Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K181. A horse from the dungeon .

The hero finds a suitable horse in the dungeon (in the basement, in deep mud, etc.), where he has been standing for many years.

Western Ukrainians, Russians (Vologda, Kursk), Adygs, Ossetians, Karachays, Ingush, Dargins, Armenians, Estonians, Bashkirs, Mansi.

Central Europe. Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Tyachiv district, p. Dulova) [The tsar has three sons and a daughter, his eldest sons study well, the youngest Ivan Farmudz is stupid, sitting on ash, his name is Pepelyanik. The brothers decide to find out why their father has one eye crying and the other laughing. The oldest one comes first. The king reads, there is a saber on the table, he swings at his son, he runs away, the king throws his sword after him, and she pierces the door. It's the same with the middle son. When the IF enters, the king swings, and the IF puts his head on the table: the king has the right to kill him. The king reports that he was sold to an unclean man in his mother's womb. When he dies, the devils will smash his bones across seven powers, so one eye cries. But he hopes his sons will protect him, so the second one laughs. He tells you to cook 7 fathoms of firewood, dig a grave in 7 fathoms deep, sons spend the night near the grave and burn a fire, sabers in their hands, three snakes will arrive at night: at 9 o'clock - three-headed, at 10 a.m. - 6-headed, at midnight - Chapter 12 If someone comes for a sister, give it back. The king is dead, the brothers spend the night at the grave. The elders fall asleep. IF kills a 3-headed snake, blood almost flooded the sleepers. The IF puts logs under the heads of sleepy brothers. Kills the 6-headed, the blood almost flooded the sleepers, the IF seats sleepy brothers. A 12-headed serpent arrives. Ivan cuts 6 goals, then 6 more, but one always returns to the place. The IF pierces the snake's neck and presses it to the ground, the blood cools down, the head cannot grow. Blood flows like a river, and IF puts the sleepy brothers standing still. The fire went out, the IF climbs the ash tree, the light is in the distance, the IF is walking, the forest is on the way, two women ask to judge who is older. It's Night and Day. The IF ties them to poles at a distance, tells them to remain silent until they return, otherwise they will cut off their heads. It comes to a fire of 300 fathoms of firewood, robbers (sprays) sleep around. The IF cuts off the stick, splits the end and pulls out the smut in a split, but the coal falls on the senior robber. The IF runs away with fire. The robbers wake up, the younger and middle do not see anything, the eldest gets up, his head rises above the trees, he sees the IF, steps several times, catches up with the IF, puts it in the palm of his hand, brings him to the fire, calls it an ant, promises to kill for stealing smut. IF calls himself the best thief in the world. The robber demands help to steal the king's daughter. The sun never shone on her, the wind never blew on her forehead, golden hair on her head, her beauty is indescribable. The robbers have not been able to steal it for three years: there is a golden rooster at the royal gate and as soon as they approach, he starts singing and the army shoots. The IF crawls up, kills a rooster, finds the room where the girl sleeps, calls the robbers one by one, cuts everyone's head, changes rings with the sleeping princess, leaves a note: IF hacked three snakes, Night and He tied the day to trees, shot a rooster, cut off the heads of the robbers, and exchanged rings with the princess. Night and Day are asked to let them go: it has been dark for 7 days. The IF judges this way: in summer it should be a long day (a lot of work, the harvest must ripen), and in winter it should be short. Night and day sign an eternal contract. The IF returns, cuts the frozen blood of snakes, the brothers who wake up fainting with fear. The Interfax rules the state. At midnight, musicians come and demand to give what their father ordered, otherwise they will leave no stone unturned. The IF throws their sister out the window. The musicians are playing, the wind is blowing - a train of 100 carriages flies across forests and seas. The neighboring king promised a daughter to whoever would kill the thieves. A gypsy servant finds the bodies and pretends to be their murderer. Preparing a wedding. The IF is late, the gypsy demands not to let him in, but the king lets him in. The Interfax ridicules the groom, expects execution for insulting the future royal son-in-law. At the gallows, she tells me what he did and where he put the letter, shows the princess's ring. The people rejoice, the army and servants disperse the gypsies. After the wedding, IF goes to his brothers, the king lets him go, but forbids him to take his wife with him, who was not shining in the sun or blowing the wind: she will be kidnapped by the wind. The IF does not listen, the whirlwind takes the princess away. The queen gives three years to find her daughter, otherwise she executes her. The IF wanders, there is a hole in the trunk of the oak tree: "This is where the wedding with Farmudz Mariika came in." The IF comes to a small hut like a box. There, his brother-in-law tells his wife to cook: her brother starves to death. He puts the IF to bed, asks the horse where the IF's wife is. Horse: In the seventieth country, the Filthy King stands for a cook. Pogany also has a horse, his older brother, he is stronger, he will catch up, the poganin king will cut Ivan to pieces. You have to put a bag on the horse so that the horse will then bring the chopped one. The brother-in-law equips the IF on the road, the horse brings him to the realm of Poganin. Ivanova's wife is just on her way to the well with the buckets, singing plaintively. The IF puts her on a horse. At the same moment, Filthy's horse laughs. Poganin grabs an iron pitchfork, rushes into the staff, finds out that the IF stole his cook, but he has time. He snaps his teeth and eats two wagons of nuts, smokes two wagons of tobacco, sleeps for two hours, takes a sword, sits on a horse and starts after him. IF Horse: It burns the fire because the Filthy King is catching up. Let the IF ask Poganin to cut him with a sword, throw him in a bag and put him on his horse. This is what happens. Poganin takes the cook. The brother-in-law tells his wife to bring a trough from the attic in advance, folds the pieces of the IF body, pours it with healing water, and everything grows together. The brother-in-law has two souls, he blows on his body, releases one of them, the soul enters the IF, and he comes to life. His brother-in-law explains that he won't be able to revive him again. His mother, who is the oldest over half the world, could help, knows a lot, but she can eat it when she sees it. The IF has been going to her for six months. Baba feels it from a distance, roars: she has been living in this place for 10,000 years, but has not seen an earthly person, she has not eaten fresh human beings for 3000 years. The IF calls her a sweet mother, a dear matchmaker, and says that her son sent him. Baba wants to see it but promises to eat it. He takes two iron poles, 10 m each, supports his eyelids, otherwise they cannot hold on. The IF talks about everything, the woman feels sorry for him. He sends him to his husband, but there is little hope that he will regret it, he is even angrier, he is 6 months away. He feeds him with tin dumplings, he does not feel hungry during the journey. My grandfather senses it from an even greater distance, 15,000 years, has not seen a person, he has not eaten human beings for 5,000 years. The Interfax calls him a sweet father, a dear matchmaker, says that he has been pardoned and sent by his wife as the oldest in the world. Grandfather: I ate millions of people, but I have never met such an affectionate and kind person. She wants to watch and then eat it. It supports the eyelids with iron poles 20 m long. He regretted, feeds the IF with steel dumplings. It gives two twigs that grow out of the ground. There is a basement under the house, there are two horses, one must be hit with one twig and the other with another, he gives these horses because he is old, the horses must be obeyed, they will do everything. The IF goes down into the dungeon, sees wooden tremblers on four legs, hits them with a twig - the tremblers turn into a stallion and a mare. The horse is happy, asks you to take him out of the basement, take a wooden ax, cut three thousand fathoms of firewood, and light a fire. A wooden ax cuts trees into ready-made logs. Horses eat fire, eat ashes 100 meters deep, drink all the water, drink the lake three times: now they are invincible. The horse tells you to take diamond clothes out of his left ear, and a saddle with a bridle for a woman from his right ear. The horse asks how to carry it, IF: so that neither he nor the horse is harmed. The horse is happy to have waited for a good king. Pogany's horse is his son. They arrive at the well, the IF dresses his wife in diamond clothes, puts him on a mare, and rises above the sky. The horse in the filthy king's stine laughs. They're flying in pursuit, there's no time to wait. Pogany's horse calls his father and mother, asks him to wait for him, otherwise he will be tortured. They advise you to fly into the sky, throw off the pollution. Poganin is still falling, and if he fell, it would rumble with all the thunder and the earth would crumble. The horse rushes after his parents, flies with them. The light is all over the sky, people think the whole world is on fire. The old tsar cries with joy, IF invites brothers to a feast]: Lintour, Chandey 1965:9-29; Russians (Vologodskaya; d. Terekhov-Malakhov, Belozersky U. of the then Novgorod Province) [The Tsar dies. Young Ivan Tsarevich has heroic strength and lives with his mother. From another land, its ruler Burzachilo Poganoe writes to fight against him. An/ is looking for a horse. Lots of horses, but whoever she sits on will fall. If you put your finger down, it falls. She walks through the city in sadness, meets an old woman: why did she think about it. I. replies that how does she, an old witch, know the royal thought. He changed his mind, returned to the old woman, tells his misfortune. Old woman: His grandfather's horse is standing in the earthen stable. He's already eaten the ground knee-deep. We have to go out into the green garden, shout well done, whistle like a hero, the horse will give a voice. I. tells her mother everything, she is happy. I. goes to the garden, screams, whistles - the horse responds. I. discovers a shield in the ground, goes down the stairs, where a horse is chained 12 chains. When he sees I., he breaks his chains. I. asks the horse to serve him as he served his grandfather. The horse asks him to let him go for 7 days to walk in green meadows and silk grasses, and during this time get a golden saddle. The saddle is made by a hundred craftsmen, but it is either small or large, not suitable for a horse. I. is walking around the city, the same old woman advises you to take the saddle hanging in the corner on the left in the corner, which is covered with moss, and gilding it, it will do. After 7 and I. days, he goes out into the open field, screams well done, whistles like a hero, the horse comes running, the ground trembles, the saddle is just right. I. goes to war without troops. The horse helps by trampling enemy troops with its hooves. I. takes Burzachilo Pogany prisoner, who asks not to kill him, but to tie him to a stirrup, take him to his kingdom, imprison him and feed him meager food. I. puts him in prison, maids bring him food. BP suddenly refuses to take food from them, demanding that the sovereign herself bring it. When she hears a sigh, she brings BP, falls in love with him, begins to feed him better, and plans to kill her son with him. BP is a terrible sorcerer, he knows everything, tells I. to find a three-headed snake and bring his liver lungs to heal the queen. I. agrees, calls the horse, who informs that his mother has fallen in love with BP, tells him to wear three cast-iron lats and go to his mother for a blessing, although she will not give it. The mother refuses to bless; he goes to his godmother for a blessing. The horse is running, the earth is trembling, mountains and valleys jumping, rivers and lakes are covered with its tail. They don't reach three miles, they start baking with fire. Molten first armor flows down from I., the second verst, and the third at the last. The horse tells you to look at the golden hair in his mane: when it starts writhing, cut it to the left with a sword. I. cuts off the snake's three heads, takes the lungs and the liver. The horse says his mother sent him to death on purpose. Upon returning, I. first of all goes to the PSU, he unlocks it. The mother throws away the lungs, the liver, the PSU advises her to send I. bring the lungs of the liver of an 8-headed snake. The mother again refuses to bless her son; he goes to his godmother for a blessing. The horse tells you to wear 6 cast-iron lats on him and himself. When they drive 6 miles, the fire melts all the armor one by one. The horse tells you to look at the golden hair in his mane when it starts writhing - cut it to the right with a sword. I. cuts off the snake's six heads, takes the lungs and the liver. When he returns, he goes back to BA, he denies it. The mother throws out the lungs, the liver, on the advice of the PD, sends I. to bring the lungs of the liver of a 9-headed snake. He refuses to bless I. again; he goes to his godmother for a blessing. The horse tells you to wear 9 cast-iron lats on him and himself. When you drive 9 miles, the fire melts all the armor one by one. The horse tells you to look at the golden hair in his mane when it starts writhing - cut it to the left with a sword. I. cuts off six heads of the snake, but he waves his trunk and knocks I. out of the saddle. I. falls down and falls asleep in a heroic dream for 9 days and 9 nights, and the monster suffers from him. The horse decides that I. is dead and flees to their kingdom. The mother rejoices, releases BP from prison, brings her to the palace, drinks and has fun. Iyu wakes up, throws off her monster, grieves that there is no horse, goes wherever her eyes look. It comes to a hut in the woods. There's a blind old man sitting in it. Without seeing I., he recognizes him and says hello. Says he knew his dad. He explains that he was wounded in one battle, after which his eyes were covered with wild meat. He could behold Ivan Tsarevich if he was tied up with wild meat with something. Ivan Tsarevich blindfolds his eyes with his belt. The old man takes him to the vast realm. I. gives him some money and leaves his belt at his request, or he won't make it back. She asks to spend the night in the kingdom. The king allows it. It is announced to give up any of the three daughters if I. solves their dreams, otherwise he will cut off his head. I. does not sleep at night, he watches. The princesses get up, wash, drink from one bottle - they are covered with feathers, from the other they become winged and fly away. I. uses the same bubbles to go after them. The third sister is more cunning, noticing that it is noisy and loud today, the other two decide that it is because they ate and dressed up. They fly to another realm to visit their lovers, three brothers princes, and their father is told that they are dreaming about it. I. steals the personalized rings of princesses and princes. Watching princesses get rid of their feathers and wings with bubbles, does the same. In the morning, the princesses tell their father that they flew to another kingdom in their dreams and sat there with the princes. I. says what he saw and shows his rings. The king allows you to marry any daughter, I. chooses the youngest, beautiful, and gets half the kingdom. His wife gives birth to him two sons. I. goes to his kingdom with his wife and sons. She discovers that the mother and BP live in the palace as husband and wife, hangs up a BP, and the mother forgives. The horse comes running, rejoices, I. caresses him, keeps him at home. Sons grow up to be heroes, everyone respects them. Mother dies, I. is happy with his wife]: Sokolov, Sokolov 1915:29-34; Russians (Kursk, Leninsky District) [The governor has a clever son "a red sun in his forehead, the moon in the back of his head." The boy's extraordinary strength is manifested in children's games - he tears off other children's arms and legs. The king orders him to be expelled from the state. The son cannot choose a horse for a long time, finds him in the last stable, tied in three chains, and the horse calls him his master. The mother gives her son a talisman ring as a goodbye (she makes wishes come true). At the crossroads, the governor's son chooses the road on which he is destined to die. He drinks water and falls asleep by the stream, the mermaids steal his ring for the old devil. He cries, goes into Baba Yaga's house (a hut with chicken legs), she is surprised, feeds him and drinks him, puts him to bed and wakes him up on the third day, promises to help him find a ring, and gives him a guide - a cat. They return to the place where the governor's son slept, wind the ropes, when asked by the imp, explain that they want to pull the two banks together to crush the devils. He offers to fight, the young man points at the bear, says that it is his grandfather and offers to fight him. The bear grabs the imp, he runs away. The old devil takes a ring to the young man, says that the governor asked the king for permission for his son to return to the kingdom. The young man asks to marry one of the mermaids, the devil is angry, hits the ground, becomes a "fierce beast", the cat hits and becomes a lion, they fight, the lion wins and the young man gets the best beautiful girl, returns home]: Aristov, Pavlov 1939:82-85.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi (shapsugi) [Tlegutse-zhache kills Yashche, takes away his land; kills his six sons who have come to take revenge; their mother gives birth to Ashamez, hides from people; he goes out to play, fights with another as a boy, his mother advises him to take revenge for his father; A. asks his mother to cook a hot porridge, puts her hand in the porridge, forcing her to talk about her father; she shows the cellar where the weapons are hidden, armor and horse Y.; A., along with sledges, hijacks T.'s herds; A.'s arrows bounce off T.'s shell, T.'s arrows injure A.; he pretends to be dead; thrown overnight in the stable; T.'s wife cares for him, gives him his sword is T., he kills T. with it]: Huth 1987:33-40; Ossetians [comrades reproach the young man: first find your father, and then quarrel with us; he tells his mother to cook corn and clamps her hand; she I have to say that his father was kidnapped by a giant, and his father's horse is head over heels in manure; he does not believe that his son will be able to raise his father's sword; the young man came out his horse, easily raised his sword, leaves, the horse shows the way; the young man whipped the decayed corpse of the giant: live, but be blind; the lively one says that his wife was stolen by the same giant who took the boy's father; at night he tries to throw at the young man trees and stones; the young man turns him back into a corpse; the young man found a giant, cut off six heads, told him where his father was, then cut off his seventh head; on the way, the horse slipped through the mountains, only half a tail was cut off; the young man's father is a shepherd, cleaning his fur coat for lice; the young man brought the giant's ears to his wife; she tells the giant's mother to be afraid; the young man killed her, but she cursed him: he will not rest until he gets it daughter of the king of genies; the horse teaches to give the birds millet, drink from the spring and praise the water, throw a ram to iron-faced wolves; lubricate the door hinges; the young man found the girl and lives with her for a month; then they immersed all the property contained felt and galloped away; the young man destroyed the pursuing army, but one warrior killed him with a dagger; the fox began to lick blood, the woman killed him; the fox bought it at the spring, the fox bought it in the spring, the fox came to life; then the woman revived her murdered husband; he says he was about to marry the daughter of Barastur, the lord of the afterlife; the young man again whipped that giant and gave him his kidnapped a seven-headed giant wife; the young man returned home to his wife, everything is fine]: Dzagurov 1972, No. 33:91-99; Ossetians [Soslan (he has two pupils in his eyes) kills Alymbeg and his six sons; after his death A.'s wife gives birth to his son Totradza; the baby spreads the cradle (the part that fell on the mountains divided the mountains, the one that fell into the sea created islands, glades into the forest, hills into the steppe); the mother says where in the cave with who fell on the mountains, divided the mountains, the one that fell into the sea created islands, glades into the forest, hills into the steppe); the heroic horse and weapons are hidden; T. pulls them out, raises S. on a spear, he asks for a week of delay until next fight; Satana makes a wolfskin coat for S.; the horse is afraid of wolves, turns, S. hits T. in the back]: Liberinsky 1987:201-211; Ossetians [one khan had a daughter, another son, they decided to marry them, exchanged rings, put them on the children's fingers; the boy's father died; the boy grew up, his mother told him to find his father's horse in the stable, which had manure only his ears stick out; he cleaned and washed the horse, went to inspect his herds; the herds stabbed the pregnant mare, a colorful three-legged one-eyed foal fell out; Khan's son did not like it to see, he whipped those who were stabbed with a whip, one young man said that it would be better if the Khan's son found his bride; her father raced, would pass his daughter off as the winner; the Khan's son shook his bridle, ran out to him three times a three-legged one-eyed foal; the khan's son first rode his old horse, leading the foal; the horse tells him to let him go, move to the foal, but first hide in the house where the three sisters fly in, overhear their conversation; taking off her wings, the older sister says that she could not catch up with the rider by a three-legged foal; the khan's son opened up, the virgins called him brother; the khan's son, ahead of everyone, galloped to the tower, took the girl away; the seven-headed giant set off in pursuit; began to hit 7 felt targets, and the khan's son consistently knocked down his 7 heads; took his name as his wife, everything is fine]: Sokayeva 2012:169-174; Karachays [10-year-old Yetsemei offends the other boys; the mother of one of them says that it is better for him to try his hand at Cuba, his father's killer; E. asks his mother to hand hot roasted corn, clamps hand, forcing him to tell the truth; mother shows where the horse stands in the tower behind the iron doors; E. tames him; meets his father's sister, hijacks and hands her herds K.; K. comes to a six-legged horse; they shoot at each other for four days, K.'s wife takes bullets out of him, heals him; K. brings the killed E.; his wife revives him, says that in the twentieth chest there is a knife that can be used kill K.; E. cuts off his head, takes his wife; on the way back, the sledge Sosruk demands a woman for himself; E. dies in battle]: Stamboliev 1896, No. 10:76-88; Ingush [seven-headed vampal fatally wounded sledge; he told his wife to hide his horse in a hole behind 9 doors, tell his son when he would be 15; the prince marries the princess; she ordered the young man (i.e. the son of that sledge) to be sold when he was 12 years old, to bring her money; the prince invites the young man to go overseas with him, lets him choose a horse, but all the horses on which the sledge's son sits, he breaks his backs; the son asks his mother to fry barley, clenches her hands, forcing him to say who his father is and how he died; the young man saddled his father's horse and went with the prince; at the seashore, the Grand Duke should wait for him to return from the bottom of the sea; if the sea is covered in blood and foam, from the grinding Lightning will flash vampal's teeth, we must let the horse go, he will come to the rescue; but the prince took the horse and left; at the bottom, the young man defeated the Vampals with the number of heads from 1 to 6; pulled the seven-headed ashore, cut off his head with a knife; snakes, cockroaches and other scum crawled out of his body, since then there have been insects and various evil spirits in the world; the son returned to his mother, who is blind, does not believe that the son has come; when he pulled his mother out from the chicken coop and washed it, she saw the light; the prince told the princess that he had sold the young man and bought a horse with that money; the princess wanted for the young man, not for the prince (the boy is 14, but he looks 30); he came when a wedding was being prepared; he pulled out the prince's throat and threw it to his dogs; the wedding of the son of the sledge with the princess]: Tankiev 2003, No. 183-188; Dargins [the shepherd has 40 mares on the mountain; one of the foals asks to slaughter the rest and give him milk to 40 mares; the same next year; in the third year, the shepherd did not listen; then the foal ordered him to be placed in an underground stable; the khan demands to get another Khan's daughter countries; the foal turns into a nag, laughs at the shepherd; then becomes a heroic horse and flies across the sea, but touches the water with one foot, because the owner did not give him milk for the third year 40 mares; that khan gave his daughter; when the shepherd brought her, the khan's associates took her away, one of them took credit for himself; the daughter of a foreign khan sets the condition for marriage; bring her father's golden bath, fill her with boiling water milk and bathe in it; the shepherd brought it; the khan tells him to swim himself first; the horse cooled the milk for a while; the khan climbed and cooked, the beautiful woman married a shepherd]: Khalilov 1965, No. 70:215-218; Armenians [a detailed description of how David, after learning from an old woman that his father's horse, sword, helmet, etc. are kept by his uncle, forced them to be handed over to him; the horse is walled up under a chicken perch; all others horses fall when D. puts his hand on their back, and this horse breaks the wall with his hoof]: Melik-Oganjanyan 2004, No. 16:64-66.

Baltoscandia. Estonians (Risti) [the plowman plowed, but it turned out to be a lake; a pike jumped out of there; a voice told the maid to cook for her grandmother, only she should eat it; the grandmother was a witch; the maid I tried my ear, the dog and the mare swallowed the foam; the maid, the mare and the dog gave birth to a son, the name of the dog's son is Juhan; they grew up, went to look for wives; the maid's son's horse walks two miles at once, the son the mare is a mile away, Yu does not have a horse; the old man tells the maid's son where to take a horse under a stone to take three miles in one step; they spend the night at the bridge, guard one by one; the maid's son won one-headed line; the mare's son was frightened, instead of him Yu defeated the double-headed line, the next night of the six-headed; spent the night with the old woman, did not know that she was the mother of devils; left her; see how she was theirs chases, one lip to the clouds, the other on the ground; swallowed the servant's son and the son of a mare; Yu came to the forge; the blacksmith invited the pursuer to make a hole in the wall with his tongue, grabbed his tongue with ticks, Yu began to beat her with an iron club; she regurgitated the swallowed, she was alive, she left herself; they took their wives, they came back; the mother of the devils in the swamp calls them, Yu hits her again; on the way there are soft seats, then beds; Yu. lets you sit down, lie down because I heard that they are going to kill them when they fall asleep; the same is eating tables; they married the girls at home]: Järv et al. 2009, No. 15:85-89.

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs [Khan Bulkar has a son Yekhangiz; he grew up and went into the world; an old woman with eyes on her forehead sleeps by the golden tent; a girl is next to him: one cheek is like the moon, the other is like the sun; a girl: an old woman is a queen mountain spirits, her mother, sleeps for 6 days and 6 nights; the old woman will give her daughter if E. kills all her warriors; he kills them, and new ones come in the morning; E.'s mother gave birth to a second son; he clicked the boy on the forehead, broke his skull; boy's mother: it would be better to look for his missing brother; the guy asked his mother to fry peas and held hot peas in her hand; she admitted that the eldest son had gone to know life; eget { hero} went in search; man met him: if you can pull out the gold pole, you will see your brother; under a pole at a depth of 80 fathoms, Accola's heroic horse; Eget put his hand on his back , the horse could not stand it; tells him to get caught and gain strength; the enet comes to his brother, who notices a resemblance to his father, but he did not have a brother; eget: I grew up in 13 days; eget chased the old woman, cut off her horse's tail, she disappeared underground; he tells the horse to wait for it for three years, three months and three days; 6 mountain spirits forge iron underground; every blow gives rise to a new spirit; eget asks the spirits to stand up in a row, blows everyone's heads away, no more warriors appear; then the girl: rings a needle into the canvas - a new spirit arises; takes the huntsman for his brother; says that her mother is resting in a golden tower; it is necessary swap blood vessels with strong and weak water; the mother's soul is in the egg, the egg is in the chest, the chest is hidden somewhere; eget cuts down the old woman's head, a new one grows, he cuts down again; the old woman is tired, showed where chest, eget crushed an egg; brought the bride to his older brother, they returned home]: Barag 1988, No. 17:126-130.

Western Siberia. Northern Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 106 (zap. BUT. Balandin, 1937, p. Vejacors on the river. Ob) [water is everywhere; there is an old man and an old woman in the house; an iron loon flew in, dived, popped up, his neck burst, blood appeared under his neck, a piece of earth in his beak, stuck between the logs of the house, flew up; then but the second loon dives three times, blood on his neck, a piece of land stuck between the logs; the earth began to grow; the old man goes out three times, each time after three days; the third time there is land everywhere; the old man sends three times the white crow flies around the ground; he returns in 3, 5, 7 days; the third time is black, pecking a deceased person; the old man told him not to catch the beast from now on, only fish or take blood for himself when a person He will kill the beast and take meat; a tree has grown in the backyards; the old man brought it with roots and branches, began to cheat it, cut his hand, the old woman sucked blood, told him to carry the tree back; at night the old woman was gone in the morning, an old man found her in a small house, she gave birth to a son there, called Taryg-Pesch-nimalya-sov; T. hunts; every time she sees a line in the ice-hole; then she sees his reflection, he has a beard, needs a wife; found a home, took a horse out of the underground barn, washed it from the manure, his mother gave chain mail, a sword, a whip and a saddle; T. jumps to look for his wife, pierced an aspen leaf with an arrow; in the house an old woman says that T. pierced a piece of it bed; that Num-Torum his father let his wife down from heaven and Paraparseh stole; gave pike skins, hawk, mammoth, hare and scissors; T. meets people, shepherding horses; people: herding horses P.; T.: answer: we herd T.'s horses, otherwise the Fire King following me will burn you with fire; the same will be cow shepherds; T. comes to P.'s house, he is not there, the woman tells you to hide in moss; winged P. descends on larch; woman assures that P. is dead, P. does not believe, flies away; T. pursues with the skin of a hawk; P. became an iron loon into the sea, T. became a pike; P. was a hare, T. is another hare; P. is a teal duck, T. shot him with an arrow, burned him in the fire; the horse carried him across the sky through Torum's fire, ordered him to hide in his nostril for this time; Kul is on the way, swallows everyone, the horse tells them to wear mammoth skin, cut off Kul's nose and ears with scissors; Kul: now I'll die; 30 aspens from one root go around, strangle people with branches; the horse is gone, T. thinks about that old woman, she appears, breaks aspens, says that the eternal era of human life will come, and at these This would be impossible for aspens; the horse tells him to wrap him in birch bark, grab Kirp-Nelp Equa's granddaughter; K. chases, grabs the horse, but only rips off his birch bark, cuts his hands on a sword; T. comes to his wife, with him, clutching the horse's leg, daughter K.; T. now has two wives, all P.'s wealth; in heaven T. comes to the old man, in sledges, the Sun Girl; T. volunteers to take her himself; looks down, sees people quarreling, thought that would kill everyone, people die; the old man tells them to be resurrected; he resurrected them; the same place where the Month Girl (or are these girls daughters of the Sun and the Month?) ; with two wives, T. comes to a place where earth and sky meet; there is a hole, an old man is waiting for ducks, waiting for geese; T. tries to fly like a hawk, falls, dives into the lake with a pike, brings it to the old woman and the old man ducks; an old woman cooks them, does not tell them to break bones, puts bones in a lake with live water, ducks fly out alive; T. sleeps with their daughter; T. returned to earth with all his wives, now 5 wives; then gets another one wife]: 272-290; Rombandeeva 2005, No. 1 [A piece of peat wife-and-husband live in a house, there is water around, they have a white crow; an iron Loon dives from the sky, for the third time a grain of earth in its beak, a loon flies to heaven; Iron Lula dives (now there is no such bird, it had a red crown and legs standing back); for the third time, a piece of land in its beak, smeared its beak on Peat-Scrap, returned to heaven; in the morning the earth to the width of the foot, grew on the second day; the husband sends the Raven three times to find out if the earth is big; by the evening of the third day he returns only to black evening, because he pecked at a dead man; the husband now tells him eat carrion; the first cedar grows; the couple has a son, her husband calls him Taryg-Pes-Nimalya-Sov; he grows up, sees a bearded man in the ice-holes, then realizes that it is himself; the father tells him to get it himself wife, pull the leash in manure, T. pulls out the horse, leaves; the old woman says that while he was sleeping, Paraparsekh stole his wife; gives scissors, iron skin of a kite, a hare, a mouse, a pike; T . comes to a woman, she says that P. will fly in the skin of a crow; T. chases an iron kite; then an iron hare for a hare, the same iron mouse, a pike; in the nostrils of a horse flies through the fire; hangs on an aspen tree, his grandmother arrives, takes it off; the giant almost pulls him into his nose, he cuts his nostrils with scissors; after many adventures, T. flies in goose skin to Mortym Equa and Mortym-Oika; sees how ME cooked the teals, then threw the bones into the water, they came to life (p.59); returns his wife, flies to her parents]: 33-61 (a brief retelling in 1991:14).