Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K155B. She pulls her hair out of the window. 15.-.17.27.29.

A girl in the tower lowers her hair out of the window, which makes another character understand her. Thompson: †F843.1. Rope made of person's hair. †F848.1. Girl's long hair as ladder into tower.

Portuguese, Sicilians, Italians (Campania), French, Palestinians, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Rumei, Georgians.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [the girl is enclosed in the tower; she lowers her hair, the prince goes up to her room; once a witch saw it; she called the girl, imitating the voice of the prince; the girl let it down hair; the witch got up and began to persuade her not to hang out with the prince; went down and left; when the prince got up and the girl told him everything, he told him to run immediately; the girl said goodbye to with all the objects, but forgot about the broom and the broom; took a glass of water and bags of pebbles and sand with her; when the witch came, the table and chairs replied that the girl was sick, but the broom with the broom said that she ran away with the prince; the witch set off in pursuit; the girl threw sand (sand wasteland), pebbles (wall), poured water (the river, the witch stopped chasing); the prince told the girl to wait for him in the tree, and he she will go to prepare their solemn arrival; a black maid came for water, saw the girl's reflection in the source, took it for her own, broke the jug - why does such a beautiful woman need it; came for the second time - same; the third time with a brass jug, he did not break, she looked up, saw the girl, climbed to her, offered to comb her hair, put a pin into her head, turning the girl into a dove; when The prince returned, the black woman said that she had darkened from the sun while sitting in the sun; every time a dove flies to the gardener and asked how the prince was doing with black Mary; the gardener told the prince, who told catch a dove in a ribbon snare; dove: you can't catch me in one; the same is made of silver; when the snare is golden, the dove was caught; the imaginary wife asked me to kill the dove, but the prince refused; once he felt and pulled out the pin, the girl was born; replied that she would like to make steps out of the maid's bones to climb into bed and pull her skin onto the drum]: Pedroso 1882, No. 2:6-9; Portuguese ( Algavre) [the king promises to give the throne to the three sons who will get the most beautiful bride; the eldest marries the baker's daughter, the middle to the blacksmith's daughter; the youngest arrives at the house without a door; comes up old woman, says famous words (quadruple: Arcelo! arcelo, get your hair down quickly, I want to get up soon); long hair comes down from the window, the old woman rises it; when he leaves, the young man says the same words, he also gets his hair down, he gets up and sees a beautiful woman; she tells her to run so that her mother does not catch up; she chases; stops persecution, but tells her daughter to face like an ox's face; the Queen Mother sympathizes with her youngest son, tries postpone the show of daughters-in-law; suggests seeing which is the most beautiful shawl; the elders do not know how to weave at all; the youngest cries, her mother appears, gives a walnut, wearing an incredibly thin handkerchief, embroidered with flowers and birds; then the mother gives clothes; at the last moment she restores beauty and tells her daughter to hide all the dishes for her at the wedding feast, putting samples of all the dishes in her pockets; seeing how she she does it, her older daughters-in-law imitate her; while dancing, they all fall to the floor, the Queen Mother asks who did it; daughters-in-law point to the youngest; she is examined, she falls out of her pockets flowers, pearls and diamonds; the king handed over the throne to his youngest son]: Braga 2002:95-98; the Sicilians [the king and queen promise that if they have a child, they will make sources from which for 7 years, wine will be poured from one and oil from the other; that's what happened, but after 7 years the springs dried up; the old cannibal came to collect the leftovers; the 7-year-old prince threw the ball and smashed an old woman's jug; she told him not to marry until he found Fire Red Snow White (OB; Snow-White-fire-red); when he was 18, the prince went in search; saw the cannibal scream OH for her to lower her braids out of the window, climbs them to her; when she goes down and leaves, the prince shouts the same thing, OH thinks it's her mother again (she held the cannibal by her mother), lowers her braids, hides the prince; gave the cannibal a drink, she sincerely answers what to do to escape: tell all objects to answer for themselves, take 7 balls of yarn, throw them behind her during the chase; Prince and OB run; cannibal loses time until all objects respond "now"; rushes in pursuit, calls OB (if she turns around, she will be bewitched); OB consistently throws balls, a river, a spring with snakes appear, etc. (unnamed); stopping the persecution, the cannibal tells the prince to forget OH as soon as someone kisses him; when he comes to the city, the prince leaves to bring OH suitable clothes; at night, the mother came up and kissed the prince, he forgot OH; OH began to live with an old woman, tamed two doves, made clothes for them and put them on; doves fly to the king and talk about what happened; prince all recalls; wedding]: Crane 1885, No. 15:72-76; Italians (Campania, Naples) [a pregnant woman, Pascadotia, began to secretly pluck parsley in the orc's garden; she grabs it, letting her go for promising to give it the child she will give birth to; the woman gave birth to a girl, called Petrushechka; P. grew up, goes to school; the orc every time asks her to remind her mother of her promise; mother: tell her - on, take it; when she hears these words, the orc took P. into the forest and imprisoned him in a tower with one window; P. lowered her golden hair from there, the orc climbed it; the prince's son saw him, P. picked him up, giving the orc sleeping pills; this continued until an orc friend did not tell her about these visits; P. overheard, took magic acorns, told the prince's son to flee; the orc was chasing; P. threw one acorn, he turned into a dog that rushed at the orc, but she gave her bread; the second acorn was a lion; the orc ripped off the donkey, put on a donkey skin, rushed at the lion, which was frightened; the third acorn was a wolf; he rushed at the orc donkey and ate it; wedding]: Basile 2018:176-180.

Western Europe. French [parents keep the girl Blood and Milk (CM) locked up; every evening her mother calls her, the KM lowers her braid, the mother goes up to her; the Queen overhears, calls her mother in her voice, the KM lowers a braid; hides the young man in an orange; the mother says that she smells like a human spirit, the daughter lets her eat another orange; the next evening, a nut; KM offers to run, tells her to take a skinny horse (runs like care) the queen takes a smooth one (runs like the wind); KM throws soap (soap mountain), a comb (thicket); the pursuer-father returns both times; the mother says that the fugitives were a mountain of soap, sets off in pursuit herself; KM throws a thread - the river; the mother says that when the Queen hugs someone, he will forget the KM; the queen's house is hugged by his aunt, he forgets everything; KM works for a tailor; three fellows ask for a date, she tells one to close the door, the second to turn off the stove, the third to take out the garbage; the door not to close all night; the same with the other two fellows; the Queen tells me to sew a dress, KM sews the way he wears it for the first time I saw, he remembers, got married]: Shustova 1994:300-306.

Western Asia. Palestinians [the king promises that if his son grows up safely, he will fill one watercourse with honey and the other with melted butter; every day the boy meets an old woman, she tells him to remind his parents about the promise, otherwise he threatens to kill him; he forgets, she puts pebbles in his pocket, his mother finds it, he remembers, the king builds watercourses, fills him with honey and oil; the old woman comes when almost everything has been dismantled; takes the last drops, the boy throws a pebble, breaking her vessel, she tells him to fall in love with Lolabe, Lolabe's daughter; he goes looking for L., she lowers her hair out of the window, he climbs it; when her the witch mother gets up, the daughter turns the young man into a pin, the mother senses the human spirit, tells her to give her the pin to remove the splinter, the daughter gives another, turns the young man into a melon, the mother tells her to give the melon, the daughter hides one a seed, revives the young man from it, tells him to run, spraying all objects with henna except a mortar and a pestle; everyone replies to the mother that the daughter is here, a mortar and a pestle give her away; the witch pursues the fugitives, with her a dog; the daughter throws a comb (the forest, the witch and the dog chew), the brazier (the fire, the witch and the dog extinguish the urine), the mirror (the lake, the witch and the dog drink, burst); at the house, the young man tells L. to wait for him to cook everything for the wedding; L. climbs a tree, the maid takes her reflection in the well for her own, throws a jug (such a beauty should not serve); L. laughs, the maid asks her to go down, pierces her pins, turning her into a dove, puts on her clothes, explains to the groom that she cried while waiting for her, so she changed; the dove cries in the palace kitchen, tears turn into pearls, corals, the cook picks them up, every day the food burns, the prince calls him, finds out about the dove, catches him, takes out his pins; the maid from behind now stabs them into him, turning them into a dove; the third time L. catches him, takes out his pins; wedding; maid burn]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 18:159-166;

Balkans. Montenegrins [in winter, the prince bleed his nose while hunting; he decided to marry a girl white as snow and red as blood; the old woman replies that such a girl lives in a house without doors; someone { then it is clear that it is the girl's mother} gets inside through the window; many tried to free the girl, but no one returned alive; the old woman gave a piece of bread and ordered her to be protected like the apple of her eye; the second gave walnut (hazel); the third is walnut; bread should be thrown to predators, and nuts will give advice; all the animals were fed up with this bread; the girl hung her golden hair from the window and the prince climbed to her; the girl says that her mother collects grass that turns young men into animals; they are the ones who rushed to bread; the prince and the girl are running; the hazel nut tells me to open it, the river flows out of it; but the old woman divided She crossed the water with her magic wand; now walnut, fire from it, but the old woman put it out and chased it again; the prince turned to God, who struck the old woman with lightning; wedding]: Eschker 1992, No. 34: 167-170; Macedonians [all daughters died, son Kostadin remains; mother is stuck in the swamp; the wolf pulled her out for promising to give him his unborn child if a girl is born; Tentelina was born, grew up, wolf meets, asks her mother to remind her mother of the promise; she first really forgets, then her mother told her to answer again that she had forgotten; under threat of being eaten, T. goes to the wolf; he put her on a tall poplar; When she comes in the evening, calls, she hangs her hair, he climbs it; K. tells his mother to reveal the truth, goes after T.; the old woman teaches what to do; T. is afraid that the 12 elves tell the wolf about escape; the old woman tells everyone to give a piece of bread; forgot about the wolf sitting in the boot; the wolf brings other wolves to eat T.; they chase children; they throw a lump of clay (swamp), a comb ( prickly thickets), soap (mountain); other wolves angrily ate kidnapper T.; the children returned to their mother]: Martin 1955:7-14.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Rumei (a handwritten text in Rumei, kept in the library with. Yalta, Pershotravnevy district, Donetsk region) [the old woman walked and held a pot of water in her hands; the prince threw a pebble and broke the pot; the water spilled; the old woman said: "Love for three oranges"; the prince grew up and always remembered these words, they did not give peace to him; when he became a young man, he decided to go in search of three oranges; people said that they were very far away and well guarded; the prince found and took three oranges {without details}; on the way home I decided to cut one of them; a beautiful woman came out from there, said: "Water, water," and then turned into a bird and flew away; the prince cut the second orange, the situation repeated; the prince came to the well, cut a third orange; a girl who was more beautiful than the first two came out; she asked for water, the prince gave it to her; the girl said that she was his fate; the prince told her: "Climb a tree, I I'll go home, gather my matchmakers and come back for you"; the royal maid came for water; looked into the well and saw a beautiful woman sitting in the water; the maid said, "Put your hair down, I I'll see them, you've been sitting here for so many days, I guess you've worn them up"; the girl let her hair loose; the maid climbed upstairs, stabbed the girl, put her clothes on and sat in a tree instead of her; the girl turned into the bird flew away; the prince returned with his matchmakers, mistook the maid for an orange girl; asked why she had become ugly; the maid replied: "You have been gone so long, I turned black in the sun"; the prince believed her, married her; the bird began to fly in and sit on the trees; the tree she sat on dried up; all the trees were so dry; the maid knew she said to the prince: "Catch this bird, kill it, I'll kill it I'll cook it and we'll eat it"; he did it; the wife took the bones and buried them near the threshold; a tree grew out of them; when the king, queen or prince came out into the yard, it hugged them with branches; when the prince's wife - her branches were beaten and burned; she told the prince to cut down this tree; he did it; the wind picked up one branch and threw it by the road; the old woman picked up this branch, brought it home, put it behind the icon; when the old woman left from home, the branch turned into a girl and did everything around the house; the old woman decided to find out who it was; hid and saw the girl; she told her everything; the old lady said, "I'll go to the king, get their shirts, and you You will sew them"; the girl sewed shirts for the king and queen that it was not clear that their hand had touched them, and sewed their daughter-in-law's shirt with stubble from a pig; the old woman took the shirts to the king and told them who sewed them ; the prince came to her house, recognized the girl and took her with him; then asked the maid: "Wife, what do you want - forty knives or tie you to forty horses?" ; she replied: "Forty horses"; the prince tied her by forty horses; where her body hit, there were beams and hills; the prince married an orange girl; "They still live and reign"]: Intervalskaya et al. 2001; Georgians (Kakheti) [son wants to marry, mother advises to throw bread into the river every day; a girl came out, a young man persuaded her to go to live in another kingdom; counselor I saw her, persuaded the king to take the young man's wife, tell her to bring 1) eggs from which all birds and animals would hatch; the wife tells me to go to the river, ask her mother for white chicken eggs; all of them come out animals; 2) a bunch of grapes to feed the whole army (the same, ask the mother for a bunch of our grapes); 3) a child so that he knows 14 languages (give our daughter-in-law's newborn for a while; he talked to people from 14 countries and left); 4) Ezhwan's flower; the beauty has it at the top of the tower, she lowers her hair, she has to wrap it around her arm, she will raise it; she has winds, the young man returns with the beauty, gives the flower; the beautiful woman advises to propose to build a bridge to accommodate the king, the court and the army; the bridge is on her hair, she pulled it, everyone drowned; the young man stayed with his wife]: Chikovani 1954:116-120.