K17. Ornithomorphic groom. .
A male character in the form of a bird penetrates a girl or magically or imperceptibly makes her pregnant. See motif K16: Taking the form of a bird, he lets himself be caught in order to have access to a girl.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Maragoli [the girl rejects the grooms; the young man took the form of an attractive bird, let himself be caught; the girl and her sister put it in a pot and closed it; in the morning it has honey, the bird swims there; so All the pots were consistently filled with honey; one day the bird slipped out and flew away; the girl was afraid that her father would punish her for losing the bird, followed it; when it was in an unfamiliar place, the bird became a boy and a girl agreed to marry him; wedding]: Kavaji 2005, No. 16:239-240.
Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi (sakalava, western 1971) [the couple already has a son, the wife is ready to give birth to a second one; he says from the womb that his name is "Zatovo not created by God", asks his mother to swallow a razor so that he circumcised himself; his mother was not injured; the father gave 100 bulls to Z., the other 100 to his eldest son; Z. met an old man, exchanged all his bulls for a talisman, went on a journey, leaving an orange tree and banana; if you wither, he fell ill, if they dried up, he died; he climbed the mountain, there was a thunderstorm, he pointed a talisman at it, the thunderstorm stopped; with the help of a talisman he crossed the river (not specified exactly); quicksand the sands converge and diverge, Z. sent a talisman at them, the sands froze and hardened; Z. gives the king of birds, wild boar, fly to get enough; in God's village, the talisman advises Z. to turn into a kingfisher (martin- pecheur); allows God's daughter to take him, turns into a man at night; she is afraid that her father will kill him; Z. replies that he will not be able to kill someone who is not created by God; father notes oddities in daughter's behavior, Z. opens to him; knows about the trap pit in his father-in-law's house, does not fall into it; father-in-law tells 1) to cultivate a huge field (wild boars dig up, weed teals, parrots, sparrows collect grain); 2) recognize the main cow in the herd (the bird shows); 3) recognize the bride among several women (the fly sits in front of her eye, she blinks); on a winged horse, Z. brings his wife to earth; she does not tell him looking at her child, going to get water; she looks, there are twins, a boy and a girl; the wife dies immediately; these children are the ancestors of Europeans and other foreigners in Madagascar]: Lombard 1976:175-205 .
Southern Europe. The Portuguese [poor fisherman went to sea and hears a voice: if you give the one who looks you first at home, then there will be a rich catch; the fisherman decided it will be a dog, but it turned out to be a son; young man went to the sea, a ship rose from the day, the young man sank to the bottom, there is a palace, everything is done in it by itself; at night someone lies down with him; one day a ship appeared and the young man went to visit his parents; asked for matches and a candle for him; when he returned and lit the candle, a beautiful girl was next to him; a drop of wax fell on her; she told her to look for her in the Castle of Black Stones, wearing out 7 pairs of iron shoes; he set off ; an ant, an eagle and a lion are arguing over a dead sheep; the young man divided it, each gave him the ability to take his form, two legs, a feather, a fur; the young man became an eagle, flew into an impregnable castle; allowed the girl pull herself together and put herself in a cage; at night he got out of her as an ant, ended up with a girl; she says that the giant's strength is in the hair that grows on his navel and girds his waist twice; after this giant will fly out of the giant; the young man gnawed through his hair with an ant, caught a dove with an eagle; there is an egg in it, he broke it in front of a giant, he died; wedding]: Dias Marques 2019, No. 101:151-153; Sicilians [ Maruzza is a princess; the king finds out that when she is 11 years old, danger awaits her; puts M. in the tower; she makes a hole with her bone, a green bird flies into him, turns into him man; explains that he is an enchanted prince; visits M.; father thinks that the danger is over, takes her from the tower; the old woman takes her to the castle of 12 fairies, the prince also flies there; says that since she came to this place, he must now fly for 7 years, months, days, hours and minutes; he will become human if she waits for him all this time in this castle; she waited, but is very fool; the prince spat in her, left her; the fairies made her beautiful again; the prince fell in love with him; she sets different conditions for their meeting; the last thing: let him be brought in the coffin to the sound of funeral bells; spits in his face; he hers finds out, she says they're even; wedding]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 2:9-17; Latins: Ovid. Am. I. 3. 22, I. 10. 3-4 [Ovid's Love Elegies (End of Er): "The one whom God seduced appeared as a water bird"; "Leda, with whom love is hidden in snow-white plumage, /A cunning lover knew, in a bird's the appearance of flights" (trans. Sergey Shervinsky)]; Ovid. Heroid. XVI. 241-242, XVII. 45-46, 55-56 ["Paired Messages" included in Ovid's Heroid; Paris Elena: "Your skin is white of snow and a swan is like feathers, /The birds that God descended to Leda"; Elena Paris about her mother: "She was a victim of deception, they played a bad joke on her/A passionate lover appeared in feathers dressed in front of her"; "Leda gave me Jupiter as a father, who became a swan, /He became her husband, to her bosom pressing your own" (trans. N.V. Vulikh)]; Ovid. Met. VI. 109 ["Metamorphoses" by Ovid (line of er); about Arachne, who competed with Juno: "She weaved Leda under her wing lying swan" (trans. Sergey Shervinsky)]; Hyg. Astr. II. 8 ["Astronomy" attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the era: "In Greek, the constellation is called Cygnus [Swan], but many, due to their ignorance of the legend, call it Ornis [Bird], general in the name of the entire bird family. The reason for the name was the following legend: when Jupiter became passionate about Nemesis and failed to persuade her to share a bed with him, he satisfied his passion through this trick. He ordered Venus to turn into an eagle and chase him, but he himself turned into a swan and, as if running away from an eagle, found salvation from Nemesis and knelt down to her knees. Nemesis did not push him away and, embracing him, fell asleep; in a dream, Jupiter met her and flew away. Because people saw him flying high in the sky, they said he was in the middle of constellations. To prevent this from being a lie, Jupiter actually placed both a flying swan and a chasing eagle among the constellations. Nemesis, on the other hand, joined the bird family and later produced an egg. Mercury took him away and brought him to Sparta, putting Leda sitting on her lap. Elena was born from the egg, surpassing all women in bodily beauty, whom Leda called her daughter. Others say that Elena was born to Leda, sharing a bed with Jupiter, who turned into a swan" (trans. A.I. Ruban)]; Hyg. Fab. 77 [Myths attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the Era, but most likely date back to the 1st and 2nd centuries: "Leda, daughter of Festius, turned into a swan, raped Jupiter on the Evrot River, and she gave birth from him to Pollux and Elena, and from Tyndarei Castor and Clytemnestra" (trans. D.O. Torshilova)]; I Myth. Vat. I. 77 ["The First Vatican Mythograph" (compiled at the turn of the I-II millennium by an unknown medieval compiler): "Jupiter, amazed by his passion for the maiden Leda and turned into a swan, pretended to be saved from an eagle, he also turned Mercury into him. So, hiding in Leda's bosom, he joined her, and she laid an egg, from which three were born: Castor, Pollux, and Elena" (Fulg versions are combined. II.13 and Hyg. Astr. II. 8; per. V.N. Yarkho)].
Western Europe. British; Germans (Pomerania) [despite his wife's warnings, the merchant's son lowered his father's inheritance; decided to drown himself; siren: I'll give money if you promise to give what is hidden in to your house; the man gladly wrote a receipt that he would give it back in 14 years; the chest at home is full of gold; wife: you sold our unborn son; the young man grew up handsome and smart; when we came to the bridge, young man drew a circle around him with chalk; siren: nothing, in 3 years I'll take it anyway; the young man said that since his parents gave his line, he no longer knew them, and left; in the forest he answered the hunter that he did not have any father, not his mother; he took him home; in a year he became the best hunter, and the trees he planted grew in 3 months; the hunter sent him to seek better luck; on the tree there was a bird with gold and silver plumage , sings as a nightingale; asks not to shoot, gives three feathers; taking the pen in your mouth, you will become the same bird, and when you take it out, you will become a human again; the same is a mouse (hairs, you can become a mouse); the same is a greyhound dog; a lion; at a standing In the courtyard, the young man found out that the king was looking for a hunter; the king loved him as a son; he also worked in the garden; once he came across a high wall; the chief forester said that the king's three daughters looked behind her equally; unsure which of them is who, they cut off his head; the young man became a bird, let the younger princess catch himself, she brought the bird to her room; in the evening he became human; the princess promises to go beyond marry him if he releases her and sisters from captivity; how do you recognize her among the sisters? will drag his right heel a little; in the morning the young man returned to the royal castle, said that he wanted to try to identify the chosen princess; three times correctly pointed to the youngest; the wedding, the young man was made heir ; the wife gave birth to a son; a year and day later, the young man chased the deer, who brought him to the bridge over the river; turned into a siren and dragged him into the water; the prince's wife offered a golden spindle for her husband; she refused, but let the young man go to the Schwartzland, kill a 9-headed dragon there; a hare will jump out of him, a dove from a hare, an egg from a pigeon, there are keys in it, they must be brought to the siren; the young man ran to Schwartzland in in the form of a greyhound, then a lion; in the city of mourning, the princess is given to be eaten by a dragon; the young man told the warrior given to him by the king to give him food and wine when he fights the dragon in the form of a lion; cutting down 3 heads, the young man hid in a hole with a mouse; shot a hare, a dove, took out the keys; since the young man already has a wife, the princess was given for that brave warrior; gave the siren the keys in exchange for a receipt given to her by his father; as soon as the siren took the keys, the lake became a kingdom and the siren became a princess]: Jahn 1891, No. 62:340-351; the Germans (Black Forest) [the soldier sees three girls bathing, hides one of them's clothes; she was forced to marry him, had two children; one day she found the key, unlocked the closet, found her shirt there, returned to the glass city where her father ruled; leaving the children in care, her husband went looking for a wife; in the forest, a lion, a worm and a raven are arguing over a fallen horse; he gave flesh to a lion, (something else) to a worm (Du tust gern bagen), veins (Geäder) to a crow; they give fur, a feather, a leg so that a person can become strong as a lion, tiny as a worm, fly like a bird; he flew to the glass city, climbed through a tiny hole, sat on his wife's shoulder as a crow, she understood who it was and took it into the bedroom; the sisters told the father that they heard croaking from there; the wife allowed her father to appear as a man; he showed him the city, his son-in-law asked for permission to build a tower, became strong as a lion, and made a hole; When asked what he wanted to take with him, he said his wife]: Hubrich-Messow 1988, No. 18:32-34.
Melanesia. Kiwai [the old couple had a boy, Ganumi; they made sure that all girls would love him when they grew up; they let him down the river in a bowl; Gebae gave birth a child in ulcers, saw Ganumi, took her son instead of a real son; the baby saw girls with their skirts up, began to scream, I want red; they brought him red flowers and fruits, then understood what he wanted; he was put to bed with them, but he could not do anything; in the morning he could not cut down the saga palm tree; his wives threw him on a palm tree, scratched themselves, said they were attacked by enemies; red the viovio bird dropped its droppings on him, he became this bird; the women saw its reflection in the well, each wanted it for herself; he went only to Gebae; became a young man, slept with her; thought he was sleeping with her mother; both went up to heaven; Thunder and Lightning told them not to go to the hot sun; Gebae fried sago, accidentally threw a handful in Ganumi's face, began to wipe it off; ever since, a month spots; moon phases - Ganumi leaves her hut]: Landtman 1977, No. 100:274-276; Bougainville [every time her parents leave, a girl sees a bird sitting in a tree singing; says she is only a bird and can be eaten; once she was caught by a thunderstorm, she rushed to the house, climbed the stairs, but it turned out to be a staircase to heaven, where a man who took the form of a bird was waiting for her; a man and his wife were not young, they caused a thunderstorm; the man made the girl his wife; from above she sees her home and relatives, but they do not see her; the food she was given looked like snakes, there was no other; she gave birth a boy, who grew up, also looked at his mother's house on the ground; one day a storm began, the man lowered the stairs and allowed the woman and her boy to go down to the ground; her family had already forgotten about her; parents teach daughters not to respond to birds that may be men living in clouds]: Slone 2009:102-106.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Gilbert Islands.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Dafla [Abo-Tani's wife took her son and left him; he was upset and decided to destroy the world; the procration spirit of Hib-bo-gyob-bo persuaded him not to do so, offered to take another wife; Jit Aan fell in love with AT; he came into her as a bird, JA became pregnant with it; demons and evil spirits began to say that the baby was conceived by one of them; JA gathered all demons and AT, offered to shoot at the target; the target was hit by AT, and the demon arrows bounced and hit them; the duffle is the descendants of AT; when a child is born, everyone says it's his, so that the demons do not charge the child has his claims, then he will die]: Bora 1995, No. 9:9-10; dafla (niches) [the ancestor of people Abu Tain/Abotani (AT) lives in heaven, he has several wives; not finding a suitable one among them to to start living on earth, he decided to ruin the land; upon learning of this, Doriang-ne ("divine merciful lady") sent a bird to convince AT not to do so; informed him that Changa-Garyang-Loyang-Tamang -Ne ("the most beautiful princess on earth", C.) is on the ground and weaves all the time; thanks to the bird, C. became pregnant with AT {exactly how is not said; in Bora 1995 version, No. 9, the hero himself turns into a bird} ; gave birth to a boy Atu-Niya; other contenders for her hand (Prince of the Forest, Prince of Earth, Prince of Snow, Creator of Everything) took up arms against AT; C. herself also does not know who she is pregnant with; several trials; most importantly: H . gave the boy a piece of meat to give to his father; he gave AT; divine Mrs. Doriang-ne advised AT to move to a safer place; AT, tying pets in the faces to did not give a voice, went to earth in early spring until evil spirits woke up; but they found out, and AT himself also made mistakes, so evil spirits haunt people; but the goddess said that disasters disgusted through rituals; hereinafter - people's development and development of the land, details of the ritual]: Ramya 2013:6-7.
South Asia. The Tamils [after 50 years of rule, the king had a son, and then a second; the enemies captured the city, the king and his family went to another, began to beg, and taught the brahmana; he ordered the eldest to herd cattle, and taught the youngest the secret sciences; the youngest moved into the dead kite, flew to his father, explained how to deceive the brahmana; when the king came, the brahmana dressed the elder properly and became boast of his knowledge, and call the younger one stupid; but the king chose the youngest; to earn money, the youngest ordered him to be sold in the form of a chicken to the king of the city, who could not find a mate for his an extraordinary rooster; the young man became a chicken, at night he became a rat, dug a hole out of his cage, returned to his father as a man; next time the young man ordered him to be sold as a horse to a rich man; but the brahmana realized that the horse - this is his disciple, bought him; began to beat him; by the pond, a young man moved into a dead fish; a brahmana orders to drain the pond, the young man moved into a dead buffalo, then a parrot; a brahmana in the form of a kite (garuda) chased him; the parrot flew through the princess's window; she ordered him to make a precious cage; at night, the parrot becomes a young man, eats food prepared for the princess, smudges her with incense; the third night opens to her, knowing that she is still awake; teaches her what to do when a brahmana comes to ask for a parrot; the parrot's neck is twisted, he will move into the princess's necklace; he must be torn; thrown into the garden, the pearls became worms; the brahmana became a rooster, began to bite worms; the young man became a cat, attacked a rooster; he became a brahman and swore not to harm again; the young man marries a princess, the brahman returns his brother; the conqueror returns the city, the younger brother educates the elder, puts him on the throne]: Natesa Sastri 1886:1-18.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Eur. Hel. 17-21, 214-216, 1144-1146 [Euripides's tragedy Elena, staged in 412 BC: "Suppose there is /Tradition that the father of the gods himself/Once my mother {i.e. Elena} hugged my mother with wings, /What, with a swan pretending to be in the bosom/He disappeared, pretending, /That he was fleeing from the eagle... so they say"; "On the day when, with a fierce thought, Zeus from the ethereal canopy/To tender Leda/in the arms of the snow-white Swan/And I went down in love!.." ; "You, O Zeus, are a child," then, tell us, Cronid descended into the arms of Leda/Bird" (trans. Yin. Annensky)]; Apollod. Bibl. III. 10.7 [The Mythological Library of Pseudo-Apollodorus (1st-2nd centuries): "Zeus also met Leda in the form of a swan, and on the same night Tindarei. Polidevk and Elena were born from Zeus, and Castor was born from Tyndarei. Some people claim that Elena was the daughter of Nemesis and Zeus. Trying to avoid Zeus's embrace, Nemesis turned into a goose, but Zeus also became a swan and met her. She gave birth to an egg, and a shepherd found the egg in the grove and brought it back to Leda. The latter put it in a casket and guarded him there. When Elena was born from it in due course, Leda raised her as her own daughter" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]; Ps. -Erat. Cataster. XXV ["Catasterisms" by Pseudo-Eratosthenes (1st-2nd centuries): "This is the so-called great bird, which is depicted as a swan. It is said that Zeus converted to this animal when he fell in love with Nemesis, because she took all guises in an effort to preserve her virginity and finally turned into a swan. That is why Zeus, in the form of this particular bird, flew to Attic Ramnunt and captured Nemesis there. She produced an egg, from which, according to the poet Cratet, Elena was born when she hatch. And Zeus flew to heaven before he could return to his usual image, so he placed the shape of a swan among the constellations where he is depicted flying, as he did that time" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]; Luc. Dial. deor. XX. 14 [Talks of the Gods by Lucian Samosatsky (2nd century); Aphrodite Parisou: "She is the daughter of Leda, a famous beauty to whom Zeus descended as a swan"; Paris: "What is she like?" ; Aphrodite: "Bela, as a swan's daughter should be, is tender - it's not for nothing that she was born from an egg, slim and strong and is so successful that she was already at war when Theseus kidnapped her a young girl" (trans. S.S. Srebrny)]; Paus. II.17. 4, II. 36. 1-2 [Pausanias's "Description of Hellas" (2nd century); from a description of Gereyon in the vicinity of Argos: "The statue of Hera depicts a goddess sitting on a huge throne; it is made of gold and ivory bones, a creation by Polycletus; she wears a wreath with relief images of Harit and Gore, holding a pomegranate fruit in one hand and a scepter in the other. As for the pomegranate tree, I should omit this story, because it is one of the most important sacraments, and they talk about the cuckoo sitting at the top of the scepter, conveying the legend that Zeus, Falling in love with Hera when she was still a girl, he turned into this bird, and she caught her playing and joking. I accurately convey this story and everything like it about gods; although I do not recognize them myself, I still consider it necessary to write them down"; also Argolis: "The road to this city {to Galica} is coming between Mount Pron and another mountain called Fornak in ancient times, but since Zeus turned into a cuckoo, as legend says, this mountain has been renamed and got this name. And there are still temples on the tops of the mountains; on Kokkigion (Kukushechy Mountain) - Zeus, on Mount Prona - Hera" (trans. S.P. Kondratyeva)]; (cf. Greeks [An eagle flies into the princess's room, kisses her; she goes to look for him; in a house in the woods, a witch demands 1) sweep and not sweep the room (you have to collect garbage in piles), 2) cook and not cook meat (cook part), 3) fill the feather bed with feathers from the sea (tell the birds that Margipontakis is dead, they will throw their feathers off the shore in mourning), 4) separate barley from wheat (tell the birds that Margipontakis has come to life, they out of joy and gratitude they will separate); each time the Eagle teaches what to do, asks for permission to kiss the girl, she refuses, because her fiancé is far away, the Eagle is happy; teaches not to repeat after the witch "my son Cacotanatos", and say "your son Kalotanatos" (kako is ugly, Kalo is beautiful); the witch sends the girl to her sister; the Eagle admits that he is the groom, the son of a witch, tells take the box out of the witch's sister's house, do not open it on the way; the girl opens, the demons fly away; the eagle puts them back, tells him to ask his mother for a dirty daw, it's him; turns into a handsome man; wedding]: Paton 1900, #6:115-117).
Central Europe. Russians (Murmansk, Vologda, Ryazan) [Finist is a clear falcon: a prince in the guise of a falcon flies to a girl; envious sisters (stepmother) set up the window with knives (nails); a falcon hurts and flies away; the girl goes looking for him and finds him, who has turned into a great job]: SUS 1979, No. 432:133-134.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays; Chechens; Turks [when dying, the padishah tells three sons to marry three daughters; these are three old men, one older than the other; the youngest son insisted to fulfill his father's will; in a dream he was shown a portrait of a beautiful woman; when he woke up, he went to look for her; he came to his older sister, her husband was shown the padishah of the devas; he gave the young man the ability to turn into a deva; the middle sister behind the ant padishah (the ability to become an ant); the youngest behind the nightingale's padishah (to the nightingale); when he reached the goal, the young man became a nightingale and sat on the girl's chest; she put him in a cage she brought it to her place; he went to bed with her for two nights, and woke up on the third; says that her father will give the groom difficult assignments; to get crying pomegranates and laughing quinces; the young man became a devi, brought pomegranates and quince; get the mirror of the padishah devas, in which the beholder sees all his ancestors; the young man penetrated as an ant, got a mirror; on the way back he went swimming, the Sea Maiden fell in love and took it; 40 companions they looked like a young man, they brought a mirror; the princess asked the imaginary groom to become a nightingale, he could not, confessed everything; the girl took 40 gold balls and gave one to the Sea Maiden as she she showed Shahzade's body above the water; when she picked everything up, he turned into a bird and flew to his beloved; they achieved their wish goal]: Stebleva 1986, No. 40:163-169.
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians; Danes [the shoemaker's son goes on a journey; divides an elk carcass between a bear, a dog, a falcon, an ant; for this they give him the ability to turn into these animals; in the form of a falcon, he lets himself be caught by a princess; in her bedroom he becomes a young man; flies away and returns as a prince, gets a princess; if the sun falls on her before she reaches the age of 30, her a demon will kidnap; it happens, the young man becomes a dog, follows the trail, finds his wife; she persuades the kidnapper to tell us what his life is; she is in the lake, in the dragon, in the hare, in the duck, in the egg; the young man in the image the ant hears all this, flies with a falcon to the lake; there the dragon needs 12 pigs a day; the young man in the form of a bear fights the dragon three times; kills when he was given wine and bread during the battle; when he returned, breaks the egg on the demon's forehead; the cave turns into a palace, the boy and princess remarry]: Grundtvig 1920:148-165.
Volga - Perm. Tatars: Zamaletdinov 1992 [the young man got lost, went to the palace of three young men who can turn into pigeons; they saved the girl, but her hat remains with the diva; the young man goes after her, gets from the owners of the palace, a comb, a whetstone, a mirror; a young man arrives at the palace, a diva becomes a nightingale; another padishah's daughter, kidnapped by a diva, catches him, leaves him in her room; he takes on a human form, finds a hat, flies away; throws a comb (forest), a whetstone (mountains), a mirror (sea); hides at the bottom of a bucket carried by a girl; a diva tells to pour out water, a young man turns into grains, divas into a rooster, the last grain as a hawk, kills a rooster; gives pigeon boys a hat, their girlfriend recovers; advises the hero to ask for a thin horse, a rusty sword and an old whip as a reward; the hero returns to his mother, tells him to marry the daughter of the padishah, who orders the creation of a palace, a golden bridge, a garden; at the wave of a whip, everyone performs peri; the padishah gives her daughter, but she was kidnapped by divas; this is the one the young man has already seen; he gets her, drinks wine, falls asleep, two batyrs take her away; young pigeons take him home, he comes to the wedding of the padishah's daughter, she recognizes him; wedding]: 150-162; 2008b, No. 17 [the padishah's wife is dead; he is offered to marry his daughter Padishah Almas; she is in love with the padishah's son, so she agrees; offers herself to the young man, he refuses; then she tears her clothes, accuses the young man of trying to rape her; he is expelled; he comes to the house in the forest, eating there, hiding; three hawks flew in, became horsemen; found a young man, hired him as a cook; taught him to turn into a crow, a hawk, a pigeon; he flies like a hawk to the island to the padishah's daughter (condition marriage - bring a note from her); the old man teaches to turn into a nightingale, sing under the princess's window; she let him in, he became a crow, a dove, then a man; got together with the princess; she sent him to his father with a note demanding that she be passed off as a giver; a horseman in the form of a bird fell asleep in the garden; the gardener killed him, took a note; three bird horsemen revived him with live water; all four come to the wedding the princess and the gardener; he was executed, the dzhigit married the princess]: 158-170.
Amur - Sakhalin. Negidals [a kite and a raven live together, fly away; five sisters swim, a kite stains the youngest's pants, she becomes pregnant; at the Amur crossing, she gives birth to a son, the older sister throws him into the water; complains to her father that the youngest gave birth to a kite; the father beat his daughter; another girl picks up a child; the kite turns into Nevkhan, comes to her, marries; the son grows up, N. brings him to his mother , takes her as his wife; he has two wives, and so does his brother Raven]: Cincius 1982, No. 31:157-161; Manchus: Gimm 1982 [(Authentic Manchu Records, 1635); three heavenly maidens bathed in the lake; Upon returning from swimming, the youngest finds a red fruit that the heavenly magpie laid (demolished?) on her clothes; after eating it, she became pregnant, could not get up in the air, gave birth to a son; he immediately began to speak, went down the river, was found by people, became the ancestor of the imperial house; forty considered an ancestral spirit]: 107; Tong Yunchao 2007 (Hebei, Tumenyu County, d. Hao, 1985) [few people were left after the flood; the inhabitants of the sky ate the elixir of immortality and sweet dew; seven sisters lived in the Sky Palace; when they flew out of the Palace, they saw that the world was destroyed, abandoned, and unpleasant; the older sister suggested making people more; rejecting the possibility of creating people from stars, from pieces of the moon; the youngest suggests making them out of a three-legged sun-dwelling three-legged crow; the raven heard it, the fairy was carried away by a whirlwind, she fell in the forest and was left without a dress; without a dress, she could not return to heaven; she found her dress by the lake; a red transparent fruit rolled out of it; she was his ate and became pregnant - it was a fetal particle of the vitality of a three-legged crow (its seed?) ; three years later, the fairy gave birth to a boy and a girl, called them Niuzhen ("chastity"); they gave birth to the "Nyuzhen people" (Jurchen), the ancestors of the Manchus; later, the three-legged raven flew a lot, erased one leg, his the voice became rough, it turned into a crow; the Manchus are descendants of the sun and fairies, respect crows]: 3-5.
Japan. Miyako Islands [the maid collects roots, is caught in a thunderstorm, spends the night under a tree; in the morning a red bird flies next to her, the maid finds many roots; this happens for several days; she gives birth to twelve eggs under a tree, buries them on the edge of the field; one day twelve children run out to her; she does not return to her owner, she builds her own house, material comes down to her from the sky; her children have become gods, they are honored in various temples of Miyako; the elder became in charge of life, his temple on Ikima Island; a detour came down from heaven and took their mother to heaven]: Nevsky 1962:178-179.
SV Asia. Reindeer Koryaks; Itelmen.
The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate (Kotzebue).
Subarctic. Helmet; tagish; inner tlingits.
NW Coast. Quakiutl.
The coast is the Plateau. The quarry.
The Midwest. Chippewa [the fish swallows the Transporter (bird); he beats her heart, she belches him; the chief's daughter touches him, he runs away, she still has his belt; she is pregnant, gives birth to a boy; chief recognizes as his son-in-law the one the baby is writing to; this is the Transporter; he takes his wife and son overseas; tells her not to approach the water; she sees a man in the water, kidnapped; the Transporter asks eight Thunder for help, they carry the mountain with lightning, return the woman; the next time she was stolen by the Month; since then she can be seen on the moon disk]: Barnouw 1977, No. 40:155-157; Ojibwa [girl rejects suitors; with her song causes a thaw and thus prevented Malinovka and his grandmother Duck from fishing; the grandmother gives Malinovka the power to magically become pregnant with a virgin (exactly, not a decree.); during the test (not a decree, which one) It turns out that the father of the child born is Malinovka; he explains how it turned out, the girl's parents agree to take him as their son-in-law; rivals try to destroy him, he defeats them]: Jones 1916, No. 17: 372.
The Great Southwest. Navajo.
Honduras-Panama. Sumu [a despised orphan girl lives with her grandmother; becomes pregnant by a ray of sunshine or lightning; a male bird tells her grandmother that he is the child's father; warns of a flood; a grandmother, a girl, a boy and everyone who was kind to a girl takes to heaven on a huge safe]: Houwald, Rener 1987 (2): 5.
Mesoamerica Tepehua; Huasteca Nahuatl; Veracruz Nahuatl; Mije; Huasteca [when a virgin went to the stream to wash nixtamal made from Brosimum alicastrum (it served as food before corn appeared), tz'ok whistled or dropped bowel movements in her mouth, she became pregnant, gave birth to Thipaak, which is called the "soul" or "germ" of corn]: Alcorn 1984 in Stross 2006:584; northern and southern lacandons; ishil; tsutuhil; kakchikeli; mom; kekchi; mopan; pokomchi; Soconusco mestizos; Yucatana Maya [detail relief in the Lower Jaguar Temple in Chichen Itza (drawing by Ch.M.); the hummingbird touches the chest of a woman protruding from a flower with its beak; possible allusion to the same episode as in other Mayan myths: the hero accepts hummingbird appearance to penetrate a girl]: Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010b, fig.7; chatino [girl played with a bird, pregnant with it; gave birth to two boys, they are like dolls, her parents threw them into the river; the woman picked them up, said she was their mother; they guessed that this was not the case, that her deer husband was not their father; they killed a deer, made it a stuffed animal full of bees, brought her his meat; the frog said that she was eating her husband; she ran to a scarecrow, bees bit her; the children burned her in a temazcal, she became a temazcal spirit; the children met their real mother, who woven clothes for all animals, took her from themselves; they don't know where to get maize to feed their mother; they broke the bottle, threw it on the mill, the fragments turned into flies and mosquitoes; left the mother, came to where the snake is going to swallow the girl; they killed the snake, throwing hot stones into her mouth; the Sun climbed into the sky by thread, the Month climbed its own way; his wife climbed after him; The sun told the tuza rodent to gnaw through the thread, the woman fell; The month still wants to return to his wife]: Cicco, Horcasitas 1962:74-78.
The Northern Andes. Kogi.
Southern Venezuela. Piaroa; Yanomami.
Guiana. Pemon; arecuna.
NW Amazon. Tariana; tucano? ; cubeo.
The Central Andes. Pachacamac; Ouarochiri (dep. Lima) [Kahui Lyaka rejects suitors; eats the fruit into which Cooney Raya Vira Kocha, taking the form of a bird, injected his seed; KL gathers male first ancestors to find out who the father of her child is ; Kuniraya comes in the guise of a beggar; a boy crawls towards him; Cavillaca considers himself disgraced, runs to the sea; KR puts on his golden robe, runs after him, but she does not look back; KL turns into a rock into the sea; the Kyrgyz Republic asks Condor, Skunsiha, Puma, Fox, Falcon, Parrots and other oncoming birds and animals (not named) how long has KL passed by; Condor, Puma, Falcon answer that he will soon catch up with her; Skunciha, Fox, Parrots - what is not; KR gives a good share to the first, evil to the second (the condor will always find food, they will not kill him; if Puma or Falcon is killed, their heads will be worn in time hat dancing; the falcon who killed the falcon will sacrifice a llama; the skunk will hunt only at night, smell bad; the fox will be despised if killed, it will be thrown away; parrots will be driven away with contempt fields like thieves; the Kyrgyz Republic came to where Pacha Kamaka's two daughters protected by a snake lived; their mother Urpay Huachak just went far to sea to meet in KL; KR seduced (or raped) the eldest daughter; tried to sleep with the youngest, she flew away as a dove; so the name UU means Dove Born; all the fish were at the UU in the pond; the Kyrgyz Republic released her into the sea, saying, Why did she go to KL, a marine woman depths? Ooo chased him, looked in his head; was about to push him into the abyss; KR said he would go to ease and ran away; continued to deceive local wakas]: Salomon, Urioste 1991, ch. 2:46- 50.
Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka [the girl became pregnant from a white bird; her father knew it was Aroshi; A. began to carry the girl the meat of caught animals; little A. (pequeño Arpshi, PA); A. sent him to the ant; he laughed: his arrow (jaws) was so small that it could not kill anyone; the ant shot the PA; A. had a stone hanging around his neck with which he revived the dead, and he revived PA; he met someone else's wife, his husband killed him, A. revived him again; PA saw a boulder and mocked him: he couldn't move; the boulder rolled and crushed him; A. him again revived, and made a fire around the boulder and it split; the wind brought down the trees to make a chakra; when PA came, told him to leave quickly, or the tree would fall on him; he did not pay attention and fell the tree killed him; his mother found the body, brought him home, A. revived him again; now the PA has drowned; this time, the reviving stone A. has broken and PA's mother went to month (this grandfather A,) to get some of it, using it to revive it; but he only laughed at her for a month; A. himself went, but swallowed it for a month, so there are spots on the moon]: Zolezzi 2014, No. 1:117-118.
Southern Amazon. Paresi [man and water spirit both take the form of a hummingbird, copulating with a girl when she sleeps]: Pereira 1986, no. 29:343-347.
Chaco. The Chunga burmeisteri bird makes a girl pregnant by leaving her seed on the trail, which she eats. Matako: Calífano 1974 [salt]: 53-54; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 178 [semen], 181 [semen looking like salt], 182 [honey ball], 184 [salt white ball]: 285, 287, 294; pilaga [girl rejects grooms; Chunga burmeisteri bird, kariama) makes a honey ball, throws it to the girl; when she wants to share with others, the ball decreases, others do not take it; after a month she gives birth a boy, he immediately begins to walk, talk, tells all men to be summoned to point to his father; he takes a toy bow from Chunga's hands, who marries his mother]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 185: 351-352.
Southern Brazil. Mbia.