Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K141. Tamed pest sisters .

Supernatural women are hurting people. The hero tames them and usually marries them.

Yemen, Hindi, Abkhazians, Abazins, Adygs, Ossetians, Ingush, Chechens, Lucks, Dargins, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Persians, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Southern Khanty.

Western Asia. Yemen [a young man goes to learn what fear is; he is not afraid when he is in the house of seven robbers; they send him to swim, the woman asks him to bend down, wants to trample her into the ground, but he sends her He has overcome; the robbers send him to a mountain from where no one has returned; the hand of a dead man reaches out to him, begging for alms, he beats her; the robbers recognize him as their brother; he beats a mermaid who drowned people telling her not to appear again; buying a bracelet from a Jew, she quarrels with him and they come to the cadia; cadia: whoever brings the second bracelet of the same kind belongs to him; the young man enters an underground palace; there are three women are the ones he met by the pool, in the cemetery and by the sea; he receives bracelets from them; he marries one woman himself, and gives the other two to his brothers, i.e. robbers]: Nowak 1969, No. 326: 169.

South Asia. Northern India, Mirzapur, Hindi [poor sepai boy goes to seek happiness; mother gave money; he paid the dead man's debt, the lender allowed him to be buried; returning to his mother, the young man said he bought property and asked for more money; when he came to the burial site, another sepai was there; he called himself Murdan Khán, they went together; the city was divided by a river, all the ships were sinking; MH took his sword, cut off the hand that leaned out of the water and tried to sink the ship; explained that the daughter of the genies had so got her husband, gave birth to a daughter, and she was now also looking for a husband to her liking; on her severed hand it turned out to be a bracelet and three rings; the jeweler said that they were priced; MX explained everything to the king, who gave his daughter a bracelet, and she demanded a second one; MX dived into the river; there the genie woman suffers without an arm; MX returned his hand and it grew; received a second bracelet and other treasures; then the king gave his daughter to a young man; MH explained that he was dead; the young man built him a rich tombstone and told him to read the Koran there]: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 450:119-120

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [father died during the raid; the boy smashed his neighbor's jug with an arrow; she tells him to know better where his father's brothers died; he tells his mother to bake a churek, puts a hot churek on to her hands, forcing her to tell her where her father's brothers had gone; she says that after bringing her father's coffin, the brothers went somewhere; he went to look for them, found them sitting under a tree and covered with lice; they are ashamed, they decided it destroy by sending water to the river; he defeated the monster, it turned into a girl, she said she was freeing the river, gave a gold goblet; the young man and his uncles returned home, the king found out about the goblet, demanded the same 12; the old woman says that the king sends guards to the grave of his son, but they all die, it is her son's turn; the young man goes by himself, sees a girl come down from the cloud, revives the prince with a whip, went with him to the forest; the young man stole the whip, publicly revived the prince and then the other dead; people across the river are starving, there is drought and crop failure; when a ship is sent with food, a bull's head sticks out of the water stops him with his teeth stabbed; the young man pulled them out, the ship sailed on; the young man comes to the castle, there are three beds, he hides under one; three sisters come in, they are grateful to the one who freed them from evil, forcing them to kill those who came to the river, kill the prince and hold the ship; the young man takes his younger sister, the older two for his uncle; he gives the king gold cups and receives the throne]: Shakryl 1975, No. 20:87-93; the Abazins [a hundred horsemen marry the prince's daughter, but she chooses a cook named Guabanac ("felt"); horsemen take him hunting, dissatisfied with him; he rips the ring off the girl's finger, driving a herd, brings a herd; the same applies to a girl who drove two herds; people on both banks of the river are crying: the river divided their village, and when they send a ship, someone turns it over; G. sailed on this on the ship, saw a girl in the water, grabbed his hair, a piece of hair remained in his hand, the ship could now sail; G. comes to a house with a table and three chairs; three doves fly in, turned into girls; two they tell how their herds were taken away, the third, how they prevented the ship from turning over; everyone dreams of marrying such a hero; G. returned their ring, and the third gave them their hair, they grew; married them; at this time one hundred horsemen raced, the winner will take his first wife G.; this is reported by the third dove wife (the first two flew off and said that his wife forgot G.); G. went, overtook everyone, brought his first wife; (lives with four wives)]: Tugov 1985, No. 34:80-83; Adygi (Bzhedugi) [after the death of his parents, the prince's son began to live with his father's friend; when he saw a beautiful pigeon, he promised to marry only the same beautiful girl; adopted father: there are two of them in the west, one in the east; the young man went east, left the prince's son an arrow: if she has blood, he is in trouble; almost froze on the way; finds a girl, she puts conditions: overtake the rider, shoot three pigeons released, overcome her herself; the rider is an old woman on a donkey; offered to look for the young man in his head, put her to sleep, galloped away; he caught up with her, threw sand into her eyes, came back first; shot pigeons, knocked down the girl; the dagger does not take her, he took her with him; on the way he takes a ring from the rider who drives prisoners; the other has a handkerchief, the third has a bracelet; three they fight over their father's inheritance: an invisible hat, a whip, a spit, a leather dastarkhan; the young man promises to give to whoever brings the bullet, takes everything himself; a seven-headed giant nailed to the ground near the house , there are three girls in the house; a young man enters invisible; each tells how a young man took a ring from one, a handkerchief from another, and a bracelet from a third; the young man comes in, the girls go with him, do not tell him to release the giant; he freed, the giant took the girls away, the young man flew to him in a dastarkhan plane, hitting him three times with a whip; he stopped at a hole in the ground; the young man expanded it with a spit, went down, killed the sleeping giant, took the maidens; met the prince's aged son; meets a shepherd, who tells the sheep to cry: the prince's son has long died; young man: he is alive, slaughter sheep for a feast; married a beauty brought, three girls too married well]: Tambiev 1900:52-60; Ossetians [the boy dreams, smiles; a woman comes up, tells him to tell; the boy will tell him only if she wishes him well; the woman is angry, buys brings the boy to his parents, throws him into the cellar; the woman's daughter secretly feeds the boy; two companions notice him, buy him, take him with them; the boy runs to play with others on the field, finds an emerald ring, brings it to the companions; they give it to the owner of the field; master: this is my mother's ring, if you don't bring a second one, I'll cut off all three of them, if you bring it, cut me off; the boy asks for a horse and equipment, comes to another village, where the daughter of the Sun spreads her shawl, plunging everything into darkness, then cleans it up; the boy tears off the shawl with an arrow, the arrow brings it to him; he wants to exchange the shawl for a ring, but there are no ring residents of the village; there are no men in another village, the daughter of the Sun brings down the bridge, when a man passes, he dies; the boy tore off her slipper, the daughter of the Sun escaped, flew away; the inhabitants again did not they know about the ring; in the third village, the daughter of the Sun asks to approach the iron stove, the man sticks, she burned everyone; the boy tears off the ring from the Sun's daughter, she flies away; the boy comes to a house where three beds and food; hides; sisters, three daughters of the Sun, come in, talk about what happened, each would marry that boy; they find him, they want to eat him first, then become his wives, give him a lot rings brought to the house of the field owner; the boy forgives him; wives in the form of pigeons picked up her husband, brought him home; the eldest wife gave birth to a golden-haired son, from the others - by daughter, on the cheeks of the same sun, the other is the moon; the husband tells his old dream: there are three stars on his chest; wives carry her husband's parents to them; mother-in-law offers to kill daughters-in-law, take possession of their good; pushes her son off the tower; one of his wives see him in a stone, revives him with a whip; takes the old woman back, she lives there in need; the old man stayed with his son and daughters-in-law]: Sokayeva 2012, No. 3:30-39; Ingush: Malsagov 1983, No. 17 [=Tankieva 2003 : 239-245; the old man's son is considered insane, he slaughtered the sheep he herded; the father gives him his seven brothers; they leave him the keys, tell him not to unlock the seventh door; he unlocked, darkness broke out, his hand was left ring; brothers praise the young man: we were afraid to unlock this door; the brothers went to sell the ring, the man says it is his; judge: bring the second one the same, otherwise they will cut off their heads; the young man goes after the ring; people they cannot carry grain overseas, boats drown darkness, take grain; a young man sails in a boat, fights with darkness, leaves a shoe in his hand; residents give him four girls for his four older brothers; in the cemetery a young man fights a girl; a young man hits a girl against a gravestone, braids remain in his hand, the girl wanted to take possession of that man's soul; the young man's parents gave three daughters for the remaining three brothers; a young man climbs into the tower, tastes food, hides; three pigeons flew in, became girls; they talk about what happened to them, they want it to the young man; he opens up, they give him a lot rings are immediately brought to a judge; he pours out rings, kills the judge, gives him to his seven brothers; they promise to marry him to the sister of seven brothers who drink human blood; she promises to marry him if he finds out what happened to Mary Total's nose; the young man meets MT, together they steal a herd of underwater horses, but MT refuses to talk about his nose; so three times (the second time they kill the hostess, third horse owner); young man: who is this frozen man? MT: my wife; between the mountains of Sarmak, there is a hare in it, a box in the hare, there is a fish in it; if you rub your wife with it, she will come to life; the young man on horseback jumped into Sarmak's mouth, cut him, took out a hare, a box, a fish, revived him MT's wife; MT: I beat my wife, she scratched my nose, I turned her into ice; the young man married the sister of seven brothers who drank human blood]: 102-108; Tankieva 2003 [the boy was riding a mare; the prince poked her with a whip ; the boy said that he gouged out the eye of a foal in the womb of a mare with a white mark on his forehead; the mare was stabbed, and it turned out so; the prince took the boy to him; one day they caught an unusual fish; the prince's daughter picked it up but realized: what if this fish was a male; the fish burst out laughing and died; the prince demanded to know the reason; the prince told that young man (he is already 17) to answer, otherwise he would burn him; the young man tells how the rider, thirsty, put his hands under the water pouring from above, but the pet pigeon splashed it; the rider killed the pigeon, and when he looked up, he saw a dragon drooling; the second story: devout blind spouses have a golden bird; God gave her two apples that would restore her sight; the bird threw apples to the old men, and the old man thought that stones were stones and killed the bird; then saw the light and repented; prince adamant - his daughter should know the reason why the fish laughed; young man: in the basement there are three bastards whom the princess gave birth to from Black Nega; the young man left the prince, began to study, became smarter than teachers; those envy sent him to a certain country; he went there, brought the golden shoes given by the girls; teachers hired a witch who said that her daughter's shoes were stolen; the young man went back to that country; people They complain that a woman brings food on the ship, shows, teases and takes her back; the young man grabbed the girl, she escaped, leaving the ship and her ring; on the other side, another woman is just like teases people, bringing clothes on the ship but not giving them; the young man grabbed her handkerchief and ship; the young man climbed into the tower, hid; three birds came in, they tell how one lost her ring, the other lost her scarf, the third was golden shoes; the birds became girls, one noticed that someone was drinking from her glass; the young man seemed to have become his wife, gave a ring - if worn, all three would come; the young man was carried home, teachers and witch are thrown into prison; they say that the young man brought his stolen shoes again; the young man put on the ring, those girls appeared, the liars were punished, the young man became a padishah, married his wife's sisters]: 132-140; Chechens [there were 20 madrasah and mullah students; the best student died; one said he deserved the deceased; the mullah ordered to prove it by putting a knife on the grave at night; the young man was attacked one-eyed monster, he fought back, left a golden slipper in his hand; the rich man said that his slipper had been stolen; judge: if you find a couple, take the rich man's property, if not, you would become his slaves; young man climbed onto the ship, the ship stopped; they want to throw the young man into the sea, he goes down to the water, tears off the ring from someone's hand, the ship has sailed; the young man sees a pigeon playing with the child, snatched from the pigeon tail feathers, returns the child to his parents; comes to the tower, where three beds and a table, tried it from each plate, hid; three pigeons flew in, dropped their plumage, became girls; one says how she wanted to admire the deceased young man by pulling him out of the grave, the other to stop the ship, the third to steal the child; all three would like the hero to stay with them; the young man opens, shows slipper, ring and feathers; sisters take him to his village, giving him a second slipper; young men expel the rich man]: Malsagov 1983, No. 18:108-111; Lucky [at night a horse tramples on the peasant's field; the eldest, middle sons are sleeping, the youngest sprinkles salt on the cut on his little finger, tries to grab the rider, who disappears, leaving a golden shoe; goes to look for a pair; the old woman says that in the city at night, someone kills passers-by; a young man sees a creature with a whip hitting the grave, a dead man comes out, it hits again, the dead man returns to the grave; a young man takes away a whip; in another city people are naked, for all ships with goods sink at night; the young man sees his hand stretching out of the water, grabs it, tears off the golden ring; goes down to the palace at the bottom of the sea, finds a pair to his shoe in the chest; three doves fly in, turn into girls; they are daughters of a sea king, they own a shoe, a whip, a ring; a young man takes one as his wife, brings the other two to his brothers; wedding]: Khalilov 1965, No. 43:101-104; Dargins { The narrator missed some episodes, but this is clearly a text for this story} [Sledge's son lost his father in infancy; when he grew up, his mother showed him his father's heroic gun; he took it and went to look for sledges; came to their cave, they received him; sent him for water; a girl is tied to her hair by the spring, but her hands are free; she asks the travelers to untie her, they are lost in her beauty and she drowns them; the young man guessed He threw the girl into the water himself, took off her diamond necklace; when he tried to sell the diamond to a Jew, he shouted that the diamond had been stolen; the young man told me where he got it, promised to bring more; on the way I went to a cave where four sledge girls lived; they came up, he hid; the girls sat down at the table; one said she was drinking for the one who took her diamond (she had drowned 40 people before); the second for whoever hit her in the back with a sword still hurts; the third for burying her in the sand when she wanted to sink the boat (she had drowned 40 boats before); the fourth wanted to see this guy; young man went out, the girls gave him a handful of diamonds, he took them to town, proving his honesty; brought gifts to the girls, married the most beautiful and brought her to his place, and gave the other three to the sledges that met in a cave]: Spivak 1989:161-162; Georgians: Mashurko 1894 (p. Kulashi on the border with Mingrelia) [the boy hired a Jew's shop, said his name was Rvi and Throw; Jew: I'm leaving, Tear and Throw; the boy destroyed everything; another time at the fruit seller - Take a bite and throw it; grew up, came to 11 robbers, whose 12th comrade had recently died; the young man is being tested, sent at midnight to the grave of the deceased; one hid behind the grave, the young man poured hot porridge on him; one robber pretended sick, the young man was sent for living water; he took the golden whip from the girl who came up, she could not turn it into stone, the young man revived the previously turned ones; the grateful girl said that she got rid of spell and flew away like a bird; brought water to the robbers, brought a whip to the king; the merchant said that his whip had been stolen; at the trial, the young man promises to bring another 12 whips in three years, left the robbers hostage; A bird arrives at the prince's coffin to torture him; the young man guards him, snatches the silver whip from the old woman; she is grateful that she got rid of the spell, flew away as a bird; the prince came to life; the young man sailed on the ship, out of the water a woman's hand leaned out to sink the ship, the young man tore off her bracelet; the young man came to the palace, where three beautiful women drink for the health of their deliverer; they gave the young man 12 golden whips; the young man received throne and marries a princess, a merchant and workers are executed]: 402-409; Chikovani 1954 (Kakheti) [the husband went to war, the mother gave birth to a son, called Orphan; he comes to serve two robbers, incredibly strong, they they fear him, make him chief; the old merchant falsely accuses him of stealing the magic bowl; S. left the robbers hostage, promised to bring two more of the same; stays with the old woman; it is her son's turn to guard the dead prince in the coffin, not a single watchman returned alive; S. goes instead of the old woman's son; the dove became a girl, she revived the prince with a whip, in the morning she killed again with another whip; S. grabbed her, she threw whips and flew away; S. revived the prince, asks for a bowl in return, the tsar does not have it, he goes further; by the sea people cannot change their bread for overseas clothes, the ship sinks every time; S. sails, grabs a woman's hand stretching out of the water breaks off her golden hoop; these people also did not have a bowl; a beautiful woman was hung from the willow by her hair, asks to take it off, for this purpose; S. jumped on her shoulders, began to trample into the ground, so destroyed men; S. escaped, the girl flew away, S. left a golden shoe; old woman: I was kidnapped by three sisters, there was their castle; S. hid under the table; each of the three girls tells how S. defeated her and how good he was; S. went out, he was presented with 40 such bowls he was looking for; one of the kings summoned Pashkunji to take S. to the hostages; the execution was stopped, the merchant was executed], No. 18:104-110; Armenians : Gullakian 1983:87 ["vishap grabbed a boat full of bread for the city and kept it at sea"], 383 ["the young man tore the ring out of the lip of a vishap who sank ships full of bread"]; 1990, No. 457 [the young man became an apprentice to 40 robbers, "snatched a bowl from his hand" at the spring; Yahud accused him of stealing the bowl, the king ordered 11 more such bowls to be obtained; the young man took the ring and rod from the girl who revived the deceased prince, revived it himself ; saved the inhabitants of the city from hunger, tore off a bracelet from his hand, which was sinking ships with bread into the sea; the peri girls, from whom the young man took away their bowl, ring and bracelet, gave him 11 more bowls; the king executed Yahud, made young man king]: 23; Ioannisian 1968 [the boy was taught to a tailor, but he cut the silk and ran away; asks his father to buy raisins, go on a journey and eat raisins slowly; where the raisins end, leave them there; a robber came up and took him to study; 40 robbers are afraid to go to the bathhouse to cook halva; the guy goes, the woman holds out a wooden spoon, asks for halva, tries to overcome the guy, it failed, the shoe stayed on the floor; she is shown to everyone; king: this is my wife's shoe, bring a pair; 20 robbers are taken hostage, the guy goes in search; in the cemetery an old woman hits with brushwood, the grave opens, she revives the dead man; the guy took the brushwood; revived the deceased prince; for this he asked the king to transport him across the sea; in the middle of the sea, as always, a storm began; the guy dived, took off the ring from the old woman's finger, returned to the coral, the storm subsided; he came to the palace overseas, hid; three doves flew in, became girls; everyone would like to marry someone who (describes what happened); the guy realized that it was they who were in the bathhouse, at the grave, at the bottom of the sea; opened to them; if tomorrow he did not bring a shoe, the robbers would be executed; the peri made 300 shoes, brought the boy on his wings to the king; the boy married three sisters and began to live in their country, his parents were also moved there]: 89-98; Azerbaijanis [old woman Fata-Gara has a lousy son Mammad; he stole a skein of thread from his mother to buy kishmish; mother is furious, M . offers to sell it; it was bought only by the leader of a gang of revelers; he is offered to drive a stake into the wall of a collapsed bathhouse; someone threatens him, he hits the person behind the wall, he has a stocking in his hands; M. wants sell it, the shopkeeper accuses him of stealing, leads him to the Shah; agreed that whoever does not bring 40 such stockings in 40 days will be decapitated; the revelers bail M.; by the sea, M. throw the ship into the monster's mouth; M. pulled the earring out of the whale's nose and he let him go; M. comes to an empty city, defeated the hero, tearing off the ring from his finger; came to the castle, hid behind a rose bush; three doves flew in, became girls, each telling its own story; M. ripped off a stocking with one, an earring on the other, a ring on the third, each would like to be M.'s wife; he goes out, gets 40 pairs of stockings, younger sister as a wife, she brings him to his mother; tells him to lower the ring into the water, the man will come out to fulfill his wishes, it is necessary to build a palace; M. at the last moment remembered his guarantors, they almost executed, showed stockings, the shopkeeper was executed, M. gave the stockings to the revelers; seeing M.'s wife, the Shah wants to take her away, the vizier suggests sending M. for an angel living in a grenade; the wife sends her aunt to the dungeon, she - to the pomegranate tree, M. collected grenades; his wife cut several, each time an angel girl flies out, asks for water, there is no water, flies away; the latter climbs back into the grenade, M. brings it to the Shah, the angel flies away; the vizier proposes to instruct M. to build a palace for the Shah in the middle of the sea; the wife orders to lower the ring, not to turn around when the sea man asks; M. turned around, fell stunned, the palace disappeared and Shah with him; M. was chosen as the new shah]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:382-407 (=Akhundov 1955:188-206).

Iran - Central Asia. The Persians (Isfahan) [after the death of his wife, the padishah asks his three sons to find him a new one; the elders Jamshid and Khorshid reached the city, where one became an assistant to a hay merchant and the other to a grocer; the youngest Ibrahim came to the city where the dead are burned, because after the burial they find themselves on the surface again; I. asked to try again, hid; someone drove up, hit the grave with a stick opened; I. grabbed the defiler; he: did you take my cemetery away from me? and flew away as a dove; elsewhere people do not salt food; as soon as they collect salt in the mines, a hand sticks out of the river, grabs salt and carries it into the river; I. grabs his hand, hears a voice: he took his sister's cemetery, and I have salt; in the third city people are afraid to go to the bathhouse; I. went, grabbed his hand above him with a knife; voice: he took away my bathhouse, you and I will count; in the fourth city, I. carried the hay laid dogs, donkeys, and bones from donkeys to dogs; he came to four virgins; they tell donkeys and dogs to grab the visitor, but they refuse because I. was kind to them; the sisters recognized I. as brave and submitted to him; the youngest gives a lock of hair to cause her in case of trouble; of the other three sisters, two I. gave it to the brothers; but they threw it into the hole; the younger sister promises to marry the winner - let the brothers fight; the old man pulled I. out of the hole, he came to his city disguised as a bald poor man; then burned his hair, asked the maiden for a horse and armor, went to Meydan in all his splendor, knocked J. out of the saddle and fled; the next day, H.; girl shows an earring and promises to marry someone who will bring her the same; I. sends it to the padishah; the girl realizes that I. is near; he goes to the padishah, forgives her brothers; three weddings]: Jaliashvili, Faras 1967:150-158

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Castagné 1932 [every year, a half-golden, half silver mare brings the same foal, but a cloud descends and carries it away; the eldest, middle son cannot protect himself the thief, the youngest shoots, hears a scream, a woman's finger falls out of the cloud; goes in search; a white horseman arrives at the grave of the deceased khan at night, tramples on her, the deceased suffers; the khan's daughter promises to marry him , whoever saves her father from suffering; a young man guards and whips a woman in white, she hides; the daughter of the deceased offers herself to the young man, but he promises to think; on the river, a hand sticking out of the water sinks boats; the young man rips off her ring, her hand disappears; he comes to three tents, overhears the conversation of three girls; these are the ones who stole stallions, tortured the deceased, sank boats; each expresses a desire to marry the young man who defeated her; the young man comes in, the girls agree, but their deva brothers must be killed; the young man kills two; when he fights the third, the virgin sister throws wheat under her brother's feet and ash under the young man's feet; the virgins fall killed, young man takes wives and stolen horses]: 51-54; Potanin 1916, No. 11 (Aral-Irtysh watershed) [Koblandy's hero robbed bay; the son of that youngster Karaman offered martial arts; after a long struggle Koblandy killed him, took away people and property; the old man remained under the cauldron and the boy Talas-pai under straw; Karaman's bow was worn by two strongmen, T. brought one; three swans torment the old man every day; T. says tell, puts on his clothes, shoots swans, his ring falls; comes to a lousy shepherd, who replies that he is herding Kadyr-kan's cows; explains that according to him, cows and calves cross by themselves across the sea, tied up, milked; that he licks the heels of K.'s youngest daughter; T. killed the guy, put on his clothes, told the cattle to do what they needed, came to K.; his daughters were those swans; he said he was sick to stay with the youngest; began to stroke her heels with the tongue of a cow; replies that yes, his tongue was cracked; she gave honey, he began to stroke softer; bathed where the girls flew in with swans; the youngest recognized T., took it with to sleep with himself; T. explains how to let the khan know that it is time for daughters to marry: let one bread burn, the other burn, and the third bake properly; the khan told the daughters to choose suitors, the youngest took the lousy one guy; khan fell ill, I need saiga meat; only a lousy man killed, gave his older sons-in-law, left a gutter for himself; only from them the khan recovered; the cherry plum kara-gus ("huge black eagle") takes a foal every year winged mare; older sons-in-law fall asleep, the tail of a foal is lousy with an arrow, one bird's feather; the sons-in-law took their tail, could not raise the pen, only the lousy one brought it; three sons-in-law go to look for a bird; the lousy man comes to the seven-headed cannibal, she promises to help; the bird sat on a bai-terek tree, the lousy one shot her, only his horse was able to carry the carcass; the girl daughter of the bird is chasing, the lousy one defeated her, took her in wives, released the captives of the bird; saved the snake, which gave him the gift to understand the speech of animals; a bay horse came running, this is the mother of the horse T., she escaped from Koblanda; T. appeared to his father-in-law in his real form, he gave him half of the cattle, he returned to his father (that is, to the old man with whom he lived after Koblanda's raid); T. and his son went to Koblanda; it turned out that their mothers were sisters, they fraternized; Ir-Kosai, avenging his father, attacked killed Koblandy; T. reconciled with him, became khan]: 73-80 (=1972, No. 6:123-130); Kyrgyz [the old man has a mare made of gold and silver; every year he brings such a foal, but a cloud descends and takes it away ; the old man promises an inheritance to one of the three sons who finds the kidnapped foals; the older brothers did not save the foals, the youngest shot; the cloud cried out in a woman's voice, and a shot finger fell to the ground; a young man goes in search; in one place, the subjects of the late khan would like to save him from his torment; every night a man in a white robe appears at his grave on a white horse; a horse jumps over the grave, the khan comes to life and beats her head against the stones before dawn; the khan's daughter promises herself to the one who will save her father from the torturer; the young man lay in wait for him, pulled out the whip from his hands, a woman screamed, the man in white disappeared; Now the young man has come to the people gathered by the river; every time the ship reaches the middle, his hand sticks out of the water and pulls it to the bottom; the young man tore off his ring, a woman screams; a young man came to three white yurts; the third one hears women's voices; one girl would like to marry the one who shot her finger; the other took revenge on the khan who was chasing her and would like to marry the one who took her away her whip; the young man came in, the girls warned that before marrying them, he must kill their evil brothers; he killed two quickly and fights the third for a long time; the sister of an evil spirit threw millet under his feet, and ash under the young man's feet; the spirit slipped, fell, killed; the young man returned home with herds and three wives]: Muchnik 1944:15-18.

Western Siberia. Southern Khanty (Verkhne-Demyan parish) [returning from hunting, two brothers did not find a third in the house, there was blood on the floor; but the brother only wanted to make sure they loved him; the other two were angry And they threw him into the forest; he came to the city, only two houses had light; for his salvation from the ogre they promised him the most beautiful of three daughters; at night he cut off the leg of a black rider with a shovel; but the girls did not give him; in the second city the same (a gray rider, an ear with a gold earring); in the third city, there are five houses with light - four are rejoicing, in the fifth they cry, 20 girls and a mother; the same (white rider, three fingers with a ring); a young man came to the tower, ate, hid; three swans flew in, took off their swan skins, became girls, began to feast; they tell how they lost their leg, ear, fingers; the young man tore his skins, took the youngest girl as his wife] : Patkanov 1999:386-389.