Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K26. The earth is seen from the sky.


When you go to or through a hole, the character sees the world below him (usually he sees the ground when he is in the sky). See motif K25.

Melanesia. Oz. Kutubu [thinking he was going up the steps to the men's house, Fagena kept going up, went to the men's house in the sky; asked the sleeper, too Fagena; the urine of heavenly people was fish, shrimp; them bowel movements - pigs, snakes, wallabies, couscous; from there these animals descend into the Earth's reservoirs and forests in fog; heavenly F. opened a hole, saw his wife below in mourning; heavenly invited To kill someone on earth, they killed a woman and a girl, there is a holiday in the heavenly village; below is also a holiday; heavenly descended the earth back down a palm tree; it turned out that the funeral festival through five days after a woman and a girl were run over by a tree; (some believe that killing in heaven precedes death here; others that the dead are being killed in the sky); meat brought from the sky turned into a vine, a fern, a rotten; heavenly people are Turumena ("thunder people"), thunder when they dance and celebrate; they are not the souls of the dead; or thunder is the voice of the heavenly man Kabe-akone (Pale- Skinned Man)]: Williams 1941, No. 14:147-148; Vedau [men went to get jewelry from shells; when they arrived at one place, everyone went inland, and one went along the shore; met a boy who brought him to his father, who has low shells; the man called companions; with low shells, people swam home; on the way they stopped at an unfamiliar shore to try on whose lower is longer; at the latter {this who met a boy?} was much longer than the others (he threw it to the top of the pandanus); he was thrown ashore and sailed away; he asked those who got up and passed {swam?} Take him past the star; Magamaia, then Deboroia replies that the next one will pick him up; Maratomton (Morning Star); Marathomt takes him to heaven; he stays with heavenly people, marries; their son has grown up, began to throw spears at coconuts on the ground, asks his father to make new spears; he is surprised, his son shows him the ground below; he weaves a rope, asks his son to lower him on it, finds himself on a coconut on his in the garden; his grown-up daughter saw him, his mother called him; the man invited those who left him to a feast, set fire to the house; their charred bones turned into flying foxes, whose voices are like cries of suffering]: Ker 1910:7-13; Bougainville [every time her parents leave, a girl sees a bird sitting in a tree singing; says it is only a bird and can be eaten; once she was caught by a thunderstorm, she rushed to home, climbed the stairs, but it was a staircase to heaven, where a man who took the form of a bird was waiting for her; the man and his wife were not young, they caused a thunderstorm; the man made the girl his wife; From above she sees her home and family, but they can't see her; the food she was given looked like snakes, there was no other; she gave birth to a boy, he grew up, also looked at his mother's house on earth; one day the storm began, the man lowered the stairs and allowed the woman and her boy to go down to the ground; her family had already forgotten about her; parents teach daughters not to respond to birds that might be men, living in the clouds]: Slone 2009:102-106; Saint Matthias [Karakarasan and his 10 brothers made a boat, sailed to sunrise, the Sun told me to be more careful (watch out) when it rises, but K. did not noticed; the boat split; K. climbed the tree into the sky, others clung to him, fell, drowned; K. came to the star men; they did not know what to do with their wives, copulated in the eye {whose?} ; K. showed how to get along with a woman; he was given a wife, she has a son; he chased a lizard under the leaf, he found a hole in the sky, saw his father's mother below; promised to show him his mother if he fixed it for him the tip of the spear; K. went down the rope, the mother realized that her son had returned when he saw the mark of his teeth on the bitten fetus; K. told her that her other children died when they met the sun]: Nevermann 2010:172 -175; Dobu [Kasabwaibwaleta has a skin disease; his mother gives him a drug; he sails to another island to his kula partner; becomes handsome; gets a precious shell, hides on his head under his skin with boils; the boy looks in his head, notices a shell, tells others; he is left on an island; he tells the tree to grow to the sky, climbs up; swims by the Kibi constellation, refuses to pick him up, says that his boat is full; the Pleiades give a ride; K. stays with heavenly people, marries, his son, playing, throws a spear, making a hole in the firmament, K. sees his native below the village, ties it to a necklace, a rope, goes down, falls on a bethel palm tree; the mother sees it; at this time they celebrated a wake on it; K. turns all relatives gathered in the house into various birds ; K. dives, emerges at Woodlark Island]: Fortune 1932:216-220; Santa Isabel (bugotu) [Combili ("fish chief") swallowed Kamakajaku, swam east; when he found himself in the shallows, K. took a sharp obsidian hidden in his ear, cut his way out; the Sun brought him to his village; the children of the Sun did not tell him to go to the far end of the house; he went in, raised a stone, saw his home below, wanted to go home; he was lowered in a small hut, told him to open his eyes when he heard the sound of cicadas, not the cries of birds; K. returned home]: Codrington 1891, No. 1:365-366; (trans. Permyakov 1970, No. 47:124-126; retelling in Beckwith 1970:504); Florida [fisherman Vulanangela swallowed a huge bonito; when he was on the shallows, V. cut the fish belly with an arrow, went out at the edge of the sky ; The sun picked him up, brought him to his wife in the sky; one day his arrow fell into a hole, he saw the ground below; the Sun and his wife lowered him in a basket home to Florida]: Codrington 1881:306-307; Tanna [two women burned dry leaves on the plot; one of them's little daughter went to the fire, the smoke carried her to the sky; there, a blind old woman Masineruk feeds pigs; the girl picks up food unnoticed; M. answers how she got to heaven; M. asks not to go to a certain place; the girl tells M. to put a certain grass on her eyes, dive, she gains sight; left alone, the girl goes to the forbidden place, opens the door in the ground, sees the ground below, her house; M. found out why the girl was crying, lowered her down on the vine; she was met by her mother and sister; then M. lowered several pigs on the same rope ; one of the Coal Sacks is that hole in the sky]: Humphreys 1926:97-99.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [Gilwaay returned home, found out that his brother had died, was buried with a lut shell bracelet; G. decided to return the bracelet; cut the boat out of the barrel; while cutting, Lanman collected chips for his hearth; G. demanded that he now go with him; L.'s parents taught him how to deceive G.; he ate a lot of coconuts on the boat, vomited, vomited red; G. decided that he was ill, told throw overboard; L.; swam home; on the way, the rest of G.'s satellites died, were left alone; he and G. sailed to the rock; G. wondered, said that it was necessary to climb it up; satellite - what to go west; the satellite left, G. saw blood, a monstrous crab lived on the other side; G. himself reached the eagle's nest, which was flying to heaven; sat on an eagle; when he was in the sky, he threw hidden pieces of fish, the eagle went down to get them, G. jumped; in the sky, Gudubwo left the stove in the sun seven portions of food for her sons (they did not know the fire in the sky); G. stole one; Gudubvo distributed portions, the youngest did not have enough; she She waited and grabbed G.; said that she saw his brother pass by, he was the last; hid G. from her sons under one of her long breasts; then said that G. was her youngest son; ordered not pick up a stone near the house; at first G. did not see the spirits passing by; Gudubvo made him see them; G. grabbed his brother's hand, but centipedes and ants began to bite him, he let go of his hand, a bracelet returned to spirit; the next day he did not let go, received a bracelet; picked up a stone, saw his parents below; began to cry, ask to go home; Gudubvo realized that he had violated the ban; tied him to his hands roosters; told her heels to be tickled when she falls asleep; kicked, he fell into a hole, sat down on roosters; returned home; today's roosters come from those heavenly ones]: Mitchell 1973, No. 69:98-202; Uliti (Carolina) [having been refused by the bride's relatives, Haluwai ordered the servants to sail the boat; six died, H. was the last to sail to the tree - the pillars of the sky; the trunk branched; H. sent a servant One trunk at a time, the lizard cut it in half; then he climbed one by one to the nest of a giant bird; hid under its feathers, flew on it; seeing an island below (in the upper world), he threw a pebble, for a bird to go down to grab it; jumps to find an inhabited island; a blind old woman bakes a tarot in the sun; H. secretly takes her tarot; confesses when she says her cannibal sons will come; H. cut through her eyes with spicy grass, she saw the light; taught her how to bake tarot (on fire); she hid it under her chest; her sons are also grateful to H.; the old woman does not tell X. to lift the mat in the corner of the house; he picked it up, through the hole I saw my village on Fr. Yap; the old woman threw it there in the box; now it's a rock; H. marries his fiancée; the excrement of the old woman's rooster with her became yams]: Lessa 1980, No. 25:8-11; Rotuma: Polinskaya 1986: No. 7 [the man stole the catch from others; for this, the celestials lowered a flat stone and raised the thief to heaven on it; settled in a house, ordering not to open the opening covered with a mat; the man opened it and saw his below house; threw down a dracaena branch and a large tarot; they stayed to grow on the ground], 8 [(Churchward 1937:482-489); two brothers marry two sisters; one child, she does not take his husband's fish caught by her husband parents (apparently she eats herself); these parents are two banana trees; in the absence of their husbands and despite their warning, sisters pick bananas; husbands' parents turn into atua cannibal spirits; eat one sister with her child, then her husband; another sister and husband run to a Tongan, who shows them where to live; they have a son and daughter; when fishing, a huge fish drowns, devours her husband; a knee remains, becomes in an evil spirit, she rolls to the wife of the deceased, she hears her splashing in a vessel, running; the children stay in the house, atua spirits with one to ten heads try to eat them; they make a terrible noise, they say that they are weaving a net to catch one-, two-, three-headed atua; the spirit runs away in fear every time; celestials take their brother to heaven; the sister cries at the top of the mountain, stays there; the brother breaks the ban on opening one of the doorways, pushes the mat away, sees his sister below; to attract her attention, he throws down a branch of the mairo berry bush, an efu bamboo shoot, a pandanus fruit, a tuber tarot; she does not move; celestials bring him down, he finds his sister dead; returns to heaven, abandoned plants have been known on earth since then]: 57-58, 58-69.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. The Mustang [mother of three daughters is ill; says that only grass and water in a remote part of the valley will heal her; the eldest daughter is coming; there is a dog who will allow her to take grass and water on condition that the girl goes out marry him; she refuses, leaves with nothing; the same with her middle sister; the youngest agrees, the dog gives grass and water, promises to come in two days; the mother recovers; hides the youngest daughter under the copper with a cauldron; the dog hits the older sisters, sits on the cauldron, the youngest screams that she is here; he leads her across the lake, across the plain, there's a golden house, then silver, then out of dog crap; girl every time replies that the house suits her; there is abundance inside the house, and the old woman is the dog's mother; she advises to pretend to be asleep, wait for her son to take off his dog skin and go to bed, throw his skin into the fire; in front of the girl is the young king Kyirken Gambala; he says that the skin was burned too early, there will be problems; when going hunting, leaves a bunch of keys; the girl opens rooms in the golden palace, there is a lot of gold, silver in silver, coral in coral; there is no key from the wooden one; she finds the key on a stick under the ceiling, unlocks the door, behind her there is a mother-of-pearl staircase, you can see the whole world from it, she sees her native village, her parents are hungry and ill; her older sister married a blacksmith, an average butcher; she searches for KG in her head, drops a tear, admits that she feels sorry for her parents; they go to them together, they give gifts; the older sisters are jealous, the eldest leads the youngest to the lake, asks what she feeds her husband and what the servants are; the younger one guesses, answers incorrectly (my husband is buckwheat and pepper, I throw a plate out the door, rice and meat for the servants, plates on the shelf); the eldest pushes the youngest into the lake, puts on her clothes and jewelry, invites KG to return home; he suspects deception; the imaginary wife is afraid to go across the lake, not wants to enter the house out of dog crap, feeds her husband as servants and servants as husband; the shepherd sees sheep coming to the lake, a bird flies out of the water, asks about the king; the shepherd talks about this to the KG; he goes with him to the lake, brings a bird, puts him in a cage; an imaginary wife kills and cooks poultry, lets her husband eat with rice; he notices that rice contains poultry meat, throws it into the garden; trees grow there; an imaginary wife He tells them to be cut down, split them into firewood; poor old husband and wife, the husband went to bring firewood, found a piece of meat, put it in a chest; a few days later a girl came out; after that, the old people became rich; the girl gives the old man the ring that was left on her finger when her sister pushed her into the lake; he calls the king and his wife, puts them on golden and turquoise thrones, shows the ring; the king demands a finger to ring; his wife comes out, his older sister turns into ash; KG: these were the problems I mentioned; the ash was hidden under a black stupa; KG made his wife's parents' house his summer residence]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 21:128-137.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Bidayu ("dayaki sushi", western Sarawak) [people ate fruits and mushrooms that grew on rotten trees; Si Jura and his companions went to sea; saw a tree with roots in the sky, and branches hang into the water; SJ climbed the tree into the sky; the satellites were tired of waiting and sailed away; when he reached the roots, SJ found himself in the Pleiades country; Si Kira invited him to the house, treated him to boiled rice, which SJ first took behind the larvae; looking into a large jug, SJ saw his father's house, brothers and sisters below; SK gave him seeds of three varieties of rice, taught him how to process full rice, lowered him back to the ground on a rope; about the time of the field works are judged by the position of the Pleiades]: St. John 1863:213-214; the Dayaks of the Sea [hunting with a wind tube, Siu got lost, found himself on the seashore; the beauty offered to take him to his house, became him wife, gave birth to a son Seragunting; one day he cries, he cannot be comforted, Siu scolds his wife when she does not take the boy in her arms; the wife leaves; Siu, taking the baby, goes looking for her, finds milk in the leaves along the way for a baby; on the seashore, seven boats with the son-in-law of the supreme god Singalang Burong consistently refuse to take him; a huge spider comes out of the sea, transports Siu and his son to his departed wife, she It turns out to be Bunsu Katupong, the youngest niece of the SB; local spirits threaten to kill Seragunting and his father, who is on difficult assignments; the last (previous ones are not specified) is to bring the best prey from hunting; Seragunting's half-alive dog gets healthy and strong, spirits return empty-handed, and Seragunting chases a wild boar; spirit spears bounce off the animal, and Seragunting easily kills him by leaving him behind knife; the Security Council recognizes Seragunting as a grandson; one day he accidentally turns the SB pillow over, under it you can see their home on the ground; the SB lets Seragunting and his father go, teach military affairs and rice farming, says that forest birds are spirits, they take on a bird's form on earth; father and son end up at home]: Perham 1883:237-240; Kai Islands: Dixon 1916 [there are three brothers in heaven (the eldest is called Hian) and two sisters; younger Parpara lost the elder's hook, who ordered him to be returned; the fish said that the other had something stuck in his throat; brought a hook; to take revenge, P. placed a vessel of palm wine over his brother's bed ; when he got up, he could not help but touch him, the liquid spilled; P. demanded that H. return everything; H. began to dig, dug a hole; the brothers lowered the dog into it on a rope; when they picked it up, they found sand on their paws; three brothers and one sister began to descend the rope; when the second began to descend, her brother looked at her from below; she was ashamed, pulled the rope, the people who remained upstairs pulled her out; three brothers with sister became human ancestors]: 156-157; Knappert 1977b, No. 2 [people lived in the sky, the clouds were their islands, the blue sky was the sea where they were fishing; the fisherman Parpara found a bamboo vessel with a palm tree on the shore wine; after drinking wine, he wanted more, began to dig, dug a hole in the sky, saw Kai Island below, thought it was his fault from there; went down a rope with his wife Bikel and four dogs into the area Wuat on Big Kai; their descendants inhabited the islands; other islanders believe that 1) came from mango trees, 2) grew out of the ground like saga palms, 3) came out of the sea and are daughter's children god of the sea]: 128-129; Alor [Masingbal went to the coast with his six brothers, who abandoned him; in a dream, his mother and father told him how to avoid the cannibal village and get to where Farik lives; two F.'s daughters washed off his shroud, coffin and worms with fire; fed him, lay down with him at night, but he treated them like sisters; they told his father about this, F. told M. to copulate with his daughters; M. and his wives went to work in the fields; digging up a rhizome, made a hole, saw his native village below; he went down with his wives, but entered the village alone, covered with skin disease; only one girl gave him a drink and was friendly; then he entered the village solemnly, left that girl with gongs and pigs, married her; this is Dry Land Woman; she told M. to get the mango from the tree, threw away the stairs (he was rescued heavenly wives); threw a stone at him when he was in a hole digging tubers (his heavenly wives revived him); cut down the roots of the arek palm tree, he climbed, fell (his wives revived); M. with his father-in-law, with gongs, with heavenly wives, with good people from the village, took to the sky; the Sushi woman and all the bad ones were washed away by a landslide]: DuBois 1944:166-167.

Taiwan - Philippines. Ifugao [Wigan lives in the sky; his son Kabigat plunged a spear at the spring at the foot of a tree, saw the ground through the hole; K. allowed him to go down there; followed his sister ( her daughter) Bugan; brother got together; B., who became pregnant, threw herself into the sea in shame, but swam out at the reforestation of a character named Ngilin; N. and his peers calm B. and K., who came after him, they say they give birth to people]: Eugenio 1994, No. 166b: 285-286; visayas [people live in the sky; Ukunirot hunter shoots a bird, an arrow pierces the sky; people see the ground through the hole; weave a rope from feathers, coming down; the fat woman could not crawl, stayed in the sky; the rope broke off, but everyone was already down]: Eugenio 1994, No. 170:290; bagobo [Lumabat and Wari brothers have risen to heaven; W. looks at the ground, sees his fields and vegetable gardens, wants to go home; he gets lowered down a rope]: Furniture 1899:20 in Hatt 1949:65

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Lezgins [{cf. Mordovians}; an angel in a dream tells the poor man that he should send one of his three daughters to heaven as a shepherd; only the youngest agrees; dressed in men's clothes, the wind lifted her up with a dog to the sky from the top of the mountain; father and son have sheep in the sky; the father says that a guy has come, the son suspects that the girl; she withstands all the tests (hit the target, the dog changed her duties at night under the mistress of violets - violets will wither under the woman, but not under the man); seven years later she was released; from the sky the young man saw that she was still a girl; on the holiday everyone swung on a swing, the dog did not let her in the girl, but she sat on them, the swing took her back to heaven; she had to marry; her mother-in-law did not give her keys; fell asleep, the girl took the keys, began to open the rooms; in one jug in which the moon, sun, rain, wind; she took off the lid, saw the ground where mother and father jumped into this jug; flew and turned into sunlight; the guy jumped into a jug of snow out of grief, turned into snowflakes]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 20:235-237 (=Khalidova 2012, No. 10:37-39); Tabasarans [the father confesses to his daughter that Galigambar ("a formidable giant", but the name Kambar goes back to the name of Ali's servant in the Shiite tradition, p. 225) calls him to heaven for 7 days to herd sheep; his daughter goes instead of him, wearing men's clothes and taking a talking dog; 7 days in heaven - 7 months; the dog helps the girl remain unrecognized by eavesdropping and telling her what the celestials are talking about; the girl enters the same house; the owner shows her all but one of the rooms; she steals keys, unlocks the room; there are vessels, in one rain falling to the ground, the other is snow, in the third sun; in the seventh she sees parents harvesting crops in the field; she called out to them, but they warn her not to go down; she begins to go down the chain (or rope), but the chain cut short, the girl turned into snow crystals; when the snow shines in the sun, these are the body particles of a girl who fell from the sky]: Khalidova 2012, No. 9:35.

Volga - Perm. Mordva: Paasonen 1909, No. 3 [{cf. Lezgins and Tabasarans}; a sloppy, negligent girl goes to the shore of Sura to rinse her clothes; a thunderstorm begins; out of fear she offers herself to Vera as her daughter-in-law -pass - Nishke-pasu (synonyms here); a silver shaky descends from the sky, she sits in it, rises; thunder is her father-in-law, the cloud is her mother-in-law, lightning is her husband; Vere-pass - Nishke allows her to pass unlock six barns, do not unlock the seventh, and if unlocked, look back over your right shoulder; in the first it is cold, in the second there is fog, on the third Friday (old man), in the fourth it is Sunday, in the fifth winter it is an old man, the sixth is an old summer man; in the seventh he sees his native land, father and mother wake up for it; the VP-NP lets her go for an hour, tells her not to tell her story or take anyone with them; the younger brother followed her, thunder]: 30 in Endyukovsky 1932:236-237; 1947, No. 2 [the wife is childless; finally, the woman became pregnant, but cannot be born for three years; promises a daughter as a daughter-in-law to the heavenly god if she gives birth; when the girl has grown up, her mother does not let her go out of the house with her friends, but her father let her go; the whirlwind took her to heaven; her heavenly father-in-law forbids her to look into the far barn, look out the lower window; she looks, sees home downstairs; her eyes turned red with tears; she explains that it was the herons who flew, littered her eyes; then that the mother of the wind; the heavenly god asks the mother of the wind; she replies that her daughter-in-law did not listen and began to watch her friends play with eggs on the ground]: 5-14.

Western Siberia. Mansi: Kupriyanova 1960 [Mos-ne sails in a boat with a load of firewood; a menkv appears in the boat, then disappears; M. sticks to the cemetery, sees a man who has just been buried with smeared with his ears; cleans his ears, he comes to life; his ex-wife Por-ne comes, covers his ears again; M. revives him again, P. is torn apart by horses; M. marries him, adopts his children from P.; Menkv takes her to heaven, does not allow her to look down; she looks, sees her native village, husband, children; one day the menkv lets her go, she returns to her husband]: 90-92; Lukina 1990, No. 116 [going hunting, Upper The Spirit forbade her daughter Bear to leave the house; she went out, saw horses in the pen, wanted to play with them; the horses chased her; while running away, she fell into the hole with her hind legs; she saw through the hole a land that she liked very much; begged her father to let her go down, he lowered her into the golden cradle, ordered her not to touch people's labazes; she violated the ban; the son of the City Prince found her in the den; people they kill the Bear, arrange a holiday], 128 (Severnaya Sosva, Zap. E. Kuzakova) [Mos-ne is lonely; went to the boat, a seven-headed menkv sat aft; says she will not cause harm; disappeared; M. drove up to the cemetery, there is a man in a fresh grave, his ears are covered; M. cleaned her ears, the man came to life; the ex-wife of the Por-ne man came and began to dance; the man told her to feed the children; P. began to cry; Usyr-Oyr-Oika came up, P. whispered something, she covered the man's ears again, left; M. revived the man again; he and his son tied one leg of P. to a white lodasha, the other to a black one, tore it in half; on one part the forest grew, a river appeared on the other; the man married M. P.'s children live with them; menkv took M. to heaven, she lives with Num-Torum; menkv does not allow her to look down; M. once looked at her village, children and husband on earth; menkv let her go; the children have already grown up, M. continued to live with her husband]: 301-307, 334-336; Rombandeeva 2005, No. 7 [the eldest daughter sewed a fur coat, is going to look for her husband; came to a house overgrown with moss; dirt on the floor; picked up a piece of pork fat and ate it; at night a man came, wearing a sable belt; leaving in the morning, told me to cook fat, lay black cloth outside, red in the house; she cooked skinny meat, laid the paws of spruce and larch; some creatures came, became talk; they say they gnaw skinny bones, walk on spruce paws; the girl looked at them, they tore her to pieces, hung her scalp on the street; the same with the middle sister; the husband asks where he is grindstone, the girl replies that she did not see, only ate a piece of fat; the youngest picked up fat, answered her husband that she put the grindstone on the windowsill; the creatures talk: gnawing fatty meat, I walk on cloth; wished the girl a long life; she gave birth to a son; went to visit her parents; my husband tells me not to stay with them all day; she stayed, got lost on the way back, a silver one fell in front of her the cradle, she lay down in it, was taken to heaven at the Hotal Equa woman's house; she tells her children not to let their older sister (i.e. a woman raised from the ground) look into the canopy; she looked in and saw how Down on the ground of her husband with her baby, her husband cries; HE lets her come back, drops her in the cradle; all is well]: 81-93; Munkácsi 1995 [(narrated on behalf of a woman descended from heaven); in heaven, leaving to inspect the traps, the Supernatural Sky hunter tells the daughter of the Huge Beast not to leave the house; she goes out, chases a moose, falls through one leg, sees the ground through the hole, she she likes it; the same the next day; she asks her father to bring her down; for seven years and in winter, her father lets her down in a silver cradle; she is hungry on earth; she asks Wolverine, Raven, Squirrel to leave her food]: 124- 131; northern (?) Khanty (band?) [Num-torum's son violates his father's ban on leaving the palace; frightens horses, the horse's hoof pierces a hole, he sees the ground through the hole; wants to go down to eat fruits and berries; N. lowers him into cradles at the end of the chain; tells not to eat corpses and human resources, tear only guilty people; son descends and becomes a bear]: Karjalainen 1996:11-12; Nenets (Taimyr, Zap. Labanauskas in 1976 from storyteller V. Yara from Vorontsovo) [the old man's wife died, he comes to the tsar, earned a calf and a foal, they died; the forest giant gives a box, it turns into a house, a woman in it; the tsar envies, tells 1) bring the winged line (leads, the king sends the line in fear), 2) the bear (leads, he ate the queen, the king orders him to be sent); 3) bring the daughter of the Sun, otherwise the king will take his wife away; the daughter of the Sun hides an old man from Mother Sun, opens a hole, the old man sees the king hugging his wife, throwing a stone, killing the king with it; with the daughter of the Sun he goes down to earth, lives with two wives, becomes the Breadwinner of people]: Nenyang 1997:58-61; the southern Selkups [the "spindle head hole" is the hole through which Nom sends edible berry seeds and animal hair; when open, you can look into it from above and find out what is happening on earth]: Tuchkova 2004:254.

SV Asia. Chukchi: Belikov 1982 [the husband's younger brother bothers his wife in his absence; one day she threatens him with a knife, accidentally kills him; the husband fattens a beetle and a caterpillar in the pit, they turn into huge monsters; The spider tells her that her husband will lead her monsters to eat, tells her to sew new torbaza, throw her in front of the hole; the husband rushes after him, the Spider takes the woman to heaven, the husband rushes into the hole out of anger, eaten; in the sky, keles catch the souls of earthly people on the hook; Kele's wives tell a woman to hide in the house of the Sunny Woman; she burns kele when she looks at him; Sunny Woman lets the earthly look into the boxes, from everyone can see the earth at different times of the year; a woman pours water, sprinkles snow, it rains and snows on the ground; sees her home; the Sun brings her back to earth to her parents]: 138-149; Bogoras 1928, No. 7 [orphan young man The puppet is starving; decides to go to heaven; there a man shows him a hole plugged in a cork; takes out the cork; through the hole, the young man sees five girls playing ball; chooses the youngest; the man She fishes for her soul by lowering a fishing hook on a rope; she comes to life in the sky; a young man marries her, she gives birth every day; celestials create a deer from coals; a young man and his wife go back to earth]: 326-327 (same in Bogoraz 1939:43); Portugalov 2009 [a pregnant woman was not loved, taken to the tundra; she gave birth to a son, made a moss house; her husband came and broke him; the supreme god took the boy to heaven, the old goddess was happy to have a son; tells him not to go hunting in the direction of the clouds; he went, the cloud explained that his mother was below, gave an ax; the old woman suspects that the young man went to the cloud; he ran out the door, she attacked him, he hit her on the head with an ax; came to the cloud to return the axe; cloud: here's your mother in the same place where you were born; kick the bushes until the bell rings, then open your eyes; he opened two wagons and deer on the ground, followed by him; explained to his mother that he was her son; found a yaryanga, there was a girl with her parents, he married her]: 42-43.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Baboshina 1958, No. 69 [a girl approaches the yaranga of two brothers, eats there, leaves; then sews pants; the eldest remains guarded, finds a girl, marries; one day the youngest began to bother her, she stabbed him in the throat, hid his body; her brother found him; began to feed worms in a pit; pushed his wife, but she grabbed the web and disappeared into the sky; sitting with God in yaranga, he he pushed her skin off the floor, the ground could be seen; the girl began to cry, it rained on the ground, her mother began to quickly collect the hides hung to dry; the girl went down the web back to her yaranga]: 170-173; Kozlov 1956 (Naukan) [the girl rejects the grooms; the father asks if she wants a tungak; the tungak comes, the girl leaves the house, runs into a bright and hot house; the tungak who enters melted; the girl became With the moon, she married the owner's son - the Sun; wanted to go home; the husband pushed back the fat, there was a hole under him; they went down the belt, it became light in the tundra]: 127-129; Menovshchikov 1985, No. 79 (=1988, No. 4:30-33; see below No. 24) [the husband gives the youngest wife whale meat, eats venison with the eldest; the youngest kills the childless elder, runs away with the baby; someone brings her kayak to an unknown land; the local owner says it is him sent killer whales for her; she gives birth to him a son, her first son has grown up; her husband forbids me to look into a small dugout; she looks in, her children are sitting there, and the half-woman cooks, sews, scratches her skins; children they cried, half fell; next time a woman violates the ban on touching bags; the skins of fur animals fall out of them, the flame burns her hand; the husband knocks on the tambourine, the skins return, the burn disappears; The husband lifts a stone slab in the dugout; through a hole, a woman sees her house on the ground; she cries, it rains on the ground; the husband lowers her deer with her elder son to the ground; she has a lot of fur and reindeer skins; the earthly husband takes her back], 80 [three younger brothers disappear one by one; the elder went to look for them, went to heaven; the old woman gives him a staff to hit a worm lying across the road; the man wants to push him into the hole where he pushed his younger brothers; the elder puts them in a bag, runs away; the old woman removed the whale blade from the aisle of the dugout; a hole opened under it; the old woman lowered the brothers on a rope to the ground; At the bottom, they filled the bag with food, sent it upstairs; the old woman gave food to her husband; he was half man]: 178-182, 182-183; 1988, No. 24 [the eldest wife of the whaler has many children, the childless youngest hates her; the eldest killed her with a knife, took the child, left, fell asleep by the lake; people in kayaks invited her to sail with them; they were cormorants, they took her to heaven to Kiyagnyk (master of life); when leaving, K. does not tell her touch the bag and the house; she looks inside, sees the old woman, her fingers, joints, eyes at work; she drops the old woman, trying to fix it, breaks her; K. revived her; the woman gave birth to a son from K.; a woman opens the bag, clothes fall out of there, light up; K. extinguishes with a blow to the tambourine; pushes the stone away on the floor of the house, you can see the ground through the hole; the woman cries, it has rained on the ground; K. lowers her on deer with her elder son on the ground; she has lots of fur and reindeer skins; earthly husband takes her back], 30 [jealous husband beats his wife; she wants to die, goes to the sea, into the tundra, goes down into a hole in the ground; master dugouts Kiyagnyk (the master of life) takes her as his wife; pushing the wall apart, swims into the sea and returns with her prey; a woman gives birth to a son and daughter; hears relatives singing, crying, it rains on the ground; the husband removes the stove from the floor, lowers his wife and daughter on a rope to the ground, brings yaranga and lots of skins with him; the earthly husband drives two new wives, takes the old one, does not hit her anymore]: 113-115, 139-143; Rubtsova 1954, No. 13 (Chaplino) [a girl does not marry, her father drives her to look for a groom; she meets five brothers, marries an older one; gives birth to a son and a daughter; her husband's brother bothers her, she swings a knife, accidentally kills him; hides the corpse on the scaffolding; blood drips, the husband finds the corpse; the Spider warns that the brothers feed the caterpillars with deer meat in the pit; tells them to grab the web when the husband collides it into a hole; a woman rises to heaven; she is taken by a man whose objects move at will; when he leaves, he tells her not to untie the bag, not to look into the small yaranga; fox wool falls out of the bag (do not shove back, the husband puts it back when he returns); opens boxes, there are whales, walruses; there are half (vertically) of a woman in yaranga, she immediately falls, the fire burns the heroine; the husband returns everything to place; a woman gives birth to a son, a daughter; a husband pushes a stone, conversations in Chaplino can be heard through a hole; a woman cries, it is raining on the ground; a husband lowers his wife and daughter on a belt to the ground to her parents, son keeps it for himself; supplies his wife and daughter with meat]: 183-191; St. Lawrence [husband fell in love with another; placed his wife in the aisle into the house, forbid the children to give her food, the children secretly feed their mother; the husband killed a whale, people gathered for a party, his lover ran for tendons; the wife at that time killed the puppy and began to cook it; the brew spilled out and fell into the mistress's ear, she died; the wife left her outside the dugout as if she was standing and smiling; ran away herself; some the creatures called her into the boat, promised to take her away from her abusive husband; took her; she looked and saw seagulls flying away; the man on the shore blows the wind four times from under his inflated clothes; each time her takes her to sea, but she goes ashore; the man says he only wanted to clean her of dirt; he brought her to his house, they have three sons; he forbid her to look into the small compartment inside the house; she I looked in, there was a woman making threads out of her tendons; the peeker spat down; she raised her head - she had only half her face and began to fall on her back; her husband came in, lifted the stone that covered hole; below you can see land and villages; she guessed that her husband was the Creator and the woman was the moon, and when she lost consciousness, an eclipse occurred; when she saw her children, she came to cry, went to earth rain; old people sang to bring back the moon; husband sent his wife and children to the ground with the house and boat; her sons caught a whale; and the ex-husband tried to find an entrance to the house, but did not find it; tried to climb roof, scratched, died]: Slwooko 1977:74-79; central yupik: Nelson 1899 (unaligmiut) [the first man is born from a pod of sea peas; the Raven teaches him culture, shows the world; leads to the sky; it has a round hole; there is a short fiery grass around; from which the Raven lit a fire on the ground; the hole is the Moon Dog (Sirius; see p. 449; if Sirius is near the moon, he produces a strong wind); A raven and a man jump into a hole, go down into the underwater world]: 458; Tennant, Bitar 1981 (Yukon and Cuskoquim delta) [mother asks her daughter to bring water, she sees berries, begins to collect them, finds herself in an unknown place; comes into the house, gives berries to the old woman; she is happy; surprised that the dog at the doorstep did not pay attention to her and did not kill her; there are holes in the floor, in one of them a young woman sees her home on earth; an old woman teaches how to go home; a woman meets another woman in worn clothes with a child, a wooden doll depicting a dead man; a woman says he is nice; she asks ask her parents to send her new clothes; a woman, as the old woman taught, goes to bed by the lake with a stone given by the old woman on her chest; a wolf man (he is the father of a dead child) leaves her alone; in the morning she throws a stone, leaves; as the old woman told her, she walks into the dark; in her village they see something fall from the sky; shamans clean her up; her clothes are worn out, and the baby left behind is now runs; another woman's mother, when she found out about her, prepared and burned a set of clothes for her; this happened to a woman because one of the rejected suitors bewitched her; if she hadn't had a baby left, she would did not return]: 165-177; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Point Hope) [girl rejects suitors, sees a separate head on the ground, takes her husband; father finds her, pierces her eye with a stick, throws it away; girl follows a bloody trail to the bottom of the sea; there is a husband, wife and their son with an eye gouged out; he drives her away; one road is straight to the ground, the other is up to heaven; the girl goes up, the husband-head screams that it is not the right the road, but the girl keeps going up; in the sky, a man pulls all her clothes off her; the old woman hides her, gives her a bucket of water and pieces of whale skin; the girl splashes it into that man's face, killing him; in the house of the Month, all marine animals in a bucket of water; through a hole in the floor, a girl sees her house on the ground; an old woman and a girl weave her tendon rope; on the ground, the girl is not fast enough opens her eyes, turns into a spider (the origin of spiders)]: Ostermann 1952:226-228; Aleuts (Unalashka) [when digging roots, the sister of the Month makes a hole in the sky, sees villages below; weaves a rope, she goes down, marries two men, gives birth to a son; he grows up; before she dies, she tells him how to take to the sky by sunlight (?) ; describes the people he will meet (constellations); he comes to the Month; burned by lifting a mat (the Sun is apparently a man behind it); the Old Month gives him clothes for a new, half, old moon; makes it a new month, dies]: Jochelson 1990, No. 15:149-155; chugach: Birket-Smith 1953:174-175 [(=Johnson 1984:87-88); four siblings go to find out why people are getting older; approach to the river, they scream, they cannot be heard; they yawn, the old man hears them, carries them in a boat; they see a man as white as a harrier in a nest in a tree; they shoot, but the arrows break before they reach him; if they could kill him man, people would remain young; brothers and sisters are trying to kill the villagers; these are Blueberries and other berry bushes, Alders; brothers are trying to burn the village, but the inhabitants jump into the water; from sparks on the alder bark has been marked; because of these events, the trees have a lot of sap in spring and the leaves fall in autumn; brothers and sisters rise to heaven to their father, the Sun; he does not let them go back any longer; opening hatch, shows them the land; (informant: this story was told by his great-grandfather, who was half Tlingit from the Stikine River)], 175 [(=Johnson 1984:90); A month takes a woman away, she misses her parents; one day he raises the stove that covers the hole in the corner of the house; the woman sees her relatives through this hole]; polar [the husband beats his wife; she leaves, asks the Month to take her; he goes down after her in a sleigh; his The Intrainer visits the house; grimacing ridiculously, but the woman covers her face with a hood when she is afraid that she will laugh; he leaves; she gets pregnant from the Month; cleaning the house, finds it in the floor under her shoulder blade deer hole; The month shows her relatives below; sends her to her former husband; sends her meat; a boy born from the Month becomes a good hunter]: Holtved 1951a, No. 4:31-40 (=1951b: 8-12) ; West Greenland [a man named Kanak rises to the moon; a scary dog guards the entrance to the house; in the house The month shows a hole in the floor through which you can see the earth; The Month sends snow through it; a woman brings food, she is like a skeleton behind her; another woman, an old woman, giblets, grimacing and dancing, licking her own ass; but K. doesn't laugh; A month sends him back to the ground] : Rink 1875, No. 91:440-441

Subarctic. Koyukon [one of the widow's sons, Ggaadooggaa, sleeps all the time as a child, becomes a shaman; his mother drives him to throw snare at the rabbits, he goes, throws them into trees; his mother tells him to put normally, he catches rabbits in them; the mother sends them to check the traps on blackfish, they are full; the mother asks for crooked sticks (i.e. porcupines), he brings a bunch of sticks; when he finds out what's going on, catches lots of porcupines; his mother tells me to chop wood for the hearth; he cuts and roasts his younger siblings; {it is not clear from the text why; apparently an unexplained play on words}; mother says that it is necessary to cut there were trees; he cuts a tree, blood splashes from the trunk, which means that he has become a real shaman; chasing a woodpecker, he comes to the lake house, lives there with an old woman; she kills the Caribbean with her gaze; G. hears blows, this a dangerous man is more powerful than an old woman; G. goes to him, he asks him to look for squirrels, mice, caresses in his head, instead of lice; G. pokes them with an old woman's awl, throws them into boiling water; the old man wants to throw him, but G. confronts him himself, there is only blood in the boiling pot; G. lives with the old woman, sends her for firewood, comes to his two uncles, who hide him from the woman who comes, but he goes with her; her father is dangerous; G. does not eat a man, puts a woman to sleep, changes places with her, cutting off her hair, putting it to his head; her father kills her instead of G., he runs, the cannibal tells him to cramp, he freezes to the ice, G. his uncle calls, they save him, their dogs kill the ogre; G. returns to the old woman; she does not tell him to move the stove under her pillow, he moves it, sees the ground through the hole, sees his mother; the old woman lowers him on tendon rope, asks to untie rather than cut the rope; he cuts off, so people hang themselves on a rope; G. finds his mother, becomes a good shaman]: Alaska Native Writers 1986:42-45 (=Attla 1989:31 -69); upper pieces [the girl rejects the grooms; goes to cut the grass, finds a living Head, takes it with her; at night the mother hears laughter from her daughter's bed; finds the Head, burns her eyes, throws it away, the head has rolled; the girl rushes into the water, finds herself in another world, walks up the river in the footsteps of the Head; at the entrance to the house, a man covering his eye with his hand; he advises to walk along the fork a path where a piece of white caribou wool is familiar, do not go, where a piece of wool is tied to something; it follows the second path (the path where the white tuft is too steep); comes to the lake, where a person crochets first one piece of her clothes, then herself; she brings her into the house, there is an old woman, insects on her face, she says that she should have obeyed; tells her to run along the path uphill to another old woman, she will protect her; the old woman invites you to her house, closes all the entrances tightly, touching them with her hair; tells them to sew garments; when they are ready, tells them to go further up the path, throw them one at a time garments; each time the pursuer picks up an object, looks for a pond, admires his reflection; the last one is thrown a bag of ocher, the pursuer paints; the girl runs into the house to the old woman, she closes the entrances (like the first one); the stalker climbs a fir tree near the house; the old woman blows at her (with scraps of hair?) , the fir is engulfed in flames, the stalker burns; the old woman's son returns, refuses to lie next to the girl; the old woman bathes the girl in hot caribou fat, each time she stole in childhood (scraps of skin, dried fish, etc.); after the third cleansing, the old woman's son takes the girl as his wife; the old woman shows the girl the ground through the hole, she sees her parents; the old woman weaves a rope for her from her tendons, a girl goes down to her parents; an Eagle (this is her husband) arrives, demands his wife back; she refuses to go out; in the evening, a red sunset means that the old woman who helped her is killed; the Eagle carries away wife, says mother died because of her, leaves, picks up, leaves again, she crashes]: Ruppert, Bernet 2001:290-295; tanana [little boy wants a butterfly; his two sisters go hers catch; one comes back, the other goes for a butterfly, comes to an old woman; she hides it in the bag of one of her sons; they come back, the youngest finds a girl, marries her; the old woman tells her not to move a flat stone in the corner of the house; a girl moves it, sees her house through a hole in the sky; wants to go home; an old woman weaves a rope, lowers her daughter-in-law down; she opens her eyes, gets stuck in a cloud; next time descends to the ground; the old woman was a Spider; when she was killed, rain clouds appeared in the afternoon]: De Laguna, De Armond 1995, No. 11:142-146; tanaina [young man catches a seagull; dragging a trap with him, The seagull runs away, the young man follows her, loses his way, comes to the house of the Seagulls; those are people, many are maimed by traps; the young man heals them; Seagulls warn not to enter a house nearby; the young man comes in, young a woman leaves it with her for the night; serves a plate with human fingers; in a hole in the floor, her fat mother; a young man changes places with a young woman, runs away, the mother cuts off her daughter's head, drinks it blood; in the morning he crawls to the house of the Seagulls; the young man throws stones on her, kills her; comes to the old woman; she has a hole in the floor of the house, the young man sees the ground from above, his house; the old woman lowers the young man on a rope, He tells him to open his eyes only when he feels the grass under his feet; the third time he reaches the ground, comes home (he opened his eyes twice, touching clouds or something else, and is back in the sky)]: Vaudrin 1969:52-60; atna [two sisters discover that parents have gone somewhere; a Canadian jay (Camprobber) tells them to follow a narrow path; the older sister insists on walking the wide one; they come to an old man who cooks his eyes; he kills his older sister with a hot iron; the youngest runs away saying that she is going out of need; throws a comb and other objects (without details), they turn into a thicket , uphill, etc.; The spider hides her under her bed; kills the stalker; moves a stone, a hole under it, you can see the girl's parents through it below; the Spider lowers her on a rope]: Smelcer 1997: 65-68; Kuchin: McKennan 1965:136-137 [Two sisters shake their younger brother on the swing; he falls into the river, drowns; frightened of parents' anger, the sisters leave; Lasky kidnap the youngest, the eldest finds her; sisters come to Spider; her two sons follow the sun every day; they are considered girls' husbands, but do not sleep with them or take food from their hands; despite warning, sisters move a stone; see hole her house on the ground; the Spider agrees to lower them; tells them not to cut the rope on the ground, otherwise she will die; when her sons cause a storm, the sisters must turn their bare ass to the wind; sisters so and they do, the wind subsides; Wolverine promises to show them the way home if one of them lies with him; sisters push him into the river, come home], 137-138 [two sisters track down a porcupine; at night, Caress people kill the youngest; the eldest comes to the entrance to the world of the dead; fights against the old woman guarding the entrance, breaks away from her, runs away; gets to the Spider; she says that her two sons, who return at night, do not must see the guest; moves a stone that closes a hole in the sky; weaves a rope, lowers the girl to the ground; she returns to people], 138-139 [the shaman boy goes into the forest; looks up, is carried to heaven, his clothes remain on the ground; the Spider dresses him, he lives with her; enters the house of the Old Frog, who demands to look for insects in his head and eat; the boy refuses, because they are not lice, runs away the old man follows him, the Spider kills the old man with his gaze; the boy moves a stone in the corner of her house, sees the ground through the hole; the Spider lowers him; contrary to warning, he cuts off the end of the rope; The Spider dies, the sky is colored with her blood, the blizzard begins; now, when the storm approaches, the sky turns red]; upper tanana: Brean 1975 [two sisters follow the butterfly, lost; at the fork, the youngest suggests walking along a straight and narrow path, the eldest along the wide left; they go to the left, come to the old man; in the evening they see him sharpening knives and spears; at night they ask permission to leave, he ties them to them ropes; they tie them to the stump, run; the Red Fox transports them across the river, they give him a necklace; he throws the old stalker into the water; he gets out; the Spider hides his sisters, directs them to The old man's finger, he crumbles with a pile of bones; the sisters turn each bone into some kind of berry; when they returned, the sons of the Spider began to quarrel over who would get the girls; the Spider pushed back the stump, sisters they saw the ground through the hole; the Spider descends them on a web to the outskirts of their village; says that if it snows fluffy, it means she is dead; it snowed in winter, the girls regretted the Spider]: 17-19; Kari 1996 [two girls follow butterflies, find themselves in the sky; old Chickady tells you to follow a narrow path, not to follow a wide path; at a fork, sisters argue, the eldest makes you walk along a wide path; they see a platform with cut dog carcasses barking on it; "Damn" next to it, an old woman lives across the street; at night she whispers to the youngest that the eldest Devil will kill; in the hearth there is a hot iron penis, the devil inserts it into the eldest's vagina, She dies, the devil covers her with a blanket; pretends to be sleeping; the youngest asks out of need, the devil offers her palm and head for that, but the girl replies that she does not want to get her father dirty; Damn ties a rope to her; the old woman secretly gives moose fat and a stone scraper; the girl ties the rope to the stump, tells him to answer for himself; Damn pulls a stump by the rope, chases, girl tells fat to become a lake; then the scraper is a mountain; The devil goes around the lake, drills a hole through the mountain with an iron penis; by the river, the girl promises Lisa to paint her ocher, she sends it on her tail {not clear - stretching her tail like a bridge or a girl sits Lisa east}, since then the foxes are red; the same by the second river, the girl paints the Fox with charcoal, since then the {black and brown} foxes are black; The devil enters the water, but comes back; the girl comes to the mother of the Sun; she hides her in a box of thread and needles; answers the devil that no one was there; Damn is going to put a hot iron penis in her ass, but she melted the Line by looking at it; the girl tells the blood line to become cranberry on tall bushes {in Alaska, cranberry is not our cranberries, but red berries that are similar in taste and appearance on tall bushes}, waist - cranberry on low bushes, penis with cranberry mushrooms, testicles with salmonberry berries (Rubus spectabilis, excellent raspberries), bones with dog rose hips (Rosa canina) and bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), the brain is a silver sucker; berries have existed since then; two sons of a Sun woman came, married a girl; she misses relatives on earth; the mother of the Sun tells move the stones away from the hearth; the girl sees her mother and relatives below on the ground; the mother of the Sun says that if it snows sleet, you should turn his ass and say "The dog took it.." (the informant does not remember the meaning); lets the girl down on the web; the mother of the Sun is the Spider; (further it is not entirely clear: Wolverine either raped the girl or is trying to do it; Herbal People (Grass Tussock People) hide her); she comes to her mother; it's snowing, she said, "Take the dog.. ", it's sunny]: 23-33; McKennan 1959 [two sisters follow a butterfly, go to heaven; Chickady tells them to follow a narrow path; the older sister insists on walking the wide one; they come to the old man, he cooks dog eyes, man; kills his older sister by inserting the red-hot tip of a spear into her vagina; the youngest runs away; throws fat, pebble, lock of hair, they turn into a lake, mountain, forest; The fox transports the girl across the lake, she gives him red paint; the Spider hides her in a bag; carrying the Old Man, the Fox throws him into the water; he gets ashore, wants the Spider to give him the girl; she looks at it into a pile of bones; each bone turns into a special kind of berry; Spider's eldest son marries a girl; she wants to go home; the Spider pushes a stone in the corner of the house; you can see through the hole girl's house; girl wraps a rope out of her tendons, goes down to the ground; husband kills Spider for helping his wife escape; storm begins; girl returns home]: 199-203; taltan [two sisters want stars for husbands; wake up in the sky in the morning; husbands are good hunters; sisters find a hole in the sky, see the ground; go down a rope; husbands cut it off; sisters fall to the top of a tree; some animals can't help, others promise to come back later; Wolverine lets the sisters down; they promise to lie down with him after he brings them food, drink, makes a bed on the cliff's edge; collide him down, he dies; the rat kills and eats one of the sisters; the other returns to people]: Teit 1921a, No. 52:247-248; tsetsot [two sisters look at the stars; one wants a white husband, the other a red one; wake up in the sky; one husband's blanket is white, the other is red; there is no water in the sky, sisters are thirsty; they find a hole in the sky; they go down a strap of skins, find themselves on top of a tree; Wolf, The bear and others refuse to help them; Wolverine lowers to the ground in exchange for a promise to marry him; sisters leave pieces of meat to answer for themselves, run away; Grizzly wants to marry them, they they push him into the abyss; come home]: Boas 1896-1897, No. 12:39-42; go down [father and mother went to the forest, did not return; to distract the younger sister, the eldest says that the little star will be her (the younger sister) and the big one will be hers (the eldest); they pointed to the stars, fell asleep, woke up next to two male stars; they dug a hole through the sky, made a belt, cutting their moose skins, go down to an eagle's nest on a fir tree on a river island; none of the animals passing by agrees to help, Wolverine descends; they push him off a cliff; tell the trees to whistle, Wolverine rushes to whistle, stops stalking]: Moore, Wheelock 1990, No. 1:3-5.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [by Swanton 1909, No. 89, two options; the chief's daughter picks berries, steps into a bear cake, swears; her berry basket falls apart, the maids go away; the Grizzly in the form of a man takes her away; she collects dry firewood, it doesn't burn; Bears collect raw wood; when they take off and shake off their skins, fat drips on the wood, it burns well; they teach a woman how to do it; Grandma the mouse tells her to run, gives her a branch of thorny bushes, a thorn from rose hips, mud, sand, stone; the woman runs away, throws what she has received, thorny thickets, rose hips, a quagmire, dunes, and a rock appear behind her back; the man in the boat (this is the son of the sun, or Gonakadet) promises to help when a woman agrees to marry him; kills grizzlies with a club; the sons of the Sun were married to a cannibal; they killed her to marry a girl, they cut the corpse to pieces; it was over the Tsimshian country, so there are many cannibals among the Tsimshians; from above, the girl sees her father's house; loading the Sun Father's boat with her belongings, him sons and a woman with her child sailed to her father's house; on the way they fed the boat; for earthly people, the sons of the Sun - moon glare, the woman's son - a ray; once a stranger took a woman from well by the hand; the water she brought turned into mucus, her husbands immediately returned to heaven; when they left, they wanted the woman's son to fall ill; people told her to leave the village; she lived with her son in a hut, he it grew stronger; people called the boy the Garbage Dump Man; his father's copper boat swam at him with its mouth open; he shot, it fell apart; the young man made the first brass things out of her; married her daughter chief; looking for a daughter, the chief found a copper house inside the hut; this is how copper appeared]: Romanova 1997, No. 25:87-91; Tsimshian (b. Ness) [while the chief is hunting, the nephew sleeps with his wife; the chief finds lovers, kills his wife, glues his nephew with resin to the board, lowers him in the boat; the boat sticks to an unknown shore, the sun melted the resin; the mouse invites the young man to his uncle; various birds and animals sit in the house (in human form, but in appropriate clothes); the chief offers the young man a daughter as a wife; she gives him a stone to at night, he first knocked out her vaginal teeth; previous suitors all died; his wife gives eagle clothes, he helps pull the whale out, the Eagles respect him; father-in-law leaves the oyster bait, she drags her son-in-law to the bottom ; the wife is ready to kill herself; the chief raises the floor, moves the net at the bottom of the sea, pulls out his son-in-law's bones, revives; the young man misses home, gets three pebbles from his father-in-law; throws him into the sea on the way home , they turn into islands, the spouses rest on them; bring people food and wealth; taking the form of an eagle, the young man hunts; one day he cheats on his wife; she flies away, he flies after her, falls, drowns; at home, the wife- The eagle withers away from grief; the father-in-law revives his son-in-law again, he stays with the Eagles]: Barbeau 1953:42-52; Heiltzuk [the chief's two daughters with four other girls sleep outside; wish the Sun, Month, stars; find themselves in the upper world; one of the girls goes beyond the Sun, gives birth to a son; the Sun shows her a hole in the sky, lowers her son and her sister in the basket; she brings good luck to her family; the son becomes By converter]: Boas to Thompson 1965, No. 8:422.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [a person comes to the party; dancing produces a tornado that takes everyone away; two sisters wake up in the sky; an old lady (Mouse or Krotikha?) shows a hole through which you can see the ground; he lowers it on a rope; a man brings meat to the girls; in his bag they find human eyes; this is Neilly's cannibal who wants to fatten them; they run away, they hide in a tree; a serpent allows them to cross the river through a beaver dam; N. swallows when he comes; a bird in the form of a man directs the sisters to their grandmother's house]: Jenness 1934, No. 36:200-202; chilcotin [two sisters accidentally tear off their little brother's hand; run away from their mother in fear; kick a log, it turns into a man; run on, come to an empty house, hide; Skunk comes back, sniffs, says he feels a woman; the sisters laugh, he finds them, marries them; some men take the sisters to the top of the mountain; the Skunk sees their reflection in the water, starts a stream, the mountain collapses, men die; sisters run away from Skunk again, go to heaven to the old woman; she does not tell you to touch the basket, the box; the younger sister touches; rabbits run from under the basket; the earth is visible in the box; the old woman ties a rope to the basket, lowers his younger sister to the ground first, then his older sister; they return home, sew their brother's hand]: Farrand 1900, No. 12:28-29; puyallup [the girl just gave birth, left the baby in the thickets, went to the party; he was picked up by spouses who already had a daughter; the baby immediately grew up; the girl provokes him to shoot her, he has to do it, she is in pain, she screams, he leaves altogether; he gets to a cougar woman, who is going to make him her husband, gives berries, but they are lizards; a crane woman helps him escape; he comes to a singing woman, she falls silent; he and the singing sister ask to continue, she sings, which makes the ground light up; the rock, the water, the road answer that they will not be able to hide from the fire; Spruce says that you can sit at its top; from the top of your head he climbs into heaven with a bow and arrow; meets a dawn man, then a twilight man; each has five daughters, both inviting them; at the fork, a young man mistakenly walks to the house of Twilight; his daughters grease him with fat dead; try to feed the dead flesh; he marries four; the eldest lies in a coffin-like box; Split Foot comes, the eldest takes him away; Dawn sends Bring their daughters to a young man from Twilight; the daughters of Dawn and Twilight are fighting, Twilight's eldest daughter has the leg of Shattered Leg; the daughters of Dawn are more beautiful; the daughters of Twilight drive them away, but 5 days later a young man he finds his way to Dawn; he is washed and fed; looking into the basket on the wall, the young man finds the youngest daughter of Dawn; in the morning he stays in bed; when he finds out what DeLoy is wearing, Dawn marries his youngest; a young man accidentally makes a hole in the ground, sees her real mother below, who has given birth to a new boy; Dawn agrees to let his son-in-law and daughter go, the Spider lowers them in the basket; the young man's younger brother is blind, fat dog; the elder and his wife make him healthy and handsome; so does the young man's mother (she was blind); they were slaves to Blue Jay; he tells the youngest to wipe him off; in the presence of his older brother, the younger He puts hot smut in his ass, he flies away; the young man's wife gave birth to twins that had grown together; Blue Jay cut them, they died; their mother killed everyone in the village out of revenge (the name of the village of Flytown); the Spider took the couple back to heaven; everything they brought from heaven was left]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:78-83; skagit [A fly finds a baby, his wife feeds him; the young man's named sister asks shoot her in the arm, accuses him of injuring her; offended, he leaves; asks two women to sing, their singing lights up the ground; he asks the rock, the water, the road, what they will do; Crack , boil, etc.; the spruce replies that only the top of its head will burn; he hides in a spruce; makes a chain of arrows; it is short, he adds his bow; climbs into the sky; sees a person chasing an elk; this In the afternoon, by evening he catches up with game, shoots; promises the young man his five daughters; at dusk, the young man sees a skeleton covered in leather, and another hunter, Night, chases him; he offers dead, young man refuses; Night tells you to follow a dark path, not a bright path at the fork (Night needs light, but the Day itself illuminates); the young man hesitates, walks along the bright one; comes to the daughters of the Night; they smear him smelly by belittling the dead, he does not eat the dead; the fifth, the older sister lies in the coffin; the young man copulates with her in the morning when the youngest four leave; the daughters of the Day come, the young man sees that he has made a mistake; goes to them, they wash it; the youngest says she is pregnant, others say she is lying; the young man makes a hole in the sky, sees his mother and younger brother; with his wife (who?) goes down a rope to the ground, taking edible roots (the origin of edible roots); the wife gives birth to Siamese twins; the Blue Jay woman separates them, they die; the young man and his wife return to heaven]: Hilbert 1985:33-41; vasco [boy goes to heaven; sees cannibals eating human eyes; marries the youngest daughter of the Sun; sees his brother in a hole in the ground, he no eyes; old spiders let him and his wife down; the daughter of the Sun gives birth to Siamese twins; Blue Jay separates them with an ax, children die; a woman returns with them to heaven; these are phantom suns, foreshadowing diseases]: Spier, Sapir 1930:277; catlamet [see motif A4; like Vasco's; a young man climbs a pine tree, shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows; clinging to his lower bow, climbs into the sky; meets an old woman, takes her burden, opens the cork, turns dark; plugs the vessel, becomes light; meets Lice, Fleas, Itch; walks along the left path; in the house of the evening Star cannibal spends the night with his daughter Moon; he is offered a basket of human eyes; he runs away, comes to the Morning Star, marries his daughter Sun; Sun to the Moon: You will shine when people are relieved, and I when leaders exchange gifts; the Sun gives birth to twins with their bellies; a man digs a hole, holes in the sky, sees his father's house, misses him; his father-in-law lowers him and his family to the ground in a basket; Blue Jay mocks a man's blind younger brother; The sun restores the boy's vision, her husband puts a smut in the ass; Jay separates the twins with a knife, their intestines fall out; The sun comes back to heaven, her sons are phantom suns]: Boas 1901a, No. 1:9-19; clackamas [like Vasco; twins turn into stars]; coutene; snookually; Puget Sound [two sisters digging fern roots, stay overnight on the prairie; one wants a white star, the other a red star; when they wake up, they are in the sky; the white star is an old man, the red star is a young man; husbands do not tell me to dig up deep roots; the older sister is pregnant, the youngest is sitting by the smoke hole so as not to see her cry because she has an old husband; when the boy is older, he dug a hole, from there the wind, the husbands immediately felt it, but the women managed to close the hole; they weaved the rope and went down with the child; while everyone was swinging on a rope, and an old toad woman was watching the child, the salmon stole the boy (this is next Month); the mother found a rotten tree in the cradle, moistened the diaper, squeezed it out five times, a second boy appeared (the future Sun); the yellow woodpecker goes to look for the Month, cannot pass between the crushing rocks; the same another woodpecker, a raven, an osprey; the blue jay flew by; the month promised to come later; put a stick between the rocks so that the blue jay could slip back; A month married to a woman who is one of the salmon ; his son does not want to let him go; Month: a new generation is coming, and you (i.e. salmon) will be food; The month first made a mistake, told the salmon to go down, only then told them to go up; meets people fighting; What are you doing? - We fight; he turned them into birds and stones; turned little slaves into snipes; fishermen and people in the swamp into two types of ducks; people on the beach into oysters; people know that the Month changes the nature of people they meet, they want it kill; others argue about day and night, some want light and darkness every day, bear wants day and night to last for a year; now the bear sleeps all winter; the deer makes the tip of a spear; Month: what are you doing? - I want to kill the Transformer; Month: If you're a deer, they'll eat you; Norka argues with the Month who is who; Norka could not change the Month, and he turned it into a stick; he's Mink again; The Month cut him - the current minks turned out; four women drag each other by the hair; - We train to pull onions; The month turned them into 4 types of edible plants; made a man on the lake a beaver; carrying salmon - otter; Wild Cat roasts salmon, fell asleep; He ate everything for a month, the leftovers are in his face, now it has stripes, he has become a cat; 5 brothers are playing: fire, fire! It's all on fire; the trail: here, my grandson! but the quiver of the Month is burnt; across the river, old man Echo; only repeats: bring a boat! The month has passed by itself, began to fight Echo; bird: take the Echo giblets that hang on the wall of the dugout; the Echo echoed; the blue heron uses its head as a hammer, because stones and sticks alive; The Month made them with stones and sticks, made the Heron of Herons; The month gathered everyone to determine who should shine during the day and who should shine at night; tried the yellow hammer, but there is little light; the raven, the coyote, woodpecker is dark; hummingbirds are better, but the day is very short; younger brother The sun offered to be the sun for the Month, but it is too hot, the water is boiling; the Sun has begun to shine during the day, the Month at night; the old toad woman is now visible at night on the disc of the Month; the rope on which they swayed was up to the sky; Month: you can climb; but the Rat gnawed it, the Month turned it into a rat; the rocks on the mountain were transformed people; the Indians were relatives Months]: Ballard 1929:68-80; see K19B motif. Lkungen [when digging up a rhizome, sisters make a hole in the sky]; klallam [sisters find a hole in the sky]; twana [sisters intentionally dig a hole in the sky]; snookually , Elmendorf [like a twan]; koulitz; upper chehalis [woman gave birth; at this time people were going to dance; a woman in labor is not supposed to dance; she looked in to see it time Puma stole the baby; brought lizards, began to squeeze juice, the child does not like it; with Puma Crane, he baked salmon, the child liked it; the child grew up in 5 days, the Crane made him a bow and arrows, advised him to shoot Puma from the front; hide in a tree; the Crane himself made wings for himself, finished off Puma by shooting at her from above; a young man from a tree climbed into the sky; a gray man (dawn) offers him 5 of his daughters; but the black man (evening) persuaded him to go to his five daughters; something is hanging from their noses; the black man has returned, bringing a dead deer and a dead man; Dawn sent his daughters to repel The young man, who went with them, took the youngest; dawn brings good meat, not man; the young man finds a beautiful woman in the basket, Dawn allows him to stay with her, not with his first wife; she gave birth to twins fused with their backs; after pulling out a bunch of grass, the young man saw the ground in the hole, wanted to return; Dawn tells the young man's wife to ask Grandma Spider to lower them to the ground; when they came down, the young man pulled the rope, the Spider picked up the basket back; a blind bald boy came to the spring, the young man called him brother, he: Blue Jay, don't mock me; the young man blew in the boy's eyes, he saw the light, clapped on head, hair grew; the boy's sister (she is the boy's mother) is also blind, the young man also regained her sight; Blue Jay tells the boy to wipe his ass; the young man tells him to stick a burning smut in his ass; Blue Jay tried to separate the twins, both died; Blue Jay: no more twins will be born connected]: Adamson 1934, No. 44:83-87; yakima [two sisters dig roots, make a hole, they see the ground, weave a rope; they go down; the child of one of them becomes the Sun or the North Star].

The Midwest. Steppe Cree: Bloomfield 1930, #21 [like the Plains Indians; six girls dig roots, one loses her way; Sunman brings her into his house, makes her wife; she gives birth to him a son; digging roots, comes to the old woman; she teaches her to find the bison droppings that cover a hole in the sky, gives a rope; a woman and her son go down; the Sun kills her by throwing a stone; she falls to the ground, her son is alive; he ruins An old woman's garden invites him to live with her; he finds two bubbles of starlings and swallows; kills and roasts birds; the old woman says they were her children, kicks him out of the house; he comes to ten young men -snakes, kills them; they are also the children of an old woman, she chases him; the sun causes heat, the old woman throws persecution; one day the son The sun does not sit on a stone, but on the ground; a snake crawls into him; her Sun also expels with heat; takes her son to heaven], 34 [the older sister wants a bright, younger dim star as her husband; both wake up in the sky; the husband of the youngest young, the elder gray; the stars leave home for the night; the old woman advises sisters to dig a root that grows where the bison droppings lie; there is a hole in the sky under it; the sisters go down a rope; the old woman tells the eldest to blindfold not to open it before reaching the ground; she peeks, the rope breaks, the sisters fall to the top of the tree; Bear, Lynx can't take them off, they don't want them to be wives; Wolverine takes them off, but the older sister falls, breaks her leg above the knee; sisters turn Wolverine in wolverine; at night by the fire, the eldest cuts off her leg, sharpens the broken bone, calls the youngest My Husband; The tit tells the youngest to run north; Bear, Lynx, Great Serpent cannot help them, the older sister kills them with her sharp leg; a one-legged man cuts an ice-hole in the lake; agrees to help his younger sister when she calls him brother; kills his older sister by dropping him a stone on her; see below the story Bison Kidnaps a Woman]: 185-194, 326-332.

Northeast. Mikmak [Marten sees women bathing in the forest, hides one of them's clothes, marries him; Tia'm, who lives next to him, does the same thing, but at the entrance to his house does not hit the woman lightly with a rod, but He hits her in a big way, killing her; Marten gets a second wife, teaches T. how to do it; T. envies that Marten has two wives and he has one; Marten's wives are leaving, they are Affectionate Sisters, the eldest has magical power; they look at the stars, the eldest wants a bright husband, the youngest wants a red star; both wake up in the sky, the eldest husband is young, the youngest wants an old man; he does not tell you to move a flat stone in front wigwam; sisters dig tubers, the youngest moves a stone, they see the ground, their home; husbands let them come back; they must cover themselves with a cloak, lie down until they hear the voice of a chikadi, then a red squirrel, then striped; the youngest looked out when she heard a red squirrel, they were on top of a pine tree; Wolverine, Bear, Moose, Tia'm, Marten pass by; Wolverine returns; older sister leaves a lace on the tree for hair; while Wolverine climbs after him, the sisters build a teepee; the eldest leaves a porcupine, flint flakes, a wasp's nest, thorny bushes responsible for them; Wolverine is scratched, bitten; sisters praise by the river the beauty of the Heron's legs and neck, he stretches his neck to them like a bridge; Wolverine blasphemes his legs and neck, the Heron shakes him off in the middle of the river; by the sea, the wigwam, it has three cervical vertebrae of an elk, the youngest pees on them; someone approaches, the eldest hides the youngest in her hair, takes the form of a man; Blood Sucking enters; the imaginary man explains that he smells a woman because he slept with the woman himself; sisters again Herons cross the river around the neck; the cannibal failed, returned; see motive M30]: Whitehead 1988:168-179; mikmaq, passamaquoddy [see J12 motif; two sisters look at the sky; one wants to be a husband The Big Yellow Star, the other the Dull Red Star; sisters wake up in the sky; the Red Star is a warrior, the Yellow Star is an old man; husbands tell wives not to move the stone; the youngest moves, the sisters see through the hole the ground; husbands allow them to go back, warn them to open their eyes in the morning when they hear the scream of a striped squirrel; they open after the scream of a red squirrel; find themselves on top of a tree; Elk, Bear, Marten refuse help, saying they're already married; Wolverine lets her sisters down; see motive J46]: Leland 1968:144-148.

The Great Plains. The ground can be seen through the hole; a woman (with her son; with her sister) descends. See K19B motif. Sarsi [girl marries the Star; violates the ban on digging up parsnip rhizome]; blacklegs [girl marries the Star; violates the ban on digging up a large rhizome]; assiniboine [two sisters marry stars; break the ban on digging roots under trees]; grovantre [girl goes out in months; violates the ban on digging roots; see also motive K23]; arikara [wife stars violate the ban on digging roots; the spider lowers it, the rope is short, the husband kills his wife with a stone, the son remains alive]; Pawnee [the star's wife violates the ban on digging roots; goes down with her son]; cf. K25A motif. Crowe [girl goes beyond the Sun; violates the ban on digging roots or moving a bison cake]; hidatsa [girl goes beyond Months; her son violates the ban on digging up a rhizome]; arikara [ban on digging up a rhizome]; mandan [girl goes out in Months, digs up a rhizome]; ot [two sisters go beyond the stars; they are told not to hit twice with a hoe when digging up roots, they violate the ban]; arpaho [girl goes out in Months, digs up a rhizome]; sheyen [girl goes beyond the Star, digs up a rhizome]; wichita [girl goes beyond the star; shifts from places a stone, sees the ground through the hole; wraps a rope out of the grass, goes down]; kiova [the girl marries the son of the Sun, digs up a rhizome, sees her home, goes down the rope; her husband kills her]).

Southeast USA. Koasati [a woman dies, her two brothers follow her to heaven; the sky has fallen, one jumped on it, it rose; then the same with her second brother; the old woman showed them the path; they reached the place, where the snakes, tied elm bark to their feet, passed; the man gave them cigarettes, on the way people were fighting on clubs, the brothers lit a cigarette, everything was covered in smoke, they passed; another woman gave them a scoop, they went to the river, they scooped up and poured some water, the water separated, they dried, followed by the waters again; they came to God (Never-dying), she cut the melon, gave half of them to eat, told them not to bite seeds, put the seeds and peel back; pushed something away, they saw the ground where their home was in the hole; on the fourth day they put their sister in a vessel, covered it with a lid, went back (obviously right away found themselves on the ground); the sister from the vessel began to say that she was suffering there; they opened the lid slightly, everything was quiet, the vessel was empty]: Swanton 1929, No. 26:189-190.

California. Patvin [the girl leaves the menstrual hut before the deadline; The tornado takes her to heaven; she digs sand to soak acorns; her husband's sister warns not to dig deep; she makes a hole, sees the mother is on earth; the husband lowers her; tells others not to give his pestle to others; while she is away, the mother gives it; the daughter dies, returns to heaven]: Kroeber 1932a, No. 4:306.

Big Pool. Washo; eastern shoshones.

Mesoamerica Kekchi, mopan [Mahanamatz forest spirit asks a person for honey; eats with wax; when a person climbs a tree, M. makes it tall, leaves; various animals refuse help, because a person hunted them; the koati form a chain, told not to step on a pregnant female; a person steps, but manages to jump to the ground; runs, gets to Chuck, he hides the man tells the cougar and the jaguar to break M.; makes a man his assistant; tells him to work in the garden, but not to look at the roots; a person looks, sees his house on the ground, brother, wife through the hole; goes down rope, but hangs between heaven and earth; Chuck pulled him out; C. waits for guests, tells them to sweep, the man sweeps the frogs, but they were guests and musicians; in C.'s absence, the man wears his clothes opens a bag of wind, takes a calebass of water, a drum, thereby causing a hurricane, rain, thunder; falls into the sea, C. revived him, sent him home, giving calebass with endless wax and honey; allowed him to go to heaven, if he doesn't say hello to himself; his wife follows the person; Chuck asks her for the names of body parts; when she points to her genitals, she wants to answer, but the hurricane takes her and her husband away]: Thompson 1930 : 146-150.

Southern Venezuela. Makusáni hunted in the forest, chased the frog, it galloped away, he got lost; the forest chicken (gallineta) looked like a pretty girl, invited her to her house, did not tell touch her; M. tried to get along with her, she became a chicken, flew away; M. came to the river; Otter (perro de agua) took him home, promised to take him home if he did not look forward or back; M. looked through his fingers, the Otter left him in the water; M. climbed the tree to sleep; Nuna (Month) saw his reflection, realized that he was not in the water, but in the tree when M. spat; brought him to heaven, married him two daughters; sends for firewood, the wife admits that his father will eat him; he throws sand in her back, she thinks wasps, rushes to run, M. runs the other way, comes to Shi (Sun); N. looks for M., W . says that this was not the case here, drives N. away with heat; M. marries one of Sh.'s two daughters; S. gives a wind gun, tells him not to look through it; M. looks, sees his house, mother; the wife also wanted look, both were on the ground in M.'s house; M. hides his wife under the basket; when he left, her mother found her, began to beat her; M. reconciled them; all three returned to heaven at S.'s house, live there now]: Civrieux 1959: 119-120 (=1980:119-120 {pagination is correct!}).

Guiana. Varrau [people live in the sky; a man fires an arrow, it pierces the sky; the earth can be seen through the hole; people go down a rope; a pregnant woman gets stuck, turns into the Morning Star]: Brett 1868 [people live in the sky; the Okonorote hunter's arrow breaks a hole; people go down to the ground; a fat woman gets stuck; on earth, the Great Spirit forbids swimming in the lake; two sisters bathe, one gets pregnant, gives birth to a boy and a half-snake; her four brothers chop him to pieces; mother buries them, they grow up to be Caribbean, attack warrau]: 389-392; Wilbert 1970, No. 101, 102, 141, 145, 146 [the hole closes behind the pregnant woman]: 216-220, 293-294, 307-311; curl [without details; people descend from the sky (through the hole they see?) ; under weight (pregnant?) women break the stairs; the rest go down as parrots and now live near people]: Brett 1880:179; Roth 1915, No. 51:141; Carinha (Guyana) [people live in the sky; you can see through the hole earth; pregnant woman gets stuck in a hole]: Im Thurn 1983:377.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Mosethen [D. created people from clay; went up the stairs to heaven, closed it; invited his companion, the white condor Keri, to descend to earth; hammered the vault of heaven for a long time, made a hole, saw the ground; made a rope out of snot, climbed down, K. followed; the rope broke off, K. broke to pieces; D. threw his head into the river, it turned into fish; D. asked fishermen for fish everywhere, he was refused, especially women; he turned everyone into vultures, ants and other animals; elsewhere asks people what they're doing; We paint tipoy; so three times, they get angry; he turns them into red monkeys; shot one, made many monkeys out of wool, they ran in all directions; the same with people who dyed black tipoy (black monkeys); the same, just tipoy, turned them into birds Penelope; turned others into capuchins; asked another to climb a tree for an arrow, turned him into a squirrel; the boy behind the arrow into a night monkey (Nyctipithecus); the birds gave him feathers, he flew , they pulled out feathers over the village, he fell on a tree, it grew tall; he descended on the back of a caterpillar, it fell in front of the ground, D. remained hanging on bamboo; Jaguar, the big cat, refused, the little cat he took it off; in the house, the shaman sat on a snake, went out, D. took his place; he pierced him with a stake, nailed him to the ground; first he moved, the ground shook, then the shaman drove another stake into his head, D. froze; D. gave the shaman had a basket of water, it grew, the water filled the riverbeds that used to be dry; people turned into stones, the shaman remained; he led the water, creating Mamore, Beni; when he thunders, D. says to the shaman, It rains to pour more water]: Nordenskiöld 1924:140-141.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo [a hunter in the sky climbs into a hole for a battleship, sees the ground, tells others; people go down the rope; some are afraid, remain in the sky, the rope is cut off]: Wilbert 1978, No. 23 [unsupplemented. details], 28 [some people were afraid to go down, cut off the rope, turned into stars], 29 [the boy cut the rope, some people stayed in the sky], 30 [most went down, some hesitated, boy cut off the rope], 31 [boy cut off the rope, the rest became stars]: 96, 104-110; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 16 (pau-d'arco) [timid stayed and pulled the rope back], 17 (shikrin) [people tied themselves with a cotton belt and went down; some stayed]: 46-47.