K172. A deaf bride without arms and legs. 29.33.
To a potential fiancé, a man describes his daughter as ugly and crippled. The groom agrees to the marriage, the bride turns out to be beautiful.
Ingush, Azerbaijanis, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ingushi [the young man saw an apple floating on the river, bit it, thought he had committed a sin, because the apple was from someone's garden; went up the river; the owner promised to forgive him if he marries him his daughter; she has no eyes, legs, arms and deaf; he does not know what to do; a beautiful woman came up and said that the owner's daughter is her; she does not go where she does not need to, does not do what she does not need to do, has no language, i.e. not in vain Talks, does not hear and does not see what is not needed; the girl's father blessed the young]: Sadulayev 2004, No. 104:279-280; Azerbaijanis [=Tahmasib 1964:3-33; =Azerbaijani tales 1987:3-32; Ahmed and Mammad friends, merchants and both are childless; one day outside the city they went to a spring; Ahmed got an apple in his hands; friends ate it in half, A. had a son, M. had a daughter; A. died, M. moved to another city; Ibrahim son A. grew up, came to M., asked his daughter to marry; he said that she was crooked and lame; but I. insisted; at the wedding, it turned out that M.'s daughter was a painted beauty; M. gave his son-in-law a belt; at night at rest I. I found out that light was coming from his waist; a diva appeared - this is his belt! but I. hacked the diva; at the next halt, the three-headed brother of the first diva attacked, I. and hacked him; on the third night, the bird took away I.'s belt; I. ran after her, lost his way; his wife put on his clothes, pretended to be I., covered her face with a bandage - allegedly a speck fell into her eye; I.'s mother also did not understand the deception; the imaginary I. said that M.'s daughter was a freak and he rejected her; she began to do I.'s business in the shop; I. came to an old woman; old woman: your belt was carried away by a seven-winged witch; she is on Mount Enbergyugh; she is burning a fire under the cauldron; to defeat her, you must extinguish this fire, and to do this, knock an apple off an apple tree nearby; otherwise the witch will throw it into the cauldron; I. did everything, instead of a fire, a pond, a raft on it, a belt on the raft; I. jumped on the raft, but the witch grabbed it and lifted it into the air; the lower lip sweeps the ground, the upper lip scratches the sky ; she will give I. the belt if I. kills a white diva, and only the one who extinguished her fire can kill him; the witch brought a diva like a mountain to the country; I. came to the old man, he has a young man; tells her story; in the morning I. came to the cave diva; there the girl is hung by her braids, her left heel is pierced, blood is dripping into the bowl; girl: this blood will dazzle the diva; I. fights with him, splashed blood into his eyes; the diva disappeared and I.'s bride lies in this place: the voice of a witch: don't believe it; I. hit with a sword is really a diva; the girl turned out to be the bride of a young man who had been talking about himself the day before; I. returned to his fiancée; wedding; pilaf I ate, put it on my tongue, but did not get into my mouth]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:163-164.
Turkestan. Karakalpaks [a person saw an apple floating in an irrigation canal, picked it up, started eating, but stopped and went upstream to thank the owner of the garden; an old man in whose garden they grew apples, offered him a daughter who has no legs, arms, eyes, ears, tongue - she is suitable for such an honest person; the man agreed, the bride turned out to be beautiful; her father meant that she does not go out without need to go outside, did not touch strangers with her hands, did not see someone else's face before, did not listen to unworthy people, did not raise her voice at anyone]: Mambetnazarov 1977:238-239; Kyrgyz (Jalal-Abad Region, Aksy district) [the young man stung wheat; a flying crow dropped an apple, A. bit it; the crow shouted that he was a thief - let him apologize to the owner of the garden; A. went to look for the garden; the owner pretends that terribly angry; he will forgive A. if he fulfills errands; go to the master and buy a "Sweeping" ketmen; the master made a riddle, A. solved it, received a ketmen; you have to get a teslo from another master "Stopping at once"; the same (the master asks his daughter to make a riddle); the third task is to bring an "orphan" grind from the miller; the same; the owner of the garden is happy, invites A. to marry his daughter, she dumb, blind and legs do not walk; A. agreed, brought her parents to the wedding, the bride turned out to be beautiful; her father explained that he was looking for an honest person like A. for his daughter; (the following answers are given - in mainly about the details of the yurt)]: Sabyr uulu 2008:174-176.