Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K19A. Star wife, T111.2.1.


A man marries a female star.

Sarah, Keva, Bilbil, Tuamotu, Tahiti, Marquises, Mishmi, Kayan, Kalamians, Tingyan, Nabaloi, Ifugao, Igorot, Bontok, Ibaloi, Chuan Miao, Abkhazians, Chippewa, Ottawa, Seneca, Sheena, Kuna, yanomami, napo or canelo, shuar, aguaruna, achuar, barasana, macuna, tatuyo, cuzco, chayahuita, aikana, nambiquara, iranche, paresi, umotina, kayapo, apinaye, cracho, ramkokamakra, shavante, sherente, kamakan, chamacoco, chorote, nivacle, maka, matako, toba, mokovi, araucans.

Sudan - East Africa. Sarah (mbai) [only Sou and his old barren unloved wife Bou-Guéré lived on earth; Su once saw girls dancing, but they ran away; Su tripped over a stump and he (Su calls his "uncle") told him that these girls are stars; let Su sow white eggplants behind the house; then they should be poured with sticky red juice of the vine; the stars will go down to collect eggplants, they will not be able to immediately take off from behind the glue; we have to grab one; Su caught three; each gave birth to him a son; they inhabited the land]: Fortier 1967:115-117 (quoted in Belcher 2005:352-353).

Melanesia. Keva [a man named Sumi Sama heads the village but is single; hears singing and music from Mount Sumi at night; came there; there's a tree to the sky; female stars go down and smear white clay faces, as it should be during the holidays; took shelter, hid, grabbed the last woman who went down for clay; she was the leader of heavenly women; she turned into a snake, a crocodile, a boar, a tree, a stone, water, prickly ratan; at dawn agreed to go with the SS, but let her do as she says; three weeks later, a holiday; the wife warned that the SS should not dance there with other women; made a thread out vegetable fiber and tied the SS to the back; if it breaks, trouble will happen; but during the holiday, the woman carried the SS into dancing and the thread burst; the SS ran home, but saw his wife climb the tree trunk; The SS made a ladder, but when it wanted to grab his wife's hand, he fell into a hole in the stone and crashed to death; since then, the SS bones have disappeared, but during rituals, men still use his skull; if the SS hadn't violated his wife's ban, men would still receive women freely, not for pay]: Slone 2009:96-98; bilbil [a man looks at the stars, wants a woman from heaven to marry; she goes down to him; his the younger brother notices them, tells the mother that her brother's wife is more beautiful than her; they have a son; catches a grasshopper, the uncle bakes it, eats it; the grandson demands him back; the uncle in his hearts says that his mother is from heaven; the mother confirms this; he makes a smoky fire, tells his son to wrap his neck around his neck, and rises to the sky with him on a column of smoke]: Dempwolff 1911, No. 4:82-87.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Tuamotu [Tahaki and Karihi meet blind old woman Kuhi; she shows the way to Matua-uru country, gives the net to catch spirits; advises to catch female stars flying into her house at night; K. does not Maybe T. catches a star named Tokurua Dawn; they find T.'s father named Hema, he's in a cesspool, they wash him with coconut oil, give him back the eyes that adorned the Roi-Matagotago woman's belt, kill male spirits]: Beckwith 1970:252; Tahiti [Ari'i and Tafa'i meet a blind old woman, steal her tarot, dodge her fishing hook, kill her; or Tafa'i chooses a wife out of four Star daughters blind Ui; this is the Morning Star, he rises to heaven with her]: Beckwith 1970:255-256; Marquises [Koomahu climbs to heaven to look for a sister hooked by a blind old woman Tapa; meets T., who bakes bananas, he regains her sight, marries one of her star daughters; finds his sister, descends with her to the ground on a tree he planted on the ground at the beginning of his journey]: Beckwith 1970:256 .

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mishmi (taraon) [people were clearing the forest on the site; the Star Girl flew in; the young man cut off her wings, hid them in the drum; happily began to beat him, the drum burst, the Star grabbed her wings, flew back; Chin offered to follow her into the sky, made a ladder, climbed up; the star lowered a thin rope, Chin grabbed it, she broke off, he fell, became a rooster; the young man made him a scallop from a flower, leaf wings]: Elwin 1958a, No. 11:350.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Kayan [daughter of the Palai constellation (Pegasus) fell in love with Lafaang, brought him to heaven; to her horror, he eats with his hands rather than picking up food with a needle; began to cut down trees on the plot instead of putting them an ax of the tree, after which it will fall; one tree fell, his arm was torn off; his wife was pregnant, L. decided to return to the ground; the wife took bananas and sugar cane with her, began to lower L. on the vine; when she heard the newborn's cry, L. asked to go back, but his wife continued to let down; ordered the plants to be thrown to the ground, but L. planted them; therefore, bananas and sugarcane obtained by humans are worse heavenly]: Hose 1912:140-141.

Taiwan - Philippines. The Kalamians [Bulalacao star fell ashore, became a woman, a local man married her, their bulalacaoúnos descendants still live there]: Worcester 1901:497; Tinghian [ Aponitolau (A.) planted sugarcane, which grows in a few days; his wife Aponibolinaen planted gold beans; from the sky, Moon Woman's daughter, the star Gaigayoma sent stars for with reeds and beans, then goes down to the field herself; A. watches, frightens the stars, sits on G.'s clothes; she tells him to go with her to heaven, otherwise the stars will eat him; a chair comes down from the sky for him; through For five months, G. and A. have a son, Tabyen; he goes between his mother's fingers after being injected into his hand; G. lets A. go to his former wife; he wanted to stay, but the stars came for him; next time G. lets her husband and son go; T. plays with his son, born Aponibolinaen; it's raining, these are G.'s tears; they later rose to heaven, but eventually T. stayed on earth and his mother G. in heaven]: Rybkin 1975, No. 38:105-111; Nabaloi [women ask who broke off the tops of the tarot; Pig, Dog, Monkey answer that they are not; men hide, see female stars go down to swim in the sky, hide them clothes, marry them; men are old, but the Stars are not; they took their clothes, returned to heaven; marriages to stars cause nabaloi]: Rybkin 1975, No. 16:48-49; kankanay [Star steals sugarcane, the owner grabs it; she finds the clothes he has hidden, flies away; one of their children dies, the mother goes down to the other at night; argues with her husband who will get it; divides him in half, one takes him to heaven; the father cannot revive his own, the mother does it herself, tells him to respond to the call of the other half, but his body has already been decomposed, so his voice is weak; these two halves are big and little thunder]: Moss 1920:382 in Lessa 196:153-154; ifugao (Amganad band) [Tillay went to look for water, saw four female stars swimming in a stream; hid one of them's wingskirt; brought them home, their son; T. hid his skirt under rice, his wife took rice and found it; divided her son in half, took a part with her legs, flew to heaven; one part became a red bird (Blueheaded fantasy, Rhipidura cyaniceps, sem. Muscicapidae) and cockroaches, the other with a cuckoo (Centropus melanops, sem. Cuculidae) and bed bugs]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 21:221-223; ifugao (Banaue band) [a rich man hid the skirt of one of the Stars who came to swim; she could not fly away; he brought her home, she settled in the barn because she can't stand the smell of onions, snails and ginger; gave birth to a daughter; when she went to get rice, she found her clothes in the same barn; after separating the child, she took the lower half to heaven, finished it to the whole; three days later she smelled decay; when she returned, she reproached her husband why he did not warn her that he could not make half the child full; she made it out of parts the upper half is a red bird that will guide her husband along the way; a cockroach that will stay eating insects in the house; a mosquito for her husband to send mosquitoes to enemies; ants that will help Warn a red bird about threats; if a person sees a column of ants instead of a red bird, this is a bad omen]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 2:260-261; ifugao (Batad band) [Tilay always brought a wild boar from hunting; one day his dog began to bark incessantly; at dusk he saw big ducks come down to the pond, took off their clothes from their feathers, turned into girls; T. hid the clothes herself beautiful; the others flew away, he brought this one to him, covering her nudity with a piece of his own loincloth; they have a daughter and two sons; playing, they found their mother's clothes; she put them on, cut one son in half, took the lower half and one child, left the other and the upper half, flew to heaven; the remaining half began to decay; T. said he was human and could not revive her; the wife said that she is a star, came down and revived; these T. children have many descendants]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 22:225-229; igorot [someone is ravaging a rice field; the owner sees three female stars descending; they they take off their wings, he hides the wings of one of them; the wife gives birth to a son; finds wings, flies away with a son; the god Lumawig lowers his rope; says that his wife is the one who will be bitten by a bee; she has the wings of one of them; wife gives birth to a winged - Morning husband finds wife and son; L. makes a rainbow bridge so they can go down to earth]: Eugenio 1994, No. 142:256-257; bontok (bontok igorot) [star girls they come to swim in the lake; a young hunter hides the wings of one of them; takes her as his wife; she gives birth to a son, the placenta turns into a second boy with more power; while playing, the brothers turn over a stone, finds wings, returns to his mother; the placenta boy feet on the edge of his spear, pushes off, flies to heaven, becomes the Evening Star; the brother cannot fly; the mother flies away, promising him that he would be the ancestor of Europeans]: Eugenio 1994, No. 7:15-16; the Ibaloi [stars went down to swim, broke off the tops of the tarot planted on the field; the pig, the dog replied to the women that they were not guilty, advised women's husbands to cross the field; at midnight they saw stars come down from the sky, take off their clothes, start swimming; men hid them, marry stars; former wives or killed themselves out of jealousy or left; men grew old and weak, and women stayed strong and young; they took their clothes locked in their rooms, returned to heaven; their children became ours ancestors]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 24:235.

China - Korea. Chuan Miao: Graham 1954:249-250 [an orphan married a star girl; a Chinese man painted a portrait of her, gave it to the emperor; the wife advises to agree to the emperor's offer to swap wives, take his throne; an orphan finds the emperor dead in the hut, and the Star has returned to heaven; lowers a forty orphaned son from heaven into the nest; old people raise him, children tease him that he has no parents; Ye Seo advises the young man to watch seven heavenly maidens coming to swim, hide one of them's clothes, ask her to be his mother; show her the embroidered fabric his mother put in his hand, descending to earth; the Star recognizes his son, returns to her husband, who became emperor], 250-252 [the poor orphan lives with his uncle, looks at the sky at night, asks the Lord of Heaven to help him; from heaven to him for one night (woman) star came down; so three nights in a row {it is possible that two stars came down every night - a star fell down, then another}; then his younger, seventh sister came down; he hides her in a pigsty; The aunt finds her, offers to drive her nephew out; the star leads him up the mountain into the forest; on the way she cooks rice with one grain; at her request, her brothers went down and built a house; the star tells me to invite her to visit the landowner; he offers to swap wives, the Star advises to agree, the orphan receives seven wives for one; the star flies to heaven, destroying the house, the landowner wakes up on bare ground, becomes poor; A star gives birth to a son in heaven, brings him to earth, seven childless orphan wives take him up; the boy studies, goes to look for his mother, gives a bracelet to the shepherds of the god Ntzï, who send him to the mountain, there six sisters lead to bathe horses, his mother is the last, her horse is as tall as a pig; The stars believe the young man that he is the youngest son, they do not kill; the father of the Stars puts the youngest with his son in m with a pig; The stars believe a young man who is the youngest son is not killed; ace (woman) is a star; a box thrown from the sky into the river, the son, taking a book, does not allow them to drown; they come home; later the Star returned to heaven; because she gave birth An earthly son, her light is weaker than that of the other six stars of Ursa Major].

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians: Khvartskia 1994:63 [a star descended into the clearing, a maiden descended from it, contacted married shepherds and hunters; after that, they could no longer live with their wives], 142 [zap . in Duripsha in 1984; Shashuy brought Ajveipsh's daughter Amzu-Moon closer to the Sun, she became his lover; their love was surprised by the Stars; in the absence of the Sun, the Devil seduced A. twice; S. burned A., expelled for Heavenly Gate; in addition to her, he punished that daughter Ayerga, who flew in the star, seduced married hunters and shepherds].

The Midwest. Chippewa [Algon sees twelve female stars descend from the sky in a basket; creates an old stump, turns into a mouse; while the other sisters trample on the mice, the youngest one is grabbed; she gives birth to him a son; makes a basket, flies back to heaven with his son; the son wants to see his father; the father of the Stars sends his daughter and grandson for A., asks him to bring every animal and bird to heaven by claw, pen, etc.; celestials they dismantle these objects, becoming creatures of the appropriate species; A., his wife and son become white falcons]: Spence 1985:152-156, 156-159 [the young man's name is the Cloud Holder; in a dream he comes to him A star takes him to heaven; hides from his brother; he allows them to marry; brings a young man to a hole in the sky, throws something down; a boy on earth falls ill; recovers when shamans They bring a white dog to the Star; the Star eats her with the Cloud Holder; the wife reluctantly lets the Cloud Holder visit his family; he forgets her, marries an earthly girl; both wives die; for the fourth time, the Star takes him forever to heaven]; Ottawa [Living Statue is a great sorcerer, his sister was taken by Moon Prince; he was met dressed in a green dwarf, offered to fight, LS him He hardly overcame; the dwarf praised him, turned into a corncob, ordered him to plant seeds, so corn appeared; one day LS slept, two dwarfs tried to rip his heart out, one put his hand in his mouth, LS bit off his fingers, they turned into a wampum; he came to the river, there's a stone boat with two petrified dwarfs and wealth - bear skins; LS refused all the girls, married a Star, they live now in the sky next to the Road of the Dead]: Compton 1907:78-84; Seneca [a young man named Elk lived with his uncle; saw seven Pleiade Sisters dancing by the river; they went down to earth in a basket, gathered back; he grabbed the youngest, persuaded him to marry him; she took him to heaven; her father dismantled him and reassembled him, making him strong; the young man and wife were lowered to the ground; the village said that then the old man and nephew lived a hundred years ago; tired of living on earth, they returned to heaven; the star remained paler than his sisters, the young man continued to hunt]: Parker 1989 [1923], No. 6:86-87.

The Great Plains. Sheena [a handsome young man rejects brides; a bright star descends from the western sky and becomes his wife; both go up to heaven; he himself turns into a star, her name is Beaver]: Kroeber 1900 , NO. 24:186.

Honduras-Panama. Kuna [parents fear that their four sons will leave them when they get married; they give them a potion that has an overwhelming interest in women; they go to the forest altogether, live alone; someone cooks, cleans them a hut; they wait for four Stars descending on a gold platter; only the youngest manages to keep Inanatili's girlfriend; he marries her; she explains that the Great Father sent them to marry young men, but they ruined everything, trying to seize them by force; I. gives birth to a daughter, later she dies; I. teaches women to sing lullabies and mourn the dead]: Howe 1991:240-241.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami (western Jan 2011 by Enrique Lucho, a Yanomamo man, 48 years old, was born and raised on the river. Okamo) [the star was a beautiful girl; a young man on earth fell in love with her, came to a star, asked her to marry him; they stayed one day together, then the star flew to heaven]: Matusovsky 2012:240-241.

Western Amazon. Napo or Canelo [two young men sleep in the open air, one asks the other what star he wants; they sing, two female stars come down to them, boys grab them; each becomes a snake, a scorpion, a poisonous ant, bites; one lets go of his own, the other does not marry her]: Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 30:73; shuar: Barruego 1988:76-77 [young man lives in a cave; wishes in wives are a star; she is immediately next to him; they have two children; when the children start walking, the mother returns to heaven; the children grow up, sail away in a boat, also rise to heaven; these are Yanquam stars and Musachi], 81-83 [two young men look at the sky; one says that if a star comes down, he will put it in his bag; the other says he will run away; the descending star turns into a worm, the older one puts it in the bag, the youngest himself rises to the sky as a star; the star becomes a woman, the young man marries her; she cooks chicha by chewing cassava and spitting into the vessel; the mother-in-law is unhappy with this, the star is offended returns to heaven; now many Indian women are called Yanua (by ya: star, nua: woman)]; Pelizzaro 1990 [=1993:221-224; two boys sleep in the open air wanting to marry stars; two stars in the form of caterpillars come down to them; one throws his own in fear, the other brings her home, she turns into a girl; says that her friend was more beautiful than her; has no anus; eats on food in the garden, spews cakes and chicha; mother-in-law is unhappy with the disorder in the house; offended, the star returns to heaven; her sons build a raft, sail to the edge of the world, throw darts into the skyline, they climb them to heaven, turn into Pleiades; the husband does not dare to climb darts, stays on the ground]: 221-224; Aguaruna: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 19 [the young man wishes The wife is a star, she is next to him; instead of urinating, beads come out of the star's body; mother-in-law disdains them; offended, the star returns to heaven; the husband follows her along the vine], 19a: 221, 223-225; Guallart 1958 [two young men stand in the open at night; two worms fell on them; one threw it away in disgust, the star returned to heaven; the other hid it in his clothes, brought them home, the worm became a girl; she she wrote it into a vessel, it was filled with beaded necklaces; the young man's mother called it filth; the star was offended, went up to heaven, lowered her husband's rope to follow him; but the young man's mother cut it off, the rope turned into a liana-guayaquil, which did not exist before]: 68; achuar [a man looks at the stars, wants a wife; she goes down, prepares cassava with a glance; her husband's sister finds her baby, gives him a breast, he bites it off; the woman dies, the star goes to heaven; the husband strives for her, turns into a tiheret nightjar]: Mowitz 1978:99-105.

NW Amazon. Bara [a sick star girl is sent to earth; a man has cured her, she has risen to heaven with him; it's night when it's day, everyone sees him sleeping with his wife; he returns alone to earth]: Jackson 1983:204; Barasana: S.Hugh-Jones 1982 [Dolphin constellation is a female star killed by a swarm of wasps sometimes identified with the Pleiades; she fell to the ground, came to life, married a mortal, rose from to the sky, her husband was killed by a snake star; the chain of stars nearby is the vine they climbed]: 188; Torres Laborde 1969 [a man sat on a stone by the water; female stars took him to the sky; stars they dance; they cleared the plot during the night, ate only drugs yazhe, koku, mingao; a man marries one of the stars, returns to earth with her; stars work on his field, night is day for them; in summer at night the stars went fishing; but from year to year they got lazier; finally gone forever, man had to work in the garden himself]: 55-56; macuna [A female star fell from the sky; a man met her in the forest, married him; she worked a lot, but only at night; so other people did not love him; the man went up with her to her relatives; there he could not work at night, he worked during the day when others were sleeping]: Å rhem et al. 2004:303; tatuyo [star people live on one tier of the sky; their lives and activities are like tatuyo's; a star descends and marries a mortal; both first live in their husband's baby, then they rise to the sky; other stars laugh at a man who walked with a torch during the day, because night is day for stars; and a star, while on earth, went to work in the garden at night]: Bidou 1972:56-57; Kabiyari [The star descended to earth to a young man Maraji, who had not known women before; the star and her father decided to kill him; he climbs a tree for fruit, father-in-law in front; warned his daughter that "game" she will fall, she must be finished off; M. pushed his father-in-law down himself, his daughter killed him thinking she was hitting M.; then drove her husband away]: Correa 1989:107-113.

The Central Andes. {The texts clearly contain European motives - identifying the wife, meat cut off from her leg to feed the bird that carries to heaven; but the main motive may be local}. Dep. Cuzco [star girls go down to steal potatoes or collect edible seaweed from the field; the young man hides his belt alone; without it she cannot return to heaven; she gives birth to a child; returns to heaven; husband follows her; identifies among other stars]: Itier 1996, No. 1 (Wuxi, Prov. Kispicanchis) [two girls; seaweed; gives birth to a baby; cooks corn with only one grain in the pot; mother-in-law does not believe that there will be a lot of food; the star is offended; learns from the child where the belt is; on condore husband and child rise to heaven; the Lord of the Stars rises the sun, burns them], 2 (Scribe, prov. Tracing paper) [one girl; potatoes; two sons; the star learns from them where the belt is; husband and sons rise to heaven; husband does not believe that a handful of quinoa can feed everyone; flees from the anger of the heavenly family at land; children turn into birds], 3 (Marangani, prov. Canchis; =Arguedas 1949:105-114; Lira 1965:133-139; 1990:1-7) [someone steals potatoes from a young man's field; he guards, falls asleep, grabs one of the star girls for the third time; first hid it in a hut next to him with the field, then brought her to her parents; her clothes were hidden, another was given; the child died for an unknown reason, the wife flew to heaven; the husband rises to heaven on a condor, along the way of taking llama meat with him enough, the young man cuts off his own leg, feeds the condor; after swimming in the sea in the sky, he is younger; all the star girls have come to the temple to honor their parents the Sun and Moon; the young man must identify his wife; the condor warns that she will push him with her elbow; he lives with the star for another year; puts too much quinoa to cook; the star is afraid of the anger of his parents, the Sun and the Moon; the condor lowers the man to the ground; before They swam again by flight, because they have aged a lot in a year; on earth, the young man remains single]: 161-164; Murua in Itier 1996 (prov. Tracing paper) [the shepherd meets two daughters of the sun; the eldest falls in love with him; comes to his mother; she gives her a staff inside which her son hides; at night he turns into a man in the Sun Palace; people Suns discover and haunt lovers; they turn into two mountains]: 173-174; the Ausangate massif south of Cusco (high mountain shepherds) [shepherd sees female stars descending to swim in the lake; hides the shining clothes of one of them; the Star has only one eye; the shepherd gives her a poncho, leads her to him, the others fly away; the wife gives birth to two children; when they are young, the father shows them radiant clothes, tells them not to tell their mother, goes to the valley; the children show their clothes, the mother flies to heaven; the returning shepherd scolds the children, makes a flute, the flute advises to give the cow a vulture, he will take it to heaven; on Holy Saturday, the vulture leaves the shepherd in the sky in front of the church gate; says that all the Stars are the same, one-eyed, the wife will be the last to come out; when she goes out, the wife herself turns to the shepherd, promises return tomorrow, sends home with a canyua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen; at an altitude of about 5000 m, the main culture); a shepherd descends on another condor; lives with children, their supply The canyua never ends (apparently it's about the first kanyuah, its heavenly origin; it doesn't say the Star is back)]: Lanata 2004:260-261.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [at the beginning of time, there were very few women on earth; men went to heaven to marry star girls; a little Wichshu hummingbird took one man and told him close your eyes, took me to heaven; you could only enter heaven through a thunder door (pynka, or ya'kuana), which opened and closed; when it opened, the hummingbird flew into he left his burden on the other side; as soon as the door opened again, the wichshu returned to earth; the men stayed in the sky and never went down; they married there]: Shlyakhtinsky 2008.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Aikana [a lonely young man admires a star in the sky, wants her to marry; she goes down and stays with him]: Becker-Donner 1955:285.

Southern Amazon. A young man or two brothers want two stars for their wives; they go down to earth, then the boy or brothers follow them to heaven. Nambikwara [the young man's mother goes to another village for cassava; he sleeps outside, wants two stars as his wife; they go down to the village, take him to heaven; the star brothers call him to play ball; kill when they hit the knee or head with the ball, they eat them; they have always done this to their sons-in-law; sisters turn fruits into wild pigs; brothers go hunting them, disappear; sisters tell other women to prepare cook meat; everyone dies accidentally (cuts herself with an ax, falls into fire, water, gets bitten by a dog, etc.); their children kill each other while playing; sisters think about the best way to commit suicide; decide not to drown, don't jump into a deep hole, don't be bitten by a snake; jump into a fire from a tree; the smoke from their burnt bodies turns into 1) The Small and Large Magellanic Clouds; 2) the younger sister into the Small Cloud; the eldest in the Big (the part of her body that is more burned) and in the Coal Sack (the part that is weaker burnt)]: Pereira 1983, No. 90:113-117; Iranian: Pereira 1985, No. 15 [two brothers sleep under the open by the sky, they want two stars as wives; two star girls go down, sleep with them; brothers tell each other that everyone dreamed of a skinny wife; stars (offended?) disappear; come back; do not eat Crypturellus parvirostris bird meat (shooting stars turn into these birds); tell young men to close their eyes, take them to the sky; the elder's wife warns that tapirs there are long legs in the sky, you have to aim higher; he kills the tapir; the younger one misses, the brothers of the stars eat him; his wife warns him not to play ball; a poisonous ball is thrown into his house; he gives it head, dies (var.: goes to play, killed with a heavy ball); widows turn fruits into wild pigs; brothers of stars follow the trail, understand the deception; they and their children throw themselves into the fire, turn into all kinds monkeys depending on who is burned; widows tell the remaining old men and old women to get ready to cook meat; they all die accidentally (fall into the water, injure themselves with an ax, etc.)]: 84-91 (=1974: 39-40); Moura 1960 [A star descends to two young men, sleeps with them, takes them to heaven; one hunts, kills a beast with an arrow; other animals eat both prey and hunter; the second boy plays with the Stars in the ball, killed by a heavy ball, is eaten; the wife of the killed lies to the Stars as if she saw many wild pigs; they do not find pigs, throw themselves into the fire, turn into monkeys of different colors; only Stars remain in the sky -women]: 58-59; paresi [two brothers; star brothers kill the youngest after hunting tapir, his soul turns into a partridge; the elder kills most of the stars, their grandmother revives them, young man returns to earth]: Pereira 1986, No. 31:354-361; Umotina [Zapálo lies at night, sees two stars in the sky, says he would like them to be his wife; when he wakes up, he sees two women next to him, they are Barukoló (Morning Star); Z. hunts for them (polygamy in reality is not certified); wives are surprised that her husband brings a lot of meat, in the sky they ate the resin of the reaper palm; they ask him to get it resin; ask to climb a bakab palm tree (Oenocarpus bacaba Mart.) to get fruit; all three climb a palm tree into the sky; Z. cannot eat resin, the food of the stars; the stars lower him on a rope in a pot; when There was not much left, the ropes broke, became all kinds of snakes, the fragments of the pot became turtles; the man told us what happened to him]: Schultz 1962, no. l: 243-244.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 76 [Metraux 1960:17-18; thunder Bepkororoti married Dozhd, they had a daughter Na-Kra ("rain" means "child"); her mother quarreled with her, beat her, and she went down to the land, the young man Ngodyure hid it in calebass, took it home; took it out at night to sleep with it; his mother-in-law opened the calebass, shaved her daughter-in-law's head, painted it with genipa and uruku; NC gave birth to a boy, who is forever hungry; people ate rotten wood and fruit; NK climbed a palm tree into the sky, brought sweet potatoes and bananas from the sky; her father told her son-in-law that NK would stay with him if he did not beat her; husband and wife planted cultivated plants], 77 [Banner 1957:40-41; there was no fruit, no fire, people ate rotten wood, lizards; Rain's daughter came down from the sky, the young man saw her, she said her parents hurt her; the young man hid wife in a closed basket; her mother found, shaved the top of her head, painted her genipa and uruku, she was named Nhokpôkti; she ordered to clear the plot, brought bananas, cassava, sweet potatoes, yams from the sky; when her son grew up, returned to heaven forever], 78 [Lukesh 1978:221-223; during the migration, the young man found Rain's daughter, NGObog-ti ("great light"); hid it in calebas, the mother found the girl, shaved, painted it like a kayapo woman ; brought various cultivated plants and manioc cakes from the sky (the husband bent the tree to send his wife to heaven, it straightened up, she took off); then the girl's father, Bebgoroti's mother and sisters, brought everything else]: 217-219, 219-220, 221-223; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 53 (shikrin) [the young man looks at Venus, wants her as his wife, the star goes down to him, he hides her in the calebass; his sister opens it, her mother paints it; her husband throws her into the sky with a stick, she brings bananas, pumpkins, yams, yams, sweet potatoes, cassava, people received cultivated plants], 54 (pau d'arco) [Nimuendaju, MS; two brothers sleep on the street, one wants a star as his wife, she is next to him, he hides her in a calebass; the boy's mother finds her, the Star stays with him; invites her husband to visit the sky, he is afraid; bends a tree, throwing her wife into the sky; she brings yams, sweet potatoes, cassava from there; once she quarreled with her husband, returned to heaven, the plants remained; a caterpillar climbed to the young man's brother, and also became a girl stayed with him; his mother tried to crush her, but she came to life, her mother recognized her as her daughter-in-law]: 181-182, 183-184; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 74 [the young man's wife died; he cried looking at the sky; the star disappeared and I was next to him on the plaza; after the fifth night, the young man agreed to marry her; hides his wife in a calebass, his sister finds it, he announces his new marriage; people ate rotten wood, leaves, game and coconuts ; The star ordered to prepare the site, brought yams, bananas, sweet potatoes, corn, rice, beans, peanuts, etc. from the sky, taught me how to cook it all, as well as weave mats and baskets; finding her husband with an earthly girl, returned to heaven; if this hadn't happened, the Star would have brought other valuables from heaven], 75 [the young man's wife is dead; he looks at the sky, dreams of a star coming down to him; a frog jumps towards him, he she throws her off, falls asleep; when she wakes up, a girl is next to her, she was a star and a frog; the next night she brought yams and yams, people ate rotten wood at that time; he hides it in a calebass; he finds her his younger brother, she is ashamed; after that, the young man lives openly with her; she goes with her husband's mother, jumps on her shoulder three times in the form of a possum; explains that he wants to point to the tree on which everyone grows corn varieties so that people would no longer feed on rotten wood; men cut down wood when they left, cut down the thicket; boys were sent for better axes, they killed and ate the opossum along the way, turned into old people; the shaman poured water on them and restored their youth; people cut down a tree, the Star showed how to grow corn; after her husband's death, she returned to heaven]: 212-214, 215-216; crash: Wilbert 1978, No. 70 [Schultz 1950:75-79; humans had fire and meat but no cassava, and ate rotten wood with meat; female star Katxeré decided to go down to a lonely young man, give people food; turned into a frog, the young man threw it away, she appeared as a girl, told her to hide it in a calebass in the morning; in calebass she was a frog, opened it as a girl; the young man's sister opened it, after which he did not hide his wife; she showed a tree by the water, on which all varieties of corn, cobs fell into the water; people were afraid to eat, K. taught; others saw a piece of cake from the boy, cut down the tree; K. showed the wild edible fruits; while her husband was hunting, another man raped K.; she made a drink from bark, brought it to the plaza, everyone drank and died; K. returned to heaven, the cultivated plants remained], 71 [Schultz 1950 : 80-83; boys aged 15-16 spend the night in the plaza; only one without a wife; he was with a Star Girl; in the morning she became young, he hid her in a calebass; his five-year-old sister opened it, then the young man stopped hide his wife; people ate rotten wood and termite nests; they planted corn but did not know it was edible; the star collected the cobs, made tortillas; brought cassava, watermelons, rice, sweet potatoes, yams, peanuts from the sky, planted everything; gave birth to a son; taught me how to harvest and cook], 72 [Schultz 1950:85-86; one young man is single, sleeping in the plaza; wiped off a frog, she became a girl, was a star descending from the sky; in the morning he hides his wife in a calebass; her little sister opened her, the young man declared that he was married; his wife told her to take her to swim in the river; there she saw a tree with corn growing; told him to cut him down, collect his cobs, sow; at night she brought yams, bananas, cassava and peanuts from the sky; taught her how to plant; while her husband was away, five young men raped her; she spat in their mouths, they died; returned to heaven to her parents]: 194-200, 201-205 , 206-208; frame camera [there were no edible plants, rotten wood was eating meat; the ugly young man Túkti looked at the star, a frog jumped at him, he brushed it off, it came back, turned into a girl; during the day he began to hide his wife in calabass, his younger brother opened it, his lovers stopped hiding; his wife asked her to be brought to the water, showed corn by the river, people did not know what to eat it, she baked cakes; decided to clear the plot, the boy was sent for an ax, he saw the old man baking an opossum, tried it, became an old man himself; the star would have told other secrets, but T. insisted on copulation; she went to the square and sang, then went to heaven with her husband]: Wilbert 1978, No. 73:209-211; xavante [Giaccaria, Heide 1991, No. 2:32-39; two boys sleep outside; one wishes to be married one of the stars; when he wakes up, he sees her next to him; the young man and his wife climb a palm tree, the young man tells his younger brother to hit the trunk with a club, the palm tree grows to the sky; in the sky the young man sees yams, sweet potatoes and others cultivated plants; vultures also live there; a young man goes down to earth to inform his father about his marriage, brings cultivated plants; returns to heaven to his wife in the same way]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 52:175-180; sherente [Nimuendaju 1944:184; a young man admires the star Wasi-Topré (Jupiter), who descends to him as a girl; in the morning a young man hides her in a calebas; his comrades open it, the girl disappears; at night she comes to the young man again, leads him to the mountain, they climb a palm tree, from there to the sky; there is a man everywhere in the sky; the young man goes back in fear, the wife shouts to him that he will return soon; he talks about what he saw, dies, his soul returns to heaven, visible as a star next to Jupiter]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 55:185-186.

SE Brazil. Kamakan [mythology has the theme of a star wife; a man returns to earth on the back of a vulture (without details)]: Metraux, Nimuendaju 1946b: 552.

Chaco. Chamacoco: Escobar 2006:242 [the young man admires Iolé Morning Star every night; he sleeps in the morning, his comrades go hunting; he wakes up in the sky in the cold arms of I.; they live together, he asks her to go down to the ground with him; I. turns into a bunch of light in the young man's maraka (shaman's pumpkin-throat shaman rattle); he hides it in his purse; one day, when he goes hunting, trusts the secret to his sister, orders to guard the handbag; wild boars attacked the village, women climbed trees, the boar trampled on his purse, I. returned to heaven, destroyed the village with a flood; the young man continued to look at the sky in the morning], 243- 244 [a girl stole a feather bracelet from a shaman; a fight broke out, the girl's brother killed the shaman; he was sentenced to death; as a shaman himself, he rose to heaven; various stars deny the murderer shelter; in The shaman falls asleep in the land of the Morning Star Iolé; I. wakes him up, forgives him, he lives with her and her three daughters; I. is in love with him, reluctantly lets him go back to the ground; his eyes made of blue stones are inserted, with which you can see everything; he returns to the village with gifts from heaven, forgives him; it is difficult for him to live on earth, he returns to his wife; then he returns to earth a few more times, finally stays in heaven Forever]; Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 25 [Cordeu MS; an ugly black boy dreams of marrying Iózly, the brightest star (Venus); she goes down to him, he hides her in a calebass; living with a star, a man and his family acquire fair skin; I. warns not to take calebas into the forest; the husband takes it, women find her, open it, burn it with fire, the star explodes and flies to heaven, women die ; one day I. goes down to a tree, spits her husband's attention, reproaches him for inattention, flies away forever], 26 [Cordeu 1980; a young man sleeps in the plaza, dreams of the Iózle Morning Star; she goes down to him, he hides it in a termite nest; women burn it to open it; a star explodes, women die, she revives them and flies to heaven; the husband turns into an iguana], 27 [Cordeu 1974:111- 112; a young man wants to marry the Morning Star Iózle; she goes down to him, in the afternoon he hides her in a calebass; two girls open a calebass, burn I.'s nails; she explodes, kills them, then revives them, returns to heaven; I. - wife of the month Cacúlco], 28 [Frič MS; a man looks at Venus Johle, wants to be married, she goes down to him; he hides her in calabass; women open her, she explodes, women die, I. flies to heaven; revives her husband's sister, but not other women; husband turns into a tuyuyu stork, a dog pulls his feathers out of his tail], 29 [Frič in Metraux 1943:118; Venus (yo'hle) fell in love with an ugly young man, made him handsome; a young man wore a star in a calebass sealed with wax; two girls who wanted to make love to a handsome young man decided to find out what he was hiding; melted the wax of burning smut and opened the calebass; the half-burnt Star flew out and returned to heaven; the young man was looking for her; she returned to the ground, sat on a tree; when the young man passed by, spat on him; the young man reached out to her, but she flew back to heaven; he turned into a tuyutuyu stork, followed by a dog and tore off his tail], 30 [Belaieff 1944:43; the young man does not participate in entertainment, watches him rise Wora star; she comes down to him in the guise of a woman, tells him to hide her in a calebass every morning after Venus rises; a few years later, a group of guys broke into the young man's hut, they grabbed and opened Calebasu, it exploded, they all died; the star's son also died, the young man himself lost one eye, and the star returned to heaven]: 84-88, 89-91, 92-93, 94-96, 97, 98; chorote [instead of urine from the star's body beads or crystals come out; the mother-in-law disdains to let her urinate, another woman gives her; the husband hides the star in the calebass; when his sister throws the calebass on the ground, everyone dies, the star revives people; revives dried crops; returns to heaven, husband looks for her, goes to vultures, they devour him, the star revives him]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 136 [before meeting the star, the young man loses an arrow, a star gives it to him], 137 [a young man visits his mother when he comes down from the sky], 138 [after losing an arrow, the young man steps on a thorn, the star takes it out; a man descends from the sky on a vulture, falls into the water, sinks], 139-140 [short versions, just the beginning of the story]: 254-267; nivacle [unless otherwise: two stars take the thorn out of the young man's leg, raise it to the sky; contrary to the ban, he kills birds (s) there thunderbirds threaten him, he escapes when he returns to earth]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 12 [boys shoot at the target, one who has no connection with girls wins prizes; looks at the sky at night , dreams of lying between two Star Girls; the next day he competes in the run, his leg gets a thorn; the Stars did it to keep him behind the others; the youngest copulates with him, they They take him to heaven; bird-men greet the young man; his wives tell him to respond to the chief's greeting only for the fourth time; he receives gifts; he is warned of a terrible jaguar that has already eaten many women; They warn the Vultures not to eat; forgetting that celestials are in front of him, he kills ducks, storks, and herons; for this, the Kite and the Vultures kill him; his star wives revive him; the jaguar turns out to be a rat, dangerous for thin-skinned birds, but not in vain trying to grab the throat of a young man; he kills her; the birds are happy; the young man wants to go to the ground, descends on the back of a kite (hawk); he asks him to jump off at the ground, but the young man is afraid; then the Kite throws him into the river, the young man turns into an eel (Lepidosirem paradoxa)], 13 [the girls ignore the ugly young man; looking at the stars, he dreams of having two of them, big and little, became his wives; the name of both together is Micksachéy; together with other men, the young man runs home, each in his own way; thorns pierce his feet, he stops; M. they go down, he brings them to his mother's house in a small bag; they spend two nights with him; the boy's mother, and then others see them; M. promise to take him to heaven; in order not to fall, you don't have to look to the ground; there are many fruits and cultivated plants; one of the stars asks for a washing vessel to urinate in it; the young man's mother refuses to give it; his aunt gives it; the vessel is filled with necklaces; in heaven, M. they offer him to eat as many watermelons as he wants; corn grows here; M. hides it under a poncho; some celestial suspects that M. has someone with him; they smeared the poncho with crap, then he left; Two days later, the hawk invites the young man to take him back to the ground - his mother cries for him; then the vulture offers the same; the young man sits on his back and they fly; when they fly to the house, the vulture tells the young man jump, but he does not dare every time; then the vulture throws him into the river and the young man disappears into the water], 14 [the young man dreams of marrying two stars; the stars go down to him, the eldest shoots into the sky, does a chain of arrows, Stars and a young man climb it; thunderbirds live in the sky; wives warn not to respond to their leader's first greetings; the chief warns that the ducks on the river are local women ; a young man kills a duck; thunderbirds are going to kill him, stars bring him down a rope to the ground; there he finds his house destroyed by a thunderstorm], 15 [a hand eagle in a young man's house (this is a prisoner on the ground celestial) raises him into the world of birdmen, warns him not to respond to the first greeting from the leader of thunderbirds; a terrible jaguar kills local women; the young man easily kills him, the jaguar turns out to be a rat; everyone is happy; he kills a bird, forgetting that it is a thunderbird, a local resident; the eagle that brought it protects it, trains him in running; the young man is offered a running competition, he beats several birds; looks to the sky of stars, which is above the sky of birds, wants female stars; two stars adjust him to stab his leg while running; go down to him, lift him into their world, marry him; eagle lowers him to the ground], 16 [the young man looks at the sky, dreams of marrying two stars (the Gemini constellation); two women go down to him, take out a splinter, raise stars and thunderbirds to the village a staircase of reeds that descend from there, which are used to make arrow poles; told not to respond the first time to the greeting of the leader of the thunderbirds; contrary to warning, the young man kills a duck woman; his star wives ask a vulture to lower him to the ground; a man falls into a river, turns into an eel], 17 [a star (this is Orion's Belt) descends to extract a thorn, then the text breaks off]: 42-50, 51-54, 55-58, 59-64, 65-69, 70; poppies: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 84 [the wife does not like an ugly husband; he looks at the sky, wants a little star as his wife; when hunting, she hurts a deer, he turns into a woman, she says that there is the Star he wanted; hides in the form of a firefly in her husband's bag; opens up to his relatives after her husband's younger sister tried to look into her bag (Star she hurt her eyes with something, then cured her); when the season for collecting algarrobo pods (Prosopis nigra) is over, she leads her husband to collect them, moistens his eyes with his urine, then he sees them in the trees pods; in the same way, the Star leads to collect other women's algarrobo beans, also wets their eyes; takes her husband to heaven to his Frost father; when he admits that her husband is sleeping with her, her father-in-law scratches her son-in-law's body with bones to cause ritual scars, he dies of blood loss; father-in-law tells his daughter to step on his grave, lets the comb comb comb the corpse, the son-in-law revives handsome; father-in-law warns that on earth the former wife will pull the man towards her, but the spouses still return to earth; the former wife's sister sees that the man has become handsome; the man's star and ex-wife pull him in different directions, tear it in half; the Star revives it by stepping on it; the next night, the same thing, the torn one cannot be revived; the star returns to heaven, telling her husband's relatives to stock up firewood; the rest of the inhabitants Frost kills villages with cold; the Sun visits Frost, he gives him fish; he visits the Sun himself, he gives him an Algarrobo bean], 85 [the wife leaves her ugly husband; he looks at the sky at night, wants to be married Foteki morning star; a deer is injured while hunting, who turns into a woman, she says he is F.; becomes a holy man, tells a man to hide him in his bag; his mother hears what's wrong with her son at night woman; younger sister tries to look into the bag, a needle falls out, stabs it in the eye; F. heals her eye, remains human; smears her husband, mother-in-law's eyes with urine, they now see fruits on the tree that were not before saw; takes her husband to heaven to visit his father-in-law; it's cold there; Father F. is also a star; for a long time F. replies to him that her husband did not copulate with her; finally he confesses; he calls his son-in-law, pierces him sharp bones, the son-in-law dies of blood loss; after a while, the father-in-law tells his daughter to step on the grave, the husband gets up; the wife combs the half-decomposed corpse, it comes to life, becomes handsome; the father-in-law goes to guests to the Sun man; son-in-law misses the earth; father-in-law tells her daughter that she will be able to revive her husband again in the same way as she has already done; the spouses return to earth; the former wife sees that he has become handsome; he comes for him with his sisters; F. and his former wife pull him in different directions, tear him in half; F. revives him; the next night the same, F. cannot revive her husband again; returning to heaven, she tells her husband's family to stock up on firewood, for her father will send cold as punishment; father-in-law kills the rest of the village with cold]: 179-186, 187-191; matako [star visits an ugly young man, then takes him to heaven; it's cold there; contrary to the prohibition, a man comes to the fire and dies]: Calífano 1974 [a star goes to heaven, a man follows her]: 49-50; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 7 [a star throws his bones to the ground], 8 [a star's father devours her husband; his spirit becomes an owl]: 47-49; toba [(Metraux 1946e: 42-46; p. 46: this myth in various versions is the most popular in Chaco, first to tell him); the star returns to heaven taking a man with him; it's cold there; you can't approach fire]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 10 [a man born in a pot lived with the owner a pot away from the others; grew up, saw a star, wished to be a wife; at midnight, a female star touched his hand, his hand froze, the young man thought it was a toad; in the morning the women went to collect wild fruits; star I found out that there is a vegetable garden, but it is dry and nothing grows there; if the star wanted, corn, pumpkins, beans, melons, watermelons grew and ripened on it; she told me to eat by casting a spell, who did not listen to him the fruits are bitter; if she wishes, the Algarrob is full of pods; the wife allows her husband to go to heaven, tells her to eat everything she cooks, not to touch the fire; the husband sat by the fire, it blazed and burned; the wife sent her husband to the ground, who told me how cold it was in the sky], 11 [Kopilačaralat ("spitting vessel"), the son of an old woman Halsiya; went with the women to pick fruit for his mother; the women wiped his hair snot, spit on his head, only one regretted it; then he gave fruit, he brought his mother; on the lake he rubbed his face and hands with charcoal, covered himself with stems, the birds were not afraid, he shot them a lot; now women look at him with interest, but still shy away, since he is covered in snot; K. caught a lot of fish; at night he wished a star as his wife; she went down, he brought her home; she turned him handsome; according to her By the way, melons, pumpkins, corn appeared in the empty garden; Padenik also got a vegetable garden because he was a relative of a woman who did not spit on K.; K. insisted on going up to heaven with his wife; climbed Guayacum officinale L. has fallen; there is a bird in the sky spewing fire from its mouth; the star has forbidden touching this bird (aka fire) and the ice pot; K. is freezing; across the lake there is a bridge, below palometas, they will eat the fallen; the wife lowers K. back to the ground, returns herself; marries a woman who did not spit on him], 12 [the person touches the fire, burns, returns to the ground], 13 [man touches the fire, dies, the star throws its dice to the ground]: 51-53, 54-59, 60-61, 61-62; 1989a, No. 36 [the star's husband is a shaman; because of the cold he returns to earth], 37 and 39 [a person dies from the cold, a star throws his bones to the ground], 38 [when a man touches a fire, a huge bird eats it], 40 [a single man copulates with a vessel, there are children; every night one of them looks at sky, dreaming of marrying a star; a star descends; next time he wants to go to heaven with her; she warns that there is no fire; he insists; it is cold in the sky; he sees fire but his wife explains that this creature, which looks like a crow, it eats people; man returns to earth], 41 [heavenly fire is a bird; it devours man; his bones are thrown to the ground], 42 (eastern) [Venus went down to the shaman, offered to take him to heaven; he took off, stayed with her, but her house was very cold; she sent him to get fire to Old Man; only he had fire, the shaman warmed up, brought him eating for himself and his wife], 119 [a man looks at the sky, wants a star for his wife; the star comes down, sleeps with him at night, turns into a ray of light during the day, he hides it in his pocket; the star wife plants seeds, of which corn, beans, pumpkins grow; it teaches people how to farm]: 57-58, 59, 59-60, 61-62, 63-64, 65-66, 67-68, 176; mocovi: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 18 [The morning star fell in love with a young man; came every night, she left in the morning; he wants to get up with her, she does not advise; one day she left at midnight, warning him not to touch the coals; he is cold, he makes a fire and burns without a trace], 19 [as in (18), briefly ]: 43-45.

The Southern Cone. Araucana [recorded "half a century ago" by folklorist S. de Sauniére; The Sun suppressed the rebellion against him, his enemies turned into mountains; the first man is the son of the Sun and Moon; the Sun sent him as his wife Female star]: Dowling Desmadryl 1971:118