Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K2. Discarded stairs. .11.-.24.26.-.35.38.40.-.43.46.-.50.52.59.-.64.66.-.68.70.72.

The hero climbs or descends a ladder, rope, pole, etc. Rope, etc. is torn or cut off. Usually, another character deliberately throws the stairs, cuts off the rope, breaks off the lower branches of the tree, making it impossible to return. See K1A motif. {For statistical calculations, this motive also includes all texts of the K2A motif, except Koreans}.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Suto [Hubeane caught a small antelope in his mother's pea field, put it in a basket and peas on top; mother: if asked, say "I'm carrying peas" and remember that an antelope; H. replies: "I'm carrying peas" peas, and I remember it was an antelope"; sent to herd sheep, found a dead zebra, said that he saw a striped stone; people came to see, the zebra had already been eaten by hyenas, H. was scolded - I had to cover the carcass with branches ; the next day, H. killed the bird, covered it with branches, called people; people: should have been tied to his belt; H. killed an antelope, tied it to his belt, dragged it, his belt broke; then he tied it to his leg and dragged it like that, ruining the skin; people: it was necessary to bring the carcass (on his shoulders); H. lured his father to the rock, took the stairs when he returned home, put on his father's cloak, began to eat food prepared for his father; the father and other people decided get rid of H.; gave poison, made a trap pit, hid the killer under a pile of grass; H. avoids dangers every time; pierces a bunch of grass with a spear, killing the person hiding under it; people decide that X . smart, let him go]: Klipple 1992:317-318; kaguru [father tells sons to check bird traps; the elder releases a beautiful bird; his father leads him for honey, tells him to climb a tree, He cuts off the rope; the young man sits on a tree for a long time, eats bark, his side begins to rot; he calls a bird; it flies in, heals him, brings him to the village, he becomes the leader there; his father, mother, younger brother come; he kills his father]: Beidelman 1974, No. 5:170-172; isanzu [Mulilwa boy released the bird from his father's trap; the bird promised to help him; his father sent him to the tree for fruit, cut off the lower branches, left ; M. sat in a tree for five days; the bird flew to the rescue, ordered her nail, snot, hair, some excrement to be thrown down, picked up M. on its wings, lowered it to the ground; ordered it to be cut from the back, eat it, To fold the bones; M. covered the bones with a stone, a herd of bulls came out; the zebra refused, the bird brought his little sister news of his salvation; the girl told her mother, she also heard; M. came with the bulls ; stabbed one, asked his father to open his mouth to put fat in it, threw a hot stone down his throat, his father died; a pumpkin grew on his grave; his wife (mother M.) cut it, a monster jumped out of her, everyone ate]: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 34:44-47; safwa [brothers Xyita and Mezya set bird traps; H. let his bird go, and M. brought his mother to cook; H. asked him to give it to him and try but M. refused; the father heard, became angry, led H. to the baobab, hammered pegs into the trunk, lifted his son to the tree, tears, took the pegs, left X. to die; the side of his body adjacent to the tree began to rot; he called the bird; it flew in, put H. on her back, lowered it to the ground; cured it with herbal decoctions; ordered it to be cut; cows, goats, sheep, chickens, fabrics came out of the bird, H. became rich and influential; ordered drown his father in a stream; became a chief]: Arnold 1984:131-132; Herero [a sliver bounced into the man's eyes, he went blind, then died; the widow tells two daughters to go to Vila-Nene and his wife before death, they are theirs they will be adopted; the slave goes with them; the older sister climbs the tree for fruit, the youngest cleans the stairs; the eldest stays in the tree, the youngest comes to VN with the slave; the slave pretends to be the daughter of the dead, the girl for a slave; she is sent to chase birds from the field; she sings about herself, about her sister left in the tree; VN's wife hears this, learns her story; she and her husband take their older sister off the tree, wash her, she is all dirty bird excrement; slaves pour boiling oil down his throat]: Estermann 1961, No. 3:164-166; kikuyu [a man has two wives, each has a M'wambia son; the elder's mother has died; the brothers set traps; M. the elder released the N'jenge beast that had fallen into him, and the youngest caught him and brought meat; the father gave the elder a larger piece of sugarcane; then the youngest said that he had released the beast; the father told him to climb to the tree, broke off all the knots from below, placed sharp stakes around, left; N.'s animals, led by the released man, removed the stakes, the young man went down; N. opened his side, the goat came out, the young man ate; then they went out hundreds of cattle, including to buy wives; the elder M. sat down to watch his village, where his wives were; the younger M.'s sister found him, he gave her meat; then all relatives came; taking his father across the river , he drowned him; once he found N.'s head, who was apparently killed by his relatives; he killed all wives, slaves, animals and committed suicide]: Radin 1952, No. 68:254-257.

West Africa. Background [Yo (trickster) and orphan Nochiovi go to a tree where pigeon nests; climb a ladder made of nails; N. puts the chicks in his pocket, Yo eats them right away; angry about it goes down, taking out his nails, N. cannot get off the tree; the hunter shot the goat, he fell by the tree; N. shouted to the hunter that the goat was here; the hunter helped him go down, wanted to give half of the carcass, N. asked for giblets; Yo told him at home that a buffalo would come, start defecating, he had to put his hand in his ass, pull out his giblets; the buffalo clenches his ass, drags Yo, tears off his hand]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 70:298-300; Western Dan [To is the son of the leader's unloved wife, so he does not love him either; He climbed a tree to get the dead monkey; the son of another wife, cut off a vine, said at home that Toh was dead; father glad, mother Toh is in mourning; chimpanzees formed a chain, Then descended it to the ground; He brought the killed chimpanzee, ate the meat; father and brother offer To hunt the dangerous Schuppentier; He climbs him into a hole, the brothers make a fire at the entrance to the hole; He spends a month underground; Xra (supreme god) sent two antelopes, a male and a female, they ran, pierced brushwood at the hole with their hooves, Then got out; became village leader; summoned his mother, she came with fear and respect, the chief turned out to be her son; father and brothers began to respect Toh]: Fischer 1967:723-724; hausa [Kwallabe is ugly; mother sent her to the king's palace, but the prince drove her away, she was too ugly; then her mother swallowed her and belched her, her daughter became beautiful, came back to the palace, the prince married her; the king himself wanted her; went with his son to go camping; his wife put a date stone in his hair; the king asked his son to go down to the well to collect water for the horses; ordered him to throw soil at the well; returned to the city, said to her daughter-in-law that her husband was dead, she refused to eat; the bone in the prince's hair sprouted, the tree rose to the ground, the prince climbed it; his wife's maid saw him, he threw the ring into her jug with with milk, ordered it to be given to the mistress; she identified the ring, came to her husband, ordered it to be shaved and washed; the prince hacked his father and became king]: Tremearne 1913, No. 55:304-306.

Sudan-East Africa. Mundang [the chief's ten daughters go to look for their husbands; the shepherds they meet each time say that the youngest is the most beautiful; others throw the skin of a dead animal over her, flies flock to the stench; now the people they meet say that the youngest is ugliest; no one in the village takes her as his wife; the old woman invites her to marry her son; the young man's bride is disgusting, he puts her between his wife and himself on the bed a prickly branch; his mother sees the girl taking off her fly skin to swim, amazed at the girl's beauty, talks about it to her son; now he wants to hug his wife, but she puts a prickly branch between them; the fortuneteller tells the old woman to ask the hawk to take her skin and throw him into the fire; the young are happy; all sisters must publicly bring water to their husbands; sisters wait for shame for the youngest, but they see a beauty; they envy, tell the leader that only he should own a beautiful woman; he organizes a collective hunt, everyone should come with a sled animal; on the advice of a fortune teller, the young man's wife gives honey and flour to the antelope Derby, her husband comes on an antelope, looks the best; the chief tells the older sister's husband to get water from the well, who sends her husband next in rank, so to the youngest husband; when he comes down, the stairs are removed; the antelope lowers his rope; tells him to pretend to be dead, vultures fly off, his leader must be grabbed, he will give amulets for himself; with the help of amulets, a young man kills and revives people; the leader orders to kill himself, the young man takes his place]: Louafaya 1990:202-209; haza [Quadudada's man asks his son to climb the baobab for fruit; he drives pegs into the trunk, rises, fruits on one leaves the branches uncollected, replies what he will collect next time; next time the father cuts off the pegs, says that the son can eat the abandoned fruits; after three months he returns, says that will not be able to drive pegs; the young man is terribly thin, asks the Hawk to lower him, he says that the Stork can do it; the Stork cannot lift the young man either, he spreads his wings, tells him to jump; Stork's children the young man was pecked and eaten; the stork carries the knot with intact bones to the old man Muliliv; he splits bones; a goat and a hyena came out of one shoulder, a goat and a leopard from the other, a goat and a lion from the thumb , from an unnamed bull, a middle donkey and a zebra, from an index dog and a cat, from the little finger a dog and a jackal; from the thumb of the other hand there are two bulls, from an unnamed goat and a jackal, from the middle two goats, from a goat and a hyena, an elephant from one knee, a rhino from the other, a bull from the hips, an ostrich and a buffalo from the tibia, a big and small daman from the big and fourth toes, a marten from the third, the second wild cat, from the fifth tree rat; on the other leg of the thumb there is a hare and a warthog, from the fourth is a dwarf and mountain antelope, izn spreads its wings, led the third black-fifth antelope dump, from second baboon, fifth monkey; eight-rib water goat, marsh antelope, lala, wild dog, nja antelope, hippopotamus, guinea fowl and shepherdess, 4 species of steppe partridges, chicken and pelican, wild pigeons and a titiako bird, a kholugusha bird; various herbs from the brain, water flowed from the eyes, flooded the ground, dried up, many trees grew, from the intestines of the snake; M. built a pen for all animals; the day did not last long was coming; finally the Ishoko-sun descended from the sky, morning came; I. told the animals to disperse, returned to heaven]: Col-Larsen 1962:23-28; Iraq [boy released an elephant from the trap; father suspects in this, leads him to the desert for honey, they climb the baobab, his father descends, destroying the notches; a few days later elephants come, saved by the boy, helps him go down; the boy kills his father, takes possession of his herds]: Arewa 1961, No. 2578:125; sandave [Ule is beautiful, Lue is ugly; this is what girls say every time; vengeful L. goes with W. to herd cattle, offers to go down to the well for water , removes the pole, covers the well with his skin; W. ate his hair, nails, is thin; L. comes every time, tells W. to suffer, he replies that he is dying; W.'s younger brother hears this, says; people they pull out, W., cover the well; L. thinks that W. is dead; W. is weaned, hacked L. with an ax]: Dempwolff 1916, No. 54:152-155; sakho [two people came to the forest; one said that a huge hollow lives a snake, it has gold there; let another one go there for gold and left; the man hid in the remains of elephants brought by the snake; in the morning he quietly grabbed the tail of a crawling snake, brought home gold; another asked to let him down too; the snake found it and swallowed it]: Reinisch 1889, No. 22:266-268.

North Africa. Tuaregs (northern Niger) [Teschewa always washes her hair in a bowl; her older brother, when he leaves, also washes there, promises to marry anyone who washes her hair in the same bowl, even if it's his mother; T. continues to wash his hair in his bowl; when he returns, his brother notices his sister's hair in it, marries her; T. runs away, turns into a bird; (apparently taking his appearance again), combs his grazing cattle her younger brother; she is found, spotted in a tree, a tree is cut down, M. is placed in a donkey's belly; the chief's son notices her coming out of the donkey to swim; hides her clothes; returns every thing alone, takes M. with her; she returns, supposedly, for a forgotten piece of jewelry, becomes a donkey again; the leader's son marries a donkey, that night goes out as a girl; the leader himself, in the absence of his son, sees T., decides to kill son; asks him to go down to the well, leaves it there; the son finds the dates his wife put there in his hair, a palm tree grows out of the stone, he crawls out of it; lures his father into a well-covered well, fire at the bottom; father dies]: Casajus 1982:15-17.

Southern Europe. Italians (Ticino) [father sent his son to study to be a blacksmith; he is so strong that he broke an anvil; forged an iron staff for himself, went on a journey; took a wooden tree breaker as his companion with a staff and throwing millstones into the sea; they were told about a castle from which they do not return; they come there, cook one by one; the owner comes, the cook hits him, but the food burns; everyone tells his comrades that suffered from his stomach; when the blacksmith's apprentice remains, he hits the person who comes so hard that he shows a well; if you go down, you can save the three princesses below; the blacksmith's apprentice descends, frees the princess from the chains, sends her upstairs in the basket; she left a silver apple to the savior; the same with the second princess (gives a golden apple), with the third (diamond); the blacksmith's apprentice is left below; princesses are brought to the king; weddings in a year and one day; both elders demand a silver and golden apple from the groom, who show only rough copies; the blacksmith's apprentice went out, went to earth; the king gave him a younger princess, punished the liars]: Keller 1981:224-228.

Western Europe. The French (Dauphine) [a pregnant wife and her husband went to the forest for firewood, the bear took the woman away, covered her from the cave with a stone; the woman gave birth to a son when he is seven years old, he fell off the stone, they his mother ran home; his children tease him Bear Jean (MF, Jean de l'Ours), he beats them; tells his father to order blacksmiths a 10 ton iron stick, goes wandering; meets, takes them as fellow travelers 1) felting trees with one blow of an ax (Jean-Woodcutter, Railway), 2) Jean the Fearless (WB); only MF can climb a huge tree, you can see an iron castle from it, they break through its wall, eat and drink; the next morning, the railway remains to cook, the seven-headed cannibal (Mâgou) comes, beats the railway, the ogre's sister serves him food; the same with the RC; MF blows the cannibal's heads off, takes his healing ointment; the twins find the ogre's sister, they learn about three kidnapped princesses, kill their sister; only MF can go down through the hole leading to the lower world (RC and Railway tell them to pick them up, it's too hot or cold there); the old woman advises saving princesses, they are taken upstairs when they raise the MF, the twins cut off the rope; the MF crashed, but was healed with the ogre's ointment; the old woman says that the cannibal climbed the eagle; MF prepares meat, throws it into the eagle's beak while it carries it; the meat is over, it cuts off its buttocks, heals himself with ointment; MF prepares meat for the eagle again, she brings it to the mountain, from where you can see the city with the princesses; MF has time take a seat at the altar instead of the train, beats him marrying a princess]: Joisten 1991, No. 3:58-64.

Australia. Dieri; bagunji [collect edible larvae].

Melanesia. Inanwatan Berau; kamoro; vatut; chimbu [brothers Mondo and Gande hunted birds; G.'s arrow hit a bird and flew away with it; old Mukatakera took the arrow; fed her brothers and left them to sleep; G. sees that beautiful girls come to the old woman at night; the old woman gave her brothers a pandanus fruit; they turned into girls; G.'s girlfriend with worn skin, because M. He dropped his fruit; he wants to take M.'s wife; to do this, he adjusts M. to go down into the cave to hunt bats and cut off the stairs; the ant helps M. get out; he killed G. by letting him into it two arrows and burned down the house]: Sterly 1977:50.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Tikopia.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Rai [Salewaceo's wife's six brothers knew how to turn into tigers, bears and other animals; they hunted like that; he was afraid of them; he returned home to his wife; the brothers thought he might be bad refers to their sister, killed him; the sister took revenge by placing poison in the lake in which the brothers were diving, they lost their ability to metamorphoses; then the brothers decided to kill their cousin (son) their father's brother), take possession of his wife; they lowered the stairs down the cliff to the bee's nest, sent him for honey; he asked for all their clothes, moistened them with honey, hid them in a cave, climbed into them himself; when the brothers threw away the stairs, the man stayed in the cave for several years, eating honey, which he soaked in his garments; once he saw a monkey, grabbed his tail, she pulled it upstairs; at home, the brothers stick to to the wife of the abandoned, always asking if her husband had returned; he secretly returns, his wife fed him, he killed his fourth brother, they are fleeing with his wife; he separates the waters of the lake, crosses dry; tells the brothers that you can cross the lake with as many clothes as possible; brothers come back, get dressed, clothes immediately pull them to the bottom, they drowned]: Allen 2011:175-180; lepcha [Taskey- thing married the Wild Pig; told bumblebees, grasshoppers, and other insects to hold the rope when he went down to the rock for honey; the unfaithful wife cut the rope, T. fell, clutching his mustache to the rock; now this mustache is gray grass; the monkey lowered T. to the ground; three years later he caught up with the Wild Pig, killed with onions, burned it, dripped fat, he tasted it, ordered people to hunt wild from now on pigs; married Pisces; offered to carry her across the river; she demanded that a bridge be built; when he had almost carried her, she slipped into the water; T. caught her on the top, killed her, threw her into the fire, tasted the fat, told her for people to eat fish from now on; return to heaven (Rum)]: Stocks 1925, No. VIII: 361-363; duffle [huge Peta Labra birds carry women, usually brides from a wedding procession; Nyu Talo instead the girls placed a wooden pestle, tied a rope, the bird carried the pestle to a nest on a rock in the middle of the sea, NT found it on a rope, climbed a rock; his friend Poii Talo cut the rope out of envy; NT killed adults birds, began to train the youngest chick, tied a log to it, it fell; flew on a worn one; he wanted to throw it off, but NT stabbed it in the wing above his house, the bird went down and died; so NT killed cannibal birds]: Bori 1995:49-52; apatani [was a giant tree, you can't see the top; a huge Arii Midii bird made a nest at the top, began to feed people and animals with its own two chicks; people promised Palo Talo to make him king if he killed a bird, told him not to kill the chicks; he climbed to the top, shot his mother bird, wanted to kill the chicks, but then people removed the iron pins, with which he climbed upstairs; he began to feed the chicks with meat prepared by the bird; tried whether the chick would raise a stone, only picked up one, killed the other; then the chick lowered him to the ground; he killed him too; the feather from the wing of a big bird became a little eagle, the other a hawk, the heart a big eagle; PT was made king, but he returned to his country]: Blackburn 2008, No. 6:81-83; ao [senior age wants to take the youngest girl; calls to ruin the nest of a rhino bird; both climb the tree through the notches on the trunk; the elder drops the phone, goes down after her, destroying the notches, leaves; the mother bird brings food to the chicks and the young man at the same time; he slowly pulls out feathers to prevent them from flying away; noticing this, the mother bird suggests that the young man be lowered to the ground; all the birds raise a large stone upstairs Show that I can also withstand a person's weight; the young man returns to his mother; when he regains consciousness, kills an opponent, takes a girl as a wife]: Smith 1926, No. 18:382-383.

Burma - Indochina. Mona [stepmother demands that the husband leave his son with his first wife in the forest; the father takes the boy away, drives pegs into the tree trunk, and the boy climbs them up into the pelican's nest; the father takes out the pegs leaves; on the advice of his father, the boy invites the pelicans to be their servant; he takes care of the chicks; they grow up, the pelican lowers the young man to the ground; he has grown rice, the elephants have trampled on him, the young man has made trap pits, elephants got there, their leader, a white elephant, gives a young man two daughters as his wife; the young man became known as the lord of a hundred elephants]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 148:360-354.

South Asia. Santals [seven brothers leave; their wives abuse their little sister; tell them to bring water in a jar full of holes (frogs plug holes), bring leaves, then brushwood without tying them up (snakes they tie); ask to climb a tree for flowers, cover the trunk with thorns, leave; her tears fall on her returning brothers, they save her; they push the wives into a well, keep them there without food or water for as many years as they tortured the girl]: Bodding 1929, No. 87:307-323; muria [the Raja has seven wives, each with a son; he ordered the youngest to live in a stable; the Raja is blind, the sage tells him to send sons for the liver of the Shining Goat; six brothers reluctantly agree to take the youngest; the goat jumps into a deep hole; the older brothers are afraid to go down, there are snakes, tigers and scorpions; the youngest comes down, the creatures disappear he marries his daughter Rakshasi, then her sister, then gets six more daughters to Mahapurub, who also gives the Goat; the brothers pick it up, cut off the rope, the young man falls, breaks; the girls say that they must live alone for 12 years; Goat's liver makes his father's eyes even more ill (this is an imaginary liver); the young man comes to life, a rope appears, he climbs upstairs, disguised as a dirty beggar, hires to guard the house girls; tells them his story, they wash and dress him; he treats his father with a real liver; the Raja executes his older sons]: Elwin 1944, No. 1:3-13 (Zograf translation 1971, No. 22:75-85); Tamils [the prince and the minister's son went on a journey; an elephant took a daughter from one king; the elephant is surrounded by four circles of defenders: jackals, leopards, tigers, elephants; the prince defeated jackals and leopards; pulled out from the quagmire of the tiger king, he became his friend, recalled his tigers; the prince returned the princess, got him married; he retired in the forest out of need, at which time the underground demon took the princess away, and the minister's son did not even resisted; the tiger called the animals, they dug a hole into the lower world, the prince lowered the chain there, went down, killed the demon, sent his wife and another princess kidnapped by the demon upstairs; the minister's son threw off the chain , came to the princess's father under the guise of his son-in-law; the princess asks to postpone the celebrations for six months; the prince turned to the deity, became a kite, flew to the ground; began to live with a garland seller; makes the best; threw Wife's ring, she recognized it; everything was clarified; the minister's son was forgiven]: Natesa Sastri 1886:208-230 (a similar but worse quality option in Blackburn 2005, No. 46).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Alor [mango fruits].

The Balkans. The Serbs [the king keeps her daughter locked up; she grew up and asked for a walk with her brothers; she was immediately carried away by a dragon; the brothers received horses from her father and went in search; a castle between heaven and earth; decided slaughter one horse, make it leather with belts, tie a belt to an arrow and pierce the castle; only the younger brother agreed to sacrifice a horse; only he went up to the castle; there the sister looked in her head dragon; brother hits the dragon three times with a mace, but he only thinks that someone is biting; sister shows: hit the belly; the dragon is killed, thrown down; in three rooms on the horse: the black man has a silver one, white is gold, the bay has precious stones; then in three rooms there is a girl who embroider, spun, all made of gold, the latter has a golden hen with chickens; the young man lowered his sister down, and then three girls with their handicrafts, the last for themselves; the brothers cut off their belts out of envy; women were forbidden to tell anything, and instead of their younger brother they dressed up and brought home a shepherd; when the elder the brother arranged a wedding, the youngest flew on a raven horse to the church and knocked the elder out of the saddle; the same at the second brother's wedding; and when the shepherd's wedding, the young man killed him with a club and opened up to the audience; the king expelled the eldest sons, married the youngest to the chosen one, and after the death of his father, he inherited the throne]: Karadzich 1853 in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:15-18, in Eschker 1992, No. 11:65-68.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Lucky [women disappear in the state, pathah hides his wife, the youngest son steals the key, opens the room where the mother is sitting, the cloud takes her away; the two eldest sons go in search, followed by the youngest; meets seven devas, they admire his strength, point to a mountain on which three-, four-, five- and seven-headed ajdaha; the young man orders a retractable staircase from the blacksmith, climbs the mountain, kills everyone Azhdakha, frees three kidnapped princesses and mother, lowers them and treasures down, the princesses give the young man a golden apple each; the brothers remove the stairs, bring the princesses and mother to his father, say that they have obtained them themselves; the young man finds a box with a dwarf in it, following orders; he takes the young man to his hometown; he is hired by a blacksmith, a dwarf does any job; princesses order golden apples, imaginary the blacksmith's assistant gives them the ones they gave him; gathers the people, tells his story, kills his archbrothers, marries the best princess, gets the throne]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 10:142-149; Udins [The shepherd's son Rustam is very strong, playing with other children, maiming them; the old woman advises sending R. to the forest where three divas live for firewood; the king sends, R. easily kills divas, brings firewood; the king sends R. to a white diva; after a hard struggle, R. kills him too; decides to leave; meets and companions a man who holds a torn tree over the plowman to create a shadow; tied to his legs millstones and grinding grain with them; drinking the river; everyone, not knowing who is in front of him, says that his abilities mean nothing, but R. is a hero; they live in a hut, each one takes turns cooking; comes Azhdakha, asks for pilaf broth, the cook asks him to wait, Azhdakha ties him with hair from her beard, eats everything; when R. remains, he cuts off his head, she rolls into the crevice; she is the first to try the tree holder comes down, but shouts that it is burning, he is pulled out; the same with others; R. tells him not to pick it up if he screams; below R. opens 7 iron doors, sees a sleeping diva on her knees girls; kills him; so four girls and four divas, R. kills divas and Azhdaha's head; sends three girls upstairs; the last most beautiful is afraid that his companions will not lift R.; leaves him two feather: if you hit one another, a white ram (carry it to the ground) and a black goat (lower it even lower) will appear; the companions picked up the girl and left; R. called the animals, accidentally sat on a goat, was below; asked the old woman for a drink, she said that the snake in the well only gives water in exchange for gifts, now it is the turn of the royal daughter; she brings the snake a bowl of pilaf; R. chopped the snake, the princess put the moistened with blood hand to back R.; the king called everyone together, made sure that the hero was R.; he could not understand him to the ground, but says that the snake eats the bird's chicks; R. kills the snake; the chicks tell the bird, so agrees take R. to the ground, he must ask the king for meat and water; he cuts off the last piece of R. from his thigh; on the ground, the bird sees that R. is limping, puts the meat back; gives two feathers to summon it; R. forgives his companions, leaves them beauties, takes the best for himself; companions change rings; if the stone on the ring turns black, the owner is in trouble; R. comes to another country, kills a diva, takes his wife second wife; the local king also wanted this woman; the old woman asks for a flying chest; asks R. to take her into service; persuades R.'s second wife to find out what his strength is; he says that without a ring she will weaken, and in two weeks she will die; the old woman took off the ring from R.'s sleeping, invited his wife to sit in the chest, the chest flew to the king; companions came, the water bread drank water in the well, found a ring there; R. defeated and killed the king, brought his wife back]: Dirr 1921, No. 58:210-218; Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988, No. 31 [three brothers hunt, meet a beautiful woman kidnapped by nine devas; they killed them; the elder 9-headed grabs the woman again, takes her underground; the younger brother goes down there on a rope; sends the woman upstairs; when he must go up himself, he ties a block of wood just in case, the brothers cut off the rope; going upstairs, the woman gave the key to the stable, ordered him to sit on a white horse; he would take it upstairs, and the black one would lower it even lower; the white man ran away, the young man sat on a black horse; there the woman kneads the dough in the urine: water closed the gveleshapi, demands people to eat, the boy's turn; the young man shot the Gveleshapi; people are happy; the king advises to go to the eagle, he will take him to the ground; the eagles first hide the man so that his eagle does not swallowed; on the way to earth, the young man feeds the eagle meat, cuts off the last piece from his leg; the eagle says that the last piece was the sweetest - he should not eat the person; the young man returns when the middle brother arranges a wedding with that woman; kills brothers, marries a beautiful woman himself]: 79-83; Chikovani 1954 [(=1985, No. 3:19-22; =1986:129-136); someone steals wonderful apples from the royal garden; elder, the middle princes are guarding, sleeping; the youngest injures the deva with an arrow, a bloody trail leads under a stone; the older brothers are afraid to go down, the youngest mother of the deva says that her son is injured; the young man advises to pour into the wound boiling oil, takes out his arrow; dev dies, a young man kills his mother, frees three beauties; the youngest warns that if his brothers betray him, he must sit not on a black sheep, but on a white sheep; she will carry him to the underworld, I must say, "Babkin's roof is soft, cotton", will fall on a soft one; brothers pick up beauties, cut off the rope; on a sheep, a young man gets to a crooked old woman, eats porridge from that sides where she has a blind eye; the old woman adopts him, says that the dev took the water; the young man cut off his head; asks the king to lift him upstairs; he says that only Pashkunji can do it; P. constantly eats gveleshapi; one chick cries, it will be eaten today, the other laughs tomorrow; a young man kills Mr. with an arrow; there is thunder, it is raining, it is the mother of the chicks crying, thinks that the children are swallowed; the children first hide the savior, then show them to their mother; she tells them to stock up the meat; in flight it ends, the young man carves meat from under his knee; P. says he would eat it if she knew that people's meat is so tasty; heals the young man's wound; the swineherd says that the king's eldest son marries the youngest's bride; the young man asks for his clothes, one can pull on his bow; the bride recognizes him; he kills his brother with an arrow, getting married]: 28-33.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tofalars; Oirats (Altai Uriankhai people) [the legend of the appearance of the song "Buga Bietey Khaltar" ("A Bay Horse with a Deer Body") says that in ancient times two people lived in Uriankhai Khoshun brothers; when the youngest married, he had a big feast, and the elder, seeing his daughter-in-law, fell in love with her and harbored malicious intent; the older brother invited the younger brother to catch the golden eagle chick and teach it how to hunt; the younger agreed, and both of them went to the Altai Mountains; when they noticed a golden eagle's nest on the slope, the elder tied the younger one with a rope, lowered it into the nest and left it there; when he returned home, he told everyone that the youngest fell and crashed; then began to persuade his younger brother's wife to become his wife; the grandmother, not believing in the death of her youngest grandson, secretly inspired her daughter-in-law to be sure that her husband was safe and sound; left in his younger brother did not die in the nest, he was fed by an eagle; when her chick grew up and flew out of the nest, his younger brother sank with him to the ground; he rode a bay horse, wandered around relatives and He eventually composed the song "A Bay Horse with a Deer's Body"; since then, the Uriankhai people have forever freed their golden eagles trained to hunt]: Erdenebold 2012:76-77.

Western Siberia. Nganasana.

Amur - Sakhalin. Orochi.

Japan. The Japanese (Tohoku) [falcon catcher in Mutsu {Tohoku} took the falcon's children each time; she made a nest on a cliff ledge; a neighbor offered to lower the catcher to a ledge in the basket; raised the chicks in basket back, went home, said that the catcher fell into the sea; the catcher sat on the ledge for many years, reading the Lotus Sutra and asking Cannes to forgive him for killing birds; a serpent came out of the sea, climbed a cliff, a catcher hit him on the head with a sword, the serpent took him to the top of the cliff, disappeared; the man realized that the serpent was Cannon herself, returned home; his relatives were happy; he opened the box with the Lotus Sutra, found his a sword that pierced her; became a monk]: Mescheryakov 1984:80-81.

The Arctic. The Bering Strait and Northern Alaska Inupiate.

Subarctic. Helmet; tanaina [man goes down to the cliff to get the eagle's eggs; the rope breaks, he falls into the nest; the eagles feed him, give him a lot of feathers, lift him back to the rock]: Vaudrin 1969: 64-45.

NW Coast. Bellacula [a tree hunter climbs a rock for mountain sheep]; quakiutl [husband sends his wife for hemlock branches]; nootka [goes down to their lair for seals; husband raises his wife to the tree]; poppies [husband lifts his wife to the tree].

The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [the old man rips off the bark, making the trunk slippery]; upper colitz [Coyote makes the rock smooth]; sanpual; yakima; quileut [goes down for seals into their lair].

Plains. Sarsi; blacklegs; teton.

Southeast USA. Caddo [get water from the well].

California. Yurok; vilot; karok; shasta; vintu; luiseno.

Big Pool. Southern Utah [get a dead sheep].

The Great Southwest. Havasupai [hunters leave the chief on the cliff; at home, the Coyote takes his two wives without feeding them; the Bat lowers the chief, he kills evil tribesmen; jumps into the abyss with his wives; they turning into stars]: Smithson, Euler 1994:69-75; Zunyi; Western Apaches.

Mesoamerica Lacandons [honey]; canhobal [Mother Virgin gave birth to Our Father in the field; her brothers gave him an ax, he knocked down the forest with a few blows, and they all cut down one tree; they tied him to a tree , set fire to the felled vegetation; he told the gopher to gnaw through the fetters, hide it in a hole, left a tree that looked like burnt bones; the brothers began to eat, throw bones into this tree; Our Father turned bones in all animals; the brothers opened the corral, some of the animals ran away and became wild; he invited the brothers to climb the tree, it grew to the sky, he tore off the bark from the bottom of the trunk (so that was smooth and slippery), created a lake around; the brothers turned into animals (monkeys)]: Peñalosa 1995b: 153-157.

The Northern Andes. Yupa [woman finds a stone, makes a phallus out of it, gives birth to a girl; people break the phallus, it bleeds; a woman dies of grief; his little daughter begins to create European cars to destroy Yupa; God sends Vulture; he, in the form of a man, invites the girl to go with him, climb a tree, throws away the stairs; the girl's tears form the sea, from the water she conceives a son, gives birth to him overseas; when he grows up, he takes him as a husband; Europeans come from them]: Wilbert 1974, No. 10:92-94.

Guiana. Pemon; vapishana; trio; oyampi; waiwai [Wayam-yenna (turtle people) were like people; husbands called his wife to the forest for fruit; climbed a tree, fell again; wife she stepped on his stomach with contempt, so the male turtles have a concave shell from below; the wife climbed the tree herself, the husband went home; instead of fruits, there were various kakenau-kworokjam (spirits, previously who lived on earth, now on the second heavenly tier, they have the names of animals, birds, insects); wanted to copulate, the woman covered herself in twigs; the grasshopper split the tree, copulated (he has a sharp ovipositor); the kakenau left, the woman ate the fruit, got down, went home, went from the fork not to the wayam, but to kamara-yenna (jaguar people); their grandmother hides her under a vessel; a giant turtle lived in the house, she told the jaguars about the woman, put her head under the vessel, she spit on her, the jaguars broke the turtle woman's shell, ate her; the old woman was left with two eggs; she found Mawari in one, Wåshi in the other; hid it from jaguars for three years under the vessel; on the advice of the old woman, they made the first bows and arrows (also the first axes, the stone knife, the top); the Jaguars showed M. a Brazilian walnut, he climbed on it, they took away the stairs; M. tears, turning into squirrel; M. and V. did not have penises, they grew up in the forest; they licked them, by morning their penises had grown; the old woman's excrement grew into cassava, they did not like it; then she let herself be burned, from burnt bones a real cassava appeared; they sent a karau bird to the top, there was a catch; it was an otter, the brothers copulated with it in the eye; she told them to catch women in the river; shooting into the water, M. and V. pulled out women's objects (a bag, a mat, a basket, a spindle, etc.); on the fifth time, M. pulled out a woman, the daughter of an anaconda with an anaconda child; he pulled out the second one for V., she had two dogs in her arms, when M. rose to heaven, he bequeathed people keep dogs; V.'s descendants are non-strikers, M. are Indians and Europeans (they are kind); almost all of M.'s children died; he fired arrows into the sky, and his wife took to heaven along a chain of arrows]: Fock 1963:38-42.

Guiana. Varrau [the rabbit kills the children of the Jaguariha; lures her to the roof and throws the stairs; only after a long time does the jaguariha dare to jump down]: Wilbert 1970, No. 193:450-451.

Ecuador. Colorado: Aguavil, Aguavil 1985:38-40 [two women go into the hollow to get bats; the husband has other women, he cleans the stairs, walks away; one woman starves, the other sees the road, goes along it, goes to wild pigs; they look like humans; then to a female battleship, she is ferocious; then to an old woman guatusa {it seems paka}; lives with her; one cub is trapped, guatusa says that a female fell on him], 178-180 [her husband has a mistress, he wants to get rid of his former wife; he lets his wife and her sister down the cliff to get toro chicks, cuts off the rope; the women climbed into the cave, went out on the road; they came to the old woman; she said that her sons would come; one hid under the roof, they killed the other; the old woman sent the rest along the path to another old woman, she took her to the ground].

Western Amazon. Siona [sister does not drink drugs with her brothers, but eats fish greedily; they leave it in the tree, it turns into a bird]: Chaves 1958:147; sekoya [husband leaves wife and sister at the bottom of a deep cave where they hunt rodents; women manage to get out, but they get to jaguars, where their older sister dies]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 42:187-189; shuar; aguaruna.

NW Amazon. Carijona; andoke; yukuna; makuna; barasana, No. 6A; chikuna; barasana [see motif J16; Varimi asked Watsóa Wehéro to reset Wansoko fruit for him; he made a ladder, offered to go up, threw away the stairs, V. cannot go down; in winter Herons flew in, gave him feathers, taught him to fly; on the way, the trap is like scissors; V. put it in it a log, everything flew by safely; at the site, the fire, V. caused rain, everyone flew by; ducks and other birds flew with them; flew to Romi-Kum; she fed everyone; suspects that someone with the birds That is, because she ate more than usual; arranges a dabukuri festival; the birds came back and V. stayed with RK; she took him to her father's house Rimáhinó (Serpent Venom); RK woke him up, touching a hot shard; V. became a flea, R. took it off his back, put it in his mouth; V. jumped out of his nose when R. sneezed, took the poison; flew as a bird to his grandmother, Menya's wife; began to cook the poison, tried it, lost consciousness; at this time the snakes stole it, became poisonous; V. killed the ogre eagle Ramé with a wind gun; his blood turned into various types of reeds; his feathers were taken for dance costumes, he taught many songs]: Torres Laborde 1969:31-45 (the episode with the stairs thrown away at p. 40-41).

Central Amazon. Parintintin.

Eastern Amazon. Hissing [while preparing to remember the dead, you must refrain from sex; the soul will find a violation of the ban, because it will begin to suffocate from sperm; the owner of the dead Wuba punishes the offender, inviting his soul to climb a rock, throws away a ladder; a man dies, Wuba turns his soul into a whirlwind of leaves]: Nimuendaju 1922:375; tenetehara.

Montagna - Jurua. Machigenga; kashibo.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana, No. 62, 67; surui; sinta larga; chiriguano; guarazu [father sends son to a tree to get fruit for his mother; leaves, tells his wife that he has killed his son jaguar; hausi lowers the boy to the ground, advises to lure vultures with a piece of fall, ask them for strong horns; Vultures consistently bring horns from three different types of wood; on the third since the horns don't break against the trunk; the boy puts them on, turns into a deer, kills his father with horns; this is how deer appeared]: Riester 1977, No. 22:260-262.

Southern Amazon. Kalapalo [honey; no details regarding the stairs]: Basso 1973:95-96; kamayura; Iranshe: Pereira 1985, No. 42 [honey]: 185; Moura 1960 [fruits]: 53; paresi [fruits]: Pereira 1986, No. 2:69-70; Rickback [The turtle and his wife go for fruit; the wife climbs a tree, sheds only unripe fruits for her husband; he creates a tree mushroom around the trunk that prevents him from descending, leaves; at night The Night Monkey lowers a vine for her because she allowed her to meet her; but the Turtle was afraid to go down; the same with two other species of monkeys; the woodpecker met her, smashed a mushroom; a woman returns home, leaves her husband, marries Stork; former and new husband go fishing, Turtle caught nothing; made the fish wooden, Stork's key stuck, Woodpecker saved him; Turtle woman invited ex-husband to go for honey; he got up, she cut off the vine; he fell, crashed (traces on the shell)]: Pereira 1994, No. 23:168-170; bororo.

Eastern Brazil. Crash: Wilbert 1978, No. 57 [Schultz 1950:72-74; only Pud and Pudleré have fire (Sun and Month), they have risen to heaven; people bake meat in the sun, eat puba wood; sister's husband a 10-year-old boy told him to climb a rock to get a mako parrot from his nest; removed the stairs and left; the boy suffers from dirt in the nest; the Jaguar sees his shadow, tells him to jump, catches, leads him to him, washes, gives him food cooked on fire; his pregnant wife frightens the boy; the Jaguar gives him a bow, tells him to shoot if his wife threatens again; the boy shoots her in the paws, runs home; people take fire from the Jaguar], 170 [falcons fly, cutting off people's heads; people run to heaven and throw away stairs; the old man, his wife and two grandchildren were on the site at the time, stayed on the ground]: 160-163 , 425; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 39 [Melatti 1978:325-327; the fire was owned by a jaguar (Rópti); people ate raw meat dried in the sun; the man told his wife's younger brother to get a mako parrot from the nest; the parrot is not given, the boy is afraid of her; the sister's husband threw away the stairs, left; the boy has been living in a mako nest for two months; the Jaguar notices his shadow; tells him to drop the mako, eats them, tells the boy to jump, catches brings him to the stream to wash, brings him to him, does not tell his wife to eat it; she shows the boy's claws; the Jaguar makes him a bow, tells him to shoot at his wife if she starts threatening; the boy shoots comes home; his father and others carried the Jaguar fire]: 122-124; beiso de pau suya; kayapo; apinaye; krenje; ramkokamecra; xavante; sherente.

Chaco. Get honey. Maca; nivacle.