Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K22C. Birds are under attack .

Inhabitants of another world who are attacked by enemies that are dangerous for them, but not dangerous for ordinary people - birds (bird people).

Georgians, Bering Strait Inupiat, Tlingit, Navajo, Hicarilla, Western Apaches, Nivacles.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians (Khevsureti): Virsaladze 1973, No. 64 [(=Chikovani 1985, No. 155:325-326; first publication 1961); Hogais Mindy from Amga village is full of Lezgins; there a woman prepares snake medicine blood; XM wants to commit suicide by licking the blood, but licks only a drop, cuts the swelling under the sinuses, lice come out of there, he becomes light, understands the language of all creatures; ran away, saw sprinkled ash bridge, walked backwards over it; seeing the tracks, the pursuers stopped chasing; XM came to a village of dwarfs the size of a finger; in the evening they began to carry chips and branches to fortify; on them Flocks of kites, magpies, rooks, cranes are going to attack; HM took the bow, dispersed the birds; the dwarfs are grateful, one one-eyed says he is the cuckoo that XM once knocked out his eye; they are all cuckoos, for they turn into birds like a mountain; he leads XM through the ash city to Amga, flies to show the way; at home, XM understood the language of plants, did not mow hay, did not cut wood; at his wife's insistence, he cut down a tree, lost knowledge; he was drafted into the army and killed], 65 [when Hogais Mindy was born from the Archoti Gorge, two suns rose in the sky; dwarf jamni (spirits of diseases) took him and hero Gakhua to the north side of the Caucasus Range; XM was captured by the Kaji, fattened, ate ash, lost weight; when the child was the watchman, XM walked across the ash-covered bridge, stepping backwards, escaped from the Kajas; fell into the country of the Googuli (cuckoos); one-eyed G. says that when he was a child, XM knocked out his eye with a stone, although he was the one who brought spring to Arhoti; the cuckoos are attacked by an army of rooks, HM killed a rook with a stick; he was given snake meat, then from insects came out of the abscess, XM became light; the one-eyed Googuli took him home; XM understood the language of animals and plants; but began to kill animals, cut down trees, then stopped understanding; XM killed the Vainakhs]: 111-113 , 114-118.

The Arctic. Bering Strait Inupiat [the young man does not want to marry; one day he sees naked girls playing, hides, grabs one; she gives birth to him a son and daughter; eats grass, not seal meat; his mother reproaches her for it, calls her a duck; the offended wife takes the children and leaves; the husband goes to look for her; one, then the other old man shows the way; the fox transports the young man across the lake, says that the dead live here ; tells you to go up the mountain, from there you can see the village of Ducks; the man's son and daughter are already adults, the son greets him; the wife at first does not believe it is him; he drives her new husband away; other ducks attack the village; a person kills a lot, tells his mother-in-law to cook them, she does it reluctantly; the wife gives birth to another child; the spouses return to people with him; the eldest son and daughter stay with the Ducks]: Jenness 1924, No. 23 : 49-52.

NW Coast. Tlingit: Swanton 1909, No. 24 [man sees two Goose girls bathing; steals their feathers, marries them; Goose sees relatives flying by; Goose father-in-law allows his son-in-law to wear feathers; they fly to the land of birds; Herons attack Goose; a man kills many herons with a bow, saves the Goose tribe; Goose and Herons reconcile; man stays with birds], 54 [episode of the battle as at No. 24, Cranes and Geese attack Goose; Goose leave a man on a rock; a bird takes him home]: 55-57, 206-208.

The Great Southwest. Navajo: Johly, B'yash 1958 [a young man marries and has a son; the Coyote leaves his skin on the trail, the boy touches her, she wraps him around, turning him into a coyote; the Coyote takes his clothes and bow , goes to his wife, but does not find her; The squirrel, who saw what happened, helps the young man take off his coyote skin, throw it again at the real Coyote; the young man does not like the smell of coyote left in the house; he goes to wife's sister, marries her; she also gives birth to a son, Coyote changes her appearance again with the young man; the older sister does not notice the deception, the youngest feels that she is not a real husband with them; Squirrel returns the young man again true appearance, and Coyote makes him a coyote again; the son is the first to know his returning father; the Coyote invites the young man to climb the rock for eagle feathers; these are two grasshoppers, whom the Coyote painted like eagles; the Coyote blows on a rock, it grows to the sky; the young man spends 4 years with the Eagles; marries; the leader Orlov organizes a dangerous campaign against Bumblebees, then Wasps, Locusts, Weeds; the Spider gives the young man grass, he chews it, blows it on enemies, they immediately die; the spider lowers him to the ground in his bag (the young man opens his eyes ahead of time, falls, but is alive); walking from one fire pit to another, the young man finds a family; tells his son to heat the pebbles , lets the Coyote swallow them, he dies; the wife turns into a deer, the son becomes the chief of the antelopes; the hero goes south in the rainbow]: 8-14; Reichard 1977, No. 4 [pueblo enslaves a young man, called Scavenger; descended on a rocky eaves, telling them to throw their eagles; The Wind and Talking God advise not to abandon the chicks; the pueblo leaves the young man on the rock; the Eagles bring him food; wrapped in a cloud and bandaged with lightning and rainbows, carry to the heavenly hole; get tired; give feathers to lightning sky snakes, which help carry the burden into the hole; Eagles warn not to touch the blue vessels in the house; the young man opens them , a downpour begins on the ground; the young man runs in fear, the Spider catches him; the Eagles help him out; when he touches the young man, the coyote turns him into a coyote; the Eagles find him, let him through the hoop, the young man accepts his true appearance; the swallow overturns stones on him, the Eagles revive him; fighting with Bees, Tumbleweed, Stones, Grass, Eagles suffer heavy losses; the young man easily defeats enemies, throws him to the ground a few bees, stones, etc.; all this has been on earth ever since; grateful Eagles ask him to marry their girlfriend; before that, he goes down to earth, teaches his brother spells and sand drawings ( the origin of the Bead Trail rituals); wearing feather clothes again, he returns forever to heaven, where he marries; spiritually continues to help his brother]: 26-36; Yuinth-Nezi, Hatrali 1957 [as in Johly, B'yash 1958; defeat bees, helps hawks defeat wasps]: 5-6; Jicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 18 [like Navajo; hornets]: 211-212; Opler 1938, No. VIIIa [while husband hunts, a man with a spotted body comes to his pregnant wife, rips open his stomach, buries one baby in the hearth, throws the other into the stream; the husband takes his wife's corpse to the cave, finds Domashny, who grows up quickly; the father hears his son talks to another boy who asks his brother to get his father's arrows; the father tells the House to grab and hold the Discarded One; he looks like a frog, has long claws on his arms and legs; their father cuts off; if he hesitated, the boy would turn into a spotted frog; brothers shoot up above his mother's corpse, tell her to run away, she comes to life; they leave, their bodies are torn to shreds by a hurricane; old woman finds a bloody leaf, puts it in a pot to cook, a boy jumps out; while the grandmother is gone, he kills the Rattlesnake with an arrow; the old woman grieves, it was her husband; the boy leaves, gets it from the big Eagle eagle clothes; both go up to the upper world; there a young man meets his grandmother and other people in the form of eagles; eagles are attacked by bumblebees and hornets, many are killed; a young man kills attackers, brings his grandmother their scalps ; flies back to the ground, returns his plumage; shoots at the eagle, the Coyote replaces his arrow; the young man returns to his parents; marries, and his wife's sister lives with them; Spotted kills him while hunting, puts on his clothes, comes to his wife and her sister; they make a fire, he is hot, they see that he is not his husband, they rip his belly open; people find a cave where his wife, children and other relatives live Spotted, covered with grass and brushwood, all demons are burned]: 374-381; Western Apaches: Goddard 1918 (San Carlos) [Coyote sends Puma to the eagle's nest on the rock, tells the rock to grow; eagles give a man has his plumage, they fly with him to heaven, give him a wife; their enemies are pumpkins, zucchini, melons, the Puma easily killed them; he went down to earth, five years have passed; he caught up with his wife, who has Coyote children in her basket; The cougar killed all but one, hid himself; told Coyote to swallow four hot stones and drink water; the Coyote burst]: 67-68; 1919 (White Mountain) [the hunter has a wife and two sons; the Coyote reports a nest with eagles on top of a cliff; lowers a rope hunter onto a rocky cornice, throws a rope, says he will now pick up his wife; a man asks eagles how adult birds will arrive; a male arrives then a female, a male again, a female again, each with a "rain-man" or a "rain-woman"; eagles bring water to man in a turquoise vessel, give an eagle's robe; a man kills a man with a skull with a stone, who killed eagles; kills bees, wasps, hornets; grass that attacked eagles; stars bring him down to the top of the hill, from there he flies to the ground; the Coyote gouged out the eyes of a man's children with an awl; he told his wife heat four stones, put Coyote's legs on two, ordered two to be swallowed; the Coyote's tail fell off; a man killed the Coyote's children with a stick; became an eagle and lives in the sky]: 132-135.

Honduras - Panama. Kuna [man is overgrown with feathers, flies east with vultures; there they fight pelicans, herons, crows, storks; vultures are supported by eagles, pigeons, pheasants and others; a person hits enemies with a stick; his side wins; they return to the west; a person's pets remove feathers from his body]: Wassen 1934b, No. 7:12-15.

Chaco. Nivakle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 12 [boys shoot at the target, one who has not yet had connections with girls wins prizes; looks at the sky at night, dreams of lying between two star girls; The next day he competes in the run, with a thorn in his leg; the Stars did it to keep him behind the others; the youngest copulates with him, they take him to heaven; bird people greet the young man; wives tell him to respond to the chief's greeting only the fourth time; he receives gifts; he is warned of a terrible jaguar that has already eaten many women; warned not to eat Vultures; forgetting that celestials are in front of him, he kills ducks, storks, and herons; for this, the Kite and the Vultures kill him; his star wives revive him; the jaguar turns out to be a rat that is dangerous for thin-skinned birds, but tried in vain grab the young man's throat; he kills her; the birds are happy; the young man wants to go to the ground, descends on the back of a kite (hawk); near the ground he asks him to jump off, but the young man is afraid; then the Kite throws him into the river a young man turns into an eel (Lepidosirem paradoxa)], 15 [a hand eagle in a young man's house (a celestial captured on earth) raises him into the world of bird-people, warns him not to respond to the leader's first greeting thunderbirds; a terrible jaguar kills local women; a young man kills him easily, a jaguar turns out to be a rat; everyone is happy; he kills a bird, forgetting that it is a thunderbird, a local resident; an eagle who brought it protects him, trains him in running; a young man is offered a running competition, he beats several birds; looks at the sky of stars above the bird sky, wants female stars; two stars adjust so that while running, he stabbed his leg; they go down to him, take him into their world, marry him; the eagle lowers him to the ground]: 42-49, 59-64.