Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K171. The weaver creates an army. .

Heroes fight, but there are no fewer enemies, as someone is constantly weaving (forging) new warriors.

Hungarians, Czechs, Russians (Teresky Bereg, Arkhangelskaya, Karelia), Finns, Latvians, Danes (?) , Bashkirs, Southern Khanty.

The Balkans. Hungarians [the king is angry with three sons who have dropped out of school; always stands by the window facing east - one eye is crying, the other laughing; the brothers have grown up and decided to find out why this is so; The elder came to ask, the king threw his sword at him, the young man managed to hide behind the door; the same with the middle one; the younger Mirco did not run away, but pulled his sword out of the wall and put it in front of his father; king: you understand better than your brothers; I cry because my sons are worthless, and I laugh because my faithful friend Hero of the Plains (GR) promised to come to live with me after defeating enemies; I'm waiting for him by the window; his enemies are like grass in the meadow and everyone a day he mows them; the eldest went to test his strength, a year later he brought part of the copper bridge; father: when I was young, I reached that bridge in two hours, leave; the middle one brought part of the silver bridge - all the same; M. does not find a suitable horse in the stable; the witch advises you to ask your father for the horn with which he summoned his gold-maned horses; when they come running, choose an old bowlegged mare; father: the horn is embedded in the wall in the seventh cellar; M. summoned the horses, chose a mare, which tells her to be fed first; after the grain, hot coals; the mare tells me to bring the old saddle, blows on it, it becomes the best; the same with the sword; in three jumps the mare passes the copper, silver and gold bridges; then the glass mountain; then the mare jumps over a narrow glass bridge and enters the meadow of the Hero of the Plains; he sleeps, his sword rushes over him, protecting him; M. does not try to kill him, but falls asleep himself and his sword also protects him; heroes meet; fight; M. pursues warriors and descends underground for them; there is a glowing diamond instead of the sun palace; the witch weaves, but instead of cloth, warriors are obtained; two hussars for one move of the person; by order of M., his sword crumbles a witch; M. burned the loom; the witch was also burned, but she was born from burnt rib; asked to stop killing her, gave 4 diamond carnations, without which M. could not get to the ground; after that M. finally burned the witch; on horseback he slipped back into the meadow to the GR; asks go with him to the King Father; diamond carnations have long fallen out of the GR horse's horseshoes, he cannot drive through the glass mountain; M. shod the GR horse using carnations given by the witch; king hugged the visitors, both his eyes laugh; M. hears his father say to GR: but his son still can't cope with Doghead; the horse brings M. to the seven-story diamond castle; the Psoglavets was not at home, and he the beautiful daughter turned Vladnik into stone; when she saw that the young man was handsome, she revived the horse and M. with a golden stick; gave M. a flask of strong water: every drop contained the strength of 5,000 men; after that, M. himself went down to the cellar, drank strong water, and poured out the rest so that Psoglavets would not use it; Psoglavets's daughter set a condition: M. would not kill her father; approaching from the land of sunset, Psoglavets always throws an iron club; this time M. threw it back; fighting, Psoglavets drove M. into the ground to the waist; M. took a sip from the foyage, threw Psoglavets into the water from the bridge and told his sword to cut off his head; his daughter forgave M. and went with him, turning the diamond lock and himself in it into an apple; M. put it in his pocket with a diamond stick to unfold the apple later; M. came to his father, unfolded the lock, began to live with daughter of Psoglavets and inherited the throne; father and GR retired]: Curtin 1890:434-456.

Central Europe. Czechs [the king sends three sons to see the world; the eldest reaches the copper forest (father: I walked there before breakfast), the middle one to the silver one (he walked before lunch), the youngest A couch on a thin nag, who has turned into a flying horse, gets to gold; the local king complains about Baba Yaga and her dragon sons; L. cuts an army of dragons with a rusty sword, but on the spot of the killed New warriors appear; when Baba Yaga kills, her army disappeared {how exactly the witch created the warriors is not said}; L. returns, tells his father everything; says that Baba Yaga's three sons stole their daughters his friend, the owner of that castle; L. killed many-headed dragons, brought back the daughters of the castle owner; his father tells L. that the Iron Monk is stronger than him; he is in the castle on a chicken leg; JM turned L. into millet and ordered peck him to the rooster; the princess kidnapped by ZhM asks if L. can be revived, what is the soul of ZhM; JM: you have to be between two sabers hanging on the wall; life in an egg in a golden duck; the princess stabbed the rooster, took out a millet seed, L. was reborn; L. caught a duck, took an egg in his mouth, turned ZhM into a wild boar, which ran away into the forest; wedding]: Nemtsova 1978:172-190; Russians (Terevsky Bereg) [the elder Tsarevich) asks him to let him down for a walk on an open field; disappeared; the same middle one; younger Ivan: Let me go, and don't let him down, I'll go; I got to the brothers, the forces are dark and dark against them; I. went around her, entered the house, there the girl weaves the krosna; will click with stuffing {the kind of comb for the surf duck} - the horse will jump out and the man will go to the service; I. cut off the stuffing, shot the girl; the brothers beat the force and burned the house; they go - the stove, under it pit; I. asks him to let him down, there are three houses and three girls, each wiped her kingdom into an egg and put it in her pocket; the brothers raised two girls; the third to Ivan: they argue over me; stayed with I. in the lower world; I. sees the man, the other hits him on the head with a hammer, the man asks him to be redeemed; after the third time (the price is first 100, then 200, 300 rubles, I. bought and brought him as an employee; he promises to bring him to the ground; brought him to the sea, a whale sailed, he limited it to his hand, became a ship; sailed, the servant did not sleep at the wheel; three birds flew in; first: I. went to the horde of earth, took himself a beautiful wife and a prudent woman; second: that happiness is that the mother died, the father married Baba Yaga, the stepmother will give wine, he will drink it and tear it apart; third: and whoever hears and retells, will petrify knee-deep; the next night the same ( the stepmother will bring her shirt; he will petrify up to the waist); on the third night: the stepmother will bring a silver spoon, I. will sip and tear it apart; the one who told everything will be petrified; they have sailed; the servant threw wine on the dog, he disappeared; threw his shirt on the goat, he disappeared; and threw the spoon out the window; after telling everything, he became petrified; old man: a son will be born, releasing blood from under his throat on a stone, the servant will come to life; the son also came to life, only the scar remained ]: Balashov 1970, No. 40:126-133 (=1991:86-101); Russians (Arkhangelsk, summer coast of the White Sea, Nyonoksa) [After going fishing, three brothers walk along the blood river to the barnyard. One is left to fry the bull, the others hunt. He appears with a fingernail, a beard from an elbow (hereinafter referred to as Himself), demands to take him to the table, eats a bull, hits his brother and leaves. The brothers return, spend the night hungry, and the next day the other brother stays to fry the bull (same). On the third, the youngest Ivan does not agree to carry Himself to the table, hangs him by the beard to the matitsa. The brothers come back, eat and throw bones at Himself's beard. They let him go and move on, and Himself goes under the rock. The brothers cut the belt out of all the bulls in the yard and lower Ivan into the hole, promise to wait for him and pick him up when he pulls the belt. Ivan enters the kingdom of copper and sees a red girl. She weaves and soldiers jump out of each cotton with stuffing (a bird in a loom) and two more, saying that this is an army against Ivan the Fool. Ivan asks her not to weave. She sends him to her sister in the silver kingdom, everything repeats itself, she to the third girl in the golden kingdom (the size of a sieve). She also agrees not to weave more soldiers, tells me how to get three girls out and defeat Himself. Ivan finds him by the sea (in a strong spirit), they are fighting, thirsty and leading Ivan to the field. There are bowls with strong and empty water, the girl swaps them in advance. Ivan drank a lot, defeated Himself - put it in the palm of his hand, pressed down the other. He took the girls, rolled each of the three kingdoms into an egg. Brothers raise girls, but they don't want Ivan. A girl from the golden kingdom begs her betrothed (Ivan) to get her betrothed. They lower his rope, Ivan ties a stone to his belt, and his belt breaks off. The brothers wanted to marry the girls, but they refused. A girl from the golden kingdom goes to work as a cook for her ass. Ivan in the lower world is hired by a blind old man as a shepherd. The old man warns that Baba Yaga pulled out his eyes and will pull Ivan out. Ivan herds the herd in Baba Yaga's field, she sends her daughter to grab him, Ivan tears off his daughter's head and brings him home to the shop, and tells the old man that it is birch bark for bast shoes. She does the same with her second daughter. On the third day, she drives the cattle to Yaga's house, and she goes out to catch them. Ivan sits on horseback, holds her hair, chains Baba Yaga, cuts her with iron bars, and she says where the old man's eyes are. With his eyes inserted into the old man, Ivan cuts Yaga to death. The old man gives Ivan a bird to get to his world and feed the bird a bucket of meat in flight. Ivan returns to his village, finds out that girls don't want to marry his brothers until they get dresses from their kingdoms, Ivan rolls out kingdoms, takes dresses and rolls the kingdoms back. The girls understand that Ivan is near. Two marry brothers, a princess from the golden kingdom for Ivan]: Onchukov 2008, No. 86:226-229; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [two princes went for a walk with their sister Maria, lost her; father gave a portrait sisters, let them look; after their departure, the Queen gave birth to another son named Pokati-Gorokh; the brothers came to their sister, she hid them; Raven Voronovich flew in - shuryaks, come out; he killed them and drank alcohol - like alive; tells his wife that death was written to him only from Pokati Groh; PG grew up, "threw my grandmother in the back of the back"; she cries: your two brothers and sister did not bother me; PG comes to my sister, not hides; greets BB, both shake hands to blood; both eat and drink a lot; when flying away, BB tells you not to enter the back room of the front stable; PG goes, there is hay in front of the lion, meat in front of the horse, PG shifted; then he opened the door - two girls flew out and disappeared; PG ran to BV's mother, asked for forgiveness; she persuaded BV to forgive too; both go to war, PG on the horse that BV fed meat; when BB fed meat; when BB fights, a street will wave in one direction, a lane in the other; but there is only more enemy power; PG came to the blacksmiths: soldiers appear from hammer blows, non-commissioned officers in another place, girls in the third they sew on the hoop like they are poked with a needle - officer; PG: amen of your work; they are grateful for stopping them; the warriors are no longer there, BV killed everyone, joyfully rolls like a hay pile; PG killed him; guilty in front of his mother, she led her to the well to collect living and dead water; PG drowned it in it, took water for herself; revived the brothers, went home with them and his sister; picked up a stone, a hole under it, told his brothers put him down in belts; sent two girls to his brothers from below, but they couldn't pull him out; married those girls; PG came to the old man, began to herd his oxen; he tells them not to drive them to protected meadows; PG drove there, towards the monster with three heads, he killed him; the next day about five heads, the same; then six; hid these heads under the bed; the old man found it, glad; promises to ask The firebird, will it carry PG to the ground; sitting on the bird, PG feeds the poultry meat, it is over, it cut off its legs from its calves; the bird flew to the ground, died exhausted; PG revived it with living water, it regurgitated the meat from his legs, he took it with dead and living water; returned home, got married]: Smirnov 1917, No. 11:111-121; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) [no children; the old man cut down a stump, Ivan Sosnovets became; his strength is incredible, he eats a lot, his parents sent him to wander; he meets and companions a man who transfers forests from forest to forest; transfers mountains; carries water from river to river; everyone replies that he is not strong, but I.; stopped in a hut, the yard is full of bulls, they cook in turn; a man with a fingernail, a beard hits the cook from his elbow, eats everything; I. beats him himself, hangs him on the wall, he fell down, rolled to the hole; only I. agrees to go down; in the hut the girl sews like a needle, so the soldier will jump out; in the second hut there are two soldiers; in the third - three; each replies that she is saving up strength for Ivan Sosnovets; the fourth girl says that she is a stolen princess; tells us to swap bottles of strong and weak water; that wounded dwarf lies, tall, I. killed him; each of the girls rolls the hut into a handkerchief; the companions pulled out the girls and I., I. gave each a girl; they unfolded their houses; I.'s wedding with the girl]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 54:264-270.

Baltoscandia. The Finns [three brothers and three sisters; the sisters were carried away by a whirlwind; the older brother went in search; three years later, the middle brother; the mother does not want to let the younger one go, but he insists; asks the blacksmith to make iron shoes, a club and a chain; reached the mountain, where his brothers were; one's hair grew to the ground, the other had moss grown on his head; the youngest threw the chain up the mountain and climbed it; then the heather plain, on it the brass house rotates; he told him to stop; the younger sister is in the house; let the brother go around the house three times against the sun, then he will see a keyhole; the husband came; they agreed to come to each other at help; everyone will know if there is blood on the headscarf; the same in the silver house of the middle sister; in the golden house of the elder; the young man came to the hero; she was sleeping, he grabbed her; let her go when he agreed to be her not a father, not a brother, but a husband; went to fight; the blacksmith makes 300 warriors per night and, if the girl does not destroy them in a day, it will be bad; she forbids the young man to enter one of the rooms; he entered: there all kinds of animals hang by the legs, some by the horns, asking for release; he freed one and the others each other; tore the young man to pieces and threw him into the river; blood came out on the twin headscarves; they turned into a snake, a mouse and a fish; the fish found a young man; the girl poured elixir on the remains, everything grew together, the young man came to life stronger than before; persuaded the girl to take him with him to fight the forged warriors; he went to the blacksmith, said he knew his craft and would forge a new head for him; smashed his head with a hammer, no new warriors appeared again; they went to the young man's homeland; the brothers took his sisters; but when the young man brought the bride down the mountain, his brothers cut off the chain and took the girl; the young man spent several years on the mountain, covered with hair, dressed in reindeer skin; then saw a blind man below an old man with a huge beard; asked for help; he held out his beard, the young man jumped on it like a soft blanket; touched the old man's eyes, he saw the light; old man: hurry up, your brother is preparing a wedding with yours bride; when he got home, the young man climbed the floor of the shelves in the bathhouse; maid: hell! the bride understood, brought her clothes, cut her hair and washed it; wedding]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 31:90-96; Latvians [the king disappears in a pile of hay every night; he tells three sons to guard the meadow; the eldest, the middle fall asleep; the youngest fool climbs to sleep under the haystack; a white mare with two foals woke him up, he grabbed the excuse and tamed the mare; she tells him to give it to his older brother, the elder foal - the average, take the youngest; the elders sold their horses, and the youngest takes care of his own; the witch gives the queen poison: if you don't make a fool, he will kill you; the foal warns the owner twice; the witch tells the foal to be slaughtered; he advises the young man to ask permission to ride for the last time; the foal has risen to heaven and descended in another kingdom; tells him to dress in a fur coat with wool outside and on to answer everything "I don't know"; the king gave the idiot to the gardener; the young man shakes his bridle, any work is done immediately; he tied the forest with a rope and drags everything with him; the king tells three daughters to choose suitors; the youngest does not knows who, the king passed her off as a fool; but they live well; the devil demands to eat people, queue for the royal daughters; every time the young man calls a horse, climbs into his ear, goes out in a luxurious outfit, kills devils (they have 3, 9, 12 heads; the sword, horse are silver, gold, diamond); each time he climbs back into the horse's ear, regains its former form; the last time a giant demands 12 heads the youngest queen, the horse warns that 12 blacksmiths will come out with him; we must kill the blacksmiths first, because if they manage to hit the anvil, another 12 will come out, etc.; the young man managed to kill the blacksmiths, but the giant twice drove him waist-deep into the ground, and the horse pulled him out twice; the young man cut off the giant's leg and then his head; the wife bandaged the wound with a handkerchief; in the evening he sees his fool husband's handkerchief; the fool became his favorite son-in-law, inherited throne]: Alksnite et al. 1958:135-142; Danes [was, but did not write it down, now look for it]).

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs [Khan Bulkar has a son Yekhangiz; he grew up and went into the world; an old woman with eyes on her forehead sleeps by the golden tent; a girl is next to him: one cheek is like the moon, the other is like the sun; a girl: an old woman is a queen mountain spirits, her mother, sleeps for 6 days and 6 nights; the old woman will give her daughter if E. kills all her warriors; he kills them, and new ones come in the morning; E.'s mother gave birth to a second son; he clicked the boy on the forehead, broke his skull; boy's mother: it would be better to look for his missing brother; the guy asked his mother to fry peas and held hot peas in her hand; she admitted that the eldest son had gone to know life; eget { hero} went in search; man met him: if you can pull out the gold pole, you will see your brother; under a pole at a depth of 80 fathoms, Accola's heroic horse; eget put his hand on his back, the horse does not endured; tells him to let him get caught and gain strength; enet comes to his brother, he notices a resemblance to his father, but he did not have a brother; eget: I grew up in 13 days; eget chased the old woman, cut off his tail her horse, she has disappeared underground; he tells the horse to wait for him for three years, three months and three days; 6 mountain spirits are forging iron underground; every blow gives rise to a new spirit; eget asks the spirits to stand in a row, blows away everyone's heads, no more warriors appear; then the girl: rings a needle into the canvas - a new spirit arises; takes the huntsman for his brother; says that her mother is resting in a golden tower; we need to change in some places vessels with strong and weak water; the mother's soul is in the egg, the egg is in the chest, the chest is hidden somewhere; she cuts down the old woman's head, a new one grows, he cuts down again; the old woman is tired, showed where the chest is, Eget crushed an egg; brought the bride to her older brother, they returned home]: Barag 1988, No. 17:126-130.

Western Siberia. Southern Khanty (b. Konda, S. Patkanov, 1888) [A childless old man set fire to his barns so that smoke could rise to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother-why doesn't he have children? Heavenly Father sent a son, who gave three seeds, let the old man let his wife eat; she gave birth to a boy, he grew up quickly, came to one of the ends of the earth, the bear and the wolf let him see the old woman, who gave him a name Like Aspen Leaf, the Agile Husband (VM); he returned home, only one foal from his father's herd did not bend at his arm, he took it; tells his father to marry him one of the three royal daughters; the father was beaten, expelled; the priest's youngest daughter was given without dowry; his wife refuses to look in his head - she did not even look aside where the Merchant, the Wanderer (KS); his flying horse brought him to the old woman; she says that no one returned from the city of CS; gave a bundle of 60 silver rings; the next old woman gave a ball of thread, the third gave a white towel; teaches how to avoid a mountain of human bones, throw rings to 60 warriors, cross the bridge across the sea; the warriors shot, only pulled three hairs out of the horse's tail; the CS's mother turned the VM into a needle, hid it from her son; he orders to show the person who came, became his brother, ordered his wife to be beaten, when she arrives magpie and gets out of her magpie skin, with three silver bars; the wife is forty again and flew away; the COP does not tell me to open the seventh room; in others - frogs and lizards, in the seventh - the girl is CS's sister; the VM married her; goes to fight the seven-headed menqua, tells his wife not to leave the house at that time; cuts down the Menqua warriors, but there are more and more of them; then he cut her husband, who carved warriors out of the flint like sparks, destroyed warriors, hit something with a sword; found out at home that the COP had left the house - he hit him, why did they release him? they found the body, put it in the coffin; wife: mother-in-law wants to kill you; he entered his mother-in-law's house, fell into the lower world; there the old man and old woman adopted him; they do not tell him to herd cattle in the Menqua estate, he stole their eyes; but grass is better on the other side, the VM drives cattle there; hacked one-, two-, etc. -headed menkvas; the seven-headed man cannot be cut down, he drove him into the ground, the menkv asks him to take his white towel, wrap it around his neck, then cut; then the VM cut off his head; came to the Menkwa mother, fights with her, changed buckets of strong and weak water; the old woman's daughter shows that the old woman should be stabbed in the chin with a knife ; VM did so, killed an old woman; daughter tells her to burn her, sweep away frogs and lizards that will crawl out of her into the fire; VM tells the girl to jump over the fire - if she used to live with a man, she will fall into the fire; she she fell, she also had lizards, he burned them; he took the eyes of the old people, restored their sight; they told them to prepare meat, immerse firebirds on their backs; she brought them to the ground, he cut off the last two pieces from the calves of his legs; fever -the bird regurgitated them and put them back; the wife lies between two men; VM wanted to hack them, wife: these are your sons; VM cut his youngest son, sprinkled blood on the body of CS, he came to life; revived his son alive water; his wife's brother (i.e. CS) set up a copper playground for games, the VM set up a silver one; everyone puts a block of stone on his court with his foot; the VM takes flint, sparks turn into husbands; when he lets his stone, he breaks the arms and legs of the CS people, tears them apart; the COP lets the VM and his wife (i.e. his sister) go home to the VM - he cannot live with a hero who is stronger than him; on the way they go to those three old women, his wife turns them young; at home, VM climbed onto the roof, looks into the house, where his parents are quarreling over a spark; he poured water or snowed to put out their fire; they swear; he opened, their daughter-in-law turned them young; the VM scatters chips brought from another world, they turn into a populated city; abundance is all around]: Lukina 1990, No. 88:220-237.