Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K184. Father-son fight. .16.27.-.31.(.33.)

Not recognizing his son, his father fights with him and kills him.

{In this formulation, the motive is rare, but in more general terms it does not have clear boundaries}.

Irish, (English, French), Germans (South and North?) , Ancient Greece, Russians (North), Ossetians, Georgians (Armenians, Turks), Iranian written tradition, Tajiks of Sistan, Estonians, (Kyrgyz).

Western Europe. The Irish [Kuhulain survived Conlaoch's son with the Aife fairy. When he leaves, he leaves a ring and three magic words for him. In search of his father, Conlaoch sailed to Ireland. Following magic words, he refuses to open up to the Knights of Konhobar. Kuhulain wants to force him to do so, but the young man prevails over him. Kuhulain runs, goes for the gae bolga magic spear and pierces Conlaoch with it [a 14th-century manuscript; the saga has already been known in the 10th century. Busse cites a version recorded by Campbell, where the mother conjures her son not to say his name until he is forced to do so}]: Potter 1902:22-28 {described by Veselovsky}; (cf. British [Sir Triamour, Sir Eglamour of Artoys. Sir DeGorel, a knight abuses the lost daughter of the English king; goodbye, he gives her a pair of gloves and his sword, the edge of which he takes with him, as a sign; the princess gives birth a son who is abandoned to fend for himself; he is raised by a hermit; later gloves lead to recognition as a mother, a sword to recognition as a father]: Veselovsky; French [Lai de Milan: Milene's son from which Then the lady is brought up by her sister, goes looking for her father; her aunt gives him a ring as a sign of recognition; wins her father at the tournament and opens it to him. Lai de Doon (at the same time as the previous one): same content; Doon marries a girl from Daneborc, or rather Edenburc, and goes on a trip a few days later; he leaves gold for his newborn son ring, as a sign. Further development, as in Lai de Milan. Floovan is expelled by Father Clovis, then calls him to help him against the Persian emir Galiens, but father and son meet hostile in battle. Flowovpan has already knocked down his father, wants to kill him when Richiers shouts to him that it is his father; a confession occurs (original XTI century original. Busse does not consider it likely that this episode belongs to the original)]: Veselovsky); Germans {conditionally, both north and south} [Hildebrand is at the head of the Hun army; his son is in the ranks Gothic rati. They meet and a bloody battle takes place between them]: Veselovsky; Germans (south and north?) : Veselovsky.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Odysseus and Telegon].

Central Europe. Russians (North, epics, more than 70 versions).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians (Digors) [Rostom and Bezan are from the Sanuasov family, B. is younger; the brothers were told that Angel's iron-nosed pigs were ruining their garden (vineyard); B. leaves; pregnant wife: how Do you know if it will be a boy or a girl B.: if a boy, where will I go, there will be arrow tree shoots; a boy was born, grew up quickly; the witch's daughter carried a bucket of water; he punched the bucket with an arrow; a witch's daughter: if you are so good, why did the louse eat your father; the mother admitted that the boy had a father; you must walk along the shoots of a arrow tree; when he saw an unfamiliar boy at his tent, B. crept up and shot; dying, the boy said that he was B.'s son; because of grief, B. made himself an underground dwelling and stayed there for almost a year; when three days were left, Syrdon said: For the sake of one child, why are you sitting under the ground? B. went out; if he had waited three more days, the boy would come to life]: Miller 1881, No. 15:79; Georgians (no record area specified) [the princess was kidnapped; a mighty forest man saw two devas fighting, killed both, The princess stayed with him; when she became pregnant, the forest man sent her to her father, giving a ring for her son who would be born; the boy was named Christagan; he became a tariel hero; out of mischief he pierced an arrow an old woman's jug; she scolded: put on a ring, but the former Tariels did not have rings in mind; H. tells his mother to tell about his father; unrecognized, fights a forest man; he killed him and then found him in pocket his ring; wept; God had mercy, sent a pigeon to put a handkerchief over H.'s face, he came to life; the forest man sent H. to become a friend of Tariel Beltagan; they fraternized, destroyed in the fortress giants, freed the princess; H. gave her to Beltagan; she gave X. three types of vestments: gold, silver, copper; H. left B. a dagger: if it fails, trouble with him; H. changed clothes with the shepherd; hired first as a groom, then as a cook, then as a gardener; now his name is Kochora; the youngest of the three princesses noticed that he is a hero; at the feast she gave him an apple; the king placed them in a stable; the king fell ill and will cure him the insides of a wild boar; K. killed a wild boar on a heroic horse in a silver robe; gave it to his elder son-in-law, for which he tore off his little finger; the king is worse; he needs deer milk; K. in a golden dress, cut off his finger; the ear of the middle son-in-law; smashes the enemy, the king bandaged his finger with his handkerchief; everything was clarified; K.'s wife swam away in the sea, his hair swam away; the prince of the overseas kingdom picked him up, sent him to K. an old woman; she persuaded K.'s wife ask her husband what his soul was; in the thick hair on his head; the old woman pulled him out, threw him into the sea; B. realized that H. was in trouble, he found hair, put H. on his head; the old woman was tied to the horse's tail; there was even bird's milk at the wedding]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 34:98-114; (cf. Armenians [David of Sasunsky]; Turks (recorded by Mikhail Lermontov) [a rich man in Tiflis has a daughter Magul-Megeri; Ashik-Kerib played at weddings, met her; postponed the wedding for 7 years so that make a fortune; MM warned that if AK did not return on time, she would marry Kurshud-bey; he stole AK's dress while he was swimming across the river, but MM did not believe AK drowned; PC fell in love Pasha alone and stayed with him; when the deadline was approaching, MM sent the dish, AK recognized him and hurried to Tiflis; a wonderful rider (this is St. Georgy) took him there; AK came to MM's wedding, she recognized him and married him, not K.]: Miller 1990b: 111-113).

Iran - Central Asia. The Iranian written tradition (Shah-name) [Rustem lived with the Turan princess Technique of Sohrab's son. I left her a precious onyx for her daughter or son. During the battle between the Turan and Iranian troops, the father meets his son. On the first day, the battle ended in nothing; on the second, S. wins, but, deceived by the old man, spares him. At night, R., with the help of the mountain spirit, gains the excess strength he gave to the spirit in his youth, after which he easily copes with S. Only then does he find out that he has killed his son]: Ferdowsi 1957:116-118; Sistan's Tajiks []: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 18:215-224.

Baltoscandia. Estonians [Deputy Professor Dorpat University Schroeder from a lady who heard from her Estonian nanny; report at a meeting of the Estonian Scientist Society:Ein estnisches Märchen und seine Parallellen in der indogermanischen Sagenwelt" ; the man was so strong that he broke everything he touched (crushed the millstone, smashed the forest to pieces, killed oxen); then he hid some of his strength under the stone, receiving the name Kiwwi al (kivi all - "under the stone"); took his wife laid an egg, and the boy Kana poeg ("son of a chicken") was born from it; K. went to Finland, telling the chicken to hang a wolf tooth around the boy's neck when he grew up; K. married in Finland, with him sons and daughters; when the Finns began to fight the Estonians, K. summoned a young man to fight; he could have killed him, but spared him; then K. went for the power hidden under the stone; birch, mountain ash, aspen, black grouse, capercaillie they advise him not to do so; he did not listen, took strength, knocked down the young man and pressed his knee on his chest, but saw a wolf tooth around his neck; when he recognized his son, he told him to stand up, but he died; returning to Finland, K. killed children by a local wife]: Miller 1890b: 116-118.

(Wed. Turkestan. Kyrgyz (western part) Ivanovsky in the east of the Chilikta Valley) [Mohammedan Gali and Russian girl Darigá, of gigantic stature; they began to fight and fight for 15 days; D. increased strength, G. decreased; after that G. He prayed to God for 14 days and defeated the girl; her father bequeathed her to marry the one who would defeat her; G. went to Medina, and D. 9 months later gave birth to a son named Sadilda; he was born strong and learned; at three He sees an old woman and a boy for years, clicked the boy on the forehead, killed; old woman: better look for your father; on the way S. killed a snake, and if God's messenger hadn't held his stick, he would have cut the ground; in Medina, S. became Mullah of the main mosque, but went to Mecca because his father had gone there; there wrestling competitions and S. defeated G.'s sons and then himself; finding out that it was his father, S. rushed into the abyss]: Miller 1890b: 120-124).