Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K156. Will the flowers wilt under the pillow? .27.-.30.

The girl pretends to be a man. To determine who it really is, flowers are placed under the pillow or mattress. If a man sleeps, they will stay fresh, and if a woman, they will wither by morning.

Romanians, Moldovans, Russians (Ryazan), Lezgins, Persians, Tajiks, Uzbeks.

The Balkans. Romanians [a widow's daughter herds sheep, she has a dog; a witch's son herds sheep here; a girl dressed as a young man; an imaginary young man has made friends with a witch's son, happens to be in his house; a witch's son suspects that this is a girl; his mother does not believe it, but offers tests; 1) put a flower under the pillow for the night (if the girl wilts); the dog tells you to put the flower on the pillow and only hide it under the pillow in the morning, the flower is fresher than it was; 2) go swimming together; the dog disturbs the sheep, the imaginary young man runs to the herd without swimming; after that, the girl went to the sea, divided the waters with her shepherd's staff, switched to on the other side, the waters closed before the witch's son could follow her; the witch built a ship for her son with goods, her son sold them on the other side, the girl came to the ship, he sailed away; then she threw a ring into the sea and said that she would remain silent until the ring was found; the witch decides to get rid of her daughter-in-law, sends her sister for a sword {apparently a weaving sword} and thread; husband teaches you to put the first piece of food under her tongue; the witch's sister is surprised that the one who came is not dumb; she slaughtered a rooster for her, she ate it, putting a piece under her tongue; the witch's sister says that she has no sword or thread, sends to another sister (the same one, she slaughtered a lamb); the third sister lets a human hand eat; the girl throws her under the hearth, the witch calls out her hand, she answers from under the hearth; next time the girl hides her hand under her clothes, she replies that she is under the girl's heart; the witch gives a sword and thread, demands her hand back, the girl gives them; the second and first witches demand back a lamb, a rooster; the girl belches them alive, because she she put a piece under her tongue; the fishermen caught the fish that swallowed the ring; the husband, holding the ring in his hand, touches his wife with a hand stained in fish blood; she turned into a swallow with a red breast and red breast with a speck under her beak; her husband tried to grab her tail, pulled out her feathers, so the swallow has a split tail]: Gaster 1915, No. 87:267-272; Moldovans [the shepherd has only daughters, they offer to herd a flock instead of him; the eldest dresses as a boy, goes with a flock; the father puts on a bear skin, rushes at the sheep, the imaginary guy runs; the same middle daughter; the youngest rushes at the bear, the father asks not to beat him; Baba Kotoroans's son is also a shepherd, suspects that the other shepherd is a girl; K. comes up with trials, Mioara the sheep teaches how to avoid exposure; the girl refuses to wash; replaces the one under the head is a bunch of basil (basil fades under the girls' heads); K.'s son married; the boy sees his wife take off the boiling pot with an apron; says they don't do this, takes off the kushma from her head, everyone can see her golden hair; K.'s son has lamb blood on his hands, he tries to grab the girl, she has turned into a swallow; there are blood stains on his neck, and K.'s son managed to pull feathers out of his tail]: Botezat 1981:332-336 (=Moldavian tales 1968:451-457).

Central Europe. Russians (Ryazan) [the man has three daughters; in the village they cast lots on who to recruit, the choice fell on this man; the eldest daughter offered to go instead of her father; dressed as a man, took a gun ; towards the hare - she got scared and returned; the same middle daughter (towards the wolf); the youngest to meet the bear; she shot his finger and moved on; served for many years without arousing suspicion comrades; the owner of the room, which the imaginary young man shared with his friend, suspected that it was a girl; let a friend put hay under the mattress; under the woman the hay would turn black, and under the man would remain green; the girl got up early and replaced the blackened hay with fresh hay; hostess: go to the bathhouse together; girl: oh, we forgot the soap; while a friend went to get soap, the girl had already washed herself; the service was over and the girl returned home; and her friend became a cat and began to meow outside the window; the girl's father: honey, let the cat in; the cat grabbed the girl and carried her away by the Oka; becoming human again, the guy married the girl; mother-in-law tells her to bring gray sheep out of the forest; husband: they are wolves; the girl climbed onto the spruce tree, told the wolves to pack up and fill the birch bark box with their wool; then she went down, took the box and brought the wolves to her mother-in-law; she gives a windowsill and tells them to milk dark brown cows; they are bears; her daughter-in-law tells them to milk, brings them milk; mother-in-law: go to my sister and bring a yarn comber (Weberkamm); husband: this is Baba Yaga; give oil to the cat, he will bring a scratcher; Baba Yaga's hut on a chicken leg, on a spindle leg; Baba Yaga kindly let him in, and went to sharpen her teeth; daughter-in-law gave the cat oil, he told him to spit on the threshold, saliva will answer; taking the scratcher, the daughter-in-law ran away; Baba Yaga sat down in an iron stupa, took an iron pestle and set off in pursuit; her daughter-in-law threw her brush, thick reeds grew; the crest was a birch tree; the stone was a river; Baba Yaga tried to drink it and burst; now her mother-in-law sent her daughter-in-law and son to fish; they caught a ring that the girl threw into the river when the boy was carrying her to the other side; she said ]: Khudyakov, 2, No. 60:81-85 in Löwis of Menar 1921, No. 31:176-181 (in Uther 2004 (1), No. 514:301-302, for some reason, the fairy tale is called Belarusian).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Lezgins [an angel in a dream tells the poor man that he should send one of his three daughters to heaven as a shepherd; only the youngest agrees; dressed in men's clothes, the wind lifted her and the dog to the sky from the top of the mountain; the father and son have sheep in the sky; the father says that the boy has come, the son suspects that the girl; she withstands all the tests (hit the target, the dog changed the owner at night violets - violets will wither under the woman, but not under the man); seven years later she was released; the young man saw from the sky that she was still a girl; on the holiday everyone was swinging on a swing, the dog did not let the girl in, but she sat on them, the swings took her back to heaven; she had to marry; her mother-in-law did not give her keys; she fell asleep, the girl took her keys, began to open the rooms; in one jug, in which the moon, the sun, the rain, the wind; she took off the lid, saw the ground where the mother and father jumped into this jug; flew and turned into the sun's rays; the guy jumped into a jug of snow out of grief, turned into snowflakes]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 20:235-237 (=Khalidova 2012, No. 10:37-39).

Iran - Central Asia. Persians (Shiraz) [the king has 7 sons, his poor brother has 7 daughters; the king refers to him "my miserable brother"; the eldest daughter asks her father to offer to send her and the king's sons to trade - Let's see who makes a big profit; puts on men's clothes and took a cat with him; met a prince, who brought her, suspects it's a girl; his mother thinks not, suggests tests; the cat overhears everything, tells the hostess and corrects everything; tasting boiled pomegranate juice means a girl; the cat teaches you to ask for a piece for the cat; the flowers on the bed at night are fresh in the morning, because the cat changed them 10 times; go to the bathhouse; the cat teaches you how to wear an Armenian woman with lots of buttons; come on horseback; she will scare him, the servant will shout - the horse has galloped off! it will be possible to run after the horse and not return to the bathhouse; the girl wrote a letter to the prince recognizing who she was and where to look for her; the cat trained her gems; she met her uncle's sons, they became impoverished, she gave they had money, but for this they allowed them to be branded; she besieged the city and demanded that her seven slaves be returned to her; the stigma was on her uncle's sons; she discovered herself; her and the prince's wedding]: Romaskevich 1934a, No. 33:154-160; Tajiks [the old man has three daughters but no son; he is blind; the eldest daughter dresses up as a man, visits an old woman who says that many brave men have died looking for a cure, the girl returns; the same middle daughter; the youngest is not afraid; the old woman sends her to the healer; he will ask for the seed of the tree that the three-headed diva has for medicine; everyone must do good in the diva's abode; the old woman gives a mirror, a comb, a bar; the girl cleans and adjusts the gates of the fortress, shifts hay to horses and bones to dogs; sewed sleeves for baking bread, gave them to girls who put cakes in tonur with her bare hands; the diva sleeps with her eyes open; the girl pulled out a bag from under his head and ran away; the maids, dogs, horses, the gate refused to grab her; she threw a mirror (river), a bar (mountain), comb (forest); divas stops chasing; witch doctor gives seeds; his friend says that the hero is a girl; chrysanthemums are placed at her head (if a woman withers); the girl got up at dawn and picked fresh ones ; but the healer's son saw this and went with her; the father saw the light, the young man married his daughter]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:77-83; Uzbeks [the old man has three daughters, no son, he is ill, he needs a decoction from a branch pears; the eldest daughter dressed up as a man, saw a lion in the desert, turned back; the middle daughter saw a dragon - the same; the youngest took a dog with her, killed a lion and a dragon, came to the city of Zim-Zim; locals the young men suspected that there was a girl in front of them; offered to swim; the dog overhears, tells the hostess everything; when it was time to undress, the dog barked, everything fell into darkness, the girl I swam and dressed; chose a saddle rather than a doll; everyone puts a rose in bed under them, the woman's rose should wither; the dog brought a fresh rose; the daughter returned to her father with a decoction of a pear branch]: Afzalov 1972 (2): 94-87 (=Sheverdin 1980:14-17).