Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K1B. Trap: Abandoned woman.


A woman is lured to a tree, rock or island and left there.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Herero: Estermann 1961, No. 3 [a sliver bounces into the man's eyes, he goes blind, then dies; the widow tells two daughters to go to Vila-Nene and his wife before death, they will adopt them; a slave goes with them; the older sister climbs the tree for fruit, the youngest removes the stairs; the eldest stays in the tree, the youngest comes to the VN with the slave; the slave pretends to be the daughter of the dead, the girl as a slave; she is sent to chase fields of birds; she sings about herself, about her sister left in the tree; VN's wife hears this, learns her story; she and her husband remove their older sister from the tree, wash her, she is stained with bird excrement; slaves they pour boiling oil down his throat], 5 [the monster married a girl; unmarried monsters living next to him left the woman on the baobab, removed the stairs, told her husband that his wife had run away; the woman called her husband's cow, she began to moo, the woman was found, washed with cow's milk from bird excrement]: 164-166, 167-168.

Melanesia. Kiwai [hiwai-abere wanted to replace a man named Madara for his wife Sine; asked her to pick fruit, made the tree tall; put on S.'s clothes, came to her husband, pretended to be sick, hid her face from her husband, did everything clumsily; S. was pregnant, gave birth to a son; the snake let her down with her son, arranged a party, the husband who came among the guests recognized his wife, returned her and her son; H. killed with arrows]: Landtman 1977, No. 47:164-167.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Ponape [Nahlmwanger en sei's older sister is ugly, malevolent; younger Lidoreni is beautiful, kind; after learning that L.'s food tastes better, N. changes plates; after that L. does not eat at all, her mother has difficulty eating her cares; N. makes L., contrary to her mother's warning, swim with her to the island, throws alone, swims away; the perfume eats her, all that remains is her fingernail; the mother hears her story {the voice of the nail?} ; swims to an island, finds a fingernail; while rowing back, L. recovers, becomes strong; seeing his mother and sister, N. jumps, falls to the floor, crashes to death]: Mitchell 1973, No. 62:178-182.

South Asia. Muria [Nahar found honey, made a ladder, climbed a tree; his wife asks her to throw off the honey too, her husband invites her to climb herself; takes out the pegs hammered into the trunk, leaves; the woman screams, Where you, turns into a nahari bird; her three children under a tree are pangolins]: Elwin 1944, No. 12:471; santals [wives of six brothers try to lime their sister as soon as they leave; tell bring 1] brushwood without a rope from the forest (the snake tells you to put brushwood on it, wraps it around it like a rope); 2) tiger milk (the cubs feel sorry for the girl, they milk their mother, give milk); 3) bear milk ( cubs give); 4) bring water in a leaky vessel (the frog closes the hole); 5) collect scattered mustard seeds (pigeons collect); 6) bring a bunch of leaves to cover the roof without tying them with a rope ( another snake ties); 7) get flowers from the tree; when a girl climbs a tree, the brothers' wives leave thorny bushes around, leave; the brothers return, her sister's tear drips on them, they let them down sister; they push the wives into the well]: Campbell 1891:119-124; ho [the wives of six brothers try to lime in their absence, their sister is told 1) to bring water in a leaky vessel (the frog plugs the hole), 2) brushwood without a rope (the snake bandaged), 3) collect the sown seeds (collect pigeons), 4) bring the bear's milk (the bear gives); wives tell them to climb the tree for fruit, break off branches, leave; brothers spend the night under this tree, sister's tear drips, they notice her, take pictures, execute their wives]: Bompas 1909:469-470.

The Arctic. Aleuts (Umnak) [every day the husband takes a bowl of meat to another woman living inside the hill; the wife watches him, comes instead of him; the woman from the hill throws hot stones at her; she throws them back, stones cut off that woman's limbs and head, she dies; the husband leaves his wife on a rock, she must be flooded by the tide; the Eagle takes her to him, turns into a man, takes her as a wife; in the image of Orlitsa, the wife grabs her former husband, throws her into the sea]: Jochelson 1990, No. 49:359-363.

The coast is the Plateau. Comox (chatloltk) [two women Omak and Kieek come to the island to collect shells; K. sails away in a boat; promises to take O. if she tears her clothes, she throws her into the sea; if she vomits her hair; will tear out her eyelashes and eyebrows; O. does it all, but K. still swims away; The mice lead O. to their underground home, give her new clothes, restore her hair; K. comes to see O.'s bones; She jumps into her boat, sails away; demands from her everything K. demanded of her; K. no one helps, she dies of cold and hunger]: Boas 1895, No. VIII.14:85-86 (=2002:210).

Northeast. Seneca [people leave the poor girl on the island; the Horned Serpent takes her back, teaches her rituals along the way; she starts diving twelve times, each time she hits him with a new rod; a thunderstorm begins, the girl manages to reach the shore, lightning hits the Snake; the girl teaches people rituals]: Cornplanter 1938, No. 7:73-80; penobscot [husband falls in love with another woman, leaves the first wife on the island; her brothers or other Indians find her, bring her home; her relatives kill her husband]: Speck 1935b, No. 44, 45:86-87.

The Great Southwest. Pima [young Yellow Bird goes to collect pods; Tornado dances with her, carries her to a rock, promises to return but does not return; Vulture says he heard her screams; her father asks help NAF-choo; he plants pumpkin seeds, the vine grows immediately, the girl goes down it, returns to her father]: Shaw 1968:32-34.

The Northern Andes. Yupa [woman finds a stone, makes a phallus out of it, gives birth to a girl; people break the phallus, it bleeds; a woman dies of grief; his little daughter begins to create European cars to destroy Yupa; God sends Vulture; he, in the form of a man, invites the girl to go with him, climb a tree, throws away the stairs; the girl's tears form the sea, from the water she conceives a son, gives birth to him overseas; when he grows up, he takes him as a husband; Europeans come from them]: Wilbert 1974, No. 10:92-94.

Ecuador. Colorado: Aguavil, Aguavil 1985:38-40 [two women go into the hollow to get bats; the husband has other women, he cleans the stairs, walks away; one woman starves, the other sees the road, goes along it, goes to wild pigs; they look like humans; then to a female battleship, she is ferocious; then to an old woman guatusa {it seems paka}; lives with her; one cub is trapped, guatusa says that a female fell on him], 178-180 [her husband has a mistress, he wants to get rid of his former wife; he lets his wife and her sister down the cliff to get toro chicks, cuts off the rope; the women climbed into the cave, went out on the road; they came to the old woman; she said that her sons would come; one hid under the roof, they killed the other; the old woman sent the rest along the path to another old woman, she took her to the ground].

Western Amazon. Siona [sister does not drink drugs with her brothers, but eats fish greedily; they leave it in the tree, it turns into a bird]: Chaves 1958:147; sekoya [husband leaves wife and sister at the bottom of a deep cave where they hunt rodents; women manage to get out, but they get to jaguars, where their older sister dies]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 42:187-189.

NW Amazon. Barasana [the sister of the Month exposes him as his secret lover; he sends her to the tree for fruit; makes the tree high to the sky; the bird brings water to the girl, makes the rope go down; the rope breaks, the girl falls but is alive]: Torres Laborde 1969:33.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [the Brazilian nut was short, women climbed it for nuts; the man wants to get together with a woman, she refuses to go down to him; he makes the tree tall (since then Brazil walnut is difficult to climb); first the Woodpecker, then the Monkey puts the woman on his back, goes down with her; a lightning strike causes the Woodpecker to abandon the woman; the Monkey evades blows, delivers a woman on the ground; a woman gives the Monkey her pubic hair; he's still in the armpits of these monkeys]: Murphy 1958, No. 55:129-130.

Montagna - Jurua. (Ethnicity unknown) [brother seeks sister's love; she climbs a tall tree and turns into a night bird]: Mendizabal Losak 1951 in Morote Best 1958:826-827; kulina [woman in the forest asks her husband to get fruit from the tree; says something to a dove; from her words, the husband understands that his wife has a lover; he lures her into the hollow, leaves her there; her brother finds her alive; the couple reconcile]: Adams 1962: 157-159.

Southern Amazon. Rickbacza [The turtle and his wife go for fruit; the wife climbs a tree, sheds only unripe fruits for her husband; he creates a tree mushroom around the trunk that prevents him from descending, leaves; at night Night The monkey lowers a vine for her because she allowed her to meet with her; but the Turtle was afraid to go down; the same with two other species of monkeys; the woodpecker met her, smashed the mushroom; the woman returns home , leaves her husband, marries Stork; former and new husband go fishing, Turtle caught nothing; made the fish wooden, Stork's beak stuck, Woodpecker saved him; Turtle woman invited her ex-husband to go for honey; he got up, she cut off the vine; he fell, crashed (traces on the shell)]: Pereira 1994, No. 23:168-170.

Chaco. Ayoreo [for releasing the fish from its original container, it is placed on a tree; another character makes a vine out of saliva to make the fox go down]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 310 [fox? The lizard lifts, lowers it itself], 311 [the vulture lifts, the iguana lowers], 313 [the vulture raises, the battleship lowers]: 373, 374, 376; nivacle [Monkey husband cheats on his wife; along with others monkey people leave her alone; she climbs a tree, can't get down; turns into a monkey]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 240:563-564; mocovi [brother and sister abandoned in the forest, climb on tree, brother comes down, sister can't go down, cries, turns into a nightjar (kakuy, aka kapap]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 45:70; Quechua on Rio Salado (Santiago del Estero lowlands): Wagner 1909 [the sister is voracious; when her brother returned from hunting with nothing, she finished the last piece of meat, threw a bone at him; boasted that her lover would return with fish; brother leads her sister to a tree where a bee, she climbs for honey, he cuts off branches, leaves it on a tree, it eagerly sucks honey, is thirsty, turns into kakuy, a gray bird with nightjar wings and a tail like a swallow; sister's lover Brother killed with a knife, put a bone thrown by his sister in his mouth]: 269-271; Lehmann-Nitsche 1930 [as in Wagner, but his sister's lover is not mentioned]: 242-266; Argentina [(summary of many texts, apparently Quechua); The brother seeks his sister's love in vain; to escape his persecution, she climbs a tall tree; turns into a night bird; screams forever, complaining about fate]: Morote Best 1958:826-287.