Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K155A. Bone in meat .

A person (usually a king) raises his daughter (less often a son) indoors, tells her to feed her meat without bones. Once there is a bone in the meat, a girl (young man) makes a hole in the wall with it and sees the world around her for the first time.

Berbers of Morocco (Fez), Kabiles, Arabs of Algeria, Tunisia, Portuguese, Italians (Campania), Sicilians, Greeks (Epirus), Crimean Tatars, Ingush (Chechens?) , Avars, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Persians.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [when the king finally had a daughter Lalla, he imprisoned her in a glass palace and ordered her to feed her only boneless meat; when the princess was 15 years old, the former maid died, and the new one did not know about the ban; the princess hit the bone against the wall to extract her brain; the glass broke and the garden was viewed; there was a young man in the garden, Ahmed bin Amar; they fell in love; A. says the palace is beautiful , but there is not enough veranda; L. demands a veranda from his father; then new similar requests; finally, A. says that it is not enough for him and L. to sit next to each other; L. is unhappy; the old woman killed L.'s favorite bird; L.: let the one who killed the bird be as miserable as I am out of love for A.; the sultan tells the eunuch to take L. to a deserted place, slaughter it, bring a bloody shirt; the eunuch warned L. to take it jewelry, brought a shirt soaked in the blood of a ram; L. was hired as a maid; her mistress, sister A.; A. explains that he is bewitched and tells him how to spell him; you have to stay awake for a month, sitting next to him; at the last moment L. fell asleep, and a peasant woman who came up took her place and left with A.; L. dyed herself black and sold herself as a slave to A.'s house; the children ask her to tell a fairy tale; she tells her story; joined A., a peasant woman was torn apart by two camels]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1926:48-59; Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [sultan holds daughter in a glass palace; black woman feeds her crustless bread and boneless meat; one day a black woman fell ill, they sent another; she brought normal bread and meat; the princess liked it; she began to knock her brain out of the glass wall bones; a crack appeared in the wall, a fly flew in, it was ginnia; said that girls should marry; advised me not to eat, but secretly brought food to the princess herself; the sultan called applicants; let the daughter throw the golden apple herself at someone she likes; no one likes it; the cannibal took the form of an impeccable handsome man; the fly examined him and confirmed that this is so; the sultan demands for the daughter is gold by her weight; the cannibal delivered five times more; three months later, the son-in-law told the Sultan that he would like to return home; the sultan sent an escort - all his army; on the way, the cannibal ate ate everyone; the wife did not she noticed, because she was walking ahead; when the maid looked around, her husband said that he had sent the warriors back because his country was near; the fly knew everything, but was afraid of the ogre; in the palace, the cannibal first ate a maid, and then swallowed a fly; the wife gave birth, asked her husband for his parents to come, but he only pretended to send them a letter; and ate the baby himself; the same with the second child; old woman: save the next one, pretend to be sick and go to her husband for herbs; under the supervision of an old woman and in secret from the ogre, the princess gave birth to a beautiful girl; once a cannibal overheard a conversation between his wife and an old woman; an old woman she managed to carry the girl, and the cannibal swallowed his wife; but repented (he still loved his wife), broke his head against the wall and died; the old woman took what had been swallowed from his stomach and buried it; the cannibal's body carried it piece by piece and she also buried herself; when she died, the old woman gave the girl a cat skin: in the form of a cat, you will leave the country of cannibals; the cat was picked up by a shepherdess, gave it to the Sultan's son; in the absence of the prince, the cat turns into a girl; the prince sees her, gives her ring; the girl disappears, the prince is going to search; the cat meows, the prince leaves her in the room, giving her flour, etc., to cook cakes; finds his ring in a bag of cakes; stays in the palace and tells the Sultan to marry him to a cat; after the wedding, the cat threatens to kill her, she sheds her cat skin; the Sultan's second son has a dog; he tells his father to marry her; after the wedding demands that the dog become a girl; she bit him to death; in the morning the sultan sends a servant to the newlyweds, the dog bit him; so with many servants; the sultan shot the dog; after his death, a son who married on a cat, inherited the throne]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1928:165-178; kabila [the king keeps his son Mehend in a secret room, tells him to feed boneless meat; M. finds bone in lamb, pierces her wall, runs out to the market square; the witch Settuta asks if Sumisha, Hitin's daughter, has been married to him; he asks S. to cook soup for him, puts her hand in boiling water, S. shows that H. lives in the east; M. saves a fish caught by a fisherman by exchanging it for his horse; the fish turns into a young companion; after 7 years they arrive in a city where mourning: the princess is sick; the king promises to pass her off as someone who will cure her; companion M. volunteers to do so; in the princess's room tells stories; three brothers traveled, spent the night in the forest, took turns keeping the fire on; the youngest saw a tree resembling a human figure, carved out the figure of a woman; the elder dressed her; the middle one turned to God and revived her; the brothers began to argue who she should belong to and killed each other; it was evil fairy; she loved only the one who revived her, and when she saw him dead, she took revenge on people; the prince's companion tells the fairy to leave Sumishi; S. belches a black snake; she swallowed it quietly when she drank from water source; general glee; a wedding is scheduled, but instead of expelling the snake, M. comes out to S.; his companion says he cannot be her husband, because he is the spirit of water, who has taken the form of a fish and saved Mehendom; disappears, M. marries S., returns with her mother, leaving her young son to her father]: Taos Amrush 1974:99-110 (=Grim 1983:49-61); Algerian Arabs: Belamri 1982 [Sultan grows Ahmed in a closed palace, feeds boneless meat; old Settout says that bones taste better than meat; the prince tells me to bring him bone, but it is impossible to gnaw it; S.: break the bone marrow against the wall; A. threw a bone, breaking through the wall; saw his cousins playing outside the palace walls; the Sultan had to let A. go; he was given a horse, believing that he would fall off it, but A. drove the end to death of many; wise El-Moudjarrab advises to give him the foal that was born on the same day as A. himself; cousins hated A.; S. promises to help them; places many little ones at the well wineskins, Ahmed should not give his horse a drink; when he presses his wineskins, S. tells him to fall in love with Rdah; A. fell ill and told the Sultan that the broth prepared by old S. would cure him; puts S.'s hand in the hot broth; she is eager to say that R. lives in a place where there is sand and a lot of cattle; on the way, A. sees many dead with their arms and legs tied; Roumi jumps towards him; A. killed him, took his horse, and sent his own home; the jackal asks him to feed, wants only a little lamb; A. asks the shepherd to give the jackal a lamb, but he slaughtered the biggest ram; A. drove the jackal away; amazed at the beauty of the shepherd's wife, but she replies that R. is much more beautiful; when she saw A., R. fell in love with him; she has a fiance; A.: Do you want him alive or dead? - Alive; A. went to see him, captivated him, R. ordered him to be slaughtered in front of her eyes; A. took R. home; Uncle A.'s daughter, Nouna, came out to meet Ahmed; when R. saw her, died (of grief)]: 87-99; Filleul de Pétigny 1951 [the king keeps his daughter locked up; only an old black woman brings her food; meat should be boneless, bread should be crustless, almonds without a shell; once a black woman forgot to lock her door; a black woman ran in and said that such food (boneless, etc.) tasteless; the princess told the maid to bring her food more natural; the princess began to knock her bone, knocking her brain out; the shaking glass broke and the princess saw the market outside the window; merchant: who wants to buy sadness (chagrain); princess: me; the seller gave her seven seeds that looked like pepper seeds; from planted seeds plants with beautiful flowers grew; the princess was going to decorate herself with them during the festival; but the day before, two birds, white and black, picked and carried away flowers; the princess threw her ring at them, birds they took him away; the plants were again covered with flowers - the same (the princess abandoned her tiara); the third time, the chain; and so on many more times; when the ornaments were over, the birds uprooted the flowers; the princess fell ill with grief and asked all women to come to her; she wanted to know if anyone had a worse grief than her; after hearing complaints, the princess decided that her grief was the hardest; she remained young black woman; she told me how she saw a camel come to the river with various dishes on its back; plates, etc. jumped off themselves, washed themselves and came back; the black woman grabbed the camel's tail and that brought her to the castle; white and black birds flew in, became a prince and a quiet servant; the prince recalls the beauty of the one who owned the ring, chain, etc.; the maid returned; the princess followed her example and ended up in the castle; the prince and she rushed into each other's arms; the wedding was arranged by Moses, not David; the princess stayed with the genies]: 210-222; Scelles-Millie 1963 (Souf) [king keeps her seven sons in the palace, wanting to protect them from all the bad things in the world; they are given boneless meat, almonds without shells, watermelons without skins; once a black maid forgot to take it out dice; the young men began to play, throwing dice at each other, broke the window and saw the outside world; told the maid to tell them everything - birth, love, death; sent them to their father asking him to let them go; the king married sons; his daughters-in-law annoyed him, he decided to get rid of them; the Jew advised him to be sick, let his sons bring the blood of their wives; six wives were killed, and the youngest Ali brought the blood of the gazelle, ran away with his wife; they came to the house of 40 blind gulas; they made 40 tortillas and 40 servings of meat; Ali took one unnoticed; the ghuli got into a fight, Ali killed them and threw them into the well; the wife heard a groan, pulled out and hid one guli who was just injured; ghoul advised to send Ali for golden rejuvenating apples; the old woman teaches Ali to slip between the crushing mountains; have time to jump over the garden fence (as soon as the wall sees Ali's horse, she will begin to grow); picking apples, ride away without turning around; Ali turned slightly to his voice, the horse's tail was cut off; the old woman tells her to give the rejuvenating apples to her and his wife to bring the usual ones; ghoul He advised Ali to play chess for a living; Ali let his wife win, believing it was a joke, but she killed him, put pieces of his body in a bag, attached his horse to the saddle, and told the horse to ride there, where did he come from; the old woman joined the pieces, but the heart and liver were not enough; she sent the cat to the ghoul, who brought her heart and liver; the old woman revived Ali with the juice of rejuvenating apples; he came to the ghoul disguised as dervish, killed him at night, stabbed his wife, returned to the old woman; she turned the cat into a beautiful woman, Ali married her, returned to his father, who handed him the throne]: 313-316; the Arabs of Tunisia [the king concluded Ali's only son with a wet nurse under a glass cap; ordered to feed him boneless meat and bread without crust; once the prince was accidentally brought meat with bone and bread with crust; he broke the glass with his bone, went outside; tells his father to give him freedom; in the city runs over the townspeople; old woman: what kind of violent are you, it would be better to bring Sineddur on the back of a vulture from across the 7 seas; Ali tells me to gather old women, the last to be brought who said these words; she explains that S. is the princess of spirits in the land of cannibals; Ali goes on a journey, the king tells the son of the Vizier Muhammad to go with him; at the fork there is a stone: to the right, you will buy it, to the left - you'll lose; they draw lots, Ali goes right, M. goes left; ate everything, hired a bagel seller; Ali rides, greets a hungry giant sitting next to a fallen camel; cuts and roasts for meat; the giant sends him to his older sister, tells him to fall to her nipple, otherwise he will kill him; her 7 cannibal brothers give Ali a hair out of their beards - if burned, they will come to the rescue; on the walls of the city heads on stakes; Ali stays with the old people; they explain that the princess's grooms are told to sort out several varieties of grain overnight; no one can, everyone is executed; Ali calls the ogre, who tells the ants to disassemble the grain; Ali got a princess; wants to go further after S.; the first wife teaches to slaughter a bull by the sea, feed vultures (eagles), they will help; the oldest vulture knows the way to S.; carries Ali is across 7 seas, who feeds him his stored meat; in the castle there is a beauty who sleeps and stays awake for three months; Ali wrote a prenuptial agreement, got together with the sleeper; exchanged rings; on the way back the seventh piece of meat fell, Ali cut off his forearm; on the other side, other vultures tell him to regurgitate the meat, put Ali back; he takes his first wife and goes home; the sultan decided return his daughter and kill Ali; he smashes enemies, the rest are finished off by a summoned cannibal; Ali finds M. in the shop; they go together; M. invites Ali to go down to the well to get water, cuts off the rope; tells everyone say that he got the princess; monkeys, male and female, ask to resolve the dispute; Ali advises the male to keep the monkey with him and let go of the gazelle; the monkeys are happy, they pulled Ali out, he came to his city; S. and his three-year-old son surrounded the city with troops; M. cannot provide evidence of marriage to S.; Ali's wedding to S., his first wife is also with them; the vizier wants to kill his son himself, but Ali forgave M.]: Stimme 1893, No. 4:57-78 (transfer to Lebedev 1990, No. 16:80-95).

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [the childless king finally had a child, not a son, but a daughter; he read in the book that he must keep her in the tower and feed her boneless meat; she grew up, she was brought meat with bone; through a small hole she spoke to a count; her bone expanded it and ran away; a boy was born; one day her husband carried him across the river, and when he went back for his mother, the water carried him away; but the son crossed himself; killed seven robbers and a giant, took possession of their treasures; came to the king, who recognized him as a grandson, brought the boy's mother; after the death of his grandfather, the grandson reigned]: Braga 2002:207- 209; Italians (Naples) [the king had a daughter Renza; it is predicted that she would be in danger from her femur; he placed his daughter in a tower, giving her maids, and ordered her to bring her boneless meat; Renz and Prince Cecio saw each other through the window; the dog brought a bone and began to gnaw; R. took it away, made a hole in the wall and got outside; C. brought R. to his castle, but immediately received news about the impending death of his mother; went to her; R. dressed up as a monk, caught up with him; it turned out that the Queen called C. to marry him to another girl; he agreed; on her wedding night, R. died of grief; C. pierced his heart with a nail; Father R. arrived and saw his daughter's corpse; he had previously noticed a bone in her room; the prediction came true]: Basile 2018:282-291; Sicilians [Maruzza - princess; king finds out that when she is 11 years old, she is in danger; puts her in a tower; she has been brought meat and bone, she makes a hole with her bone, a green bird flies into him, turns into a man; explains that he is an enchanted prince; visits M.; her father thinks that the danger is over, takes her from the tower; the old woman takes her to the castle of the 12 fairies, the prince also flies there; says that since she has come to this place, he must now fly for 7 years, months, days, hours and minutes; he will become human if she waits for him all this time in this castle; she waited, but is very fool; the prince spat at her, left her; the fairies made her beautiful again; the prince fell in love with her; she sets different conditions for them to meet; the last thing: let him be brought in a coffin to the sound of funeral bells; spits in his face; he recognizes her, she Says they're even; wedding]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 2:9-17.

The Balkans. The Greeks (Epirus) [the king finally had an heir; he placed the boy in a glass castle with his teachers; once he was brought meat and bone, he had not seen bones before; throwing a bone, the young man broke through the wall and saw peace; his father agreed to let him go, he became a passionate hunter; after chasing the deer, the prince disappeared, the king declared mourning; the prince was found by a Jew, promised to take him to his father if he will throw gold off a high cliff; to do this, he placed it in the skin of a buffalo, the eagle lifted his skin with the young man, who got outside and threw the Jew's gold; he took the gold, sat on his horse, and rode off; The young man found an underground passage with a staircase, went out to the palace; an old man with a long beard was chained to the wall; the young man said he could not free him without eating; he ordered him to take 40 keys out of his pocket, unlock the rooms, in one he will find a rod; if you hit the ground with it, there will be food; the young man did so, ate, freed the old man, began to live in his castle; he began to mourn that the old man allowed him to enter 39 rooms, but does not allow rooms in the forties; the old man explained that many young men died there; in that room, the lake where three fairies fly in, take off their winged robes and swim; first the elders, then the youngest; it is necessary take her clothes and not give it back, otherwise you will die; the young man did so, brought the fairy to the old man; he gave a winged horse and the young man and the fairy went to his father; the old man gave a golden rod; the fairy's brother came up on the way in the guise of a dervish, asked for food; the young man promised if he explained what kind of stick he had in his hand; dervish: she would kill whoever the master wanted; the young man asked for a look at her, told her to kill the dervish; The second brother came in the guise of a Jew, he had an invisible hat; the young man told the stick to kill him, took possession of his hat; came to his father; gave his wife's clothes to his aunt for safekeeping; the fairy begged her to give it to her to go dancing; The prince came back, rushed after his wife, who flew out the window and told her to look for her in the glass castle; on a winged horse, taking wonderful objects, the prince returned to the old man; he sent him to his father - perhaps he knows about the glass castle; the old man's father sent him to his mother; she gathered the birds, only Schnapphahn knows; the old woman told him to take the prince to the glass castle; the local king is at war with another; prince promised him to kill all his enemies; thanks to his stealth hat and stick, he killed enemies, captured their king; the king married him his youngest daughter; when she recognized the prince, she was happy; wedding]: Hahn 1864 (1), No. 15: 79-90.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [a childless padishah takes a vizier and goes to wander; they wear dervish clothes; at the source, a real dervish addresses the padishah; he knows who he is talking to and what the padishah is doing ; gives an apple: eat it yourself, and give the peel to the mare; but do not name my son until I come and name him; a boy and a foal were born; children call sheikhzade "nameless bey"; the teacher says he can't to learn it in this world, you need a abode underground; the padishah ordered to dig the basement, tells him to feed the boy boneless meat; when the boy is 12 years old, there was a bone in the meat; he threw it into the glass the ceiling, which broke, the boy began to catch sunlight without success; the teacher agrees to take the boy out of the basement; he sees the rider, tells the teacher to tell his father to give him a horse, a peregrine falcon and a greyhound; boy 15 years old; dervish enters: Sheikhzade's name is Shah Ismail, horse is Kamer Tai; Shea hunts with companions of her age; chases a gazelle, she disappeared into a tent, turned out to be a girl; SHI lost consciousness; old woman , living with a girl, tells her to run her chest over the young man's face, this is the only way to save him; Shea and Gulizar fall in love; he gave her a ring, she is a precious comb to him; Shea dries with love, one of the boys tells the padishah from meeting G.; she is the daughter of bey nomads; Padishah and Bey agreed to marry; but G.'s mother did not agree, migrated with her daughter towards India; Bey jumps to catch up with them; the vizier suggested arrange for SHI to choose a bride: let all the girls of Kandahar come, and all the men stay at home; but G. no; Shea jumps in search; the palace is without doors, Shea broke the wall, came in; Peri Gulperi cries there; her the brothers fight the devas; Shea hacked all the devas; the brothers gave him Gulperi, but he put a sword between himself and his wife on the bed; when they learn that SHEA was looking for a lover, the brothers report that they saw what passed Arapa with bloody hands; SHI reached Arapa Yuzengi's palace, saw pilaf cooked on blood; AYU offers to fight and then eat; one Ayu lip on the ground, the other on Mount Kesheesh; AYU hit SHI so that his mother's milk flowed from his nose; Shea knocked down Aya, was going to slaughter her, but she turned out to be a beautiful girl; she goes with SHI in search of Gulizar; stayed with an old woman; she says that the Shah of India is marrying son on the daughter of bey nomads; arranged a date between SHI and Gulizar; while they are sleeping, AYU killed the attacking army; SHI returned home with three girls obtained; Ayu feels dangerous, tells me to ask settle them in a separate palace; SHI's mother was jealous, telling the padishah to kill their son; when he saw the girls, the padishah also wanted them for himself; AYU gives a stone that identifies the poison; then the vizier offered to play with SHI in chess, the loser will be tied; Shea won three times and then deliberately lost; admits that his bow's bowstring holds him in this world; he was tied up, his eyes were pulled out, his right pocket was put in his left pocket, and left to right; AYU pretends to agree to marry the padishah, asks for 100 concubines - she will send jewelry; sends a bag with the severed heads of concubines; smashes the army of the padishah; SHI in The doves hear the doves talking in the desert: let's throw them on the feather, if SHEA rubs his eyes with them, he will see the light; SHEA put his eyes in, but the hangman did not put them as SHEA asked; his appearance has changed; he became a padishah's warrior; fights against AYU; the padishah praises him, lets him take his horse and weapon; Shea takes his horse and his sword Zulfikar, comes to his wives, they recognize him; Oh, cut off the head of the padishah; funeral and wedding; they have achieved their goal, may Allah help you too]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 84; Ingush (Chechens? the author does not share them) [the king keeps his daughter in a locked room where only a slave goes; once she brought meat and bone and bread with a crust; the princess made a hole in the wall with bone and saw the world; heard a conversation between two young men; is there anything whiter than snow? - This is Lal-Sulta; the princess swore to marry the drug; having learned of her daughter's intention, the king ordered her to be put in a barrel and lowered into the river; a miller found her; the next day, the PM came to him; answered the miller's wife, that he will never marry, he has reasons; the miller's wife said that then she ends the relationship with him; when he meets a Nogai prince, LS explains why he hates women; he lived with his wife for two years; his horse was losing weight; he followed her; his wife rode somewhere at night, PM after her; there was a bush in front; his wife hit with a shovel: at the will of the forest husband and his wife, let there be a road; then the crystal mountains are But; there was a man in the cave; he whipped the woman because she was late; and the wife smiled: she loved him, and her husband was to blame for being late; lovers began to eat dinner, and the husband stole the spoon; when the wife was gone, the husband cut off his lover's head and hid it in a bag; managed to go home before his wife; showed a spoon and head; tore his wife with two horses; the Nogai says in response; there were 6 brothers; towards a giant shepherd with a dog -giant; they hid in a human skull; the dog picked it up, brought it to the shepherd; had to go out; the shepherd invited him to his place; ate 60 rams for dinner; then the brothers' horses; strung it on a spit, fried brothers; he ate five at once, and left the narrator for breakfast; he crawled to the ravine, picked him up and cured; he went, met a man, who led him to the tower, told him not to enter; when the narrator got up, it turned out that a man avenging his brother had stabbed 40 Aarhustoyans there; he brought the narrator to his place; when the narrator came in, there was an old corpse and a stabbed companion; he turned out to be a woman who took revenge on her brother to Aarkhus; women are different; after that, the drug agreed to marry]: Akhriev 1870:8-15; Avars [Khan has a son Ismail; when he is 18 years old, the teacher warns not to give him meat and bone; when 20 years old, they gave a piece of bone, he threw it out the window, was surprised by the sunlight, fell ill; the widow said that I. exchanged rings with the girl, would go look for her; I. defeats the enemies of seven brothers, who give him a sister, he puts a sword on the bed, explains that he will not get together with his wife until he finds that girl; he goes on, meets the hero Arabuzan, marries him, but also puts him on bed a sword; A. goes with him, they give the ring to the girl they marry, the girl recognizes her ring (which I. has); I. returns to her father with three wives; A. knows that the father wants to destroy I., gives his a ring that neutralizes poison, I. eats, remains unharmed; Khan tells the viziers to kill I. in the forest; they gouge out his eyes, tie him to a tree, but bring Khan clothes moistened with bird blood; dove throws a pen on I., orders him to run over his eyes, I. heals; his eyes change, but his voice is the same; the khan did not recognize him, his wives recognized him; A. kills the khan, she is elected a khansha, I. lives with three wives]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 23:253-257; Azerbaijanis [childless king Mamed-Hasan hears in a dream an order to cut an apple floating in the pool in half, eat half with his wife, give the other to a shepherd; from the king Melik-Mamed was born to the shepherd Melik-Ahmed; the king keeps them locked up; one day the cook left a bone in the dish, the boys began to play with it, broke the window, saw the sun; asked the king to allow them to go hunting; chased a gazelle, ended up in a castle; there the young man gave MM a portrait of a girl, MM fell in love; king: this is Gully Gah-Gah, sister of seven diva brothers; MM and MA come to see her; she says her brothers they tell the grooms to raft the board along the river so that it does not touch the water; fill a cauldron in which the 7 blacksmiths sitting in the corners do not hear each other's hammers hit; teaches what to say so that the work itself fulfilled; the divas gave their sister MM; she asks not to unlock the 40th room in which the diva, but MM unlocks, the divas took his wife MM; MA met two companions, they lowered him into the diva pit, he killed him, they picked him up the girl was left in the pit; the girl managed to tell her to play the flute: a dwarf will come, want to listen, and for this he will take him out of the pit; at this time Ahmedi-Kemkorek (one of the two companions) wants to marry a girl; she tells her to deliver the jewelry she was carrying; MA hired a jeweler, sent a dwarf to bring jewelry; MA killed AK, took AK's girlfriend and sister; the girl warns: the king will send a horse to kill MM, falcon - peck out his eyes; in the form of a snake will crawl into marriage; they must be killed; MM demands an explanation, MA said, petrified; MM's wife gave birth to: swallow: if the wife kills her son, MA will come to life; she killed; the second swallow gave a feather, the child came to life; three apples fell from the sky: one is mine, the other is yours, the third to the one who told it]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:155-167; Turks [the dervish gave an apple, ordered for the Sultan and his wife to eat half; a daughter was born; the Sultan lodged her in a closed palace, ordered her to feed her with bone marrow, honey and milk; once a bone fell with her brain, the girl threw her out the window, it it broke; it was snowing outside; passers-by: the son of an Indian maharaja was white like this snow, his cheeks were red, the mole on his cheek was like black pepper; the girl fell in love, the nanny found out, a messenger was sent to the Maharaja's son; he sent in response, a yellow rope and a dagger: if the bride turns yellow like this rope and wants to stab her, I will not marry her anyway; the sultan cursed her daughter for falling in love with a mean man; the girl went to travel, I came to the elder sister of that son of the Maharaja; let her be sold three times at the bazaar, then she would marry them; 1) bought bey, his daughter is a fat freak; the girl fed her with her food, daughter Bey recovered - she was fed enchanted food; Bey gave her a golden bowl and let her go; 2) bought another bey, an arapka maid from his son, began to run the house; Bey's son refused to marry her, she imprisoned him, whipped him at night, Bey does not know where her son had gone; the girl found out about this, told Bey, the arapka was killed, the girl was released with a copper jug; 3) bought a third beat, his crazy daughter on chains in prison, devours the girls they send her; the Sultan's daughter hid in the attic and dragged other girls into her place; went down and came to the diva woman; she cooks the mind of daughter Bey and her the ring from which she will be healed; the Sultan's daughter pushed the diva woman into the cauldron, took the ring, healed Bey's daughter, Bey let the Sultan's daughter go with a carpet; when the Maharaja's son arrived, his sister pretends that she beats and punishes the new maid; she puts dry cakes under the mattress - this is her broken bones bursting; brother falls in love with the imaginary maid; sister: she is dead; brother sees those placed on the body of the deceased rope, dagger and letter he wrote; faints; everything turned out, wedding, they achieved their wishes]: Aganin et al. 1960:86-92; Turks []: Stebleva 1986, No. 53:223-231.

Iran - Central Asia. The Persians [the Shah, when leaving, tells his son that if his mother gives birth to a daughter, let him kill the child; the son feels sorry for his sister, he brings pigeon blood to his father; the girl grows up without seeing people; the nurse brings she has boneless meat; once there is a bone in it, the girl throws it against the wall, a hole forms, she sees the world; gets out of the room into the garden; the shah sees her, wants to marry; the son says it is his daughter; the shah tells execute both, but the vizier persuaded them to expel them; at the fork there is a stone, the inscription tells the travelers to disperse, take the leaves of the tree to treat any diseases, cross water barriers dry; the sister puts on lamb the skin looks like a lamb; the man takes him away; the lamb helps cure the Shah's daughter; tells the owner to let him go in another city; the Shah's son is missing there; the lamb watches the black maid, she keeps the young man in the crypt, beats him; the prince was released, the maid was tied by her braids to the tail of a mule; the lamb wants to go to the bathhouse with the Shah's wife, who hits him on the head with a comb; the girl comes to the bathhouse in her present appearance; the Shah's wife wants her to marry her son; she replies that she lives in the Crest quarter, hitting him on the head; next time the lamb follows the Shah's wife to be engaged to a rich house, she stabs him with a pin; the same, the Pin quarter, stabbing her head; before the holiday in another house, the prince spies, sees how the girl takes off her lamb skin, bathes; throws a ring into her clothes; demands to place a tray of food on a lamb's head, send it to his room; everything opens; the girl asks for her portrait to be hung at the city gate; her brother sees him, cries, he is brought to his sister; he marries the prince's sister, the prince marries a girl hiding under the skin of a ram]: Rosenfeld 1956:73-83.