K25a3. Collected feathers. .40.
The magical bird-wife flies away when she makes herself new feather clothes from feathers collected on the ground.
Netsilik, Igloolik, Polar, Baffin Land, Labrador Eskimos, West Greenland.
The Arctic. Netsilic [Kiwiok hides the clothes of one of the girls bathing; the others fly away as goose; the wife gives birth to two sons; teaches them to eat grass, not meat; collects feathers, flies away with sons; K. comes to a man who has a through hole in his back; he cuts his fin, the chips turn into salmon; K. pretends not to see a hole; the man sends salmon to transport K. through lake to the village of Geese; sons recognize father; wife married to Goose; K. returns wife]: Rasmussen 1931:373-375; polar: Holtved 1951a, No. 36 [goose girls bathe with their feathers off; man hides them, returns them, does not give them alone, takes her as his wife; she gives birth to two eggs, twins hatch from them; they collect feathers, fly away with their mother; a man asks his mother to make him shoes with with a few soles; goes to look for a wife, bypassing the monsters sent by the Geese; meets a giant chopping willow; the chips turn into salmon and trout; the man lies that he came up to him from the front (so not saw his huge testicles); a giant turns his testicles into a boat, takes a man to the country of Geese; two sons recognize their father; he drives his wife's new husband, lives with her; she gives birth to two eggs, dies; he buries him; the giant gives him a whip; with it a man kills many Geese attacking him; few are saved]: 55-59 (=1951b: 140-152; transl. Menovshchikov 1985, No. 204:412-415): 140-152; Baffin's Land: Boas 1901-1907, No. 14 [the hunter hides the clothes of four bathing girls; one does not return, takes her as his wife; the other three dress their jackets, fly away with geese; Goose wife accidentally stained with whale blood; attaches feathers to herself and her son, flies away with him; husband goes looking for them; passes between crushing rocks, jumps over a boiling pot , through the fat; the human pelvis passes it after it copulates with it; a man with a hole in his back cuts a tree; the hero pretends not to notice a hole; the man sends him to the country birds in a self-propelled kayak; the son recognizes his father; in the house the hero sees an old man next to his wife; both his son and his son fly away as birds; the hero manages to rip his wife's belly, bird eggs fall out]: 179-182; Labrador Eskimos, West Greenland (1 entry from Labrador, 4 Greenlandic) [a bachelor sees women bathing, hides one of them's clothes; the rest turn into waterfowl, fly away; the wife gives birth to a son, then a second; from the collected feathers she makes wings for herself and her children, all three fly away; the husband swims in a kayak to look for them; comes behind a man with an ax, whose lower body is trembling; lies that he came up to him from the front and did not notice anything special (otherwise he would kill him); gives him a new ax, for which the man tells the salmon to sit on the tail, close his eyes; the husband finds himself in the place where he sons recognize him; looks into the house, where a man with his nose upturned asks his wife to marry him; the wife asks his wife with her nose to see (otherwise he would kill him); the birds fly away; the wife gives birth to a son, and other women turn into seagulls, that man into a duck, the house into a "charming hill" (turf guano mountain)]: Rink 1875, No. 12:143-148; (same in Egede 1788:55-57, Rasmussen 1921- 1925 (1) :364, (2) :12-14, (3) :74-76 in Hatt 1949:95; Rink 1866:91-93 in Hatt 1949:95); Greenland, Labrador [the lonely Asalok calls the skulls of slaughtered seals his children, plays with them; One day she sees goose women bathing, steals one of them's clothes, she becomes his wife, gives birth to three sons, teaches them to collect bird feathers and fluff, flies away with them; A. swims to look for her, old eagle says that his family lives on a rock; A. enters a house where there are many people, the house is immediately turned into a rock, people become seagulls, his wife and children look at him with hatred and fly away; A. returns home alone]: Millman 2004:143-144.