K175. The wind carried away the flour, ATU 759C. (.22.) .27.28.31.-.33.
Theman carried the flour, the rising wind carried her away. A person complains to a powerful character and is usually compensated. Cf. M57d3 motif ("Wind Donor").
(Viets), Moldovans, Poles, Russians (Kola Peninsula, Arkhangelsk Peninsula), (Vladimirskaya), Belarusians, Latvians, Lutsies, Estonians, Veps, Karelians, Finns, Norwegians, Kazan Tatars, Kyrgyz.
(Wed. Burma - Indochina. Vietnam {without knowing the original, it is impossible to determine the content of the Vietnamese text}: Karow 1972, No. 28 in Uther 2004 (1), No. 759C: 418).
The Balkans. Moldovans [the poor man grinded the grain, the wind carried away the flour, the poor man went to shut the wind hole; to meet the unrecognized god and St. Peter, he does not recognize them, they gave a magic nut; he spent the night in the hut, the hostess changed the nut; then God gave a donkey that defecates with gold (the same); a crutch; he beats those who replaced the nut and donkey, they are theirs they return; the poor man got rich, the king sent an army, the poor man put a crutch on the king]: Moldavian tales 1968:169-171; Poles [many records throughout Poland; the poor man (or two brothers) decides to go to God, or to hell, to St. Peter, to the wind that carried away the flour, to the frost; he gives a magic table; a donkey (chicken, ram) from which money is poured, etc., and finally a baton or object from which warriors jump out; two The first items are replaced by a kochmar (neighbor, etc.), but has to give them away when the baton (warriors) start to beat him]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 563:184-185.
Central Europe. Russians (Kola Peninsula: Arkhangelskaya, Kola district, recorded from the laps of Fr. Konstantin Shchekoldin) [The Tsar allows the Queen to attend the trial. He deservedly punishes his wife and acquits her husband when his wife disagrees with him, her unborn child (from the womb) says that "the harlot pulls the harlot." She is afraid of her son and when he is born she orders him to kill him to eat his heart. The servants do not dare to kill the child and bring her the heart of a lamb, which replaces her son as a blacksmith. The king is surprised that his son is fond of blacksmithing, working only with hammers and forging iron with them. A shepherd's son is elected by his peers as a child king: all the children stood up with candles in their hands facing the east and the shepherd's prince's son lit a fire. He judges fairly, and adults who are wrongly judged by the king and queen also turn to him. While the poor woman carries flour in her dish, the wind blows her away. She goes to the king for justice. He laughs at her and refuses to judge the wind, she decides to turn to the child king, and the king laughs at her again. The child king listens to the woman and finds out which captains landed on the shore that day. He asks them if they needed the wind to stick, and they confirm that they wouldn't be able to do it without it. The child king tells them that the wind took away the poor woman's flour and the captains not only compensate her for the loss, but give a bag of flour to everyone and everyone is satisfied. The king learns about the boy's trial and wants to check it out. He sends him three bulls and asks him to give them back with offspring. The boy eats bulls' meat, insulates the roof with skins. When the king asks where the offspring is, he sends a man to the king who takes off his pants and shouts "I want to give birth", the king calls him crazy and the man points out that the bull also cannot give birth. The child king sees that the king and queen go for a walk. It fills one rolling pin of the scale with feces, and it grows larger over time. He explains to the king that a woman's mind is just as easy and costs nothing. The Tsar understands that it is his son and takes it "so the Queen did not have to triumph over the truth"]: Burtsev 1898, No. 23:107-112; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [Tsar Davyd has a blind brother, he has a blind brother, he has wife, wife has a friend; Soloman in David's wife's belly: They cover her damn and hood; D. saw the light; his wife gave birth without him; she was afraid that her son would kill her, since he said so about her, took it to the blacksmith, and She passed off the blacksmith's son as her own; wanting to test her son, D. tells him to come naked, not in a dress and stand out, not in a hut; he does not know what to do; the blacksmith's son, i.e. a real prince, orders him to impose on himself maticha (?) , on your feet - skis, heels to the doorstep in the hallway, socks to the doorstep in the hut; D.: this was not your idea; now D. demands that the bull calve; the imaginary son of a blacksmith advises screaming as if he is giving birth; if a man does not give birth , how the bull calves; the wind took away the old woman's flour; D.: what can I do; imaginary son of a blacksmith: give me a scepter and porphyry, I'll reason; asks who was begging for the wind at that time; sailor: me; so give me back flour for an old woman]: Onchukov 2008 (1), No. 46:164-166; (cf. Russians (Vladimirskaya) [ideas about the Milky Way: a miller on Egoria ground flour, the wind carried it to the sky; a man sowed peas (grain) on Egoria, Egory scattered it; you can't work for Kazanskaya; people they began to row hay, it was carried to heaven; in autumn, they decided to change the straw in the mattresses to Ivan Postny, the wind scattered straw across the sky]: Dobrovolskaya 2010:152-153); Belarusians [the woman sent her husband to grind the rye to the mill; the grandfather brought flour, put it on the rubble, the wind carried away the flour and scattered it; the grandfather went to look for the wind, saw the hut, took the corner and began to turn; the wind asked not to do so and gave an inexhaustible piece of bread; on the way home, the grandfather went to the godfather, she changed the bread; the grandfather returned to the wind, he gave a ram that was shaken off with gold and silver; the godfather changed again; now the wind has given a horn, it must say, There are a lot of things out of the horn; some jumped out of the horn, began to beat the godfather; she returned everything; then the pan stole bread and lamb - the same with him]: Romanov 1887, No. 52:277-279.
(Wed. Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians [the miller carried stolen flour, she woke up, the Milky Way was formed]: Ganalanyan 1979, No. 339:127).
Baltoscandia. Estonians [the old man and the old woman found a handful of grain, ground it, but the wind scattered the flour; the old man came to the mother of the Wind to complain; the Wind came, found out what was going on, gave a goat with which gold was falling; on the way back, the old man stopped in a wealthy house, replaced by a goat; the same was a magic tablecloth; then the Wind gave a box of batons; batons began to beat the owner, he had to return everything]: Normann, Lä tt 1968:125-129; Veps [the mother scraped the last flour in the barn, the wind carried her away; the son went to the wind to return the flour; the wind sends to his brother, who sends to his father, the wind, the wind father gives the tablecloth a magic; on the way back, the boy spent the night in the house, the owner changed the tablecloth; next time the wind gave a millstone that gives you what you want; the same; the third time the wind gave a baton; it hits the owner, he returned everything; the master asked for a tablecloth and millstones for a while, did not give it back; the guy put a baton on him and his guests, the master returned everything; the son and mother became rich]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 37:145-148; Lutsie (zap. 1893) [husband and wife found a handful of grain, the husband ground, tormented his wife, the wind carried her away; the man came to complain to the mother of the wind; she fed him and put him to bed; the wind came: what does it smell like? I did not do anything bad, but gave a goat that litters silver; on the way back I spent the night, the owners replaced the goat; the wind gave a magic table - the same; the third time the wind gives a box, sticks in it; beaten owners returned the goat and table]: Annom et al. 2018:278-282; Latvians: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 563 [The magic table, horse and baton. The wind dispels the guy's flour (also: frost freezes peas), he goes to complain, gets a table that he sets himself (also: the guy gets gifts for his work). Returning home, the guy spends the night with the owner (rich brother), who replaces the magic table with an ordinary one, and the guy again goes to the wind to complain. The wind gives him a horse to scatter money and a baton in a bag that beats the thief. The guy gets the table and the horse back], 564 [The magic bag. The wind dissipates a person's flour (frost freezes peas and barley), and he sets off to find and teach the wind a lesson. The wind gives him a bag (tues, barrel) for food. The master takes money from a person (the witch replaces). The man goes to the wind again and receives another bag from him, from which warriors jump out and beat the kidnapper. The man gets the first bag back]: 302; Karelians [when he dies, the old man tells the old woman to sell the horse; a buyer came from another village; the old woman advises to stay with her overnight; at night the mare necklaces ; they argued whose foal; buyer: I bought only for the foal; there was no king, the queen decided in favor of the old woman; the boy from her womb: b.. in favor of b.. and judges; mother to son: then judge for yourself; son : let the old man lead the horse, and the old woman sleigh; whoever the foal goes for will get it; the buyer takes the foal; mother to her son: when you are born, I will take revenge; tell the maid to change the boy to the son of a blacksmith; the boys have grown up; the king plays a blacksmith, the son of a blacksmith all with books; one day the son of a blacksmith plays a judge and the king's son plays a blacksmith; the general's son stole a horse from another while playing; the son of a blacksmith: he must hang; king: this is our son; the queen denies everything; the general went to look for his son, went to a place where only the king himself could enter, the blacksmith's son shot him; fled to another village; the king sent gold for him carriage; he sits by the road: I reduce the old, add the new, I am waging war with the enemy; he is asked how much the carriage costs; boy: who needs it, then thousands of darkness, and I would not take it for nothing; sent they returned, but the king sent them again; the boy grazes 40 cows, they are knee-deep in the river; replies that the water is 160 ruts (each cow has 4 legs); the boy has left for a long time, grew up, returned to the old widow; the wind dispelled her anguish; the boy tells her to go to the king to ask for compensation and let her ask him to be a judge; the one who went to sea is guilty (he needed the wind); the king recognized his son and handed him the throne, and the old woman was given torment for life]: Konkka 1963, No. 57:371-374; the Finns {the Finnish text is probably close to Karelian}: Uther 2004 (1), № 759C: 418; Norwegians [a gust of wind takes the flour away from their hands poor young man; he comes to North Wind to ask for flour back; he gives a magic tablecloth; on the way, the inn owner replaces her; the boy's mother is disappointed; next time the North Wind gives a ram (goat) defecating with gold coins is the same; the third time, a baton; she hits the hostess, she returns the tablecloth and the ram]: Dasent 1970:228-232 (same or very similar text in Suritz 1991:157 -159).
Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [worker Khriton received flour from the bay, the wind carried it away; H. came to the king of the winds to punish him; he was frightened, gave a magic table; the table was changed at night; the same was a goat; the third time was a chest; the owner of the house opened the chest, two fellows came out of it, began to beat him, forcing him to return the table and the goat]: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956:105-107 (=Yarmukhametov 1957:171-172; =Zamaletdinov 2009, NO. 73:297-298).
Turkestan. Kyrgyz (Chuy Region, Kemin District, p. Borold) [the man loaded two bags of wheat on his ox, ground flour in the mill and returned back; the wind blew off his head (a hat with a crown trimmed with fur); the man scolded the wind, picked it up you went to the ox, he slipped, fell, one bag untied, and the wind scattered all the flour from the bag; the man scolded the wind even more; the wind got worse, the man went to the angel and complained about the wind; the wind responded to the angel: "The mortal is to blame. You should have slammed you tight, tie the bag more tightly. It's up to me to decide whether to blow or stop. Instead of thanking God, he started scolding me. After all, Allah Almighty said: "Do not sprinkle my salt, do not scold the wind"]: Sabyr uulu 2008:230.