K1D. The wife's brothers leave the hero. 41.42.
The wife's brothers are trying to destroy the hero, leaving him on an island.
Tagish, southern tutchoni, taltan, tlingit, tsimshian, bellakula, heiltsuk, uvikino.
Subarctic. Tagish [(two options); the wife's five brothers leave her husband on the island; the youngest was against it; the abandoned one hears singing, goes down to the Seals underwater house; they treat him, give him a gut boat; she swims to where he mentally directs her; when he comes to the house, he accidentally remembers the island, returns; for the second time he sails to his wife; picking up his tools, returns to the island, carves willows of two toothy whales; first unsuccessfully tries other types of wood; brothers come, he tells the whales to kill them, save the youngest; they kill everyone; clear the sea of harmful creatures; man returns home]: McClelland 1975 (2): 450-453; southern tutchoni [like Tagish, without details]: McClelland 1975 (2): 453; taltan [tagish marries Tlingitka; wife's brothers leave him on island; alone against it; the Seals call him to their lair; he takes the harpoon out of the wounded Seal; they send it in a bubble seal across the sea; tell him to think only about home; he remembers the Seals, finds himself on the island again; next time he swims; makes a killer whale from different types of trees; a killer whale made of hard cedar comes to life; crashes his wife's brothers' boat, only a good brother escapes]: Teit 1919, No. 13:235-237.
NW Coast. Tlingit: Garfield, Forrest 1961 [The wife's brothers first do not take Natsihlane on sea hunting, then leave on the island; only the youngest resists this; Seagull leads N. to an underwater house, The Sea Lions send him home in the stomach of a sea lion; tell him to think of a house, not an island; at home, N. makes killer whales from fir, red cedar, hemlock, but only those made of yellow cedar remain alive; those they sink their wife's brothers' boat, bring the younger one ashore; N. tells killer whales not to attack people from now on, help them]: 123-124; Smelcer 1993 [the wife's brothers envy Natsalane's hunting luck, leave him on island; the youngest asks not to do this; the island is flooded by the tide, Loon leads N. to an underwater house; the chief of the Seals asks for the old man to be cured; in his body a harpoon invisible to the Seals; N. removes it, the old man recovers; the leader tells N. to swim to the shore, but not to think about the island; N. thinks he's back on the island; finally reaches the mainland; carves the Keet killer whale, whose image he saw in the Seal House, out of fir; he doesn't come to life; he carves out of cedar, the whale comes to life, kills wife's brothers, except the youngest; N. tells the killer whale not to attack humans anymore]: 19-22 (same in Smelcer 1992:27-29, but missed the episode of treating a sick seal); Swanton 1909, No. 31 [see J31 motive; Black man pretends lazy and weak, secretly hardened; kills many sea lions; others envy him, leave him on a rock; sea lions save him, send him home; he does not take revenge]: 145-150; Tsimshian: Boas 1895, No. 7 [a woman's daughter is married in another village, in winter both hungry; mother and daughter met each other halfway; in the middle of winter they saw ripe rose hips; then a bird; at night there was a man next to the young woman; everyone day she finds the game he sent; gives birth to a son Asiwa; he grows up to be a good hunter, marries; chasing a bear, goes up the valley; the bear turns out to be the leader's servant, who gives A. a daughter; tells him to get mountain sheep; sends an avalanche, his wife warned him to beware, he left a scarecrow covered with his clothes, hid himself; got many rams; lived with his wife, wanted to return, his father-in-law told him to fall asleep, he woke up at the foot of the mountain; married the sister of six brothers; went with them to the rocks to hunt sea lions; they envied his skill, left him alone on the cliff, but the youngest remained nearby, to save him; when the tide began to flood the rocks, A. turned into a bird, stuck a bow into the rock, an arrow in it, a friend, etc., sat at the end of the arrow; the water was sleeping, the mouse invited him to visit them to his grandfather, he entered a hole in a pile of algae; there were patients in the house who did not know the cause of their illness; they were sea lions wounded by him, A. took out arrows invisible to them, the sick recovered; the leader tells send A. home in a boat; the only good thing is the stomach of a sea lion; when he returns, A. sends his stomach back; makes alder into a fin whal figure, it sinks; the same from cedar; the yellow cedar whale does not sink; he made several of them, told them to turn over the brothers' boats in the morning, spare the youngest; when A.'s son grew up, asked his father what the sea lions fed him; answering, A. fell dead, his stomach was pierced by fish bones]: 285-289; Garfield, Forest 1961 [Natsihlane hunts sea lions better than his wife's brothers; they leave him on an island; he tries to kill a sea lion but the tip is broken; sea lions call him inside the cliff, asking for help; there the shaman treats a sick sea lion, but does not see the cause of the disease; N. sees his tip; thinks he will not take it out if the sea lions do not send him ashore; chief He reads his mind, promises to send him home; he takes out the tip, the patient recovers; he is put in the dried stomach of a sea lion, told to think only about home; he remembers sea lions three times, finds himself on the island again; for the fourth time he gets home; N. makes a killer whale from different types of wood, only the yellow cedar killer whale came to life, swam into the sea; killer whales drowned the boat of his wife's brothers, N. told them not to harm people anymore]: 81-82; Boas 1912 (Tsimshian texts, new series. Publ. of the Am. Ethen. Soc., 3. Leiden & New York) [the mysterious bird father leaves Asdival a bow and arrow, a spear, snowshoes, and a hat cape; these items make him invisible, he easily gets food; chasing white bear, A. finds himself in the sky; the bear turns out to be the Evening Star, the daughter of the Sun; thanks to magical objects, A. performs difficult tasks, gets a wife; returns with her to earth, violates loyalty, the wife leaves; he follows her, she thunders him; the Sun revives him, he lives with his wife again; returns to earth alone; marries a Tsimshian girl; argues her four brothers , claiming that he is a better earner of marine animals than they are land animals; brings four bears, the brothers come back empty-handed, pick up his sister; A. marries another girl, she gives birth to him son; A. hunts walruses better than her four brothers, who leave him on a rock in the middle of the sea; a mouse takes him to an underground walrus house; he heals a wounded walrus; the walrus owner sends him home in a walrus stomach; his wife helps him kill her brothers; he goes hunting in the mountains, turns into stone]: 71-146; bellacula: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 662-663 [the wife's brothers envy the luck of a sea lion hunter, leave him on an island; the youngest is against it, throws him a cloak; the woman invites the abandoned sea lion chief; he sends him home in the stomach of a sea lion; he kills two older brothers wives], 690-691 [three brothers are jealous of the fourth's hunting luck; he climbs a tree on a rock to hunt mountain sheep; they cut down a tree; since then, his crying has been coming from a cliff]; Heilzuk: Boas 1928b: 85-89 [like a bellacula; The mouse invites the abandoned to the chief; the woman warns not to eat local food, otherwise he will not return home; the chief sends him home in the stomach of a seal], 115-121 [young man - the lover of his older brother's wife; he demands 1) get a wedge that fell into a split log (the brother knocks out the spacer, the young man splits the log); 2) hunt cormorants, get the one stuck on the rock an arrow (a young man puts an ermine skin, brings an arrow); 3) catch halibut (the brother puts the young man in a box, throws him into the sea; four eagle sisters find him; he marries one of them, gets it from their father eagle plumage; brings a whale to her people; raises his brother into the air, throws him into the sea)]; uvikino [the wife of the blind Haənthikvənas points his arrow at a black bear, lies as if he were missed, eats meat himself; his son hides some meat for his father; the father asked his son to take him to the lake, sent him naad; Gagara put H. on his back, dived four times, H. saw the light; shot his wife; came to a girl whose father had previously threatened her that if she refused her suitors, she would marry X. (meaning that he is blind); H. gets married, they have a child; H. kills mountain goats coming out of the cave, pushing them into the abyss; a lot of meat; his wife's brothers (apparently envy) offer to hunt sea goats lions, leave H. on the island; the mouse brings him to the Sea Lions home; they send him home in the stomach of a sea lion accompanied by the Seagull; he kills his wife's brothers with arrows]: Hilton, Rath 1982:100- 134.