K22B. A person helps the inhabitants of another world.
The inhabitants of another world are being attacked by some enemies. Man helps to defeat them, because these creatures are not dangerous for humans. See motif K22.
Arabs, Angami, Chinese, Georgians, Finns, Tofalars, Chinese Evenks, Nivkhs, Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, Kodiak, Bering Strait Inupiate, Kuchin, Tlingits, Tsimshians, Bellacula, Comox, snohomish, skagit, niscualli, yakima, kalapuya, fox, seneca (or onondaga), sarsi, blacklegs, grovantre, crowe, natchez, alabama, chikasaw, chirokee, zunyi, navajo, hicarilla, western apache, lipan, kuna, embera, nonama, shuar, takana, kuikuro, kamayura, nivakle.
Western Asia. Arabs (written tradition): [Musa Ud-Damiti (1344-1405) in Hayat ul-Hayawan describes 931 animals mentioned in the Koran; traveling to Zanj, a man of the people of Rum Rumiyah), caught in a storm, found himself on an island where people lived 3 feet tall, mostly one-eyed; the local king ordered him to be put in a cage; once he saw residents preparing for battle; he was told that at this time, storks attack them; they peck out the eyes of dwarfs, so there are many one-eyed ones; the man began to beat the birds with a truncheon, they flew away; for this, the dwarfs began to thank him very much]: Scobie 1975:124.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Angami [shrew - Terhuma pig (the pig of Terhuma, the spirit deity); a Tsurnga man killed a shrew; Terhuma came, looked for his pig; one man married a woman from Terhuma numbers, began to live with her in heaven, they have triplets; one from Terhuma complained that a boar killed one of them; the man looked around, saw, killed a shrew; in the evening Terhuma brought him pots and pans, a man roasted a "boar" for his sons and Terhuma]: Hutton 1914, No. 11:489; (cf. miniong [someone is cooking in the hunter's hut; he asks Doini-Pollo (Sun-Month) to see who it is; finds a girl Wiyu (Epom-Wiyu); she is ready to marry him, but first her brothers gifts will be brought; clouds fill the house, it becomes dark, the girl throws meat and beer under the roof, her brothers eat and drink; after they leave, buffaloes, pigs, necklaces remain; the clouds clear the area under crops; the couple go to visit them, the wife gives her husband ginger, if he cuts, let him suck blood and spit with ginger; he cut himself, the first two brothers licked the blood, screamed that it was sweet; he spat with ginger, others believed it was bitter; otherwise they would eat it; he kills a chameleon, for brothers it is a deer, they carry meat in a basket; in front of their son-in-law they cut, cook and eat their younger sister "with through the eyes of a deer"; a man secretly throws the pieces given to him into a crack in the floor; brothers give this meat with them, his Wiyu wife eats it; gives birth to children, devours everyone but one; when it's time for him to die, he went into the woods, gone]: Elwin 1958b, No. 15:124-127).
China - Korea. Ancient Chinese; (cf. fox [astrologer helps everyone; his two sons want to kill him, i.e. they have no help; an astrologer tells them to go to a crossroads at dawn; a yellow horseman on a yellow horse galloped by, then white, then black; they killed black - he and the horse were made of iron; they realized that they were made of gold and silver; they became blacksmiths; the dragon is unhappy that they were building a forge near his lake; sent fish (they they grabbed her tail with ticks, since then the fish tail is flat), a frog (their tail was torn off); the dragon went by himself, they grabbed him by the nostrils, began to beat him; he was forced to give up the knife that separates everything, and the crossbow, an arrow from which hits everything; the youngest accidentally pointed the knife wrong, was separated from the elder; came to a country where huge snakes and a falcon killed everyone; killed one with a knife, the other with an arrow, took two girls; brought them to his brother; the youngest was smeared with soot on the face with soot, the elder brother chose the eldest; realizing the deception, decided to get rid of the younger one; disguised the hole from which the wind was blowing, led his brother there to hunt; the brother fell into the lower world, where little dwarfs ("ant people"); the frog for them is an elephant, a marmot is a bear, a bamboo rat is a tiger; the younger brother easily kills such animals gets a wife, but she is too young for him; the last rat asks her not to kill, tells her to hold on to her tail and not laugh, then she will bring her to the ground; seeing the rat's ass, the younger brother laughs, the end of the tail comes off, they fall; so 8 times; on the ninth they reach the ground; the younger brother gave the rat sharp teeth (cutter") and a flute; the pigeon borrowed it and did not return it, now he plays it; the younger brother met girl, realized that she was his daughter and that his older brother took his wife; hacked the elder, told his daughter and women the whole story]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:329-346.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians.
Baltoscandia. The Finns.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Tofalars [man met men with horse hooves; they stabbed their daughter to feed him; he rode off on a horse; they chased with iron hooks; they fell behind when he jumped over the swamp; a man came to people riding hares; a sable killed one of them; a man killed a sable; for this they promised him living (eternal) water; the man returned home, told women to prepare to meet eternal people; when women saw hares riding hares, they laughed; eternal people did not give water, but splashed out on cedar, spruce, pine trees; these trees became evergreen; people are mortal because those women laughed]: Katanov 1891:89-90; Rassadin 1996, No. 39:95-96.
Eastern Siberia. The Evenks of China [husband and wife with three children migrated; met family: parents, their adult son and daughter-in-law; they offered to live near them; in fact they were mangiä; the father sent the children to them behind the fire; the old woman pinched their face, said: how fat; the children ran away; the family secretly withdrew from the camp; M. followed the dog, the bear; the man killed the bear first with an arrow, then the old man, then the old woman, then the young; the runners each time think that the victim has already begun to eat; the family goes on, they meet little tailed people; they ask them to stay with them: they are attacked scary birds and predators; it turned out that they were geese and badgers; people shot a lot of geese and badgers, were happy with the prey, moved on]: Bäcker 1988, No. 27:198-201.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi [the hunter got lost in winter; dreamed of someone inviting him to his middle of the mountain; entering a cave, where it's summer; the mountain spirit feeds him, they became friends; the mountain spirit says that soon we will have to go to fight the sea spirit, these spirits are dangerous, they kill mountain spirits; man offers to go together; the mountain spirit puts on the skin, becomes a bear, carries a person on his back; at sea a sea lion appears; the bear spirit shakes with fear, but a man easily kills a sea lion; explains that a sea lion is food that treats the mountain spirit; he takes him back to his place, marries a beautiful sister; since then any animal went to this hunter himself]: Kreinovich 1987:117-121.
SV Asia. Chukchi: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 63 [an orphan cannot get a seal, is carried away on an ice floe; the bear tells him to sit on her back, takes him home, turns into a woman; gives birth to a bear cub and a boy; mother her husband scolds them, calls them bears; his wife and children leave; her husband follows her to the country of polar bears; the Bear's ex-husband offers to compete; 1) hunt seals (a man killed five, a bear three); 2) raise a stone from the bottom (wearing the skin of a sea cockerel, a person dives for a long time, lifts a heavier stone); 3) fight (a man kills a bear with an arrow); bears scream in horror that it is coming polar bear; this is a rat, a man kills her easily; his wife's relatives admire his strength]: 232-238 (=Sangi 1989:440-446); Tolmachev 1914 [(written by a Russian who heard a fairy tale from the Chukchi at the mouth of the river. Chaun); a rich guy does not live long with his wives; goes to look for a wife overseas; a white crow gives him a knife to help him overcome obstacles; he kills a bear, a huge ermine and a caterpillar for them; an old man- the father of two daughters says that there was no escape from these monsters; but another woman takes the man to her; when she enters her iron ruita, two terrible dogs, a pile of skulls on the floor; when the wife falls asleep, a man cuts off her braids, puts her on his head; an old woman wants to kill her son-in-law, kills her daughter; a dog grabs a man, but an old man kills her; kills an old woman; a man revives an old man's dead daughter; she braid and crooked, but the old man gives it to him as his wife, sends him home with deer; she gives him a beautiful younger sister, becomes his elder wife]: 495-502.
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [older brothers die; younger Kayaksigvik; father reluctantly gives him a kayak; while he is chasing a white whale, a sea chicken climbs into his mouth (his hands are full); his father pulls him out at home her tail; K. meets a man dressed in iron; he thinks that K.'s mouth is wearing leaky shoes, gives his clothes, turns out to be a mountain ram; K. falls into the old man's nets; he carries the "seal" home; K. pretends to be dead, clings to a tree on the way; the old man's wife cannot gut it because of his iron clothes, the old man thinks that the seal has not yet thawed; leaves his feces to guard; K. pours out the pot, kills an old man and his wife sleeping; comes to dwarfs, marries; they mistake lake foam for ice floes, lemming for a bear, marten for a deer; K. easily kills a "bear" and a "deer"; dwarfs turned out to be partridges; returning home, K. finds his (apparently younger) brother, he is an old man; his parents are long dead]: Menovshchikov 1988, No. 19:94-97; Kodiak [two hunters have difficulty noticing the dwarf's dwellings; dwarfs fresh salmon, call it a whale; ask for help kill a brown bear in the lair; it's a mouse in a hole, people easily kill it; hide two dwarfs in clothes for happiness, try to leave, but find themselves on the same place; they have to free the dwarfs to leave; they go home]: Birket-Smith 1953:148; Bering Strait inupiate [young man does not want to marry; one day sees naked playing girls, hides, grabs alone; she gives birth to him a son and daughter; eats grass, not seal meat; his mother reproaches her for this, calls her a duck; the offended wife takes the children and leaves; the husband goes looking for her; alone, then another old man shows the way; a fox carries him across the lake, says that the dead live here; tells him to climb the mountain, from there you can see the village of Ducks; the man's son and daughter are already adults, son greets him; the wife at first does not believe it is him; he drives her new husband away; other ducks attack the village; the man kills many, tells the mother-in-law to cook them, she does it reluctantly; the wife gives birth another child; with him, the spouses return to people; the eldest son and daughter stay with the Ducks]: Jenness 1924, No. 23:49-52.
Subarctic. Kuchin [the older brother is jealous of the younger brother; splits the log, makes a coffin; invites his brother to lie down and try it on; closes the lid, lowers it into the river; takes the coffin to the shore where the Dog Eskimos live (= eagle people); they have no mouth, they feed on the smell of rotten meat; the hero cuts through their mouths; then they cut through each other, some in a hurry make a vertical cut; the hero gets a wife; local people they rip open the bellies of pregnant wives, the hero teaches them how to give birth; hawks are moose for them, the hero easily kills hawks; a dead hawk that falls from a tree has run over several people; the hero is given eagle plumage, he flies in it home, lifts his brother into the air, throws him into the fast; takes him two wives; one of them lubricates his feathers with her milk, his wings weaken; he grabs the beaver, which drags him under water; wives take him in husbands are a piece of resin; it soon falls to pieces]: McKennan 1965:132-136; (cf. Southern Tutchoni: Workman 2000:52-55 [Äsúya (clever, Beaver) kills a porcupine; it turns out porcupines are − these are Mouse dogs; Ä. lives with Mice, gets a wife; while hunting, waits for an elk (moose) to be chased by, but only three forest turkeys fly by; people are dissatisfied; then he kills easily brings turkeys; crossing the stream, he soaked his skis; Mice say he found a water bear's lair; it turns out to be a water snake; the mice are delighted that he killed the "bear"; but some have frozen heads to bed; Ä. leaves], 101-102 [Äsúya kills a porcupine; it turns out that porcupines are Mouse dogs; Ä. lives with Mice, gets a wife; while hunting, waits for an elk to be chased by an elk ( moose), but only forest turkeys fly by; people are dissatisfied; then he easily kills, brings turkeys; they can hardly carry some meat, making a feather stretcher; Ä. got wet after falling through the ice; began to dry his pants; they smell a strong smell of fat, he was told to leave, otherwise a snake will crawl out from under the ice - a huge waterworm; Ä. leaves his pants on the mountain; people shoot at the snake, but their tips arrows made of leaves; Ä. kills the snake with its arrows; tells them not to go to bed with their heads where the pieces of snake meat lie; some lay down, their heads froze to the bed]).
NW Coast. Tlingit [herons (cranes, geese) attack Goose]; Tsimshian [people from the Wolf, Raven, Eagle families catch many sea lions; a Bear man only two; steals Wolf lions ; he slaughters a wooden lion; the bear harpoons him, the tench sticks to his hand, the lion drags his boat to the open sea; he has three companions in the boat; they sail to the dwarfs; they fight ducks geese, swans, cormorants, cranes; many die because feathers fill their mouths and noses; people curl birds' necks easily; grateful dwarfs take them home]: Boas 1902:108-115; bellacula [geese, ducks, and all migratory birds attack dwarfs].
The coast is the Plateau. Comox (chatloltk) [dwarfs are attacked by birds, their feathers fly like arrows]; snohomish [dwarfs with small mouths eat larvae; fight ducks, bekas, geese]; skagit [ducks they pierce dwarfs with feathers]; Puget Sound [resume; Pheasant's wife's brothers are hunting; they gave her food and asked her to feed her husband; but she ate everything herself with her children; thinking that they had not shared food with them On the fourth attempt, the pheasant carves the seal out of wood and revives; his wife's brothers sail after him, fall into the fog, to the end of the world; a dwarf appears, he is incredibly strong; brings the brothers to the village; there are all the inhabitants - old dwarfs; they eat raw food, they have mountains of detailing shells; dwarfs are attacked by ducks; brothers easily kill them and show that meat should be cooked; dwarfs send their brothers home on a whale, giving them dental shells; brothers return home]: Bierwert 1990, No. 7:233-237; niscualli [geese attack dwarfs, kill them with feathers]; yakima [dwarfs breathe through tiny hole, feed by inhaling beads; every spring they are attacked by geese, ducks, feathers and fluff clog their breathing holes]; kalapuya [Coyote travels; in one village shows that cancer is not a monster and a food; the other is the same about salmon; in the third, people have no mouths; he cuts through the boy's mouth first, then the rest]: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 2:222-226.
The Midwest. Fox [dwarfs have no anuses, wives can't give birth; dwarfs are attacked by cranes, geese, goose].
Northeast. Seneca [young man Dehaehyowe leads 28 young volunteers to sunset to scrape unknown people; many months go by killing people; a half-tree giant tells them stop killing, otherwise they themselves would die; they agreed; when they reached the big lake, they walked across the surface of the waters; on the opposite bank they saw the sky rise and fall; flocks of pigeons flew from the world beyond the edge of the sky, then came back; by this time 5 were alive; they hid the scalps they were carrying, four slipped under the edge of the sky, the fifth was crushed; in a country beyond the edge of the sky the trees are beautiful, their flowers give off a bright light that illuminates the whole country; local people play lacrosse; one plays rude, the chief throws his head into the tree as punishment while playing, the body pierces the trunk, the head is visible from the other side; after the game, the chief frees the offender; each of the four who comes is dismantled, washed the bones, reassembled, the bodies become strong and light; the hostess of the house (later admits that she is Luna) weaves a cape out of human hair; as soon as she leaves, her dog unweaves everything; later Luna says that every dead person gets one hair to her; when everything they will die and new hairs will stop appearing, she will finish her cape; local people come (these are Thunders), they do not eat food, but the smell that comes from it (exhalations); the hostess puts corn and seeds in the ash pumpkins, immediately they germinate, bear fruit; one of the people accidentally fires an arrow into the pond; when they return, the owners smell game; go to this body of water, kill the terrible enemy Great Blue with lightning A lizard; grateful to people for helping them find it; people see the ground below; there is a thunderstorm, a downpour; people see the Thunders chase and kill a huge horned serpent with lightning; horned snakes live underground; they will come out to earth at the end of the world; the heavenly leader tells the Thunders to rest, half of his body is made of ice; every day (i.e. year) turns one (winter) and then the other (summer) half of his body; the Thunders fight with a monster, for people it is a squirrel; people easily kill it, give the skin to the grateful mistress of the house; one of the visitors agrees to become a thunder named Thaw, or Warm Spring Wind; for this purpose he is pushed in a mortar; people visit the village of the dead, it is impossible to talk to them; they visit the house of the male Sun; in the spring they go down to earth, but the place where the village was covered with forest; they find a village, only an old woman I heard from my grandmother how people followed the path of the Sun as a child; D. and his two companions talk about what they saw]: Hewitt 1928:792-806 (=Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 119:607-632).
The Great Plains. Sarsi [the girl says she will marry a young man only if the scar disappears from his face; he tells his mother to make him many pairs of moccasins, goes to the Sun; the sparrow, the bear, the snake answer that they can't help him; the son of the Sun and his wife Moon The morning star meets him, he lives with the Sun's family; he does not tell him to go to the lake, he goes, geese and swans attack, the young man easily kills them; this There were terrible enemies of the Sun family; the young man with the Morning Star enters the steam room, after which the Moon cannot distinguish his son from the boy, the scar disappears, now the boy's name is "Second Star"; the young man returns to people bringing them knowledge of the steam room, sun dance and hair-lock shirt; the young man, followed by the Morning Star, enters the tipi to his ex-bride; she goes crazy, dies; the young man returns to heaven, becomes the Evening Star ]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 17:18-19; blackfooted [celestials (including the Morning Star and its father Sun) are attacked by cranes and other birds]; grovantre [eagles attack giants, cutting them with them arteries with blades attached to the legs]; crowe [giants are attacked by insects, small birds, and animals; even a scratch in battle with them is fatal].
Southeast USA. Natchez [dwarfs fight hornets, cranes]; alabama [on their way to heaven, two people come to Sharp buttocks, they are attacked by ducks, geese and white cranes, people beat and roast birds]; Chickasaw [when they find a hornet's nest, little people prepare to attack, a wasp bite is fatal to them; if a person is with them, he hits the nest with a stick, and the dwarfs are immensely grateful; dwarfs can make a person a shaman]; teals [dwarfs are attacked by cranes and other birds from the south].
The Great Southwest. Zunyi [underground dwarfs without anuses feed on the smell of food; they are attacked by jays, soup pots]; Navajo [eagles in the sky are attacked by bumblebees, wasps, bees, locusts; also herbs, tumblebees field, stones]; hicarilla [hornets, bumblebees attack eagles in the sky]; Western Apaches [in the sky, pumpkins, zucchini, melons, bees, wasps, hornets; herbs]; lipan [seven warriors they travel to remote places; they come to dwarf villages and women's villages; both constantly fight geese coming from the north; warriors easily beat geese, they stop attacking]: Opler 1940, No. 4-6:46-47.
Honduras-Panama. Kuna [man is overgrown with feathers, flies east with vultures; there they fight pelicans, herons, crows, storks; vultures are supported by eagles, pigeons, pheasants and others; a person hits enemies with a stick; his side wins; they return to the west; a person's pets remove feathers from his body]: Wassen 1934b, No. 7:12-15.
The Northern Andes. Ambera [in the lower world, dwarfs without anus fight cancers]; nonama [dwarfs without anus in the lower world fight cancers].
Western Amazon. Shuar [flying ants attack heavenly women].
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [underground, dwarfs without anuses eat the smell of food; tapiti hares are like jaguars for them; a man easily kills hares, smokes wasps from their houses; marries a girl; pierces anuses Some dwarfs die; people return to earth]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 220:351-354.
Southern Amazon. Kuikuro [in the sky during the eclipse of the moon, birds attack anya (the souls of the dead); the chief of the birds is the two-headed vulture Ogomigi]; kamayura [the souls of the dead live in the sky; when they sleep, turn into snakes; on the day of a solar eclipse, they are attacked by eagles, parrots, toucans, and other birds; the path lies among the sedge, any scratches are fatal for souls; frogs, crayfish attack souls with batons].
Chaco. Nivakle [bird people in the sky (ducks, storks, herons) are afraid of a rat that is dangerous for thin-skinned birds, but tried in vain to cling to the young man's throat; he kills her; the birds are happy; the young man wants ground, descends on the back of a kite (hawk); at the ground he asks him to jump off, but the young man is afraid; then the Kite throws him into the river, the young man turns into an eel (Lepidosirem paradoxa)], 15 [hand eagle in the house young men (a celestial captured on earth) raises him into the world of bird-men, warns him not to respond to the first greeting from the leader of thunderbirds; a terrible jaguar kills local women; a young man easily kills him , the jaguar turns out to be a rat; everyone is happy; he kills a bird, forgetting that it is a thunderbird, a local; the eagle that brought it protects him, trains him in running; the young man is offered a running competition, he wins in several birds; looks at the sky of stars above the sky of birds, wants female stars; two stars adjust so that while running he stabs his leg; go down to him, lift him into their world, marry him; the eagle brings him down to the ground]: 42-49, 59-64.