Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K24B. To dance in magic clothes.


The magical wife gets her wings back and flies away after she pretends that the clothes they hide from her will make her more beautiful, dance especially well, etc.

Kabiles, Algerian Arabs, Tunisia, Thousand and One Nights, Mehri, Mikir, Thais, Chhattisgarhs (Bilaspur), Manobos, Albanians, Hungarians, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Moldovans, Poles, Russians ( Pskov), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina), Abkhazians, Kumyks, (Kurds), Mordovians, Kazan Tatars.

North Africa. Kabila [young man Ahmed accidentally entered the garden of seven gennias; the gardener hid it, but the jinnias sensed the man; allowed him to enter all rooms of the palace (which contain treasures) except the seventh; he went in , there are 7 naked beauties swimming in the pool; then they put on feather clothes, flew to heaven; the youngest of the jinnias guessed; said A. that they were the daughters of the king of jinns; advised them to hide their clothes the youngest; gave it for the promise to become his wife; they lived in the jinniah's palace for a year; after the birth of the child, they came to live with mother A.; the wife created a beautiful home there; A. went to visit Jinny, giving his mother the key from the place where he hid his feathers; the Sultan arranged a party, A.'s wife also came there to dance; the Sultan's son is delighted; the woman says that if she wore her clothes, it would be even better, yes mother-in-law does not give; the Sultan's son forced her mother-in-law to return her clothes; taking the child, Jinnia flew away, saying that her husband would be able to find her on Mount Wâk Wâk; A. went in search; three they argue over an invisible hat, a bag that fills with whatever you want, a baton that hits itself; A. invites them to race, the winner will get things; A. leaves invisible, taking wonderful objects ; enters the palace on Mount Wak-Wak invisible; Jinnie's father punished her for her relationship with a mortal: she is constantly beaten, fed with garbage, and not allowed to wash; A. puts a baton first on his wife's evil sister, then at her father; he allows his daughter and grandson to eat normally and wash themselves; they run away with A.; the king of jinns sends his son to chase; the wife turns herself into a garden, her husband into a gardener, the child into a watermelon; the gardener answers that he did not see anyone, offers to buy watermelons and melons; next time a spring, water, a cup of water on a chain; when the father himself is chasing, the fugitives turn into a pomegranate tree with one fruit on it; father into a knife, cuts a pomegranate, it contains one seed; the fruit turns into a bird, it rushes to bite the seed; the father, a knife, cuts off the bird's head; but the bird has already become a fish; the father is a fishing line with a hook; once on shore, fish became barley grain; hook - rooster, grain - fox, rolled the rooster's neck; everything is fine]: Dermenghem 1945:129-136; Algerian Arabs: Aceval 2005, No. 81 (Tiaret Plateau) [merchant's son pushes u the source is an old woman; she wants him to fall in love with the beautiful Waq-Waq country; he asks his father to invite her to lunch, puts her hand in hot broth, tells him to say who the beautiful Wak-Wak country is; she says that she is the youngest of seven virgin birds; her clothes must be stolen when the virgin birds swim in the river; the young man does so, the girl tells her to keep her clothes because her life is in them; they have two children; while her husband is away , the wife asks her mother-in-law to allow her to go to the bathhouse; everyone is amazed at her beauty, the Sultan demands her; she promises to give in to his requirements if he allows her to wear her feather clothes; the sultan commands bring a chest of clothes, she puts them on, grabs her children and flies to the country of Wak-Wak]: 76-81; Belamri 1990 [the poor widow's son agreed to sell his soul to a Jew; bought food, she and his mother ate; in the morning The Jew took the young man to the top of a steep cliff and left him there; he came to the palace; there three fairies called him brother, allowed him to unlock all rooms except the hundredth; he looked into it, there was a pool with three girls , he fell in love with the youngest; when they saw the young man, the girls put on pigeon plumage and flew away; the fairies advised me to wait a year: the girls will arrive again, we must hide the robe they like; he did so, maiden -the dove has been living with him for three years, they have two children; the young man misses his mother; fairies tell him to close his eyes, he finds himself at home with his wife, children and camels, who are loaded with gold; this is gold he built a palace; gave his wife's plumage to his mother; despite his son's prohibition to let his daughter-in-law out of the house, his mother agreed to take her to the bathhouse; she was seen by the servant of the Sultan's wife; she wanted to see for herself beautiful, arranged a party; everyone must dance; dove wife: for this I need my clothes; my mother went and brought it; my wife put it on, flew away, capturing both children; my husband went in search; Troy is arguing at the crossroads; they found an invisible spoon; a rod that directs where they should go; a flying carpet that immediately moves to the right place; the man offered to race, flew away himself invisible across the seven seas; found his wife and children tied to a tree: her genie father punished her for staying on earth; her husband untied them; first the children recognized their father, then his wife; they all returned to land in his home]: 31-43; Tunisia [after the death of his father, Hassan squandered what he had accumulated, and then started a shop; the wizard Imbragim came, turned iron into gold, stayed overnight, added H. took sleeping pills and carried them away in a chest; ordered the assistant spirit to deliver three camels; H. and I. came to the foot of the mountain; I. told H. to climb into the skin of the dead camel; the vultures carried him to the mountain; there he found a sign; refused to give it to I. until he brought him home; I. left; H. weaved a rope out of the grass, went down; came to the castle of the seven daughters of the Lord of the Spirit, became their brother; the sisters go to a month, the youngest tells me not to go into the same room; H. broke the ban, there were flowers and a pond, 10 doves went down, dropped their feathers, became girls; H. fell in love with the youngest, they flew away, he returned to the palace; the returning fairies taught me to hide the turtle feathers; the fairies persuaded the captive to marry H.; after 3 years, I. brought a young man again; the fairy gave X. a magic sword, to them H. cut off I.'s head; telling the spirit- the assistant to give three camels, returned with his wife to his mother, and then moved from Basra to Baghdad; the wife gave birth to sons named Nasr and Mansour; H. went to visit the fairy sisters for six months; showed his mother where he hid his wife's feather outfit, ordered her not to give it to her or let his daughter-in-law out of the house; she persuaded her to go to the bathhouse; the ruler's wife saw her, called her to her; all women show how they they dance; wife H. says she would dance better if she got her feather outfit; the eunuch brought a chest of dress; wife H. put on feathers, took both children, flew away, shouting: Let H. look for her on the island Wakwak; H.'s mother dug three graves, told returning H. that his wife and children were dead; but H. dug up the graves, the mother had to tell everything; H. returned to the fairy sisters; the youngest advised me to ask his brother their father; he took H., flew to the mountain on a flying elephant; then ride a horse to the cave; if there is a man in red, return, if in white, you will get a wife; a man in white leads him on; after On adventures, H. goes to the queen of the heavenly maidens; his sons recognize his father; the queen orders his wife X. to be beaten and thrown into prison, and he finds himself in the wilderness; two sons of the wizard fight for his father's inheritance: a magic wand and an invisible hat; H. threw a stone: whoever brings them faster will give him wonderful items; takes them himself; frees his wife and sons, flies away with them on winged horses; his army the queen's army won; H.'s wife forgave the queen; H. and his family returned to Baghdad, Harun Arrashid appointed him a vizier]: Stumme 1893, No. 2:13-39.

Western Asia. One Thousand and One Nights: Salye 2010 (2), nights 499-530 [start see H55; further false story; King Taigamus had no sons; the stargazers said that he would only have a son from the king's daughter Khorasana; King Khorasan agreed to marry; stargazers predicted misfortunes for his son after 15 years; his name was Janshah; at the age of 15, D. chased the gazelle, the gazelle jumped into the boat, she was caught, but D. and his servants went by boat to the island at sea; the father sent letters about his son to all the islands; D. went to land on the wrong island to which he sailed; sent half of the servants deep into the island, remaining in the boat; he was brought to the palace; the island belonged to monkeys; the monkeys sank the boat, made D. king; he ordered the servants to help the monkeys defeat enemies; found a stove with a prophecy: the one who became king of the monkeys will be able get out of the island only by going to a city where there is not a single believer of true faith; the monkeys chased the prince, but they were destroyed by ants; in the city of infidels, D. hired a merchant, received it in advance fee; he was sewn into the donkey's belly and the bird carried the carcass to the nest; precious stones were around; D. threw stones to the merchant, and he left without showing how to go down; D. went to look for a way out, came to the palace; the owner forbids opening one door; D. opened and saw three girls dressed as pigeons coming to swim; a year later they flew in again; on the advice of the owner of the castle, D. hid one of the girls's clothes; this is Sitt Samsha, she agreed to become the prince's wife, he returned her feather clothes and they flew to the prince's country; Tigamus built a palace for D. and the secondary school; the secondary school smelled her clothes hidden under the floor palace, ordered D. to look for her in the Takni jewelry fortress and flew away; D. came to a man with whom he already lived, hired the same job, was sewn into the skin of a horse; refused to throw stones out of the merchant's nest; came back to the owner of the palace; he does not know about the fortress T.; one of the birds took D. to the king of animals; he called on the animals to ask about T.; the animals do not know; he sends D. to his older brother; the brother does not know sends to the sorcerer, to whom animals and mountains are subordinate, who summoned animals and genies; one bird said he knew where T. took D.; the king of jinns, i.e. the father of the secondary school, ordered that every person be brought to himself; wedding; the couple was taken to the kingdom of D.], 778-831 [the Persian praises the jeweler Hasan's products, offers to adopt him, promises to teach him the best craft; mother H. does not trust the stranger; the next in the morning, a stranger makes a gold bar out of copper, H. asks him to teach him how to create gold; this can only be learned in a Persian's house; they go to X.'s house, the Persian drinks it, puts it in a chest, in another puts money and jewelry, sends chests to the ship; the ship sails away; mother H. builds in a tomb with her son's name and lives in it; H. will be killed a thousandth if she does not betray, but H. refuses to worship the fire, the Persian tortures him while they are on the ship; during the storm, the sailors blame the Persian, want to kill him, he apologizes to H., the storm subsides; the Persian and H. go down to land, ride camels; a Persian sews H. into a camel's skin, a bird hides a mountain; there's firewood and human bones; a Persian asks to dump firewood, it's needed for alchemy; H. dumps firewood, The Persian leaves, leaving H. on the mountain; H. rushes into the sea, takes him ashore, where the palace of the enemies of the Persian, there are seven daughters of the genie; H. remains with them; a year later, a Persian appears with a prisoner, who is going to be sent to the mountain; H. kills a Persian, throws his head into the fire; frees the prisoner; the girls leave for two months; H. opens the forbidden door; 10 birds fly in; H. hides; birds turn into girls; bathe; X. falls in love with the elder; bird girls fly away; H. withers from love; ginnias come back, H. talks about everything younger, she promises to help; older jinnias go to hunting, the youngest advises H. to hide the feathers of the bird girl; the gennias arrange their wedding; H. dreams of his mother, he goes to her; in case of difficulty, he must hit the Persian's drum and the camels will take him to Jinniah; to mother H.'s house, his wife gives birth to two sons; H. decides to visit Jinny, punishes his mother not to go to town with his wife; the wife violates the ban, goes to the bathhouse, she is seen by the Caliph's slave, tells his wife; she demands that his wife X. calls her to her place, dresses him up; wife H. says that she has feather clothes, let her mother-in-law give them back; the servant brings clothes, wife H. turns into a bird, takes the children and flies away - let her husband look for her on the Wak Islands; H. goes to the gennias for help; Uncle Jinny takes the horse out of the mountain, gives a letter; on horseback X. reaches the mountain in which the mighty sheikh gives a letter; he is allowed into the mountain; he is given a new letter and a case with firefighting accessories that can be used to summon the sheikh in case of trouble; H. flies on the back of the efreet, gives a letter to the king; the king explains how to proceed; Hasan is secretly put on the ship; after getting off the ship, H. hides under a bench; at night she asks for protection from a warrior girl, she brings him armor; H. mixes with warriors; a warrior girl takes off her clothes, turns out to be an old woman; an old warrior commands an army of women, ready to help; tells how to get to Wak Island; H. goes with her army across the island of birds; across the island animals; across the island of genies; H. describes his wife to the warrior, the old woman recognizes the king's eldest daughter; H. must recognize his wife among other girls; he does not know if the queen is going to cut his head; old woman intercedes; says that there is not a single woman left in the city but the queen herself; she must also appear H.; he sees that the queen looks like his wife; she is her sister; the queen orders to be brought sister with children; children are brought before their mother; the queen is convinced that the boys are the sons of H.; the queen beats her sister; talks about everything to her husband, the father of the bird girls; the sorcerer's two children quarrel over the copper sticks to which genies and invisible caps obey; H. invites them to race, picks up wonderful objects; invisible, goes to his wife, she is crucified and tied to her hair; H. opens to his wife children, unties his wife, the old woman opens the gate, the Ifrites give X. three horses; genies sticks defeat the queen's army, she is captured; H.'s wife stands up for her, reconciles; the queen and the old woman go to their city; on the way they thank the king who put H. on the ship and both sheikhs; the sheikhs ask them to give them a wand and hat for their help; H. and his family visit the jinnias, thanks the youngest, returns home]: 64-101, 594-702; mehri [when the dates are almost ripe, someone ripped them off; soothsayer to the owner: these are three Ginny girls, they come to swim, you have to hide their clothes; a man hides, two returns, takes the third, takes him as wives; gives three sisters to marry three genies who came for them; leaves, leaving his wife in the care of his mother; it was a holiday, people asked that this man's wife she also danced; she says she needs her clothes for this; people persuaded her mother-in-law to give clothes; the woman danced and flew away; people buried the lamb, told the returning husband that his wife died; but he opened the grave, made his mother tell me everything; soothsayer: feed brown, black, white camels for three years; then don't let them eat; the one who jumped over the fence will take them; jumped over the fence brown; take it to the sunrise until you run out of strength; then walk for three days; stays with his sisters every day, three genies give a hair - they come to the rescue; he sees his wife, she opens to his father, after he promised not to harm; his wife's father demands: drink a stream, run from a bowl of water to the mountain and back without splashing, eat two camels; genies do everything, man gets a wife]: Stroomer 1999, No. 37:99-104; (cf. Iraqi Arabs [Hasan from Basra sees 10 birds fly in, take off their feather clothes, become girls, bathe; hides one of them's clothes; takes her in wives; when she leaves, she leaves her mother in care; she finds out where the clothes are, she flies with her children to Wak-Wak Island; her husband comes there for her]: Clouston 1887:186 (Hatto 196:334 in brief).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mikir [each of the five older brothers promises his father to become a worthy person (village chief, blacksmith, farmer, etc.); the younger Harata Kunwar promises to marry the daughter of the Sun, to become king; his brothers and father send him to the hut for the night to guard the field, come to kill him; his daughter-in-law warned him; he put the leaves of a tree with red juice on the couch, lay down at a distance; the brothers refused, the father pierced the couch with a spear; HC went to his poor grandmother, who gives him advice; he replaces the clothes of the youngest of the six daughters of the Sun, the bride of the son of Wind, who come to swim; marries her, they have a son; contrary to the grandmother's advice, she goes to visit the family; the brothers' wives want to see his wife in all her jewelry; she puts on her outfit, flies away; the grandmother tells her to hide by the river in the sand; there on the wedding day of his wife HC with the elephant of the Sun will come to bathe the son of the Wind; you must grab his tail, go to heaven, ask the servants for water, throw the ring into the vessel, the wife will recognize the ring; the little son will go to his mother; seeing that he is a stranger son sucks his fiancée's chest, Vetra's son refused to marry, HC married his wife; returns to earth with his wife and son, reigns]: Stack, Lyall 1908, No. 3:55-70.

Burma - Indochina. Thais: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 7 [Sawan Nakol ("golden city") at the foot of the Himalayas lived the king of birds; the youngest of seven daughters, Ma Nora; on full moon, they flew to swim in a pond near the cave a hermit; the forester Bun visited him, found out that the bird girl could only be caught with a "snake loop"; before that, he saved the king of snakes, he gave a noose; when the bird maidens took off their tails and wings, B. caught MN with a loop, gave Sutone, Prince of the State, Pawnkala; while S. was at war, the evil adviser said that MN should be sacrificed or the king would die; MN asked for her tail and wings to dance farewell dance; flew away; S. returned, threw the counselor in prison, went to look for MN; the hermit gave him the ring left by MN; gave him a guide monkey; after 7 years, 7 months and 7 days, S. reached bird kingdoms; heard two women coming for water say that today is the end of the period after which MN will lose memories of what happened to her; S. threw the ring into the jug; MN recognized him; the king of birds makes it a condition for marriage that S. must identify his wife among her sisters; S. recognized her by his ring on her finger; S. and MN returned to Sawan Nakol, during their reign humans and birds were friends]: 290- 293; Kornev 1963 [Prince Chau Nday came to the lake, there are 7 peacock girls, he hid his youngest's clothes, brought her into the house by his wife, her name is Namarona; the vizier wanted to pass off his daughter as an emergency, persuaded a neighbor attack the king, the emergency went to war; the vizier spread the rumor that the enemies had won, and the witch N. was to blame; before her execution, she asks for permission to dance in her clothes, flies away; the emergency returned victorious, left to look for a wife; she gave her bracelet to a hermit, told her to give it to her husband and tell her about the road; the hermit gave a pet monkey as his companions; the snake lay down as a bridge over the hot river, in which even the sword melted; the arrow fired pushed the mountains apart, the travelers managed to slip through; cannibal birds fell into the hollow, they ate the monkey, did not notice the emergency; he hid in the pen of one of them, the bird brought him to the kingdom, where peacock sisters; ES threw a ring into the bucket of maid N.; she is happy, but her father offers tests: 1) break the stone that dammed the river with an arrow (the emergency broke; 2) find out his wife's finger when 7 sisters put their fingers in the holes (a firefly sat on their finger); emergency situations with N. returned home]: 35-51.

South Asia. Chhattisgarhi (Bilaspur) [pretin can take the image of women; a milkman was walking from the bazaar, saw under yuyuba (spirits prefer this tree) feeding her baby; he convinced her to go with him hid the clothes in a bamboo vessel; they have three sons; at the wedding, the eldest guests asked his mother to dance; she said she needed her sari for this; the husband gave the sari, the wife put it on, became invisible and disappeared]: Gordon 1908:85-86.

Taiwan - Philippines. Ata manobo [the bachelor watched the heavenly maidens on the lake; each had a pet monkey guarding the hostess's clothes while she was swimming; the young man threw bananas into the river, the monkeys behind him, he stole one sarong; gave him his shirt in return, brought his wife into the house; she said she could not dance without her sarong; after receiving it, she flew away; the lizard said that the wife was in heaven, told hold on to her tail, raised a dry tree to the top; jumped, and the man sat in the tree for a long time, then fell and crashed]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 7:101-105.

The Balkans. Hungarians [the farmhand's son grew up, went on a journey; people are carrying 12 carts of reeds, he asked for a reed, he did not find what he needed; he found two reed bushes by the sea, made guns and sabers out of reeds; now his name is Maly with the Kamyshins (K.); came to the king; it turned out that he could not be distinguished from the queen; tells him that he met a girl, whom her father would give only for someone who is equally rich; the king also does not marry his son to someone who has less money than the king; K. brings the Queen to the girl, they lured her to the ship, took her away; K. hears the conversation of vultures at night; the horse will throw off the Queen, he will kill; a faithful servant will shoot a hare, hit the queen; the 12-headed dragon will take the bride away on the wedding night; whoever tells will petrify; K. shot the horse, the servant; asked permission to stay in the wedding room rest; cut off the dragon's heads; he is asked to explain; he told and petrified; two sons were born; the beggar orders the blood of these children to be sprinkled on the stone; K. came to life; the king gave him the keys to 99 rooms, to the hundredth did not give it back; K. peeks through the keyhole; there are three baths, swan maidens arrive, take off their clothes, swim; they say that if you hide the clothes, you will not come back; K. made the key, hid the clothes the youngest, gave her another, married her; the wife warns her not to give her her old clothes if others ask; they are invited to a wedding, everyone asks that the wife dance in her old clothes, because she will dance even better; K. brought it, his wife put it on and flew away, ordered her to look for her in a fortress on a high mountain, a star above her; K. comes to the mother of the Sun; the Sun has returned, does not know about the mountain, advises Uncle Wind to ask him; The wind tells you to follow the blackthorn bush {tumbleweed?} ; at the mountain, the miller put K. in a barrel of flour, which the neck raises to the top of the mountain every day; he picked him up, he opened himself to his wife, stayed with her on the mountain]: Ortutai 1974, No. 11:251-264; Albanians: Serkova 1989 [the peasant's son agrees to sit on a magic bird, climb Crystal Mountain; drops his jewelry from there, but the people below refuse to let him down; the young man finds a goat pen, cleans it; the three-eyed goat that returns tells one goat, then the other goat to guard, one goes to graze, the other falls asleep, the young man cleans the pen imperceptibly both times; the third time the goat himself remains, takes him to his blind master; he lets the young man herd, does not tell him to take the goats to the edge of the cliff; there peri dances, the young man plays the pipe, the peri is the first to get tired, the young man ties her up, makes her eyes return owner; having seen the light, the owner gives the young man the keys, tells him not to unlock the twelfth room; three Beauties of the Earth fly into it to swim, the young man hides the youngest's belt, brings his wife home on a heroic horse, the key to the belt gives it to her mother; three years later she goes with her daughter-in-law to the wedding, gives her a belt, her daughter-in-law flies through a smoke hole; the young man flies back to the mountain, the old man sends him to his The eldest brother, the oldest, sends him to the spring, where the maids of the Beauty of the Earth collect water, the young man throws a ring into the jug, the wife and her sisters come to him, turn an apple, so that their cannibal brothers do not eat it; they smell it, agree to give it to their sister if the son-in-law 1) brings an armful of firewood, 2) a barrel of water larger than them (the young man pretends to tie the forest with a rope, digs up the forest with a rope, digs it up whole source); 3) catch a hare, get a nut; a young man falls on a hare from a tree, gets a wife]: 55-57; Dozon 1991, No. 12 [the king spent the night with a rich Wallachian shepherd; that night the mistress gave birth; the king ordered, for the boy to learn tongues and give a cross; when the young man is 15, let him come to him and show him the cross; the young man grew up, went to the king, went down to the spring; the servant, threatening to throw a stone at him, made him change his clothes and status; swear that the young man would not expose him; he promised that he would only be released from his oath by dying and resurrecting; the king kindly accepted the deceiver, and the young man was among servant; the deceiver pretended to be sick, asked his servant (i.e. young man) to be sent for cabbage, which Luby would guard; an old man appeared to the young man in a dream; ordered him to take 14 measures of honey, 14 milk and come at noon when Luby not at home; on the way, the young man met that old man; he teaches: clean the walls of the tone in Luby's house, hide, leave honey and milk; Luby will eat and ask the one who brought such food to appear; ask for cabbage; eat three nomads, and he, the old man, will give a head of cabbage for the deceiver on the way back; that's what happened; the deceiver pretended to be sick again: we must get the Beauty of the Earth; the old man tells you to ask the king to give him a thousand lambs, rams, a hundred measures of wheat and honey and 10 brooms; you must throw lambs to eagles, wheat to ants, honey to bees, rams to lions, clean the walls and door to the chambers of the Beauty of the Earth with brooms; animals will ask which A young man would like a reward; ask lions, bees, ants and fur, feather fishing, etc.; if you burn fur, etc., animals will come to the rescue; the Beauty of the Earth asks the guards why they did not stop young man; guards: you did not feed us like this, did not clean us; she tells the young man to separate the mixture of wheat, barley, rye and land overnight (ants separated us); bring living water from behind the crashing mountains (eagles: at noon, mountains on they stop for half an hour; they brought a young man, he took water and they brought him back); identify her among 12 girls (a bee sat on her); the deceiver asks the king to kill the young man, he did it himself; The Beauty of the Earth sent a servant to bring the victim, revived him with live water; the young man was able to tell the king everything; the deceiver was torn into four trees; the young man went to visit his parents, leaving the king's wife the robe he had bought for The beauty of the Earth; ordered not to give it to her until his return; there were dances and the Beauty of the Earth refused to participate without this robe; the king's youngest daughter secretly handed it to her; she told him to tell the young man what he would find wearing out three pairs of iron shoes; wearing out his shoes, he stopped at a tavern, where food is free: all he has to do is tell her what he saw along the way; one person told how he dropped a bottle of water, went down into the ravine and saw 12 girls bathing; the young man went to the ravine, grabbed his wife's clothes and threw it into the fire; the beautiful woman stayed with the boy forever]: 83-96; Macedonians [the young shepherd saw three the bathing fairies, hid their clothes, returned them to two, the third agreed to become his wife; the fairies warned not to give their clothes to his wife - he would fly away; a year later, at the festival, the women asked the shepherd's wife dance in magical clothes; the husband reluctantly gave her clothes, the wife danced, flew away through the chimney; said that she should be looked for in Kushkundalevo; in search of his wife, the shepherd comes to the old man, he sends to to another - the owner of animals; animals do not know such a village; the owner of animals sends birds to the owner; no one knows there either, but then a beaten magpie arrives; explains that she stayed because she lives furthest, in K., where an evil fairy hit her leg; the old man tells the eagle to take the shepherd to K.; the shepherd enters the fairy house; they tie their sleeping sister to a flying saddle, put a shepherd with her, tell her to fly through three mountains; the shepherd's wife wakes up, calls the winged horse; he flies to help, but beyond the third mountain his power ends, the wife stays with the shepherd; he burned her clothes; she gave birth to many daughters, all the beauties of the world are their descendants]: Martin 1955:111-120; Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 400 [young man (prince, shepherd) sees self-divers swimming in the lake; hides the wings or clothes of one of brings them into the house by his wife; accidentally finding wings or convincing her husband to give them to her (play at the party), she flies away by herself; the husband (wearing iron shoes) goes after her; on the way he receives advice from the elders ( kings of animals, fish, birds); the husband learns (through the king of birds) from the old eagle (magpies) where to fly, the eagle brings him to the village of self-diva, the husband returns his wife]: 137-138; Marinov 2003 [the shepherd hid his clothes one of the three samovils who bathed; married, brought home, her name is Radka; during a feast on the occasion of her son's baptism, the guests ask R. to play a "samovilskat"; R. says that for this purpose must put on her clothes; her husband believes that she will not leave the child, gives her clothes, R. plays and flies away]: 298; Greeks: Hahn 1864 (1), No. 15 (Epirus) [the king finally has an heir; he put the boy in a glass castle with his teachers; once he was brought meat and bone, he had not seen bones before; throwing a bone, the young man broke through the wall and saw the world; his father agreed to let him go, he became a passionate hunter; after chasing the deer, the prince disappeared, the king declared mourning; but the prince was found by a Jew, promised to take him to his father if he threw gold off a high cliff; to do this, he placed him in his skin buffalo, the eagle picked up his skin with the young man, who got out and dropped the gold to the Jew; he took the gold, sat on his horse and rode away; the young man found an underground passage with stairs, went to the palace; to the wall an old man with a long beard was chained; the young man said he could not free him without eating; he told him to take 40 keys out of his pocket, unlock the rooms, and in one he would find a rod; if you hit them on the ground, food would appear; the young man did so, ate, freed the old man, began to live in his castle; he began to mourn that the old man allowed him to enter 39 rooms, but did not allow him in the fortieth; the old man explained that there was a lot the young men died there; in that room there is a lake where three fairies fly in, take off their winged robes and swim; first the elders, then the youngest; you have to take her clothes and not give it back, otherwise you will die; the young man did so brought the fairy to the old man; he gave a winged horse and the young man and fairy went to his father; the old man gave a golden rod; on the way, the fairy brother in the form of a dervish came up and asked for food; the young man promised, if he explained, what kind of stick he has in his hand; dervish: she will kill whoever the master wants; the young man asked for a look at her, told her to kill the dervish; the second brother came in the guise of a Jew, he has an invisible hat; a young man told the stick to kill him, took possession of his hat; came to his father; gave his wife's clothes to his aunt for safekeeping; the fairy begged her to give her to go dancing; the prince returned, rushed after his wife, who flew out the window and told her looking for her in a glass castle; on a winged horse, taking wonderful objects, the prince returned to the old man; he sent him to his father - maybe he knows about the glass castle; the old man's father sent him to his mother; she gathered birds, only Schnapphahn knows; the old woman told him to take the prince to the glass castle; the local king is at war with another; the prince promised him to kill all enemies; thanks to an invisible hat and stick, killed enemies, captured their king; the king married him his youngest daughter; when she recognized the prince, she was happy; wedding]: 79-90; Kretschmer 1919, No. 61 (Epirus) [when the childless king was finally born Son, he put him in a glass castle with his teachers; one day a young man was brought meat and bone, he threw it, broke through the wall; his father had to let the young man go; he became a hunter; he chased the deer, got lost, ate roots; a Jew appeared, brought him to the mountain, asked him to drop gold from it; to do this, he placed the young man in buffalo skin, the birds lifted him up the mountain, he threw gold to the Jew; the Jew took him gold, throwing a young man; digging roots, the young man found a passage, a staircase in it; she led to the palace, in which an old man with a beard to his knees is chained; he teaches him to take 40 keys from his pocket, open one from the rooms, there is a stick in it; if you hit, any food will appear; the young man is full, his strength returned and he freed the old man; the old man took the key to the 40th room; said that behind him was the lake, where three were flying fairies, they have already killed many young men; the young man persuaded him to give the key; old man: the youngest is the most beautiful, she bathes after her sisters, you must take her clothes; you can't let her even touch the edge of her clothes; he allowed, she tried to pull out her clothes, but failed; the young man asked for a horse, the old man gave him a flying man; on the way they stopped to eat; a dervish came up, asked for food, said that his stick was hitting his order head and kills anyone; the young man asked to hold the stick, told her to kill the dervish, took the stick; this dervish was the brother of a winged maiden; the second brother came in the form of a Jew; he appeared and disappeared; young man asked him to see the invisible hat, sent a stick to kill the Jew; the fairy says that no one will help her now; the king is happy that his son has returned; he gave his wife's clothes to his aunt for preservation; wife asked her for clothes to dance; after receiving and dancing, she flew out the window, telling her to look for them in the glass city; the prince returned to the old man, who gave a letter to his father, and he wrote to his mother; mother gathered the birds, the last to deliver the old Schnapphahn, who knew about the glass city; when the prince carried, the supplies ran out, the prince cut off the meat from his own leg; in the city of Haji, he said that the local king fighting another; the young man promised to defeat the enemy alone; the prince's stick killed all the enemy warriors; the king gave the youngest daughter as the winner; she did not want to, but when she found out that it was her husband, she was happy; they returned to the prince's country]: 287-296; Schmidt 1877, No. 5 (Zakynthos) [the young man wanted to marry only Nereid; the old woman advised me to grab and hide her handkerchief; the young man grabbed it, the rest of the Nereids flew away; they children; once her wife begged her handkerchief to be returned to dance at the festival; when the people gathered, she began to dance, amazed with her beauty, sang, and then flew away forever]: 133-135; Moldovans [mother tells Fat Frumos that his father was eaten by wolves; but he still became a hunter; saw virgin birds coming down to swim in the lake, hid his wings; fairies follow him, singing; FF looks around twice, two pairs wings fly away; FF brings the third fairy home without looking back; at the wedding, people admire the bride's dance; she promises to dance even better if the groom gives her wings; FF reluctantly gives her, his wife flies away; FF wanted to shoot her, but she turned into a cuckoo and you can't shoot the cuckoo; she tells me to look for her in a golden palace in the golden forest; FF goes in search; the old man calls animals and birds; the last to come goat, she knows the places, but now there is a terrible drought; the man says that the owner of the palace was stolen by snakes; people milk sheep in nutshells, milk drops; FF leads sheep to pastures by a snake; watchmen wolves and bears are fascinated by FF playing on the pipe; he says that the pipe needs to be repaired with wood from the middle of the oak tree, splits it, wolves and bears stick their paws, FF takes out the wedge, burns clamped wolves, one burnt out; pulls out the hearts of the bears, one escapes; the shepherd tore off his tail, since then the bears have no tail; Vyzh-Surviil's guard cuts off FF's arms and legs; he grabs the vein of the spring with his teeth, orders him to return his limbs, gives him strong water, FF killed BV; the serpent opened its mouth from ground to sky, but FF killed him and returned his wife]: Botezat 1981:276-284 (=Moldovan tales 1968:434-450).

Central Europe. Poles [retelling Kozlov 2006:330; a golden life has grown in the shepherd's field; he tells his three sons to guard him; when it's the youngest's turn, the bird took the sheaf; the young man behind her; a house in the forest, by the fire on an old man lies in that sheaf; the young man invited him to be his son; the old man's blind wife agrees; the old man gives sheep to herd, does not tell them to be allowed into the dry pond - the Rock Spirit will take away; gives a violin; the spirit drove the sheep; the young man gave him the violin to play, he broke the string; the young man promises to teach him to play, first he must straighten his fingers; the spirit put them in the split trunk; the young man let him go for promising not to touch the sheep; the spirit points to grass that will restore blind vision; old people promise to get a girl for their adopted son; you have to ride a goat to the sea; three ducks will fly, throw off their clothes, become girls; you have to hide your shirt the one he likes; the guy succumbed to persuasion, gave his shirt, the duck flew away; a year later the old man sends the guy again; after bringing the girl home, the guy took pity again and returned his shirt; the third time was the last; the goat (this is the old man) is carrying to another sea; the young man did not give his shirt, the old man gave the maiden a cape; the young man, his wife and newborn daughter went to visit his real father; having a golden life, a shepherd became a prince; at a feast, his daughter-in-law asks his father-in-law to get her best outfit - her husband hides it in a chest; she became a duck and flew away with her duckling daughter; that old man gives the young man a masm to become a hare, fish, fly; the young man reached the top of the glass mountain; overheard that his wife was grieving without him, became human again; his wife's parents gave him the throne; he sent for his real father and for that old man, made them ministers]: Shcherbakov 1980:115-125; Russians (Pskov) [the old man hired Ivan Sinilnik to work; he brought him to the mountain on a ship, killed a lion, took out his intestines, ordered him to climb inside, the bird lifted the carcass up the mountain, the old man asked to throw down the jewelry; left, and I. stayed on the mountain; came to the castle, there were three girls; they gave the keys to 12 rooms, but no need to enter the 12th; he went in; there was a garden and a pond, 12 girls flew in swim; the first three girls advise you to hide the dress of the one you liked; he did so, married the girl, her name was Annushka; Ivan brought her home; the cooks told the princess; she praises the beauty of A.; And .: it would be even more beautiful if in her dress; the princess told the cook to bring a dress; A. put it on and flew away - let I. look; two argue over a flying carpet and an invisible hat; I. asks for him test, puts on a hat and flies on the carpet to where A. is; she is there in a hole for marrying an Orthodox; I. took her and returned home]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 18:41-44; Western Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) [the guy goes looking for the most beautiful bride; old man: Baba Yaga has three daughters, they will come to swim, we must hide the youngest's clothes; the girl followed the guy, begged for a sleeve, grabbed her clothes, disappeared; old man: now I'll have to wait a year; this time the guy did not give the girl clothes, brought him into the house by his wife; joined the army; at this time the wife shows people all sorts of tricks; I would also show if my husband's sister gave it my dress; she gave it back, my wife flew away; my husband came back, went looking for her; another old man: wife behind glass mountains; around Baba Yaga's house, on each stamen with her head severed off, one empty; my wife gave a twig and a pipe; if you hang down, you will come to help; Baba Yaga demands to cut down the forest, plow the field, etc., collect and bake bread; his wife's servants did everything; in the place of the valley, becoming (what is this?) with fish; we must pull out the one that is his wife; wife: I will wave my tail; my husband pulled her out; choose from three mares (the wife is middle); let my husband hit her gently with that twig; Baba Yaga gave him her daughter]: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 54:150-155; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Khust Oblast, p. Gorinchevo) [The tsar has one son Ivan, it's time for him to get married, he only wants a native girl (SD). She takes a warrior with him and goes looking for her. He turns right, drives through the wasteland, sees a lonely mill. There's an old woman with knee-length lashes. He says hello and calls his mother sweet. She raises her eyelashes. I haven't seen a living soul in ages. She suggests taking a break and going to see her middle sister tomorrow. It gives a horse and a ball of thread, you have to hold on to the thread. A year later, I. reaches his middle sister. She has eyelashes down to the ground. The Tsarevich also greets her and calls her mother sweet. She raises her lashes and explains that she hadn't seen a living soul in 200 years. She suggests going to see her older sister in the morning. It gives a horse and a ball of thread. A year later, I. reaches his oldest sister. She says hello, calls her mother sweet. The woman barely lifts her eyelashes - so long. In the morning, he gives three wheat grains, tells you to go to the sandbank to the sea, put wheat under your tongue and turn into a hare. Eleven pigeons will arrive, but there will be no diabetes among them. The cabbage rolls will swim in the sea, rejoice and sing, then they will fly away, and only then will she arrive. This is what happens. When SD arrives, she sheds her feathers and goes swimming. The prince takes her clothes, wraps her in a handkerchief, runs to the woman, who tells her to sit on her horse and go on the road without looking back, although SD will run after him and ask for clothes. As soon as he looks back, the clothes will fall out of his hands, the CD will catch up, hit his mouth and go away. We should keep quiet. When you're at home, you should give SD regular clothes and then talk and hide your feathers. I. rides, the girl follows him, persuades him to return her clothes, she will be ashamed to walk naked around the city, she will not leave him anymore. He looks around, feathers fly out of his hands, SD hits I.'s mouth, flies away. The woman gives three other grains, turns him into a deer, he steals clothes, sits on a horse and rushes without looking back or talking. At the palace, SD wears home clothes, gives the feathers to her mother, who sews them into her retinue, which she wears once a year. They live happily, they give birth to a boy with five golden hairs on his head. I. goes hunting, the mother asks her daughter-in-law why she is so beautiful and does not have parents. She replies that her clothes are even more beautiful, and her mother-in-law did not see them in them. The queen rips off her retinue, the feathers fly up on the girl themselves, she flies away through the window. Ivan goes looking, and three years later he gets to the woman who helped him. She explains that his wife is overseas with her demon mother will need to be cunning. A wolf is serving in the mill. Baba will hide it at the bottom of the barrel, and the wolf will carry it to the other side of the sea. The barrel is heavy, the wolf decides not to serve anymore on the way and throws it into the sea. The barrel breaks on the shore, I. gets out of the sea, goes out onto a glass road, comes to the palace to an old demon, and is hired. She tells you to dig up the mountain, level it, plow it, and sow wheat. Wheat must ripen by tomorrow, he must harvest it, grind it, grind flour, bake rolls and give it to it early in the morning, otherwise he will be headless. I.'s pickaxe and shovel break, he sits down and cries. The demon tells his daughter to bring him food, he doesn't recognize SD, and she recognizes him. She tells me to eat, she pulls out a squeaker from under her right hand, squeaks, all the devils run away. The SD tells them to do whatever I. The next year, the demon gives a wooden trough, leads to the lake without end and edge, tells you to scoop out water, plant grapes, hand over three large bowls of wine in the morning, otherwise he will lose his head. The wife brings food, calls the devils together with a squeaker, and they complete the task. So I. served his second year. The devil says she'll give him more work in the morning. I. sees a prisoner who has already served in an iron furnace, on fire, on seven chains, who cannot warm up. He sits down and cries. A demon sends her daughter to find out what happened. She calls the devils with a squeaker, tells them to obey her husband's order. Ivan orders the hell to get him and his wife home by morning. The devils spread the red fly, Ivan and the SD sit on it, fly away. On the way, I. burns from behind a blue flame. This is a demon. He turns around, a demon grabs his eye. He is blind. The wife leaves him with his handkerchief in place, turns into a pigeon, overtakes the demon and, picking up two lumps of manure from the road, turns into a well under two sycamores. A heated demon bends down to get drunk, and the girl replaces I.'s eyes in her sinus with dung. He flies to Ivan, returns his eyes, and finally recognizes her as his wife. The demon rushes home, the prisoner from the furnace asks if she brought him a partner, who says she took his eyes, climbs into her bosom, finds manure. The prisoner laughs so much that he warms up. The demon flies back, reaches the border, bursts with anger. I. with diabetes get home, live happily ever after]: Lintour 1979:5-11.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [Jomlat sees 12 girls on the seashore; nurse: these are the daughters of the Sea King, we must steal and burn the veil of one of them; he kidnaps but does not burn the veil, takes the girl as his wife; after 3 After giving birth to a son, she asks to let her veil dance; he does not give it, but the audience begs that the dance will be even better; the wife flies away, can be seen in the clouds; D. died of grief, the son became the ancestor of the princes Shervashidze]: Khvartskia 1994:232-234; Kumyks [the dervish took Ibrahim to the top of an ovoid rock; he managed to go down to the garden of the daughters of the king of the genies; they must return to their father for one month a year; when they fly away, they tell me not to look into one room; he enters there, the garden is even better, three beauties come to swim, throw off their swan robe; I. fell in love with a black woman; when the first girls arrived, the youngest promised to help get it; teaches her to hide, tie her hair to a tree while she dives, beat her until she resigns herself; I. hides that girl's swan cover, the other two flew away; black is forced to agree to marry I.; he decides to return to his mother; the first girls tell I. to give his mother his wife's swan clothes for storage; while I. is gone, Khan's mother sees a black woman in the bathhouse; asks to sing; she says that to do this, let the khan's mother dig up a chest in which the swan outfit is hidden; after receiving it, she flies away, taking the children; I. calls the first three girls; they explain that his wife and two others - from those genies who do not have men, they kill men; the youngest sends I. to the border of the genie kingdom; then other genies help; I. gets to the giants, they put him in a cage; he runs, meets female warriors, agrees to help alone; in the end he finds himself with those genie who have his wife; he, his wife and the genie girl who helped want to be executed; the guard lets them go; I. s black people return to mother I.]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 17:201-208; (cf. Kurds [(end of a long story); Padishah's son Mirza Mahmood hired a rich man; he takes him to the seashore, tells him to slaughter his mule, gives him sleeping pills, sews him in his skin, and the eagle takes him to the island; the rich man tells him to throw precious stones - then he will show the way; tells him to look back; there is a hole and bones of people, one person is barely alive; MM made his way down the fox hole, came to the old man; saw a portrait beautiful, in love; old man: I am also young, but I have grown old because of love for her; explains that there is a lake on the mountain, three doves will fly, throw off their feathers, become Gurias; you need to hide medium clothes; MM returned clothes after Guria promised to be his wife; he comes to her father's town; guria: if the hand of (another) person touches me, I'll fly away; wedding; once MM's wife was taken to a party; as soon as her hand touched another dancer's hand, she became a dove and flew away; MM hired that rich man again; asked him to come closer and killed him with a stone; MM hid Guria's clothes again and burned them; returned home with her]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 14:167-185).

Volga - Perm. Mordva [the old man promises poor young man Rav-Zholdyamo gold on top of the mountain; tells him to climb into the horse's carcass, the raven brings it to the top of the mountain, the RJ scared him off, lowers him, lowers his bags of gold on a rope, the old man burned the rope, left; RJ kills a kite chasing three ducks; they picked up RJ, brought them to a forest hut, turned into girls; every day they fly away with ducks; RJ hides her dress the youngest, marries, brings her mother's wife; the wife brought gold with her, but misses; asks for a precious ring forgotten from the sisters; when RJ left, told his mother not to give her daughter-in-law's duck outfit; master calls for a visit, wants to know where they got the gold; the daughter-in-law asks her mother-in-law to give her a duck outfit to appear to the master; she gives it away, she flies away; RJ goes in search; the old man sends it to his older brother, he to the oldest; each points the path of a flying duck; the eldest: a wife in a crevice on a golden mountain; a raven picks stones, tries to get to her; gives a plane felt and an invisible caftan; RJ throws at the crow is stones, he rushes at him, RJ puts on an invisible caftan, takes his wife, returns home with her]: Samorodov 1972:132; Kazan Tatars [dzhigit dives from the ship to the bottom to get a bay gems; for the third time the ship sails away; the horseman descends to the bottom again; there are divas; when he sneezes and wakes up, the horseman says that the diva has sneezed him out; there the girl asks her to save, take the diva's keys, unlock the palace; the horseman unlocked, 12 girls flew away; the diva put on his wings, caught up with them, returned them; the girl teaches to remain silent in response to the diva's questions - after that he will agree to any request; the diva agrees to let go horseman with the girl, but he must identify her among 12 mares, 12 doves, 12 twin girls (she says what signs); the horseman and his wife returned to his mother; his wife gave three feathers to call for help and the ring, telling him not to take it off; but he took it off, put it in the chest; went with his mother to visit, but the wife did not go; the neighbors sent for her; she says that the beautiful dresses are in the chest; the husband gave the key, she opened the chest, She put on the ring, flew away, telling her to look for her through six countries in the seventh; he found it; she points to 11 severed heads, wants to execute the young man; the viziers invite the young man to hide; he breaks his feathers, summons a lion (hides it in its mouth), a turtle (puts it in its mouth and dives into the sea), a bird (takes him to a distant land); they can never find him; the maid turned him into a pin, brought him to the daughter of the padishah, the young man hacked her and the vizier, married a maid, and became a padishah himself]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 47:395-402.