Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K14C. Son mistaken for lover, ATU 910B.


Returning from a long absence and seeing signs that there is another man in the house, the man thinks that his wife has a lover, but is in no hurry to act and is convinced that it is his his own son or his wife's relative.

Egyptian Arabs, Catalans, Portuguese, Galicians, Sicilians, Corsicans, Sardinians, Ladins, French, Arameans, Arameans, Arabs of Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinians, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Karen, Arakan, Sindhi, Santals, Sinhales, Bulgarians, Albanians, Greeks, Serbs, Slovenes, Romanians, Hungarians, Russians (Teresky Bereg, Arkhangelskaya, Karelia, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Vologda, Tver , Kostroma, Voronezh, Tula), Ukrainians (Ugric Russia, Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Pokutye, Poltava), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Ossetians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Persians , Uzbeks, Tajiks, Yazgulyams, Latvians, Livs (Swedes?) , Mari, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Trans-Baikal Buryats, Southern Khanty.

North Africa. Arabs of Egypt [son studied well, his father married, died; an acquaintance advised him to go to study with a sage; the young man went and worked for him for 20 years in a smithy; at the end of the term, payment was the word "patience"; the man came home and saw a 20-year-old boy next to his wife; he was going to kill him, but remembered his patience; the guy turned out to be his son]: Artin Pacha 1895, No. 9:131-136.

Southern Europe. Catalans [the person received three tips: not to go off the road to shorten the path; not to interfere in other people's affairs; to think twice before doing an act; thanks to these tips, he did not get into the hands of robbers, he got money, and when he returned home he did not kill his son, whom he first mistook for his wife's lover]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 910B: 180; Portuguese [soldier gives savings to the old man in exchange for tips; 1) walk not on the trail, but on the highway; 2) do not spend the night in the same house as a rich man; 3) do not judge people at first sight; the old man's wife gives a cake; the mule driver walks along the path, the soldier does not turns off the road, the driver is robbed; in the tavern, the rich man offers company, the soldier refused; at night the rich man was robbed and killed; looking into the house, the soldier sees a stranger; it turned out that it was his wife's brother; in the pie turned out to be the money that the soldier gave the old man for advice]: Shishlova 1971:173-175; the Galicians [the man went to look for work; after working, he agreed that the owner would give him not money, but three advice; Think three times before you make it; don't turn to the side road; don't go into other people's affairs; the owner also gave a loaf of bread, ordering it to be cut when he returned home; the man joined the group of travelers , refused to take them to the side road; the travelers were attacked by wolves, only the horseshoes of mules remained; the man spent the night in the house; the hatch opened, someone overgrown got out, ate and returned; skulls were visible in the dungeon; in the morning the man was told that they belonged to the questioners; the man continued his journey; when he reached home, he saw his wife and young priest in the window; wanted to kill them, but he restrained himself; I learned from the neighbors that the woman in this house had raised one son, he became a priest, and now he came to his mother; when he knocked, the priest insisted that the wanderer be fed; he was given a portion, which was always prepared for the family's absent father; the man admitted that this is him; this bread was owned by gold]: Contos 1972, No. 1:11-13; Sicilians [letting the employee go home, the abbot asks if he wants money or three advice for his work; the employee chooses advice; moving from the old road to the new one, you will face unforeseen problems; try to see more and less talk; think first and then do; the companions offered to take a short road, the man refused; soon he heard shots - the satellites were killed by robbers; a man was served at the inn; the man noticed in time, but did not eat or ask; the owner: those who asked were fried themselves; at home he sees his wife, and with her a young priest; he is ready to rush at him, but he restrains himself and realizes that it is his son; broke the loaf given by the abbot, it contained money]: Crane 1885, No. 41:157-159; the Sardinians [the owner of the shoe shop saw a corpse at his door; frightened, decided to leave and hired an owner named Solomon; after 20 years he decided to get a salary and return; S. offered him three tips instead of money: do not turn from the old expensive to the new one; do not poke into other people's affairs; put aside anger for tomorrow; goodbye, S. gave a cake, telling him to cut it when the man was at home at the family table; on the way home, the man joined a group of wanderers; they turned to the side road, and he refused; robbers killed those who turned; at nightfall, the man saw a lonely house, knocked; saw the owner open the underground, a blind woman came out, he poured soup into her skull and gave her a reed instead of a spoon; she ate and went underground; when asked by the owner what the guest thought about it, the man replied that it was none of his business; owner: my ex-wife eats from her lover's skull with that cane whom I picked out her eyes; the man again replied that it was not for him to judge; master: I kill those who answer me otherwise; when he reached the house and looked out the window, the man saw his wife with a young man; grabbed his gun, but not he hurried, went to ask his neighbors; they said that the woman was happy - her son had returned from seminary and celebrated his first mass; when the cake was cut, it contained a three-year salary]: Calvino 1984, No. 192:687-689; Corsicans [leaving his pregnant wife, the husband went to work and served Solomon for 25 years; when leaving, asked for advice; S. took him 100 francs for each; 1) do not go to good road; 2) do not interfere in other people's affairs; 3) angry in the evening, wait until morning; S. quietly placed the 300 francs received inside the bread, gave it to the worker and ordered the bread to be cut only when will return home to his wife; the man met another, they went together; he offered to shorten the road, but the man remembered the first advice; the companion did not have time to go far when he was shot; in a house where the man was stopped, he was served soup in his skull, and the owner beat his wife; seeing that the guest did not interfere, the owner thanked him and said that his wife was now divided (libérée); going to his at home, a man sees his wife dressing a young priest; he goes to a tavern and asks people; it turns out that his wife has raised a worthy son, he will celebrate mass for the first time; when they cut the bread, it contained money]: Massignon 1984, No. 62:140-142; ladins [after serving the owner for 7 years, the poor man was rewarded with a loaf of bread and three tips: never be angry, not get off the main road, not be angry; at the inn he was served food in a human skull; the man wanted to be angry, but kept silent; in the morning the owner released all the prisoners from the basement: they expressed dissatisfaction with his dishes made of skulls and bones; the man went on with the liberated; they decided to shorten their way to the city by turning into a country road, but the man refused to follow them; in the city he found out that his companions had been robbed and killed; when he reached the house and looked out the window, the man saw a young man kissing his wife; wanted to kill the young man, but restrained himself; he learned from the neighbors that it was his son, who had studied to be priest: tomorrow he has his first mass; when he enters his house, a man allowed the loaf given to him: gold and gems inside]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 19:68-70.

Western Europe. The French [leaving his wife and children at home, the man went to work; the fortuneteller advises: do not turn off the highway in an attempt to shorten the path; do not show surprise in someone else's house; not to succumb to anger and not to take revenge without thinking; after earning nothing, the man turned home; three more people like him are walking with him; they turned onto the path to the inn, but the man continued to walk along the road; ordered dinner at the inn, but there were no companions; they reported that they were killed by robbers; the man went on and stopped at the castle; the owner has two heads, three eyes and iron legs; during dinner, the owner let a beautiful woman out of the dresser, who drank wine not from a glass, but from a human skull; then locked again; when leaving, the man asks how much he owes; owner: nothing; I killed everyone who was curious; this a woman is my wife, and the skull is her lover who I killed; when he approaches the house, a man sees his wife hugging a young abbot; grabs a gun, but first asks his neighbors what kind of people there are; to him It is said that this is a mother and son; she raised her children alone with dignity; the man ran home reunited with his family]: Tenèze, Bru 2000, No. 910B: 107-109.

Western Asia. Aramei [the merchant's wooden elbow (i.e. ruler) broke; he told his wife to wait for him for 7 years and went on a journey; he hired a merchant for 7 years; with him, the dried vineyard blossomed, the merchant generously paid; bought three tips for three gold at the bazaar: patience saves you from trouble; don't let anger take control of yourself; everyone likes; when I get home, I saw through the window that his wife was wrong someone is sleeping; wanted to shoot his wife and lover, but knocked first; his wife and her two twin sons came out to meet him; the broken elbow is intact again; the merchant finds out that the sultan is calling people to him to answer his question; losers are being executed, a tower of skulls has already been built; there is a girl and a frog next to the Sultan; the sultan asks which of them is more beautiful; merchant: what he likes is suitable for everyone ; after this report, the spell subsided and the frog turned into a girl; the king appointed the merchant as a vizier and married a former frog; {the advice about patience is not directly used in the story}]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:332 -338; Iraqi Arabs [Gazman helped the old man for three days; received three advice; 1) don't tell anyone "You are ugly"; 2) remember that everything is your master; 3) if you are angry, count to a hundred and then accept solution; on the way back, the monster took him into the cave, fed him and asked him if it was beautiful; G.: I never saw you more gracefully; the monster became a young man, and the frog sitting next to him was a girl; Olney were bewitched a witch; the young man gave G. a jug of gold; G. went with other travelers, who began to grab a horse with a golden saddle that had come running; G.: don't take it, your master; a man with a dagger came and took the saddle, took those who took him to prison; at home G. saw his wife with someone else; it turned out to be her sister; everything is fine]: Yaremenko 1990, No. 7:47-50; (cf. {primary sources needed}: Syria, Jordan, Palestinians, Qatar: El-Shami 2004, No. 910B, 910B1:570-571; Lebanon: Uther 2004 (4), No. 910A: 530; Saudi Arabia, Bahrain: El-Shami 2004, No. 311:579-580); Saudia [the brushwood seller earned 3 coins (millimetres); one gave a poor man for advice: leave today's anger for tomorrow; after living in a wonderful city for a long time came home and saw his wife talking to a man like himself through the crack; he thought it was a werewolf, but remembered the advice and kept listening; the man turned out to be his son]: Juhaiman 1999:72-74.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [the poor man sold his wife and son, earned money, went to buy his wife, nat gave him 5 tips on the way: do not go in the woods without a companion; don't sleep alone in a roadside house; when you go to rest, do not sleep, but think; do not swim near the highway; if you have an important thing in mind, take your time, think about it; the poor man caught a crab, fell asleep in a roadside gazebo; the crow's wife asked her husband to kill the poor man so that peck out his eyes; the raven asked the cobra to sting the sleeper, but the crab pinched him, he woke up, escaped; released the crab (it was his companion); decided to follow the advice he had received; did not sleep in a roadside house, but waited with a knife in his hands; the Bilu, who took the form of people, were frightened, did not kill the man, but left him gold; the poor man would not swim by the road, otherwise his bag of jewelry stolen; when he returned home, he did not immediately rush with a knife at the young man who slept near his wife - it turned out to be his grown-up son]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 177:478-481; Arakan people [the peasant went to work and worked for 16 years; with the money he earned, he bought three tips from the monk: 1) don't go without a friend; when staying for the night, look around carefully; 3) don't let anger run wild; the peasant saw a spider and took as a friend; spent the night in a tree, and the spider got out and crawled down; in the morning the peasant saw that a shepherd had bitten a poisonous snake and thus saved him; the next time the peasant spent the night in the house, but became looked closely and noticed something was amiss; began to pray; the girl turned out to be a cannibal, but did no harm and gave gold; when he got home, the peasant saw his wife and a boyfriend next to her through the window; became break through the door, but it turned out that this was his grown son; everything is fine]: Zapadova 1977:91-95.

South Asia. Sindhi [the son of a deceased merchant takes 500 coins, goes on a journey; buys 5 simple tips from the dervish; 1) travel with a companion; 2) stay in an unfamiliar house, be on the lookout; 3) when going to bed, try this place with your foot first; 4) do not talk to strangers; 5) do not act in a fit of anger; in a deserted place, a young man picks up a hedgehog - this is his companion; sleeps in a tree with a hedgehog tied Downstairs, that night he killed poisonous snakes; in the city a young man stays with an old woman; she cries and laughs; whoever cures his sick daughter, the king will give her and half the kingdom, losers are hung; no one can to cure, it is the turn of the old woman's grandson; the young man is called to go instead of him; the young man remembers the advice to be on the lookout at night; the rat: the rat itself sits on a pile of treasures, she needs to go in the hole pour buffalo fat; the young man returns to the old woman, she gives medicine, the snake comes out of the princess's belly piece by piece, she recovers; the young man marries the princess, pulls out the rat's treasures; envious the courtiers build a palace with a hidden well, mask the hole, put a bed there; the young man tries first with his foot, the bed fails; the king drives away the perpetrators; the young man asks permission to visit his homeland; he a woman met asking her to take it; the young man remembered the advice not to trust strangers, drove on; the traveler who followed him took the woman; the horsemen jumped up and cut him to pieces; it was a runaway from at home the prince's daughter, who was forcibly married; at home, the young man found his wife and a boy; he wanted to kill them, but he restrained himself, and the mother said that it was his son; the young man took the family first, returned to the princess's father, inherited the throne]: Schimmel 1995, No. 3:29-36; Santals: Bodding 1929:323-337; Bompas 1909, No. 14 [in search of wisdom, Raja's son meets a ploughman, buys advice; 1) if offered to sit down, first check what you sit on; 2) do not bathe where everyone else is; 3) act in accordance with the opinion of the majority, and not according to your own understanding; 4) do not act rashly in anger; the prince escaped death, when the shop asked him to sit on a carpet spread over the well; forgetting his purse where he was swimming, he came back to pick it up and found it (they would have taken a purse by the pond where everyone swims); when he died nearby the man, the prince, agreed to throw the corpse into the ravine and found hidden money on the body of the deceased; at home, the prince saw a sword and a pair of shoes in front of the room; it turned out that his wife and her younger sister put them there so that if anyone came in, they would think that there was a man in the house]: 53-56; the Sinhalese [the prince did not learn to read and write, his father wanted to execute him, but his mother sent him away; in one village he was dying the astrologer gave advice: see if the chair is strong in someone else's house; do not eat right away, give a piece to the animal; do not sleep in a dangerous place; do not believe what they say; the prince stayed in the same house, he was given a chair above the trap pit, he did not sit on it; in another house, the prince gave a piece to the dog and cat, who died; the prince came to another king, who married him off his daughter, but warned that the previous suitors had been found in the morning dead; the prince did not fall asleep, saw a cobra coming down from the ceiling, hacked it; the king sent his son-in-law to war; 12 years later he returned, saw a young man next to his wife, but did not kill it; it turned out to be his son; father-in-law handed over the crown to his son-in-law]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 82:186-187.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [a farmhand earned three chervonets from a blacksmith; meets two guys and their father, who understands bird language and opens his mouth only for money; a farmhand gives chervonets, receives advice; 1) in do not look for a ford in muddy water; you will see eagles curl, go look; 3) do not dare to do anything without counting to 25; the farmhand did not cross the muddy turbulent river; the merchant waded, drowned, and his horse swam out, into silver sumac; the farmhand saw eagles, came up, there were two robbers killed, chervonets nearby; when he went to the house, he sees his wife with a man; wanted to shoot, but first began to count; it turned out that the man was his son]: Klyagina-Kondratyeva 1951:96-99; Greeks (recorded in Borchalinsky County, Tifli Province) [the shepherd went to work, hired a rich man; he paid twice and gave three tips; 1) don't cross the river until you see the bottom; 2) don't ask what you don't need to know; 3) be patient; the shepherd sees how merchants began to cross the deep river; the water carried away the camels, the shepherd pulled gold out of the water; stayed in the same house; there was a woman tied in the corner with her dog; wanted to ask, but he kept silent; if he asked, the owner would cut off his head; the owner's wife was attached, persuading her lover to kill him; in the house the shepherd saw his wife with a man; it turned out to be his son]: Stamboliev 1896, No. 19:104-106; Albanians [the poor man went to work and was going to return home 18 years later; the owner offered him a choice of three righteous piastres or 300 unrighteous ones; the man chose the righteous ones, even if he spent the night in the house; there is a century-old man; the owner says that every word he says is worth one piaster; the man gives all three; "Do not swear God's creation"; "Do not enter the muddy water"; "Morning put aside anger until the evening, and leave the evening anger for the morning"; a man came to the well, people are sitting around; everyone who goes down is lifted up without a head; the man asked him to let him down; two women below the water - white and black; man remembered the first advice and replied that both are good; black: you pretend, you like white better; man: no, you are both God's creatures; women let man go upstairs, water flowed from a well and the man was given two mules loaded with gold; when he approached the overflowing river, the man did not enter the muddy water; a man with two horses loaded with gold came up and rushed into the water and drowned; the man got the horses with their luggage; the water slept and he crossed to the other side; at home the man found his mother, wife and 18-year-old boy (they did not recognize who had come); thought it was his wife's companion, but put off the murder until the morning; in the morning I heard a young man call his wife his mother; everything was clear and everything was fine]: Lambertz 1952:175-180; Serbs [the poor man's middle son married an ugly girl; the next day after the wedding, he went on a journey; hired an employee; 16-17 years later asked the owner to calculate it; he asked if he wanted 100 ducats with a curse or three with a blessing; the person chose blessing; in the mountains I went into a house from where I could hear noise and loud conversations; came in; everyone was talking, but one was silent; the traveler asked why; he replied that every word {utterance} he said was a ducat; the traveler gave the ducat and then the second; St. Thomas (it was him): Don't go into the muddy water; Don't do what you think; the traveler went to the river, but saw that it was muddy, and sat on the shore; three Turks rode up, another horse was loaded with money; they asked the traveler to hold her while they were looking for a ford; the water took them away, and the horse with the money went to the traveler; the next day the water came down and the traveler crossed the river; got home; his wife did not recognize him ; when my son returned from work, the man mistook him for an attacker and was going to hack him with an ax; the wife cried out: This is my son! The man remembered the advice he had bought, opened himself to his wife and son, stayed with them; the son asked for money to trade; the father gave; the son equipped and sent three ships with grain; met a robber ship; two grabbed to death trying to bite each other; two prisoners are barely alive from hunger; a man bought the girls, giving the robbers ships full of grain; at home, his father did not reproach him; the following year, ships with salt; man sailed to a kingdom where there was no salt; the king bought salt by giving ducat ships for them; while eating, the queen noticed a stranger wearing a handkerchief to her kidnapped daughters; promised three more ships with ducats, if a stranger brings her daughter; the man went home to bring the princesses to his parents; a naked corpse on the shore; people: this scoundrel was killed for the cause; the man dressed and buried the dead man; asked for it a passenger; on the way back, he threw a man into the sea, telling the girls to call him their savior; the one thrown into the sea was picked up and brought ashore; demanded that when the rescued man became king, he He would have to give him what he wanted; the rescued man came to the palace when the king was passing his daughter off as a deceiver; in the kitchen he threw his ring into the bowl of soup that the bride had carried; she found out ring; the deceiver is hanged; the king married the eldest daughter to the savior and made him heir; they have a son; a man appeared demanding that the promise to give what they asked for (he was that eagle) should be fulfilled; demanded a son; father agrees; came: it was just a test, I am that buried dead man; everything is fine, the man brought his parents to live with him as well]: Eschker 1992, No. 16:84-89; Slovenes , Romanians, Hungarians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 910B: 530-532.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Vologda, Tver, Kostroma, Voronezh, Ryazan, Tula), Ukrainians (Ugric Russia, Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Hutsulshchina , Ivano-Frankivsk, Podolia, Pokutye, Kiev, Poltava, Chernihiv), Belarusians: SUS 1979, № 910A [Mind from disasters: don't visit friends often, don't marry a girl from a distant area , do not believe the horse on the road, but the wife at home; the hero learns the wisdom of these tips from experience], 910B [Three good tips: the unfortunate marries a wise girl; sells three rugs embroidered by her for three tips; following these tips, he makes wealth overseas; when he returns, he sees his wife's good job (two fellows); remembering the third advice, he is in no hurry to punish his wife and finds out that well done, his son (s)]: 228; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [the wife asks her husband to sell the necklace; he gave it for advice: the head will not die without trial; she gave embroidery with silver, the husband gave it for God, so he elevates himself to the bottom; gold embroidery: Swing - don't hit, but call - don't lower it; after that, the husband was afraid to go home, hired the ship as a captain; the ships stopped in the middle of the sea, someone had to go down to the sea king; that man descended; sea king: the sea is rich in land; the king's wife: the land is rich in the sea; you can live on land without sea, but you can't live in the sea without land; the man asked the king to put him on his throne, judged it this way: the sea also gives He will take it for himself, but the land gives and does not take it, the land is richer than the sea; he fell asleep and woke up in his cabin: gold is around; they have come to the king; the captains give fur and think that it only has coal; it turned out that gold; the husband came back, saw two young men next to his wife, swung his sword, but did not hit; it turned out that his sons]: Balashov 1970, No. 150:401-404; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [the guy fell for stealing from prison; when he left, he came to ask the king for money; the king's daughter wanted to marry him; her father kicked her out without giving anything to him; she embroidered a towel three times, sent her husband to sell it, he sold it for three tips: go and don't be afraid; judge and don't discuss; swing, don't hit; it's a shame to return to your wife without money, hired a coral; ships out of place, who will go under water? the man remembered "go - don't be afraid", volunteered to go down on the condition that if he returns, one of his ships; two waterfowers in the silver palace ask what is more expensive in Russia - damask or gold? "Judge - don't discuss": gold is more expensive, but if war, then damask is more expensive; the watermen are happy, they gave the box; the man got up, got the ship, the ships sailed; the man took one gem from the box, gave it to the king, he seated him next to him; the merchant is envious: if the price of my ships is lower than his alone, I will give him everything; the contents of the box are much more expensive than all ships; the man returned home with ships; changed clothes with the beggar, his wife did not recognize him; two men came at night; "Swing, don't hit"; it turned out that his sons; the wife recognized her husband; the tsar had a feast in honor of his son-in-law]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:138-143; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) [the old man's son does not want to learn a craft, he came to the king to ask for money; princess: I will marry him; tsar: what came in handy, go for it; she embroidered a towel, sent to sell; then twice more; the husband sold it for three tips: go and do not be afraid; judge, but do not discuss; swing, but do not hit; he is ashamed to return to his wife without money, hired a sailor, swam; the ships have risen; the man agrees to go down on the condition that if he returns, he will be given any of the 30 ships; at the bottom, the old people brought vodka, called him the royal son-in-law, asked what is more expensive: damask iron or gold; gold, and if war, then damask; the old people are happy, they advise you to ask for the last thin ship and give a box; they sailed to another king, everyone offered gifts; the man bet that his gift is the most expensive; took one pebble from the box, he turned out to be more expensive than all the others together; received all the ships; when he returned, changed clothes with a cripple, asked his wife to spend the night, she was not his I found out; two guys came at night; the man first thought he was lovers, but then realized that he was sons; a feast for the whole world]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 51:255-261; Russians (Karelia, Zaonezhye, Kizhi) [ the little man could not feed himself, he went to the king, he could not judge him. The king's daughter asked the peasant if he was married and offered to marry someone. The king became angry and gave his daughter to a man without a dowry. They healed, my wife embroidered the carpet and sent it to sell it at the market. The merchant offered a choice of one hundred rubles for the carpet or the word: "Without trial, he does not die on his head and hair." The little man took the floor. The wife of the second carpet, even better, the merchant offered two hundred rubles or the word: "Bulat iron is more expensive than gold and silver", the peasant took the floor again. On the third day, three hundred rubles, but the peasant took the floor: "Swing - don't hit, go away and ask." The merchant felt sorry for the peasant and gave him ringing geese. The other merchant has six ships, no sailor for the sixth, the man has agreed to become one. Five had different merchandise, and the sixth had a tesa. On its way, the ship stood in the middle of the sea, the sea king demanded one man to the bottom of the sea, and the merchant promised a sixth ship to agree. The man lost his first word that his hair would not die without trial, he agreed. He carved two jewels, took goose with him, came to the bottom of the sea, and then the king and queen were arguing: the tsar says that damask iron is more expensive than gold and silver, and the queen, on the contrary. They asked the man and judged that damask iron is more expensive. We decided to thank him, arranged a treat, the man played goose, and received an anchor (gem stone) as a gift. The anchor was stabbed in a box, ordered to keep it in front of him as it would rise. This is how the little man got the sixth ship. In another kingdom, gifts were received to the king, the peasant took a piece of anchor, coated it with clay, and handed it to the king through his servants. At first, he rejected the clay, but when the servants picked up a piece and saw the anchor, he treated the peasant better than the merchant who brought goods from five ships. That merchant was offended and invited the king to evaluate his five ships, and if he could not evaluate the sixth, he promised to give the peasant his five. At first, the king could not appreciate the merchant's ships, and the peasant was able and he should have returned his ship to the merchant. However, the peasant showed the king the anchor in the box, received all six ships, and became a merchant himself. Meanwhile, his wife carried three sons in one belly, "knee-length legs in gold, elbow length in silver, and a pearl on each hair on his head." She rebuilt her house, got a cow, and had an old lady as a servant. The man came back, and there was another one in place of his old house, and there was a wife with three men (sons), wanted to cut off the heads of all four with a sword, but remembered the word: "Swing, don't hit, go away and ask." I asked the old lady, who said that it was his wife and sons. The man then asked me to tell them to come ashore to meet him. So they did, were happy, invited the tsar to rest, he saw that the peasant had become a merchant and had a wedding, put a peasant in his place]: Onegin 1986, No. 6:51-57; Russians (Vologda) [ Ondron came to the king unhappy; he wanted to execute him, but Mary the princess took him as her husband and the king drove them out; M. weaves carpets, O. sells; first for money, and then for three words; Where they will call and not unsubscribe; O. did not want to go to the ship, but remembered the advice and sailed; the ships stopped; out of the water: give us a Russian man; O. did not deny it again, went down to the bottom; there are three old men: which is more expensive - gold, silver or gems? O.: it doesn't matter in Russia; old people: here we are fools for three years, but the Russian man immediately calculated; O. picked up precious stones, got up, the ships sailed, the foreign tsar is happy with the gifts; O. loaded ships with bricks, but he put a gem in each brick; O.'s cargo turned out to be much more expensive than that of other merchants {apparently they were fighting to bet}; O. returned, two fellows next to his wife; O. remembered the third word: go up, don't put it down; did not cut; the guys woke up: hello, baby! ; the tsar found out about his son-in-law; a feast for the whole world; and I drank vodka and honey, it flowed down my mustache, but didn't get into my mouth]: Sokolov, Sokolov 1920, No. 29:111-115; Russians (Kostroma) [husband: I know more; wife: I know three the truth; the husband became an employee; a year later the owner: do not drink free wine; a year later: do not love young widows; after the third year: without hesitation, do not do business; the man went back to his wife; the pub two drink vodka, they want to treat them; there were robbers, if he drank, the man was swept with them; the redman offered to let them down, stayed with the widow; the man stayed in the yard for the night; the widow's accomplice came, they killed a redman in order to get hold of the goods; at home, a wife to meet, a two-year-old child in her arms turned out to be a neighbor; they began to live happily ever after]: Zimin 1920, No. 108:72-73; Russians ( Voronezhskaya, s. Bolshaya Vereyka, 1925) [The wife escorted her husband to the service and gave birth to two sons in his absence. The fortune teller advises the soldier to "Be angry but floppy" (quick-witted). After serving, he returns home to his wife. Unrecognized, she stays at her house, sees that two guys are sleeping with her on the bed at night. The soldier wants to kill them, but remembers the fortuneteller's advice and decides to figure it out. He finds out that boys are his sons and have been accustomed to sleeping in bed with their mother since childhood. He opens to his wife, she tells the children, they hug their father, rejoice]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 7:70-71; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [the poor man left his pregnant wife, went to look for work; to one man hired for a year for a stone in the yard, but even the stone split; the old man takes the poor man for three years for three tips: not to walk across the road; not to stay in a house where the old husband and young wife are; leave for the morning what you want to do in the evening; after three years, the poor man went on a fixed road; there is a hut in the forest, the man moans, the poor man shot in the air; 12 tweezers invited him thirteenth, gave him a horse and goods; came to the village; 12 spent the night where the husband was old and the wife was young, and the poor man had young spouses with children; at night he overheard how the young wife agreed with the neighbors to kill her husband's priest and blame on tweezers; the poor man quietly cut off a piece from his cassock; brought him to trial, acquitted the tweezers, they gave the poor man all the horses and goods; he came to his village, looked through the window of his hut, where his wife with a sailboat ; he decided to wait until morning; his wife came in the morning, did not find out, told her how her husband was, and now her son has grown up; her husband hugged her, everything is fine]: Pankeev 1992:392-396.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [three comrades stole three boys; two exchanged for fabrics, one could not, took him back, sold him to the old man for advice; 1) do not stay overnight in the old riverbed; 2) don't go to overnight stay with whoever asks; 3) if you are talking about a man and a woman, then praise the man, and the woman has lost weight; 4) if you get angry and raise your right hand, grab it with your left hand; the person stopped at announcements, and comrades in the riverbed; at night they were carried away by the mudflow; the old man invited the man into the house, he first refused, but then returned; there was a young woman and a frog in the house; old man: we agreed with his sister marry children; he has a daughter and my son is a frog; the man praised the frog, she turned into a handsome man with a golden forelock; after that, the guest was regaled and pleased for two years, then loaded with a phaeton with money; he came home, there was a wife with a man; it turned out to be his grown son]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 84:388-392; Armenians: Nazinyan 2014:82-93 [the dervish tells the childless king to eat an apple in half with the queen, two sons will be born, one must be given to him; gives them the names Nazar and Kazar; N. grows up, the dervish takes N.; leads to the rock, reads prayers, the rock opens, N. must take an old candlestick from there, not touch gold; N. also took coins, the rock collapsed, N. got out and the dervish died; N. stops at the caravanserai, discovers that the candlestick produces gold; Beauty Girl opens her face for 1000 coins; promises to marry N. if he goes 1) to Izmir and finds out why Abraham-Aga's horse eats flints; N. promises A. to fulfill the request, otherwise he will not eat with him; he has to tell everything; his wife was picky, but he found her hugging a guard in the hayloft; he covered them himself so that they would not freeze; his wife hit him with a pipe, turning him into a stray dog; the priest's daughter guessed stole the phone, restored A. to his human appearance, and he turned the watchman into a donkey and his wife into a horse; when the donkey died, the horse began to fight, since then A. has been feeding him flint; 2) in Kayseri - why Majnum Khoja, going up to the minaret, says, "There they are, thank Allah," and when he goes down, he groans; M. says that the peri doves took him to heaven, alone became his wife on the condition that he would not groan; one day groans from homesickness; King Peri forgives him and lets him visit the house on the condition that M. does not say anything there; M. let it slip; when he climbed the minaret, seeing his family in the sky and said, "There they are," wife accused him of breaking the word, disappeared with his children; he went down and groaned; 3) to Kars - why, after fulfilling the order, the saber maker returns the money every time and breaks his sword; When he got married, he went to get money, was away for 20 years; when he returned, he saw a rich house and a wife with a young boy in it; he killed both, but it turned out that the boy was his son; each time The beauty girl asks if Nazar still wants to marry her; giving in to his request, he comes with him to his father; everything is fine], 191-194 [the poor man went to look for money; sends a bag with the merchant apples and a cat; he comes to a city where apples were not seen, the merchant received a huge profit; in another country there is a dominance of mice, a merchant releases a cat, the king pays in gold; the merchant gave money to the poor man's wife, who built a good house, sent her son to study; on the way home, the poor man gives the last coins for the advice of a sage: 1) you won't die before you die, even if you fall off a cliff into the water; 2) the best one you love; 3) every sneeze is good; people ask the poor man to go down to the well for water; there are severed heads, a raven and a frog; the raven asks if he should marry a frog; the poor man replies that the one you love is the best; the raven becomes a young man, the frog becomes a girl, gave him a gift; the people who pulled him out of the well also gave him a coin; when he saw his wife's house, the poor man thought that she married a rich man; when he saw a young man , decided that it was his rival; but remembered that sneezing was good, began to eavesdrop, realized that the young man was his son; everything was fine]; Azerbaijanis [Ahmed got married, then went to study; one person asks him to work for three years, pays 3,000 tumens and immediately sells Ahmed for them 2 tips: 1) wait before hitting or cursing; 2) if you meet a stranger on the way, don't go with the caravan trails; if advice does not come in handy, the person promises to return the money; at fork A. chooses a caravan path, and the companion chooses a forest path, robbed; at home A. sees the young man's head on his wife's lap; takes up a knife, but first asks who it is, the wife replies that his son; A. pulls out bread, finds 3,000 mists in it, that man put them there]: Nabiev 1988:127-132; Kurds [Ahmad came to Aleppo to look for work, I worked for a rich man for 7 years, bought 7 tips from the owner with the money I earned: 1) you need patience for everything% 2) the most beautiful is the one who loves your heart; 3) don't give anything until you are asked; 4) don't reveal the truth to your wife; 5) if you are sitting in a place of honor, do not talk to the one on the opposite end; 6) grab everything softer than a stone on the way home; 7) do not get up from where you sat down; A. hired to the caravan man; he asks him to go down to the well to get water; when A. sent buckets of water upstairs, the door opened in the wall, the young man dragged him into the room, there is a beauty and a frog, the young man asks who more beautiful; A.: who his heart loved; the young man gave A. seven grants; the caravan gave A. gold; A. asked to take gold and grenades to his wife Seyran; seven-year-old son S. Ismail opened one grenade, and jewelry fell from there; S. bought ordinary pomegranates for her son, bought a palace and a garden for jewelry, got servants; when A. went to the house, A. noticed a dead snake on the road and, remembering the council picked her up, covered the house with earth by the porch; when he saw a young man next to his wife, he grabbed a dagger, but realized that it was his son; where the snake was buried, a tree grew; if anyone said it was a pear, on a tree apples appeared if the apple tree was covered with peaches, etc.; the guessing A. promises to give all the property, and not the guessing player would give him his own; everyone lost, A. became immensely rich; the huckster persuaded the old woman gain confidence, convince S. that A. should tell her a secret, leave a chest in the bedroom; he hid himself in the chest and found out about the snake tree; agreed with A. that he would give him three things if he will answer correctly; when he called the snake tree, it broke out and disappeared; A. asked for three days, came to his first owner, who took him to a feast with the padishah, told him to sit next to him; but A. everyone the one who entered gave way and was on the very edge; the padishah is looking for a knife to cut a watermelon, A. offers his own, the padishah liked it; the vizier said that this knife was stolen from the royal treasury; the owner asks to let go A. promises not to say anything to him for the night; tying his donkey, beats him and talks to him as if about the advice that A. had broken; tells him to say that his father was attacked by robbers, he pulled the knife out of his chest, let the padishah will now pay for blood; padishah: this is what the vizier said; the vizier was executed; the owner Ahmed: the three things that the huckster wants are A.'s life, wife and property; orders to put a high staircase near the house and get to the balcony with his wife; the huckster will take three steps - these are three things he touched, let him take the stairs; everything is fine]: Rudenko 1970, No. 45:116-126.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians (Mazendaran, Isfahan) [one of the three poor boys has been working for the owner for 7 years, after which he says: How are you? Don't get up early! Take your time! When a person returns home, he sees a wife with a guy; thanks to the third of these tips, the man did not kill his own son]: Marzolph 1984, No. 910B: 167-168; Tajiks [the merchant's son married, but continues to study; his father gives him 100 gold three times, tells him to trade; he spends money buying advice from an old man three times; 1) if you eat someone's bread, remember this; 2) do not give up the fact that they suggest in the morning; 3) if you raise your right hand against someone, think and stop it with your left hand; the father kicked his son out, he went to the baker; his wife began to seduce him, he refused; she told her husband that the worker wanted to dishonor her; the husband tells the bakers to throw the first one who enters the bakery in the morning into the oven; in the morning, the owner sends the merchant's son to pick up the flour from Somon and take it to the bakery; S. invites first to drink tea, the merchant's son remembers that it is impossible to refuse the invitation in the morning; the baker's wife decided to go stop the murder, but she herself was thrown into the oven as if she came first; the owner awarded the merchant's son and sent them home; there he sees a man sleeping next to his wife; wants to kill them, but stops and finds out that it is his son]: Amonov 1980:250-255; Uzbeks: Afzalov 1972 (2) [buy gives three times Nurulla does money to trade; he buys advice at the bazaar: wake up his wife before going to bed; every lover likes his beloved; don't refuse the morning offer; father is dead, thieves they took all N.'s property, took him to a cave, beat him half to death, left outside the house; his wife tells N. to hire a day laborer; he leaves with a merchant; he is asked to go down to the cave for water; there is a terrible diva, everyone killed; asks who is more beautiful: a peri sitting next to him or a frog; N. says that his beloved is sweet to a lover, a diva gives a lamp with gems; tells him to buy more black pepper at the bazaar; from the cave water flowed; N. bought a kitten in one place; mice defeated merchants in the parking lot of the caravan; N. released the kitten, the merchants generously gifted him; N. wants to sell the lamp received from the diva to the padishah; the vizier advises persuade the gardener to kill the first person who came, send N. to the garden in the morning; on the way, the old man invited N. to drink tea, and the vizier went to the garden to check the execution of the order; the gardener blew his head off; the padishah decided that it was Allah's will and paid for the lamp; in Samarkand, N. released the kitten again; people whose mice gnawed through bags of flour paid generously; N. bought pepper and then sold it at exorbitant prices to Istanbul; when I returned, I saw my wife sleeping, and a horseman not far from her; slaughtered the cauldron, but remembered the advice; wife: this is our son]: 197-203; Sheverdin 1980 [the brushwood seller received three coins, went to buy cakes; the old man sold advice for one coin: leave today's anger until tomorrow; many years later, the seller returned home, saw an unfamiliar man in the window, was going to hack him, but restrained himself and began eavesdrop; it turned out to be his son]: 344-345; Yazgulyam [the king is dead, the son is broke, went to hire a shepherd; the wife gives gold with her, tells him to go away to preserve honor; someone sells the right word, the prince buys with gold: hold back your anger! the prince has been working for 12 years, receiving a chicken and a kitten as a reward; takes only a kitten, gives it to a caravan man to give it to his father (hiding that his father is dead); the caravan comes to a country where there are many mice and there are no cats, she sells it for gold, gives it to the prince's wife; she bought a goat and chicken, gradually became rich; another owner gave the prince a horse, a cow, a sheep, a camel, a yak for his service; he comes to the one who gave chicken and kitten; the chicken has given a huge offspring, bought cattle, the prince drives whole herds home; secretly comes to his wife outside the house, sees a man next to him; wants to kill both, but holds back his anger; the man turns out to be by his son; all is well]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 52:426-430.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [The wife embroiders beautiful blankets and sends her husband to the bazaar to sell them. The husband gives the covers for good advice: the diamond is harder than steel; judge the dispute in favor of his wife; raise it, but do not lower it. The wife chases her husband away for not bringing money. The husband hires a ship, sinks to the bottom of the sea, says that the diamond is harder than steel, and gets a lot of money. Returning home, he finds a young man sleeping with his wife, raises his sword, but, remembering the advice, does not lower his hand. It turns out that the young man is his son]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 677:310; the Livs [the wife weaved something and sent her husband to sell it; he was met by an old man: give me advice: raise your hand, don't put your hand down; next time: you will fall into the water, but you will swim out; for the third time: the water will be on the pasture; this time the man did not return to his wife, but was hired as a sailor; during the storm, the lot fell on him; the man remembered the second advice, agreed to be abandoned, but took a receipt to give him half of the cargo on the ship; he was washed ashore, he met the captain and received half of the cargo; the city is dry; the king promises three treasure ships to the one who would get water; the man ordered him to dig in the pasture, found water, received treasures; while he was wandering, his son grew up; when he saw the young man next to his mother, the man raised his sword, but remembered the advice; all is well]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 86:283-285; (cf. Swedes {there is probably a motive, but direct confirmation is required} [910A: Father advises his son not to give another a good horse for a while; do not visit a friend too often; do not take a wife with sides; 910B: the master advises the servant not to go on the path from the highway, not to stay in a house where the husband is old and the wife is young, do nothing in a fit of anger, but wait; 910C: think about consequences by making a deal (usually an episode with a barber who was paid to cut the king's throat)]: Liungman 1961, No. 238).

Volga - Perm. Marie [the boy was orphaned, began to beg; the king called him a loafer, but the princess regretted it; the king gave it to the young man; she embroidered a handkerchief, told her husband to sell it, bought it; the next I bought it once, giving not money, but three tips; do not be afraid of life and death; raise your hand to heaven, do not lower it to the ground; do not complain if you are poor; do not boast if you are rich; husband went with merchants; their ship is stuck on shoals; began to eat each other; he decided not to be afraid of death and rushed into the river; there was the mother of the waters; she was the one who held the boat with a hook and was the old woman who bought the scarves for a pittance now wants to pay; her daughter advises to take only a silver pendant; it fulfills wishes; the man returned to the ship, wanted food; when he returned home, he sees that his wife is sleeping between two men; brought an ax, but stopped; these were his sons (his wife gave birth to twins); they wished themselves good clothes and a self-propelled stroller, came to the king; he hugged his daughter; she gave him a stroller, it was the first car]: Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945:79-82; Komi: Uther 2004 (1), No. 910B: 530-532; Tatars [Dzhigit got married and went to study; 25 years later he went back and stayed with the babay to cultivate the land for another year; when he returned, I saw a man next to his wife and first wanted to shoot; but after learning patience from a woman, he took his time and realized that it was his son]: Zamaletdinov 2010, No. 36:111-112; the Bashkirs [the tsar drove the beggar away, and his daughter greeted him; king: and what should I give you? daughter: give it back; the girl caught up with the beggar, they settled in the city; she orders to buy silk, knitted a towel, tells me to sell; the husband sells for advice; 1) do not lower your hand rashly; 2) land is better than gold ; 3) do not give up your intention; the man hired a merchant, who sent him with the ship, the ship stopped; the man was sent to go down and find out what was going on; he was carried away by two divas; the king of divas asks for an answer whether gold or land is better; man: land is the mother of gold; divas is grateful, gave 30 barrels of gold, the man became richer than the merchant who hired him; well done at home near his wife; the man wanted to kill him, but remembered advice; it turned out to be his son; everything is fine]: Bessonov 1942, No. 75:325-329.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Potanin 1917, No. 34 [after the death of Bai Köshpes, the clerks took possession of the property, but gave nothing to the sons; the youngest Ahmed went with his wife; she let him sell a skein of thread and buy bread; he changes the thread for advice three times; 1) no one will die before death; 2) do not go to bed before the owner; 3) do nothing when you are angry; the wife is unhappy, A. went to wander alone; stopped at the old woman's yurt, she has a lot of gold and silver; he just pretended to be sleeping and saw the old woman bake poisoned bread; when the old woman fell asleep, A. also baked bread and changed with the old woman; in the morning A. ate bread and went on, and the old woman was poisoned and died; A. joined the caravan; there was no water, a person was lowered into a well, lifted up without a head; another without a lower body; A. went down, he was promised a third cattle; seven-headed jelmouth shows old and young women, asks which one is more beautiful; A.: beautiful is not what is beautiful, but what you love; jelmouth gave a sword, but did not give a lamb: he is everyone He cuts the evening, and in the morning the lamb is intact again; A. asked the caravans for a horse under the golden saddle as a reward; said that if he was not given it, he would not take the cattle; he was given a horse after he told him, as if he had taken his sword from Jelmouth and hacked it; when A. returned home, he was told that the cattle he saw belonged to A.; he thought his wife married a rich man; in the yurt next to her, a young man; A. wanted to hack him, but he restrained himself; it turned out to be his son]: 134-137; Sidelnikov 1974 [the young man gave a herd of horses to a man in return for three wise advice; where he tasted bread and salt, do not be a rival; if if you get ready to eat in the morning, do not refuse (even if you are full); if the right hand starts a fight, let the left hand separate; for losing the herd, the father expelled the young man; he became the khan's bodyguard; the khan's wife into him fell in love; the young man remembered the first advice, refused; she complained that the young man was bothering her; the khan told the stokers to throw the first one who came in the morning into the hot coals; sent the young man for a bag of coals; on the way I met an old woman, she asked for bread and salt; at this time, the khan's wife ran to the stokers to see the young man for the last time, she was thrown into the coals; the young man explained to the Khan how it turned out; he rewarded and let him go; the young man (now not so young) came home and saw a man next to his wife; wanted to hack him, but bargained; the man turned out to be his son]: 29-32.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Trans-Baikal Buryats (Barguzin, Ulyunkhan Ulus, Kurumkan District, Buryatia, 1964) [before going to the soldier, the man went to the old man for advice; he blessed him and gave him a nickle; ordered: do not say anything before people - listen to what others would say; do not go forward; lie down sleeping in the smoke will be warmer; eat your peritoneum and giblets will be more satisfying; think about your thought three times before speaking it; if you grab someone in an armful, squeeze him three times in your strong arms; through Twenty-five years old, the soldier was released home; he went back with his comrades; a blizzard rose, they lost their way; found a hut in which the old man and the old woman were cooking meat; the old man showed the travelers the way; The soldier's comrades left, and he became interested in talking to the old man and stayed in the hut; realizing it, he was going to run after his comrades; the old man offered to eat food; the soldier agreed; then again he was about to leave, but the old man offered to stay overnight; the soldier listened; in the morning he looked into an empty hut not far from the road; the legs of his companions were sticking out from there; the rotten ceiling was not withstood the weight of the snow, fell through and ran over them; the soldier went on; went into his house, saw a mustachioed man sleeping; there were plenty of tools around; the soldier thought his wife was married; wanted take an ax and cut off the sleeper's head, but remembered the old man's order and decided to wait; asked his wife if her husband was sleeping on the bench; she explained: "This is our son. When you left, he was three months old in my womb"]: Tugutov, Tugutov 1992, No. 103:266-267.

Western Siberia. Southern Khanty (b. Konda, S. Patkanov, 1888) [A childless old man set fire to his barns to let smoke rise to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother-why doesn't he have children? Heavenly Father sent a son, who gave three seeds, let the old man let his wife eat; she gave birth to a boy, he grew up quickly, came to one of the ends of the earth, the bear and the wolf let him see the old woman, who gave him a name Like Aspen Leaf, the Agile Husband (VM); he returned home, only one foal from his father's herd did not bend at his arm, he took it; tells his father to marry him one of the three royal daughters; the father was beaten, expelled; the priest's youngest daughter was given without dowry; his wife refuses to look in his head - she did not even look aside where the Merchant, the Wanderer (KS); his flying horse brought him to the old woman; she says that no one returned from the city of CS; gave a bundle of 60 silver rings; the next old woman gave a ball of thread, the third gave a white towel; teaches how to avoid a mountain of human bones, throw rings to 60 warriors, cross the bridge across the sea; the warriors shot, only pulled three hairs out of the horse's tail; the CS's mother turned the VM into a needle, hid it from her son; he orders to show the person who came, became his brother, ordered his wife to be beaten, when she arrives magpie and gets out of her magpie skin, with three silver bars; the wife is forty again and flew away; the COP does not tell me to open the seventh room; in others - frogs and lizards, in the seventh - the girl is CS's sister; the VM married her; goes to fight the seven-headed menqua, tells his wife not to leave the house at that time; cuts down the menqua warriors, but there are more and more of them; then he cut her husband, who carved warriors out of flint like sparks, destroyed warriors, hit something with a sword; at home I found out that the COP had left the house - he hit him, why did they release him? they found the body, put it in the coffin; wife: mother-in-law wants to kill you; he entered his mother-in-law's house, fell into the lower world; there the old man and old woman adopted him; they do not tell him to herd cattle in the Menqua estate, he stole their eyes; but grass is better on the other side, the VM drives cattle there; he hacked one-, two-, etc. -headed menkvas; the seven-headed man cannot be cut down, he drove him into the ground, the menkv asks him to take his white towel, wrap it around his neck, then cut; then the VM cut off his head; came to the Menkwa mother, fights with her, changed buckets of strong and weak water; the old woman's daughter shows that the old woman should be stabbed in the chin with a knife ; VM did so, killed an old woman; daughter tells her to burn her, sweep away frogs and lizards that will crawl out of her into the fire; VM tells the girl to jump over the fire - if she used to live with a man, she will fall into the fire; she she fell, she also had lizards, he burned them; he took the eyes of the old people, restored their sight; they told them to prepare meat, immerse firebirds on their backs; she brought them to the ground, he cut off the last two pieces from the calves of his legs; fever -the bird regurgitated them and put them back; the wife lies between two men; the VM wanted to hack them, wife: these are your sons; the VM cut his youngest son, sprinkled blood on the body of the CS, he came to life; revived his son with live water; his wife's brother (i.e. CS) set up a copper playground for games, the VM arranged a silver one; each foot lets a block of stone on his court; the VM takes flint, sparks turn into husbands; when he lets his stone, he breaks the arms and legs of the CS people, tears them apart; the COP lets the VM and his wife (i.e. his sister) go home to the VM - he cannot live with a hero who is stronger than him; on the way they go to To those three old women, his wife turns them young; at home, VM climbed onto the roof, looks into the house, where his parents are quarreling over a spark; he poured water or snowed to put out their fire; they swear; he opened, their daughter-in-law turned them young; the VM scatters chips brought from another world, they turn into a populated city; abundance is all around]: Lukina 1990, No. 88:220-237.