Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K1E. Abandoned on the island, K1616.


The character will be left on the island or on the other side of the river or sea. See K1A motif.

Western Europe. Scots (in Guel) [Iain, the owner of the ship, sailed to Turkey and buried a Christian there; bought a Spanish princess, returned home with the princess and gold; she sends him to Spain, Where the king, recognizing the clothes, the ring, the book and the whistle, realizes that the young man has brought the news of his daughter; he returns home and marries the princess; they are sailing to Spain; the general has left him on an island; he was rescued by a man in a boat, for which he demanded to give half of his wife and half of his children if they appeared; in Spain he whistles on the whistle and his wife recognizes him; wedding, the general was burned alive; three sons were born ; the savior comes and demands half; I. agrees; then the comer explains that he was that dead man disappears]: Gerould 1908:85-86.

Melanesia. Kanaka: Leenhardt 1932:409-413 [the younger brothers only give the youngest the peel of the tubers; push him into the oven, he gets out alive; leave him on the reef, which is flooded by the tide, the younger one swims, gets to the shore; his elder brother climbs a tree for fruit; old Tibo tells him to get off her tree, leads him to him, tells him to sleep without kindling a big fire; at night he cuts off his head, throws on a platform under the roof; the same with his second brother; the younger one kindles a fire, puts up a wood-carved figure at the entrance to the house; T. does not enter him; he revives the brothers with herbs, they throw old woman in the oven; live together], 436-438 [the man from the mouth of Maso took the form of Chief of Nérhon, went to his sister; the chief was accused of incest, left on the island; two women lived there, each with the chief son; he returned with them to Nérhon, stayed there]; Siouai (Bougainville) [Orphan (Panața) taught people to wait for the sago to settle in the trough, drain the water, then carry the trough home instead of carrying it full of water; peel nuts; make slit gongs (they used to beat them against a stone with a stick); sleep inside houses, not on top of them; went with my brother's wife to pick nuts, told her to climb a palm tree, looked at her when the woman came down, he touched her vagina; she replied that her husband considered it a wound and inserted his penis under her arm; P. got along with the woman correctly; her brother noticed blood, the wife replied that P. had cured her wound; her brother took P. to the sea, deliberately dropped the coconuts, P. swam after them, her brother sailed away; P. reached the island; ash came; P. told the ash to collect everything she could find and bake; since then people have been eating the prepared food; the brother came to look at the dead P., saw the bones of animals and birds eaten by them, decided that they were P.'s bones; climbed a tree to look around; P. jumped into his boat, sailed away; his brother died on island; P. married his widow; when the child was ready to be born, people came with knives to cut her stomach; P. drove them away, explained that only the umbilical cord should be cut; P. arranged a party, christened the child]: Oliver 1955:43-45; Vedau: Ker 1910:7-13 [the men went to get jewelry from their shells; when they arrived at one place, everyone went inland, and one went along the shore; met a boy, he led to to his father, who has low shells; the man called companions; with low shells, people swam home; on the way they stopped at an unfamiliar shore to try on whose lower is longer; at the latter {this is the one who met boy?} was much longer than the others (he threw it to the top of the pandanus); he was thrown ashore and sailed away; he asked those who got up and passed {swam?} Take him past the star; Magamaia, then Deboroia replies that the next one will pick him up; Maratomton (Morning Star); Marathomt takes him to heaven; he stays with heavenly people, marries; their son has grown up, began to throw spears at coconuts on the ground, asks his father to make new spears; he is surprised, his son shows him the ground below; he weaves a rope, asks his son to lower him on it, finds himself on a coconut on his in the garden; his grown-up daughter saw him, his mother called him; the man invited those who left him to a feast, set fire to the house; their charred bones turned into flying foxes, whose voices are like cries of suffering], 127- 130 [a man has a hole in his throat, food falls out of there; two boys laugh, he decides to take revenge; offers to go with him in a boat, says that the water and food are already submerged; when he sails, he refuses to give them food and water; leaves them in a deserted place, promising to return in six days; they climb a tree; an old witch finds them, invites them to go down, feed them and drink them; when the old man is on the sixth day comes back, she sends scorching sun and downpour at him; closes the water in the spring; when he bends down, lets water go, it pours down his throat, he drowned]; Wangoon [Kesoko was fishing; I saw a hundred giants come out of the forest, lowered the boat; 50 sat aft, 50 on the bow, rowing one forward, the others back, the boat in place; K. showed how to do it; sailed to the island; the giants left him and They sailed away, shouted that they would be back in 9 days; K. let the fish rot; the giants came back, thought K. was dead; he sailed away in their boat, shouted that he would be back in 9 days; when he returned, they all starved to death]: Solomon 1995:77-81; (cf. mono (Shortland Islands) [on the site, a man met with his older brother's wife; he sailed with him in a boat, threw a coconut overboard, the youngest sailed after him, the elder threw it into the sea, returned to shore; the youngest was swallowed by a fish; he cut a hole in her side with a shell, went out, returned home, killed his brother with the help of his father's chief, took his widow]: Wheeler 1926, No. 55:41).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [a lot of women came down from the sky, people caught them with nets, took them out, the most beautiful one hid quietly back online, found by Sivegeu; others envy him, they call him to sail to the island collect bird feathers, throw them there while he sleeps; S. jumped on a shark, swam to another island; took a sandjar and a piece of bamboo from two girls, threw sand on the water, hit bamboo, appeared the road, he crossed it to his island; the girls followed him, he gave them back their magic objects; brought his wife back]: Müller 1918, No. 25:486-487; Truk Islands [Chief Soufa has 5 wives; he orders to kill boys, keep girls; one sister {and wife at the same time?} S. gave birth to a son, sent him to the Wind Eater (some butterfly or bird) who lived inside the island; the young man grew up, hears screams from the shore, it's a toy boat festival; the adoptive mother made the young man like this the boat, she overtook everyone else; the boy's real mother took it from the shore; he took the boat, leaving his fingerprint on his mother's hand; S. gathers men to determine whose hand it was; sent a man and a young man was brought to the house of the Wind Eater; S. found out the fingerprints, told the young man to come tomorrow to put up poles for the community house; the foster mother tells him to dig a hole with a hole to hide when on him they will lower the pole; also let him take with him a coconut (it crunches) and a termite that will pave the way to the ground; when the young man dug a hole, a pole was lowered into it; the young man went out, S. tells him to come tomorrow; reception mother: drink water: they tell you to climb a tree for nuts and make a fire around - fill it with regurgitating water; he did so; on the third day, the adoptive mother teaches the young man to avoid raindrops; when he came to S., darts were thrown at him, none were hit; for the fourth time, his adoptive mother told him to take a knife from the sink, ocher and coal with him; the young man was trapped, lowered into the water; he chewed ocher with with lime, they thought it was the brain; coal - his stomach burst; he cut the ropes and came up, brought S. fish; on the fifth day: you will be left on a deserted island, you should take breadfruit with you; he they ordered to anchor off the shore, cut off the tench and sailed away; there was only one tree on the island; the young man put the fruit on top of his head, turned to the Rainbow God to pick up the fruit and help him escape; then hung it there caught fish; like this every day; an old man came, but the young man refused to speak to him; the next day a young man came; he was the God of the Rainbow; when he returned on the third day, he drew a boat in the sand, kicked her, the drawing became a real boat; the young man returned to S.; the next day S. and his brothers decided to sail in his boat himself; the young man told her to become sand again, the passengers were eaten by sharks]: Fischer 1954:289-306 (retelling in Lessa 1961:174-176).

Burma - Indochina. Palaung [the king appoints his main wife's son as heir; six sons of other wives decide to destroy him; they sail with him to a river island, leave one sleeper there; dressed as a bear nat, the guardian of the river, appears; mango fruit falls from the sky, and a tree with yellow, blue, green fruits grows from it; after eating yellow fruit, the bear turns into a young nata, blue into an old one a monkey, a green man into a parrot; a young man picks up fruit, flies home as a parrot; gives his brothers fruits to choose from; some eat yellow, fly to heaven, some blue ones turn into monkeys; after the death of his father Prince Reigns]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 139:319-320; the Khmers [when the two brothers finished their studies at the monastery, the monk told the elder to go to China, where he would become an important mandarin; He gave three tips to the youngest: 1) if everyone is tired, but should be on the lookout, do not sleep yourself; 2) when you get married, watch your mother-in-law; 3) do not reveal secrets to your wife; if you follow these rules, you will become a master two kingdoms; the youngest married, lived in poverty; when he learned that the eldest had indeed become a court mandarin, he asked the ship's captain to take him to China; there he came to the Mandarin Palace, but his wife told him to do so shackle the beggar in chains; when the mandarin returned, he gave his brother new pants, fed him; when he learned from the soothsayer that the brother would really become the ruler of the two kingdoms, gave him a piece of not very valuable cloth and sent him away; his younger brother was offended; returning by ship, he remembered the advice not to sleep; at night a cannibal flew in, his younger brother grabbed him by the mustache; he asked him to let him go, gave him a rope (herself binds), a baton (he beats himself), a pot (any food in it); in the morning, the younger brother told the captain everything; he brought him to the island and asked him to get the fruit from the tree; he sailed away, taking the wonderful ones with him objects; abandoned, he saw a pig coming on the water; spit out the crystal that allowed him to walk fast on the water, began to eat fruits; the man began to throw fruits further and further from the tree; when the pig left, went down, took the crystal, went on the water and caught up with the ship; asked the captain to give him those items - he would tie them into one bag and return them; after receiving the items, ran away on the water and returned home on the same day; the wife's lover; she insisted that her husband tell her everything; he said about the wonderful objects he buried at the stairs leading to the house; the lover heard everything, took the objects; the husband dragged the stairs to the judge, Accusing her of stealing objects; then he came to the king; he believed the man, gave the cloth to make clothes and told her to give it to his wife; when the holiday was, do not come by himself, but let the wife come with whoever she wanted; the lover was identified by this matter, he confessed everything, returned the kidnapped; the man asked for forgiveness of the perpetrators - let them marry; the king offered the man a crown and daughter in exchange for items, but he He only asked for a large iron knife used by basket makers; since then his name has been Mr. Basket Knife; he came to another kingdom, lived with a merchant, he fell in love with him; the local king he looked for someone to entrust the kingdom; left a silk-lined bed in the treasury and ordered a feast next to him; each of the candidates remained to guard the treasures, while the king himself watched the candidate; each feasted and then went to bed, did not guard; everyone was beheaded; when it was the merchant's turn, the Knife volunteered to go in his place; when the king appeared secretly, the Knife pretended not to recognize him, chased behind the "thief", stabbed him with his knife, deliberately aiming not at the king, but at the pillars of the throne room, behind which he was hiding; the king named himself; when they left the hall, the roof collapsed; the next day the Knife was found; Seeing the Knife cut seven boards with his knife with one blow, the king appointed him heir, ordered the merchant to marry his daughter; when he died, the king also gave Knife his daughter and throne; he visited the king, whom he once asked for his knife; the king was old and also handed him a daughter and kingdom; the knife sent for his older brother to China, made him chief minister]: Milne 1972:27-46.

The Balkans. Hungarians [the son of a merchant pays the debts of the deceased in Turkey, whose corpse is being mocked; returns home, then goes to England and saves the French princess with her two maids; she asks he goes to Paris and tell her father about her salvation; on the way back, the general leaves the young man on a deserted island to take possession of the princess himself; he is saved by an old man, the deceased; in Paris The young man throws the ring into the princess's cup, she recognizes it; when she comes to him, the young man chases her cursing, but then says he only tested her loyalty; everything is fine]: Gerould 1908:78-79.

Central Europe. The Czechs [the king dreams that he will recover if he frees three princesses on the Black Island; otherwise he will die; 12 sons draw lots: 6 will remain, 6 will go in search; among the last Boyislav, others hate him; they come to the island, B. goes ashore, raises the stove, there is an entrance to the ground; three horses galloped around him; an outwardly thin skate greets him, teaches him what to do; there will be three castle, in each princess, share a meal with each, but do not kiss or talk; return and then bring the princesses and leave them to the brothers; they took the princesses, B. left on the island; horse: if if they took you with them, they would kill you; the horse tells you to find an apple tree and pick 4 fruits, but no more; tells you to throw the first apple into the sea, a dry passage to the Red Island opened; they drove along it, water for they closed with them; the local king has an ugly daughter, but B. must say that he came to marry her, he must only see his father first; take only a long rope from the king as a gift, then wrap it around a horse; the second apple is the road to Green Island; the same, but the princess is more beautiful; a tablecloth as a gift; the third apple is to White Island, the princess is beautiful; there is a candle in her chambers; while it burns, she and everyone is sleeping; you have to pick up the candle without letting it go out; if it goes out, run; B. left a note to the princess; the wind blew out a candle at the city gate; the horse tells you to throw the last apple, they got to prince's country; horse: your father ordered you to be executed; B. does not believe, captured, sentenced to hang; a loyal warrior persuaded the king not to execute his son shameful execution, B. thrown to lions; but friendly; awakened the Princess of the White Island found a note, came with an army; by this time 11 brothers had drawn lots for whom to marry three princesses; they are silent (threatened) and behave strangely; the king sends the eldest son to meet the leader of the army; he does not know anything about the candle, the princess decapitated him; so with all 11 brothers; they found out that B. was alive; the princess and he met; the horse orders him to be cut off head, turns into a prince himself; he was bewitched by a witch because he refused to marry her daughter; one of the freed princesses of the Black Island is his beloved; feast]: Curtin 1890:274-294; Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia), Belarusians [A soldier finds a disappeared princess: his companions leave him on the island or on overseas shore, but he returns on the wedding day of the princess and ship captain or general; marries a princess]: SUS 1979, No. 301D*=AA 301C: 107.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians (Imereti) [an insignificant person is called to find the missing princess; the king gives him a ship, a captain, 12 sailors; on the island they come to the hut; one remains to cook, overgrown with his hair, the dwarf asks to give him lunch, when refused, kills the cook; the hero remains, kills the dwarf, finds the keys on it, unlocks the locked part of the house, there is a princess, she gives him a ring; he forgets the ring, returns with 11 sailors, the captain sails away with the princess; the boat with the sailors turns over, they sink; the demon on the island takes the hero home, at the wedding of the captain and the princess, she recognizes the hero by the ring, the captain is executed, after the death of the king, the hero reigns; the wife finds a lover, replaces the clothes and sword given by the demon with a fake, the hero is tied to the horse's tail; he brings him to the demon; the demon gives the hero the ability to turn into a horse; the queen orders him to be killed, the maid plants the horse's tooth, an apple tree grows, the chips from the felled apple tree turn into two ducks; the duck wears the clothes of a lying bather tsar, takes the form of a hero, he executes a traitor and her favorite, marries a maid]: Glushakov 1904, No. 2:6-14.

Baltoscandia. The Norwegians [the king's 12 daughters go missing; the other's 12 sons sail by ship to look for them; captained by Ritter Red (RR); the ship gets caught in a storm, then into calm near the island; everyone falls asleep; the younger brother sees a puppy on the shore, lands, the puppy turns into a princess; her troll father gives a drink of strong water, then the young man can raise his sword; in 7 years the ship will sail to where 12- a head troll, 12 princesses brush his hair while he sleeps; a young man will cut off 12 heads; so it happened; princes take princesses away, they have forgotten their golden crowns; a young man goes for them; RR wants the youngest princess tells himself to sail away, threatens to kill those who say that he did not defeat the troll; a giant bird descends, tells her to feed her, carries the young man to the troll island; he is ready to give it to the young man daughter and make him the king of trolls, but the young man refuses; goes down to the ship to pick up his sword; sees that the princess puts a sharp sword next to her at night so that RR does not touch her; the troll gives an iron ship, it instantly takes the young man home; gives an iron club that can cause a storm; sends the ship back to the troll at home; pretends to be a poor sailor; the wedding of 12 princesses is scheduled with 11 princes and RR; an imaginary sailor shows gold crowns, princesses recognize them, a young man opens; RR executed]: Dasent 1970:383-395.

Amur - Sakhalin. Ulchi [the older brother hates the younger brother; offers to go to the island for a saran, leaves him alone there; the youngest finds a house, a woman in it, she takes him as her husband; does not tell you to look where brings meat; he spies, sees his wife playing with people of near water; they immediately turn into killer whales; they want to kill him for ruining their hunt; his wife's father gives him an erent (divine book); he buys his life for it; people of near water open a book, burn down]: Zolotarev 1939:100-101; Nanais [Ulenda is lazy; father laments that he has no other son; zangin tells cut down an iron birch tree, a cradle with a boy on it; in a dream, a bear tells you to go to two rivers with blue and red water; pour a red iron trunk, the birch tree will collapse; the tiny boy grew up quickly, his name Calduca, his father holds him for the elder; W. steals prey from his traps; Zangin tortures the cat, its muzzle is warped, and the thief's face is warped; W.'s face warped at home; W. suggests K. sarana to the island; leaves, leaving him on the island in the hope that the bird Cory will eat him; the bird tells him to make three riddles, cannot guess, brings K. home; the father is dead; W. says that the deceased will come to life, if you anoint him with foam from the lips of Simu's snake; K. tied himself with wet moss, Simu blazed with fire, K. killed her; Himu's snake crawled to take revenge; K. hid under seven cauldrons, Himu smashed 6, and smashed herself on the seventh head; K. brought foam, zangin tells me to throw it into the river, the water hissed, the fish surfaced; W. turned into a bear]: Medvedev 1992:161-168.

Japan. Ainu [the man leaves his sister's son on the island; the local Swan People use human meat as bait; their leader tells the young man that his uncle sold it to them; sends him home to self-propelled boat; a young man and his mother kill his uncle, take away his wealth]: Etter 1949:113-114; Japanese: Markova 2000, No. 3 [Yuriwaka Daijin was awake for seven days and slept the same amount; by On the way to Edo, his ship stopped at the uninhabited island of Akaremuna; Chief Carey told the servants to keep the master on the island asleep, took his weapon, sailed; told his wife that Yu was dead, bequeathed his wife to him; locked the horse in an iron stable; Yu ate oysters; the sailors sailed by, picked him up; he was hired as a mower in his old house; he was recognized by a horse, he killed Caray with his bow, returned his wife], 4 [son The ruler of Kyushu Yuriwaka suppresses the rebellion in Silla; on the way back, the brothers Karanaka and Motomas solder him, throw him on the island; Yu's wife refuses K., who puts her in prison; the falcon Yu brings her his message dies on the way back; two years later, sailors bring Yu home; unrecognized, he participates in an archery competition, kills brothers, returns his wife]: 17-21, 21-25.

SV Asia. Chukchi: Baboshina 1958, No. 88 [the elder brother did not like his younger brother and his wife; offered to go hunting on the island; both undressed, went in different directions; the elder came back and sailed, taking clothes and the youngest's kayak; he abused his wife at home; the youngest found a whale carcass, cut out a fire, made clothes out of seal skin, overwintered; the elder came to see the younger's bones; mistook the seal skeleton for his brother's bones; the youngest left, leaving the elder to spend the winter; returned a year later and found his bones]: 214; Bogoras 1902, No. 49 [two cousins (each with two wives) are the best seal hunters; they quarrel when not can catch up with a small seal; he takes them to sea; the storm brings them to a deserted island; one sails away, leaving the other, takes his wives at home; the Peer sends a whale carcass to the island; the man does from a whale rib, a knife made of fat stone, hunts deer and seals; the next summer, a traitor comes to see the bones of the abandoned; while climbing a cliff, another sails away in his boat; a traitor dies on the island]: 664-665; Bogoraz 1900, No. 2 [two cousins live together, each with two wives; first one, then the other cannot kill a seal; they chased her together by boat, sailed to to the island; one went out to urinate, the other took his kayak and property, left him on the island, took possession of all his wives at home; a voice promises to the abandoned that his brother will return in a year, indicates a whale thrown out; he makes a knife out of a whale mustache, makes clothes, a house, supplies, and winters; his brother sailed, he thought he saw the bones of what had been left behind; he sailed away, leaving him; he died, and the hero began to live with four wives]: 7-11; 1934 [the owner of a reindeer herd punishes a negligent worker; he becomes diligent, but decides to take revenge; takes the owner to an island, keeps him there; takes his wives, mocks them and children; birds carry the owner across the sea, he brutally kills the worker]: 145, 166.

The Arctic. Aleuts (Umnak) [every day the husband takes a bowl of meat to another woman living inside the hill; the wife watches him, comes instead of him; the woman from the hill throws hot stones at her; she throws them back, stones cut off that woman's limbs and head, she dies; the husband leaves his wife on a rock, she must be flooded by the tide; the Eagle takes her to him, turns into a man, takes her as a wife; In the image of Orlitsa, the wife grabs her former husband, throws her into the sea]: Jochelson 1990, No. 49:359-363; Aleuts; Asian Eskimos (Chaplino) [younger sister's husband - Napagun, elder - K'utylin; K. calls N. to hunt the island, sails away, drowning his kayak; he survives, kills a seal, a whale; K. tells N.'s wife that her husband went to another woman, but she refuses to marry K.; K. comes to see N.'s bones; N. leaves in kayak K.; K. dies]: Kozlov 1956:182-184; Asian Eskimos (Chaplino) [the older brother invites the younger brother to sail into the sea each in his own kayak; sailed to the island; the elder asks the younger one to look for water; at this time he picks up supplies, drowns his kayak and sails away; the youngest hears a voice: go to a hole filled with grass; the young man falls asleep in it; in the morning a voice tells go to the shore - there is a seal thrown out by the sea; when the meat is over, autumn has come; the voice tells you to leave the hole, go to the yaranga by the bay; the young man caught fire, found a whale; the voice teaches next summer, when Brother will come, take possession of his kayak and sail away; brother sailed, went to the seal skeleton, thinking they were the bones of a young man; he sailed away in his kayak; older brother died]: Rubtsova, Vakhtin 2019, No. 23:314-329; Asian Eskimos [two brothers sail to the island after removing parks; the youngest goes to collect fuel for the fire, the elder sails away; the youngest is about to stab himself, hears a voice that shames him; kills a seal, eats , makes clothes out of his skin; kills birds, covers the house, winters; a year later, the older brother comes to look at the bones of the younger brother; approaches the bones of the seal; at this time the youngest sails to his boat; the eldest does not listen to his voice speak to him, stabbed himself; the youngest in his older brother's house finds his wife and children, they were starving, and the elder's wife and her children lived well]: Van Deusen 1999:124- 126; chugach; copper; Baffin's Land.

Subarctic. Tanana; helmet; tagish; southern tutchoni; taltan; beaver.

NW Coast. Tlingits; Haida; Bellacula; Heiltsuk; Uvikino; Quakiutl; Nootka [on a whale carcass].

The coast is the Plateau. Comox (chatloltk) [two women Omak and Kieek come to the island to collect shells; K. sails away in a boat; promises to take O. if she tears her clothes, she throws her into the sea; if she vomits her hair; will tear out her eyelashes and eyebrows; O. does it all, but K. still swims away; The mice lead O. to their underground home, give her new clothes, restore her hair; K. comes to see O.'s bones; she jumps into her boat, sails away; demands from her everything K. demanded of her; K. no one helps, she dies of cold and hunger]: Boas 1895, No. 14:85-86; comox; quarry; quinolt; quileout; lower chinook; tillamook; alsea [five brothers twist a nut rod, make a doll for one of them's daughter; the doll turns into a boy; the other fights with him; the boy decides that they do not want to see him among people; turns into an elk, carries his older brother on horns; others go in pursuit, he consistently kills three; the youngest allows himself to be killed, told to be cut out, take his nose, eyes, ears, tendons with him; the young man came to the village and got married; his wife's brothers went with him to collect shells on the island and left him there; he pulls out His ears, eyes, and elk's nose cut off, they turn into a boat; it takes him ashore; he leaves this village]: Frachtenberg 1920, No. 27:237-239.

The Midwest. Menominee; Western Marsh Cree; Eastern Marsh Cree; Eastern Cree; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake); Ojibwa; Timagami Ojibwa; kickapoo.

Northeast. Nascapi; montagnier; seneca; passamaquoddy; malesit; mikmaq; seneca [people leave a poor girl on the island; the Horned Serpent carries her back, she teaches rituals along the way; she begins to dive twelve times, she hits him with a new rod every time; a thunderstorm begins, the girl manages to reach the shore, lightning hits the Snake; the girl teaches people rituals]: Cornplanter 1938, No. 7:73-80; Penobscot [husband falls in love with another woman, leaves his first wife on the island; her brothers or other Indians find her, bring her home; her relatives kill a husband]: Speck 1935b, No. 44, 45:86-87.

Plains. Blacklegs; assiniboine; santi; teton; iowa; arpahoe; wichita.

Southeast USA. Caddo; tunic; biloxi; alabama.

Big Pool. Western Shoshones; Goshiyutes; Southern Payutes; Utah.

The Great Southwest. Havasupai; walapai.

Guiana. Arekuna0; makushi; oyana; trio.

Western Amazon. Canelo.

The Southern Cone. Yagans.