Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K15C. Replaced clothes. 50.53.

The owner of stone (ice) clothes kills people. By hiding or changing his clothes, the hero kills him.

Hopi, Zunyi, Western Keres (Akoma, Laguna), Pech.

The Great Southwest. The spider helps replace the flint clothing of an enemy living on the mountain with resin; when on fire, the hero is unharmed, the enemy burns; see motifs K27, K30. Hopi: Fewkes 1895 [a woman conceives twins - A young man (Tuyu, aka P 端端ko 単hoya) from the sun's ray and Echo (Palu 単hoya) from jets of water; Pignon nut girls make resin a copy of the flint clothing of the Eagle Man who stole the Young Man's wife; the Spider hides in the Young Man's ear, giving advice; Hawks bring him to heaven; The Young Man smears chewed berries are sharp crossbars leading to the roof of the stairs, they become blunt, he climbs into the house, changes clothes; Eagle Man offers 1) smoke a huge pipe (The Mole pulls out the passage, along who removes smoke), 2) break the deer horn (one end is fragile, the young man gets to be allowed to choose), 3) pull out the pine tree (The mole digs up the roots), 4) eat a lot (as in "1"); 5) sit in the fire (Young man in flint clothes are unharmed, the eagle in resin burns); The young man frees his wife and other women, the Hawk and the Eagle bring everyone down to the ground; then see motive J60]: 132-135; Stephens 1929, No. 9:21; Zunyi [ Knif-wings kidnap the young man's wife and many other women; the young man goes looking for her; hedgehogs make him a resin copy of the kidnapper's ice clothes to replace her; the gophers give him a salt ball to help him pass between cougars and bears, along knife steps; Knife wings offer challenges: 1) pluck trees with one hand (gaffers gnaw their roots for a young man); 2) sit in a burning fire (Knife wings burn in their own with a changed shirt, the young man remains alive); the young man cuts the kidnapper's corpse into pieces, throws them into the sky, creating stars (head: the star following the sun; one leg: the Morning Star; hands: Pleiades; lungs : all small stars; hips: Orion's Belt); spiders bring the young man and liberated women down to the ground; the young man comes to his grandmother, descends with her to Coluvelakvi]: Parsons 1930, No. 6:24-32; Western ceres: Benedict 1930 (Akoma) [Rainbow kidnaps brother's wife and other women; Spider helps her brother rise into the world of the Rainbow, teaches him to overcome challenges; gives clothes, a chair and a resin knife, copies flint clothes and a knife and an ice chair of the Rainbow; the young man replaces the originals with these fakes; 1) smoke poisonous cigarettes (the young man smokes his own); 2) eat a lot (the gopher digs a hole where to dump food); 3) dig a corn field (gophers, mice, spiders do the work in a day); 4) dig a hole on the rock to fry corn (badgers and gopher dig); 5) The rainbow pushes his brother into a hot hole, he hides in a digging made by a gopher; 6) sitting on a burning fire; the rainbow burns in his replaced resin clothes, the young man does not; lets the women go, returns to earth with his wife in the Spider's basket; The rainbow sends a storm, but lightning does not hit the young man]: 71-77; Boas 1928a (Laguna) [The Flintlock Wing (KK) takes the wife of the young Shock-of-Hair (SH) to the top of the mountain; he sleeps on top of the Enchanted Mesa, a man appears on the fourth night, reports where the wife tells Spider to ask for help; she tells the Wind to raise SH up the mountain; the elk and the deer guard the entrance to the KK house, SH throws this Spider's potion at them , they promise to help; The spider boy catches birds in his snare, afraid of them; SH easily catches many birds, takes the Spider; she gives SH one bullfinch, he eats it; the Spider-boy is amazed because he ate only piece; The spider gives SH clothes and a resin club, he comes to his kidnapped wife while KK is hunting, replaces flint things with resin ones; KK promises to return his wife if SH 1) spends the night in the cold (SH covered with a blanket of rabbit skins, alive); 2) knock down the tops of four hills with a club (KK throws a resin club, it is powerless, SH knocks down the tops of the flint); 3) sit in a fire (KK in resin clothes burns, SH in flint unharmed); SH frees all abducted women; The spider lowers everyone in the web on a resin rope; when lowered, pulls the rope back]: 111-118, 258-259 [summary]; White 1932 ( Akoma) [Flintbird (KP, a man dressed in flint) descends from the sky, kidnaps a woman; a spider helps her husband named Kasevat rise to heaven, makes a false robe for him made of resinous pine chips; he replaces KP clothes with them; Spider's son helps K. withstand the tests; 1) spend the night in the cold (the web closes K. from hail); 2) weed the corn field in a day (K. pulls weeds by pulling the web that covered the field); 3) K. brings chips, they turn into a huge pile of firewood; 4) KP pushes K. into the oven, he hides in a dig dug in advance by Badger; 5) KP and K. They sit in fires; KP burns in his false resinous robe; K. frees his wife and other prisoners; Spider's son lowers them all to the ground in a basket]: 172-178.

Honduras vs Panama. Pech [an enemy living on a mountain kidnaps a woman, then kills her husband; the victim's brother hides the kidnapper's stone clothes, kills him]: Flores 1989:58.