K1A. Trap: A boy or a man will leave.
A boy or man finds himself in a place where he is not connected in movements, but which is isolated from the ground: a tree top, a rock, a cave, a hole, an island. This is due to someone's fault: the antagonist lures or traps the hero, or (more rarely) leaves him with no choice but to isolate him. Over time, the hero either finds his own way to salvation, is saved by someone else (often by a bird or animal), or (rarely) undergoes a metamorphosis and no longer returns to normal life. For texts with a fabulous episode in which the hero is lowered into the lower world and thrown there, see the K2A motif.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Suto [Hubeane caught a small antelope in his mother's pea field, put it in a basket and peas on top; mother: if asked, say "I'm carrying peas" and remember that an antelope; H. replies: "I'm carrying peas" peas, and I remember it was an antelope"; sent to herd sheep, found a dead zebra, said that he saw a striped stone; people came to see, the zebra had already been eaten by hyenas, H. was scolded - I had to cover the carcass with branches ; the next day, H. killed the bird, covered it with branches, called people; people: should have been tied to his belt; H. killed an antelope, tied it to his belt, dragged it, his belt broke; then he tied it to his leg and dragged it like that ruining the skin; people: it was necessary to bring the carcass (on his shoulders); H. lured his father to the rock, took the stairs when he returned home, put on his father's cloak, began to eat food prepared for his father; the father and other people decided get rid of H.; gave poison, made a trap pit, hid the killer under a pile of grass; H. avoids dangers every time; pierces a bunch of grass with a spear, killing the person hiding under it; people decide that X . and allow him to leave]: Klipple 1992:317-318; safwa [brothers Xyita and Mezya set bird traps; H. let go of his bird and M. brought his mother to cook; H. asked him to give it to him as well, but M. refused; the father heard, became angry, led H. to the baobab, hammered pegs into the trunk, lifted his son to the tree, tears, took the pegs, left X. to die; the side of his body adjacent to the tree began to rot; he began to call the bird; it flew in, put H. on her back, lowered it to the ground; cured it with herbal decoctions; ordered it to be cut; cows, goats, sheep, chickens, fabrics came out of the bird, H. became rich and influential; ordered drown his father in a stream; became a chief]: Arnold 1984:131-132; isanzu [Mulilwa boy released the bird from his father's trap; the bird promised to help him; his father sent him to the tree for fruit, cut off the lower ones branches, left; M. sat in a tree for five days; the bird flew to the rescue, ordered her nail, snot, hair, some excrement to be thrown down, picked M. on its wings, lowered it to the ground; ordered it to be cut with backs, eat, fold bones; M. covered the bones with a stone, a herd of bulls came out; the zebra refused, the bird brought him news of his salvation to his little sister; the girl told her mother, she also heard; M. came with bulls; stabbed one, asked his father to open his mouth to put fat in it, threw a hot stone down his throat, his father died; a pumpkin grew on his grave; his wife (mother M.) cut it, jumped out of it monster, ate everyone]: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 34:44-47; kaguru [father tells sons to check bird traps; elder releases a beautiful bird; father leads him for honey, tells him to climb to the tree, cuts off the rope; the young man sits on a tree for a long time, eats bark, his side begins to rot; he calls a bird; it arrives, heals him, brings him to the village, he becomes the leader there; his father, mother, come, younger brother; he kills father]: Beidelman 1974, No. 5:170-172; (cf. Tanga [Njambo has 2 wives and 23 sons, but all died except one wife; she gave birth to a son, N. called him Utigebode ("saving people"); he grew up, goes to set traps; each time they fall into a couple of some animals or birds; each time they ask his name and, when they find out, say that he should release them ("people" in this case means "living beings"); N. learns about this from a sorcerer, hunts, sees his son release an antelope; asks W. to climb for coconuts, makes the palm tree tall; W. asks the eagle to lower it, but he replies that he cannot pick it up; the same is all birds and animals ; 20 days later, W. fell and crashed; N. and his wife soon died, they were buried by strangers]: Nassau 1912, No. 23:173-176); Swahili [when dying, the healer tells her pregnant wife to name her son Hassib Karimaddini ; he reads his father's books; finds a deep well of honey; when almost all the honey is taken out, the companions refuse to pull out HC, divides the money among themselves; mothers say that the son was eaten by a lion, they take care of her; HC sees a scorpion, finds a hole through which he got into the hole, comes out into the light; the serpent sultan tells him stories; one about a man to whom the other offers a job: wrap himself in the skin of a murdered person a camel, a bird takes him to a rock, we must throw off precious stones from there; after receiving the stones, the owner leaves; the man goes, hides the clothes of one of the three bird girls who have come to swim, gets married; wife finds his clothes, flies away; he finds his wife; then she dies; the serpent sultan sends HC home to his mother; in order for the sultan (people) to recover, you need to eat the meat of the sultan of snakes; the vizier beat HC, forced him to show the way to the Sultan of Serpents; he tells the vizier to give the first foam when it is cooked, take the second one for himself, give the Sultan a third; the sultan has recovered, HC became a doctor, the vizier died]: Okhotina 1962:112-122; ovambo [The husband pulled the bow, it broke, the piece bounced into it, he died; the widow dies, tells her son and daughter to go to Dilanene; they go with the cow and the slave; the slave invites the young man to climb the tree for fruit, removes the stairs, picks up the girl's jewelry, passes her off as a slave, she is sent to chase from the bird field; she sings about her fate, her mother's cow brought with her mooes; one woman heard, called D ., he understood who this girl was; the cow led people to the tree, the stairs were found, the young man was lowered, washed from bird droppings; the slave was pushed into a hole with boiling water, covered with earth]: Loeb 1951:302-305; herero [the husband and slave went for wild honey, the husband climbed the baobab, the slave threw away the stairs, came to the wife and children of the left behind, said that he was their husband and father; the falcon told what had happened; the sons lowered father, taken home; the slave was poured boiling oil in the ass]: Estermann 1961, No. 4:166-167; Zulu [brothers see a long row of pots, the elder is frightened, the younger turns the pots over; the old woman came out, led to the younger one began to cut down the tree, the cattle came out of the tree; after driving the cattle home, the brothers came to the crevice; the youngest lowered the elder on a rope to get drunk; the elder lowered the younger one, left it, brought the cattle home, said he did not know about his brother; the honey bird led the young man's parents to the crevice; the young man was pulled out, the older brother ran away]: Snegirev 1937:139-141 (=Arnott 2000:198-202).
West Africa. Background [Yo (trickster) and orphan Nochiovi go to a tree where pigeon nests; climb a ladder made of nails; N. puts the chicks in his pocket, Yo eats them right away; angry about it, goes down, taking out his nails, N. cannot get off the tree; the hunter shot the goat, he fell by the tree; N. shouted to the hunter that the goat was here; the hunter helped him go down, wanted to give half of the carcass, N. asked for giblets; Yo told him at home that a buffalo would come, start defecating, he had to put his hand in his ass, pull out his giblets; the buffalo clenches his ass, drags Yo, tears off his hand]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 70:298-300; Western Dan [To is the son of the leader's unloved wife, so the chief does not love him either; He climbed a tree to get the dead monkey; the son of another wife, cut off a vine, said at home that Toh was dead ; father glad, mother Toh is in mourning; chimpanzees formed a chain, Then descended it to the ground; He brought the killed chimpanzee, ate the meat; father and brother offer To hunt the dangerous Schuppentier; He climbs him into a hole, the brothers make a fire at the entrance to the hole; He spends a month underground; Xra (supreme god) sent two antelopes, a male and a female, they ran, pierced brushwood at the hole with their hooves, Then got out; became village leader; summoned his mother, she came with fear and respect, the chief turned out to be her son; father and brothers began to respect That]: Fischer 1967:723-724; kpelle [a good woman has a beautiful son, everyone loves him; an envious woman called him to fish, told him to climb into the hollow, closed the exit with a net, left him there; the bird saw him, began to say the boy's name Manwen; the man went to pick up the bird, found boy, called others, people came with axes, got the boy; when he came to his senses, he told everything; an angry woman was killed]: Westermann 1921b, No. 30:415-416; Songhai [a woman gave birth to a daughter who became a donkey; one day her mother was about to wash her; she knocked over the water, ran to a pond called the Chief's Mirror, took off her donkey skin and began swimming; Chief Abu Malak's son saw her from the window; noticing his shadow, she sang: "Abu Malak, you see arms and legs that are more beautiful than your mother's arms and legs"; AM told the slave to see where the donkey lives; he said that in one poor house; AM ordered him to marry him donkey; during the wedding, she kicked, people laughed; at night she became a girl; AM told the slave to steal donkey skin while his wife was swimming, cut it to pieces and threw it into an anthill; the woman was afraid Angry; Father AM wanted to take it for himself; sent his son to drink the camel to the well where the dodo (spirit) lived, told the slaves to lower him on a rope and leave him there; before that, the wife woven dates into AM's hair; After that, all female pets stopped giving milk; the goats refused to eat; hunger began; AM shared dates with the dodo; planted a seed and grew a palm tree; the dodo told him when AM got out outside, bring him a handful of food; he did not eat him out of love for him; when he got out, AM began to collect alms, leaving half for the dodo; came to his wife, she did not recognize him; said that she did not give anything maybe there is nothing; if he can milk the cows, let him drink milk and bring her; AM drank milk; he brought a jar of milk to his wife and slaves and took a wineskin of milk to the dodo; (opening up to his wife), AM prepared the party, rode his camel in formal clothes; when his father raised his hands in prayer, AM pierced him with a spear]: Calame-Griaule 2002:222-225.
Sudan-East Africa. Saho: Reinisch 1889, No. 21 [a huge snake lives in a cave, it has gold there, it brings five or six elephants at a time; three people asked a foreigner to get gold from the cave; when he has it for them threw it off, left the man in the cave; the snake brought six elephants, but the man hid among their bodies; when the snake crawled away, its head was far away and its tail was still in the cave; the man, taking the remaining gold, clung to he got out by the tail and so he got out], 22 [two people came to the forest; one said that there was a huge snake in the hollow, it had gold there; he lowered the other there for gold and left; the man hid in the remains of those brought elephant snake; in the morning he quietly grabbed the tail of a crawling snake, brought home gold; another asked to lower it too; the snake found it and swallowed it]: 265-266, 266-268; Zande: Arewa, Shreve 1975, No. 6 [Ture, spider) goes to visit his wife's relatives; his son is with him; on the way, his son's loincloth sings beautifully; Thura's bandage sings in the wrong way, promises that he will be disgraced; T. changes with his son with bandages, but this does not help; T. is first put in a place of honor; when he hears his son T's bandage singing melodiously, Thura is pushed into the dust, his son is put in his place; on the way home, T. asks his son to get honey; the boy's hand gets stuck in a hollow; T. dances under a tree; brings a baked chicken from the boy's mother, eats it, climbs a tree, smears her son's mouth with bones; the mother frees her son, tries to stab T.; he runs away to his maternal uncle for several months], 17 [wife's brother T. (Orphan) comes to visit her; makes only one arrow, T. fires a lot; releases everything without killing a single quail (guinea-fowl), Orphan hits everyone with one arrow at once; T. says to his wife (her name is Nanzagbe) that he killed quails, she feeds him meat, gives his brother giblets; next time he sees whoever shoots gives her husband giblets; he calls Orphan for honey, offers to put his head in the hollow, jams it with a stone; goes down, dances; N. frees his brother, T. runs away at the sight of his wife]: 200-202, 217-218; haza [[Quadudad's man asks his son to climb the baobab for fruit; he drives pegs into the trunk, rises, leaves the fruits on one branch uncollected, replies what he will collect next time; next time the father cuts off the pegs, says that the son can eat the left fruit; after three He comes back for months, says he will not be able to drive pegs; the young man is terribly thin, asks the Hawk to lower him, he says that the Stork can do it; the stork cannot lift the young man either, he spreads his wings, tells him to jump; Stork's children pecked and ate the young man; the Stork takes the knot with intact bones to old Muliliv; he breaks bones; a goat and a hyena came out of one shoulder, a goat and a leopard from the other, from the thumb is a goat and a lion, from an unnamed bull, a middle donkey and a zebra, from the index finger a dog and a cat, from the little finger a dog and a jackal; from the thumb of the other hand there are two bulls, from an unnamed goat and jackal, two goats from the middle, a goat and a hyena from the little finger, an elephant from one knee, a rhino from the other, a bull from the hips, an ostrich and a buffalo from the tibia, a big and a small daman from the big and fourth toes , from the third marten, from the second a wild cat, from the fifth a tree rat; on the other leg there is a hare and a warthog from the thumb, from the fourth a dwarf and mountain antelope, izn spreads its wings, led the third black-fifth antelope is dumped, from the second baboon, the fifth is a monkey; from eight ribs, a water goat, a marsh antelope, a lala, a wild dog, a nja antelope, a hippopotamus, a guinea fowl and a shepherdess, 4 species of steppe partridges, chicken and pelican, wild pigeons and a titiako bird, a lackey bird; various herbs from the brain, water flowed from the eyes, flooded the ground, dried up, many trees grew, from the snake's intestines; M. built a pen for all animals; the day did not come long; finally the Ishoko-sun came down from the sky, morning came; I. told the animals to disperse, returned to heaven]: Col-Larsen 1962:23-28]: Kohl-Larsen 1962:23-28; sandave [Ule is handsome, Lue is ugly; that's what girls say every time; vengeful L. goes with W. to herd cattle, offers to go down to the well for water, removes the pole, covers the well with his skin; W. ate his hair, nails, thin; L. comes every time, tells W. to suffer, he replies that he is dying; W.'s younger brother hears this, says; people pull out, W., cover the well; L. thinks that W. is dead ; W. got tired, hacked L. with an ax]: Dempwolff 1916, No. 54:152-155.
North Africa. Egypt, Algeria [parallels to the Palestinian fairy tale Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 3]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989:330-331; Tuaregs (northern Niger) [Teschewa always washes her hair in a bowl; her elder The brother, when he leaves, also washes there, promises to marry anyone who washes his hair in the same bowl, even if it is his mother; T. continues to wash his hair in his bowl; when he returns, the brother notices hair in her sisters, marries her; T. runs away, turns into a bird; (apparently taking on his appearance again), combing his younger brother's grazing cattle; she is found, spotted on a tree, cut down a tree, M. they put a donkey in the belly; the chief's son notices her coming out of the donkey to swim; hides her clothes; returns each item one at a time, takes M. with her; she returns, supposedly for a forgotten piece of jewelry, again becomes a donkey; the chief's son marries a donkey, that night goes out as a girl; the chief himself, in the absence of his son, sees T., decides to kill his son; asks him to go down to the well, leaves it there; the son finds it in his hair the dates put by his wife there, a palm tree grows out of the bone, he crawls out of it; lures his father into a covered well, a fire at the bottom; the father dies]: Casajus 1982:15-17.
Australia. Cariera [two Eagle Brothers and their sister's son Raven hunt together; Eagles keep all valuable meat for themselves; The Raven hid the fattest kangaroos; the Eagles began to search for the stolen goods in the cave, the Raven closed they were there, returned to camp; his wife's uncle was his mother-in-law, communication with them was forbidden; he began to move his bed closer to his uncle's wives' beds, saying that where he lay there were ants; lay down and got together with both women; the Eagles returned dumping him in ash, telling him to be black from now on, to eat carrion; the Raven makes his characteristic scream]: Radcliffe-Brown 1914:169-170 (retelling in Waterman 1987, No. 4169 (3): 110); Jaber-Jaber [The eagle sent his nephew The lizard to the tree to get a large egg from the nest; he is afraid to touch the big one, takes the small ones; the Eagle tells the tree to rise tall, leaves; The lizard eventually managed to jump to the ground, cut off the Eagle's head with a boomerang]: Waterman 1987, No. 4535 (1): 122; raven [two sisters ask her husband to get nuts from the top of the tree; sing, making the tree tall; at home they say that someone killed her husband, pretends to mourn; the husband eats bark and water he finds in a tree, makes a rope out of chewed bark, goes down, kills his wives with a spear]: Waterman 1987, No. 4535 (2): 122; jauan [The eagle is angry with his brother for not sharing his wives with him; asks him to climb a tree to get eagles from the nest, sings, making the trunk tall; stays with women; the brother's skeleton falls to the ground, feeds on flesh, kills brother and wives; he is now the lonely evil spirit of a rocky country]: Waterman 1987, No. 4535 (3): 122; Dieri [Muramura did not share food with his two sons; they invited him to climb the tree for edible larvae, made the tree tall, set it on fire; threw his skin to protect himself from the heat; it became the Month; spots where he was covered with skin]: Waterman 1987, No. 20 (1): 22; bagunji [A month does not give food to his nephew; he sends him to the tree to collect edible larvae; it blows on a tree, it becomes tall, he tells his uncle to grab hold of sky, makes the tree low again; sleeps with his uncle's wives; they run away, leaving their feces responsible for themselves; a young man steps into it, curses women]: Waterman 1987, No. 20 (2): 22; yualarai [Wang (raven) suggests that Ball (a month) not make new children, but to revive the dead; he refuses; V. invites him to climb a tree to collect caterpillars, makes the tree grow to the sky; B. remains in the sky; previously he refused to marry Sun-Yi; on Yi's instructions, the spirits that support the sky at the edges prevent B. from returning to earth; if allowed, Yi will kill the spirit holding the ends of the ropes on which he hangs in the center of the sky ground; B. slipped past the spirits, taking the form of an emu; went with his wives to collect the caterpillars, leaving the log where he slept and covered it with skin; Brother B. tried to kill him, but only hit the log; when the brothers B. approached, B. turned into an emu again, slipped away from them; B. and the Lizard began to make children, send them to spirits that sent them to earthly mothers; children hid in eucalyptus branches; passing under a woman became pregnant with them; if B. rises late, he makes girls (it takes longer to make them than boys); Van (raven) turns girls into women]: Parker 1965:49-54.
Melanesia. Inanwatan Berau [a man invites five women to compete to count to 30 while sitting underwater; while they are sitting, he hides their aprons in a tree; they have to climb after them; four they have time to jump off, the fifth man grabs; goes with his younger brother to hunt birds; climbs a tree, his brother removes the stairs; he weaves a rope, goes down; goes down; goes back with his brother to the tree, is the first to climb upstairs, shoots an arrow into the sky, the tree grows (followed) to the sky; the arrow pierced a hole in the floor of a house in the sky; the young man climbed into it, shoved a tree, the younger brother crashed; the elder marries the girl in whose house an arrow hit; she hides him from her father under a mat; pregnant, her father admits her son-in-law]: Miedema 1997, No. 4:13-14; kamoro [Múare and his sister's husband Wájrapi saw a bird on the tree- rhino; M. climbed a thin tree, from it to a large one, threw the bird W.; he cut off the vine, left, brought the bird to his wife, M. stayed in the big tree; began to sing about what had happened, the hunters heard the song dogs are snake people; they lowered him, brought him home, let him go home]: Drabbe 1948, No. 10:266-267; upper (?) arapesh [two brothers quarreled over the fruit; the elder made the tree the younger one climb grow; he ate fruits, leaves, bark; the lizard lowered it; asked as a reward the ability to feed on certain insects]: Fortune in Mead 1940, No. FV: 384 (=Fortune 1942, No. 5:208); chimbu [brothers Mondo and Gande hunted birds; G.'s arrow hit a bird and flew away with it; The old woman Mukatakera took the arrow; fed the brothers and left them to sleep; G. sees that beautiful girls come to the old woman at night; the old woman gave her brothers a pandanus fruit; they turned into girls; girl G. with worn skin, because M. dropped his fruit; he wants to take M.'s wife; to do this, he adjusts M. to go down to the cave to hunt bats and cut off the stairs; the ant helps M. get out; he killed G. with two arrows at him and burned down the house]: Sterly 1977:50; Tumleo [an unmarried brother sleeps with a married man's wife; he offers to fish where the current carries those who fall into the water trees; offers to climb a floating breadtree, pick fruits; sails away in a boat; a tree with a man on it swims on the sea; a person ate fruits, then leaves, bark, branches; reef {protrudes like a living being} takes him ashore; he comes back, fights with his brother]: Schultze 1911, No. 3:49-53; cotton wool [two cousins ambush birds; one's arrow flies far away, he she finds it in the old woman, who says that she baked and ate the killed bird; at night, the coconuts came down from the tree, became human, danced, returned to the tree; the old woman tells the young man to remove the walnut from the tree, not throw it down but gently lower it; the nut turns into a beautiful woman; a cousin wants the same for himself; everything repeats himself, but he throws a nut on the ground, gets an ugly girl with a crooked mouth; she dragged him to the village; the young man decides to take possession of his brother's wife; invites him to climb a vine into a tree for the rhinoceros chicks, pulls off the vine, says why he did it, leaves; left on the tree asks various birds for help; each refuses because he hunted it, defecates on his head; momoro birds first train by lifting a stone, then grabbing the young man with their beaks, lowering it on it field, cleaned of bowel movements; his wife finds him, he tells him to bring his bow and arrows, make a hole in the wall of the house; when he came at night, he shot his brother, burned down his house, took his wife, organized a party in honor of the birds , gave them jewelry]: Fischer 1953, No. 21:162-166; vagawaga [a man went down the vine into the cave to hunt flying foxes; others cut off the vine, replied that out of jealousy; he asked them to let them down he had two dogs and a tarot basket; he fed the Tarot dogs, they dug a passage to the seashore; an old woman found him, fed him; he returned to his mother's village, told her and his relatives not to drink water; the rest died, because he poisoned the water]: Seligmann 1910, No. 6:384-384; Vedau: Ker 1910:7-13 [the men went to get jewelry from their shells; when they arrived at one place, everyone went inland and one went along the shore; met a boy, he brought him to his father, who has low shells; the man called his companions; with low shells, people swam home; on the way they stopped at an unfamiliar shore to see which one is shorter; the last one {is it a boy who met?} was much longer than the others (he threw it to the top of the pandanus); he was thrown ashore and sailed away; he asked those who got up and passed {swam?} Take him past the star; Magamaia, then Deboroia replies that the next one will pick him up; Maratomton (Morning Star); Marathomt takes him to heaven; he stays with heavenly people, marries; their son has grown up, began to throw spears at coconuts on the ground, asks his father to make new spears; he is surprised, his son shows him the ground below; he weaves a rope, asks his son to lower him on it, finds himself on a coconut on his in the garden; his grown-up daughter saw him, his mother called him; the man invited those who left him to a feast, set fire to the house; their charred bones turned into flying foxes, whose voices are like cries of suffering], 127- 130 [a man has a hole in his throat, food falls out of there; two boys laugh, he decides to take revenge; offers to go with him in a boat, says that the water and food are already submerged; when he sails, he refuses to give them food and water; leaves them in a deserted place, promising to return in six days; they climb a tree; an old witch finds them, invites them to go down, feed them and drink them; when the old man is on the sixth day comes back, she sends scorching sun and then downpour at him; she closes the water in the spring; when he bends down, lets water go, it pours down his throat, he drowns]; Siouai (Bougainville) [Orphan (Pana& #331; a) taught people to wait for the sago to settle in the trough, drain the water, then carry the trough home rather than carry them full of water; peel nuts; make slit gongs (used to be beaten against a rock with a stick); sleep inside the houses, not from above them; went with his brother's wife to pick nuts, told her to climb a palm tree, looked at her vagina when the woman came down, touched her; she replied that her husband thought it was a wound and puts her penis under her arm; P. got along with the woman correctly; her brother noticed blood, the wife replied that P. had cured her wound; her brother took P. to sea, deliberately dropped the coconuts, P. swam after them, her brother swam away; P. got to the island; ash came; P. told ash to collect everything it could find and bake; since then people have been eating cooked food; brother came to look at dead P., saw bones eaten by those animals and birds, thought it was P.'s bones; climbed a tree to look around; P. jumped into his boat, sailed away; his brother died on the island; P. married his widow; when the child was ready to be born, people came with knives cut her stomach; P. drove them away, explained that only the umbilical cord should be cut; P. arranged a party, christened the child]: Oliver 1955:43-45; mono (Shortland Islands) [on the site, a man met his wife the elder brother; he sailed with him in the boat, threw a coconut overboard, the younger one sailed after him, the elder threw him into the sea, returned to the shore; the youngest was swallowed by a fish; he cut a hole in her side with his shell, went out, returned home, with the help of his father-chief killed his brother, took his widow]: Wheeler 1926, No. 55:41; Wanguna [Kesoko was fishing; saw a hundred giants come out of the forest, lowered the boat; 50 sat on stern, 50 on the bow, rowing one forward, the others back, the boat in place; K. showed how to do it; sailed to the island; the giants left it and sailed away, shouted that they would return in 9 days; K. let the fish rot; the giants came back, thought K. was dead; he sailed away in their boat, shouting that he would be back in 9 days; when he returned, they all starved to death]: Solomon 1995:77-81; San Cristobal [the name of the eldest several Wanohunugaraiia brothers (V.); another one is born, Wanohunugamwanehaora; immediately grows up, shows how to build a house so that the beams do not fall; envious brothers 1) suggest V. deepen the hole for another pole, put a pole on it, V. calls them from the top of the pole; 2) the brothers take him to the sea to dive for a huge mollusk; V. chewed betel in advance, painted the water red; the brothers swim away, V. returns before them, bringing a shell; 3) the brothers take V. to a huge fish, let it swallow it; V. took a sharp obsidian with him, cut the fish's belly, went out, brought the fish home; 4) hunt wild boar (V. kills, brings it); 5) climb a palm tree for betel, it grows to the sky; V. takes off the nuts, tells the palm tree to bend down, sits at home waiting for the brothers; 6) the brothers bake V. in an earthen furnace, they take it out, he is alive; V. bakes the elder himself, eats it with other brothers]: Fox, Drew 1915:203-207 (=Fox 1924:156-160); Pentecost [the forest spirit asks a person to throw off his ripe fruit from the tree, he throws the immature; the spirit asks the immature, the man throws off the mature; the spirit tells the tree to rise tall, leaves; the man's mother sings, his hair grows long, hangs to the ground, the mother ties it to it yam, he picks it up and eats it; the spirit takes the form of a mother, pulls the young man to the ground for his hair, brings it to him, kills it, roasts it; the mother comes, offers to cut the spirit's hair, ties it for the pillars of the house, kills the spirit with an ax; revives a son from the remains]: Firth 1930:59-60; Banks Islands: Codrington 1891 (Mota) [Qat began to cut down a tree to make a boat, felling disappeared overnight; he hid under a sliver, grabbed Marava (an old spider; Marawa); he made him a boat with his fingernails, it was better than the boats of the K. brothers; they lured him into the crab hole, pushed a stone on top; K. asked M. take him to the village, met his brothers there; tied himself with boards, hung on a tree under the guise of a flying fox; the brothers took turns shooting; each time K. spit blood, as if wounded, took off, returned; at home, he showed the brothers their arrows; the brothers invited K. to climb the tree for nutmeg, made the trunk thick, and took K. Iro Lei, sailed away with her; M. held out his hair, K. went down it; K. sailed for the brothers in coconut, cut their boat on another island; made peace with them; (translated into Permyakov 1970, No. 68:155 -159; briefly in Codrington 1881:272-273)]: 158-162; Coombe 191 (Motawala) [brothers are jealous of Quat; suggest putting bird traps on trees; Quat climbs a tree, one of the brothers makes a trunk fat so that it is impossible to descend it; the brothers take his wife K. Po Lei; she manages to blow into the sink, giving her husband a signal; the Marawa spider throws his long hair (or web) at Quata, he goes down; in coconut he catches up with the brothers' boat that arrived in Maewo; on the way, he throws a banana peel into the water, the brothers recognize the Quata banana; on Maevo, he rubs his face with red paint, crushed shells, attaches cock feathers to his head; only the Wise Brother recognizes him; K. says that a cannibal lives on Maevo; cuts the brothers' boat into chips; puts up with brothers]: 96-100; kanaka: Leenhardt 1932:409-413 [older brothers only give the youngest the peel of the tubers; push him into stove, he gets out of there alive; left on the reef, which is flooded by the tide, the youngest swims, gets to the shore; the older brother climbs a tree for fruit; old woman Tibo tells him to get off her tree, leads to himself, tells him to sleep without kindling a big fire; at night he cuts off his head, throws him on a platform under the roof; the same with his second brother; the younger one kindles the fire, puts out the carved from tree figure; T. does not enter him; he revives the brothers with herbs, they throw the old woman into the oven; live together], 436-438 [the man from the mouth of Maso took the form of chief of Nérhon, went to his sister; the leader was accused in incest, they left on the island; two women lived there, each with a son; he returned with them to Nérhon and stayed there.]
Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [a lot of women came down from the sky, people caught them with nets, took them out, the most beautiful one hid quietly back online, found by Sivegeu; others envy him, they call him to sail to the island collect bird feathers, throw them there while he sleeps; S. jumped on a shark, swam to another island; took away a sandjar and a piece of bamboo from two girls, threw sand on the water, hit bamboo, appeared the road, he crossed it to his island; the girls followed him, he gave them back their magic items; brought his wife back]: Müller 1918, No. 25:486-487; Truk Islands (Central Carolina) [Seufa has five wives ; it requires all women on the island of Fefan (near Fr. Truk) killed newborn boys; one of S.'s sisters gave her upbringing to the Wind Eater (butterfly or bird); the young man's toy boat wins the competition, S.'s wife tries to take her, the young man scratches her hand; S. demands that everyone try whose nails will fit the scratch; only the young man's fingers come up; S. tries to destroy him; 1) tells him to climb into the hole, covers him with a pole; 2) lowers him into top to bottom; 3) leaves it on a deserted island; the rainbow draws a boat on the sand, revives it, the young man brings fish home in it; S. and his brothers pick it up, the young man tells the boat to sail away turn into sand; S. and his brothers were eaten by sharks]: Fischer MS in Lessa 196:174-176; Tikopia [friends Pa Fatumaru and Pa Raropuka went to catch birds with nets; descended to the rocky cornice; PR rose first, untied the rope, left; PF bewitched the rain, drank rainwater; collected bird eggs, smeared his face, lay down; flies flew; PR went down, thought that PF was dead, walked away; PF got up, removed the rope, bewitched the sun; PR died of thirst; PF went down to look at his corpse, came back; the informant's grandfather saw PR bones]: Firth 1967:114-115.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Rai [Salewaceo's wife's six brothers knew how to turn into tigers, bears and other animals; they hunted like that; he was afraid of them; he returned home to his wife; the brothers thought he might be bad refers to their sister, killed him; the sister took revenge by placing poison in the lake in which the brothers were diving, they lost their ability to metamorphoses; then the brothers decided to kill their cousin (son their father's brother), take possession of his wife; they lowered the stairs down the cliff to the bee's nest, sent him for honey; he asked for all their clothes, moistened them with honey, hid them in a cave, climbed into them himself; when the brothers threw away the stairs, the man stayed in the cave for several years, eating honey, which he soaked in his garments; once he saw a monkey, grabbed his tail, she pulled it upstairs; at home, the brothers stick to to the wife of the abandoned, always asking if her husband had returned; he secretly returns, his wife fed him, he killed his fourth brother, they are fleeing with his wife; he separates the waters of the lake, crosses dry; tells the brothers that you can cross the lake with as many clothes as possible; brothers come back, get dressed, clothes immediately pull them to the bottom, they drowned]: Allen 2011:175-180; gurung [because After the machinations of enemies, Gurung's ancestor found himself in a cave in a rock above the abyss; he was pulled home by a monkey; he fled by boat across the lake, but the enemies failed to cross]: Chemjong 1966 (2): 63ff in Allen 2011:182; lepcha [Taskey-thing married Wild Pig; told bumblebees, grasshoppers, and other insects to hold the rope when he would go down the rock for honey; unfaithful wife cut off the rope, T. fell, clutching his mustache to the rock; now this mustache is gray grass; the monkey lowered T. to the ground; three years later he caught up with the Wild Pig, killed him with onions, began to burn, dripped fat, he dripped it tried, ordered people to hunt wild pigs from now on; married Pisces; offered to move her across the river; she demanded a bridge; when he almost moved it, she slipped into the water; T. caught killed her, threw her into the fire, tasted fat, ordered people to eat fish from now on; returned to heaven (Rum)]: Stocks 1925, No. VIII: 361-363; dafla [huge Peta Labra birds take women away, usually brides from a wedding procession; Nyu Talo placed a wooden pestle instead of a girl, tied a rope, the bird carried the pestle to a nest on a rock in the middle of the sea, NT found it on a rope, climbed a rock; his friend Poii Talo cut off the rope out of envy; NT killed adult birds, began to train the youngest chick, tied a log to it, it fell; flew on a worn one; he wanted to throw it off, but NT stabbed him in the wing above his house, the bird came down, died; this is how NT destroyed cannibal birds]: Bori 1995:49-52; apatani [there was a giant tree, no peak in sight; at the top of the nest was a huge bird Arii Midii, began to bring people and animals to feed her two chicks; people promised Palo Talo to make him king if he killed a bird, told him not to kill the chicks; he climbed to the top, shot the mother bird, wanted kill the chicks, but then people removed the iron pins on which he climbed upstairs; he began to feed the chicks with the meat that the bird had prepared; tried whether the chick would raise a stone, only picked up one, the other he killed; then the chick lowered him to the ground; he killed him too; the feather from the big bird's wing became a little eagle, the other a hawk, the heart a big eagle; the PT was made king, but he returned to his country]: Blackburn 2008, No. 6:81-83; garo [Awil and Singwil have younger sisters Nosé and Dimsé; maternal grandma secretly spoils everything girls do; mother blames them, hits them; they stick feathers turn into doves, tell them about what happened; parents cry, but A. and S. only ask for a necklace, fly away; brothers Anal and Gunal catch them; A. ate his bird, and G. put them in a cage ; left alone, the dove turns into a girl, cooks and cleans; A. remains guarded, falls asleep; G. grabs S., marries; A. lures his brother into a hole, falls asleep with stones; his dog and S. dig him up, S. revives; A. asks G. to climb the poplar to ruin the nests of birds; in fact, there were no nests; A. tells the tree to grow to the sky; S. gives the Woodpecker a red turban (now a crest) and an ax (now a beak) he lowers G. to the ground; A. pushes G. into a hole with burning brushwood; his wife and dog pull him out again; G. killed A. by putting a pumpkin scoop down his throat; S. and G. are happy, they have many children]: Playfair 1909:119-128 (=Rongmuthu 1960:71-78); ao [the oldest wants to take the youngest girl; calls to ruin the rhino bird's nest; both climb the tree through the notches on the trunk; the elder drops the pipe, goes down after it, destroying the notches, leaves; the mother bird carries food to the chicks and the young man at the same time; he slowly pulls out the feathers for the chicks so that they do not fly away; noticing this, the mother bird offers to lower young man to the ground; all birds raise a big stone up to show that I can withstand the weight of a person; the young man returns to his mother; when he regains consciousness, kills an opponent, takes a girl as a wife]: Smith 1926, No. 18 : 382-383; Kachins [after the death of their father, Khrai Gai and Khrai Noh sail along the river; the raft falls apart, KG remains with gold, KN with onions; KN marries a poor beauty, kills a kite and a boa constrictor, becomes prince; accidentally kills a monkey, the wife of KG; brings the KG to him; he wants to take possession of his brother's wife; digs a trap hole in the forest, KN fails; the wife throws pecatip seed into the pit, promises to go beyond the KG in three years if he pulls a KN onion; KN selects from the grown plant, pulls the onion, killing his brother]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 32:114-119.
Burma - Indochina. Palaung [the king appoints his main wife's son as heir; six sons of other wives decide to destroy him; they sail with him to a river island, leave one sleeper there; dressed as a bear nat, the guardian of the river, appears; mango fruit falls from the sky, and a tree with yellow, blue, green fruits grows from it; after eating yellow fruit, the bear turns into a young nata, blue into an old one a monkey, a green man into a parrot; a young man picks up fruit, flies home as a parrot; gives his brothers fruits to choose from; some eat yellow, fly to heaven, some blue ones turn into monkeys; after the death of his father Prince Reigns]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 139:319-320; the Khmers [when the two brothers finished their studies at the monastery, the monk told the elder to go to China, where he would become an important mandarin; He gave three tips to the youngest: 1) if everyone is tired, but should be on the lookout, do not sleep yourself; 2) when you get married, watch your mother-in-law; 3) do not reveal secrets to your wife; if you follow these rules, you will become a master two kingdoms; the youngest married, lived in poverty; when he learned that the eldest had indeed become a court mandarin, he asked the ship's captain to take him to China; there he came to the Mandarin Palace, but his wife told him to do so shackle the beggar in chains; when the mandarin returned, he gave his brother new pants, fed him; when he learned from the soothsayer that the brother would really become the ruler of the two kingdoms, gave him a piece of not very valuable cloth and sent him away; his younger brother was offended; returning by ship, he remembered the advice not to sleep; at night a cannibal flew in, his younger brother grabbed him by the mustache; he asked him to let him go, gave him a rope (herself binds), a baton (he beats himself), a pot (any food in it); in the morning, the younger brother told the captain everything; he brought him to the island and asked him to get the fruit from the tree; he sailed away, taking the wonderful ones with him objects; abandoned, he saw a pig coming on the water; spit out the crystal that allowed him to walk fast on the water, began to eat fruits; the man began to throw fruits further and further from the tree; when the pig left, went down, took the crystal, went on the water and caught up with the ship; asked the captain to give him those items - he would tie them into one bag and return them; after receiving the items, ran away on the water and returned home on the same day; the wife's lover; she insisted that her husband tell her everything; he said about the wonderful objects he buried at the stairs leading to the house; the lover heard everything, took the objects; the husband dragged the stairs to the judge, Accusing her of stealing objects; then he came to the king; he believed the man, gave the cloth to make clothes and told her to give it to his wife; when the holiday was, do not come by himself, but let the wife come with whoever she wanted; the lover was identified by this matter, he confessed everything, returned the kidnapped; the man asked for forgiveness of the perpetrators - let them marry; the king offered the man a crown and daughter in exchange for items, but he He only asked for a large iron knife used by basket makers; since then his name has been Mr. Basket Knife; he came to another kingdom, lived with a merchant, he fell in love with him; the local king he was looking for someone to entrust the kingdom; left a silk-lined bed in the treasury and ordered a feast next to him; each of the candidates remained to guard the treasures, while the king himself watched the candidate; each feasted and then went to bed, did not guard; everyone was beheaded; when it was the merchant's turn, the Knife volunteered to go in his place; when the king appeared secretly, the Knife pretended not to recognize him, chased behind the "thief", stabbed him with his knife, deliberately aiming not at the king, but at the pillars of the throne room, behind which he was hiding; the king named himself; when they left the hall, the roof collapsed; the next day the Knife was found; Seeing the Knife cut seven boards with his knife with one blow, the king appointed him heir, ordered the merchant to marry his daughter; when he died, the king also gave Knife his daughter and throne; he visited the king, whom he once asked for his knife; the king was old and also handed him a daughter and kingdom; the knife sent for his older brother to China, made him chief minister]: Milne 1972:27-46; monks [ the stepmother demands that the husband leave his son with his first wife in the forest; the father takes the boy away, drives pegs into the tree trunk, the boy climbs them up into the pelican's nest; the father takes out the pegs, leaves; on advice father, the boy invites the pelicans to be their servant; takes care of the chicks; they grow up, the pelican lowers the young man to the ground; he has grown rice, the elephants trampled on it, the young man made trap pits, the elephants got there their leader, a white elephant, gives a young man two daughters as his wife; the young man became known as the lord of a hundred elephants]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 148:360-354.
South Asia. Baiga [Pandava wanted to know what was under the ground; asked Bhimsen to go down; they pulled him down the rope for 8 nights and 9 days; they cut off the rope out of mischief, Bhimsen fell; the old cobra gave he has a lightning horse, he has returned on it, he still jumps; when Bhagavan wants to send rain, he sends Bhimsen; he drags a bag of rat skin filled with water; his skin scratches against the air, producing thunder]: Elwin 1939:336-337.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Alor: DuBois 1944:166-167 [Masingbal went to the coast with his six brothers, who abandoned him; in his sleep, his mother and father told him how to avoid the cannibal village and get to where Farik lives; F.'s two daughters washed off his shroud, coffin and worms with fire; fed him, lay down with him at night, but he treated them like sisters; they told his father about this, F. told M. to have sex with his daughters; M. and his wives went to work in the fields; digging up a rhizome, made a hole, saw his native village below; he went down with his wives, but entered the village alone, covered with skin disease; only one girl gave him a drink and was friendly; then he entered the village solemnly, left that girl with gongs and pigs, married her; this is Dry Land Woman; she told M. to get the mango from the tree, threw away the stairs (he was rescued heavenly wives); threw a stone at him when he was in a hole digging tubers (his heavenly wives revived him); cut down the roots of the arek palm tree, he climbed, fell (his wives revived); M. with his father-in-law, with gongs, with heavenly wives, with good people from the village, took to the sky; the Sushi woman and all the bad ones were washed away by a landslide], DuBoie 1944 [Masingbal has six sons; leaving his pregnant wife, he tells him to kill the child if born boy; she hides the boy in the mountains, buries a coconut; M., who has returned, pierces a spear into an imaginary grave, splashes milk; a rooster tells him the truth; M. sends six sons one by one to kill younger brother, they refuse, saying that he looks like his father; M. kills him himself; two women replace the torn organs with dogs, revive the young man; he returns to the village, his father tries to kill him "like in the myth where the wife is trying to do this"]: 168 (retelling in Lessa 196:183).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Badmayev 1899:23-33 [a mare gives birth to a boy, an umbilical cord is cut off by a stone that has fallen from the sky; Haradai-Mergen and Uladai-Mergen become his brothers; a boy kills three women's husbands; these are daughters of the sun, moon, stars; he marries the daughters of the sun himself, brothers to the other two; they envy the youngest, because his wife's face glows; they leave a dagger at the kibitka, the youngest cuts off his legs; to him they come blind and armless, help each other; they kidnap the girl, make them their sister; they tell her not to put out the fire; the fire goes out, she comes to the old woman for fire; the old woman sprinkles ash and coals into her hem, pierces a hole in the hem; on an ash trail comes to the girl, spoils her; cripples catch a witch, she makes them and the girl healthy, swallowing and spewing everyone; when she swallows a legless, she does not spew; others cut her, the sparrow screams, Little finger, the brothers find a healthy brother in the witch's little finger; the horse's son comes to the hole where his brothers are sitting; their wives are kidnapped by a 15-headed mousse; brothers lower the son of a horse on a rope, he kills Musa, brothers pick up women, cut off the rope; he falls, is maimed; the mouse sucks his wounds, he breaks her leg, she eats leaves, recovers; he also eats, recovers; with one on the sides of the kibitka, people cry (their snakes will eat them today), on the other hand they have fun (tomorrow); snakes crawl to the three eagles in the nest; the horse's son kills him, the eagles explain to his mother who their savior is; getting rid of the snake, people give him food for the eagle; he flies on an eagle, feeds it, and finally cuts off a piece of his flesh; he limps; the eagle swallows it, regurgitates it healthy; he comes to his brothers; they decide put arrows up; whoever is sinful, the arrow will nail him; older brothers die, the horse's son owns everything], 87-93 [a boy with bull horns is born, goes to wander; takes black, green as fellow travelers, white people born to groves, grass, reeds; each one takes turns cooking, the old woman asks for food, eats everything; everyone says that the riders took everything away; a cuckold sends an old woman to bring water with a bucket full of holes, replaces the rope, pliers, hammer in her bag with unusable ones; binds, stings, hits her, she does not harm him; all four follow the bloody trail to the gorge, at the bottom there is gold and the body of an old woman; the cuckold descends, the companions pick up treasures, leave the cuckold at the bottom; he plants a bast, three trees grow out of it; he rises, forgives his companions; in the battle of Hormusta's white army with Shulmus helps H., wounds the leader of the black with an arrow; H. advises to be a doctor, finish off Khan Shulmus; the cuckold drives an arrow deaf into the enemy's body, throws seven grains into the sky, chains descend, he rises to heaven on them; gets a wife, she touches him, her horns disappear; she shakes her hands, gold and food appear; the hero lives happily with his wife and father]; Stavropol Turkmens [hero takes two brothers with their families; the youngest son of one, Aygyr, was in the steppe at that time; grew up with a shepherd, met a hero, killed him; wanders, takes a clever thief and runner as his companions; each in turn cooks dinner; a bearded dwarf eats meat, beats the cook; A. cuts off his head, she rolls down to the mound; companions bring A. down there on a rope; there three girls mourn the death of their father; A. promises that their he will not kill, sends him upstairs on a rope; the companions cut off the rope, A. stays below; in the underground city, ajaha took water; A. kills him, the khan passes him off as A.'s daughter; A. wants to go to the ground, he is advised to go to oak; two eagles say that every year Azhdaha devours chicks; A. kills the arrived ajdah; the eagle raises A. to the ground, flies for 40 days; A. forgives his companions, takes the most beautiful of the three girls]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 109-114; Kabardian people [a son was born to childless old people, he was taken away, raised by a bear, called Batyr, made him strong, sent him to their parents; princes want to lime him, give him difficult assignments; 1) a many-headed serpent takes water, demands girls to eat; B. won, saddled, killed him; 2) harnessed cannibals, plowed the ground on them; 3) harnessed ferocious boars, brought firewood to them; two hunters became his twin brothers; all three chased the deer, he disappeared into the crevice; B. goes down, there are three girls, one is crying (her new will eat it today), the other laughs (her tomorrow), the third sings a song (the day after tomorrow); B. kills him, his brothers take women upstairs, drop the rope; a white ram will throw seven tiers up, a black sheep down, B. accidentally grabs black; kills a boa constrictor, crawling to eat three eagles; Orlitsa arrives with a cloud and a storm, eagles hide B., tell his mother about his heroism; she promises to raise him to the upper world if he earns buffaloes for food; snakes are not gives water, demands girls; B. kills a snake, gets buffaloes; there is not enough meat, B. cuts off a piece of his leg, reaching the ground Orlitz heals his wound; B. killed traitors and their wives, on the youngest, who is those kept as a slave, got married]: Aliyeva 1978, No. 11:111-119 (=Huth 1987:208-218); Adyghi [Yesmuko Eskhot herds Pshi (prince) horses; the bastard (snake) cordones off the herd with his body; lets her go for promising to come to him; gives him a daughter; tells him not to turn to the left road on the way to his father; SHE turns; his wife's two sisters died there; Aliregu-Algoj (pshi devils) kidnapped the youngest, but he defeated him, nailed him to seven hooks on the ground; HER is weakened by one hook, AA jumps up, carries his wife; three men at the bridge tell HER that a giant will now come on a boar; wins by driving him into the ground; the giant advises to tie him the gut around the waist; SHE throws her gut at the tree, she cuts the trunk; SHE cuts off the giant's head, she hides in the hole; three men lower HER in the basket; SHE finishes off her head, sends three girls upstairs; the youngest warns that the rope will be cut off, tells him to sit on the white ram, he will take it upstairs; the rope is cut off, SHE sees sheep fighting, jumps on the black one, he lowers it down into the AA world; HER throws his wife's ring into the jug, meets his wife, tells her to find out where AA's soul is; in willow (the wife adorns the willow); in three flies in a box, she is in a hare, a hare in a fox, a fox in a boar in the reeds; Tlepsh Makes three unmissed arrows for HER; SHE kills a boar, a fox, a hare, presses one fly; AA asks to finish him off as soon as possible; SHE presses other flies after AA gives a flying carpet and a stone and a towel, who make old people young; on the carpet SHE and his wife rise to the ground; forgives companions, passes off rescued women as them; makes her mother young; frees her father from his pads, kills a tyrant psha]: Karashev 1957: 131-141; Ossetians [a childless person is told to slaughter a black chicken, his wife must eat goiter; a crawler is eaten by a female, gives birth to a golden-haired boy, a wife an ordinary boy; a female's son performs tasks seven Waigs (cannibal giants), who give their sister for the woman's son; tell them not to open the eighth chamber; the woman's son opens, releases the seven-headed Waig, who takes his wife; the female's son goes to look for her; finds three comrades (one carries the church, the other runs with millstones on his feet, the third takes a sip of the sea), they bring him down on a rope to the lower world, he sees a kidnapped woman; she finds out that the soul waiga in swallows, those in the casket, the casket in the hare, etc.; the female's son killed the soul, the comrades pulled the woman upstairs, threw off the rope; in the corner of the house, the female's son found her mother, one fang above the sky, the other in the underworld; she tells him to grab the right horn of the ram, which accidentally grabs the left, does not rise to the ground, but falls into the seventh lower world; there the dragon does not provide water, devours women; the son of a female kills the dragon to save the prince's daughter; he advises to contact Orlitsa, who flies to earth once a year; the Zaliaga serpent devours her three chicks every year; the female's son kills him; the chicks hide the female's son; the rain gushes, then the sun shines, then the wind blows; the chicks explain that the rain is their mother's tears, the sun rays from her eyes when she sees that the chicks are alive, the wind is from her wings; the bird plants her son females on her back, he throws her wineskins and bovine carcasses, and finally cuts off a piece of her leg; she does not swallow when she reaches, puts his muscles back; the female's son kills traitors, reunites his brother with his wife, revives when devils turned them into stone]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 45:162-177; Abaza people: Kapiyeva 1991 [the father asks three sons to get a sea horse; the youngest comes to the old woman Kart, she falls her lips to her chest, after which she cannot eat it, shows the way, teaches how to catch a horse; the young man picks up a golden pen, the shah tells me to bring the bird itself; the horse says that three daughters the Shah of the Sea turn into pigeons, swim in the lake; the young man hides the youngest's feathers, the girl agrees to go with him; tells the Shah that he will marry him if he jumps into a well with milk from red cows; summons cows, the Shah drowns, the young man gets the girl; meets the brothers, they throw him into the abyss, they want the daughter of the Shah of the Sea themselves; she calls the horse, ties her braid, the horse by the braid pulls the owner out abyss; brothers run away]: 28-35; Tugov 1985, No. 30 [the old woman's son studies from a goldsmith; he descends him into the abyss for gold; but there is no gold below, the master throws the rope, fearing that the student will become better him; the eagle takes the young man upstairs; three sisters make him a brother; they do not tell him to unlock the seventh room; the young man unlocks, goes down to another world; 30 girls in white, one in green come to swim; the next Once named sisters tell him to hide his green dress; this is the daughter of an underground khan, the young man marries her; his mother visits his wife and children; his mother-in-law gives the dress to his daughter-in-law, she disappears; the older sister again steals the dress, the wife returns to her husband]: 66-69; Ingush: Malsagov 1983, No. 1 [the prince has a tree with golden leaves, someone steals them; three sons take turns guarding; only the youngest does not fall asleep, cuts off someone's finger and head; follows a bloody trail; takes a sharpshooter pulling trees, drinking the sea as companions; they let the prince's son down the hole; the girl says that they are three daughter of a three-headed eagle, their father has been cut off one head and finger; she asks her father what he can kill him; he answers that there is a ram around the corner, there is a hare in it, a duck in a hare, three chicks in a duck; the son of a prince kills them all, the companions take the girls upstairs, the youngest leaves the prince's son a ring; tells him to touch the white horse, he will take him to the upper world; red - stay here, black - you will be lower; companions cut off the rope; the prince's son touches the black one; the old woman says that the Sarmak (dragon) has closed the water; the Sarmak gives water three times, then the prince's son kills him; the padishah sends him to the eagle on black mountain; a young man kills a snake that devours chicks every year; the eagle takes it to the ground; there is not enough meat, he cuts off his flesh from his leg, on both hands; the eagle regurgitates the meat, puts it back; under Looking like a shepherd, a young man comes to the wedding of rescued princesses; the youngest recognizes him by the ring; the young man kills traitors, marries, marries two princesses to his brothers], 3 [the bear took the girl, she gave birth to a son, his name is Chaitong; he companions a man playing with a log and a second one listening to ants talking; he takes turns cooking; yeshap comes, eats everything, ties the cook; when C. remains, he himself ties the yeshap by the mustache; friends follow the bloody trail to the pipe that goes into the ground, C. goes down, wins, kills the yeshap, lifts his three wives upstairs; companions drop the rope; C. touches not white , and a black stallion, is not in the upper world, but in the lower world; further as in (1); satellites run away from revenge C.]: 23-28, 33-39; Avars: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:174-183 [Aigurova Ali is so strong that harnessing dragons into the arba; takes a river swallower and a sharpshooter as companions; the swallower, then the shooter stays cooking, the dwarf ties them with his hair, eats lunch; AA pinched the dwarf's beard with a plane tree; that escapes, goes into a hole; companions are afraid to go down, it's hot there; AA kills a dwarf, sends his captive upstairs; she warns that if the rope is cut, AA must jump on a white ram that he will come running to butt with black, he will take him upstairs; AA hit black, fell lower; there the 9-headed dragon closed the water, gives it in exchange for the girls; AA kills him; the khan says he can only take him to the ground a kwankwa bird; a three-headed serpent crawls to its nest, AA kills it; the grateful kwankwa picks it up AA, who feeds it with buffalo meat, gives it water; cuts off the last piece from her leg; the kwankwa regurgitates it, puts it back; AA kills the swallower and the shooter fighting over the girl, marries], 311-323 [the king dreams of a sea horse; the elder and middle brothers go right and left; the youngest goes forward (it is written that the traveler will die or find happiness); puts on the giant's chest, she hides it from her sons; asks her sons, the youngest knows the way to the horse; the prince hears, catches the horse; picks up golden fluff; falls asleep near the city; the king of the city demands to bring a creature that makes fluff; the horse says that these are three doves, the daughters of the sea king, come to swim; tells the youngest to take the removed plumage; the prince brings her to the king, she fills the hole with cow's milk; the elderly spouses rejuvenate in it, the king drowns; the prince takes his wife home, the brothers push him into a hole, keep his wife locked; the wife gives the horse a rope out of his hair, he pulls the prince out; the brothers run away]; Lucky [women disappear in the state, the pathah hides his wife, the youngest son steals the key, opens the room where the mother is sitting, the cloud takes her away; two the eldest sons go in search, followed by the youngest; meets seven devas, they admire his strength, point out the mountain on which three-, four-, five- seven-headed ajdaha; the young man orders from the blacksmith a retractable staircase, climbs the mountain, kills all Azhdah, frees three kidnapped princesses and his mother, lowers them and treasures, the princesses give the young man a golden apple each; the brothers clean a ladder, brought to his father by the princesses and his mother, they say that they got them themselves; the young man finds a box with a dwarf in it; he takes the young man to his hometown; he is hired by a blacksmith, a dwarf does any job; princesses order golden apples, an imaginary assistant blacksmith gives them the ones they gave him; gathers people, tells their story, kills their bow brothers, marries the best princess, gets the throne]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 10:142-149; Lezgins [the serpent asks the poor man to give him one of his three daughters; the eldest, middle refuse, the youngest Tavat Khanum agrees; the serpent asks step on his tail, turns into a young man named Sad-Eskander; the old woman persuades TX to ask her husband how to burn his skin; the third time he replies, TX burns it on the onion peel, SE disappears; Three years later she comes to the spring, SE's sister gives her water, she throws her ring into a jug, SE recognizes it; explains that the locals are Azhdaha, the old woman wants to marry him off as her daughter; a day SE and TX weddings run in the wind horse; they throw razors (mountain of razors), salt (salt mountains), barley (barley to the sky) behind; TH mistakenly pours water from the jug forward, the sea overflows in front of them; the horse carries on the other side, the old woman drowns; SE leaves TX in the cemetery, hires a merchant for two hours; he cuts the horse, puts SE inside, the parrot bird brings the horse's carcass to the rock, where gold and yakhonts; SE scares a bird that does not throw gold to a merchant, comes to the old man; he tells the huge birds to take SE to his wife; SE finds TH, the king is amazed at his wisdom, gives him the throne]: Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:158-164; Armenians [someone steals fruit from the king from the Magic Apple Tree; the eldest, middle son falls asleep, the dev devours apples; the youngest sprinkles salt on the wound, injures the deva, he disappears into the well; the elder, middle brothers cannot go down to the well, it's hot there; the younger brothers let them down despite his screams; he kills 7, 12, 24-headed devas, frees three princesses, the brothers take them upstairs, the youngest gives a talisman, tells snatch the hair from black, red, white horses; brothers throw a rope; contrary to the younger princess's warning, the younger brother jumps on Friday not at the black sheep, but on the white sheep; she throws it at the red sheep, red on black, she into the dark kingdom; there the old woman says that the 7-headed vishap took water, they give him girls to eat; the young man kills the vishap, saves the princess; the king says that only the Emerald Dove will be able to take it to the ground; the vishap devours its chicks every year; the prince cuts the vishapa into pieces, gives it to the chicks to eat; they explain to the Emerald Dove that the young man saved them; the dove tells them to take 40 with him wineskins of water and 40 fat tails, brings them to the ground; the prince changes clothes with the shepherd, pretends to be bald, wearing sheep giblets on his head; the girl promises the king to marry if the groom brings three gold tray; the prince is hired by a jeweler, takes out a talisman, creates trays; before the girl's wedding, burns red hair, wins on a red horse; marries, asks her father to pardon her brothers]: Ganalanyan 1965: 22-36; Georgians: Glushakov 1904, No. 2 (Imereti) [an unknown person calls to find the missing princess; the tsar gives him a ship, a captain, 12 sailors; on the island they come to the hut; alone remains cook, a hairy dwarf asks to give him lunch, when refused, kills the cook; the hero remains, kills the dwarf, finds the keys on it, unlocks the locked part of the house, there is a princess, she gives him the ring; he forgets the ring, returns with 11 sailors, the captain sails away with the princess; the boat with the sailors turns over, they sink; the demon on the island takes the hero home, at the captain's wedding The princess recognizes the hero by the ring, the captain is executed, after the death of the king, the hero reigns; the wife finds a lover, replaces the clothes and sword given by the demon with a fake, the hero is tied to the horse's tail; brings him to the demon; the demon gives the hero the ability to turn into a horse; the queen orders him to be killed, the maid plants the horse's tooth, an apple tree grows, the chips from the felled apple tree turn into two ducks; the duck puts on the clothes of a bathing false king, takes the form of a hero, who executes a traitor and her favorite, marries a maid]: 6-14; Kurdovanidze 1988, No. 31 [younger brother kills devas, marries someone they have kidnapped woman; the elder deva takes her away, falls into hell; the older and middle brother lower the younger brother on a rope, pick up the woman, throw the rope; the wife warned that the white horse will take him to the upper world, black is even lower; the white runs away, the hero sits on the black one; there the gveleshapi gives water only in exchange for people given to him to eat; the hero kills G. with a bow; the king says that only the Eagle can take him to the upper world; the chicks hide it, explain to their father that the man killed G.; in flight, the Eagle swallows pieces of meat folded in a basket, which the hero throws him; the meat runs out, the hero cuts off a piece his leg; when he reached and found out what he had swallowed, the Eagle says that he would not raise a man to the ground if he knew what he would feed him; the hero killed traitor brothers, married his betrothed]: 79-83; Chikovani 1954 [someone steals wonderful apples from the royal garden; the elder, middle princes are guarding, sleeping; the youngest injures the deva with an arrow, a trail of blood leads under a stone; the older brothers are afraid to go down, The youngest mother of the deva says that her son is injured; the young man advises to pour boiling oil into the wound, takes out his arrow; the devil dies, the young man kills his mother, frees three beauties; the youngest warns that if his brothers betray him, he must sit not on a black sheep, but on a white sheep; she will carry him to the underworld, it must be said, "Babkin's roof is soft, cotton", will fall on a soft one; brothers raise beauties , cut off the rope; on a sheep, a young man gets to a crooked old woman, eats porridge on the side where she has a blind eye; the old woman adopts him, says that the dev took the water; the young man cut off his head; asks the king take it upstairs; he says that only Pashkunji can do it; P. constantly eats Gveleshapi chicks; one chick cries, it will be eaten today, the other laughs tomorrow; the young man kills Mr. with an arrow; there is thunder, it is raining, it is the mother of the chicks who cries, thinks that the children have been swallowed; the children first hide the savior, then show their mother; she tells them to stock up meat; in flight it ends, the young man carves meat from under the knee; P. says she would eat it if she knew that people's meat is so tasty; heals the young man's wound; the swineherd says that the king's eldest son marries the younger bride; the young man asks for his clothes, alone can pull on his bow; the bride recognizes him; he kills his brother with an arrow, marries]: 28-33; 1985, No. 1 [after eating an apple, a woman gives birth to Ivan in the evening, Ivan midnight at midnight, Ivan-Zarya at dawn; all they fly to heaven; the king's three daughters are kidnapped; the brothers promise to find them; the iron man helps forge the chain, IZ throws it up the mountain; the brothers are afraid to climb, IZ rises; kills seven-, nine-, twelve-headed devas; lowers girls; iron man breaks down the chain; IZ descends on a deva horse; hires a blacksmith, shows his older sister's ring; during a wedding, flies on horseback, hits brothers, kills Iron Man, marries]: 11-15; Turks: Dmitriev 1967, No. 1 [apples disappear from the padishah's garden; the eldest, middle son is afraid of the storm, the youngest hits one head with an arrow two-headed dragon; brothers follow the tracks to the well; the elder, the middle, are told to drag them back, the youngest goes down to the bottom, cuts off the dragon's second head; three girls are pulled out of the well; the youngest warns that if the brothers leave a young man, he must fall on a white ram and climb it to the ground; it falls on a black sheep, falls seven layers down; the old woman says that every year they they give the dragon a girl while he eats it, take water; it is the turn of the padishah's daughter, the young man cuts off seven heads of the dragon; the girl identifies the savior, the young man asks the padishah to take him to the ground, he cannot; the dragon eats the Sumuranka bird's chicks; the young man kills him, the chicks tell their mother that the young man saved them; S. tells them to immerse 40 rams and 40 wineskins of water; the young man cuts off the last piece from his foot, Sumuranka puts it back; the young man pretends to be a bald poor man; the sisters agree to marry if they get a gold spinning wheel, a hoop, a hen with chickens (they had it, now the boy has it); the young man pretends to makes these items, the sisters understand that he is back; he looks like a handsome man in green clothes, comes to the palace, receives a wife and kingdom from his father; brothers are forgiven], 2 [three-legged deva swallows sister, two older brothers, the youngest kills the deva and his female, releases the swallowed ones from the womb; the brothers let him down the well to get water; he kills the deva, frees three maidens; (more like in (1); on the ground, a young man takes his bride, the bird carries them both, gets tired, then the young man cuts off her meat from her thigh; when he reaches, the bird puts a piece; they arrive at the padishah, the young man marries her beloved, and the daughter of the padishah]: 31-39, 39-48; Azerbaijanis [the Shah apple tree brings one rejuvenating apple every year, someone takes it away; the eldest, the middle fall asleep, the younger Melik-Mamed injures the diva, the brothers walk along a bloody trail; the elders cannot go down to the well because of the heat, MM consistently meets three girls and three divas at the bottom; each points a bubble with the soul of a diva, MM breaks it; sends the girls upstairs; the youngest says that if the brothers cut the rope, MM must jump on the white ram; cuts the rope, the white ram drops MM on the black one, he takes him to the realm of darkness; there is a dragon every year devours the chicks of the Zumrud bird; MM kills him; the bird promises to take MM upstairs if it gets forty cowhide carcasses and forty wineskins of water; MM kills the dragon that closed the water that gave it for girls; the king gives him meat and wineskins full of water; the last piece of MM cuts off his thigh, the bird puts it back; MM is hired by a tailor; in his true form, on horseback, cuts off the elder's head, middle brothers; opens, marries, two other girls are given for courtiers]: Akhundov 1955:50-63 (=Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (2): 463-474); Kurds: Jalil 1989, No. 2 [older and middle brother fall asleep , only the youngest Kuchuk Avdla cuts off the tail of the dragon that has ruined the garden; with his brothers he follows him into the gorge, they lower him on a rope, the youngest daughter of the dragon teaches that her father should be hit with a sword only one once; he kills the dragon, the brothers raise three dragon daughters upstairs, cut off the rope; before that, the younger sister explains to KA that black and white sheep will eat grass, black will turn white, and white sheep will eat grass, black will turn white, and white turns black, you have to jump on the white back; the KA does the opposite, the ram does not lift it up, but lowers it even lower; the dragon hides the water, gives halva and the girl in exchange for two cauldrons, the KA kills him, marries the Shah's daughter, whom the dragon was supposed to eat; another dragon devours Simr's chicks every year; the KA kills him, the bird agrees to raise him to the ground, tells him to prepare seven sheep fat tails, bread, wineskins of water; KA drops one fat tail, cuts off the meat from his thigh; when he arrives, Simr returns the meat to him, it grows; the KA takes the form of a bald tail, wins competitions incognito, comes to the wedding his fiancée, marries, kills enemies], No. 5 [the dervish tells the childless padishah to eat an apple in half with his wife, the wife will give birth to twins, one dervish will take for herself; at the age of seven, Hasan recognizes the dervish as the father, Hussein is a padishah; a dervish burns Hasan in tandoor; Hussein finds skulls, the last one Hasana; one of the skulls explains what to do; Hussein pushes the dervish into a tandoor, people are born from skulls; Hussein marries the daughter of a padishah; she does not tell him to ride in a big mountain; the gazelle lures him into a cave, turns him into a girl, kills him with an iron bar; Hasan is indistinguishable from Huseyn, comes to his wife, but He puts a sword between himself and his wife; hits the girl with a rod, brings her brother to life, the girl Gelyafruz is disgraced, Hasan takes her as his wife; brothers and wives go to their father; on the way, Hussein alone destroys enemies; Hasan is jealous (he is almost the son of a dervish), throws his brother into a hole, takes his wife, who leaves her husband horsehair; lions feed Hussein, caravans lift him out of the hole; the padishah's daughter buys him; her father finds out, tells him to be thrown into the river in a barrel; the miller finds him, adopts him; Hussein smashes his father's army, they do not recognize each other; the unrecognized Hussein comes to his wife's wedding with the vizier's son, defeats the groom, kills Hasan, reveals to his father]: 46-59, 80-87; Farizov, Rudenko 1959 [the dying father tells his sons Suleiman, Osman, Ismail to be on duty at his grave; younger I. injures a diva who came to dig up the grave; the brothers go to look for the diva, the mother follows, drinks from a donkey's hoof, gives birth to Long-Eared Harzam; he finds brothers, they are afraid to go down into a hot failure, H. goes down; The youngest of the three daughters, the diva shows Golperi's sword, H. cuts off the diva's head; G. predicts that the brothers will cut the rope, tells them to jump on the white ram; after picking up the girls, S. and O. cut off the rope; H. jumps on a black ram, falls through seven worlds; instead of water, an old woman brings him urine, water is given by a dragon in exchange for girls; H. kills the dragon, saves the padishah's daughter; he says that the dragon For many years, Simur has been devouring the chicks of the bird; H. kills the dragon, the chicks explain everything to their mothers, Simur brings H. to the ground; in flight he feeds and waters the bird, cuts off the last piece from the leg, it regurgitates puts it back, gives a pen; H. finds G. and I., a dragon wraps around their tent, he tells them to know the story of Gule and Sinam; Sinam Padishah tells how he changed clothes with a groom unrecognized accompanies his wife to the robbers cave at night; turns the traitor into a crow, the chieftain into a horse, then hangs an incense with his lover's ashes around the crow's neck; wants to kill H., he pulls out Simur's feather, she takes him to dragon; when she hears the story, the dragon turns into a girl, she makes H.'s ears normal; H. marries her, reigns, forgives her brothers]: 60-72.
Iran - Central Asia. The Persians [Wolf, Leo, Eagle marry three daughters of the deceased Shah; their brother Malek-Ahmad is hired by a Jew; he feeds him for 39 days, tells him to slaughter a camel on the fortieth, climb inside; birds they take MA to the mountain; a Jew tells her to drop gems, leaves; MA comes to a dirty old woman, washes her; this is the mother of divas, she asks her sons not to kill him; he opens the forbidden forty-first door; there Yusuf Shah Peri is thirsty; MA gives him water, he breaks his chains, gives his seal, flies to Mount Kof; outside the forty-second door there is a garden and a stream, MA steals the clothes of one of the three dove girls; the wife gives birth two boys, divas bring them down to the ground; the wife asks for her clothes, tells them to come to Mount Kof for them; MA again hires a Jew unrecognized, kills him by throwing a stone at his head from the mountain; divas forgive him , but do not know the way to Kof; among the husbands of the MA sisters, only Orel can help: the mother of the bird under his command knows the way; asks to take fat tails and wineskins with her; the meat runs out, the MA cuts off a piece of the thigh; Having reached the goal, the bird puts the meat back; the MA shows Yusuf the seal, who sends his sister, her husband and sons to the ground with gifts; without MA, there is drought, hunger; MA makes a shah, abundance begins]: Osmanov 1987:243-250; Tajiks [a young man comes to an old man who promises forty days of bliss in one day of torment; spends forty days with his daughter; an old man tells a young man to kill a sheep, make a wineskin, get inside; a bird takes him to a rock with gold and precious stones; promises to tell him how to go down if the young man drops his treasures; leaves him on a rock; a young man jumps off a cliff into the water, saves him a crocodile that he used to feed bread without knowing it; the young man pretends to be the twin of the missing person, history repeats himself; the young man pretends to be a fool, telling the old man to show him how to climb into the wineskin ties him up; promises to tell him how to escape if the old man drops his treasures; leaves him to die on a rock; marries]: Amonov 1972:38-44; Uzbeks [Umar is King Iron's son; And does not tell him to hunt in the east; W. goes east, he is carried away by the Bear, keeps him in his cave, gives birth to a son with him; this is Jackova Palvan, his legs are covered with hair; a man walks by, D. asks him to draw a trail with a sword to Tsar I.; pushes back the stone, kills the Bear, brings his father to I., they were greeted with joy; D. very strongly asks I. to send him to war; I., wanting to destroy D., orders them to bring firewood from the swamp (wild animals and spirits bring); D. goes to wander, meets a thrower (Tah Palvan), boulders (Khyrs-Palvan), trees (Chinar-Palvan); everyone replies that he is going to fight D.; he wins everyone, takes comrades; kills seven, then three Bab-yags, eats their soup of many rams; at rest, each takes turns cooking lunch, an old man is tall, a 40-top beard comes on a goat, eats everything; when D.'s turn, he tears off the old man's head, she rolls, disappears into the hole; the satellites are afraid, D. goes down the rope, kills all the divas, sends treasures and two feathers to earth; when the satellites raise D ., they throw a rope; in the lower world, D. meets a plowman, tells the animals to plow his field, obey him; kills the Mundurha-ajjar snake; then two idroim-azdargs, tames the animals; the old woman says that Alpan-azhdarga kills Simurg's chicks; D. kills him with an arrow, feeds the chicks, who hide them from their mother; grateful Simurg tells him to cook meat and water; there is not enough meat, D. cuts off part of his leg; on earth, Simurg belches it, puts it back to him; kills traitors]: Ostroumov 1906:157-182; Uzbeks in Khorezm [the poor man hears how bai is ready to feed the worker forty days in one day of work; buy sews the worker into the skin of a slaughtered bull, tells him to wait for a huge bird to bring him to the mountain, where gold and jewelry are born; the worker drops the bayu treasures, sees people around the bones; buy leaves him; in a dream, Sheikh Nejm-ed-Din Kubra tells the worker to follow a fox that knows how to descend from the mountain; "At the end of the legend, the situation with the search for jewelry repeats, only this time he finds himself on the mountain buy himself; he remains there, but the wealth goes to the employee "]: Snesarev 1983:154-155; Turkmens: Sokali et al. 1955 [Mirali and Sultan-Soyun argue who suffered more (the one will receive the gold bar they found); M. tells how the worker did to bay; he fed him for five days, then sewed him up at the cliff in bull's clothing, the eagles lifted him to the rock, buy ordered him to be thrown from above gems, left; M. grabbed the eagle, he lowered it down; M. told Bayu that he had found the descent; bai wanted to climb the rock himself, where he died; the SS rides his wife at night to the diva who teaches her witchcraft; divas turns him into a black dog; after many trials, mullahs restore his appearance to the SS; he turns his wife into a donkey]: 188-194; Stebleva 1969, No. 22 [the sick padishah asks his sons to get it the nightingale, whose singing was heard in his dream; the elder Gulyam and the middle Veli Dev throws into the well; the younger Mammadjan kills the deva with a stone, frees the peri; to finish off the deva, you have to kill his soul, she is in a bottle in dragon's right ear; M. makes the dragon sneeze, finishes off the deva; Peri tells the black maiden to take M. to his sister, the captive of the two-headed deva; seven sisters in total, each next one is a prisoner of a deva with with a large number of heads, up to seven; M. kills everyone up to the sixth, everyone keeps a bottle of soul with a goat, an old woman, etc. (just like in the first episode); the sixth girl explains: a dragon crawls to the plane tree every year, devours chicks; the grateful bird Zamyr will bring the dragon that has killed the dragon to where the nightingale is; we must give millet to the chickens bones for dogs, salt for camels, tie the tongues of bells with rags on the 40 steps of the stairs; M. did everything, the chicks ate the chopped dragon, the youngest left a piece under his tongue to prove to his mother that the dragon was killed; Zamyr brought M. to the room with the sleeping devas and the nightingale; M. first met with the sleeping beauty, so the nightingale raised the alarm; but M. took him and managed to sit on the bird; with the beautiful M. changed rings; Zamyr throws cooked meat and water; the meat is over, he cuts off a piece of caviar; Zamyr keeps it under his beak, puts it back; M. takes seven girls and treasures, finds it in the brothers' well; the brothers dazzle him, throw him into the well; they catch the dog's eyes, but it keeps them, takes care of M.; the padishah's nightingale does not sing; the nightingale's mistress finds M. on the ring, lowers him into the well puts his braids back in order for M. to get out; the nightingale begins to sing, the father recovers, the brothers are abandoned in the desert], 33 [the son of the bay, the son of a merchant and an orphan see the traces of a maiden at the well; the son of bay, the son of a merchant they cannot go down because of the heat; the orphan goes down, kills the deva, tells the companions to pick up the freed peri; they throw away the rope, the son of the bay takes the peri, the merchant's son takes the treasures; in a dream someone says to the young man that white and black sheep will fall from above, you have to jump on the good one, he will take it upstairs; he accidentally jumps on black; the daikhanin lets him plow, tells him not to make noise, tigers rush at him, he harnesses them; the dragon crawls to eat the chicks on the plane tree, the young man kills him, Simurg gives him his feathers; in the city, the dragon has locked the water, demands the girls to eat; the young man kills him, the grateful padishah adopts him; Simurg takes him to the ground, he throws meat and water to her, cuts off the last piece from her thigh, she hides it under her tongue, puts it back; at home, the young man turns into an old man, restores his mother's eyesight With a pen, Simurg becomes young again, his mother recognizes him; he kills the sons of the merchant and the bay, takes both wives], 38 [bai promises the orphan that he will eat 40 days and work alone; asks to remove the skin from the bull, climb into it; birds take him up the mountain, he drops bayu pieces of gold, buy leaves; the young man jumps into the river, the fish takes him ashore; he changes clothes, hires again unrecognized by the bay, asks show how to get into the skin; promises to show him how to go down if bai gives him off his obligation to give him his property, wife and children; leaves him to die on a rock]: 71-92, 170-179, 198-200.
Baltoscandia. Estonians [the king's horses disappear one by one; the elder, middle brothers fall asleep, the younger one injures a polar bear that has come out of the ground; tells him to go down to a hole for the bear, he gets a copper bear, silver, golden eggs from three princesses kidnapped by a bear; wakes up a sleeping wounded bear, kills him; brothers raise girls and treasures upstairs, the younger brother does not let down the rope; he kills a snake, struggling with an eagle; he agrees to take the young man upstairs, asks him to feed the bull's meat on the way; the young man cuts off his legs from his calf, he is the most delicious; he is hired by a shoemaker; the brothers said that the youngest died, they marry the princesses; they hope that the young man will return, tell the grooms to bring the shoes they had in the lower world; the young man pulls out shoes from a copper egg, sends a shoemaker with them to the king; the same - clothes made of silver eggs; locks - made of gold; a young man marries a younger princess, brothers marries elders, reigns]: M.E. Eisen in Põder, Tanner 2000:36-46 (=Raud 2004:190-196); Norwegians [The king's 12 daughters go missing; the other's 12 sons sail on a ship to look for them; by Captain Ritter Red (RR); the ship gets caught in a storm, then into calm near the island; everyone falls asleep; the younger brother sees on the puppy's shore, disembarks, the puppy turns into a princess; her troll father gives a drink of strong water, then the young man can raise his sword; in 7 years the ship will sail to where the 12-headed troll lives, 12 princesses comb his hair while he sleeps; a young man will cut off 12 heads; and so it happens; princes take princesses away, they have forgotten their golden crowns; a young man goes after them; RR wants a younger princess for himself tells him to sail away, threatens to kill those who say that he did not defeat the troll; a giant bird descends, tells it to be fed, carries the young man to the troll island; he is ready to give the young man his daughter and make him king trolls, but the young man refuses; goes down to the ship to pick up his sword; sees that the princess puts a sharp sword next to her at night so that RR does not touch her; the troll gives an iron ship, he instantly takes the young man home; gives an iron club that can cause a storm; sends the ship back to the troll at home; pretends to be a poor sailor; the wedding of 12 princesses with 11 princes and RR is scheduled; imaginary the sailor shows the golden crowns, the princesses recognize them, the young man opens; RR is executed]: Dasent 1970:383-395.
Volga - Perm. Komi [in many Zyrian fairy tales, companions leave the hero in the lower world; he saves Eagle's chicks devoured by the Serpent; grateful Eagle takes him to the ground; stocked bulls and kegs with There is not enough water (9 or 30), the hero cuts the meat off his leg, gives the Eagle his blood and flesh; on the ground, the Eagle regurgitates them, puts them back]: Konakov 2003:183; Chuvash [spouses are childless; god Pigambar in a dream, she tells the old woman to put a piece of oak bark in the sauerkraut; their son Ivan appears; wins, makes copper, silver, golden eagles brothers; each takes turns cooking food in the hut; every time a bearded dwarf comes, says that the bulls eat him, ties him up, ties him up, that evening he says he does not remember anything; I. defeats the dwarf, hangs it on a tree; a beard remains, a bloody trail stretches into the hole; the Eagles lower I. on a belt into the lower world; he kills Chiga the old man hursukhal 'a, the father of three sisters; the eldest gives I. a ring that increases strength; the Eagles lift women up, throw them off belt; I. kills a 12-headed snake, frees fresh water and people; a snake crawls along a pine tree to the nest of the Vagrant Eagle; I. kills the snake, the Eagle agrees to raise it to the ground; in flight, I. feeds him meat, it ends, he cuts off a piece of his thigh; kills sister traitors, marries his eldest sister who recognizes him, lets others go]: Chuvash tales 1937:67-83; marie (mountain) [princess at night she lowers the rope out of her lover's window; one day the unclean comes earlier, penetrates her instead of the guy; next time she thinks that they are unclean again downstairs, and this is the guy, she cuts off the rope; the guy has been ill for a long time; the serpent sits on the princess's clothes when she bathes; she has to agree to marry him; a recovered lover with soldiers goes to look for the princess; three sisters consistently point the way to the abyss, where the descent into the lower world; the guy goes down the rope, picks up the princess while the snake is away; she is picked up; the officer tells him to be considered his savior; the princess throws down a letter, promises wait; the guy ties a stone to the rope, the officer cuts the rope; the guy hides the chicks of a huge bird from the rain; she lifts it up; on the way he feeds it meat, cuts off the last piece from the leg; on the ground, a bird regurgitates it, puts it back; the guy comes to the bride's wedding, exposes the officer, marries, reigns; the officer is tied by the legs to the horse's tail]: Aktsorin 1995:142-147; Mordovians [the old man promises poor young man Rav-Zholdyamo gold on the verine of the mountain; tells him to climb into the horse's carcass, the raven brings it to the top of the mountain, the RJ frightens him, lowers the bags of gold to the old man, who then burns him rope; RJ kills a basket chasing three ducks; they lower RJ to the forest hut, turn into girls; RJ hides her youngest's dress, marries, brings her mother's wife; she gives her a duck outfit, she flies away; three old brothers consistently send RJ to each other, pointing the path of a flying duck; the elder gives a flying carpet and an invisible hat, teaches a crow that is going to eat a duck to deceive; RJ returns home with his wife]: Samorodov 1972:132; Tatars [a poor young man is hired by an old man, that month he feeds him well, gives him a new girlfriend every day; leads to grief, sutures him in his stomach a dead horse; birds raise the carcass up the mountain, the young man drops marble stones; the old man loads them onto the cart, leaves; on the mountain, a young man meets a padishah of animals and birds; he forbids opening one door; a young man opens, sees the sea, three doves fly in, turn into girls; the padishah of animals promises that in a year they will arrive again, tells him to hide his beloved's clothes; the young man hides, brings her wife; the young man is sad around the house, his wife brings him there; finds his pigeon dress, flies away; the young man again hires the old man unrecognized, comes to the padishah of animals; he tells the old bird to carry the young man across the fiery river to the city of divas; he finds his wife, stays with her]: Zamaletdinov 1992:162-168; Tatars [the padishah's three daughters are carried away by a whirlwind; brothers Kich-batyr (kitsch - evening), Ten Batyr (night), Tan-batyr (morning: younger) play; the old man advises them to better look for the daughters of the padishah; come to the cave where the divas have disappeared; only Tan-B. pushes the stone away; the elders do not reach the bottom of the cave, Tan-B. cuts the rope, jumps; mice they undermine the walls of the well, send Tan-B. through the passage to the copper palace; Tan-B. kills the diva, frees the eldest daughter of the padishah; the same with the silver, gold palaces, middle and eldest daughters, two other divas; the younger sister puts the palaces in copper, silver, golden eggs, gives Tan-b; the brothers pull out the girls, cut off the rope, pick up the Tan-b; the mouse man tells me to sit on white, not on black goat; Tan-b. sits on a white one, taken to the upper world; brothers tie a sword in front of the tent, Tan-batyr cuts off his legs; blind and armless comes to him; they kidnap the daughter of the padishah, do sister; her fire goes out, she comes to the witch Ubirly Karcik; she tells her to pour ash behind her so that she can come to visit; when she comes, she tells her to look for a girl's blood in her hair; three brothers they take turns guarding, Tan-B. ties the witch, hits; she swallows everyone, regurgitates healthy; Tan-B. does not belch; others chop her, see a finger running away, they find Tan-b in him; at home he hires shoemaker; for the wedding of the youngest daughter of the padishah, with the help of copper and other eggs, creates boots, dresses, palaces to order; opens, marries; drives away brothers; passes off his wife's sisters as her brothers]: Yarmukhametov 1957:39-61 (=Bulatov, Sharipova 2000:49-89; =Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 40:103-127); Bashkirs [Aylar Khan has a son Alpamysh in old age, Akkubyak Khan has a daughter Barsynkhylu; B. promises to marry the one who will defeat her; only A. wins; once he fell asleep, Budyar Khan shackled him, threw him into the zindon; A. sends a letter with the goose, but it falls into Koltoba's hands; he took possession of A.'s property, his Carlugas made his sister a maid, marries B.; B. promises to marry the one who pulls the bow of her missing husband, hits the gold ring; Budyar Khan's three daughters find A., help him get out by giving him his sword and freeing his horse; on the way, A. asks the herdsmen they meet who they like best, what they do; without recognizing A., one replies that he is happy with A.'s death, the other says that he is happy with A.'s death, the other says that he should hang A. if K. wins; A. kills them, meets his son grieving for his father; pulls on a bow, hits the ring, then K.; returns his wife and property]: Sagitov 1987:227-239.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Potanin 1916, No. 47 [bai visited three sides, died on the way to the fourth; before his death he tells four sons (the youngest is from his youngest wife); his younger brother Zadà guards sleep the elders, kills the seven-headed old woman Jalmouth Kempir; another old woman said that the prince was building a ladder to reach the princess living between earth and sky; Z. was not afraid to get up, killed the dragon, The princess, who was about to swallow, returned to the brothers, leaving a note; the other dragon grabs Z., turns into a woman, tells them to know what Saduar did to the rose and what the rose did to Saduar; the old woman sends an answer to the mullah, he refers to the cherry plum kara-gus (bird hero); Z. swims to the island, lies under a tree, kills a dragon that crawled to eat chicks; their mother arrives with storm and wind; brings Z. to to the city of Saduar, leaves his pen; S., a local king; tells how he rushed at his wife Rosa's black slave, his wife's lover; his wife hit him with a cane, turned him into a crane for three years, and three more pole; into a cat; Rosa's six-year-old son touched the cat with a cane, restoring S. to human appearance; S. turned his wife into a donkey, then her and her lover into pigs, people beat them to death; S. wanted to execute Z., but alyp-kara -Hus took him away; that woman was S.'s daughter, S. married her to Z.; the king of heaven passed him off as Z. and his daughter; the brothers buried Z. in a hole to take his wives; he burned the feather, the bird brought him home; he fired arrows into the sky, they fell, pierced the brothers]: 159-162; Sidelnikov 1971 (1): 7-33 [after starving horse toast (brisket), the old woman gave birth to a son Yer-Tostik; he hurts a chizhik, he tells him better looking for his missing 8 brothers who starved cattle south; ET goes to look for brothers; finds, leads; their father Ernazar marries them to 9 sisters, ET to younger Kenzhekei; Peri Bector wants ET for himself; tells Baba Yaga to grab E., he promises her a son; leaves the sharpener at the old camp, ET goes after him on a six-legged horse, takes the seventh on the lead; K.'s wife gives him her father's dowry horse; ET, grabbing a sharpener, runs away from Baba Ega on it, falls into the lower world of the snake Khan Bana; he promises him a daughter if ET gets Temir Khan's daughter; ET meets, takes the Thief, the Windbreaker, as his companions, Sensitive Ear, Gorokata, Lake Swallower, All-Seeing Eye, thanks to them, wins competitions, gets a woman; grateful Bany Khan points the way up; on the way, the wife dies, ET goes with her slave Kunkei; kills a boa constrictor crawling to the chicks; a double-headed eagle (one human head, the other a bird's head) takes him and K. to the ground; peri throws him into the well, the double-headed eagle saves Kunkey, married to Shoin-Kulak (son of Baba Yaga), overhears where the soul of the ShK (in a goat, in a box, in a chicken); kills ShK; returns to Kenzhukei], (3): 66-75 [khan dreams of a bird, flowers fall from its mouth, pearls out of his eyes; three sons go to look for it; Asan goes along the road will return, Usen may return, younger Hasan will not return; the old woman Zhalmauyz-Kempir turns her daughter returns him to the gazelle, gives an arrow to kill his mother, sends him to the tree where the bird is Samruk; H. kills a boa constrictor crawling towards the chicks, they eat pieces of the boa constrictor's body, they say that the rain is their mother's tears, the wind comes from her wings; Samruk does not eat H., brings virgins to the country, he cuts the meat off his thighs, lets it eat, she heals his wounds; he takes the bird, leaves a note Khan's sleeping daughter of the virgins, returns to the bride; the brothers let X. down the well, cut off the rope, the girl runs away to the steppe; the daughter of the Khan of the Virgins accuses Asan and Usen of lying, they are executed; finds Hasan and his wife , leaves the bird to his father]; Kyrgyz [Kuluke's elder brother goes to look for a bride; a bearded dwarf invites him to push back the stone, he can't; the same middle brother Turuke; younger Bereke pushes , the dwarf lowers him on the arcana into the hole that opens; three khan's daughters successively give B. copper, silver, gold rings; the brothers raise the girls on the arcana; when B. rises, they cut him off; the former dwarf tells you to go to the witch; she has an Alpkarakush bird in her thirtieth pantry; after opening other storerooms, she defeats a six-headed snake, a tiger, a lion, pulls out treasures; the bird raises it to land; he marries a girl who gave a gold ring; brothers fled]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1981:24-27; Uighurs [a girl is kidnapped by a bear, she gives birth to a hero's son, he kills a bear, returns with his mother to people; his name is Tugluk-Batur; the khan is afraid of his strength, the vizier offers to give difficult tasks; 1) kill the dragon; T. rushes with a sword into the dragon's mouth, cuts it from the inside; 2) kill diva; along the way, T. consistently wins and companions heroes named Er (earth), Chol (desert), Su (water), Tag (mountain), Ashlyanpu (cold noodles), Muz (ice), (Uighur name is not given) (millstone) ), Tomir (iron) -batur; without recognizing T., A. brags that he will run easily, is defeated himself; in the house, the diva remains guarded while others hunt; the diva binds him with snake hair, sucks his blood; the next once T. remains guarded, the diva injures, follows a bloody trail to the well, descends on his belt; frees the two daughters of the diva, whom he was ready to kill for pity for his victims; they explain where their soul is father (kill two roosters with green beans; go down to the basement, a fish swims in the chest, an egg in it, a box in it); T. burns the box, the diva dies; T. sends treasures upstairs, diva daughters, more four women; A. cuts off his belt, T. falls, divas heal him; T. kills a snake that devours the Simurg bird's chicks; she brings it to the surface, cutting off the last piece of meat for Simurg T. from his leg; the diva's daughters turned four women into cats, they scratched A.; T. married the diva's daughters]: Kabirov 1963:125-153 (killing a dragon: 136); Dungans [Ponwyn hears a girl scream from the sky, throws at a whirlwind is a rocker, a shoe falls; finds out that the emperor's daughter has been carried away; takes warriors and his friend Duanzhian; descends a rope into a cave; the princess teaches how to cut a sleeping snake with his own sword; when the princess is raised, D. orders to remove the rope, fill up the entrance; P. frees the son of the dragon king; tells him to take a drum from his father as a reward; he gives everything he needs; P. comes home where D.; D. spies on the drum turning into a girl (this is the youngest daughter of the dragon king); throws P. into the well; the drum covers the table with crap, flies away to complain to the emperor; P. is pulled out, he shows half of the bracelet given to him by the emperor's daughter; gets it; D. is buried up to the neck at the crossroads]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 8:73-79.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars (Chanysky District, Novosibirsk Oblast) [enemies lured Yal-Mamysh into a hole covered with twigs and grass; the goose agreed to take the letter to his wife and parents; they sent his friend to help him out; a friend covered the hole with a stone, said that I was dead, began to marry his wife; the wife promises to marry the one who pulls the bow Y.; sends his sister to look for I.; she pulls him out of the hole; I. pretends to be a poor stranger, pulls on a bow; his son is the first to recognize him; I. shoots a traitor friend who turns into a crane]: Tomilov 1995:153-155; Tofalars: Rassadin 1996, No. 15 [y Maimayak's wife, Kalyay woman and Munho man as workers; the shaman replies that Kulamai will have children if he gets an eagle's wing; Kulamai asks Munho to lower him to the edge of the cliff, he throws a rope Maimayak, his mistress, takes; Kulamay drinks rainwater, eats what eagles bring; descends on grown eagles; kills a worker and wife with an arrow; marries Kalyay, founding Aal Konzok], 16 [hunter Mikhishka, his wife Mosyran, six-year-old son Kluge, mother Peturun, neighbor Mutkachik; Patychy's shaman replies that his son will recover if he gets eagle feathers; Mutkachik lowers Mikhishka to the edge of the cliff, throws a rope, takes Mosyran, his mistress; Mikhishka descends on grown eagles, meets her son, tells him to call his grandmother; after recovering, kills lovers with arrows]: 27-29, 35-41; Sherkhunaev 1975 [y Kuulamaya and his wife Maimayak have no children; shaman Meerkpan says it is possible to help if K. gets the wing of a young eagle; friend K. Mungo lowered him in his belts to a cave in the rock, threw off his belts, married Maimayak, with whom he colluded; the eagle brought K. meat, he drank rainwater; in the fall he tied himself to eagles, went downstairs; told the girl Halyay about everything; killed Mungo and pregnant Maimayak with arrows; married Halyay, from them came the Konzor-Tar family - Olokhoi]: 258-263; tofalars [ The calf turns into Tugulzha, a guy with a cow's nose; he takes Sarykh-Tarba and Kyok-Tarba as companions; they find a chum with three girls; they take turns cooking, the old woman comes and eats everything; when T.'s turn, suggests tying her with a grass arcana, hitting her with a coal hammer, twisting her ears with wooden mites; T. takes her lasso, iron hammer and pliers; on a bloody trail she reaches a hole where the old woman died; goes down, S. and K. cut the rope; T. sleeps for three months, a birch tree grows, he climbs it, kills S. and K. with a stone, marries three girls]: Rassadin 1996, No. 37:86-87; Tuvans : Potanin 1883, No. 84 (Buren-Gol River) [see motif J46, L72; three sisters run away from the demon jelbag; Beaver transports them across the river, drowns the pursuer; tells the sisters to climb three spruce trees; past three fellows went by, married them; older sisters promise their husbands to sew clothes and covers; the youngest - to give birth to a boy with a golden head and a silver neck; the older ones throw the boy into the lake, replace him with a mole; he bites her returning husband; the husband breaks his wife's arms and legs, gouging out her eyes; she is left alone; she consistently maims three rats that treat their paws and eyes with grass; the woman is treated with the same grass, recovers; cannot lure his son out of the lake; catches her for the third time with a bow and arrow on the shore; gives his milk, tears into his eyes, he recognizes her as his mother; his name is Yer-Saru ; seven geese are flying, when they scream, the mother cuts off her ear, nose, lip; E. shoots, the arrow returns with a human finger; E. meets a khan's shepherd named Buzakai Tarakai, that refuses to marry E. his daughter; E. kills him, takes his form; Khan gives seven daughters to Jety-tas (Seven Bald), but the youngest marries the imaginary B. (i.e. E.); that 1) brings a mountain goat's father-in-law, whose outer meat is bitter, the inner meat is sweet (and the second time vice versa); 2) brings three Tengri Khan horses (rises to heaven after them rainbow); 3) Khan orders to bring a foal, which Khan Garida steals from him every year; E. knocks off the tails of the foal with an arrow and Khan Garide hides; the Jetytas say that they have knocked off the tails to the khan; Khan-Garide asks E. not to kill him, gives the entire herd of foals and carries his fluff as a sign that he has been killed; the Jetytas dig a hole, E. falls into it; his horse brings Mengu-kyz, that makes a rope out of his braids, pulls E. out; he, in his true heroic form, returns to the khan, shows his hidden tails; whose arrow fired into the sky will kill the shooter, falling, is a liar; The Jetytas are killed with their arrows; E. and his wife visit their mother; the horse kicked and killed her; she was buried]: 341-348; Samdan 1994, No. 2 [the son of a woman and a bear, Yygylak-Kara takes the Larch Uproot as a sister Uzun-Saryg and Ulug-Kara Rock Ulug-Kara; each takes turns cooking; Adygyr-Kara shulba comes with copper claws and a nose, heats them, fights with the cook; younger brothers do not talk about what happened, YK wins, injures the shulbus, he goes to the cave, to the lower world; the brothers lower the YK on the arcana; below the woman says that she must give her daughter to the shulbus to be eaten; YK finishes off the wounded shulbus, marries the youngest of the sisters, takes the other two for the brothers, lifts them upstairs; the brothers cut off the lasso; the girls' mother advises helping the Khan-Hereti bird, which lives on the middle of three iron poplars; each a fifteen-headed snake crawls out of the lake, devours chicks; YK cuts off all 15 heads with an arrow; one chick cries, the second laughs, the third sings (thinks it will be eaten last); wind and rain, this the whiff of wings and the tears of the mother of the captives; she carries the YK on her back to the upper world, he throws her shot ducks; run out, threw his hat; the lasso cut his mustache, he also took his younger sister as his second wife; YK he was killed by larch; with the Criminal Code and the wives of both, they came to his mother YK]: 227-248; Khakas [Kara Kana's daughter becomes pregnant; her father orders to dazzle her in the forest, the soldiers leave the girl, bring her father dog eyes; the girl gives birth to three boys in the hut during the night, each immediately runs away, returns three days later as a hero, their names are Ulug Irgek (irgek - "finger"), Kichik Irgek, Ivan Sarchyk; seven-, nine-, twenty-headed snakes carried the king's three daughters to the golden mountain; the guard whistles, the older brothers fall, IS is not afraid; on the mountain in the copper house, the girl replaces the barrel; the snake drinks, his strength decreases, the power of IS grows, the serpent is killed; the same is in silver and gold houses; sisters take with them at home, rolled into headscarves; the IS brothers and the guard take three princesses, throw away the glacier, IS remains on rock; a blind witch promises to let him down if he gives her eyes back; they are under the waterfall; the horse asks to be freed from his luggage, tells him not to listen to the witch, chain her to the floor, supposedly to heal, pour it into cast iron eyes; the horse lowers the IS; under the guise of a bald IS, he comes to the wedding of a false IS with his younger sister; she recognizes her handkerchief given to the real IS; the guard is beheaded, the brothers marry three princesses]: Katanov 1907, No. 384:396-409; the Mongols [the evil beggar envies the good that is served; there are two eggs in the eagle's nest; one hatched an eagle, the other's shell has a belt; the evil beggar persuades the good man to get a belt; he falls into the nest, cannot get out; the eagle brought him a gopher; later he guessed to go down with his belt tied; at night in the temple he hears a conversation between a tiger and a wolf, crow, foxes; learns how to cure the khan's daughter (spiders climbed into her ear), bring water to the city (clear the spring); awarded a khan; an evil beggar goes to the temple for the night, eaten by a tiger]: Mikhailov 1962: 123-125 (=197:146-149); the Mongols (western in Urga) [parents drive their son, who has cow horns on his head; he meets a person born from the forest, the other from the mountain; each one takes turns cooking food; an old nun comes, asks for food, disappears with the food; the brothers lie that many people have come, made them give everything away; the horned sends the old woman to bring water in a bucket of holes, opens her bag, replaces an iron hammer and pliers with wooden ones, a rope made of hair veins; the old woman offers to fight, does not harm the horned with wooden tools, the horned one injures her with a blow an iron hammer; brothers follow a bloody trail; a horned man descends on a rope to the lower world, finds the old woman dead; gives his brothers jewelry upstairs; they take them, throw the horned one; Hormust-Tengri gives him a bow and arrow, raises him to heaven; white and black bulls fight there; a horned man breaks a black head with an arrow; H. asks him to go down to the lower world, finish off the wounded Shimnus king ; the horned man pretends to be a doctor, pushes H.'s arrow deeper; Shimnus's wife throws an iron mallet after the horned, breaking them into seven parts; H. turned them into Ursa Major]: Potanin 1893, No. 2:374- 376; the Mongols [an old man's cow gave birth - the top of a man, the bottom of a bull; this is Amtsagaan, asks the old man not to kill him; meets and companions woodworker Dalger, wooden Dalger, stone Dalger; everyone cooks in turn, the old woman comes, eats everything; A. asks her to bring water in a bucket of holes, takes iron handcuffs, pliers, a hammer from her bag, puts wooden ones instead; the old woman returned without waters, offers to bind each other; A. breaks wooden shackles, the old woman hardly breaks iron shackles, crawls in blood; below the cliff there is a mountain of jewelry, a dead old woman; twins descend on A.'s rope, picks up treasures, leaves A. below; he rubs three skulls, sculpts three burkhans, asks for three trees to grow overnight; three years later he wakes up, climbs trees; spares twins, follows the child's trail, enters heaven; Heavenly Lord in the form of a white bull fights demon khan Shulmas every day; overcomes him before noon, gives way in the afternoon; asks A. shoot him at a star on his forehead; A. shot, the Master wants to make him immortal; he wants to visit his father; Vladyka promises to help; A. pretends to be a healer, comes to treat Sh.; his old woman misses, he drives the arrow deeper into S.'s forehead, he dies; the old woman surrounds the house with iron bars with bolts; from the sky, the Lord lowers the chain, picks up A.; the old woman throws an iron hoop, crushing A. into seven parts, they turn into the Big Dipper]: Skorodumova 2003:18-22; the Oirats (Altai Uryankhaians) [the legend of the appearance of the song "Buga Bietei Khaltar" ("A Bay Horse with a Deer's Body") says that in ancient times two brothers lived in Uriankhai Khoshun; when the youngest married, he had a big feast, and the elder, when he saw his daughter-in-law, fell in love with her and harbored malicious intent; the elder brother invited the younger brother catch a golden eagle chick and teach it how to hunt; the youngest agreed, and both of them went to the Altai Mountains; when they noticed a golden eagle's nest on the slope, the elder tied the younger one with a rope, lowered it into the nest and left there; when he returned home, he told everyone that the youngest had fallen and crashed; then began to persuade his younger brother's wife to marry him; the grandmother, not believing in the death of her youngest grandson, secretly convinced his daughter-in-law confidence in her husband's integrity; the younger brother left in the nest did not die, he was fed by an eagle; when her chick grew up and flew out of the nest, his younger brother sank with him to the ground; he rode a bay horse, wandered around relatives and eventually composed the song "A bay horse with a deer's body"; since then, the Uriankhai people have forever freed their golden eagles trained to hunt]: Erdenebold 2012:76- 77; Dongxiang [the woodcutter hit the tornado with an ax, women's shoes fell out, blood flowed; rich Jan promises his kidnapped daughter to her savior; the woodcutter follows a bloody trail, a friend lets him down into a hole; an old woman hides from a seven-headed monster, learns how to kill the monster (cutting off heads, pulling out veins, killing centipedes); a woodcutter sends kidnapped women upstairs; raising D.'s daughter, a friend cuts off rope; the snake is going to eat the Kite's chicks; the woodcutter kills the snake; the Kite orders to catch a hundred birds, puts the lumberjack on his back, he throws birds into his beak, a little short; next time the woodcutter stores 99 birds, says a hundred; throws his knee into the Kite's beak; on the ground, the Kite belches his knee, since then the kneecap has been separated from the other bones; the imaginary savior of daughter D. drives away , passes her off as a lumberjack]: Todayeva 1961, No. 4:90-93; Mongors [poor Zhangmu hunter sees a black whirlwind, shoots, and a shoe falls from there; the emperor announces that his daughter has disappeared, sends it images; J. recognizes the princess by her shoe; comes to the cave with two generals, they lower J. on a rope; he finds the princess, sends her upstairs, receives a bracelet from her; ties a stone instead of himself; the generals pick him up, cut off the rope, take the princess away; J. frees the tied son of the Dragon King; he brings him to him, the Dragon King gives him a vessel that gives everything you want; seeing his mother , J. asks the vessel for good clothes, comes to a party to celebrate the return of the princess; she sees her bracelet, tells her father; he passes her daughter off as J., decapitates the generals]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994: 168-169; Dagurs: Stuart et al. 1994:114-116 [the bear took the girl, she gave birth to a boy; they ran away, the bear followed, the boy killed the bear with a stone; very strong, accidentally killed a bull in the village; to get rid of him, the official tells him to kill the tiger, the dragon; he does it (the dragon swallows it, he cuts his heart); he stops in an abandoned house, two spirits come there, he grabs them, they they ask him to make his assistants; a giant enters, the bear's son cuts off his head, but his head grows; so many times, then the monster becomes small, disappears into the abyss; the companions let his son down a bear on a rope; the kidnapped beauty says that the life of a monster is in two metal balls; the bear's son takes them, the monster dies; the companions pick up the girl on a rope, cut her off; the old man says what a huge bird can take upstairs; they fly for 17 days, the bear's son throws food into her mouth; the 18th runs out of supplies, he cuts off the meat from his leg; the bear's son kills his companions, takes the girl as his wife, gets a high position], 148-149 [Daoluodi is single, falls in love with Guoruledi's wife; offered to go for bird eggs, lowered him from the cliff to the eaves, let go of the rope; G. caught on a tree, climbed to the cave where is the bird's nest; took care of two eggs and the chicks when they hatched; the chicks grew up and began to bring him food; then G. sat alone on his back, went down to the ground; never found him at home - neighbors they said that the wife ran away with D.]
Western Siberia. Nganasany [Shaman Nindimi and his boyfriend next door went to the mountains to get crow feathers for arrows; lowered the guy off the cliff to the crows nest; decided that the crows would take revenge, it would be better to give them guy, cut off the rope; the guy fell into the nest; the crows fed him; they took him upstairs, he returned; the shaman died, and that man gave birth to the Raven family]: Vashchenko, Dolgikh 1962, No. 2:180; northern Selkups [ Pachka's old wife disappeared, returned with Korka Pachka's child Iya; disappeared again, her son found her in the bear's den, brought her home; went traveling, took the Sea-Closing Stump as his companions, Felting Forest, Quickswamp; a stranger comes to the person who remains at home, scalds him with boiling water; when Iya remains, he cuts the alien with a knife; asks his companions to lower him on a rope to the lower world; an old man wounded by him sits there, I. heals him, marries his daughter; I. sends her upstairs when he gets up himself, his companions cut off the rope, he falls to the seventh lower earth; there is an old man sitting and old woman, they say that their grandson dies every time thunder thunders over the plague; I. fires an arrow up, the Thunder disappears; the old people tell him to sit on the seventh of the seven cranes, he takes I. to the ground, he finds a wife; they walk around the cauldron, sink into the ground, Mount of Spirits (Lozyl Lakka) appears at this place]: Golovlev 1995:495-498; Mansi [someone ruins the turnip field (turnip); the old man goes to guard, the bear kills him; the old woman goes, the bear takes her away, she gives birth to a son, he is a bear below the waist; they run away, the son kills the chasing bear; goes to look for his wife, meets on the way noseless, then crazy, both hear the voices of women from the lower world; the bear's son asks him to be lowered on a rope into a hole; there is a dragon, he cuts off his heads with an ax; sends three girls on ropes upstairs; when he gets up by himself, the companions cut off the rope; he asks the eagle to lift it to the ground; prepares meat, feeds it in flight (three months); chases his companions, marries]: Munkácsi 1995:118-120.
Eastern Siberia. Evenki of the Baikal region [Ivil lives with his older brother; he hunts, the meat disappears; he watches, sees I. calling the water woman, feeding her, laughing with her; her brother calls her himself, injures her in hand; she no longer goes to I.; he digs a hole in the house where her brother sits, he falls into the lower world; meets an old woman, brings her firewood and water; she sends him to her sister, she sends him to her sister, she to theirs Eagle brother; the man lets the Eagle eat two moose, the Eagle brings him home; the brother digs a hole in the place where I. is sitting, he fails, hits the old woman, the Eagle swallows him]: Voskoboynikov 1967, No. 15:50-53.
Amur-Sakhalin. Ulchi [the older brother hates the younger brother; offers to go to the island for a saran, leaves him alone there; the youngest finds a house, a woman in it, she takes him as her husband; does not tell you to look where brings meat; he spies, sees his wife playing with people of near water; they immediately turn into killer whales; they want to kill him for ruining their hunt; his wife's father gives him an erent (divine book); he buys his life for it; people of near water open a book, burn]: Zolotarev 1939:100-101; Orochi [two brothers chased a bear; he rolled down a cliff; the youngest suggested the eldest would lower him on a rope, promised to pull him out with the bear; cut off the rope, took possession of his wife and his brother's property; the elder fell; (the informant did not remember further)]: Margaritov 1888:35 (cf. Arseniev, motif K4); (cf. Wilta [western 1937; a huge bird takes the chief's daughter; Gawhat sees what it was like; the chief gives him soldiers, tells him to find his daughter; he is lowered into the hole on ropes; the woman hides him, hers the cannibal husband falls asleep, G. cuts off his red hair, he dies; G. rings the bell, the soldiers raise the woman; when they raise G., cut off the rope; in the house, the devil G. finds vessels with white and red water; red is healing, revitalizing; it revives a child hanged with a feature; the child's parents give G. a two-headed savon (savon, saven: an image of the spirit, most often made of wood), who raises G. upstairs; the leader does not believe G.; his daughter and her husband come in, says that G. saved her; he marries her]: Petrova 1967, No. 8:148-150); nivhi [flying milk carries the daughter of the Manchurian chief in a bag cities; a man goes for firewood, sees a milk, hits with a stick, follows a bloody trail to the ground; the boss promises to give his daughter to the savior; the man is lowered on a rope; there is a woman in the house, the man is taken away her while Milka was away; the father raised his daughter; when he picked up the savior, he cut off the rope, he broke]: Pilsudski 2003, No. 16:122.
Japan. Ainu [the man leaves his sister's son on the island; the local Swan People use human meat as bait; their leader tells the young man that his uncle sold it to them; sends him home to self-propelled boat; a young man and his mother kill his uncle, take away his wealth]: Etter 1949:113-114; Japanese: Markova 2000, No. 3 [Yuriwaka Daijin was awake for seven days and slept the same amount; by On the way to Edo, his ship stopped at the uninhabited island of Akaremuna; Chief Carey told the servants to keep the master on the island asleep, took his weapon, sailed; told his wife that Yu was dead, bequeathed his wife to him; locked the horse in an iron stable; Yu ate oysters; the sailors sailed by, picked him up; he was hired as a mower in his old house; he was recognized by a horse, he killed Caray with his bow, returned his wife], 4 [son The ruler of Kyushu Yuriwaka suppresses the rebellion in Silla; on the way back, the brothers Karanaka and Motomas solder him, throw him on the island; Yu's wife refuses K., who puts her in prison; the falcon Yu brings her his message dies on the way back; two years later, sailors bring Yu home; unrecognized, he participates in an archery competition, kills brothers, returns his wife]: 17-21, 21-25; Japanese (Tohoku) [falcon catcher in Mutsu {Tohoku} took the falcon's children every time; she made a nest on a cliff ledge; a neighbor offered to lower the catcher to a ledge in the basket; raised the chicks in the basket back, left home, said that the catcher fell into the sea; the catcher sat on a ledge for many years reading the Lotus Sutra and asking Cannes to forgive him for killing birds; a serpent came out of the sea, climbed a rock, hit him on the head with a sword, the serpent carried him to the top of the cliff, disappeared; the man realized that the serpent was Kannon herself, returned home; his relatives were happy; he opened the box with the Lotus Sutra, found his sword that pierced it; became monk]: Mescheryakov 1984:80-81.
SV Asia. Chukchi: Baboshina 1958, No. 88 [the elder brother did not like his younger brother and his wife; offered to go hunting on the island; both undressed, went in different directions; the elder came back and sailed, taking clothes and the youngest's kayak; he abused his wife at home; the youngest found a whale carcass, cut out a fire, made clothes out of seal skin, overwintered; the elder came to see the younger's bones; mistook the seal skeleton for his brother's bones; the youngest left, leaving the elder to spend the winter; returned a year later and found his bones]: 214; Bogoras 1902, No. 49 [two cousins (each with two wives) are the best seal hunters; they quarrel when not can catch up with a small seal; he takes them to sea; the storm brings them to a deserted island; one sails away, leaving the other, takes his wives at home; the Peer sends a whale carcass to the island; the man does from a whale rib, a knife made of fat stone, hunts deer and seals; the next summer, a traitor comes to see the bones of the abandoned; while climbing a cliff, another sails away in his boat; a traitor dies on the island]: 664-665; Bogoraz 1900, No. 2 [two cousins live together, each with two wives; first one, then the other cannot kill a seal; they chased her together by boat, sailed to to the island; one went out to urinate, the other took his kayak and property, left him on the island, took possession of all his wives at home; a voice promises to the abandoned that his brother will return in a year, indicates a whale thrown out; he makes a knife out of a whale mustache, makes clothes, a house, supplies, and winters; his brother sailed, he thought he saw the bones of what had been left behind; he sailed away, leaving him; he died, and the hero began to live with four wives]: 7-11; 1934:138 [two shamans fight, decide to become wife mates; one takes a young one, gives the other an old one, promises to change for the next night; falls asleep; the other shaman blows, the first one ends up on high cliff above the sea; returning, takes revenge on the opponent], 145 and 166 [the owner of the reindeer herd punishes the negligent worker; he becomes diligent, but decides to take revenge; takes the owner to an island, there leaves; takes his wives, abuses them and children; birds carry the owner across the sea, he brutally kills the worker]; itelmen: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 176 [Emamkut marries The forest woman Iyanamltsah; his father Kutkh tells him to hunt bears, pushes him into a bear den, lies down with I.; she puts on a nettle shirt, she burns K.; the Bear sends E. home; K. tells his son to fish, pushes E. into the water, Char sends E. home, he finds his wife K. again; K. digs a trap hole, pushes E. into it; he digs a course, returns again, tells wolves and bears break K.], 194 [=Jochelson (per.)]: 524-527, 570-573; Orlova 1999 [as in Menovshchikov, No. 176]: 151-154; Jochelson 1961, No. 26 [Ememkut marries Ayanomlkhchi, his brother Sisilkhan wants it for himself; calls E. to hunt bears, wolves, catch char; pushes her into a den, a wolf's lair, an ice-hole; Bears, Wolves, Goltsy feed E., send her home; S. digs a hole into the underworld, E. fails; refuses to marry underground girls; S. forces A. to marry him; she wears the prickly skin of flounder, S. has to let her go; A. falls into the hole after E., both return; E. sends bears to carry S. and his sister Sirim, who helped him]: 181-183.
The Arctic. Aleuts: Jochelson 1990, No. 35 (Unalashka) [a man kills his sister's sons; she pretends to have given birth to a girl, her brother finds out the truth; 1) drops a wedge into the crack of a log, asks her nephew to get it knocks out other wedges; he escapes as a beetle, brings firewood; 2) his uncle takes him to hunt seals, sews him into the seal, throws him into the sea; his nephew sails to the country of the Eagles, gets two wives and eagle plumage; flies to the mother, brings the whale to the uncle's village; the uncle drives the young man's mother away from the meat; the eagle nephew lifts his uncle into the air, throws him into the sea; returns to his wives], 43 (Umnak) [= 1916, No. 4: 302-304; Kanaagutukh keeps only women in his villages, kills all boys; one woman hides her son; when K. finds out the truth, he seeks to destroy him; 1) the young man splits a log, brings firewood; 2) K. pushes him off a cliff, taking him to hunt for cormorants; he descends like a feather given to him by his mother, brings cormorants; 3) K. leaves his son on the island; he hides the seal in advance, sews up himself in his shoes, sails to the Eagles; lifts his father into the air, throws him; makes slaves mistresses; returns to the Eagles]: 269-277, 329-333; Lyapunova 1984 (Commanders) [there are only women in the leader's village (aka do all men's work); men are exterminated, born boys are killed by the chief; one woman hides her son under the guise of a girl; the chief discovers him when he knocks down flying birds with stones; the chief tries to 1) protect him in a tree trunk (mother gives a magic bone wedge); 2) throws him off a cliff (mother gives magic feathers); 3) takes seals to fish, leaves him on an island; a boy with a woman's knife takes the skin off the seal, sews himself into it, swims, throws it to Orlov Island; the young man marries, learns to fly in the skin of an eagle, to his mother's village, brings her two whales; the leader tries to take them away, young man takes him into the air, throws him into the sea; when he returns to the village, swaps idle women and slaves (including his mother), flies to his wife]: 27-28; Asian Eskimos (Chaplino) [husband the younger sister is Napagun, the eldest is K'utylin; K. calls N. to hunt for the island, sails away, drowning his kayak; he survives, kills the seal, the whale; K. tells N.'s wife that her husband went to to another woman, but she refuses to marry K.; K. comes to see N.'s bones; N. leaves in kayak K.; K. dies]: Kozlov 1956:182-184; Asian Eskimos (Chaplino) [older brother invites the youngest to sail into the sea, each in his own kayak; they sailed to the island; the elder asks the younger to look for water; at this time he picks up supplies, drowns his kayak and sails away; the youngest hears a voice: go to a hole filled with grass; the young man fell asleep in it; in the morning a voice tells him to go to the shore - there is a seal thrown out by the sea; when the meat is over, autumn has come; the voice tells you to leave the hole, go to the yaranga by the bay; young man got the fire, found the whale; the voice teaches the next summer, when the brother arrives, to take possession of his kayak and sail away; the brother sailed, went to the seal skeleton, thinking that these were the bones of the young man; he sailed away in his kayak; the elder brother is dead]: Rubtsova, Vakhtin 2019, No. 23:314-329; Asian Eskimos [two brothers sail to the island after renting parks; the youngest goes to collect fuel for the fire, the eldest sails away; the youngest is going to stab himself, hears a voice that shames him; kills a seal, eats, makes clothes out of its skin; kills birds, covers the house, winters; a year later, the older brother comes to look at the bones the youngest; approaches the bones of the seal; at this time the youngest sails away in his boat; the eldest does not listen to what his voice says to him, stabbed himself; the youngest in the older brother's house finds his wife and children, they were starving, and the elder's wife and her children lived well]: Van Deusen 1999:124-126; chugach [(=Johnson 1984:50-51); hunters forget their comrade on the island; Sea Lions invite him to their home; old woman says that only drowned people used to come to them; a man heals a Sea Lion by removing a harpoon from his body; Sea Lions send him home; give him a boat, the stomach of a sea lion; when he reaches the ground, he throws his stomach back into the sea; (=Johnson 1984:51-52); another hunter deliberately throws another on an island to take his wife; the abandoned one makes a house out of cormorant wings; one day other hunters find him; brought home; screaming like a cormorant, he kills an opponent with this cry; takes his wife back]: Birket-Smith 1953:155-156; Bering Strait Inupiate: Kaplan 1988 (King Island) [husband and wife go for cormorants; the wife lowers her husband to the eaves of the cliff, throws the rope; he manages to go down, he finds his wife and her lover at home; a year later she beats her to death, commits suicide by jumping on a sharp rocky ledge]: 167-177; Lucier 1954 (kingickmiut on Seward Peninsula) [husband first, then wife die; four brothers are still young and find it difficult to pull their mother's corpse out of the dugout; her brother and others do not help them; orphans grow up, Ilyarunik is the elder; his uncle lowers him on a rope on a rocky cornice to collect bird eggs, throws the rope, leaves; at night I. jumps down, flies like a bird, dives like a seal, returns home; kills a monstrous walrus skin and a huge cannibal shrew]: 223-224; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatak) [two men change wives; go to collect bird eggs on the rock; one lowers the other on the eaves, throws a rope; the person who comes down suffers from thirst and hunger; a voice tells him to tie himself with a rope, close his eyes; someone picks him up; perhaps the rescuer was a retreating bear; a man returns to his wife; next spring both go for eggs again; now the survivor lets the one who left him to die, throws a rope; this man does not return]: Hall 1975, No. PM139:389-370; copper: Jenness 1924, No. 91 [two men sail to the island, one abandons the other, taking his kayak and weapon; screams that he will take his wife and come in a year; abandoned finds a dead seal, walrus, survives; when a rival returns, abandoned leaves in his kayak; finds his bones a year later]: 87-88; Rasmussen 1932 [the hunter is married, the other wants his wife, kayaks off an island where both they hunt seals; abandoned by witchcraft, they drive a whale's carcass ashore, eats whale meat all summer long; the second hunter returns to look at its bones; when he goes ashore, the first sails into it kayak, returns to his wife; after a while he visits the island, his enemy starved to death there]: 238-239.
Subarctic. Koyukon [The raven is jealous of his two wives for his sister's son; lures him into a hollow, ties him up, covers him, lets him go downstream; for several months, the young man eats his dry excrement, made by a shaman; Porcupine and Mouse free him, the giant helps him; he returns to his native village; replaces his severed nails with Raven's nails; he throws them into the fire, falls ill, dies; nephew takes his wives]: Attla 1983:141-169; tanana [The raven comes to hunt the island with his hawk nephew; sails away in a boat alone; takes the Hawk's wife; a year later returns, believing that the Hawk is dead; turns his feces into a man to guard the boat; he screams, but the Hawk jumps into the boat; when he sails away, advises the Raven to eat mice; the raven chokes on the bone, dies; at home A hawk kicks his wife in the stomach, many crows fly out from there; the Hawk lives with his wife again]: De Laguna 1995, No. 19:177-179; helmet: Teit 1917a, No. 10 [the Tlingits leave their helmet on an ice island; only one young man is against this; Seals call him to their lair; he heals the Seal by removing the stuck harpoon; Seals send him in a bubble seal across the sea; tell him to think only about home; he remembers the Seals , finds himself on the island again; next time he swims; makes wooden killer whales; light wood is not suitable; finally finds a suitable hard one (the origin of killer whales); killer whales sink the boat Tlingit, only a good young man is saved], 19 [a man goes down a rope to get the eagle's feathers out of the nest on the rock; Lynx tells his wife to let go of the rope, takes the woman away; plucking the partridge, she notes trail with feathers; putting him on his back, Orlitsa lowers the man to the ground; indicates where the kidnapper has gone; the wife advises her husband to pretend to be her brother; they kill Lynx together]: 451-452, 464-465; Tagish: McClelland 1975 (2) [(two options); the wife's five brothers leave her husband on the island; the youngest was against it; the abandoned hears singing, goes down to the Seals underwater house; they treat him, give him a gut boat; it sails where he mentally directs her; when he comes to the house, he accidentally remembers the island, returns; sails to his wife for the second time; picking up his tools, he returns to the island, carves two toothy whales out of willow; first he tries other types of wood unsuccessfully; brothers come, he tells the whales to kill them, save the youngest; they kill everyone; clear the sea of harmful creatures; man returns home]: 450-453; 2007, No. 49 [four brothers of the seal hunter's wife leave him on a rock in the middle of the sea; he finds himself in the Seals home, asked to help a sick person; he sees the Seals invisible the harpoon, removes it imperceptibly; grateful Seals send it home in a bubble (in the seal's stomach?) ; he makes a killer whale from different types of trees, but the figure does not come to life; two figures made of some other tree come to life; he tells them to swallow the brothers' boat, but stop being dangerous to people]: 253-254; southern tutchoni [like Tagish, without details]: McClelland 1975 (2): 453; taltan [tagish marries a tlingitka; his wife's brothers leave him on an island; alone against it; Seals call him to their lair; he takes the harpoon out of the wounded Seal; they send him in a bubble seal across the sea; tell him to think only about home; he remembers the Seals, finds himself back on the island; in next time he swims; makes a killer whale from different types of trees; a killer whale made of hard cedar comes to life; breaks his wife's brothers' boat, only a good brother saves]: Teit 1919, No. 13:235-237; beaver [ the boy Swan lives with his parents; the mother dies, asks his father to take a new wife from the south, not from the east or west; the father takes to the west, from the seashore; she asks the Swan to get a rabbit, puts a live rabbit under her clothes, complains to her husband that her stepson raped her; the father takes his son to an island at sea, sails away in a boat without listening to explanations; voice (Sitting in Heaven?) tells the Swan to spread resin on the stones; ducks and geese stick to it; thanks to the feathers and meat of the birds caught, the Swan survives the winter; in the spring the father comes to see his bones; the son sails away in his boat; returning ten days later, he sees his father dead, with feathers in his mouth; the Swan fires an arrow in front of his stepmother; the ground lights up; the stepmother rushes into the water; the swan makes the water boil, firing another arrow; stepmother dies; Swan lives like the adopted son of the female monster Only Nachi; people are game for her; she chases two children, he kills her with arrows; takes the name Saya, destroys monsters, turns to stone]: Ridington 1981:354-355; 1988:126-138, 189-190.
NW Coast. Tlingit: Garfield, Forrest 1961 [The wife's brothers first do not take Natsihlane on sea hunting, then leave on the island; only the youngest resists this; Seagull leads N. to an underwater house, The Sea Lions send him home in the stomach of a sea lion; tell him to think of a house, not an island; at home, N. makes killer whales from fir, red cedar, hemlock, but only those made of yellow cedar remain alive; they sink their wife's brothers' boat, bring the younger one ashore; N. tells killer whales not to attack people from now on, help them]: 123-124; Smelcer 1993 [the wife's brothers envy Natsalane's hunting luck, leave him on island; the youngest asks not to do this; the island is flooded by the tide, Loon leads N. to an underwater house; the chief of the Seals asks for the old man to be cured; in his body a harpoon invisible to the Seals; N. removes it, the old man recovers; the leader tells N. to swim to the shore, but not to think about the island; N. thinks he's back on the island; finally reaches the mainland; carves the Keet killer whale, whose image he saw in the Seal House, out of fir; he doesn't come to life; he carves out of cedar, the whale comes to life, kills The wife's brothers, except the youngest; N. tells the killer whale not to attack humans anymore]: 19-22 (same in Smelcer 1992:27-29, but missed the episode of treating a sick seal); Swanton 1909, No. 31 [see J31 motive; Black man pretends lazy and weak, secretly hardened; kills many sea lions; others envy him, leave him on a rock; sea lions save him, send him home; he does not take revenge]: 145-150; Hyda (Skidgate): Swanton 1905:130-131 [A raven finds a woodpecker's feather, turns it into a woodpecker, tells the Fisherman he knows an island where there are many woodpeckers; they come there, the Raven hits his nose, turns blood into woodpeckers, sails away in a boat, comes to the wife of the Fishing Owner in the guise of her husband, eats a lot; the abandoned calls his seal whipping club, she carries him across the strait; he beats the Raven, throws him into the latrine place; he gives a voice; he pushes it into the dust, throws it to the surf, presses it down with a stone, it comes to life again; tells the whale to swallow itself, eats its insides, nails the exhausted whale to the shore; people they cut the carcass, a black bird flies out from there; the raven puts on the skin of an old man who lived on the outskirts of the village, who says that the bird that has flown out is not good; people are leaving, the Raven eats a whale alone], 144-145 [ The raven tells the Wind Master that he saw an island where there are many woodpeckers; they sail there; the raven hits his nose, turns blood into woodpeckers, pretends to fall asleep in the boat, sails away in it; comes to his wife The owner of the Wind in the guise of her husband; the abandoned one calls his rattle, she arrives, he crosses the strait like dry; beats the Raven, throws the bones into the latrine; when the Wind's wife comes there, the Raven spits her into the genitals; the Master of the Wind throws the bones into the sea, they are swallowed by a whale; people kill the whale; the chief's son cuts it, the raven flies out, the young man falls dead; the raven returns in the guise of an old man; he is told about What happens, he advises him to leave the village; eats all supplies]; Hyda (Masset) [The Raven tells the Carving-Supernatural-Being that there are a lot of woodpecker feathers on the island; he takes him there by boat, himself sails away, comes disguised as a Carpenter to his wife, stays with her under the guise of her husband; after a while leaves, brings her real husband back]: Swanton 1908a: 302-303; Tsimshian: Boas 1895, No. 7 [ the woman's daughter is married in another village, in winter they are hungry in both; mother and daughter met each other halfway; in the winter they saw ripe rose hips; then a bird; at night there was a man next to the young woman; every day she finds the game he sent; gives birth to a son Asiwa; he grows up to be a good hunter, marries; chasing a bear, goes up the valley; the bear turns out to be the leader's servant, who gives A. a daughter; tells him to get a mountain a ram; sends an avalanche, his wife warned him to beware, he left a scarecrow covered with his clothes, hid himself; caught many rams; lived with his wife, wanted to return, his father-in-law told him to fall asleep, he woke up at the foot of the mountain; married the sister of six brothers; went with them to the rocks to hunt sea lions; they envied his skill, left him alone on the cliff, but the youngest stayed nearby to save him; when the tide began to flood the rocks, A. turned into a bird, stuck a bow into the rock, an arrow in it, a friend into it, etc., sat at the end of the arrow; the water was sleeping, the mouse invited him to visit their grandfather, he entered a hole in a heap of algae; there were patients in the house who did not know the cause of their illness; they were sea lions wounded by him, A. took out arrows invisible to them, the sick recovered; the leader ordered A. home in a boat; the only good thing is the stomach of a sea lion; when he returns, A. sends his stomach back; makes alder a fin whal figure, it sinks; the same from cedar; the yellow cedar whale does not sink; made such several, told them to turn over the brothers' boats in the morning, spare the youngest; when son A. grew up, asked his father what the sea lions were feeding him; answering, A. fell dead, his stomach was pierced by fish bones]: 285- 289; Garfield, Forest 1961 [Natsihlane hunts sea lions better than his wife's brothers; they throw him on an island; he tries to kill a sea lion, but the tip is broken; sea lions call him inside the cliff , ask for help; there the shaman treats a sick sea lion, but does not see the cause of the disease; N. sees his tip; thinks he will not take it out if the sea lions do not send him ashore; the chief reads his mind, promises to send him home; he takes out the tip, the patient recovers; he is put in the dried stomach of a sea lion, told to think only about home; he thinks of sea lions three times, he finds himself again on the island; for the fourth time he gets home; N. makes a killer whale from different types of wood, only the yellow cedar killer whale came to life, swam into the sea; killer whales drowned his wife's brothers' boat, N. told them no longer harm people]: 81-82; Boas 1912 (Tsimshian texts, new series. Publ. of the Am. Ethen. Soc., 3. Leiden & New York) [the mysterious bird father leaves Asdival a bow and arrow, a spear, snowshoes, and a hat cape; these items make him invisible, he easily gets food; chasing a polar bear, A. finds himself in the sky; the bear turns out to be the Evening Star, the daughter of the Sun; thanks to magic objects, A. performs difficult tasks, gets a wife; returns with her to earth, breaks loyalty, wife leaves; he follows her, she hits him with thunder; the Sun revives him, he lives with his wife again; returns to earth alone; marries a Tsimshian girl; argues her four brothers, claiming that he is a better breadwinner of marine animals than they are land animals; brings four bears, the brothers come back empty-handed, pick up his sister; A. marries another girl, she gives birth to him a son; A. It is better to hunt walruses than her four brothers, who leave them on a rock in the middle of the sea; the mouse takes him to an underground walrus house; he heals an injured walrus; the owner of the walrus sends him home in a walrus stomach; his wife helps him kill her brothers; he goes hunting in the mountains, turns into stone]: 71-146; bellacula: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 662-663 [the wife's brothers are jealous of the luck of a sea lion hunter, leave him on an island; the youngest is against it, throws him a cloak; the woman invites the abandoned sea lion chief; he sends him home in the stomach of a sea lion; he kills two older brothers wives], 690-691 [three brothers are jealous of the fourth's hunting luck; he climbs a tree on a rock to hunt mountain sheep; they cut down a tree; since then, his crying has been coming from a cliff]; Heilzuk: Boas 1928b: 85-89 [like a bellacula; The mouse invites the abandoned to the chief; the woman warns not to eat local food, otherwise he will not return home; the chief sends him home in the stomach of a seal], 115-121 [young man - the lover of his older brother's wife; he demands 1) get a wedge that fell into a split log (the brother knocks out the spacer, the young man splits the log); 2) hunt cormorants, get the one stuck on the rock an arrow (a young man puts an ermine skin, brings an arrow); 3) catch halibut (the brother puts the young man in a box, throws him into the sea; four eagle sisters find him; he marries one of them, gets it from their father eagle plumage; brings a whale to her people; raises his brother into the air, throws him into the sea)]; uvikino [the wife of the blind Haənthikvənas aims his arrow at a black bear, years old as if he were missed, eats meat himself; his son hides some meat for his father; the father asked his son to take him to the lake, sent him naad; Gagara put H. on his back, dived four times, H. saw the light; shot his wife; came to a girl whose father had previously threatened her that if she refused her suitors, she would marry X. (meaning that he is blind); H. gets married, they have a child; H. kills mountain goats coming out of the cave, pushing them into the abyss; a lot of meat; his wife's brothers (apparently envy) offer to hunt sea goats lions, left on the island; the mouse brings him to the Sea Lions home; they send him home in the stomach of a sea lion accompanied by the Seagull; he kills Yena's brothers with arrows]: Hilton, Rath 1982:100-134; quakiutl [The Day Hunter (DO) catches more seals than the Night Hunter (BUT); when the DO descends on an island into a cave where seals are, BUT sails there, kills the DO satellite, drops it, and rope down; the mouse leads DO to the dwelling; there the owner, in the guise of Loon, puts IT on his back, brings him home, gives him seal skin; wearing it, DO lures BUT, drags him into the sea, opening his face, says who he leaves to die at sea]: Wallace, Whitaker 1981:184-189; Nootka: Boas 1895, No. 15 [a dolphin hunter envies the luck of a seal hunter; being with him and his sister on an island, kills his sister, pulls out the rope that he took to the rookery; the seals turn the hunter into a seal, send him home; he lures the enemy's boat and his brothers into the sea, drowns him; returns to the Seals; they send him home again, allowing them to continue hunting]: 120-121; Sapir 1959 [the hunters sail away, leaving the leader on the whale's carcass; the spirits bring the carcass to the shore, give the left two stones; one does his enemies are strong, the other his enemies are weak; he kills those who left him]: 108-114.
The coast is the Plateau. Quarry: Jenness 1934, No. 1 [see motif K27; in the sky, the father-in-law takes his son-in-law to the island to collect bird eggs; leaves them there; the old woman sends the young man a boat with an oar; he brings many bird eggs; the boat turns into an otter, the paddle is caressed], 10 [see motif H12; young Kite kidnaps the wife of Great Sonya, who lives in the world of the dead; she has whales in her bag, she sometimes releases them; other hunters leave K. on an island where they went to hunt wild goats; he treats a local man (-Swan?) , pulling her arrows out of his wounds; he is sent home in a ball of swan fluff; his wife releases whales, they sink an envious boat; two are saved, crooked and lame], 39 [Estees catches swans, tying them under water with a rope by the legs; swans lift him into the air; he falls on a rock, sinking into it; Lynx licks the rock by making holes; E.'s eye is visible in it; the raven pecking it out; Lynx pulls out the other eye, the Raven takes it away; Lynx frees E.; he makes false eyes out of resin; comes to two girls; they show him the eyes brought by the Raven; E. inserts them into the eye sockets runs away]: 106-109, 145-149, 208-209; chilkotin [an old man and a boy live together; the boy has two wives, the old man wants them for himself; after undressing, the young man climbs a tree to the eagle's nest for feathers; the old man rips off the bark, having made the trunk slippery, tells the tree to grow; tells the woman to go with it to another parking lot; the old man likes it, the other, who has a child, rejects it; the young man makes himself a cloak from feathers and from his own hair; a spider lowers a young man, letting him make a rope a web; a young man finds a faithful wife and their son; a wife carries him in a basket; a young man beats to death an old man and an unfaithful wife]: Farrand 1990, No. 13:29-30; shuswap: Teit 1909a, No. 1 [Coyote wants to take possession of his son's (or nephew)'s two wives; asks for feathers from the eagle's nest on the rock; advises wearing better clothes, leaving them on the ground before climbing; tells the rock to grow; pulls on his wrinkled skin, puts on the young man's clothes, takes his wives; migrates with them; the women Rat and Mouse make the rock low again; the young man turns his pubic hair into the thickets where rats and mice now live; finds the Coyote camp; leaves him his eldest wife, takes his youngest back], 53 [Coyote and his nephew are both married; Coyote turns his excrement into the eagle's nest, invites the nephew to go for feathers, leave his clothes below; lifting his eyelids, makes the rock tall; tightens his saggy skin, puts on his nephew's clothes, speaks at home to his own wife that her husband is dead; the nephew sees two women below, the Spider and the Mouse, collecting Indian hemp; calls them four times; both singing, the rock becomes low again; he makes his pubic hemp hair gives women better quality; then = (1)]: 622-623, 737-738; Thompson: Boas 1895, No. II.5 (ntlakyapamuk) [=2002:87-88; Coyote's son has two wives, Coyote wants one for himself; sends a son on a tree for a bird; the tree grows; when the son jumps into the sky, the Coyote makes the tree low again; the young man wants to pull out the roots; it turns out that these are holes in the sky, i.e. stars; turns two old women into birds; Spider spouses bring him down to the ground in a basket; his wife and son meet him; he kills a deer, sends a Coyote after him; the Coyote drowns in the river; turns into a piece of wood; two women make a plate out of it; that devours food; they throw it into the fire; it turns into a baby; they make him a servant; they keep fog and wasps in the vessels; when left alone, the Coyote opens the vessels, releasing fog and wasps into the world]: 17-18; Teit 1898, No. 2 [at the beginning of time, Coyote makes a son out of clay; he bathes, dissolves in water; from resin he melts in the sun; from white stone he lives, his name is Nlixentem; Gagara and Duck give him daughters as wives, one is dark skinned, the other is light; the Coyote turns his excrement into eagle chicks, asks his son to climb a tree for them, tells the tree to grow tall, comes to his wives in clothes and appearance, takes a bright one , drives away the dark-skinned; N. walks along the heavenly plain, pulls out large edible rhizomes, the wind blows out of the holes, these rhizomes are stars; enters an empty dugout, takes a basket, baskets attack him; he puts the basket back, tells the baskets to become men's servants; the same episode in a dugout of mats; awls; combs, birch bark vessels; N. comes to two blind old women; they eat rotten wood, pass food to each other, N. intercepts it, old women quarrel, accusing each other; feel a man, say that he smells bad; N. turns them into two types of hazel grouses; comes to Spider spouses, who call themselves his grandfather and grandmother, are lowered to the ground in a basket; N. finds a faithful wife and son; the Coyote people are starving, the Raven discovers N. who has returned, gets meat for his children; people force him to confess where the meat comes from; they return to N., celebrate, ask him to take his second wife back; N. sends the Coyote for the carcass of a dead deer, the Coyote falls into the river, swims to the dam, after her two sisters keep salmon; turns into a wooden plate; eats food, throws a plate into the fire, Coyote turns into a baby, sisters adopt him; in their absence, he breaks the dam, releasing salmon into rivers; goes downstream; asks three or four girls if they want salmon, the youngest answers, Yes; he sends his penis to her across the river, the end stays in the vagina, the girl gets sick ; Coyote carries salmon across rivers; a group of girls replies that they want mountain sheep meat, not salmon; in this place, the Coyote creates rapids; disguised as a shaman, comes to the sick person, asks everyone to sing loudly, leave him with the girl in the steam room, copulates, removes the end of the penis, the girl recovers; the Coyote creates fake berries on the bushes, negotiates with the Grizzly to eat her supplies first, then him; runs away, berries dry up]: 21-29, 88; lillouette [like Thompson, No. 2]: Teit 1912b, No. 8:307-209; comox (chatloltk) [Setlanatk is jealous of his younger brother's hunting luck Catenatk; tells their sister to make K. his lover; she calls K., he comes, does not recognize her, sleeps with her, loses his luck; one day he swims far away, does not hear her, brings many seals; S. takes him to the island collects bird feathers, throws it there; The mouse becomes as huge as an elk, with big horns; tells K. to sit between its horns, transports it across the strait, kills S.]: Boas 1895, No. 19:89-90; sechelt (sisiatl) [the young man has two wives; he shot an antelope, sent his father to bring meat; his strap breaks at the crossing, he is carried away by a river, he turns into a piece of wood, the woman picks it up, uses it as the plate, the food from it disappears; the woman throws the plate away, she turns into a baby; the woman raises him, four days later he grows up, leaves; turns her excrement into birds, talks about it to his son, he climbs a tree, the father tells the tree to grow; in heaven, a son comes to two blind women, slowly takes their food; makes them sighted; catches salmon for them; they open a hole in the floor, lower him into basket; he opens his eyes ahead of time, the basket returns; the second time he goes down, his little son recognizes him; he and his mother say that the second wife left with the boy's father]: Hill-Tout 1904a: 43-45 (retelling in Lévi-Strauss 1971, no. 676:338); snohomish [Fox and Norka went traveling; Norka said he would go see what was ahead; wrote into water, turned urine into salmon, gave Lisa; he fried and ate; got sick; asks the two little girls in it (probably their excrement), they laugh, the Fox became pregnant; gave birth to a boy, he grew up quickly, married Butterball (?) and the bird, he loves the first, the second does not; the fox wants to take possession of his son's wives; asks the "counselors", who tell them to turn them into white birds; the son Fox undressed, climbed a tree, it is higher and higher, to the sky; "birds" returned to Fox; he put on his son's clothes, came to his wives, said that his father was dead; B. understood what was going on, the bird wife believed; the fox took the bird, B. did not agree with him; in heaven, Fox's son came to the gray-haired man the old man; this is the Spider; he said that the country where the young man came from was the third below; began to let him down; when it was warm, the young man realized that he was on earth; in gratitude he gave the spider 4 dressed reindeer skins; bald; caught up with his faithful wife, she touched his head, his hair grew again; first she carried her husband in her basket; then he told Fox and his bird-wife to bring the deer he had killed; bewitched the strap, that constantly eager; the fox and his wife rushed to catch up, his wife was carried away by the river, the Fox hardly swam out; his advisers said that there are two women down the river, they have a dam with a salmon trap; the fox turned into a wooden dish, swam into a trap; the women picked it up, she devours all the meat they put in it; they threw the bowl on the floor, it turned into a baby; when the women are not there, the fox goes to the dam and takes salmon from there; counselors tell you to break the dam; the head and back must be covered with baskets - these are the only vulnerabilities on the body; the women rushed to the Fox with the jails, but they are stuck in the baskets; the Fox led fish up the river; came to a woman with her daughter, married her daughter, speaks a miraculous language as if he were a mountain leader; salmon ran out; wife gave birth to a girl, left her Lisa and left; she grew up in a few days , married Mountain Sheep's son; the fox went to visit them; the baby, whom the daughter gave birth to, had fat diapers, the Fox ate them; when the Fox stole the stone hammer, his daughter kicked him out; the fox began to play, throwing them up his eyes, the Raven took them away; Magpie suspects that the Fox is blind; he says he sees a star that Magpie does not see; when she came, he pulled out her eyes and put her in; the fox came to the fat old woman- illnesses; she says that her two granddaughters went to a place where Raven shows Fox's eyes to everyone and the audience is dancing around; the fox asks the old woman in detail about her usual behavior, wants to kill; she claims that you can't kill her with a stone, a club, water, fire, a magic root; Fox's excrement is advised to beat her with nettles; she dies, the Fox put on her skin; counselors: spots under the eyes, tell your granddaughters that you are hurt; the granddaughters carried the imaginary old woman, the Fox copulated with both; the fox began to sing, everyone liked it, he called his eyes, they returned to his eye sockets, he ran away, the pursuer showed his penis, everything was enveloped in the fog, the Fox escaped]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 20:399-411; Skagit [Coyote's son is married to Turtledove and Duck; the Coyote wants them himself; creates a woodpecker, sends his son to the tree for him; the woodpecker soars higher; the Coyote waves his penis, everything drowns in the fog; puts on his son's clothes, marries the Duck; the Turtledove rejects him; the Spider lowers his son from heaven to earth; he comes to the Turtledove, the Duck leaves the Coyote; creates a river; the Coyote crosses it, is carried away by the current; it turns into a wooden bowl; two women Magpie and Snipe pick it up; the food left in it disappears; they break the bowl; the Coyote turns into a baby, women are raising him; in their absence he eats food; they guess they want to punish him]: Hilbert 1985:66-72; Puget Sound: Ballard 1929:144-147 [Coyote's son has 4 wives-2 Gorlinka sisters and 2 duck sisters; the eldest Gorlinka has a baby son; Coyote asks his two sisters for advice; these are berries in his belly; on the advice of the "sisters", the Coyote makes an eagle from his excrement; asks his son to take off his clothes, get the eagle off the cliff; takes his form, puts on his clothes, takes his Duck Wives; Gorlinka wives do not believe in her husband's death, leave food for him; The Spider lets down the hero, his The son recognizes him; he becomes small, the turtle wives carry him in their luggage; the Coyote returns his son's clothes, she stinks; the young man causes rain, the Duck wives find themselves in the water, turn into ducks; the Coyote swims down the river to the dam, behind which five women (these are carrier birds, Sandpipers) keep salmon; the Coyote turns into a baby; five sisters (birds Transporters) keep the salmon behind the pond; The coyote turns into a baby, the women pick him up; he breaks the dam, releasing salmon into the river; cooks salmon, falls asleep; 5 wolf brothers smear fat on his lips, eat salmon, leave], 147-148 [from son The coyote has 4 wives - 2 Neck Sisters and 2 Salmon Milks; the Coyote likes them because they are white; he makes a nest and eagles out of his crap, puts them on a rock, asks his son to climb with his clothes off; the rock grows, the birds turn back into crap; the Coyote takes the Milk Wife, the Gorlinka wives live separately, leave their husband baked tubers; the Spider lets the hero down, his son recognizes him; he becomes small, Gorlinky Wives carry it in his luggage; the young man causes rain, the Coyote swims down the river to the dam, behind which five women (shipping birds) hold salmon; the Coyote's "sisters" advise him to turn into a baby; women pick him up; he breaks a dam, releasing salmon into the river; he goes after them, cooks them, falls asleep; 5 wolf brothers smear fat on his lips, eat salmon, go away; Coyote does the same to the Wolves; arranges a waterfall above which salmon do not rise]; quinalt [Blue Jay is the leader's slave; swims with him for mother-of-pearl {apparently behind the shells of dentium}, leaves him on a rock in the sea, picks it up four of his five wives; birds, dolphins refuse to carry the chief ashore; the whale transports; the son tells the chief that Blue Jay makes him wipe his ass; the chief tells his son to stick it in the ass Soyke is a hot stone; chases a slave and four unfaithful wives]: Farrand 1902, No. 2:98-100; quileout: Andrade 1931, No. 21 [people sail in a boat to collect oysters on a rock in the sea; two sail away, leaving third; Seagull, Seal, Keith can't take him home, Killer Whale takes him; Kveti calls his men to cut a whale; those who look at the survivor fall dead; he revives them], 54 [one of two hunters are angry that another kills more seals; lowers him on a rope into the seal's lair, cuts off the rope; a man spends a year with seals, becomes a seal himself; drags an opponent's boat into the sea, drowns him; gives the seals their skin, returns to the people]: 57-59, 155-161; Koulitz [Coyote's son has four wives; K. tells the fire to blaze, women jump up, K. sees their legs; turns his crap into a bird , the hill goes up the mountain; his son shot a bird, took off his clothes, climbed the mountain; the mountain grows, the bird turns into excrement again; K. puts on his son's clothes, comes to his wives; two white-legged take him, the other two (one has a child) suspect the truth; the Spider helps son K. go down a rope to the ground; he finds salmon hidden for him by his faithful wives; returns, allows his father to leave two wives; causes rain; Coyote and his wives fall into the river; wives drown, turn into mice; K. swims downstream; see H18 motive]: Adamson 1934:243-245; upper colitz [son of Coyote Eagle Married to two mouse sisters and two turtle sisters; when the Coyote puts sparkling wood into the fire, the women throw off their clothes, he sees that the Mice have white vulvas and that the Gorlins have black vulvas, prefers white ones; makes eagles out of his excrement, puts them on a rock, sends the Eagle to get the chicks; he takes off his clothes, climbs the rock, finds excrement there; the Coyote makes the rock smooth, puts on his son's clothes, takes his form, tells his wives to migrate, takes Mice; an old spider lowers the Eagle to the ground; the son recognizes him; he kills a deer, tells Coyote to carry it, causes rain, the Coyote is carried away by the river; the Coyote asks trees help, predicts the usefulness of those who give him their branches; turns into a dead deer, swims up to the boy; the boy's grandmother knows it's a Coyote, runs to beat him, he swims away; in the image the baby in the basket, the Coyote comes to five virgin sisters; they raise him, the youngest does not love him, because lying on their knees he always puts his hands between their legs; they have a fish pond; absence of girls Coyote gets up from the cradle, digs a ditch; sisters come running, hitting him, but he manages to let the salmon out; first he screams, Down the river, then catches up, screams, Up ; therefore, there are few salmon in the upper reaches]: Jacobs 1934, No. 2:103-107; sanpual [the younger brother wants an older wife for himself; sends his brother to the rock for eagle feathers, throws the rope; the eagles descend younger brother; he doesn't kill lovers, leaves]: Ray 1933, No. 8:147-149; curdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 4 [Coyote's son has a Tern's wife (Sterna aurantia, tern) and Black Swan (Coyote's son) ); CH has a child, everyone loves her, Tern is childless, disliked; Coyote decides to take the Tern for himself; Asks his "advisers" (excrement); while the young man climbs up the tree, the Coyote looks at him, lifting him up eyebrows, thus forcing him to rise to the sky; he takes Tern as his wife; in the sky a young man killed an elk; hears the voices of cannibals; each has two sticks, one with the bones of dead people tied to the other, and moose to the other; one knocked the other to the ground with a stick, he has long spider legs; he asks for an elk in exchange for protection; two beaver women bring a young man to their place; a young man kills a deer, then another; the first the carcass disappears; the Beavers say he killed their husband, they smile; the young man kills the deer again, sees how long-legged, round-bodied comes to eat it; kills him; wives cry, it was their father; the young man revives him, Spider calls him son-in-law; wives know that the husband misses his wife on earth, ChL; the young man comes to two blind strands quarreling over a hemp stem; gives them hemp, they lower it from the sky in their box; she descends in four steps, jerks like spiders descend; on the ground, the young man pulls the rope, the box returns to heaven; the son recognizes him, CH tells how badly Coyote treats them ; the young man beat Coyote, Tern, his brothers and mother with a stick]: 77-80; Teit 1917e, No. 3 [Coyote is jealous of his son; asks him to climb a tree, get eagles from the nest; blinking makes the tree grow to the sky ; there the son comes to two Spiders who quarrel over Indian hemp; gives them hemp, they lower it to the ground in the basket; he kills his father]: 120-121; clickitate [a man named Onion had Grizzly wives and Black Bear; Grizzly warned that she was on her period and should retire for a while; after her period was over, asked her two children to bring her normal clothes; brother and sister saw that the mother was gradually turning into a grizzly; they warned the others; the Bear climbed the tree, the Vulture turned into a door curtain, the bow became an onion, and the brother and sister ran with the help of the dog; The grizzly destroyed objects that humans had become; all that remained was the Coyote, which had become a piece of rotten wood; he said that if the Grizzly touched him, she would have fly larvae in her ass; said which Brother and sister ran in the direction; they grew up, married to each other; the sister does not tell the brother/husband to go to a particular area; he goes and meets the mother there; she suggests looking in his head, kills; the daughter creates a spring; pushes the mother off the cliff when she drinks; the Grizzly dies; the Coyote appears, the woman throws her things into the fire, then burns herself; the Coyote raises the boy; this is the Eagle, he grows up, marries three Mice, Gorlinka, Cricket; Coyote puts willow branches into the fire, flames break out, women lift their legs; Coyote sees that the Mice have white, the other two wives have black genitals; he likes whites; he turns his excrement into eagles; sends the Eagle to the rock to get feathers; makes the rock tall; takes the form of a son, puts on his clothes, takes his wives Mice, mistreats with Cricket and Gorlinka; The Spider lowers the Eagle off the cliff; Gorlinka's son recognizes his father; the Eagle kills the deer, tells Coyote to carry it, it rains, the Coyote is washed into the river, swims downstream, turns dead a deer; a girl picks him up; her grandmother knows it's a Coyote, wants to hit, he swims on, turns into an old man, stays with five unmarried sisters; they own a salmon lake; he makes it digging sticks, he digs runoff from the lake himself; his sisters beat him, breaking five bone spoons with which he covered his head, but he releases water and fish; he catches fish in the river, bakes, falls asleep, Wolves eat it; Wolves fall asleep, Coyote steals poultry eggs from them; makes rapids on the river that salmon should not rise above]: Jacobs 1934, No. 31:79-91 (retelling in Lévi-Strauss 1971, No. 606a: 233-234); western sachaptin [Coyote's son has two wives - Black Beetle and White Duck; Coyote puts willow branches in the fire, sparks fly between women's legs, Coyote sees their genitals, decides to take possession of the Duck; asks his son to climb on trees get eagles for feathers; blinking, makes the tree high to the sky; marries a Duck, the Beetle is left alone with his son; heavenly people lower the young man on a rope to the ground, tying a huge spoon to the end instead baskets; on the ground he kills a deer, puts it in a spoon, heavenly people pull it towards them; on earth, everyone greets the young man, the Beetle and her son recognize him; the duck turns into a duck, the Coyote is treated like a slave]: Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 1:135-137; ne perse [Coyote's son is the best hunter; makes fire by kicking a log; Black Cricket and White Swan are his wives; he climbs a tree to get what's left prey; Coyote makes a tree grow to the sky; puts on his son's clothes, takes the White Swan; cannot cause fire from a log; Black Cricket leaves with his son; Spiders bring Coyote's son down from the sky on a rope ; Black Cricket's son is the first to know his father; White Swan turns into a swan out of shame; Coyote's son sends him to bring meat, separates him from the camp by deep gorges; Coyote sails along the river on a raft in Baby appearance; the eldest of the Swallow Sister picks him up; he breaks their fish dam, releasing salmon into rivers]: Phinney 1934:376-381; Yakima: Hines 1992, No. 44 [Coyote's son is married to three sisters , the youngest Coyote wants himself; asks his son to climb a tree for eagle feathers, advises him to take off his clothes; leans a tree with branches against a smooth trunk; then cleans up, puts on his son's clothes, migrates from him wives; two days later, the son goes down; the youngest wife hides him in her bag; he kills Coyote with a truncheon, throws him into the river; the Coyote turns into a baby, swims to the dam, behind which five sisters are holding salmon; while they are gone, breaks the dam with five wooden scoops; sisters break scoops but not Coyote's head; Coyote threatens his "sisters" with rain if they don't teach him how to catch salmon; where is he they give wives, he makes good fishing spots, where they don't give bad ones], 45 [Coyote's son has two Swan Wives from the coast, two Gorlinki; he loves Gorlinka, Coyote likes Swans; he makes artificial eagles, invites his son to climb the rock after them, takes off his clothes, makes the rock smooth, puts on his son's clothes, says that Coyote stayed on the rock; sleeps with the Swans; Gorlinki know it's not their husband, they leave food for him in the parking lots; five days later, the Spider lowers the young man off the cliff; he kills a deer, tells Coyote to bring it, he is carried away by the river; the Coyote turns into a baby, picked up by five sisters- Swallows holding fish behind the pond; breaks the dam with wooden shields over his head; sisters smash them, but the Coyote is intact]: 121-126, 126-131; lower chinook [the chief leads his boats to the island, where many abalone shells (used as money); the Blue Jay persuades everyone to sail away, leaving the chief alone; takes two of his three wives; bird people tell the chief to climb into the hole in the whale's body, they bring them home, give shell money and otter skins; the leader's son is bald, his eyes are sore; the wives are blind; the chief washes their eyes, they see the light; the chief tells them to put a burning smut in the opponent's ass; shares among tribesmen, the riches obtained]: Boas 1894a, No. 10:130-132; Vasco [Coyote makes eagle chicks out of his giblets; sends his grandson Eagle to get feathers; makes the rock tall; accepts The appearance of a grandson, puts on his clothes, sleeps with his two wives Mouse and Woodpecker; Thunder splits the rock, the Eagle descends, catches up with the family, his wives welcome him; the Coyote is washed away by the rain into the river, he turns into a piece of wood; two sisters pick her up; he turns into a baby; when they're not there, he takes on their true form, eats their fish; destroys the dam, releasing salmon into rivers; showers his sisters with ash, turning them into birds]: Curtin 1909b , No. 5:264-267; tillamook: Edel 1944, No. 1 [young man gets married, he is a good hunter; people on the other side of the river offer him another woman, he refuses; they leave him on a rock in the ocean; he makes two miniature boats, turns them into real ones, loads them with seals, returns to his wife; distributes meat; restores sight to parents who are blind from crying], 2b [the youngest of five brothers marries; he five sons, they live with an uncle; he turns into an elk, glances four people one by one when they hunt him; warned by the Blue Jay, the fifth kills an elk with his eyes closed; finds moose shell dentalium and two miniature boats; gets married; people on the other side of the river offer him their girlfriend; he refuses; they leave him on a rock in the ocean; he attaches clams moose tendons to the rock, since then the shells are difficult to tear off; makes boats large; further as in (1); his wife hits him first without recognizing]: 117-118; alsea: Frachtenberg 1920, No. 5 [the hero's father sleeps with his two wives; creates a bird in a tree; the hero's son asks him to get it; the tree grows, the hero goes to heaven; the thunders descend him wrapped in whale skin; the hero returns, puts his father in a whale hide on hot stones, throws it into the sea; it turns into a whale, then regains its former appearance], 27 [five brothers twist a walnut rod, make a doll for the daughter of one of them; the doll turns into a boy; another fights with him; the boy decides that they do not want to see him among people; turns into an elk, carries his older brother on horns; others go in pursuit, he consistently kills three; the youngest allows himself to be killed, tells him to cut out, take his nose, eyes, ears, tendons with him; the young man came to the village and got married; his wife's brothers went with him to collect shells on the island and left him there; he pulls out his ears, eyes, and elk's nose cut off, they turn into a boat; she takes him ashore; he leaves this village]: 75-81, 237-239; cous: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 3 [the old man has a son, he has two wives and two young sons; the old man went to relieve himself, noticed blood on his excrement, the woodpecker began to peck at them; he called his son to get a woodpecker, told him to climb the tree because the arrows did not reach; young man climbs a tree into heaven; an old man makes himself young, takes his son's property and wives; a young man walks through a windless heavenly plain, sees two cranes, shoots, the cranes disappear, the young man follows them, comes to the house, where an old man and an old woman say that a young man almost shot them; they explain that when a Sunwoman gets up and comes, she stops and eats people's stomachs; they hide a young man, but a woman smells; leaves; the young man catches up with her, copulates with an icy penis; tells her to be kind; marries an old man's two daughters; he deliberately drops a hammer into the water, tells his son-in-law to get it, covers the pond with ice, the son-in-law breaks through the ice with a hammer, gets out of the water; the father-in-law lowers his son-in-law in a basket on a rope to the ground, giving a lot of property; the young man sees his children; raises his wives and children in the basket to heaven, and the old man becomes an old man again, falls into the water; tells the whale to swallow it; the whale carries him ashore; he eats manzanita berries, but they fall out of his ass; he inserts a plug of grass; bakes a skunk cabbage; tops, catches salmon, dries; all dried salmon have returned to the river {it is not clear why}; so now salmon come to rivers every year]: 21-37; Jacobs 1940, No. 29 [Coyote turns his excrement as woodpeckers; sends his son to get woodpeckers from the tree, tells the tree to grow to the sky, then descend, copulates with both of his son's wives; the hero stays in the sky, meets the Sun Girl; copulates with an icy penis (the sun has not been so hot since then); the Sun sends it to his sister; old people teach him to overcome challenges; 1) harpoon salmon (the hero misses four, hits the fifth), 2) get a hammer from the bottom of the lake (the water is covered with ice, he breaks the ice with a hammer; the opponent can't break it, the hero saves him), 3) hunt an elk (this is the Old Man himself, he is scared), 4) knock down a tree ( the hero bounces when the tree falls), 5) cut the whale (he swallows the hero and swims away; the hero gets out of his womb, swims on a log; people in the boat bring him back); The month recognizes his son-in-law; The old spider woman lowers the hero and his wife in the basket to the ground; the hero's children are almost blind because the Coyote touched their eyes with his penis; the hero puts a coyote skin on his father, turns them into a coyote; the Spider raises the hero with his wives and children in the basket back to heaven, he lives there now]: 214-221; upper coquil [The Wind woman lives alone; ripping off the bark from the tree, she finds a baby; he stops crying as soon as she turns to to him "my brother"; he becomes a good hunter; rejects girls who come; goes to marry the daughter of Thunder; the Wind-woman hangs a pestle - if the young man is in trouble, he will fall; the young man first stops at another Old people have riverbank; they have two daughters, he marries them; Thunder's second daughter has long nails, she is dangerous and ugly, she kills people; Thunder tells 1) to bring eels (these are rattlesnakes, a young man beats them with a stick, brings them, Thunder throws them back into the river); 2) after the steam room, Thunder offers to dive, covers the river with ice, the young man breaks through the ice, goes out; 3) fight, Thunder cannot defeat the young man; 4) ugly Thunder's daughter invites the young man to look in his head, wants to cut it off with her nails, but they break, and she falls dead; 5) The thunder leaves the young man in the hot steam room, closes the exit; the young man digs a passage to the river, gets out; 6) The thunder bends the tree, sits on the top of his head, tells the young man to stand at the base, jumps, breaking the tree, but the young man also jumped back; 7) get the nest from the tree; the young man climbs, the tree grows almost to the sky; the young man smoothly descends through the air like a piece of moss; 8) The thunder leaves the young man in the snowy mountains, he is barely alive, but returns; at this time the pestle cracks, the Wind-Woman comes, demolishes Thunder's house, destroys it, brings firewood to those poor old people with whom the young man and whose daughters he has taken as his wife]: Jacobs 2007:172-279; Takelma [Fox and Coyote live together; Fox brings prey, Coyote asks his little daughter every time to ask Fox how he got partridges, bears, salmon, etc.; the fox comes up with a ridiculous way, Coyote believes and tries this method; the fox said that asked the Grizzly to swallow him, cut off his heart, went out through the ass; the Coyote really kills the Grizzly in this way, comes out, cutting a hole between his ribs; the woman explains to Coyote that the Fox is above him mocks, tries to destroy; the Coyote asks his excrement what to do; they advise him to create an eagle's nest on the spruce tree, send the Fox to get the chicks, make the tree tall; the spruce grows to the sky, then leans down, the Fox falls into the sea; the Catfish woman revives him in the steam room; the Fox returns, the Coyote runs east, hits his head against the sky, his bones rattled]: Sapir 1909, No. 5:79-85; modoc: Curtin 1912:1-16 [Latkakawas rejects all suitors, falls in love with a beautiful young man; her brothers accidentally kill him; old man Kumush can revive him but wants L. for himself; she rushes into his beloved's funeral fire, K. snatches her baby out of the fire; his name is Isis; he marries many women; K. wants them for himself, sends I. to the tree for the eagle's chicks, makes a tree tall; puts on I.'s abandoned clothes, comes to his wives; four of them do not believe it's I.; K. sets fire to the grass, the smoke rises crooked; one of the faithful wives flies up in a basket to the top of the tree, I. lets down; his wives heal him; the smoke from his fire rises straight; I. burns the legs of unfaithful wives, turning them into ducks and other waterfowl; burns K.; he revives, he is alive as long as there is Morning Star; I. realizes that K. is not his father; turns faithful wives into a butterfly, badger, wren], 359-365 [see motive K27; old Natanas gives difficult tasks to his rabbit son-in-law; one of them is to get feathers for arrows; The rabbit takes off his clothes, climbs a tree to the eagle's nest, the tree becomes tall; he pulls feathers from the chicks, goes down to the ground, brings feathers]; clamate [see motif F2; old man Kmukamch tells his son named Aishish to get birds; advises him to undress before that; makes reeds or pine trees grow; puts on his son's clothes, comes instead of him, takes his wives; butterfly sisters save A., he returns]: Barker 1963, No. 4 [larks in reeds; A. marries Butterflies and other insect women; tells his son from his bullfinch wife to throw five K. hearts into the fire, which he has at his feet; K. dies]: 37-45; Gatschet 1890 [sends eagles to get, but A. finds larks in the nest]: 94-97 [a nest on the stem of horse sorrel; Chaffinch, Crane, Water Hen are faithful wives; A. tells his son throw his grandfather's phone into the fire; he dies; comes to life, sets fire to the sky; A. and his family hide from dripping resin], 99-101 [Wild Duck is happy to have a new husband; Water Hen, Squirrel, Chaffinch and especially the Crane mourn the former]; coutenay [see motif K35; Coyote pushes the Tree Chief (DV) into a hole, puts on his clothes, comes under his guise to his wife (she is the chief's eldest daughter); wolves save DV; he marries the chief's youngest daughter, hits Coyote with smut, he runs away]: Boas 1918, No. 64:191-213.
The Midwest. Winnebago [Wakjunkaga asks Vulture to ride him through the air on his back; he throws him into the hollow; V. sticks the fur of his raccoon blanket into the hole, shouting that he is a raccoon; wanting to get a raccoon, women cut the trunk, freeing V.]: Radin 1956, No. 17-18:20-21; menominee: Hoffman 1896 [Myanyabush asks the vulture to ride it through the air on his back; he leaves him on a high mountain; Myanyabush jumps down, falls into the hollow; screams with a porcupine, women cut the trunk, freeing Myanyabush]: 164-165; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II14 [see motive K27; the old man takes his son-in-law to collect tea eggs on the island, leaves it, the seagulls carry it back]: 368; Ojibwa: Jones 1916, No. 26 [because of his son, the Meat Thief was late to collect tea eggs; for this he left the young man on the island; a huge serpent carried him to the mainland; the Thunders lifted the snake into the air, but the young man revived him from a drop of blood; received an inexhaustible supply of food along the way; his friend Nork killed an old woman trying to feed him pus (?) ; arranged for two old women with awl elbows to kill each other; did not come across hanging shoulder blades giving an alarm signal, but crawled through a hole dug by a small animal; entered the village in the wrong place His father was waiting for him, but immediately went to his mother; restored her sight; firing arrows into the air and water, burned all enemies; spared his father, who promised to be good]: 378; Radin 1914 [He dives, ties geese legs, geese lift him into the air, the rope breaks, he falls into the hollow], No. 1 [hears the knock of an ax, calls for help, released]: 2-3, 3 [old women find a bear in the hollow; this is N.; he tells cover him with skirts if they want to be beautiful; old women leave, he dresses up as a woman, the chief's son marries him; one day N. takes off women's clothes, runs away; the chief's son dies]: 11-12; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 12 [Manabozo asks a beautiful bird to ride him through the air; a bird warns not to look down; M. looks, falls into a hollow; turns into a bear; women cut down a tree to get a bear; M. comes out]: 91-92; timagami ojibwa: Speck 1915d, No. 2 [geese give Nenebuk wings, tell him not to look down; he looks, falls into a hollow stump; girls cut a stump with axes , they think that there are porcupines inside; the old man is N.], 4 [see motif K27; Vemicus kills his sons-in-law; takes his son-in-law to collect eggs to the island, leaves it; he kills the seagull, puts on its skin, flies back, road defecates on B]: 38-39, 45-47; western marsh crees (stone crees) [grandfather takes Ayās to the island to collect bird eggs, tells him to move away, sails away in a boat; the Horned Serpent says that he is grandmother A., tells me to sit between the horns, drives him across the lake, asks me to say if a storm cloud appears; A. denies that the cloud is close, says that it is only the noise of water being cut; he jumps off the shore, lightning they hit the Horned Serpent; in the morning A. collects blood in a birch bark vessel, the Horned Serpent revives and sends it to Grandma A. Frog; she does not repair his moccasins well, the stitches are wide; the next grandmother The mouse repairs well, warns of two blind old women with sharp elbows; A. comes to their house, says he is going to go out he gets out of the teepee in another place, the old women pierce each other; from another old woman A. feeds poisoned food to a fox hidden under her clothes, throws a fox at the old woman, the fox kills her; A. comes to a scabbed woman who cuts wood; a bird tells her that her son has returned, she does not believe it at first; says A. that those people burn her face and hands every night; A. tells her to ask for a baby throw him into the fire, call him; A. says he will burn the earth, his grandfather and his people do not believe; he fires arrows, everything lights up; A. turns into a crow, his mother into a woodpecker; the woodpecker has a black back and a white apron on the chest]: Brightman 1989:105-112; Steppe Cree [the older brother wants to take possession of the youngest's wife, calls him to ruin the eagle's nest, pushes him off a cliff; the youngest is in a nest of thunderbirds; a chick asks parents whose eyes lightning flies out not to offend his playmate; the person stays with thunderbirds for four years (four days for them); then the chick took the man home, where he met his father and son; taught people the Sun Dance received from thunderbirds]: Curtis 1976 (18): 131-132; Eastern Cree: Petitot 1886, No. 1 (Quebec, Lac Hameçon) [one of two wives hates another son; asks to bring her a live partridge, puts him under her clothes, scratched, accuses the young man (his name Ayats) of trying to rape her; the father takes him to the island to collect seagull eggs, throws; A. puts on the skin of a seagull, flies above the water, falls on a rock; the water serpent Pisikiv plants him between the horns, tells him to warn if thunderclouds appear, takes him to the shore; A. passes the Mouth Earth, throwing stones at it; flies like a bird to his mother, takes the form of a human being; fires an arrow, setting fire to the world; those who were kind to him are saved]: 451-459; Skinner 1911 (Rupert House) [Aioswé has two wife, he is jealous of one of them for her son from the other; noticing her marks of touch (without details), considers it a sign of treason; swims with the young man to the island to collect bird eggs, throws; Walrus (i.e. horned monster) transports the young man, asks him to say if he hears thunder; the young man lies as if the rumble they hear is being made by Walrus himself; next time it throws the rider into the water, but the shore is near; Thunder kills Walrus (var.: he escapes; seagulls carry the young man ashore); the old woman explains what to do on his way home and when he returns, gives a caress skin in a white winter outfit; comes to two old women (obviously blind - they do not see the visitor), they have sharp elbows; the young man attaches a bundle to the stick, sticks a bundle between them, they pierce each other; human bones hang along the path; if you touch, they will rattle, dogs they will hear and be torn to pieces; the young man digs an underground passage, but touches his bones; the dogs scream that it is the son of A.; the young man sticks out his head caresses, people think that the dogs were wrong, they kill them; at home the young man fires an arrow, by setting fire to the ground, the second makes the water boil; A. asks how to escape, the son advises to sit in a vessel with bear fat, A. burns; the son draws a line in a circle, the son and mother are safe inside her; the son offers to become birds; mother turns into a robin, son into a Canadian jay]: 92-95; swamp crees (west bank hall. James): Ellis 1885, No. 9 [Ayas tyranted his wife, the son objected; then he went with his son to the island, left, left unnoticed; the young man was also Ayas; the horned creature was lucky to the shore, asking him to warn him if there would be a thunderstorm; on the shore he ordered him to get on the foam, sailed away himself; on the shore, A. saw Thunder smash his savior to pieces; a drop of splashing blood reproached him; A. came to his grandmother; she gave a little a pot of food; if A. eats everything, he will not die when he encounters dangerous creatures; A. ate with difficulty; entered the teepee, where there are two blind old women; moved their pot of food; they say probably A. came; they wanted to pierce him with their sharp elbows; he threw the skin on which he slept, the old women pierced each other; sharp bone shoulder blades hang above the path; A. jumped over them, but touched them, the dog barked, the owner ran out; A. disappeared into the hole, wearing the mink skin given by his grandmother; spent the night with a man who killed sleepers with his big leg; A. did not sleep, plunged the point given by his grandmother into the leg, killed the man; came to mother; the father has another wife and child; A. told the mother to throw this child into the fire; when he sees the son, the father pretends to be happy with him; A. fired arrows, killed his father, the ground caught fire; his mother became a good plain by the lake, A. himself is the larch from which skis are made, old woman {stepmother A.?} - with a stone], 11 [Memishoosh swims to the shore, takes an orphan boy into the boat; raised, married his daughter; always killed his sons-in-law with witchcraft; 1) took his son-in-law to the island to collect tea eggs, sails away, leaving him on the island; his son-in-law puts on a tern skin, arrives home before his father-in-law; 2) jump over the abyss; his son-in-law jumped, M. fell down, had difficulty returning home; 3) spending the night in the winter forest, M. and his son-in-law hang at his greaves of fire; the son-in-law changes their places; M. burns his own, thinking that he burned his son-in-law's greaves; in the morning he walks barefoot; the son-in-law hears a crackle, turns around, M. turned into larch; people will make from they are sledge runners]: 45-59, 69-77; Skinner 1911 (Albany) [the ogre devours the family, fattens two little boys to eat later; the eldest makes a hole in the ground with his mother's awl, leaves through him, carrying the youngest on his back; squeezing through the hole, the youngest injured his cheek; the elder throws a piece of wood, a rag, a stone, which turn into a forest, a thicket of rose hips, a huge boulder blocked hole; Walrus transports brothers across the lake; tells them to warn if Thunder appears; tells him not to shoot arrows into the water, and if they fall into the water, do not reach it; when transporting an ogre, warns him not move and not touch a sensitive area around his neck; the cannibal moves, the Walrus throws him into the water, he drowns; his older brother's arrow falls into the water; Wemishus invites him to come and pick him up him; takes him away in a boat, the youngest stays on the shore, is raised by two polar bears; V. gives his older brother to his daughter's husband; always kills his sons-in-law; V. leads his son-in-law to collect bird eggs; on the way, interpreters rocks; the young man slips, V.'s head is crushed, but he makes it whole again; takes his son-in-law to the island to collect birds' eggs, sails away in a self-propelled boat; the young man puts on the skin of a seagull, flying over the boat, defecates on V.'s head, flies back before his father-in-law; V. is surprised that his grandchildren shoot arrows feathered by seagull feathers; his father-in-law leads him to the winter forest; at night he wants to push his moccasins into the fire and knee pads; the young man replaces them in advance; the father-in-law smears his legs with charcoal, as if he is shod, but freezes in the forest, turns into a juniper; the young man finds his younger brother; reminds of a scar on his cheek, the younger one believes that the elder in front of him; lets go of his bear servants]: 88-92; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Wai-Mishus has two wives; one scratches her body with raspberry stems, accuses the other's son of trying rape; the young man's name is Iyas; V. leaves him on the island, tells the seagulls to kill; The seagull carries I. on his back, defecates on V., returns to the island; the Green-horned serpent carries I. to the other side; asks to let me know if a black cloud appears; I. is silent, the Thunderbird carries the snake, I. manages to jump ashore; revives the snake from pieces of his skin; the fox helps I.; the old man with a huge leg presses sleepy travelers; The fox bites his leg, pus pours out, the leg becomes normal, the monster dies; ropes hang from the sky between the two rocks; I. throws them roots, runs himself; the woman and her three daughters teeth in vaginas; I. sticks a stone, breaking their teeth, women are grateful; two blind old women with sharp elbows kill travelers; I. throws clothes between them, old women pierce each other; I. revives them, cuts off her tips, heals her eyes; comes to the mother; tells her to throw another wife's child into the fire, who mocks her; lights the ground with arrows, he and his mother are unharmed, V. burns; I. turns the mother into robin, himself in a toad]: Ray, Stevens 1971:112-120; kickapoo [the chief has two wives; one does not love the other's son; he shot a bird; a woman puts it between her legs to scratch it; complains to her husband that the young man wanted to rape her; the husband tells everyone to sail across the sea, leaving his son alone; the young man climbs a tree; an ogre comes up with his dogs; they are cougars; he climbs after the young man, he confronts him, shouts to dogs to grab prey; cougars devour the owner instead of the young man; two blind old men sing: This is how I will hit the Abandoned; the young man ties the ropes on which they are they go to the water; the old men fall, accuse each other, fight; the young man invites them to attack him from both sides; they kill each other; the garfish transports the young man across the sea; he meets his mother, tells her to burn her baby; burns everyone but her in her father's village; turns one person into a crow]: Jones 1915, No. 10:75-89; potauatomi [Visakya first hides in the carcasses of those killed animals, then turns into a dead moose; Vulture puts his head in his ass, V. catches him; other birds ask him to let him go; V. wants him to ride it; Vulture leaves V. at the top of the mountain; V. asks the Eagle to bring him a stick, kills the Eagle with it, descends on his wings, falls into the hollow; people think that there is a bear inside, they cut the trunk; V. gives them Vulture feathers to make a sacred bundle]: Skinner 1924:340-342; Miami (drunken) [Vesokchaukwa comes to two blind old men; unties the rope on which they walk to get water, they fall into the river; advises V. to dive and tie for the legs of swimming geese and ducks; they lift V. into the air; he unties the ropes; the spirit of light asks where he wants to fall; Into the hollow; V. falls into the hollow, cannot get out; roars with a bear; hunters cut down a tree, V. comes out]: Baker 1931:187-189.
Northeast. Naskapi [Chief Ayashi has two wives; the youngest is afraid that he will make the eldest son heir; asks the young man to shoot the partridge, puts it between her legs, scratched; Ayashi is lucky the son collects the eggs of birds, throws him on the island; his mother expels him, showering her with hot coals; the Seagull is unable to lift the young man; the Horned Serpent (catfish) carries him; he lies as if the sky is clear; jumps off ashore, Thunder hits the Snake; a hook hangs above the path; the fox rises to the sky, pulls up the hook, the young man runs past; two dogs guard the path; the fox turns into a weasel, the dogs bark, Ayashi them kills for unreasonable anxiety; a young man comes to two women; they have toothy wombs; he first introduces flint, breaking their teeth, then copulates; returns home; turns his father into a frog, his mother into robin]: Speck 1915c, No. 1:70-74; (cf. [Aiasheu sees scratches on his wife's chest; she explains that she has caught a partridge, but he thinks it's a sign that his son copulated with her; she takes him to the island to collect bird eggs, leaves her there; mistreats his wife; when she says that her son is back, A. pushes her into the fire; the young man saves his mother, burns his father; the mother turns into a robin; her chest turns red from a burn]: Millman 1993:93-94); Montagnier: Desbarats 1969 [like Nascapi; Chief Ayasheu; Raven, two Loons unable to carry a young man, a horned creature carries; A fox digs an underground passage under the lying across the path with his Big Leg; under his clavicles hanging on a rope; a hook crawls after the young man, he throws his caribou leg at him; in the house of two blind old men with sharp elbows, he throws his jacket at the door; old people they pierce each other; the young man sends his mother to hit his father with her head; shoots, the ground lights up, the father and his youngest wife die in the fire; the young man turns his mother into a robin, himself into a hawk]: 6-12; Savard 1979, No. 2 [Ayasheo (apparently from the word "crow"; note 17:74) takes his son named Ayashish to the island to collect bird eggs; swims away, leaving him there; a horned serpent carries him to the metric; tells him to take from a stone, say, if a cloud appears; at the sight of a cloud, A. hits his horns with a stone, he swims faster, reaches the shore, he is now an adult; to overcome the obstacles sent by his father, his the grandmother gives him his white Fox as his companion; the comb turns into a forest, A. passes through it; the fox makes a hole through the thrown resin; the bone pestle turned into a rock; he walked around it; met mother; she says that his father throws hot coals at her; A. goes to his father, shoots up and down; the ground lights up; he advises his father to hide in the prepared fat; goes up with his mother; father dies in boiling fat; all animals come to the lake of fat, drink; the sea lion dived, became fat; the beaver crawled; the caribou only drank, the fat in its stomach; the partridge rubbed its wings and back; the hare soaked paws and touched his shoulders]: 12-14; Seneca: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 20 [see motif K35; the young man goes to marry the leader's daughter; the old man asks the young man to shoot a raccoon, get him out of the hollow; does this that a young man falls into a hollow; an old man puts on his clothes, takes his form; a snake helps a young man get out of the hollow; he puts on an old man's clothes, looks like an old man; the deceiver marries his eldest daughter leader; the hero in the guise of an old man marries his youngest; takes back his clothes, regains his appearance; the deceiver turns into an owl, flies away], 37 [a young woman approaches the hunter in the forest; puts him to sleep, looking in his head; carrying it in a basket, leaving a steep cliff on the ledge; there are many other men there; the hunter tells him to grow a hemlock (conifer) close to the rock; prisoners descend down it; they find a woman, they are going to fry her alive; the hunter's wife comes and frees her; the hunter returns home, his wife is already there], 100 [see motif K27; the old woman takes her son-in-law to hunt the island, swims away to boat; the island is flooded with water, a man climbs a tree; asks the Morning Star to help; he tells the Sun to rise earlier; the water falls; the mother-in-law comes to eat the son-in-law's bone marrow; he sails away in her boat, water creatures devour her]: 127-135, 191-193, 467-469; Seneca [a spark burns a woman's finger; she puts it in her mouth, feels blood, eats her hands and feet; tells the dog to warn her husband and others that she is now a cannibal; the husband turns the dog into a rotten hollow; gives the old man fish and peanuts by the river; he stretches his neck like a bridge; the husband crosses the river, runs to his aunts; the wife eats the brain out of her bones, puts pebbles inside, her bones rattle when she chases her husband; she scolds the transporter, he turns his neck, she falls into the river; aquatic creatures devour her; her stomach remains; aunts the husband is caught and crumbled, finally killing the cannibal; the survivor marries the granddaughter of a little woman; she beats her granddaughter; takes her son-in-law to the island to hunt, swims away; in the evening the water rises, the man climbs tree; asks the Morning Star to speed up dawn, he accelerates, the water falls; mother-in-law comes to look at his son-in-law's bones; he sails away in the boat; the Morning Star does not accelerate dawn, water creatures eat old woman; man lives peacefully with her granddaughter]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 100:464-469 (=Curtin 2001:76-81); Micmaq: Leland 1968 [the sorcerer leaves Gluscap on the island; Keith replies he's not in able to transport it; Kitiha agrees; oysters sing: Too small; Gluscap: They tell me to swim faster; on the coast of Kitikh gets stuck aground; Gluscap pushes her back into the sea]: 32-34 ; Norman 1990 [Pogump is the chief, Pakjinskves is a witch; takes him to the island to collect eggs, leaves him; The fox helps him return; Pakjinskves steals children]: 120-123; Pech 1915b [ See motive K27; a young man marries Skunsiha's daughter; his mother-in-law takes him to the island to collect seagull eggs, throws him; seagulls bring him back]: 64; passamaquoddy [A pitcher takes a man named Pogamk collect seagulls, leave them on the island; the fox carries it back; P. asks his mother to throw Jug's child into the fire; P. hits the Jug against the tree, which turns into mosquitoes]: Leland 1968:45-49; malesite [The fishing marten (Fisher) is going to marry the Whistler; Poktcinskwes herself would like to marry Marten; sails with him to the island to collect bird eggs, leaves it there; The fox replies that she is not can help, Heron tries to raise the Marten, unable; Keith carries him; sitting on Whale, Marten sings that he is being carried by a bald eyed; Keith thinks that fish are singing, asks Marten what they are talking about they sing; Marten replies that they tell him to take his grandson faster; throws four pebbles given by Keith, which makes Keith sail faster; returning to the mainland and pushing Keith back into the water, Marten meets their groundhog grandmother; they are happy with each other, Groundhog drops, loses his grandson Sable; he meets the Snake; the Snake tells him to bring a skewer to fry it; Marten hears Sable's crying, advises him to bring a crooked skewer ; when the Serpent scolds for this, promises to straighten it, heat it, hit the Snake on the head; the Snake rushed to catch up with Sable, the Marten killed her; different animals came together; the turtle was late, Marten threw snake blood on her feet, now her legs are red; Marten forced P. to stick to the tree; she cut herself out of the trunk, some of her legs were left behind her, she wrapped herself around like she had a child on her back; came to the dance, said that Marten's child; Marten burns her; ashes turn into bees, hornets, flies, mosquitoes]: Mechling 1914, No. 11:59-62; penobscot [Long-haired wants to marry his daughter the chief, not the witch; the witch asks to take her in a boat to the island for cranberries, puts the Long-haired to sleep and leaves; he asks the fish to tell the shark to carry him back; the shark asks him to close his eyes, transports across the strait]: Speck 1935b, No. 21:53.
Plains. Sarsi [a woman tries to seduce her husband's younger brother; he rejects her; she is afraid that he will tell her husband; she scratches her legs, accuses the young man of trying to rape her; the husband asks her brother climb to the eagle's nest on a tree above the river; cuts down the lower branches, then the tree falls down, the young man falls into the river, swims in a tree; husband and wife live downstream; they call bison dogs, eat meat reptiles and water monsters; their daughter sees a young man who looks like foam; the father orders to place the foam on a wooden tray, places it in four steam rooms one by one, the young man revives; does not eat reptile meat ; first forcibly pushes bison meat into his wife's mouth, then she likes it; throwing a sharp stick into the water, accidentally kills a water monster; father-in-law is happy; the young man with his wife, son, buffalo returns to people; kills brother and his wife; hunger ends, people now have bisons]: Curtis 1976 (18): 141-143; blacklegs: Clark 1966 [wife does not love her husband's younger brother; tears her clothes; husband takes away brother to the island to collect feathers of geese and ducks, throws them there; the young man spends the winter at Beaver's house; learns rituals, receives a sacred pipe; when the husband comes to pick up his bones, the young man and son Beaver sail to his raft, come to people, teach them rituals; husband dies on the island]: 254-259; Josselin de Jong 1914 (piegan): 60-63 [a friend of a rich young man invites him to get bald eagle chicks; descends a rock on a rope, throws a rope; tells his father that they have lost each other; an eagle feeds a young man; when the chicks grow up, he lowers him to the ground; his father kills his friend], 66-68 [two friends they come to the island to collect feathers; one sails away, leaving the other, taking his wives; the first one dries goose meat and berries, digs a dugout, fills it with feathers, survives the winter; the second comes a year later; the first sails away in his boat, takes his wives back; a year later he finds the corpse of the second on the island]; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 17 [man thinks his wife is unfaithful to him; leaves a rival on an island; Otter and Swan they take him back, teach rituals]: 98-99; assiniboine [woman falsely accuses her husband's stepson or younger brother of trying to rape her; husband leaves the hero trapped; he returns]: Lowie 1909a, No. 7a [woman falsely accuses her stepson of trying to rape her; husband takes her son to the island to collect seagulls eggs, throws it there; Seagull advises killing a seagull, pulling her skin over him; he will meet twice interpreting rocks (or rather abysses, the hole of which closes and opens), must throw them a fish every time; the mother shows the young man ulcers on her body, says that her husband is torturing her; the young man tells her throw another wife's child into the fire; when his father comes out, the young man lowers the sun from the sky beyond the rays, the father dies from the heat], 7b [the older brother sends the younger brother to the tree for the eagle's chicks; cuts a tree; the young man falls into the river, escapes, becomes a strong shaman; the woman repents of what she did], 7c [the older brother leaves the youngest on the island; a horned serpent appears from the water; the young man kills the enemy, gives half a scalp to a snake and his old wife; swims on a snake; he tells him to hide under a log; an angry brother sends a giant mosquito, his sting gets stuck in a log; the hero kills his sister's husband, who mistreated her; kills her brother, causing heat; scratches her brother's wife's back with a badger's claw; makes her a slave to his parents]: 150-151, 151-152, 152-154; Santi: McLaughlin 1990 [The White Feather is coming kill the monstrous bison, eagle and rabbit, marry the chief's daughter; Inctomy (spider) asks him to get him a bird; BP shoots, the bird gets stuck on a branch, the PSU climbs after her; I. asks him to leave him below her clothes; puts them on, takes the BP's magic bow and arrows, makes him stick to the trunk; marries the leader's eldest daughter; misses, shooting monsters; the youngest daughter cuts down a tree, frees the BP ; he marries her, kills monsters; I. is beaten and banished; now spiders live in dark corners]: 156-169; Riggs 1893 [the older brother's wife wants to sleep with the younger brother, he refuses; she asks him to shoot partridge, claws his thighs, accuses the young man of trying to rape her; the husband promises Unktomi to marry his sister, tells him to take his brother to the Unvisited Island to collect bird eggs, throw there; a young man is attacked by a Big Mosquito, he is killed by a huge crane, a young man kills a crane; turns into a fish, the Bear swallows it, the young man cuts his heart, cuts his side, goes out; comes to two blind (?) old women who have awls throw a blanket between them, they pierce each other; a man whose dogs are all wild animals does not harm a young man; two good old women Gopher and Badger teach him that do when he comes to two young women; they offer him a man, he asks old women to help, a mouth appears from the ground swallowing meat; women lie down with him covered with a heavy blanket; he he pierces a hole with Gopher's tooth, does not suffocate; women become good, he marries them, he has two sons with them; he wants to return home; wives ask his mother to call his father; this is a horned water monster Unktelia; they put hot stones in the monster's eyes, hang a basket with her husband on his horns, he takes them to the mainland; asks for warning if they notice a cloud; daughters do not warn; when the monster turns back, the Thunder kills him; the monster is immortal, reborn; the hero meets his sister; Unktomi tortured her by throwing hot ash in her face, killing all the people in the village; the hero's wives heal her; the hero tells Unktomi to eat his crap, smokes to death over the fire, pushes his heart to powder; with this powder, the hero's sons shower the village, reviving people]: 139-143; Wallis 1923, No. 17 [woman messes up his clothes, accuses her husband's younger brother of attempted rape; the husband marries Spider, tells him to take his younger brother to the island and leave it there; the young man gives the water an eagle feathers monster, he takes him ashore; asks for warning if a cloud appears in the sky; the young man does not warn; the thunder kills the monster, the young man manages to jump ashore; on the way home he marries two cannibal daughters; they give birth to him sons; a spider tortures his wife; a young man burns him alive; a young man's sons set fire to the earth, his older brother and his men burn]: 78-83; Wallis 1923 [the old Spider sends an arrow on a tree, asks the young man to climb and get it; makes the young man stick to the tree; puts on his clothes, marries his wife; cannot kill the eagle (and the fox), who drove away all the traders animals; the hero returns, exposes the Spider, who returns all his property to him; the hero kills the eagle (and the fox), the game returns], No. 16 [The badger hunts, the bears take all the meat; the blood clot turns into a young man, kills bears; The spider marries the chief's eldest daughter; her younger sister cuts down a tree, heals the hero in the steam room; the hero kills an eagle and a fox], 19 [Thunder kidnaps two girls; the youngest falls through a hole in the sky, crashes; the Son of Thunder in her womb remains alive; the old bird and her husband raise him; he kills dangerous animals, marries the leader's daughter; the adopted grandfather of the Son of Thunder frees him by cutting down a tree]: 75-78, 85-88; teton (oglala): Beckwith 1930, No. 13 [Iktomi (Spider) wants to marry a rich girl, and his relative wants to take possession of her brother's property; they They take his brother to the island to collect eagle feathers, throw him there; the Horned Monster transports him to the other side, tells him to say if a cloud appears; the young man speaks, loses consciousness, wakes up on the shore; I. burns his wife's face; a young man kills him and a relative with a club]: 411-413; Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 [two warriors, the Spotted Eagle and the Black Raven, return from a bad campaign; CV lowers the software onto the cliff ledge behind the eagles, throws his belt; at home he says that the software has killed enemies, marries his fiancée; the software eats what eagles bring to the chicks; grabbing the grown eagles, goes down; returns home, not talks about betrayal; CV dies in battle, PO marries a widow, forgives a traitor]: 260-266; teton (oglala) [a young man kills an owl; his older brother's wife asks for it to be given to her; he does not; she scratches his face and hips with a sharp stone, accuses the young man of attempted rape; the older brother tells his friends to leave the youngest on the island; the youngest eats berries, three tubers give him food for many days; he catches and paints the opossum, asks for help; the opossum hides in the lake; the Horned Serpent appears from the waters; transports him ashore; asks to say if a cloud appears; the young man does not speak, jumps on shore, Thunder kills the Serpent; on the way home, the young man sees a bison skull with mice in it, they sing that their grandfather is dead; a young man kills them; comes to an old woman, she calls him a son; at night he sees an old woman rubs paint on his leg, her leg gets longer; he killed an old woman with a crane's beak (always with him); burned it with her house; another woman has a hole in the top of her head, she pulls out her brains from there, mixes it into food; the gopher helped gnaw through a hole in the pot; the old woman fell asleep, the young man threw a hot stone into her hole in her head, burned it along with the house; the next old woman has two daughters, their vaginal teeth are gnashing; the young man kills both by inserting the crane's beak into their vaginas; since then, women are not dangerous; the young man sees that animals are chasing him, pretending to be an old man, the old stalker does not recognize him; the young man comes to his sister, her her husband beats her, the young man kills him; comes to his father, he dies of joy; the rest of the people are eaten by birds and animals]: Wissler 1907, No. 7:196-199; Yankton [Black Bear takes everything from the Badger family meat, drives them out of the house; the badger finds a clot of bison blood, which turns into a warrior: he drives the Bears away; goes to wander; the red eagle takes people; the chief promises one of the two daughters who will kill him; a blood clot comes to the rescue; Iktomi asks him to knock out a bird for him, tells the bird with the arrow to get them; asks him to get them, advises him to take off his clothes; after the Clot The arrow drops blood, I. tells him to stick to the bark of the tree, puts on his clothes, takes the arrow; immediately calls the leader's wife mother-in-law, but cannot hit the eagle; the leader's youngest daughter finds a hero, frees by cutting the bark; he kills an eagle; I. is bullied, driven away; A blood clot gets a wife]: Zitkala-Ša 1985:61-99; Omaha, Ponca: Dorsey 1890:55-57 [Iktinica arrow gets stuck in a tree; I. asks the Rabbit to get it; he climbs a tree, taking off his clothes; I. puts them on, tells the Rabbit to stick to the trunk; I. marries the leader's eldest daughter under the guise of Rabbit; the youngest cuts down a tree, peels off the Rabbit, takes him as a husband; when the Rabbit comes up, the birds on I.'s stolen outfit recognize the owner, start screaming; the chief demands that his sons-in-law hit the flying eagle with an arrow; Rabbit knocks down an eagle, I. misses; the deception is revealed; The rabbit takes his clothes back, throws I. high to the sky; he falls, breaks], 604-609 [the leader promises to give his daughter for someone who knocks him down a tree red bird; Orphan kills a bird, Iktinica pretends to have killed; marries the leader's eldest daughter, Orphan kills his youngest; during hunger, Orphan creates buffalo with witchcraft; dove. handsome; I. asks him to shoot a turkey on a tree, the arrow gets stuck; An orphan climbs a tree; I. tells the tree to grow to the sky; puts on Orphan's clothes, comes home under his guise; live birds, those who decorate clothes do not sing, but scream; Eagle, Vulture, Raven, Magpie bring Orphan to the ground, putting him on his back; Orphan returns, telling I. to return his clothes and arrows; hitting the drum, lifts him up people into the air and throws them on the ground; everyone dies except Orphan's wife and grandmother]; iowa: Skinner 1925, No. 2 [the young man rejects the leader's daughter; he tells Ishiinka to get rid of him; I. takes him through Big Water, leaves him on the other side; the dwarf Maykanwatahe gives him food; the young man's parents consider him dead, put his two pet owls and an eagle in a boat, let him go on the water; the boat sails to the young man ; he and M. feed the birds, find suitable places for them to feed; birds help the young man quickly swim past the village of giants; the young man marries the leader's daughter; her relatives only eat frogs, because the rest of the game was destroyed by giants or it is inaccessible; the young man's birds catch a lot of geese and swans, he kills deer himself; feeds the people; finds his parents, takes them to live with him], 5 [Badger is a good hunter, The grizzly takes all his prey; he sends his wife to pick up a blood clot, she finds a baby in this place; he grows up to kill the Grizzly; gets Badger to lure game; puts on moccasins made of living hooting owls, a hat made of singing yellow birds; goes to travel; when entering the village, takes off her dress suit; stays with an old woman; the chief promises a daughter to the one who shoots the soaring a bird at its zenith; the young man does it; the younger sister refuses to marry the lousy, the eldest agrees; the young man regains his true form, the youngest asks to take her too, but the sister drives her away; the young man kills a lot of bison; goes to another village; there giants make you shoot at the target, race; always win, kill losers; the young man wins, kills giants; gets the leader's daughter (the same an episode with two sisters and a change of appearance); the leader is dissatisfied that the young man rejected his youngest daughter, tells Ishiinka to get rid of him; I. takes the young man to the other side of the reservoir; puts his cape on a tree, she looks like a raccoon; a young man climbs for an imaginary raccoon, I. sails away in a boat; a young man gets off, marries the daughter of Mr. Wind and his wife; those cannibals; mother-in-law tells 1) to dry the lake by scooping it out with an acorn shell (the wife does this); 2) cut down a grove on the lake shore (the wife hits the ground four times with an ax, the wind blows away the trees); 3) level the mountain with a beaver fang (the wife scratches the ground four times with her fang, the hill disappears); the wife tells him to run, hides the mother's moccasins; she puts on her husband's loafers, pursues the fugitives; the young man and wife turn into swans, swim across the pond; the young man takes his other wives and the children they have born brings everyone to their Badger Father; since then, the children have come from their mothers' menstrual blood], 23 [the chief has two daughters; the young man takes the eldest, the youngest also wants him; the eldest refuses him too share with her youngest husband; the youngest cries; the leader tells Ishiinka to get rid of the young man; I. puts raccoon tails into the hollow, asks the young man to go after raccoons, tells the tree to grow to the sky; puts on the one left on the young man's clothes on the ground, comes to his wife; but the owls on the moccasins do not hoot, the birds on the headdress do not sing; the wife suspects deception; the young man asks Voronov to let him down; the fourth agrees; the wind above tore off the young man's hair, he is bald; comes to his wife; the birds begin to sing, the owls hoot; I. runs away], 27 [Ishinki asks Vulture to ride him across the sky; he throws I. into a hollow stump; I. shouts from the stump to the Sauk women that there is a raccoon in the hollow; they cut a hole, I. comes out; turns into a dead horse, Vulture does not believe; then in an elk; crows peck the carcass, the Vulture slips head into the anus; I. pinches it, later lets it go; since then, vultures are bald and smell bad]: 441-446, 450-456, 484-485, 486-487; arpahoes: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 10-11 [the chief has a younger brother lazy and dirty (his name is Lime-Crazy or White-painted Fool); the chief shamed him, gave him nice clothes, sent him to women on the river bank who came for water; their younger brother seduced them all, including married; the chief agreed to have his brother killed; he was thrown into the water twice, but he went out and seduced the women again; then the chief took him hunting, killed and cut the bison, told his brother to drive away the flies until then until he brings the people to pick up the meat himself; several years have passed, people drove the chief away, took everything away from him; one day, the former chief's wife came across his younger brother: he grew into the ground, only the head and a hand driving away flies with a branch; the leader's wife persuaded him to go out, they came to the people, he hit everyone with a club, then the chief took his old position; but no one still loved the leader's brother; the leader or rivals in love affairs brought him across the river to collect eagle feathers on the rocks; sailed away, leaving him on the other side; a barych (or hawk) advised him to persuade the Father of Waters to exchange for eagle feathers let him cross to the middle of the river; then he whistled and jumped to the sky; the water rushed after him, then happened, but the water did not reach the young man, he landed on the hill; he returned to the camp, but during his subsequent travels he was killed by a white owl (blizzard) or thunder], 41 [Nihansan asks the man to get the eagle's chicks off the cliff; makes it smooth and steep; takes a man's clothes, takes his wife, mistreats his son and daughter; the person left on the rock cries, his tears turn into beads, people find beads at the foot of the cliff; wild geese descend a man on his backs; he feeds hungry children, kills N., the corpse has been cut, pieces scattered; N. came to life, sat down by the lake to think whether people should be reborn when they die; seeing a stick, bison manure, a core plants that surfaced in the water, N. decided they should; when he threw the stone, it drowned, N. decided that humans should die forever; (quail in Lévi-Strauss 1971:450-451)], 45 [seven sisters reject suitors; turn the stick into the son of his younger sister; he climbs the poplar to get two chicks out of the eagle's nest; Nihansan makes the poplar tall, puts on the young man's clothes, comes to the sisters; they send The bear and the Puma after the son; they let the young man down, bring him back]: 23-31, 78-81, 94-96; throw off the pawnee [see motif K35]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 45 [The woodpecker goes to marry the leader's daughter; falls into a trap pit; The coyote promises to get him out if he gives him his outfit; leaves him in a hole, marries the chief's eldest daughter; the old spider woman and her grandson pull the Woodpecker out of the hole; he kills the Coyote, marries his youngest daughter chief; Coyote's wife gives birth to coyotes, they are killed], 60 [The Coyote marries the chief's eldest daughter, the hero marries the youngest; live owls hoot on the hero's legs; the Coyote makes raccoons out of his quiver, asks the hero to get it them from the tree, makes the tree grow; puts the hero's clothes on, takes his wife; owls stop hooting; Vulture, Eagle, Hawk, Raven put the hero on their back and lower them; he chases the Coyote, the owls on leggings hoot again]: 178-185, 239-245; kiowa [the young man refuses his older brother's wife to become her lover; she digs a hole, pushes him into it; wolves save him, bring him a flintlock knife; he lives with them, then caught by fellow tribesmen; tells his brother his story; brothers give a woman to be eaten by wolves]: Parsons 1929a, No. 32:67-69; Kiova-Apache [unmarried Coyote asks a married man to climb on rock behind the eagle's chicks; tells the rock to grow; takes the wife of the one left on the rock, gives the stepsons only leftovers; the Spider lowers the married man to the ground on a web; he comes home, kills the opponent]: McAllister 1949, No. 20:71-73; wichita [The vulture lives in a hot and dark space on the far side of the sun; covered in sharp flints; takes a person to an island, throws him into a nest in a tree; a person throws two chicks out of the nest, embodying bad weather, leaves the other two embodying good weather; gets off a tree, hits the water with a string; she parts, he returns home]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 16:122-123
Southeast USA. Except for Chirokee and Caddo: the hero will be left overseas. Caddo: Dorsey 1905, No. 13 [people take an orphan to the island to collect bird eggs, throw him there; a horned water monster carries him on his back to the shore; asks for warning if a young man sees him in the blue sky star; the young man warns, the monster returns; for the sixth time the young man is silent, jumps ashore; the Evening Star kills the monster (with lightning?) ; in the form of a man, thanks the young man for his help in killing the monster; takes him to heaven, who turns into a star next to the Evening Star], 46 [one of the two friends is jealous of his wife for another; on a hike asks go down to get water into a deep well; throws the rope down; explains to others that his friend was killed by enemies; The Vulture puts the abandoned person on his back, brings him to him, heals; the man returns home; his companion's wife goes to him; when hunting, he always leaves one bison to vultures]: 26-27, 79-81; teal: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 8 [The otter catches the Rabbit; he asks him to let go promises to catch ducks to the Otter; dives, grabbing the duck by the legs, it lifts it into the air, he falls into a hollow stump, suffers from hunger; two Turkeys walk by, the Rabbit screams that he is a beautiful girl; Turkeys they cut a hole, the Rabbit jumps out, runs away]: 410; Mooney 1900, No. 16 [The rabbit tells the Otter that he also eats ducks; the otter dives, pulls the duck under the water; the rabbit makes a noose, dives, throws a duck a noose around his neck; a duck lifts it into the air, the Rabbit falls into a hollow stump, suffers from hunger; shouts to children playing that he is something beautiful; the children cut a hole, he jumps out, runs away]: 266- 267; tunic [a woman falsely accuses her husband's nephew of an attempt on her honor; an uncle takes him across the sea; a crocodile carries him back; the hero kills his uncle and his people, turns into Thunder]: Swanton 1911:321-322; biloxi [Uncle Tuche tells him to be in ritual isolation in the house; his uncle's wife asks to shoot her squirrel; T. shoots through a crack in the wall; his sister snatches a squirrel from a squirrel claws, one forgets; uncle's wife scratches his body with it, accuses T.; uncle tells him to bring special arrowpoles, white turkey feathers, deer tendons; Rabbit, Deer help T.; he kills the evil The old man who unfastened it; the uncle asks the Eagle's chick to play with it; the eagle gives the chick, which devours the baby; the uncle takes T. to the other side of the sea to burn grass, leaves it; the woodpecker lowers T. the tongue is like a rope to climb a tree when a cannibal approaches; an owl makes a ladder out of tree mushrooms, one mushroom attaches weakly; the cannibal climbs mushrooms, falls, her dogs rush at her, thinking that it's T.; they let her go in the morning; T. comes to her, marries her daughters; she tries to kill him; he falls into her trap; she asks where to hit her; he says what's in the head; she doesn't believes, wants to hit her ankle; he hits her with an ax, cooks her body; she comes to life; her daughters put hot iron in a hole in her head, she dies; T. and his wives swim across the sea in a crocodile; T. throws food at him, then fires arrows in front of him, then flies ashore with his arrow; tells his sister to throw his uncle's baby into boiling water; kills his uncle's people; turns into thunder, sister into a snipe; toads sing in the rain as T. told them]: Dorsey, Swanton 1912, No. 28:99-107; alabama [two sisters go for the Spitting Beaded; Owl kills him; those wishing to get widows must fulfill difficult assignments; the women's brother wins, but is thrown across the sea; a horned serpent carries him back; the hero kills the Owl, brings the sisters home]: Swanton 1929, No. 12:127-128.
California. Yurok: Kroeber 1976 [The old man's son has a wife and son; there is a nest of hawks in the tree; the old man asks his son to get hawks; causes the wind, breaks off the lower branches; ten days later the man goes down, washes the boy's eyes, he sees again; takes shell money across the sea; the old man follows him], No. F2 [dazzles his grandson with his sperm], J2 [Wohpekumeu tells his son Kapuloyo to get the chicks to the little grandson was playing with them; the wind broke off the branches, not getting off; at that time W. blinded his grandson; K. had chewing gum with him; he let her out of his mouth, it turned into a rope, he cried; washed With tears, his son's eyes saw the light; K. and his son left, the rest turned into birds and animals, W. was left alone; the woman took him to the land overseas, where they are all dancing now; the faces of K. and his son are covered in fog; W. wants to light a fire to dispel the fog], O1 [people are dancing overseas; the old man tries to see the faces of his son and grandson through the fog], X6 [not his child, but the hero himself is blind when he comes down from the tree; the wife washed with his tears, he saw the light]: 286-289, 318-319, 355-358, 425; Sapir 1928, No. 1 [girls are hiding from Wohpekumeu; one goes to the river for water, sees a boy in a boat; returns pregnant; people gathered cut her womb to remove the child, caught V. kill him; he taught the girl how to give birth normally; the boy grew up, married, had a son; V. offered to get the chicks out of the nest so that the boy could play with them; son V. climbed a tree, V. caused the wind, all the branches broke off, did not get off; V. took his daughter-in-law, made the boy's eyes sore, he went blind; V.'s son went down, met his son, who found birds by sound and made them fall dead; V.'s son came secretly, V. noticed his leg in the steam room; V.'s son left with his son, they went on different roads]: 253-254; villot [the old man marries his son, he two children; an old man sends his son to ruin the yellow-tailed hawk's nest, tells the branches to break off; the son goes down the rope, making it out of a headband; rubbing his son's eyes with feathers, restores his vision; leaves (text unclear)]: Reichard 1925, No. 12:157-161; Karok: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. A10 and III37 [The month tells the son-in-law to get the eagle's chicks from the tree; carries away the pole he climbed; eagles they attack a person, he kills them; the month makes the tree tall, causes the wind to break off the lower branches; a person chews resin, makes a rope out of it, goes down; the month tells him to climb a resilient tree; a person puts a dead rat in his place; when the Month and his daughters climb a resilient tree, the man throws them into the sky], C2 [like yurks, No. F2; the old man takes the stairs, makes the tree tall; his son climbs into the sky, goes down to the horizon; takes the shell money, but the old man takes one basket, throws it on the ground; goes blind, cannot see the dancers overseas], D3 [the old woman tells get the chicks; carries the stairs, raises the wind; the man goes down, making a rope out of resin], I1 [like yurks; makes the tree tall; the man returns after walking across the sky to the horizon; the old man covers clay eyes of children so that they do not see him copulate with their mother]: 20-21, 33-36, 42, 113-115, 250-252; shasta: Dixon 1910a, No. 16 [getting eagle chicks is part of the competition; Coyote climbs on a tree, it grows to the sky, the trunk turns to ice; it descends on a piece of moss]: 26; Farrand 1915, No. 4 [Thunder asks his son-in-law to get bird eggs from the cliff; destroys steps; son-in-law makes a mat out lichen that falls slowly; descends on it; then throws Thunder into the sky]: 212; coastal yuki [a man cares for a woman who does not like it; she asks him to get acorns from the oak tree , makes the oak tree high to the sky; a person is in the sky, thirsty; the children of the Sun shoot at him with reeds; the Spider raises baskets of water to the sky, then lowers him to the ground; a woman is married to a Puma; a man finds her, kills her, cuts her genitals; they turn into a woodpecker (sapsucker)]: Gifford 1937:154-157; pomo [Falcon is a good hunter; his brother Setaka - a noble man, never works; asks to bring him pigeon chicks from a nest on a low tree; The falcon climbs after them, the tree grows, the Falcon falls, there is nothing left of him; his wife finds a hair; the Coyote puts it under the basket, lies on it for four days, the Falcon revives; people celebrate; the Skylark says he smells bad; the falcon is ashamed, he leaves; people have died ever since forever]: Barrett 1933, No. 85:319-322; wappo [A month asks a hawk son-in-law to get two chicks; he climbs a tree, it rises into the air; Hawk's grandfather pulls him back to the ground]: Radin 1924, No. 11:115-117; screw: Curtin 1898 [The sun asks the son-in-law to get the woodpecker chicks from the tree; breaks the hairline; in the nest not birds, but snakes; the hero kills them, descends on a rope torn off sky; The sun mourns snakes - its children]: 142-145; DuBois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 53 [The squirrel leaves his wife and goes to her parents; the wife asks him to get nuts; the pine tree grows to the sky; various animals can't let it down; The caterpillar lowers it on its back]: 379-380; nomlaks [parents of two sisters try to lime their son-in-law; one of the tasks is to get nuts from the tree; it takes off, the young man does not tries to jump, the tree lands]: Goldschmidt 1951:399-400; chumash [The centipede always wins the pole climbing; other young men ask the Coyote to intervene; he tells the pillar to grow to the sky; in the sky, the Centipede is eaten by huge mosquitoes; the Coyote climbs after him, revives it; the pole has fallen low again; the Coyote asks the eagle Slo'v to lower them to the ground; he puts them on his wing; the Centipede jumps onto a pole, Coyote falls down, crashes; animated]: Blackburn 1975, No. 30:202-204; monk: Gifford 1923, No. 11 [when hunting, Coyote pushes his son-in-law off a cliff, he gets stuck in a crevice; Bullfinch and Hummingbirds pull it out and hide it; Coyote's eldest daughter finds him (the end is unclear)], 21 [The falcon puts a stone under his head; wakes up on a rock; the Coyote, the Mice, the Woodpecker can't lower it; the Caterpillar lowers]: 338-340, 355-356; luiseño [when hunting rabbits, the young man always turns into a hawk; others are jealous; he no longer turns into a hawk; his uncles want to kill him; ask him to go down to rope to the eagle's nest on the rock, cut off the rope; the eagles feed him, but his body dries up from lack of water; the mother asks the Eagle to lower her son's remains; rubs them with hot water, the son comes to life; tells one good the old woman leaves the village; at night she sets fire to houses, kills everyone with arrows; mother and son come to the spring and turn into stones]: Curtis 1976 (15): 105-106.
Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Powell 1971 [Mountain Sheep marries a Bird, rejects Coyote's daughter; he invites him to sleep on a cliff, makes the rock tall; the Sheep dies at the top, the Eagle brings it bones, his wife revives him; he invites Coyote to throw stones against the wind; they fly back, break Coyote's arm, leg, second leg, head, chest; people burn his remains, but the wind blows his heart away from him A new Coyote appears]: 223-224; Steward 1936, No. 30 (Owens Valley) [the hero rejects Coyote's daughters; he pushes him off a cliff, he falls on a narrow ledge; after a few months he is so thin that the Flying The mouse catches him when he jumps down; returns to his family]: 407-408; the northern shoshones [Chief Eagle promises one of his two daughters to whoever kills the fox; the old woman's poor grandson brings a fox, marries his older sister; urinates at night, his wife drives him away; he finds clothes and red paint, becomes big and handsome; marries his youngest, Raven sends his older sister; his grandmother sends him to the pit for buffalo; Coyote pretends to be his friend, lowers him into a hole, begs for his weapons and clothes, comes to his wife; the young man's hat was wearing a live bird, now she screams constantly; the grandmother helps her grandson get out of pits; he comes to his wife; a bird screams over his head; Coyote has to return all the young man's property]: Lowie 1909b, No. 23h: 274-275; Utah: Kroeber 1901 (Wintah), No. 6 [Coyote asks The drake walks with his eyes closed; takes his wife, urinates in the eyes of his children; the Drake finds himself on a steep cliff; the Bat tells him to jump down, catches; The Drake kills the Coyote, causing frost; throws away children born from him]: 272-274; Lowie 1924, No. 28 (southern Utah) [The wolf tells Frost that there is a dead ram on the rock; Frost climbs upstairs, Coyote cuts off the rope; Takes Frost's wives, that gives birth to a child; the Bat lowers Frost; he kills the Coyote and the baby born]: 53-54; Mason 1910 (Wintah), No. 12 [Drake comes to heal Coyote's wife; sends him many times for water, copulates with a woman; Coyote asks Drake to ruin an eagle's nest on a rock; makes an impenetrable ditch around; takes a Drake's wife, mistreats his son; people tell Drake to jump down, catch; The drake kills the Coyote with a club, cold-born cubs]: 310-314.
The Great Southwest. Havasupai [hunters leave the chief on the cliff; at home, the Coyote takes his two wives without feeding them; the Bat lowers the chief, he kills evil tribesmen; jumps into the abyss with his wives; they turn into stars]: Smithson, Euler 1994:69-75; Navajo: Baylor 1976 [Coyote and Gopher are rivals; the girl promises to choose the one who will bring more rabbits; the Coyote steals Gopher rabbits, but from the same at first, and twice as much next time; he marries a girl; while hunting, Coyote invites Gopher to sleep on a cliff, tells the rock to rise tall, takes Gopher's wife; on the fourth day Gopher manages to make the rock low again; he catches up with the Coyote; wraps the hot stone in meat, lets the Coyote swallow it, he dies; Gopher asks why his wife is crying; she replies that the eyes They hurt from the glitter of the snow]: 56-60; Johly, B'yash 1958 [a young man marries, he has a son; the Coyote leaves his skin on the trail, the young man touches her, she wraps him around, turning him into a coyote; the Coyote takes him clothes and onions, goes to his wife, but does not find her; The squirrel, who saw what happened, helps the young man take off the coyote skin, throw it again at the real Coyote; the young man does not like the smell of coyote left in the house; he goes to his wife's sister, marries her; she also gives birth to a son, Coyote changes her appearance again with the young man; the older sister does not notice the deception, the youngest feels that she is not a real husband with them; Squirrel returns again The young man is true, and the Coyote makes him a coyote again; the son is the first to know his returning father; the Coyote invites the young man to climb the rock for eagle feathers; these are two grasshoppers, whom Coyote painted like eagles; The coyote blows on the rock, it grows to the sky; the young man spends 4 years with the Eagles; marries; the leader of the Eagles organizes a dangerous campaign against Bumblebees, then Wasps, Locusts, Weeds; the Spider gives the young man grass, he chews it, blows at enemies, they immediately die; the spider lowers him to the ground in his bag (the young man opens his eyes ahead of time, falls, but is alive); going from one fire pit to another, the young man finds a family; tells his son to heat pebbles, lets the Coyote swallow them, he dies; the wife turns into a deer, the son becomes the chief of the antelopes; the hero goes south in the rainbow]: 8-14; Reichard 1977, No. 4 [pueblo enslaves a young man, called Scavenger; descended on a rocky eaves, telling them to throw their eagles; The Wind and Talking God advise not to abandon the chicks; the pueblo leaves the young man on the rock; the Eagles bring him food; wrapped in a cloud and bandaged with lightning and rainbows, carry to the heavenly hole; get tired; give feathers to lightning sky snakes, which help carry the burden into the hole; Eagles warn not to touch the blue vessels in the house; the young man opens them , a downpour begins on the ground; the young man runs in fear, the Spider catches him; the Eagles help him out; when he touches the young man, the coyote turns him into a coyote; the Eagles find him, let him through the hoop, the young man accepts his true appearance; the swallow overturns stones on him, the Eagles revive him; fighting with Bees, Tumbleweed, Stones, Grass, Eagles suffer heavy losses; the young man easily defeats enemies, throws him to the ground a few bees, stones, etc.; all this has been on earth ever since; grateful Eagles ask him to marry their girlfriend; before that, he goes down to earth, teaches his brother spells and sand drawings ( the origin of the Bead Trail rituals); wearing feather clothes again, he returns forever to heaven, where he marries; spiritually continues to help his brother]: 26-36; Yuinth-Nezi, Hatrali 1957 [as in Johly, B'yash 1958; Coyote paints crows like eagles; star people help Little Brother go down by planning in the clouds; he lets Coyote swallow a hot star in a lump of fat]: 4-8; hicarilla [like Navajo; The coyote tells the rock to grow; eagles give the hero their clothes to go down]: Goddard 1911, No. 26:224; (cf. hicarilla [a man throws a rope down, voluntarily stays on a cliff with eagle chicks, in the sky helping them defeat their enemies]: Goddard 1911, No. 18:210-211); Western Apaches: Goddard 1918 (San Carlos) [The Coyote sends Puma to the eagle's nest on the rock, tells the rock to grow; eagles give man their plumage, fly with him to heaven, give him a wife; their enemies are pumpkins, zucchini, melons, the Puma easily killed them ; went down to earth, five years had passed; caught up with his wife, who had Coyote children in her basket; Puma killed all but one, hid himself; told Coyote to swallow four hot stones and drink water; Coyote burst]: 67-68; 1919 (White Mountain) [the hunter has a wife and two sons; the Coyote reports a nest with eagles at the top of a cliff; lowers the hunter on a rope to the rocky cornice, throws the rope, says that now will take his wife; a man asks eagles how adult birds will arrive; a male arrives, then a female arrives, a male again, a female again, each with a "rain-man" or with a "rain-woman"; eagles bring a person the waters in a turquoise vessel give an eagle's robe; a man kills a man with a skull who killed eagles with a stone; kills bees, wasps, hornets; grass that attacked eagles; stars bring him down to the top of the hill from there he flies to the ground; the Coyote gouged out the eyes of the man's children with an awl; he told his wife to heat four stones, put the Coyote's legs on two, ordered them to swallow two; the Coyote's tail fell off; the Coyote's children a man killed with a stick; became an eagle and lives in the sky]: 132-135; chiricahua [Coyote has a wife and son; another Coyote asks him to climb a rock, she grows up to heaven; the impostor takes his wife, gives his son the worst meat; The Bat lowers the hero in the basket; he opens his eyes, the basket falls but he is unharmed; finds his son; the wife carries him in her bag; he kicks the impostor out]: Opler 1942, No. 1:28-31; Hopi [eagles leave a man on the rock; first Wren, then Spider weave a rope so he can descend]: Mullett 1993:90-106; Voth 1905, No. 49:160-167; Zunyi: Benedict 1930 [y witch lover among sorcerers; husband spies on a meeting of sorcerers; his wife takes him to the top of a steep cliff; chipmunks bring him food and drink; plant poplar at the foot, he grows up, man goes down the trunk; the Spider gives him herbs with which he makes lovers ugly and stuck together; they go asking them to separate them; everyone who tries to do so sticks to them themselves; they come to the wild, the woman turns into a deer]: 65-67; Curtis 1907-1930 (17): 179-181 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [Hummingbird Hoya marries the chief's daughter; other young men are jealous (1) named H. hunt parrots, let go off the cliff on a rope, let go of the rope; the parrot picks him up; he puts on his bird's clothes, returns to his wife; 2) the young men call H. to hunt bears, push him in to the bear's cave; she protects him, kills several hunters; Zunyas recognize H. and his wife as their father and mother]: 118-122; Hodge 1993 [a young sorcerer shows Chief Kachin's young son how turn into a chipmunk by slipping through a hoop; both in the form of chipmunks climb a rock; a young sorcerer returns to his companion's human appearance, but leaves him on a rock; four days later, his the Eagle finds, puts them on his back, brings them to the village, giving her feathers; despite the prohibition, one woman touched them, became an owl; the young man's father thanks Orel; since then, the kachina has always been decorated eagle feathers]: 6-9; tiva: Harrington 1928 (Picouris) [see motif L8; Yellow Corn goes to sorcerers at night; her husband Magpie's Tail watches her; sorcerers find it, leave it on the eaves rocks; an elf throws him five fir cones; he manages to catch a fifth; he throws it down, a fir grows, he descends it to the ground; an elf gives him a tree worm; he puts it in bed for his wife; the worm devours her from within, she dies]: 297-313; Parsons 1940a, No. 10 (Taos) [Magpie is married to Yellow Corn; pretends to be sleeping, sees his wife and her sister Blue Corn go to the kivu sorcerers; they witchcraft killed a girl who refused to become their mistress, dug the corpse, revived it again, decided to turn it into a deer; witchcraft fails because someone is spying; sorcerers find The magpie is put to sleep, left on the ledge of the cliff; the girl is turned into a deer, the deer is then killed by hunters, the meat is divided into pieces; the Morning Star sees Magpie, sends the Chipmunk to help; he buries him by the cliff a bump, a fir immediately grows, Magpie climbs on it, the Chipmunk gives him clothes, a bow and arrows, says that his wife has married the Horned Toad, hides it in cotton under the roof; Magpie leads the Yellow Corn, Blue Corn and Horned Toad are being pushed to the lake; wife and her sister swim in the water; Magpie brings them back to their poplar house]: 36-39; teva (San Juan): Parsons 1926, No. 9 [young man asks a married friend to go after the eagles; magically puts him in the nest, leaves him there; says that he must have died, invites his wife to marry him; she refuses, organizes a search; the man ate that , what the eagles brought, drank rainwater, weakened; he was brought home, cured; a friend died of shame], 39 [var. (informant: the story is taken from the publication of Hopi texts): Olivella's flower is married; a friend becomes an eagle, takes him to a rocky cliff; he is found and fed by a Squirrel; plants a seed, a tree grows, a man descends it to the ground; a squirrel gives him a corncob to eat, spits on his wife who is about to marry his friend]: 36-39; keres [the man's wife and/or other witches leave him on rock; A squirrel plants a pine tree below; a hero goes down it, kills his wife]: Boas 1928a: 263-265; maricopa [two girls go to marry the Red-Winged Starling; a Coyote burns his shoulders, rips off his shoulders, rips off strips of leather to make red spots; replies that yes, people call him Starling; arranges a wedding with girls; Starling and his friend Oriole fly into the smoke hole, carry the girls away; Coyote cries ; sends the Cardinal to lure the Starling into the upper world; the Cardinal pretends to be wounded, the Starling flies after him through a hole in the sky, it closes behind him; he comes to the ice house, two girls warm him he is in bed at night, but it is still cold; he sows corn, pumpkins, beans, rabbits and deer; all this food is tasted by girls for the first time; Coyote takes Starling's wives, but they continue with the Oriole Look for him; Vulture lowers the Starling to the ground, putting him on his back: Starling and Oriole take these girls again, Coyote chases]: Spier 1933:405-409.
NW Mexico. Huichol [man copulates with a woman who has become a rock; hangs on a rock behind a penis for five days; a vulture cuts off a penis]: Zingg 1982:224.
Mesoamerica See motive A20. Chinantecs [people hear sounds inside a tree; a comet, thunder cannot cut down, a woodpecker cuts a tree; two eggs inside; an old woman takes them; they are born a Sun Boy and a Moon Girl; run away from an old woman; The seven- or double-headed eagle carries people to the rock; the twins make a cage, the eagle carries them away; at noon he sleeps, one head is awake; the twins strangle it with a noose, at which time the earth shudders; the eagle's eyes fall out, the moon grabs the right bright, the Sun on the left is dim; the Vulture is unable to lower the twins on its back, now it will eat carrion; the Bat is fed seeds, a tree grows from the excrement, twins and others descend it to earth]: Bartolomé 1984 [the seven-headed eagle; first the Toucan, then the Bat is fed seeds; the Toucan tree is low, the Bat tree grows to the top cliffs]: 13-16; Weitlaner 1952 [double-headed eagle; The bat is fed twice; the second time the root of a tree growing at the top of a cliff descends to the ground]: 172-173; Masateki (ohitek) [old woman hears a voice from a tree hollow; cuts a tree, finds two eggs; twins, Sun and Moon, are born from them; they run away from an old woman; they hide in a cage from an eagle, which takes the cage to the rock; there are already many children there, the eagle is eating them; the brother cuts off the children's hair, weaves a rope, they strangle the eagle with it; his sparkling eyes have fallen out; the twins ask the Bat to eat fruit; a tree grows out of the excrement; Woodpecker, Squirrel is unable, Agouti a tree gnaws, it falls on a mountain; children descend across the sky to the ground]: Portal 1986:51-53; Miche [rock]: Lipp 1991:75; Miller 1956:83, 93-94; tsotsil [hollow]: Gossen 1977, No. 166:337; Celtal: Ramirez Hernández, Melo 1988:9-19 [hollow], 25 [deep hole]; kekchi, mopan [Mahanamatz forest spirit asks a person for honey; eats with wax; when a person climbs a tree, M. makes it tall, leaves; various animals refuse to help because humans hunted them; coati form a chain, tell him not to step on a pregnant female; a person steps, but manages to jump to the ground; runs, gets to Chuck, who hides the man, tells the cougar and the jaguar to tear M. apart; makes the man his assistant; tells him to work in the garden, but not to look at the roots; a man looks, sees his house on the ground, brother, wife through the hole; goes down a rope, but hangs between heaven and earth; Chuck pulled him out; C. waits for guests, tells them to sweep, man sweeps frogs, but they and they were guests and musicians; in the absence of C., a man puts on his clothes, opens a bag of wind, takes a calebass of water, a drum, thereby causing a hurricane, rain, thunder; falls into the sea, C. revived him, sent him home, giving a calebass with endless wax and honey; allowing him to go to heaven if he does not hello anyone with him; the wife follows the man; Chuck asks her about the names of parts of the body; when he points to genitals, she wants to answer, but the hurricane takes her and her husband away]: Thompson 1930:146-150; lacandons [like a Kekchi; the spirit cuts off the vine on which a person has climbed; most animals are unable to help; woodpeckers are hammering holes in the trunk so that the koati can cling; without the motive for the wrong step]: Boremanse 1986:163-167; quiche [see J4B motif; Hun-Hun-Ahpu and Wukub-Hun-Ahpu brothers invited to play ball in Xibalba, they die there; Shkik, the daughter of one of the rulers of S., comes to a tree, gets pregnant from the saliva of XHA's head; the father sends the Owl to kill her, she brings her to him a bunch of red juice in the shape of her heart; S. comes to mother XHA, gives birth to twins Hun-Ahpu and Shbalanka; old woman's sons Hun-Batz and Hung Chowen put them in an anthill, on thistle, but they are unharmed; HA and S. ask HB and HC to get the birds they shot from the top of the tree; tell the tree to rise tall; turn the climbers into monkeys]: Popol-Vuh 1959:32-78; canhobal [turning into monkeys]: La Farge 1947:52-56; Peñalosa 1995b [Mother Virgin gave birth to Our Father in the field; her brothers gave him an ax, he knocked down the forest with a few blows, and they all cut down one a tree; they tied it to a tree, set fire to the felled vegetation; he told the gopher to gnaw through the fetters, hide it in a hole, left a tree that looked like burnt bones; the brothers began to eat, throw it into it bone tree; Our Father turned bones into all animals; brothers opened a corral, some animals ran away, became wild; he invited the brothers to climb the tree, it grew to the sky, he ripped off the bark the lower part of the trunk (to make it smooth and slippery), created a lake around; brothers turned into animals (monkeys)]: 153-157; jacalteca [mischievous grandchildren climb a tree for honey; grandmother gets tired of waiting for them; hits a tree with a stick, the trunk becomes tall and thick; children turn into monkeys, stay in the tree (monkey origin)]: Montejo 1991:43-44.
The Northern Andes. Kogi [a jaguar man asks a woman for corn, then wants to eat it herself; she turns into a rock, he ends up on a rock; goes down on a vulture's back]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 15: 59; guajiro [the hero climbs a tree for fruit, gets off quickly; when his opponent climbs, the hero makes the tree fly high; the enemy lands in a distant land, turns into a jaguar] : Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 32:90
Llanos. The tree is growing. Cuiva [does the creator send his son to cut down the top of the tree (to get fruit? to make fun of your son?) makes the tree tall, but then ordinary again]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 33:61; Sicuani [Wereketo's father-in-law gives his son-in-law a new job; asking for palm starch, tells the tree to grow; the young man asks the Caracara bird to call him (young men!) for help the grandfather of the Royal Vulture; the Vulture lowers the young man to the ground, and the palm tree falls; the young man returns home in the form of a water snake, lives in his mother's womb; crawling out of his womb, climbs a tree, drops mother pendare fruits; when the serpent was in the tree, the mother ran away and hid; the serpent came in the guise of a young man; enters the river when she greets her father, thunder is heard; the mother dies, her spirit falls where her son]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 141:476-477.
Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [the youngest of the four Horonámi brothers ran away from the jaguar, stabbed his leg, sat down to remove the splinter, asked the tapir for help, the jaguar rushed after the tapir, thinking he was chasing H.; the jaguar killed tapira, understood the mistake, caught up with H., but he made his teeth soft, the jaguar bit in vain; H. ran away again, then his teeth hardened again; H. caught fish, the jaguar rushed at him from behind, killed him; next In seniority, the brother hunted monkeys, the monkey mother killed him, the brothers found the skull, burned him, drank ash; the two remaining brothers killed the monkey mother, hitting her with arrows in both eyes and all fingers; jaguar killed the youngest of the survivors; the last brother asked the monkeys to pick up the fruits; they offered to climb on their own; he climbed, the tree grew to the clouds; the lizard heard cries for help, put him on his back lowered it to the ground; he returned home, the house was surrounded by jaguars, he climbed the tree unnoticed; next time he climbed the tree again, where the monkeys (the woodpecker helped by pecking the hollow to climb), the tree again grew up, the lizard lowered it again; but the jaguars killed and ate it]: Polykrates 1967:289-282.
Guiana. Varrau [the rabbit kills the children of the Jaguariha; lures her to the roof and throws the stairs; only after a long time does the jaguariha dare to jump down]: Wilbert 1970, No. 193:450-451; carinha ( Orinoco) [the man is jealous of his wife, she leaves; he comes to her father, lies down in a hammock; his son finds him dead; tobacco grows on the grave; the young man hides the wings of pigeons that have arrived; pigeons raise him on sky; there the old man and the old woman tell me 1) make a stone bench decorated with copies of the heads of the old man and the old woman; 2) dry the pond; 3) make a bridge; everything is done by an assistant spirit; reports that these old man and old woman killed the young man's father; when the young man knocked down the trunk to make a bridge, the chips turned into piranha; the old man and the old woman stepped on the bridge, he fell, they were eaten by piranhas, their heads remained; the old woman's head rose to heaven, became Morning Star; tells the daughters to avenge her; they gave the young man a drink, lifted the sleeper high up a tree; the eagle asks how he got here; a vine appears from the eagle's bowel movements, and the man descends it; the eagle wanted to kill him, but he hid in the water, returned to his mother, gave her an eagle chick; he grew up to bring deer and fish to the woman; she organized a clearing party; people came to help, one asked the eagle to bring him an old woman, the other a young woman; so the eagle began to carry people; in one village they made a trap, a bait girl was caught, killed; a woman came to her chest The avenger feather fell: all his fibers turned into diseases; a woman blew on them, they scattered around the world]: Civrieux 1974:104-108; arecuna: Arellana 1988, No. 69 [on the Frog Creek, a man tries to catch croaks to eat later, but the Waromá frog grabs it, drags it upstream, leaves it on an island in the middle of the river; he consistently asks for various waterfowl (names only on Pemon) to transport him ashore; the first two say that their boats are too small; the third has a huge snake with him, the man is afraid himself; the Duck replies that although her boat is large, it has many of her children; finally, the Sun picks him up, carries him downstream in the boat; the person does not know who is in the boat, sings "burn, sun, your son's hammock"; the Sun directs its rays at him, the man almost burns; then a man asks the sun to wear a hat, the sky is covered with clouds; the sun squeezes a man at the mouth of the river near Cayman; he sings, wants to grab a man's hand to dance together, but he breaks out comes to a place where Quail (Coturnix coturnix) dance, but they flew away; then he came to the Guinea Pig, tried to grab her hand, she escaped (everyone a person meets sings or something repeat, shout); then the chikí birds also flew away; then the Monkeys (ran away); then cuchicuchi; then the Fox; then the Deer; finally met Makunaima, who was drawing a vulva and penis on the ground, in connection M. sings something with both organs; the person catches up with him three times, he breaks out three times; when he returns, the man sang all the songs he heard]: 172-175; Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 13 [Kalapijéima tries catch a frog sitting on a tall tree; it drags it to an island in the sea; leaves it under a tree where vultures nest; they stain it with their excrement; it's cold; K. asks the Morning Star give him fire, take it to heaven; he refuses, because K. gave cakes not to him, but to the Sun (he dried them in the sun); the same episode with the Month; the Sun takes him into its boat, tells his daughters to wash it, cut it; puts on a feather crown, a silver hat and ear jewelry made from the elytra of beetles, it gets hot; gives K. his daughter, tells her not to cheat on her; K. leaves the house of the Sun, falls in love with the Vulture's daughter; in the morning it becomes old and ugly; if he stayed with the daughter of the Sun, he would be forever beautiful and young; now people's youth and beauty are short-lived; the daughters of the Sun scattered across the sky to illuminate the Milky The path is the way of the dead]: 51-53; pemon [man climbs a tree for chicks, wife's brother throws a ladder]: Armellada 1973, No. 19 [the forest spirit lowers a man to the ground, turns him into a frog; brothers wives catch him, make him human again], 20 [heron nest; man lives with herons, descends in the form of a heron; gives his wife's brother a fishing hook received from herons; he gets stuck in his lip; hero returns to the herons]: 73-75; waiwai [see motif K2; jaguars invite the hero to climb a tree for nuts, throw away the stairs; he turns into a squirrel, goes down]: Fock 1963:40; vapishana [two brothers climb the rock for arrow feathers; one (apparently the elder) is outraged that the other takes only the feathers of a chick, not a large bird; gets down and cleans the stairs; a bird that has arrived asks why he mistreats her son; a man spends a year with birds; then he grows feathers, he flies with birds to the lake shore; marries a bird's daughter; by the lake, his father-in-law suggests putting his hand in the snake's mouth, the snake turns into a net, a person catches fish with it; puts a snake in its place again; the father-in-law asks for cassava cakes from the country where a person comes from; bird cakes are tobacco; a person comes to her mother, brings tobacco to her father-in-law, receives a fishing hook; returns to her mother and wife; she calls her daughter-in-law a bird, she returns to her father, her husband comes to pick her up on foot, her father-in-law sends him back; a man gives his brother a fishing hook received from birds, he tries it, he gets stuck in his lip]: Wirth 1950:198-199; tops [two brothers hunt frogs, kill them with a club; one decided to catch with his hands; the frog grabbed his hand, then by the neck, dragged him to the island; there is a lonely tree where birds nest; a person spends two or three months there, eating only clay and drinking water; Boats sail by, ignoring requests for help; only the Sun takes a man into his boat, tells his daughter to smear his lips with pepper to regain strength; asks where he lives, the man showed to the east; The sun brought him there, he still lives there, healthy]: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 13:87-88; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 4 [people leave the blind man in the tree, the wife leaves him; the bird descends, regains sight; he roasts his wife, gives her meat to his mother-in-law; rises to heaven, turns into the Month; moonspots are his wife], 12 [a howler monkey lives in a lonely person's house; in his absence turns into a woman, cooks for him; he takes her by surprise, marries her; her relatives come to visit, dance, he laughs at them, they leave him on top of a tree as punishment; watank & #235; creates a rope from its excrement, it does not reach the ground; the eagle's excrement rope is long enough, a man goes down], 67 [a person marries a howler monkey; wife warns not laugh when her relatives come to dance; he smiles; they leave him in a tree; two birds make ropes out of their excrement, he is afraid to go down them; the eagle gives him its wings; he descends, kills monkeys, goes to live in an eagle village], 70 [The toad drags the hunter to a rock in the middle of the river; the bird offers to move him ashore, but he is afraid to meet the Toad again; the sun takes he in his boat, takes him ashore, gives him food]: 34, 36, 47, 48; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 9 [younger brother warns the elder not to catch the frog whose voice they hear in the forest; older tries to catch it, it becomes huge, takes him to a rock in the middle of the river; the evil spirits passing by, the Moon (Nunnë), Venus (Urutura) refuse to help; the Sun (Wei) sails in the boat, there are many grilled meat; he makes a ladder, returns the young man to his mother], 28 [the younger brother climbed the tree for the eagle's chick; the elder threw the stairs away, walked away (for no apparent reason); a female chick in the nest; the eagle offers her to a young man; a year later, the chick grows up, turns into a girl, the young man marries her; the eagles wanted to teach him how to hunt monkeys; he opened his eyes too early, became visible to monkeys, they killed him; (The Eagles revived him); now he hunts as usual; began to ask the birds to lower him from the tree; the woodpecker made him a ladder out of mushrooms, he is afraid to go down; the parrot lowered him, planting him on a mat like a boat; for this he allowed parrots to eat corn from his field; the young man came to his mother; his brother then told her that the young man had crashed; the younger made a battleship, the elder grabbed it by the tail the battleship dragged him deep into a hole; came to the surface in an unfamiliar village; local people killed the battleship; the man is bald, thirsty; his descendants are among us, these are water people]: 49-52, 114-117; Magañ a 1987, No. 2 [a man climbs a tree for the harpy eagle chicks; his brother leaves him (throwing away the stairs?) ; a man marries an eagle's daughter; various vultures try to bring him down to the ground, one bird lowers him; a man makes a battleship; he drags his brother underground; the brother returns dumb; he is an ancestor an alien tribe], 20 [a person tries to catch a frog, it drags him to a rock in the middle of the river; Month, Urutula star, tokoro bird, diseases, wind refuse to take him from by itself; the Sun takes it into its boat, carries it ashore], 83 [a man climbs a tree for a parrot's chick; he escapes, a man falls into the hollow; four years later, the hunter hears his moans, returns with his wife, they make a hole; the man comes out covered with termites]: 131, 135-136, 149-150; Kashuyan [the young man brought a lot of game from the hunt, ate it, went to bed, leaving the female monkey fry until noon; then did not eat, wished the monkey to turn into a girl; when he returned from hunting, the food is ready; then he finds the girl in a hammock; they come to her parents; the monkeys leave it is on a tree; the royal vulture makes a vine out of its snot; it is thin; the same is a harpy eagle; a man descends on it; kills monkeys; who in a certain way will cook a vine called" harpy eagle arrow", he goes hunting guariba monkeys]: Frikel 1953:267-269 (=Lévi-Strauss 1964:279-280); oyampi [a man climbs a tree for a harpy eagle chick; his wife's brother asks like a chick; Like your sister's pubis; he throws away the stairs; many birds are unable to let the hero down; cassique asks to beat him, cries; a vine grows out of tears, the hero descends; cassique gives a magical battleship; he drags his wife's brothers underground; the hero roasts his wife alive; gives meat to his mother-in-law; makes two different birds out of his wife's fat and heart]: Greenland 1982, No. 38:244-247.
Ecuador. Colorado [old man Parrot punishes hunters who injure animals; leaves a man in a tree; Saloon (forest spirit) arrives; his huge penis is erected; man descends his penis to the ground, runs; the iguana carries it across the river; then Saloon takes him, dives in the middle; Saloon tries to cling to the reeds with his penis, but drowns]: Mix 1982:98-99.
Western Amazon. Zion: Chaves 1958:134-136 [He lived with Tapir's two daughters for a month; he led them to a juansoco palm tree, they ate fruit, got drunk; they had animals like fish in their vulvas, the Month took them out, threw them into the river, they became fish; joined both women, wanted to put in pieces of a fragrant vine; the bird frightened him with her scream, he climbed back into the tree; the girls woke up, the eldest kicked the trunk , it grew tall; the monkey ate the fruit and fell asleep; saliva flowed from her mouth, became a vine, N. went down it; shot the turkey, put thorns in it, told his father-in-law to pick it up, he stabbed his leg ; turned into a tapir, sank into the ground; he, the Father of Earth, moving, causes earthquakes; The month has come to a village where people drank chicha, beat drums; you do like pigs; they turned in pigs; What are we going to eat? He answered; other people made spears - you'll be cerrillos; etc. (turned groups of people into monkeys, bears, pauhil birds, turkeys, etc. - depending on their clothes and colors, the color of the feathers); menstruating women - red monkeys], 143-145 [Ñañagüé Nianyague (Month) did not like his wife because she had to look in his head; climbed a juansoco tree, threw fruits at them, they became intoxicated from them and fell asleep; N. pulled piranha teeth out of his wife and sister's vagina (further as in 134-136); on the way he took the trapped birds, put rotten leaves in them, sent them father-in-law check the traps; father-in-law returned, asked his daughters to remove the thorn from his leg; N. told him to lie not in a hammock, but on a bark bed, to become a tapir; the tapir ran, leaving a trail - the Milky Way; N. ordered he will become the Mother of Earth; when he moves, there will be an earthquake; N. changed his appearance, came to his wife; she fell in love with him, smeared his face at night; the Turtle hid all the water; N. cut down bamboo, the grove turned into a river, both women swam; N. did not let his wife go ashore, her sister came out; there was a palm tree in the water, his wife went to her; M., If you approach the shore, storms would begin; He told the turtle to eat rot; his wife's sister to be the mother of the living, the patroness of the dead, sent him to the land of the dead]; sekoya [like Zion; takes out bats; father-in-law makes the tree tall]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 3b, 3c: 45-46; Mayhuna [Maineno (Month) tells his two wives that he has found honey; leads their brother to the hollow, deliberately knocks honey into the hollow; the wives' brother climbs for honey, M. pushes him into a hollow, turns him into a tree frog; his father-in-law gives M. difficult tasks; one of them is to get a spider's nest of birds from the tree; father-in-law makes the tree tall, causes a storm; the Month jumps off when the barrel leaned to the ground]: Bellier 1991b, No. 4c: 184-187; (cf. koreguahe [a lazy young man refuses to go hunting; once he climbed a tree for fruit, refused to go down; overgrown with feathers, turned into an eagle, flew away to sit on an ironwood tree, where he feeds little people]: Jimenez 1989, No. 27:56-60); cofan: Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 25 [Chiga turns a bump into a parrot, puts it in a hollow; sends another person to get a parrot; that falls into a hollow, turns into a toad, stays there forever], 81 [a person poisons fish not with poison, but by dipping his penis into the water; when he learns about this, the boy refuses to help him; the man asks him get a parrot, push it into the hollow; the boy's parents cut the trunk; by morning the felling overgrows; they cut down all night, find a son, but in the form of a tree frog; lure a person to cook for burn a plot, set fire to vegetation; it turns into a fish, escapes; it is thrown to the ground; it turns into a stone or ends up in the lower world, (becomes) a quanqua (an underground race) residents)]: 79-80, 140-143; for example: Mercier 1979 [Tapir asks the Frog (both men) to get the toucan chicks out of the hollow; advises not to reach out, but to climb completely; he cannot get out, turns into gunawaru tree frog]: 195; Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 48 (napo or canelo) [a person climbs a rock, from there to the cave to hunt tayu (Steatornis peruvianus) birds; another wants to take possession his wife, removes the rope; a man walks through the gorge, comes to dwarfs; they cook food, eat its smell; they do not give a person what they sniffed is their excrement; seeing how he has relieved himself, they also ask them to do anal holes that are tiny; some die from surgery; dwarfs ask their wives to give birth to children with anal holes; dwarfs tell a person go after the cougar, she brings him home, his wife remains faithful]: 92-94; canelo [two brothers find themselves on a cliff in the middle of the river; the caiman carries them; the youngest opens his eyes, falls into the water]: Whitten 1976:53; shuar [two men go down to a cave in a rock high above the ground for Tayu (Steatornis peruvianus) birds; others cut off the rope; take their wives; a jaguar devours one of abandoned, saves another; he returns, kills his unfaithful wife (or wives) and rival]: Barrueco 1988:64-66; Pelizzaro 1990 (=1993) [the Foxes who cut off the rope are the Foxes (Kujancham), the chief of them took wives hunters abandoned in the cave; one hunter was eaten by a jaguar; the other began to cry, the birds of Tayu took pity, tried to bring him to the surface, but they did not have enough strength; they said that if people hadn't killed them, they if more and more strength would be enough; then steel bears fruit; he stayed in the cave for several months, suffering from hunger and dirt - bird droppings; the Jaguar took the man out of the cave; his mother cured him , he came to K., the children recognized him, he killed K. and unfaithful wives with a spear]: 217-220; Porras García, 1978:77; Rueda 1987, No. 1:45-49; Aguaruna: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 65 and 65a [like a shuar], 67 [a monkey and a spider bird live in a bachelor's hut (Cacicus cela, sem. Icteridae); returning from the site, he finds the food cooked, the house is fine; went to bed, the bird stopped him from singing, he threw a stone at it, fell asleep; the bird sang again, the man continued to sleep, the bird moved him to a tall tree, from there he could not get off; the spider began to bring him bananas; the hunter asked him to bring one to plant; the tree grew, its roots reached the ground, the hunter descended on it the ground; he saw a woman washing by the river, a monkey's skin nearby, he threw it into the thicket; the woman asks if he took her clothes, the man denies everything; the woman agreed to live with him]: 555-591, 598-599; Guallart 1958 [three people went hunting tayu (guacharo); two went down, the third cut off the vine, left; the rest ate fruits below that regurgitated taya; one met a jaguar, who brought him out outside; at home, a man killed his wife and lover]: 73-74; achuar [wife shames her loser husband; he follows a herd of monkeys, the monkey owner makes him a good hunter, tells him to kill no more than three monkeys at a time; his wife's brothers are jealous of his luck; ask him to get parrots out of the nest; his hand gets stuck in a hollow, he turns into a tree frog]: Mowitz 1975:41-49
NW Amazon. Carijona: Schindler 1979, No. 1 [the mother tells Tukučimobi (The Sun) and his little brother, a month old, that she will die, tell her to cut off her hand, put it in the basket with cassava, and hang it over the hearth; when her sons return from hunting, food will be prepared; said that the garden was ruining Aguti, went to set a trap, turned into agouti, died deliberately trapped; remained on her paw the trail of the place where T. took a sand flea out of his mother's leg the day before; the brothers did as his mother told him, but T. did not believe that Aguti's paw was preparing the food; tells the kuckuck bird to scream to warn if they appear women; but the brothers were far away, did not have time to run; the same with the woodpecker (the brothers saw the tracks of two women); the third time the cacambra bird warned in time, the brothers grabbed two women, both wanted more bright and young; T. managed to grab the eldest before she put on her vulture outfit, and the youngest put it on and flew away; because the eldest's clothes were torn, she remained human; to take possession of her brother's wife, Month asks T. to get the parrot's chicks; puts his penis instead of a pole; the erection stops, T. stays in the tree, falls into the hollow; all the animals searched for T., found the mouse; rodent animals gnaw hole; T. creates a pond, grew a Hura crepitans tree, carved two large fish ("whales"; originally catfish) out of wood, fish of all kinds appeared from chips; T. created a dry season, so that the fruits of Hura crepitans burst and the fish eat them; turn himself into fruit, let the fish swallow themselves, go out through the gills, so he caught the fish, brought them to his wife and children; the Month is ashamed; he went fishing in the same way the fish swallowed it; T. cut many fish before finding a brother in one of them; the month began to beat the fish with a harpoon; tied the tench to an ordinary tree rather than a particularly strong tree, two fish, a male and a female, dragged him away , forming the Caquetá River; therefore, it has a wide channel, many islands; T. tried to stop them by creating rapids; T. caught a piece of the Month's leg with a net; the rest of the Month crumbled, so in the sky so many stars; separately in the sky you can see the jaw, head, and leg bones of the Month; people are children like Sun-T. (with lighter skin) and Months (darker; while T.'s wife was owned by his brother, she also gave birth)], 6B [while the spouses are sleeping, an evil spirit raises their hammock to the sky; the woman falls, the man descends the rope that the bird brings him]: 44-54, 86-89; (cf. Schindler 1977b, No. 5 [after killing his unfaithful wife, the husband climbs the cliff, cuts off the ladder himself; the wife's brothers can't reach him]: 69); Tarian: Brüzzi 1994:208-211 [monkeys invite Wanali go up to the tree for fruit, leave alone; Herons give him their feathers, he flies with them, they fly to the old woman; they pull out their feathers, they grow back overnight; W. does the same, the feathers do not grow back, Herons fly away without him; the old woman says she has scolopendra, scorpions and ants in her vagina, tells her to wash her vagina with bark broth; W. does not listen, his penis is swollen; she leaves him on top mountains; the ant lowers him down; waits for W. to say that the muraya's mouth stinks; W. abstains, reaches the ground; fish wash his penis, he takes on normal size], 230-231 [the hero climbs on a fruit tree, luring monkeys with her; the Mother of the Apes wraps her arms around the trunk, preventing it from descending; becoming an ant, it crawls between her fingers]; cubeo [Kuwai has two brothers, they have one wife for three; K. tells the brothers to get fibers from the palm tree for the hammock; makes the tree tall, cuts it; the wind takes the brothers away, they turn into two rivers: legs - mouth, hands - tributaries, heads - whirlpools; K. returned to his wife]: Goldman 1963:147; yukuna [Kawarimi's older brother sends younger Maotchi to the tree for parrot eggs; asks four times what they are; hears my daughter-in-law each time ; breaks off the branch, M. falls into the hollow; K. leaves, takes his wife M.; parrots carry M. food; when they fly away, M. crawls like an ant inside the trunk below; asks the Aguti woman to help, promises to lie down with her for this; she cuts a hole in the trunk with an ax, breaks M.'s spine with the last blow; heals, but since then people have back pain; they lie down with a jack in her hammock; she starts eating it with her anus; bit the bottom his body; he asks for food from the garden to the mother of his children; Agouti returned, said that his wife scolded her; next time Agouti is in the form of a man, his wife gave her food; M. returns home first asks his son not to tell his mother; digs a hole in the garden to the lower world, this hole in the center of the world; sends his son for K.; jumps into a hole, climbs out a vine; K. jumps, falls, screams, Hlopok, hló pok; M. screams, Stone, stone; picks up his wife; K. waits, the Sun's boat sails past the underground river; his crew Kojopana and Lu'uina, black with the heat; K. waits for the boat of the Month, younger brother Suns; K. kills flies, Month says they are his sailors; stopped eating, Month asks for a top with fish, K. sees an anaconda; Month pulls it out; cauldron, plate - curled snakes; calebas - wasp nest; tapir bone The month cut off the tip of K.'s tongue, which turned into a toad; K. refuses to marry the daughter of the Month; he brings him to maloka, where women want to copulate; his old woman's vagina swallowed it, the Month pulled it out; K. met a woman in the forest; she says that she was bitten by a jaguar, but her wounds were bitten by a bat; K. cured her; the mistress of Maloka said that this woman was too young; gave the old woman at night she turned young, they have a son; he grew up, they are going to eat him, he is a deer; a penis (grandfather) in the form of a hemp with a worm inside warns K. that they want to eat it; the son was killed, his mother too eats; all the ways out of Maloka scream when K. tries to get out; he runs away through a hole in the roof; wasps bite the pursuers, they come back; K. comes to the Month; the owner of the animals is a big grasshopper; copulates with his sons; K. at an animal festival; closes his eyes, finds himself on the ground in the form of an umari fruit; falls, turns into K., sees his sons; kills brother and unfaithful wife ; promises to see how they get out of the lower world now; marries M.'s wife; one by one asks three groups of cranes to take him; the latter give him feathers; tells him not to look down when they fly on little ones, or else they will fall; people shoot arrows at the cranes, they shout that they are being bitten by a scorpion, an ant, a spider; he looks at the next little one, falls, the cranes pick him up, bring them to his husband aunts; this is an anaconda; etc.; see motive I14]: Jacopin 1981:69-130; macuna: Århem et al. 2004 [younger brother is single, wants an older wife; creates a huge tree with parrots nest, invites his brother to climb to make feather hats for the holiday; throws away the thin tree that the brother climbed on, goes to live with his wife; the elder upstairs is starving; asks the anaconda for help; The anaconda replies that he will climb to eat it, but he asks him to climb his tail forward, goes down the anaconda, escapes; then his younger brother pushes him into the hole, he falls into the lower world, taking the form of cotton wool, finds herself on a tree branch above the river; looks human again; different types of ducks are swimming along the river; each replies that her boat is too small, the next one will take it; the last duck is the Sun, his boat like fire; howler monkeys and Squirrels are sailors there; the Sun lights the river, the older brother turns into a spider, does not burn, the Sun recognizes its virtues; they have sailed to the Sun's wife; while the Sun is gone, man she does everything wrong (picks coca by leaves, cuts trees on the site, and does not let the ax do it himself, eats mojojoy from a palm tree - these are Sun workers); the Sun's wife considers it necessary to send him to earth; Tapiriha tells her to turn into a tick, carries, delivers small animals; while she sleeps, Tintin copulates with her; she tests all penises to find the culprit; on the advice of others, Tintin He sprinkles ash on his penis, not found; man removes hunters' arrows from the bodies of animals, which he can easily see; they also think he cures them for diseases; since the beginning of summer, everyone has gone for flying ants, a person realizes that he is on a familiar land; children recognize him, say that his mother is pregnant with his uncle; a man creates a pond with fish, sends his younger brother with other people to collect poisoned fish, burns them in a pond with the force obtained from the Sun]: 521-528; Palma, Feuillet 1980 [Yiba hunts with his younger brother; climbs a tree to the parrot's nest; the youngest cuts down the thin tree he climbed, leaves, takes his wife; the chicks have grown up and flew away; woodpeckers make a ladder out of their beaks, J. goes down it, finds his wife and brother; turns into an anaconda, turns the house into a lake, the women in it into parrots, men into tapirs] {without pagination}; bar [Koa mahku seduces two girls; their father lures him to a tree (without details), leaves him; ibises take him to their sister; she gives him a comb to comb scorpions out of her pubis; makes him a lover; he kidnaps curare from her father]: Jackson 1983:115; barasana: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 6A [Manioc-stick Anaconda (MA) - half-brother is the father of the current Sun, the son of the Ancient Sun and his wife Sky; Mako, his younger brother, is single; after becoming a tapir for a while, left traces; suggested that MA dig a tapir trap hole, MA fell into the underworld on a tree by the river; the Month, the Morning Star, the striped water snake, the big and small otters (they are the Sun's rowers) swim in silence, or respond that the Sun ("mother MA's son") is swimming behind them; Sun grebe (Heliornis fulica) takes it but leaves it in the water when it blows the winds; the Sun takes him into his boat; tells him to dive for a deck of fish; MA says there's only an anaconda; for now The sun dives by itself, the Monkeys, the Squirrel, the Otters (they are the Sun's rowers) tell them to take the substance out of the Sun's bag, the Sun was going to burn them MA; with the mouth and anus of the anaconda, the Sun lifted it up, poured out all known fish species; the speckled cooking pot is a poisonous snake; MA only pretended to eat this fish extracted from the anaconda; the Sun releases clouds of fire, MA turns into a spider every time, hides; releases something the substance taken out of the Sun's bag lights up a feather crown, he recognizes him as a brother; the sun rises to the sky, leaves MA; he turns into a tick, the tapir carries it through his hand herself in her ear; Tapir's wife blows the wind; Ant Bird goes to have sex with her, she complains to her husband; Tapir tells everyone to turn away the foreskin; MA advises Ant Birt to sprinkle ash on the head of the penis, Tapir believes that he did not copulate; the other participants (Tapir calls them grandchildren) are termites; those who went to clear the path were torn to pieces by a jaguar; in fact, they are a bird pecking termites; MA meets its children, his wife pregnant with Mako; both went for mako feathers; Mako turned into an anaconda in a mako hollow; MA turned her into a mako again; then Mako removed the stairs, leaving MA in the hollow; MA ochre colored the feathers of the mako chicks in yellow; told the snake to stretch like a bridge, descended it (other snakes did not reach it, became vines); MA fumigated everyone with the fiery substance received from the Sun; his children became birds; Mako and his wife MA fell to the bottom of the river, became two sacred flutes; MA married Jaguariha, their son Yeba; MA's bones became other sacred flutes; the top of his skull became a calebasa for tobacco, the bottom became a calebasa for wax; heart - calebasa for narcotic powder, brain - tobacco powder; eyes - copper inserts in ears; penis - ritual cigar, testicles - small calebasses for powder and red paint, used during initiations; elbow - elbow ornament, ribs - sacred shell belt]: 287-293; Torres Laborde 1969 [start see motif J15; Warimí asked Watsóa Wehéro to reset Wansoko fruit for him; he made a ladder, offered to go up, threw away the stairs, V. cannot go down; in winter Herons flew in, gave him feathers, taught him to fly; on the way, the trap is like scissors; V. put it in it a log, everyone flew by safely; on the site, the fire, V. caused rain, everyone flew by; ducks and other birds flew with them; flew to Romí-Kumú; she fed everyone; suspects that someone with the birds that is, because she ate more than usual; arranges a dabukuri festival; the birds came back and V. stayed with RK; she took him to her father's Rimáhinó (Serpent Venom) house; RK woke him up by touching him a hot shard; V. became a flea, R. took it off his back, put it in his mouth; V. jumped out through his nose when R. sneezed, took the poison; flew as a bird to his grandmother, Mení's wife; began to cook poison, tried lost consciousness; at this time, snakes stole him, became poisonous; V. killed Ramé, the ogre eagle with a wind gun; his blood turned into various types of reeds; his feathers were taken for dancing costumes, he taught many songs]: 31-45; desana [monkeys raise the Turtle to the tree to eat fruits, leave it; the turtle promises the Jaguar to drop its fruit, jumps itself, killing it]: Reichel- Dolmatoff 1968, No. 13:204; 1971:262; Kabiyari [wife of the howler monkey (Wajari) cheats on him with Pitchi (see motif J15); W. lures P. to the tree to eat fruit, tells the tree to grow; P. spends on the tree is two years old; las grullas gave it wings, taught him to fly]: Correa 1989, No. 3:69; bar [the hero eats fruits on the tree, falls asleep; monkeys break off the lower branches; he descends on the back of a stork; that brings it to Mother of Birds; there are poisonous creatures in her vagina; after copulating with her, the hero's penis lengthens, he wraps it around his waist and neck; the penis becomes normal again]: Pereira 1980 (1): 242-244; andoke [The month has a love affair with his Sun Brother's wife; he creates two parrots, asks the Month to get them out of the tree; throws the pole; the Month falls into the hollow, the hole overgrows; woodpeckers sell new things; from hummingbird excrement, two vines appear, outside the tree and in the hollow; The month rises and descends them; makes himself a wife out of wood; the woodpecker presses her mouth and vagina; in the vulva was a red fruit, the woodpecker smeared his head with juice; the chips turned into eagles; stones; fish; water and fish were enclosed in the tree from which the Month got out; the Month closed the hole so that the water would not spilled onto the ground; the Sun and the Month quarreled over the fish, the fish twitched, the hole opened, the water flooded the earth with a flood; the Sun flew east, the Month went to look for it in the sky]: Landaburu, Pineda: 1984 45-52; uitoto [father-in-law gives difficult tasks; asks to get fruit from the tree]: Preuss 1921, No. 19 [makes the tree tall; son-in-law descends as a small animal]: 93; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 1981 19 [causes a storm; son-in-law descends as a spider]: 152; Ocaina: Blixen 1999, No. 4 [Fahairama (big spider wasp) meets two Muiroñókaha sisters (from "muyro", a species of bird, beautiful); they compete in magical power; F. has a helper spirit (this is a tapaka spirit); sisters hide all animals in an underground tank; first F. returns from hunting without prey; next time, the helper spirit reports to him, where the animals are, F. lets them out; the sisters slam the door shut, F. cannot go out; he leaves his sewage on the floor; a year later, the sisters fumble with a stick, find crap, think that F. is dead and rotted; they open the door, F. jumps out, locks them themselves; leaves, sees the fishermen, insists that he be allowed to catch the biggest fish, she swallows it, the fishermen take F. out of its womb; F. wants to eat this fish, to him they put another, smaller one; he does not believe that she swallowed it, wants it to be given more, eats it (he has been starving for a year); wanders further, climbs the Ficus anthelmintica fruit tree, leaving a weapon and a handbag with shamanic accessories below; the tree grows tall, it cannot get off; in the morning, Yomanahima, son of Ko:Ma:ndio, who lived at sunrise, came for fruits in the form of a monkey; F. asked for help to go down, J. went to his father, who gave him two peppers, ordered him to chew, saliva; F. had no saliva; then J. chewed, the saliva went down to the ground, turned into a vine, both went down; as a reward, F. gave J. cotton, ordered them to put them on the body, now these monkeys have beautiful gold-colored fur], 8 [two brothers are children of the Sun Hunter and his Tarantula wife; the elder Kappidji is married, finds out that the youngest is sleeping with his wife; painted the parasite plant as if there were chicks of a red parrot (guacamayo) in the hollow, invited the younger Diomidji to climb, he fell into the hollow; every day the eldest comes up asks if he is still alive; the youngest ate monkey feces; the Potos flavus monkey agreed to save D. if he gave her a piece of beige wool (she had no hair before); chewed pepper, saliva went down into the hollow, became a rope, D. got out; the mother cries, looked for him, he answered her; he has beautiful hair, K. wants the same; D. advises to heat the clay, smear his head; K.'s hair fell out, he ran away, disappeared]: 63-85, 187-194; chikuna: Nimuendaju 1952:124-125 [Dyoi and Epi climbed the rock to ruin the harpy eagle's nest; E. said that the stairs fell and it fell immediately; at D.'s request, the bird brought them a calebas with palm juice; they drank, urinated, E.'s urine formed a prickly vine, which was far from the cliff, and D.'s urine was smooth close; the brothers killed the eagle that had arrived from sarbakan, came down - E. in the form of a night monkey, D. - an opossum; E. wanted to take the right half of the killed hawk, although he was born from his father's left knee; his sister Mocha-cha D. let this one hide half, she hid between her legs; E. began to search, touched her genitals; she turned into bakers, ran into the forest, the demon Ma-chi threw a spear at her with a hornet at the end; M. returned home, died, D. her revived], 127-129 [Dyoi and his brother Epi went to their niece's initiation party; D. got the girl, E. wanted her for himself; in the yard outside the house, the girl turned into a fruit on an umari tree; D. did not allow him to pluck, E. waited for her to fall; D. let E. clean the dead birds, at which time the fruit fell, the girl took on a human form, D. reduced it, hid it in a flute, brought it to his hammock for 4 nights secretly from E. ; he hears laughter at night; in the absence of D. dances, showing her genitals; the woman laughs, E. finds her inside the flute, copulates with her; she becomes pregnant, no longer fits into the flute; E. lubricates his a member with fruit juice to imitate a long abstinence; frozen latex falls off, D. understands the deception; to make black paint and paint the boy, D. ordered E. to climb the genip tree for the fruit; it began to grow, but E. began to descend; then the tree mushroom orehla de pau grew along the perimeter of the trunk, but E. turned into an ant, crawled through the mushroom; D. ordered E. to grind the fruits of the genipa, E. founded himself ; the woman painted the boy, threw the rest of the pasta into the water; the pasta turned fish, including epi fish; D. began to catch fish with various baits; when the fish caught on stones turned into jaguars, on urukuri husks in squirrels, tukuma husks in wild pigs, sweet cassava in chikuna Indians; but he could not catch E.; let Techi-ari-Ngui catch, E. pecked, on the shore, becoming human, said that he had visited the land of gold in the east and would return there, and let D. go west; D. told him to catch fish, but E. killed them before they turned into humans; Var.: Having understood how to catch, E. caught kokama and other tribes, but not chikuna]; Pereira 1980 (2) [two brothers climb a tree for eagle chicks; a chick thrown down falls on a ladder, it breaks; they ask the bird to bring them water; they drink , urinate, urine turns into two vines; brothers go down]: 467-469.
Central Amazon. Rio Branco [husband asks his wife's lover to get a parrot from the hollow; it gets stuck in a hollow, turns into a tree frog]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:198; mestizos from the lower reaches of Jurua [ The turtle wants to eat fruit; the monkeys pick it up and leave it in the tree; the Jaguar walks by; the turtle asks him to close his eyes, promises to shed the fruit; jumps by itself, killing the Jaguar]: Tastevin 1927:395; parintintin [Canauréhu and Ipanitégué went to ruin the harpy eagle's nest; I., who remains below, asks about the chicks; K. replies that the chicks have fluff like I.'s wife's pubis; he throws away stairs; the Eagle flew in, K. hid; he saw him, laughed, listening to the story, turned him into an eagle; taught him to fly, lifting heavier branches; they flew to the village together, tormented I. with their beaks and with claws, lifted into the air by the legs and behind the head; all birds paint their beaks and feathers with his blood and brain, and ate the meat]: Pereira 1980 (2): 582-585 (retelling Lévi-Strauss 1964:319-320); munduruku [a man marries a Monkey; they go to her father; he chews intoxicating leaves and sings; contrary to his wife's prohibition, a man laughs because his father-in-law looks like a monkey; monkeys leave his son-in-law in a tree; bees and wasps they let them down; he makes a lot of arrows, shot monkeys, his pregnant wife has escaped, and the current guariba monkeys have escaped from her]: Murphy 1958, No. 38:118.
Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 7 [a man leads his wife and younger brother to the harpy eagles nest, climbs a tree; something has fallen into his brother's hair, the woman began to brush it, the husband decided that they are romance, gets down, tells their younger brother to climb to the nest, throws away the stairs, leaves with his wife; the young man finds one chick in the nest; parent eagles give him monkeys brought, call the other eagles, all of them they sing, turning a young man into an eagle; he marries the daughter of eagles; in the form of an eagle, he flies to the village where his older brother is preparing to dance at the festival; the older brother shoots, misses three times, the youngest an ordinary eagle becomes huge, lifts his brother into the air, his eagles have torn him to pieces, his bones fall to the ground; comes to his parents in the image of a man; takes them to the eagles, inviting other people to go with him, but they refused; the young man and parents took off; it rained at night, the village was flooded with a flood, some people escaped on the uassi palm tree, shed their fruits to see if the water had come down, but every time it was heard splash; people started talking like toads, turned into toads]: 292-294; Snethlage 1932 [similar to Nimuendaju], No. 1, 2:364-365, 372-374; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 21 [man asked for a brother to ruin the harpy eagle's nest (hawk), they made a ladder, the brother climbed, the man stayed with his wife, who began to seduce him; the husband told him to get up, he cried, cut off the stairs; the Eagle allowed the abandoned live with eagles, married a daughter, turned him into an eagle; he sat on a tree on the edge of the plot, his wife called her husband, who missed, turned into a giant eagle, took his brother away, the eagles tore him apart, the eagle man threw bones at the village fruit, became human, returned to his parents; told me to sing, only parents sang, their house rose into the air; the rest died in the flood, turned into birds to hunt eagles], 30 [The turtle asks the Monkeys to drop its fruit; they lift it up a tree, leave it; the turtle promises the jaguar to throw its fruit, jumps on its nose, leaves, sings about what has happened; the Jaguar comes to consciousness, the Turtle claims that he sang about how he broke the Deer's nose; next time the Jaguar hears well, wants to have sex with the Turtle by putting his penis in his ass; the Turtle suggests doing the act one by one, He is the first because his penis is small; the act lasts hours, the Turtle's penis is big, the Jaguar is in pain; the turtle slipped into the hole, the Jaguar grabs his leg, Yarepaha says it's the root, the Jaguar releases his leg; I waited at the hole until he starved to death]: 146-147, 155-156; (cf. urubu [the harpy eagle (anthropomorphen) has a daughter, not yet feathers, he flew to look for feathers for her; his Indian relative Kaapor and his brother climbed into the harpy eagle's nest to give her feathers; brother scared, returned home, the man stayed with the eagle girl, who told her father not to eat her husband; the eagle father poured water on them, their skin came off, feathers grew; the man became an eagle, stayed with eagles; at the request of his father-in-law , brought him his brother to eat, then his wife; after that, the harpy eagles stopped eating human beings]: Ribeiro 2002:600-603).
(Wed. The Central Andes. A boy and a girl are thrown off a cliff but hang on her ledge. Tantamayo (dep. Huanuco): Howard-Malverde 1986:6; Conchucos (dep. Ancash): Mejia Xesspe 1952 [four versions; during a drought, parents put their son and daughter in a bag, throw them into the abyss; the bag clings to the thorny bush; The swallow can't, Condor brings the bag to the valley, to Chavin de Huantar; The swallow shows the children a potato field; his owner is old Achkay; she fattens the boy, gives the girl stones to eat; kills the boy, he screams, she explains what she is looking for in his head; tells his daughter to send the girl to bring water in a leaky vessel, push her into a boiling pot; the frog teaches the girl what to do; she plugs holes, brings water, pushes the old woman's daughter into the cauldron, puts his brother's bones in the bag, runs; A. eats his daughter; Condor hides the girl under her wings, the Skunk in the hole; the Fox, the Deer, and other animals also hide; The dove puts the bones in the basket, says not open; the girl opens; there is a living brother, but he turns into a white dog; Vicuna gives the girl a golden rope, she and her brother climb to heaven; she turns into the Evening Star, he into the Pleiades or The Morning Star; the old woman Vicuña gives a straw rope; the parrot cuts it; A. falls, asks his own to spread a cloak for her; her screams can still be heard - an echo; her blood turns into a lake, her body turns into a lake, her body into mountain; hands and feet in cacti; blackberry nails; nettle hair; eyes in potatoes, ulyuku; teeth in corn; toes in oku and mashua; etc.]: 238-242; Caruas [dep. Ancash]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1973:184; Pusacpampa, Comas County, Prov. Concepcion, dep. Junin [the husband asks his wife where the corn brazier is, the children hear and answer; then their father threw them into the abyss, they are stuck on a cliff covered with straw; the sparrow brought them a grain of corn; The condor carried it across the river; there was an old woman's house; the old woman told the girl to bring water in the basket; she could not; the old woman went herself, telling her not to wake her brother; the girl found him in a boiling pot; he says to her," Sister, pok, pok"; the girl grabbed the cauldron, ran, saw a weaver weaving colored cloth, who hid it under the cloth, told the old woman who ran up to walk, dancing, across the green plain, the girl would appear; the mountains closed, crushing the old woman]: Arguedas 1953:230-232).
Montagna - Jurua. Conibo; Conibo [by Arturo Burgas Freitas, p.38-44, Buenos Aires; Titause, Mother Moon, became pregnant by lightning; gave birth to seven sons, the youngest most powerful; the brothers climbed on tree for fruit; Tapir asked him to shed fruit; without receiving it, he hit the tree, it began to grow; the youngest turned into a curhuinse {leaf cutter ant?} , cut off a leaf, covered it, went down, killed Tapir; the brothers went to look for their Sun Father; they rose to heaven along a chain of arrows; the arrows were the rays of Barí, the sun; B. turned them into Pleiades]: Girard 1958:265-266; shipibo [a single young man uses calebasu instead of his wife; she becomes a woman, has three sons; they sit on a tree and eat fruit; Tapir constantly comes and asks for fruit for themselves; they throw unripe fruit at his head; he knocks on the trunk, making it fat; brothers go down as ants; follow the tapir's trail; ask his excrement or the trees that have grown out of them, when the tapir passed; a year, six months, a month, ten days ago; he is here; the eldest turns into an ant, climbs into the tapir's anus, hurts the heart; brothers fresh the carcass; everyone tries to become a pot to cook meat; only the elder can withstand the heat for a long time; they ask Duck to transport them across the river; she replies that her boat is small; Cayman asks not to step on his head; younger brother comes, Cayman grabs his leg, drags him under water; the Sloth drains the river, the brothers take the youngest's corpse out of the caiman's womb; his leg is not enough; they shoot at the sky, make a chain of arrows; Termite and Little Squirrel is afraid to climb, Big Squirrel comes back, says the sky is good; the turtle turns the chain into a ladder; the brothers take Cayman's head and brother's corpse, go up to heaven]: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987:351-352; Roe 1982, No. 7 [as in Gerhaert-Sayer]: 61-62; kashibo [husband finds a tree with spider nests; sends his wife's lover to get them; throws away the ladder; the vulture descends put a man on his back; gives a package of ants and paint; he hands it over to her husband; after turning it around, the husband and his people die]: Estrella Odicio 1977, No. 6:41-42; machigenga: Elkins de Snell 1976 [The young man falls in love with his older brother's wife; the woman invites him to get rid of her husband; the young man asks his brother to throw his spider chicks from the tree; destroys the stairs, leaves; the spider's daughter turns into a woman, invites, becomes a man's wife; he explains to her father that he wanted to help raise chicks, not eat them; he turns into a spider himself, sees grasshoppers as monkeys; spiders give him a special achiote (red paint); he comes to his wife and brother, they want him to paint them; paint attracts grasshoppers, they eat both colored crops and crops]: 91-97; Ferrero 1966, No. 2 [as in Elkins de Snell; the younger brother wants an older wife; the owner of the spiders lowers his older brother, gives paint; when the younger brother and wife smear her, insects, snakes, toads attack them; lovers die]: 421-423; cachinahua: d'Ans 1975 [childless husband and wife flee to another village; a spider chick is raised, which returns to the forest, becomes the chief of the spiders; rivals offer her husband to climb a tree to get spider chicks; take the stairs away; the spider chief invites a man to his place, gives another chick to raise, gives a bottle; at night, a man and his wife open it and run; huge bees devour other men]: 207; Shenipabu Miyui 2000 [rivals decided to take the man's wife; asked him to get japó chicks (=spider: corpse family, genus of oropendola) from the tree, cut off a ladder made of a vine; the spiders flew in, bringing prey (monkey, turtle, battleship); lowered the man to the ground, gave them food; gave a good uruku, paint themselves and poisonous for those who had it left him in the tree; the chief of the spiders told his son to take the man home, gave the chicks with him; at home, the man told his wife to take care of the chicks; painted his wife and himself with good uruku, gave others poisonous, they died; the rest wanted to take the man's wife away again, took him to collect bee honey; offered to put their hand in the hollow, the hand was stuck, the companions left; the wild Indians came, the man shouted that he would kill them, they they were frightened, left; the man managed to free his hand, he returned to his wife; others offered to get the battleship out of the hole, failed the exit; the battleship brought the man to the ground, also gave two types of uruku; good the man painted himself and his wife, the poisonous one gave his rivals, they all died]: 99-103; characterbet [a man climbs a tree to ruin the nest of spider birds; they want to throw it down; the son of a spider owner warns that this man is the grandfather of all of them; the owner gives him feathers from his tail, helps him go down]: Calífano 1995, No. 20:187.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn, 1961, No. 62 (Ixiamas) [a man has no luck hunting; his father, mother and wife's brothers decide to destroy him; lured him to the Mahuí tree, under the roots of which the Ha Bacua snake lived ( Ha is a macaw parrot, Bacua is a snake); they said that there was a nest of parrots in the tree; the hunter climbed the vine, father-in-law cut it off by climbing a neighboring tree; hit the root, summoning a snake; the hunter called the owner Chibut forests; he killed a snake, fired an arrow, a vine appeared, along which the hunter descended; gave fat from the snake's neck, ordered her mother-in-law to be fed, she first turned into a parrot, then a snake, and began to live under the roots of that tree; the same with his wife's brothers; father-in-law went to look for her, got lost, hungry, ate his left leg; C. put the rolled palm leaves in his mouth and ass, turned him into an anteater; told him to walk alone, without a wife, to conceive and give birth to children (it is believed that anteaters do not have females); people will kill him with a stick; C. taught the hunter and, through him, his son and daughter-in-law the rules of hunting, fishing, and wearing clothes, pottery, spinning, weaving, etc.], 67 [16 options: San José, Ixiamas, Tumupasa, San Buenaventura, Tana); a person cultivates his plot well, he has corn, cassava, etc., but he has unlucky to hunt; his wife's brothers do not work in the field, but they have a lot of meat; one of them brought a man into the forest, asked him to get the chicks out of the macaw parrot's nest; when a man in a tree cut off a vine, hit along the roots of the tree, from there the snake Ha Bacua crawled out, could not crawl, but was ready to bite; the owner of the Davoavai forest killed the snake with an arrow, fired an arrow at the branch on which the man was sitting, and a vine immediately grew to him, on which man was able to descend; D. brought him to a tree, pushed back the root, inside the tapira, wild pigs, forest chickens; tapiriha, D.'s wife, gave the man a drink of cassava chichi; he drank, got out of it fear, he became a good hunter; D. wrapped fish greased with the fat of the killed snake in a bag, ordered him to give both brothers his wife and mother-in-law; for a man he put tapirs, monkeys, etc. in a small basket, ordered not to open on the way; the man opened, a mountain of fried meat fell out of the basket; D. folded again, escorted him home; his wife's brothers and mother-in-law ate fish and fat, first turned into macaw parrots, then Ha snakes Bacua; D. killed them, took the meat], 220 [his wife's brother tells them to climb into the battleship's hole; closes the exit; the battleship takes them back, gives a comb; the sister's husband scrapes himself to them, rushes himself into the cauldron, dies]: 165-176, 180- 185, 351-352; Moseten [Dohitt sculpted people out of clay; went to heaven, closed it; decided to go down; made a rope out of the snot, went down; his companion, the white condor Keri, climbed after him; the rope broke off, K. crashed; D. threw his head into the water, it turned into fish; D. went and asked people for food; he was not given; in one place men wanted to give, women refused; D. turned people into vultures, anteaters and other animals; people dyed women's clothes red; D. asked three times what they were doing; they answered, then they got angry; he turned them into red monkeys; they dyed them elsewhere black paint into penelope chickens; people stoned motaku fruits, did not give D., he turned people into capuchin monkeys; others wanted to kill him, D. shot, people climbed a tree for his arrows, he turned them into squirrels; D. has a bird wife; ken birds give him a pen each; he flies, pulls feathers, falls on the chima fruit tree; it was low but began to grow, D. can't get off; D. became small, the Caterpillar lowers it down the trunk; throws it on the bamboo, it hangs there; Jaguar, the Big Wild Cat, does not cut his tongue against bamboo; The little cat frees D.; D. came to the village where the sorcerer K ókotze is sitting on a snake, playing with a top; he got up, D. sat in his place; K. pierced it vertically with his point; when D. moved, the ground trembled; K. another point in his head, D. no longer moves, the earth does not tremble; D. gave the sorcerer a vessel of water; when there is thunder below, D. asks the sorcerer to splash water, he answers from above]: Nordenskiöld 1924:139-142; chimane [like moseten]: Daillant 1995:164; Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 1:61; guarazu [father sends son to a tree to get fruit for his mother; leaves, tells his wife that his son was torn to pieces by a jaguar; the hausi animal lowers the boy to the ground, advises lure vultures with a piece of fall, ask them for strong horns; Vultures consistently bring horns from three different types of wood; the third time, the horns do not break against the trunk; the boy puts them on turns into a deer, kills her father with horns; this is how deer appeared]: Riester 1977, No. 22:260-262; chacobo: Balzano 1984 [girl gets pregnant; paints her belt with uruku red paint to find out from someone; in the morning she finds paint on a piece of clay that resembles a penis; her children talk to her from the womb, tell her to go in search of their father; yellow feathers at the fork show the way to her husband, red feathers to jaguars; a woman gets bitten by an ant, she claps her stomach; the children fall silent; she comes to the Jaguars; the Jaguar marries her, she is pregnant; he tells him to take out his lice; the lice are big; she kills them, but not eats; Jaguar takes offense, kills her; old Jaguariha finds four eggs in her stomach, including Kako, Mashutsai, Nyanya, Kurachyo (Ka. and Ku. boys, M. and N. girls) ; Kako climbs a tree, throws fruit to his father, Jaguar, kills him with fruit; Grandfather Jaguar offers to put a sliver in his ass, take it out through his mouth; he dies; children get away from the grandmother; Kako kills Sister M., makes rivers out of her blood; turns her second sister into a frog; Kako climbs a tree, a mutum bird makes it grow; brother lets a pole go down; Kako makes birds colorful feathers]: 29-31; Kelm 1972, No. 1 [husband went to the forest, did not return; his wife Iwa went to look for him in the forest, felt pregnant (it is not clear from whom, the husband disappeared a long time ago; var.: she made a penis out of clay and became pregnant); the baby from the womb asked for a toy; she rubbed her stomach with a leaf; at the fork, the child ordered her to go to his father, where the parrot's red feathers were scattered; where yellow feathers were scattered to the jaguars; mother I mixed it up, went where the yellow ones were; she came to the old woman, the mother of the jaguars; she warned that when she took out her son's lice, they should not be thrown on the floor; the jaguar returned from the hunt, asked them to take out the lice, they big, the woman did not bite them, threw them, they moved on the floor, the jaguar saw, killed the woman (var.: killed because she tried to eat lice); the old woman kept the uterus, it had twins Kako and Yaña and them Masche's sister is uruku (var.: Kako and Koratschío boys, Masche and Iwa girls); the old woman hid her uterus in a vessel, the children left three days later, grew up a few days later; the old woman promised her son that they will help him hunt; the jaguar was ferocious when he heard the noise when the children were playing; they went to the forest, ate peach palm fruits; K. played the flute, liked the jaguar, came to listen; went to eat cassava to mother of the jaguar; K. climbed onto a palm tree, rocked, jumped; the jaguar tried too, K. set up a stake, the jaguar ran into, died; K. left (the mother of the jaguar drove him away for killing his son; var.: first decided that his son killed another jaguar, searched for a long time), others stayed; K. met a mutun (Crax sp.), who ate Brazil nut fruits, did not show where he was getting it; K. found it himself, climbed, the mutun made the tree high to the sky; K. threw nuts from the top to his brother and sister; shouted that he needed a hook to descend (mutun had already made the tree smaller - as it is now); at first they did not understand, they tried to give K. caiman (var.: he asked first caiman, then a snake, then a hook); K. swims, the waves washed away the shore, the stream became a wide river, K. can't get out; the stork (Alcedo sp.) pulls K. behind his back; K. does not know who saved him, gives all the birds his robe, so they get colorful feathers; when the Stork admitted that he is the hero, K. only a neckerchief remained; the stork tied it, was offended, flew away; then Hebrew motives: K. made a wife for his brother out of his rib; he also made wives to other men from long or short ribs; K. brought people cattle, horses; lies forever in a hammock where the Stork pulled it out; blood drips from their backs, people smear their foreheads with it so as not to die; home in different places on earth, eventually in heaven]: 211-216; siriono [ the hunters found a fruit tree; one climbed, ate the fruit himself, threw only one green fruit to the others; the one below threw the fruit against the tree, it grew tall; the one left above caught and killed bats ; when they went rotten, the vultures flew; they were grateful, they raised the man by the arms, hair and anus, brought them down; since then they have been eating carrion; for people leaving him in the tree, man told them to be mortals]: Priest, Priest 1980, No. 2:75-79; chiriguano [Choihui came to the house where a married woman lived with her little daughter; drank beer, left, began to watch the woman; when she and her husband went to the field and was left alone with her daughter, took her away; the husband cannot find the kidnapper; the woman's brothers think that her husband killed her; send him to a tree to ruin the stork's nest; throw away the stairs; a man marries Stork's two daughters; he promises to return his first wife; during the festival, he comes to the kidnapper with her husband, tells him to greet his wife last; the stork pushed the man, who became a stork, took his wife; the kidnapper tried to shoot him unsuccessfully]: Nordenskiöld 1912:283-285; surui [the man asks his brother to get a harpy eagle chick from the tree; asks again what he is like, whether big feathers; Like your wife's genitals! The man cuts off the vines, leaves, the brother cannot go down; the chick turns him into an eagle; the eagle mother tells him to bring game, he can't, the chick hunts instead of him; the hero sends the bird to see where is his brother; in the form of an eagle he kills him, lifts him into the air, eats his flesh, his skull turns into a tinamus sp.; a left-handed person injures the hero with an arrow, hides in a cave; women go to him, calling him name, Mosan! the hero summons him in the same way, kills him, he turns into cancer; the eagle father requires the hero 1) to make arrows (suitable feathers are needed; the beetles first eat the young man's feather jewelry, then on the arrows gorgeous plumage appears); 2) cotton tension for the hammock (trumpet birds are spinning); 3) cut a wooden corn stupa (the squirrel does); 4) clear the area; the hero clears, leaving one tree; asks the eagle to cut it down; he is exhausted from this work, dies]: Mindlin 1995, No. 4:14-20; synth larga: Leonel Queiroz et al. 1988:81-82 [a man wounded a battleship, he disappeared into a hole, died; the man called his brother, asked him to get the battleship out of the hole, made a fire at the entrance; thinking that his brother was dead, returned to the village, took his wife; although he was burned, he got out; returned, killed him with an bow brother and wife, left with his son], 88-90 [the man called a relative (primo) to help him climb a palm tree to ruin the harpy eagle's nest; he cut down a tree to descend, went to his wife abandoned; the Eagles married him their daughter, turned him into an eagle; he killed and ate his rival, whose head turned into a black inamba bird].
Southern Amazon. Vaura [in Morená on the bank of the river. Kuluene Kanalapá sleeps with his uncle Yanamá's wife; he gives difficult assignments; the grandmother helps K. with advice, tells him to wrap his arms and legs in cotton threads, snag and take mice with them; I tell you bring 1) a venomous snake tooth scraper to make ritual cuts to the body (catches a snake by throwing a circle of embir fibers over it; covered with bark when incisions are made with a poisonous scraper), 2) heavy tree (termites gnaw out the core), 3) fruit seeds (for a rattle?) from a rattlesnake (locusts got it), 4) the arrow reeds owned by Fire (the bird brought it), 5) the fruits of a genipa growing on the island (the spider brought it, the piranhas did not eat it), 6) the cannibal belt (Jacou's bird helped), 7) a drawing of a house like cannibals (he tells cannibals that he sleeps with his uncle's wife; they laugh, he examines the house), 8) a battleship's claw (goes down the hole, kills an battleship), 9) get a chick harpy eagle; K. finds an egg in the nest, there is a chick in it; Y. replies that the chick is covered with fluff like the hair between the legs of his wife Y.; Y. began to hit the tree, it grew to the sky; K. unwound the threads, but it was not enough to the ground ; the mouse went bad, the urubu vulture flew in, K. descended to the ground on it, promised to give him a share after hunting; at midnight he came to his grandmother, who told him to make a wooden spear to become a deer; in the morning K. played into the ball; K. entered the deer's belly in the forest, the deer crossed the road near Y.'s house, all with batons behind him; the deer killed Y. with a horn, ran away; people did not know that the deer was K.; K. began to play ball, married his uncle's widow]: Schultz, Chiara 1971:117-119; kamayura [younger brother sleeps with the elder's wives; the elder sends him to get eagle chicks from the tree; throws the ladder]: Agostinho 1974, No. 9:192, 197-199; Mü nzel 1973:120, 135-140, 145-147; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:213-225; Trumai: Monod-Becquelin 1975, No. 12 [nephew sleeps with his uncle's wives; he sends him to get eagle chicks; makes a tree tall]: 80, 88-92; Murphy, Quain 1955 [young man sleeps with stepmother; father releases his bent pole, he shoves the young man to the top of the tree]: 76; kalapalo: Basso 1973 [woman and her husband send her the younger brother gets honey from the tree; they leave, leaving it on the tree; a tree frog saves the young man, brings him to his house, gives two pieces of uruku paint; you must keep the dry one for yourself, give the fresh one to his sister and her husband; after rubbing it, they turn into a rainbow and its reflection]: 95-96; 1987 [the younger brother sleeps with his elder's wife; he asks for the eagle's chicks; makes the tree grow to the sky; the youngest descends on vulture; kills elder]: 85 [younger brother sleeps with his elder wife; he tells him to bring eagle chicks; makes the tree grow to the sky; younger brother descends on a vulture; kills the elder], 100-106 ; nambiquara [two men climb a tree for eagle feathers; the eagle flies away; the first peels down, makes the tree trunk thick (it's not clear why); the second asks the Squirrel (Sciurus pyrrhonotus) first, then Sagüi (Hapalideo), then let Urubu down; they are too weak; Greater Urubu (Sarcoramphus papa) puts a man on his back; when he lowers him to the ground, brings water, yam, meat; gives three cigars, one of them for his enemy; after smoking it, he turns into a big anteater; a man throws a stone ax after him - becomes an anteater's foot; pacova-do-mato leaves become a tail; a stick - so that people know that An anteater can be killed with a stick; a calebasa became a face; people from another village killed this anteater, the man refused to eat his meat]: Pereira 1983, No. 61:91-93 (=197:19-20); Iranian: Pereira 1974 [The young man took care of one man's wife; he invited him to collect the fruits of the peca (Caryocar brasiliensis); the young man climbed the tree, the man threw away the pole and left; when the pecks began to crack, the young man licked their juice; the monkey brought him a drink, but could not let him down; the urubu vulture lowered (the young man was thin by then); the young man promised the offender's meat as a reward; at home, Urubu fed the young man, let him eat tapir's heart; gave his two daughters, but the young man first went to take revenge on his opponent; Urubu gave him two cigars: good and poisonous; the rival asked for a cigar himself, lit a cigarette, ran, the young man threw straw after him with the roof (became the tail) and the calebass became the face of an anteater; the young man killed this anteater, brought Urubu; Urubuu, the owner of tobacco]: 14-16; 1985, No. 42 [the husband is jealous of his wife for her brother; asks him to get honey; throws away the pole on which the young man climbed the tree; monkeys bring water to the young man, it spills through it; he descends on a vulture; the vulture's daughters heal his ass, he can drink again; taken the vulture gives tobacco to his sister's husband, who turns into an anteater; he kills an anteater, the vulture eats meat], 64 [the man climbed a palm tree; the eagle carried him and the tree into a hole in a cliff high above the ground; a man digs a way out]: 184-191, 230-231; Moura 1960 [a man sleeps with another's wife; a husband asks for fruit; takes a ladder; a man descends on a vulture; hereinafter referred to as Pereira 1985, No. 42]: 53; paresi: Pereira 1986, No. 2 [sisters love only one of their two brothers; the other brother sends a pet for genipa fruits; throws the ladder, makes the tree trunk fat; a man descends on the back of a vulture], 14 [Erwaxixi is Káymare's son, converges with his younger wife; he gives his son tasks; the grandfather teaches the young man how to complete them; 1) get a vine from the tree (it must fall on the young man's head; the bat cuts it off), 2) cut the reeds for arrows (snakes must bite the young man, the kabipara cuts it off), 3) bring reeds from the other side of the river (Euterpe ripesti knocks down a tree, makes a bridge; the second time the father destroys the bridge; the young man lures vultures, smudges dead fish, catches, pulls feathers, flies across the river); turns into a deer, kills his father with horns; takes him wives; they notice blood on his head, kill him]: 69-70, 236-242; umotina [nephew sleeps with his uncle's wife; uncle's name is Etoriká; he tells 1) get nuts from the palm tree (the young man gets off earlier, than an uncle cuts down a palm tree); 2) get the fruit of the genipa; many young men climbed the tree; the uncle cuts it, everyone falls and drowns; the young man was taller, fell far from home, and did not drown in the river like others; in the forest he pretended to be dead, grabbed the uruba, but he began to fly in circles; the young man broke his wings, he fell; from the hill the young man saw the house, came to his mother; told her to splash into his eyes when he washed his tired husband sand; he is furious, then sees his son, is afraid; (text is cut off, turns to a European story)]: Schultz 1962, no. p: 250-252; bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 104 [Toribugu boy is Chiare's son Vara from his deceased wife; another wife seduced him, decorated him with white fluff; KV noticed this fluff on his wife's belt; arranged a holiday, saw that only T. was decorated in the same way; KV decides to lime his son, grandmother helps T .; 1) kill a jaguar; 2) get a rattle from the spirits (brought by locusts); get the fruits of a tree growing in the middle of the lake in which the perfume (the spider moved the squirrel, it took it out, the perfume caused a flood, but the spider saved the squirrel, she gnawed off the fruit, brought it); 4) go with the KV, get the mako chicks from the cliff; KV began to rock the pole on which T. was climbing, he stuck his grandmother's wand into the rock, climbed; KV removed the stairs, T. suffered from hunger and thirst; T. made a small bow, shot lizards, hung him on his belt, vultures pecked his buttocks, picked up his corpse to eat on the ground by the water; T.'s food falls through; T . put the root given by his grandmother, it became new flesh; people left the village; T. caught up with his grandmother first in the form of a bird, then a lizard; the grandmother and younger brother recognized him; on the occasion of his son's return, the father arranged hunting; T. made horns out of branches, became a deer, before that ordered him to drive the deer to the KV, lifted it to the horns, threw piranhas, returned as a human being himself; KV's wives noticed scars on T.'s head, where there were horns, wanted to kill him, he killed them himself], 105 [the young man has an affair with his young stepmother; his father gives difficult assignments, the boy's grandmother teaches him what to do every time; 1) kill a jaguar, 2) get a rattle from the spirits ( locusts get), 3) get the nuts of a palm tree growing in the water (there are dangerous spirits in the lake; the spider carries a squirrel, it brings a nut), 4) get chicks from the cliff (the father throws the stairs, the young man goes down with vultures); turns into a deer, kills his father with a horn; when his father's wives find out about this, he kills them too]: 102-105, 198-203, 204-209.
Eastern Brazil. A man sends his wife's younger brother to a tree or rock to get the parrot's chicks (at Apinaye, No. 60, the father-in-law sends a son-in-law); throws the stairs, leaves; the jaguar owner of the fire saves the boy; the wife of the jaguar hostile to him; the boy returns to the village; people take fire from the jaguar. Suya (baso de paw) [the boy's sister's husband called him to get the mako chicks; he climbed the tree on the side pole; when asked what the chicks have feathers, he replies that it's like the pubic hair of his uncle's wife; he threw away the pole, left; the Jaguar asked for the chicks, the boy threw them off; the Jaguar brought him home, there was fire; the boy returned to the village; the animal people went to get the fire; while the Jaguar and Jaguariha were sleeping, they were covered eyes with wax; they carried a smoldering log along the baton; Nanda handed the Deer, that Frog, she dropped it into the water, the fire went out; but Toucan, Kirikiri, Sokreste and Kurass, who now have red feathers on their throats, they swallowed the coals, then they belched them; Tapir carried a log; everyone in the village got their share; they no longer ate rotten wood, they began to cook meat, fish, cassava]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 37:108-110; kayapo [boy climbs a rock (tree in 1984a, No. 40 and 43); man below is hurt by a thrown stone]: Wilbert 1978, No. 62 [people baked meat in the sun; man asks his wife's younger brother to climb a rock get mako chicks out of the nest; the boy finds only two pebbles in the nest; throws them to his sister's husband, he catches them, he hurts, he threw away the stairs, went home; the boy is starving, eating and drinking his excrement and urine; a Jaguar notices him, cuts down a tree, makes a ladder, brings the boy home; there Jaguar's wife spins; when leaving, the Jaguar tells the guest to take tapir meat; the wife allows him to take only venison, shows her claws; after the third time, the Jaguar makes a bow and arrow for the boy, allows him to kill his wife; gives him meat and yarn, a piece of smut; the boy returns to his sister; people fry meat; turn into animals, go for with Jaguar fire; Tapir carries away a smoldering log], 63 [two eggs in the nest; a boy throws a stone; then throws an egg, it also turns into a stone], 64 [(Lukesh 1968:127-131); humans did not have cultural plants, they ate rotten wood, baked meat in the sun, did not know how to spin; a man asks his wife's younger brother to climb a rock to get mako chicks from the nest; a boy climbs into the nest, a fallen stone gets into his sister's husband, he threw away the stairs, went home; the Jaguar notices the boy's shadow; makes a ladder, lowers him; at home he feeds the boy fried meat, cassava, etc.; Jaguar allows him to take tapir meat, but Jaguar's wife threatens, shows her claws; Jaguar makes onions and arrows, allows her to be killed; sent the boy home, giving grilled meat, smoldering smut, cassava; the boy came to the village; people We went to Jaguar's house, took everything, he had only the gleam of fire in his eyes]: 177-179, 181-183, 184-188; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 40 [throws a stone from the tree instead of a chick (without explanation)], 42 (shikrin) [afraid to grab a parrot, throws a stone], 43 (pau-d'arco) [taking pebbles in his mouth and climbing a tree; replies that there are only eggs in the nest; throws a stone]: 125-128, 132-135; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 60 [there is no fire, they bake food in the sun; the father-in-law asks his son-in-law to climb the rock to get the mako chicks; the young man does not dare to climb into the nest; the father-in-law throws away the pole on which he climbed and leaves; birds nesting above, they stain the young man with their secretions; the Jaguar sees his shadow, cannot catch, looks up; asks him to throw off his chicks; puts up a pole; leads the young man to his home; the Jaguar has a fire in his house, he promises to give it people; first Jaguariha is kind to the young man, then grinns his teeth; the Jaguar leads the young man home, leaves him at the fork, tells him to answer the call of the Stone, not the rotten tree; the young man comes home; people go to pick up the fire; The jaguar calls animals to help; rejects bakers, wild pigs, deer, lets two tapirs carry a smoldering log; birds swallow sparks; the coal gets stuck in the guana's throat, since then it has been red], 61 [Nimuendaju 1939:154-158; a man tells his wife's brother to get the macaw chicks out of the crevice in the rock; the boy is afraid to take them, the son-in-law has pushed the pole away, walked away; for 5 days the boy suffers from hunger, thirst, mud; the Jaguar tries to catch his shadow; the boy spat, the Jaguar noticed him; ordered the chicks to be thrown off, ate both; lowered the boy, led him to the river; to his home; he had fire; the Jaguar's wife grinds her teeth; the Jaguar makes a bow and arrow for the boy, Orders Jaguariha to be killed if he threatened; the boy killed; the Jaguar gave him roasted meat, told him to answer the call of a rock and a hard aroeira tree on his way home, not to respond to rotten; the boy answered everything three calls, now life is short; the boy answers the call of the forest spirit (megalō) Kamdúre; he asks who the boy is calling; - Father; - Am I not your father? ; -Father has long hair, ear inserts; MK returns with long hair, inserts, takes the boy in the basket; while MG was resting, the boy put a stone instead of himself, on top of the coati, ran away; MK children did not found the prey; the boy came to the village; animal people went to get the fire; the Jaguar gave it voluntarily, the smoldering trunk was carried by Tapir; Jacques (Penelope marail) and Jaho (Grypturus sp.) swallow coals, now they have red throat]: 168-171, 172-175; krenje [Nimuendaju 1914:633-634; the man told his wife's little brother to get mako parrots out of the hollow; he was frightened, the man threw the stairs and left; the Jaguar ordered the boy threw off the birds, ate them, told him to jump off, picked them up, brought them to him, washed them and combed them; the Jaguar's wife threatens the boy, the Jaguar gives him a bow, tells him to shoot at his wife, but not in the eyes; the boy shot at paw, ran home; brought people, took all the fire from the Jaguar]: Wilbert 1978, No. 59:166-167; frame camera [Nimuendaju 1946a:243; there was no fire, people dried meat on stones in the sun; the man ordered his wife's younger brother to climb the rock to get the macaw parrot chicks; they screamed, the boy was frightened, did not throw off the chicks, the man became angry, threw away the pole leaning against the rock, left; the boy suffers from thirst, macaws defecate on his head; the Jaguar notices the boy's shadow, tells him to shed his chicks, eats them, tells them to jump, catches them, leads to the river, gives water and washes the boy; feeds fried meat at home; pregnant Jaguar's wife is furious when she hears the boy crunching meat and grins; the Jaguar gives the boy a bow and arrow; when she grinns again, the boy shoots her paw and runs away; comes home; everyone goes to pick up the fire Jaguar; he is not at home, his wife asks to leave her coals, but the Toad spit on everyone and extinguished it; the smoldering log was carried to the village by relay]: Wilbert 1978, No. 58:164-165; crash: Wilbert 1978 #57 [Schultz 1950:72-74; only Pud and Pudleré (Sun and Month) are on fire, they have risen to heaven; people bake meat in the sun, eat puba wood; the husband of a ten-year-old boy's sister told him to climb get a mako parrot from the nest on the rock; removed the stairs and left; the boy suffers from dirt in the nest; the Jaguar sees his shadow, tells him to jump, catches, brings him, washes, gives food cooked on fire; his a pregnant wife frightens the boy; a Jaguar gives him a bow, tells him to shoot if his wife threatens again; the boy shoots her paws, runs home; people take fire from the Jaguar]: 160-163; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 39 [Melatti 1978:325-327; the fire was owned by a jaguar (Rópti); people ate raw meat dried in the sun; the man told his wife's younger brother to get a mako parrot out of the nest; the parrot was not given, the boy is afraid of her; the sister's husband threw away the stairs, left; the boy has been living in the mako nest for two months; the Jaguar notices his shadow; tells him to drop the mako, eats them, tells the boy to jump, catches him, leads him to the stream to wash, brings him to him, does not tell his wife to eat it; she shows the boy's claws; the Jaguar makes him a bow, tells him to shoot his wife if she starts threatening; the boy shoots, runs home; his father and others carried away the fire of the Jaguar]: 122-124; xavante [Giaccaria, Heide 1975; the boy's sister's husband asked him to get a mako parrot from the nest; the boy climbed on the pole, said that there were not chicks in the nest, but eggs (but there were chicks), instead of an egg he threw a stone, he hit his sister's husband; he threw away the pole, left; the jaguar came and brought him; the jaguar's wife frightens the boy, the jaguar helps; loaded with meat, the boy returns to the village, drives his sister's husband out of his house; all animal people go after the fire; take the smoldering log while the jaguar sleeps; pass the baton; tapir, various types of deer; paka almost drowned at the river crossing; now running with a log during a ritual; the jaguar is without fire, eating people ever since]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 38:111-121; sherente [the man led his wife's younger brother to ruin the Arar's nest in the hollow; he climbed the pole, said that there were no chicks, only eggs, showed a white pebble hidden in his mouth; the man asked throw it down, it turned into an egg, it fell to the ground, crashed; the man removed the pole, left; five days later, a Jaguar came; the boy threw him two Arar chicks, jumped, the Jaguar picked him up, led him to himself; said that you can't drink from the stream, it belongs to the urubu vulture; the other to little birds; from the third, the boy got drunk and drank it all; it was the Cayman stream, which scolded the boy; the Jaguar fed the boy with grilled meat; when he went to the forest, Jaguar's wife growled at the boy; when he returned, the Jaguar scolded her; took the boy home, giving her two baskets of roasted meat; gave an onion, told him to climb a tree and shoot her Jaguarihu, if she pursued him; the boy shot him, brought the meat to the village; first said that the meat was baked in the sun; his uncle admitted that it was on fire; everyone went to take his smoldering log from Jaguar; Mutum and waterfowl brought it, and Jacques (Penelope marail) picked up and swallowed falling coals, now his throat is red]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 41:129-131.
Chaco. A man sends a boy to a tree for honey; carries a rope; a boy turns into a heron or stork, sends a storm, kills his enemy with lightning. Nivakle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 100 [the wife's younger brother will leave], 101 [the man sends his wife's younger brother to the tree for honey; he refuses to go down because his sister's husband does not love him; kills sister with lightning]: 256-257, 258-259; poppies [stepson will leave]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 18:72-73; (cf. Angaite [father takes his stepson into the forest for honey, throws it; he climbs a tree and voluntarily stays there; kills his stepfather with lightning]: Cordeu 1973, No. 7:204-205.
The Southern Cone. Yagans [people go hunting sea lions; agree to leave a man named Smarty on the island; his wife colludes; returning to her relatives; father The abandoned learns from his grandson about what happened; comes to the island, brings fire with him; the know-it-all tamed the birds, survived; father and son lure their enemies into the house, bring it down, kill everyone; now The nerdy is a night heron, her cry heralds the arrival of guests from the appropriate side]: Gusinde 1937:1262-1265 (translated into Wilbert 1977, No. 23:64-66); (cf. Yagans: Gusinde 1937 [wife cheats on her husband with his younger brother; husband climbs a tree, turns into a falcon; lifts lovers into the air, birds peck at their bodies; genitals remain; The falcon carries them, throws them where people play ball; English translation in Wilbert 1977, No. 30:81-85]: 1201-1205).