Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K22. Cranes and Pygmies, F535.5.1. . (.24.) .26.27.


Different from (ordinary) humans, inhabitants of a faraway country from time to time fight enemies of inhuman nature that attack them.

Chagga, French, Arabic writing tradition, Sema, (Nicobars), Ancient Chinese, Ancient Greece, Georgians, (Armenians), Scandinavians, Finns, Western Sami, Evenks of China, Nanais, Bering Strait Inupiat, Tlingit, Tsimshian, Bellacula, Comox, Snohomish, Skagit, Niscualli, Yakima, Fox, Sarsi, Blackfooted, Grovantre, Crowe, Natchez, Alabama, Chikasaw, Chirokee, Zunyi, Navajo, Hicarilla, Western Apache, Lipan, Tarahumara, Embera, Nonama, Kuna, Shuar, Takana, Kuikuro, Kamayura.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Chagga 1965 [at sunset, the Sun gives its shield to Geneva Moon, just as a tired warrior does in the evening; at noon, the Sun goes to rest like a tired porter; far in the east they live people who don't know about sleep; at sunrise, when the Sun is small, it is attacked by birds that may mistake it for grain, and humans protect the Sun from it]: Gutmann, p. 177-178 in Millroth: 25-26.

Western Europe. The French [in caves and in the depths of the earth live little men no more than a foot in height; they have long hair and beards, they walk in shaggy hats, red suits and silver shoes; they will live to the end of the world, after which they will die and will not be resurrected on the Day of Judgment; they are kind, but purple with anger when they see or hear geese; geese, if they envy little men, rush to pinch them; now little men do not dare to go to earth for fear of evil people and geese who offend them; once a year on Christmas Eve, from dusk to midnight, the earth will give birth to various fruits and cattle for dwarfs; at this time they they must collect everything and put it underground; then they must carry piles of gold coins to the ground for a short time; if this is not done, the gold will turn red and the dwarfs throw it away]: Carlin 1991:247- 248.

Western Asia. Arabs (written tradition): Scobie 1975 [Musa Ud-Damiti (1344-1405) describes 931 animals mentioned in the Koran in Hayat ul-Hayawan; traveling to Zanj, a man of the people of Rumiyah), caught in a storm, found himself on an island where people lived 3 feet tall, mostly one-eyed; the local king ordered him to be put in a cage; one day he saw the inhabitants preparing for battle; he they said that storks were attacking them at that time; they pecked out the eyes of dwarfs, so there were many one-eyed ones; the man began to beat the birds with a truncheon, they flew away; for this, the dwarfs began to show him everything appreciation]: 124; Stang 1982 [Syrian source, probably 9th century AD, most likely based on the Arabic Niga Miracles; North beyond Gog and Magog, across the Ocean, there are little people living in holes on mountain cliffs. Cranes are constantly fighting them. There are also headless people with faces on their chest] :23.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Sema [in cold weather, flocks of flying foxes fly over the Sema country; these "birds" fly to fight the Toti-ina Amazons, whose village is east of the Tiger People Village; it is believed that small bronze gongs (probably made by kachin) and a certain type of spear (produced by Kalyo-Kengyu) come from T.]: Hutton 1968:258-259.

(Wed. Malaysia-Indonesia. Nicobars [Malacca's people found a hole in the ground, lit torches, went down, came to a village of underground dwarfs, found many eggs from birds that dwarfs raised, and began to steal eggs; the dwarfs found the thieves, began to resent; the Malaccans offered a dance competition, if they won, they would retain the right to pick eggs; they lost; the dwarfs planted a tree in front of their world, blocked the entrance stones, the Malaccans did not find this entrance anymore]: Roy 2001, No. 8:20-21).

China - Korea. Ancient China: Yuan Ke 1987:193 [There was a country of dwarfs across the South Sea; they lived in caves and were inventive; while cultivating fields, they were afraid they would be captured by white cranes; huge people from the neighboring country Daqing helped dwarfs chase cranes away], 194 [(Waley 1959:5: this is from Shen I Ching, ca. 300 AD); to the west, the Swan Land was overseas; dwarfs were very afraid of sea swans. because they swallowed them alive, but they continued to live in the bellies of swans; swans lived three hundred years and flew by thousands of times a day]; Waley 1959 [Tun-huang Pien-wen Chi 1957:882-885; 9th century AD manuscript from Dunghuang cave complex (Gansu, near the border with Xinjiang), opened in 1899-1900; poor T'ien K'un-lun saw three crane girls swimming in the pond; two flew away, the third hesitated in the pond, he took her clothes; she agreed to go out when he gave her his shirt to cover her nudity; she gave birth to him a son, T'ien Chang; K. was sent to the West, his wife persuaded her mother-in-law to show her her clothes, flew away; when the son is five years old, the mother and her sisters go down to the pond again, take the boy to heaven; after 15 years, God sends him to earth, giving him an eight-volume book; the emperor called him, but sent him west for adultery; returns when T. finds explanations for unusual things; 1) a warrior dwarf (this is someone Li Tzu-ao, swallowed by a crane) was found in the mouth of a killed crane; 2) a giant's tooth was found (this is someone Ku Yen, his tooth was knocked out in a battle with the Lu people); 4) the loudest sound is thunder, the quietest when the whisper of one of the three walking nearby cannot be heard by the others; 6) the biggest bird is Rukh, the smallest chao-liao, hers seven chicks fit on the fly's mustache; the emperor makes T. Chief of Staff (High Chamberlain)]: 1-5.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Stahl 1982:31 [Cranes fly across the Ocean stream, attacking pygmies: Hom. II.III, 1-9], 37-40 [according to ancient sources, mytho-epic pygmies live on the island of Fule {Thule}, on islands near Southern Italy, in Caria, Ionia, in Thrace and Thracian Scythia, in the upper reaches of the Ganges, the origins of the Nile are everywhere near the ocean; cranes fly to escape winter; pygmies are about the size of an elbow; war is being waged for grain crops], 42 [comments on Eustathius's Iliad: fighting cranes, pygmies they put their horns forward and crack in the guise of sheep in ratchets], 264-270 [all references to the myth of dwarfs and cranes in Greek and Latin sources in the original language (Strabo, Pliny, Homer, etc.] 46 [Strab. XV, 1, 57, p.711: Going to the extreme of the mythical, he (Megashthenes) speaks of people in five and three inches, some of whom are noseless, with only two breathing holes above their mouths; these, three inches, war with cranes, as Homer points out, and partridges, which are the size of a goose; Strab. II, 1, 9, p.70: But Deimah and Megasthenes are especially not trustworthy; because they are again talking about people sitting on their ears, mouthless, noseless, one-eyed and long-legged, and people with with their fingers turned back; they again spoke about the Homer Crane, calling them three-pronged; Ath. Dipnosoph IX, 390b, 15, 20 (Atheneas quotes Basilis and Menecles): "Little people who constantly and persistently fight cranes use partridges as a means of transportation"; "And Menecle, in his first book The Meetings says that "Pygmies are fighting partridges and cranes"], 46-47 [quotes from Eustath. Comment. ad Hom.: According to Menecles, pygmies fight cranes and partridges and use partridges as a means of transportation. Indian pygmies drive cranes away with bronze-tipped arrows; sheep and goats (on a lamb sled) go to the Ocean coast in spring to destroy crane eggs], 48 [Plin. NH VII, 2, 26: (Indian pygmies), sitting on the backs of sheep and goats, armed with arrows, go down to the sea and eat eggs and cranes; otherwise, cranes, when they grow up, will deprive them opportunities to resist; they build their huts from clay, feathers and egg shells], 50 [sources do not mention Indian as well as African women], 56-57 [at Juvenal and many others Pygmies are obviously inferior to cranes in battle], 66 [Greco-Thracian version; Gerana is a Greek name (geras, gen. geranos - crane; Gerania is a city in Thrace, according to Pliny, inhabited by pygmies; Eliana: Gerana began to rule the pygmies, boasted that she was more beautiful than all goddesses; Hera turned her into an ugly bird - a crane; now she is fighting the pygmies, because they are the ones who brought her into madness with honor (Ael. NA, XV, 29)], 67 [Athenaeas (Ath. Dipnosoph. IX, 393e, f): And Boyos says about the crane that the Pygmies had a wonderful woman named Gerana; she was honored by her fellow citizens as a deity, began to humiliate the real gods, especially Hera and Artemis; and Hera, in annoyance, turned her into an obscene bird and made her hostile and hated by the pygmies who had previously honored her: and Boyos says that she and Nikodamanta gave birth to a land turtle], 71 [Ant. Lib. Metam. XVI: The pygmies were born Oinoy (Vinnaya), married Nicodamant, gave birth to a Pug; did not honor Hera, she made her a crane, started a war between her and the pygmies; longing for M., O. flew over the house, and the pygmies drove it; this is how the war between cranes and pygmies began], 74-76 [the barbarians call Gerania Cathizon; from there, they say, cranes drove the Pygmies out (Solin, Pliny the Elder in the description of Thrace); Stephen of Byzantine calls that Thracian city of Kattuza], 165 [parts of a funeral crown depicting pygmies and cranes were found in the Melgunov treasure near Kirovograd; an item of Asia Minor work, apparently from the 6th century BC], 169-171 [ the earliest depiction of the battle between pygmies and cranes is François's black-figure vase (signed by Cletius and Ergothim) from Vulci (now in Florence); circa 570 BC; pygmies, proportionally composed people as tall as cranes or shorter on goats, with a sling in their hands; pygmies are also seriously depicted on other 6th century vases from Etruria and Magna Greece], 172 [about 480 BC begins caricature of pygmies as plump, weak people], 173 [the crane as an attribute of pygmies lives to Greco-Roman times (Pompeii)], 183 ["the legend of cranes and pygmies existed in the ancient world and beyond its borders, regardless of Greek mythology and Greek mytho-epic tradition, and was gradually mastered by this mythology and this legend" (this conclusion does not seem to be proven); images of pygmies and there are no cranes in Spain (was there no myth there?)] , 184-185 [Byzantine images of cranes and pygmies before the 6th-7th centuries].

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians (Khevsureti): Virsaladze 1973, No. 64 [(=Chikovani 1985, No. 155:325-326; =1986:492-495; first publication 1961); Hogais Mindy from Amga village is full of Lezgins; there a woman prepares medicine from snake blood; XM wants to commit suicide by licking blood, but licks only a drop, cuts the swelling under his sinuses, lice come out of there, he becomes light, understands the language of all creatures; ran away, saw the ash-sprinkled bridge passed backwards; seeing the tracks, the pursuers stopped chasing; XM came to a village of dwarfs the size of a finger; in the evening they began to carry chips and branches to fortify; They are about to be attacked by flocks of kites, magpies, rooks, cranes; HM took the bow, dispersed the birds; the dwarfs are grateful, one one-eyed says he is the cuckoo XM once knocked out his eye; they are all cuckoos , they turn into birds across the mountain; he leads XM through the ash city to Amga, flies, showing the way; at home, XM understood the language of plants, did not mow hay, did not cut firewood; at his wife's insistence, he cut down a tree, lost knowledge; he was drafted into the army, he was killed], 65 [when Hogais Mindy was born from the Arkhoti Gorge, two suns rose in the sky; dwarf jamni (spirits of diseases) took him and hero Gakhua to the north side of the Caucasus ridges; XM was captured by the Kaji, began to fatten, he ate ash, lost weight; when the child was the watchman, XM walked across the ash-sprinkled bridge, stepping backwards, fled from the Kajas; fell into the country of the Googuli ( cuckoos); one-eyed G. says that as a child, XM knocked out his eye with a stone, although he was the one who brought spring to Arhoti; the cuckoos are attacked by an army of rooks, XM killed the rooks with a stick; he was given snake meat, after insects came out of the abscess, XM became light; the one-eyed Googuli took him home; XM understood the language of animals and plants; but began to kill animals, cut down trees, then stopped understanding; XM was killed by the Vainakhs] : 111-113, 114-118; (cf. Armenians [storks in their country have a human appearance; when preparing to fly, they swim in the river and put on feathers; when they return, they climb the mountain, make a sacrifice, swim again and become human; every year a stork strangles one chick as a sacrifice to God; one woman forgot her bracelet by the river, did not find it; met a plowman, who called her by name; said that he was a stork who made a nest in her in the yard; he hid the bracelet so that others would not carry it away; with the onset of spring, the stork country's farmers swam in the river, put on wings, gave wings to the woman, turned to storks, flew to our land; if aim at a crane, it immediately turns into a beautiful woman with a baby in her arms]: Harutyunyan 2007:43-44).

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [by Olaus Magnus (1490-1551), Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus, 1555, vol. II, ch. 11 {by Carta marina 1539; this is one of the many drawings on the map}: Greenlanders fight cranes; compares this to Pliny and Solina's data]: Toivonen 1937:89, figure in S.90 [engraving from Olaus Magnus II,11; dwarfs with spears at the ready, one of them riding a pony (? ; an animal with hooves but a snout and tail more like a dog) against cranes that are slightly taller]; Finns: Harva 1948 [at the southern or southwestern end of the Milky Way (linnurata) Birdland (lintukotola) is located; it is an island in the ever-warm sea where dwarfs fight birds live; at the same time, lintukotola is at the edge of the sky (shaped like a bowl), so dwarfs The name is taevanääriläiset ("living at the edge of heaven"] in Erdödi 1968:111, in Napolskikh 1992:5-6; Toivonen 1937:91 [by Ganander, Mithologia Fennica, 1789: Turjanmaa is Ethiopia, a country where lintukotalaiset dwarfs ("inhabitants of the land of birds") fight and are defeated by cranes; according to Jacob Fellman, Ur Lappisk Mythologi och Lappländsk Sägen: The Finns of Lapland believe that in eastern little people live in the corner of the world], 93-94 (numerous records in different areas) [lintukotolainen (inhabitants of the land of birds) are tiny in size, live far in the south, in a warm country; they feed bird eggs; fighting cranes that ravage their fields; an ordinary person got there, helped them defeat birds or establish peace; they wonder he can eat three eggs at once; sometimes he is tied up, but he tears his fetters easily], 94-95 (northern Ingria) [lint'kotolaiset live near the horizon, where heaven converges with earth and sky so low that only dwarfs can fit there, and their women put spindles on sky], 95 [according to Fellman, p.126; there is a huge whirlpool in the sea that draws ships into the lower world; water rushes into it for 7 years, comes back for 7 years; if you take food for 7 years, you can visit that world; Ääreläiset lives there, they only feed on bird eggs; they are described in the same way as lintukotolaiset], 103 (Mittelpohjanmaa) [lintukotalaiset lived in Finland, they hunted mice and frogs; one late summer, a flock of cranes came down here; l. and the cranes began to fight, the cranes defeated and ate them, but part of l. on the wings of the cranes flew with them to a country where they now live]; Western Sami: Pollan 2005, No. 115 [birds fly to the country of Barbmo every autumn; dwarfs as tall as a swan live there; they catch geese and other birds with a stick with a loop at the end; no bones they break, assemble, bring them to where they caught the bird; two brothers came there, noticed that the bones were not breaking; the brothers did the same; it's very warm there]: 225; Toivonen 1937 [by Jacob Fellman, Ur Lappisk Mythologi och Lappländsk Sägen: 91; Tshaur is the same as the Finns Lintukotolainen, little men three feet tall living in the birdland far east; (not mentioned the battle between dwarfs and birds, but given the similarity with Finnish and Scandinavian data, this motive can be assumed by edans with birds, but given the similarity with Finnish and Scandinavian data, this can also be assumed among the Sami)]: 92.

Eastern Siberia. The Evenks of China [husband and wife with three children migrated; met family: parents, their adult son and daughter-in-law; they offered to live near them; they were actually mangiä; the father sent the children to them behind the fire; the old woman pinched their face, said: how fat; the children ran away; the family secretly withdrew from the camp; M. followed the dog, the bear; the man killed the bear first with an arrow, then the old man, then the old woman, then the young; the runners each time think that the victim has already begun to eat; the family goes on, they meet little tailed people; they ask them to stay with them: they are attacked scary birds and predators; it turned out that they were geese and badgers; people shot a lot of geese and badgers, were happy with the prey, moved on]: Bäcker 1988, No. 27:198-201.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nanais [little Chaha Naini (chaha means "elbow") live far beyond the sea; the Chinese emperor sent a flock of geese to exterminate them, but this failed, because ChN, having bows and arrows in the form of needles, repel the geese attack, and the war continues to this day; geese return to the Chinese emperor for summer; China has a large wall, with a gate that opens for the passage of animals and birds several times a year; herds crowd against the wall, depending on the season, waiting for admission; first, a pass is allowed, the imperial goose Elali (big goose, Anser cinereus) is the first to fly through the gate ); once the gate keeper did not obey the order to open them in a timely manner, which killed a huge number of animals and birds; the keeper was beheaded]: Shimkevich 1897:137.

The Arctic. Bering Strait Inupiat [the young man does not want to marry; one day he sees naked girls playing, hides, grabs one; she gives birth to him a son and daughter; eats grass, not seal meat; his mother Reproaches her for this, calls her a duck; the offended wife takes the children and leaves; the husband goes to look for her; one, then the other old man, shows the way; the fox transports him across the lake, says that the dead live here; He tells you to go up the mountain, from there you can see the village of Ducks; the man's son and daughter are already adults, the son greets him; the wife at first does not believe it is him; he drives her new husband away; other ducks attack the village; a person kills a lot, tells his mother-in-law to cook them, she does it reluctantly; the wife gives birth to another child; the spouses return to people with him; the eldest son and daughter stay with the Ducks]: Jenness 1924, No. 23 : 49-52; (cf. Asian Eskimos [older brothers die; younger Kayaksigvik; father reluctantly gives him a kayak; while he is chasing a white whale, a sea chicken climbs into his mouth (his hands are full); father at home pulls her by the tail; K. meets a man dressed in iron; he thinks that K.'s mouth is wearing leaky shoes, gives his clothes, turns out to be a mountain ram; K. falls into the old man's nets; he carries a "seal" home; K. pretends to be dead, clings to a tree on the way; the old man's wife cannot gut him because of his iron clothes, the old man thinks that the seal has not yet thawed; leaves his feces to guard; K. pours out the pot, kills the sleeping old man and his wife; comes to dwarfs, marries; they mistake lake foam for ice floes, lemming for a bear, marten for a deer; K. easily kills a "bear" and "deer"; dwarfs turned out to be partridges; returning home, K. finds his (apparently younger) brother, he is an old man; his parents are long dead]: Menovshchikov 1988, No. 19:94-97; Kodiak [two hunters have difficulty noticing the dwellings dwarfs; dwarfs fresh salmon, call it a whale; ask for help kill a brown bear in the lair; it's a mouse in a hole, people easily kill it; luckily they hide two dwarfs in their clothes, try to leave, but find themselves in the same place; they have to free the dwarfs to leave; they go home]: Birket-Smith 1953:148).

NW Coast. Tlingit: Swanton 1909, No. 24 [man sees two Goose girls bathing; steals their feathers, marries them; Goose sees relatives flying by; Goose father-in-law allows his son-in-law to wear feathers; they fly to the land of birds; Herons attack Goose; a man kills many herons with a bow, saves the Goose tribe; Goose and Herons reconcile; man stays with birds], 54 [episode of the battle as at No. 24, Cranes and Geese attack Goose; Goose leave a man on a rock; a bird takes him home]: 55-57, 206-208; Tsimshians [people from the Wolf, Raven, Eagle families catch many sea lions; a man from the Bear family - only two; steals Wolf lions; he carves a wooden lion; the Bear harpoons him, the tench sticks to his hand, the lion drags his boat into the open sea; there are three in the boat with him companions; they come to dwarfs; they fight ducks, geese, swans, cormorants, cranes; many die because feathers clog their mouths and noses; people easily curl their necks; grateful dwarfs they take them home]: Boas 1902:108-115; bellacula [the hunter comes to the dwarfs; watches with horror as they dig out of the ground, kill and eat a toad-like monster; in the spring for dwarfs hummingbirds, geese, ducks and all migratory birds attack; the hunter easily hits geese and swans, roasts and eats them; dwarfs look with horror; birds carry one dwarf, drop them on the hunter's native village; from a dwarf it turns out to be a strong slave]: McIlwraith 1948 (2): 457-459.

The coast is the Plateau. Comox (chatloltk) [the eldest of the four brothers makes a boat; the others don't share meat with him; he makes a seal out of cedar; his brothers harpoon it, the seal drags them into the sea; they fall into dwarf village; dwarfs are attacked by birds, their feathers fly like arrows; brothers beat birds with clubs; the younger one pulls feathers out of the bodies of fallen dwarfs, they come to life; a grateful leader puts brothers inside whale that takes them home]: Boas 1895, No. 16:87-89; snohomish [three brothers hunt seals, the fifth makes boats; his greedy wife eats all the meat herself, says his brothers don't give him; he makes a wooden seal, which drags the brothers' boat overseas; dwarfs with small mouths live there, eat larvae; fight ducks, snipes, geese; brothers kill birds, treat wounded dwarfs; become killer whales , return home; lure their fourth brother to pick eggs; he loses his way, dies]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 35:428-430; skagit [wife lies that her two brothers do not share food with her; husband's father turns the log into a seal; he takes the brothers' boat far into the sea, they cannot prune the tenches; they get to dwarfs; they are attacked by ducks with feathers; brothers easily kill them with an oar; they revive dwarfs, pulling feathers out of their bodies; dwarfs give them dentalia shells, send them home on a whale; people rejoice, food becomes abundant]: Hilbert 1985:73-86; Puget Sound [resume; Pheasant's wife's brothers they hunt; they gave her food and asked her to feed her husband; but she ate everything herself with her children; deciding that they did not share food with them, Pheasant carves and revives the seal on the fourth attempt; the wife's brothers they follow him, fall into the fog, to the edge of the world; a dwarf appears, he is incredibly strong; brings his brothers to the village; all the inhabitants there are old dwarfs; they eat raw food, they have mountains of detailing shells; dwarfs are attacked by ducks; brothers easily kill them and show that meat should be cooked; dwarfs send their brothers home on a whale with dentium shells; brothers return home]: Bierwert 1990 , No. 7:233-237; Niscually [three younger brothers quarrel with the elder; harpoon (done by him?) a seal, he drags them across the sea, they can't unhook the tench; they see a dwarf in a boat, they steal fish from him; he brings them home; geese attack dwarfs, kill them with feathers; brothers revive dwarfs, pulling feathers out of their bodies; for this, dwarfs send their brothers home on a whale's back; they turn into turtles along the way]: Kane 1859 in Boas 1916:868; yakima [a huge bird carries people and animals; a man quietly climbs on her back, flies to the nest where the female sits on eggs; for several months she quietly feeds on the meat brought by poultry; sees a boat with small people, asks him to pick him up ; these people breathe through a tiny hole, feed by inhaling beads; hordes of geese and ducks attack them every spring; during battle, feathers and fluff clog their breathing holes; man removes feathers, saving many; the attack is repulsed; he is chosen as a leader, given by his wife, he has children; by old age he returns home; now little people are probably all destroyed by birds that regularly trained to fight for the island where they lived; some say this story took place in Puget Sound]: Hines 1992, No. 20:69-76.

The Midwest. Fox [man gets to dwarfs; they rip open the bellies of pregnant wives; he teaches their women how to give birth; dwarfs have no anuses, they are surprised to see a person relieve themselves (he probably does they have anuses; without details); dwarfs are attacked by their terrible enemies cranes, geese, goose; a person easily kills birds, roasts them and eats them]: Jones 1907, No. 5:75-77.

The Great Plains. Sarsi [the girl says she will marry a young man only if the scar disappears from his face; he tells his mother to make him many pairs of moccasins, goes to the Sun; sparrow, bear, snake answer that they can't help him; the son of the Sun and his wife Moon The morning star meets him, he lives with the Sun's family; he does not tell him to go to the lake, he goes, geese and swans attack, the young man easily kills them; this There were terrible enemies of the Sun family; the young man with the Morning Star enters the steam room, after which the Moon cannot distinguish his son from the boy, the scar disappears, now the boy's name is "Second Star"; the young man returns to people bringing them knowledge of the steam room, sun dance and hair-lock shirt; the young man, followed by the Morning Star, enters the tipi to his ex-bride; she goes crazy, dies; the young man returns to heaven, becomes the Evening Star ]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 17:18-19; blacklegs [a young man with a scar on his face comes to the Sun; cranes and other birds are deadly to celestials; a young man kills them; the Sun makes him handsome; a young man returns; according to various versions, marries or rejects her lover]: Clark 1966:243-248; Grinnell 1962 [daughter of wealthy parents rejects suitors; says she belongs to the Sun; tells the poor a young man with a scar on his face should go to the Sun to ask her to marry; Wolf, Bear, Badger do not know the way; Wolverine tells him to reach the other side of the sea; two Swans transport the young man across the water; the Morning Star is the son The sun and his wife, the moon, the young man goes hunting with him, exterminates the long-billed birds in the big water that killed all the other children of the Sun; parents are grateful, the scar on the young man's face disappears; The sun says that he created the world; that the bison is smarter than all crows, the best for humans, the sacred part of the bison's body is his language, that the heart lies and the brain doesn't; sends the young man home on the Wolf's Way (Milky Way); the young man teaches people rituals, gets married to a sweetheart]: 93-103; McClintoc 1910 at Clark 1960 [teaches Sun Dance rituals]: 66-67; Curtis 1907-1930 (6): 59-60 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 (piegan) [Morning Star - Son Suns and moons; the leader's daughter rejects the scarred young man; the Morning Star takes him to heaven; the Sun puts him in the steam room, makes him indistinguishable from his son; the young man easily kills the birds that killed all the Morning brothers Stars; when she returns to earth, teaches people the rituals of a steam bath, marries the leader's daughter]: 228-230; Spence 1985 [two sisters sleep outside; the eldest Feather wants the Morning Star as her husband; he goes down takes her to heaven; he is the son of the Sun and Moon; a woman gives birth to a son; the Month tells her not to dig up a large rhizome; two Cranes help her dig it up; through a hole in the sky she sees her home; her husband tells her The spider brings her and her son down to the ground; she returns to her parents, dies soon; her son Sing a scar on his face, the girls laugh at him; the old woman says that only the Sun can correct the defect; the young man goes across the sea along a sunny path, comes to heaven in the guise of a ragged man; the Sun tells the Moon to kill him, but the Moon and the Morning Star protect him; he kills birds that attack the Morning Star, Sun and Moon grateful to him; the Sun removes the scar from his face, teaches the Sun Dance; along the Milky Way, a young man returns to earth, teaches people; marries, and his wife goes to heaven]: 200-205; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 4a [recorded from a man; a young man with a scar on his face asks his sister to marry him; she promises to marry a young man if he loses his scar; the young man goes to the Sun; the farther west, the darker the people are; the black man says that during the day they hide from the heat of the Sun in a cave; the young man goes on and meets the Sun's son the Morning Star; the Sun makes his face clean, the Sun's wife Moon cannot distinguish a young man from her son; now his name is "The One Mistaken for the Morning Star" (Jupiter); the Sun warns against going down west and down east; a young man goes killing seven birds in the west (Clark: geese), in the east seven cranes; the Morning Star was afraid of them in panic, they were deadly for celestials; The Sun gives the young man a shirt and leggings with ornaments reminding of this feat; closing his eyes, the young man finds himself on earth, explains the meaning of the ornament, teaches how to make a steam room; returns to heaven, seen as Jupiter (Quail in Clark 1966:242-248)], 4b [recorded from a woman; a girl rejects a young man with a scar; he goes to To the sun, kills swans; the son of the Sun The Morning Star is grateful, these birds were dangerous; the Sun makes the young man indistinguishable from his son; gives shamanic power, sends him to earth to take revenge on the offender girl; swan heads brought to the Sun are parallel to scalping]: 61-65, 65-66; grovantre [two friends travel; enter a cave, enter the world of giants; they are attacked by eagles, cutting their arteries with blades attached to their legs; friends hit eagles with clubs, easily killing them; giants are grateful, friends go back; in the cave lies a water monster in their way; they burn the path in it; alone warns not to eat his meat, the other eats; at night, when he leaves the cave, horns grow on his head, he turns into a monster below his waist; predicts wealth to a friend; tells him to sacrifice only animal giblets; hides in the river; friend becomes chief]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 39:115-116; crowe [the bisons are gone; the hunters follow them into the cave; giants live in that world, the bison is their horses; their enemies are insects, small birds and animals; even a scratch in battle with them is fatal for giants; hunters kill animals; grateful giants help drive buffalo to the ground]: Lowie 1918:216-218; Simms 1903, #14:295-297.

Southeast USA. Natchez [for little men, big seems small and vice versa; an ordinary person gets to them; they fight Hornets, then Cranes; man easily disperses Hornets with a branch, Cranes beats with a stick; dwarfs kill a bison, one of them carries a carcass; they easily jump across a wide river, but a man carries them across a stream]: Swanton 1929, No. 19:247-248; Alabama: Swanton 1929, No. 20 [two (or four) men decide to go to heaven (west); they come to Sharp buttocks, who dig a shelter, wait for ducks, geese and white cranes to attack; the battle begins, people beat and they fry birds; they come to an old woman, she gives them some pumpkin, the food does not run out; she gives her a scoop of pumpkin, they scoop up water in the deep water, splash on both sides, the waters diverge, they pass through the bottom, the waters close behind them again; the man gave them cigarettes, the other to tie the bark to their feet; in tobacco smoke they passed the fighting, with bark on their feet, snakes on the path; the old woman told them to avoid the village of Dogs and the village of Girls; you can look at the dogs, you have to pass by the girls in spite of them; on the way, travelers saw many people walking; they came to the one sitting upstairs; he gave them a melon, told do not bite through the seeds, collected them back in their peel, the melon was whole again; he poured boiling water over them, which seemed only warm water, scraped them, the dirt came off, their bodies became light; he pushed the lid away, they saw their house was downstairs; when they woke up, they were at home, with God-given corn, melons and bean seeds nearby], 22 [the woman died leaving her child, two men went back; the old woman gave them a pumpkin to eat, they ate, but the pumpkin did not run out; they came to a place where dwarfs fought ducks and geese; spent the night with another old woman, she let each pumpkin scoop water from the rivers and so go; let the bark tie at their feet to pass the place where the snakes were; another woman gave tobacco, they lit a cigarette, hiding in clouds of smoke from people who were fighting; they came to the edge of the sky, it went up and down; one slipped through a cougar, the other a wild cat; in the sky, a man warned women about the city, they would try to stop them; they passed without stopping; God gave them a melon, told them not to gnaw the seeds, and peeled them again the melon was reborn; God pulled the lid away, they saw their house below; gave pieces of cobs, they threw them at the dancing woman, she fell, they put her in a vessel, closed the lid; they woke up at home in the morning ; the woman in the vessel moaned, said they had killed her; they opened the lid a little, she disappeared, returned to heaven; they came for her again, God gave her again, they lost her again; if they hadn't turned the lid away, people would come back after death]: 139-141, 142-143; chickasaw [little people) hide from ordinary people, rarely let themselves be seen; if a person can't cross a big river, some of the dwarfs can easily carry it, but the dwarfs themselves cannot cross a small stream; their worst enemies are wasps; after finding a hornet's nest, the dwarfs prepare to attack, the wasp bite is fatal to them; If they are human, he hits the nest with a stick, and dwarfs are immensely grateful; dwarfs can make a man a shaman]: Swanton 1928b: 250-251; chiroki [young warriors go south, meet a tribe knee-tall dwarfs living in grassy nests in the sand; they are constantly afraid of geese and other birds coming from the south and attacking them; when the south wind begins Carrying fluff and feathers means that the attack is close; teals teach them how to make batons, hit birds in the neck; many birds are killed, others fly away; later, cranes kill all dwarfs because they could not reach their necks with clubs]: Mooney 1900, No. 74:325.

The Great Southwest. Zunyi: Cushing 1901 [twin brothers descend into the underworld; dwarfs who eat the smell of food live here; they are attacked first by jays, then by pots of soup; many dwarfs die; brothers easily catch birds in snare, break pots, eat soup; pierce the anuses of dwarfs; children come to us from that world, so they only eat air until the umbilical cord is cut; old people go back there, they often have an upset stomach]: 400-410; Parsons 1936b [old Crook prayer-stick and old woman Wrinkled Corn have two daughters - Blue Corn Girls; an old man Crook prayer-stick reports that in 4 days there will be a flood; the sign is that leaves will bloom on the branches; it is clear that 4 days are 4 years; parents put their daughters in a basket, began to rattle with rattles, a basket rose to the sky {it's not clear whether in the air or with water; the girls went to heaven, came to a spider woman; her brother is a Spider-boy hunting; he hunts birds, but they are both terribly afraid of jays, considering them Navajo; the next day, the girls also go hunting themselves; they easily kill, and then cook and eat jay; the Spider is grateful; she collects webs in her village (makes a rope out of it) and lets the girls down to the ground in an acorn shell; tells them not to look up; but they looked, the basket fell (but nothing happened); everyone on the ground died}; the girls collected stones {apparently drowned}, put them in a hole; all people came to life and the next morning the village is full of people again; nambe are the children of the Corn Girls]: 284-289; Navajo: Johly, B'yash 1958 [young man goes to heaven; helps eagles defeat bumblebees, wasps , locusts; also herbs]: 11; Reichard 1977, No. 4 [pueblo enslaves a young man, called the Scavenger; lowered to a rocky ledge, telling them to throw off their eagles; the Wind and Talking God advise not to throw them away chicks; pueblo leave the young man on the rock; Eagles bring him food; wrapped in a cloud and tied with lightning and rainbows, they carry him to the heavenly hole; get tired; give feathers to lightning sky snakes, they help carry I carry them in the hole; the Eagles warn not to touch the blue vessels in the house; the young man opens them, the rain begins on the ground; the young man runs in fear, the Spider catches him; the Eagles help him out; when he touches the young man, the coyote turns him into a coyote; the Eagles find him, let him through the hoop, the young man takes on his true form; the swallow overturns stones on him, the Eagles revive him; fighting the Bees, Roll- Field, Stones, Grass, Eagles suffer heavy losses; the young man easily defeats enemies, throws several bees, stones, etc.; since then, all this has been on earth; grateful Eagles ask him to marry them girl; before that, he goes down to earth, teaches his brother spells and sand drawings (the origin of the Bead Trail rituals); wearing feather clothes again, returns to heaven forever, where marries; continues to help brother spiritually]: 26-36; Yuinth-Nezi, Hatrali 1957 [as in Johly, B'yash 1958; defeat bees, helps hawks defeat wasps]: 5-6; hicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 18 [like navajo; hornets]: 211-212; Opler 1938, No. VIIIa [while the husband is hunting, a man with a spotted body comes to his pregnant wife, rips his stomach open, buries one baby into the hearth, throws the other into the stream; the husband takes his wife's corpse to the cave, finds Domashny, who grows up quickly; the father hears the son talking to another boy who asks his brother to get his father's arrows; the father tells the Domashny to grab and hold the Discarded One; he looks like a frog, has long claws on his arms and legs; the father cuts them off; if he hesitated, the boy would turn into a spotted frog; brothers shoot up above the corpse mothers tell her to run away, she comes to life; they leave, their bodies are torn to shreds by a hurricane; an old woman finds a bloody leaf, puts it in a pot to cook, a boy jumps out; while the grandmother is gone, he kills Rattlesnake with an arrow; the old woman grieves, it was her husband; the boy leaves, receives eagle clothes from the big Eagle; both go up to the upper world; there the young man meets his grandmother and other people in the form of eagles; eagles are attacked by bumblebees and hornets, many are killed; a young man kills attackers, brings his grandmother their scalps; flies back to the ground, returns plumage; shoots at an eagle, a Coyote replaces his arrow; a young man returns to his parents; marries, and his wife's sister lives with them; Spotted kills him while hunting, puts on his clothes, comes to his wife and her sister; they make a fire, he is hot, they see that it is not a husband , rip open his belly; people find a cave where Spotty's wife, children and other relatives live, cover him with grass and brushwood, burn all demons]: 374-381; Western Apaches: Goddard 1918 ( San Carlos) [The Coyote sends the Puma to the eagle's nest on the rock, tells the rock to grow; the eagles give man their plumage, fly with him to heaven, give him a wife; their enemies are pumpkins, zucchini, melons, the Puma easily killed them; went down to earth, five years later; caught up with his wife, who had Coyote children in her basket; Puma killed all but one, hid himself; told Coyote to swallow four hot stones and drink water; Coyote burst]: 67-68; 1919 (White Mountain) [the hunter has a wife and two sons; the Coyote reports a nest with eagles at the top of a cliff; lowers the hunter on a rope to the rocky cornice, throws the rope, says that now will take his wife; a man asks eagles how adult birds will arrive; a male arrives, then a female arrives, a male again, a female again, each with a "rain-man" or with a "rain-woman"; eagles bring a person the waters in a turquoise vessel give an eagle's robe; a man kills a man with a skull who killed eagles with a stone; kills bees, wasps, hornets; grass that attacked eagles; stars bring him down to the top of the hill, from there he flies to the ground; the Coyote gouged out the eyes of the man's children with an awl; he told his wife to heat four stones, put the Coyote's legs on two, ordered them to swallow two; the Coyote's tail fell off; the Coyote's children a man killed with a stick; became an eagle and lives in heaven]: 132-135; lipan [seven warriors travel to remote places; come to a dwarf village and a village of women; both constantly fight with geese coming from the north; warriors easily beat geese, they stop their attacks]: Opler 1940, No. 4-6:46-47.

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [little men lived far away, they ate air; they were attacked by Goló birds, eaten; they fly east in November and back west in March, always at night]: Olmos Aguilara 2005:268.

Honduras-Panama. Kuna [man is overgrown with feathers, flies east with vultures; there they fight pelicans, herons, crows, storks; vultures are supported by eagles, pigeons, pheasants and others; a person hits enemies with a stick; his side wins; they return to the west; a person's pets remove feathers from his body]: Wassen 1934b, No. 7:12-15.

The Northern Andes. In the lower world, dwarfs without anus fight cancers. Ambera [Buro-Poto was born from a tumor on a man's leg; he died; B. asked who killed his father; Jaguars (los viejos thought B. would hunt jaguars and die); killed everyone with arrows jaguars, a pregnant female remains, new from her; Snakes (the same with snakes); etc.; said that the father was killed by a snake, similar to cancer, but huge, lives in a pond, swallows whole people; B. put on a raft of firewood, made a fire in the monster's stomach, began to crumble the monster with a knife; killed an unborn cub, fried it, fed the others swallowed; swam out with a raft over the ass; killed the Moon; built the stairs, hand to the moon, there was a stain on it, the woodpecker cut off the stairs, B. fell into the sunset; the Sun took him on his underground journey along the river; there people who ate the smell, only B. ate, they asked make them anuses, died, B. revived them; crabs attacked, for underground people it was death, B. easily destroyed them; a few days later the Sun took it with it; a lot of food in a small basket; B. suck blood at night, kill women; they poured boiling water on it, it petrified, made corn grinders out of it]: Isaza Bravo 1987:128-129; nonama: Wassen 1935, No. 8 [two people were born from women's legs; at night they turned into waura ("wooden dolls"), preserving their human appearance, killing people, drinking blood; asked the mother who killed their father; the Snake; killed all the snakes in the forest; El Sierpe (giant snake); they rafted to Sierpe, but the Guacamayo warned her, she crawled away; the brothers put firewood on the raft, the snake swallowed it; they placed a pole between their jaws, and made a fire in their womb; the snake was half-dead, one came out through the anus, found himself in the lower world, nothing was known about him; the other, through his mouth, continued to suck blood; the sky was close to the ground; man made clothes out of vegetable fluff, took off; a woodpecker flew out at sunrise, hit him in the face; the man fell, but managed to scar the face of the moon; fell where the sun went down; a boy was playing on the beach, bore fruit from a caimito tree, said that they are owned by his father, he will be today; this is the Sun; white came, wearing a gold hat; promised to take a man home; the boy throws fruits into the water, the fish ate them; so distracted the fish that they would not eat the Sun; The sun and the man dived into the underworld; the sun left him at the huts, promised to pick him up on the way back; sinculos (people without anus) said that the kuna wanted to kill them; the man began to make bows and arrows; kuna turned out to be shrimps; now the "British"; these are crayfish; the man explained that in his world these enemies are eaten; went out of need, two boys asked to make them anuses, died; the Sun brought a man to the ground; the man asked his deceased brother-in-law, who replied that they could not cure him; people decided to kill the person who came so as not to drink more blood; they crushed corn, mixed it with water, and poured it at night , man became a stone; he was broken, fragments turned into mosquitoes, and leeches that fell into the water]: 133-137.

Western Amazon. Shuar [The fox killed the woman's husband, the Thunder made her husband a new head; the woman hugged him, both were thrown into heaven; when she fell, the woman crushed the beans of heavenly women; heavenly women hide in horror under clay pots when they are attacked by flying ants; a woman from the ground catches, roasts and eats them, heavenly women are grateful, they give her beans (this is how beans appeared in humans); Ayumpum turned her husband a woman into a baby, raised to be a man, she began to live with him again as her husband; they saw that their children on earth were starving; the sun makes a vine out of her urine, a woman descends it to the ground to feed the children; falls in love with the Fox again; he hits a tambourine; the husband in heaven thinks his wife is calling him (as they agreed); the husband returns, leaves the snake to bite the Fox to death; rises to heaven from four sons, not allowing them to look back; they looked down and turned into eagles]: Pelizzaro 1990:188-193 (=1993:188-192).

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [see motive I14; a person enters the underworld through an armadillo's hole; dwarfs live there without anuses, feed on the smell of cooked food; tapiti hares are like jaguars for them; humans are easy kills hares, smokes wasps; marries a girl; pierces the anuses of some dwarfs, they die; the person returns to earth]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 220:351-354.

Southern Amazon. The souls of the dead in heaven don't like a living person brought by a dead relative, but they welcome him when he kills their dangerous bird enemies. Kuikuro [during the eclipse of the moon, birds attack anya (the souls of the dead); the chief of the birds is the two-headed vulture of Ogomigi; helping souls, Agafutanga wants to kill him, but dead brother says the sky will collapse then]: Carneiro 1977:8-11; kamayura [cuts off a dangerous sedge]: Agostinho 1974, No. 10 [a living person who falls into heaven to the dead kills a toad, a double-headed vulture, harpy eagles; if you kill the main eagle, the sky will fall]: 200-201; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Avutará's friend dies; he meets him on the day of the solar eclipse in the company of other souls of the dead; friend says he goes to fight birds; when souls sleep, they turn into snakes; the path lies among a sharp sedge, any scratches are fatal for souls, A. tramples the path; on the way frogs, then crayfish with batons; souls recede, A. easily kills frogs, crayfish; puts a stable log across a stream, extinguishes the fire that blocks the way; souls are attacked by eagles, parrots, toucans, and other birds, pecking them to death; A. plays the flute, driving birds away; A. beats birds, they retreat; birds take killed souls to be eaten by a huge eagle; souls must cover their heads with ornaments, defend themselves with bows and arrows, women with spindles]: 127-134.

Chaco. Nivakle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 12 [boys shoot at the target, one who has no connections with girls wins prizes; looks at the sky at night, dreams of lying between two star girls; The next day he competes in the run, with a thorn in his leg; the Stars did it to keep him behind the others; the youngest copulates with him, they take him to heaven; bird people greet the young man; wives tell him to respond to the chief's greeting only the fourth time; he receives gifts; he is warned of a terrible jaguar that has already eaten many women; warned not to eat Vultures; forgetting that celestials are in front of him, he kills ducks, storks, herons; for this, the Kite and the Vultures kill him; his star wives revive him; the jaguar turns out to be a rat that is dangerous for thin-skinned birds, but tried in vain grab the young man's throat; he kills her; the birds are happy; the young man wants to go to the ground, descends on the back of a kite (hawk); near the ground he asks him to jump off, but the young man is afraid; then the Kite throws him into the river a young man turns into an eel (Lepidosirem paradoxa)], 15 [a hand eagle in a young man's house (a celestial captured on earth) raises him into the world of bird-people, warns him not to respond to the leader's first greeting thunderbirds; a terrible jaguar kills local women; a young man kills him easily, a jaguar turns out to be a rat; everyone is happy; he kills a bird, forgetting that it is a thunderbird, a local resident; an eagle who brought it protects him, trains him in running; a young man is offered a running competition, he beats several birds; looks at the sky of stars above the bird sky, wants female stars; two stars adjust so that while running, he stabbed his leg; they go down to him, take him into their world, marry him; the eagle lowers him to the ground]: 42-49, 59-64.