Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K25a4a. Rescue from the underwater world (broken chain) .15.16.31.

A young woman is at the mercy of a water dweller, and if she goes to the ground, she is chained. To free a woman, the chain must be cut.

Sicilians, Bretons, Germans (Harz), Icelanders, Swedes, Karelians.

Southern Europe. Sicilians: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 4 [the king calls Muntifiuri to serve; he takes a portrait of his sister with him; the king sees him, wants to marry; M. comes for his sister; the old woman asks take her ugly daughter with her to the ship; tells her daughter to make a siren carry Sister M.; the liar puts on a beautiful woman's clothes; M. tells the king that her sister has fallen overboard; the king marries a neighbor brought in; she wants to lime M., tells the king that M. can build a fountain overnight 1); a sister appears out of the water, holding sirens on a gold chain, promises that by morning the fountain will be ready; 2) plant a blooming garden around (the same); 3) the liar tells to herd 12 ducks, if one disappears in a day, executes; the sister shakes pearls and gold from the goats, the ducks eat it; they shout that Sister M. brighter than the sun; the next morning, the liar hides one duck, says that M. lost it; M. asks the king to allow him to go ashore for the last time; his sister orders M. to ask him to bury it after execution fountain; three nights he goes out to mourn him; tells the king that he cuts off the chain, marries sister M.; the liar's body is cut into pieces, salted in a barrel, with his hand with a ring on the bottom, they send it to her mother; she eats, does not give it to the cat and the dog; when she realizes that she is a daughter, the cat and the dog rejoice, otherwise they would comfort her], 25 [the teacher gives Katerina sweets; asks if she wants her was her mother; teaches her to ask her mother to take dates out of the chest, drop the lid around her neck, put the date in her mouth; everyone thinks that K.'s mother is to blame; K.'s father reluctantly agrees to her request to marry her teacher; she has her own ugly daughter; stepmother tells K. to hide all her wool in a day; the ram tells her to go to bed, by evening the yarn is ready; the stepmother tells K. to slaughter the ram; he tells K. to ask for the intestines to take from they are three golden balls, run with brother Giovanni, stay away from the sea, otherwise he will become a snake; gold balls turn into a rich castle; he is by the sea, K. does not go anywhere; the king sees J. makes him close; he advises to marry K.; K. demands to pave the road from the royal castle to her; J. do with the workers; stepmother comes with her daughter; tells K. to step to the window overlooking the sea, K. disappears; the stepmother's daughter takes her place; the king is angry with J., sends the ugly woman with her mother into the forest; J. tells everything; the stepmother persuades King tell J. to do it overnight 1) a water fountain, an oil fountain, a fountain of wine; J. goes to the sea, Snake-K. gives a magic wand to do everything; 2) a crystal palace (the same); 3) a stove into which everything will rush fish from the sea; K. teaches that he must grab her, throw her in a vat of milk; revives as a girl; the king marries her, the stepmother and her daughter are left alone in the woods], 28 [rich sister gives the poor for The job is only leftovers, but the daughter of the rich is ugly, and the poor is beautiful, like her brother Quaddaruni; the poor daughter goes to get water, gives seven young men a drink; everyone rewards her (roses will fall from her lips, roses will fall from her lips, her hair will fall off her hair - pearls, she will marry the king, etc.); a rich sister sends her daughter to the spring; she refuses to let the wizards drink; dirt drips from her lips, scorpions and snakes fall from her hair, she is one-eyed, hunchback; Q. carries roses to the city, the king demands to sell them, he talks about his sister; the rich daughter is imposed as a companion; from the shore K. shouts to cover her from the sun; the freak explains that K. wants her to give her her clothes, pushes her into the sea; K. explains to the king what happened; sent to herd geese and ducks by the sea; her sister says that the siren put her on a gold chain; learns from the siren that seven swords need to cut the chain, seven horses to take her away from the water; the liar's head was salted, sent to her mother, she saw, died]: 21-27, 130-137, 185-194.

Western Europe. Bretons (Lower Brittany) [the couple has 50 children, they can't find a goddaughter for 51 - this is the youngest daughter; a beautiful lady offers to become a goddaughter, calls the girl Marie, turns the poor house into rich; but soon the children die one by one, Marie and her brother Yvon remain; parents are also dead, brother and sister live with the wet nurse and her ugly daughter; M. gives his brother his portrait, asks him not to anyone show, asks not to work for the king; but I. stays with the king; talks to the portrait every day; the valet overhears and spies, tells the king; when he sees the portrait, he demands from I . bring her sister; the nurse and her daughter go with M. on the ship; the nurse pushes M. into the sea, the siren chains her with four gold chains; the king sees instead the beautiful freak is dissatisfied; the nurse hurries the wedding; the valet leads I. into the forest, kills in the chapel; M. asks the siren to allow her to visit her brother three times to revive her with magic ointment; I. gradually comes to life; M. says that if four blacksmiths hit her chains tomorrow, she will be free from the power of the siren; the beggar overhears, tells the king, he sends blacksmiths; marries M.; the wet nurse, her daughter and the valet was thrown into the oven]: Soupault 1959, No. 12:145-158; the Germans (Harz) [the widower has a 14-year-old daughter, an ugly neighbor has hers; the neighbor asked the girl to persuade her father to marry her; became tyrant her stepdaughter; she dreams twice that she must leave; she comes to the house of 7 giants, the old woman hides her, then shows her; giants do not harm others; they send to 7 dwarfs, tell her fix the jug at the well, clean the beds; the girl performs, the dwarfs make her gold-haired; she returns home; the stepmother sends her own daughter; she does not help the old woman in the giants' house, they tell break a jug, scatter beds; dwarfs tell her to be lousy; stepmother wants her stepdaughter to feel bad too; pretended to be sick, sent her strawberries in winter; three men sit by the fire in the forest; they allowed the person who came to warm up, and she shared her meager breakfast; they were God, Christ and the Holy Spirit; after eating, Christ filled the girl's basket with strawberries, God made her even more beautiful, and even from her lips, when she speaks, gold coins are falling; when she saw gold, the stepmother sent her own daughter for strawberries; but three of them did not give her a seat by the fire, and she did not share food with them; when she asked for strawberries, three they answered that it was winter; God ordered the girl to have horns on her head; the count saw the stepdaughter and married her; after giving birth to a child, she wrote a letter to her father, but it fell to her stepmother; she appeared in absence Count, pushed her stepdaughter into the lake and replaced her daughter; when she saw his wife with horns, the count wished to die; at night the real wife appeared and asked the poodle to bring her child to feed her; Her leg had a chain; she said she would come twice more, and if she was not released with a golden sword, she would be drowned forever; as she spoke, gold coins fell from her lips; the servant heard it, told the count; the next night he saw and heard everything for himself; collected the fallen gold coins and told the blacksmith to forge a sword out of them; on the third night he cut the chain with a sword; ordered the stepmother and her daughter to burn them, and He lodged his wife's father in the palace]: Pröhle 1854, No. 5:13-20.

Baltoscandia. Icelanders [a king named Mani has a daughter, Mjadveig; when her mother died, the king went to look for a new wife; there is a woman on the island with her daughter; says she is the queen herself, and her husband is killed by enemies, she fled to the island; the king brought her home; the new queen, taking her daughter, invited M. to take a walk; then to exchange clothes with her daughter; witchcraft gave her daughter the appearance of M., knitted and abandoned her; In a dream, her mother came to M., untied it and gave her a handkerchief containing an inexhaustible supply of food; the Queen sent her daughter to check what had happened to M.; she began to tell M. that her mother was to blame for everything, snatched it out handkerchief, ran away; M.'s mother in a dream taught her how to find a house on the sea with everything she needed for life; one day she saw ships approaching, rushed into the house and lost her golden shoe; the ship was the queen, who came to free M.; everyone began to try on the shoe; the stepmother cut off her daughter's fingers and heel, then the shoe fit on her leg; the Queen married her, but heard birds singing; birds: in blood shoe, M., daughter of King Mani, here by the sea (not in the city); the Queen touched the imaginary M. with a magic rod, who turned into a monster; he was killed, salted with 40 barrels of meat; the Queen found the real M.; the Queen does not want to eat anything, but when she was offered corned beef, she ate all 10 kegs of her daughter's meat in 10 days; she was blown up on a ship with barrels of meat; the Queen brought M. to his the state; after the death of her father, reigned; M. gave birth to a son; went to wash, but forgot the soap; sent a maid for him; a woman appeared (she was the sister of the monster queen) and offered to change clothes; then took the form of M., and sent her under water to her brother; everything in the kingdom began to wither; soon the shepherd accidentally saw a glass palace rise from under the water, and M. with a chain around his neck in it; the shepherd put on finger ring for the son of a dwarf; the dwarf came out of the stone and asked how he could thank him for it; the shepherd asked to explain what he saw; the dwarf: M. is bewitched, will appear above the water only once more; it is necessary to cut the chain; gave an ax; when M. appeared, the shepherd began to cut the chain; then the brother of the monster woman appeared; the dwarf threw something into his eye, he went blind and died; the imaginary M. was touched with a magic rod, she became a monster, she was executed; the shepherd brought the real M.; all is well]: Poestion 1884, No. 9:62-74; Icelanders [shortly before his death, the king sends his son Sigurd to another country take the princess intended for him; the news of the king's death comes, S. and his young wife return; when calm everyone falls asleep, S. also goes to bed; the queen stays with the baby; swims up a stone boat, wearing a giantess; she takes off all the queen's clothes, puts on and looks like a woman; puts the queen in a stone boat and tells her to sail to the lower world to her brother; immediately blew out a passing wind; the king was surprised that his wife began to reproach him; the child cries, he cannot be reassured; when they reach the city, the child is calm only in the arms of the nanny; the king, and then others, see that the queen's character has changed for the worse; two young men hear and see through the crack how the Queen says out loud: if I yawn a little, I will be a woman, if very much, a giantess; becomes a giantess; she rises from under the floor a three-headed brother with a tray of meat that she eats; at this time, in the nanny's room, where the baby, a beautiful woman with an iron hoop on her belt rises from under the floor, a chain to him; breastfeeds the baby; the next day, the same; the woman says she was the last time she stayed; the nanny told the king, who came with a sword, cut the chain; it rattled terribly underground; the Queen said that the three-headed let her see the baby three times for promising to give in to his harassment; the imaginary queen was stoned and the corpse was torn apart by horses; the nanny with a rich dowry was presented as a noble man]: Poestion 1884, No. 25:289-297; Swedes [the drowned queen comes on Thursday in a white dress; she is held by a chain; asks the dog about her son; for the third time she says she will now turn into a mermaid; the king grabs her, cutting a chain; the false queen was thrown into molten lead]: Schröter 1822 in Bolte, Polívka 1913:86-87; Karelians [brother joined the army, sister stayed at home; brother drew my sister on a tinder, took it with him to the palace; the royal son saw: if my sister is really so beautiful, I will marry you and take you to the palace; my sister makes excuses: I will go when I erase my father's millstone; I'll rub the bottom of my mother's spinning wheel with a bench; I'll wipe my parent's stupa; my brother crushed the millstone, cut the bench, broke the stupa; sailed in a boat with the dog Pyatnashka; from the shore, Syuoyatar also asks her pick up; sister does not want, brother takes; S. makes brother and sister deaf and replaces their words; instead of "adjust your jewelry" - "jump into the sea"; "undress and jump into the sea"; "cut out your eyes, break your arms and legs, jump into the sea"; she did not hurt herself, but jumped into the sea; S. persuaded the young man to marry her sister, put on her clothes; the Queen married S., but since she was ugly, he threw his brother into a snake pit ; but the viper hugs and lulls the guy; the sister is engaged to the son of the sea lord; embroiders a brocade shawl, asks for permission to take it to the Queen; she is allowed to get up a little out of the water, but is held on silver chain; Tag tells everything, hands over a handkerchief; a widow living by the sea tells the Queen everything; now the girl hands over a shirt for the queen; he realizes that this is not S.'s job; widow tells you to forge a braid to cut a silver chain, and pull the girl out of the water with another chain; the girl turned into a mosquito, a lizard, a snake, a spindle, a rolling pin; the queen did not let go; they poured into the pit burning resin, covered with red cloth, called S., she fell, burned; ordered her hair to become gnats and worms; Korolevich made his wife's brother first assistant]: Concca 1991:65-76; Karelians ( Russian Karelia) [after the death of his parents, the son got a job as a shepherd with the king, the daughter stayed at home; gave her brother her portrait; when he saw him, the queen fell in love; sister: first left by his parents will be wiped off the millstone than I will leave my father's house; my brother broke the millstone, joined the halves; when my sister began to work, the millstone split; sister: I won't go until the spinning wheel breaks; my brother broke it, the spinning wheel broke; then but father's mortar; threshold; sister had to marry; had to sail on the sea; sister took her dog with her; witch from the shore: take me; they didn't take me twice, but on the third cape my brother decided take; the witch made them deaf; brother to sister: the castle is visible, dress nicely; the sister asks the witch; she: the brother tells you to put your oars and throw yourself into the sea; the sister gave the oars to the witch, but not at sea rushed; next time her brother asks to wear jewelry, the witch tells me to take off her dress and jewelry, throw herself into the sea; the sister takes off, but does not rush; the third time she rushed, the witch raked away from her; the brother had to marry the witch; she wore her clothes and jewelry; because the bride was ugly, the Queen ordered the dragons and snakes to leave her brother, but they did not touch him; sister at the bottom of the sea became the bride of the sea king; she made a gold and silver hat for the Queen to free her brother, but could not go ashore, she was held by a silver chain; her dog wandered around the castle; the widow had an iron platform going out to sea; her sister came out to him, asked the dog to take the hat to the Queen, asked what was in the house; she replies that a witch was in charge of it; the widow told the Queen everything; the next night her sister made a shirt out of gold and silver, the dog took it away again; the witch says that her hands make both the hat and the shirt themselves while she sleeps; the widow teaches on the third night, cut the silver chain with a scythe; the sister will turn into different creatures, she cannot be let go; the sister prepared pants for the Queen; the Queen threw his chain over it, cut it silver; her sister turned into an earthworm, a fly, a lizard, a spindle, etc.; the Queen took her to the widow's house, freed her brother; the Queen orders to cook a resin hole, light it, cover it from above, orders the servants take the witch, she fails, burns, sticks her hair out, says that he will make worms in the ground, mosquitoes in the air, harmful caterpillars to cause people suffering; wedding; brother appointed chief adviser, gets half of the treasure]: Schreck 1887, No. 10:74-85.