marry a girl from a distant area , do not believe the horse on the road, but the wife at home; the hero learns the wisdom of these tips from experience], 910B [Three good tips: the unfortunate marries a wise girl; sells three rugs embroidered by her for three tips; following these tips, he makes wealth overseas; when he returns, he sees his wife's good job (two fellows); remembering the third advice, he is in no hurry to punish his wife and finds out that his son (s) is well done]: 228; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [the wife asks her husband to sell the necklace; he gave it for advice: the head will not die without trial; she gave embroidery with silver, the husband gave it for God, so he elevates himself to the bottom; gold embroidery: Swing - don't hit, but call - don't lower it; after that, the husband was afraid to go home, hired the ship as a captain; the ships stopped in the middle of the sea, someone had to go down to the sea king; that man descended; sea king: the sea is rich in land; the king's wife: the land is rich in the sea; you can live on land without sea, but you can't live in the sea without land; the man asked the king to put him on his throne, judged it this way: the sea also gives He will take it for himself, but the land gives and does not take it, the land is richer than the sea; he fell asleep and woke up in his cabin: gold is around; they have come to the king; the captains give fur and think that it only has coal; it turned out that gold; the husband returned, saw two young men next to his wife, swung his sword, but did not hit; it turned out that his sons]: Balashov 1970, No. 150:401-404; Russians (Karelia, Sennogubsky Village Council, Kizhi) [ the little man could not feed himself, he went to the king, he could not judge him. The king's daughter asked the peasant if he was married and offered to marry someone. The king became angry and gave his daughter to a man without a dowry. They healed, my wife embroidered the carpet and sent it to sell it at the market. The merchant offered a choice of one hundred rubles for the carpet or the word: "Without trial, he does not die on his head and hair." The little man took the floor. The wife of the second carpet, even better, the merchant offered two hundred rubles or the word: "Bulat iron is more expensive than gold and silver", the peasant took the floor again. On the third day, three hundred rubles, but the peasant took the floor: "Swing - don't hit, go away and ask." The merchant felt sorry for the peasant and gave him ringing geese. The other merchant has six ships, no sailor for the sixth, and the man has agreed to become one. Five had different merchandise, and the sixth had a tesa. On its way, the ship stood in the middle of the sea, the sea king demanded one man to the bottom of the sea, and the merchant promised a sixth ship to agree. The man lost his first word that his hair would not die without trial, he agreed. He carved two jewels, took goose with him, came to the bottom of the sea, and then the king and queen were arguing: the tsar says that damask iron is more expensive than gold and silver, and the queen, on the contrary. They asked the man and judged that damask iron is more expensive. We decided to thank him, arranged a treat, the man played goose, and received an anchor (gem stone) as a gift. The anchor was stabbed in a box, ordered to keep it in front of him as it would rise. This is how the little man got the sixth ship. In another kingdom, gifts were received to the king, the peasant took a piece of anchor, coated it with clay, and handed it to the king through his servants. At first, he rejected the clay, but when the servants picked up a piece and saw the anchor, he treated the peasant better than the merchant who brought goods from five ships. That merchant was offended and invited the king to evaluate his five ships, and if he could not evaluate the sixth, he promised to give the peasant his five. At first, the king could not appreciate the merchant's ships, and the peasant was able and he should have returned his ship to the merchant. However, the peasant showed the king the anchor in the box, received all six ships, and became a merchant himself. Meanwhile, his wife carried three sons in one belly, "knee-length legs in gold, elbow length in silver, and a pearl on each hair on his head." She rebuilt her house, got a cow, and had an old lady as a servant. The man came back, and there was another one in place of his old house, and there was a wife with three men (sons), wanted to cut off the heads of all four with a sword, but remembered the word: "Swing, don't hit, go away and ask." I asked the old lady, who said that it was his wife and sons. The man then asked me to tell them to come ashore to meet him. So they did, were happy, invited the tsar to rest, he saw that the peasant had become a merchant and had a wedding, put a peasant in his place]: Onegin 1986, No. 6:51-57; Russians (Karelian Pomorie , Sumy Posad) [the old man's son does not want to learn a craft, came to the king to ask for money; princess: I will marry him; tsar: what came in handy, go for it; she embroidered a towel, sent him to sell it; then more twice; husband sold for three tips: go and don't be afraid; judge, don't discuss; swing, don't hit; he's ashamed to return to his wife without money, hired a sailor, sailed; ships got up; man agrees to go down to the bottom on the condition that if he returns, he will be given any of the 30 ships; at the bottom, the old people brought vodka, called him the royal son-in-law, asked what is more expensive: damask iron or gold; gold, and if there is war, then damask ; the old people are happy, they advise to ask for the last thin ship and give a box; they sailed to another king, everyone offered gifts; the man bet that his gift is the most expensive; took it from the box one pebble, he was more expensive than all the others together; got all the ships; when he returned, changed clothes with a cripple, asked his wife to spend the night, she did not recognize him; two guys came at night; man first I decided that they were lovers, but then I realized that sons; a feast for the whole world]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 51:255-261; Russians (Zaonezhye) [Under Catherine, a merchant lived in St. Petersburg with his son Dmitry, daughter and wife. He fell ill and began to count on property: a third for his wife, a third for a daughter, a third for a funeral. And my son has only three words: "Don't go by road, go to the post office." Don't go to the service who calls, but go to someone who doesn't want to. Always have a match and a candle in your pocket." The son was offended and went in the country, got lost, met two robbers, young and old, by the fire, they treated him to him and shared their prey with him too. Dmitry pretended to go to Moscow, but hid himself and began to eavesdrop. The young man was dissatisfied with the distribution of loot with D., and the old one offered to catch up with him, kill him and take everything. But they didn't find D. When D. came to Moscow, he met a young man in a nice dress who offered to work for him. D. agreed, even though he seemed to look like a young thief. We also met the old one. D. was taken to a room full of girls and offered to choose any one, he chose the one he liked. Her name was Elena. Then they went to the room with the girl. D. heard him being told not to sleep, turned around, but the girl was gone. Under the floor, 12 merchant sons were killed, one D. changed into his clothes and put him in bed, and hid himself. Two people came in, hit the body on the bed with a club, threw them into the hatch and left. D. found a secret door to the girls, they hid it. Elena said that the owner would leave on her name day, and that D. would go to her father, a merchant, and ask for service. D. did so, trading profitably all winter. On Elena's day, the owner celebrated his missing daughter's memory, and also invited that robber merchant. D. asked to invite gendarmes and told everything to the feast. The robbers were captured, D. married E.]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 37:112-115; Russians (Vologda) [father separated his son by giving one bathhouse; he complained to the Grand Duke; his daughter: marry, happiness from his wife you will get it; prince daughter: once she judged for herself, marry him; the wife weaved a fly, sent her husband to sell; the old man bought for advice: be brave and daring when dying; the same with the second fly (say, don't talk), to the third (raise}, don't lower it); my husband went on ships, they stopped at sea; he remembered that you have to be brave, went under water, they argue damn hell that in Russia silver or gold is more expensive; the person remembered that it is impossible to say words, replied: silver is more expensive for things, gold is more expensive in others, it all comes to the same thing; the devil gave a gem, and hell is priceless jar; thanks to them, the man became rich; when he returned, stayed with his mother, she did not recognize him; he went to his wife, saw two fellows next to her, raised his sword, but did not lower it; and then his mother told him: The son left and disappeared, and the wife gave birth to twins, they grew up; the man gave his sons a stone and a jar; they went to the king; he found out how rich his son-in-law had become; they began to visit each other]: Gura 1965, No. 25: 239-240; Russians (Kostroma) [husband: I know more; wife: I know three truths; husband contracted for workers; a year later owner: don't drink free wine; another year later: don't love young widows; after the third years: without hesitation, do not do business; the man went back to his wife; two people drink vodka in the pub, want to treat them; it turned out to be robbers, if he drank, the man was swept with them; the redman offered to let them down, stayed with the widow; the man stayed in the yard for the night; the widow's accomplice came, they killed the redhead to get hold of the goods; the wife met at home, a two-year-old child in her arms turned out to be a neighbor; steel live and live happily ever after]: Zimin 1920, No. 108:72-73; Russians (Vologda) [Ondron came to the tsar unhappy; he wanted to execute him, but Mary Tsarevna took him as her husband and the tsar expelled them; M. weaves carpets, O. sells; first for money, and then for three words; Where they will call and don't unsubscribe; O. did not want to go to the ship, but remembered the advice and sailed; the ships stopped; out of the water: give us a Russian man; O. did not deny it again, went down to the bottom; there are three old men there: what is more expensive - gold, silver or gems? O.: it doesn't matter in Russia; old people: here we are fools for three years, but the Russian man immediately calculated; O. picked up precious stones, got up, the ships sailed, the foreign tsar is happy with the gifts; O. loaded ships with bricks, but he put a gem in each brick; O.'s cargo turned out to be much more expensive than that of other merchants {apparently they were fighting to bet}; O. returned, two fellows next to his wife; O. remembered the third word: go up, don't put it down; did not cut; the guys woke up: hello, baby! ; the tsar found out about his son-in-law; a feast for the whole world; and I drank vodka and honey, it flowed down my mustache, but did not get into my mouth]: Sokolov, Sokolov 1920, No. 29:111-115; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [the poor man left his pregnant wife, went to look for work; he hired a gentleman for a year for a stone in the yard, but even the stone split; the old man takes the poor man for three years for three tips: do not walk across the road; do not stay in a house where old husband and young wife; leave for the morning what you want to do in the evening; after three years, the poor man has gone a long way; there is a hut in the forest, the man moans, the poor man shot in the air; 12 tweezers invited he was thirteenth, they gave him a horse and goods; came to the village; 12 spent the night where the husband was old and the wife was young, and the poor man had young spouses with children; at night he overheard how the neighbors had a young wife agreed with kill her husband with his ass, and blame the tweezers; the poor man quietly cut off a piece from his cassock; brought him to trial, acquitted the tweezers, they gave the poor man all the horses and goods; he came to his village, looked out the window his hut, his wife with a sailboat there; he decided to wait until morning; his wife came in the morning, did not find out, told me how her husband was, and now her son has grown up; her husband hugged her, everything is fine]: Pankeev 1992:396.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars (Miskhor) [after paying three employees, the owner advised him to visit one old man; he sells his advice for money; two left, the third agrees to pay; gave for each advice a pouch of gold; don't pay attention to what doesn't concern you; don't go off the highway, don't try to shorten the path; be patient and take your time; when you come to town, a person finds out that his friends have been stabbed to death the robbers when they tried to go the short way; he was invited to a rich house; half of it was made of glass, there was a woman in chains, she was served food in a human skull; the man kept silent; hit: the house is made of the bones of those who asked; gave gold to the person who kept silent; at home, a man saw a wife with a man; took a gun, but did not shoot; in the house a wife with her younger brother]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 33; Adygs: Aliyeva 1978, No. 60 [When dying, the father advises his son to eat honey every time you sit down to eat; wear elegant shoes every morning; if his wife becomes pregnant, break up with her; after doing all this, hang himself on a hook in stable; after following the first advice, the young man became impoverished, went to hang himself; under the weight of his body, the ceiling collapsed, the gold hidden there by his father fell out; the young man became rich, decided to return his wife, whom he had previously taken to her parents; she said that he did not understand his father's precepts; you should eat when hungry, then all food is honey; beautiful shoes are cleaned; break up with his wife - take your parents to give birth; with this, third and the fourth tip is that's right; the wife is back; the young man called the guests, said that the eagle took his two-pound weight, everyone agreed; young man: did you not believe that the eagle took a piece of meat from me before; so he took revenge on the offenders]: 325-327; Kerashev 1957 [a peasant is a one-year-old son of a psha; buys three old man's advice for an expensive price; 1) do not disdain poor treats, 2) do not marry a brunette with gray eyes, 3) do not prevent lovers from getting married; Pshi's son goes to marry him, the bride is a brunette with gray eyes; after the wedding she wants to marry him, the young man refuses, she tears her clothes, accuses him of attempted violence; asks her husband to burn the young man; he gives him a letter ordering him to burn the first one who comes to the fire, sends him to the place where the pit with dry bushes is made; the young man stays with the poor plowman and falls asleep, late; at this time, Psha's wife came to the pit, she was thrown into the fire; the young man arrives at the place where the girl should marry the turtle; persuaded her to do it; at night the turtle burst, a handsome man appeared, said that the spell has been broken; helps the young man make peace with his son Psha]: 165-176; Sokolov, Broydo 1936 [when he dies, the father tells his son not to trust his psha, his wife and not to take the pupil; but he took the orphaned uncle's son; lent psha a lot of money, but he refused to repay; then the man stole Pshi's newborn son, gave him upbringing, giving money; let his wife slip, she chatted; Pshi hung the man by the legs , offered money to the one who would shoot; only the man's pupil volunteered; the man laughed, pshi began to demand an explanation; he told everything; Pshi gave all the money, the man returned his son to him, drove his wife away] : 498-501; Tambiev 1896, No. 2 (Kabardian people) [the old man's bulls fell; he exchanged new ones from the young man for three tips; 1) not to marry a gray-eyed brunette and not let those you love marry; 2) do not hesitate no one's bread and salt; 3) do not drag after anyone's wife; in the absence of a young man, his widowed father marries a gray-eyed brunette; she offers herself to her stepson; he refuses, she tears her clothes, accuses her he is in violence; the father tells him to prepare a hole, burn a fire in it, throw the first one who comes in the morning into it; tells his son to go there and ask the torturers if they have obeyed the order; on the way, the peasants ask the young man have breakfast with them; he became drunk and fell asleep; when he came to the torturers, they replied that they had thrown the young man who came to them first into the pit; the young man left home, stayed in the house, where the beautiful woman offered love him; her husband is a huge frog; but the young man still disagrees; well done from the frog's skin; he killed 99 young men who succumbed to the spell, and did this as a friend and brother]: 175-181; Huth 1987 (Abadzekhi) [ my husband hired him to earn three gold; at the bazaar he bought three tips for them: do not cross the river without knowing the ford; do not go to a busy person unless he turns himself; angry, count to a hundred before acting; in front of a man, a rider drowned in the river, trying to ford it; others showed the man a ford; the man came into the house; he was served food on seven tables, led to seven in bed, he does not ask anything; the owner says that he kills those who interfere in his affairs, and gave gold to the person for his delicacy; when he returns home, he sees a young man and wants to kill him, but counts to one hundred; the young man turns out to be his son]: 288-294; Abaza people [when dying, the father gives advice to his son; 1) do not feed a thin relative, it is better to feed a thin sheep; 2) do not be dishonest with someone who trusts you; 3) not to refuse food; the first advice is broken: the son took a boy relative with a bad character; hired the prince as a farmhand; his wife began to bother him, the young man refused; she accused he was harassed; the prince asked who was ready to execute the young man, a relative boy volunteered; the bakers were told to light a fire and throw it first to come in the morning; the farmhand was allegedly sent to buy bread, but he stayed with the workers who invited him to have breakfast; the prince's wife went to see, was the first, she was thrown into the oven; the prince believed the farmhand, married him to his daughter, and drove the farmhand's relative out of the village]: Tugov 1985, No. 85:262-263; Abkhazians: Bgazhba 2002 [the poor man was hired by a sage, agrees to receive advice for work instead of money; do not take what is not earned by his work until allowed; by on the way home, the poor man saw an apple by the river, bit it, then realized it, went to look for the owner of the garden; he drives him away, but the poor man asks for permission to work for him for a year if he says "Eat for health"; through For a year, the owner also demands to marry his crooked and lame daughter, take her home in a closed basket, then says "healthy"; the bride turned out to be beautiful; they have a son sent to school, a wife tells you to say that he gives your son for a day, and you pay for the year, but let the teacher learn it for the day; the boy comes back in the evening, says that he has learned everything, but forgot one word; this is that bitten off piece apple]: 302-304; Shakryl 1975, No. 49 [the peasant Mata worked for the prince, who offered money or advice as payment; M. chose advice; answer the questioner in a way that he liked; do not argue about what is not you can do it; don't believe what you didn't see yourself; M. came to the king, who asked if the frog was worthy to sit on a gold platter; M. replied that yes, the frog shed its frog skin, became beautiful the spell was broken; the king generously awarded M., made him a prince; the merchant argues: if M. catches a pigeon in a tree, gives him his property, and if not, he will receive it; M. refused to catch a pigeon, the merchant himself climbed, did not catch it, lost everything; the person he met says that M.'s wife and children are dead; he is going to turn, but remembers the advice; everything is fine]: 254-262; Abkhazians [a young man named Baguaza; dying, his father tells him not to reveal secrets to his wife, not to rely on an adopted man, not to borrow money from a recently rich poor man; B. decided to break all prohibitions; brought a bag of dead roe deer into the house and said that he killed man; at night he quarreled with his wife, who told everyone that her husband was a murderer; he fled to the forest; his adopter overtook him and grabbed him; on the way to the prince, a poor man who had recently become rich, from whom B. borrowed money, demanded a debt; B. told the prince everything, he opened the room and found the roe deer; B. was released]: Shakryl 1975, No. 75:343-345; Ubykhs (western in Turkey in 1955) []: Khvartsky 1994:201-202; Karachays or Balkarians [the daughter reproaches the khan for not giving what he earned to the young farmhand; the khan kicked her out and she became the wife of that poor young man; he went to look for work; hired a shepherd for three years; owner asks if he wants to receive 3 honestly earned rubles a year or 15 dishonestly; the young man wants honest money; in a year he is going to take the money to his wife; the owner promises to do it instead of him; bought a mirror and sold it for 30 rubles to the daughter of a rich man, who looked in a bucket of water; he gave the money to the employee's wife with an order from her husband to build a house; the same for the second year; the owner bought a cat and He sold the weight of gold to people who were tortured by mice; the worker's wife built a real palace; three years later, the worker goes home; the companion sold him three tips for 3 rubles; 1) not to be angry at his friend; 2) not spend the night in the ravine; 3) take your time to conclusions; people are afraid to go down to the well; the worker has come down; there is a girl, a frog and a young man; he asks who is more beautiful; worker: who will the heart love; that the young man cut off the girl's head and said that the girl was chasing him, and he would rather take a frog; the worker shared the gold with his companions; spent the night on a hill, and the others in the ravine and were carried away by water; at home the employee decided that his wife had found another husband, had a child, but did not show anger; in Kunatsky, his father-in-law and his wealthy owner; the owner explained everything]: Malkonduev 2017:832-830; Ossetians [three a friend was stolen by three boys; two were exchanged for fabrics, one could not, took him back, sold him to the old man for advice; 1) do not stay overnight in the old riverbed; 2) do not go to the night with someone who will ask; 3) if the conversation is about a man and a woman, then praise the man, and the woman has been whipped; 4) if you get angry and raise your right hand, grab it with your left hand; the person stopped at the announcement, and the comrades in along the riverbed; at night they were carried away by the mudflow; the old man invited the man into the house, he first refused, but then returned; there was a young woman and a frog in the house; old man: we agreed with my brother to marry children; he has a daughter, and my son is a frog; the man praised the frog, it turned into a handsome man with a golden forelock; after that, the guest was regaled and pleasured for two years, then loaded with money; he came home, there was a wife with a man; it turned out to be his grown son]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 84:388-392; Kumyks: Aliyeva 2013, No. 27 [Jamava's wife loves the village foreman; D. decided to get rich to become a foreman himself, then his wife will love him; went to sell pears; the old man gives 3 tips for 3 pears: 1) wherever you go, find the right place, sit there; 2) if you are not asked, don't give your thing to anyone; 3) don't trust secrets wife; the old man is invited to the Khan at the Majlis, brings D. there; he consistently gives way to everyone, is at the very bottom; he himself offers the vizier a knife to cut pears, the vizier says that the knife is stolen; D. released until tomorrow for promising the owner not to talk to him; the owner turns to the fireplace and is responsible for it himself; shows that D. did not follow the advice he bought for pears; teaches tomorrow not to insist, that the knife is his own, and to accuse the vizier of murder - he allegedly found the knife at the scene of the murder; D. was released and receives money from the vizier; on the way he sees a cucumber whip in the snow; tells his wife what he will put tomorrow the money brought to argue with the foreman that there is a green cucumber whip in the snow; the wife tells the foreman everything, that night she takes the whip, D. loses money; the foreman must get what the first his hand will touch; that old man teaches him to send his wife to clean the grain on the roof, put a ladder; the foreman grabs the stairs to climb to the roof; D.: take the stairs and leave; he had to do so] : 121-125; Khalilov, Osmanov 1989 [=Khalilov 1965, No. 73:230-233; the man asked the old man to give him four minds; he tells 1) not to reveal secrets to his wife; 2) give nothing if they don't ask; 3) ask for a name from everyone he met; 4) do not sit in someone else's seat; the man told his wife that he saw watermelon whips on the way; she told the women, and they told their husbands; one of the husbands loved the first man's wife; I bet that there are no lashes, tore them off at night; the loser asked for three days: then you can touch whatever you want with your hand; he thinks he will touch his wife; the man did not immediately find the old man, because he asked his name; the old man advised him to sit his wife on the upper floor and put up the stairs; the winner climbed it; the owner told him to pick up three steps of the stairs and leave; together with the old man he came to guests; began to give way to everyone and was at the door; offered his knife to cut the watermelon; the young man said that the knife was his; the old man swore to the young man that he would not give advice to the fool, agreed to transfer the case to the court; began to beat the cat, saying: "My father was stabbed to death with this knife, so you are a criminal"; the young man got scared and gave the knife to the owner]: 200-201; tatas: Aliyeva 2013, No. 77 [Shah Abbas's younger brother three times throws ash: on the head of someone who 1) entrusts the secret to his wife, 2) takes money from a recently rich man, 3) a long-serving sovereign; the vizier decides to check; stole the Shah's favorite ram, said about this wife, borrowed money from a newly rich man; had a deliberate quarrel with his wife, who ran to the Shah, who ordered the vizier to hang; when the vizier was noose around his neck, the lender asked him to first repaid the debt; the vizier laughed and told everything; the most disappointing thing was that the Shah, whom he had served for so long, immediately ordered him to be executed; Shah Abbas abolished the execution]: 344-345; Miller 2013 [Bahlul sits in the sand ; the vizier buys three tips from him: not to pass secrets to a woman, not to believe wealth, not to rely on royal service; B. threw away the money; the vizier stole the khan's gazelle, told his wife, and bought a kid secretly from her; stabbed him, told his wife that it was the gazelle; the wife quarreled with him, reported it to the king; the vizier returned the gazelle and left the royal service]: 689-691; Dargins [upon completion of construction only one mason agreed to receive advice from the king; 1) don't put a random companion on your horse; 2) don't spend the night in a house where there is a big difference between husband and wife age; 3) remember what is written on your fingernail: be restrained; the king gave three rolls, ordered only houses to be broken; on the way, two craftsmen put luggage on the horse of the man who arrived, he galloped away, taking their money and property; the master went to sleep in another house, and where the young wife was, she stabbed her husband and accused the guests; when he came to the house, the master hears the man's voice, wants to shoot, but finds out that this is his son; gold was inside the rolls]; Osmanov 1963:41-43 (=Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:207-208); Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 113 (Kakheti) [=Chikovani 1986:435-445; poor Burkina Faso leaves to earn money, his wife gives him half a cake; he is hired to serve Solomon; he offers to take money or advice; F. chooses advice: don't answer the question right away, think about it; a year later again: don't reach for what you can't do; a year later: do not believe other people's words, believe only your eyes; F. comes to a city where the king has a wife in the guise of a frog during the day, so as not to overshadow the sun with beauty; she will be freed from spells if someone in the guise of a frog recognizes a woman; F. is in no hurry to answer that there is a frog in front of him, begins to praise her beauty, the spell has been destroyed; the king gives F. a caravan of gifts; a merchant suggests a dispute: whoever catches the bird will receive another's caravan; refuses to catch, but the merchant did not catch, F. took possession of everything; at home, a neighbor tells F. that his wife and children are dead; F. does not believe, returns, the family alive, everything is fine]: 208-218; Chikovani 1954, No. 11 [when she sees the poor man ragged, the princess claims that this is hell; the king in anger tells her to marry him; she tells her husband to sell the handkerchief; she agrees if three tips; 1) don't speak without thinking; 2) don't believe slander, even if they say that a person wants to kill you; 3) if asked about a ford across the river, tell the truth - I don't know; the poor man was hired by merchants, they sent him for water; by the water, the knight asks: he or the frog is more beautiful; the poor man was in no hurry to answer, replied that a frog; her skin burst, a beautiful woman came out; knight: now I will not kill people anymore, I am free water; gave three pomegranates and a golden belt: the wife will wear it, a golden-haired son will be born; the poor man sent his wife a pomegranate, a city and herds in it; the poor man asks whose herds, at first, does not believe that his own; ex the poor man and his wife invited the king, who handed him the throne], 63 [the employee agrees to take from the merchant not 20 rubles, but two lucky nickels instead of paying; the merchant promises to take them to the employee's wife himself, and he remains for another year; the merchant bought a cat for nickels; in another place where rats could not live, he sold it for pearls and precious stones, took them to the employee's wife; in the second year he bought the same (the merchant bought it on nickels a mirror, sold it to the king, who has never seen mirrors); after the third year, the merchant gives advice to the farmhand: whatever you find on the road, raise it and bury it at the doorstep; whoever asks, do not say you know where it comes from; do not open your heart to anyone; the poor man found a snake's tail on the road, buried it at the doorstep; found out how generously the merchant paid him, but did not talk to anyone about it; in one night, a poplar grew at the doorstep with jewels on the branches; the prince envied man's happiness; arranged a feast, ordered that not a single knife be on the table; the man was also invited, offered his knife; the prince said that the knife was stolen from his father; decided: if the prince found out what the poplar grew out of, then the dagger and everything he would lay his hand on were his; the prince sent the sorceress to the man's wife, she persuaded her husband to share the secret; the merchant found out about the trouble and came; the prince forbade them to live together, so he turns to the cat so that the person hears in the next room; say about the knife that it was found in the body of the father of a man who was killed by robbers; when the prince becomes climb the ladder, saw off three steps - let him take it; the prince returned his dagger and ran away in shame]: 71-76, 311-315; Dirr 1920, No. 67 (Imereti) [Solomon asks the employee if he wants money or good advice; he chooses advice; 1) don't trust anyone secrets; 2) don't offer anything yourself if you haven't asked; 3) here's a road; wrap it in snakeskin you find along the way and stick it in the ground in his yard; a tree with golden fruits grew out of his staff; a man hid it in a chest, became rich, got married; one day, when her husband was away, three Armenians came and asked him to spend the night; when he saw gold the tree, decided to steal it; they promised his wife money if he found out from her husband where he got this tree; he did not reveal the secret for a long time, but in the end he told it, and his wife told the Armenians; they demanded that he agreed to give him a tree if they told me where it came from (otherwise they would pay him themselves), lost the bet; he went back to Solomon; he ordered to make a new bet with the Armenians: from which side he would rise the sun; they replied that it was from the east, but this time the sun came from the west (if they said that from the west, S. would have raised it from the east); the man returned his tree; continued to visit S.; the king twice after the vizier called S. to his place, had to go, the servant was with him; at lunch, the king needed a knife, S.'s servant offered his own; the king said that his knife, the man, had been imprisoned, S. was forbidden to see him; S. hit the cat, that meowed, S. began to bake it in a loud voice so that the servant behind the wall could hear it; let him say that he had taken the knife out of the body of his murdered father, and since the king's knife, the king was the murderer; the king did not know what to answer and let the man go]: 254-256; Megrelia [the poor young man went on a journey; the man hired him for three years, paid with three tips; 1) what you see outside the yard, throw it into the yard; 2) don't give anything to another until you are urged; 3) do not trust the secret to a woman; dodging a dolma, the young man fenced off the yard and threw everything outside into the yard from behind the fence; once he picked up and threw a red a snake; she began to lay not eggs, but gems; he made a nest for her in the room; got rich, married; his wife persuaded her to reveal a secret; after that, the snake stopped bringing gems, and the man became poorer; The stranger asked for a knife and the man gave it; it was a robber who robbed the house, killed the owner, and the knife remained in the victim's body; the man was captured and detained; advice should have been heard]: Wardrobe 1894, No. 1:107-112; swans [a man hired Solomon; when releasing him, he advised 1) finding a rarity on the road, pick him up, take him home; 2) not to reveal secrets to his wife; 3) to anyone do not give anything without asking; the man picked up, brought snake skin into the yard; in the morning there is a tree with jewelry on the branches; he did not tell his wife about the skin; merchants want to buy wood; the person sets the condition: for 3 days to guess what it came from; they did not know, he took their property, including a precious knife; one merchant persuaded the man's wife to find out what the tree had grown from; he said, the wife loudly She shouted, and in the morning the merchant took the tree; Solomon took the man to the neighboring king; he did not have a knife, the man offered his own, the owner said it was his decorated knife, the man was thrown into prison; but Solomon taught him what to answer in court; he is allegedly the son of a merchant, his father was stabbed to death, a knife was in his throat; if the owner of the knife is a king, he is a murderer; the case was dismissed]: Virsaladze 1973, No. 187:252-254; Armenians : Bagriy 1930 (2) []: 77-80; Bogoyavlensky 1894c, No. 4 (Baraleti is a village with an Armenian population in southern Georgia) [the poor man was hired by Solomon, received three tips as a reward; 1) finding a rarity on the road, take her home; 2) do not reveal secrets to his wife; 3) do not give anything to anyone without asking; the man found the skin of a snake, brought it into the yard, a tree of sparkling colorful stones grew out of it; the man became negotiate with rich people: if they guess what the tree grew from, they will get it, and if not, they will give all the goods to the man; the man won and became rich; the young merchant asked the man's wife to help ; she found out the secret, deliberately said loudly what the tree grew out of, the merchant who was hiding heard and took the tree; the man came to S., who reproached him for not listening to advice; took him with him to one to the king; the man offered his knife won from the merchants to cut meat; the king: the knife was stolen from me; S. taught the man at the trial to answer that his father and, if the knife was royal, then the king and the murderer; his judges let go]: 148-151; Nazinyan 1969 [as in Nazinyan 2014, but stop not when the bells are ringing, but when the bells are ringing]: 163-173; 2014:94-105 [when the father dies, when he hears the bells ringing, he must go immediately pray in church; do not cross the river without fording; wait for a knowledgeable person, even if you lose a few days; do not travel at night, wait out the night where darkness has found; the young man became a merchant; the roads from Tiflis insisted that the river should not be waded; another merchant did not listen and drowned; then a local resident showed a ford; a rich merchant takes a young man into business; sends him to his wife in Ganja; she seduces him, he refuses; when her husband returns, he complains to her husband that his partner has attempted on her; the merchant tells the baker to throw the first one who comes in the morning into the oven; the young man hears the bells ringing, does not go to the bakery, but to the church; the merchant's wife comes to the bakery, is thrown into the oven; everything is clear, the merchant paid the young man but asked him to leave; he tells the drivers to spend the night not in the village, but in the vicinity where he found him darkness; at night he sees a robber dragging something to the cemetery; finds a wounded girl there; healed her, married her; she turned out to be a princess who refused to marry the treasurer's son, who sent her to kidnap her; one day she asks her husband to sell a jewel; he sells it to the son of a treasurer without knowing who he is; after visiting the treasurer's son, the young man invited him to his place; at night, his wife stabbed him and told her husband to bury the corpse in the cemetery where they wanted to bury her; the couple flee; at night, the husband sees a red cloth with jewels in his wife's hair, takes it off to sell it, the crow takes it away; the husband goes to Istanbul alone, is hired as a gardener, finds a cloth under the poplar on which the crow's nest; left alone, the wife, disguised as a man, started a caravanserai; without recognizing the woman, her husband came there and, looking for her daughter and her father and treasurer came to her son; everything turns out, everyone makes peace, the young man's wedding with the princess], 191-194 [(=1969:99-103, but in a different translation); the poor man went to look for income; sends a bag of apples with the merchant and a cat; he comes to a city where apples were not seen, the merchant received a huge profit; in another country there is a dominance of mice, a merchant releases a cat, the king pays in gold; the merchant gave money to the poor man's wife, she built good home, sent her son to study; on the way home, the poor man gives the last coins for the advice of a sage: 1) you won't die before death, even if you fall off a cliff into the water; 2) the best one you love; 3) from every sneeze is good; people ask the poor man to go down to the well for water; there are severed heads, a raven and a frog; the raven asks if he should marry a frog; the poor man replies that the best whoever you love; the raven becomes a young man, the frog a girl, gave him a gift; the people who pulled him out of the well also gave him a coin; when he saw his wife's house, the poor man thought that she had married a rich man; when he saw the young man, he thought that this is his rival; but he remembered that sneezing is useful, began to eavesdrop, realized that the young man is his son; everything is fine]; Lezgins [husband and wife are arguing about which of them started a family; to prove futility women, the husband married his daughter to a lazy guy; she cooked salty soup, put a bowl of water in the yard, the husband had to leave the house; the wife sends him to sell a handkerchief; the husband sells it for the old man's advice: what do you like, always beautiful; next time: don't spend the night in a lowland, spend the night on a hill; spend the night in the city or far from the city, but not near the city; husband went with a caravan; at the spring, Azhdaha asks what the most beautiful thing in the world; a person remembers the first advice: what is sweet to his heart; Azhdaha gives water and three precious stones; one person immediately sends it to his wife; everyone sleeps in the lowland, and the man on the hill, those who spend the night in the lowland are washed away, the man gets a second camel, sends his wife a second stone; the caravans spend the night at the city wall, and the man goes to herd the camels; comes to visit the caravans, grabs and cuts off something soft; in the morning everyone is arrested - someone cut off the head of the chief of the guard; the man shows the cut off braid: the girl with her love affairs is to blame; the person receives a reward third camel, returns to his wife, there is a palace; father admits that his daughter is right]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 80:359-362; aguly: Maysak 2014, No. Sh6 [One bald poor man married the king's daughter because She only wanted to marry a poor man and rejected all rich suitors. When she gave the bald man three gold coins, he bought two clever tips for two of them, and food and bed for the third. Going with the merchants to sell goods, the bald man came to Azhdaha, who asked him a question and, having received the right answer, gave him treasures. Bald sent wealth to his wife and mother. In the city, merchants were given the head of a murdered young man, but the bald man managed to cut off the braid of the murderer woman and pointed to her when he and the merchants were accused of the murder. The young man's parents also gave a bald boy. After driving back, the bald man offered not to stay overnight in the gorge, as a result of which he survived, while those who stayed there died because of the mudflow. When he returned, the bald man found that his wife had built a large house in his absence. The king appointed bald man to an important position]: 473; Shahumyan 1941, No. VI [the tsar passed off his daughter as bald; she gave the bald man three gold coins, ordered him to go to the bazaar and buy food and bed; he went to the shop, to which was nothing; the man sitting there said he was selling the mind; the bald man gave one gold and bought one mind from him ("When you're on the road, don't sleep in the gorge"); then gave another gold one; the shopkeeper said: "Do not trust or sleep in the night parking lot"; I bought a mattress, food, drink for the remaining gold bald one, and returned home; after a while I went with the merchants to work; when they arrived in the steppe, the merchants they lowered him into the well for water; the bald man took out water; when he came out of the well, he was grabbed by a giant and dragged him into the cave; warned the bald man: "I will ask you a question; if you do not answer my question, I will give you I'll cut off my head" and asked: "What's good in the world? "; the bald one replied: "It is good to be loved"; the giant gave him gems and let him go; the bald man caught up with the merchants; for the night they stayed in the city in the merchant's courtyard; in midnight, a woman brought the severed head of a boy and put it in the packs of merchants; the bald man found out about this, grabbed the woman and cut off her braid; in the morning at a national assembly she proved that merchants were not involved in the murder and that the murderer was the merchant's wife; on the way home they decided to spend the night in one place; the bald man said: "Let's not stop in the gorge at night, let's stop on a hill, the weather at night not good"; some of the merchants stopped on the hill with the bald one, and the rest stopped in the gorge; it rained at night, and those who stopped in the gorge were carried away with all their belongings; those who stopped on the hill returned safely to their city]: 128-129; Azerbaijanis: Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 12 [Jafar became impoverished, told his wife to wait for him for three years, went to work in Shiraz; the owner is happy with him, offers a choice of 15 chervonets obtained honestly and 15 dishonestly obtained {here is a pass or a mistake}; with this money D. bought 4 grenades, sent it to his wife; his wife cut three, diamonds in them, she built a palace; leaving D. a year later, the owner advises to spend the night where twilight found and be patient; D. goes with the caravan, insists on stopping at dusk; in the morning it turns out that he was walking The caravan in front was looted; everyone gives D. some of their goods; at home, D. sees his wife in the palace, wants to kill, but remembers the advice; the wife talks about grenades; they cut the last one, he also has treasures]: 104-108; Nabiev 1988 [Ahmed got married, then went to study; one person asks him to work for three years, pays 3,000 tumens and immediately sells them to Ahmed 2 tips: 1) wait before you hit or curse; 2) if you meet a stranger on the way, do not go off the caravan trail; if advice is not useful, the person promises to return the money; at fork A. chooses a caravan trail, and the satellite chooses a forest path, robbed; at home, A. sees the young man's head on his wife's lap; takes up a knife, but first asks who it is, the wife replies that his son is; A. takes out bread, finds 3000 mists in it, that man put them there]: 127-132; Turks [the daughter of the padishah claims that a lazy person can be made into a man and that a female makes a nest; the padishah kicked her out, she married Lazy Hasan; she beats her husband, tells her to answer everything "do not I know", "I did not hear", "did not see", sends him to prepare and sell firewood; LH found gold in the mountains, with this money his wife built a palace, sent her husband with a caravan, he was asked to get water from the well; there are two frogs ask "who are we?" , "did you see us?" , LH replies, as his wife told him; frogs turn into a boy and a girl, who gave a diamond ring and a golden apple for their father; LS comes with a caravan to the padishah, continues to answer everything "not I saw", etc., leads the padishah to the well, it turned out that the boy and the girl are his children; the padishah (jokingly) gives LH a paper ordering him to make him a padishah instead of himself; the daughter shows it to his father, he admits that she is right]: Stebleva 1986, No. 78:324-328; Kurds: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 86 [the padishah gives the poor lumberjack gold twice, but the first time he dropped it into the river and was swallowed by fish, and the eagle took her away for the second time; the padishah's daughter says that the lumberjack must be bad with his wife - everything depends on her; the padishah passes her off as a lumberjack; his wife gives him the last money, and he buys three tips with them: 1 ) stop not in a gorge, but in a high and open place; 2) your wife is the sweetest in life; 3) take your time to kill even the enemy; the poor man hired caravans - those who spent the night in the gorge were washed away by water; the poor man is asked to go down to the well, there is a young man and a frog; the poor man replies that the sweetest is the wife; the frog has become beautiful; young man: you were the first to answer correctly, I ordered to kill before ; gives 7 pomegranates, the poor man sent them to his wife; treasures in grenades, the wife is building a palace; the returning husband sees his wife and two boys, is going to hack them, but realized that they are his sons; the spouses invite padishah, who admits that his daughter is right], 87 [the daughter tells the padishah that the lazy man is lazy because he does not have a mistress; the padishah gives his daughter for him; the wife gives her husband money, he buys advice: 1) do not take on the matter is rash; 2) God's house is being built with patience; 3) they love not for beauty, but for the generosity of his heart; the poor man hired caravans, went down to the well for water, the young man asks if he or the frog is more beautiful; the poor man talks about the generosity of his heart, the young man gives him a bag of gems, the poor man sends it to his wife; after receiving the stones, the young man's wife sent his mother-in-law to ask him for a plot of land the size of a cowhide; cut it leather with straps, built a palace; the poor man came back, saw his wife with a young man, wanted to kill, remembered his patience, realized that it was his son; the wife called the padishah father, who admitted that his daughter was right]: 380-389, 389-393; Rudenko 1970, No. 45 [Ahmad came to Aleppo to look for a job, worked for a rich man for 7 years, bought 7 tips from his owner with the money he earned: 1) you need patience for everything% 2) the most beautiful one I love my heart; 3) do not give anything until you are asked; 4) do not reveal the truth to your wife; 5) if you are sitting in a place of honor, do not talk to the one on the opposite end; 6) grab it on the way home anything softer than a stone; 7) don't get up from where you sat down; A. hired a caravan man; he asks you to go down to the well to get water; when A. sent buckets of water upstairs, the door opened in the wall, young man dragged him into the room, there is a beauty and a frog, the young man asks who is more beautiful; A.: who his heart loved; the young man gave A. seven grants; the caravan gave A. gold; A. asked to take gold and grenades to his wife Seyran; seven-year-old son S. Ismail opened one grenade, and jewelry fell from there; S. bought ordinary pomegranates for her son, bought a palace and a garden for jewelry, got servants; when A. went to the house, A. noticed a dead snake on the road and, remembering the council picked her up, covered the house with earth by the porch; when he saw a young man next to his wife, he grabbed a dagger, but realized that it was his son; where the snake was buried, a tree grew; if anyone said it was a pear, on a tree apples appeared if the apple tree was covered with peaches, etc.; the guessing A. promises to give all the property, and not the guessing player would give him his own; everyone lost, A. became immensely rich; the huckster persuaded the old woman gain confidence, convince S. that A. should tell her a secret, leave a chest in the bedroom; he hid himself in the chest and found out about the snake tree; agreed with A. that he would give him three things if he will answer correctly; when he called the snake tree, it broke out and disappeared; A. asked for three days, came to his first owner, who took him to a feast with the padishah, told him to sit next to him; but A. everyone the one who entered gave way and was on the very edge; the padishah is looking for a knife to cut a watermelon, A. offers his own, the padishah liked it; the vizier said that this knife was stolen from the royal treasury; the owner asks to let go A. promises not to say anything to him for the night; tying his donkey, beats him and talks to him as if about the advice that A. had broken; tells him to say that his father was attacked by robbers, he pulled the knife out of his chest, let the padishah will now pay for blood; padishah: this is what the vizier said; the vizier was executed; the owner Ahmed: the three things that the huckster wants are A.'s life, wife and property; orders to put a high staircase near the house and get to the balcony with his wife; the huckster will take three steps - these are three things he touched, let him take the stairs; everything is fine]: 116-126; Farizov, Rudenko 1959 [sage Balul takes the young man to Caliph, advises 1) when entering the sofa, take a modest seat and not get up from it; 2) sit lower and not ask questions to those who are taller; do not give anything to anyone or offer anything himself; the young man sits down in a high place; offers the Caliph a diamond-decorated knife to cut a watermelon; the caliph says that the knife has been stolen from his treasury; B. asks to allow the young man to spend the last night in his house, promising not will talk to him; in order not to break his promise, B. talks to his cat; it must be answered that his father was killed with this knife when he was leading the caravan; if the knife belongs to the Caliph, then he is the murderer; The Caliph had to pay a ransom]: 123-126.

Iran - Central Asia. Bakhtiyary [before his death, the father gives his son Malik Ibrahin three hundred mists, tells him to spend them on three tips from the seller of advice and follow them; the son does his father's will; "Do not go out in winter when cloudy"; "Seeing a pigeon, dog and cat, buy for any price"; "Do not tell anyone about advice, do not allow a stranger to enter the house"; in the mountains, seeing a cloud, MI refuses to go with others; the companions died in the snowstorm; MI took their money, it turned out to be 300 mists; MI bought a pigeon, a hound and a cat with them; everyone is surprised by the price, they think the young man is crazy; in a dream, MI sees a ring wrapped in green cloth King Solomon, fulfilling wishes; waking up, finds a ring; asks for a palace; sees the princess from the palace, falls in love, marries; the king orders the groom to be cut off, but the vizier advises better to demand from he has 500 camels loaded with jewelry, a white slave and a black slave, a white and black slave; the ring performs everything; the king asks for a palace of gold and silver; in the morning the palace is ready; the king asks for 500 identical riders to accompany his daughter, they appear; MI gets a princess; when MI is hunting, another prince sees his wife, falls in love; asks the old woman to arrange a meeting; the old woman persuades learn her husband's secret; MI gives her a ring; the old woman replaces him, transfers the palace and the princess to the prince; princess: it is our custom to keep 40 days of mourning; the prince goes hunting; MI recalls that he broke advice not to let someone else's woman into the house; the dove flies, the dog swims across the sea, putting the cat on its back; on the 39th day, the cat catches the king of mice and tells him to steal the ring, gives it to the princess; she carries the palace is back; the foreign prince was beheaded, the old woman was cut along, the halves were hung at the gate]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 40:269-283; Persians: Marzolph 1984, No. 910A (Markazi, Isfahan, Azerbaijan, Fars), 910B (Isfahan): 167-169; Tajiks [the merchant's son married but continues to study; his father gives him 100 gold three times, tells him to trade; he spends money three times buying advice from an old man ; 1) if you eat someone's bread, remember it; 2) do not give up what is offered in the morning; 3) if you raise your right hand against someone, think and stop it with your left hand; the father kicked your son out, he did to the baker; his wife seduced him, he refused; she told her husband that the worker wanted to dishonor her; the husband tells the bakers to throw into the oven the first person who enters the bakery in the morning; in the morning the owner sends the merchant's son to pick up the flour from Somon and take it to the bakery; S. invites you to drink tea first, the merchant's son recalls that it is impossible to refuse the invitation in the morning; the baker's wife decided to go stop the murder, but she herself was thrown into the oven as if she came first; the owner rewarded the merchant's son and sent her home; there he sees a man sleeping next to his wife; wants to kill them, but stops and finds out that it is his son]: Amonov 1980:250-255; mountain Tajiks [the merchant goes to Egypt; the wife gives advice: not to mention his wife, put two mice in the bootlegs (note: then the narrator missed the episode when the mice released and the cat drops candles; in another Tajik fairy tale he exists); the merchant stayed with the old man for the night; he attached candles behind the cat's ears and offered to play chess; the merchant lost everything; said that If his wife finds out about this, she will take away the property of the old man and his relatives; in response, the old man promises to bring trousers to the merchant's wife, if possible, he will cut off his head; the old man hired an old woman, but the merchant's wife beat her; the old woman explained to the old man how to crochet and steal trousers; when she saw her missing, the merchant's wife wore a man's outfit, came to the Shah of Egypt under the guise of Shah of Baghdad and asked for permission for three days rule the country; ordered to execute a chess player, give the merchant his property; came to the merchant under the guise of a Shah; he is looking for a wife to execute her (lost trousers); everything is clear; wife: you violated both advice - mentioned his wife and did not put mice behind the bootlegs]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 13:57-62; Uzbeks: Afzalov 1972 (2) [buy gives Nurulla money three times to trade; he buys at the bazaar tips: wake up your wife before going to bed; every lover likes his beloved; do not refuse the morning offer; father died, thieves took all N.'s property, took him to the cave, beat him to half dead, left outside the house; his wife tells N. to hire a day laborer; he leaves with a merchant; he is asked to go down to a cave for water; there is a terrible diva, killed everyone; asks who is more beautiful: peri sitting next to him or frog; N. says that his beloved is sweet to a lover, a diva gives a lamp with gems; tells him to buy more black pepper at the bazaar; water flowed from the cave; N. bought a kitten in one place; in the parking lot the caravan of merchants was defeated by mice; N. released the kitten, the merchants generously gifted him; the lamp received from the diva N. wants to sell to the padishah; the vizier advises to persuade the gardener to kill the first person who came, send N. to the garden in the morning; on the way, the old man invited N. to drink tea, and the vizier went to the garden to check the execution of the order; the gardener demolished his head; the padishah decided that it was Allah's will and paid for the lamp; in N. released the kitten again in Samarkand; people whose mice gnawed through bags of flour paid generously; N. bought pepper and then sold it at exorbitant prices in Istanbul; when he returned, he saw his wife sleeping, and nearby horseman from her; slaughter the cauldron, but remembered the advice; wife: this is our son]: 197-203; Ostroumov 1890, No. 24 [a stranger sells advice for 1000, 2000 and 3000 tillas; the prince buys the first: before doing, think about the end; writes on his wall; the servant asks the doctor to bleed the prince with his lancet (he smeared it with poison); the doctor read the inscription, made an incision with his lancet; the servant cut it with a lancet, the servant died; the prince went to buy a second tip, but it was sold, so he bought a third one: everyone thinks his own moon; he met two divas, they asked what was better - a turtle or an angel-like creature; the prince answered according to the advice; those who made the choice were killed by the divas]: 139-141; Sheverdin 1980 [the brushwood seller received three coins, went to buy cakes; the old man sold advice for one coin: Leave today's anger for tomorrow; many years later, the seller returned home, saw an unfamiliar man in the window, was going to hack him, but restrained himself and began to eavesdrop; it turned out to be his son]: 344-345; (cf. Turkmens [Mammad replies to his father that he does not want to be either a mullah (hard to study) or a musician (too lazy to sing and play), but a merchant (he only drinks tea and earns money); his father gave him 100 gold; when he saw the musician's bazaar, M. gave this money to teach him how to play; his father gave M. money again, and this time he paid to be taught the knowledge of the mullah; M. spent the third hundred coins on learning to play chess; tells his father to sell him so as not to be poor in old age, and he will be able to do something; the father sold M. to the merchants; they let him down the well to collect water; there is gold; after receiving it, the merchants left M. so that he would not demand his share; M. saw a sleeping diva in the well and began to play the dutar; the diva is ready to fulfill any of his wishes; M. only wants to be with those caravans again; Mamed's owner sends him a letter to his sons; M. read the letter, ordering him to kill the messenger; M. replaced him with an order to give him half of the treasure; in the city, the padishah girl will marry him , whoever beats her at chess, executes the losers; M. won, became a padishah; took the treasures from that caravan, distributed it to the poor; her father began to live with him]: Erberg 1959:68-76); the Vakhans [prince is not wants to stay at home, goes to drive King Mashrek away; reluctantly agrees to take the old man as his companion; he offers to carry his bag, the young man cannot lift it; the old man gives three tips: if not asked, not they will ask you not to say, do not give it, if they do not call, do not go; the king asks for a knife, the young man offers his diamonds; king: this knife has been stolen from my treasury; the old man asks to let the young man go to him night, teaches him to answer: his father was killed with this knife, let the tsar pay compensation; the tsar gives 20 horses loaded with gold]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 51:423-426; Yazgulyam [the tsar is dead, the son went broke, went to be hired as a shepherd; the wife gives gold with her, tells him to go away to preserve his honor; someone sells the right word, the prince buys with gold: hold back your anger! the prince has been working for 12 years, receiving a chicken and a kitten as a reward; takes only a kitten, gives it to a caravan man to give it to his father (hiding that his father is dead); the caravan comes to a country where there are many mice and there are no cats, she sells it for gold, gives it to the prince's wife; she bought a goat and chicken, gradually became rich; another owner gave the prince a horse, a cow, a sheep, a camel, a yak for his service; he comes to the one who gave chicken and kitten; the chicken has given a huge offspring, bought cattle, the prince drives whole herds home; secretly comes to his wife outside the house, sees a man next to him; wants to kill both, but holds back his anger; the man turns out to be his son; everything is fine]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 52:426-430; Sarykoltsy [the prince is bankrupt, he buys the advice "Hold Your Anger" with the last gold; the prince has been serving with a rich man for 12 years, he pays a kitten and a chicken, the prince remembers the advice, does not protest; with his father's friend, without opening himself to him, he sends a kitten to his son; he comes with a caravan to a city where mice are rampant, sells a kitten for gold; a man gives money to the prince's wife, who bought a cow, a chicken, became rich again; the prince himself also receives cattle for his long service; at night he looks into his wife's house, a bearded man with her; in the morning finds out that this is their son; everything is fine]: Pakhalina 1966:189-191; Pashtuns [for 5 cakes a person buys 5 tips from a fakir; 1) find out the name of the fellow traveler; 2) when he comes to the village, he sits on the ground until they will offer a chair; 3) until asked, do not show what you have; 4) do not argue; 5) do not tell your wife what others do not need to know; the person immediately acts against advice: he did not ask the name of the fakir; Sits on a chair, gets beaten; shows his gun, he is accused of stealing; fakir: say that your father was killed with this gun, say that the owner is a murderer; the man tells his wife he will argue who the first to bring watermelon; the wife to the lover: argue - who touches what first, then him; the lover brings watermelon; the man asks the fakir for help; he advises to impose rags on the stairs; the lover wants touch his wife, takes up the stairs to go up to her, her husband tells him to pick up his rags]: Lebedev 1971, No. 21:189-192.

Baltoscandia. Finns, Counselors, Veps, Icelanders, Western Sami: Uther 2004 (1), No. 910A: 528-530; Livons [the wife weaved something and sent her husband to sell; he was met old man: give me advice: raise your hand, do not lower it; next time: you will fall into the water, but you will swim out; the third time: the water will be on the pasture; this time the man did not return to his wife, but was hired as a sailor; during the storm to be thrown overboard the lot fell on him; the man remembered the second advice, agreed to be thrown, but took a receipt to give him half of the cargo on the ship; he was washed ashore, he met captain and received half of the load; there is drought in the city; the king promises three treasure ships to the one who will get water; the man ordered to dig in the pasture, found water, received treasures; while he was wandering, his The son grew up; when he saw the young man next to his mother, the man raised his sword, but remembered the advice; all is well]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 86:283-285; Faroese: Uther 2004 (1), No. 910B: 530-531; Swedes [910A: the father advises the son not to give another a good horse for a while; not to visit a friend too often; not to take his wife from outside; 910B: the master advises the servant not to go on the trail from the highway, not stay in a house where the husband is old and the wife is young, do nothing in a fit of anger, but wait; 910C: think about the consequences when making a deal (usually an episode with a barber who was paid to cut the king's throat); there is a motive in an Icelandic fairy tale]: Liungman 1961, No. 238; Norwegians [when dying, the father gives his son three tips; visit his neighbor less often; do not give others yours for a while horse; marry only a woman from his district; son learns his father's correctness from experience; calls guests and shows concrete evidence]: Hodne 1984, No. 910A: 198; Karelians (South Karelia) [ when dying, the father tells his son not to visit one place three times in a row, not to take his wife from another graveyard, not to give his neighbor his horse, but to plow it only himself; the son decided to see what would happen; gave a stalk horse, she necklaced herself from hard work {apparently threw it away}, the owner cut off and dried the hoof the discarded foal; when she went to visit for the third time, he was given only mushrooms and baked turnips, he was theirs hid it; married his wife in another village; came disguised as a beggar, hid under the bed, another guy met with his bride on the bed, the imaginary beggar hid his galoshes; then he showed everything, told him, took his wife from his village]: Konkka, Tupitsyn 1967, No. 48:351-353; Estonians (Jõhvi) [when dying, the father gives advice to his son; 1) not to make friends with gentlemen; 2) do not talk about everything to his wife; 3) do not take an adopter into the house; son made friends with the master, took a poor boy into the house, because his children were not there; to check his wife, he took the landowner's bird, which he kept in a cage, hid it, shot another in the forest and ordered the wife to cook, saying that it was stolen; the wife invited the neighbor and told everything; the landowner promises money to the one who points out the thief; the neighbor reports; the landowner in court, the judge orders to hang the thief; a person divides money into three parts: his wife, his adopted son and the one who puts a noose around his neck; adopter: let me wear it myself; the man brings a bird to the judge, tells everything; he becomes friends with the landowner, adopter kicked out, didn't trust his wife any more secrets]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 121:396-398; Danes: Bødker 1964, No. 26 [when dying, the father tells his son not to visit friends too often; do not chase at a high price if you sell anything; do not take his wife from afar; the son goes to visit, is warmly received; the next day he goes again; the third time he is given stale bread and three herring; he realizes that he did not follow his father's first advice, hangs herring in the barn as a reminder; he is lucky to sell the crop; on the way he is offered 100, then 200 thalers, he refuses, comes to the market, gets nothing, comes back, the horse is dead, he hangs her skin next to the herring; he marries his wife in another village; disguised as a beggar, he comes to that house to spend the night, sees the bride inviting a guy to her place; quietly takes her shirt away and hangs her next to her herring and skin; invites her bride and her parents to her place, tells everything; takes his wife in his village]: 180-186; Grundtvig 1920 [when Svend goes travel, his father tells him to laugh, cry, rejoice, grieve with everyone; mother to go to church and ask God for God's blessing; S. is hired as a servant, gains trust; another servant from envy draws the owner's attention to the fact that S. always laughs or grieves after the hostess; the owner sends him to people who burn bricks, tells them to throw the first one who comes in the morning into the oven; on the way C . went to church, and the envious servant went to see if S. was thrown into the oven and thrown himself; the master was convinced of S.'s honesty; the neighbor argues that he could sin the most honest servant; S. was sent from by letter to his neighbor's wife; they gave him a drink there, he lost everything at cards; but S. honestly told the owner everything, who made him the heir to the estate]: 187-192; Lithuanians [the man sold three happiness to the king; 1) act wisely and remember that it does not last forever; 2) do not turn off the straight road to the roundabout; 3) spend the night in the city with the old mistress, not with the young one; enemies bribed the barber, he must slaughter the king; sees the inscription on the towel: remember that you are not eternal; the barber confessed, forgiven, the enemies are executed; the king goes to the Diet, the servants want to go along the roundabout road, the king refuses; in the city he finds out that on the roundabout road Robbers were waiting for him; the king sleeps with the old mistress, the courtiers with the young; they were stabbed to death because the murderers thought the king was staying with the young]: Löbite 1965:305-307; Latvians: Arais 1968 [dying , the father tells his son 1) not to visit often - they will stop respecting; 2) not to change horses at the bazaar - you will be left without horses; 3) not to take a wife from afar - you will come across a bad one; son does not follow advice; on a visit he is being fed worse and worse; in the bazaar they slip an oath that immediately dies; marries his wife from afar, but at the last moment decides to follow the advice, spy on the bride; finds her sleeping at noon, takes away an apron; when matchmakers and the bride arrive; the young man shows the bag containing his father's precepts: a stump of bread (the last thing he received on a visit), a piece of skin (that nag), an apron of a lazy bride; the bride left ashamed]: 499-500 (=Alksnite et al. 1958:499-500); Aris, Medne 1977, No. 677 [The wife embroiders beautiful bedspreads and sends her husband to the bazaar to sell them. The husband gives the covers for good advice: the diamond is harder than steel; judge the dispute in favor of his wife; raise it, but do not lower it. The wife chases her husband away for not bringing money. The husband hires a ship, sinks to the bottom of the sea, says that the diamond is harder than steel, and gets a lot of money. Returning home, he finds a young man sleeping with his wife, raises his sword, but, remembering the advice, does not lower his hand. It turns out that the young man is his son]: 310.

Volga - Perm. Marie: Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945 [the boy was orphaned, began to beg; the tsar called him a loafer, and the princess regretted it; the tsar gave it to the young man; she embroidered a handkerchief and told her husband to sell it, an old woman bought it; next time she bought it, giving not money, but three tips; do not be afraid of life and death; raise your hand to heaven, do not lower it to the ground; do not complain if you are poor; do not boast if you are rich; husband went with merchants; their ship was stranded; they began to eat each other; he decided not to be afraid of death and rushed into the river; there was the mother of the waters; she was the one who held the boat with a hook and was the old woman who bought the scarves for a pittance, now she wants to pay; her daughter advises to take only a silver pendant; she fulfills wishes; the man has returned to the ship, wants food; when he returns home, he sees that his wife is sleeping between two men; held his axe, but stopped; these were his sons (his wife gave birth to twins); they wanted good clothes and a self-propelled stroller, came to the king; he hugged his daughter; she gave him a stroller, this was the first car]: 79-82; Beke 1938, No. 25 [about the same]: 160-170; (cf. Komi [in Uther 2004 a link to Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, and there to Fokos-Fuchs 1951:156-159, no. 14, but there is no motive for advice, just something remotely similar]); Chuvash [dying father tells his youngest son not to trust anyone with a horse, not to go outside in a new fur coat without a stick, not to let his wife go alone; the elder brother asked the horse, she threw the foal out of strain, the younger brother hid the skin the foal in the barn; in winter he went in a new fur coat to invite people to the meeting, did not take sticks, the dogs tore his fur coat, the younger brother hung it next to the foal's skin; the mother-in-law calls to visit, the husband sends his wife alone, but dressed as a beggar, he secretly follows, remains unrecognized to spend the night; sees how the wife took the child to the bathhouse, went to have fun with the guys; secretly took the child to her sister; not finding the child, the wife set fire to the bathhouse - as if a child burned down; at home, the husband calls guests, tells everything and shows evidence: a skin, a fur coat, a baby; beat his wife, later lived well with her]: Sidorova 1979:195-198; Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2010, No. 12 [when dying, the father advises his son not to share secrets with his wife without experiencing her; not to be friends with the smoothie; when leaving his former companion, to test a new one; the son put a dead sheep in a bag, told his wife that he had killed the man; she was angry with him and reported him; the guards took him away, began to beat him with his new companion; when they untied the bag, the sheep's wife and companion could not stand the test], 13 ( 1 entry) [when dying, the father advises his son, if he goes broke, to hang himself not in the storage shed, but at home - he nailed a ring to the matitsa; the son squandered the goods, stabbed the last rooster, went to visit, the dog took the rooster away, They did not believe the man, they drove him away; he began to hang himself, the ring fell out, there was gold; now he is called to visit, but he refuses: the mice chewed steel in the barn, we must drag it; he was offered help; man: They did not believe that the rooster was carried away by a dog, but believe that the mice gnawed on steel]: 57-58, 59-60; the Bashkirs [the tsar drove the beggar away, and his daughter greeted him; Tsar: and what should I give you? daughter: give it back; the girl caught up with the beggar, they settled in the city; she orders to buy silk, knitted a towel, tells me to sell; the husband sells for advice; 1) do not lower your hand rashly; 2) land is better than gold ; 3) do not give up your intention; the man hired a merchant, who sent him with the ship, the ship stopped; the man was sent to go down and find out what was going on; he was carried away by two divas; the king of divas asks for an answer is gold or land better; man: land is the mother of gold; divas is grateful, gave 30 barrels of gold, the man became richer than the merchant who hired him; well done at home near his wife; the man wanted to kill him, but remembered advice; it turned out to be his son; everything is fine]: Bessonov 1942, No. 75:325-329.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Potanin 1917, No. 34 [after the death of Bai Köshpes, the clerks took possession of the property, but gave nothing to the sons; the youngest Ahmed went with his wife; she let him sell a skein of thread and buy bread; he changes the thread for advice three times; 1) no one will die before death; 2) do not go to bed before the owner; 3) do nothing when you are angry; the wife is unhappy, A. went to wander alone; stopped at the old woman's yurt, she has a lot of gold and silver; he just pretended to be sleeping and saw the old woman bake poisoned bread; when the old woman fell asleep, A. also baked bread and changed with the old woman; in the morning A. ate bread and went on, and the old woman was poisoned and died; A. joined the caravan; there was no water, a person was lowered into a well, lifted up without a head; another without a lower body; A. went down, he was promised a third cattle; seven-headed jelmouth shows old and young women, asks which one is more beautiful; A.: beautiful is not what is beautiful, but what you love; jelmouth gave a sword, but did not give a lamb: he is everyone He cuts the evening, and in the morning the lamb is intact again; A. asked the caravans for a horse under the golden saddle as a reward; said that if he was not given it, he would not take the cattle; he was given a horse after he told as if he had taken his sword from Jelmouth and hacked it; when A. returned home, he was told that the cattle he saw belonged to A.; he thought his wife married a rich man; in the yurt next to her, a young man; A. wanted to hack him, but he restrained himself; it turned out to be his son]: 134-137; Sidelnikov 1958 [the poor man gave his son three advice: not to be friends with a fool, not to borrow, not to let his wife know his secrets; the son decided to check; made friends with a fool; borrowed money from a newly rich man; slaughtered a ram, told his wife to wash off the blood on his clothes - allegedly he killed a man; quarreled with his wife, she told Khan; the fool knew that a ram was killed, but refused to witness; the man told the khan everything; he was afraid that such wise people might remove him from power, ordered his father and son to be thrown into a hole; the khan was stuck in there was a bone in his throat, he was dying; the poor man at first refused to help, agreed to promise to give him throne and wealth; said that the khan's son should be slaughtered; the son was covered with a nightmare, pretended to be stabbed; Khan burst into tears, the bone jumped out; the khan kept his word and ceded the throne to the poor man]: 304-306; 1974 [the young man gave a herd of horses to a man in return for three wise advice; where he tasted bread and salt, not be it opponent; if you get ready to eat in the morning, do not refuse (even if you are full); if your right hand starts a fight, let your left hand separate; for losing the herd, the father expelled the young man; he became the khan's bodyguard; Khan's wife fell in love with him; the young man remembered the first advice, refused; she complained that the young man was bothering her; the khan ordered the stokers to throw the first person who came in the morning into the hot coals; sent the young man to buy a bag coals; on the way I met an old woman, she asked for bread and salt; at this time, the khan's wife ran to the stokers to see the young man for the last time, she was thrown into the coals; the young man explained to the Khan how it all worked out; he rewarded him and let him go; the young man (now not so young) came home and saw a man next to his wife; wanted to hack him, but made a deal; the man turned out to be his son]: 29-32; karakalpaks [when dying, the king gives his son advice: 1) go to bed on a hill on the way, not in a ravine; 2) do not do bad to someone from whom you ate bread and salt; 3) do not refuse morning meals; during starvation, the young king led a camel caravan with jewelry to buy food from the merchant with whom the king father did business; at night he lay down on a hill, while the others in a ravine, soaked in the rain, and smeared themselves in dirt; the merchant has two wives, the youngest began to seduce the king, who refused; she scratched her body, accused the king of trying to rape her; ordered the tandoor to light a fire and throw the first one there will come; the husband agreed; the youngest wife sent the king to the tandoor; on the way, the old woman asked him to come in to eat; the youngest wife, in order not to be recognized, put on an old robe, came to see the king's ashes, day laborers threw it into the fire, ran away; the tsar found a burnt corpse, explained to the merchant, brought food to the starving]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:110-113; Kyrgyz [the first person he meets teaches the young man to call her not beautiful beautiful, but beloved; the second is not to be a rival to the one who has tasted bread and salt; the third is not to give up morning meals, do not wait for the evening; the young man is hired by caravans; a bucket lowered into the well, the worker who follows disappears; a young man climbs, sees a diva and two women, a diva asks which one is more beautiful, the young man answers according to the advice, the diva gives water; the merchant rewards him; he stops at a friend, his wife is trying to seduce him, he refuses, she slandered him in front of her husband; the husband asks his baker friend to throw a man into the oven who will come tomorrow for bread; on the way, a young man goes to a friend's house for breakfast; the owner's wife comes to the baker first, she was thrown into the oven; the husband realizes that the young man is not to blame; after getting wiser and rich, the young man returns home]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963:237-240; Salars (Eishe Ahvar, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [an orphan young man worked as a laborer, earned three hundred money and decided to go learn words; he met an old man for a hundred money taught him the word "sit down!" ; another person taught him the word "listen!" for the same fee , and the third with the word "torment!" ; on the way, the young man met a companion; they decided to stay at a hotel; the companion said: "Let's stay at a hotel on the river bank!" ; the young man said: "If we stop, [then] we will stop where it is high!" ; finally, we stopped where it was high; in the morning we went home to the companion; on the way, the companion said to the plowman on the arable land: "Send this young man for lunch! When he comes back, throw it into the well!" ; the young man had lunch and saw a crowd of people; as soon as people sat down, the young man remembered the word "listen!" ; everyone listened to his word; the companion sent his son to see if the young man had been thrown into the well; the son went and saw people sitting on the road listening to a speech; he also sat down, but then said that he once, and went to the arable land; the plowman threw him into the well; then an orphan young man came to the arable land; his companion also came and asked the plowman why he did not throw the young man into the well; the ploughman replied that he had abandoned it, and added: "You said yourself: "Whoever comes first, leave it!"] : Tenishev 1964, No. 37:76; Dungans: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 32 (Gansu) [Loshi-Prostak buys tips at the bazaar: fear the inn that is in the hole; it will rain heavily, don't hide; on the way If you hear the story, listen to the end; the lamp will fall, oil will pour on my head, your head is not mine; you recognize the words (mysterious text), say them to Joo Wun; the old man immediately disappeared; at night all merchants except L. sat in a hole, died in a mudflow; when he met a stranger, L. did not accept the offer to hide from the rain (the stranger was a robber); L. stayed with his older brother, who and his wife agreed to burn him in stoves, then it will work well; in the morning he was sent to take lunch to the potters; L. stopped to listen to a story told by a man; lunch was taken by his older brother's son, and the craftsmen threw him into the oven; at home, L.'s wife took the robber as her lover; accidentally knocked over oil on her husband, who refused to wash his hair; at night, the robber came to cut off L.'s head; thought that women were smearing her head with oil, cut off his head his mistress, not L.; L. was accused of murdering his wife, he said those words, the names of two people there; they turned out to be robbers, they were executed, and L. remarried]: 179-184; Yusurov 1970 [his wife gave Hunlin 10 coins, sent for shopping; at the bazaar he bought advice from the old man: work everywhere, never be lazy; next week: if they are rude and the work is hard, still be patient; the third time: when you meet feasts, go, eat and drink with them; H. hired a caravan man, who sent him to get water, H. remembered the advice not to be lazy, went down to the well, there were three grenades; he remembered that his wife asked him to buy her grenades, sent him to his wife with in a counter caravan; hired the old owner of the porcelain workshops; his young wife offered him to kill her husband and take her; H. was not rude, but refused; the wife accused H. of harassing her; the owner sent H. with a letter to the workshop ordering him to put the bearer in the oven; on the way, H. met the feasts and stayed with them; the owner's wife felt sorry for H., she came and volunteered to deliver the letter instead of her; she was burned; the owner understood everything, paid H.'s salary and let him go; at home H. saw the palace; wife: pomegranates were cured of diseases, she sold a grain, became rich]: 178-182.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. South Altai Tuvans [telling his son, the father tells him to close his eyes among the blind, limp among the lame, ride a skinny horse, eat sinewy meat; war is everywhere, only the young man survived; father explains the meaning of the advice (so as not to be envied, and sinewy meat stays in the stomach longer)]: Taube 1994, No. 40:258-259; Trans-Baikal Buryats (Chita Region, 1953, manuscript in Old Mongolian language) [the lazy guy worked for Noyon, he drove him away, daughter Uranus Gua gave him a gold ring; then her father drove her away with the boyfriend; UG told her husband to sell mittens, then socks, then a hat; the merchant each time he buys for a hundred rubles, but promises to give the money next time; offers 300 rubles or three tips; the person chose advice; 1) spend the night in the yard, not in an empty house; 2) do not pick up on the road left to others; 3) in a country where there is no water, look for it here and there; the man went on a journey; the roof fell on those in the house; the man who picked up the chest stolen by thieves was taken under guards; the man found water, he was generously rewarded; but by the time he got home, he squandered everything; that merchant: if your wife does not scold you, you will recover my wealth, if so, I will take your wife; my wife did not scold, the merchant generously awarded them]: Bardakhanova, Gympilova 2008, No. 3:19-23 (=Dugarov 1990:298-302); Trans-Baikal Buryats (Barguzin, Ulyunkhan Ulus, Kurumkan District of Buryatia, 1964) [before going to the soldier, the man went to the old man for advice; he blessed him and gave him a nickle; ordered: do not say anything before people - listen to what others would say; do not go forward; lie down sleeping in the smoke will be warmer; eat your peritoneum and giblets will be more satisfying; think about your thought three times before speaking it; if you grab someone in an armful, squeeze him three times in your strong arms; through Twenty-five years old, the soldier was released home; he went back with his comrades; a blizzard rose, they lost their way; found a hut in which the old man and the old woman were cooking meat; the old man showed the travelers the way; The soldier's comrades left, and he became interested in talking to the old man and stayed in the hut; realizing it, he was going to run after his comrades; the old man offered to eat food; the soldier agreed; then again he was about to leave, but the old man offered to stay overnight; the soldier listened; in the morning he looked into an empty hut not far from the road; the legs of his companions were sticking out from there; the rotten ceiling was not withstood the weight of the snow, fell through and ran over them; the soldier went on; went into his house, saw a mustachioed man sleeping; there were plenty of tools around; the soldier thought his wife was married; wanted take an ax and cut off the sleeper's head, but remembered the old man's order and decided to wait; asked his wife if her husband was sleeping on the bench; she explained: "This is our son. When you left, he was three months old in my womb"]: Tugutov, Tugutov 1992, No. 103:266-267; the Mongols [when dying, the father tells his son not to live with his wife's parents, not to go far from his father's hearth, listen to the advice of a good man; the daughter of a rich man fell in love with a young man, they began to live with her parents; so the young man violated his father's two orders; he was drafted, appointed governor of the western region; a girl in He takes him into the cave in green clothes, says that his wife is dead, and if he listened to his father, his wife would be alive and would not be drafted; now his wife is a ghost, the beautiful woman offers to take her, but the young man did not listen and went to his wife; the beauty tells me not to eat meat at home; the man again violated the ban; the wife's ghost appeared for a while, gave the box - if you open it, you'll die; a green beauty arrives, says that the man violated his father's third order and now she is leaving him; he opened the box and died]: Skorodumova 2003:96-101.

Japan. Japanese (Tohoku to North Ryukyu, 42 versions): Ikeda 1971, No. 910B: 200.