Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K15B. Replaced water barrel .13.27.-.

By quietly swapping vessels with living and dead (giving and taking strength) water (rarely: oil, etc.), from which wrestlers drink during martial arts, the hero wins enemy.

Nzakara, Romanians, Moldovans, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Tyumen, Moscow, Tambov, Kursk), Western Ukrainians, Belarusians, Karachays and Balkarians, Finns, Karelians, Estonians, Setus, Latvians, Western Sami, Chuvash, Mordovians, Udmurts, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Khakas, Buryats, (Khalkha Mongols), Nenets (Yamal), Mansi, Southern Khanty, Northern Selkups, (Yugi), Western Evenks.

Sudan - East Africa. Nzakara [Toúlé spider marries Thunder's eldest daughter, kills dangerous creatures that Thunder was powerless against; xylophone owner Ngbéngbélétou asks everyone bring the buyer to his sister; tells his dogs (lion, black panther, serval, panther, hyena) to grab the buyer, eats him, takes the woman; while N. is not, T. replaces N. with his clay, and N.'s firming oil and healing ointment with his own; plays the xylophone; throws meat to the guardian animals, they calm down; N. drinks replaced oil, rubs himself with a powerless ointment, takes a changed weapon, attacks, kills; captive wives beat his body; N.'s sifted ashes revive the dead]: Retel-Lautentin 1986, No. 43.7:277-285.

The Balkans. Romanians [the king leaves, leaving his son Ionece for himself, but forbiding him to take one key; he violates the ban, enters the room, sees a portrait of a beautiful woman and faints; goes in search; in food is served to the empty castle; the dragon lives there; the girl advises to swap barrels of living and dead water; I. fights the dragon, she drinks dead water, I. kills her; then kills her daughter; goes to Ciudă de Obilă; his slave finds out what his life is in; first he says it is in the door jamb, then in the sword in the basement; I. enters the basement, there are hundreds of prisoners; he kills Ciudă de Obilă, and returns the slave to her friend is his wife; defeats the hero Kazarkina, who ate everything; frees for promising to obey him; {many details, not everything is clear}; Kazarkina tells Ionita that she learned from a conversation between pigeons: her father wants to kill him; as she tells, K. becomes stony; I. kills her father, frees her mother; I.'s wife dreams that if K. sprinkles blood on their baby, she will come to life; they cut off the baby's head, the revived K. puts her in her place and the baby comes to life]: Bîrlea 1966:433-435; Moldovans: Botezatu 1981 [childless old woman eats wheat grain, gives birth to a son Golden Seed (ZZ); the baby stops crying when his mother promises to marry him to Steppe Beauty (SK); goes to look for a betrothed, eats a whole ram, a bull on the way as a sign of heroism; wins, takes in Drevolom's companions, Kamnedawa; twins cook one by one, SAM-with-beard-with-elbow (SB) eats lunch while riding a cook; ZZ defeats him, he runs away; someone cooks in the house; twins they wait for three doves turning into fairies; one marries Drevolom, the other for Kamnedava, SK for ZZ; wives are losing weight, brothers take turns guarding, becoming a sliver, a stone, the SB comes, beats them, demands from the fairies their wings, eats lunch; ZZ turns into a sword, pinches the SB beard in the trunk of an oak tree, which pulls out an oak tree, goes into the abyss; only ZZ dares to go down, finds SK, moves the barrels from the living and dead water, SB drinks dead, ZZ cuts off his head, sends beauties upstairs, puts a stone in the basket for testing, brothers cut off the rope, the basket falls; ZZ kills the snake, grateful eagles hide from his mother so that she does not swallow it; she swallows and regurgitates it three times; carries it to the ground, feeds and gives her water in flight, cuts off the last piece from her play, the eagle puts it back; the woodcutter and Kamnedav made UK a maid, starving her son; ZZ tells her brothers to throw a club up, she falls on them, kills them; their wives fly away with doves; ZZ brings his wife and son to their mother]: 89-105; Moldavian tales 1968 [the childless queen conceived from the tear of an icon; her son Fat-Frumos (Born from Tears); he puts up with his father's enemy; that witch Lesova pays tribute to every tenth baby; FF wins her, she runs away shackled; he follows her daughter Ilyana tells her to change the kegs of water and force; FF kills her, takes her daughter as his wife; the king asks to defeat Lute, bring him his daughter; FF takes her away; L. asks his horse if he should hurry to chase, the horse says not so good; the first time L. takes his daughter, the second incinerates FF; St. Peter asks God to revive him; daughter L. turns FF into a flower, hides it, asks L. how to get a double-hearted horse; FF hears, comes to an old woman tasked to herd her herd, helps the mosquito along the way, cancer; mosquitoes drive scattered horses, crayfish drive them out of the water; the maid replaces the old woman's sleepy food with a good one; the old woman puts the hearts of the mares in a skinny three-year-old, FF chooses him; rides it away with the maid; she tells you to throw the brush (forest), whetstone (rock), handkerchief (lake), the witch drowns at midnight; the maid disappears, FF takes L.'s daughter on a seven-hearted horse; the two-hearted throws L. into heaven; the king marries daughter L., FF to I.]: 139-157.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pinega, 1927, d. Inkwell) [The beautiful sister of three brothers is kidnapped by the evil Wizard while she is walking in the garden. All three go looking for her. The shepherd of a hundred rams invites them to eat his entire herd and drink 40 barrels of wine - in which case they can defeat his powerful owner, the evil wizard, but they can't even eat one roasted one. They also meet a shepherd with a herd of 150 pigs, then a shepherd with a herd of 200 bulls, and they invite the brothers to eat the whole herd to win, but they can't. The brothers come to their sister, she hides them under the stove, her owner returns, invites her brothers to the table, eats the raw pig and the rug herself, they cannot eat anything. He calls them to fraternize in the field, cuts off their heads and puts them in the basement. The mother follows the brothers, eats a pea along the way, becomes pregnant, returns home, gives birth to a son Ivan, while "they went to get his ass, he grew up to 17 years." The mother talks about his older brothers, he asks the blacksmith to forge a cane of 50, 50, 200 pounds (Each time he tries a cane - he throws it into the sky, drinks kvass at home and then catches a cane, only on the third since his palm feels the weight of his cane). Ivan goes to pick up his siblings. On the way, he eats all the sheep, piglets and bulls unroasted (he drinks all the wine/vodka), says he could eat as much more. The shepherds thank him, because if the animal remains malnourished, there are twice as many of them in the herd. Ivan comes to his sister and refuses to hide under the stove. The snake eats the rug and the pig, Ivan eats "a couple at a time", the snake brings more food. In the field, Ivan throws a cane at the snake and cuts down 6 heads, the snake tells us where Ivan's brothers are, who kills the enemy, finds brothers, splashes on them from a barrel in the basement dead, then with live blood, and they come to life. Ivan finds gold, a chain, and puts it in a bag. On the way back, the brothers tie Ivan, who has fallen asleep, to an oak tree and leave. On the third day, he wakes up and, having uprooted the oak tree, comes home, gives his mother all the gold (asks her to bring a bigger purse and then allocate the whole hut). Ivan settles in the basement, but sees that his brothers don't love him and leaves. He meets Vernydub's grandfather, crying by the oak tree - his life is in the oak tree (if you cut down an oak tree, it will die) and his grandfather, whose life in grief (if you cut it down, it will die). The three of them live on the mountain, two clear the field, one cooks. While Vernydub is cooking, a little old man comes to him, beats Vernydub and pulls the food out of the oven, Vernydub says that lunch is dead. When it's Ivan's turn, the old man asks to let him in, Ivan refuses, tries to send the old man to the soup, and he runs away. The three of them track down the old man, come to a hole covered with a stone, Ivan goes down. She meets a girl at the palace, she suggests changing her master's 2 vats with amplifying and "weakening" water. When a little old man comes back and fights with Ivan, he drinks from the vat and weakens. Ivan wins and frees two more girls, wants to marry the last, youngest and most beautiful, and give the elders to his brothers. On their belts, they lift the girls upstairs, fight over each one, do not want to bother Ivan, but at the girls' insistence, they pull them out. Brothers diverge in different directions]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 89:179-184; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [the doctor tells the tsar that there is a fish - if you eat it, a child will be born; a fish was delivered to the tsar, the queen ate, the cook tasted it, gave the cow a swipe; Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Kukharkin's son, Ivan Korovich, were born; they grew up and came to the kingdom where miraculous people ate; the brothers cut off the miracle of their heads, who to take princess? The Tsarevich and the cook's son threw Korovich into the abyss; eagles are squeaking in the nest, he fed them crumbs and warmed them; the eagle promises to help; Korovich came to the old man; he says that the worst Miracle Yudo is here, only his relatives, we need to change the tubs with living and dead water; after drinking dead, the Miracle weakened, Korovich killed him; immediately the birds sang, the kidnapped princess nearby; the eagle carries them upstairs, it is necessary to feed the prepared meat, it was not enough, Korovich cut off the meat from his leg, gave the eagle his own blood; when he reached the ground, the eagle regurgitated this piece, brought Korovich and the girl to life with live water; Korovich forgave his brothers, married a rescued woman; wedding; I was there, ate and drank, flowed down my mustache, but didn't get into my mouth]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:104-108; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) [children no; the old man cut down a stump, became Ivan the Sosnovets; his strength is incredible, he eats a lot, his parents sent him to wander; he meets and companions a man who transfers forests from forest to forest; carries mountains; carries water from the river to the river; everyone replies that he is not strong, but I.; stopped in the hut, the bulls are full, they cook in turn; the man with the nail, the beard from the elbow beats the cook, everything eats; I. hits him himself, hangs him on the wall, he fell off, rolled to the hole; only I. agrees to go down; in the hut the girl sews like a needle, so the soldier will jump out; in the second hut - two soldiers; in the third - three; each replies that she is accumulating strength for Ivan Sosnovets; the fourth girl says that she is a stolen princess; tells us to swap bottles of strong and weak water; that wounded dwarf lies, big in stature , I. killed him; each of the girls rolls the hut into a handkerchief; the companions pulled out the girls and I., I. gave each a girl; they unfolded their houses; I.'s wedding with the girl]: Razumov, Senkina 1974, No. 54:264-270; Russians (Vologda) [the tsar and the queen are childless, both 80; the tsar tells the fishermen to throw a net for his happiness; the pike looked like gold; the tsar tells the nanny to bake a cake; ate the middle part with the queen, the one with the head was eaten by the nanny, the tail was eaten by a dog; everyone gave birth to a boy, only the dog's son has dog ears; the priest gave names: Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Nyankin, Succhie-birth; brothers grew up; C. suggests that the eldest be the one who throws the 4-pound club further; he himself threw the farthest; went hunting, got lost, stopped in an empty house, next to the bridge across the river; brothers in turn they guard; the IC sees a three-headed monster riding, disappeared, did not tell the brothers; the same IN (6-headed); on the third night S. leaves a glass: if it is full of blood, hurry to help, and if the blood is over the edge, escape themselves; the 12-headed monster overcomes, S. threw his boot, the gate disappeared, the horse ran, helped kill the monster; S. put 12 heads under a heavy stove; the brothers apologize for hiding and did not help; when we went, S. asks to return - forgot his gloves; fell off the stove, 12 heads under it; the brothers kept silent; three sisters of the sorceress gathered; one promises to become an apple tree, the other - a feather bed, the third - with a well; brothers want to eat apples, lie on a feather bed, drink water, S. does not give; brothers find a hut, hunt, cook in turn; a dwarf with a long beard came, ate everything, beat the IC; the same with IN; S. beat the dwarf, pinched his beard in the stump; he uprooted the stump, left, the bloody trail leads to the hole; S. orders to kill the bear, make it out of the skin of belts, lower him on his belts; the girl of the copper kingdom sends to the girl of silver, she asks to marry her; the girl of the golden kingdom tells her to change the wells with strong and weak water; the dwarf drank weak water, S. killed him; S. sends the girls upstairs, each turned her kingdom into a ball; when the brothers raised S., they were flattered by the girls, cut off their belt; S. fell, found the Firebird, she carried him upstairs because he defeated her villain; the IC took the maiden of the silver kingdom, the IN is of copper, and the maiden of the golden kingdom is his servant; having learned how it was, the king executed the IC, drove the IN away, made S. the heir, he married the princess of the golden kingdom ]: Gura 1965, No. 20:230-233; Russians (Vologda, Kirillovsky District) []: Sokolov, Sokolov 1981, No. 77:296-305; Russians (Ural Region, Tyumen District, Tavdinsky District, d. Letnaya) [Two tsars, one is Tsar Tsarevich Tsysar (Ts.), the second is Tsar Pavel of Chernoy (PE). The three-headed serpent takes Princess Elena the Beautiful (EP) to the underworld, locks her behind 12 doors and 12 locks, and the heroes go in search. C. turns to the sorceress: let her determine which of them will not reach the king's daughter. The sorceress gives an apple, tells me to cut it into more or less when talking to an emergency about the princess. If he takes the big one, you won't see her EP. The state of emergency takes a larger part, goes to his kingdom, C. goes to the EP. He comes to a certain area, breaks through a cast-iron door with a club, the horse senses the rider on his own, and also breaks through two, then three doors. This is how they break through 12 doors together. The horse puts C.'s head on his right shoulder, says in a human voice: "I will be, C., your servant." T. walks into the house, where 12 people are playing cards downstairs, rushing at him, killing them, cutting off their tongues, throwing them on the floor. He goes to the second floor, where 12 people play pawns, rush at him, he kills them, cuts off their tongues. The EP is sitting on the third floor, with a three-headed snake sleeping on her lap. The EP advises going to great heroic fields, where the snake has two barrels of wine. They should be rearranged. This wine is strong and not strong. The prince changes their places, returns to the Ep., and the snake begins to wake them up. He hits him in the side with a ten-pound club - he shudders, does not wake up, hits him a second time - the snake says through his sleep that he is being bitten by bugs, hits him a third time - the snake wakes up, raises its eyebrows at seven weights, looking at what kind of person he is. C. replies that he came to fight, the serpent is angry. They go out to fight in the field. The serpent hits first, drives C. into the ground ankles. C. knocks down the snake's head. The snake wraps around his neck with a magic ring, his head grows, drives C. knee-deep. He knocks down two heads, the Serpent circles him with a ring, grows back, offers a cup of drink. C. pours himself strong, the snake - mild wine, they drink, the snake hits a small child with force, C. blows off all three heads. The EP picks her up, takes her on horseback to the white light. She puts up a tent, falls asleep in a heroic dream, putting her head on her knees. The Tsar of Emergency cuts off his head with a sword. The EP seals his body in a box, puts a box of gold, a magic ring in it, and lets him into the sea. She agrees to leave with an emergency if he does not marry her for three years. He signs a promise. In the third year, fishermen pull out a box with the body, and their elder learns from a letter how to revive a victim with a ring, putting his head and circling him around the neck. T.: "Ugh, I slept for a long time!" The senior fisherman gives him a certificate describing how the emergency killed him. Ts says goodbye, hurries to reach the realm of emergency in the last days before the wedding. Drinks a potion, becomes an old man. The cook interferes with the beer in the tub. C. asks to give the beggar a drink. The cook refuses because this will not leave the king with beer for the wedding. C. strangles the cook, throws him into the vat so that the king can drink thicker beer. He enters the royal court, the horse hears him, worries, breaks the stable. No one can calm a horse. The beggar is summoned and given a key to the stable. Once there, he drinks a rejuvenating potion, makes C. The horse calms down, puts his head on his shoulder. He comes out of the stable again as an old man and is being rewarded. The EP has already forgotten about it. Travelers are coming. The old man is told that the wedding is at the table, brought the last food, and will soon leave the table. The old man drinks a rejuvenating potion, Ts., EP rushes around his neck, the state of emergency sits crazy, the prince shoots him]: Onchukov 2000, No. 10, P. 64-67; Russians (Moscow) [the old man weaved bast shoes, sold; 12 brothers are dragging a mare; the old man gave for her what he took for her bast shoes; the mare has a pearl tail, a golden mane; tells you to sit on it, but not cling to the clouds with his head; the mare's house immediately necklaces and gave birth to a foal; the landowner bought it for 500 rubles; a mare to an old man: but he forgot about me; he fed her, she flew to the steppe and gave birth to a son Ivan-Kobylin (IK); he went to rescue the princess, took her away 12-headed serpent; met and accompanied Gorynya and Dubynya; they were afraid to go down to the snake kennel, IK descended; the princess's serpent is on her knees, she is looking for lice in his heads; tells him to mark the power with impotence; the serpent drank impotence; they fight with sabers; IK: Serpent, look around, your kingdom is burning" the serpent looked around, IC cut off all heads; the princess gave her ring; her companions picked her up; IK tied a stone, those cut off the rope, believing that they were raising the IC; 12 cabbage rolls promise to take IR to the ground, told them to prepare water and meat; the last portion was not enough, he cut off the eggs from his right leg, divided it into 12 parts, gave cabbage rolls; on the ground, the birds coughed up pieces, put them back; the mare mother ran, hit the stone, the crows began to peck at her; IR grabbed the crow, told the crow to bring living and dead water, revived mother; dressed as a beggar, he came to the wedding of the princess and Dubynya; the bride recognized her ring; Dubynya was opened across the field, IK received the kingdom]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 23:58-61; Russians ( Tambov) [an unclean spirit stole Anastasia the Beautiful from Tsar Pea; three sons go in search; the youngest Ivan sees how three spoonbills became girls, began to swim; I. hid the sash of the most beautiful; she replies that his mother was kidnapped by her father Raven Voronovich; tells him to follow a bird with a golden tuft; I. goes with her brothers, they bring him down to the lower world; 33 spoonbill girls in copper and silver , the golden kingdoms send I. to go for a ball; the princess of gold gives a ball to go to the pearl kingdom, where mother I.; orders to rearrange the vats with strong and low-power water there; I. enough BB, makes give him a feather road; princesses and mother I. turned the four kingdoms into balls, the I. brothers pulled them all out, cut off the rope, lifting I.; 12 fellows carried him to the ground; I.'s father executed his wife, wants to marry on the princess of the golden kingdom; she demands to sew boots, then a dress without a measure; I. does everything, hiring artisans and revealing hidden kingdoms; the princess orders I. to cook in milk, he is done handsome; his father jumped, cooked; I. marries, reigns]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 130:239-243; Russians (Kursk, Valuisky District) [The only son of a poor widow is forced to beg, then, He is hired by a rich old man, promises to do it for three. He grinds his life, agrees with two men to work together. At night, they look for fire in the field, the grandfather by the fire agrees to give fire in exchange for a fairy tale, the men can't tell, he cuts a belt out of their backs. The widow's son agrees to tell the story, on the condition that the old man does not interrupt him. He tells stories for a long time, then says that his grandfather rode his old grandfather in the next world. The old man shouts "you're lying", the widow's son clamps his beard into the crevice (in the stump), takes the fire. Guys want to see an old man running away with a stump. They follow the trail from the stump that leads them to a bottomless hole, the widow's son comes down and finds himself in another world. In the mansions, three beauties warn him of an evil old man, the youngest shows kegs with weakness and strength, he swaps the contents. The grandfather returns, senses the Russian spirit, the widow's son goes out to fight with him, then both drink from kegs. The widow's son wins, takes treasures and three beauties, but men only pull girls out. He sees that the chicks are threatened by thunderstorm and rain, and covers them with a cloak. In gratitude, their mother promises to take them out of the dead, he is collecting meat for her on the road. The meat runs out on the way, and the man is forced to cut off his thighs. When a bird lands and finds out what it ate, it spits it out and returns it to its place]: Aristov, Pavlov 1939:73-76; (cf. Russians (Voronezh, Ertil district, p. Pike, 1965) [Cripple Ivan does not get up from the stove, his parents go to the forest, he stays at home. The old man knocks, asks for a drink. I. says he can't walk, he orders. He gives me a drink of water twice, I. gains strength, "Yes, if there was a pole in the ground, I would turn the ground upside down," the old man gives a third drink and his strength becomes a little less. I. brings lunch to his parents and easily uproots trees. He goes "to look at the white world, show himself", on the third day he sees sleeping heroes, wants to kill them, but thinks about it, wakes them up, asks him to take him with him to save the girl from the snake. He says that the oldest will be the one who lifts the big stone, becomes the oldest. They approach the crack, one of the heroes descends on a rope, refuses in the middle of the way, and I. He walks into the hut and learns from the old woman about three girls and three snakes (3-, 6 and 12 heads). He comes to the first girl, hides, the snakes return, they go out to fight, the snake drinks water from under the oak tree, Ivan offers a drink from under the birch tree. The serpent blows, Ivan kneels into the ground, Ivanov's whiff of snakes leaves him to the waist, Ivan knocks his heads down with a baton. She frees the girl, takes her personalized ring, defeats the second and third snakes more easily (she drinks water from under the oak tree), the girls give him personalized rings. The heroes raise the maidens, and leave Ivan behind. Baba Yaga: If she catches a white sheep, it will fall to the ground, if the black sheep falls down to two more lands. And enough black. He sees a nest with chicks on an aspen tree, asks their mother to carry it to the ground. She agrees on the condition that he has a vat with animals to feed her on the road. I. flies to the tsar, goes to the wedding, shows his personalized rings, the rescued girls recognize him, the tsar gives Ivan his daughter as his wife]: Kretov 1977, No. 42:81-83); Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Khust district, s. Gorinchevo) [in the 77th state, behind glass mountains, behind milk streams, grandfather and woman live, there are no children; the old woman asks her grandfather to make a child and a cradle out of wood; he cuts down a sycamore, combs the boy, him they call Yavorovy Ivan (YAI); makes a cradle, a woman shakes her, the child does not come to life, grows up; two years later he goes to the forest, helps his grandfather; snakes (shufflers) took three royal daughters; their savior will receive one of them and the state; YAI goes in search, meets a gypsy, becomes friends; they find a hole, wind a rope, fix them on the stove; one will take the youngest daughter, the second will take the middle daughter, the eldest will serve; YAI goes down, hears a girl singing, she is in a hut rotating on a chicken leg; girl: her husband has five heads, he has strong water; YAI drinks water; an iron club falls into the yard, YAI throws her back, snake sees that someone strong is in his yard; comes in, says he smells sinful; wife: this is my brother; they shake hands; the serpent eats melted tin dumplings, drinks water, then goes to fight; snakes He hammers JAI knee-deep into the ground, YI to the waist, the serpent to the arm, YAI to the neck; begins to beat off his heads with a club, but they come back again; the girl sprinkles ashes on them, the head cannot grow, the snake kill; the girl says that she and YAI belong to each other; YAI tells me to collect everything valuable, lock the house, wait for him; puts on a snake's clothes, takes his sword, comes to her middle sister; she also plays harmonica and sings; her husband has ten heads, drinks special wine; YAI swaps barrels of water and wine; when approaching, the snake throws a club of 12 quintals; YAI drinks wine, throws away the club; (hereinafter the same as in YAI changes his sword to the one that the stronger snake has, comes to the third hut; there is a younger princess; the snake yells at his wife who found her with her lover, breathes fire from 12 mouths; Yai hides from by the door; when the heads show up in the hut, tells her sword to cut them; the elder princess puts all the jewelry in cream, the middle princess puts them in an apple, the youngest in a walnut, Yai puts them in her pocket, sends them upstairs the royal daughters, the gypsy pulls them out and goes away with them; Yai walks along the path day and night, comes to the hut, there is a woman, she has eyelashes to the ground; she calls him a dog son, agrees to take up duty, tells her to take a pitchfork and raise her eyelids, otherwise she does not see him; YAI raises her eyelashes to the woman, she recognizes him as YAI: the sycamore from which he was made knows him; she will take care of the mares: herd three times and bring back, otherwise your head is down; mares are women's daughters; the woman gives YAI a sleepy cake; when YAI wakes up, there are no mares; the fox asks for a cake, tells me to go home and become in a manger: mares have become chickens, the fox begins to torture them, the chickens run into the barn, become mares, YI ties them up, reports to the woman, who hits them with an iron pitchfork for letting themselves be caught, tells them what they should do; on the second the day is still the same, the wolf promises to help if YAI treats him to bread; explains that mares have become crows; the old horse lying on the manure will say everything to do; horse: there is a twig in its tail, they need wave and say: "Stay in place"; three crows sitting in a tree fly into the barn, become mares; the woman hits them with an iron pitchfork: they probably sleep with Ivan, love him, want to destroy her; On the third day, YAI gives a cake to the bear; he advises him to go home, there is an ox on the second pile of manure, he will explain what to do; the ox tells him to take two twigs from its tail, one wave to the left, the other on the right, until the mares appear, ask the woman for an old horse for his service; the mares turn into crayfish, swim from pool to pool, YAI hits them with twigs, turns them back into mares; the woman tears her hair tells him to ask what YAI wants; he asks the old horse; the horse advises the woman to bow down, the woman spits after him, he has time to close the door, otherwise he would burn down; the horse asks how to go - in the wind or against winds, soars up, asks to see what's behind them; YAI sees a black cloud, it's a woman, a horse tells you to throw the comb (thickets from ground to clouds); the cloud is almost catching up, but they cross the border of the earth; woman screams terribly, falls to dust; the horse offers to go to the royal city; woman: three royal daughters have returned, the wedding is being prepared, the gypsy takes the youngest; YAI is hired by a shoemaker; princess ordered to make shoes like they had not done before; Yai takes out her younger sister's shoes out of the walnut, hangs them on a carnation; in the morning the younger princess comes and tells the shoemaker that he did not do it, but she also it is necessary to go to the tailor; YAI runs to the tailor, takes out his dress from the walnut; the princess calls the craftsmen for her wedding; YAI tells the horse to climb into his left ear, there are beautiful clothes; they fly to the palace; gypsies to the king: this is an angel going to the wedding; when she sees YAI, the bride cries for joy, but the gypsy does not confess; YAI puts plum, apple and nut on the table; the older sisters take out their wealth, and the youngest's nut is empty; she Understands everything; gypsies are executed, YAI marries a younger princess]: Lintur 1969:151-160; Belarusians [the tsar's polar bear from the dead steals horses every night; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep; the youngest Ivan the Fool tells you to dig up a club for 10 pounds, throws it up, puts his finger - it broke; by 15 pounds, his knee is the same; by 25 - she bounced off his forehead, did not break; I. hit the bear with it, he went back to the ground; I. goes down the hole on a rope, tells his brothers to wait for him for a month; he came to the copper court; there is a bear's daughter, complaining that he, three daughters, is cutting; showed the way to his sister in the silver palace, she to sister in gold; she told me to replace barrels of strong and weak water; the bear is sleeping, I. pulled out the keys from under him to the basement, where the barrels are; when I drink water, the bear loses his strength, I. grows; each of the sisters turns his kingdom into an egg; the brothers picked up the girls, removed the rope; on the oak nest, there are 4 chicks in it, one snake has already eaten; I. killed her; the chicks hid I. from their mother under the shell; the bird agrees to carry I. to the ground if he makes wine and meat; the 6-headed serpent must eat the princess, I. killed him; then the 9th and 12th; for this the king gave 18 cows and 8 barrels of wine; the last piece of I. cut off the legs, the bird she coughed it up and put it back; the shoemaker complains that the saved princess demands diamond boots from the groom as she had in the underworld; I. unfolded a golden egg, took her boots; the princess recognized them; I. opened all three eggs, gave two princesses to his brothers]: Romanov 1887, No. 10:78-85.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays, Balkarians: Aliyeva 1994, No. 43 [sledges approach the fortress of Emegenes; Sosuruk is going to fight; the captive promises him to replace barrels of strong and weak water ; after two hours of struggle, emegen and S. drink, S. becomes stronger, emegen loses strength; S. replaces swords - emegen and his own; defeats emegen, he lets himself be shackled, releases prisoners]: 378-380; Lipkin 1973 [The emegens captured and stole some of the sledges; Yoruzmek and his friends go to free them; granite Sosruk goes out to fight; the prisoner replaces barrels of water, which increases and decreases strength; after two hours, the fighters drink; while emegen is washing, S. runs up to drink more, replaces his sword with an emegen sword and vice versa; thanks to water, S. wins melee; thanks to the sword, which lengthens in a battle that lengthens, sword fight; Emegen was shackled, prisoners were released]: 64-68.

Baltoscandia. Finns; Viiding 1980 [The blacksmith met a forest girl (metshaldja), married; Matti's son is immensely strong, parents of other children complain about him; to get rid of M., the father tells him 1) bring firewood from the forest, where bears and wolves (easily dispersed the animals), 2) fish from the lake, where the monster (M. beat him with a fishing rod), 3) money lent to the king (beat the tsar's soldiers, brought money); M. goes wander, meets and companions 1) a fisherman trying to catch the same water monster with a cow, 2) hitting boulders against each other (answers what awaits M. for combat; finding out who is in front of him , refuses to fight, obeys), 3) dammed the river; in the cow's pen, the companions slaughter one, leave the fisherman to cook meat; the old woman Iron Tooth binds him, eats everything; the same with the rest; M. himself throws her into the crevice, the companions confess what happened to them; the old woman is released, hides in the abyss, the companions bring M. down there; the kidnapped princess orders to replace the bottles with the strong and weak with water; M. defeats an old woman, she drinks weak water, dies; companions lift the princess and treasures upstairs, cut off the rope, lifting M.; the eagle on its back carries M. upstairs; M. throws companions at abyss, marries a princess]: 9-20; Concca 1991 [man ran away from court; got together with a forest maiden; when she gave birth to a son, took a boy and returned to the village; the guy is monstrously strong, better from this to get rid; his father sent him to the king to pick up the allegedly borrowed gold and silver; the king sent soldiers against M., who easily killed them with an iron staff; he had to give gold and silver; Father M. poisons the oatmeal field; M. met, took as companions an angler (fishing rod - pine, bait - cow) and a climber (turning rocks); remained to guard the field, cook in turn; an old woman with an iron tooth gets out from the crevice, beats the cook, eats everything; when M. stayed, he killed the old woman, threw the bones into the crevice; tells him to lower him down on a cowhide belt; below the girl advises to rinse with water from the trough, and in return, pour another one; the same old woman appeared, began to fight; M. drank strong water, and the old woman was weak (apparently died); the companions lifted the girl and the good to the ground, cut off the belt; in the lower kingdom every day they give the dragon a girl and a sheep, turn the princess; M. sleeps on her lap; a three-headed dragon comes out of their seas; M.: look, your house is burning; the dragon turned around, M. blew his heads off; the next the day is the same (six-headed dragon); in the third half of the kingdom laughs, the other cries; waiting for the nine-headed dragon; M.: the monster is even more terrible behind you; the dragon turned around, M. blew his heads off, the girl put M . sign with a ring on his forehead; M. abandoning the princess, wants to go back to the ground; king: it's only on a griffin bird; flying with M., the griffin throws him three times and catches him; each time he says that he was afraid on the oatmeal field when M. shot at him; on the ground, the griffin forbids M. to drink from the spring; M. did not listen, an iron cat jumped out of the spring, tore out his beard; M. ran to the forge; the blacksmith heated the blank , asked the cat to open his mouth: he would throw M. there; but threw iron, the cat died; the girl rescued from the lower world promises to marry the one who pulls the bow; the Angler and the Rock cannot, M. let two out of the bow and told them to pick up arrows; they went and did not return; M. married a girl]: 26-35; Karelians [the old man and the old woman have no children; the old woman asks her husband to cut down an alder chock, it would be like in the cradle rock; the chock has become a boy, he has grown up quickly, is incredibly strong; plows so that he ruins a horse and breaks a plow; cutting down a forest, breaks an ax; leaves, meets, takes as companions someone who pulls trees and hits one rock against another; they come into the house, cook one by one; a dwarf with a long beard eats everything, hits the cook; when it is the turn of the Alder Churka (PTS), he split the stump, pinched the dwarf's beard, began to beat; he cut off his beard, disappeared into a hole in the rock; PTS went down on a rope; there the kidnapped princess% says that the dwarf is now sick; teaches you to swap bottles of living and dead water; the dwarf is dead; the princess PTS gave her ring; the PTS companions picked it up, and the PTS left it; the dwarf's wife agreed to raise the PTS to the ground: she became a crow and carried it upstairs; PTS came to the tsar, the princess recognized the ring, the deceivers were shot]: Onegin 2010, No. 42:379-384; Estonians: Järv et al. 2009, No. 7 (Viru-Nigula) [Shaggy Ivan (I., Karvane Iivan) asked the owner for a seven-pound iron staff for payment; meets, takes the tailor's and shoemaker's companions; in a house in the woods they take turns cooking, a dwarf with a beard eats everything every time; I. hits him with a club, he falls into the ground; I. goes down after him, beats a lot dwarfs; I. survived; I. tells him to transport him across the river; there are three strands in the house; when baptized I. looks, their gold yarn immediately breaks; the girls are the daughters of King Kungla; the eldest swaps bottles with strong and weak water, standing in the heads and feet of the Old Devil's bed; I. fights him, kills him with a club; tells the dwarf to carry himself, princesses, gold back across the river; the companions raised the princesses and gold, did not lower the rope I.; he tells the dwarf to move him to earth; forgives his companions, marries a princess]: 58-62; set: Sandra 2004:257-261 [three daughters of the king reject suitors; one is not I liked the prince with the long nose, she said she would rather go beyond the line; the devil took them to the lower world; the king promises a reward to whoever returns them; a soldier enters the cave, comes to the lower world; in copper, in a silver, golden city, he consistently sees three kidnapped, each time he kills a local trait, driving him into the ground; each time he gains strength, thanks to the princess, who gives him a drink of strong water, and the devil drinks weak; every princess turns her city into a handkerchief, the soldier takes them to the ground, receives a pot of gold and the rank of general], 270-275 [a man walked with a bear, he danced; in a house where spent the night, the bear became pregnant with a girl; she gave birth to a son with bear ears; he is incredibly strong; he was nicknamed Ivvan the Bear; he took three companions, went on a journey; they made a living as woodcutters; each one cooks in turn, a dwarf with a big beard comes, eats up the cook; when he remains IM, he hits the dwarf, lets go, he hides in a hole; IM goes down there on a rope; meets consistently three kidnapped princesses, one spins copper, the other silver, the youngest gold; on the way to each two lions, IM kills them by hitting each other; each replaces bottles of strong and weak water; the thief is a devil drinks weak, IM kills all three, driving them into the ground; sends the princesses upstairs, the youngest gives him a ring, it splits in half, the princess and IM take half; the companions did not lower the rope to pick them up; he comes to a pine tree on a hill, devils climb from under the pine tree like mice, kill them all, cut off their tongues; an eagle's nest on a pine tree, IM feeds eagles with damn tongues, they are incredibly tasty; when he arrives a giant eagle, eagles do not want the horse she brought, they say that the food was better; the grateful eagle agrees to bring THEM to the ground; he throws her cooked food in flight across the sea, it is not enough, he cuts his meat off his calves; lies down for almost a year while he can walk again; comes to the king when the younger princess must marry an imaginary savior; she recognizes half of the ring; the deceiver left in a barrel in the forest, the wolf lowered its tail into it, the deceiver got out, was happy to be alive; after the death of the king, IM inherited the throne]; Latvians [the fish tells the childless widow to cook and eat it; a piece was eaten by a maid, a giblets by a mare; each gives birth to a son, the son of a mare is strongman Kurbad; all three go to free the house from evil spirits; on the first night K. killed a three-headed giant on the bridge, and the second - six-headed; on the third night he is nine-headed, his heads grow back, he drives K. knee-deep, then to his armpits into the ground; the brothers sleep, do not see that the water in the bucket has become blood; K. threw pastals at them ( shoes); brothers came running, began to burn their severed heads; K. hears insects talking in the cracks: killed our husbands; let one wife become a bed, the second a spring, the third an ogre snake ; K. does not let me lie down, get drunk, cuts the bed, the spring; the king lost three daughters when they were washing in the bathhouse; K. pinched the line in the door, he gave a pipe (10 dwarfs will come out to do the job), said that there is a stone in the swamp, a hole under it, stolen there; K. threw off the stone, ordered the dwarfs to bring a rope; the brothers are afraid, K. went down, cut off the line; in the princess's silver, gold, diamond castles; they gave K. strong water, and the six-headed drank weak water instead of it; the sisters turn their locks into diamond, gold, silver eggs, give them to K.; K. sent the girls upstairs; the wife of the 9-headed the giant cut off the rope and filled the hole with a stone; K. comes to the old man, who says that the cannibal sucked his eyes and beats the giant bird's children with a hail; K. killed the ogre, smeared his eyes with a potion the old man, he saw the light; covered the chicks from the hail; the bird promises to carry K. across the sea, tells him to prepare meat; K. cut off the last piece of his caviar; K. opens his eggs, lives with the youngest royal in diamond castle; you must kill the wife of the 9th head; K. came to the forge, where Debess Kaleis forged a golden crown, a silver belt and a diamond ring for the daughter of the Sun; forged K.'s horse to catch up with the witch, ordered not look around; K. looked around, thunder and lightning, the horse was gone; K. fell asleep, the witch changed the vessels with strong and weak water, K. drank off, lost strength for a year; went to hell with the worker, who would become get angry, cut three strips of meat from the back; 1) herd hares, 2) cows; dwarfs collected everyone from the pipe; K. beat off each cow's leg; hell has to answer that he is not angry; 3) horses (the same; cut off their lips); 4) plow how much the white female will run (beat the female, she lay down); 5) clean the stable (the dwarfs cleaned); 6) bring firewood on the mare (the mare is the mother of the devil, K. threatens to cut her belts with sides, the mare is lucky); 7) slaughter the sheep that looks at you (everyone looks, stabbed everyone); 8) eat a pound of dumplings; K. puts the dumplings behind his shirt, but the hell ate his pound, it's bad with his stomach; K. pretends that ripped open his stomach, the dumplings fell out; 9) the devil leads K. to the forest to cut an oak tree; K. brings a hare, his younger brother; the devil can't catch up with him; agrees to carry the felled oak together; hell carries, K. rides an oak ; killed the devil's children; pulled out his mare's eyes; put a pot of sour cream in his place for the night, hell with his mother think they broke K.'s head; hell and his mother run away to the witch, K. hid in his belongings, here again; at night they decided to drown K. in the river, K. swapped places, the devil drowned his mother; K. killed the devil; the power returned, K. killed the witches, threw the ogre into the fire, killed the ogre eagle; enemies attacked; the witch poured out bile on K.; K. killed her and the ogre, but died himself]: Niedre 1952:116-146; Western (?) Sami [the Swedish king has three daughters missing, the man volunteered to find them; on the way he meets two more consistently; each cooks in turn; the Legless Handless (BB) comes, presses down his hair the cook eats everything with a log; when the hero remains, he offers BB food himself, he promises to help; all three want to move the stone, when the hero calls, BB shifts, under the stone, the hero goes down; kidnapped the queen orders to change barrels of strong and weak water; hell comes, the hero defeats him; the same with the second royal (double-headed line), with the third (three-headed); the hero sends the queens upstairs; gets up, sees that the companions are arguing about who will take which one; when they see the hero, they cut off the rope, he is again underground; he is hired as an employee, the owner does not tell him to enter the same room; the hero comes in, There is Thunder, he tells you to take an iron chair, a flint flint, a comb; they run away, the hell pursues, the abandoned crest turns into a forest, the devil comes back for an ax; the flint is a mountain, behind a drill; the chair is a river of fire; the thunder brought the hero to where the companions were quarreling, took the most beautiful queen, others are still arguing who to get who]: Klaus 1995:39-46.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi: Grigoriev 1971 [an old woman makes her son out of dough, this is Chusta Patar ("hero dough"); he goes to travel; frees Yuman Patar and Tar-Patar from oak and osokor; a dwarf with a huge every time he eats food with a beard, hits the cook; C. ties him with his beard to a tree, he breaks down; C. goes down into the dungeon, Yu and T. untie the chain; in the copper palace, the girl teaches him to replace the tubs with the living and dead water, the three-headed serpent is defeated; in silver - 6, in gold 9-headed; the serpent holds water, C. kills it; hides the eagles under the grass, the three-headed serpent does not find them, flies away; the eagle takes C. to the ground; when the meat runs out, C. gives it his flesh, the eagle heals it; he kills Yu and T., marries]: 78-89; Danilov, Nechaev 1975 [when the elder brother Kekhitran is 12 years old, the youngest Kehermen-Ketil (KK) is one and a half; The whirlwind took the KK to the kingdom of Peri; the king adopted him, but the KK is so strong that he cannot play with anyone, maims everyone; King Peri sends him to the underworld; the KK meets the old man, who says that the underworld is owned by an all-devouring 12-armed king; hands reach for the KK, they grab it, he hardly tore off one; KK comes to the 12-armed, asks to heat the bath; the 12-handed agrees to evaporate first, then eat KK; at this time, the KK, on the advice of the old man, replaced bottles of living and dead water; they began to fight, KK cut the monster, many swallowed came out alive]: 22-27; Shurtakov 1984 [the old man exchanges one thing to another, a horse for two staff; the old woman hits him with staff, they turn into a boy of Toy-Tubal; he goes hunting, meets, takes as companions the Son of the Sun, the Son of the Month, the Son of the Bear; they queues cook, the old man eats everything; TT hangs him by the beard on a tree, he runs away without a beard; TT goes down to the hole for him; his three daughters tell him where the barrels of living and dead water are, TT replaces them, kills an old man; companions pick up girls, cut off the rope; snakes don't give water from the well, TT kills him; three snakes are ready to eat three Eagle chicks, TT kills snakes; Eagle brings TT to the ground, in flight he feeds and drinks Eagle, cuts off the last piece of meat from his thigh; the Eagle sticks it back; TT sent his companions away, married the youngest girl]: 47-56; Eisin 1993:207-218 [old woman sends her husband to sell peas; he sells, buys a goat with the proceeds, exchanges it for a cow, a cow for a horse, a horse for posts, it is easy to walk with them; an old woman beats her husband with them, puts the wreckage in a bag; from which the boy Tui- Tubala ("from the staff"); grows up as a hero, goes on a journey, meets and companions men named Hwetke (Son of the Sun), Uip (Son of the Month), Udaman (Son of the Bear); they hunt, take turns cooking in hut; the old man comes, eats up the cook; when TT remains, he hangs the old man by the beard on an oak tree; he breaks down, goes down, afraid, tells them to pick them up; TT sees Chiga lying wounded by him -Khursugala; they are struggling, three girls tell them to replace barrels of strong and weak water; TT killed, burned CH; the companions picked up the girls, threw the rope, lifting the TT; the old woman kneads the dough drooling, the water locked the snakes ; allows TT to pick a bucket three times, gets out of the well, TT rips open his belly, swallowed people come out; it is said that an eagle could raise an oak tree to the ground; one-, three-, nine-headed crawl to the nest snakes, TT cut them; chicks explain to the big eagle (or eagle) who their savior is; the eagle picks up the TT with a supply of meat and water, the meat runs out, the TT cuts off the thigh, on the ground the eagle puts a piece back; TT drives away companions, marries ChH's youngest daughter], 282-289 [the elderly have no children; the sorcerer advises making the child out of dough; he came to life, grew up quickly, this is Chusta Batyr ("chusta" - "dough"); he went to wander, hears a voice from an oak tree, then from the special room asking for release; C. broke trees, Yuman Batyr ("oak") and Tarbatyr ("osokor") came out; all three stopped in a house, cooking one by one; an old man with an elbow with a planted beard hits the cook, eats the bull; when C. stays, he tied the old man with his beard to a tree; he cut off his beard and ran away; three companions came to another house, there lost princess; came to a hole in the dungeon; C. began to descend, the companions untied the chain; in the underworld there is a copper palace, the girl orders to change the tubs with strong and weak water, C. killed the three-headed snake; the same in silver (six-headed) and golden palaces (nine-headed serpent); C. came to the village where the serpent is not allowed to enter the water; C. killed the snake, asks people to help get out; they advise you to go to the tree, on which eagle; C. hid the eagles, covering the nest with turf, the snake that arrived did not find it; the eagle orders to prepare water and meat; the last piece of C. cut off from his leg; the eagle regurgitated it and put it back; Yu and T. are still quarreling over the girl; C. killed them and married a girl]; the Udmurts [the king's three daughters were carried away by the Azhdagn-kyy serpent; the soldier drank his salary in the tavern, boasted that he would return the princess; called to the palace; asked permission to feast duty-free for three days and two comrades; they found a hut in the forest, with a bull, and stay at home in turn; old man Kuat Sultush, a quarter tall, came with a beard 6 flight fathoms, beat the guard; on the third day, it was the soldier's turn, he beat the COP himself, forced him to be brought to where the princesses were; he brought him to the hole; the soldier killed him, ordered his comrades to put him on chains; In the underworld, the princess in the copper house taught him to change barrels of strong and weak water; a 6-headed serpent came with thunder, rain and hail, the soldier killed him; while he was sleeping, the princess put a seal on his forehead, rolled the copper house into an egg, gave it to the soldier; the same with another princess in a silver house (9-headed serpent), in gold (12-headed); two comrades raised the princesses to the ground, then cut off the chain; the soldier found balalaika, hit it, a ram came out, the soldier climbed it; he was let into the hut; he rolled three eggs, copper, silver, gold palaces appeared; the princesses noticed, stopped the weddings, demanded one shoe, a second handkerchief, a third dress; the soldier sent everything they needed to the princesses and the old woman; they asked to invite a tailor to the wedding; he came with a balalaika, hit it, and a man with seals came out of it on the forehead, which the princesses put; the tsar executed two comrades of the soldier]: Potanin 1884, No. 5:232-233; Mordovians (moksha) [someone stole the sun, moon and stars; only Ivashka Primetliv was recently born, volunteered to go; he was given a coachman; while he was sleeping, IP goes to the bridge; a 5-headed serpent pulls up; they fight, then the snake offered to rest; IP took possession of the right barrel, and the snake had to drink from the left; IP cut off the snake heads; the next night, a 7-headed serpent; the same; then 9-headed (IP changed the barrels again); IP killed the snake; took the stars; tells the coachman that he must return for forgotten mittens; hears a conversation between the mother and snake widows; widows promise to become a spring, an apple tree, a strong storm; IP cuts the spring and apple tree with a sword, blood and pus flow; they hide from the storm in the forge; the blacksmith suggests licking the door with his tongue; the IP took his tongue ticks, sat on a snake, followed the coachman; the girls he met: the guy is good, and the horse is rubbish; the same is the guys; the IP is silent; the same is the old man; the IP scolded him, and the old man to him: why are you riding my parent you go; girls and boys surrounded the IP, ask the old man what to do with him; old man: let Buryaga's daughter get it (like Baba Yaga); IP went to look for Buryaga; meets, takes a cooler as his companions hot baths, counting fish, stargazer; B. is invited to wash in a hot iron bath (the cooler has cooled it); B. tells her daughter to disappear in the water, disappear into the sky; the counters of fish and stars have returned her, The individual entrepreneur gave the old man, received the stars; came to the tsar, began to release stars, then a month, the sun; took the kingdom from the tsar and married the girl he had brought]: Samorodov 1972:312-319 (=1985:273-278); Kazan Tatars: Yarmukhametov 1957 [the padishah's three daughters are carried away by a whirlwind; the brothers Kich-batyr (kitsch - evening), Tan-batyr (morning: younger) play; the old man advises them to look for daughters better padishah; come to the cave where the divas have disappeared; only Tan-B. pushes the stone away; the elders do not reach the bottom of the cave, Tan-B. cuts the rope, jumps; the mice undermine the walls of the well, send Tan-B. through the passage to copper palace; Tan-B. kills a diva, frees the eldest daughter of the padishah; the same with the silver, gold palaces, middle and eldest daughters, two other divas; during the battle with the last diva, T. replaces barrels of strong and weak water, the diva weakens, is killed; the younger sister puts the palaces in copper, silver, golden eggs, gives Tan-b; the brothers pull out girls cut off the rope, lifting Tan-B; Mouse man tells me to sit on a white goat, not a black goat; Tan-B. sits on a white goat, taken to the upper world; brothers tie a sword in front of the tent, Tan-batyr cuts off her legs; blind and armless comes to him; they kidnap the daughter of the padishah, make her sister; her fire goes out, she comes to the witch Ubyrly Karcik; she tells her to pour ash behind her so that she can come to visit; when he comes, tells me to look in her hair, drinks the girl's blood; three brothers take turns guarding, Tan-B. ties up the witch, beats; she swallows everyone, regurgitates healthy; Tan-B. does not belch; others chop it, see a finger running away, find Tan-b in it; at home he hires a shoemaker; for the wedding of the padishah's youngest daughter, he creates boots, dresses, palaces to order with copper and other eggs; opens, marries; drives away brothers; passes off his wife's sisters as his brothers]: 39-61 (=Bulatov, Sharipova 2000:49-89); Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 45 [the padishah's wife was kidnapped by divas; the eldest son with soldiers goes to searching; in the forest he is rude to the white wolf, he turns those who come into stones; the middle sons are the same; the youngest is polite; the wolf revives the petrified, teaches how to get a magic horse; he carries through fire and water , forest, stones; Semrug bird carries over Mount Kaf; a young man meets girls, finds a mother; she replaces vessels with strong and weak water; a 9-headed diva drinks weak, decapitated; a young man takes his mother; rolls a golden kingdom into an egg, then a silver, copper kingdom; each has a bride; upon return, the young man's mother tells the Ifrites to build a golden bridge from the palace to the city; the padishah remarried with returned by his wife; the young man lives with three wives; the eldest sons also received wives], 67 [Dzhigit dreams of a radiant girl; goes to look; when Nursyly leaves the palace, only he does not lose consciousness; The padishah tells me to bring a dress tomorrow, which is gold in front, silver on the back; a horse with a silver mane; a golden palace with gardens; a bird brings everything; a horseman and his wife are walking in the garden, she is drawn in by a cloud; finds a tree whose leaves make him full; another that makes him the master of divas; a third, whose root makes him strong; finds a diva kidnapper; N. replaces bottles with strong and weak water; horseman kills diva; N. rolls diva's possessions into an egg; dzhigit returns from N.]: 169-189, 336-342; Bashkirs [three sons go to look for a cure for their blind father; at a fork in the roads inscription: the one who goes to the right will be lucky, to the left will be unsuccessful, straight - both; the younger brother goes to the left; the girl in the copper palace tells you to rearrange the barrels of living and dead water, the young man kills three-headed maiden; the same episode in the silver (6-headed) and in the golden house (12-headed deva); a girl from the silver palace advises to lubricate the gate on the way to the 12-headed boy, hand the hay from the dog to the camel, and from a camel a bone to a dog; on the way, the young man sees an old man and an old woman pulling a fur coat over themselves; the young man covers an old woman with a fur coat, with an old man's skin; taking medicine and, contrary to the prohibition, kissing a sleeping girl, the young man runs away, the devil is chasing, the dog, the camel, the gate, the old man and the old woman refuse to stop the young man; he blows all 12 heads with arrows; the brothers are jealous, they hang a sword in front of the tent, he cuts off the young man's head; he is revived by a girl who recognizes him from the golden palace; the young man heals his father, forgives his brothers]: Barag 1988, No. 40:272-281.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [Kara Kana's daughter becomes pregnant; her father tells her to be dazzled in the forest, the soldiers leave the girl, bring her father the dog's eyes; the girl gives birth to three boys in the hut during the night, each immediately runs away, three days later he returns as a hero, their names are Ulug Irgek (irgek - "finger"), Kichik Irgek, Ivan Sarchyk; seven-, nine-, twenty-headed snakes took the king's three daughters to the golden mountain; the guard whistles, the older brothers fall, IS is not afraid; on the mountain in the copper house, the girl replaces the barrel; the serpent drinks, his strength decreases, the power of IS grows, the serpent is killed; the same in silver and gold houses; at home sisters take with them, rolled into headscarves; the IS brothers and the guard take three princesses, throw away the olestnitsa, IS remains on the rock; the blind witch promises to let him down if he gives her eyes back; they are under waterfall; the horse asks to be freed from his luggage, tells him not to listen to the witch, chain her to the floor, supposedly to heal her, pour cast iron into his eyes; the horse lowers the IS; under the guise of a bald IS comes to the wedding false IS with her younger sister; she recognizes her handkerchief given to the real IS; the guard is beheaded, the brothers marry three princesses]: Katanov 1907, No. 384:396-409; Buryats (unknown informant ) [parents want to get rid of Tushe Bishe, they send him for a black bull; this is a bear, TB to bring him, leaves him in a barn, he has picked up all the cows; they send him to bring a pot supposedly given to the forest owner; TB brings a cauldron and a bound owner; lets go, leaves; meets and companions a rock-raising person, raising mountains, stepping across the sea (he is fishing with his beard); each first replies that he is not strong, but TB is powerful; they take turns cooking, a bearded dwarf beats the cook, eats everything; TB hits him himself, pinches his beard, he cuts off his beard, leaves; friends come to the crevice, TB descends rope; there is a beauty in a copper hut, the other in silver, the third in gold; TB tells the beauty from gold to find out what the life of a mangadhai is; in the horns of a ram; TB breaks the horns, presses the wasps in them, except two; beauty changed barrels of strong and weak water; TB kills mangadhai, sends women upstairs; when she gets up, his companions throw him; he falls, breaks his leg; sees the speakers break his leg an ermine, he ate the root, recovered; TB also ate, recovered; Khan Garudi's chicks by the sea, one is crying (a snake coming out of the sea will eat it today), the other sings (will eat it tomorrow), the third laughs (the day after tomorrow); the serpent tells the chicks to fly into his mouth; TB kills the snake with a stone; Khan Garudi arrives, hides TB from poison; brings them to the ground; eats and drinks the prepared food in flight, the bird cuts off the last piece of TB from his leg a piece belches, puts it back; TB kills companions, lives with three wives]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 9:147-167; (cf. Khalkha-Mongols (Dunsurun) [two brothers want to destroy the third, hard-working; he leaves; consistently meets and comrades 1) listening to the conversation of sinners in hell; 2) easily catching up with an antelope; 3) knocking down a star from the sky with an arrow; 4) a thief stealing unnoticed from under the female crow eggs; 5) piling up mountains; 6) drinking and belching the sea; the hero returns to his brothers, who became khanami; the thief replaces kegs of good and poisoned wine (one khan survives); the strongman wins the fight; the rest learn about the attempt to blow them up in the palace, prevent it; becomes seven stars of the Ursa Major; it was cold, the Mechin (Pleiades) had 7 stars; sister cities they steal one, it gets warmer; the stolen star is visible from the second bucket star]: Bennigsen 1912:55-57).

Western Siberia. The Nenets (Yamalo-Nenets District) [The Old Woman child discovers that the river has dried up, finds a giant lying across; they go together, take a giant throwing a hill and a giant as companions, throwing a rock; they all can't knock out the wader, just hit the tail; RS creates a golden house; everyone takes turns cooking, the old woman comes, eats everything, hits the cook; giants don't they talk about what happened; RS defeats an old woman, she goes to the lower world; RS moves a stone, a hole under it, tells him to lower it on a rope; the old woman's daughters tell him to replace his barrels with the living and the dead water; the old woman drinks the dead, admits defeat, disappears; RS raises the girls to the ground, the youngest gives him a ring, the giants cut off the rope; the seven-winged Minley (the mythical eagle, he was the sandpiper) first refuses (for trying to kill him), then takes RS to the upper world; RS pretends to be an orphan boy, elderly spouses come with him to the king, where giants marry three raised from lower world sisters; the youngest sees her ring from the boy, recognizes the savior; the Tsar executes giants, RS marries three sisters, he is Yav-Mal]: Pushkareva, Khomich 2001, No. 2:109-141; Mansi [once in lower world, Polum-Torum comes to the daughter of the Wise Old Woman; she tells him to swap barrels of living and dead water; fighting P., the old woman rushes to the barrel and dies]: Chernetsov 1935:89-90; southern Khanty (b. Konda, S. Patkanov, 1888) [A childless old man set fire to his barns so that smoke could rise to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother-why doesn't he have children? Heavenly Father sent a son, who gave three seeds, let the old man let his wife eat; she gave birth to a boy, he grew up quickly, came to one of the ends of the earth, the bear and the wolf let him see the old woman, who gave him a name Like Aspen Leaf, the Agile Husband (VM); he returned home, only one foal from his father's herd did not bend at his arm, he took it; tells his father to marry him one of the three royal daughters; the father was beaten, expelled; the priest's youngest daughter was given without dowry; his wife refuses to look in his head - she did not even look aside where the Merchant, the Wanderer (KS); his flying horse brought him to the old woman; she says that no one returned from the city of CS; gave a bundle of 60 silver rings; the next old woman gave a ball of thread, the third gave a white towel; teaches how to avoid a mountain of human bones, throw rings to 60 warriors, cross the bridge across the sea; the warriors shot, only pulled three hairs out of the horse's tail; the CS's mother turned the VM into a needle, hid it from her son; he orders to show the person who came, became his brother, ordered his wife to be beaten, when she arrives magpie and gets out of her magpie skin, with three silver bars; the wife is forty again and flew away; the COP does not tell me to open the seventh room; in others - frogs and lizards, in the seventh - the girl is CS's sister; the VM married her; goes to fight the seven-headed menqua, tells his wife not to leave the house at that time; cuts down the menqua warriors, but there are more and more of them; then he cut her husband, who carved warriors out of flint like sparks, destroyed warriors, hit something with a sword; at home I found out that the COP had left the house - he hit him, why did they release him? they found the body, put it in the coffin; wife: mother-in-law wants to kill you; he entered his mother-in-law's house, fell into the lower world; there the old man and old woman adopted him; they do not tell him to herd cattle in the Menqua estate, he stole their eyes; but grass is better on the other side, the VM drives cattle there; hacked one-, two-, etc. -headed menkvas; the seven-headed man cannot be cut down, he drove him into the ground, the menkv asks him to take his white towel, wrap it around his neck, then cut; then the VM cut off his head; came to the Menkwa mother, fights with her, changed buckets of strong and weak water; the old woman's daughter shows that the old woman should be stabbed in the chin with a knife ; VM did so, killed an old woman; daughter tells her to burn her, sweep away frogs and lizards that will crawl out of her into the fire; VM tells the girl to jump over the fire - if she used to live with a man, she will fall into the fire; she she fell, she also had lizards, he burned them; he took the eyes of the old people, restored their sight; they told them to prepare meat, immerse firebirds on their backs; she brought them to the ground, he cut off the last two pieces from the calves of his legs; fever -the bird belched them and put them back; the wife lies between two men; VM wanted to hack them, wife: these are your sons; VM cut his youngest son, sprinkled blood on the body of CS, he came to life; revived his son alive water; his wife's brother (i.e. CS) set up a copper playground for games, the VM set up a silver one; each puts a block of stone on his court with his foot; the VM takes flint, sparks turn into husbands; when he lets out his the stone that breaks the arms and legs of the CS people, tears them apart; the COP lets the VM and his wife (i.e. his sister) go home to the VM - he cannot live with a hero who is stronger than him; on the way they go to those three old women his wife turns them young; at home, VM climbed onto the roof, looks into the house, where his parents are quarreling over a spark; he poured water or snowed, putting out their fire; they swear; he opened, his daughter-in-law turned they are young; the VM scatters chips brought from another world, they turn into a populated city; abundance is around]: Lukina 1990, No. 88:220-237; the northern Selkups [to defeat the snake, who took his daughter away from the tsar, the hero of the fairy tale swaps barrels of living and dead water]: Tuchkova 2004:299; (cf. yugi [the forest spirit stole Hassynget's mother, forced him to fish for him, tortured people; H. took his mother back; she said that the adding water is stored in the birch bark plague of the forest spirit; H. her drank, won and killed the forest spirit]: Werner 1997, No. 13:255-256).

Eastern Siberia. Bad Evenks (Barguzin) [father, elder, middle brothers leave, disappear; the youngest goes, the old man teaches how to ride a heroic foal; at the crossroads there is a stone with the inscription "Right Road black, left white"; the young man's father walked on the right, brothers on the left, he walks on the right; the old woman teaches him to go to Chagan-kan, around his house there is a river of blood, the banks are made of human bones; gives the pestle to throw if C.'s daughters will chase; the horse carries C. to the roof of the house, tells them to change the barrels of poisonous and eternal water; steps over one of C.'s daughters, jumps away, C.'s daughters are chasing, they can neither lift nor bypass the abandoned pestle, stop chasing; comes to the daughter C., whom he has stepped over, now she is his wife; they find the remains of the young man's father, he is revived with eternal water; the young man takes his father, wife and an old woman with an inscription, goes to look for brothers; throws a girl who threw his brothers at her into a hole, pulls out her brothers; an old man comes, asks for a knife, hides in a hole, there was a soul in that knife young men; a young man goes down on his belts, a girl shows where the knife brought by the devil, the young man takes it, changes barrels of poisonous and eternal water; the devil drinks poisonous water, dies, drinks after him, his wife dies devil; brothers pick up the girl and riches, cut off the rope; the young man is injured, the mouse hits, she eats grass, recovers, he also recovers; C.'s daughter is sacrificed a snake, the young man puts him in his mouth a birch tree, a snake kills; falls asleep, throws it into the water; the girl pulls it out, revives it; the young man saves the spider's children from the fire, he gives the net to rise to the upper world; the young man appears at the brothers' wedding under the guise of old man, takes his form; stays with three wives, older brothers tied to horse tails]: Poppe 1927, No. 2:18-31 (=Voskoboynikov 1958:72-79, =1973, No. 18:80-89).