Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K145. Predicted death from a wolf, ATU 934B*.


A person is predicted to be torn to pieces by a wolf or die during a wedding. The prediction turns out to be correct. When it comes to a wedding, the bride becomes a wolf and kills the groom.

Catalans, Irish, Croats, Serbs, Bosnians, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Czechs, Western Ukrainians (Pokutje), Georgians, Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Bakhtiyars, Persians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Lutsi, Estonians , Swedes, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz.

Southern Europe. Catalans [death from a wolf on their wedding day]: Aarne, Thompson 1961, no. 934B: 329

The Balkans. Croats (Samobor) []: Lang 1914:138f in Brednich 1964:34; Serbs []: Čajkanovič 1927, No. 87:307f in Brednich 1964:34-35; Bosnica (Sarajevo) []: Bosanska Vila Bd. 3: 189 in Brednich 1964:35; Bulgarians []: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 934B: 346; Hungarians [death from a wolf on their wedding day]: Aarne, Thompson 1961, No. 934B: 329.

Central Europe. Czechs [death from a wolf on a wedding day]: Aarne, Thompson 1961, No. 934B: 329; Western Ukrainians (Pokutje) [Man grew potatoes, wolves came and started digging them up. A man man climbed a tree. At midnight, the forest lit up. God began to tell you what to drink tomorrow. The hare is cabbage, the fox is the chicken, it has reached the wolf. Don't ruin the field, a person has small children, or you can borrow a lamb from him. When the animals parted, the man came home and locked the barn firmly. The wolf couldn't get hold of the lamb. It's the same with the pig the next day. The third time God says to the wolf, since he felt sorry for the lamb, you can eat it yourself, it's in the tree. The man began to call for help, people came running and drove away the wolves. At home, a man hid in the stove, the door is locked. Late in the evening, there is a voice under the hut: let it go, I'll freeze, I'll pray to God for you. My wife opened it, and there's a wolf. He pulled the man off the stove and took him to the forest]: Zinchuk 2005b, No. 89:441-442.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians [a shepherd hears angels talking about people's destinies; a boy born 20 years later will be eaten by a wolf during his own wedding; and whoever tries to prevent this from happening will himself will be eaten; the shepherd saved his godson and died himself]: Kurdovanidze 2000, № -934B**: 78; Azerbaijanis [hunter Pirim knew the language of animals and birds; put a pregnant wife on a pregnant mare; she explains to the horse that he is walking slowly because he is lucky and carries too many; P. laughed, his wife demanded an explanation, he told everything; P. heard the wolf rejoicing: that night he would bite him; Pyrima lowered into a deep well; but the wolf dug and carried it away]: Nabiev 1988:276-288; Kurds [the predictor tells the padishah that his son, if married, will die immediately and his daughter will be married to a son Eastern padishah, but will marry a poor shepherd; when his son was 30 years old, he was married; the young were locked in an iron box, but the bride turned into a she-wolf, ate the groom and ran away; when The eastern fall took the bride, a snowstorm flew in, the horsemen were scattered, the bride was left alone and came to the shepherd; the padishah found the shepherd and handed him the throne]: Jamil et al. 1989, No. 70:330-332.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Romaskevich 1934a, No. 50 (Farce, recorded by O.Mann; Die Tajik-Mundarten der Provins Fars. Berlin, 1909) []: 245-247; Marzolph 1984, No. 934B [After the birth of his son, the king learns that a wolf will tear him to pieces when a young man marries; the king arranges his son's wedding in a securely isolated room; however The clay image of a wolf in it comes to life (Fars, Markazi)]: 174; the Bakhtiyars [when the son was born, Akhund predicted to his father that his son was destined to be torn by a wolf; the father encloses the son in underground peace, tells Akhunda to teach him; marries her son to his brother's daughter; after the wedding, the wife turned into a wolf, tore the young man to pieces, then took on a human image again]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 43: 291-292.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [The clairvoyant predicts that he himself will be killed with a fence, and his master will be killed by a wolf in eight years. One day, the master invites a beautiful girl into the carriage, who turns into a wolf and bites her master]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 934B*: 334; Lithuanians [{To avoid the predicted death from a wolf}, a man hides under a barrel; a girl runs in, asks for her to hide; turns into a wolf whose teeth a person was destined to die]: Balys 1936, no. *166:14; lutsie (recorded in 1933) in Russian, the father of the Catholic informant is Latvian, the mother is Polish) [the soldier climbed under the floor into the hut where the newborn is; three came in, two wished the child happiness, the third said that during the wedding he will be eaten by a wolf; the soldier asked for a godson; on the wedding day he surrounded the newlyweds with a company of soldiers; the wolf jumped, ate the groom and ran away, no one could stop him]: Annom et al. 2018:78; Estonians ( Aarne 1918, #94:136) [death from a wolf on his wedding day]: Aarne, Thompson 1961, no. 934B: 329

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Surmergen went hunting, saw two snakes fighting, killed a black one, helped a white one; she showed how to lick a stone; S. also licked and began to understand the language of all animals; the snake warned: if S. talks about his knowledge, he will die; gave a gold bar; after spending the night at bay, S. hears a conversation between a wolf and a dog; the dog promises to prevent the wolf from attacking the owner's sheep and the guest's horse; S. shared with her meat; in the morning after the snowstorm, the sheep and the horse are intact, the wolf is captured; the owner offers the guest a reward for bringing good luck; yarochka: in 5 years I will become a thousand sheep; in 5 years the owner refuses to recognize the contract; judge: how many sheep are turned on the road to S.'s house, let him take so many; turned a thousand after the spring; one day S. hears a conversation between a pregnant mare and a foal, laughs; the wife demands an explanation; S. ready to die; rooster: I'm not S., who is going to tell his wife a secret; S. did not say anything; once S. spent the night with caravans; the wolf howls that he was going to eat him; they dug a hole for S. felt; in the morning it turned out that the wolf dug the side passage and ate S.]: Babalar sozi 2011:68-69; Kyrgyz [the cruel Khan Jemake has 7 wives, all barren; the poor man gave him a daughter Jamila, warning that she would give birth to an idiot; Khan began to pour gold into the poor man's bag, it did not fill; the seven-headed witch Jelmogus threw two handfuls of earth, the bag was filled - the bag was made of an eyeball man; the boy born is Muradsha; then the khan married Jamal, the daughter of his vizier, she has a son Omor; he is cruel and arrogant; began to rule; when M. was 50 years old, he came to ask for a position, but O. did not give; but then M. had a son; someone read on his forehead: when the boy is 18 years old and gets married, he will be eaten by a wolf; O. took them all to him, put his son M. in the Iron Palace; when he is 18, O. tells him that Akmaral, the 18-year-old daughter of a vizier, married a young man; after the wedding, they spent the night together; then A. became a wolf, her husband next to her eyes became a ram and she ate him; then she became a woman again; M. took his daughter-in-law and she gave birth to a son named Bolotbek; that traveler came and ordered Omoru to give the throne to B.; O. called the executions, but with a movement of his hand the traveler demolished their heads and Omoru; B. became kind and fair khanom]: Sabyr uulu 2008:360-363.