Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K18. Father or mother identification, H481, ATU 675. .11.-.13.15.-.17.19.21.-.25.27.-. (.58.) .

A boy is born whose father or mother is unknown. He chooses a true father or mother, who usually has a lower social status than others. Usually, lots of men or women get together, each or every one wants a boy to pick him or her.

{Some South American versions may have a motive from both pre-Hispanic and Spanish folklore; only the Varrau version seems to be entirely European. In Europe, the motive is generally consistent with ATU 675, but this story does not always include an episode of the boy identifying his father. In particular, he is not in two of the three fairy tales from Afanasyev's collection, as well as among the Mordovians and Ladins. Therefore, the ATU motive is taken into account for Western and Southern Europe and the Balkans, but not for Finno-Ugric traditions. Variants that are taken into account only by the ATU index are in bold italics in the list of traditions}.

Isanzu, Enenga, Bemba, Mosi, Fulbe, Temne, Felupe, Vai, Bambara, Igbo, Senufo, Mofu-Gudur, Hausa, Darasa, Anuak, Puerto Ricans, Sicilians, Italians ( Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Lazio, Campania, Abruzzo, Calabria), Spaniards, Portuguese, Catalans, French, Palestinians, Arandai Bintuni, Khasi, Rengma, Dafla, (Sichuan Tibetans), Lao, Thais, Sedang, Khmu, Numphor, Agusan Manobo, Nabaloi, Tingian, Paivan, Greeks, Bulgarians, Romanians, Poles, Russians, Georgians, Turks, Bartangans, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Western Sami, Latvians, Bashkirs, Kazakhs [mothers], Baraba Tatars, Harima-fudoki, Yamashiro fudoki, coastal Koryaks, Beaver, Tlingit, Nootka, Quarry, Shuswap, Thompson, Lillouette, Comox, Clallam, Skagit, Snohomish, Koulitz, Clackamas, Tillamook, Okanagon, Kurdalen, sanpual, klikitat, ne perse, kutene, ojibwa-chippewa, western marsh crees, northern ojibwa (Sandy Lake), eastern crees, steppe crees, montagnier, nascapi, assiniboine, grovantre, pawnee, wichita, koasati, serrano, lipan, hopi, keres (Acoma, Cochiti), tiva, teva, papago, (diegueno-ipay), warrau, tupinamba, Huarochiri, chipaya, takana, chiriguano, waura, calapalo, trumay, bororo, chamacoco, chorote, matako, toba, mokovi.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Isanzu [mother scolds daughter for not marrying; daughter leaves; sultan cooks food, girl hides in a pot; sultan lets her live with him; she is pregnant with another; first wife The sultana asks who helps her put a heavy vessel of water on her head; the girl lies what she puts it herself; she calls a water snake herself, she helps her; when a boy is born, she kills a snake, makes it out her skin bag to carry the baby; the sultan calls all the men; the boy points among them to the father; the sultan orders to kill, bury this man; he gets out alive from the grave; so several times; he, his wife and the child comes to the wife's mother; the wife drives the mother away]: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 38:52-53; bemba [the chief rejects the daughter's suitors, she converges with the poor cook, becomes pregnant; when the boy is one year old and three months, the chief tells all men to get together, let the child point to the father; the slave says that the cook should also come; the boy hugged the cook, called him dad; the chief gave him his daughter, he turned out to be handsome and became rich]: Verbeek 2006, No. 88:451-453; Enenga [Chief R'Agnambie has five wives, all went to their villages to give birth; the youngest Ilómbé's relatives died, she gave birth to a beautiful one in the forest a girl; the eldest Ngwé-Nkondé gave birth to a boy with a boa constrictor head; on the way to her husband, she took the girl from I., leaving her freak; the chief told all wives to cook; daughter I. rejected food kidnappers, rushed to her mother; I. recognized as the girl's mother]: Raponda-Walker 1967:196-200; (cf. Malawi [beautiful Kawala ("shining") rejects suitors; gets seriously ill, healers are powerless; a young Kansabwe ("little louse") comes from afar, dirty, in rags; on the way he lost an eye, and his leg was injured by a leopard; he takes Kalava, the return journey is easy and quick, Kansabwe successfully treats the girl; she is beautiful again, a queue of suitors is lining up for her, Kansabwe is the last, he is told stay away from the rest; Kavala rejects everyone, chooses Kansabwe, announces that he cured her; he is washed, given good clothes]: Schoffeleers 1991:361-362).

West Africa. Mosi: Frobenius 1986 [The hare argues with the chief that if a virgin is left alone behind a blank wall with enough food, she will have a child without a man in a year; asks the Rat to dig a way, goes to dating a virgin, tells her not to talk about it; the chief tells all men to dress well, offer gifts to the child; he takes the gift only from the hands of the Hare; the hare continues to deny his paternity; the chief says that then he will give his daughter and her son to someone who cooks beer faster; the hare announces that the king's wives are swimming in the river, it is forbidden to go there; only the Hare's mother collects water and cooks first beer; Hare gets a wife]: 77-79; Tchicaya U Tam'Si 1973 [Chief Bakary keeps many wives locked up; Lanseni fell in love with Maryama, one of B.'s wives; asked his mother to hand it over to her for safekeeping through the chief the chest in which he hid himself; at night he made love to M.; M. gave birth, B. thinks that his son is with him, arranges a holiday; three years later, the leader is told that his son is not his; he gathers the people and all wives with children, orders the children to approach their father; everyone approaches B. except son M., who approaches L.; B. forgives him, tells him not to keep his wives locked up]: 173-177; Vai [the king hides his daughter from men; a young prisoner makes a hole out of the cell, meets the princess regularly; the king orders all men to be gathered to identify the father of the child; the boy rushes to his father (who has already escaped from prison); the king makes a young man an heir]: Creel 1966:69-72; felupe [while a woman was fishing, the eagle took her little daughter; she grows up beautiful in his nest on a tall tree; the hunter notices her, chief sends warriors to cut down a tree, every time an eagle arrives, a tilted tree straightens up; the warriors shot the eagle; the chief tells all mothers of missing children to pack up, exhibit the food they fed children; everything brings meat, that girl's mother is rice, she was poor; the girl takes rice]: Nikolnikov, Katasonova 1976:119-121; dark [friends don't communicate with the girl, go to file their teeth; an unknown old man saws her best; in drought she finds clean water, drinks; when she brings others, there is no water; she became pregnant with her, gave birth to a handsome boy Tyara; a leather bag to carry a baby falls from the sky; all men gather for T. to identify his father; a man in ulcers descends from the sky, T. resorts to him three times; the identification is rearranged; this time the father appears handsome, T. chooses him again; he tells his mother that he will come to pick her up when black clouds appear; during a thunderstorm, the mother and child are taken to heaven; the husband tells him to grind not peanuts, but stars ("peanut cake" and" star cake" rhymes); a woman visits her parents on earth; because her mother was chasing her, she gives her a vomit cake (var: with a hammerhead bird inside) and a good one to her father; mother is thirsty, bursts (var: a bird makes a hole in its stomach with its beak), leaving her skin dry; Hyena puts it in the river, the woman comes to life, comes to Hyena, she eats it]: Ferry 1983, No. 44:246-254; fulbe [king decided to give the beautiful daughter only after his death, locked him in a house on the seventh floor; the young man sneaks into it; the princess becomes pregnant, gives birth to a boy; when he is four years old, the king summons men, tells point to the boy's father; he points with a golden stick; the young man marries the princess]: Labouret 1952, No. 12:243; bambara [the king keeps his daughter locked; the young man digs an underground passage, enters the princess, conceives a child; the princess assures that she does not know who is pregnant; the king gathers all the men, the little boy, whom his mother sends a song, points to his father; the young man tells the king that he does not have the right to keep a daughter for themselves]: Görög 1984:163; Igbo: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [in the family of kings, men die young from an unknown illness; the king wants sons; the wife who has given birth to a daughter leaves she is in the forest; the girl is picked up and raised by an old woman; the king falls ill; the sorcerer says that parrot eggs from the world of the dead will cure him, but only an innocent girl can bring them; only an old woman's adopted daughter manages to bring eggs; the king eats the egg and recovers; the sorcerer suggests that all the king's wives prepare meals; the girl chooses the simple meal that her mother has prepared; so it became clear whose daughter she is; the father takes her into the house with an old teacher, her mother makes her beloved wife]: 68-70; Ugochukwu 1992, No. 18 [the childless leader has seven wives, does not love the seventh; the sorcerer gives him the drug along with the bunch the fruits of the oil palm; wives will eat the fruits, give birth, but only one of the fruits will cause the birth of an heir son; the little wormy fruit was thrown away by the beloved wives, the lizard brought it to the unloved, it was she who gave birth son, the rest of the daughters; mother and son were thrown into the river; they were picked up by an old woman; the woman gained strength, returned to the chief, the boy stayed with the old woman; the leader's dog comes running to the boy every day, he is everyone once he tells how he, the chief's son, was thrown away; the juice collector for making palm wine heard, called the chief, who told him to call the boy to his place; all the wives prepared a delicious meal, whichever food he chose, that and the son, the woman will then become his beloved wife; the griot sings that the boy's mother lives where food is sacrificed to spirits (this is a smelly place because of rotting meat); the boy walked past the cooked appeared, found the hut where his mother was, ate simple food; the chief had to make his unloved wife the main one, after the death of the leader, his son inherited the throne]: 142-150; senufo [the king does not believe that women a man is needed for procreation; from birth she has raised her daughter alone under the supervision of an old woman; her brother agreed with a friend, put him in a box, told her father that the owner of the box asked her to sleep in in a safe place, the king ordered her to be placed in the same place as his daughter; when she became pregnant, the son said that it was time to return the box to the owner; as soon as the child began to walk, the king gathered all the men; his daughter told the boy to give the clay jar to his father, and he went to the prince's friend; the king wanted to execute both his friend and the old woman; but the son explained how it happened]: Diep, Bamba 2007, No. 29:92-96; mofu-gudur [the girl rejects her suitors, promises to marry only someone whose body has no scars; the toad pees where the girl is, a medicinal plant grows; the girl has a upset stomach, she eats the leaves of the plant, becomes pregnant, gives birth to a son; when he is three years old, her father gathers men, the boy must give his father a calebas with meat and dough; the first time he does not find his father, the second time he gives it to the Toad; the girl is passed off as a Toad; When everyone goes fishing, the Toad takes off his skin, makes him handsome, tells his wife to hold the horse, catches fish for her, she doesn't recognize him; scolds the Toad at home; the clairvoyant explains to her what's going on; she is happy at home he serves Toad food in a beautiful calebass, but the son tells him to serve the old one; the black ant advises to slaughter the black chicken, the hawk will carry the toad's skin; the son has time to grab the skin; the red ant tells him to slaughter red chicken, a hawk takes away the skin; the handsome man lies, is silent; the black ant tells you to rub sesame seeds, the husband does not react; the red one tells me to drip fat into the fire, the husband says that now the food will burn; the woman is happy; her the sister asks her husband's name, she answers "Head down, legs up"; the wife should not say her husband's name in front of him, the husband falls into the ground, the wife leaves only feathers in her hands; someone cultivates her field; the sorcerer tells her to go to the field at night to bring beer; the husband appears with the dead, they cultivate the field; the husband drinks beer, eats bread; the wife grabs him, he stays]: Sorin-Barreteau 2001, No. 17: 118-125; Hausa [the king has three wives, the youngest gives birth to two boys, the eldest kidnaps them, throws them away, replaces them with two squirrels; the king tells the bodyguard to kill his youngest wife, but he hides her in the house old women; the king meets boys, takes them to his palace; they know something about their origins; the king tells all women to come and offer food; boys only take food from their mother's hands; king Orders the eldest wife to be executed]: Lippert 1905, No. 7:237-238.

Sudan - East Africa. Darasa [the jealous husband began to live with his wife far from everyone else; a son is born, the husband is sure that he is; once he went with his son to a party; a local man gave the boy a mead to offer it father; he offered it to a stranger man who was a woman's lover when she lived with her husband in the forest; lovers have not been killed since then]: Jensen 1936, No. 33:523-524; anuak [a huge snake eats people; When he saw the pregnant woman, he was going to swallow her; she said that she was carrying what would kill her in her womb, the serpent abandoned its intention; he ate all the other snakes; the woman gave birth to a son; once he saw a fiery red mouth; mother told me everything; the young man made platforms and each had one or two spears that belonged to the inhabitants eaten; threw the first spears at the snake and ran; took spears from the platforms and threw them at pursuer; a snake pierced the latter's eyes with spears, he died; the young man cut his stomach, swallowed out; the last was the young man's father, he was all red, for he was in his guts and snakes would soon have spewed him; the young man refused the girls offered to him and went in search of a distant beauty; with him two dogs; took the form of a monkey; she was caught and the girl's father told her to carry firewood; leaving the village, the young man again took on a human form and fed her dogs; this was noticed by a girl, the sister of the leader's daughter; she spied on herself, met with the young man and gave birth to a boy; when the child is 4 years old, the leader called the men: let the boy would hit the monkey with his wand; he hit the monkey; the chief wanted to kill the monkey, but she became a young man, and the dogs became lions, chewed on the people; the young man recalled the lions, they turned into dogs again; the young man brought cattle and married the chief's daughter]: Evans Pritchard, Beaton 1940, No. 17:72-74.

Southern Europe. Puerto Ricans: Mason, Espinosa 1922, No. 59 [Juan Bobo, HB wants the princess to be pregnant every time; she follows him every time, sees him at sea a fish, asks to catch; HB tells his mare to throw the fish into the sea; a princess gives birth to a boy with an apple in her hand; the king tells him to gather men, let the boy give an apple to his father; HB tells his mother give him clothes, comes to the palace, the boy gives him an apple; the king puts the young in a boat, lets them into the sea; the boat begins to sink; HB tells his fish to bring them ashore, build a palace next to royal; the king recognizes the triumph of HB], 59a [HB complains to his mother that when he collects brushwood, the princesses laugh at it; eats their breakfast by the sea, feeds the fish; if he wishes, a bunch of brushwood goes home herself; only the younger princess continues to laugh, HB wants her to be pregnant with him; the king orders to gather men to point to the father; HB comes last, the child points to him; the king puts the young in a box, throws them into the sea; HB tells the fish to save them, create a palace richer than the royal one; the king comes to visit, HB puts gold dishes in his bag; looking for a thief, the dishes are found in the king's womb; HB explains that the child is also in the princess's womb; the king learns that the owner of the palace is HB; the wedding, HB becomes king], 59b [The fool complains to his mother that three the princesses laugh at him when he collects firewood; feeds the fish on the shore; the Maimón fish fulfills his wish for a bunch of brushwood to go by itself; only the youngest sister, Julia, continues to laugh; The fool tells her to become pregnant by the will of the Maimon fish; the king gathers men to identify his father; the fool comes last, the boy calls him father; the fool is made a prince, married to Yu, they and the child are thrown in a box in sea; the fool tells the Maimon fish to take them ashore, create a palace, put gold dishes on the king when he comes to visit; explains to the king that this is how the child was in Yu's womb; the king recognizes his daughter, son-in-law and grandson, gives the Fool the crown]: 8-10, 10-11, 11-14; Spaniards (Extremadura) [Maria de Ornero has a loafer and lazy son, Juan lazy; he was hardly persuaded to go for firewood; the fish on the shore asks to throw it into the water, X. reluctantly does so; for this, the fish promises to fulfill all his wishes; he asks that he not carry firewood, but his firewood; the king sees this from the palace; H. remembered that the king had a daughter, wished her to become pregnant with him and that a boy would be born holding a letter addressed to him; when the child was born, all the men were summoned; H. was the last to come; the letter was addressed to him; the king expelled his daughter, she began to live in Juan's mother's house, cries all the time; Maria asks her son to comfort the poor thing; he tells the fish to create a palace, princess is happy; for christening called the king; H. asks the fish to have a golden pear in the king's pocket; after the feast, H. announced that there was not enough golden pear; it was found in the king's possession; H. told everything; the wedding; H. and the princess are happy]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 675:689-691; Portuguese [lazy guy sent for firewood; caught a fish; she asks her to let go, for which all his wishes will come true; he tries: she saws herself , a woodpile of firewood brings him home; when the princess laughed at him, he wished her to become pregnant; she gave birth to a son, the boy identifies his father from a crowd of men who come; they are imprisoned together ( they throw them into the sea in a barrel; they expel); they create a palace next to the royal palace, a golden tree in the garden; the guy tells a magic table to appear; asks for wealth and beauty; invites the king to guests, mocks him; golden fruit falls into the king's pocket, the king is accused of stealing; the guy or princess shows that they are as innocent as the king, who did not intend to steal]: Cardigos 2006, No. 675:152; Catalans [a good witch helps a guy: all his wishes will come true; he orders that firewood be taken home; seeing this, the princess laughs; the witch gives the guy rose: let him blow on her and wish the princess to become pregnant with him; no one knows who the princess has a son from; the king tells all men to get together, the boy points to the father; the guy marries princess]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 675:134-135; Basques: Barandiarán, Navarra, p. 63-65 in Camarena, Chevalier 1995:691; Sicilians: Calvino 1980, No. 167 (near Palermo) [count keeps her sister locked up; she quietly made a hole in the wall and ended up in the prince's palace; asks the lamp if he is sleeping, she replies yes; the Countess spends the night with the prince, does not answer the question where she returns before the prince wakes up; the prince consults with the courtiers; they suggest tying the girl's hair to the prince's hand; tie a necklace; put a basin of saffron water to throw it off the shirt is wet; the girl disappears every time; after 9 months she puts the baby in the prince's bed; he is advised to pretend that the baby is dead; whoever in church cries more, that woman - mother; the countess cries telling the whole story; her brother rushes to slaughter her, but the prince stops him; a wedding in the same church]: 600-603; Gonzenbach 2004b, No. 4 [the Duke's sister is so beautiful that he decides not to marry her; when she gives a beautiful dress to his wife, she gives the same to her sister; the king lives across the street; the sister asks her magic lamp whether he is sleeping or not; she replies that she is sleeping, she goes over the street, spends the night with him, leaves before dawn; so twice; the Duke advises to hide the dress of an unknown mistress; in the morning the king brings him a dress; the Duke's wife shows hers; the sister promises immediately bring, take the Duke from his wife; the sister gave birth to a boy, sent it to the king; the Duke advises the king to gather all the women and pretend to throw the baby into the fire; the mother will find herself; she screams, Duke wants to kill her, the king does not give it, takes the Duke's sister as his wife]: 13-15; Italians (Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Lazio, Campania, Abruzzo, Calabria): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 675:146-147; Italians: Basile 2018 (Naples) []: 69-79; D'Aronco 1953, No. 675 (Tuscany) [the fish promises the guy all his wishes come true; if he wishes, the princess becomes pregnant and gives birth to a boy; he points three times to who is his father; the first time the groom is rejected because of his poverty, the second because of his unknown origin; the third time a young man creates a palace; the fish gave the young man a magic lamp; his wife sells it, young man poor again and banished]: 86; Calvino 1980, No. 34 (Veneto) [a pregnant woman steals parsley from a witch's garden; she catches her and promises to take half of the child when he is 7 years old; when the deadline was over, the witch cut the boy lengthways; one half stayed with her, the other returned to his mother; the half grew up, began fishing, caught an eel; he asked him to let him go, for which he sent him a full net of fish; half of him caught him again and let him go, the eel made all his wishes come true; the princess saw the Half and laughed; he wished her to conceive from him child; when she gave birth, the witch doctor advised to gather all noble men in a year - the boy would name his father himself; no one was found; then the poor were gathered and the boy gave the apple to Half; after the wedding the young and their son were placed in a barrel and thrown into the sea; Half wants the barrel to be washed ashore, to have plenty of food, it would be whole, a palace will appear - all named after an eel; the former Half called to the feast of kings, warning not to take silver and gold apples; two apples are not enough, they ended up in the pockets of the former Half's father-in-law; he explains: how do you not know why the apples ended up in You and your daughter still didn't know why she got pregnant; everyone forgave each other, everything's fine; they're still alive if they didn't die]: 99-102.

Western Europe. The French: Belmont 2005:11-12 [a young man nicknamed Jean Bête catches an eel, he asks him to let it go, promises to fulfill his wishes; Zhd asks for a horse, drives past the princess, wants her to become pregnant with him (var.: in response to her ridicule); she gives birth to a boy, the king summons all the men of the kingdom to identify the father; the boy hands out a rose to the railway; the king marries him daughter, but puts both with the child in a barrel, throws them into the sea; the wife asks the railway to ask for intelligence; this is what happens; the railway asks for a palace richer than the royal one; at the reception, the king recognizes his daughter and son-in-law, admits railway superiority], 14 [(Dardy 1891:69); (the beginning and end are omitted in the paraphrase); the princess gives birth to a boy; the king gathers princes and princes to identify his father by giving him a golden apple; the boy does not give no one; same with merchants, with everyone else; Bernanoueille comes last, receives an apple from the boy; the king puts his daughter, B. and the child in a barrel, throws it into the sea]; Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 675 ( Upper Brittany, but there are many texts from mainland France) [his mother sent Jean the Fool to buy firewood; he saw an eel in the sand, caught it; he asked to let it into the water, for which he would sing any wishes; J. wanted him not to carry firewood, but firewood to him; they drive past the palace, J. sees the princess and wants her to be pregnant with it; the princess gave birth to a son; the fairy gave birth to a rose, let the boy give it to her father; of all the men, the boy chose J.; the king placed his daughter and child and J. in a barrel and let them go to sea; first J. asked the eel for food, then ordered them to be transferred to the palace next to the king's palace; J. became wiser; the king invited them to visit; all is well]: 584-587.

Western Asia. The Palestinians [being in a vacant lot at night, the sheikh's son went to bed under the protection of Allah, while the genies were celebrating their wedding, calling the owner of that wasteland; he replied that he had a guest whom he cannot take with him because he has uttered the sacred Name; one genie advised that the young man be taken to the princess's bedroom and then back; after a night of love, the young exchanged rings; when the princess gave birth, the sultan sent her to another city into exile; it was the town of that young man; when any man approached, the boy cried; when, while walking, the nanny brought the boy to his father, the boy laughed; the young got to know each other and lived happily ever after]: Hanauer 2009:188-190.

Melanesia. Arandai-bintuni: Miedema 1997, No. 18 [(see more coherent text No. 20.2); Inómsamhu had no mouth, anus, penis, ears; he cooked food and threw it into the river; Tomotóh&# women came 243; and Tómona, with them two little sons of Ibansibá; they saw food swimming, threw away the cold food, took it that was still warm; the women put a snake in the food for Inomsamhu, he was frightened, screamed, he had all the holes were cut; all the people gathered; only Ibansibá was found in the last Kampong, because both children, feeling their father, cried there; he takes the children, swims away], 25 [the girl's father is against for her to go beyond Tebruan; during the flood, T. made a boat, its wreckage is still visible on the mountain; people tried to climb into the sky but could not; T. threw a coconut into the river, hitting the girl in the thigh; she became pregnant, gave birth to a boy; he was crying; all the men gathered; when T. came up, the child stopped crying; T. gave his father a ransom; taking his wife and child, he left, took off his mutilated skin, burned it in the volcano, became clean; the wife did not believe it was her husband until he showed her the remains of the burnt skin], 20.2 [Iboori has wives Taumona and Taudho; Taumona retired to give birth to the forest, where Taudho; for more than a year, and wives they say that the son has not yet been born; Iboori hears the boy's voice, realizes that he is being deceived; becomes a bird, flies away; both women, taking the baby, go looking for him; find Inom, who was not bodily holes; he throws the cooked food into the river, when he came across warm tubers, women found Inom; they put a snake with food for him, it hit him, all holes were cut; working in the field, both the women prepared so much food that they called all the people together; their boy is constantly crying; Iboori came unnoticed; when he came to his son, he stopped crying; he took the boy, went with him in the boat; wives they followed the shore, he turned them into two different types of trees]: 46-47, 51-53, 58.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Khashi [the mighty chief is leaving for business; his wife Mahadei hears the sound of the flute at night; plays U Raitong; after the death of all his relatives, he becomes a dirty beggar, but wears new clothes at night , turns into a beautiful young man; M. goes to him at night, gives birth to a boy; the returning husband gathers men; whoever the boy takes a banana is the father; UR is the last to bring, the child takes a banana from him; he is sentenced to be burned alive; UR asks him to be allowed to make a fire himself and go get the flute; returns handsome, plays, grieving everyone, rushes into flames; M. ties low kauri to the kitten's paw to think she's still in the room; runs, rushes into the fire after UR; since then they play the flute at funerals and widows burn themselves]: Rafy 1920, No. 6:26-36; oriental rengma [Zosheto had a long penis, he wrapped it around his waist; copulated with a girl with his penis in a hole in the wall of the house; she gave birth to a son; gathered people, the baby crawled to Z. it is clear that he is a father]: Mills 1937:260-261; dafla (niches) [the ancestor of Abu Tain/Abotani (AT) people lives in heaven, he has several wives; not finding among them suitable to start life on earth, he decided to ruin the land; upon learning of this, Doriang-ne ("divine merciful lady") sent a bird to convince AT not to do so; told him that Changa-Garyang-Loyang-Tamang-Ne ("the most beautiful princess on earth", C.) is on the ground and weaves all the time; thanks to the bird, C. became pregnant with AT {exactly how is not said; in the version of Bora 1995, No. 9, the hero himself turns into a bird}; gave birth to a boy Atu-Niya; other contenders for her hand (Prince of the Forest, Prince of Earth, Prince of Snow, Creator of Everything) took up arms against AT; C. herself also does not know who she is pregnant with; several trials; most importantly: C. gave the boy a piece of meat to give to his father; he gave AT; divine Mrs. Doriang-ne advised AT to move to a safer place; AT, tying the faces of pets so as not to serve voices, went to earth in early spring until evil spirits woke up; but they found out, and AT himself also made mistakes, so evil spirits haunt people; but the goddess said that disasters are repulsive from using rituals; hereinafter referred to as the development and development of the land by people, details of the ritual]: Ramya 2013:6-7; (cf. Sichuan Tibetans [Srontszan-Gambo married a Tang princess and a Nepalese princess; a Tang woman gave birth, a Nepalese woman stole her son, passed her son off as her own; S. invited nobles from China and Nepal; the boy offered a bowl of wine to the Chinese, determining where his mother came from]: Potanin 1914, No. 1:394-395).

Burma - Indochina. Lao (the legend about the origin of the kings of Laos) [a person with a skin disease grew and sold peppers and apples; one apple tree constantly urinated, its secretions, along with its juices, rose a tree; the king's daughter ate an apple from this tree, became pregnant, gave birth; a year later the king called all the men; everyone brings sweets and fruits from whom the boy takes, that father; the boy does not want to take anything; that man brought only lumps of cold rice; the boy wrapped his neck around his neck and began to eat rice; the king throws his daughter, the boy and his father into the river; they swam out near the apple tree, the boy's father turned beautiful young man; boy received a gong from the gods and founded a dynasty]: Bastian 1866:354-355 (retelling in Ehrenreich 1905:94-95, Frobenius 1904:253-254, Eisenstädter 1912:72-73); Thais [Sên-pom, whose face and body are covered with warts (fleshy knobs) grew fruits for sale; the makhüa tree urinated, the fruits were especially tasty; the king's daughter sees the fruit in her dream, wants the same; the maid brings her fruit from the Saint-Poma tree, she eats it, becomes pregnant, gives birth to a boy; the father calls men from whom the child will take sweets, recognizes him as his son-in-law; the boy refuses everyone, takes simple rice from S. the king gives a daughter to S., expels the couple with the baby; Indra, in the guise of a monkey, gives a drum that fulfills three wishes; S. asks to make him handsome, give gold to the city; makes a cradle out of gold, son growing up, this is the founder of the ancient capital of Thailand Ayudhya]: Phya Anuman Rajadhon 1965:133-135 (=1968:151-153); sedang [parents let their lazy son Be in a boat along the river; the boat stops at fig trees, the fruits fall into his mouth; then a fish falls into his hand, the raven grabs, carries it away, drops it, the girl eats the fish, gives birth to a boy; the girl's father tells him to gather all the men; Be dragged by force, the child rushes to him; the father drives his daughter away with her husband and son; Be does nothing, then agrees to plow the dog and cat; the rocks burst with laughter, gold can be seen in them; Be puts his hands and rocks in there slam shut, Be dies]: Nikulin 1970a: 210-213; ahem [the ruler's daughter relieves herself of an orphan's barn, wipes her ass on the building, turns her bare ass towards the orphan; the orphan places her seed at the tip of the arrow, fires an arrow at the girl's genitals; she gives birth to a child; everyone knows that the boy is the son of an orphan; they decide whose egg the boy will take is his father; the boy takes a passerine egg, which an orphan put; an orphan brings his sparrow to cockfights; he soon turns into a rooster, then a pheasant, a dog, a buffalo gaura; the ruler had to give his daughter off as an orphan]: Lindell et al. 1978, No. 16:129-131.

South Asia. Gonda [sadhu stood on one toe for 12 years; Mahadeo asked what he wanted, he wanted a son; seeing the bumblebees copulating, the sadhu spewed the seed, placed it in the lotus, let it go through the water; Kamalapati Kaniya bathed, smelled the lotus, became pregnant; told the child to go out the same way as he entered; he was born through his nose; told him to carry it around the villages, finally saw his father by the lake, rushed to him; M. allowed the sadhu to take his son, let the girl go]: Elwin 1944, No. 1:360; (cf. Mahabharata, book 2 (Mhb.2.40) [Sischpala was born into the family of kings Chedi with three eyes and four arms, and immediately screamed and screamed; his parents wanted to leave him, but a voice told them that the son would be powerful and happy; whoever takes a child on his knees, so that two extra hands fall and the third eye disappears, will bring him death in due time; all kings come together, each takes the child on knees; when the queen put her son on Damodara's lap, her hands fell off, her eyes disappeared]: Kasyanov 1962:81).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Numphor [Mangundi planted a sugar palm; whoever steals the harvest; he began to guard, grabbed Sampari (Morning Star; gender not specified, but apparently male); he paid off by yielding fruit Alexandrian Lavra: if you throw a woman in her chest, she will give birth to a child; M. hid in a tree, threw it at one of the girls who were passing by, she gave birth to a boy Konori; no one knew who the child's father was, but he pointed out his father; his wife's relatives hate M., he and his wife decide to flee; M. drew a boat on the sand and it became real; when he came to Mator Island, M. drew a house and it appeared; later M. came to the north of the island, self-immolated and rose from the ashes young; one day K. will return and the dead will come to life]: Bezemer 1904:408-410.

Taiwan - Philippines. Agusan Manobo [7 sisters lived in the sky, went down to swim in the form of ducks; Juan was the last to hide his clothes; gave her his shirt, brought her into the house by his wife; her name was Maria; mother H. was rude to her; M. found under the roof of the flute was her clothes; after saying goodbye to her husband, she flew away; The boa tells X. to bring 70 eggs, sit on his back; carried H. across the sky, who must feed him eggs all the time; Hugh jumped into the sky, The boa constrictor fell and crashed; people answer H. that the chief's youngest daughter returned, gave birth, they were going to determine who the child's father is; the mother asks the boy to give the betel to who his father is; the boy sat on X. , gave him the betel; the chief says he will believe if H. finds where M. and her child are hidden at night; the firefly showed H. to bed M. (it's in the middle); the chief held a party]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 8:107-115; nabaloi [the girl rejected the young man; when she was swimming, he threw an orange into the river, her mother allowed her to eat it; girl gave birth to a boy; gathered all the men in a circle; a little boy went to his father; the boy's parents were married]: Moss 1924, No. 93:321; Tinghian [Aponibolinaen collected edible leaves climbing plant, it raised it to where Ini Init (Sun) lives; while he is away, A. cooks in his house; before sunset, I. leaves the star to shine, runs home, takes A. as his wife; A. cooks sticks, they turn into fish; A. asks I. to take it with him on his day journey; takes pillows and blankets to protect himself from the heat; turned oil from the heat, I. poured it into a bottle, threw it down; when people they unfold a mountain of pillows inside A.; she asks her mother Ebang to prick her little finger, from there a baby jumps out; E. tells the walnuts of the arek palm to call all the people to identify the child's father; who does not want to come, grow to his knee; I. refuses to come, his nut grows to his pig, I. agrees; the child rushed to his arms; people saw that the one carrying the child was a rolling stone; A. changed into rags, went with a stone; in her house in heaven, I. takes on her former appearance; sends nuts to bring people to marry; they do not want to, nuts force them; people are surprised that A.'s husband is not a stone; they receive golden nuts as a gift; I. pays a ransom for his wife to her parents]: Rybkin 1975, No. 34:72-81; payvan: Egli 1989, No. 80 [female leader Savan sends all men hunting, and The dull Ngapul tells him to stay "mowing the grass in the backyard"; lies down, exposing his genitals, becomes pregnant with N.; men decide to get together to find out who the father of the boy born is; S. gives the boy betel nut, tells me to give it to his father, he gives N.; men decide that N. is the cunning and strongest of them]: 229-232; Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 43 [Pułałałuyan went hunting, climbed a tree and I saw Tjukuthuku, fell in love; pulled out his hair, let it go down the wind, he entered Tj's vagina; 5 days later she gave birth to her son Kułełulełu; the whole village began to find out who made K. pregnant; when called P., the child said: Mom, this is my father; P. paid dowry, everything is fine]: 203.

The Balkans. Greeks: Hahn 1864 (1), No. 8 (Epirus) [a childless woman asks God to give her at least half of the child; the half asks her mother for an ax and a mule, brings firewood from the forest; the princess saw him, called him the maid, they began to laugh; the half threw his ax and rope, left; saw a fish in the lake, caught it, she asked her to let it go - she would teach her how to make any wishes come true; "At God's first word, and for the second fish, let the mule be loaded with firewood!" The mule is loaded; a half brought him to the palace, the princess laughed again-a mule with firewood without an ax or rope; half wants the princess to be pregnant; she gave birth, and when the boy started walking, the king gathered all the men and told the boy to give an apple to his father; the apple rolled to the Half, the boy called him dad and gave the apple; the king wanted to kill his daughter, child and Half, but The courtiers advised them to put them in an iron barrel and throw them into the sea, putting figs for the child; the princess asks the Half if he answers or does something only after she gives he has a fig tree; tells the barrel to stick to the shore and open, a rain canopy appears; a palace with everything inside; the king saw the palace, sent servants to fry hazel grouse there; the doors ask each other if it is possible let those who come in, let them in; objects respond; the servants are so amazed that the hazel grouse burned down; the king sent others - the same; came by himself; Half asks for a fig again and, when he receives, creates luxurious food; the princess asks him to cast another spell: let one spoon be behind the head of the royal boot; asks all the dishes if everything is here; when she asks for spoons, one answers from the boot; king: someone put it, it's not fair; princess: you also did wrong to me; Half tells me everything; they move in with the king, Half becomes a bodyguard and gets married the most beautiful slave]: 45-53; Paton 1901, No. 18 [a poor widow gives her son an ash cake; in the forest he shares it with a wanderer; this is Christ himself, he gives the young man the gift of fulfilling his desires; on the way out of the forest the young man does not want him to carry firewood, but they do; the princess laughs when he sees him, he wants her to become pregnant; the king summons all the men so that the boy born can identify his father; the young man comes Last, the boy throws an apple at him; the king puts his daughter, child and boy in a box, throws it into the sea; the young man tells the box to dock on a deserted island in front of the king's palace, creates a palace with servants; the king comes to visit, the young man creates a bridge for his return; at the feast, the young man puts gold dishes on the king; says that just as the king did not touch her, he himself did not touch his daughter, but was with her thrown into the sea; the king admits he is wrong]: 197-200; Bulgarians [a young lazy woodcutter gets a wonderful ability from the fish: whatever he wants is done by itself; the firewood is cut down by itself, are to his house; the princess laughs at him, he wants her to become pregnant with him; when the boy born grows up a little, the princess tells him to throw an apple at his father; he throws it at the lumberjack; the king tells everyone let three people go into the sea in a barrel; the hero tells her to land, creates a palace; the king visits it; the hero tells the golden bowl, the spoon, to be in the king's pocket; says that as the king does not know why he has it turned out to be a bowl, and the princess did not know the reason for the pregnancy; the king forgives the young, they all return to his palace together]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 675:234; Romanians [princess gets pregnant and does not say from whom; the king promises to give it to whoever the boy born hits with a stick; he hits a simple guy; the king puts his daughter and this man on a ship and sends her to sea; they they stick, make a hut; the husband releases the barbel fish, which gives scales that fulfill wishes; they ask for food, drink, a palace, golden and silver bridges to the royal palace; the king, along with the army, appears visit the bridge, but the daughter does not recognize; she quietly throws a golden chicken into his bag; her servants find her and accuse the king of stealing; king: I don't know who did it; daughter: I don't know who I am either got pregnant; everyone goes back to the palace, wedding]: Bîrlea 1966:448-449.

Central Europe. Poles [a fool sees a fish on the shore, lets it into the water, for which it promises to fulfill all his wishes; he wants the cart to move by himself without horses; the princess laughs at him, he wants it get pregnant; her son points to him as a father; the king puts his daughter, boy and their child in a barrel, lets them go to sea, or drives them into the mountains; the guy tells the castle to appear; helps the king in war]: Krzy żanowski 1962, № 675:210-211; Russians (place of recording is not specified) [the poor man caught a pike; she asks to let it go, promises to fulfill any wishes; on Easter, the princess gave everyone she met alms, but went around the man; he wanted her to become pregnant and give birth to a son; the king ordered the boy to be carried to all homes to point to his father; he held out his hands to the poor man; the king married him with as a daughter, put them all in a barrel, let them go to sea; the man first wants the barrel to be washed ashore, then for a palace and a garden to appear; the son grew up, went far away to look for a bride, won rival, married the queen, invited kings to visit his parents; the king, his mother's father, also came; when the guests left, they were searched because the duck was missing; that ex-man orders by pike's command, a duck was under the king's hollow; the daughter told everything: her father was not guilty, but she was innocent then; everything is fine]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 167:411-414.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians [Chakucha lives with his stepmother, she bullies him, he leaves; sees a black snake fighting a red snake, chasing her, she hides in a jug; C. replies black that it is red is gone; the red one gives him a scale that fulfills his wishes; in the village of C. wants a beautiful woman to have a son, called him father; the beauty's father expels his daughter and newborn, they follow C.; C. wants a garden, a field, a palace with servants appeared, prospers with his wife]: Chikovani 1954:96-98; Turks: Boratav 1990, No. 3 [the widow's son is idle and stubborn; other young men left him in the forest; the green snake wants to bite him; he tells her he doesn't care; then the snake gives him the ability to immediately receive whatever he wants in her name; he asks for food first, then for the padishah's daughter from him became pregnant, then returned home immediately; when the princess gave birth, the padishah imprisoned her waiting for the boy to grow up and indicate who his father was; 7 years later, all the men were gathered, the last to be brought lazy, the boy called him father; the padishah kicked out his daughter and her son, who began to live with a lazy man; persuaded him to ask him to create a palace; wearing a man's dress, invited the padishah; when he left, according to the word the green snake in his clothes was covered with a golden bowl; his daughter opened: you also don't understand where you got this lid, just as I didn't understand why I got pregnant; princess wedding with a lazy man]: 27-31 (= Stebleva 1986, No. 18:54); Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 69 [the poor man regretted the fish; it promises to fulfill all his wishes; he wants the princess to become pregnant; a boy is born; all men are told to get together let the boy throw the ball at his father; he throw it at that poor man; they are expelled; the poor man tells the palace to appear; the padishah comes to visit; the owner tells him to have a valuable item in his pocket, as if kidnapped; princess: you also don't understand where you got this thing from as I didn't understand why I was pregnant]: 76-77; Dmitriev 1967, No. 63 []: 340-344.

Iran - Central Asia. Bartangans [the old woman's grandson grew up but can't do anything; his grandmother sent him to the mill with a bag of grain; he does not know how to grind grain; at sunset, a black snake crawled into his bag, he is his tied; another black snake, larger, asks where the first one went, threatens to bite; the guy killed her; the first came out of a snake's face, turned out to be a peri chased by a diva in love with her; the guy refuses the award and does not want to go to Peri's house; then she teaches him to say "In the name of the Tsar White Dragon (the name of the mazar in Basida), let this happen"; the guy decided to try: grinded grain, cut down the forest, told the firewood to go to the house by itself; when he saw the princess in the window of the royal castle, he first ordered her to grow horns, and then that the horns should disappear, but she became pregnant; the princess gave birth; the viziers They advise to gather the people: the boy will find the father; the boy sat on the knees of the old woman's son; both he and the princess claim that they did not meet, the old woman's son talks about the spell; but the king ordered the daughter to be imprisoned, the boy and the child in the chest and leave them in the steppe; the old grandson opens the chest with his spell; tells the old man he meets to marry them; tells the palace to appear and that on opposite sides of him 4 different times of the year; the king came, met his daughter, returned and sent an army against his son-in-law; his son-in-law covered him with snow, the king and vizier remained; the king was frightened and left that steppe; the old woman's grandson and wife reached happiness]: Sokolova 1960, No. 1:14-20.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians {the child's motive for identifying his father is not mentioned, but most likely there is - the retelling is as brief as possible} [a fish or mermaid promises to fulfill any wishes of the young man; he tells the ax himself cut wood, etc.; the princess laughs at him and he tells her to get pregnant; she gives birth to a son, the boy points to his father; the young are punished; the young man creates a palace next to the royal; invites king and humiliates him]: Hodne 1984, No. 675:149; Swedes [the fish makes every young man's wishes come true; he rides in a trough, the princess sees it, laughs, the young man tells her becomes pregnant; young people are thrown into the sea, but the young man creates a castle next to the royal one]: Liungman 1961, No. 675:191; Danes [Lars is lazy; reluctantly agreed to bring a bucket of water to his mother; he fell into the bucket fish; asked her to let go - would fulfill three wishes; first: bring him home and a bucket; flew in on the washing board; then came to the castle; the princess began to laugh at the lazy L.; he wished that she became pregnant; when she gave birth, the king told all men to gather so that the boy would choose his father and give him a golden apple; L. was the last to be found; the king expelled his daughter from his state, the child and L. could take it with them; they sat on the washing board and flew; the princess advised me to wish as many wishes to come true as she has pebbles in her apron; they wanted a lock and everything he is supposed to; they invited the king; they wanted silverware to be in his pocket; princess: I still don't know how I ended up with the child; but I love Lars and don't want anyone else; when the courtiers As they left, the princess and L. wanted them to grow long noses; they stumbled and broke their legs]: Grundtvig 1878:114-124; Western Sami [young hunter sees a cat the size of a bear fights a mountain troll; everyone asks him for help; the young man shot and killed the cat; the troll put it in his pocket, carried it to his father's home; as a reward, he offers two boxes: gold and speckled; the son of the troll tells you to take the specked one; takes the young man back to his countries; one day the young man went to buy firewood, dragging firewood; opened the box; the voice asks what he needs; he asked for an ox, he dragged a sleigh with firewood and a young man; he met: something he left; the same princess; the young man tells the spirit to make the princess pregnant with him; she gave birth to a son; the king called all the men, the boy did not smile at anyone; when the young man arrived, the boy immediately laughed; the king ordered the daughter and child and the young man to be placed in two compartments inside the barrel and thrown into the water; the young man told the spirit to turn his part of the barrel into a room where enough food; the same goes for part of the princess when she promises to be a young man's wife; the barrel is thrown onto land; the royal castle is on the other side of the fjord; the young man tells his house to be moved here and become better royal; it turns out that the king recognized his son-in-law, the wedding; but the young man went to the sea, his box disappeared somewhere, and a mermaid appeared at this place; she demanded him as her husband; carried him to her castle; but the young man saw his box on the table, opened it and carried himself back; the king moved to his son-in-law, everything is fine]: Kohl-Larsen 1982:39-47; Latvians ["By pike's command." The third son spares the fish caught in a bucket of water, and she promises to help him. "By pike's command", buckets of water come, sledges with firewood arrive. The princess gives birth to a child at the behest of her son. To find his father, the king summons all the men of the kingdom: whoever of them the boy gives the apple will be his father. The boy gives the apple to his third son. By order of the king, the son, the princess and the child are put in a barrel and thrown into the sea. The son tells the barrel to arrive at the shore, if he wishes. A golden palace appears, from which there is a bridge to the royal palace. The king forgives the punished, everyone returns home]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 675:310.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [father, mother, older brothers dream of an abundance of sheep; the younger bald man sees the moon in his legs, the sun in his heads, lightning on his chest; his father drives him away; the old man invites him to herd herds, Bald tames a red stallion, defeats three devas; during battle, the latter's wife gives Bald strong water, her husband weak, sprinkles gunpowder under her husband's feet, ash under Bald's feet; dying, dev teaches him to release his full brothers, Bald's parents, to restore his father's sight; the old man teaches Bald to turn into birds; the king asks to bring a forgotten sword in three days; Bald flies after her like a bird; the girl takes a pen from every bird he turns into; gives a comb bridge, a bandage, a water source bandage, an all-seeing mirror; with the help of magic, Bald defeats Ai-Khan's army; the princess commands a three-year-old daughter to identify her father; she points to Pleshivy; he demonstrates his art; Ay-Khan marries his daughter to Pleshivy; one wife scrapes his heels, the other head, the daughter rolls on his chest; he laughs, talks about a dream come true; Bald will inherit both thrones]: Barag 1988, No. 49:345-360.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Tobyktai leaves for three months; if his wife does not give birth to a child during this time, he will take another one; she makes a boy figure out of the dough, he comes to life, his name is Nanbergen (nan - "bread"); T. gathers all women whose apple is taken by N., his mother; he takes it from his mother's hands; grows up as a hero; goes to the Shurkandy Mountains, where Temir Batyr and Su-Batyr ("iron", "water") live; they named him Nan Batyr; friends take turns cooking; the old man is an inch tall, with a seven-inch beard beards, eats up the cook; N. tied him by the beard to a birch tree; he uprooted it, went into a crack in the ground; N. descended on an arcana, cut down bearded men, released the prisoners and the girl; she was picked up first, the lasso was cut off, N. fell, the doctor cured him; he went to the ground, killed T. and S., married the freed girl]: Tursunov 1983:93-98.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Baraba Tatars [the old man has three sons, the youngest is a fool; his father tells him not to lie around all day, but to go fishing in the ice-hole; he caught a chetak (Siberian roach, Rutilus rutilus lacustris) with with golden fins; he asked him to let him go: he would fulfill any wishes; the older brothers went to the khan for a feast; the youngest got into a sleigh without a horse, told them to lead him "by God's command, thanks to his tail chebak"; told the haystack to jump on the sleigh, sat on the hay himself; the khan's daughter looked out the window, the fool told her to get pregnant with him; she gave birth to a boy; two years later, the khan gathered all the men, told the boy bring a bowl of food to his father; he replied that his father was not here; then they brought a fool, the boy called him father; his entourage advised the khan not to kill his daughter, but to put him with the fool and the child in a box and let it go to sea; a fool ordered the box to be washed ashore and split; a fool ordered a palace to appear; they began to live luxuriously]: Radloff (?) in Frobenius 1904:242-245.

Japan. Harima -Fudoki [goddess Michinushihime gave birth to a son without a husband; in seven days she grew rice, called gods, told her son to wear sake; he approached the god Amenomachitotsu; he is the father] : Popov 1969:101; Yamashiro fudoki [Tamayori-hime picked up an arrow floating along the river, took her to bed, gave birth to a son; her father Komotaketsunomi-no mikoto called the gods; boy went up to heaven with a cup of sake and offered it to god Ikatsuchi]: Kojiki 1994, approx. 237 (E.M. Pinus): 187-188; Nevsky 1935 [Of the legends of this type, I think, is the most approaching To the above legend, Tsou (see motif A26), an ancient Japanese myth about one of the gods of thunder, Wakeikazugi, honored at Kamo Temple in St. Kyoto. This myth is found in various forms in Kamo-engi, Kamo-kyūki, Uama-Shiro-fudoki and other ancient books. Here is a version of the first book mentioned above, as quoted by the famous kokugakusha, Ban Nobutomo, in his work Sami no Ogawa, specifically devoted to exploring this myth: "At Kamo-engi it says: The temple of the great god Kamo. Kamo refers to Lord Kamo no Taketsunumi, the god who deigned to descend from heaven to Mount Takachiho in So, Himuka Province... Lord Kamo no Taketsunumi married the divine Igakoyahime from Kamina, Tamba Province, and gave birth to children named Tamayorihiko and Tamayorihime. (note 4: Tamayorihime is a shaman priestess, "a spirit-obsessed girl; a kamo in the northern provinces of Japan is a penis); When Tamayorihime was walking on the river, where you can see the rapids of a rocky river, she sailed down from the upper reaches of the river, the arrow is red. Taking it, she put it near her bed and, under the influence of her pregnancy, gave birth to a son. When he grew up, his grandfather, Lord Takepunumi, built an eight-fathom house, locked eight doors, and, after making wine that had been brewed eight times [option: after making eight jugs of wine], gathered the gods together and I had fun seven days, seven nights. And so, turning to the child, he said: "Whoever you think is a father, drink this wine!" Then he picked up a cup of wine and, turning to the sky, honored him, and breaking through the horse at home, rose to the sky. So, borrowing his grandfather's name, they called him Lord Kamo no Wakeikazuchi..."]: 71-72.

SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks [Yinyeanyt leaves his bag on the ground; finds deer bone marrow on it, eats it, gives birth to a boy; when reindeer people arrive, her father is the Big Raven ( Kikkiniaku) tells the boy to point his finger at his father; but he does not point at anyone; later the Earth Worker comes, confesses his paternity, marries J.; she falls ill; he visits the Overseer, the father Cloud man; learns that he should have sacrificed a double-headed deer from his father's herd; brings, his wife recovers]: Jochelson 1908, No. 111:299-302.

Subarctic. Beaver: Goddard 1916:237-240 [baby scream; old woman finds him among hairs scraped off bison skin; boy Agaitosdunne can turn into a bison; kills buffalo ; the chief's daughter says she doesn't like his eyes; he pees where she is, she becomes pregnant; the chief promises to recognize as a father the one who has a baby in his arms; Grandma A. takes the baby, he urinates; the chief tells her to leave her daughter and A. alone; the grandmother hides the fire for them in a pillow of tendons; A. magically catches animals; people are starving; they come back; A. tells them not to shoot the first moose; the owl shoots; she is beaten , since then, the owl has a big head], 243-244 [A. makes the chief's daughter pregnant (not a decree, how); the chief keeps two thunderbird chicks in a cage; tells everyone to enter the cage; when A. enters, chicks they raise feathers; the leader leaves daughter and A. alone; A. catches animals, people are starving; they come back].

NW Coast. Tlingits [a good-kind girl dreams that she is married; she gives birth to a boy; her father summons all the men first, then all the tree spirits; the baby crawls past noble spirits, climbs on poor old Fir's knees; girl goes beyond the Fir]: Swanton 1909, No. 78:238-239; chickpea [Drake's two daughters ask Nork to give them the resin he chews; this is his sperm; older sister becomes pregnant; her father summons men; a boy born rejects the chief Wren, Woodpecker, Red-headed Woodpecker, Osprey, Bear, Moose; Mink is a slave, a child waves his hands to him; Minka marries both sisters ; they sail in a boat; he dives for caviar; wives see that instead of caviar, he pulls hemorrhoids out of his anus; leave him on an island; there are many minks there since then]: Boas 1895, No. XIII.4 [short version ( first half only)]: 108; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 19:81-85.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [at night, the chief's daughter hunts porcupines; strips naked, pulling them out of their burrows; an orphan watches her, pushes her down the hole; her father summons men so that her daughter knows who she owes get married; rejects false applicants from noble families; recognizes an orphan by touching his hands; an orphan turns out to be an excellent hunter; kills monstrous grizzlies and lynx; dies in a duel with a lynx]: Jenness 1934, No. 2:114-125; shuswap [girl rejects grooms, comes to her grandmother; grooms compete on the run; Lynx lets her urine through the roof, thus becoming pregnant with the girl; grandmother collects men find out whose arrows the boy will choose; Lynx comes last, the boy takes his arrows; rivals hit Lynx, everyone leaves the young family in anger; kind people leave some dried fish for them; the boy grows up to be a hunter, people are starving at this time; his mother gives fat to the Raven, she feeds her children, they scream loudly; people find out the truth, return to the village; the good find their homes full fat; the Coyote's house is full of excrement]: Teit 1909a, No. 7:36-40; Thompson [two sisters go to their grandmother Wild Sheep; the youngest gets pregnant with Coyote on the way, stays with him; the eldest rejects suitors ; Lynx makes a hole in the roof, spits on the girl's navel; she gives birth to a son with him; the grandmother gathers men to find out whose arrows the boy will choose; Lynx comes last, the boy takes his arrows; rivals beat Lynx, everyone leaves a young family in anger; some kind people leave some dried fish for them; the boy grows up to be a hunter, pays handsomely for good with venison]: Teit 1898, No. 7:37-38; lillouette [ A fat orphan makes the chief's daughter pregnant by spitting through a hole in the roof of her house; her father calls men; the boy chooses Fat Dog's bow; everyone despises the young family; the Fat man becomes best hunter]: Teit 1912b, No. 23:327-328; comox [without details; Mink is recognized as the boy's father]: Boas 1916, No. 5:585; clallam [2 var.; rich man's daughter gives birth to a boy; parents call men; the baby passes by the richly dressed, crawls to Kekayash 'u, who appears in the guise of a poor old man]: Gunther 1925:142-143, 145; skagit [Norka sees the leader's daughter on the other side of the river, sends her long penis; girl's father calls men; boy points his finger at Norka; Norke is given a wife accompanied by her two slaves]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 14:393-394; snohomish [Wild Cat covered ulcers; the chief's daughter becomes pregnant with her saliva; Norka wants to be recognized as a father, but the child continues to cry in front of him; calms down when the Wild Cat is called; the chief tells him to leave the young family; the crow hides there is coal under the sink for them; Wild Cat builds a steam room; comes out as a handsome young man; his wife looks at him ahead of time, an ulcer remains on his forehead; makes new people out of garbage in an abandoned camp]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 23:414-416; cowitz [people having fun in the chief's house; an ugly Wild Cat climbs onto the roof, spits in the mouth of the chief's daughter; then gives birth to a boy; the Raven girl's grandmother says the baby will stop cry when he sees the father; Coyote tries to hold the baby's mouth, exposed; The cat comes; the chief tells the young to be abandoned alone; The crow hides fire and food for her; The cat spends four days in the steam room, does handsome; Raven tells her fellow tribesmen that her grandson has plenty of food; people are coming back, chief is happy]: Adamson 1934:193-195; clackamas [snotty teenager Warm Wind touches the grass with his penis; the chief's daughter weaves a basket out of it; gives birth to a son; her father recognizes as her son-in-law the one whose firewood will burn for five days; whose bow the boy will take; Blue Jay cannot prove paternity, the boy chooses Warm Winds; he turns handsome in the morning, his snot into beads; in winter he is the only one who has a lot of provisions, he is chosen as chief; the steam from his steam room turns into spring clouds]: Jacobs 1958, No. 23:188-193; tillamook [the girl goes to look for her husband; rejects various animals, gives herself to the hero, because he, unlike others, does not ask how to copulate with her; returns home, gives birth to a son, promises to go out for the one who breaks the moose horn; her son cries; promises to marry the one who will silence him; all the male animals he meets along the way come, saying that the child is theirs; only the hero breaks his horn, calms the child]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 25:90-92; Okanagon [the young man is looking for a personal manita, dips spruce branches in the lake, the drops from them turn into dentalia beads; notices that his two youngest sisters spy, advise parents to leave, taking property, extinguishing the fire; girls find an empty camp, a dog digs the ground by a stone; under the stone, a passage to the lower world, people can be seen descending; brother agrees to take the sisters if they close their eyes; they open their eyes three times, each time they find themselves on the ground again; the brother advises them to go to their grandmother, not to touch unfamiliar food on the way; by the Chaika River ford points out, smeared the old deer skin with blood from the nose makes it seem new; offers fat, the younger sister tries, gets pregnant, gives birth to a son on the way, goes to the Seagull; Lynx sends the Rabbit to give the eldest a piece of fat; she cautiously does not eat it; The rabbit lies under a log, sees the girl's genitals, she hits him with a stick, Lynx asks why the Rabbit covers his bloody nose; the grandmother hides her granddaughter from men villages, Lynx urinates through the roof, splashes fall into the girl's mouth, she gives birth to a son; the grandmother gathers men for a party, everyone passes the child to each other, the Owl takes him away; the young man grows up, finds him, runs away with with them on a log across the river, telling woodworms to sharpen the log; the owl stalker falls into the water, crayfish drown it; the young man swims in the lake, turns into a loon]: Hill-Tout 1911:154-158; kordalen: Reichard 1947, No. 9a [Lynx secretly looked at the chief's daughter, thought she would get pregnant; The Raven, the Coyote, says that this is their grandson, but the baby is still crying; the name is Lynx, his baby calms down in his arms; he gives the baby to his mother; the others trample the Lynx, drive it into the ground; the Chief tells her to leave his daughter alone; the Rabbit and the Magpie secretly leave her food and blanket; the Lynx comes to life, the wife says he is already good; The lynx gets a lot of meat, the leader's men are starving; the Coyote, the Raven come trying to steal fat, the Lynx's wife hits them; gives meat to the Magpie, the Rabbit; they bring food to the children, everyone hears them chewing; the raven brings a piece of fat; everyone goes with gifts to Lynx's wife; Lynx says Blue Jay's blue cape is missing; they bring it; everyone gets meat, Coyote gets bones; Lynx leads everyone to hunt, Coyote also caught two deer] 9b [The Eagle Chief's daughter gave birth to a Lynx; the Coyote says that the child is from his son; the chief invites everyone to hold the baby in their arms, whoever stops crying is the father; Lynx is reluctant to come last, the child stops crying, he gives it to his mother; the Eagle tells everyone to jump on the Lynx, driving it into the ground; the Raven and the Coyote jump first, the Grizzly the heaviest; the Eagle tells them to migrate, leaving their daughter alone; The lynx is reborn, his wife rushes to him before his face is smooth, so the lynx is ugly; the Lynx gets a lot of meat, and the Eagle's people are starving; the Rabbit and Magpie gently stepped on the Lynx, so got a deer; at home their children eat meat, make noise; Eagle's messengers think they are eating moss; the Raven stole fat, choked, shared other fat; the Raven and the Coyote come to the Lynx, his wife beats them; all they pay a ransom; Lynx's wife says she won't make peace until the Blue Jay necklace is gone; he gives the necklace, the Eagle's people come back and get meat, but Coyote and Raven are just bones and heads]: 109-113, 113-115; sanpual [an ugly Wild Cat spat in the mouth of the leader's daughter; she gave birth to a boy; the chief calls men; the Coyote, the Bear, etc. are unable to calm the baby; he falls silent in the Cat's arms; the chief tells leave a young family with everything with him; Cat Magpie's grandfather secretly hides coal for them; the cat spends five days in the steam room, becoming rich and handsome; his wife looks at him prematurely, his face remains wrinkled; Magpie arrives, woman gives him meat; when Raven arrives (=chief?) , she hits him; his gut falls out, his children eat it]: Ray 1933, No. 5:138-142; clickitate [the chief's daughter rejects suitors; the ugly old Wild Cat climbs onto the roof of the house, spits on her mouth; she gives birth to a boy; the chief gathers men; the boy cries all the time, stops when the Wild Cat takes him in his arms; the chief is insulted, tells everyone to migrate; the Wild Cat spends five days in the steam room, becomes rich handsome; the wife is happy; the Wild Cat kills many animals, and the leader's men are starving; The Vulture comes to the Wild Cat, he is fed, he tells the leader everything; the leader and his people returns to his daughter, everyone is now full]: Jacobs 1934, No. 13:27-30; ne perse [an ugly lynx boy urinates in the same place as the girl gets pregnant; men decide to recognize as father the one in their arms the boy will stop crying; the Coyote lets him suck his bone marrow, the Fox exposes the deception; the Lynx boy does not cry; the Coyote demands a new test: who will bring the game first; hides meat in advance; Lynx sends fog, Coyote loses its pantry; Lynx brings deer; men kill Lynx, leave his wife; she restores him from the bone; after the bath he becomes handsome]: Phinney 1934:483-485; coutene [where Vazhenka stops, Lynx leaves her four hairs; she becomes pregnant when urinating; gives birth to a boy; her grandmother Frog tells men to hold him in their arms; Coyote, Raven and others have a child cries; calms down in Lynx's arms; Lynx, Vazhenka and their son are left alone without fire; Lynx is a good hunter, Vazhenka gives birth to a second boy; people are starving; Vazhenka sends sons where they do the sun; the Raven tries to become the sun - it is dark and cold; the Coyote is too hot; he demands that people feed him, talks about everything he saw from above; one of the Lynx's sons becomes the sun, the other a month; Coyote is jealous of them, shoots in the sun, but his arrow burns in flight, falls, sets fire to the grass]: Boas 1918:287.

The Midwest. Chippewa [the fish swallows the Transporter (the bird); he beats her heart, she belches him; the chief's daughter touches him, he runs away, she still has his belt; she is pregnant, gives birth to a boy; chief recognizes as his son-in-law the one the baby is writing to; this is the Transporter; he takes his wife and son overseas; tells her not to approach the water; she sees a man in the water, kidnapped; the Transporter asks eight Thunder for help, they carry the mountain with lightning, return the woman; the next time she was stolen by the Month; since then she can be seen on the moon disk]: Barnouw 1977, No. 40:155-157; Ojibwa [girl rejects suitors; with her song causes a thaw and thus prevented Malinovka and his grandmother Duck from fishing; the grandmother gives Malinovka the power to magically become pregnant with a virgin (exactly, not a decree.); during the test (not a decree, which one) It turns out that the father of the child born is Malinovka; he explains how it turned out, and the girl's parents agree to take him as their son-in-law; rivals try to destroy him, but he defeats them]: Jones 1916, No. 17:372; Western Swamp Cree (Stone Cree) [two brothers are married to two sisters; the eldest eats the youngest's two sons half-baked; makes her a slave herself; eats her and her husband, her brothers, other people; her mother manages to hide the cannibal's younger brother under the fir branches; his name is Mistakayawāsis ("big penis"); the cannibal regrets what she did, tells M. to cut off her little finger, in which her heart; M. cuts off, she dies; M. grows up quickly, comes to another camp to his grandmother; kills the cannibal wolf (goes at him with a small knife, when hit, the knife becomes huge); pees in the same place, where the girl is, she gets pregnant, gives birth; men agree to determine who the father is, the boy should write on it; No-thing-useless smears himself with saliva, as if he is wet, exposed; the boy pees on M. the woman does not want him, because he is small and fat; in the steam room M. becomes handsome, the woman marries him; grandfather M. and No-thing-worthless love him, migrate, leaving M., his wife and grandmother alone, giving they have only 12 beaver tongues; M. turns them into 12 beavers; the migrated are starving; M. brings dried meat, barely able to open the bundle; M. promises to bring the Caribou, he will be the leader himself, people should not shoot at him; No-thing-worthless pierces him with an arrow, his wife takes it out of his body, M. takes her form, comes to life; No-thing-worthless decides to repeat three; M. shoots, his wife pulls out an arrow, but Nothing at all turns into a Canadian jay (grey jay)]: Brightman 1989:117-123; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [girl finds a man inside a tree; he urinates where she is, she becomes pregnant; her father calls men; whoever has a child in his arms will be recognized as a father; Owl spits saliva, ridiculed; the child urinates in the man's arms; the father tells daughters marry him; after the steam room, he becomes handsome]: Ray, Stevens 1971:64-65; Eastern Cree (Ruperts House) [the chief's daughter rejects the suitors; they laugh at the young man because he is too young; he urinates in the same place as the girl, she becomes pregnant; her father promises to make the son-in-law the one in whose arms the baby describes himself; one of the applicants draws water into his mouth, is exposed; the child urinates in the father's arms; the chief tells him to leave the young family; the young man is a good hunter, and the people in the village are starving; they come back asking for meat]: Skinner 1911:104; Steppe Cree [Mujikivis is the eldest of ten brothers; someone cooks and cleans the house; M. finds a woman, her fifth brother marries her; M. tries to seduce her, she refuses; he wounds her with an arrow in the leg; she goes to live separately; tells her husband not come to her for four days; he comes before the deadline, she runs away, gives birth to a boy; he follows in her footsteps; four grandmothers (the last one is young) consistently give him advice and magic items to overcome obstacles; explain that his wife is the daughter of Thunder; he climbs a steep mountain to a nest in which Thunder eggs; crosses the river on a log that rises and falls; father-in-law tells men take his grandson in their arms; whoever he pees will reimburse his mother for his wife; M. (here he is one of the Thunder) takes water in his mouth, splashes it on his chest; everyone laughs; the child pees on the man's hands from the ground; a person notices a rusty stain on the water, paints his face; Thunders ask show them the source, they hit monsters (the Great Pumas); a man kills a porcupine that is dangerous for the Thunder; the Thunders bring him back to earth; the brothers at first do not believe he is back, they think that jays and crows They laugh at them; each brother marries one of the Thunder Sisters]: Skinner 1916, No. 3:353-361.

Northeast. Montagnier: Desbarats 1969 [Schiushuas urinates in the same place as the girl; she gives birth to a son with him; her father calls men; whoever has a child in his arms is the father; he turns out to be Sch. ; the girl's father tells her to leave her daughter, son-in-law and grandson alone, stripped naked; clothes fall from the sky for them; people follow in their footsteps, but the tracks become weaker and disappear]: 74-75; Savard 1979, No. 8 [young man hides in the snow; women walk over a tree; he sees the last one from below; comes up to her, threatens to tell others what he saw; she gives him embroidered clothes in exchange for his silence; becomes his wife; Owl Kukukueshis is jealous; calls the newlyweds to hunt, comes to his wife, says that a tree has fallen on her husband; the husband returns; when a child is born, K. brings him food - rat tails ; they are thrown away to dogs; people decide to recognize as the father of someone who has a child on his lap; K. draws snow in his mouth, spits it out, sees it all; the child has wet his real father's knees]: 35-37; naskapi [the little man lived in the ass of a caribou, fell out with manure; the girl picked him up, he was like a child to her; wrote in the same place as she was; she gave birth to a boy; her father gathered men; who in his arms the child will describe himself, that is his father; one old man did not care about his hands, exposed; the last is a man, the child peed himself at him; he explained that his brother had bewitched him to live in the caribou ass; in the steam room asked a woman what she wanted; for us to be the same height; she became just as small, lives with him in the back of a caribou]: Millman 1993:122-124.

The Great Plains. Assiniboine [an orphan young man magically fertilizes the chief's daughter; her father promises to make his son-in-law the one in whose arms the baby describes himself; after the test, the orphan takes a bath and goes out handsome]: Lowie 1909a, No. 1c, 1d [the deceiver takes water in his mouth, sprinkles on his clothes, is exposed; the baby urinates twice in the arms of a true father; the chief tells everyone to leave, tying his daughter, orphan and his grandmother to pole; the girl's dog frees them; the orphan becomes a prey hunter]: 135-137; grovantre [a mare gives birth to a boy; her owner calls men; the boy identifies his father among them; he admits him a son]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 36; santi [scraping her skin, the chief's daughter puts a whetstone next to her and becomes pregnant; her father promises a daughter to marry someone who has the baby in his arms; the Spider puts himself armpit is a water bubble; his trick is revealed, Spider banished]: Wallis 1923, No. 24:94-95; throw off pawnee [girl rejects suitors; while she urinates, Meteor sweeps across the sky; she gives birth to a baby; her parents announce that the boy must take his father's arrow; the old man smears his arrow with glue, the child's hand sticks to it; a meteor breaks into the house, the old man runs away; lives with his wife for a year; at this time, hunters they kill a lot of buffalo]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 89:307-308; wichita [the chief's five daughters reject suitors; walk along the path to get water; the man leaves his pipe head on it; older sister picks up, gets pregnant, gives birth to a son; when his father comes up, the boy stops crying, takes his bow and arrows (two conditions set by the girl's father to recognize the applicant as a son-in-law); Coyote cannot persuade the baby to stop crying; the chief promises a second daughter to marry the one who brings the red turkey; the Coyote paints the white turkey, is exposed; the hero brings the red, gets the second wife; the third is promised to the owner of the best military hat; the hero's hat glows, he marries his third sister; the youngest two are promised to the funniest dancer; the Coyote dances, the girls don't laugh; the Opossum dances, splits his penis because he will have two wives; girls laugh]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 24:172-174.

Southeast USA. Koasati [the little boy's father is unknown, everyone is gathered for him to choose his father; whoever arrow he takes is recognized as his father; the crane comes last, carries fish; the boy recognizes him as his father ; the rest are running away]: Swanton 1929, #41:198-199.

California. Serrano [two sisters go east, the eldest carries a vessel of water; does not give the youngest, she dies of thirst; the eldest gives birth to twins Tsatukotani (elder) and Paraconish; Bear, Wolf , Vulture, Eagle say they are fathers; the real father is the Sun; boys secretly come out of their cradles to hunt; their mother tells them about an eagle's nest on the rock; they rise up as fluffs and take two eagles; quarrel over who will take the bigger eagle; eagles die; the mother of the boys revives them; boys take reeds out of the sea; they make flutes; the youngest can be heard playing on the other side of the world; two daughters of the Vulture They go from there to this sound; on the road, the Coyote, the Hawk says they played; the older sister believes the younger one tells us to move on; the sisters spend the night with their brothers, leave in the morning; the brothers follow them soon; the mother knows they will die; the Vulture sends his son named Tsaikakat to find out who has come; the light from the bodies of the young men kills C.; the Vulture calls his warriors, the Hawk manages to kill the twins; them the bones are powdered, the long bones are used to play; the younger sister gives birth to a son Kveshomari; he also shines; she lies to her father that she gave birth to a girl; K. plays with her uncle, who says he did not kill his father and uncle; K. finds the bones of his father and uncle, cannot revive them; plays with Coyote; throws the dice, the earth splits, everyone but K.'s mother dies; with her he visits his grandmother; carries his mother across the sea, drowns] : Benedict 1926, No. 3:2-7).

The Great Southwest. Lipan: Opler 1940, No. 68b [girl sits on the ground; Opossum digs a passage under her, sends her penis; she gives birth to a boy; every man demands to recognize him as father; boy crawls to the Possum], 69 [Coyote sends his penis across the river to a girl; she gives birth to a son, he grows up; gives moccasins to Coyote in recognition by his father]: 187-189; Hopi (Oraibi): Malotki 1997, No. 3 [insatiable wife is not loves and despises her husband; he rushes into the abyss; the badger saves him, gives him a potion; now this man, named Kookopölö, satisfies his wife, then all other women; they give birth to children only from him; other men decide to find out who the girl gave birth to; K. becomes the last in the row, but the little girl takes only his flower; K. stays with her mother, leaves other mistresses]: 35-47; Titiev 1939:91-94 [=Slifer, Duffield 1993:127-128; same in Malotki 1997, No. 11:183-195, hero name Kookopölö]); girl rejects suitors; hunchback Kokopele lives at his grandmother's; digs a move to a place where a girl regularly sends natural necessities; puts her long penis out of the ground into her vagina; she gives birth to a boy; men decide to race, hoping that the child will reimburse flowers from the victor's hands; K. comes running last, but the boy takes flowers from him; the father tells his daughter to marry K.; he is a kachina, supplying plenty of food to the family and the whole village; sorcerers from Crap Kiva are jealous , call K. to himself, intending to kill; a spider woman gives him a potion; he showers sorcerers with them, they all go humpback, beat each other; soon die; K. and his wife come to live with his grandmother; they have many children]; Western Keres (Akoma) [two Dapopo brothers lived next to Masewi (the eldest of the twins, the gods of war); M.'s daughter refused both (like all other young men); the elder D. advised the youngest Dig a way to a place where the girl relieved herself every night; first the youngest, then the eldest D. hid there, became pregnant with the girl; she did not know what was going on, but she liked it, she kept coming to the same place; gave birth to twins from both D.; M. called all the men; D. come last, the twins take flowers only from their hands; D. come to live at the girl's house]: Titiev 1939:94-95 (=Slifer, Duffield 1993 : 129); Oriental Keres (Cochiti): Benedict 1931:31 [Sun; paternity remains unclear, the baby is thrown into a spring; the Sun educates him and sends him back], 58-59 [Cob Boy]; tiva : Parsons 1932c, No. 14 (Isleta) [a virgin gives birth to two boys; people tell them to be thrown into the spring; she throws only one; calls Wind, Sun, Month as potential fathers; men get together, the baby must identify the father; he crawls towards the sun; grows up, visits his father]: 398-400; 1940 (Taos), No. 17 [1) Blue Corn and Yellow Corn are daughters of Magpie's Tail; reject grooms; Blue gives birth to a boy; people converge to find out who the father is; the boy runs out to a place lit by the sun; everyone understands that the father is the Sun; the boy sings, the rain floods the ground; the offenders the boy's mother drowns; 2) two Apache girls reject the grooms; the bear turns into a young man, comes to them; each gives birth to a bear boy; their father calls men; the boys reject the Deer, Moose, Rabbit, Coyote, kneel to Bear; Bears and Apaches race, losers will be killed; Bear boys overtake Antelope boys], 18 [Blue Corn rejects grooms; Spider drops her seed into the water, a girl drinks it, gives birth to a boy; her father Tolacapzana calls men; a boy climbs to Spider's knees; other men laugh at a girl]: 56-58; teva: Espinosa 1936a, No. 41 (San Ildefonso) [The sun casts its ray on the baby, thus proving paternity]: 113; Parsons 1926, No. 31 (San Juan?) [1) girl rejects suitors; picks piñons nuts; unfamiliar young man throws one in her mouth; she comes back, her room is filled with nuts; she gives birth to a boy; her parents gather men; baby rejects everyone, crawls to where the sun's ray is; people do not understand, tell the mother to throw the baby away; she throws him into the spring; later she meets a young man who calls her mother; he rises to heaven to to her father; 2) the girl rejects the grooms, gets pregnant from the sun's ray; all men are summoned, but the baby rejects everyone's flowers; the leader tells the baby to be thrown into the water; the Sun picks him up; the young man comes to her mother, rises with her to the Sun]: 102-106; pima [an excellent mat maker rejects grooms; gets pregnant from a raindrop dropped by the Cloud; convenes all men; her sons- The twins must get to their father's knees; they reject everyone; the mother tells them that their father is the Cloud; they come to him; unharmed in the pouring rain; send lightning to imitate their father; recognized by them; when returning home, they stop on the sides of the road, avoiding meeting the Coyote; they turn into mesquite trees]: Russel 1908:239-240; papago [Acorn Eater - sister Older Brother; refuses Puma and Jaguar, Hawk and Eagle; brother advises her to marry Gopher; Gopher magically fertilizes her, she gives birth to twins; Coyote and other men claim paternity; their mother collects, but the children do not crawl to anyone; everyone parted, the Coyote stayed, said that he was the grandfather of the twins; they grew up, went to ruin the eagle's nest on the rock; the eldest turned into a snake, went to the middle, fell, died; the youngest revived him, became a ball of feathers, the wind lifted him to the nest, they came down with two eagles; brothers argue who to take the smaller chick, the eldest has to take the smaller one; it snowed, eagles froze, the brothers burned them, the mother revived them from the remaining fluff, told the youngest to take the smaller chick; the Coyote made himself a good bow, and the mother of her sons was in a hurry; became a deer to teach them hunt; mother tells me to bring bamboo from the lake; there is a lightning snake around the bamboo; the youngest managed to get there, the mother made flutes out of bamboo for her sons; in the east lived the Brown Vulture; his two daughters go to the sound of a flute; on the way Owl, Barn Owl, Hawk, another bird gives a voice to prove that they played but are rejected; the girls come to the brothers' mother; she feeds them, but does not let them into the house; the youngest broke his flute, after that the eldest also stopped playing; the sisters return to their father, the youngest is expecting a child; after the wives left, the brothers lost their luck; they came to their wives, the Hawk destroyed their strength and the father texted them killed and ate; promised to eat his youngest daughter's child if a boy was born; but he went blind, he was told that a girl was born; then he tries but cannot kill his grandson; the mother sends him to his grandmother; the young man stirred up bonfires, images of father and uncle appeared in front of them, but immediately began to fall apart; they said that his young man's grandfather killed them; the young man came to his mother; he was swallowed by a water monster, but he collected sharp stones in advance. cut the monster's womb, went out; the grandmother made four playing sticks out of that bamboo; the young man comes to his cannibal grandfather, bamboo falls on the old man's head, kills (var.: the bet is life, the young man wins); the young man brings his scalp to his grandmother, she dances; goes overseas; the young man comes to his mother and aunt; goes to his grandmother, mother and aunt after him; he made a bridge, when they are in the middle, he brought it down; they turned into birds walking on the sea beach; young man living with his grandmother]: Densmore 1929a: 54-79; (cf. diegeno-ipai: Dubois 1904 [two sisters go swimming, gopher swims after the youngest, she gets pregnant, gives birth to twins; Coyote, Canary claim paternity, woman chases them away; twins secretly the mother gets up from the cradle, slaughter the partridges; the mother turns into a stump, waits for them; they call her Mother Earth; they kill bigger game; the mother asks them to bring eagles; first they bring an owl, a vulture; the youngest climbs a rock, falls, breaks, his eldest comes to life; throws off the eagles, pacifying the snakes around the nest; the youngest gives the elder a black eagle, takes it for himself white; each sends a storm to another, both eagles die; the mother revives them; the elder gets a tree surrounded by water and predators, the mother makes flutes out of it; hearing the game, the girls from the north come west, south; brothers reject them; accept Vulture's two daughters from the east; when sisters sound the flute, Rattlesnake, Raccoon, Long-eared Owl pretend to be flutists, but they play bad; the mother of the twins tells them not to react to the girls, then they will leave; the mother asks the girls about the degree of kinship, they answer when she says, My daughters-in-law; the older brother does not give in to caresses; in the morning the sisters go home to their father; the older brother reluctantly agrees to the younger brother's request to follow them; the mother tries to keep them by sending hail, they deceive her, leaving herbal scarecrows; on the way The elder intends to drown the youngest and return, but he is on the alert; the brothers fly into their wives' house with shooting stars; the Coyote sent by Vulture, the Hawks, the Bear are afraid, the Vulture himself kills the brothers, his people eat them; the youngest's wife gives birth to a son, passes them off as a daughter; his mother's mother says his father was eaten; the grandfather is unable to kill him; he kills his mother's mother with an arrow, dancing with his father's bones; sees how people play ball with the heel bones of their father and uncle; in another game, everyone enters the split rock, the young man slams it, all the father's killers die; his grandfather, aunt, mother and uncle, who was to He is kind to him; he hears his father's voice, but he cannot revive him from his bones; he goes to his paternal grandmother; puts his bow as a bridge over the lake; when his mother enters, he removes the bridge, she drowns; he comes to his Blind grandmother, cleans his house, burns it; puts her on his back, flies north to the mountains; he lives there; he is Chaup (shooting star)]: 217-242; 1906 [the hero lets his mother burn alive; My aunt regrets that all relatives died]: 147-164.

(Wed. Guiana. Hebrew borrowing. Warrau {there are many European motives, and it is possible that the motive for identification is not Indian} [the god Ka-Nobo told poor calek-water carrier Joasoro that he would fulfill his wish; the leader's daughter passed by, threw mud at H.; he wanted her to become pregnant; the chief summons the men; the chief called the men, everyone had to ride by on horseback, the girl threw stones at them, but only hit X.; chief put both in a box, throws them into the river; the box turns into a ship; H. comes to the leader, shows more gold and silver than that; the leader voluntarily surrenders his post to him, H. becomes the leader]: Wilbert 1970, No. 179:395-399).

Eastern Amazon. Tupinamba [Maira Pochi shaman takes the form of a freak; gives fish to Chief Monan's daughter; after eating, she conceives a son; the chief tells everyone to bring their own bow to the child; he chooses the shaman's bow; the chief expels a daughter with her son and husband from the village]: Metraux 1932:168-169 (=1946e: 158).

The Central Andes. Uarochiri (dep. Lima) [see motive K17; Kahui Llaka rejects suitors; eats the fruit into which Cooney Raya Vira Kocha, taking the form of a bird, injected his seed; KL gathers male ancestors to find out who the father of her child; Kuniraya comes in the guise of a beggar; the boy crawls towards him; Cavillaca considers himself disgraced, runs to the sea; KR puts on his golden robe, runs after him, but she does not looks around; KL turns into a rock into the sea]: Salomon, Urioste 1991, ch. 2:46-50; chipaya [Battleship magically makes the chief's daughter pregnant; the Fox disputes his paternity; when the Fox approaches, the boy kept silent when Battleship, his son calls him father]: Metraux 1935b: 404-406.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [the young man urinates in the same place as the girl; she became pregnant and gave birth to a son; the shaman advises to call everyone in the village; the boy approaches his father]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 262:388; chiriguano [ Tšikere's daughter sits on the ground; Battleship (Tatu-tunpa) inserts her penis from below; the girl gives birth to a boy the next day; the baby cries; the woman's father calls men; the baby falls silent when The battleship takes him in his arms; Tšikere recognized the Battleship as his son-in-law]: Metraux 1932:167-169.

Southern Amazon. Vaura [son of the Bat makes the daughter of the Leguminosa tree pregnant while she is in a ritual hut; Kwamuti was born; the girl's father calls men; in the Bat tribe, everyone claims paternity; K. approaches a real father; a woman cries because his face is ugly; then see motive J12]: Schultz 1966:21-23; kalapalo [the daughter of Dyekuku and Arenggi trees has her first period; while she is In a ritual hut, Adyua-Kuegï (Fisherman Bat) magically fertilizes her; a Kwatingï boy is born; he cannot move until he sees and recognizes his father; all men they come with bows, everyone calls a boy; when he sees AK, he gets back on his feet; AK gives his wife's parents feather jewelry]: Basso 1987:9-21; trumay [the girl gets pregnant with the Bat, is ashamed confess who the child's father is; the boy has been running, archery since birth; men gather to shoot at the target; the Bat comes last; the child takes his bow and arrows; everyone is insulted; ever since babies don't go]: Monod-Beckelin 1975, No. 36:151-152; bororo [Kuiéje Kúri boy bathes with his stone lip insert on the river bank; Meriródo girl likes him, she secretly picks up jewelry, hides it under his belt, conceives a child, hides from others who the father is; to find out, men decide to compete in shooting in the air, hoping that the boy will pick up an arrow father; and so it happened; the men decided: let the KK be jealous, let's decorate our children with white kite fluff; KK sought advice from the paternal grandmother; she ordered to collect leaves that resemble tail feathers guana, cover with others, say - let the kite; so M.'s son was decorated with feathers earlier than the children of other men; the same is hunting for a harpy eagle; for a cougar (claw jewelry for wives); for a jaguar; on whose the field will ripen faster (grandmother: ask Burekoibo himself, the guardian spirit of corn); M. died from a snake bite; during funeral rituals, one person stumbled ridiculously on the doorstep; depending on who reacted (laughed, smiled) coloring individual births (depicts a smile, tears, etc.)]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 48:102-104.

Chaco. Chamacoko [a girl falls in love with a married singer, gives birth to a child; her father calls men; the singer comes last; the boy grabs his digging stick; the singer marries his lover]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 144:541-542; Chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 39 [girl rejects suitors; Battleship Aseta (aka Kixwet) digs a way under a sitting beauty, inserts her penis into her, she does not feels it; people do not know who the boy's father is; he immediately grows up and says he is the son of a Battleship; becomes the owner of a fish, the owner of a pond inside a bottle tree; the fish was the first to taste it grandmother, then others], 40 [the girl who rejected men gave birth; The hawk asks the boy who his father is; names everyone, including the Battleship; he is silent; when he calls Séta, the boy answers; S. sends him to a girl, saying it is his mother; brings her fish (there was no fish before); S. marries her]: 67-69, 70-71; matako: Alvarsson MS, No. 176 [Tokwah miraculously makes a beautiful woman pregnant; her father gathers men to name his father; the last to approach T., he is poor, the baby hugs him; T. magically creates prosperity, clothes; when his son dies, he leaves, and everything he created disappears too]: 303-305; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 19 [on the path that the only woman who created humans walks, Sipilah leaves a honey ball; woman eats him, a boy is born; all men bring toys, he takes from his father; others want to kill S., but he has a piece of iron, he has won everyone; a woman gives birth to daughters; other men marry them], 178 [ Nordenskiöld 1926:90; the Caracara and Chunga birds fought against black vultures and flamingos; Chung Bola had arrows; vultures and flamingos lost, losing skin, some on their heads, others on legs; women did not want Chung because he has skinny black legs; he left his sperm on the ground, one woman swallowed it, became pregnant three days later, gave birth two days later, two days later the baby grew up; all men came to him, he rejected the bows and arrows of the Caracara birds, and accepted him from the chunga, recognizing him as his father], 179 [Metraux 1939, No. 71; made a deaf-mute spell so that the daughter of the spirit became pregnant; mb. Tawkxwax; everyone was jealous of the girl because the spirit was rich; after the birth of his grandson, the grandfather gathered men; the child rejected everyone; when the grandfather remembered the deaf and dumb, the child rushed to him and kissed him], 180 [Metraux 1973, No. 73:56-57; the girl went to get water, found a white ball, began to suck like sugar, gave birth to a boy; the father gathered all the men; everyone stood in front of the child, he did not react; the grandmother remembered chuña, the boy immediately pointed to him], 181 [Metraux 1939, No. 72:55-56; the Chuña (Chunga burmeisterii) bird left its sperm on the trail, it looked like salt, the girl picked it up, began to lick, gave birth to a boy; her father made a small bow, gathered the men, told everyone to offer this bow to the baby; whoever he took it was the father; the boy took only from Chunyi; the others rushed to kill him; the wife gave him a sling, that killed enemies; potsax broke the neck, blood flowed, the neck turned back and remained; Lokotax's scalp was torn off, its head became bald; Yulo (wutnax) got hit in the eyes, now around the eyes red circles; istiwintáx - on the nose, the nose is now swollen and red; the tox bird was wounded in the chest, the woodpecker in the head; Chunya himself received from a bird very similar to him, on the nose, so his the beak is red], 182 [Fock; Chunga left a clot of honey on the girl's trail, filling it with sperm; she ate and became pregnant; the girl's father gathered the men to find out who the child's father was; only Chunga did not come to the party; when he came, it was only from his hands that the boy took a bow and arrow], 184 [Del Campana 1913:315-316; Chunga left a white ball on the trail; the girl swallowed, gave birth to a boy; all the men gathered, only from Chunga's hands the boy took a bow and arrow; at the festival, others attacked Chung; his wife gave him a sling; Yulo got hit in the neck, now naked and red; Carancho hit the head, turned flat; sharp-crested tit (Baeolophus bicolor) - on the beak, now it is red], 185 [ugly Nichu left salt on the trail, the girl ate, gave birth to a boy; only N. took a bow and arrow from his hands; others began to beat N.]: 64-65, 285, 286, 286-287, 287-288, 289-291, 293-294, 295-296; then: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 85 [(possibly European borrowing, cf. Puerto Ricans); dirty lazy man wants the chief's daughter to become pregnant; men gather together, the boy points to the father; the family has to leave; the child's father builds a house at sea; the chief calls them back; the child's father teaches agriculture], 185 [Metraux 1946e: 157-158; girl rejects suitors; Chuñ a (Chunga burmeisterii bird) makes a ball of wax, throws it to this girl, who was walking along the path behind the others; she ate half, wanted to give the other to her mother and sisters, but C. did the rest the piece is very small, they forgot about it; the next morning the girl is pregnant, the baby is running right after birth; ordered to gather all the men, let everyone offer him a bow and arrows; I took it only from C., who came up last; C. began to live with the boy's mother]: 178-180; pilaga [girl rejects grooms; Chunga burmeisteri bird, kariama) makes a honey ball, throws it to the girl; when she wants to share with by others, the ball decreases, others do not take it; after a month she gives birth to a boy, he immediately begins to walk, talk, tells all the men to call to point to his father; he takes the toy bow from his hands Chungi, who marries his mother]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 185:351-352; mokowi [the girl dreams of marrying a rich man; poor Waláik gives her sweets, she is pregnant in the morning, 4-5 days later gave birth; the girl's father gathered all the men; V. was brought next, the boy pointed to him; people leave this family alone, they leave themselves; V. took the amulets, created clothes for his wife, a house, gold inside, gave his mother-in-law cows and money]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 219:266-267.