Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K19E. Wolverine under the tree .41.44.-.46.

Returning from heaven to earth, a woman or two sisters run into a wolverine man trying to master them. Usually, women who descend first end up in a tree. Some animals are unable or unwilling to help them get down to earth, Wolverine comes down to marry her sisters; they run away from him. See K19B motif.

Kuchin, Upper Tanana, Tagish, Taltan, Helmet, Tsetsot, Slevi, Steppe Cree, various Chippewa Ojibwa groups, including timagami, mikmak, passamaquoddy, assiniboin.

Subarctic. Kuchin [two sisters shake their younger brother's swing; he falls into the river, drowns; frightened of their parents' anger, the sisters leave; they get to Spider; her two sons follow the sun every day; they are considered girls' husbands, but they do not sleep with them or take food from their hands; contrary to warning, sisters move a stone; see their house on the ground through the hole; the Spider agrees to let them down; tells them not Cut the rope on the ground or she will die; when her sons cause a storm, the sisters must turn their backs bare to the wind; the sisters do so, the wind subsides; Wolverine promises to show them the way home, if one of them lies with him; sisters push him into the river, come home]: McKennan 1965:136-137; upper tanana: Kari 1996 [two girls go after butterflies, end up in heaven; old chikady tells you to walk along a narrow path, not to walk along a wide path; at the fork, the sisters argue, the eldest makes you walk along a wide path; they see a platform, cut dog carcasses bark on it; "Damn" lives next to it old woman; at night she whispers to the youngest that the eldest Devil will kill; there is a hot iron penis in the hearth, the devil inserts it into the eldest's vagina, she dies, the devil covers her with a blanket; pretends to be sleeping; the youngest asks out of need, the devil offers her palm and head, but the girl replies that she does not want to get her father dirty; the devil ties a rope to her; the old woman secretly gives moose fat and a stone scraper; the girl ties a rope to a stump, tells him to be responsible for himself; The devil pulls a stump by the rope, chases, the girl tells the fat to become a lake; then the scraper is a mountain; The devil goes around the lake, drills with an iron penis a hole through the mountain; by the river, the girl promises to paint her ocher, she sends it on her tail {it's not clear - stretching her tail like a bridge or the girl sits Fox east}, since then the foxes red; the same by the second river, the girl paints the Fox with charcoal, since then the {black-brown} foxes are black; The devil enters the water but comes back; the girl comes to the mother of the Sun; she hides her in a box of threads and with needles; answers the Devil that no one was there; Damn is going to put a hot iron penis in her ass, but she melted the Devil by looking at him; the girl tells the blood line to become cranberry on tall bushes {in Alaska, cranberry is not our cranberries, but red berries similar in taste and appearance on tall bushes}, waist - cranberry on low bushes, penis with cranberry mushrooms, testicles - salmonberry berries (Rubus spectabilis, excellent raspberries), bones with dog rose hips (Rosa canina) and bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), brain with silver sucker; berries have existed since then; came two sons of a Sun woman, married a girl; she misses relatives on earth; the mother of the Sun tells me to move the stones away from the hearth; the girl sees her mother and relatives below on the ground; the mother of the Sun says if it snows sleet, you should turn his ass off and say, "The dog took it.." (the informant forgot the meaning); lets the girl down on the web; the mother of the Sun is the Spider; (further it is not entirely clear: Wolverine either raped the girl or is trying to do it; Herbal People (Grass Tussock People) hide her); she comes to her mother; it's snowing, she said, "Take the dog.. ", it became sunny]: 23-33; tagish; taltan; helmet; tsetsot; slevi.

The Midwest. Steppe Cree; Chippewa; Ojibwa (incl. timagami).

Northeast. Mikmak [Marten sees women bathing in the forest, hides one of them's clothes, marries him; Tia'm, who lives next to him, does the same thing, but at the entrance to his house does not hit the woman lightly with a rod, but with He hits her in a big way, killing her; Marten gets a second wife, teaches T. how to do it; T. envies that Marten has two wives and he has one; Marten's wives are leaving, they are Affectionate Sisters, the eldest has magical power; they look at the stars, the eldest wants a bright husband, the youngest wants a red star; both wake up in the sky, the eldest husband is young, the youngest wants an old man; he does not tell you to move a flat stone in front wigwam; sisters dig tubers, the youngest moves a stone, they see the ground, their home; husbands let them come back; they must cover themselves with a cloak, lie down until they hear the voice of a chikadi, then a red squirrel, then striped; the youngest looked out when she heard a red squirrel, they were on top of a pine tree; Wolverine, Bear, Moose, Tia'm, Marten pass by; Wolverine returns; older sister leaves a lace on the tree for hair; while Wolverine climbs after him, the sisters build a teepee; the eldest leaves a porcupine, flint flakes, a wasp's nest, thorny bushes responsible for them; Wolverine is scratched, bitten; sisters praise by the river the beauty of the Heron's legs and neck, he stretches his neck to them like a bridge; Wolverine blasphemes his legs and neck, the Heron shakes him off in the middle of the river; by the sea, the wigwam, it has three cervical vertebrae of an elk, the youngest pees on them; someone approaches, the eldest hides the youngest in her hair, takes the form of a man; Blood Sucking enters; the imaginary man explains that he smells a woman because he slept with the woman himself; sisters again Herons cross the river up the neck; the cannibal could not, returned; then see the M30 motive]: Whitehead 1988:168-179; passamaquoddy.

The Great Plains. Assiniboine [two sisters admire the stars; the youngest wants a dull husband, the eldest wants a bright husband; at night, stars take sisters to heaven; tell them not to dig roots under trees; the youngest digs, does a hole, sees the ground through it; the Spider lowers the sisters, they find themselves on top of a tree; Wolverine Man lowers them to the ground for promising to marry him; sisters run away from Wolverine; get to waterfowl; if they don't want to marry Dirk, he kills them with arrows]: Lowie 1909a, No. 18:171-173.