Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K21A. A woman comes back from heaven .

A celestial marries an earthly woman. She wants to return to earth and secretly descends from her husband.

Zande, Kutene, Lkungen, Klallam, Twana, Snookually, Puyallup, Pujallup, Puget Sound, Yakima, Koulitz, Timagami Ojibwa, Steppe Cree, Sheyen, Arapahoe, Pawnee, Wichita, Maidu, Washo, lacandons.

Sudan - East Africa. Zande [the girl decided to leave her father and find her husband; the amulet (oracles) advised her to wait under the tree; when the thunderstorm begins, the Thunder will descend a rope from the sky and she will be able to take this rope to heaven get up; got up, came to Thunder's wife, who was friendly with her; Thunder broke her to pieces three times, but she immediately became whole; Thunder decided that the girl was good for him, put her in a separate the hut next to the first wife's hut; the girl's father was told by the amulet to turn to the cricket, who would help bring her daughter back; when Thunder came down to the ground, the cricket climbed into heaven on his rope, made a hole in the hut Thunder's new wife; threw mosquitoes so that Thunder moved into his first wife's hut; first the woman let her children's cricket down the hole; answered Thunder that the noise was because she hit mosquitoes; then climbed by herself; the cricket made many moves and Thunder wandered for a long time; came to his new wife's father's house and demanded her back; father: you didn't pay the ransom for your wife; Thunder had to leave]: Evans-Pritchard 1965:73-74 .

The coast is the Plateau. Kutene [a girl wants a weak star as her husband; wakes up in the sky next to an old man; he forbids digging tubers under a tree; she digs, sees her relatives below; she goes down to the ground along a rope; the next night, the Star kills her]: Boas 1917, No. 70:247-249; lkungen [two sisters sleep outside; the eldest wants a bright Jupiter as her husband, the youngest is reddish Mars; the stars take them to heaven; Jupiter's eyes are inflamed; husbands are not told to dig up rhizomes; the eldest violates the ban, makes a hole in the sky, sees the house; sisters go down the rope, return to her mother]: Boas 1895, No. 2:62-63; clallam [two girls sleep outside; the eldest wants a bright, younger, dim star as her husband; the stars take them to the sky, the dim one turns out to be handsome; a hot fire is burning in the sky, the sisters throw them at him algae, getting cooler; sisters walk between crush rocks, avoid other dangers; find a hole in the sky; weave a rope from cedar paws, go down to the ground]: Gunther 1925:135-136; twana [two sisters want a star to be husbands; wake up in the sky; want to come back; dig a hole through the sky, go down a rope; one of them gives birth to a son; two girls who have come from salmon milk, they kidnap him with a rotten deck in his cradle; the shaman turns her into a boy; Blue Jay flies under the descending and rising (sky?) , his head becomes flat; finds the kidnapped; he is already an adult man, married to his kidnappers; sea fish, Cedar, Spruce his children; returns to the earthly world; makes the Raven black; runs away from people setting fire to the ground; turns a swimming child into a loon, a Deer into a deer, a Beaver into a beaver, a monster and a menstruating girl into rocks, drowns a witch; turns into a Month, his brother (from a rotten deck) - in the Sun]: Elmendorf 1961, No. 5:32-37; Snookwell: Elmendorf 1961, No. 4 [one sister likes a bright star, the other a dim star; bright red eyes; husbands carry sisters to heaven; they dig in hole, go down a rope to the ground; one gives birth to a son, the other daughter; a star father kidnaps his son from the cradle, putting a rotten deck in return; hides the baby in the north behind descending and rising ( firmament?) ; many birds fail, a little bird brings the boy back; the star's son marries a star; she fills women's baskets with berries and roots]: 27-31; Haeberlin 1924, No. 2 [one sister likes a white, another red star; both wake up in the sky; the Red Star has sore eyes; husbands forbid digging a deep root; after the birth of a boy, one of the sisters dig up a root, in A hole forms in the sky; sisters and boy descend on a rope; ask a blind toad woman to watch the child; he is stolen; Blue Jay flies to the country of salmon, slipping between the crushing rocks; returns with the boy; he grows up, creates rivers, mountains, animals; his name is Shvek u], 2a [as in 2, three sisters, the youngest stays on earth; the monstrous woman Scully and her two daughters a child is kidnapped; his name is Arch Hade, he later becomes a Month]: 373-375; puyallup [five sisters sleep in the open air; the youngest wants a bright star for her husband, the eldest is dim (the rest are intermittently); wake up in the sky; the youngest's husband is an old man with sore eyes, the eldest is young; sisters dig roots, make a hole in the sky, go down a rope from their bast, return home]: Adamson 1934:356; Puget Sound [two sisters dig the roots of a fern, stay overnight on the prairie; one wants a white star as her husband, the other a red star; when they wake up, they are in the sky; a white star - old man, red - young; husbands do not tell me to dig deep roots; the older sister is pregnant, the youngest is sitting by the smoke hole so as not to see her cry because she has an old husband; when the boy grew up, he dug a hole, from there the wind, the husbands immediately felt it, but the women managed to close the hole; they weaved the rope and went down with the child; while everyone was swinging on the rope, and An old toad looks at the child, the boy was stolen by the salmon (this is the next Month); the mother found a rotten tree in the cradle, moistened the diaper, squeezed it five times, a second boy appeared (the future Sun); yellow woodpecker goes looking for the Month, can not pass between the crushing rocks; the same another woodpecker, raven, osprey; the blue jay flew by; the month promised to come later; inserted a stick between the rocks so that the blue jay could slip back; A month married to a woman who is one of the salmon; his son does not want to let him go; Month: a new generation is coming, and you (i.e. salmon) will be food; The month was first mistaken, telling the salmon to go down only then did he tell me to go up; meets people fighting; What are you doing? - We fight; he turned them into birds and stones; turned little slaves into snipes; fishermen and people in the swamp into two types of ducks; people on the beach into oysters; people know that the Month changes the nature of people they meet, they want it kill; others argue about day and night, some want light and darkness every day, bear wants day and night to last for a year; now the bear sleeps all winter; the deer makes the tip of a spear; Month: what are you doing? - I want to kill the Transformer; Month: If you're a deer, they'll eat you; Norka argues with the Month who is who; Norka could not change the Month, and he turned it into a stick; he's Mink again; The Month cut him - the current minks turned out; four women drag each other by the hair; - We train to pull onions; The month turned them into 4 types of edible plants; made a man on the lake a beaver; carrying salmon - otter; Wild Cat roasts salmon, fell asleep; He ate everything for a month, the leftovers are in his face, now it has stripes, he has become a cat; 5 brothers are playing: fire, fire! It's all on fire; the trail: here, my grandson! but the quiver of the Month is burnt; across the river, old man Echo; only repeats: bring a boat! The month has passed by itself, began to fight Echo; bird: take the Echo giblets that hang on the wall of the dugout; the Echo echoed; the blue heron uses its head as a hammer, because stones and sticks alive; The Month made them with stones and sticks, made the Heron of Herons; The month gathered everyone to determine who should shine during the day and who should shine at night; tried the yellow hammer, but there is little light; the raven, the coyote, woodpecker is dark; hummingbirds are better, but the day is very short; younger brother The sun offered to be the sun for the Month, but it is too hot, the water is boiling; the Sun has begun to shine during the day, the Month at night; the old toad woman is now visible at night on the disc of the Month; the rope on which they swayed was up to the sky; Month: you can climb; but the Rat gnawed it, the Month turned it into a rat; the rocks on the mountain were transformed people; the Indians were relatives Months]: Ballard 1929:68-80; Clark 1953 (puyallup) [older sister gives birth to a son when she returns to earth]: 143-146; colitz [two sisters look at the sky; the eldest wants a bright, younger dim star in husbands; wake up in the sky; a bright star is young, a dim old man; husbands do not tell wives to dig a deep root; they dig up, make a hole in the sky, from there the wind blows; sisters go down root rope; the eldest with the boy she was born; see motif A23]: Adamson 1934:269-271; yakima: Beavert 1974 [five virgins live with their grandparents; grandfather does not tell me to sleep on their backs while looking to the stars; the older two do it, the youngest of the two wants a bright husband, the oldest a dim star; the youngest X áfash wakes up next to the young, the oldest Y á slaams - with an old man; sisters dig roots, make a hole alone, see the ground; they weave a rope from climbing plants; the youngest goes down, the eldest falls and breaks when her husband cuts the rope; the youngest gives birth to a shining boy; this is the North Star; the Coyote and others want to kill him, but he wins everyone; looks at the girl, she gets pregnant and gives birth; amniotic fluid has become soda sources; she threw a baby at the North Star, the abandoned child's leg was torn off; standing on one leg, the North Star always spins in one place]: 188-192; Hines 1992, No. 49 [mother sends two daughters to dig roots ; they sleep outside, the youngest Yas-lum-mas wants a red star as her husband, Tah Pal-Meadow offers her sister a bright one; The stars take both to heaven; Y. has an old husband, T. is young; husbands do not tell dig deep when collecting roots; T. digs, the wind blows into the resulting hole, husbands feel it; sisters weave a rope from hazel root, go down to the ground; T. has a child, the Golden Boy (ZM); a woman from the east comes when a blind grandmother (mother of sisters) rocks the baby; replaces him with a rotten snag; a rope that descends from the sky, which served as a swing, immediately breaks; sisters soak and squeeze dada (diapers?) , make them a new boy; Blue Jay gets east to a place where the ground rises and falls; flies through the crack, only the feathers of his crest are touched; ZM is already a man, making arrows, throws flint fragments into Blue Jay; he talks about what happened, ZM removes the fragments from the wounds; the wife leaves their son to watch his father; he leaves his hair responsible for himself, along with the Blue Jay returns home; becomes the Sun, brother Month made of diapers; Europeans descend from ZM's remaining son in the east]: 141-146.

The Midwest. Timagami ojibwa [one girl wants a white star as her husband, the other a red star; they wake up in the sky; a white star is an old man, a red star is a young star; an old woman sits on a hole in the sky (Pleiades); invites girls to weave a rope; husbands help them go down; they get to the top of the tree; promise to marry whoever will bring them down to the ground; Bear, Lynx can't, Wolverine lowers; they send bring him a ribbon tied to a branch, run away; they spend the night with the Woodpecker, he does not sleep with them; three types of ducks cannot transport them across the river; Toadstool transports them, marries them; they find out that Toadstool is a jester, Loon - chief; go to Loon; Toadstool throws hot flints into the mouth of sleeping Loon, killing him; ties a bag of rabbit blood to his stomach, simulates suicide; people reveal deception, chase Toadstool; he turns them into ducks]: Speck 1915d, No. 5:47-53; Ojibwa [two Stupid Girls look at the starry sky, want Stars to be husbands; wake up in the sky, husbands are nearby; an old woman helped them escape by lowering in the basket through the hole; inadvertently, they found themselves in the hawk's nest; Wolverine lowered them, they deceived him, ran away; they got to the Dive; he pretended to be the Man with Wampum, Loon; they watched their husband play the role of a jester in Loon's house and went to Loon; the dive killed him by putting a hot stone down his sleeper's throat, ran into the sea; people told the leeches to dry the sea, but the Dive ripped them open bellies with a flintlock knife; the sea spilled back and everyone drowned]: Jones 1916, No. 15a: 371; Ojibwa [two stupid girls look at the stars, one wants to sleep with a white star, the other wants to sleep with a red star; find themselves in the sky, the red star is young, the white star is old; the old woman shows them a hole, they see their village, they want to go home, they weave a rope, it's short, they go down to an empty eagle's nest in a tree; Bear , Bison, Coyote refuse to let them down; Wolverine lowers them, copulates with them, puts them back; so long; Wolverine's wife comes; the girls promise her a hot lover, she changes places with them, they run away; Wolverine copulates with her female; they decide that both are equally ugly and should live together]: Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:158-161; Steppe Cree [the older sister wants a bright husband, the youngest dim star; both wake up in the sky; the husband of the youngest young, the eldest gray; the stars leave home at night; the old woman advises the sisters to dig a root that grows where the bison droppings lie; under it there is a hole in in the sky; sisters descend on a rope; the old woman tells the elder to blindfold not to open before reaching the ground; she peeks, the rope breaks, the sisters fall to the top of the tree; Bear, Lynx cannot take them off , do not want them to be wives; Wolverine takes them off, but the older sister falls, breaks her leg above the knee; the sisters turn Wolverine into a wolverine; at night, by the fire, the eldest cuts off her leg, sharpens her broken bone, calls the youngest My Husband; the tit tells the youngest to run north; the Bear, the Lynx, the Great Serpent cannot help them, the older sister kills them with her sharp leg; a one-legged man cuts on the lake cut an ice-hole; agrees to help her younger sister when she calls him brother; kills her older sister by dropping a stone on her; see below Bison Kidnaps a Woman]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 34: 326-332.

The Great Plains. Northern sheyens [two girls look at the stars; the first wants a bright star to be her husband, the second is an ordinary star; a porcupine lures the first to a tree, from there to the sky, turns into a middle-aged man takes a girl as his wife; tells her not to dig a white tuber; she digs it up, sees her house on the ground through the hole; she goes down the grass rope; she is short, the girl falls, breaks; the Skylark woman finds a boy in her womb, raises him; he comes to his maternal grandmother; lets the water monster swallow himself, cuts him from the inside, releases swallowed people; in another village, the white Raven drives away buffalo from hunters, humans starve; Shooting Star pretends to be a dead bison, catches the Raven, smokes it to death in the chimney; marries]: Grinnell 1921:308-312 in Edmonds, Clark 1989:188-192; Pawnee : Dorsey 1904b, No. 16 (skidi) [two girls sleep outside; one wishes a bright star as her husband; wakes up in the sky, a middle-aged man with her; he asks her to dig roots in the hills, but not in the valley; she violates the ban, sees his house on the ground through a hole; weaves a rope from her tendons, goes down with his young son; her husband hits her with lightning; she falls dead, her son remains alive; since then he has there is a picture of a star on his forehead; he steals corn and pumpkins from the witch's garden; she is happy to be his teacher; her snake husband wants to eat it; the young man throws a bag of corn into the house in front of him, the snake bites the bag; he kills the snake, the corpse turns into the witch's husband; the young man kills cougars, bears, snakes or brings them to the witch alive; she lets them go; he comes to the village; returns to heaven becoming a star]: 60-65; 1906, No. 13 (kitkehahki) [two girls sleep outside, one wants a star for her husband; wakes up in the sky; gives birth to a son; husband tells you to be careful when digging roots; she digs, holes in the sky, does a rope made of tendons; descends, taking her son with him; hangs before reaching the ground; the husband kills her with a stone, she falls to the ground; the son sucks the chest of a dead mother, then comes to the old woman who has a grandson of those The same years; the grandmother does not tell them to go in a certain direction, they go, lightning kills monsters that threaten them; the bear; they make a scarecrow, scare their grandmother; another monster (not described); they kill cougars and others themselves dangerous animals; come to people; Star Boy disappears (probably returned to heaven)]: 56-58; arpaho [A month hears one girl expressing a desire to marry him and another wanting to be a husband a bright star; his brother The Sun prefers the Frog because it does not wrinkle her eyes when looking at him; The month turns into a porcupine, the girl follows him, climbs a tree, goes to the sky; the Sun brings A frog; wives compete to see who chews louder; the frog crunches with coals, black drools; she jumps on the chest of the Month; the Month warns the wife not to dig a deep hole by digging roots; she digs a hole in the sky sees her native village; weaves a rope from her tendons, climbs down it; see motif J18]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 134:321-329; wichita [a girl looks at the sky, wants a star for her husband, prefers a bright dim; wakes up next to the old man; she is not told to move a stone; she breaks the ban, sees the ground through the hole; wraps a rope out of the grass, goes down; the rope only lasts to the top of the tree; The vulture puts the girl on her back, brings her to her parents; since then, people don't count stars at night]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 57:298-299.

California. Maidu [texts recorded 50 years apart are almost identical]: Dixon 1912, No. 10 [after coming of age dancing, two girls sleep outside, dreaming of their star husbands; eldest I wanted a bright red star as my husband, the youngest wanted a blue star; in the morning they did not pierce their ears, did not swim to wash away evil; the next night they find themselves in heaven with their husbands; Red eats only hearts, Blue - fat; everyone gives birth to a child; wives tell husbands that children want to play with tendons, weave a rope from their tendons, go down; husbands cut the rope, women break; brothers find them, put them in water, they come to life]: 183-189; Shipley 1991 [daughter's mother: If you dream of something bad, you have to pierce your earlobes and take a dip, then the bad will not come true; two girls dreamed of star people, but not swam in the river; they lie and look at the stars; one would like to be near a bright red star, the other with a blue star; in the morning they were in the sky next to their husbands; the youngest reproaches the eldest for all this through her fault; everyone gives birth to a child; they tell their husbands that children want to play with tendons; weave a rope; leaving the children, they climbed down; the children began to cry; one of the husbands went to find out what was going on, saw the rope and cut it off; the women fell and died; one of the brothers found them; they were put in water and by morning they came to life; the youngest says that the red husband ate only hearts, and the blue man ate fat; each of the star men eats only one food]: 141-146.

The Big Pool. Washo: Curtis 1976 (15) [The grandfather of the two sisters rejects all kinds of plant food they collect; they go to bed in the open; the youngest wants a white star, the eldest, the eldest, to be her husband offers red; stars take sisters to heaven; red turns out to be the Sun, white turns out to be the Month; younger sister (wife of the Month) says her husband does not hunt, but bites meat like a coyote, it's bad; the eldest invites her to her place; while digging roots, the youngest pokes an anthill with a stick, making a hole, the sisters see her grandfather below; the eldest asks her husband to collect the tendons that their child wants to play with; they weave a rope, start to descend; the child is offended that his mother does not take him, tells his father, the Sun cuts the rope, both women fall, die]: 154-156; Dangberg 1927, No. 5 [grandfather catches fish, eats good food himself, second-rate, feeds two granddaughters; they decide to leave; lie down, admire the stars; the eldest says that she wants a bright husband, the youngest says that she wants her husband to be dim ("with small eyes like herself"); The stars take them to heaven; one gives birth to a child; one husband brings venison to his wife, the other gives his own kidneys under the guise of game; contrary to the ban, sisters try each other's food; dig lily tubers; Stars forbid wives dig bulbs on an anthill; they dig up, making a hole in the sky; they see their grandfather from above, who is still calling the eldest named (Hélida); they go down a rope of tendons; their baby cries; mother unties him, he flies back to heaven; tells the Stars about his escape; one of the husbands cuts the rope; women fall on their grandfather, killing him]: 433-439 (=1928:90-98).

Mesoamerica Lacandons [Kin Chob marries and brings his wife to heaven where he lives; tells his first wife to guard the new one; an earthly woman descends, her husband cuts the rope, the woman falls, breaks ]: Boremanse 1989:88.