Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K19B. The husband is a star. .

A male star marries an earthly woman.

Sema, Khashi, Kodiak, Tanana, Kuchin, Tagish, Southern Tutchoni, Tsetsot, Helmet, Taltan, Slevi, Chilkotin, Shuswap, Kutene, Quinolt, Quileut, Lkungen, Klallam, Twana, Snookualli, Puyallup, Puget Sound, Upper Chehalis, Cowlitz, Vasco, Wishram, Yakima, Tillamook, Coos, Winnebago, Chippewa, Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Eastern Cree, Timagami Ojibwa, Ojibwa, Steppe Cree, Mikmak, Passamaquoddy, sarsi, blackfoot, assiniboine, grovantre, santi, teton (oglala), northern sheyen, oto, arikara, pawnee, wichita, kaddo, koasati, maidu, washo, oriental shoshones, umotina, rickbacza, tapirape, karazha, caduveo, matako.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Sema [the girl talks about dowry, although no one marries her; parents find goats given for her, and she was taken as his wife by kungumi; she returns with her baby; when her the younger brother takes him in his arms, the baby dies; after that, smoke begins to flow from the big star in the sky; the mother of the deceased explains that it is her husband who tells her to return, rising on a column of smoke; warns that if her parents look at her at this time, they won't see her again; mother looked, daughter didn't come back]: Hutton 1968:331-332; khasi [the brightest Star sees a girl- The turtle swims in the lake; goes down to marry her; the wife is lazy and sloppy, the Star leaves her; turtles still pull their necks to the sky]: Rafy 1920, No. 23:108-110.

The Arctic. Kodiak [the chief's daughter rejects her suitors; two come to her at night, take her away in a boat, make her wife; three days later they are locked in the house without food; the old woman invites her to marry her son; carries the sky is in the basket; the husband, like all Stars, is only half of the person (vertically), he has moss and mice on his head; the woman gives birth to the same son; the stars let her see the ground, descend in the basket; she visits parents, goes back to heaven]: Golder 1903, No. 3:21-26.

Subarctic. Tanana: Rooth 1971:314 [two sisters look up to the sky, want a star for their husbands; he takes them to heaven], 328 [two sisters follow a butterfly, go to heaven]; kuchin [two sisters rock on his younger brother's swing; he falls into the river, drowns; frightened of their parents' anger, the sisters leave; they get to the Spider; her two sons follow the sun every day; they are considered girls' husbands, but do not sleep with them and do not take food from their hands; contrary to warning, the sisters move the stone; see their house on the ground through the hole; the Spider agrees to let them down; tells them not to cut the rope on the ground, otherwise it will die; when her sons cause a storm, the sisters must turn their backs bare to the wind; the sisters do so, the wind subsides; Wolverine promises to show them the way home if one of them lies with him; sisters push him into the river, they come home]: McKennan 1965:136-137; Tagish: Cruickshank 1992 (both informants have one Tlingit parent; since other sources do not have this motive among the Tlingit, but known to many northern atapascas, the Tlingit origin of the texts is unlikely) [two sisters look at the sky, want stars for husbands; find themselves in the sky; stars are good hunters; sisters dig in a hole in the sky, they go down a rope, get home]: 106-107 [one wants a red star, the other wants a blue star; when they go down, they find themselves in a tree; many animals cannot help them go down to earth; Wolverine descends; they run away from him, leaving the leggings responsible for themselves], 216-221 [one wants a dim star, the other a bright star; the dull one is an old man, the bright one is young; husbands supply fur, meat and fish to their wives and their parents are on earth; sisters go right down to the ground; var: first they find themselves in a tree]; McClelland 2007, No. 90 [two girls look at the sky, one wants a blue star for her husband, the other a red star; in the morning wake up in the sky; one has red hair, the other has blue hair; girls make a rope out of stripes of skins; dig a hole, go down a rope, find themselves on a tree; offer themselves to marry various animals passing by, but they can't take them off the tree; Wolverine takes them off; the sisters say they are hungry, he brings them a bag of wood dust, they send him for meat; he brings someone's supplies, they they refuse to take them, they send them for fresh meat; they run away, telling the trees to answer for them; they come home]: 418-420; southern tutchoni [two sisters sleep outside; one wants blue as husband, the other red a star; both wake up in the sky, their husbands are Stars; sisters make a rope out of straps, go down, end up on top of a tree; a moron (usually Wolverine) lowers them, takes them as wives; brings them with hunting rotten wood instead of meat; sisters run away; Crane stretches its legs like a bridge; sisters cross the river asking the Crane to bend its legs when Wolverine goes; Wolverine sinks; sisters come to see mother] : McClelland 1987:311-312; tsetsot [two sisters look at the stars; one wants a white husband, the other red; wake up in the sky; one husband's blanket is white, the other is red; there is no water in the sky, thirsty; find a hole in the sky; descend on a strap of skins, end up on a tree top; Wolf, Bear and others refuse to help them; Wolverine descends to the ground in exchange for a promise marry him; sisters leave pieces of meat to answer for themselves, run away; Grizzly wants to marry them, they push him into the abyss; come home]: Boas 1896-1897, No. 12:39-42; helmet: Moore 1999 [two sisters look at stars; one wants a blue star as her husband, the other wants a red star; wake up in the sky with their husbands; dig a hole, weave a rope, go down from the sky to the top trees; animal people pass by, Wolverine is the last, lets the girls down; while he hunts, they run away; ask a long-legged bird (snail yellow-legged, Tringa flavipes, less yellow legs) to stretch his leg through canyon, cross to the other side; Wolverine pursues, calls Ulita "skin leg", who throws him into the river]: 358-167; Teit 1917a, No. 13 [two sisters admire the stars; one wants red as her husband, the other white; wake up in the sky, one under a red blanket, the other under a white blanket; husbands are good hunters; sisters dig a hole through the sky, go down a rope, find themselves on top of a tree; Elk, Wolf and others refuse to help; Wolverine lets them down; they promise to meet him if he brings venison; flee; he catches them; they push him into the river; the bird stretches out its legs like a bridge across the river; sisters cross it; Wolverine reaches the middle, the Bird removes its leg, Wolverine falls, drowns; sisters return home; then turn into beavers]: 457-457; taltan [two sisters want stars to be husbands; wake up in the sky in the morning; husbands are good hunters; sisters find a hole in the sky, see the ground; go down a rope; husbands cut it off; sisters fall to the top of a tree; some animals can't help, others promise to come back later; Wolverine brings his sisters down; they promise to lie down with him after he brings them food, drink, makes a bed on the cliff's edge; they push him down, he dies; the Rat kills and eats one of the sisters; the other returns to people]: Teit 1921a, No. 52:247-248; go down [father and mother went to the forest, did not return; to distract the younger sister, the eldest says that the little star would be hers (the little sister) and the big star would be hers; they pointed to the stars, fell asleep, woke up next to two male stars; they dug a hole through the sky, made a belt, cut it moose skins descend into an eagle's nest on a fir island; none of the animals passing by agrees to help, Wolverine lowers it; they push it off a cliff; they tell the trees to whistle, Wolverine rushes to the whistle, stops the pursuit]: Moore, Wheelock 1990, No. 1:3-5.

The coast is the Plateau. Two (if not otherwise) girls admire the stars; one wants her husband to be dim, the other bright. Chilcotin [two sisters sleep outside; the eldest wants the big Star to go to bed with her, the youngest wants a little one; the big one is blind and lame old, the little one is handsome; the old man is a bag of dried female breasts; the sisters run away; they can't climb over a log; the eldest kicks him, it turns into the same old man; the eldest makes a crevice in the ground, spreads over it bed; the old man goes to bed with both sisters; at night they cut the ropes, the old man falls into the crevice, dies]: Farrand 1900, No. 16:31-32; shuswap [two girls travel looking for a husband; sleeping on on the street, they want a bright star as their husbands; an old man with sore eyes is in bed with them; they run away, but he is again in front of them; feeds meat but does not eat it himself; does not sleep with them; they find out what he eats human and fattens them to eat; they run away, create an abyss behind them; a log connects the edges of the abyss; the cannibal steps on a log, falls into the abyss; the girls go beyond Wolverine, he is good hunter]: Teit 1909a, No. 25:687-689; coutene [a girl wants a weak star as her husband; wakes up in the sky next to an old man; he forbids digging tubers under a tree; she digs, sees relatives below; goes down to the ground on a rope; the next night the Star kills her]: Boas 1917, No. 70:247-249; quinalt: Clark 1953 [a bright star turns out to be a young man, marries an older sister; red - an old man, takes the youngest; the girls' father organizes a trip to heaven; big animals fail, the Wren makes a chain of arrows; animal people climb into the sky; it's cold there; the flycatcher is sent for fire, she remains to warm up; The Beaver allows himself to be trapped; brings fire to the expedition members; Mice gnaw through the bowstrings of celestials, the expedition members attack them, return to earth with both girls; Stingray and Marten remain in the sky; Stingray turns into Ursa Major; Marten causes eclipses by biting the moon and sun]: 158-160; Farrand 1902, No. 5 [as in Clark 1953; older sister hurries The spider brings her down to the ground; the rope is short, the girl dies sitting in a basket between heaven and earth; people go to save her sister; the dog is sent for fire, she remains eating roots; on the opposite the path, the chain of arrows breaks off, the rest in the sky turn into stars]: 107-109; quileout: Andrade 1931, No. 26 [the younger sister wants a dim star, the eldest wants a bright star; the youngest wakes up with old, elder with her young husband; the girls' father makes a bow; Whale, Bear, Elk can't pull it, Wren shoots, makes a chain of arrows; only the Snail sees an arrow piercing the sky; Osprey lends her eyes, does not return her; animal people climb into the sky; the Spider lowers her younger sister on a rope, she hangs between heaven and earth, turns into a star; in the sky, the Thrush (Snowbird), then the Dog send for fire; both stay warm, do not return; Rabbit kidnaps and brings fire; Rats spoil the weapons and clothes of the Stars; in battle, many Stars are killed; animal people descend to the ground, chain the arrows break off; those left in the sky become stars]: 71-83; Farrand, Mayer 1919, No. 10 [sisters sleep outside; one wants a red star, the other a blue star; the stars take them to heaven; red - old man with sore eyes, blue young; sisters want to go home, Stars send them to earth; earthly people decide to fight against heaven; (episodes with Wren and Snail like in Andrade); climbing on the sky, the Raven and the Stingray duel; the Stingray turns sideways and the Raven is wounded by a spear; a little bird asks the fire owners to let them warm up; her breast turns red; (the Beaver episode is like in Andrade); heavenly people win, earthly people hurry back, the stairs break; the rest turn into stars, including Stingray]: 264-266; lkungen [two sisters sleep outside; the eldest wants a bright Jupiter as her husband, the youngest is reddish Mars; the stars take them to the sky; Jupiter's eyes are sore; husbands do not tell them to dig up rhizomes; the eldest violates the ban, makes a hole in the sky, sees a house; sisters go down rope, return to mother]: Boas 1895, No. 2:62-63; clallam [two girls sleep outside; the eldest wants a bright, younger dim star as her husband; the stars raise them to the sky, the dim one turns out to be dim handsome; a hot fire is burning in the sky, sisters throw algae at it, it gets cooler; sisters pass between crushing rocks, avoid other dangers; find a hole in the sky; weave a rope from cedar legs, descending to earth]: Gunther 1925:135-136; twana [two sisters want a star to be husbands; wake up in the sky; want to come back; dig a hole through the sky, go down a rope; one of them gives birth to a son; two girls, born from salmon milk, kidnap him, putting a rotten deck in the cradle; a shaman turns her into a boy; Blue Jay flies under the descending and rising (sky) ?) , his head becomes flat; finds the kidnapped; he is already an adult man, married to his kidnappers; sea fish, Cedar, Spruce his children; returns to the earthly world; makes the Raven black; runs away from people setting fire to the ground; turns a swimming child into a loon, a Deer into a deer, a Beaver into a beaver, a monster and a menstruating girl into rocks, drowns a witch; turns into a Month, his brother (from a rotten deck) - in the Sun]: Elmendorf 1961, No. 5:32-37; Snookwell: Elmendorf 1961, No. 4 [one sister likes a bright star, the other a dim star; bright red eyes; husbands carry sisters to heaven; they dig in hole, go down a rope to the ground; one gives birth to a son, the other daughter; a star father kidnaps his son from the cradle, putting a rotten deck in return; hides the baby in the north behind descending and rising ( firmament?) ; many birds fail, a little bird brings the boy back; the star's son marries a star; she fills women's baskets with berries and roots]: 27-31; Haeberlin 1924, No. 2 [one sister likes a white, another red star; both wake up in the sky; the Red Star has sore eyes; husbands forbid digging a deep root; after the birth of a boy, one of the sisters dig up a root, in A hole forms in the sky; sisters and boy descend on a rope; ask a blind toad woman to watch the child; he is stolen; Blue Jay flies to the country of salmon, slipping between the crushing rocks; returns with the boy; he grows up, creates rivers, mountains, animals; his name is Shvek u], 2a [as in 2, three sisters, the youngest stays on earth; the monstrous woman Scully and her two daughters a child is kidnapped; his name is Arch Hade, he later becomes a Month]: 373-375; puyallup [five sisters sleep in the open air; the youngest wants a bright star for her husband, the eldest is dim (the rest are intermittently); wake up in the sky; the youngest's husband is an old man with sore eyes, the eldest is young; sisters dig roots, make a hole in the sky, go down a rope from their bast, return home]: Adamson 1934, No. 3:356; Puget Sound [two sisters dig the roots of the fern, stay overnight on the prairie; one wants a white star as her husband, the other a red star; when they wake up, they are in the sky; the white star - old man, red - young; husbands do not tell me to dig deep roots; the older sister is pregnant, the youngest is sitting by the smoke hole so as not to see her cry because she has an old husband; when the boy grew up, he dug a hole, from there the wind, the husbands immediately felt it, but the women managed to close the hole; weaved the rope and went down with the child; while everyone was swinging on the rope, and for An old toad looks at the child, the boy was stolen by the salmon (this is the next Month); the mother found a rotten tree in the cradle, moistened the diaper, squeezed it five times, a second boy appeared (the future Sun); yellow woodpecker goes looking for the Month, can not pass between the crushing rocks; the same another woodpecker, raven, osprey; the blue jay flew by; the month promised to come later; inserted a stick between the rocks so that the blue jay could slip back; A month married to a woman who is one of the salmon; his son does not want to let him go; Month: a new generation is coming, and you (i.e. salmon) will be food; The month was first mistaken, telling the salmon to go down, only then did he tell me to go up; meets people fighting; What are you doing? - We fight; he turned them into birds and stones; turned little slaves into snipes; fishermen and people in the swamp into two types of ducks; people on the beach into oysters; people know that the Month changes the nature of people they meet, they want it kill; others argue about day and night, some want light and darkness every day, bear wants day and night to last for a year; now the bear sleeps all winter; the deer makes the tip of a spear; Month: what are you doing? - I want to kill the Transformer; Month: If you're a deer, they'll eat you; Norka argues with the Month who is who; Norka could not change the Month, and he turned it into a stick; he's Mink again; The Month cut him - the current minks turned out; four women drag each other by the hair; - We train to pull onions; The month turned them into 4 types of edible plants; made a man on the lake a beaver; carrying salmon - otter; Wild Cat roasts salmon, fell asleep; He ate everything for a month, the leftovers are in his face, now it has stripes, he has become a cat; 5 brothers are playing: fire, fire! It's all on fire; the trail: here, my grandson! but the quiver of the Month is burnt; across the river, old man Echo; only repeats: bring a boat! The month has passed by itself, began to fight Echo; bird: take the Echo giblets that hang on the wall of the dugout; the Echo echoed; the blue heron uses its head as a hammer, because stones and sticks alive; The Month made them with stones and sticks, made the Heron of Herons; The month gathered everyone to determine who should shine during the day and who should shine at night; tried the yellow hammer, but there was little light; raven, coyote, woodpecker is dark; hummingbirds are better, but the day is very short; younger brother The sun offered to be the sun for the Month, but it is too hot, the water is boiling; the Sun has begun to shine during the day, the Month at night; the old toad woman is now visible at night on the disc of the Month; the rope on which they swayed was up to the sky; Month: you can climb; but the Rat gnawed it, the Month turned it into a rat; the rocks on the mountain were transformed people; the Indians were relatives Months]: Ballard 1929:68-80; Clark 1953 (puyallup) [older sister gives birth to son when she returns to earth]: 143-146; Upper Chehalis: Adamson 1934, No. 47 [two girls sleep outside; one wants a dim, another bright star for husbands; at night, men next to them; a bright star turned out to be an old man with red eyes, and a dull star was a handsome young man], 48 [two girls sleep outside; the eldest wants a dim one , the youngest is a bright star for her husband; both stars are old, take girls to heaven, the bright one is a deep old man; The Spider lowers the sisters to the ground in the basket - first one, then the other]: 95, 95-96; colitz [two sisters look at the sky; the eldest wants a bright, younger dim star for her husband; wake up in the sky; a bright star is young, a dim star is an old man; husbands do not tell wives to dig a deep root; they dig, make a hole in the sky, and the wind blows from there; the sisters go down a rope of roots; the eldest with the boy she was born; see motif A23]: Adamson 1934:269-271; vasco [five girls sleep outside, want stars to be husbands; stars come to them; the dimmest is the old man, the girl doesn't like him; since then, girls don't like to marry old men]: Curtin in Thompson 1965, No. 33: 425; Vishram: Spier, Sapir 1930 [two girls sleep outside; the youngest wants a dim, older bright star for her husband; a shining man descends to his younger sister (text is cut off)]: 276 (quail in Hanes 1998, No. 22:101); yakima: Beavert 1974 [five virgins live with grandparents; grandfather doesn't tell me to sleep on his back looking at the stars; the older two do it, the youngest of the two wants a bright, eldest husband - a dim star; the youngest X áfash wakes up next to the young, the eldest Y áslaams with the old man; the sisters dig roots, makes a hole alone, sees the ground; they weave a rope from climbing plants; the youngest comes down, the oldest falls and breaks when her husband cut the rope; the youngest gives birth to a shining boy; this is the North Star; the Coyote and others want him kill, but he wins everyone; looks at the girl, she gets pregnant and gives birth; amniotic fluid has become soda sources; she threw a baby into the North Star, abandoned, ripped off the young man's leg; standing on one leg, the North Star always spins in one place]: 188-192; Hines 1992, No. 49 []: 141-146; Hines 1992, No. 49 [mother sends two daughters to dig roots; those sleep outside, youngest Yas-lum-mas He wants a red star as her husband, Tah-Pal-Meadow offers his sister a bright one; The stars take both to heaven; Y.'s husband is old, T. is young; husbands do not tell you to dig deep when collecting roots; T. digs, into the wind blows, the husbands feel it; the sisters weave a rope from the hazel root, go down to the ground; T. has a child, the Golden Boy (ZM); a woman from the east comes when a blind grandmother ( mother of sisters) rocks the baby; replaces him with a rotten driftwood; the rope that came down from the sky, which served as a swing, immediately breaks; sisters soak and squeeze dada (diapers?) , make them a new boy; Blue Jay gets east to a place where the ground rises and falls; flies through the crack, only the feathers of his crest are touched; ZM is already a man, making arrows, throws flint fragments into Blue Jay; he talks about what happened, ZM removes the fragments from the wounds; the wife leaves their son to watch his father; he leaves his hair responsible for himself, along with the Blue Jay returns home; becomes the Sun, brother Month made of diapers; Europeans descend from ZM's remaining son in the east]: 141-146; tillamook [male stars go down to girls in the morning disappear; bright - young, dim - old]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 28:95; cous: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 8 [two sisters go to bed outside; the eldest wants a dim star as her husband, the youngest - bright; when they wake up, an old man next to the youngest, a young man with the eldest; (=1914, No. 6:39-41)]: 51-52; Jacobs 1940, No. 21 [four girls look at the sky; one wants dim, one bright, one Evening, one The morning star; the dim star turned out to be an old man], 2 [the eldest of the two sisters chooses a dim star, gets an old husband]: 169-170, 241.

The Midwest. Winnebago [two girls look at the stars; one wants a bright, the other a dim star; in the morning they wake up in the arms of their husbands; when girls die, their souls will connect with their husbands- stars in the sky]: Dundes in S. Thompson 1965, note 9:459; chippewa [sisters Oshkikwe and Machikevis look at the sky; O. wants a dim star, thinks it's an old man, M. wants a bright star; the dim turns out to be young, the bright is old; the stars raise the sisters to the sky; M. looks down, both sisters fall from the sky to a tree; Wolverine lowers them to the ground; M. falls, breaks his leg; the mouse says O.: Your sister wants you to be your wife; O. leaves the ax to answer for her, runs away; the man makes an ice-hole, O. asks for help; the man tells you to go between his legs; M. runs after her, he hits her with an ice ax, shoves under the ice; the crackling of ice in the cold - M.; red winter sunset - O.]: Barnouw 1977, No. 15:101-104; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [sisters sleep outside; the youngest wants a bright little husband an asterisk, the eldest is a big red one; the youngest wakes up in the arms of a gray-haired old man, the eldest is handsome; since then, the youngest has not contradicted the eldest]: Ray, Stevens 1971:67; Eastern Cree (Ruperts House) [two stars marry two sisters; sisters are unhappy because they only see their husbands at night (no details; the stars are specific, but the informant did not know which ones)]: Skinner 1911:113; timagami ojibwa [ two girls sleep outside, one wants a white star as her husband, the other a red star; they wake up in the sky; a white star is an old man, a red star is young; an old woman sits on a hole in the sky (stars framing him - Pleiades); invites girls to weave a rope; husbands help them go down; they get to the top of the tree; promise to marry whoever brings them down to the ground; Bear, Lynx can't, Wolverine lowers; they They send him to bring a ribbon tied to a branch, run away; they spend the night with the Woodpecker, who does not sleep with them; three types of ducks cannot transport them across the river; the Toadstool carries them, marries them; they find out that Toadstool is a jester, Loon is the leader; they go to the Loon; The Toadstool throws hot flints into the mouth of the sleeping Loon, killing him; ties a bag of rabbit blood to his stomach, simulates suicide; people reveal deception, chase Toadstool; he turns them into ducks]: Speck 1915d, No. 5:47-53; Ojibwa [two Stupid Girls look at the starry sky, want Stars to be husbands; wake up in the sky, husbands are nearby; an old woman helped them escape , lowering them in the basket through the hole; due to their carelessness, they found themselves in the hawk's nest; Wolverine lowered them, they deceived him, ran away; they got to the Dive; he pretended to be the Man with Wampum, Loon ; they watched their husband play the role of a jester in Loon's house and went to Loon; The dive killed him by putting a hot stone down his sleeper's throat, ran into the sea; people told the leeches to dry the sea, but the Dive ripped open their bellies with a flintlock knife; the sea poured back and everyone drowned]: Jones 1916, No. 15a: 371; Ojibwa [two stupid girls look at the stars, one wants to sleep with a white star, the other with a red star; they find themselves in the sky, the red star is young, the white star is old; the old woman shows them a hole, they see their village, they want to go home, they weave a rope, it's short, they go down to an empty eagle's nest on tree; Bear, Bison, Coyote refuse to let them down; Wolverine lowers, copulates with them, puts them back; so long; Wolverine's wife comes; girls promise her a hot lover, she changes with in places, they run away; Wolverine copulates with her female; they decide that both are equally ugly and should live together]: Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:158-161; Steppe Cree [older sister wishes in husbands are a bright, younger dim star; both wake up in the sky; the husband of the youngest young, the eldest gray; at night the stars leave home; the old woman advises the sisters to dig up a root that grows where the bison droppings lie; There is a hole in the sky under him; sisters go down a rope; the old woman tells the elder to blindfold not to open it before reaching the ground; she peeks, the rope breaks, the sisters fall to the top of the tree; Bear, Lynx does not they can take them off, they don't want them to be wives; Wolverine takes them off, but the older sister falls, breaks her leg above the knee; sisters turn Wolverine into a wolverine; at night, by the fire, the eldest cuts off her leg, sharpens her leg the broken bone, My Husband calls the youngest; The tit tells the youngest to run north; the Bear, the Lynx, the Great Serpent cannot help them, the older sister kills them with her sharp leg; the one-legged man cuts an ice-hole in the lake; agrees to help his younger sister when she calls him brother; kills his older sister by dropping a stone on her; see the story Bison Kidnaps a Woman below]: Bloomfield 1930, #34:326-332.

Northeast. Mikmak: Parsons 1925, No. 5 [two sisters sleep outside; the eldest wants a big, younger, dim star as her husband; they wake up in the morning with two men; the youngest's husband is ugly; the sisters run away, go into the teepee; the youngest pees on the elk's cervical vertebra; this is Sinamazhu (Sucker); sisters are running again; Wanamekuli hides the youngest in her hair; S. stops chasing; sisters returning home]: 65-66; Rand 1893, No. 20 [Two weasel sisters got lost in the forest digging roots; sleeping in the open air; the eldest replies that she would marry a big star, the youngest prefers small ("loves men with small eyes"); both wake up in the sky, with the younger half-blind old man, with the eldest young warrior; the stars tell the sisters to continue to sleep and get up if they hear the voice of a groundhog, but not squirrels; (apparently did not listen); sisters find themselves on top of a pine tree; Elk, Bear, Marten refuse to let them down, Badger agrees; the eldest deliberately leaves a hairlace on the tree, asks Badger get down after him; the sisters make a hut, put thorns, ants, hornets on the beds, telling him to answer for themselves, run away; the badger is bitten; the sisters praise the beauty of the Crane, he stretches his neck across the river like a bridge; The badger says his neck is crooked, the Crane throws him on the rocks; in an empty village, the younger sister kicks the animal's cervical vertebra (apparently also pees on it); at night someone repeats her words; but in the morning everything is quiet; the sisters ask the young man to transport them across the river, he holds out his bow, they cross; Loon and the Scapegrace bird; Loon says he is from the Owealthesk tribe (beautiful sea ducks), S. advises Believe nothing; in the land of O., sisters marry young leaders; the sisters' younger brother goes looking for them, crosses the river down the Crane's neck, finds Badger's corpse, who comes to life, promises to take the young man to his sisters, He is lucky in the opposite direction, leaves him on the island, breaking its bow]: 260-270; Whitehead 1988 [The marten sees women bathing in the forest, hides one of them's clothes, marries him; Tia'm living next to him He does the same, but at the entrance to his house he does not hit a woman lightly with a rod, but hits her in a big way, killing her; Marten gets a second wife, teaches T. how to do it; T. envies that Marten has two wives, and he has one; Marten's wives are leaving, these are the Laska Sisters, the eldest has magical powers; they look at the stars, the eldest wants a bright husband, the youngest wants a red star; both wake up in the sky, the eldest has a husband young, the youngest has an old man; he does not tell me to move a flat stone in front of the teepee; sisters dig tubers, the youngest moves a stone, they see the ground, their house; husbands allow them to return; they must cover themselves cape, lie down until they hear the voice of a chikadi, then a red squirrel, then a striped one; the youngest looked out when she heard a red squirrel, they were on top of a pine tree; Wolverine, Bear, Moose, Tia'm, Marten they pass by; Wolverine returns; the older sister leaves a hairlace on the tree; while Wolverine climbs after him, the sisters build a teepee; the elder leaves the porcupine, flint flakes responsible for them, a wasp's nest, thorny bushes; Wolverine is scratched, bitten; by the river, sisters praise the beauty of the legs and neck of the Heron, who stretches his neck to them like a bridge; Wolverine blasphemes his legs and neck, the Heron shakes him off in the middle of the river ; by the sea, a wigwam, with three neck vertebrae of an elk, the youngest pees on them; someone approaches, the eldest hides the youngest in her hair, takes the form of a man; the Blood Sucking enters; the imaginary man explains that he smells like a woman because he slept with a woman himself; sisters cross the river again up the Heron's neck; the cannibal could not, returned; see motive M30]: 168-179; mikmaq, passamaquoddy [see motif J12; two sisters look up to heaven; one wants a Big Yellow Star as her husband, the other wants a Dull Red Star; sisters wake up in the sky; the Red Star is a warrior, the Yellow is an old man; husbands tell wives not move the stone; the youngest moves, the sisters see the ground through the hole; husbands allow them to go back, warn them to open their eyes in the morning when they hear the scream of a striped squirrel; they open after screaming red squirrels; find themselves at the top of a tree; Moose, Bear, Marten refuse help saying they are already married; Wolverine lowers sisters; see motif J46]: Leland 1968:144-148.

The Great Plains. Sarsi: Curtis 1976 (18) [two sisters sleep outside, the youngest wants a little star as her husband; a man meets her in the morning, asks her to close her eyes, she is in heaven; gives birth to a child; husband does not tells me to dig up the rhizomes of parsnips; she digs up the one that grew out of a bison cake, sees his camp through the hole; the husband lowers it with his son on a rope; the young men on the ground put their skins, she falls safely on them]: 140-141; Dzana-gu 1921, No. 21 [the girl rejects the grooms; sees the Evening Star, says she would like to be his wife; in the morning she meets a young man, this is the Evening Star, he tells close her eyes, takes her to heaven, they have a son; the husband does not tell them to dig up wild parsnip bulbs, the boy asks for an onion, the mother pulls out parsnips, a hole in the sky opens, and his home on earth is visible; Having learned why the wife is sad, the husband tells the starmen to make a belt out of buffalo skins, lowers his wife and son; on earth only a half-blind boy notices those descending; the belt ends, but people are safe catch those who have fallen in bison skin]: 21-22; Simms 1904 [{Strange text - distorted when recording?} ; two young men from the upper world go down to people; the chief's two daughters fall in love with them; people want sisters to go beyond two bright stars; kill young men; as punishment, the Creator sends a flood; saves the old man on the raft, with animals and birds; he sends animals to dive; the Muskrat is the last to emerge, the old man scrapes off her feet some silt, blows, creates land; sends Zuika to find out if the earth is big; he returns aged, tired; the earth is big]: 180-182}; black-legged [two girls sleep outside; one wants the Morning Star as her husband; he takes her to heaven; she is not told to dig up a large one rhizome, she violates the ban; sees her house on the ground through the hole; husband sends his wife back along the rope]: Clark 1966 (piegan) [woman gives birth to a son when she returns to earth; dies; Star's parents descend a horse is created for his grandson, with the help of animals and trees; a young man hides in a lake, gives horses to people]: 277-281; Fraser 1990 [the leader's daughter and two friends sleep outside, wants a Star as her husband; in the morning a beautiful man comes up to her, takes her to heaven; she gives birth to a child, is happy; her husband does not tell her to dig up a large root crop; she violates the ban, sees her native camp through a hole in the sky, cries; the husband tells me to make a rope, sends it back; she comes to his parents, but her son turns into a smoke mushroom; people cut him into pieces; she asks the Morning Star for revenge; he tells her and her parents make a raft, send rain that floods the earth; her father tells Beaver, Duck, and other animals and birds to dive to the bottom; no one returns; the muskrat brings land on its foot; land reappears]: 32 -35; Josselin de Jong 1914 [two girls look at the sky, one wants a bright, flickering star as her husband; the first fell behind, collecting brushwood; an unfamiliar man reminded her how she wished him to be her husband. carried it to heaven; she gave birth to a boy; violated her husband's prohibition to dig up a certain rhizome; the wind blew from the hole, she saw her camp below, wanted to go home; her husband lowered her to leather belt; her son is a star (some plant); her younger sisters found it in her bed, tore it up and threw it away; she cried]: 95-97; McClintoc 1910 in Clark 1960 [one girl; her son Rises back to heaven; saves his father by killing dangerous birds; brings people Sun Dance rituals; turns into a star]: 63-67; Spence 1985 [two sisters sleep outside; older Feather, wishes to be a husband The Morning Star; he descends, takes it to heaven; he is the son of the Sun and Moon; a woman gives birth to a son; the Month tells me not to dig up a large rhizome; two Cranes help her dig it up; through a hole in the sky she sees her house; her husband tells Spider to bring her and her son down to the ground; she returns to her parents, dies soon; her son Singing a scar on his face, the girls laugh at him; the old woman says what to fix Only the Sun can be defective; a young man walks across the sea along a sunny path, comes to heaven in the guise of a ragged man; the Sun tells the Moon to kill him, but the Moon and the Morning Star protect him; he kills birds that attack The Morning Star, the Sun and the Moon are grateful to him; the Sun removes the scar from his face, teaches the Sun Dance; along the Milky Way, the young man returns to earth, teaches people; marries, goes to heaven with his wife]: 200-205; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 3 [The star is the son of the Sun and Moon; the crane helps a woman dig a rhizome; she gives birth to a son in the sky, descends with him; the husband warns that the son should not touch for two weeks the ground; he touches, turns into a smoke mushroom, then plugs a hole in the sky through which his mother descended into the North Star]: 58-61; assiniboine [two sisters admire the stars; the youngest wants her husband to be dim, the eldest wants a bright one; at night, the stars take the sisters to heaven; tell them not to dig roots under trees; the youngest digs, makes a hole, sees the ground through it; the Spider lowers the sisters, they find themselves on top of a tree; Wolverine man lowers them to the ground for promising to marry him; sisters run away from Wolverine; get to waterfowl; they don't want to marry Dirka, he kills them with arrows]: Lowie 1909a, No. 18:171-173; grovantre [two girls sleeping outside]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 24 [one wants a Month as a husband, the other wants the smallest star; The month in the form of a porcupine lures her to the tree, from there to the sky; she gives birth to him a son; the month does not tell you to dig up the root of a plant with blue flowers; the wife digs, makes a hole in the sky, sees her relatives; weaves a rope, Month puts her down in the basket; she returns to the people; Bison tells the second girl that he is that star; hunters find a girl in the middle of the herd; Opossum digs a way for her, he runs away; along with his companions climbs a tree; bison knock it down, people move to the second; butting third, bison break their horns (the end is not clear)], 25 [want two different stars; one Star takes to heaven, the other is taken by the Bison; man finds her, hides in a tree, his bison kills him; his brother follows the woman, the Badger digs the way; the bison returns the woman again; the Bald Eagle takes the woman to people]: 100-101, 101-102; santi [ two girls sleep outside; one wants a big and bright, the other a weak star; both are taken to heaven; a bright star is a big man, a weak star is a young man; the first's wife is pregnant, her husband does not tell her dig up the rhizomes of Psoralea esculenta; she digs up, falls through the sky, breaks to death, her baby remains alive; an old man picks him up, brings him to his wife; throws him over the tipi, a baby turns into a young man; kills buffalo; goes traveling; 1) meets another young man living with his grandmother; people walking on water are swallowed by a monster; friends are also swallowed, they see monsters in their wombs living and dead young men and women; the monster's heart is cut off, he dies; they make a hole in the side, go out; they are given two girls; the star leaves both to a friend, leaves; 2) the same episode series in another village; those who go for firewood are locked in her house; the Star kills the Owl with an arrow, frees the prisoners; 3) the same in the third village; here the spirit of winter Vazia will take all the bison meat ; The star points at him with his finger, nothing happens; when V. points to the Star, V.'s hands are paralyzed; the Star cuts V.'s blanket, from there the hidden bison meat falls; V.'s wife repairs the blanket, V. shakes him, the snow falls asleep; the star fanns the south wind; the snow melts, W., his wife and children are dying from the heat; the youngest child escapes]: Riggs 1893:90-94; teton: LaPointe 1976 ( oglala) [a man from heaven comes to the girl, she agrees to go with him; pregnant in heaven; digging roots, falls through the sky; she is found dead on earth, and the baby sucks her chest; her raised, he returned to heaven, became a star; his father froze motionless after his wife's death, became the North Star]: 31-34; Neuhardt 1997 [two girls look at the stars, one wants a bright husband, the other dim; two men appear, girls agree to marry them; in the sky, a bright star turns out to be an old chief; asks the pregnant wife not to press the digger hard to get roots; she presses falls through the sky, crashes, the child remains alive; the birds are arguing about who will raise the Shooting Star (PZ), this honor goes to the Lark; the young man grows up, goes to the camp where Vasiya (snow source) takes all their prey from people; PZ cuts off his head, kills his relatives, one child hides; so there is winter; the White Raven scares away buffalo, people are starving; PZ turns into a dead bison, the Raven goes down to peck at it, the PZ grabs it, smokes it in the chimney; the Raven turns black, flies away, loses its strength; the PZ turns into a boy, lives with an old woman; The thunders are carried away the leader's hand, he promises a daughter to the one who returns his hand; in the form of a PZ king, flies to a tipi, where his hand hangs; overturns the cauldron on Iktomi (Spider) and others, takes his hand, returns it to the leader, marries]: 496 -513; Beckwith 1930, No. 12 (oglala) [two girls look at the stars, one wants her husband bright, the other dim; two men appear, girls agree to marry them; in heaven, husbands tell them to dig only female but not male roots; the eldest is pregnant, violates the ban, falls through a hole in the sky, breaks to the ground; her son is alive, he is raised by Badger; The bear takes away her meat, young man (his name is Shooting Star) kills him with an arrow; all the girls want to marry him, he marries one; Iktomi ties him to two poles, tells people to cut him apart; Shooting Star asks his father for help ; wind and thunder destroy I.]: 408-411; northern sheyens [two girls look at the stars; the first wants a bright star as her husband, the second an ordinary star; the porcupine lures the first to a tree, from there to the sky, turns into a middle-aged man, takes a girl as his wife; tells her not to dig a white tuber; she digs it up, sees her house on the ground through a hole; she goes down a grass rope; she is short, the girl falls, breaks; a lark woman finds a boy in her womb, raises him; he comes to his maternal grandmother; lets the water monster swallow himself, cuts him from the inside, releases swallowed people; in In another village, the White Raven drives buffalo away from hunters, people are starving; Shooting Star pretends to be a dead bison, catches the Raven, smokes it to death in the chimney; marries]: Grinnell 1921:308-312 in Edmonds, Clark 1989:188-192; from [the chief's two daughters sleep outside; one wants to be near a dim star, the other wants to be near a bright star; both wake up next to their husbands; a dim star is a chief, a bright star is a servant; the servant's wife must work for the leader's wife; both are told not to hit twice with a hoe while digging up roots; the chief's wife expects to try, forms a hole in the sky; sisters see their home, cry; the chief tells make a leather belt to the ground, the sisters go down safely; people notice them competing in shooting through a tossed hoop]: Kercheval 1893:199-201 (Quail in Lankford 2007:43-44); Arikara [two girls sleep outside, discussing young people; one wants a bright red star as her husband; in the morning, chasing a porcupine, she climbs a poplar by the river, a tree grows, the girl is in the sky; the porcupine turns into a handsome middle-aged man, he was a Star; she gives birth to a son with a star on her forehead; her husband tells me not to dig roots in the lowlands; she digs, sees the ground through the hole; the old woman advises ask her husband for tendons, makes a rope out of them, the woman goes down with her little son, the rope is short, the woman hangs; the husband throws a stone, telling him to kill the woman and keep her son alive; the boy sucks the dead mother's breast, steals corn and pumpkins from the old woman's garden; she leaves the ball and stick, the bow and arrow; the bow and arrow disappear, the old woman knows that it is a boy, catches, educates; feeds with rooks (blackbirds), a young man kills them, an old woman revives them (they guarded her field); he notices a snake behind the curtain to which the old woman gave porridge, kills him, he falls into a pond, turning it into a lake; the old woman mourns for her husband; the young man brings the cougar, the old woman lets her go (these are all her animals); the same with the bear; the young man comes to four men, they kill the pregnant bisonicha, the embryo is given to his grandmother ; the young man is frightened, climbs a tree; men remove the embryo for promising to make his grandmother their wife; she agrees, they agree with her; the grandmother gives him a flute, he plays, the men's dugout loses their way out, they die; a young man comes to snakes, sits on a stone, snakes cannot crawl into it; he puts snakes to sleep with a story, kills them, escapes alone, crawls into their anus, into his skull; the young man's father fills his skull with water, causes heat, water boils, a snake crawls out, a young man comes to life, makes a snake short-headed; a young man died saving the country from monsters]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 14:45-55; arikara [two girls sleep outdoors on the platform; both are menstruating; one wants a red star as her husband; finds herself in the sky; the husband does not tell you to dig roots in the lowlands; the wife digs up, sees the ground through the hole, cries; the Old Spider-Woman advises make a rope out of tendons; lowers a woman, she has a baby behind her back; rope (= web) was not enough, the woman hung; the husband throws a stone, tells him to kill his wife, save his son, cuts off the rope, the woman falls; a boy sucks a dead mother's chest; steals corn from an old woman's garden; she leaves a ball with a stick and a bow and arrows; a bow and arrows disappear, which means that the boy is stealing; the old woman grabs it educates, he hunts; finds a snake behind the curtain, kills him (the old woman fed him meat); it was the old woman's husband, she lowers him into the pond); tells the young man that the bear wants to tear him apart (hoping that it will be so); the young man brings the bear to work; the old woman lets him go; the young man sees a tipi, he has four dice players, one has snot, the young man shoots them; the players accept him; kill moose, give the young man an unborn calf; the young man is afraid of him, hides in a pine tree (when the females have not yet given birth, the constellations in which the young man's father are not yet in heaven; knowing that his father will not help him, the young man is afraid); those they kill the embryo for promising to bring them an old woman; he brings them, they are happy, they let them go, giving them knowledge of the rituals of catching eagles; the young man is invited by snakes, he, sitting on a stone, puts them to sleep with a story, crawls away alone; he He falls asleep on the ground, the snake climbs into his anus; he cuts his stomach, chest, throat, cutting off the snake's head, but his head creeps into his skull; his father fills his skull with water in the sky, the heat of the sun boils water, the snake gets out, the young man jumps up, makes a snake flat, crawling on his belly]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 16:56-60; Arikara [Parks 1991:793-800: The Long Arm is the Star Spouse; he pulls the woman back to his with a long arm; a woman and her friend (who did not go to heaven) both give birth to a son; an old woman raises a local boy, catches Long Teeth, forcing him to regurgitate shells, etc.; a local boy (Drinks Brains) revives the mother, then both boys embark on adventures; Long Hand drags him to the sky, roasts his son; Drinks Brains in the form of an arrow flies into the sky, saves Long Teeth, cutting off many hands; turning a hand into a constellation is not mentioned]: Lankford 2007:27; Pawnee: Dorsey 1904b, No. 16 (skidi) [two girls sleep outside; one wished a bright star as her husband; wakes up on in the sky, a middle-aged man with her; he asks her to dig roots in the hills, but not in the valley; but breaks the ban, sees his house on the ground through a hole; weaves a rope from her tendons, goes down with his little son; her husband strikes her with lightning; she falls dead, her son remains alive; since then he has a star drawing on his forehead; he steals corn and pumpkins from the witch's garden; she is happy to be his a teacher; her snake husband wants to eat it; a young man throws a bag of corn into the house, a snake bites a bag; he kills a snake, the corpse turns into a witch's husband; a young man kills cougars, bears, snakes or brings them to the witch alive; she lets them go; he comes to the village; returns to heaven becoming a star]: 60-65; 1906, No. 13 (kitkehahki) [two girls sleep outside, one wants a star for her husband; wakes up in the sky; gives birth to a son; husband tells you to be careful when digging roots; she digs, holes in the sky, makes a rope out of her tendons; descends, taking her son with him; hangs before reaching the ground; husband kills her with a stone, she falls to the ground; the son sucks the dead mother's breast, then comes to an old woman with a grandson of the same age; the grandmother does not tell them to walk in a certain direction, they go, lightning kills monsters threatening them; bear; they make a scarecrow, frighten their grandmother; another monster (not described); kill cougars and other dangerous animals themselves; come to people; Star Boy disappears (probably returned to sky)]: 56-58; Grinnell 1894 [two girls spend the night outside discussing stars, one (the chief's daughter) points to a bright star she likes; wakes up in the tipi of a male star; gives birth to a son; husband warns not to dig deep while digging up roots; she digs, sees the ground through the hole; asks her husband to give her tendons, weaves a rope (var.: it was woven by an old spider woman); the rope is short, a woman with a child hung; the husband threw a stone, killing his wife, she fell to the ground, the son was not injured; the little son of an earthly woman notices traces; the mother leaves the scraper and hoe, they are untouched; then the bow and arrow; the fallen the boy takes them; the earthly calls him to his mother; both grow up; the old woman does not tell them to go to the forest of thick trees, where the grizzly kills everyone; they go, the Upper boy brings the grizzly, scaring the old woman, then kills with an arrow; same with a puma (panther), Upper stuffs a scarecrow with grass, frightens an old woman; brothers kill snakes; Upper marries the leader's daughter]: 197-200; Wichita: Curtis 1976 (19) [girl looks at a hole in the roof in the sky, wants a star for her husband; the star takes her, turns out to be an old man; explains that the young are dim stars, the bright ones are old; the husband realizes that she collects plants to weave rope; she ties a rope to a tree, goes down, the rope is short, it hangs above the ground; other birds fly by, Vulture agrees to put it on his back; on the ground asks a woman tell her brother to leave some of the loot to the vultures; at home, a woman talks about her adventures]: 102; Dorsey 1904a, No. 57 [a girl looks at the sky, wants a star for her husband, prefers bright dim; wakes up next to the old man; she is not told to move a stone; she breaks the ban, sees the ground through the hole; wraps a rope out of the grass, goes down; the rope only lasts to the top of the tree; The vulture puts the girl on her back, brings her to her parents; since then, people don't count stars at night]: 298-299.

Southeast USA. Caddo [a girl sleeps outside, wants a star for her husband; wakes up in the sky, an old man next to her; the Star's sister goes with her to dig roots; replies that a large rhizome plugs a hole in the sky; The star agrees to let the girl down on a rope from the bark; the descent lasts ten years; the rope turns out to be short; the Vulture puts the girl on her back, brings her to her parents; since then, people leave vultures of one bison]: Dorsey 1905, No. 14:27; koasati [two girls sleep outside; one wants a bright star as her husband, the other not so bright; wake up in the sky next to their husbands; a bright star - old man, dim - young; they fall asleep again, wake up alone on the ground]: Swanton 1929, No. 4:166-167.

California. Maidu [texts recorded 50 years apart are almost identical]: Dixon 1912, No. 10 [after coming of age dancing, two girls sleep outside, dreaming of their star husbands; eldest I wanted a bright red star as my husband, the youngest wanted a blue star; in the morning they did not pierce their ears, did not swim to wash away evil; the next night they find themselves in heaven with their husbands; Red eats only hearts, Blue - fat; everyone gives birth to a child; wives tell husbands that children want to play with tendons, weave a rope from their tendons, go down; husbands cut the rope, women break; brothers find them, put them in water, they come to life]: 183-189; Shipley 1991 [daughter's mother: If you dream of something bad, you have to pierce your earlobes and take a dip, then the bad will not come true; two girls dreamed of star people, but not swam in the river; they lie and look at the stars; one would like to be near a bright red star, the other with a blue star; in the morning they were in the sky next to their husbands; the youngest reproaches the eldest for all this through her fault; everyone gives birth to a child; they tell their husbands that children want to play with tendons; weave a rope; leaving the children, they climbed down; the children began to cry; one of the husbands went to find out what was going on, saw the rope and cut it off; the women fell and died; one of the brothers found them; they were put in water and by morning they came to life; the youngest says that the red husband ate only hearts, and the blue man ate fat; each of the star men eats only one food]: 141-146.

Big Pool. Washo: Curtis 1976 (15) [The grandfather of the two sisters rejects all kinds of plant food they collect; they go to bed in the open; the youngest wants a white star, the eldest, the eldest, to be her husband offers red; stars take sisters to heaven; red turns out to be the Sun, white is the Month; younger sister (wife of the Month) says her husband does not hunt, but bites meat like a coyote, it's bad; the older one invites her to her place; while digging roots, the youngest pokes an anthill with a stick, making a hole, the sisters see her grandfather below; the eldest asks her husband to collect the tendons that their child wants to play with; they weave a rope, start going down; the child is offended that his mother does not take him, tells his father, the Sun cuts the rope, both women fall, die]: 154-156; Dangberg 1927, No. 5 [grandfather catches fish, eats good food]: 154-156; Dangberg 1927, No. 5 [grandfather catches fish, eats good food himself, second-rate, feeds two granddaughters; they decide to leave; lie down, admire the stars; the eldest says that she wants a bright husband, the youngest - what is dim ("with small eyes like herself"); The stars take away them to heaven; one gives birth to a child; one husband brings venison to his wife, the other gives his own kidneys under the guise of game; contrary to the ban, sisters try each other's food; dig lily tubers; Stars forbid wives dig bulbs on an anthill; they dig up, making a hole in the sky; they see their grandfather from above, who is still calling the eldest named (Hélida); they go down a rope of tendons; their baby cries; mother unties him, he flies back to heaven; tells the Stars about his escape; one of the husbands cuts the rope; women fall on their grandfather, killing him]: 433-439 (=1928:90-98); Lowie 1939, No. 17 [father of a mother of two girls tasted the flour they made, threw it away, gave them the worst fish; the sisters go away, spend the night in the open air; one wants stars with big eyes, the other wants stars with small eyes; at night, the Stars raise girls to the sky; digging roots, making a hole in the sky, seeing their grandfather below; weaving a rope from their tendons, going down, one with them has a baby; he flies to his star father, cries; he comes to hole, cuts off the rope, girls break]: 350-351; oriental shoshones [two girls want stars as husbands; agree to go to heaven; one gives birth to a son; husband does not tell me to dig up a big one rhizome; she digs up, sees the ground through the hole; the husband helps make the rope, lowers it and the son; warns that the woman's brother should not see the boy; he violates the ban; the child turns into a piece of bison skin; a woman returns to heaven]: Saint clair 1909b, No. 6:268-269.

Southern Amazon. Umotina [at night, looking at the sky, the girl wished a star man; the mother heard her daughter scolding; the girl went fishing, stood naked, a star man approached her; he was painted uruku, but smells like a rotten tree; after copulation, the girl almost died; gave birth to a boy, he died; the star husband rises to heaven, the wife follows him; the husband hunts for her, becoming an eagle; there is no fire or water in the sky ; after the birth of a new child, her husband tells her to go back to earth, not to leave her son in the rain; she breaks the ban, both die, the Star comes to take them back to her world]: Schultz 1962, no. n: 246-247; Rickback [on frosty nights, the Morning Star copulates with girls in different villages while they sleep]: Pereira 1994, No. 116:266

Araguaia. A male star descends, bringing cultivated plants; returns to heaven. Tapirape: Baldus 1970 [The sun is single; his sister Luna is married to Ampua Nuna (Venus in the morning); A.N. lived on earth, gave people corn, cassava, yams, bananas, etc.; his wife Tapiriha died, he went up to heaven with his son, his son became Mercury]: 357-359; Wagley 1977 [Apuwenonu descended from heaven, married Anuntero; she gave birth to a son, Imauawango; Apuvenona brought cassava, corn, yams, peanuts, cotton and other cultivated plants; people did not know how to grow them; A. told herons, wild goose, parrots and other birds to help in the field; his wife taught how to spin cotton and make it out of it hammocks and bracelets; when old, A. took his son and rose to heaven; both are visible among the stars (A., possibly Venus, and his son Vega); his wife was carried away by water, some believe she turned into freshwater dolphin; (in Wagley 1940:256, the son is identified with Jupiter)]: 178; Karazha: Gutenberg 1975 [the daughter of a woman and a deity admires the Morning Star; the star husband returns to heaven because his wife violates prohibition to watch him work in the garden, transforming from an old man to a young man; his wife becomes a small star herself]: 20-22; Krause 1911 [the young star saw a beautiful girl, went down to her; warned that an ugly old man would enter her house, marry her and her sister; her sister refused to marry him; the old man set up the first field, planted yams, bananas, beans, corn, cassava, pumpkins, peanuts; his sister rejected him again; he left and returned handsome in the boat; now he did not take his sister himself, turned him into a little owl; taught his children to use cultivated plants; someone advised One of the children should steal corn and plant it himself; mosquitoes grew up and the Star returned to heaven]: 346-347.

Chaco. Caduveo [star man brings corn, cassava, etc.]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 26 [Díeu-nái woman looks at the sky, wants the Pleiades as her husband; he goes down to her at night; hers the mother advises to ask him to arrange a vegetable garden; ripe corn, beans, pumpkins immediately appear in the garden; a small amount is enough to fill the cooking pot, its contents are renewed; people took the plants home, the Pleiades saw a dropped cob, again turned the huge into a forest, returned to heaven; there was only one plant left, a jaguar under it; D. went to the garden, did not find a husband, the Jaguar called her to wife, she gave birth to a son, he was taken to raise him by a frog male; the dove tells the young man not to shoot him, promises to take him to his mother; she warns her son that two Jaguars who snatched one of her will now return eye; young man kills Jaguars with arrows; son and D. come to her mother; she warns that there is a cannibal in the forest; D. tells his son to hear, otherwise his pleiades father will take him away], 27 [a woman looks at the sky, wants to Nibetád husbands; at night he goes down to her; arranges a vegetable garden, corn and cassava are ripe the next morning; their two sons became shamans; Venus in the morning is called Nibetád-Lalé (decoration from Nibetad feathers)], 28 [women talk, one wants Nibetád (Pleiades) to be her husband; at night he comes to her; arranges a vegetable garden, in the morning there are mature corn, cassava; their two sons became shamans; one (Nõ mileka) could not cure the snake bitten, another (Gawé-txéheg) decided to kill him; hid the live fish in hot cassava porridge, it jumped, burned N.'s face; both were fishing, the hawk flew by, tore off G.'s head, who replaced it with a termite nest; G. went to look for his head, saw him in a shaman's house, died; N. became a sorcerer, he was finally killed]: 46-48, 49, 50-52; matako [woman calls a bright star to become her husband; he goes down]: Alvarsson MS, No. 313 [they go to heaven; it's cold there; a woman touches the forbidden fire, it explodes, she dies], 71 [girl masturbates with a stick; a star moves into this stick, then becomes a man; returns to heaven; his wife and four children die on earth]: 332-333, 431-434.