Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K19. Marriage to a star.

A man or woman marries a star. See K19A, K19B motif.

Tuamotu, Tahiti, Marquises, Sema, Khasi, Mishmi, Coastal Dayaki (Kayan), Tingian, Nabaloi, Igorot, Kankanai, Bontok, Kodiak, Tanana, Kuchin, Tagish, Southern Tutchoni, Tsetsot, Helmet, Taltan , slevy, chilcotin, shuswap, kootene, quinolt, quileout, lkungen, clallam, twana, snookualli, pujallup, pugit Sound, Upper Chehalis, Cowlitz, Vasco, Vishram, Yakima, tillamook, cous, winnebago, chippewa, northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Eastern Cree, Timagami Ojibwa, Ojibwa, Steppe Cree, Mikmak, Passamakwoddy, Sarsi, Blackfoot, Assiniboine, Grovantre, Santi, Teton (Oglala), Sheena, Oto, Arikara, Pawnee, Wichita, caddo, coasati, maidu, washo, oriental shoshoni, kuna, shuar, aguaruna, achuar, barasana, tatuyo, cuzco, aikana, nambiquara, umotina, rickbacza, tapirape, karaja, kayapo, apinaye, cracho, ramkokamecra, shavante, sherente, iranshe, paresi, kamakan, caduveo, chamakoco, chorote, nivakle, maka, matako, toba, mokovi, araucan.