Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

K27. Challenges and Competition .11.-.17.19.-.53.55.-.59.61.-.65.67.-.69.72.74.)

> The character receives tasks that are mortally dangerous or can only be completed with supernatural abilities or assistants; the hero completes tasks and/or miraculously survives. The confrontation between the characters unfolds as a game or competition in which the loser loses life or status.

Bantu-speaking Africa. By the way : Binam Bikoï 1977: 7-12 [dying, the father tells the eldest son to check the traps in three days; a young man finds a huge chimpanzee in one; he asks where the young man wants to point his spear - at his head, chest or back; the young man does not know what to answer; the chimpanzee hits him and runs away; a young man goes to get married; there is a second contender, a rich man; the girl's mother promises to give her to the one who clears a larger plot; a chimpanzee appears, asks the young man the same question, hits him again, clears a giant area, runs away; the parents send the girl away accompanied by both candidates; at a fork in the road the rich man wants to take her for himself; a chimpanzee appears, asks a question, beats the young man, orders the rich man to bring water in a vessel made of a leaf; it leaks; the rich man is afraid to return and leaves; the young man brings his wife; tells his younger brother that it was his late father who gave it to him], 36-49 [the father wants to destroy his son; the grandmother teaches the boy how to carry out difficult tasks; he 1) gets bananas from a river full of crocodiles, 2) brings lion cubs (at this time the lioness eats a goat), 3) comes to the country of Liboi Li Kundung, the ancestors who died behind the drum; a snake, a bird, a bat transport and carry him across the river, fire, rocks, for he treated them; the spirit of his mother tells him to go boldly; in the village of his ancestors he feeds a dog, a cat, a mouse; the leader orders to identify a woman named Ngo Mbelek (the dog runs past her); 2) identify the drum itself (the mouse throws nuts on it); Having received the drum, the father gives the house to his son and retires into the forest; (translation in Pozdnyakov 1990: 199-205)]; dual [Inono Njambe kills his wives and children to gain magical powers; is survived by a son, Njambe Inono; people beat the father, he soon dies, passing on his knowledge to his son; he continues to kill people; he and his wife are sent downstream in a boat; he establishes a settlement where he plants a huge palm tree, on top of it is a bird, in a pond there is a crocodile, and there is a leopard in a cage; these are the magical protectors of the village; NI Njambe's wife gave birth to a girl, Chimpanzee comes to play with her; when the girl grew up, he kidnapped her; NI takes other wives, they all give birth, but N. is pregnant, but does not give birth; NI drives her away; in the forest she needs to chop wood; the boy from her womb says he will chop it, comes out, turns into a grown man Jeki, chops wood, returns to the womb; forbids his mother to see him and cut the umbilical cord; one day he goes out to pick shrimp on the seashore; NI's other wives see this, throw their baskets in horror, J. also delivers their baskets full of shrimp to the village; when, finally, J. is born, various vessels, a boat, tissues, etc., first fall out of the mother’s belly; then J. orders him to be born on a heap of garbage; NI doesn't like J., 1) asks what's in the chest; J. deliberately answers incorrectly and is beaten; then he says that there is a female louse in the chest; 2) clean the chest (there is a leopard in it, J. drowns it in the chest); 3) bring a crocodile from the sea; J. tells the crocodile that he is expected as a wise adviser, tames him with magic; in the village he begins to devour everything, NOR orders him to be taken back; 4) get nuts from the palm tree; at the top there is a dangerous Kambo bird; J. orders the other sons of NI to climb first, the bird pecks them; J. cuts down bunches of nuts, kills, burns a bird; this makes NI weaker; J. goes to the land of spirits for his sister, who was kidnapped by Chimpanzee; there are many girls in the house, J. must identify his sister, releases a bee, she sits on his sister, J. brings her home]: Belcher 2005: 268-281; mpongwe [the merchant will give his daughter and wealth to the one who completes difficult assignments; all the animals try and fail; Turtle and Leopard remained; The turtle brings water in a holey calabash, covering the holes with glue; takes the fruit from the top of the tree by undermining its roots and knocking it down; on the way back, he answers the Leopard that his belly is big because he ate enough mushrooms; The leopard doesn’t believe it and orders him to regurgitate what he swallowed; mushrooms fall out, then wealth, people, a woman; The leopard takes her away; there was a large goat that allowed you to cut off pieces of meat from the inside, but not touch the heart; the goat is hidden from the Leopard; The turtle deliberately reveals the secret; together with the Leopard he climbs into the goat’s mouth; The leopard cuts off the heart, they remain inside the goat; The Leopard hides in the stomach, the Turtle in the gall bladder; others butcher a goat, a child throws a bubble into the bushes; The turtle shows himself, pretending to be outraged: they threw this disgusting thing in his face; says the killer of the goat is most likely in the intestines; The Leopard is killed with spears, the Turtle takes his wife and property]: Nassau 1912, No. 4: 30-37; benga [four young men successively go to woo the same girl; the first three do not share food with the Elephant, Hippopotamus, Leopard, Fly; The girl’s father orders the plot to be cleared and sowed in one day; the first three cannot; the latter named Ogoula shares food with the animals, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Leopard do the work; the girl's father demands to distinguish her from her mother, a fly lands on the bride's shoulder, O. gets a wife]: Raponda-Walker 1967: 167-170; swag [four brothers successively go to get married; pass by an old woman; the three older ones refuse to lick the pus from her eyes, the youngest does it; she gives him an egg; the leader locks everyone up for the night with a girl, there should be a child in the morning; three brothers are executed; the youngest's egg turns into a child, he gets a wife]: Beidelman 1975, No. 3: 542-547; fipa [born, grew up Tungululi; his father told his mother to go check the traps; in the last one there was a lion, another lion tore the woman apart; father sent T.; he first brought the mole, then other animals and birds; the father is dissatisfied, T. releases those caught; finds a girl trapped; his father gave her to him as a wife; she suggested going to her relatives; these are cannibals; they order 1) to dig up a huge field (the moles dug up), 2) to level the field (partridges and pigeons did it), 3) to harvest millet from the field (the same birds pecked at the grains and gave them to T.); at night the mole orders to put clothes on a wooden idol and run; the cannibals ate the idol, died from it, T. returned to his father]: Abrahams 1983, No. 86: 311-314; bondei [the leader promises to give his daughter to the winner of the race; The Tortoise negotiates with the Hare to place 10 turtles at a distance; The Falcon cannot distinguish them; he believes that the Turtle is ahead of him; Turtle gets the girl; At night he takes off his shell and becomes a young man; wife throws shell into fire, stays with handsome husband]: Abrahams 1983, No. 12: 75-78; nyanga [the king does not want his wives to bear sons; Mwindo, who has been walking and talking since birth, manages to escape; his father's advisors lower him down the river in a drum, he must find his father's sister, whose husband is a water serpent; paternal aunt Iyangura {is she the snake’s wife?} takes it out of the drum; they come to the village of Father M.; he runs; in the lower world, the father gives M. difficult tasks, he completes them all; returns to earth with his father, reviving along the way those he killed; the council decides to divide the kingdom between M. and his father; the dragon Kirimu swallows M.'s entourage, he frees them; Lightning is a friend of both the dragon and M.; takes M. to heaven for a year in the world of the Sun, Moon, Stars; having passed the last tests there, M. triumphantly returns to his kingdom]: Scheub 2000: 164-165; ovambo : Loeb 1951 [woman gives birth to eggs, finds egg broken each time; finally, the boy Nambaisita is born from the egg; says that he is stronger than the ruler of this world; he tells him to come, putting obstacles in the way; moles fill up thistle thickets with earth, spiders weave webs to cross the river, elephants break down fences; N. does not eat human flesh; makes an underground passage from the house, which the ruler sets on fire; Before that, he brings melons there, the bishop thinks that N.’s buttocks are bursting; returning home, N. releases poisonous gas into the sky, the ruler dies, N. becomes the new ruler of the world]: 298-300; Scheub 2000 [woman gives birth to eggs and breaks each one; a voice is heard from the stump - don’t let the next egg hit; from it Nambalisita is born; he says that he was born of his own accord; kills his father, who refused to obey him; the supreme god Kalunga calls him to himself, for he created all people; N. brings wild animals; K. shows his kraal, N.’s rhinoceroses gored K.’s bull; the fly warns N. to choose dark rather than light porridge for food; K. locked N. in a house without holes; the animals made their way out; filled the room with pumpkins; K. set it on fire, hearing the sound of bursting pumpkins, thinks that it is N. who is dying; N. appears in front of K.; leaves, new adventures follow]: 167-168; isanzu [the young man releases the wild Chicken, Lightning, Boar, Elephant, and Zebra who are trapped in his pit; gets married; the father-in-law demands 1) to clear a giant area of forest (elephants are cutting down the forest); 2) cut out stone handles for hoes (Lightning cuts down); 3) plow the field (Zebras plow); 4) sow (chickens and ants sow); 5) eat the meat of many oxen (The boar digs a hole and orders all the meat to be buried); a young man gets a wife, his mother tells her to stir the boiling soup not with a spoon, but with her hand; she scalds her hands, dies Lightning, glasses, ears of the avshchikh 1937, ]: Kohl-Larsen Allensbach 1937, No. 27: 31-34; Kikuyu : Abrahamsson 1951 [Wamweri ("son of the month"), against the advice of Wadua ("son of the sun"), marries a one-eyed girl; another, Washuma, rejects suitors; offers beans and milk, he only drinks the milk; she advises to stay in the house, because every night the Rainbow Serpent Mukunga Mbura comes out of the lake and steals cattle; Wadua stays in the house, but comes out at night and kills MM; in the morning, the girls' father proposes a competition to find out who killed the snake; 1) run (Wadua wins); 2) get feathers of a certain bird; while Washuma waits on the shore, Wadua goes down into the lake, takes the cattle out of the water in the morning; the water disappears, Wadua with his wife and cattle appears to his father-in-law]: 196-197; Gagnolo 1952, no. 10 [60 young men went to woo the daughter of the Sun; everyone returned from the road, only the cripple arrived; The sun promised to give his daughter if he got an ostrich feather floating in the middle of the lake; the young man swam, but cannot tear the feather from the rope that holds it; in the end he tore it off, the water turned to blood, but he swam to the shore; The sun praised him, gave him his daughter and a third of his property]: 124-125; sukuma [Leo gathers everyone for a council, offers to get light from the sky; Mouse, Spider, Fly agree to go; they climb up to the sky along the web; the local leader suggests 1) mowing the grass throughout the savannah (the Mouse calls the ants to cut the grass), 2) eat a lot of meat (the Mouse digs passages, they hide the meat underground), 3) identify which box contains light and which contains darkness; The fly overhears, finds out what is in the red box, the leader gives it away; on the ground a rooster jumps out of a box, crows, the sun rises]: Millroth 1965: 196-177; Swahili (w. on the coast of Mozambique from a migrant from Zanzibar): Baker 1938, no. 1 [(Abrahams 1983, no. 3: 42-45); the Sultan's son comes to the island, eats the fruits, spits out the seeds, and new trees with fruits instantly grow from them; sails to another island, tries to show the local sultan a miracle, nothing happens, the sultan puts him in prison; the same with five more brothers; the youngest seventh Sadaka, visiting the islands, feeds the birds, flies, genies, they promise to help; the genie explains that the seeds will sprout only on the soil collected from that island; they sprout; the Sultan gives new tasks, marrying off his daughter to S.; 1) sort mixed grain of different varieties (birds do it); 2) pierce the baobab with a blow of a sword (the genies bring carpenter ants, they make a hole in the trunk in advance); 3) identify the bride among many girls (a fly lands on her); S. gets a wife, frees his brothers], 9 [the merchant and his wife die, their son Mohamadi is raised by his grandmother; gives a precious belt, M. cannot sell it, comes to the Sultan; he is ready to buy a belt if M. gets the beauty Akili ya Mtama; the grandmother opens the basement, there is a genie imprisoned by M.'s father; he orders to ask the Sultan to make a silver ship, to take 40 virgins as sailors; they sail to AM, she knows everything in advance, becomes M.’s wife; at home, the Sultan agrees to their marriage if M. burns in a fire and is reborn; the genie gives M. an invisibility cap, he quietly leaves the fire; the Sultan recognizes AM as M.'s wife; M. says that he will allow himself to be killed by the one who proves that he slept with his wife; a certain young man hires an old woman, she goes swimming with AM, reports a mark on her thigh; M. is ready to be killed; AM complains that the young man slept with her and stole her shoe, let him return it; he says that he did not sleep; beheaded for lying]: 183-187, 275-279; they waved : Harries 1940, No. 2 [people came to ask the leader for his daughter; he demanded that the groom drive away the wind so that the millet would not die; the groom was unable to complete the task; The rabbit went to do his job, got a wife, although the millet was killed by the wind; Having killed the turkey, he asked his wife to cook it for his father-in-law, and let him dry the gravy on a spit; the leader gathered the people and asked if this demand was not absurd; The rabbit asked if it was possible to drive away the wind; the chief transfers his power to the Rabbit], 4 [the parents will marry their daughter to the one who gets the beast Ing'ondo ("water lizard"), living high in the tree; The rabbit brought a goat and a dog to the tree, put porridge in front of the goat, leaves in front of the dog; I. screams that it’s so wrong, Rabbit doesn’t seem to hear; I. comes down to teach, Rabbit kills him with an ax; gets a wife]: 413-414, 417-419; Congo [a father promises his daughter Nkende to whoever eats nine bundles of cassava; The Shiver Cat dies from overeating; Each time the monkey asks for permission to bathe, another monkey replaces it, eight times; Monkey gets a wife]: Struyf 1936: 7-15; lamp [the leader's eldest daughters are married, the youngest says that she will marry only the one who passes through the hole in the tree with the ball; two older brothers and their sister’s husband (brother-in-law) go to try their luck, they don’t want to take their younger brother; he comes and feeds birds, ants, and fish along the way; carries out an assignment, is recognized as a son-in-law; his older brothers intend to destroy him; They tell the leader’s wife that her son-in-law 1) can make sure that the child appears the next day after the wedding; the young man is about to return home, but the bird he fed flies to the west and brings him a baby; 2) the brothers persuade him to scatter seeds in the forest, let him collect them; ants collected; 3) pour beads into the water (fish get them); the young man's wife complains to her mother, who explains that her husband's brothers are to blame; the leader finds out everything and sends the brothers home; honors son-in-law; they visited the young man's house and returned to live with his wife's relatives]: Doke 1927, No. 23: 45-51; love : Colldén 1979, No. 87 [there is no fire in the village, a man went to Ikonsha to get it; on the way I met and took with me an Elephant, a Spider, a Fly, termites, etc.; The fly overhears what the iconsha is saying and tells it to the person; they demand 1) to knock down a tree with one blow (the termites gnawed it), 2) to drain the lake (the Elephant pulled out the water, the Spider wove a web over the dry lake), 3) guess in which calabash the fire is hidden (the man chose the one smeared with shit); The iconsha decide to set fire to the house with the guests, pressing down the doors from the outside; The Mole digs a way out to the river in advance, the Spider weaves a bridge across it; expedition returns, brings fire], 88 [the leader found out that there was fire somewhere, sent to get it; The fly overhears what the owners of the fire are saying and passes it on to others; they demand 1) 1) drain the rivers Nshiri (Mole, but, apparently, also the water spirit) drains; 2) knock down a tree with one blow (carpenter worms gnawed it); 3) cut the grass (the rats cut it); 4) guess in which calabash the fire is hidden (they chose the one in soot, not the shiny one); the owners of the fire decide to set fire to the house with the guests, pressing down the doors from the outside; The Mole digs a way out to the river in advance, the Spider weaves a bridge across it; expedition returns, brings fire]: 253-255, 255-256; {error; this publication does not contain this text; forehead [a dragonfly, a shrew, and an elephant fall into the hunter’s trap; everyone asks to let him go, promises to help; the daughter of the creator god Kabezya Mpungu falls; he calls a person to himself, gives difficult assignments; 1) eat a lot (the shrew dug a hole, the man threw food there); 2) clear a huge area (elephant knocks down trees); 3) identify the bride among many girls (the dragonfly touches her ear); KM gives away his daughter]: Kotlyar 1975: 55} ; forehead (?) [no night; Manza-Pungu sent Kipangi's son to bring the night; he meets and takes as companions a porcupine, an antelope, a dog, a bee, a spider, a crab and a turtle; on the way, some remained to wait for the harvest in the gardens, etc., but the remaining ones were joined by the honey badger (Mellivora capensis); the owner of the night is ready to give it away if those who come 1) make the bananas ripe in a day (the bee stings the bananas, they ripen), 2) cross the river without a bridge (the spider makes a bridge-web), 3) cut down the forest (Nzela knocks it down); the badger dug a passage under the leader's hut, the crab overheard the secrets, the people who came took away the fire; the animals passed him along the baton, and K. himself diverted his pursuers to another road]: Lambrecht 1963: 43-45; bena lulua [creator Fidi Mukulu promises to give his daughter to someone who eats and drinks a lot; all the animals are wooing, no one can eat so much; The mouse brings a drum in which other mice are hidden, they eat and drink everything; The mouse gets the girl]: Frobenius 1983: 86; songs [Tshitata Tshikulu promises a daughter to the one who works without rest and cultivates the plot; The elephant and other large animals get tired; The Rat asks permission for the other Rat to follow and beat the drum; many rats quietly replace each other, the Rat gets a wife]; mbundu [Nzua marries, but his father immediately sends him to town on business; upon his return, N. learns from his wife that the ma-kishis robbed everyone and took their property; the twins Sudika-mbambi and Kabundu-ngulu speak from their mother's belly; Having been born, they build a house for their parents, the building materials are laid themselves; S. goes to take revenge on Ma-kishi, tells K. to keep an eye on the planted tree (if it withers, he is killed); along the way he meets and takes people as companions, the first part of the name of each of them is “Kipalende”, and the second is different; 1) Building a house on a rock (synonymous with “doing the impossible”), 2) Carving eight clubs in a day, 3) Harvesting in Kalunga (underworld), 4) Bowing his beard to Kalunga; the last Kiyandala-midi, who eats a thousand, gargles with a hundred; hearing the name of S., who “puts a stick on the ground and raises an antelope to the sky,” runs away in fear; while the others fight the ma-kishi, each of the four K. takes turns staying at home; an old woman comes, promises her granddaughter as a wife, if K. defeats her, defeats everyone; S. is the last to remain, kills the old woman, frees her granddaughter from the stone house; K. is jealous, they dig a hole, S. falls, they bury him; At home, the brother sees that the tree is withering, he waters it, it comes to life; S. finds a way in the hole, comes to the old woman, whose lower body is resting, and whose upper body is digging up the ground; S. helps her dig; she orders us to go along a narrow road, gives a jug of red pepper and a jug of wisdom; for them S. receives the daughter of Kalunga-ngombe, but she must be taken away from the kidnapping snake; S. cuts off 5 (or more?) heads of the snake, brings the girl; the father-in-law demands the return of the goats and pigs stolen by the crocodile, the crocodile swallows S.; the brother again sees the withered tree, finds Kalunga-ngombe, kills the crocodile, revives S. from the bones; the brothers drive away the four Kipalende, quarrel over women (Kabundu-ngulu wants one of S.’s two wives), separate; the elder brother is thunder in the east, the younger brother in the west]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975: 169-177 (=Knappert 1977, No. 2: 163-169); Kuanyama [women laid eggs; One girl's egg gets broken every time; his mother advises him to be left on the roof of the barn; there the boy Nambaisita, not created by anyone, came out of the egg; Kalunga calls him to her; N. takes all kinds of animals with him, they help overcome obstacles along the road; moles dug a tunnel under a mountain of thorns; spiders wove a web over the river; elephants made a road through the forest, destroyed a thorny fence, hares trampled down the weeds; N. and his companions came to the heavenly kraal; elephants cleared a passage blocked with logs and sticks; N. refuses human flesh; does not sit on chairs - there are pits with boiling water under them; K. let the bull loose, N. climbed onto the fence; K. orders the stake to come out of the ground, but N. has a bag, which caused the stake to stick into the ground; K. asks to climb the tree, tells the tree to come out of the ground, N.’s bag tells him to stay in place; K. is going to burn N at night, with his companions in the house; they dug an underground passage and put pumpkins in the house; K. thinks that the guests’ bodies are bursting from the fire; N. returned home, created a poisonous wind, K.’s body swelled, he died, N. himself became Kalunga]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975: 395-398; laadi [the leader passes off his daughter as someone who can shoot right through a baobab tree; The Hare tells the Woodworm to drill a hole in the trunk in advance, shoots at it, gets a wife]: Aksenova et al. 2005, No. L.12: 111-112; choques [Mwatshizenzhe meets the Mabemba girl at the stream, she takes him to her father; his village appears and disappears at his will; he requires the groom to clear the plot and sow the field with millet in a day; the old man gives the young man calabashes with elephants, rodents, mongooses, wind, the animals do all the work; a young man brings his wife home; Mabemba's sister visits them, Mwatshizenzhe's brother Mwalvimbe has fallen in love with her; follows her, but scolds the old man, the girl rejects him, the path disappears; he returns, all women despise him, he dies]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975: 314-328; horn [during famine, a pregnant woman promises her unborn child to a lion if he gives her an antelope; the boy Mutipi grows up with two feathers on his head, invisible to others; a lion in the form of a man comes for the boy; the feathers tell the boy to become a mouse, chew the food prepared for the lion, and hide; the next time M.'s mother sends him out to pasture, putting a necklace on him; the lion must recognize him by his necklace; feathers tell M. to give all the boys a bead; mother sent to the forest for brushwood, M. became a beetle; M. runs to another leader; the feathers say that he wants to poison him, M. quietly throws the poisoned meat on the ground; the leader's people must kill M. when they go with him into the forest for stakes; M. prepares his share of stakes ahead of time; they want to kill him in the grass, the killer freezes, cannot move; everyone died of thirst and hunger; M. revived his friends with a lion skin scourge and became a leader]: Knappert 1977, No. 16: 54-58; which (Angolan border) [orphan goes to get married; releases trapped rats, leopards, and catfish; on the way, a Dog (this is an evil spirit) is imposed on him as a companion; demands to be allowed to eat from the same bowl with him, to sleep on the same mat; the bride's parents demand that the groom eat and drink a lot (the rat takes away the food, the catfish takes away the beer); on the way back, the Dog demands to divide the property, incl. woman; a lot of dogs gather; the groom asks permission to decorate the bride with leaves; in a pile of leaves he brings a leopard, which kills and disperses the Dogs]: Plancquaert 1982, No. 43: 111-113; when : Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [Kintu’s cow disappeared; having climbed the rainbow, he came to heaven to look for her; God Gulu ordered him 1) to bring a piece of heavenly rock; lightning struck the rock and broke off a piece; 2) identify your cow in the herd; the fly first buzzed near K.'s ear, then flew up to the cow; K. received a cow and G. Nambi's daughter; her brother Walumbe warned her not to return to heaven or he would kill her children; N. forgot food for her favorite bird, returned along the rainbow; V. did not catch up with N. on the ground and disappeared underground; Since then, from time to time he goes out and kills his sister’s descendants; from the three sons of K. and N. come rulers, farmers and artisans, and slaves; but V. kills everyone]: 409-410; Roscoe 1911 [Kintu had only one cow and lived on milk; the heavenly woman Nambi, daughter of Gulu, fell in love with him, but her father took her back along with the cow; K. ascended to heaven, he was offered 1) to eat and drink a lot (he threw everything away and poured it into a hole in the floor); 2) use a copper ax to cut down a rock for firewood (K. found a rock with cracks and cut it down); 3) bring a bucket of dew (the bucket left in the field was filled with dew); 4) identify his own cow among L.’s cows (the bee said that he would sit on her horns; in the first two herds there was no cow; in the third herd K. immediately found a cow with a bee on her horns; the bee also sat on the horns of her calves, K. and identified them); L. gave his daughter to K.; G. tells K. and N. to leave quickly before brother N. Death (Walumbe) tags along with them, not to return if they forget anything; N. forgot grain for the chickens, returned, V. went after her; K. and N. have many children; V. asked their daughter to be his cook, K. refused; after that the children began to die; G. sent brother V. Kaikuzu to persuade him not to kill the children; V. refused and fled underground; Kaikuzu ordered people and animals to stay in their houses, not to scream, if they see V., then he will catch him; but the children drove the goats to the pasture, saw V., and called out; since then V. has been killing people, hiding underground]: 461-464 (= Radin 1952, No. 16: 69-72); ndow [the chief rejects his daughter's suitors; promises to give it to the one who brings the best gift; one young man buys a flying mat, another a calabash that revives the dead, a third an all-seeing mirror; the third sees that the girl has died, they are going to bury her, on the mat of the first all three are transported to the village of the leader, the second revives the girl; the leader is confused; marries his daughter to the eldest, gives possessions to the other two]: Boas, Simango 1922, No. 18: 197-199; tsonga (shangani) [duiker antelope and rabbit decided to cultivate the land; when the harvest is ripe, the rabbit steals from the duiker's plot; the rabbit denies his guilt and offers to make a snare; I came across a bird with a long feather on one wing; as soon as the rabbit pulled it out, the bird became a girl; asks to give her a feather; she touched the rabbit with it and he became a prince; killed the duiker, brought him as prey; the birds are unhappy that the heavenly maiden remained on earth; with the help of a rabbit and a woodpecker, they decided to add poison to him, but his wife warned him, and the mouse and woodpecker became helpers; the wife suggested visiting her parents, pointed the feather to the sky, it grew to the sky; The rabbit prince with his wife, the mouse and the woodpecker went up there; the maiden's father wants to kill the Rabbit; the mouse warns that poison has been poured into the food; when the Rabbit went to the steppe and the celestials sent hail, the woodpecker covered him with his wings; during the hunt, the woodpecker gave amulets, they protected the Rabbit from being tortured to kill him with an assegai; The rabbit and his wife decided to return to earth and went down the feather; people and livestock came out of the amulets given by the woodpecker; the mouse also became a prince, and the woodpecker a princess]: Bourhill, Drahe 1908: 43-57; zulu [during hunger, the mother-in-law secretly drinks sour milk; her son-in-law tells her to bring water from where the frog does not scream; this place is where the owner and mother of the wild animals of Gungkukubantuan drinks, she is like a mountain; the animals decide to eat the woman when she gets fat, but the antelopes secretly take her to her home; they smear mud on the feet of hyenas, G. eats the hyenas; now the mother-in-law tells her son-in-law to bring the liver of the gogos (humanoid evil cannibal animals); the son-in-law pretends that he himself is gogo, stays in their house (as if he were sick), sends the children to carry water with holey calabashes, kills the old woman, brings the liver; on the way he sets the grass on fire, those pursuing him are afraid of fire]: Snegirev 1937: 113-119; hair [the old man sees seven unusual birds, informs the leader; he says that they will replace his seven sons who died in the war; orders the mute son Sikulume and six other young men to catch them; they catch it and come to an empty house where the fire is burning; S. hears the cannibal wondering out loud who he will eat when; S. gains the gift of speech, tells his comrades; the next night he wakes them up and they run away; the cannibal brings other cannibals, they see that the prey has escaped, and eat the cannibal himself; S. forgot his bird and decides to return; if his assegai trembles, he is killed, if he falls, he is killed; S. grabs the bird and runs; the old woman gives him fat; he throws him onto a stone, his cannibal pursuers begin to fight for this stone, one swallowed him, others killed and ate him; the same again; S. threw his cape, she ran in the other direction, the cannibals followed her, S. returned to his comrades; the old man turned the stone into a hut, the young men hid in it, and for cannibals it is a stone; they gnawed at the food, broke their teeth, and returned; There is only one old woman at home; everyone was swallowed by inabulele; S. allows himself to be swallowed, kills the monster from the inside, he and the swallowed ones come out; S. tells his sister to make a cloak from his skin; goes to marry Mangangezulu's daughter; no one returned from there; the mouse orders her to be killed, toss the skin, the skin tells M. to enter the house from the wrong side, not to sit on the new mat, not to spend the night in an empty hut; M. orders the cattle to graze, a storm begins; S. takes out his cape, it turns into a stone canopy, the young men bring in the cattle intact; M.'s wife turns S. into an antelope, but the daughter turns into a human again; they run; a girl throws an egg (fog), a skin of milk (water), a pot (darkness), a smooth stone (rock); M. stops the pursuit, S. is elected leader at home]: McCall Theal 1882: 74-83; purely [Hubeane caught a small antelope in his mother's pea field, put it in a basket, and peas on top; mother: if they ask, answer “I’m carrying peas,” but remember that it’s an antelope; Kh. replies: “I’m carrying peas, but I remember that it’s an antelope”; sent to herd sheep, found a dead zebra, said that he saw a striped stone; people came to look, the zebra had already been eaten by hyenas, X. was scolded - he had to cover the carcass with branches; the next day Kh. killed the bird, covered it with branches, called people; people: had to be tied to a belt; Kh. killed an antelope, tied it to his belt, dragged it, the belt broke; then he tied it to his leg and dragged it, ruining the skin; people: they had to bring the carcass (on their shoulders); Kh. lured his father to the rock, took away the ladder, returned home, put on his father’s cloak, and began to eat the food prepared for his father; father and other people decided to get rid of X.; they gave poison, made a pit trap, hid the killer under a pile of grass; X. avoids danger every time; pierces a pile of grass with a spear, killing a man hiding under it; people decide that X is smart, they allow him to leave]: Klipple 1992: 317-318; lenge : Earthy 1937 [Tilo promises his daughter Maria to whoever beats him at cards; the young man Jewawu beat; T. makes wooden figures and offers to choose a bride; M. warns J., he wants M.; T. scatters the beads and orders them to pick them up; M. calls people, they pick them up; J. orders the rice to be sown, the crop to be immediately harvested and the food to be prepared; M. orders people to do everything; tells you to choose a small rather than a large knife; M. and J. take their horses and gallop away; M. returns to return his father's pendant; returns to J.; T. woke up and rushes to pursue; M. turns himself and J. into children playing in the sand; T. did not recognize them; T. called J. to his place; J. promises to kill M. if, in his absence, she gets together with another man; Antonio comes instead of J., M. opens the door, gets along with him; J. returned, stabbed M., took another wife, A. fell into the ground; M. became a bird, flew to J., became a woman again; J. returned her, drove away his other wife]: 295-301; Torrend 1921, No. 18 [one of the most popular stories in the Zambezi region; leaving, the leader orders: if one of the wives gives birth to a boy, he must be thrown away; one gave birth to a boy, laid him on a bed of reeds, the old woman promised to take care of him; his mother called him Kalombe, but the old woman called him Mandu; his first cousin Ngoma (“drum”) and her friends hear his song and try to pull him out of the hole in the anthill, where he hides like a rabbit; they dug him up and brought him to his mother; he came to his father, he is not going to kill him, he gives him half of the village, slaves and cattle; he goes to marry the daughter of the rain god; sees an unusual bird and follows it; meets an old woman, spends the night with her; she gives him the feather of this bird; then the feather leads him along the desired path, removes dangers and obstacles from it (excrement; a herd of elephants; a mountain with steep cliffs; buffaloes; snakes), teaches and guides him, completes tasks; he is invited to enter various huts, saying that this is the abode of the daughter of the rain god; they offer the girl herself; the feather repeatedly reports about deception (the girl’s mother herself and others take her appearance) and shows the correct choice (which mat is the daughter of the rain god and which is not); they give him wine and food, but these are only transformed father-in-law and mother-in-law, he does not drink or eat; the god of rain orders to get the bark from the top of the tree; two other applicants fall, the pen assures that M. will get the bark; after this, a bride is brought for M., but they also want to deceive: the daughter of the rain god is in ash and covered with a skin, and the maid is decorated from head to toe; the pen reports everything; the father-in-law orders to dig a hole so that it hides M., but he orders the pen to grab the father-in-law, he is forced to let M. out of the hole; then the same episode when the pen takes the father-in-law hostage, with a tree (M. must throw it off), with a bunch of dry trees (the father-in-law himself begins to burn, tells the fire to let M. go), with a hammer in the forge; the father-in-law orders the pot to be filled with tears, M. asks the other sons-in-law to fill the second pot; the father-in-law has to order that the roof does not throw M. off; M. with his wife, servants, cattle, and a supply of provisions leave; M. gives his wife his feather and the skin of a wild cat; he goes ahead, she and her companions lag behind; it's pouring rain, but M. orders it to be sunny; when almost at the goal, a deceiver comes out of the forest and takes the form of the daughter of the rain god; M. detects the deception, because the imaginary wife does not have his pen; doesn’t believe that she forgot him while swimming; the deceiver runs away, M. returns for his wife, she is solemnly received; after 10 days she says that she cannot live here, there is incest everywhere, she leaves; M. rushes after her; after her he bursts into the abode of the rain god; stays there; in the version of the related lenje Sera, if one thunder roars from one side of the sky and is answered by the other, it is the son-in-law who claps his hands, and the father-in-law who claps in response]: 97-144.

West Africa. Fulbe [Hyena and Bunny come to the marabou (sage, healer), ask to teach them; he orders first to bring him an elephant tusk, small birds, and lioness milk; The Bunny made a slippery spot on the elephant path, one elephant slipped, fell, broke a tusk, the Bunny took it; told the Birds that they probably wouldn’t be able to climb into his calabash; they climb in, he closes the hole; climbed with a calabash to the lion cubs, collected milk; told Hyena how he got everything; The Hyena made a slippery place, asks the Elephant to fall and break its tusk; barely escaped him; he tells the birds to climb into the calabash, they peck at its head and fly away; asks the Lioness for milk, runs away with difficulty; the marabou tells the Hare that if his cunning increases further, he will become dangerous to the world; It is useless to teach a hyena; drives both away]: Laboret 1952, No. 5: 121; baule [the chief promises to give Maii's daughter to the one whose neck can withstand two blows from the sword; many suitors are killed; Kofi sees the girls bathing, takes the dress of one; this is M.; 1) she orders her name to be called when her father raises his sword; 2) the father orders the beans to be grown overnight and the beans to be cooked; M.: say her name three times; 3) distinguish M.’s finger, stuck into one of the holes in the wall of the house, from the fingers of other girls (M. warns that he will cut his finger); the young run away, the mother catches up; M. throws an egg on the ground for the goddess Assie to help; M. has three eggs with her, her mother has two, M. has the last word, they run away; At home K. goes to prepare to meet M., she climbs a tree; two women see her reflection, take it for themselves, throw the jugs, because such beauties are not fit to work; one notices M. on a tree; she warns that the comb is dangerous for her; the old woman sticks a comb into her hair, M. flies away like a bird; the old woman claims that she is M.; brother K. catches a bird, the comb falls out, M. takes on his appearance; old woman beaten to death]: Himmelheber 1951b: 127-134 (translated in Himmelheber 1960: 169-180); songai [the person has no children; old woman: buy a slave who can only have one son, and a mare who can bear only one foal; Mohammed the Son of the Ruler of the World was born; he grew up; old lady: if you give me a gift, I’ll tell you something; says that M. does not ride a horse that is equal to him; M. threatens to jump off the wall, he is given his true horse Khaboobi, which was hidden; he rides on it; the horse orders to put on the clothes of a slave, call him from the steppe as needed; M. began to live with the old woman; the chief's daughter sees him take off his clothes and bathe; fell in love with him; says he wants guinea fowl meat; the horse brings M. many guinea fowl, and the other men return empty-handed; M. gives them the guinea fowl for the rings that their brides gave them, and keeps one for himself; the chief's daughter chose her; now she wants the lioness's milk; the horse brings; other men agree to be branded, like cattle are branded, for this M. pours milk for them; I kept a little for myself; men: he has the milk of a white donkey; daughter of the leader: that’s what I need; enemies attacked; horse to Mohammed: if you undertake to kill them, then I will undertake to swallow them (before that, if you gut the guinea fowl, then I will get them; if you milk the lioness, then I will catch her); not a single enemy remained; the leader bandaged M.'s wounded hand with his turban; everyone began to wound themselves and bandage them, but the leader recognized his turban only on M.’s hand; The lost sandal also suited him; M.'s wedding with the leader's daughter; the horse belched M.'s luxurious robe, cattle and slaves; the leader separated part of his possessions for M.; when M. returned to his father, he also separated part of his possessions from him]: Calame-Griaule 2002: 235-242; jukun [at Chief Koki, everyone eats only red fern; K. tells his 10 pregnant wives to go to each of their parents to give birth; the tenth is the daughter of the leader, she has no one in the city of K; the old woman took her in, she gave birth to a beautiful boy, others a vulture, a cockroach, and other insects; the old woman warns the woman not to bathe with others; she bathes, the other replaces her boy with a vulture, he is not given, returns to his mother; boy's name Adi-sâ-ka-Koki ("Adi is more beautiful than Koki"); K. tries to harass A. and his mother; 1) orders A. to shave him, then restore his hair (he offers in response to restore the grains torn from it on the millet panicle); 2) the wife must brew beer in a day (let K. grow a gourd pumpkin and make a ladle in a day); The hare tries K.'s mother's beer, it is the most delicious; 3) defeat the enemy (other sons are given horses, A. is given a ram; A. takes prisoners, wounds the leader with a spear, he flees); 4) return the spear (A. stumbles, is bitten by a snake, must cross the river; the daughters of Spotyk, the Snake, the Carrier help, ask to take them as wives; the same daughter of the wounded leader, takes the spear out of her father’s body, gives it to A.); A. breaks three eggs, a city appears; The hare says that the true leader is there; K. invites the new leader to visit him for the festival of the appearance of spirits, A. comes through a tunnel dug by a rat and a gopher; K. locks those who came in the house (so that the women do not see the spirits), sets it on fire, A. and his people leave through the tunnel; A. calls K., he asks the toad to dig a tunnel, it digs a dead end; setting the house on fire, A. orders the fire to burn off K.’s hair and lips, but not to kill him; K. turns into Thunder, his wife (not A.’s mother) into Lightning, restrains her husband’s rage]: Meek 1931: 479-485; naked : Phinney 1973 [a woman promises a daughter to the one who cuts down a tree with wood as strong as iron and builds it into a house on the rock; the hare undertakes to do this, but asks the woman to boil the crabs so that they become completely soft; a woman cannot; hare: cutting down this tree and building a house on a rock is also impossible]: 45-46; Westermann 1921, No. 16 [the woman promises to give her daughter only to the one who builds a house on the rock (this is impossible, because pillars need to be dug); the young man asks to cook crabs for him; is indignant that the claws are hard; the girl's mother says that the claws cannot be made soft; the young man replies that the stone too; gets a wife]: 91; aquapim [Spider and Cat ask for God's daughter; he promises it to the one who runs the distance first; The cat comes running first, gets his wife; The spider kills God’s favorite ram, throws the offal into the Cat’s house, smears the broth on his clothes; God takes his daughter back]: Dähnhardt 1910: 145; Soninka [on the same day the previously childless wives of the king and the slave give birth; their sons Madu the Noble and Madu the Slave; MR accompanies MB, who is going to marry the golden-eyed Aise; the groom must sit for a week without food or water; the witch says that if he cheats, his father will die, if he retreats, his mother will die, if he holds out, he will die; MR in the form of a cat brings him food; the witch notices a fish bone; MR-cat tells Mouse to steal it; the sorceress is executed, MB gets a wife; the Tuaregs stole it, MB and MR returned it; MR became involved with the king's slave; MB helps him out, proving that they argued who could do the impossible (he himself carried away the lion cubs from the lioness)]: Pozdnyakov 1990: 163-169; bambara : Görög 1979: 21-26 [the king promises a daughter to the one who lowers the gold and silver vessels from the tree; the poor young man goes to try, and along the way he cultivates the old woman’s plot; she promises to help, turns him into a leper; he climbs a tree, takes out the vessels, gets a wife and servants; his wife does not want him, but in the old woman’s house he becomes more beautiful than before; the wife is happy], 27-34 [as on p.21-26; a young man helps an old woman collect brushwood; for some time the old woman either makes him handsome, then again puts the skin of a leper on him; another old woman tells his wife about this; she asks the first to leave her handsome husband; this is what happened], 74-79 [the fortuneteller predicts to the old man that his son will be born on the day of his death, the child’s mother will die on the day of baptism; orders to donate peanuts to monkeys, grain to ants and parrots, fish to snakes; after the death of the parents, the village residents dismantle the property and leave the child in a locked room; the cat brings him milk; the room is opened, the orphan greets those who enter; the leader orders 1) collect fruits from the baobab tree (monkeys collect), 2) separate the grain from the sand (ants separate), 3) collect grain from the field before sunset (parrots collect), 4) kill the bull with a glance (the orphan brings a bag with a snake to his face , she climbs into the bull’s nostrils and bites him to death); each time the leper persuades the leader to give tasks; the orphan asks the chief's son to cut up the bull and dry the stomach; the snake in the stomach bites him; the orphan orders the antidote to be boiled in a cauldron placed on two stones and on the leper’s head; he dies, the leader’s son recovers, the leader gives his place to the orphan]; fracture [one of the two leaders in the village died, the younger son received only a tree with kola nuts; he shared nuts with the Snake, Ant, Wind, Crocodile; another leader, at the instigation of his advisor (town-crier), wants to kill the young man, suggests 1) knocking down a tree towards the forest (the wind is blowing), 2) collecting scattered rice (ants are collecting), 3) getting a ring thrown into a pond (the crocodile gets it); The snake bit the chief's daughter and advised the young man to ask the adviser's liver to heal her; he was stabbed to death, the girl came to life, the young man married her, received power over half the village]: Schwab 1947: 458-459; dark [the king will give his daughter to the one who says what is inside the amulet; Tamba from the east takes with him guinea fowl, goat, palm oil, peeled and husked rice, rice straw, millet; gives straw to a hungry hedgehog, a goat to a crocodile, millet to ants, rice to a royal servant, guinea fowl to a horned viper, who gives in exchange a remedy for a snake bite, which must be mixed with the brains of the deceiver; the servant reports that the amulet contains: the umbilical cord, cut nails and hair of the king when he was a child; the minister accuses T. of lying and orders him to be tied up; the king continues to give tasks; the mower gives T. the pipe that the king lost in the grass, the crocodile gives him the cymbal that was dropped in the sea, the ants separate the rice from the millet; the ministers again order T. to be chained; a horned viper stings the four wives of the king, only T. can cure them, the brains of the four ministers are mixed with medicine, the wives recover; T. gets a wife and inherits the throne]: Schlenker 1861: 87-97 (recounted in Klipple 1992: 197); awning [a woman promises a daughter to the one who 1) collects all the yams; The hare asks to collect bats; 2) will process the fruits néré; The hare tells the ants; gets a girl; the mother orders that she give birth on an elephant tusk, have a bag for carrying the baby made of panther skin, a decoration for the baby made of crocodile scales, etc.; along the way, the Hare pretends to have fallen and injured his leg; sends his wife to the sorcerer, takes this place himself; the imaginary sorcerer says that the Hare can be cured by getting together with him; The hare copulates with the girl, approaching his house she is ready to give birth; he puts salt in the baobab, invites the Elephant to knock him down, the tusk gets stuck and breaks off; invites the Panther to bathe, removes the skin, rubs it with coarse sand, the Panther cannot put it on; (etc.)]: Ferry 1983, no. 43: 235-245; mosi [Nyaka (small antelope) promises a daughter to the one who brings buffalo milk, leopard skin, elephant tusk; The Hare gives the Buffalo sweet porridge, says that it is baobab juice, the Buffalo sticks her horns into the baobab, gets stuck, the Hare milks her; invites the Leopard to swim, leaving the skins on the shore; sprinkles pepper into the leopard's skin, says that his bag also burns, offers to rinse both, and takes it away; pretends to see something beautiful in the sky; tells elephants that their eyesight is weak because their eyes are small in relation to their body; offers to climb on each other’s backs so that the top one sees and gets what he, the Hare, sees; the elephants form a tower, the Hare puts a brand under the leg of the lower one, he moves, the tower falls, the upper one broke off a tusk when it fell, the Hare carried it away; the bird began to scream about it, the Hare explained to the elephants that she was scolding them; the elephants ran to catch her, the Hare brought N.'s tusk; he replied that the descendant of two such intelligent creatures as he and the Hare would become smarter than God; therefore he does not give the Hare a daughter]: Frobenius 1986: 47-50 (=1972: 110-114); mamprusi [the father said that he would give his daughter as a wife to the one who eats a whole plate of hot pepper and at the same time never takes a breath, never once says “wow-ha!”; many young men tried to eat pepper, but got burned and involuntarily exclaimed “wow-ha!”; a spider came, sat down at the table and asked the father of the bride: “You don’t allow talking while eating,” then he took pepper into his mouth and finished the phrase: “wow-ha!” the father replied that he did not allow it; “You can’t even...” the spider took the pepper into his mouth again, “quietly make a “woo-ha”?”; the father said that it was impossible; “And you can’t say “uh-ha” loudly?” - asked the spider, continuing to eat the pepper; the father replied that it was impossible; “You can’t say “uh-ha” either quickly or slowly?” – the spider asked, swallowing the pepper; It was easy for him to eat, because he kept doing “woo-ha!”, but the owner did not understand his cunning; “So I don’t say “uh-ha”,” said the spider, eating the rest of the pepper; the bride's father agreed and gave him his daughter]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1966, No. 27: 46-47; twi [the mother of Nyansanyansa and his three brothers died; their grandmother wants to kill them; left a poisonous snake in the melon patch; but N. was born with an amulet, he knows everything in advance; then the grandmother complained to the king - her grandchildren were dangerous, they should be killed; the king sent people to ambush the brothers, but they came unharmed; then he ordered a bunch of nuts to be brought from the palm tree that was near Okrabedom; N. leaves, promising his brothers that when he returns he will save them if something happens to them; the amulet reported that the brothers were poisoned; N. returned, the amulet created a dog, she found the brothers’ grave, they came out of the grave alive; N. goes again, meets a blacksmith, a farmer, and the owner of a palm plantation, a hunter; everyone says that if N. returns alive, let him kill him; having reached the palm trees of Okrabedom, N. climbed onto the palm tree with the wind, then killed O. with a blow to the head with a knife; those previously killed were revived, N. sent them home; on the way back he did not kill the blacksmith and others; again brought the brothers out of the grave and revived them; the king asked for forgiveness; but at night he tries to burn down the house where the brothers are sleeping, but they temporarily turned into smoke; In the morning he orders N. to be seized; he promised to make the king invulnerable, but he himself crushed his skull in the forge; the brothers ran to the river; N. transported the others to the other bank, but he himself turned into a pebble and remained on this bank; the approaching warrior threw a stone at the brothers who were on the other side, the stone turned into N.; the soldiers threw themselves into the river and drowned; the brothers saw smoke in the distance, one by one they come to the Leopard, he ties them up to eat them and feed them to the family; N. comes, easily defeats the Leopard, frees the brothers; N. decides that they will all turn into a pot, a spoon, salt and pepper - there were no such items before; people took them]: Bellon 1914, No. 2: 4-17; Hausa : Tremearne 1911, No. 37 [the king says that his son is not from him (although he looks like him), orders him to be taken to the forest and killed; he has a friend - the son of a minister; people just cut off the boy’s hand and bring it to his father; a leper finds a cripple and makes him whole; marries the ant's daughter; the father consistently demands that he marry the daughter of the Master of the Forest, Water, Sky, King of Agadez; the leper arranges everything; the king of Agadez orders the groom to spend two weeks without food or drink; the leper feeds him at night; the bride switches places with him, discovers the deception, but the leper washes away traces of corn with water and cola nuts; the young man's father sends an army of pagans to destroy his son; the king of Agadez exterminates those; the son orders his father to be brought, cuts off his head, he turns into a crow; the white chest of a crow - a turban that has fallen on the chest]: 218-222; 1913, No. 80 [of the three sons of the rich Ahmadu, only the youngest Auta agrees to limit his share of the inheritance to a stick and a shoe; A. meets a hunter, he asks for a stick, knocks a bird from a tree, gives it to A., and the stick remains on the tree; A. successively exchanges the bird for ash (the man who lit the fire did not have anything to fry on it), ash for calabash with porridge (the woman asked for ash as a seasoning instead of salt), porridge for a hoe (he fed those who were digging the ground), a hoe for a knife (the blacksmith forges it for knives), a knife for white fabric (the weaver wanted to cut the fabric), fabric for a dead girl (those who buried her needed a shroud); those with nothing to pay, they gave the corpse, A. stood it up, wrapped in cloth, asked the king’s wives to give water to his wife, the body fell, A. accused the women of murder, the king gave him two of his wives; A. settled in the forest, and sent his wives back; A Frog, a Monkey, a Horse, a Camel, a Donkey, Ants of three kinds, a Mule, a Snake, a Bird (crown-bird), and a White-breasted Crow came to live with him; they filled his house with gold, silver and slaves; The spider reports this to the king; The White Leper advises how to destroy A. in order to take possession of his wealth; 1) separate mixed grain of many varieties (the ants divided it); 2) get the fruits of a palm tree growing in the middle of the lake (Frog and Monkey get it); 3) bring a leaf of millet (there is no millet in the dry season; Crow brought it from the north, Crown-Bird from the south); The snake offered to crawl into the stomach of the king's daughter; let A. say that the medicine is the liver of the White Leper; they killed him, the princess drank the infusion, the snake came out unnoticed; the young man took the gifts, but returned to the forest; The snake asked to put a piece of meat on the anthill on Sundays; The frog ate the meat, the snake bit her and A., both died]: 380-392; stumps [a man's wife is the Daughter of God, the Daughter of the Spirit of the Waters, the Daughter of the Sun; 1) during the dry season, the chief tells the man to bring peanuts and beans; The daughter of God brings her father from the earth; 2) the leader orders to bring a crocodile, a hippopotamus; The daughter of the Spirit of Waters brings - these are goats, her father’s horses; 3) orders to find out the name of his main wife; The daughter of the Sun comes to the leader under the guise of an old woman, finds out the name; a man addresses the chief's wife by name; the leader was killed, the man became the leader]: Ruelland, Caprile 1993: 67-77; a storm [Sanbga is desired by everyone, her father demands that the groom bring a live deer; Njila and Sefu went after the deer; S. got tired and decided that there were other women; N. got a deer; the elders awarded the girl S., because he is reasonable, but N. is unrestrained and if his wife does not please him, he will beat her]: Jablow 1961: 68-71; Igbo [Nwakannaya ("Son more illustrious than father") says that he wants to sit on his father's throne, although the father is still alive; the father promises to give up the throne if N. brings the mustache of the leopardess and the gong of the cannibals; N. put the leopardess to sleep with amulets, shaved off her mustache; the spirits are going to kill N. at night, smear his face with white clay, or the cannibal boy with ash; N. changes coloring at night; the cannibals kill their boy, N. runs away, taking the gong; hits him along the way, the cannibals give chase; N. turn into stone, the cannibals pick it up and throw it far forward; Having assumed his true appearance, N. runs to the village and brings a gong; father is forced to transfer power to his son]: Ugochukwu 1992, No. 23: 181-185; Dagari : Hien 1995: 28-42 [the king promises a daughter to the one who turns a huge trunk into a log and brings it to the palace; The Spider asks the Chameleon to help, hiding inside the trunk; The chameleon magically delivers the log; The spider pours the stored water on itself, covered in dust, and says that he brought it; The chameleon is clean, forced to leave; hides the rain; they send him various animals as gifts (rooster, ram, bull, horse), he rejects everything; The spider has to give up his wife; The chameleon tells him to throw the powder, it immediately begins to rain], 98-110 [a lazy, deceitful, beautiful, goat-meat-loving girl hesitates in the morning when the others are gathering for a holiday; does not have time to eat, returns twice under the pretext that she forgot something, and swallows several spoons of porridge herself; the third time the girls tell her to catch up with them, go right from the fork; the girl thinks that she will overtake her friends, follows the left path, ends up with the spirits; They, leaving, tell her to sort out the different types of grain, cook them separately, otherwise they will kill her; Goat walks by, she persuades him to help her; he turns her into a guinea fowl, puts her in a bag, refuses to show the contents to the spirits, brings the girl to her parents; she immediately orders the goat to be killed in order to eat goat meat; every time her father cuts a goat, cooks, etc., a voice tells him not to do this, he does not listen; after eating, the girl cannot free herself from what she has eaten, the voice of the goat sounds from her stomach; parents hit their daughter on the back to drive out the goat; from this the daughter dies, the goat jumps out and runs away]; Métuolé Somba 1991 [the chief commands that all women bring their newborns, he will give them a name; one carried the child, the child died, but came to life when she returned home with him; do this three times; the baby said that he did not want to go to the leader, but his name was Yã-Gãgn-Nãa; he has grown up, plays with the boys, the chief hears the name; tells his mother to sow grain, grow crops, brew beer in a day; the son does everything; the leader gives his bull to the young man’s herd, demands the whole herd - it was his bull that gave birth; the young man begins to chop wood: he needs to warm the water, his father gives birth; the chief is forced to return the herd; the leader skinned the back of a live cow, smeared it with butter, gave it to the young man, and told him not to let the butter melt; the young man hid the sun in his bag, a long night came; for the sun to rise again, the chief was forced to take the cow; the young man learned that the leader had dug a pit-trap for him and covered him with a mat; the young man dug another hole nearby and dug a passage between them; While the wives were pouring boiling water into the first hole, the young man got out and climbed onto the roof; the leader sent his son to find out who was there, he said that it was Yã-Gãgn-Nãa, the leader killed him; the same with the second son; he did not kill the third, but sent his friend along with Yã-Gãgn-Nãa to the funeral, giving him the best horse, and his son the worst, and sending a man to kill the rider who was riding in luxurious clothes on a good horse; Yã-Gãgn-Nãa swapped with the chief's son, and he was killed; after this the chief and Yã-Gãgn-Nãa became friends]: 194-198; mofu-gudur : Sorin-Barreteau 2001, No. 24 [the mother gives rooster horses to the two eldest sons, and a hen horse to the youngest; they give him water with ash; he complains to his mother; she gives him a honey drink, he goes to the savannah; for a drink the hare is ready to be his horse, but for the young man he is not fast enough; the same – cephalophe; then the antelope; with this horse the young man is faster than anyone else and brings back many more guinea fowl from the hunt than the others; the leader is jealous and invites the older brothers to push the younger one into a hole; in the pit he asks the monkey to lower his tail and gets out; follows a trail of bloody urine behind his antelope horse (he asked him in advance to leave a similar trail); comes to the leader of heaven; the child and the wife say that the meat has arrived; the young man is locked up, fattened with sesame, he floats with fat; the chief's daughter says that she does not want to drink from a common calabash, goes for another, lets the young man out, washes, opens the stables, the young man finds his antelope horse, both mount it and run away; the horse crossed two rivers, the chase fell into the second river; the young man saves the drowning leader and his two servants, and allows the leader’s wife to drown; the grateful leader releases the fugitives; the horse falls into the third river; the daughter of the owner of the waters saves them for the promise to make her the second, i.e. beloved, wife; during the day the daughter of the Sun saves from the heat for the same promise; the daughters of Night and the Moon join them on the same terms; the daughter of the owner of the waters creates a village, people, the young man becomes a great leader; Djalo comes, he is fed to his fill with selected meat, he tells the leader in the mountains that there is a leader better than him; he offers tests; 1) deliver a stick from an unknown tree, an iron spear (the daughter of the owner of the waters gets them); 2) separate the sesame from the sand (the daughter of the Sun tells the ants to do this); 3) identify the mountain leader’s favorite horse; the daughter of the owner of the waters comes in the guise of an old woman, finds out that the horse’s tail will be cut off, and there will be a white spot on its forehead; 4) identify his beloved wife (the same thing - there will be a scar on the forehead, a bark apron, all covered in ash); Djalo kills the mountain chief, the young man becomes the general chief], 25 [in the absence of her husband, the wife does not feed his younger brother; One day he prepares a good dinner and calls the young man; he does not believe in her kindness, invites friends to dinner, does not eat himself, hides his portion in a calabash; an enraged woman makes a mess of herself, as if she had been raped, complains to her husband; he lies in wait for his brother, castrates him; the young man tells how it happened, calls his friends as witnesses, shows the calabash with untouched food, and leaves; he is joined by the daughter of darkness, the daughter of the moon, the daughter of the spirit of the waters (for the right to join, she creates a dry corridor across the river), the daughter of the sun (moderates the heat); in the forest these women create a rich household; they are surprised that the young man does not sleep with them; he hides his powerlessness, runs away, meets an old woman; she sequentially shows him 4 boxes with penises: old people, children, adults, young men; orders him to take from the latter, attaches a new penis to him, orders him to get together with her first, he does this; she orders the first child born to be brought to him, she will eat him as a reward for the given penis; he and his wife bring a child; as soon as the old woman brings the knife to his neck, the child laughs; the old woman decides not to cut him and returns him to his parents; Djalo tells the people that their leader is not the real one, but the real one lives in the forest; people come there, they are fed well, but the leader in the mountains feeds him poorly; he calls the young man, demands 1) to split the round stone into two equal parts (the daughter of darkness splits); 2) separate the sesame and sand (the wives tell the ants); 3) bring a long, straight spear (wives give it); 4) identify the leader’s last wife and favorite horse; the daughter of darkness comes to the leader under the guise of an old woman, finds out what kind of scarf her beloved wife has, that the horse is gray; the answers are correct, the old leader is killed, the young man is chosen; wives are told to always leave them the livers of killed animals; the servant persuades him to give them simple meat; the wives tell everything to disappear, the young man has only skin to cover himself with; he asks for forgiveness, his wives return everything, now he listens to them]: 177-199, 200-226; bathroom [the porcupine promises to give his daughter to the one who jumps over the pit; all the animals take turns jumping and falling into the pit; the turtle planted a tuber in the evening, the plant grew, the turtle jumped over, got a wife {it is not clear how the plant helped him jump}; Having seen a beautiful turtle hole, the porcupine also decided to live in the hole]: Dugast 1975: 315-318; mukulu [everyone is chasing the sorcerer, he settled alone away from people; an ant, a snake, a crane asked permission to settle with him, he happily agreed; the leader gave the leper warrior a bag of sesame mixed with sand and sent him to tell the sorcerer that if he did not separate one from the other, he would lose his head; the ants performed; now the chief sent a leper to demand that the bag be filled with corn from the new harvest, although the dry season had not yet begun to sow; the crane flew to another country, collected corn, and brought it back; the snake agreed with the sorcerer that it would bite the leader’s wife, and then the sorcerer would heal her; the sorcerer said that he needed medicine - the liver of a leper; that warrior’s liver was cut out, the leader’s wife recovered]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 14: 66-69.

Sudan - East Africa. Arabs Sudan [the widow's son asks his mother to heat the water for the bath to a boil; if she does not tell who his father was, he will throw himself into boiling water; Having learned that he is a fisherman, he casts a net and pulls out a golden hen with chickens; the vizier asks to sell for 20 pounds, the young man refuses; the vizier informs the sultan, he calls the young man, buys a chicken for the same price; orders to get 1) a winged horse; the old woman directs the young man into the desert, he puts a saddle on the horse and brings him; 2) singing water and a dancing branch (the old woman teaches how to cut a branch, draw water, without turning to the voices of the genies); 3) the daughter of another sultan, who is guarded by ghouls; old lady: on the way, shave the sleeping fat belly, sit next to him; the same - big-eared; a person with a long leg; big eye; These are ghouls; everyone becomes his companion and comrade; the big-eared one hears that the Sultan's people want to burn them, the big-eyed one sees how they are lining the tent with firewood, the long-legged one scatters the coals, the fat-bellied one, having drunk the river in advance, pours water on the fire; the same with an attempt to poison those who came (the fat-bellied one eats everything without harm to himself); the Sultan's daughter was sent away, but the big-eared and big-eyed one saw and heard it, the long-legged one returned her; the Sultan died of grief; after the funeral, a bird landed on the head of the fisherman's son; he was elected Sultan, married the daughter of the deceased]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 29: 144-148; Amharic [the mother helped the prince find a faithful friend, even though he was from a poor family; another king gives his daughter in marriage; one must pay the ransom (the king generously provided his son with treasures) and identify the bride among the beauties; the prince is drunk twice, he does not notice the bride; a friend finds out that there is a sleeping pill in the wine, informs the prince, who marries; they are all sailing home on a ship; the white, red, golden bird informs the prince’s friend that if the prince 1) shoots from the gun that his father will give him upon meeting, 2) sits on the horse given, he will die; if a friend shoots or jumps on a horse first, the spell will pass; 3) that there is a snake lurking in the newlyweds’ room; if a friend lets slip, he will turn to stone; the friend shoots, jumps on his horse, the king is surprised; at night he kills a snake, everyone thinks that he hid to kill the prince; before the execution, the friend explains everything, turns to stone; the bird tells the prince's son that if his father sacrifices his life, his friend will come to life; the prince feels sorry for his son; the youngest son was born, the prince discussed the matter with the sages, the boy was killed; a friend came to life, touched the dead man, he also came to life]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010: 375-380; long [The hare goes to get married, takes Fat-bellied, Long-armed and One-eyed as his companions; they help him fulfill the difficult tasks of the father of the bride]: Wright 1960: 105; Somalis [the Sultan's new wife and a Jew agree to kill the Sultan's son by his first wife; the mare warns the young man that the food is poisoned; the sultana pretends to be sick, asks her husband to give her the liver of her stepson’s mare; he asks permission to ride the mare, gallops away; in another city he sends a mare to heaven, pretending to be a poor cripple; the Sultan's six daughters want to choose their husbands; they throw oranges at the chosen ones; five get rich husbands, the youngest takes a poor cripple; parents go blind from horror; Rhinoceros milk will cure them; the mare carries the young man to the rhinoceroses, the young man puts on the skin of the baby, milks the rhinoceros; gives milk to the five husbands of her older sisters for the right to burn her name on their bottoms; but he gave only the first milk, keeping the second for himself; From the milk brought by his elder sons-in-law, the Sultan and his wife did not receive their sight; from the milk the young men received their sight; the young man shows his brand on his older sons-in-law; the Sultan transfers the throne to him]: Kirk 1904, No. 1: 316-318; malagasy : Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 154 [wanting to marry Andriambahuac, the eldest and middle sisters promise to weave silk clothes, the youngest Farah to give birth to triplets; A. marries his sisters, loves F.; goes away on business; F. gives birth, sends a maid to slowly bring fire; but the sisters learn about the birth by hearing the baby cry; two boys and a girl were thrown into a river in a chest, replaced with a bull's jaw, a broomstick, and a hammer; F. was kicked out of the village; the sorcerer Ranakumbe caught the chest and guessed who was in it; the children grew up singing about their father; he returned, executed the evil sisters, returned F. with the children; near the village in a cave, a half-woman with one arm and one leg tells the brothers’ sister that she is missing 1) a necklace made of crocodile teeth, 2) a hippopotamus (the brothers kill a crocodile with a gun; they hide behind a termite mound, the fangs of the hippopotamus (?) pierce him, they finish him off; they bring necklaces); 3) the Mamukur family; those have sharp tails; the brothers say that they came from the west (the Mamukurs are from there), they take away their children at night and give their sister their tails); 4) the Imasuampatan drum (the brothers say they came from the south, they take the drum away at night); 5) the son of God as a husband; the brothers went east to the well, where they took water for the god Andriamanitra; they were killed; my sister went herself; ordered the brothers to be revived, A. took her as his wife]: 385-392; Lombard 1976 (sakalava, zap. 1971) [the couple already have a son, the wife is ready to give birth to a second; he says from the womb that he is “Zatovo not created by God,” asks his mother to swallow the razor so that he can circumcise himself; the mother was not injured; the father gave 100 bulls to Z., the other 100 to the eldest son; Z. met an old man, exchanged all the bulls with him for a talisman, went to wander, leaving an orange tree and a banana; if they wither, he fell ill; if they wither, he died; climbed the mountain, there was a thunderstorm, he directed the talisman at it, the thunderstorm stopped; crossed the river with the help of a talisman (it is not said how specifically); quicksands converge and diverge, Z. directed the talisman at them, the sands froze and hardened; Z. gives the king of birds, the boar, and the fly enough to eat; in the village of God, the talisman advises Z. to turn into a kingfisher (martin-pecheur); allows the daughter of God to take him in, at night he turns into a man; she is afraid that her father will kill him; Z. replies that he cannot kill someone who is not created by God; the father notes strangeness in his daughter’s behavior, Z. opens up to him; knows about the pit trap in his father-in-law's house, does not fall into it; the father-in-law orders 1) to cultivate a huge field (boars dig up, teals weed, parrots, sparrows collect grain); 2) recognize the main cow in the herd (the bird shows); 3) recognize the bride among several women (a fly lands on her eye, she blinks); Z. brings his wife to earth on a winged horse; she doesn’t tell him to look at her child, she goes off to get water; she looks, there are twins, a boy and a girl; the wife dies immediately; these children are the ancestors of Europeans and other strangers in Madagascar]: 175-205.

North Africa. Kabyles : Taos-Amroush 1974: 117-128 [younger brother Ahmed leaves home; kills a jackal, a lion, a panther, the shepherds each time give him a sheep, a cow, etc., he asks to leave the animal in the herd until his return; the seven-headed dragon does not allow you to approach the water; A. cuts off heads, asks the Sultan's daughter; he offers to identify her among a hundred girls, the greyhound rushes towards her; wedding; the Sultan warns of danger in the forest; M. rides into the forest, Tseriel swallowed him with a horse and a greyhound; the wood of the house has turned yellow, the elder brother Mehend goes to save A.; the shepherds take him for A., they say that the animals gave a bountiful offspring; M. kills Ts., takes out the corpses of A., horse and dog; sees how a lizard kills another, revives it with grass; M. revives those swallowed by the same grass; brothers with his wife A. and herds return home], 141-150 [Mehend marries an unknown girl, the sage warns that she is evil; M. defeats seven cannibals and throws the corpses into the basement; one is alive, his wife is nursing him, making him her lover; pretends to be sick, asks to bring 1) the rejuvenating apple of Tseriel (M. is applied to the chest of the cannibal, she does not kill him); 2) rejuvenating water from the glacier (M. cuts a heifer for the eagles, the eagle takes it to the glacier); 3) lioness’s milk in a wineskin made of the skin of a lion cub, tied with hairs from the lion’s whiskers (M. gives goats to the lions, kills the lion cub, gives the second one for milk and hairs); M. kills the cannibal, abandons the woman]; Kabakova 2010 [father leaves for Mecca, son loses everything; the demon gives him money, he wins back, but later must come to the demon on Black Mountain; after his father returns, he goes there; the demon orders: 1) to cut down the forest in 24 hours, plant a garden and bear fruit (the demon’s daughter does everything); 2) herd the hares (they scatter, but the demon’s daughter collects them with a magic wand); 3) get dates from a palm tree that reaches the sky; the demon's daughter orders her to be killed, boiled, the bones driven into a palm tree and climbed up them, then collected everything, revived with the help of a ring; This happened, but the young man lost the bone of his big toe; the girl orders to run away, taking the lightning horse, but the young man mistakenly takes the wind horse; the demon caught up with them on a lightning horse, but the girl turned them into a garden and a gardener; the demon asks if the two were riding a horse, and the gardener keeps answering that the watermelons are not yet ripe; the demon returned, and his wife guessed that the garden was her daughter, the gardener was a young man; the same - the wall and the mason; the third time the girl’s mother chased with her husband; the girl became a frog, the boy a toad; the mother predicts that her daughter will be forgotten, just as she herself forgot her parents; the girl lost her ring; the young man forgot her and came alone to his native village; he is getting married to a local girl; the demon’s daughter comes to dance, brings two pigeon eggs, two doves fly out of them, have a conversation, hearing which the young man remembers everything, marries the demon’s daughter]: 11-20; Frobenius 1922a, no. 4 [the son of the leader (Agelith) is smart, but not busy, in bad company; black woman: your father could become the new leader, or even better you, but you are wasting his money; the young man vows to return rich, leaves, ends up in the country of Wuarssen (devas); the deva has three daughters, the nail of the youngest on the little finger gives advice, and the deva’s wife has all the nails like that; the deva tells the young man to 1) sow the field, harvest the fruits in the evening; the eldest and middle daughters refuse to bring lunch to the young man, the youngest brings it, they eat and make love, she creates a garden with a magic wand, the young man brings fruits to the deva; 2) bring water from the sea to the source with a sieve, so that the bottom of the sea is exposed, the sand is dry, bring dry sand (the same, the young man pours sand on the head of the deva); 3) get the eagle’s nest with chicks in the evening, it is on a steep cliff; the deva's wife hides her magic wand; the daughter orders to chop her into pieces, throw her on a rock, they will turn into a ladder, get a nest, put the pieces together, fumigate her with incense, she will come to life; the young man does so, forgets his toe; the deva promises to give him his youngest daughter if the young man identifies her among his sisters; he recognizes by the missing finger; at night the girl orders to run, take the worst-looking horse, the young man takes the good one, the deva catches up; she turns 1) a horse into a hut, herself into a melon plant, a young man into an old man; 2) a horse for the road, oneself for a basket, a young man for a worker; the dev does not recognize it, returns; the third time the deva’s wife catches up; the girl creates a board, they swim across the sea on it; mother: if your husband is kissed by your relatives, he will forget you; on the other bank a young man finds gold, his wife creates a palace; he goes to visit his parents, to bring gold, as he swore; father becomes leader; the son is kissed by his mother's sister, he forgets his wife; she comes, buys a coffee shop, everyone goes to the beauty; she successively promises the night to two of the young man’s friends and to him, if everyone pays 500 coins and does a little work, while she sleeps; 1) close the window (the window closes, your hand sticks, it stays like this all night; 2) pour water from the jug (as soon as you touch the jug, it’s empty); 3) close the door; the young man tears down the door and recognizes his wife; everyone is happy; after the death of the father, the son becomes the leader]: 30-48; Dermenghem 1945 [the Sultan has two wives; when one gave birth, the other persuaded the old woman to replace the babies with kittens; the Sultan sent the woman in labor to live in a stable; the babies were thrown into the sea in a box, a fisherman caught them; the boy was named El Goul Amelloul (“big white”), the girl Hadezzine (“the limit of beauty”); E. built a palace and laid out a garden; the old woman recognized them and advised them to get the Singing Bird, then the Golden Tree; E. brings both times; marry the daughter of the king of the ghouls; the youngest of the ghoul's 7 daughters agrees; the ghoul demands 1) to uproot the forest in a day, plant a garden, collect ripe figs (the girl does everything with a magic wand); 2) bring a bag of feathers (the girl calls the birds); 3) climb the rock and tell what you saw there; girl: you need to dismember her body into pieces, throw them against a sheer wall, they will turn into steps; E. did this, brought 3 eggs from the cliff; collected the pieces into a bag, the girl came to life, but her ear was missing; she orders to run, let E. take the thin horse; the ghoul is pursuing, the girl turned herself, E. and the horse into pieces of wood, the ghoul drove past, the fugitives returned to X.; the Sultan and all the people came to the holiday; the angel told the whole truth; the sultan returned his wife, the fisherman was made vizier, another wife and an old woman were tied to the tails of horses; everything is fine]: 49-55; Rivière 1882 [Sultan's son Mohamed kills townspeople; the old woman promises to save the people; brings the jugs to the source, begins to fill them with acorn shells; M. broke the jugs; the old woman tells him to better get a wife Thithbirth - 70 suitors have already died; M. set off and met a fellow traveler; He took the ring from the dead son of the cannibal, showed it to the ruler of the city, he demanded a second one of the same kind, M. got it; on the way they hear a talking bird; Arriving at T., M. sings the same song as the bird, saying that he came up with it himself; T. demands a bird; M. brings (the bird itself flew into the cage); T.'s father will give up his daughter if 1) M. finds her; the bird points out to M. that she hid under her father’s seat; 2) identify T. among 70 identical girls; T.: I will be on a lame horse; Having received T., M. took her home, giving her a companion another woman; the cannibal stole T.; M. came and asked the cannibal where his life was; cannibal% in an egg, in a turtle dove, in a camel, in the sea; M. took out the egg, the cannibal died; M. brought T. to his father’s city, he promises a herd to the one who kills his son; the warrior came to M., blinded him and threw him into the desert; the eagle showed leaves that restore sight; the elders denied the Sultan the right to take his son’s wife; M. killed his father and reigned]: 187-192; Mammeri 1996, no. 8 [the king goes on pilgrimage; his son named European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster) plays and loses everything; the demon lord Red King gives money to recoup with the condition that you come to him and return the money; Defense won back; upon his father’s return, he leaves to look for KK; three old women successively carry him closer and closer to KK; KK's daughter named Emerald fell in love with ZSh, gives orders to the demons to do what KK demands from ZSh; 1) cut down the thorny thickets, create a garden with fruits on the trees and a swimming pool in this place; 2) get the egg from under the eagle sitting in a nest on a high rock; 3) sort out different types of grain mixed into a pile (the ants sorted it out); I. overheard her father talking to her mother and planning to kill both her and ZSH; orders to take a KK from the stable who runs 40 distances (étapes), he mistakenly took one who runs 10; I.: we must have time to cross the river, beyond which the power of the KK ends; K. turns 1) the horse into a farm, himself into a garden, and ZSH into a gardener selling watermelons; KK asks about the fugitives, and the imaginary gardener answers about the price of watermelons; 2) KK returned, his wife says that these were the fugitives; 2) school, teacher and student (the same); 3) now KK’s wife is being chased; river, swamp, eel; KK's wife throws a ring of oblivion into the swamp, the eel swallowed it - ZSH will forget I.; KK and his wife returned back, I. asks ZShch to remove the ring, but he refused; on the outskirts of the city ZSch went to rent a house, I forgot; I. came to live with an old woman and her daughter, they are very poor; I. combs her hair, gold coins fall from her hair; ZShch stayed in the city to get married; bought a herd of bulls and decided to distribute them to residents for fattening; I gave one to that old lady; I. fattened him up easily; ZSH orders the return of the bulls; I. tells his friend not to go - they will kill him; ZShch came himself; I.: bull, haven’t you forgotten your master like he forgot us? in the evening ZShch has a wedding with the bride he has chosen; I. also came; threw two eggs on the floor, a dove and a dove came out of them and began to tell the whole story; dove: you forgot! as the story progressed, the shield sank into the ground; at the last moment I. held him by the hair and he gradually stood up; I. tore the ring off his finger and threw it away; they embraced each other; ZSch leaves all the gifts to the bride, but refuses her; brings I. to his parents; new wedding, everyone is happy]: 133-156; West Sahara [a rich man has a garden with valuable apples; someone steals apples; the eldest and middle sons fall asleep; the younger one grabs the bird with the basket, the bird breaks away, leaving the feather behind; the father sends his sons on a search, each going in his own direction; the elders come together and do not search; the younger horse is eaten by a lion, promises to be the servant of the young man; takes him to the palace of the emir, whose daughter owns the bird; orders to take the bird, but without a cage; he takes the cage, he is grabbed, the emir promises to give the bird in exchange for a horse owned by a hostile emirs; the lion carries him to the horse, orders him not to take the golden harness; the young man takes it, they grab him, they promise him a horse if he gets the daughter of another emir; the young man gets it, wants the girl for himself; the lion turns into a girl, then into a horse, the young man returns with the girl, horse and bird; at night his brothers cut his throat; the lion revives him, he forgives his brothers; father makes younger son heir]: Aris, Cladellas 1991: 76-81; Arabs Mauritania [a woman gives birth to boys, but each of the newborns is blown away by the wind; the healer promises her a talisman with the condition that when the first surviving child memorizes the Koran, she will give it to him; the mother deliberately leaves her son’s saber at the old site and sends for it; the camel says that a ghoul is hiding near the saber - you need to grab it and the camel will quickly carry away the rider; orders her to be killed, there is a foal in her - half gold, half silver; orders him to sit on it; they stopped under a tree where a green bird was bringing people; the jewels of those eaten are scattered on the ground; Having eaten, the bird sings; the young man took the jewelry; the Sultan will give his daughter to the one who spits from below to her face high in the window, only the young man succeeds; he receives the Sultan's daughter, but hides in the guise of a poor brat; in the guise of a beautiful warrior he crushes his enemies; the wife bandages her wound with a handkerchief; finds out that her lousy husband is handsome, but remains silent about it; the sultana is pregnant and wants to hear the singing of a green bird; the Sultan's older sons-in-law do not know how to do this; the young man promises them to get a bird, for which he cuts off a phalanx of each son-in-law's little finger; the foal teaches how to lure a bird into a chest where there is meat; the bird tells the Sultan that he will not sing until he gets Bzougue's daughter; the sons-in-law again do not know how to do this; the young man promises to get them a girl, and for this he cuts off each earlobe; the bird demands milk from a lioness who has given birth for the first time, and with her other similar lionesses; this time the young man cuts off the little toe of the applicants; the young man fed and decorated the cubs of the lioness, she fulfilled all the requirements; now the daughter of Bzougue asks to get water from behind the pushing mountains; the young man cuts off a piece of his sons-in-law's nose; the foal orders to give grain to the ants guarding the path, pearls to the girls, and meat to the dogs; to tell the pushing mountains that other mountains diverge much further before the collision - one towards sunrise, the other towards sunset; the young man gets water, runs away, the mountains cut off only the tip of the foal’s tail; the bird sings, Bzougue's daughter is happy, everyone praises the sons-in-law; the wife tells the young man that she knows his secret; the young man appears in all his splendor, shows the Sultan his cut off little fingers, etc.]: Tauzin 1993: 127-142; Arabs Algeria (Tiaret plateau) [Amar Zadam is the youngest of seven brothers, he is considered good for nothing; they send you to buy horses and guns; he puts a needle under the hoof of the best horse, spoils the bolt of the best gun so that he gets them; the brothers think to get rid of him, they call to visit the cannibal Ouma Djidda; everyone accepts her treat, shares salt with her, AZ says that he will have enough bread from the ashes (thanks to this, he does not owe her anything); the brothers fell asleep, the cannibal asks AZ if he is sleeping; he replies that the rooster is in the way; she eats the rooster; donkey - donkey; so makes her eat all the living creatures; she falls asleep, he wakes up the brothers, they run; they ate the cannibal's salt, so she overtakes them, eats the horses, AZ carries the brothers on his mare; father tells AZ to bring the cannibal's chicken; AZ imperceptibly pokes the chicken with a reed, it rushes around the house, the cannibal throws it out into the street, AZ takes it away; the same - a carpet (AZ sprinkles thorns into it); the father orders the ogress herself to be brought; unrecognized, AZ comes and says that his mother has died, could the cannibal measure the height of the chest; the ogress lies down in it, AZ brings the chest to his father; he opens it, the cannibal eats him and the AZ brothers; he himself leaves with his mother]: Aceval 2005, No. 108: 123-128; Arabs Algeria [after the death of the merchant, his son squandered his wealth and went traveling with his mother; leaving her with the mules in the clearing, he began to examine the forest; the beauty is hung by her feet over the pool; falling into the water, three drops of blood from her cut throat turned into rubies; contrary to his mother's warning, the young man took one of the rubies; settled with his mother in the city and opened a shop; the Sultan has a daughter, Blood-Gazelle-on-Snow; the vizier wants to marry his son to her; the princess sets a condition: to bring three rubies (and no one in their country had rubies); Having told fortunes, she found out that she would marry the son of a merchant who settled in their city; the Sultan promises a reward to the one who gets the rubies; the young man brought it and received the reward; advisor to the Sultan: whoever brings one ruby will bring the other two; the young man came to that pond in the forest; I saw a Jew who revived the girl and began to beat her, demanding that she convert to his faith and marry him; a young man hacked a Jew to death; the girl said that he was the daughter of the king of the genies, her name was Rubin; they came to the sea, R. dived, but returned accompanied by a luxurious procession; her father gave her to the young man, they came to the city and got married; the sultan summoned the young man: he would be executed if he did not bring two rubies within a month; the wife took a knife, cut herself slightly, two drops of blood became rubies; the princess now wants a pearl necklace; R. sent her husband with a note to the sea; he called a giant black man; the young man was sent as his wife the daughter of a jinn vizier named Pearl; at home R. specially scolded her, she began to cry, her tears turned into pearls; the Sultan hopes that now his daughter will agree to marry the vizier’s son, but she demands to bring musk; the same: the girl Muskus is sent from the sea; R. scolds her: let her wash herself; in the bathhouse they collect something from her skin that turns out to be musk; Sultan's daughter to her father: I know that it was not the vizier's son who obtained the valuables, but another young man; the Sultan in vain demands that the young man refuse to marry the princess; orders his head to be cut off; but everyone who tries to do this cuts off his own head; including the Sultan himself and all the viziers; the princess becomes the fourth wife of the merchant's son]: Filleul de Petigny 1951: 113-137; Berbers of the south Morocco [the poor firewood seller has two sons; he caught a beautiful bird in the forest and brought it home; the wife did not let her children play, but hid it; Every day a bird lays an egg, a Jew buys each one for a hundred mitcals; the husband went on pilgrimage, and the Jew became his wife's lover; asked to slaughter and cook a bird; Having returned in the absence of their mother, the boys opened the lid of the cauldron, the younger Hammed ate the head, and the elder Muhammed the heart of the bird; not finding the head and heart, the Jew orders the woman to slaughter the children and take out the contents of their stomachs; she orders the maid to do this; she released the children and brought the head and heart of some killed bird; Jew: that's not it; the woman drove away the servant and married a Jew; M. went to the right from the fork and came to the locked gates of the city; the king died there, the inhabitants will elect as the new king the one who comes first to the gate in the morning; M. became king; H. went left and hired himself to a bagel baker; brought happiness to the house; he has a magic ring; if you turn it, a palace appears; the youngest of the king’s seven daughters saw this and asked her father to marry them off; the king called all the men and gave each of his daughters an apple to throw at the chosen one; they have abandoned everything, the youngest is waiting; when the lousy baker's worker was brought in, she threw an apple at him; the king fell ill; vizier: let the sons-in-law bring lion's milk in a lion's skin, the lion will carry it, and the other will go ahead; the scab turned the ring, ordered the servant to give him a white horse, weapons, etc.; promises his other sons-in-law to get what he demands in exchange for apples received from the princesses; brought slaughtered bulls to the king of lions, he gave what was required; vizier: we need one more medicine - water taken between the rocks that open once a year; the same (red horse; Kh. demands that his sons-in-law cut off their earlobes); Kh. managed to take water, the rocks only cut off the horse’s tail; third medicine: an apple from the garden of Rhalia Bint Manssor, who lives beyond the seven seas; black horse; cut off the phalanges of the little fingers; a servant from the ring: only an elderly spirit, almost without feathers, will take it there; he asks to take 7 vessels with blood and 7 pieces of meat on the road; when he flies, he asks how X. sees the earth; he answers (less and less); the seventh piece slipped out of his hands, X. cut off the flesh from his hand; having arrived, the spirit teaches how to go through three gates to the sleeping BSR; H. took the apple and left a note that he was here; at the king's, Kh. says that he has obtained everything, orders his sons-in-law to present the apples; the king executed 6 sons-in-law, arranged Kh.'s wedding with his youngest daughter; the brothers' father returned, but his wife, who became the wife of a Jew, refused to recognize him; he asked King Sidi Muhammad (i.e., his son) to judge them; he called brother Hammed, everyone told everything; mother and Jew were burned]: Stumme 1895, No. 15: 119-131; Tunisia : Al-Aribi 2009, No. 3 [The emir had a daughter, he called an astrologer to predict her fate. The astrologer said that she would marry a poor man who was born on the same day as her, looks like her, and lives not far from the palace. The emir was upset, found it, bought it from his parents, put it in a chest and sent it sailing along the river. He was found by a peasant and his wife and raised as their own son. The emir discovered him again and decided to get rid of him. He sent it to the palace and sent a letter with it. When the young man stopped at a house and fell asleep, the owner opened the letter and read: “Hang him as soon as he comes to you.” The owner wrote down: “Meet him cordially.” He was allowed into the palace, and the emir was already there. He decided to get rid of the young man for the third time. He sent him to get 3 hairs from the ghoul’s head, then he would marry him to his daughter, otherwise death. He met a ferryman across the river. Why did the boat start to float slowly? The owner of the garden. Why did the apples become bitter? Well. Why did the water disappear from it? The old woman pulled out her hair and found out the answers. The boat is a mermaid, you need to sacrifice a bird on the river bank (!). Apples are tree roots. You need to sprinkle them with incense (incense). The well was filled with locusts. The young man did everything, he was rewarded, and he returned to the emir with three hairs. He told him everything that had happened to him, and the emir decided to marry him to his daughter, because this young man is the bravest and most worthy. “Courage and high moral qualities are better than position and wealth!”], 40 [The prince is handsome, all the young men envied him, the girls did not notice anyone around except him. He was arrogant and arrogant, the young men decided to get rid of him and came to the old woman. She filled the waterskins with water and placed them around the small lake from which the prince usually watered his horse, and began to pray. When the prince arrived and saw that the old woman was praying, he first waited, but then could not stand it, ran over waterskins and watered his horse. Then the old woman turned to him mockingly, saying that whoever he was, he would never get a princess with snow-white skin as his wife. Then he decided to go look for this princess to marry her, and swore to his parents that he would not return home without her. On the way, he pulled the king of pigs, the king of ants and the king of efreets out of the pit. They warned him not to pull the man with the black head out of the hole, but he did not listen to them, he felt sorry for him, and the prince helped him. This man took him to the kingdom of a princess with snow-white skin. Her father set him a condition: to plow a piece of land and sow it with millet and barley, harvest the crop and separate some grains from others, and all this in one night. The prince did everything with the help of the king of pigs and the king of ants. They began to celebrate the wedding, then the man with the black head was jealous of the prince, came to the father of the bride and told him that it was not the prince who completed his task, but the king of pigs and the king of ants, then the king became angry and ordered the prince to be imprisoned and executed at dawn. Then the prince remembered the hairs of the king of the efreet that remained with him. He asked the guard to throw them into the fire. The Efreeti king said that he would pester the king, and only the prince could heal him in exchange for his release and marriage to the princess. The king agreed to this. When the prince began to pretend to be treated, he asked the efreet what he should do next, he answered through the king’s lips that he needed to bring a man with a black head and cut his throat, when the efreet felt drops of his blood, he would leave the king’s body. That's what they did. The prince married the princess and returned with her to his native kingdom. He realized that he needed to be brave and modest, and not arrogant], 45 [The king has seven sons, it seemed to him that they interfered with the management of his subjects, he imprisoned them in the palace. A maid brought them food. Only bread and water, but she took pity on them and began to bring them tasty and appetizing food. One day she told the king that his children had stopped eating and she didn’t know what was wrong with them. Then the king decided to marry them. He dressed them like royalty and gave them each an apple. The princes threw apples. For one it pointed towards the vizier's courtyard, for the other - towards the courtyard of a noble man, and so everyone decided on the bride, except for the younger brother. He couldn't find his apple. Six got married, and the king gave them a palace, but the youngest was left alone. One day he went out hunting and saw his apple, and a frog stuck to it. He wanted to unhook it, but it didn’t work out, so he threw the apple and the frog under the bed. When he left, the frog shed his skin and turned into a beautiful girl. She completed all the household chores and went back under the bed. This went on for several days. When the prince returned, he decided that it was the neighbors' wives who decided to help him. He went to thank the neighbors, but it turned out that it was not them. Then he turned to the sheikh. He advised him to hide and monitor what was happening in the house in his absence. So the prince saw the beauty, burned her frog skin, married her and got his own house. The king decided to visit his son and daughter-in-law. Seeing his daughter-in-law, he wanted to marry her himself. He ordered the prince to make a burnous out of a piece of marble. The frog told her husband to go to his father, take a basket of sand with him, and ask him to make silk threads from the sand. The king admitted that his son had beaten him in this test. He ordered the army to be brought in and the entire army to be fed with “musarrad”. The frog prepared couscous, and then added the king's musarrad and his handkerchief to it and ordered her husband to say: “For the hungry!” So he fed the whole army. The third task is to bring a talking baby. The frog sent her husband to her sister, who had just given birth. She said to the baby: “The one who came for you is your aunt’s husband, and the one with whom you will talk wants to kill your aunt’s husband and marry your aunt himself.” She said this and handed him the sword. The prince carried the baby to the king. The baby said to him: “We speak, and we want words over words and we cut off your head.” The baby cut off the king's head] in Korovkina MS; Lebedev 1990, No. 16 [when Ali’s son was born, the Sultan placed him in a tower; one day a maid brought meat with bones, he broke through the wall with a bone, and found out that there were other people; the old woman told him to look for Princess Zein ad-Dor; he went on a search, taking Muhammad, the vizier’s son, as his companion; there is a stone at the crossroads: whoever goes to the right will receive a profit, whoever goes to the left will receive a loss; M. went to the left, went broke and stayed to work in the tavern, Ali went to the right, greeted the ghoul, he sent him to his sister, ordered him to suck her breast; she led him past the ghouls into the city; he lives with an old man; the Sultan's daughter sets conditions for those who do not fulfill those heads on the city wall; tasks: 1) separate the grains of barley, wheat, beans, peas and lentils; Ali summoned the ghoul, he separated and married the Sultan's daughter (her name is Tofla); she teaches how to get to Z.; a bull must be slaughtered by the sea, the eagles will eat it and carry it across the seas; along the way, Ali feeds the eagles with meat; Ali wrote a marriage contract, got along with the sleeping Z., left her a ring, flew back, cut off the last piece of meat from his leg, the eagle glued it back; Ali and T. return to their parents; T.'s father sent an army, Ali called a ghoul, he defeated him; Ali met M., took him with him, went down to the well for water, M. cut the rope; two monkeys, whom Ali reconciled, pulled him out of the well; Z. gave birth to a son, and with the genies arrived in the country of Ali to look for the one who got her pregnant; the vizier says that it is he, cannot present the signs, Z. threw him into prison; Ali shows the ring, forgives the vizier’s son]: 80-95; Ancient Egypt ["The Tale of the Doomed Prince"; the long-awaited son is born to the pharaoh; the goddesses of fate Seven Hathor say that he will die from a crocodile, snake or dog; the prince is kept locked up; he sees a puppy, the father has to agree for the prince to take the puppy in for upbringing; the prince takes the dog and goes wandering; pretends to be the son of a military leader; the king of Naharina (in northern Syria) promises a daughter to the one who jumps to her window 70 cubits above the ground; the prince jumps, the king has to agree to the marriage; the prince talks about the prophecy; the wife protects the life of her husband, offers to kill the dog, he refuses; they return to Egypt; on the way there is a pond, there a crocodile is waiting for the prince, the water spirit does not allow him to attack the prince; at night the wife sees a snake crawling towards her sleeping husband, drinks it with beer, and kills it with an ax; unexpectedly the prince is attacked by his dog, the prince jumps into the pond, the crocodile carries him into the cave; promises to spare him if he helps him kill the water spirit; the prince refuses; (the text breaks off; probably the prince escaped from the crocodile, but indirectly the dog, snake and crocodile will be the cause of his death)]: Machintsev 1993: 148-153; Arabs of Egypt [a man has 39 sons from his first wife and Muhammad from his second; they leave and are hired into the service of the Sultan; envious brothers persuade him to tell M. to get 1) the cannibal’s sword; M. steals it from the sleeping giant; 2) his flying mare (the same); 3) his treasure chest; the cannibal grabbed M., he advises him to fatten him first; he pushes the ogre's wife into a boiling cauldron, puts on her clothes; the cannibal eats meat, notices his wife’s earring; M. runs away; the spirit from the chest advises M. to take everything for himself and become the Sultan]: Nowak 1969, No. 184: 188; Tunisia [the king imprisoned Ali’s only son with his nurse under a glass bell; ordered to feed meat without bones and bread without crust; One day the prince was accidentally brought meat with a bone and bread with a crust; he broke the glass with a bone and went outside; tells his father to give him freedom; in the city he runs into the townspeople; old woman: what a wild one you are, it would be better if you brought Sineddur on the back of a vulture from across the 7 seas; Ali orders the old women to be gathered, the last one brought is the one who said these words; she explains that S. is a spirit princess in the land of cannibals; Ali goes on a journey, the king orders the vizier’s son Muhammad to go with him; there is a stone at the fork: to the right - you will gain, to the left - you will lose; they cast lots, Ali goes to the right, M. to the left; ate everything, hired himself to a bagel seller; Ali rides and greets the hungry giant sitting next to the fallen camel; cuts and fries meat for him; the giant directs him to his older sister, orders him to fall on her nipple, otherwise he will kill her; her 7 cannibal brothers give Ali a hair from their beards - if burned, they will come to the rescue; on the walls of the city there are heads on stakes; Ali stays with the old people; they explain that the princess’s suitors are ordered to sort out several varieties of grain overnight; no one can, everyone is executed; Ali calls the cannibal, he tells the ants to sort out the grain; Ali received the princess; wants to go further for S.; the first wife teaches how to slaughter a bull by the seashore, feed the vultures, they will help; the oldest vulture knows the way to S.; carries Ali across the 7 seas, he feeds him with stored meat; in the castle there is a beauty who sleeps and stays awake for three months; Ali wrote a marriage contract and got along with the sleeping woman; exchanged rings; on the way back, the seventh piece of meat fell and Ali cut it off from his own forearm; on the other bank, other vultures tell him to regurgitate the meat and put Ali back; he takes his first wife and goes home; the Sultan decided to return his daughter and kill Ali; he smashes the enemies, the rest are finished off by the summoned cannibal; Ali finds M. in the shop; they travel together; M. invites Ali to go down into the well to get water, cuts the rope; tells everyone to say that it was he who got the princess; monkeys, male and female, ask to resolve a dispute; Ali advises the male to leave the monkey with him and let the gazelle go; the monkeys are happy, they pulled Ali out, he came to his city; S. and her three-year-old son surrounded the city with troops; M. cannot provide evidence of marriage to S.; Ali's wedding with S., the first wife is also with them; the vizier wants to kill his son himself, but Ali forgave M.]: Stumme 1893, No. 4: 57-78.

Southern Europe. Just : Barandiaran 1962a, no. 4 [the young man lost; a certain Castillo Branco orders you to come to him to carry out orders, then he will compensate for what you lost; the young man goes to the house of animals, the deer sends him to the lion; the lion orders the carcasses of four bulls to be prepared, carries a young man on his back, and eats the carcasses along the way; KB has two daughters who are devils and one of divine nature; Design Bureau requires 1) to cut down the forest, plow, etc. in a day. - grind flour, bake bread (KB’s daughter performs); 2) pacify three horses (this is himself and two older daughters, the youngest helps); 3) get the youngest daughter’s ring from the bottom of the sea; she teaches her to cut her body into pieces, fill a bottle with blood without spilling it, and throw it into the sea; the bottle returned in the ring; it is necessary to pour blood on parts of the body; the girl came to life, but the young man spilled a drop, so his little finger is missing; KB gave money, promised his daughter, let her choose blindfolded; the young man felt the girls’ hands and chose the one without a little finger; got a wife; they run, the wife left the spittle to answer for her; left a wineskin with wine in bed; KB asked until the saliva dried; burst into the room, pierced the bed, mistook the wine for blood; then he chased on a horse, fast as thought, and the young have a horse like the wind; asks the reapers, they answer that the young ones passed 9 months ago; KB decides that if so, he will catch up; Seeing the chase, the girl became a field of onions, the young man began digging for onions; next time the horse into the church, himself into the image, the young man into the priest; KB returned with nothing]: 17-25; Webster 1879: 6-11 [Errua (“madman”), leaves home, hires out to a master; whoever of them is dissatisfied with the other, the other will rip the skin off his back; the owner orders 1) to bring the crooked branches for firewood (E. cuts down the vineyard), 2) drive the cows out to pasture without breaking the fence, in which there is no passage (E. cuts the cows into pieces, pushes them into the cracks of the fence), 3) graze the pigs on the mountain where the ogre Tartaro lives; T. proposes to compete, 1) who will throw a stone further (the old woman advises to release the bird), 2) who will throw a piece of iron further (a bar of iron; say: from here to Salamanca; T. does not order throwing, because in Salamanca his parents), 3) pull out and drag the oak tree (E. ties the whole forest with a rope, T. is scared - where he will graze the pigs); in T.E.’s house she goes to sleep next to him; puts in his place the dead man lying under the bed; T. hits him with an iron, in the morning E. complains that fleas have bitten him; it is necessary to separate the E. pigs from the T. pigs; E. says that he will take those with one mark and two marks; all pigs turn out to be like this; in the village E. sells all the pigs except two, cutting off their tails; he cuts one, hides the giblets under his clothes; he stabs a knife in front of people, people believe that his intestines have fallen out, he runs after the last pig; people tell T. that E. blew out his guts to run faster; T. rips open his stomach and dies; E. drives the pig into the mud, sticks its tails into the mud, tells the owner that the pig has sunk into the mud; the owner sends him for a spade; E. hits the owner, she screams, he shouts to the owner - “One or both”; the owner replies that both; E. beats the maid, brings a spade and hoe, hits the owner with them, he cannot stand it, E. rips the skin off his back; var.: E. burns out T.’s eye with a red-hot skewer; crushes the nuts with a crunch, says that these are the bones of Christians; whoever brings more water, E. is going to take the entire source, T. is scared], 11-15 [the older brother leaves, gets hired to work, does not have time to sow a huge amount of grain, the owner rips the skin off his back, drives him away without pay; the same average; the younger one buries the grain, says that the order has been fulfilled, the grain is in the ground; cuts down young chestnuts when it is ordered to bring straight trees for firewood, a vineyard when they are crooked; the owner sends pigs to graze in the forest where the cannibal Tartaro lives; the young man cracks the nuts, says that they will kill T., let him eat the pig; T. ate all 10 pigs, but the young man cut off their tails; ties the forest with a thread, T. is afraid that he will tear it all out; at night he burns out T.’s only eye with a skewer; returning to the owner, he sticks the pig's tails in the dirt; the owner does not dare to pull for them, releases the young man, giving the promised payment], 22-33 [the king captured Tartaro, put him under lock and key; the king's sons were playing with a ball, it fell to T.; to return the ball, little Yorge released T., he promised to help; the king promised to eat the heart of the one who released T.; the mother told her son to run away; he hired himself out to another king as a gardener; the king's daughter fell in love with him; asking for help from T. (horse, sword, etc.), Y. killed the snake, to which the princess was given to be eaten, cut off the tongues and pieces of the girl’s dress; the charcoal burner says that he saved the princess; the king gives tasks (jump on a horse, put the bride’s ring on the sword; so three times; the king wounds the unknown hero with a sword because he does not want to marry his daughter; after that the gardener’s leg is bandaged; everything is explained; Y. invites his father, gives him the heart of a sheep without salt; it is revealed to his father, he is happy], 120-130 [the poor young man leaves home, is hired by Tartaro; he orders to hide the feather clothes of one of the three dove girls who will fly to the lake to return; promise to help; orders her to go and hire her father; he demands 1) uproot the oak forest, sow, harvest, bake bread; the dove maiden orders her crest to fulfill everything; 2) get the lost ring from the river; the dove maiden orders to ask for a rusty sword, chop her into pieces, throw her into the river, she comes out intact with a ring; the young man lost her little finger, she pretends to slam the door on him; 3) tame a horse with three foals (this is the owner with three daughters, you need to beat them with a club, and her - just pretend); in the morning the owner and daughters look beaten; 4) choose a wife with her eyes closed (she does not have a little finger and will give her hand twice); the young man gets a wife, she orders him to run, leaves the spit to answer for himself; the father is chasing, the daughter throws a comb (fog, hail), throws it again - the river, the father drowns; on the border of the Christian land, the wife orders the priest to baptize her, not to kiss anyone, otherwise her husband will forget her; the old aunt kisses him; the wife creates an inn, the husband and two friends come in; she promises to spend the night with everyone; with his comb he makes it so that morning comes before they have done anything; opens up to her husband; he brings the priest; everything is fine], 182-187 [the king will see the light if he gets a white blackbird; the eldest and middle sons leave and lose at cards; the youngest does not play, pays his brothers’ debts, they are not executed; the owner of the white crow asks to get a princess for him; the fox (this is the spirit of the dead man, whose debts the young man paid) teaches what to do; the princess sings, people come running, her father agrees to give her up if the young man gets the white horse of another king; the horse neighs, but the people allow the young man to take him away; he asks permission to put the princess on a horse, takes her away; a white crow flies into the princess's lap, the young man takes everyone away; the brothers throw the youngest into a tank of water and take away the crow; the fox pulls out the young man, the crow itself flies to him; the young man returns to his father, the princess and the bird sing, the horse neighs, the old king regains his sight; the young man tells everything, marries the princess; the father expels the older sons into the desert]; Spaniards : Malinovskaya 2002: 219-224 [the king orders to fatten the louse, take care of the parsley stem; both become huge; a tambourine hoop is made from parsley wood, and a lice skin is pulled over it; Those who guess what the tambourine is made of will be given the princess, those who do not guess will be executed; the shepherd goes to woo, meets and takes as his companions the Strongman, the Star-Eyes, the Hearer, the Wind-Blower, the Swift Walker; The listener hears a conversation between the princess and the maid, the shepherd guesses; the king orders the princess's papers to be immediately delivered from Rome; The fast walker brings, Zorkoglaz from a distance kills with a shot the witch who was trying to speak to the shepherd; the king orders the good corn to be selected from the bad during the night, the ant takes the saved one; the shepherd receives the princess, the count offers as much money as he can carry for her; The strong man takes away everything, the king sends an army, the wind blows him away with the wind], 268-276 [the childless king and queen want a child, even if in 20 years it will go to the Devil; the young man grows up, loses his soul to the Devil, goes to him; the old woman advises to hide the clothes of Blancaflor, the youngest of the three bathing daughters of the Devil, the dove girls; another old woman, the mistress of birds, sends them to her sister the Moon, who sends them to her brother the Sun; only the lame Eagle volunteers to be taken to the Castle From Where There is No Return, and orders her to be fed meat along the way; the meat is running out, the prince is ready to cut himself off, but the Eaglet still flies; The devil orders 1) to cultivate the plot within 24 hours and bake bread from the harvest; 2) grow grapes; B. does everything; 3) bring the ring that the grandmother dropped into the sea; B. orders her to be killed, the blood collected in a jug, and the body thrown into the sea; the young man sheds a drop of blood; B. comes out of the sea, carrying a ring, she is missing the edge of her little finger; 4) recognize B. among the sisters; girls stick their little finger into the gap, B. has a scar; B. tells the prince to take a bad horse, a rusty sword, and run; leaves his saliva to answer for himself, puts two wineskins on the bed; The devil pierces them, thinks he killed his daughter and son-in-law; The prince took a good horse, a steel sword, The Devil is catching up with them; B. throws comb (forest), salt (mountain); the horse becomes a chapel, B. - a statue, the husband - a hermit; The devil does not recognize them; at home, the wife explains that they were fugitives; The prince leaves B. at the source, comes home, the old nanny hugs him, he forgets B.; preparing to marry someone else; B. is hired as a servant, asks to give her a stone of sadness, a dagger of love; The devil sells them to the prince; B. asks them if she helped the prince; they confirm, the prince remembers B.; the dagger tells B. to thrust it into her heart, the prince stops him; wedding]; Shishlova 1971 [the warrior Jose returned from America; his father died, his brother Gomez kicked him out of the house, gave him an old chest; there were coins under the lid, but X. gave them to the poor woman; he hired himself to the king, earned respect; G. also hired himself; the king wants to marry Belya-Flor; G. says that only X. can get it; the white horse orders to ride; give bread to the ants, free an eagle entangled in a net, throw a fish from the shallows into the water; the horse and X. approach the princess, she mounts the horse, they carry her away; on the way she throws bran on the road, a handkerchief on the top of a tree, a ring in the water; tells the king that she will leave the room where she locked herself when the lost things are brought to her; ants, eagle, fish get it; princess: let my kidnapper be boiled in oil; the horse takes H. to a source, after bathing in which the oil is harmless; Kh. jumps into the cauldron and comes out looking handsome; the king also wants to become younger, jumps, dies; Kh. receives the throne, marries the princess]: 100-109; Catalans [the hero goes wandering, meets a listener, a runner, a strong man, a chewer, a sawdust, a blower, etc.; they help carry out the king’s difficult assignments]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 513A: 113-114; Italians : Andrews 1895, no. 34 (Liguria) [a fisherman has three sons; the catch is meager; there is a place where there is a lot of fish, but the father forbids his sons to go there, because there is a devil there; the youngest son went, the devil took him to his place, and sets difficult tasks; 1) scoop out the lake with a basket; tells his youngest daughter to take lunch to the worker; seeing the young man, she orders her ring to dry up the lake; 2) get the eggs from the nest on a high rock, and the stepladder is only a meter high; the girl tells the ring to get the eggs; 3) get the ring from the bottom of the well; if you get it, you will get one of the devil’s seven daughters as a wife; the girl orders her to be cut into pieces and thrown into the well; he forgot to throw a little toe bone; the girl took out the ring and became whole again, but her little toe was missing; she said that by this sign the young man would be able to identify her among her sisters; and that he should spend the night on the window of the room, because... his father will throw a millstone on his bed; In the morning the young man tells the devil that a rat fell on him at night; the young man identified the devil's youngest daughter; the girl orders to run and to do this, take the skinniest nag from the stable; but the young man took a well-fed horse; the girl says that this is the worst, but now it’s too late to change; the devil is chasing, the girl turns the horse into a chapel, the young man into a priest and herself into an altar boy; The devil didn’t recognize them, the devil’s wife calls him a fool and sends him away again; rose bush, hunter, bird; river, fisherman, eel; they manage to cross the border of the devil’s possessions, he only gets the back half of the horse; everything is fine]: 155-160; Keller 1981 (Ticino) [the prince knocked on someone's house and asked for a drink; the owner in response asked him to become the godson of his son; the prince called him Valoroso (“brave man”), left a note: when the boy turns 14, let him come to his service; the young man was embarrassed, asked to pass the note to another, he pretended to be a godson, received a position (the prince had become king by that time); V. hired himself to clean the stable; the imaginary V. decided to get rid of him, told the king that the young groom could get the golden bird; the king ordered to get it, otherwise he would execute him; the old woman ordered to ask the king for a golden cage and thread; the bird flew into the cage, V. pulled the thread and slammed the door; the imaginary V. persuades to send V. for the queen of the Moors from the green country; old lady: ask for a ship with musicians, dancers and a supply of food; three giants carried him across the seas, V. fed them meat and bread, they were grateful and let Schächtelein call them; ants appeared, V. fed them, they also let Schächtelein call them; the same - birds, the eagle gave a feather; the Queen of the Moors requires the fulfillment of three tasks; 1) separate the rice, millet and corn mixed in a bucket (the ants do it); 2) cultivate a huge field (the giants do); 3) bring water from sources of living and dead water before sunrise (thrushes bring); the king has a feast; the imaginary V. stabbed the real one with a dagger; the queen of the Moors cut the body into pieces, revived it with living water, V. became handsome; the imaginary V. wanted the same thing, the queen poured dead water on him; married V., he became king]: 214-219; Italians (Basilicata) [dying, the king tells his son to marry off three sisters to the first people he meets; he passes them off as a swineherd, a bird-catcher, a gravedigger; calls out to the old woman, who advises looking for the lovely Fiorita; The prince successively comes to the three sisters, they live in palaces; sons-in-law give bristles, feathers, a human bone; the gravedigger's wife sends him to an old woman living next to Fiorita's palace; the king-father F. demands 1) to eat the pears and apples with which the room is filled overnight (the young man calls for pigs), 2) to put his wife to sleep on the wedding night with the singing of birds (calls for birds), 3) a child should be born tomorrow and immediately speak (abandoned the bone turns into a child); F.'s father transfers the crown to his son-in-law]: Crane 1885, No. 13: 61-68 (=Kotrelev 1991: 131-134); Portuguese [the prince goes to hell, he gives him difficult assignments; 1) plant the vine in the morning, the wine is ready in the evening; 2) get the ring from the bottom of the sea, for this it is necessary to dismember the girl; 3) sow wheat in the morning, bake bread in the evening; 4) tame the horse (this is the devil himself); 5) build a palace in a day; 6) sort out the mixed seeds; something else; he denies that the girl helped him; must identify a girl among several identical ones (only by her hand; the girl is missing a finger, that’s how he recognizes her); the spouses run away, the wife leaves her saliva to answer for herself; a wineskin was left in the bed; the young man chooses a fat horse, he is like the wind, he should have chosen a skinny one, he is like a thought; the horse turns into a church, the girl into an image, the young man into a hermit; garden, lettuce (flowers) and gardener; river, boat, boatman; throwing objects: ash (fog appears), needles or pine needles (thorny thickets), salt or water (sea), sand (hill); The devil's wife cast a spell: having kissed his mother or grandmother against his will, the hero forgets his wife; she attracts his attention (many options), he recognizes her]: Cardigos 2006, No. 313: 68-69; Portuguese [the younger brother, in contrast to the older one, is kind to the old man; he helps him get a ship moving on water and land; for the ship the king gives him a daughter; St. Virgin - helper; along the way, the hero meets a strong man, a shooter, a blower, a hearer, a runner, an eater (or an opivala, or one who has power over the weather); they help to carry out additional difficult tasks that require obtaining a bride]: Cardigos 2006, No. 513A: 128; Sicilians : Clouston 1887 [to win the hand of Cardia, the hero must 1) eat a cellar of beans (the crows eat them), 2) remove the corpses (wild animals eat them), 3) fill many mattresses with feathers (the king of the birds performs)]: 239; Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], no. 5 [after the death of his father, Peppe receives an old cape and branches of a date tree, Alfinu an old bag and a tree trunk, the younger Ciccu a horn and fruits; only Chikku hears how three fairies give the cape the ability to be transported to any place, the bag to be filled with money, the horn, if blown, to create and remove a fleet; the brothers give Ch. a cape and a bag; lives luxuriously; the king brings his wife and daughter to him; the daughter lures the bag out; when Ch. comes for her, the king forces her to give up her cape and horn; the brothers agree to divide the dates; everyone carries their own basket to the palace; P. replies to the person he meets that he has dirt in his basket; in the palace he sees that this is so; he is given 50 strokes of the cane; the same with A., he replied that there were horns in the basket, received 150 blows; Ch. answers that dates; the person he meets eats half of it, spits the seeds back into the basket, and there are more dates in it; the king takes him into service; the brothers say that Ch. can 1) bring the cannibal’s saber; the horse in the royal stable promises to help; Ch. asks the women to bring him bags of lice, pours the cannibal into the bed, he tosses and turns, takes off his saber, Ch. takes it away; 2) deliver the cannibal himself; Ch. tells the cannibal that Ch. is dead, a coffin needs to be made; asks to try it on, pins it in, brings it; 3) bring the most beautiful woman as his wife; the horse orders to give honey to the fly, release the fish, free the eagle from the trap; the horse dances in front of the princess, she asks to be allowed to ride, the horse carries her away, Ch. also jumps on the horse; On the way, the princess drops her veil and throws a ring into the water; promises the king to marry him if Ch. returns her ring and dropped veil; birds bring a veil, fish a ring; the princess wants Ch. to jump into a hot furnace; the horse teaches him to first rub himself afterwards, Ch. is unharmed and becomes handsome; tells the king that he needs to rub himself with fat; the king burns, Ch. receives the princess and the throne], 13 [after the death of their father, three brothers are hired to work in the cannibal’s garden; at night, the younger Caruseddu (Carusu, “youth”, also “clay piggy bank”) ties the ogre’s daughters’ handkerchiefs to the brothers, puts his hats on them, the ogre swallows the daughters, the brothers run away; they hire themselves to the king, he brings K closer to him. others are jealous; they propose to send K. for 1) a talking horse of an ogre; K. enters the cannibal's house and becomes the size of a mouse at will; the horse warns the cannibal twice, he cannot find K., he beats the horse; K. leads the horse away; 2) a bedspread with a golden bell (the cannibal beats his wife, K. takes away the bedspread); 3) the cannibal himself; K. tells him that K. died, and he makes him a coffin; asks the cannibal to try it on, nails it, brings it; 4) get the queen's daughter with seven veils; the horse orders to give crumbs to the ants, release the fish into the river, release the bird from the snare; dances, the princess mounts a horse, he carries her away, she throws off her veil and ring; orders to find them before marrying the king; birds bring a veil, fish a ring; disassemble the bin of mixed grain (ants disassemble); princess: let K. die in a hot oven; the horse orders him to be rubbed with sweat and foam, K. became handsome; tells the king that he has greased himself; the king burns; K. receives princess and throne], 20 [widowed father marries neighbor; she has an ugly one-eyed daughter; she tells her husband to take Maria and Peppe to the forest; M. leaves lupine seeds on the path, then beans, then bran; every time the father hangs the pumpkin so that it rattles in the wind, as if he were chopping wood, he leaves; the children return along the trail twice, but the bran is carried away by the wind; P. is thirsty; the first stream gurgles that those who drink the water will become snakes; second - P. will be a rabbit; third - M. will become a beauty, P. - a lamb; P. drinks; M. and the lamb live in a cave for several years; the king finds them, takes M. as his wife; she is pregnant; the stepmother and her daughter come; the stepmother pushes M. into the sea, she is swallowed by a shark; leaves his daughter instead of M.; the imaginary M. says that she has turned ugly because of the lamb, orders him to be killed; by the sea, the lamb turns to his sister, says that they are sharpening knives, preparing cauldrons, and want to slaughter him; M. replies that she is being held by a shark, she cannot even give birth; the servant informs the king; M. teaches to throw a hook into the shark’s mouth, the king pulls it out; the chopped head of the stepmother's daughter is sent to the stepmother under the guise of tuna; she recognizes the blind eye; stepmother was boiled alive], 25 [the teacher gives Katerina sweets; asks if she wants her to be her mother; teaches to ask the mother to take a date out of the chest, drop the lid on her neck, put the date in her mouth; everyone thinks that K.’s mother is to blame; K.'s father reluctantly agrees to her request to marry the teacher; she has her own ugly daughter; the stepmother tells K. to spin all the wool in a day; the ram tells her to go to bed, the yarn is ready by evening; the stepmother orders the ram to be slaughtered; he tells K. to ask for the guts, take three golden balls from them, run away with brother Giovanni, stay away from the sea, otherwise he will become a snake; golden balls turn into a rich castle; he is by the sea, K. doesn’t go anywhere; the king sees J., makes him close; he advises marrying K.; K. demands that the road from the royal castle to her be paved; J. do with employees; the stepmother and her daughter come; orders K. to step towards the window overlooking the sea, K. disappears; the stepmother's daughter takes her place; the king is angry with J., sends the ugly woman with her mother to the forest; J. tells everything; the stepmother persuades the king to order J. to make during the night 1) a fountain of water, a fountain of oil, a fountain of wine; J. goes to the sea, snake-K. gives a magic wand to make everything happen; 2) crystal palace (same); 3) an oven into which all the fish from the sea will be thrown; K. teaches that he must grab her and throw her into a vat of milk; reborn as a girl; the king takes her as his wife, the stepmother and her daughter are left alone in the forest], 27 [dying, the king tells his son to marry the three sisters to the first people he meets, when the buds open on the bush; he passes them off as kings of ravens, wild animals, birds; an old woman pesters the young king, he pushes her; she tells him to lose peace until he finds Cardia; the king goes on a search and ends up with his older sister; she first hides him from her husband; husband gives almonds; the middle one's husband is a chestnut, the youngest's is a walnut; explains that K. is with the witch, she will demand to know K. among many girls, K. will have seven veils; the witch demands that the pile of beans be gone by morning; crows eat almonds; basement of corpses - animals eat chestnut trees; fill mattresses with feathers - walnut birds fill them; the king recognizes K. by his seven veils; the witch demands that by morning their child call her grandmother; in the morning K. shows the doll, and the king cuts off the witch’s head; returns home with his wife]: 28-40, 85-95, 166-173, 179-184; Corsicans [receiving an inheritance, each of the three princes builds a ship and arranges a feast; the elders are for the rich, the younger are for the poor; the old woman gives him a wand that allows the ship to move on the ground; he takes the poor with him, meets, takes on board the ship 1) throwing a millstone, 2) eating a couple of bulls at once, 3) drinking a river, 4) carrying a mountain on his back, 5) a runner, 6) listening to how the grass grows, 7) driving fog in the bag so that it does not harm flowering trees; the queen is outraged that the ship has arrived on her land; orders 1) to eat mountains of bread (the gorge eats), 2) to drink all the wine (he drank the gorge), 3) to move 4 heavy guns to another place (the strongman carries them), 4) to bring water in a bottle from a source 100 km away (the runner overtakes the old woman , although she raises dust, and the runner sleeps first); the prince sails away on his ship, the queen sends an army in pursuit, they eat and drink and drown him, regurgitating what they eat and drink; the king passes the crown to his youngest son]: Massignon 1984, No. 35: 78-82; Maltese [the older brothers are rude to the old lady, the younger one is kind; she helps him get a ship moving on land; a young man meets and takes as a companion 1) someone who can drink a lot, 2) carry heavy things, 3) a runner, 4) a listener, 5) a sharp shooter, 6) capable of causing good and bad weather by lying on his stomach or back; the king will give his daughter to those who will carry out difficult tasks, incl. he drinks the cellar's wine, picks up all the gold from the treasury, overtakes the princess (you need to run to the source and bring a jug of water); the princess puts the runner to sleep, offering to look in his head, but the listener hears this, and the shooter wakes him up by knocking out a stone from under his head; the weather changer destroys the royal army that was trying to destroy the hero; the hero reigns]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 513B: 152-155; Maltese [dying, the father blesses his youngest son named Thirteenth to be the eldest (he is a hunchback or Thumb Thumb); he steals the walking boots from the cannibal; hired to serve the king; envious brothers persuade him to give T. difficult assignments; an old woman, an old man or a father helps to fulfill them; 1) steal the ogre's blanket with bells on it; T. hides under the cannibal’s bed, pours out lice, fleas, and bedbugs there; the cannibal throws off the blanket, T. carries him away; or T. brings another blanket to the king; 2) steal a golden hen with chicks, a magic mare or a silver bell from the ogre; he feeds the mare, or bring another to the king; Every now and then the bell rings, so that the ogre stops paying attention; 3) steal the ogre's ring; he grabs T.; T. arranges it so that the cannibal eats not him, but his wife; 4) deliver the cannibal himself; T. arrives unrecognized and invites the cannibal to try whether the iron cage in which the enemy must be placed is strong; brings a cannibal in a cage, he is burned; with his running boots, T. remains held in high esteem in the royal service]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 328: 81-86; Ladins : Uffer 1973, No. 3 [the merchant’s son went on a ship with goods; a black ship sailed in the middle of the sea under a red flag; the captain suggested playing cards; the young man lost the goods, the ship and himself; the captain returned everything, but demanded that the young man must come to him in America by a certain day; Having learned about this, the merchant sent his son to the hermit; he advised to sail to the island where swans fly; when they shed their swan clothes and become girls, you need to hide the clothes of one of them; he chose the most beautiful one; she promised to become his wife and help; gave me a stick; when he touched the sea with it, it retreated and he walked on dry land; the black man showed 60 boxes; in 59 for a human head, and the 6th for the head of a young man; 1) gave a glass ax to cut down the forest; the axe immediately broke; the swan girl ordered him to go to bed, and when the young man woke up, the forest had fallen; 2) remove the mountain and plant a vineyard in this place (the same); 3) get a ring from the sea, which they put on a paper boat and floated on the waves; the girl orders her head to be cut off; the severed head rolled into the sea, three drops of blood rose from the water and with them a ring, followed by a reborn girl more beautiful than before; they both came to the black captain - the girl’s father; he greets them with a smile and gives them a lot of gold; they returned to the youth's father; wedding], 44 [=Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, no. 33: 207-219; the widow's son goes to work; sees how 10 winged maidens flew to the lake, took off their wings, began to swim, then flew away again to the mountain peaks; the next time the young man hid and took the wings of the younger one; she became his wife; he put the wings in the chest and told his mother not to leave the key in the lock; she left, the wife found wings, flew away, ordering to look for her on the glass mountain; the young man went in search; the young man directs him to the old man; he sent to his sister Luna on the top of the mountain; The Moon sends to its elder brother the Sun; he - to his older brother Wind; he gives a ball that rolls towards the glass mountain; The wind lifted the young man up the mountain; there in the house the mother of the bird girls offers tasks; 1) cut down the forest with a lead ax (the bride tells him to go to bed, the work is done); 2) scoop out the lake with a holey scoop (the same); 3) recognize the bride among her sisters (she tied a red ribbon to her leg); the bride orders him to run and throw three red lice behind him, one after another; each one turns into a mountain, one higher than the other; the mother cannot overcome the third mountain, stops the pursuit; the young man brings his wife to him; wedding]: 9-11, 211-220.

Western Europe. Bretons : Luzel 1995: 40-46 [the king volunteers to be godfather to the gardener's son; the gardener says that his son will marry the king's daughter; the king launches a child in a glass cradle into the sea; he is picked up and adopted by a wine merchant, given the name Charles; the king is delighted with Sh.; Having learned his story, he sends him to the queen with a letter, in it an order to execute the bearer; a tax collector at an inn accidentally reads a letter and replaces it with an order to take care of the submitter; the king sends Sh. into the army, he defeats his enemies; the king agrees to marry his daughter to him if Sh. brings three hairs from the golden beard of the devil; the devil's mother draws water into a barrel without a bottom, hides Sh., pulls out hair from her son's beard, gives Sh.; the king dies; wedding], 47-56 [the Marquis finds the boy Nun-Doare, adopts him; he asks to buy him a rusty sword and a thin mare; she takes him to Paris; does not order to pick up the luminous crown; he picks up; hires himself out as a groom to the king; the king steals the crown; the boy says that the crown belongs to Princess Belledor; the king orders ND to bring B.; on the way, ND saves a fish, a bird, and a chained demon king; ND lures B. to mount the mare, who brings them to Paris; B. orders to bring the ring she had forgotten (birds bring), her castle (demons bring), the key to the gate, it is at the bottom of the sea (fish bring); at B.’s wedding with the king, the mare turns into the princess of Tartary, marries ND], 93-107 [the sorcerer sees a doe, her udder is sucked by a boy and a girl; these are Arzur and Azenor; brings children to his wife; Azenor reads the sorceress's magic books; she tries to kill Arzyur, her sister gives her a magic wand, she does everything; 1) cut down an oak grove, 2) make spoons from oak trees, 3) build a bridge from feathers; brother and sister run, turn 1) into two golden frogs at the bottom of a pond, their horses into the water; 2) horses into trees, fugitives into birds on them; the wife tells the sorcerer about this, but he forgets and does not recognize the fugitives; she pursues them herself, the sister throws 1) a straw rope (stacks of straw, the sorceress flies like a hawk), 2) a brush (pond, the cloud sorceress drinks it; option: in the form of a bulldog drinks, bursts), 3) a hair-comb (city); the sorceress flies by in a cloud and stops at the strait; sister creates a rich castle; two princes fall into a swamp, Azenor pulls them out for the elder’s promise to marry her, to give his sister to her brother; Arzyur, who fell into a swamp, loses his memory, at his sister’s wedding he remembers everything, when two golden frogs tell the whole story]; Lopyreva 1959, No. 32 [the king’s son got lost while hunting, lost all the money and his head at the inn; Barbover Greenbeard tells him to come back in a year; the old man gives the ball, it rolls to castle B.; scissors cut a path through a thorny bush; when three birds arrive, take off their feather clothes, begin to swim, and jump on the back of the youngest Quantik; she brings the young man to her father; B. gives tasks, K. teaches what to do; 1) cut down an oak grove with a wooden ax (hit once, all the trees will fall down), 2) demolish a mountain with a wooden pickaxe (same thing), 3) get grandfather’s anchor from the bottom of the sea (K. orders to cut off her head, throw her into the sea, don’t sleep; takes her out anchor, B. has not yet fallen asleep, puts K.’s head to the body); 4) B. is ready to give it to the young man K. if he recognizes her among the three mice in the bag (K.’s two sisters rush to the young man’s hand, she herself is hiding in the corner); entering the marriage chamber, K. throws a candlestick on the bed, it falls into the abyss (this is the work of her sisters); the spouses return to the young man’s father, after the death of his father he inherits the throne], 65 [the king answers the coal miner that he himself will be his godfather; gives half of the castle; son Charles grows up and goes to his godfather; the old woman tells him not to drink water on the way; the traveler persuades him to take a sip, snatches half of the castle donated by the king, gallops to the king, is mistaken for his godson; Sh. is hired as a shepherd in the palace, the deceiver recognizes him and tries to destroy him; says that the shepherd promised to find out why the Sun is red in the morning; the old man gives Sh. a wooden horse to get to the castle of the Sun; the Sun's mother tells him not to eat the boy; The sun says that he is trying to shine brighter, because in the neighboring castle Princess Troncolen is blinding with her beauty; the imaginary godson offers to send Sh. for T.; the old man orders food to be taken to the king of ants, the king of lions, and the king of hawks; they promise to help; T. accepts it, orders 1) to divide the seeds of clover, flax, hemp, turnips and cabbage (the ants do it), 2) to cut down the alley of oak trees (the lions do it), 3) level the mountain (the hawks do it); T. arrives to the king, says that he will marry the real godson, and the false one is the devil; he was burned in the stove]: 122-129, 302-312; Bretons [when the prince reached marriageable age, the king ordered him to climb the tower; there is a hall where girls of marriageable age are; he liked the one that was in the corner under a thick veil; she says that the one who chooses her will have to fulfill three orders of the sorcerer, otherwise he will be petrified; the prince went to the sorcerer and got lost in the forest; there is a man lying under a tree, the prince asked about the road; he stood up and stretched out so that his head was higher than the forest; I saw where the castle was; agreed to go with the prince; his name is Long; the same with Shiroky (puffed up so that his stomach rested against the branches of the trees); with the Clairvoyant (who or what looks at, that or what explodes); to avoid killing, he blindfolds himself; castle walls up to the clouds, a massive door; The clairvoyant took off the blindfold and smashed the door to dust; sorcerer: if you manage to watch the princess until tomorrow, then you can take her; but they fell asleep, and in the morning the princess was not there; must be returned by noon; Long saw her in the acorn of an oak tree a hundred leagues away in a dense forest; Wide instantly brought it there, the princess was returned; the sorcerer was so furious that one of his three iron belts was torn; but in the morning the princess is gone again; Long: she is 500 leagues away in a grain of ear in a rye field; Wide brought her back again; the sorcerer's second belt burst; on the third morning; on the third day the princess is in a ring at the bottom of a lake a thousand leagues away; Wide drank the lake, they managed at the last moment, throwing the ring at the window of the princess's room, when the sorcerer entered there; the third belt burst, and he himself turned to stone; the prince brought his bride; wedding]: Delarue 1957, no. 329: 362-364; Bretons [the king promises a daughter to the one who builds a ship that moves on land and sea; the older brother decides to try; in the forest he sees that many trees have already been felled; sits down to dinner; the magpie asks for a piece, he doesn’t give it; tries to cut down trees, they are not cut down; he returned to his father; the same as the middle brother; the younger Luduenn (“Cinderella”) gives bread to the magpie, after each blow of the ax the ship’s part is immediately ready, the parts themselves come together; L. boards his ship, meets and takes as companions Oedala, Opivala, Runner (chasing hares with a millstone tied to his leg), Shooter (aiming at a hare on a distant mountain), Listening to how the grass grows; along the way they buy an egg, a plow, a hat; (these items are needed when talking with the princess); then the king demands 1) eat 40 bulls (Obyalo eats), 2) drink 50 barrels of wine (Opyalo drinks), 3) overtake the maid, who will go to a distant source for water; she put the runner to sleep, but the Listener heard his snoring and her words; the shooter saw that the Runner was sleeping, putting the corpse of a horse under his head, shot an arrow, woke him up, the Runner was the first to bring water; L. received the princess and soon the throne]: Luzel 1887(3), No. 8: 296-311; Luzel 1887(2), No. 2 [Prince Caloman went traveling, spent everything, came to a castle in the forest; the old man advises not to go in - no one has returned; the mother of the sorcerer Marcou-Braz turned his parents and relatives into trees; hosts a Spanish princess; she read magic books, she will help; only there is nothing to eat in the castle, although everything there is tempting; the princess tells the sorcerer that K. is her relative; he orders one to defeat 500 warriors (the princess creates her own, they kill the attackers), defeat the 7-headed dragon (this is the sorcerer’s mother, the princess teaches how to cut off heads and tails); defeat the sorcerer himself; K. dodges his spear, pierces him with his own; the enchanted trees became people again; leaving the castle, the princess remembered the forgotten lamp; on the way back, K. dropped it into a pond, got lost, and returned to his father; an army attacked, the leader was the princess, who decided that K. had abandoned her; everything has been clarified, K. will marry her]: 20-32; Bretons [the coal miner cannot baptize the 26th child, meets the king, he becomes Charles’s godson and gives half of the castle; at 18, his father sends him to Paris with half a castle in his pocket; the old woman orders not to drink water on the way; the traveler offered him a drink, stole half of the castle, showed it to the king, who mistook him for his godson; Sh. hired himself as a shepherd; the imaginary godson told the king that the shepherd could go to the sun and ask why it was red; the old man gives Sh. a wooden horse; Mother of the Sun is at home, hiding Sh.; The sun says that in the neighboring castle there is Princess Toronkolen, so it must shine brighter so that she does not overshadow it; The godson tells the king that the shepherd undertakes to bring T.; the old man teaches you to feed the ants, lions, hawks, they promise to help; the hawk king teaches how to approach the princess; she orders 1) to separate the seeds of clover, flax, hemp, turnips, cabbage (ants do this); 2) cut down the oak trees before sunset (the lions uprooted them); 3) level the mountains (the hawks leveled); T. orders the devil to be thrown into the oven, the young mother must hold a wedding ring in front of the oven so that the devil does not jump out; the devil (i.e. the imaginary godson) burned; Sh. married T.]: Lopyreva 1959, No. 65: 302-313; French people (Lorraine) [a poor man with many children cannot find a godson for a newborn; The Lord meets him, offers him to be a godson, and after 7 years he takes the boy; picks up after 7 years; turns into a mule (the transformation is not described; but there is no more talk about the godson, and the boy rides a mule, which helps him with advice); orders not to lift the pen - it will cause a lot of trouble; but the boy picked it up; when he came to the king and waved his pen, the bad stable became good, the king’s bad hair became beautiful; he is in the favor of the king, the courtiers are jealous; they say that the boy promised to get the bird whose feather he found; mule: this will be the first bird we find on the boundary; the boy brought it to the king; soon the bird died; courtiers: he undertook to revive her; mule: cut off my head, there will be living water; revive the bird, and then me; new task: get the Golden-haired beauty; mule: beat the drum, the first girl to stand up will be her; on the way back across the sea, Golden Hair threw the ring and key into the sea; agrees to marry the king only if he delivers her parents; the king demands this from the young man; the same episode with the drum; The golden-haired woman demands her ring and key, the king sends the young man; mule: they will be in the belly of the first fisherman who caught the fish; Golden-haired: first let the young man be hanged, then I will marry the king; mule: on the scaffold, ask the king for tobacco, throw it on those around you, everyone ends up dead; Only Golden-haired remained alive, the young man married her]: Cosquin 1887, No. 73: 290-294; French people (Lorraine) [the queen gives birth after her husband's departure; the mother-in-law writes to her son that his wife gave birth to a puppy and a kitten; he orders the newborns to be put in a casket and thrown into the sea; the mother-in-law does just that; the merchant does so; every day a boy has 50 crowns under his pillow, a girl has a gold star on her chest; the merchant's own son tells his adopted son that he is just a foundling; children come to the castle of the real father, the old queen suspects evil, orders her son to give the children difficult assignments; 1) bring dancing water, 2) a singing rose (the fairy gives); 3) the girl must get a talking bird; the fairy teaches her to get her (only this bird will say “it’s not me”), but the girl turns around and turns into a pillar of salt; Taught by the fairy, the brother takes the bird and casts a spell on his sister; at the feast the bird tells the truth; the old queen was thrown into boiling oil]: Lopyreva 1959, No. 33: 130-134; French people (Champagne) [when Prince Gautier is 16 years old, he sees a beggar being served by a maid; Having learned that there are poor people, he sets off to wander; comes to the ogre's castle; that wife asks her husband not to eat G.; he offers him tasks: to lead the river along a different channel (the daughter of the ogre Firjoine performs with the help of her magic wand); cut down the forest (same thing, all the trees fall at once); during strong winds, cover the surface of the bridge with feathers (the same); F. hears that her father is going to eat G.; leaves two beans in the fireplace to answer for her and G., sits on a mule with him and they gallop away; the ogre's wife feels that her daughter and G. have run away, but the beans are twice responsible for them; the third time they are baked and silent; the cannibal put on seven-league boots and set off in pursuit; F. turned a mule into a garden, G. into a rose bush, and herself into a bee; the cannibal has returned, the wife says that it was they; next time in the pillar, tableau and Lapon; Same; the third time the wife set off in pursuit herself; river, boat, duck; the mother knows that the duck is F. and threatens to leave her forever in this image; agrees to let G. go; he returns home, and F. soon came there and became a laundress; G. fell ill from love, the doctors are helpless; when the washerwoman came, she created a river, a boat and a duck; G. recognized F.; wedding]: Gonzales s.a.: 25-27; French people (Haute-Marne) [the English king was hunting in France, chased a bird, did not catch it, spent the night in a poor house; the mistress had just given birth, the king agreed to be a godson, named the boy Eugène (E.); left a letter - let the young man come with it when he turns 17; E. set off; before this, the godmother (marraine) warned that if he meets a hunchback or crooked one, he must return; E. returned twice, but the third time his hunchbacked classmate Adolf met him, E. went with him; at the inn A. stole his horse; when E. caught up with him, he made E. swear that he would say that he, A., and not E., was the king’s godson; the king believed; promised to give his daughter to his godson, but she was kidnapped; all the courtiers loved E. (who was called A.), and hated A.; A. says that E. boasted of getting the giant’s mule; the old man teaches: the giant has a blackbird, he sings loudly, you need to cross the sea when the blackbird sings; the giant gave the mule on the condition that E. would return it later; A. persuades the king to order E. to get the giant thrush; the giant gave the blackbird back on the same condition; giant's lantern (same); find and return the king's daughter; the old man teaches to ask the giant for help; he orders to build a ship without using iron, take with him a mule, a blackbird and a donkey, 300 virgins; along the way the giant weaves, the virgins spin; there is a castle of fish on the way, they need to crumble bread, the fish missed the ship; the king of fish gave his fin to call him; then the ants - E. gave them millet, the king of the ants gave them a paw; then rats (gave bread - a hair); raven (meat - feather); giants (E. gave a lot of bread - a hair from the king’s beard); a princess in the queen's castle with silver legs, turned into a lioness breathing fire; the lioness is glad; the queen orders 300 measures of linen woven by virgins to be brought (E. gives); further tasks: 1) a garden in the place of the mountain (the giants removed the mountain, the rest of the helpers set up a garden); 2) bring living and dead water; the crows have gathered, but no one knows where the water is; two old drunken soldiers appeared; the first was imprisoned, but was released at the request of the second - otherwise he would not bring water; they went underground and took in water; the queen sent doves to overturn the bowls, but the ravens drove them away; the giant teaches: first, demand from the queen to return the princess to her human form, then kill her by splashing dead water in her face; returning to her father, the princess asked to postpone the wedding for 8 days; said she dropped a ring into the sea; the fish did not know where the ring was, the same two drunken soldiers got it; the princess asks for her castle, where she lived with the queen; giants, ants and others delivered; then A. called E. to hunt, shot him, threw him into a hole; the princess saw the ravens and revived E. with living water; E. showed the king his letter, married the princess; A. burned alive]: Cosquin 1886, No. 3: 32-43; French people (Dauphine): Joisten 1991, No. 1.1 [Jean lost, a man meets him, gives him a talisman that allows him to always win, and tells him to be on Black Mountain in three months; Jean is getting rich, but neither his mother nor the other old people know where the Black Mountain is; he comes to the old man, he calls the birds, only the raven knows him, he brings Jean to the old woman by the mountain, she teaches him to be modest in everything, there are three girls, one leads him into the house; the owner was waiting for Jean, orders 1) to cut down the oak trees, prepare firewood, collect a bouquet of flowers; Jean cut down only three trees; the owner’s daughter tells him to go to sleep, everything is done (the girl’s mother tells her husband every time that his daughter is betraying him); 2) cultivate the land, harvest vegetables, fruits, flowers (the same); 3) from the top of the pyramidal mountain, get two eggs from the goldfinches’ nest; it is impossible to climb, Jean slides back; the girl orders to throw her into a boiling cauldron, collect the bones, make a ladder out of them, then throw the bones back into the cauldron, she will come out whole; and so it happened, Jean took out two eggs; the girl is missing her little toe on her left foot (Jean forgot the bone at the top); 4) identify the bride among her two sisters in a dark room; Jean identified it by feeling the missing little finger; the bride orders not to go to bed (a millstone will fall on the newlyweds), but to run away, choosing a thin horse; Jean takes the well-fed one; the girl's father easily catches up with them on a thin horse; the daughter turns 1) the horse into a platform for washing clothes (lavoir), Jean into a goulot, herself into a cardaline, who sang, answered that she had not seen anyone, the girl’s father returned, the wife explained that they were fugitives; 2) a horse into the river, Jean into a ship, himself into a carrier; replies that he will transport only for money, the father returns; the day came, the Devil lost his power; Jean and his bride came to the Holy Land; the girl must wait three years to enter there, for she is the daughter of the Devil; she told Jean to go to his mother, but not to hug any woman; his mother and others hugged him when he fell asleep, he forgot his wife; she comes as a beauty, promises night to the one who pays 3000 francs; the first person to come sticks to the door and comes off in the morning; the second - to the chamber pot; third Jean, the girl says that she is his wife, he remembers her; wedding], 1.2 [about the same as (1.1); the name of the girl is Marie Petassole, the hero is Pierre], 2.1 [the son of a peasant Jean, 40 years old in the cradle; father asks for help leading the oxen; he gets up, grabs two oxen by the horns, pulls them, their heads come off; requires an iron stick weighing 10 tons; she is being carried by 40 horses, he lifts her easily; goes off to wander, meets, takes as a companion 1) someone who throws up a millstone, 2) who sees a hare in the distance, 3) who easily catches up with a hare, 4) who listens to how the grass grows, 5) who is able to drive away clouds if he blows on them; the king offers to compete in a race to the source and back with his aunt, she always overtook everyone; she runs to the source and goes to bed; the blower throws it far away, the runner runs to the source and brings water; the heroes receive gold from the king; they take turns staying at home to cook; a little man crawls out from under the stove and hits the cook; when it’s Jean the Bear’s turn (the name is mentioned for the first time), he kills the demon with his iron stick; the heroes disperse], 27.1 [rep. in 1950; the king's servant hears how one girl promises to grind flour if she is married to the royal miller, another - to bake bread if she is married to a baker, the third - to give birth to beautiful children for the king; the king fulfills their wishes; in the absence of her husband, the wife gives birth to a son and daughter with a cross on her forehead, with a golden crown on her head; the mother-in-law replaces the letter, writes to her son that his wife gave birth to a puppy and a kitten; he orders them to be kept, the mother-in-law again replaces the letter, allegedly, her son orders her son and daughter to be thrown away, and lets the children go down the river in a boat; the king returns, embeds his wife up to her neck in the wall, and orders those passing by to beat her; children sail to the land of red people; they grow up, they are given a ship to return; their mother's mother-in-law advises the girl to ask her brother to get 1) an apple tree; the old man tells the young man to go without turning around, he brings an apple tree, his sister plants it; 2) a dancing bucket (the same), 3) a talking bird; the young man hears his sister’s voice, he turns around, turns to stone, the ring he left for his sister has turned black; the old man gives the girl a saber and oil, with their help she revives all those petrified, the revived brother kills the guard lion with a saber, the brother and sister return with the bird; a hunter finds them in the forest, the king calls them to him, they see a woman embedded in the wall, they ask not to beat her; a talking bird warns that the king's mother has put poison in their food; tells the whole story; the king returns his wife, burns his mother alive]: 21-29, 29-40, 51-57, 184-188; French people (Provence) [the king will give his daughter to the one who brings a basket of fresh figs at Christmas; The poor man's eldest son carries dried figs and answers the old woman that he is carrying horned heads; opens the basket in the presence of the king - it contains horned heads; the same for the middle son (dung in the basket); the younger one politely answers the old woman, there are fresh figs in the basket; now the king requires one hundred hares to graze in the mountains for a year and one day; the old woman blew a whistle, at the signal of which the hares gather together; an old woman {another} comes and asks for a hare; the young man agrees if she eats a bunch of crap; she ate half, the young man blew his whistle, the hare returned; invites the old woman to finish the shit, she leaves; the same with the second old woman (the young man suggests sticking a garden tool used to make holes in her butt); the third old woman is a hunchback (stick a needle into her hump a hundred times); now the king demands that three bags be filled with truth; the young man comes to those three old women; asks if it’s true that one of the hare ate shit; she replies that it’s true, the bag is full; the same with others (stuffed in the ass; pricked with needles); the young man received the princess]: Going 1938: 292-295; Walloons : Laport 1932, No. 313 [the young man lost at cards and decided to drown himself; someone helps him get even with the condition that in a year and 6 weeks the young man will come to the Mille de Plomb castle; the young man came to the old man, the animals obey him; the pig carried him, he violated the ban on talking, fell into the sea, swam to the shore; the giant has birds in his subordination; he tells the eagle to carry the young man; Along the way, the food supply runs out, the young man cuts off a piece of his caviar; at the pond he sees three daughters of the owner of the castle bathing, steals the clothes of the youngest, returning them for the promise of becoming his wife; the owner says that the young man must buy back his soul, and for this 1) get the ring from the bottom of the well; to do this, he cuts that girl in half, the upper part dives and brings the ring, connects with the lower one; because a drop of blood was lost, one finger was missing; 2) in a day, compress and grind wheat from a huge field; 3) create a sea with all kinds of fish (the girl helps to do it); you need to recognize the veiled bride three times among her sisters; the young man recognizes him by his missing finger; wedding; young people run; turn into peasants; to the chapel and the Holy Virgin; the girl creates the sea, her father drowns in it; the young man's family does not recognize his wife, she disappears, he forgets her; she serves in a cabaret; the first one who wants to stay with her asks for a glass of water, he remains in this position and is released only in the morning; the same with the second; the third is her husband, he recognizes his wife; their wedding again], *313D [the poor young man goes to the castle of the seven mountains; the king of fish, the king of insects, the king of birds answer that they do not know where it is; the young man is led there by a swallow; he falls in love with the youngest of three girls; the king agrees to the marriage if the young man fulfills the instructions; build a feather castle over a pond; knock down an oak grove with one blow; remove the ring from the bottom of the well; the girl is dismembered in two, takes out a ring, is united, but a toe on her left foot is missing; the young man wants to visit his parents; the girl does not order him to hug his mother, he hugged and forgot the bride; at an inn, a girl makes a date with men (see No. 313); her husband is the third, he recognizes his wife and is reunited with her]: 43-44, 44-45; Welsh [Kilhuch wooes Olwen, daughter of the giant Yaspadadden Penkawr; he sets numerous conditions; “When I first met this girl's mother, nine bushels of flaxseed were planted there, and not a single seed came up. Neither white nor black. But I don't lose hope. You, too, have planted flax, and when it grows, let it be woven into a white robe for your bride for your wedding day”; Gwythir, son of Grydaul, once heard a cry and saved an ant heap from a fire; “in gratitude, the ants gave him nine bushels of flaxseed, which AP demanded from K.”; by giving up his daughter, AP had to lose his life; K. cut off his head]: Mabinogion 2000: 105-130; English [the king promises to give his daughter to the one who defeats the royal witch; she easily defeats Bill and Tom and their heads are cut off; their younger brother Jack tells the old man that he is looking for a ship sailing on land; he gives him a ship and a stick that turns water into wine; orders to put on the ship those whom he meets; this is the Fighter, the Eater, the Drinker, the Runner, the Shooter, the Far Seeing; the fight between the Fighter and the sorceress ended in a draw; The Eater and the Drinker defeat her; the sorceress puts the Runner to sleep, the one who sees this notices, the Shooter knocks out the magic bone from under his head; Jack gets the princess]: Kharitonov 2008: 276-281; English [the king left, at this time the queen gave birth to a boy, decided not to baptize, but to call her Nix Nought Nothing; when the king went home, the giant offered to carry him across the river, saying that in return he only needed nothing, nothing; upon returning, the king learned about his son; decided to give the giant the son of a poultry woman; the giant carried the boy and asked what time it was; he replies that just at this time his mother is collecting eggs for the queen for breakfast; the giant killed him; next time the same (gardener’s son; mother collects vegetables for lunch); when he carried the prince, he replied that at that time the father-king was sitting down to dinner; the giant's daughter fell in love with NN and helps him; the giant demands: 1) clean the stable (the animals and birds complied); 2) drain the lake (the fish drank the water); 3) get 7 eggs from a nest on top of a smooth-trunked tree 7 miles high; the girl cut off her fingers and toes and made steps out of them; NN took out the eggs, but one broke; the girl orders to run, the giant catches up, she orders to throw the comb (thorny thickets), dagger (fence), flask (wave, the giant drowned); leaving the bride, NN went alone to the castle; the henwife bewitched him, he fell asleep, his parents did not recognize him, the king orders him to marry the one who can wake him up; the giant's daughter climbed a tree, the gardener's daughter saw a reflection in the spring, decided that it was her own and that she should try to marry the sleeping young man; the henkeeper taught him how to cast a spell for a short time; the gardener also saw the giant’s daughter and brought her to see her daughter’s groom; he is sleeping, the giant’s daughter is trying to wake him up; tells their story out loud, calling the young man NN; the king and queen hear, they forced the gardener’s daughter to disenchant NN; the poultry house was executed]: Jacobs 1890, No. 7: 33-39 (translation in Shereshevskaya 1957: 102-107); Irish : Smirnov 1973 [ Expulsion of the sons of Success . In order not to tempt all the women and girls, the Ulads decided to quickly find a wife for Cuchulainn. But there was no suitable bride. Then Cuchulainn himself comes for Emer, the daughter of Forgal, who lives in the Meadow Gardens. Here they conduct a dialogue, speaking partly in riddles and praising their virtues. Emer fell in love with Cuchulainn. Her father, Forgal, fears that he may die at the hands of his easily enraged son-in-law, so he gives him a difficult task in the hope that he will not return. Cuchulainn must go to Alba to learn military feats and visit the castle of the Lady Scathach at the edge of the world. Cuchulainn rejects the love of the ugly Dornolla (her feet are turned back, her face is black, her hair is bright red). Dornolla decides to take revenge. When Cúchulainn was walking accompanied by Conchobar and Loigaire, she sent a vision to them: Conchobar and Longaire imagined their hometown of Emain Macha and they rushed there, leaving Cuchulain alone. But at this moment, a monstrous beast like a lion approaches Cuchulainn, allows him to sit on his back and takes him to the edge of the world. At the end of the world, the young man gave Cuchulainn a wheel and an apple, with which he could cross the plain of misfortune that lay in front of the castle. Next, you need to cross the bridge, which throws up the person who steps on it (p. 597). But Cu Chulainn jumped straight into the middle of the bridge and ended up safely on the other side. Scathach's daughter Uathach, in love with Cuchulainn, teaches him to put a sword to her mother's chest and demand from her, firstly, to teach him the art of martial arts, secondly, to give him Uathach as a wife, and thirdly, to predict the future. Cuchulainn marries Uata, and at this time Forgal betrothed Emer to the king. But out of fear of Cuchulainn, the king was afraid to take her as his wife. Scathach waged war with Queen Aife. She put Cuchulainn to sleep because she was afraid that he would be killed in this war. Waking up, Cuchulainn helped the sons of Scathach kill the sons of Aife and defeated her in a duel. In exchange for his life, Aife bore him a son. He asked her to send her son to Ireland when the ring he left would fit the boy. The son should not say who he is, should not give way to anyone and should not refuse to fight. Scathach predicted that Cu Chulainn would live another 30 years]: 565-573; Curtin 1975: 1-14 [the young son of the king of Ireland meets the giant of Lake Léin in the forest; he offers to play cards, the young man wins two estates; next time - a hundred bulls with golden horns and silver hooves; on the third day he loses his head; comes to an old woman with teeth sticking out of her mouth; she washes his feet, feeds him, gives him a rolling ball, he will lead him to her middle sister, she sends him to the eldest; she says that around the giant’s castle there are 700 iron stakes with impaled heads, the last one is free, orders to hide the clothes of the one of the three bathing daughters of the giant who will have a yellow lily on her chest (the others have white and blue); the young man returns the clothes for a promise to save him; the giant will invite the young man to sleep in a pool of water, Yellow Lily (YL) removes him each time and places him back before the giant awakens; feeds, the young man should not eat the meat that the giant gives him; the giant offers 1) to find a pin lost by the giant’s great-grandmother in a stable for 500 horses, which has not been cleaned for 700 years (ZhL cleans, finds); 2) make a roof over the stable from bird feathers so that everyone is different (ZhL does it); 3) get the egg from the crow's nest on the top of a giant tree, or rather a smooth pillar; JL orders to kill her, clean the meat from the bones, make a ladder from the bones, then put all the bones back; the young man does everything, but forgets to take the last bone, ZhL is reborn, but she is missing her little toe; the giant releases the young man; at home, the soothsayer advises the king to marry his son to the daughter of the king of Denmark; they come to the wedding, the giant and ZhL also come; ZhL turns two grains into a pair of pigeons; the male pecks the female, pushes her off the table, she says that he didn’t do that when she helped him clean the stable; the same about other episodes; the young man remembers ZhL, takes her as his wife, the king of Denmark and his daughter are guests at this wedding], 166-185 [after working for a blacksmith, Césa MacRi na Tulach {Cesa is a dark-colored bird} and Lun Dubh MacSmola leave, but understand that both want to return and get the blacksmith's daughter named Scéhide ni Wánanan; she chose LD, but SM nailed his finger; released him on a promise to give up the girl, but LD made it a condition that upon meeting he would have the right to strike first; SM and his wife came to Finn's castle; along the way he put on leather clothes, from then on his name was Gilla na Grakin (fellow of the skin); he hires himself to F. for a year and one day for five pounds and a room for his wife; kills more game than all the people of F.; Conan Maol says that GG will destroy the Fenni, offers to send him to the king of Lochlin for a cauldron of abundance, in which there is always food; GG (this time and then) creates a ship by crossing two sticks (then always turns the ship back into sticks), sails to Lochlin, takes away the cauldron, returns, kills everyone in battle, brings the cauldron to Finn; the same with the cup in which there is always a drink, the GG brings it from the King of the Tides; for the third time, the CM suggests sending the GG to the east to find out why Gruagach has only one hair left on his head; G. defeats G., he tells how a hare came running, took a shit, they chased after him, an old woman came out, turned G.’s wife, son, daughter and two hounds into stone, leaving him with one hair; GG kills a hare, defeats the old woman, makes the petrified people come to life, kills her, and together with G. comes to F.; KM, in fright, pretends to be a child and hides in the cradle; GG's service life is over, but the spirit from the source tells Finn that he must return the cup to the Tide King or fight him; GG tells Finn to ask his wife for permission to take him with her at the moment when she is combing her hair and cannot refuse; the wife makes F. promise to return GG, alive or dead; The Tide King is unfriendly, sending GG to kill a wild bull if he wants to eat; GG accomplishes everything, kills the Tide King and his people; GG and F. with the bowl swim back; a ship with an LD sails up, it strikes and kills the GG; his wife orders her to be placed with her husband’s body in a chest, which is locked from the inside; through the hole he sees two sparrows carrying a dead third, three alive returning from the island; GG's wife finds a source on the island and revives her husband; GG finds LD and kills him; F. is glad that GG is alive]; McManus 1915: 182-185 [stepmother drives away stepson; he hires himself to the owner for a promise to give him a horse; a blind man teaches to take a homely bay; the horse tells the young man not to pick up the shining hair, he picks it up and dines in the light of his new owner; the king's son notices this; tells the young man to get a woman with similar hair; a horse frolics in front of a woman's palace, she sits down to ride, he carries her away; she promises to marry the king’s son if he gets three bottles of water from a cow spring; the horse orders the young man to kill him by the seashore; crows will fly in and hang bottles on the necks of the three, they will bring water from across the sea; With this water the young man heals the necks of crows worn out by the rope and revives the horse; the woman sprinkles herself with the same water, bathes in boiling water, promises to marry the one who also bathes; the king's son was boiled, the young man, sprinkled with water, was not harmed, marries a woman with shining hair; the horse also turns into a woman (she was bewitched), disappears], 191-195 [the prince plays cards with the old man, he casts a spell on him not to eat twice at the same table, not to sleep twice in the same bed; the sage explains that the old man lives at the bottom of the sea, says where his four swan daughters will fly; the prince hides the youngest’s clothes; gives for a promise to help; she sticks a sleeping pin into her father so that he does not kill the young man at the entrance; the young man comes in and says God save everything here ; this phrase lifted the spell, but the old man gives instructions; 1) build a house; 2) clean the house of garbage; 3) build a roof; 4) cover it with the down of wild birds; The old man’s daughter does everything for the young man, orders him to take the horse and run; the father and the army are chasing, the wife orders the horse's sweat taken from his ear to splash behind her, the sea appears; the old man drains it by collecting three plates of water; the daughter takes a duck from a tree, an egg from a duck, hits her father in the left leg with the egg, he dies; the wife tells the prince to come home first; he will forget her if he kisses someone; he was kissed by a greyhound, he forgot his wife, took a princess as his wife; the old man's daughter is hired as a laundress; the princess enters the laundry room, falls dead; the washerwoman tells the rooster and hen to tell a story about her and the one who forgot her; the prince remembers everything, calls the old man’s daughter his wife]; Scots : Kharitonov 2008 [Ayen shoots a blue falcon, knocks it down, brings back one feather; the stepmother-queen orders to get a falcon; The fox orders you to go to the five-headed giant, get hired to watch the birds, carry the falcon away so as not to hurt anything; A. touches the doorframe; the giant is ready to give up the falcon if A. brings the White Light-Bearing Sword from the three giantesses; Same; the giantesses demand the golden bay mare of King Erin; he is the daughter of the French king; Each time the fox turns into a boat, a ship to cross the sea; A. lures the king's daughter onto the ship; they fall in love with each other; The fox successively turns into a beauty, a mare, a sword, a falcon, then runs away; having obtained everything, A. returns, points the blade at his stepmother, she turns into a pile of brushwood, A. burns her, receives the throne, marries the daughter of the French king; promises that the hunters will not touch the Fox]: 468-479; Shustova 1994 [=Campbell 1890(1), No. 2: 25-38; a sparrow and a mouse quarreled over a grain; the war of birds and animals began; the prince of Tethertain killed the Snake when she was ready to kill the Raven in a duel; he carries him through valleys and lakes to his first, second, third sisters, with the third he becomes a young man; gives him a knapsack and tells him not to open it on the way; the young man opens it, a palace with a garden appears; the giant puts them back for a promise to give away a son who will be born when he is seven years old; the young man becomes king, marries, seven years later a giant appears for his son; the boy's mother gives the cook's son instead of her son; the giant asks what his father would do if he received the rod; he replies that he would drive dogs and cats away from treats; the king has to give up the promised son; a young man grows up in the house of a giant, who offers him a choice of one of two daughters; the young man demands the third, Red-haired Mary; the giant demands 1) clean out the barn (M. does everything), 2) cover the house with bird feathers (the same), 3) remove the magpie eggs from the nest on the pine tree and boil them (M. cuts off his fingers and toes, they turn into steps stairs, the young man takes out the eggs, his fingers grow in size, except for the little finger, which the young man did not touch when he climbed); 4) recognize the bride among her sisters (she does not have a little finger); M. orders to run, leaving apple slices to answer; M. orders to take it out of the mare’s ear, throw behind 1) a sprig of thorns (thorny thickets; the giant runs home for an ax, then takes it back, because the crow promises to steal the ax), 2) a pebble (mountain, the giant runs home for a pickaxe and hammer), 3) a bottle of water (lake, the giant is drowning); M. orders not to kiss anyone at home, the young man is kissed by a dog, he forgets M.; M. hides in a tree, the wife and the shoemaker’s daughter see her reflection, take her as their own, refuse to carry water, since they are such beauties; the shoemaker takes M. into the house, says that the prince is getting married, takes M. with him to the feast; she has two doves fly out of a glass and tell M.’s story; the prince marries M.]: 363-373; friezes [three sons of a peasant, the youngest of them, Yalt (Gjalt), leaves to seek his fortune; Ya sees a coffin dug out of a grave in the cemetery; wants to bury him, a giant comes up and says that the deceased owes him a thaler, he will not let him be buried; Ya gives the thaler; a two-headed giant approaches, demands 2 thalers; triceps – 3; Ya buries a dead man, is left without money, separates from his brothers; An old man approaches him and says that he is the brother of the deceased and will serve out of gratitude; Me: I will be Big Me, and you will be Little Me; they come to the castle of the one-headed giant; MY teaches to say that they were sent by the giant's brother: the peasant army is sent to kill the owner of the castle; the giant agrees to hide in the well, gives up his sword, an inexhaustible wallet and a receipt for the sale of the BYA castle; the companions pull a ladder out of the well and cover the hole with a stone; the same with the two-headed giant; with triceps; they took from him a mirror showing the truth and wings for flight; the princess gives the suitors impossible tasks, all those who fail are executed; the king's tasks for BYA: 1) play cards with the wizard, who will run out of money first; 2) run a race, bring an eagle egg from a nest on a sky-high mountain; 3) defeat the wizard and bring his head; BY wins thanks to his inexhaustible wallet and MY, who shows him his partner’s cards in the mirror and helps him stay awake; BYA overtakes the wizard on the wings; defeats the giant with a sword, and MY hides BY under a dark veil and the wizard does not see the enemy; BY marries the princess, gives his parents a house, lives in the castle himself, ME is his treasurer]: Mürk 2014: 38-50; Germans : Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 17 [=Grimm, Grimm 1987: 57-60; the king's servant tastes the meat of a white snake, gains knowledge of the language of animals; finds out that the queen's ring was swallowed by a duck, receives a horse as a reward; along the way he saves three fish, ants, and crows that have fallen out of the nest; with their help he completes the king’s tasks and gets the princess; 1) fish retrieve a ring from the bottom of the sea, 2) ants collect millet scattered in the grass, 3) crows bring apples from the tree of life; the young man and the queen eat half an apple each, live happily ever after], 191 [=Grimm, Grimm 1987: 427-429); the princess promises to marry someone whom she cannot find; whoever he finds, he executes; the eldest and middle brothers die, the youngest does not kill the raven, fish, fox, they promise to help; the raven hides in his egg, the fish in his belly (the princess finds him both times), the fox becomes a merchant, turns the young man into a fish, he hides under the princess’s scythe, she doesn’t find him, gets married], 193 [the drummer sees him on the shore of the lake three pieces of white linen, puts one in his pocket; at night, a girl invisible in the dark asks for her clothes to be returned to her; she is the daughter of a king, imprisoned by magic on the top of a glass mountain; must swim in the lake every day and fly back; cannot fly without clothes; the drummer promises to rescue her; tells the giant that soon an army will come to kill him; the giant gets scared and agrees to take the drummer to the glass mountain; hands it to another giant, who gives it to a third, and leaves the third at the foot of the mountain; two fight over a saddle that takes them anywhere; the drummer invites them to run a race, flies up the mountain on his saddle; there the old woman demands 1) to empty the pond with a thimble in a day; the girl tells him to sleep, magically extracts water; the fish lie in a row according to size, one to the side; the girl teaches you to throw this fish in the witch's face; 2) cut down a forest in a day, stack the logs (the same thing, hit the witch in the face with the last branch); 3) burn everything in one fire; on the girl’s advice, the drummer throws the witch into the fire, having previously taken out an unburned log, it turns into that girl; she warns not to kiss her parents at home, he kisses her and forgets her; the drummer marries someone else; the magical wife agrees to give her a dress like the sun for permission to spend the first night at the bedroom door; but the drummer does not wake up; on the second night - a dress like the moon; on the third - like stars; this time the drummer did not drink wine, he hears his wife, remembers her; another woman received these dresses as compensation]: 61-64, 549-552, 558-565; Germans (Baden-Württemberg) [stepmother and her two daughters tyrannize stepdaughter Cinderella (Aschengrittel); the father asks his daughters what to bring them; the younger ones ask for decorations, the eldest asks for a nut stick; goes to the well, a dwarf comes out from there, asks her for three evil and three good wishes; she has no evil, she just wants her stepmother and her daughters to treat her well; the dwarf says that she is kind, gives her a golden wand that fulfills wishes; the stepmother and daughters go to the king's bar; Cinderella taps her wand on the edge of the well, luxurious clothes appear; the king falls in love with a stranger; so twice; the third time he orders all the doors to be locked, except one, and the threshold of that one to be smeared with resin; Cinderella's golden slipper sticks; the king tells everyone to try it on; the stepmother's daughters cut off the meat from their heels, the king noticed blood in the shoe; Cinderella came up; wedding]: Hubrich-Messow 1988, no. 32: 53-55; Germans (Austria): Zerf 1992: 123-128 [a young man sees three girls swimming in the forest on a lake, putting on swan clothes, and flying away; the mother orders a hut to be built next to the lake and guarded; the young man hides the clothes of the middle girl and brings her to the hut; leaves to fetch his mother, forgetting to lock the chest; the girl finds her clothes, flies away, telling her to look for them on the glass mountain; the old man calls the animals, only the three-legged hare knows the way to the glass mountain; a young man divides a horse carcass between a bear, a wolf, a raven and an ant; everyone gives their hair (an ant’s paw), which allows them to take the form of this animal; a young man flies up the mountain like a raven to a girl; she warns that her mother is a witch; she sets the conditions for the wedding; 1) drink the egg without breaking the shell (the young man uses an ant to make a tiny hole); 2) in three days, cut down the forest, turn it into woodpiles of firewood (the wife does everything); 3) set fire to the wood and jump into the fire; he jumps, in place of the fire is a palace; the young man began to live there with his wife and her sisters], 205-210 [the merchant’s son lost money, swapped a horse and a mare with a stranger; mare: no need to pick up a golden horseshoe, feather and curl on the road; the young man lifts; hired as a groom; in this city it is forbidden to turn on the lights after dark; a young man illuminates the room with a horseshoe, a feather, a curl of hair; the king sees the light, selects objects, orders to bring the horse whose horseshoe is, a bird, a girl; the mare leads him to the castle, orders him to take the old horse, the half-dead bird, the freak; they turn into a mighty horse, a beautiful bird, a beauty; the king invites the young man to choose the type of death; mare: let her prepare a huge basin of boiling milk; the young man jumps into the milk on a mare and emerges handsome; the king jumped and boiled; the beauty married the young man]; the Flemish : Uther 2004(1), № 559: 327.

Western Asia. Palestinians [in the absence of the fisherman, the three daughters of the genie clean the house, clean and prepare the fish he caught; the neighbor replies that she did nothing; he follows, grabs the youngest; the king wants a woman for himself, orders the fisherman 1) to plant a vine, collect grapes in the morning so that the whole army can eat it (the wife creates); 2) inexhaustible bread (the same); 3) bring the baby still with the umbilical cord, so that he will tell a false story from beginning to end; my wife's sister has just given birth, her baby is telling a story; as a result, the king blesses the fisherman and his wife]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, no. 37: 272-277; Arabs Syria [the woodcutter thinks about how he can drag the log home, and suddenly sees a camel; loaded him up, brought him home; every day the camel brings a golden egg; then he orders him to marry the king’s daughter; the king demands a bunch of grapes that never runs out of berries; a carpet that will cover all the streets; golden castle; everything is fulfilled; the king gave away his daughter, at night the camel turns into a young man; orders not to tell anyone; enemies attacked, the princess's husband fights at night, defeats them; the king tied his wound with his handkerchief; the princess found out, told everyone, her husband disappeared; the king built baths, the fee is a story about the extraordinary; one old woman told how she spent the night in a tree; the earth opened up, the prince came out, holding three apples in his hands: one for the dove, one for the dove, one for my wife, who could not keep the secret; his wife came and hugged him; he explained that an underground witch had cast a spell: if the woman deceived him, he would remain underground; his wife went underground with him, he passed her off as a maid; the witch orders sweeping with a broom to which a bead is attached; if one bead is lost, it will be sent back to earth; the husband collected the fallen beads and attached them back; the witch has a sister in another country; let the girl take the chest to her without opening it; the girl dropped the chest, snakes and monkeys got out of it; the husband gathered them back; wants to marry the princess's husband to another woman, and let her dance at the wedding; husband: ask the witch for a lamp and wick; During the dance, the husband threw a lamp at the witch and she burned; the spell was lifted, the princess and her husband returned home]: Abu Risha 2015: 30-35; Arabs Syria (Damascus), Iraq [a man has 39 sons from his first wife and Muhammad from his second; they leave and are hired into the service of the Sultan; envious brothers persuade him to tell M. to get 1) the cannibal’s sword; M. steals it from the sleeping giant; 2) his flying mare (the same); 3) his treasure chest; the cannibal grabbed M., he advises him to fatten him first; he pushes the ogre's wife into a boiling cauldron, puts on her clothes; the cannibal eats meat, notices his wife’s earring; M. runs away; the spirit from the chest advises M. to take everything for himself and become the Sultan]: Nowak 1969, No. 184: 188; Arabs Iraq (Maysan province in eastern Iraq) [a poor hunter caught a pelican, he asked to let him go, promised to make him rich; the next day the hunter caught a bird with gold and silver feathers; Pelican advised to give it to the Sultan; he paid generously; envious nobles advised to send a hunter for 1) the bird’s brother; he was immediately caught in the net; 2) let the queen say she is sick, ask for pork milk in a pig skin, which is carried by a pig, and in front of her is a pig, and behind her is a pig; The Pelican directs him to the Tiger and orders him to pull the splinter out of his paw; he orders the boars to do as the Sultan asked; 3) the daughter of an Indian king as a wife; The pelican orders to ask the Sultan for a golden motor (=motorcycle), made with the money of the viziers, to put those birds there; the viziers went bankrupt; the daughter of an Indian king with two girls came to look at the engine, the hunter took her away, the Sultan married her, made the hunter a vizier, gave the princess a companion as his wife]: Yaremenko 1990, No. 14: 74-81; Saudi [the bird asks the bird catcher to let it go, promises to bring a more valuable one; brings gold; The bird catcher's wife took her feather to the jeweler, who told the king; the king gave the bird catcher a lot of money; an envious jeweler persuaded the king to order the bird catcher to bring 1) a female of the same bird (the first bird brings), 2) the milk of a lioness, brought on the back of a lion, otherwise the king’s wife will go blind (the bird teaches how to remove a splinter from the lion, he brings milk), 3) remove the huge a stone behind which there is treasure; a bird teaches how to cut off a jeweler's head on a stone, the stone split, the king received treasures, made the bird catcher a vizier]: Juhayman 1999: 57-61; {in Yaremenko 1990, No. 20: 112-116 the same tale was published as Iraqi, since it was written in the Iraqi dialect, although the place of recording was not indicated; since similar variants are in South Yemen and Socotra, and the Syro-Palestinian ones are not known to me, the Saudi attribution is more likely}; Saudi [after the death of his father, the youngest of the poor man’s three sons began to catch and sell fish; Once I couldn’t catch it for a long time, then I caught a big one; in her stomach there were many small ones, among them a golden one; the young man placed it in a bowl of water; then the fish disappeared; a young man came to him and said that he was the son of the king of fish, he was swallowed by a large fish, and the fisherman saved him; He brought him to his father and told him to ask for a white chicken; someone is cooking in the house; the young man waylaid the girl - she was the chicken; They merried; the ruler's servant reported about the beauty; in order to take possession of it, he demanded from the young man 120 identical red fish covered with gold; the wife created; the ruler demands a blue scarf as long as a road; the wife swam to her father, delivered a scarf, it has no end; ruler: a herd of red sheep and a herd of buffaloes; the young man called the ruler a beast; he demanded the delivery of 120 heads of such cattle; the wife sent 120 monsters in cages; they burst into flames, the ruler burned down along with the palace]: Juhayman 1999: 81-86; Southern Yemen [dying, the bird catcher asks his pregnant wife to let his son take up the same craft as him; the grown-up Ali receives a snare from his mother and catches a hoopoe; the Jew asks to sell, A. refuses; another man advises to take the bird to the Sultan; the Sultan pays generously; the Jew persuades him to ask A. to get a female for the hoopoe; he gets it, is afraid of further requests and invites his mother to move away, but the mother does not agree; the Jew advises to order a cage made from the wood of the tek tree; A. sees how a black snake fights with a white one and wins, kills the black one; the white one turns into a young man; says that his grandmother has the cage near the tek tree; brings him to his mother, orders him to kiss her breast, otherwise he will kill him; grandmother gives a cage; the Jew advises ordering to get a girl named Daughter of Lightning (DM); A. comes to that genie woman, she orders him to take with him a vessel with oil, grains and 700 camels; he pours oil on the bound old woman, she frees herself from her bonds, gives her hair - if burned, she will come to the rescue; a young man gives grain to hungry ants, their king gives a string - if burned, he will come to the rescue; gives the hawks a hundred camels for food; the king of the hawks gives an invisibility cloak; invisible, A. hears DM reading in the book: A. will be her husband, he is close; A. opens; Arriving at the Sultan, DM tells him to first kill the Jew, he does so; invites the Sultan and A. to jump from a cliff; A. jumps easily, the rock falls on the Sultan; DM and A. live in his palace]: Canova 2002: 231-237; love : Müller 1909, No. 25 [three sisters of a man were taken as wives by a bird, an ant, a genie; he leaves to marry the daughter of the sunshine (Sonnenblitz); a bird and an ant each give a pearl; thanks to them, the man flew in the form of a bird, entered the palace as an ant; girl's father: the groom must spend the night indoors with an elephant that kills people; the man turned into an ant, climbed into the elephant’s trunk, and killed him; recognize the bride among many girls; she warns that she will have a signet ring (Siegelring) on style='font-family: ​​her hand; the Sultan orders the house to be built overnight; a man calls his brother-in-law, the genie, who builds; the sultan gives a man a daughter and slaves]: 54-58; Stroomer 1999, no. 37 [when the dates were almost ripe, someone stripped them; soothsayer to the owner: these are three genie girls, they are flying in to swim, we need to hide their clothes; a man hides, returns two, takes away the third, takes as his wife; gives three sisters as wives to the three genies who came for them; leaves, leaving his wife in the care of his mother; there was a holiday, people asked the man’s wife to dance too; she says she needs her clothes for this; people persuaded the mother-in-law to give her clothes; the woman danced and flew away; the people buried the lamb, told the returning husband that his wife had died; but he opened the grave and forced his mother to tell everything; soothsayer: feed the brown, black, and white camels for three years; then don't let them eat; the one who jumps over the fence will get there; the brown one jumped over; ride it into the sun until you are exhausted; then walk for three days; every day he stays with his sisters, three genies give a hair - they will come to the rescue; he sees his wife, she reveals him to his father after he made a promise not to cause harm; the wife's father demands: to drink a stream, run with a bowl of water up the mountain and back without spilling, eat two camels; the genies fulfill everything, the man gets a wife]: 99-104; Socotra [to choose a friend, the Sultan's son Muhammad calls the young man, offers food, and leaves himself; he does not touch the food, M. rejects him; so with many; As soon as Saleh ate everything, M. makes him his friend; they go hunting gazelles; they notice a ship with a beautiful girl on it; they look for her everywhere, find her in a distant country; this is Eyna, the daughter of the ruler; she comes to the young men, but M. is sleeping; so twice; the third time Saleh manages to wake up M., E. teaches how to find her room; the upper floor is built from the skulls of suitors who tried to do this before; S. finds E., receives it, but gives it to M.; on the way home, E. and M. spend the night under one tree, and S. under another; hears three birds talking; the snake will crawl up and spit on E.’s cheek, if the poison is not wiped off, E. will die, and if S. tells, he will turn to stone; S. erases the poison, M. almost killed S., thinking that he tried to kiss E.; at the next overnight stop; M. wants to drink, a man comes towards him with a bucket of milk, it is poisoned; S. knocks the vessel out of M.’s hands, E. again prevents M. from attacking S.; on the third night: M. will find a golden rod, if he hits the horse with it, the horse will die; S. puts his hand up, the rod breaks; at home M. arranges a trial of S., S. tells everything, turns into stone; the wife gave birth, three birds told her that if the baby was slaughtered, S. would come to life; E. did just that, S. came to life]: Naumkin, Kogan 2013, No. 22: 186-187 (with additions for the full English translation); Socotra [husband died; when the son grew up, he began to ask his mother what his father did; she lies: traveled; planted palm trees; herded sheep; the son tries to do this, but to no avail; he puts his mother's hand into the hot food, she screams, May God burn you, son of a bird catcher! the young man bought a cage, caught the birds, and gave half of it to the old woman; caught a dove, left it in the house, the next morning there was gold and silver next to it; the vizier told the sultan about this, he ordered him to bring the young man and give him the dove; the next morning there is nothing nearby; vizier: we must order the young man to bring a male; the young man went to that old woman, she pointed out the cave, he must shoot when he sees the light, take out the cage, leave it to her, give the dove to the Sultan; but there is still no gold and silver; vizier: we need a cage too; the old woman gave the cage, the young man brought it, but again there was no gold; vizier: we need to get the daughter of the Sunrise; old woman: let them build a ship of gold and silver with the vizier’s money, and let 14 girls be the sailors; seeing a boat with girls, Voskhod’s daughter wants to see the ship, he takes her away; the young man tells the Sultan that the daughter of the Sunrise will descend from the ship only if at every step they kill a person and lay out a carpet - all at the expense of the vizier; Seeing the first dead man, the girl said that it would come anyway; tells the Sultan that she will marry him if he kills the birdcatcher’s son, and not with a sword, not with flint, not with poison; the young man is thrown into a pit, a fire is made, but he has an amulet and is unharmed; the Sultan decided that the fire was cold, jumped into it and burned; the young man married the daughter of Voskhod]: Müller 1905, No. 2: 50-57.

Melanesia. San Cristobal [name of the eldest of several brothers Wanohunugaraiia (V.); another one is born, Wanohunugamwanehaora; he immediately grows up and shows how to build a house so that the beams don’t fall; envious brothers 1) offer V. to deepen the hole for the next pillar, place the pillar on it, V. calls out to them from the top of the pillar; 2) his brothers take him to the sea to dive for a huge clam; V. chewed betel nut in advance and colored the water red; the brothers swim away, V. returns before them, bringing a shell; 3) the brothers take V. to a huge fish and let it swallow him; V. took sharp obsidian with him, cut the fish’s belly, went out, and brought the fish home; 4) hunt a wild boar (V. kills, brings it); 5) climb a palm tree for betel, it grows to the sky; V. removes the nuts, tells the palm tree to bend down, sits at home waiting for his brothers; 6) the brothers bake V. in an earthen oven, take it out, he is alive; V. bakes the eldest himself, eats it with other brothers]: Fox, Drew 1915: 203-207 (=Fox 1924: 156-160); islands Shepherd [Sina and Saliaumbea (S.) met and decided to live together; S. built a two-room hut; Sina wanted to sleep together, but S. stayed in his room; his penis was wrapped several times around his belt; at night S. sent his penis to Sina, but she pushed him away, and in the morning asked what it was; she took S. to the seashore, took the penis by the tip and began to cut off pieces until the penis became short enough; the cut pieces turned into sea cucumbers; Sina gave birth to an eldest son, Karisupuna, a younger son, Tafaki, and a daughter, Leiouaoua; one day S. returned home when there were only children there; L. left feces at the entrance; S. beat the children; when Sina returned, the children were crying; they said that the father called the mother tuarerere (bat? see below) and showed her wings hidden under the roof; Sina put on her wings and flew up onto a tree branch; the branch broke; so with 10 branches; S. hears a crash like thunder; Finally, she flew away, telling her sons: if you hear fruit bats (large bats) in the banana grove, do not go hunting for them; pinch your sister to make her cry, tell your father that you can’t go out now; when S. went on his own, Sina and her sisters attacked him, they tore out all his flesh piece by piece, leaving only bones and skin; Sina returned to the children, and they buried the remains of their father; everyone goes to the memorial ceremony, and K. sits in the hut; the door is curtained with 10 mats; Nyutawroa, Neutawtorua pass by successively... and so on 10 to Nyutawangafuru; everyone takes a mat; when the latter takes off the last one, K. agrees to go, but it’s too late; but the brothers are bathing, asking their sister what they look like; L.: if you weren’t my brothers, I would have become your wife; then the same L. in relation to the brothers; the brothers leave their sister, go to a holiday where Leysamori must choose a husband; “If we don’t come back with everyone, it means they killed us”; Leisamori sends the maid Fitivarevare to the brothers; she sees in the water the reflection of the brothers sitting on a tree; dives; finally, they throw her a fruit that has marks of their nails on it; F. notices the tracks, sees the brothers, leads them to the holiday; the pillar is covered with ants; whoever climbs will become Leisamori's husband; none of the chiefs can climb; T. climbed up, dropped the fruits, Leisamori calls him husband; the leaders disperse; the brothers' sister sees that the brothers are not with them; thinks they are killed; turns into a pandanus flower; brothers appear; sister: it's late; brothers go to Vayloa; Leisamori is the wife of both, but they are jealous of each other; now the groom is chosen by Leysapay, who lives in the sky; K. wants to try, but none of the ancestors know how to get up; ancestor in the 12th generation: if you blow into a forge from a shell so that it splits, and then make the shell whole, you will rise; K. glued it together with his urine; leaving, K. takes out his brother’s eyes and hides them in the house; T. remains blind; there are crushing rocks on the way; K. pretends that he is going to run between them; the rocks collide, and when they separate, K. runs; the same with two poisonous bushes on the sides of the path; with two sky-high coconut trees; with two boars; tuarerere swim in the pond; K. asks one to allow him to sail in his boat; others rush to eat it, but the owner of the boat does not allow it; then he grabs a tree and it grows; K. sequentially calls on 4 winds, but only the northern one bent the tree to the sky; K. slipped through the hole, it closed behind him; there in the village is the mother of K. Sin; she is surprised that her son made it; K. marries Leisapai; Sina lowers them on a rope, placing them on a mat tied to it; T.'s eyes dried out during this time; he changed them from the trevally fish; therefore the eyes of this fish are not allowed to be eaten; Leisamori and Leisapai quarrel, Leisamori wants to be in charge; then Leisapai pulls the rope and returns to heaven; now Karisupunga and Tafaki are two stones, and a third nearby; this is their ancestor who helped them climb to heaven]: Guiart 1962: 118-121.

Micronesia - Polynesia. Pour in (Western Carolinas): Lessa 1980, No. 46 [the celestial puts the girls in a cradle, brings them down to earth to see the islands; the rope slipped, the girls fell, the men on the island of Mogmog took wives; the most beautiful one remained in the cradle; a single man was teased about not having a wife; he came to the cradle and took the beauty; the leader decided to take it away; sent my husband 1) to get feathers from a heron nesting on uninhabited islands; the wife directed her husband to the right island, the husband returned the same day; 2) get frigate feathers; his wife was sent to the Woleai Islands (between Ulithi and Truk); at this time the leader came to the woman, she turned into a lizard, he did not find her, he destroyed the house; the spirit woman takes her wife to Woleai; she hides there in a house for menstruating women, her husband recognizes the food she has prepared, they are together again; the spirit woman kills the leader, the couple return to Ulithi]: 73-77 (similar versions to Trick and with Elato ); Mitchell 1973, No. 46 [Sibegewo in the sky carried a bag with beautiful women; the strap broke, the bag fell to the ground in the pond; the young men found her, took the women apart; one was late and people started laughing at him; however, he found the last, but most beautiful woman at the bottom of the bag; the leader wanted her for himself; offers 1) to dance (the wife teaches how to dance better than anyone); 2) bring a lot of young coconut leaves (the wife turns the grass leaves into coconut leaves); 3) bring black frigate bird feathers to decorate all the dancers (the wife creates feathers from leaves); 4) bring bracelets from shells (my wife turns coconut shells into shells); 5) bring white heron feathers; this time the wife cannot create them, the husband goes to another island to get feathers; the leader comes at night, but the wife turns into a lizard, the leader does not find her; in a piece of bamboo she sails to the island where her husband is; he lives there because... the island where the herons are is dangerous; the wife lives with the woman who found the piece of bamboo; finds out that there is a yearning young man on the island; understands that this is her husband; spouses reunite, remain on this island]: 128-131; islands Trick [Chief Soufa has 5 wives; he orders the boys to be killed and the girls to be preserved; one of the sisters {and at the same time - wives?} S. gave birth to a son, sent him to the Wind Eater (some kind of butterfly or bird), who lived inside the island; the young man has grown up, hears screams from the shore, this is a festival of toy boats; the adoptive mother made such a boat for the young man, it overtook everyone else; the boy’s real mother took her from the shore; he took the boat away, leaving the imprint of his nails on the mother’s hand; S. gathers men to determine whose hand it is; They sent a man to the house of the Wind Eater and brought a young man; S. recognized the prints and ordered the young man to come tomorrow to put up pillars for the community house; the adoptive mother orders him to dig a hole with a lining to hide when the pillar is lowered onto it; also let him take with him a coconut (it will crunch) and a termite, which will make an exit to the ground; when the young man dug a hole, a pole was lowered into it; the young man went out, S. tells him to come tomorrow; foster mother: drink some water: they tell you to climb a tree for nuts and light a fire around - you will drink it by regurgitating water; he did so; on the third day, the foster mother teaches the young man to dodge raindrops; when he came to S., they began to throw darts at him, not a single one hit; the fourth time the foster mother orders you to take a knife from the shell, ocher and charcoal with you; the young man was placed in a trap and lowered into the water; he chewed ocher and lime, they decided it was the brain; coal - my stomach burst; he cut the ropes and surfaced, bringing S. fish; on the fifth day: you will be left on a desert island, you must take breadfruit with you; they told him to hook the anchor off the shore, cut the line and sailed away; there was only one tree on the island; the young man put the fruit on the top of his head, turned to the God of the Rainbow to take the fruit and help him escape; then he hung the caught fish there; like this every day; the old man came, but the young man refused to talk to him; the next day a young man came; he is the God of the Rainbow; returning on the third day, he drew a boat in the sand, kicked it, the drawing became a real boat; the young man returned to S.; the next day S. and his brothers decided to sail in his boat themselves; the young man told her to become sand again, the passengers were eaten by sharks]: Fischer 1954: 289-306 (retelling in Lessa 1961: 174-176); Tonga (Lifuka) [the lizard eats the sponge with which Chief Maafu washes himself; gives birth to twins; they come to live with their father; they are evil and cunning, they break the leg of M.’s nephew, throw darts at him; he sends them to a pond, does not say that a huge bird of prey is flying there; the brothers kill her and bring her to her father; 2) to a reservoir where predatory fish live (the same); M. says that he does not want to live with them; they agree, turn into the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds]: Polinskaya 1986, No. 78: 190-192; Tonga [Lasa (Laka) cuts down a tree to make a boat for a trip to Fiji; Haelefeke revives the tree; on the fourth day L. lies in wait and grabs him; he helps build the boat, sails with L.; with them are also the Eater and the Thief; Fiji demons offer to compete, 1) eat a lot (Eater wins), 2) catch a fruit thrown from a tree, 3) fill a basket with crabs (The thief waits for the Fijian to fill his basket, puts him to sleep, transfers the crabs to his)]: Beckwith 1970: 271; Pukapuka (southern Cook Islands) [after Maui fished out Tonga, the gods are irritated by his boasting; they ask him to name the rope figures they made (he names everything); separate, without tearing, two connected coconut leaves; M. quietly tears them, but the gods understand the deception; M. has counted all the corals, all the stars in the sky, all the hairs on the heads of his opponents, but admits that he cannot count the waves that appear again and again]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938; Pukapuka (southern Cook Islands) [Lata in Samoa came into the forest, chose a tree, cut it down, and began to hollow out a boat; the grove belonged to Yanata, he was used to resting under this tree; J. came, they began to fight, J. restored the tree with magic; however, L. magically replaced the trunk under the bark with another, preserving his boat; finished it; selected the command, testing whether the person bends his neck if L. presses on it; they sailed to Fiji (Witi); along the way, the companions mobilize their witchcraft powers, protecting themselves from the weather, man-eating fish (Wakapeyi and Wakapalalu have the ability to spew out a lot of crap, the fish ate it and left behind); when a huge tridacna attacks, L. himself jumps into it, cuts it from the inside with a wooden knife, and floats up; the flesh of the mollusk is distributed among all the islands of the Pacific Ocean, forgetting Pukapuka; dives, takes out the root of the shell (it is not suitable for food); in Fiji they offer competitions to have an excuse to kill and eat strangers; 1) collect more crabs; before sunset the Fijian hero scored three baskets, Tupua-kaia volunteered from team L. one; He offered to spend the night in the forest, put stones and leaves in his baskets, covering them with crabs; he made holes in two of his opponent’s baskets as if they had been chewed by crabs; the opponent was eaten; 2) weave a mat; Mata-pili-kawa from team L. worked harder and won; the people of Fiji decided to fatten and eat strangers without waiting for an excuse; Tupua-kele-ana from L.'s team dug an underground passage from the stockade behind which they were kept to their boat; last to leave, Wakapeyi and Wakapalalu filled the move with crap; the boat turned out to be uncaulked, but Matai-monomono caulked it; they swam, returned, dug up the Fijian boats, broke the bailers, sailed away again; the Fijians were flooded with shit, the boats began to sink; L. and his companions continued their journey]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938; Rotuma : Polinskaya 1986: No. 6 [Lou's wife (Tangaroa's son) gave birth to two sons, then she had a miscarriage; moea-tikitiki was raised by a bird vea , sent her to her parents; Lou goes somewhere secretly; M. is watching him; Lou lifts the stone and descends into the hole in the ground; M. looks through the hole, sees the country of Tonga below, goes down, finds himself on a tree, throws fruits at his father; he tries to destroy him by sending him to the old man for fire; M. defeats the old man, brings fire; going down the next time with two brothers, M. fishes out the land of Tonga on a hook; Tangaroa got angry and placed the brothers in the sky (three stars of Orion's Belt)]: 55-57; Churchward 1937 [(trans. Permyakov 1970, No. 95: 207-217); two sisters on earth, the eldest Lu; underground was the country of Tonga, where the couple had a son, Mafi; he rose to earth, married Lou; their sons Moea Motua, Moea Langon, miscarried for the third time; the woman of Mari-ki-Langi came down from the sky to steal blood and called the bird to help vea (quail), she chirped, the rain came and washed away the blood; MkL and vea they took the child to heaven and named him Moea Tiktik; MkL sends him to steal food from his real mother; one day warns that his father is ambushing him; he catches MK, the spouses are happy; MT watches his father, sees how he lifted the stone and disappeared under it; MT goes down the tree trunk, throws fruits at his father; his father sends him 1) for bananas, they are guarded by a huge Kalae bird, MT breaks its wings with a stick, the father is not happy; 2) for fire to your parents; the grandfather throws MT, he falls to his feet; MT throws his grandfather, he falls flat; gives a whole burning log; 3) behind the kava roots, they are guarded by two huge ants, MT runs until they get tired, brings kava; returns to earth with his father; catches fish with his brothers, brings the country of Tonga to the surface along with his grandfather and grandmother’s house; they themselves were carried away by the current; the brothers are looking for other people, they find only Tupu-a-Roshi; he does not know their names; becoming a spider, begins to descend on the head of Moea Motua; brothers scream Moea Motua, look who wants to attack you ! Same with Moe Langon and Moe Tiktik; TaR tells the birds to shout the names of his brothers when they approach, and he himself disappears from the house every time; the third time the brothers tell the birds to shout out their own names, they find TaR; they catch fish, TaR turns into a big fish, tears their net; the third time they grab him, kill him, recognize him by his tattoo, take over the country]: 489-496; 1939 [(trans. Polinskaya 1986, No. 17: 83-87); in the village of cannibals, one person is killed every day; parents have already been eaten, the elder sister Puakleva ("[the one from whom] pigs come") suggests that they kill her, tells the younger Puaknifo (Puaknifo) and the younger brother Möstōtō to take food from her to the Sau's house, please him, collect her bones, bury them near their house; Kava grew in this place and a pig with five piglets appeared; next time they feed sau pork; he asks to share, thinks that now he can stop eating human flesh; the elder wife of the sau praises M.; Sau is jealous, orders M. 1) to bring an albino from a distant country; M. orders a three-seater boat to be given to him, sets sail from Pn, and the killed Pl appears in the boat; they sail to Sar'efeke; "walking octopus" - a friendly spirit with the head of a man, the body of an octopus); he leads the boat to the goal, catches the albino, M. brings him to show the sau, then takes him back; 2) ririkuia (fairy-tale bright scarlet crab); another crab shows where the river is hidden under the sand; M. brings R., everyone comes running to look, M. quietly kills the self-propelled gun; a feast on the occasion of his death; (the text is probably incomplete, there were other tasks)]: 465-468.

Tibet - Northeast India. Mustang : Kretschmar 1985, no. 6 [the king orders his sons to get married; the eldest took the princess, the middle one took the minister’s daughter; the youngest does not want to get married; waters the field, saves a mouse from the water; she leads him underground to her palace, she is a beauty there; he asks her to go with him to the human world; the king requires each daughter-in-law to 1) cover the palace with fabric (only the mouse does it), 2) prepare a beautiful dress (the mouse takes out a dress with Buddhist shrines depicted on it), 3) dance; the mouse dances best of all, her husband cuts the mouse skin, a beauty comes out; the king gives the throne to his youngest son, his wife gives birth to a son and a daughter], 16 [the king from the upper reaches and the king from the lower reaches met while hunting, agreed to marry the children when their wives gave birth; the king from the upper reaches is poor, he had a son, and another had a daughter; the wild yak Gala Rinchen carried the king away from the upper reaches; he managed to write on the saddle: if his son is worthy, let him take revenge, and if not, let him become a shepherd; the son read it, the mother and uncle denied it; a man came with a bag of wheat, the young man quietly made a hole, collected the wheat, fried it, called his mother, squeezed her hand, she had to tell her about the death of the young man’s father; same with uncle (bag of peas); Uncle and mother order to first find his father’s horse; no one can tame him, the prince tamed him; met the king of the Yaks, suggested: break the right horn, the horse will tear off its right ear, I will break the thumb of my right hand; the horse pulled his ear back, the prince bent his finger, as if he really broke his horn; then he broke the left one, the prince killed him with an arrow; sent three servants to dismember the carcass; They found in the stomach of the yak a golden necklace, a knife, a bow and an arrow of the king; they brought only meat to the prince; the prince beat them, they returned everything; the prince comes to woo the promised princess - the daughter of the king of the lower reaches of the valley; her three brothers stage a groomsmen's competition; 1) whose pair of birds will fly together (the prince met the princess at the well in advance; at night she explained how to win: catch two local birds on the roof, they will fly together, and the others will have different sides); 2) cover the entire kingdom with cloth (the princess gives a piece of cloth, it grows); 3) ride around the kingdom on a horse with three saddles (everyone hit, the prince rode four times); 4) eat a whole sheep, tan the skin, drink a lot of beer; princess: just take a bite and you win); the prince received a wife and took her to him; the brothers decided to kill him; the youngest came at night, called his sister, asked which side of the bed she slept on; she lied; he shot and killed not the prince, but his sister; hundreds of people cannot lift the body, only the prince succeeds; he took the body to the pass, returned, saw smoke, decided that someone had lit a funeral pyre; came there - the princess was alive, she said that the owner of the dead had sent her back; they hugged each other and died, the birds sprinkled them with water, they came to life again; they smeared the birds' heads with oil, and since then there have been white feathers; the spouses forgave the brothers and lived well]: 58-61, 105-110; Mustang [a childless woman saw a lonely child and adopted her; his adoptive parents gave him a sheep, it bore offspring; he grazes his four sheep by the lake; the fishermen caught the last fish; the young man gave his sheep for letting her go; the underwater king invites him to his lake and feeds him well; he wants to go back to earth; the old man and the old woman advise asking the king for a white dog as a gift - this is his daughter; Coming out of the lake, the young man fell asleep, at which time the princess created a palace and cattle; She is a dog by day, a princess by night; 7 merchants offer to compete; if they lose, they will become servants; if they win, they will take the palace; each time the princess orders to go to the lake at night, ask for help from her parents; 1) cut 7 boxes with one blow (the young man gets a sword, cuts it, the merchants cannot); 2) win the race (receives a horse); 3) fight (receives a chest containing iron fighters who smashed the merchants and their mules to pieces); the princess took off the dog's skin, gave birth to a son-heir and a daughter]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 34: 196-201; Tibetans [father sends three sons to learn the skill; the eldest learned to write, the middle one became a carpenter, the youngest learned to play the violin; this is a business for a beggar and his father drove him away; he went to wander; sees a black snake fighting a white one; the black one wins, but the guy saves the white one; an old woman came: the ruler of the lower world invites him to receive a reward for saving his son; the ruler’s daughter hides her beauty under chicken skin - you need to ask the bishop for a chicken; the daughter asked her father to give her a gold pick, a gold chain and a tin cup that the monks put on their heads when they bless someone; thanks to his sorceress wife, the violinist became rich; invited the king to visit; he saw the violinist’s wife and took her away; tells the violinist to level the mountain; wife: strike three times with a golden hoe; king: now turn the small reservoir into a large pond and have a garden with birds along the banks; wife: take that cup and pour water into the reservoir with it; scatter the seeds and feathers you brought with you along the shore; now the king orders to show him hell; wife: lead that golden chain along the mountain; the mountain opened up, from the earth hell looks like a beautiful temple; the king and his entourage went there, and the violinist closed the door; returned his wife and began to reign]: Shelton 1925, No. 29: 117-122; Tibetans (Amdo) [the maid’s son told his mother that he saw in a dream how he ascended to the royal throne; mother spilled the beans; the king expelled the young man, allowing him to return when he wore off the iron shoes given to him; near the seashore, a young man sees a white snake fighting with a black one; the black one wins, but the young man killed her by throwing an iron shoe at her; at the same moment a kite rushed at the snakes; the young man hid the white one, and the kite carried away the black one; he told the 7 black horsemen who came out of the sea about this, they disappeared; then 7 white horsemen came out and said that the white snake was the son of the king of the nagas; the young man is brought into the world of the nagas; he leaves extra food near the hole; a woman comes out with her mouth sealed; the young man tears off the bandage; the woman is grateful that he gave her food; orders to ask the king of the nagas as a reward for a red bitch puppy, a white bamboo cane and a multi-colored curtain; on the seashore, a young man makes a tent from a curtain and a stick, ties up a puppy; upon returning, he sees a giant tent, inside it is full of different products; someone is cooking; the young man observed: a beauty emerges from the skin of a dog; he throws the skin into the fire, takes the girl as his wife; she gives grain, orders it to be scattered over the mountains, the grain turns into cattle; contrary to his wife’s advice, the young man invites the king to visit; the wife smeared herself with soot, but streams of sweat washed away the soot, the king saw her face and demanded her as his wife; then he decided that the woman would go to the winner of the competition; 1) pour yogurt from the mountain, whose first flows to the foot; the king orders to collect yogurt from all over the country, but the young man’s wife orders him to ask her father for help; he gives a bag of yoghurt, its flow immediately reaches the foot; 2) who will collect the scattered mustard seeds faster; the king is helped by all his people; a young man receives a box from the sea; opens ahead of time, the pigeons are killed, leaving only one with a damaged wing; but he also manages to collect the seeds before all the royal people; the wife orders to ask her father for the box of war; asks the king if he wants “po-po”; he says what he wants; warriors come out of the box, kill the king, the young man reigns]: Kajihama 2004, No. 16: 58-65; Tibetans (Qinghai) [the young man went wandering, hit the whirlwind with his staff, a shoe remained on the ground, the whirlwind disappeared into a hole; They reported to the king, the young man promised to return the missing princess; the warriors lowered the girl into the hole, the young man sent her up; the warriors were afraid that the dragon would also get out, they left the young man in the hole, blocking the exit with a stone; below is a dragon with a broken arm - during a thunderstorm, a shaman threw a (stone from) a sling at him; Having recovered, the dragon took the young man to the Water King; he offers a reward for saving his daughter (she was the dragon); the daughter orders to ask for a piece of wood and a black donkey; every time at a stop, the young man finds himself in a palace, with delicious food nearby; when he returns to his mother, both are surprised who cooks and cleans; the young man watched as a beauty emerged from a piece of wood, threw the tree into the fire; contrary to his wife’s advice, he invited the king to visit; he orders a bridge to be built from his house to the royal one; the wife ordered the needles to be scattered, a bridge appeared; plant trees (the same, the wife gives seeds); spread red and white felt (the same, the wife gives two bundles of wool); the king came to visit; the wife took off her beautiful face and hid it under the pillow; her husband ordered her to make tea, she did not react, he began to scream, called her the daughter of a merman; she took her face and went out, the king saw the beauty; orders to compete, whoever wins gets his wife; 1) whose dog is stronger (the wife gave the dog, it killed the khan’s dog); 2) who will demolish the mountain (the khan’s warriors did a lot of demolition, his wife’s aunt and younger sister immediately turned the mountain over); 3) whose army will win; the wife's mother gave a box of knives, the husband set them on a stone for testing, the knives shredded it; the wife tells me to go again; the mother-in-law sharpened the knives, they destroyed the king and the army, the young man became the king]: Potanin 1893, No. 8a: 149-152; Tibetans (Amdo) [a woman cares for two older daughters, keeps the youngest from hand to mouth; she grazes a white cow, the cow gives her food, the girl becomes prettier; the mother and sisters find out about this and are going to slaughter the cow; she tells the girl not to eat her meat, leave the bones and a share of the meat in a cave near the river, and return in three days; three days later, a cow was reborn in the cave; the prince invites all the girls to the holiday; the mother tells the youngest to separate the barley from the ash, and leaves with the elders for the holiday; the white cow tells the birds to do the work, gives the girl a beautiful outfit, and brings her to the holiday; the prince marries her, the mother is forced to agree to the marriage]: Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007: 214-215; Tibetans (Amdo) [on the way Geser meets seven cannibal maidens; they offer to play, win all his property, offer to play for their souls; he puts on a whip, plays not with their black devil's dice, but with his white god's dice, wins everything back, wins the souls of six, beheads the girls; wants to marry the seventh; lifts her hair, sees that the entire skull is covered with eyes and mouths; cannot kill her with a knife, expels the soul from the body, she dies]: Potanin 1893: 30; Tibetans (Sikkim) [King Soroka learns that the boy dreamed that he would become king in his place; tells the boy to leave the country and return when he wears out his shoes; they don't wear out; the boy sees a white and black water snake fighting, throws his shoe at the black one, he is carried away by an eagle, the white boy hides the white one from the black riders under his hat; grateful whites (these are nagas) invite him to the underwater palace; he pours food and drink into the crack by the fireplace; an old woman comes out from there, whose mouth was closed with an iron shutter for talkativeness; thanks for the treat, orders him to leave quickly, ask for a white dog, a curtain, a stick as a gift; a stick with a curtain turns into a tent, there is a lot of stuff inside; someone is cooking; the young man waylaid the girl, threw the dog skin into the fire; the wife orders the ashes from the skin to be scattered, the slope is covered with livestock and jewelry; Magpie proposes a competition, the winner will receive the young man's wife; 1) whose milk spilled from the mountain will reach the foot faster (nagi give a jug); 2) who will collect the mustard seeds (nagas give a chest with doves, a dove with a broken wing collects); 3) the wife orders to ask for the naga war chest; The magpie demands “a-pho-pho”, little men jump out of the chest, kill, eat the king, the young man reigns]: Krapivina 2001: 15-33; Tibetans : Osipov, Riftin 1962 [ambassadors of the seven kingdoms come to woo the Chinese princess, only the ambassador of Tibet carries out the tasks; 1) identify which young mare is from which old one (the young one comes running to the call of the old one when she is full); 2) thread the thread through the hole in the jasper (tie it to the ant); 3) indicate on the log where the butt is and where the top is (throw it into the river, the heavy butt will turn back); 4) identify the bride among 300 girls (there is a bee above her, attracted by honey rubbing); the bride goes to Tibet, taking with her craftsmen and cereal seeds]: 31-37; Yao 1986: 42-72 [the ruler of the southern country is told that things will go well if the dragons of the northern country are settled here; the sorcerer throws dirt into the lake, the dragons must leave, but the hunter kills the sorcerer; the dragon gives as a reward a treasure that provides wealth; he goes to the hermit, sees seven heavenly maidens bathing in the lake, flying away “like white cranes”; the hermit teaches to ask the dragon for a magic rope; the sorcerer gives away the treasure, receives a rope, catches the eldest of the seven sisters, takes her necklace that allows her to fly; gives the maiden to the prince; he forgets about his 500 concubines; the courtier and concubines persuade the king to send the prince to war and kill his wife; the prince's mother returns the necklace to her; flying away, she teaches where her husband should look for her; overcoming obstacles with the help of a ring given by the hermit, the prince gets to heaven; throws his wife's ring into the maids' vessel; his wife recognizes him; her father does not want to give her to a mortal; demands to win in archery; and let the arrow shot into the sky fall at the feet of the maiden; the prince wins, gets a wife, returns to earth with her], 192-213 [the king fears that a rich merchant will want to take his place; orders the Lame Minister to bring the merchant, and to the merchant to deliver the treasure of the sea dragon; he asks for the necessary things, including a soothsaying parrot and 500 people, sets sail, black and white dragons appear, sink the ship; the wife of the deceased gives birth to a son, raises him secretly, does not say who his father is; he learned about his father from the old woman and gave her necklaces; the king saw them, forced the old woman to confess where they were from, ordered the Lame Minister to deliver the young man; he threatens to kill his mother, the young man comes out of hiding, receives from the king the same task as his father; the fairy promises his mother that her son will return, says a magic spell; thanks to him, the dragons did not sink the ship, the young man went down to the sea dragon, the princess gave him a treasure; with his help he made his dying mother young and healthy; the king orders to bring a golden pot with a silver spoon from the rakshasas; the guardian of the country of Rakshasas swallows the young man, but is forced to burp, and from now on becomes kind; the rakshasa queen also swallows him; experiencing terrible pain, he asks which end he wants to exit from; the young man says that he is the incarnation of Buddha and it is not appropriate for him to come out from behind; the queen burped him, gave him treasures; the young man sits in a golden pot, he brings it to his mother; the king also wants to fly and visit the country of the rakshasas; the young man throws the king to the Rakshasas to be devoured, and takes the throne himself]; Rai [several versions; King Ramli puts on poor clothes, comes incognito to woo Rathongma - the daughter of the king from Bahing; there they prefer other suitors, they arrange a competition; 1) cut down the forest (R. receives a dull ax, but sharpens it, makes notches, the wind knocks down trees, and the rivals cut down only one tree with sharp axes); 2) split the log (R. gets a piece with knotty knots, but heats it up, it splits easily); takes his wife away, takes off his dirty clothes along the way (or at his father-in-law's), the bride's parents are amazed by R.'s wealth]: Allen 2011: 140-146; glue : Siiger 1967, No. 4 [orphan lives in the forest, eats roots; the wild yam tuber tells him not to eat it; he leaves it on the shelf, in the evening he finds the hut tidied, the food prepared; spies a girl emerging from a tuber; grabs her, throws the yam skin into the fire, marries; meets a munga (evil spirit); answers him that water will defeat fire, wind - cloud, god - munga; mung proposes a competition, the winner will receive the other's wife (mung's wife is ugly); 1) whose excrement will be whiter; the wife cooks wild yam for the young man, mung eats rice and white fat; Munga excrement is red, juveniles are white; 2) whose rooster, 3) ram, 4) bull will win; the wife orders to go to the lake, the young man who came out of the lake kills seven mung roosters, a lamb kills a mung ram, and a bull kills a bull; 5) whose army will win; a box appears from the lake, the wife does not order it to be opened until the battle; the young man opens it, a thunderous man jumps out, you can still hear him; the young man manages to slam the lid; the Munga warriors kick the box, a thunder woman jumps out, kills all the warriors; 6) martial arts with mung; the young man cuts off his head, feeds the flesh to the birds, grinds the bones in a grain grater, and throws the dust into the wind; takes Munga's treasures, burns his palace, annexes his lands to his own], 5 [an orphan kills an eagle that was about to capture a boy; the saved one leads the orphan to his father, the master of the underworld; an orphan falls in love with his master's daughter; she orders her father to ask her only for a dog’s skin as a reward; the orphan returns to earth, and with him come wild and domestic animals and birds that were not on earth before; while he works in the field, someone cooks in his house; he lies in wait for the girl, throws the dog skin into the fire; gets married, gets rich; the king's wife has an abscess on her neck; the king proposes a competition, the winner will take the other’s wife; Every time the wife orders to go to the place where they emerge from the ground, ask for what they need (a rooster, a ram); the orphan wins; 1) cockfight; 2) rams; 3) bulls; 4) warriors; the underground father-in-law gives the box, the wife does not order it to be opened on the way; the orphan opens the door, the thunder man jumps out (the origin of thunder); opens again at the sight of the warriors, the thunder woman kills them]: 220-223, 223-224; Stocks 1925, No. XXI [an orphan boy catches a fish, she asks him not to kill him, brings him to the underwater world to his parents; they offer a reward, the young man takes the puppy; every day, returning home, he sees that the food is prepared; finds a golden girl above the waist, a silver one below; he tears the dog's skin, gold and silver flowers emerge from the scraps; the girl becomes his wife, but regrets that everything happened ahead of time; the king wants her for himself, proposes a competition, the winner will receive a wife; 1) cockfight (the wife orders to ask her parents for a rooster, he kills the royal rooster), 2) a fight of two bulls (the same); 3) battle of armies; the wife's parents give the box, the young man opens it, lightning incinerates the king and his army; (retelling of the beginning in Elwin 1944: 131)], XXVI [people die all the time; the king turns to the fortuneteller; he predicts that in addition to six sons, the king will have a seventh; in the sky the mother of the country Rum smells the aroma of incense; her husband says that it is the king of Lyang-bad who asks to send him a son; The one who can go to earth will be the one who can 1) throw a heavy stone, 2) hit an igloo behind the mountain with an arrow, 3) cut a horsehair lengthwise before the steam from a cup of tea rises to his head, 4) bring a lot of firewood; two older brothers cannot do it, the youngest baby does everything easily; falls like a hailstone next to Queen Tang-kung-ramit on the ground; she breaks off a piece and swallows it; other pieces are swallowed by a cow, mare, chicken, goat; everyone gets pregnant and gives birth; T. gave birth to a bag, buried it; The king dug up a copper vessel with a boy in it; the king gave him the name Ati-azyak-pono; sends his elder brothers to marry the seven daughters of King Lung-da; along the way they must hoist flags of the same color on a black, green, red, white mountain; pass a plain with spruce trees and two suns around; It’s hot there, you can’t take off your hats; the king gives daughters, does not order them to play the flute and harp on the plain; but the three younger ones began to have fun with the brides, sat down under the fir tree, and the others did the same; 4 seas of black, green, red, white poured in from four sides; the snake Paril-bu came out of the sea and demanded that his younger brother who was left at home be given to him; disappeared, the waters subsided with him and only the sun disappeared; the demon messenger came for A.; A. went to the snake, left two rings for the bride, if they switch places, then he died; first A. quietly entered P.’s mouth; he ordered to get the queens Zer-y-ong and Komyong-pandi; the girl gave A. rice to throw to the dogs, meat to the tigers, a roll of cloth to the demon Shang-tang-krbu, he will become a friend; leaving, A. sowed rice - if it dries, it perishes; the demon could not swallow A., recognized A. as a master; A. dropped the knife into the pond and asked the demon to drink the water; came to Z., became her husband; there is no water, the demon drank it all; Z. showed where the knife was, the demon belched water; Z. took an oath from her 7 demon brothers that they would not eat A.; demons offer to hide; turn into trees, partridges, streams; Z. each time tells A. where they are (gives him a knife to cut down trees, etc.); demon friend A. defeats seven in single combat; they offer fights of roosters, goats, horses; each time A. asks his heavenly parents to send animals (those who descended in the hailstones with him give birth to a cockerel, a goat, etc.); animals A. win; also wild bull and peacock; A. destroys the army of demons; the remaining ones are destroyed by the peacock, shooting fire from under its tail; A. enters Z., her one fang reaches to the sky, the other to the ground, one breast hangs, the other is thrown behind her back; then she is beautiful again; the demon friend swallows the snake, A. with his wives Z. and Komiong returns to the brothers; allows his demon friend to swallow the three younger ones; kills him, revives the young man Dediong-pono who was swallowed by him, gives him the princess Eu-ramit, leaves him to reign on earth, returns to heaven with three wives], XXVII [King Pid-no has seven dangerous demons in his service; Tashey-thing arranges for the merchant to lose his childless wife; after this the woman gave birth to a son; forbade him to leave the house; he saw a wonderful flower in the teeth of a fox, chased after it, got it, returned, and took it to the king; the demons advised him to send a young man to bring many such flowers; the beggar promises to help the young man; the young man passes through the lands of pigeons, parrots, and peacocks; the king of each promises him a daughter if he brings him a flower; the beggar carries the young man in a whirlwind across the sea to the palace of five demons (they have one, two... five heads); in the garden there are bushes with precious flowers; the young man hides, sees how the demon takes out and splices parts of the girl’s body with living and dead (white and black) water; leaving, he takes it apart again; the young man revives her, they take water and the demon’s knife, flowers, and return; demons swim across the sea, drown; the young man receives the king's daughters, doves, etc.; brings flowers to the king; he orders to create a palace, a garden, a forest, to decorate the palace; pigeons, parrots, peacocks do everything; the king orders the source of the Tisla river to be explained; the wife dismembers the young man, says that he will return from heaven in a week and tell him; revives the young man; he says that the heavenly father did not recognize him, he will tell the secret to the seven brothers; seven demons allow themselves to be dismembered and die; the young man becomes the royal adviser]: 380-382, 406-420, 420-427; taraon (digaru) mishmi [the orphan threw a net and caught the snake; a girl came out of the water and asked to let her father go, promising to become the young man’s wife; he released the snake, but the snake forbade his daughter to live with people; the next time the orphan refused to let the snake go, but the girl nevertheless begged him to do it and remained to live on earth; the Raja is furious; orders a cockfight to be held; the wife gives the young man an underwater rooster, he pecks the rajah's rooster; the same with buffaloes; dam the river (father-in-law gave a golden basket to stop the water); fight; the wife beats the drum, the soldiers began to dance, the husband threw a net over the soldiers and killed them]: Elwin 1958a, No. 13: 336-338; apatans [one of Abo Tani's wives is Piisii Timii, sister of the spirit chief Doji; for him wild animals are like domestic animals and vice versa; D. is dissatisfied when AT killed wild ones, and AT when D. killed domestic ones; the wife helps AT overcome D.’s intrigues; 1) D. and his spirits offer AT to get fish from the pond, they do not allow him to return to the shore; at night PT comes, weaves a rope from her hair, pulls out her husband; 2) gives a hawk feather and a piece of cloth; D. and the spirits tell D. to catch the logs that roll down, with snakes on the logs; then they ask you to climb a tree, cut off the branches, and set it on fire; AT hides in a hollow, covering the hole with a feather and cloth; the spirits divide the parts of his body in advance; whoever eats what, AT emerges from the ashes unharmed; 3) the wife gives a hawk feather, cotton, rope; D. and the spirits order the reeds to be cut; when AT is cut, he rushes into the hole; the spirits try to smoke it out, it drives away the smoke; the one with the longest arms is called, AT grabs that one by the hand; D. calls different spirits, each gives advice, but AT only pulls his hand harder; releases when the ruler of all the land Sii Abo orders that AT take the land suitable for cultivation, and D. - mountains, forests, etc.; they continue to have conflicts (for example, AT is bitten by a snake), but in general peace is maintained; people are descendants of AT]: Blackburn 2008, No. 4: 74-78; riang [the widow has a lazy son; asked his mother to catch and cook fish; she caught it and put it in a jug to float until tomorrow; At night a girl came out from there and cleaned everything up; on the second night the son and mother spied, on the third they caught the girl and threw the fish skin into the fire; Having learned about the beauty, the king decided to take her for himself; ordered the young man's goat to butt heads with his goat - if it loses, the young man will give up his wife, and if he wins, the young man and his relatives will receive a lifelong allowance; The young man does not have a goat, but his wife gave him a goat, which easily gored the huge royal goat; the young man called relatives even those who were not; it became impossible for the king to feed everyone; he ordered the house to be set on fire, the imaginary relatives fled, and the young man continued to receive support]: Mandal 2009: 120-121; chrusso (aka) [the lord of the waters Siksilia-ao (SA) has a daughter Siksilia-Sam; one day she went ashore and saw the young man Turu-Lebou, he took her as his wife; SA sent a frog demanding the return of his daughter, T. refused; SA offers to compete, orders him to take the bamboo from the mountain to the valley; T. does this, but SA cannot carry the tree from the valley to the mountain; walk through the fire; T. slipped through, singeing his hair, and since then people have almost no hair growing on their bodies; SA could not get through the fire that T. lit; SA threw a stone; T. released the bird, which he caught unnoticed; it did not return; The SA recognized the power of his son-in-law; says that the fish is afraid of T.’s beard, let him put his beard on a stone; T. did so, and SA swallowed it, T. fell ill; SA told his daughter to tell her husband: let him sacrifice a pig and a chicken; T. did so and recovered; T. and daughter SA had two sons, they are the ancestors of Chrusso and Bangi]: Elwin 1958a, No. 11: 169-171; lhota [a man injures a wild pig, follows the trail to the house of the owner of the wild pigs, Lichao; there are two girls feeding a wounded pig; the man is afraid to say that he is a hunter, he says that he came to the girls; 1) L. swapped clothes for his daughter and maid, but the man recognized the true bride; she helps him complete difficult assignments; 2) bring the thorny leaves without breaking or scratching them; a man brings a small bundle, a lot of leaves fall out; 3) bring a tied up pig; instead of a rope, L. gives a reed; the wife softens it, the man brings the pig; brings his wife home; without human flesh she loses weight; he brings her packages of meat from her father; spies, sees how she eats human fingers; she turns into a tigress; to return her to human form, he must throw a basket over her; he cannot, eaten]: Mills 1922: 187-190; Kachin [the sage predicts that the peasant's son will be king; the king throws the boy in the chest into the river, he is picked up; the king meets the young man, recognizes him, orders him to take the letter; in it it is ordered to kill the giver; on the way, robbers replace the letter, the bearer must marry the princess; the king orders his son-in-law 1) to bring three golden hairs of a naga; on the way, the young man is asked to find out why the spring has dried up, the golden tree does not bear fruit, how can the carrier across the river get rid of this work; the old woman (apparently Nat’s mother) pulls out golden hairs from the dozing Nat, each time saying that she saw in a dream that the spring had dried up, etc.; Nat replies that it is necessary to drive away the frog that sat on a stone near the spring, to drive out the rat from under the roots of the tree, the carrier must give the boat and oar to another; the young man heard the answers, becoming an ant; the greedy king himself goes for the hairs, receives a boat and an oar from the carrier]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 31: 109-114; khasi [only one family sheltered the wanderer; he leaves the animal; if you eat its meat, you will get rich; the mother-in-law is preparing meat, the daughter-in-law comes in, the mother-in-law scolds and drives her away; she accidentally eats a piece; leaves her evil mother-in-law with her husband; husband bathes in a pond and is swallowed by the dragon U Yak Jakor; the wife finds her husband's clothes; the little son U Babam Doh cries with her, his tears turn into gold, for the blessing of the wanderer has passed on to him; the boy has grown up, beats the leader's heir at dice, wins his right of inheritance; he says that UBD was conceived by his mother from a dragon; the mother has to tell about her father, she gives her son his clothes and a brass vessel; UBD lured the dragon to land, where it loses its strength, lured it into a chest, brought it home, and forbade its mother to open it; she opened it, the dragon took the form of her husband, said that he would recover if he received the tigress’s milk, but the one who brought the milk should not know what it was for; 1) the mother pretends to be sick and asks her son to go get milk; he treats the tiger cub, the tigress gives milk; 2) the same with the task of bringing fresh bear fat (the son catches and brings a live bear); 3) fresh python skin; the son spies, sees his mother open the chest, kills the dragon, tells her story, inherits the throne]: Rafy 1920, No. 23: 140-160; taraon (Digaru) mishmi [a water serpent gets caught in the young man's net; the snake's daughter promises to marry the young man if he lets her father go; for the first time, her father does not allow her to marry a man; caught again, allows; the raja proposes a cockfight, a buffalo fight, damming a river, a battle; the loser will be killed; the wife gives the young man a rooster, a buffalo from under the water, they win; her father dams the river; the wife beats the golden drum, the rajah’s army starts dancing, the young man covers them with a net, kills them]: Elwin 1958b, No. 13: 372-374.

Burma - Indochina. Shany : Griggs 1902 [childless Myeh Khit addresses the lord of spirits Sa Kyah; gives birth to a frog son, who through; SK promised that in a year and 7 months he would become a handsome young man; the king has 7 daughters, the youngest unmarried; the king agrees to give her for a frog if in 7 days there is a road from the market to the palace; the frog came to SK, who sent spirits to build a road; the king gives up his daughter, but sends the frog’s mother to live in the hut; the frog's wife cries because she cannot go to the holiday with such a husband; SK sends two shining spirits, people bring them gifts, but they reject the gifts of the older sisters, who spoke contemptuously about the younger one; in the morning the frog's wife says that those two spirits were she and her husband; at the boat racing competition, SK's son appeared in all his splendor; everyone bowed to him and since then they have been honoring the son of SK Sau Maha Khit]: 8-18; Milne 1910 [a woman gave birth to a son who has one head; when he is 16-17 years old, he asks his mother to woo the king’s daughter; he orders that in 5 days there should be a tree with silk leaves, gold and silver fruits, giving royal food, otherwise he will execute him; the tree appears; only the youngest of the 7 princesses agrees to take the head as her husband; in his palace the head appears to his wife as a handsome man; appears incognito for a holiday on a flying horse; Sakya orders a messenger to be sent to him in 7 days; only the husband of the youngest princess carries out the assignment; now all the older sisters would like to marry him]: 254-257; this : Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 147 [spouses adopt various forest animals; the last one is a bull; then the son Kunhadi is born; the mother dies, becomes a nat, protects her son; the forest animals disperse; the father takes the stepmother, she hates the bull; having conspired with the fortuneteller, she pretends to be ill and asks for bull meat; the bull and K. run away, the deceased mother is with them; orders to go to the lake, where seven Keinari sisters fly at noon, you must steal the jewelry of one of them, she will not be able to return to heaven; K. hides the jewelry, returns the six Keinari, leaves the jewelry to the youngest, takes her as his wife; the king sees K.'s wife and decides to kill him in order to take the beauty for himself; orders 1) to get a golden cup from the bottom of the sea; the wife advises sending the named brother K. - a crocodile - for the cup, he brings the cup; 2) collect scattered sesame seeds (pigeons collect); 3) bring the milk of the tigress (the tiger brings); 4) a tuft of wool from a lion’s mane (the lion brings it); 5) seven nat flowers; the wife sends him to a hermit, who sends him to another, to a third, to a fourth, to a fifth; the fifth sends to the lake where the remaining six Keinari sisters bathe; K. brings flowers and gifts from hermits and Keinari sisters; the king sends soldiers, K. ties them with a magic rope; the scissors of justice kill the king, K. reigns], 149 [the rich man gives the Loafer a thousand coins, he must return it in a week; The lazy man buys a dog, a cat, a cobra; the cobra leads him to his father, advises him to ask for a ring; it fulfills desires; The lazy man sends his mother to woo the king's daughter, who demands the golden and silver roads to the palace; the ring fulfills everything, the Quirk gets the princess; the adviser guessed about the ring, persuaded the princess to bring it to him, began to live in the palace on a raft in the sea, the Quirk's palace disappeared; the dog and the cat got it, returned the ring, the king appointed his son-in-law as heir]: 340-350, 354-360; chamy [orphan Kayong – adopted daughter, Halœk – natural; whoever catches more fish will be the eldest; K. catches more, H. steals her fish; K. catches a fish, puts it in the well, feeds it, calls him brother; Kh. overheard, called with the same words, caught, ate; in a dream, a fish tells K. to bury its fins, and golden slippers appear from them; the raven carries one away to the king; the king orders to gather all the girls and look for the owner; the stepmother does not let K. in, orders him to untangle the tangle and separate the sesame and corn seeds (ants and other insects do the work); the shoe fits K., she has a steam room, the king will marry her; the stepmother asks to let K. go to her place for a couple of days; H. tells K. to climb a coconut tree, chops it down, K. falls into the pond, becomes a golden turtle; stepmother sends H. instead of K.; the prince catches a turtle, H. eats it; now and further she says that she is pregnant (this is a lie), so she ate it; a bamboo shoot grows from the shell (H. eats it), the husk turns into a bird (H. eats it), a tree with a fragrant fruit grows from the feathers; the fruit is given only to an old Vietnamese woman; While she is gone, K. emerges from the fetus and fills the poor hut with food; the old woman catches K., she orders to call the king, the king recognizes his wife; H. asks why K. is so white; K. says that she bathed in boiling water; X. was cooked; K. dried her meat, sent it to her mother, she ate it, at the bottom of the vessel she found her hand with her daughter’s ring]: Landes 1887, No. 10: 79-93 (mostly similar text in Nikulin 1990: 177-189); Vietnam : Vietnamese Tales 1992 [orphan's mother in the sky turns into a buffalo; helping his son, he orders him to go to the lake, where the red, golden and multi-colored birds - the wife, bride and daughter of the Heavenly Star - will go down to swim; we need to hide the wings of the daughter of the Star, take her as a wife; he first takes the wings of red and golden birds, they turn into a rooster, into a rock, he is afraid, gives up his wings; He didn’t give away the multi-colored one, he took him as his wife; the wife gives birth to two boys, the father allows them to play with their mother's wings; the mother takes her wings, her children, and flies to the sky; the husband calls the mother buffalo by beating the drum, she brings him to heaven; the wife warns 1) not to drink tea from the cup her father offers; distracts father's attention by becoming a hawk, husband spills tea; 2) the same, don’t drink wine; 3) father-in-law orders to bring a monkey drum; the husband gives the monkeys a bag of nuts, plays the pipe, brings a drum; the father-in-law decides that his poison is harmless, drinks it himself, and crumbles into fragments; these are shooting stars]: 126-128; Karpov, Tkachev 1958 [Nong leaves to look for money in the capital; joins five young men; their names are Strong Shoulder (strong), Shooter (marks), Wind (blows strongly), Flyer (runs fast), Heat-Cold (by moving the hat, creates heat and frost); the king gives his daughter to the winner of the race; you have to run to the well and bring water; The flyer comes running and falls asleep; the princess pours water into her jug style='font-family: ​​and runs back; The shooter wakes up the Flyer by knocking down a mosquito on his ear; the princess refuses to marry Flyer, who instead asks for gold on one shoulder; Strong Shoulder carries away the entire treasury; friends are locked in the refectory, the house is set on fire; Heat-Cold extinguishes the fire, Wind blows away the flames on other buildings; the army sent in pursuit dies from heat and cold, scattered by the Wind]: 139-145; Schultz 1994, No. 28 [a woman sends her stepdaughter Tam and her own daughter Cam for fish, K. invites T. to swim, steals the fish she caught; The Goddess of Mercy (BM) gives her a goldfish and tells her to put the house in the well; the stepmother catches and eats fish; BM orders to bury the fish bones; the chicken tells T. where they are; buried bones give T. the clothes and jewelry she asks for; the stepmother and K. go to a holiday, they are ordered to separate the mixed black and green beans; BM turns flies into sparrows, they divide; T. goes to a holiday, they leave, loses a shoe, the king tells everyone to try it on, marries T.; on his father’s name day T. comes home; the stepmother asks to get nuts from the palm tree, chops down the tree, T. falls, breaks, the stepmother sends K. to the king instead; T.'s spirit enters the nightingale, sings to the king, K. kills the nightingale, T.'s spirit turns into a tree, the fruit falls into the old woman's basket; in her absence, T. emerges from the fetus and cleans the house; the old woman catches her, tears the peel so that T. does not return to the fruit; the king comes to the old woman, T. recognizes him; K. asks T. how she became so beautiful; T. advises her to jump into boiling water; K. dies, stepmother dies of grief]: 258-277; Khmers [when a son is born, the poor man does not rejoice: the family is too poor; the boy constantly cries, he was named Néac del Yom (“Crybaby”); but the soothsayer promised that he would become king; when N. grew up, his father kicked him out so that he could be eaten by tigers, although the fortuneteller repeated what he had said; N. came to the neighboring kingdom; the local wizard found out that N. was destined for a happy fate; trained him; married a beauty whom he found in a lotus flower in a sacred pond; her name is Chhouk ("Lotus"); the king sent a hunter to bring game, he did not get anything, went to the wizard, saw the beauty; when the king threw the hunter into prison for returning without prey, the hunter said that he had found something more valuable for the king; to get rid of her husband, the king sent N. to get him Luong-Srey-Phca (“Queen of Flowers”); the wife gave the ring; the king sent soldiers, but the wizard and Ch. disappeared into the forest; N. came to the kingdom, from where everyone fled, fearing huge birds; only the queen remained, who hid in the drum; she wants to go with N., but he promises to pick her up on the way back; in another kingdom, the dragon devours all members of the royal house who marry, they never marry again; if N. defeats the dragon, the king will give him his daughter; N. wounded the dragon, breaking off a scale, and he fled; N. promised to pick up the princess on the way back; Having arrived in the land of the dragon, N. volunteered to cure him, quietly put the scale back and he recovered; for this, the dragon put N. on his back and flew with him to the country of the Queen of Flowers (otherwise there is no way to get there); CC lives in a balloon that hangs above the ground; the servant agreed to lower the stairs to N.; CC saw Ch.’s ring on his finger; N. told her everything and she agreed to go with him; they flew in a balloon, picking up those princesses whom N. took as wives on the way to the Central Center; To the king who sent N., CC said that she did not have a long ladder to lower from the ball - let the king build a tower; but no matter how much they build, a few cubits are missing; then the king tried to jump into the ball, but fell and was broken; after that the ball sank to the ground; N. became king, found his first wife, and began to live with all the wives he had obtained]: Leclère, Feer 1895, No. 3: 99-111; Karens : Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 168 [six childless wives persuade astrologers to announce that the seventh will give birth to a child who will destroy the country; banished to the forest, the queen gives birth to a son, Charayakunta; he is friends with the adopted daughters of a lion and an elephant; wins competitions; the king is afraid of his strength, sends a lion and an elephant for milk, Ch. brings; the elephant gives milk after Ch. returns his daughter, the kidnapped Bila; Bilu's daughter says that her father's life is in a pumpkin; the elephant's daughter chops a pumpkin; Ch. marries the daughters of the king, a lion, an elephant and a bilu, inherits two kingdoms], 173 [the well-aimed Shooter meets the bow-legged Runner, the owner of a hat that gives coolness, the strongman who uproots trees, causing the wind of the Whirlwind; the king promises a daughter to the one who overtakes her; The runner falls asleep halfway, the shooter wakes him up by knocking out the headboard under him; the king is determined to burn his friends, they are saved from the fire by the hat they put on; they abandon the princess, the Strong Man takes all the gold, the Whirlwind drives away the army sent in pursuit]: 438-445, 467-471; Karens [grandmother has a grandson Lazy; he bought a cat, then a rat, which they wanted to kill; the caught crocodile asks him to buy and remove from his head a ring that performs deeds; it was thanks to this ring that he easily grabbed and devoured people; The lazy man tells his grandmother to woo him a princess; the king demands that the groom build gold and silver bridges from his home to the royal palace; the young man received a princess; the brahman persuaded her to ask her husband to give her his ring; asked the princess to try it on, put it on, moved the palace, himself and the princess to the other side of the ocean; the king has put Lazy Man in prison and is ready to execute him; a dog (not mentioned before) carried a cat and a rat across the sea, they entered the palace, the rat tickled the Brahman, he sneezed, the ring fell out; while swimming on the sea, the dog dropped the ring and a fish swallowed it; the dog grabbed the otter and forced him to bring this fish; Having received the ring back, the young man returned the palace, destroyed the Brahman and his entire family]: Mason 1865: 225-228; fell down [after the death of his wife, the rich old man took a new one; the stepmother demands that her husband get rid of his two stepsons; the father took them into the forest, said that he would return, but he left; the nat of the tree gave them seeds of rice, pumpkin, watermelon and cucumber, as well as a sword to cultivate the land; its owner will become king; when the elder brother went hunting, the ministers came to the younger brother, called him their king and carried him to the city; the eldest began to live alone; someone cooks and cleans in the hut; the young man began to watch: a girl came out of the elephant tusk, the young man hid it; the girl suggested moving closer to the city; she has boots and a golden hat, they fulfill a wish; the king's servants noticed the hat, the king (this is the younger brother) ordered the beauty's husband to be brought to the palace; refused to recognize him as a brother, ordered milk to be delivered to a naked person; his wife sends him to the naga - this is a girl, his wife’s friend, she became his second wife; the king demands the milk of the cannibal; the wife gives him a golden hat and orders him to go to the cave and tell the cannibal everything; the young man brought milk and brought his third wife - the daughter of the cannibal; the king orders the young man to be cut up and buried; his wives found pieces of his body, put them together and revived them; the elder brother defeated the younger brother and began to rule the country and live with three wives]: Zapadova 1977: 253-258; white thai Vietnam [poor orphan cuts wood to sell; sees seven heavenly maidens descending onto the lake, taking off their clothes and wings, and bathing; hides the wings of the youngest; takes her as his wife; a year later she gives birth to a son; in the absence of his wife, the father calms the crying child by giving him his mother's wings to play with; one day the mother was left alone with the child, who cried and pointed to where the woodcutter hid his wings; the mother finds them, after a while flies away, giving her son her ring and ordering him and his father to come to her if they want; the husband put his son on his back and went to look for his wife; a path through a mouth in a rock that sometimes closes and sometimes opens; The fox advises throwing sour fruits there, your teeth will hurt, the movement of your mouth will stop for a while; father and son pass; on the way there is a river with nine channels, in which even iron dissolves; a dog with nine tails and nine heads promises to carry it if the riders do not laugh in the middle of the river; in the middle of each channel the dog makes an obscene sound, father and son laugh, one head and one tail fall off; before the last crossing, a man covers his and his son’s mouths with a handkerchief, they reach the shore; Since then, all dogs have one head and one tail, previously there were nine; the phoenix offers to spend the night under his wing, and in the morning he and his mother will bring them to where they celebrate the return of the princess from the earth; the mother of the phoenix carried them to the river that borders the sky; the maids collect water to bathe the princess, the husband throws a ring into the jug; his wife recognizes him and orders him to call the people who came; her father suggests 1) tying each of the 300 buffaloes to the post to which they are always tied; the firefly shows who to tie where; 2) sow the grain and harvest it again; the birds collected, but the king noticed that several grains were missing; one bird swallowed them, the king twisted its neck, since then birds of this species have had a goiter on the back of their heads; 3) find a princess overnight in a palace of one hundred thousand rooms; the rat promises to bring a dry leaf under the desired door, but halfway there the cat ate it; then the firefly leads to the desired room; the king arranges the wedding, then sends the young couple to earth, where the son-in-law also becomes king]: Wrigglesworth 1991, no. 11: 311-316; zhuang [dying, the mother tells A-dao that the rich man Huang-mo turned his hunter father into a half-beast after he demanded payment for the killed wild animals, but the hunter was unable to pay; A. finds a horned, furry father in the forest; leads him home, but dogs attack him; he runs away, breaks the horn; A. drags the horn on a rope; where it sticks into the ground, makes a field; the harvested rice there immediately grows again; seven heavenly maidens offer to help; their rice does not grow back; A. hides the wings of the youngest, takes her as his wife; A. demands a woman for himself; she asks to return her wings, flies up into the sky, and lowers A. the rope; the heavenly father-in-law demands 1) bring a gong and a drum from the monstrous Xiashanpo (her eyes have vertical slits) from the Southern Mountain; the wife gives three needles, A. leaves them to answer for themselves, while S. sharpens his teeth and runs away with a gong and a drum; 2) a tiger from the Western Mountain; the wife gives an iron umbrella to put into the tiger's mouth; wife sends A. out of the house; he challenges S. to a fight, she licks her wounds; A. overhears her telling her children that a knife rubbed with human or dog feces is lethal to her; A. kills S., comes to her sons; they say that with one end the staff kills their mother, and with the other it revives; A. kills them, revives the people killed by S., descends with his wife to the ground, kills Kh., finds his father]: Cherkasova 1961: 319-327; fox (Yunnan, formerly in Sichuan) [Gua-tzu (“Orphan”) caught a shellfish, left it at home in a jar of water; someone is cooking; G. followed, grabbed the girl, they got married, she creates livestock and poultry on his farm; Uncle G. has three daughters, he advises to drive away the mollusk and take his daughter; G. does so; the woman goes into the water, the cattle follow her, the uncle does not give his daughter to the poor man; Dog and Pheasant refuse to help; The frog drinks the river and tells him not to laugh; a wife sits at the bottom, weaving, G. laughs, the Frog too, burps water; next time G. does not laugh, stays with his wife, she is the daughter of the Dragon; he suggests 1) hiding (G. is turned into an igloo by his wife, his father-in-law does not find him; his father-in-law is a bull, G. grabs him); 2) clear the area, burn it, uproot the roots (every time here and further you must say “Father Dragon, Mother Dragon, do this,” the trees fall on their own, etc.); 3) harvest (millet grows immediately); 4) count the millet: 5) kill two pigeons with one arrow (split); 6) hunt with his father-in-law (leave his cloak for himself, the father-in-law causes a storm every time; the son-in-law planted cucumbers along the way, and returned home along them); 7) shoot at the rock so that the arrows do not bounce off (smear with resin); 8) bring a gong from the monkeys (they got drunk, he took the gong away, left needles on the path of the pursuers); hit the gong - the father-in-law died]: Cherkasova 1961: 431-440; Burmese : Aun 1957: 57-60 [the mother of the Little Lady Frog (MLL) died, the father married a widow, who has two ugly daughters; the prince chooses his wife; MBL begs the guards to let her through too; the bouquet thrown by the prince falls on MBL, he takes her as his wife; the king promises the throne to whichever of his four sons completes the tasks; 1) bring a golden deer (MBL leads); 2) bring rice and meat, which are always fresh (the same); 3) bring the most beautiful woman; MBL sheds her frog skin in front of the king and turns out to be more beautiful than the wives of the other brothers; no longer wears skin], 74-77 [the older sister gives birth to a handsome man, the younger sister gives birth to a turtle; he is given the name Golden Turtle (ZT); the turtle's brother becomes a merchant, ZH hides on his ship; on the island of women, sailors take them as wives, not knowing that they are cannibals; ZCH overheard plans to eat three sailors, found out where the casket was, in which the life of the cannibal, a precious ruby, a wish-granting drum; breaks the casket, the cannibal pursuers drown; the turtle's brother marries the princess and receives the throne; with the help of a drum, the ZCH is transferred home to his mother; sends her to woo the king's daughter to him; he demands to build gold and silver bridges, ZCH builds; the offended princely suitors go to war, smashing their enemies; gets a princess; at night there is a young man next to her; she throws the shell into the fire, pours water on her husband, he remains a man]; inta [the slacker son goes off to do some work; his mother gave him money, he used it to buy a cat, a dog, a snake; the son brought them to his mother, who became angry; the cat ran into the forest, found the treasure, called the dog, they brought the treasure to the young man and his mother; the snake brought a wish-fulfilling ruby from the land of dragons; the young man tells his mother to roll out the king's daughter; he asks to build a golden bridge overnight; in the morning the bridge is ready, the young man received the princess]: Zapadova 1977: 111-114; Arakanese [the king has seven sons from seven wives; someone steals fruit from a mango tree; brothers take turns guarding; the older ones see nothing, the younger one sees winged horses flying in and aims his bow; the horses promise not to steal mangoes anymore; the young man gave them some fruit and they flew away; the king fell in love with his youngest son and drove away the elders; but the younger one did not want to part with his brothers and left with them; the king of another country promises a daughter to the one who overtakes her at the races; the youngest put on the royal outfit, called a flying horse, overtook everyone, remained unrecognized, returned to his brothers; everything was clarified, the younger prince inherited both kingdoms]: Konow 1903: 9-12; palaung [the king takes a peasant wife as his wife, loves him more than older wives; when she gives birth, the older wives throw the child off a cliff and replace him with a dog named Soline; the king returns his wife and dog to her parents; the child is picked up by poor spouses and called Shumo; he grows up, finds his mother, who does not believe that he is her son; he invites her to squeeze milk out of her breast; the stream enters the mouth of Skh., and not Soline; Cx. stays with her mother, Soline is sent to the palace; Cx. goes to play pebbles with the princes, always wins; they send him along the road where 1) the dragon lives, Cx. kills the dragon; 2) where the cannibal bilu lives; Cx. jumps into his mouth, cuts his throat from the inside, comes out through his ear; Both times the princes tell the king that they killed the monsters; 3) the king’s mother is kidnapped; Cx. on the horse given by his grandparents he flies there, cuts off a piece from the queen’s skirt; she orders two trees to be pulled out, one defeats the fire, the other the wind; the beat sends fire, wind, Cx after the fugitives. waves trees, taming fire and wind; at home the princes killed Skh., the flower in his house withered; his mother's brothers and sister find the body; the old man comes and revives Skh. a cup of water; Cx. shows a cut piece of the queen's skirt; the king expels the older wives and their sons and appoints Skh. heir]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 140: 320-323.

South Asia. Ancient India [{I'M IN. Vasilkov, personal. comm. 01/31/2016: the text causes discrepancies and it is not entirely clear who is talking about the wedding of whom}. Savitar (the solar deity in the Vedas) wanted his daughter Surya (the female version of the solar deity) to marry the moon god Soma; but many people coveted Surya, so it was decided that Surya would be given to the one who would be the first to reach the sun in a chariot race; The Ashwins won, Surya became their companion]: Erman, Temkin 1975, No. 5: 22; Ancient India [the sons of king Vīrabhuja want to get rid of Çringabhuja – another son of their father, born of his beloved wife; they persuade him to take his father’s golden arrow and shoot at the rakshasa, who has taken the form of a crane; the rakshasa flies away, carrying away the arrow that stuck in him, the brothers tell Ch. to return it; Ch. comes to the rakshasa's palace, his daughter Rūpaçikha has fallen in love with him; Rakshasa orders 1) to identify her among 100 girls; 2) cultivate a giant field in a day; 3) scatter and collect sesame seeds again; the bride helps to carry out everything (she will have a pearl ribbon on her head, the ants collect sesame seeds); the rakshasa orders Ch. to invite his (rakshasa) brother Dhūmaçikha to the wedding; the bride gives him a horse, land, water, thorns, fire, and tells him, having conveyed the invitation, to immediately run away; D. is chasing, Ch. throws earth (mountain), water (river), thorns (forest), fire; the rakshasa stops the pursuit, Ch. returns, gets a wife; the young ones run away, taking the golden arrow and treasures; R. turns herself and her husband into a peasant woodcutter; the rakshasa does not recognize them; the imaginary woodcutter replies that he is mourning the just dead son of the rakshasa and is chopping wood for his funeral pyre; the rakshasa hurries back, sees his son alive, and again gives chase; R. turns into a messenger, says that the rakshasa’s son is dying; the rakshasa returns again, pursues again; the story ends with the release of Ch.'s mother, who was imprisoned by other wives, and the expulsion of Ch.'s brothers]: Kathāsarit-Sāgara (11th century, Somadeva) in Aarne 1930: 7-8; " Ocean of Legends "(Kathāsaritsāgara), Kashmir, 11th century [Runasika performs tasks for Prince Sringabuya that her father Dumasika gives him; 1) sow sesame; 2) collect all the grains back (the ants collect); to destroy S., D. sends S. . to his fierce brother to invite him to the wedding; R. gives S. his horse, land, water, thorns, fire; S. successively throws these objects; a mountain, a river, a thorny bush appear, D. cannot cross him; , stops the chase]: Clouston 1887: 239, 442-443 (briefly also in Tawnee 1880(1): 156 in Yochelson 1913: 156); Kashmiris : Zograf 1964 [the orphan Akhun meets the fairy Lalmal; she promises to help him if he does not seek her love; teaches how to spot a fake pearl; the tsar appoints him treasurer, the former persuades him to give difficult assignments, L. teaches him what to do; 1) get the heavenly necklace; a heavenly feather will come down to the source to bathe, you need to hide your clothes, she will bring a necklace in return; 2) go to heaven from the funeral pyre and convey the message to the late king; L. orders to ask the king for half of the treasury for expenses, to sit on the carpet on the fire, he will quietly take him to L.’s hut; she orders the letter and the gold and silver apples to be taken to the king; in the letter, the king's late father asks to send the former treasurer and chief adviser; both die in the fire; A. becomes chief advisor; after this L. agrees to become A.’s wife]: 262-267 (=1976: 94-97); Knowles 1888 [the king reviews his troops, a seven-legged beast appears, the king chases him, the beast turns into a genie, eats the king; the prince inherits the throne, everything repeats itself; the angel orders you to aim an arrow with two tips at the genie's eyes (if a drop of blood falls on the ground, it turns into a new genie); Having cut off the head of the dead genie, the young king hides it in the back room; his mother comes there; the genie says that he is her husband and her son is the genie who is going to eat her; offers to pretend to be sick and send for 1) milk from the tigress; the king hits an abscess on the tigress's chest with an arrow, the pain goes away, the tigress gives him milk and promises to help; 2) a princess from a distant castle (her touch will heal); the tigress helps break the iron beam at the entrance to the castle, milk the cow guarded by genies, make the princess fall in love with the king; he brings the princess, mother and son talk, both learn the truth; wedding of the king and the princess]: 1-7; Stein, Grierson 1923, no. 12 [ahun (religious teacher) asks four sons what they would like to do; three want to follow in their father’s footsteps, the fourth wants to be a thief; makes his way into the palace, where the vizier and princess are preparing to escape; the vizier sends the princess with the thief, but he himself must linger; in the morning the princess sees that the vizier is not with her, she becomes the young man’s wife; he hires himself out as a groom to the king; the jeweler brings two rubies, the young man says that there is a wormhole in one, it turns out he is right; he is appointed caretaker of the gems; the vizier wants to take possession of the young man’s wife, persuades the king’s daughter to ask for a second ruby style='font-family: ​​like the one brought by the jeweler (not defective, but expensive), and send the young man for it; a month later, the wife gives the young man a ruby that she picked up in the river, he brings it to the king; the vizier offers to demand a ruby necklace; the wife tells the young man to hide by the river, 6 heavenly fairies will fly in, and then the seventh; we need to hide her clothes; the fairy Lalmal is forced to go with the young man, when she speaks, rubies fall from her lips; he brings rubies to the king; the barber informs the vizier that the young man has a second wife; let the vizier take one, and he, the barber, take the second; the vizier offers to send the young man for the bracelet; L. sends her husband with a letter to the source where he met her; the young man takes the bracelet, tearing off the hand that extended it; vizier: second bracelet; L. sends her husband with a ring, it opens the entrance to the lower world; the girl to whom the young man addresses is the daughter of the woman whose hand he tore off; to save him, the girl turned him into a pebble and took an oath from her mother; the mother sent the young man with a letter to her sons with orders to kill him; the daughter substituted orders to come to her wedding; she gave him edible peas, he just had to pretend that he was eating inedible ones; gave iron claws - the brothers will ask you to scratch their backs; he did everything, the demons said that Solomon was calling them, they did not come; a young man takes the daughter of a demoness as his wife and asks for a flying skin (i.e., a flying carpet) as a gift; brings a bracelet; barber: he has a third wife, the king should receive her; the king orders the young man to bring news from the deceased king-father and the fruit of paradise; the young man orders a fire to be built and flies away from it on a magic carpet; the fairy wife makes a fruit from seven metals, writes a letter on behalf of the deceased king: come with the vizier and the barber; those burned; the first vizier came, the young man gave him his bride, sent the fairy to her world, and he himself remained with his third wife; that vizier became a king, the young man became a vizier]: 85-105; northern India (Hindi): Crooke 1892-1893, No. 745 (Mirzapur) [the raja was hunting, the companions approached the old woman, she gave a couple of deer; when they began to cook them, it turned out that there were only deer eyes; taking the form of a young beauty, the old woman chased the rajah; he climbed a tree; at that time another king appeared, saw the beauty and took her as his wife; every night she eats a horse; throws meat at another wife who is pregnant; advises her to be blinded and left in the forest; miraculously a jug of milk appears next to the woman every day; she gave birth, the son grew up, came to serve the king; the wife understands who it is, pretended to be sick, asked for tiger milk; the young man made friends with the tiger cubs, they brought him their mother’s milk; the tigress died of grief, and the cubs remained with the young man; now the king’s wife orders to bring the milk of a goat, which the demon has, gives a letter asking him to kill the giver; the young man replaced it with a letter asking him to help the bearer in everything; leaving, the demon asks not to untie the goat, otherwise the witch will jump out of the tree; the young man untied him and explained that a storm was coming; the witch allows her to be tied to a tree, the young man breaks her neck; the demon gave the goat to the young man; now the king's wife demands to bring the horse Shám Karam; this is a horse from the herd of the same demon; the young man threatens to do to the demon as he did to the witch, the demon teaches how to catch a horse; the young man tamed the horse; when the horse appeared the next day in the form of an insignificant foal, the demon helped to identify him; the queen orders a flower to be brought from the sea; on the horse ShK the young man comes to the sea; the demon warned that the flower turns into a girl and kills whoever comes; the horse grabbed the flower himself; the girl says that the queen is the sister of that demon, her soul is in the parrot; the young man took the parrot and brought the girl; when she laughed, the flower fell out of her mouth; in front of his father's eyes, the young man killed a parrot, the demoness died; he married a flower girl, everything is fine]: 212-213; Crooke 1895, No. 542 (Faizabad) [three brothers married, youngest fourth single; dissatisfied with the food one of the daughters-in-law prepared; she says that when he marries the princess, she will cook better; the young man goes to wander, meets, takes as a companion a rakshasa named Slow Leg, eats little, drinks little, and also many rats; the raja promises a daughter to the one who eats a room full of cakes (the rats eat them), jumps over the river (Slow foot jumped over), drinks the pond (drinks a little); the young man received a wife and returned to himself]: 194-195; Nepalese [the king learns that water will appear in the dug well only if they sacrifice a person who has 32 lucky marks on his body; such are only himself, his son and daughter-in-law; the son finds out about this, takes his wife, gallops away; in the forest he goes hunting, chases a doe, she leads him to the palace of the cannibal, he kills the doe, defeats the cannibal, locks him in the basement; feeds his wife with deer meat, brings him to the palace; she opens the basement; The cannibal advises that if you are sick, let your husband bring 1) the milk of a tigress; the cubs promise to help, ask the mother for milk for the day, and give it to the prince; 2) part of a monster’s fang (to grind the fang into powder), which has one fang to heaven and the other to the underworld; the prince hides in his fur, stabs him with a sword; the monster agrees to go to the palace, hit the gate with its fang, a piece breaks off; the demon advises the woman to feed her hero husband and adds poison; dying, the prince orders his wife not to eat his flesh, to throw his heart and liver into the river; the princess finds them; in a dream, the prince asks her to make a figure of him from cow dung, put his heart and liver in it; comes to life; takes the princess as his wife; kills the monster and his first wife; comes with his wife to his father; he says that when the unfaithful wife was killed, water appeared in the well]: Heunemann 1980, No. 8: 84-91; Nepalese [the hermit tells the king’s two wives that he cannot accept alms from the childless; let the king withstand the test; the king fasts in the forest for 12 years, Vishnu gives him two apples, both wives ate them and became pregnant; the second wife replaced her son with the first one with a chopping block and lowered it down the river in a box; the king ordered his first wife to retire to the forest; the boy was picked up by a fisherman, he grew up, became the youth Chandra Mukhi; the son from his second wife is evil; the king promises to make the successor the one who saddles his horse, which can only be mounted by a person fit to be king; only the World Cup succeeds in this; the king found out everything, expelled the midwife, cutting off her nose, returned the first wife, sent the second to the forest; the king fell ill, he will be cured by medicine from the hands of the golden-haired princess Sunkeshari, let the World Cup marry her; when she steps, gold falls; she must carry out difficult assignments for her father; The World Cup saved baby rats and snakes from a burning forest, sparrows from a bird catcher’s net; rats, snakes and sparrows promised to help; The World Cup meets and takes as a companion 1) a person whose hand stretches out to grab any food; 2) a person who puts one ear under himself, covers himself with the other, and disperses clouds with his ears; 3) the companions stayed in the house and took turns cooking; every time a dwarf with a huge mustache comes, sweeps away the cooks with them, eats everything; when it’s the World Cup’s turn, he grabs the dwarf by the mustache and throws him out the window; the rats made their way to the princess, she gave the World Cup grains of magic rice; S.'s father orders 1) to sow the field, to harvest the harvest tomorrow (the World Cup sows magic rice, it immediately ripens); 2) plant trees from all over the world (the long-armed one reaches them and brings them); 3) separate the chaff, rice and millet (the long-eared winnows the chaff, the sparrows sort the grain); the king gives S., she heals the father of the World Cup; his evil brother poisoned him, kidnapped S.; the snakes extracted the poison, the World Cup came to life; the king executed the son from his second wife, handed over the throne to the World Cup]: Sakya, Griffith 1980: 70-79; Gujaratis [Indra decided to send one of his dancers, Mohini, to Shiva on Mount Kailash; Indra's son met her and took her to his palace; Having learned about this, Indra decided to send his son to earth in the guise of a donkey; but having mercy, he added that at night he would be a man, and if he marries the princess and she gives birth, the spell will end; Indra's son became a donkey in the potter's house; ordered him to go to the king and ask him to marry the princess; the potter brought the vizier (Dewan) to the house; he heard the donkey’s words and told the king himself; he also came to the potter; donkey: if you don’t give up your daughter, I’ll destroy the city; king: I will give it up, but build a copper wall with silver gates around the city; the donkey turned to Vishwakarma (divine master) and the wall is ready; the king gave away his daughter; After some time, the princess told her mother that she was happy: let her come in the evening to see; Having seen the donkey skin, she ordered the servants to burn it; son of Indra: my body is burning; I will return to heaven, leave the city, it will be destroyed and buried; only the princess escaped, the rest died from fire and water; then the city of Cambay arose on this site]: Bose 1973, No. 5: 34-36; Marathi [Indra sent a dancer to Shiva, but Indra's son took her for himself; I. ordered his son to go to earth and be a donkey; Shiva: let the donkey be by day, the man by night, and when he marries and has a son, the spell will be canceled; the donkey got into the potter's house and ordered the king's daughter to be wooed; the king demanded a copper fortress with silver gates; the fortress is ready, the donkey received the princess, she is happy; her mother spied on it and ordered the donkey skin to be burned; Indra's son returned to heaven, telling his wife to leave; the city was destroyed by fire and water, later the city of Cambay arose on this site]: Kudinova, Kudinov 1995: 146-148; miner (Goa): Davidson, Phelps 1937, No. 3 [Moses and Edward sleep in a hut; a beauty (the demon's daughter) enters and puts a ring on the finger of good M.; the old man does not order to go along a certain road, M. and E. go; evil E. enters the house to dance, plays, loses everything, is captured; the daughter of another demon explains how to get to the beauty who left M. a ring; one must leave grain and an egg at the seven gates for the seven guardian demons; M. finds the owner of the ring; her father demands to identify her among 500 girls (she will put a pin in her mouth); gets a wife; buys E., he kills M., puts on his clothes; the wife does not believe, finds and revives M.; E. is executed, M. remains with his wife in the palace], 4 [the king has seven sons; the younger one replies that he fears God more than his father; the king drives him away; he tends the old woman's sheep; hides the clothes of one of the two princesses who came to swim; people choose a king, the elephant points three times at the young man, he is made king; the wife finds clothes and flies away; along the way, the young king ransoms frogs, mongooses, and flies from the people who are killing them; two princesses demand 1) fill the room with water (frogs fill it), 2) identify which of them is his wife (flies point), 3) dig an underground passage (mongooses dig it); the young man and his wife fly away, the wife’s sister kills both of them out of jealousy]: 19-22, 22-24; warli [the hermit adopted a baby girl; she has grown up, he does not want to part with her, he sets impossible tasks for the suitors; orders to quietly get fruits from a tree in the middle of the village, where it is always crowded; the son of a poor widow sees a snake crawling into the cranes' nest and kills it; the chicks tell the arriving mother that they will not eat until she asks their father to find out how they can help the young savior; the father crane puts the young man on his back, flies to the river, they collect sand there and return to the tree; the crane orders to throw sand into the eyes of those looking at them and, while they rub their eyes, to collect the fruits; young man receives hermit's daughter]: Satyawadi 2010: 45-46; Dhanwar [Śankar (=Śiva) offers to kill the demon; the youth Siddhanāth volunteers to do this; Sh. answers him that only someone who is married can undertake this, and that he must take the girl Jogeśvarī (her father is Šeš) from the underworld; on the way there, two old women decide to help Siddhanath; one gives a stone to throw at someone standing in his way, the other a handkerchief to bring himself to his senses if he finds himself near death; S. throws a stone at the army of snakes and nagas, which scatters; Shesh agrees to give up his daughter, but puts poison in S.’s food; he manages to wipe himself with a handkerchief and comes to life; to get to the girl, you need to break the rock; Siddha splits it with Shiva's trident; the girl is at first too dazzling, then acquires a normal appearance; S. brings her as his wife, kills the demon]: Sontheimer 1989: 27-29; northern India [four young men are traveling and meet a goat; she eats two in two nights; on the third night she fails, she takes on the appearance of a beauty; the Raja buys her; she arranges it so that others and that others arrange it so that the wives are accused, as if they are devouring the king’s horses; their eyes are torn out and thrown into a pit; all ten take turns giving birth to sons; 9 are eaten, the tenth grows up, receives an arrow from the hunter, which always hits the target; enters the service of his father the king, his mother warns him about the cannibal; she orders 1) to bring milk to the tigress (he takes out the splinter to the tigress, she gives milk); 2) get the demon cow; 3) bring “golden water”; the cannibal gives him a letter, in it an order to kill the bearer; Adam and Eve fly over the forest, replace the letter with a request to the cannibal to be kind to the giver; in the house of the cannibal mother, the young man finds boxes with a storm, with rain, a parrot, in which the soul of the cannibal daughter; he takes away the water, opens the boxes, interfering with the pursuit; slowly kills the parrot, the cannibal dies]: Rouse 1895, No. 234: 210-211; telugu {the collection contains mainly Telugu texts and a few Marathi texts; there is a slight possibility that this text refers not to Telugu, but to Marathi} [the prince went to wander; came to another king, called himself the son of a peasant, became a servant; the princess conveyed with him a letter to the vizier’s son with a proposal to flee at night; he tore up the letter and reported to the vizier that his son was lazy to study; the vizier locked up his son; the young man came to the date instead of him; in the morning, when the princess noticed the substitution, the maid said that it was fate; the fugitives stopped in the forest, the young man went to get water; I saw a palace, there was a beauty in a pool of blood, her head separated; the young man pulled the vine, his body and head connected; the beauty ordered the young man to leave until the rakshasa appeared; the young man again separated the body from the head, brought water to the princess, they arrived in another country; there the merchant asks a high price for the fish; the young man says that this fish is three quarters of scales and a quarter of water; both bet all their property, the young man won, received the merchant’s house and property; became a royal sufferer; found and presented an emerald to the king, who gave it to his daughter; her parrot replies that the princess will become even more beautiful if she has a second emerald like hers; the king sends the young man; he returns to the rakshasa’s palace, connects the beauty’s head with the body, she teaches her to go to her sisters, they give an emerald and a younger sister who has taken the form of a sheaf of rice; the parrot advises asking for the Parijataka flower; the sheaf wife says that the flower is in the sisters' garden; the maid of that first princess proves to her that the young man is a prince, let her ask him to make her his main wife; the young man took out a flower and killed the rakshasa with an arrow; the parrot orders the royal daughter who received the flower to marry the young man; with four wives, the young man first visited the father of the first princess, and then came to his father]: Venkataswami 1923, No. 82: 153-160; in canna [the mighty king asks his four sons what they will do after his death; eldest: I will continue my father’s work on the throne; second: I will help my brother govern the state; third: I will stand at the head of the army; fourth: I will become the king of kings, build my own city and marry four heavenly virgins; the king expelled his youngest son; finding himself in the forest, he came to the old woman’s house; she is the daughter of a hermit-sage who lost control of himself and raped a girl; after that he was torn to pieces by a tiger, and the daughter who was born turned out to be ugly; her mother died and she became a hermit in the forest; as a result, she gained power; the young man began to graze her cows; she ordered not to take them north; he went and hid by the pond; 4 heavenly daughters of Indra descended, took off their sari, and began to bathe; he stole one sari; the girl ran after him, promised to become his wife, he looked back in amazement, she took the sari and turned the young man into stone; the old woman found him and revived him; She ordered, taking the sari, to run to her house and not look back; he did so; the old lady turned him into a baby, and hid the sari inside his thighs, so that the seam was not visible; when the maiden came running, the old woman advised her to cover herself by giving her a cotton sari; then she promised to return the sari if the maiden agreed to become the young man’s wife; a young man and his wife came to the city; The king's servants saw the maiden and informed the king; he pretended to be sick and sent a young man to get the venom of the Karkotaka snake; his wife directed him to the mountains to a snake's hole and gave him a letter for the snake; along the way he saved a worm from a web; threw the letter into the hole; four snakes carried him to the lower world to the king of snakes; the letter contained a request to give the giver his daughter as a wife and to fulfill his request regarding poison; returning with his second wife and poison, the young man gave the poison to the king’s servants; when they opened the bottle, the tamarind tree standing nearby caught fire and burned; the king ordered the poison to be buried deeper; sent a young man to bring crocodile bile; on the way, the young man released a young crocodile who was on dry land into the water; the young man threw letters from his wife to the crocodiles; the king of the seas gave him a daughter, diamonds and bile; now the king asks to go up to heaven to Indra and find out how his late parents and brothers are doing; the wives wrote many letters, the young man jumped into the fire, the god of fire raised him to heaven, there Indra gave him a daughter, letters to the king and minister and returned him to earth; along the way, the young man saved ants when the anthill was flooded with water; the young man gave the letters; they contain an invitation to heavenly paradise - you must also jump into the fire; the king and the minister with their families were burned; the young man made a poor Brahman king; he himself and 4 wives built a new city; at this time his father lost his kingdom and became a firewood seller; came with his family to the city of a young man; he sheltered them; gave his first wife's sari to his mother for safekeeping; the wife asked her for it, put it on and all 4 wives flew to heaven, and the city turned into a jungle again; the young man brought his brothers and mother to the city, where he installed a brahman as king, and he himself went to look for wives; his wives met him and the first said that he must undergo tests from Indra so that he would recognize him as his son-in-law; the wives lifted him to heaven, turning him into a fish in a vessel of water, and left him; I. orders 1) to collect the scattered sesame seeds in 3 hours (the young man called the ants - they do it); 2) get the ring thrown there from the well (the frog got it; when meeting the hero with the frog, the informant is omitted; for this, the frog threw a tadpole to be eaten by snakes at the bottom of the well, and he himself found the ring); 3) cut the banana tree into three parts with one blow (the crocodile cut it); 4) recognize the first wife among three identical girls (the worm, having now become a flying insect, sat on her sari); I. arranged the wedding; on earth the youth conquered kingdoms; his father admitted he was right]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 3: 5-15; Tamils [the king asks the seven sons what each would like to do on this cool night; one wants to invade his neighbors at the head of an army, another wants to engage in irrigation, a third wants to hunt, etc.; the seventh - so that next to him would be 4 wives, the daughters of Indra, Agni, Varuna and Adisesha; the father, in a rage, orders his son to be executed, the mother warns him and tells him to run away; the executioners brought the blood of the animal to the king; the prince lives with the old woman and herds cattle; contrary to the ban, he goes north, climbs a fruit tree and sees Indra’s daughter bathing in the pond; steals her clothes, runs, she asks him to look back, he turns into stone, Indra's daughter returns to heaven along with four other maidens; The old woman revived the prince and ordered him not to look back next time, but to bring her clothes; she turned the prince into a three-year-old child by sewing clothes into his thigh; gave Indra's daughter her clothes, she stayed to live with the old woman; she convinced her to marry the prince, turning him back into a young man; six months later he sends them to live alone, ordering the prince not to give his wife her heavenly clothes; they come to the city, the vizier advises the king to take his wife away, to do this, pretend to be sick, send the prince for snake venom; his wife gives him a note for his uncle, telling him to drop him into any anthill; he sends the prince the necessary poison and another wife {Adisesha's daughter?}; when the package of poison was opened, it burned half of the forest; the vizier suggests sending the prince for whale fat; the wives wrote a note to their uncle Varuna, the lord of the seas, who sent a daughter and fat; vizier: send the prince to convey messages to the dead; the wives write a letter to Agni, the prince throws it into the fire, jumps himself, returns to the wives, and then comes out of the fire unharmed, supposedly with answers to the letters of the king and courtiers; in them the dead ask to visit them; the king and all the others threw themselves into the fire and were burned; the prince with four wives goes to his father; halfway through the journey, the wives create a magnificent city; the prince’s father was deprived of power by enemies, and with his whole family he is collecting brushwood; they come to the city, their son and daughters-in-law greet them; One day the prince went hunting, taking from his thigh the clothes of Indra's daughter sewn into it and giving it to his mother; she showed it to her daughters-in-law and they flew away to heaven, and the city and all their property disappeared; the prince went to the old woman, who helped get Indra's daughter; along the way, he saved ants, a frog, and a cricket from the river, who were dying without water; the old woman sent him to sit by the path along which those heavenly maidens passed every day after bathing; on the 40th day they agreed to lift him to Indra in heaven; transferred, turning into a frog; Indra agrees to give him his daughter, but he must complete three tasks to get her sisters; 1) re-collect the sown sesame seeds (the ants collected them); 2) get the ring from the well with snakes (frogs dive into the well, most are eaten by snakes, but one gets the ring); 3) cut down 7 fused plane trees with one blow (Agni’s daughter does this herself); 4) I. gave all four maidens the same appearance, ordered them to identify his daughter (the cricket jumped on her leg); the prince with four wives returns to earth, returns the city and power]: Natesa Sastri 1886: 80-119; Sinhalese : Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 77 [the two eldest sons answer the king that the moon is good because it illuminates the road; the younger one - that by its light the flower princesses can ride in their chariots; the king orders him to be taken to the forest and killed; he hides, buried in the sand, the executioner kills the chameleon; the prince found two princesses in the flowers, they grew up, went with him, and live with the widow; the king (apparently hoping to take possession of the princesses) gives the prince difficult assignments; princesses teach how to perform them; 1) bring blue flowers (they grow near the shore, the crocodile did not eat the prince; in one flower he found the third princess); 2) go to the world of nagas; the princesses dig a passage to the passage that the king ordered to dig, give the prince magic sand; the king orders to close and compact his move; the prince returns differently, tells the king that his late father is calling him; the king goes underground, the entrance is filled up, the king dies; the ministers make the prince king when the elephant stops at his house; the prince summons his parents and brothers, makes his father king, brothers ministers, and leaves with the princesses], 78 [Parker 1910, no. 51: 291-299; two sons of one king and the daughter of another came to swim from different sides of the river; the eldest hid the princess's clothes and brought her to the palace; the king drove him away with his wife; they stopped with a widow, the prince told her to hide his wife’s clothes, she persuaded her to return them to her; said that the prince would see her no earlier than the elephant eagle chicks (Aet-Kanda-Lēniyā, flesh and blood ); the prince came to the forest, killed a cobra that was crawling towards the elephant eagle’s nest, fed the chicks; they asked their mother not to kill their savior; she took him to the princess’s palace (he grabbed a branch, the bird held it in its beak); the prince redeems and releases elephants, pigs, pigeons, fireflies; women carry water to wash the princess's hair, the prince throws a ring into the jug; the princess calls him, agrees to return if he completes the tasks 1) clear a plot in the forest for peas (elephants did it), 2) sow (pigs), 3) collect peas (pigeons); the king orders 4) to identify his daughter in a dark room among eight girls (fireflies); the prince gets a wife], 86 [seven prince brothers are betrothed to seven princess sisters; the youngest sends his sword in his place, the princess agrees to marry the sword; a naked man in a lake stops a wedding procession; the hidden prince asks to let everyone go, goes with the nag, he asks to deliver the Glass Princess (SP, she sleeps on a glass bed), only she can cure the ulcer on the nag’s forehead; the prince saves drowning mice; the old woman warns that the father of the joint venture offers the grooms to bathe in boiling water and cut the iron pillar; the mice dig a passage, the prince penetrates to the joint venture, she gives a ring to cool the water in the cauldron, a strand of hair to split the pillar; The joint venture is treated by a naga, who releases the young people, giving them treasures; the brothers want to kill the prince, he runs away with both wives, he is given another kingdom; in the former hunger; brothers come to him, he tells them to cultivate the land], 89 [seeing a bird, the king and his wife argue whether it is a male or a female; the queen loses, leaves, gives birth to a son, picks up a precious stone in a dry river bed; the child immediately stops crying; the son has grown up, his mother sends him to sell the stone at the market, but no one is able to determine the price; the king invites the young man and his mother to live in the palace, because he does not have the money to pay the full cost of the stone; sends the young man for the second stone; the young man comes to the river, Yakshini explains that she is the daughter of its owner, they are guarding the precious stones; she runs with the young man; spits precious stones; the king wants to take possession of Yakshini himself; the minister advises sending the young man to visit the king’s late parents; he is walled up in an underground passage, Yakshini sends rats (their owner is her sister) to dig another passage, dresses her husband in precious clothes; the king believes that the young man went to the other world, he himself goes down into the dungeon and is walled up; the young man reigns]: 164-169, 169-173, 197-203, 211-216; Bengalis (apparently Muslims - the mouth of the Ganges) [mother tells her son to sell the last two cows; he exchanges them with the old woman for three dancing goats; the landowner's daughter asks to sell her goats; the young man sells one at a time in exchange for food for his mother; goats don't dance; for this you need a young man's flute; he gives the flute, for which the girl says that there are three precious stones in her bracelet - white, red and green; her father promises to give his daughter to the one who can tell him what three hairs are woven into his daughter’s braid; the young man says that this hair is white, red and green; rich suitors are disappointed, the young man gets a wife]: Gangulee 1940: 23-34; be : Elwin 1944: 151-152 [in the Peacock a chick is born from one egg, a bull and a boy from the other; they grew up near a forest pond; five peri flew in to bathe, the young man hid their clothes in the bull’s mouth; they agreed to give away the youngest, the young man married her; the rajah wants to take this woman for himself; orders 1) to bring tiger milk; the bull advises the young man to bring sweets to the tiger cubs; they suck the mother, regurgitate the milk into the pot, kill the mother, go with the young man; 2) the raja arranged a fight between a bull and an elephant, both died; the raja killed the young man, took his wife, she returned to heaven], 204-209 [three wives are childless, the raja takes the fourth; when leaving, he rings a bell; his wife calls idlely, he promises not to come again; she gives birth to a son and daughter, the wives lower them into the sea in a box, they tell the rajah that she gave birth to a stone, he sends her off to chase the crows from the field; they are picked up by the sadhu; leaving, leaves them magical power; a young man creates a palace; one of the rajah's wives tries to poison the children with cottage cheese; then he advises to get a lotus, it will be guarded by rakshasas, snakes, tigers; the young man kills them; then the wife persuades her sister to advise her brother to get the Stone Maiden as a wife; her voice turns to stone; the young man turns to stone up to his neck, but bewitches himself and others with a magic wand; gets married; the old rakshasa helps him; the wives ask the Raja to arrange a holiday, the food is poisoned; rakshasa eats everything; the young man calls his father to his palace; wives are buried alive, exiled ones are returned], 350-351 [five brothers got lost in the forest, came to the cannibal Dano; he gives them his five daughters; orders 1) to plow the field, instead of buffalos there are tigers; the wives are told not to be afraid, to harness the tigers; D.'s sixth daughter is an ogress like him, with one eye; in the evening he says that he wants to eat his sons-in-law’s genitals; the younger brother hears, is not sleeping, she does not dare to approach; the next night he tells the brothers to exchange jewelry with their wives; D. kills his daughters, the brothers run away and climb a tree; the one-eyed woman notices them; the brothers drive nails into the trunk, D.'s daughter and wife die; at this time D. revived his daughters; brothers come, kill D., take their wives]; gon : Elwin 1944: 13-17 [the Raja is outraged that the young man is hunting birds in his domain, orders the Golden Bird to be brought; the mother encourages the young man; dove, boar, Dan {Dano - demons} tell him to marry their daughter, promise to help; Dano-father-in-law flew with the young man to the sea, ordered to cover himself with tree trunks so as not to burst, drank the sea, the young man walked on dry land, brought a cage with a bird from the other shore, Dano released the water, the sea was filled again; the young man returned with three wives and two Golden Birds; gave one to the Raja; he demands a pair; the young man gave the second one; The Raja orders a giant pond to be dug and filled with water; pigeons blocked the sun with their wings for six months, wild boars dug a pond; The rajah sent an army, and they swallowed him; the rajah gave the young man his daughter and kingdom], 17-18 [the young man planted rice, guarded it, but one day he fell asleep; the golden peacock ravaged the field, leaving a golden feather; the barber noticed a feather in the young man's hut; The Raja ordered him to get the bird; sambhar, antelope, tiger put the young man on their back, carry him along the trail of the peacock; the elephant broke the tree on which the peacock was sitting, the young man grabbed the peacock; the rajah gave the young man his daughter; after the death of the raja, the young man inherited the kingdom], 197-202 [looking for water in the forest, the raja and his servants come to the palace of the cannibal Natiyamal Dano; his daughter has a thread through which water comes from the sea (the Gonds do not know that the sea is salty); whoever does not drink to the end will be executed; the raja cuts the thread, takes the ogre's daughter as his wife; she orders him to drive out and blind his six former wives; the youngest is pregnant, the son grows up, the stepmother demands that he get rice that ripens in a day, milk from wild buffaloes, and the horse Hansraj from the ND palace; the sadhu is happy with everything; running away from ND on horse Kh., the young man throws behind him water from a calabash (river), a stick (forest), a stone (mountain, ND stops the pursuit); the stepmother demands to get the maiden Angarmati - the daughter of ND; the young man brings her on horseback; she restores sight to the blind; Raja buries evil wife alive, returns son and six wives]; dying [the raja caught and brought a pregnant antelope, but his son released it; The Raja drove his son away; the antelope became a girl, the wife of the rajah's son; Seeing a snake that grabbed a frog, the Raja's son cut off and gave the snake a piece of his flesh from his hand, and the frog was saved; The barber saw the beauty and advised the rajah to take her away from the young man; let him bring 1) tiger milk; the wife orders him to raise his hand in front of the tigress; she gave milk and her two tiger cubs; 2) grains from rakshasas; the wife wrote a note, the rakshasi gave grain and two of her cannibals; 3) a rani necklace thrown into a well; the snake and the frog took out the necklace; 4) grow a fruit-bearing mango grove overnight; the wife became an antelope, where she ran, mangoes grew there; ordered her husband to cut off her head, became a woman again; told her husband to return to his father, and she herself became an antelope again and ran away]: Elwin 1944, No. 18.4: 401-403; pardhan [Sita speaks to Rama about his brother Lakshmana; R. suspects his brother; L. stands on the fire and does not burn, which means he is innocent; S. turns into a fox, throws the fox cub, L. grabs the fox by the nipple, S.’s breast ends up in his hand; the same with the transformation of S. into a fig tree; her loincloth in a tobacco plant; in anger, L. falls into the lower world; there Ses Nag, his three daughters ask their father to take L. as their husband, he must work for them; L. receives numerous difficult assignments; sows the field with sesame, you need to return the seeds, sow rice (pigeons collect sesame); three years later, during the wedding ceremony, L. was replaced with his sword; the daughters demanded that SN give them the Sun and the Moon as a dowry; he agrees, but the luminaries will spend half the time in the lower world; L. opened the basket on the way to look at the younger girl; she flew away like lightning; L. is still trying to overtake her with an arrow - it’s thunder; the other two were stolen by Dano; they appear once every 9 years as mohati and amhera flowers]: Elwin 1949, no. 11: 65-67; Santali : Bodding 1927, No. 64 [after the death of his wife, the king chooses a bride who promises to take care of his son; the new wife also gives birth to a boy and hates her stepson; makes the cat scratch her, blames her stepson, promises to leave if the king does not kill him; the father abandons his son in the forest, brings his wife clothes soaked in the blood of a dog; the old woman takes the boy to the village, he is adopted by a brahman and given the name Lela; a Brahmin's daughter makes an appointment in the forest, her lover doesn't come, L. happens to be there, the girl runs with him, sees a mistake in the morning, decides to stay with L.; both are beautiful, the king gives L. difficult tasks to take his wife; 1) bring a flower (the wife says that her younger sister has it; she lives in the house of the cannibal; the cannibal smells a person in the house; the girl says that she needs to sit over boiling oil to get rid of this smell; the young man pushes the cannibal into the oil, she burns, brings a flower, the king, as promised, gives him a sister and half of the kingdom; L. now has three wives - the first, her sister and the king’s sister; L. comes to his father with his wives and people; forest, now he has seen; the evil wife has hanged herself, L. reigns]: 317-365; Campbell 1891 [the wives of six brothers are trying to kill their sister as soon as they leave; they are ordered to bring 1] brushwood from the forest without a rope (the snake orders to put brushwood on it). , wraps it around him like a rope); 2) milk from the tigress (the cubs feel sorry for the girl, they milk the mother and give her milk); 3) mother bear milk (bear cubs give); 4) bring water in a leaky vessel (the frog closes the hole); 5) collect scattered mustard seeds (pigeons collect); 6) bring a bunch of leaves to cover the roof without tying them with a rope (another snake ties them); 7) get flowers from the tree; when the girl climbs the tree, the brothers' wives leave the thorny bushes around and leave; the brothers return, the sister's tear falls on them, they let the sister down; they push their wives into the well]: 119-124; ho : Bompas 1909, No. 42 [the wives of six brothers try to lime their sister in their absence and are told to 1) bring water in a leaky vessel (the frog plugs the hole), 2) brushwood without a rope (the snake tied it up), 3) collect the sown seeds (the pigeons collect) , 4) bring milk from the she-bear (the she-bear gives); the wives order to climb the tree for fruits, break off the branches, and leave; the brothers spend the night under this tree, the sister’s tear drips, they notice her, take her off, execute their wives], 42 [the rajah wants to kill the potter in order to take possession of his wife; orders to bring the heads of 24 jackals; The potter digs a hole and answers the jackal that it will soon rain fire; agrees to let the jackals into the pit to wait out the disaster; then he says that the rain of fire has ended; the jackals come out one at a time, the potter cuts off each head; the last 24th jackal dodged; the potter smeared himself with gur and pretended to be dead; the surviving jackal suspects deception, but the other one begins to lick the gur, the potter killed him; the Raja orders tiger milk to be brought; the potter fed the tiger cubs bread, they liked it, the tigress herself gave her milk in exchange for bread; The Raja asked the potter's wife to lime him; she began to ask the idol to blind his husband; the potter found out about this, responded by hiding behind the idol, then pretended to be blind; The Raja came at night and the potter killed both of them; placed the Rajah's corpse on a neighbor's property; he mistook him for a thief and hit him on the head; the potter advised the frightened neighbor to throw the body among the buffaloes that belonged to Goala; he decided that the thief was stealing buffalo milk and hit the body on the head; the potter advised lowering the corpse into the well; the brahmana found the corpse; before cremation, the potter hid; then said in the name of the spirit of the Raja that he was appointing the potter as his successor]: 469-470, 480-483; Agaria [a young man redeems a bird that was pecking grain, which the man wanted to kill; saves a frog from a snake, gives milk to the snake; redeems a deer that is being killed; the bird and the frog become women - the wives of the young man, the deer turned into a horse, brought them to the Rajah's pond; The raja demands that 1) overnight the trees become covered with fruits (the bird wife complies), 2) jump over the lake on a horse (the horse jumps over), 3) get a ring from the well (the Frog temporarily becomes a frog again, gets it); the rajah gives the young man half his kingdom and his daughter; on the way back, the horse fell, the Frog and the Bird died, the young man remained to live with the rajah’s daughter]: Elwin 1944, No. 3: 399-401 (translation in Zograf 1971, No. 15: 59-60); oraons [the lark has children: a tiger (his mother makes him the lord of the forest), a water serpent (the lord of the waters), an ox and a man; an ox and a man see the royal children playing in a pond; they call the young man to play with them; if he finds them, they will give him his sister, if they find him, he will give them the ox; the ox quietly swallows the young man, and then releases him; he cannot be found, but he himself finds those who have dived; the princess is dressed in rags, smeared with honey, flies flock to her, and next to her is another girl in a princess’s outfit; the ox tells you who to choose; the adviser suggests to the queen to send the young man 1) for the tigress’s milk; the tiger brother orders the tigresses to fill the young man's vessel with their milk; 2) behind a lotus from a deep pond where there are snakes; the serpent brother gives a lotus; 3) free the pond from snakes; a young man scatters corn on the bank, snakes crawl out to eat it; the king thinks that the strength of the young man is in his will, he orders the ox to fight the elephants; the ox rips open the bellies of elephants with its horns; the king orders the ox to break the iron wall; to the young man: I will perish, place my blood and bones in a vessel, close it tightly; blood and bones turn into wasps, hornets and bees; they bite the soldiers, they ask for mercy; the king gives the young man his daughter and the throne]: Hahn 1906, No. 16: 28-32; condos [the widow has a son; he sees chittigi-paggata (fairy-tale flowers) flowers in the river, takes them out and decorates his hair; the king sees him, orders him to get flowers too, otherwise he will cut off his head; the mother orders not to lament, but to go up the river; there are three giants, you should call them “uncle”, they will help; the first giant refers to the second, the second to the third; he orders to go to the lake, where three fairies come to swim; you need to take their clothes and run without looking back; but at the last moment the young man looked back and fell dead; the giant revived him by covering him with a banana leaf; the next time the young man ran to the giant’s house and gave up his clothes only after promising to get the younger maiden as his wife; during the marriage ceremony, the girl laughed and flowers began to fall from her lips; fairies cannot stay with people for a long time, so they gave the young man a zither; if you play, the wife will appear or the fairies will come to the rescue; on the way back, two giants presented a rope and a stick; when the young man returned to his mother, he played the zither and the maidens appeared; the king's servants saw them; the young man took the flowers to the king; he wanted to take his wife for himself and ordered to bring lion’s milk, hoping that the young man would die; the fairies ordered the lions to accompany the young man; he brought a herd of lions to the king, he was afraid, the lions were released; the king orders the poisonous snake to be killed; (the same, the young man brought many snakes to the palace); now the king orders to catch the most ferocious lion (the young man brought the lion); the king summoned the young man to the palace; The fairy gave a mouse with him; the servants threw him into a deep crevice, but the mouse dug a way out to the ground and the young man returned to his mother again; now the king sent the young man with a letter to another king so that he would kill him; the young man ordered a rope and a stick to tie and beat the king; he gave him his kingdom; a young man and a fairy began to rule there]: Schulze 1922, No. 10: 57-64.

Malaysia - Indonesia. Well done (Perak) [the merchant Mansur has seven sons, the eldest Zainal Abidin, the youngest Kherudin (H.); dying, M. tells the elders to take care of the younger; the brothers went on a trading expedition, stopped, and ordered H. to guard the ship; he bought a dog, a cat, a snake that people wanted to kill; the snake turned out to be the king of snakes; for the fact that X. returned it to them, the snake-subjects presented a ring that fulfills wishes; the brothers load valuables to present them to the king, Kh. buys shards and fish peels; tells his mother to ask for the hand of Princess Shamisiah (Sh.); the king proposes to build a palace from gold, silver and diamonds, to pave the road to the sea and the road from Kh.'s palace to the royal palace with gold; H. turns to the ring, the king of snakes fulfills everything; wedding; in the absence of her husband, Sh. noticed a nondescript ring and gave it to the Chinese to clean; he took it away; Having learned about this, Kh. lost consciousness; the cat and dog went in search, swam to the island, but the Chinese were not there; found it in another place; the cat ordered the dog to grab the white rat - the king of rats; she sent her subjects, they brought the ring; as they swam across the sea, the dog dropped the ring; it ended up in the mouth of a beached fish; when the cat and dog brought the ring, Kh. came to his senses; later the king gave up the throne to him; H. appointed the brothers as his advisers and ministers]: Laidlaw 1906: 27-43; minangkabau [parents went to the market, the bridge was washed away, they will not return; their sons Dahar and Dahir dream of working for a rich peasant; the youngest son Bujang Permai wants to marry a beauty and become a king; the brothers tie him to a post and leave; in a dream, an old man appears to him, promises to send a bird, which he must follow, leaves 7 cuttings of palm leaves that revive the dead; following the bird, the DB sequentially revives a monkey, a squirrel, a firefly, and an elephant; everyone gives incense, promises to appear if it is lit; BP revives the dead princess, the king orders 1) to level the mountain (elephants), 2) to collect the betel nut entwined in a dry tree without damaging the tree (squirrels, monkeys), 3) to identify the bride among 40 girls (the firefly lands on her); BP marries, reigns; recognizes brothers selling grain and milk; finds parents through them; reveals himself, the brothers are ashamed, BP does not take revenge]: Bunanta 2003: 31-36; Peppermint [Segemulaibi and his older brother make a boat; his brother sends him to his wife for food; she loads a full boat, along the N. along the way almost everything is distributed to wild animals; the brother is angry with his wife at first; Having noticed what's going on, he throws a spear into S.'s boat in anger; offended, S. leaves and comes to the old forest woman Sikokong; thanks to her witchcraft, S. does all the field work herself; S. planted flowers, the Moon descended and decorated himself with them; warns his three daughters not to steal flowers; they come down with the rain and take it; S. grabs the eldest one, she orders him to take the middle one, the middle one - the youngest one; the youngest gives birth first to a daughter, then to a son; the grandmother (i.e. Sukokong) sings to them that if it weren't for the flowers, she wouldn't have any grandchildren; the children tell their mother about this, she is offended, returns to heaven on a stream of water, and lifts the children there in a basket; S. makes a sacrifice to the rotan, it grows to the sky, it rises there; three times the rotan gets tired, S. irrigates it with prepared coconut milk; for S. to find a wife in a communal house (uma) full of people, a centipede bites her, a firefly sits on her; his wife's brothers cut off S.'s head, his wife revives him every time; the brothers are trying to lime S., the animals that S. once fed help him (ants separate the grated coconut from the sand; an eel plugs a hole in a bamboo vessel in a basket; fish collect oil poured into the river; mice and squirrels hollow out a boat, a deer drags her, a crocodile frees the boat when it gets stuck in the river grass; monkeys collect fruits, rats and squirrels clean them; a snake lands on S.’s head, scaring off his wife’s brothers, who wanted S. to do a lap dance); children warn their father not to drink water (it contains lead), not to eat meat (it is dog meat); the wife changes the flower on the head of S., who must dance all night with a fresh flower; changes the banana leaf on which to sleep without crushing it; the wife agrees to return to earth and forgive the grandmother; she, the children, S. come down with the rain; the wife creates abundance (taro, chickens, boats - everything)]: Loeb 1929, no. 16: 222-244; a moustache (Keningau group) [(Brooks 1960: 34-47); the hunter Baiagong went to look for prey at a watering hole; sees seven girls bathing, hides the rainbow clothes of the youngest; the elders were unable to lift it and flew away; B. brings the girl into the house, hides her clothes in the chest; the wife gives birth to a son; feels that her mother-in-law does not love her and does not believe that she is a heavenly maiden; tells her son her story, he says that he knows where her clothes are; flying away, the heavenly maiden teaches her son how he and his father can find her; in the place where K. met her, the old man is fishing; you need to grab his hook, he will throw you with a fishing rod into the heavenly country of Kayangan; along the way, B. frees fish from the top, builds a bridge for ants across a stream, frees a squirrel from a trap, a deer entangled in vines with its antlers, a firefly from a cobweb; the fisherman throws B. and his son into the sky, his wife meets B.; her raja father says that his daughter also has a prince groom in heaven; gives tasks; 1) get the beads thrown into the river (the fish get them); 2) collect rice scattered in the grass (ants collect); 3) collect all the fruits from the cut tree without breaking the branches (the squirrel collects); 4) race with the local prince to get red leaves from a tree in the distance (the prince flies, but B. rides a deer and returns first); 5) identify the wife’s cup among many (the firefly shows); the raja gives B. a wife, but does not order him to return to earth; the celestials want B. to bathe in the pond, getting rid of the smell of a person; there are crocodiles in the pond, B. sticks his finger in, it turns white, B. refuses to swim; he is thrown like garbage through a hole in the floor of the house, he ends up on the ground, a drum, an ax, and a coconut fell nearby; a whole grove immediately grows from a coconut, the drum scares away enemies, the ax kills them, producing trophy heads; the son occasionally descends from the sky to him, then stops; after B.'s death, his white finger, ax and drum became Murut relics]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 5: 276-285; Ibans (Sea Dayaks): Ling Roth 1896 (Sarawak) [=Bezemer 1904: 226-229; women went for edible bamboo, people sat on a log, it turned out that it was a huge boa constrictor; the men killed him and began to roast him; after that it began to rain, water flooded the ground; a woman and a dog were saved on the mountain; after the flood, the dog began to rub against a creeping plant; Looking at her, the woman rubbed the plant with a piece of wood, made a fire drill, and made fire; she became pregnant from a fire drill and gave birth to a son named Simpang-impang; he is half a person (vertical); he took the rice away from the rat, began to dry it, and the wind carried it away; he went to look for the Wind; along the way people ask to know why banana and sugar cane, when planted, have only one stem; the lake asks to know why it has no flow; tree on the mountain: ask the Wind to drive away the birds that cling to my top; The wind offers challenges; 1) whoever dives deeper (the fish dived for S. won); 2) jump over the house (the swallow flew over); 3) crawl through the hole in the blowgun (the ant crawled); but the Wind still doesn’t want to pay for the rice; S. took a fire drill and set fire to the Wind's house; after that he agreed to pay; he has nothing to pay, and instead he made S. a complete man; in order for bananas and sugar cane to grow, it is necessary to observe marital relations, the prohibition of talking to the wife’s parents; The lake drain is covered with gold, it must be removed; The Wind himself helped the tree; everything is fine]: 226-229; Dunn 1906 [someone ruins a rice field; people are hiding in ambush; at midnight a huge boa constrictor descends from the sky; the brave man cuts off his head; in the morning he cooks and eats his meat; after this it begins to rain; some people escaped the flood on the hills]: 17; Hose 1912 [people in the forest mistook the boa constrictor for a log and began to chop down the collected roots on it; Having realized what was going on, they chopped up and boiled the boa constrictor; the rain flooded the earth; a woman, a dog, a rat and other small animals were saved on the mountain; the vine rubbed against the trunk, heating it; the dog noticed this, the woman received fire; took a liana as her husband, gave birth to a half boy (vertical) Simpang Impang; he took the grain from the rat, who promised that the rats would eat the grain from people; The wind scattered the grains; SI went to look for the Wind; on the way, the Tree, the buds of which were constantly being eaten by birds, ordered to ask the Wind to knock it down (so as not to suffer); The lake asked the Wind to remove the piece of gold that was blocking the flow of water; sugarcane and bananas were asked to have branches like trees; The wind offers competition; 1) dive (the bubble immediately floated up, the fish that dived instead of SI won); 2) jump (the swift took off instead of SI); 3) go through a blowgun (ant); The wind does not give up; then SI called his father Fire Drill, set fire to Wind's house; The wind admits defeat and, in compensation for the grains, makes the SI a complete man; as for other requests, the Wind promised to correct the matter; but it won’t give a branch, because people break customs]: 144-147 (=Hose, McDougall 1912: 144-147); Dayaks sea style='font-family:​​[hunting with a blowpipe, Siu got lost and ended up on the seashore; the beauty offered to take him to his home, became his wife on the condition that he would never kill a bird (she herself is from the family of bird spirits), gave birth to a son, Seragunting; one day he cries, he cannot be consoled, Siu breaks the ban, his wife leaves; Sioux, taking the baby, goes to look for her, and along the way he finds milk for the baby in the leaves; on the seashore, seven boats with the sons-in-law of the supreme god Singalang Burong successively refuse to take him; a huge spider comes out of the sea, transports Siu and his son to his departed wife, she turns out to be Bunsu Katupong, SB's younger niece; local spirits threaten to kill Seragunting and his father, who carries out difficult assignments; the last one (previous ones are not specified) – to bring the best prey from the hunt; Seragunting's half-dead dog becomes healthy and strong, the spirits return empty-handed, and Seragunting chases away the boar; the spears of the spirits bounce off the animal, and Seragunting easily kills it by throwing a knife; The SB recognizes Seragunting as a grandson; one day he accidentally turns over SB’s pillow, and their house on the ground is visible under it; SB releases Seragunting with his father, teaches military affairs and rice cultivation, says that forest birds are spirits, they take on a bird's form on earth; father and son find themselves at home]: Gomes 1904: 12-29 (similar, shorter version in Perham 1883: 237-240); ngaju [Ranjung Mahatala Langit ordered a man and his wife to descend from heaven to earth (“to the bank of the river of peace” {usual formula}); the man became a leader, married their daughter Djangga (Moon, leader of the people on the moon), visits his wife every new moon; she is pregnant, at this time sex is limited, he is offended, says that there is a bad smell on earth, leaves, leaving seven arrows for the son who will be born; he will have to tie seven silver bamboos, climb on them, release darts from the sarbakan into the sky, they will form a chain, it will turn into a liana, along which he will rise to the gates of heaven; D. himself rose in the same way; due to the fact that the father left his pregnant wife (this is a taboo), a half-son (vertical) was born, his name is Silai; his mother tells him who his father is and advises him to first go to his father’s brother, the Sun; S. comes to the leader of the orangutans, who sends ravens to the leader; he asks to bring a boa constrictor to eat on the way; S. sits on the raven, throws pieces into its beak, which brings it to the gates of heaven; along the way, S. saves drowning ants, fish remaining in a drying pond, a deer entangled in vines, a monkey stuck with his hand between branches, a crocodile lost on land, and frees a firefly from a web; Uncle S. the leader of the sun (Djangkarau Matanandau) brings him to the lunar village; The month calls S. a degenerate, a liar; offers tests; 1) separate water, oil, ash, sand mixed in a vessel (ants, fish share); 2) make a path to the forest garden without getting scratched (S. rides back and forth on the back of a deer); 3) climb a tall tree (the monkey in S.’s clothes climbs); 4) win the boat race (the crocodile pulls S.’s boat); 5) approach at night in a dark house to the bed where he, the Moon, sleeps (the firefly shows); Month recognizes S. as his son; chops into pieces four times, cooks, sculpts again; for the first time S. becomes a black dwarf, then a red one, then a rooster, then a strong man, a handsome man; he is the ancestor of those Ngaju who have lighter skin]: Schärer 1966: 124-135; toraja [Polopadang was working in the field; a woman came down from the sky on a rainbow; This is Deatinna, P. grabbed her; she agrees to become his wife if he does not say a bad word; they have a son; he was playing with a golden top, it hit his father on the knee, P. swore; D. and his son climbed up the rainbow to heaven; the white buffalo asks to pull the hunters' spear from his back; for this he took T. to the ends of the earth; therefore, P.’s descendants do not eat buffalo meat; the sun is ready to help, but if he takes T. with him, he will burn; her younger brother helped for a month; T. sat down at the well, asked the slave for a drink, and threw a golden top into the vessel; T.'s son recognized his father's top; P. came to his wife’s house; servants {whose?} are ready to give it up if P. brings water in a basket; the eel smeared the basket with mucus, P. brought water; bring water from the stream to the garden (the crab dug a ditch); sprinkle corn grain by grain until 4 baskets are filled *mice filled); eat all the sweet potatoes from the field (the wild boars ate them); in the dark in the house among hundreds of people gathered to find his wife (a firefly sat on her hair, a cat meowed next to her); P. with D. and son returned to earth]: Teselkin 1958: 72-77 (=Braginsky 1972: 85-89); toraja [the old man's wife gives birth to a son from his right palm; a passerby gives him the name Pong Bulu Pala (“hairy palm”; a wart with hairs is considered a sign of happiness); three older brothers are jealous of PBP, 1) they drive buffaloes towards him (they bypass the boy), 2) they throw him into dung (the buffaloes did not trample him), 3) they throw him into the river (the river washes him ashore); he goes up the river, gets married, bringing good luck to his wife’s house; 4) the brothers come, offer to dig a grave for their father, ask the PBP to measure it, and bury it (the dog and the rooster tear it off); 5) the brothers offer to make a coffin for their father, order PBP to try it on, tie it with rattan, throw it into the river; a wife, a rooster and a dog take a coffin out of the sea, revive the PBP from the bones; after the death of their parents, PBP and the rooster fly to the sky and turn into Orion and Sirius; the wife - into a winged white ant (these ants fly out on the eve of the rains, when Orion and Sirius appear), the dog into a wingless one]: Tevselkin 1958: 85-96; camp (Halmahera) [someone is dancing on the shore; the young man watched as two fish shed their skins and became girls; hides the skin of one, takes the girl as his wife, she gives birth to three children; sees the shadow of his fish clothes hidden under the roof, promises the children a bountiful catch, and swims away; the husband finds his wife with the help of birds and flies; her father Djini gives difficult assignments, incl. identify the wife among her six sisters; fish, eel, ants help to complete everything; spouses return to earth]: Fortgens 1928: 477-481 in Lessa 1961: 126; island Tidore (off the western coast of Halmahera) [a sailor from a shipwreck lives in an old woman’s house on an island; 10 winged heavenly maidens descend to bathe; the sailor hides the winged robe of the youngest, takes her as his wife; she gives birth to two sons; finds hidden wings and flies away; the children tell their father about what happened; the husband asks the birds to carry him to the sky, only the honey bird is able to lift him; the man in the sky gives him flies, they will land on his wife (she will have to be identified, all the women in the sky look the same); warns not to talk to anyone; husband does not answer talking logs, bamboo; the king orders his wife to be identified; after this, separate the millet grains from others (the flies are separated); the wife gives birth to a third son; the king allows you to go down the silver rope ladder; on earth a wife gives birth to a fourth; sons become chiefs of Tidore and three neighboring islands]: de Vries 1925(1): 161-166 in Klappert 1999: 299-301; loda (Halmahera), it was over , toraja , Sumbawa , Savoe, Dusun [the king's servant sees three beauties in the hero's house - the hero's wife and her two sisters; in order to take possession of women, the king sends the hero to visit the royal ancestors in heaven; women make and animate a doll in the image of a hero, burn it; three days later the hero returns, supposedly from heaven with gifts for the king; the king and courtiers ask to burn them too; the hero allows the people to dismantle the royal treasures]: Dixon 1916: 199-201; Dusun (Tempassuk) [Serungal goes to marry the Rajah's daughter; on the way he sees people about to kill an ant and saves him; also saves the firefly; squirrel; Raja demands 1) collect the scattered rice (the ants collect), 2) get the betel nut from the tree to the sky (the squirrel gets it), 3) identify the seventh (youngest) of the daughters in the dark, it is her that S. must marry (the firefly sits on her) ; S. gets a wife]: Evans 1913: 466-468 (recounted in Dixon 1916: 216-218); islands Sangiha [everyone in the city is childless; the soothsayer tells the king to pick an orange from the highest branch; divide the peel among the subjects, let each eat a piece, and let the queen eat the pulp; the seed fell under the floor and was eaten by a chicken; the cockerel gave birth, and the queen gave birth to a boy; he is gluttonous; ordered his parents to give him clothes, and swam away with the rooster; sailed to the princess, whose brother was captured; if the young man frees him, she agrees to marry him; the young man sailed to another city, where there were heads on stakes around the palace, only one stake was free; the king proposes a rooster fight: whose rooster wins will kill him; the young man's rooster killed the king's seven roosters; the young man killed the king, revived the dead, freed the princess's brother, took with him the daughter of the murdered king, gave her to the freed prince and married his sister; became king in all three dominions]: Bezimer 1904: 249-253 (=Adriani 1894, no. 18: 16-20); the sundanese [fisherman Kee Bener fishes with a straight hook, the fish swallow the bait; the grateful Raja of Pisces sends KB a fish with a diamond in its belly; KB gives fish to the neighboring Raja, who sends him rich gifts; the local rajah orders the design bureau to get 1) needles that have sunk in the sea (they get fish), 2) a green sword (the crocodile keeps it and gives it away); the rajah decided to visit the crocodile himself, he ate it, the KB was elected rajah]: Braginsky 1972: 106-110; the sundanese (Pasundan) [Raja Pasir Batang becomes a hermit, leaves seven daughters; the eldest Rarang is ugly, the youngest Sari is beautiful; R. invites S. to smear ointment on her face, makes her ugly, dresses her in rags, and drives her out into the forest; the celestial Minda Kahiangan in the form of a monkey descends to earth to look for a bride; he is adopted by the poor hunter Aki and brought to the palace; he breaks R.’s loom, she orders the monkey to be taken to S.; MK turns S.’s hut into a palace, returning her to her beautiful appearance; R. tells S. 1) clear the swamp; 2) bring a wild white bull that is ravaging the country; (MK completes both tasks, S. brings the bull to R., he ruins her palace and runs away); 3) clear the field, cook rice (S. does everything better); MK takes on his appearance, marries S., she becomes a ruler, R. - a servant]: Kalo 1967: 7-13; Solor [seven daughters of Doni Bélen in the form of turtle doves descend from the sky to the source; the old woman Wae Bélek grabs one of them, taking away its wings (it is not said how); gives Pati Kopo Nama as his wife; she hides her name from him; he lies down under a palm tree, pretends that he fell and was broken; mourning him, the wife calls herself Péni Buka Tapo Lolong; the imaginary dead man rises; offended, the wife leaves milk for their baby in a vessel made from a shell and flies away to heaven; her husband finds her sisters and asks her to take him to heaven; animals help complete her father's difficult tasks; husband and wife return to earth, where the wife turns to stone]: Arndt 1938: 7-8; Alor [Masingbal went to the shore with his six brothers, they abandoned him there; in a dream, his parents told him where to go so as not to meet cannibals; he came to the good creature Farik; his two daughters doused him with boiled millet, a shroud, the larvae fell off him, they covered him with a cloth, F. blew on him from a fire pipe, his daughter fanned him with a fire fan; he woke up; F. told him to sleep between both girls, but he did not touch them at night; They told their father about this, then F. ordered him to meet with them; M. and his wives work in the fields; his wives see that while pulling out the grass, he made a hole and looks down with longing at his native village; F. orders him and his wives to return to earth; he approaches the house alone, taking the guise of a yaws patient; three women refused to give him a drink, the fourth did; six days later he appeared to her (apparently in his true form) accompanied by servants carrying gongs and pigs; his wife is Dry Land Woman; now his two heavenly wives also come to live with him; 1) the earthly woman asks to climb the mango, puts the ladder aside, the heavenly wives save him; 2) M. climbs into a hole, digging up earthly yams, she throws a stone at him, the heavenly wives find him, and with the help of their father they revive him; 3) the earthly one cuts off the roots of the areca palm; when M. is at the top, the palm tree falls; the heavenly ones, with the help of their father, revive him; M. orders them to dance, flies away, taking the gongs, with the heavenly wives and half of the village to F.; the earthly wife and remaining inhabitants slid down the slope into the sea]: DuBois 1944: 164; tetum : Sá 1961 [people from Samoro came to woo the daughter of the chief from We-Hali; they learned from the servants that among the girls in rich outfits there was no princess, that she was dressed as a maid; pointed to the princess, ran with her at night; at the river she, as the Daughter of the Sun and mistress of animals, ordered the crocodiles to transport them to the other side; Since then, the Zamoro people have not eaten crocodiles; when the pursuers appeared, the river became wider, the crocodiles prevented the crossing]: 26-32; Vroklage 1962 (Lassiolat) [Liurai Suri Ikun saw seven heavenly maidens descending to the source; sends his slaves Letti and Lamo to hide Buik Ikun's clothes; their clothes are the skins of beautiful birds; the virgins fly away, and BI marries LSI and gives birth to a son; finds his clothes in a bamboo vessel, they are dusty; BM shakes it out and flies away; The PWD tries in vain to climb into the sky from a tall tree; the bird offers to take him and his son to heaven; BI's parents want to try it out; 1) determine which of the bamboo vessels contains palm wine (the others contain water); the fly warns the PWD that it will land on this vessel; 2) cockfight, the rooster that the LSI bet on wins; 3) separate the grains from the sand (rice birds separate them); 3) identify BI among other girls; a dog flea warns that it will bite it, it moves; but these fleas bit everyone, everyone moved; LSI now tells them not to bite people, but to crawl in the ashes of the hearth; another flea promises to bite only BI; The LSI offers her a gold or silver ring, but she only agrees to permission to sleep with people; and so it happened, LSI identified BI; parents send BI with her husband and son to earth; before this, she asks them and receives a ring that grants wishes; there is a holiday on earth]: 130-133; fat [at night the deer come to the field and eat rice; the parents send their two eldest sons to guard; they saw no one, and the rice was poisoned again; the third youngest son is sick, the elders despise him; he goes to guard, grabs the deer by the horns, it carries him to the river; fills his sarong with money; brings back; promises to help if he calls; At home the young man gave the money to his mother; his brothers beat him; They ordered them to gather supplies and left; the younger one also ordered, although his mother did not want to let him go; he caught up with the brothers, they beat him half to death; to death; so several times; every time the deer comes and revives him; he comes to the old woman; at first she treats him dismissively, but he says that he is a prince and she asks for forgiveness; some sounds are heard from above {from the sky?}; old lady: these are the contenders for the princess's hand playing shuttlecock, she will marry the winner; the young man climbs a ladder against the wall and loses strength; the old woman gives him more strength, he climbs up, throws the shuttlecock and it falls into the bosom of the princess; at night he climbs into her room, sticking a Chris in the ceiling; but the chris fell and pierced the princess's heart; the king ordered the young man to be put on a raft, put the same corpse of the princess, leave food and put him into the sea; the bird brought a lemon, with the juice of which the young man revived the princess; fell asleep for a long time, you can’t wake him up; at this time the robbers sailed and took away the princess; the fish led the prince's boat to the stolen one, the young man took it and they sailed away; the robbers did not catch up with them; the bird put them on its back and brought them to the princess's parents; the leader handed over the reign to the young man]: Vries 1925, No. 38: 174-184.

Taiwan - Philippines. Apayao [Ennoy notices someone stealing sugarcane from his field; guards a thief, sees five girls descend from the sky; having chopped reeds, they go swimming, E. hides the wings of the youngest, marries her; they have a son and a daughter; the wife finds wings and flies up into a tree; tells her husband to take the children and follow her; gives a knife to cut mountains; they come to the wife’s father, he orders 1) to find out which knife among many he worked with (the fly shows), 2) to find out the father-in-law’s favorite spear (the same), 3) to walk along sharpened bamboo poles (the spider weaves a rope along which E passes .); father-in-law agrees to marriage]: Wilson 1947b: 112-114; Kelly-and-Callahan [the orphan Pedro comes to the old woman's house; she teaches how to hide the wings of a beauty with a star on her chest when she flies in for a swim; if she orders you to turn your head, you must not turn it, otherwise you will turn to stone; P. hid his wings, but turned his head and became a stone; the old woman crushed the gold beads, rubbed P. with gold dust, he came to life; the next time he successfully carried away Dona Maria's wings and took her as his wife; they have a daughter; DM found her wings under a pile of rice and flew away; P. came to the king - the father of DM; he gives difficult assignments, but P. has a magic ring; 1) build a house within an hour; 2) collect grain scattered in the dust (birds and chickens collected); 3) wash and dry the king’s clothes for an hour (the monkeys dried them); 4) clean and tidy up the house; father allows DM to return to P. and her daughter]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 27: 245-251; tingian : Rybkin 1975, No. 37 [Aponibolinaen says that he wants oranges from Gavigaven’s garden (he has six heads); her husband Aponitolau asks again, she names a different garden each time; he bears fruit, she vomits; hearing the truth Aponite goes to G.; all omens are bad; the leader of the spiders carries him over the rampart to the village of G.; G. demands to eat a buffalo carcass (ants, flies eat it); G. offers to climb for fruits, there are knife branches near the tree, A. is cut; before death he sends home a spear with strung fruits; wife gives birth to a son Kanag ; K. goes to G., all the omens are good; G. throws the ax, K. stands on it; takes off five heads of G. with a spear; revives his father from the remains, he is unable to cut off the sixth head, K. cuts it off himself]: 93-102; Cole 1916 (plot only among those Tingian groups in contact with the Christianized population) [Dogedog is a lazy bum; but before the start of the rainy season, he decided to lay bamboo on the ground in his hut; took with me rice wrapped in a banana leaf; the cat ate the rice; the same the next day; on the third D. set a trap; Koto asked him not to kill - he would still be useful; in the morning there is a rooster in the place of the cat; D. carried him to Magsingal, where the cockfights were taking place; along the way he meets and takes as companions a crocodile, a deer, an anthill, a monkey; rooster D. easily defeated all the roosters, because in fact he is a cat and has claws; further competitions: 1) who can stay under water longer (crocodile); 2) who runs faster (deer); 3) who will win the fight (the anthill defeated the fighter); 4) who will climb higher on the tree (monkey); D. bought two horses to take home all the silver he received, and never worked again]: 91-94; cashier agta [the old man advises Juan to hide the clothes of the last of the heavenly maidens who will fly to the source to bathe; Kh. hides the clothes of the youngest, the rest flew away; the youngest becomes H.'s wife and gives birth to a son; the wife asks to show her her clothes; contrary to the old man's warning, H. shows, she puts it on, flies away; the old man sends H. to look for his wife, does not order him to look at the centipede on the way, H. looks, returns; the old man gives a handkerchief; holding it in front of you, X. minutes centipede, fire, mountains; comes to his wife's father; he demands 1) to identify his wife’s clothes (the fly says that it will land on the clothes); 2) identify the wife’s hand (the same); 3) cut down the banyan tree (Ficus benjamina); ants gnaw roots and branches; H. gets a wife]: Wrigglesworth 1991, no. 19: 211-215; central Subanen [a man lived on an island of slaves; I saw how heavenly maidens flew to the river to bathe, stole the clothes of the youngest, brought them into the house, and hid them under the roof; the girl had to become his wife; their daughter crawled under the roof, her mother pulled her back, her feather clothes fell out; she put it on and flew away, taking her daughter; the husband went to look for them; The eagle offered to carry him from the cliff, but got tired and left him on a bamboo shoot; The hornbill brought him to heaven to the source, where his wife was, they got married again; the king - the girl's father demands 1) bring water in a basket (the eel curled up in rings, closed the holes in the basket), 2) find in the dark room that brass betel vessel that belongs to his wife; the firefly showed; the man brought the vessel to his father-in-law, he was pleased and allowed the spouses to live together]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 11: 139-145; visaya [Magbolotó hides the wings of the youngest of the three goddesses who came to bathe in the stream; her name is Macaya; marries her without telling her that it was he who hid his wings; Having given birth to a son, she was cooking rice, noticed a package under the roof, put on wings, and flew away; the husband goes to look for her, the North Wind shows the way to the East, the one to the South, the one to the West, the one to the Eagle, the one brings his wife to his grandmother; it demands that the grain be laid out to dry and collected (ants collect), clean rice (rats clean), cut down the entire forest on the mountain (boars uproot); M. returns home with his wife]: Maxfield, Milington 1907: 95-98; romblomanon [Magbayutu sailed in a boat, saw three winged women coming down to bathe, fell in love with the younger Maria; next time I hid her wings; brought into the house by his wife, they have a son; while he was fishing, his wife was feeding the child, looked up and saw her wings under the roof; left milk for the child, put on wings, and flew away; the old woman blinked, her husband and son immediately appeared in heaven; the king-father of Mary orders 1) dry the millet, scattering it in the sand, collect it again (the ants helped); 2) bring water in a basket (the eel curled up inside and closed the holes); the king allowed Magbayut to marry Mary]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 18: 205-209.

China - Korea. Get tired [three brothers cultivate the land, in the morning the land is again untouched; they find an old man turning back layers of earth; although to kill him; the old man says that there will be a flood, there is no point in working; orders the elder brother to make a boat from metal, the middle one from wood, the youngest from leather; the youngest takes his younger sister into his boat, the older brothers' boats sank; the water receded, the rest of the people drowned; brother and sister see two columns of smoke; the sister takes the flute, goes one way, the brother takes the knife, goes the other; enters the house, there are human bones; the children explain that their parents went to fish out the corpses of their brother and sister, and retrieved the rest of the corpses; brother runs away; comes to where his sister got married; she orders her to eat little, her brother does not listen; he is killed; but only he knew how to light a fire, carry water, grind grain, herd goats (crows, frogs, dragons, peacocks know, but not everyone knows how); therefore the brother has to be revived; the seven daughters of Father Heaven fly in to swim, take off their wings, the young man hides the wings of the youngest; says they were chewed by mice; the maiden promises to marry the one who will return her wings; she found her wings, returned to heaven; he climbed in after her; his father-in-law and mother-in-law began to scald his wool, for previously people’s bodies were covered with wool; the wife intervened, the hair remained only on the head; the father-in-law demands 1) to dig up nine fields (the wife orders to leave a hoe at each field, they work themselves); 2) burn the cut vegetation (leave nine torches); 3) dig up again with a hoe (the same); 4) sow buckwheat (leave containers with seeds at the edge of the field); 5) collect the seeds again (leave the bags near the field); but three seeds are missing; they were carried away by a turtle dove, the wife orders him to shoot her in the morning, the hero takes the seeds from the crop and brings them to his father-in-law; 6) recognize the mother-in-law in the form of an animal, bring her (the wife orders to grab the first sheep); 7) recognize the father-in-law (this will be yak); the young man receives a wife, cattle, they are sent to the land; the mother-in-law orders not to sing, the young man began to sing, the cattle ran away, the wife managed to cover some of them with her skirt, these animals became domestic, the rest became wild; the spouses don’t know how to do anything, are poor, sent the Crow with nine bowls of tears to heaven to the wife’s parents; On the way, the raven felt thirsty, drank his tears, told his father-in-law and mother-in-law that their daughter and son-in-law were rich and prosperous, that they stoked the fireplace with pork and wiped themselves with grain; the father-in-law became angry and sent tigers and boars to the land, they destroyed the few fields that the young people had; The Bat volunteered to bring 9 tears to the heavenly parents; but the heavenly father-in-law and mother-in-law did not answer what should be done to live normally on earth; The Bat said that she would settle down to sleep on the street, and she hid behind the bed; I heard my mother-in-law say: don’t they know that three stones should be placed on the hearth, then children will be born; place the roof of the house on pillars; construct irrigation ditches to the fields; when the mother-in-law finished, the father-in-law noticed the Bat, threw a pestle at her, since then her nose has been flattened; The Bat brought these three news to earth, people began to live normally]: Lakhi 2009(1): 67-152; Ancient China [blind Gu-sou did not love Shun, the son from his first wife; from the second he had a son, Xiang; Emperor Yao gave Shun two daughters, G. and S. want to destroy Sh., so that the wives, by right of levirate, would go to S.; G. orders Sh. to coat the barn with clay and sets the building on fire; Sh. protected himself with two straw hats and went down unharmed; G. forced Sh. to dig a well; Sh. quietly made a side hole at the bottom of the well; when Sh. went deeper, G. and S. threw down the earth, filling up the well; Sh. got out through the side hole; Yao transferred supreme power to Sh.]: Sima Qian 2001(1): 141-143; Chinese (Qinghai): Frick 1954, No. 13 [elder brother pesters younger brother's wife, she rejects him; he tries to harass the younger one, gives difficult assignments, his wife helps him complete everything; 1) collect already sown grain (sparrows collect); 2) dig a deep hole on the mountain without using tools (badgers dig); 3) boil water in it (the poker boils); 4) jump into boiling water; the wife gives a pin, the husband finds himself in an underwater palace, finds out that his wife is the daughter of a dragon; returns 2 weeks later with gifts, his brother is already preparing a wedding with his wife; his wife tells her husband to also dive into the boiling water to receive gifts; he was cooked], 14 [a vegetable seller wooed the daughter of a rich peasant; he demands to get a gold and silver carriage, two mules of unheard-of beauty, and a trumpet made of gold and silver; the groom provided everything, received and took the girl away, telling her parents to look for her in heaven; having experienced many difficulties, the parents achieve their goal (the son-in-law sent guides to meet them); the son-in-law turns out to be a heavenly spirit]: 522-523, 523-524; Chinese : Lin Lin, Ustin 1959 [the fisherman feels sorry and lets the fish go; someone is cooking in the house; he finds the girl and calls her daughter; the official demands her as a concubine; requires 24 identical carp (the girl gives); demands a "miracle"; the girl asks to make the likeness of a frog out of tin, pours gunpowder inside; the frog answers the call; the fisherman says she eats hot coals; the frog explodes, the official dies]: 313-318; Riftin 1972: 126-134 [Wan San plays the flute; Tsi-tsze, the seventh daughter of the heavenly elder, hears the game, descends to earth with her deer; goes beyond the sun; her father takes her back; The deer tells the Sun to sow the kaoliang, leave a thick stem, and climb it to the sky; the elder orders 1) to plow open the wall, 2) to weave a rope from bran, 3) to get a heavenly drum; Ts.’s sisters perform two tasks, sending them to the monkeys for a drum; BC is covered with clay, the monkeys take him for a bodysatva, leave him, BC takes away the drum, the monkeys chase him; BC throws a hatchet (river), flint (mountain), needle (sharp rocks, monkeys stop the chase); the elder beats the drum, the sun withstands the thunder, the sun beats - the elder falls dead; VS with his wife, her sisters and a deer come down to live on earth], 294-303 [younger single brother New Lan he works a lot, the older married man eats well; the ox invites N. to break the plow, plow, plow handle, return home early, eat what was cooked; the elder offers to share, the ox tells N. to take only him, the ox, and go south; says that on the seventh day of the seventh moon the Southern Gate of heaven will open, granddaughters Van-mu they will fly in to wash clothes; seventh from the western edge - Zhi-nui ; N. hides her clothes, Ch. becomes his wife, her sisters fly away like doves; when the daughter is 6 years old and the son is 3 Ch. invites N. to return her clothes; N. returns, Ch. flies away; the ox orders him to be slaughtered, burn the bones, put on his skin, and take his son and daughter with him in baskets; tell the guardians of the heavenly gates (golden, silver lions, devils), I am the husband of your seventh aunt, and these are her children. ; in the house you need to identify the wife among the seven girls; you need to let your son in, he will rush to suck his mother’s breast; father-in-law suggests 1) hiding; Ch. says that her father will first become a bug, then an apple in the chest; when it’s N.’s turn to hide, Ch. turns him into an igloo, but his father-in-law doesn’t find him; 2) run a race; you need to throw red seeds and chopsticks behind, the father-in-law picks them up; at the end, throw the hairpin in front of you; N. throws behind, a heavenly river appears; wife, children, mother-in-law remain on the other side; on the seventh day of the seventh moon, all the birds rise into the sky, the mother-in-law pulls out a feather from each, builds a bridge from feathers - the Milky Way; N. (Boot) and Ch. (Weaver) meet on it; on the sixteenth day Ch. returns, during this time he washes all the dishes (each item numbering 360), washes, darns the sky, An-mu’s granddaughters will fly in to wash clothes; seventh from the west]; Eberhard 1937, No. 34 (Gansu, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Manchuria, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Hunan, Shandong, Fujian) [a poor youth sees fairies bathing, steals the clothes of one of them, takes the fairy as his wife; after many years she finds her clothes and flies away to heaven; her husband comes for her; God separates them, allowing them to meet only once a year; {the motif of difficult tasks and trials is not included in the definition of plot, but given Riftin's detailed retellings of the texts, it probably occurs in most cases}]: 55-56; 1941, No. 21 [(comments on the plot of “The Bootes and the Weaver”)]: 60-62; Chinese (Sichuan)[stepmother and blind father tell Shun 1) to raise virgin soil on Mount Lishan in three years (does so); 2) clean the well; brother Sh. Xiang (“elephant”) filled up the well with earth and stones, hoping that Yao would give both daughters for him, and not for Sh. (the god of the area brought Sh. underground); 3) repair the roof, they set it on fire, the spirit of fire removes Sh. from the roof; 4) S. puts Sh. on a chair placed on a mat covering the well; Sh. does not fall through, the dragon supports the chair from below]: Yuan Ke 1987: 361-364; open (Yunnan) [the sky was larger than the earth; sky-Zhepama went south to repair the sky; earth-Zhemima remained to weave; at this time, the demon Lahong placed two extra suns on the top of a mountain in the middle of the earth; the real sun and moon did not move either, they were still shining; the earth was burning; the pig, dog, ox and horse began to swim, went into the water, and fish and crabs came out onto land; Having returned, Zhepama wanted to destroy L. by poisoning the waters or mountains, but Zhemima said that then people and animals would die; it is better to make friends with L. and then kill him; Zhepama does just that; wins the competition: L. dries up the peach tree, and Zhepama pours rain on it, it blooms again; sees a better dream than L.; he loses strength in despair; (apparently Zhepama destroys the extra suns; other versions recorded from the same informant speak of only one sun)]: Richtsfeld 2000: 305-309; fox [Abep's older brother and Alep's younger brother live together; gayal (=mitan, half-wild buffalo) tells the younger one that the elder and his wife will demand the division of property - let Alepa take only him, gayal, and leave on it; 7 fairies go down to the lake to swim, the gayal orders to hide the clothes of the one he likes; Alepa chose the youngest and married her; Guyal explains how to call him, orders not to give the clothes to his wife until the birth of the third child, disappears; Alepah agrees to return the clothes early; the wife flies away, taking both children; Alepa summoned the gayal, flew to heaven on it, and he ordered to hit his son and daughter with the back of his hand; children say that one should not offend orphans; Alepah's wife: this is your father; the fairy's parents 1) tell their son-in-law to sleep at their feet; the wife orders pumpkins to be put in her place; at night the father-in-law and mother-in-law push them into the hole from which the wind blows; 2) offer to hide; teach the wife to stick her fingers into two dung beetle holes and call her father-in-law; they hid there; the wife hid her husband in her hair, turning her into a pin; the next time the father-in-law and mother-in-law hid in two vines; the wife teaches them to cut them, blood flows; since then there has been red juice in this vine; father-in-law and mother-in-law became two neighboring stars high above the horizon]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994: 440-445 (border of Yunnan and Burma); chuan meow : Graham 1954: 242-244 [an orphan makes a flute, a wreath of gold and silver, with two {hereinafter only one is mentioned} companions goes to marry the daughter of Ntzï Ni Leo; gives jewelry to the girls, they are told to turn in a friendly manner to the guard dogs; these are black tigers, then striped ones, they let the young men pass, having received from them and swallowed gold and silver; the orphan chooses a bed not of gold, but of bamboo; NNL asks you to choose a wife from among many women; his daughter warns that she will be dressed like a criminal, carrying a broken pot and a leaky basket; an orphan plays the flute in front of the girls, the bride responds, repeating how she is dressed; he chooses her; the bride gives amulets, with their help knives and spears are immobilized, NNK recognizes the orphan as a son-in-law; the wife orders him to choose a bad horse; At home, the Chinese landowner demands to catch 260 birds (hawk-cuckoos), otherwise he will take away his wife; immediately invite the emperor to the holiday; the wife makes birds from clay, the horse immediately delivers the orphan to the emperor and brings him back; the emperor takes his wife; an orphan appears in a costume made of bird skins; the wife never laughed, now she laughs, asks the emperor to exchange clothes with the orphan; the wife orders the guards to kill the emperor dressed in feathers, the orphan becomes the emperor], 278-280 [the orphan steals the feather of one of the seven female ducks who came to swim; first it’s motley, it turns out to be an old woman, then it’s white, it’s a girl; she gives birth to an orphan two sons; when they are 7 years old, they tell their mother that their father has a feather; his mother takes him and flies away; brothers find mother; her father promises to let them and her go if they 1) pick peaches for him; they will place them back on the branches (the mother places them); 2) they will cultivate the area, sow, then collect the sown grain (the mother calls the wind, the grain gathers in a heap; a bird pecked one grain, the mother caught it, took the grain out of its belly); 3) find the one who is hiding (the mother orders the white horse to be tickled, this is the grandfather; the same with the transformation into a pig); the brothers themselves are turned by their mother into sticks inside bamboo, the grandfather cannot find them); 4) sends them to the site, sets it on fire, the mother turns them into fish, they hide in clay; the grandfather lets them go with their mother; says that if they see black bubbles in the river, they must be scooped up (dip up), if white - not; the mother says that blacks are demons, whites are gold; the eldest did not listen to his mother, scooped up black, the demon took his mother home; the grandfather promises to free his mother if the eldest grandson marries the daughter of the Tiger, the youngest - the Monkey; the eldest calls the Tiger's daughter, is afraid, climbs the tree, the Tiger's daughter did not find him; the younger one brought his wife; she went for water, met the elder, he killed her; the younger one has to blame the Grasshoppers for the murder of the Monkey; The monkeys go to kill them, the grasshoppers land on their heads, the monkeys kill each other with clubs; the latter ate grasshoppers when they could not fly in the morning, ate too much, and died]; yi [an elderly childless woman is about to drown herself; the old man gives her 9 pills, from each she can conceive and give birth to a son; instead of taking one pill a year, the woman swallows all at once and gives birth to 9 boys; cannot feed them, goes to drown them; the old man promises that they will feed themselves, gives them names: House of Strength, Big Belly, Never Hungry, Can't Beat It, Long Leg, Can't Freeze It, Fireproof, Can't Chop It, Can't Drown It; a support pillar has collapsed in the emperor's palace, the emperor promises a reward to the one who repairs it; The House of Power put the support in place; the emperor orders him to eat a lot of rice as proof (Big Belly ate); the emperor is afraid of such a strong man and orders him to be starved to death (Never Hungry comes instead); orders to beat him to death (He cannot be beaten; he is not sensitive to blows); throw into the abyss (Long Leg takes a step down); orders to burn (Fireproof does not burn); orders to leave him on the snowy peak (He can’t be frozen sitting on the snow); orders to cut with swords (they bounce off the body); orders to drown; He Can't Drown He took water into his mouth, released it at the emperor, and the river carried him away; everyone is happy that the tyrant is gone]: Miller 1994: 190-193; meow [father died; the mother went to the heavenly world and became a buffalo; descends into the herd that her Orphan son is tending; teaches: three birds will fly to swim in the lake and turn into beauties: the wife, daughter-in-law and daughter of the Heavenly Star; I need to hide my daughter’s multi-colored wings; he hides the red wives, then the golden daughters-in-law; the wife, then the daughter-in-law turns into a rooster, into a buffalo, into a rock, the Orphan returns his wings; the daughter turns into different animals, the Orphan does not give up his wings, takes her as his wife; the mother returns to heaven, leaving the drum to call her; the couple have two sons; the father allows them to play with their mother's wings; Having learned about this, the wife asks the children, they give her wings and flies away with the children; the husband beats the drum, the mother carries him to heaven; he sees his son, beats him, he cries, his wife comes and teaches him how to behave with his father-in-law; he offers poisoned tea, Sirota quietly pours it out; the same with wine; orders to bring a drum from the monkeys; wife's brother: give the monkeys a bag of nuts, play his flute (their flute is poisoned); The orphan brings the drum; again does not drink or eat poison; The Heavenly Star thinks that the poison has fizzled out, drinks it itself, breaks into small pieces, they are still falling (shooting stars)]: Nikulin 1976: 233-236; fox (border of Yunnan and Burma) [Abep’s older brother and Alep’s younger brother live together; gayal (=mitan, half-wild buffalo) tells the younger one that the elder and his wife will demand the division of property - let Alepa take only him, gayal, and leave on it; 7 fairies go down to the lake to swim, the gayal orders to hide the clothes of the one he likes; Alepa chose the youngest and married her; Guyal explains how to call him, orders not to give the clothes to his wife until the birth of the third child, disappears; Alepah agrees to return the clothes early; the wife flies away, taking both children; Alepa summoned the gayal, flew to heaven on it, and he ordered to hit his son and daughter with the back of his hand; children say that one should not offend orphans; Alepah's wife: this is your father; the fairy's parents 1) tell their son-in-law to sleep at their feet; the wife orders pumpkins to be put in her place; at night the father-in-law and mother-in-law push them into the hole from which the wind blows; 2) offer to hide; teach the wife to stick her fingers into two dung beetle holes and call her father-in-law; they hid there; the wife hid her husband in her hair, turning her into a pin; the next time the father-in-law and mother-in-law hid in two vines; the wife teaches them to cut them, blood flows; since then there has been red juice in this vine; father-in-law and mother-in-law became two neighboring stars high above the horizon]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994: 440-445; Koreans [cinnamon tree grew to the moon; the inhabitants of the moon decided to drag him to themselves; in three years and three months they raised it; the hole remaining on the ground is a lake in the Paikdu mountains; now the tree began to obscure the moonlight, the night was very dark; God sent a storm, it tore up a tree on the moon, killing all the inhabitants there; moon spots are a trace where it grew; when the tree was back on earth, God sent a maiden angel to guard it from the Stars; from the spirit of the tree she gave birth to a boy; God ordered him to guard the tree himself, and returned his mother to heaven; the rain flooded the earth; The father tree told his son to climb on it, then float on it; while swimming, the young man saved ants and mosquitoes; but the Tree three times refuses to save the drowning boy; has difficulty agreeing to his son’s request; after the flood, both young men come to the hut, there is an old woman and her daughter; dying, she must choose her husband; the saved one lies that the son of the Tree can quickly clean and collect the millet scattered in the sand (the ants do so); the old woman says that she will give her daughter to the one who guesses which room she is in; the mosquito whispers to the son of the Tree in the east; the son of the tree marries, people come from them]: Cho 2001, no. 79: 122-126 (all but the beginning, from the episode of conception from the tree also in Zŏng 1952, no. 8: 16-18); Koreans [first wife gave birth to good Kongjwi, died; her father married again, the new one gave birth to the evil Patjwi; after the death of her husband, the stepmother tyrannizes K.; orders P. to fill a small one, K. - a huge leaky vessel (the toad plugs the hole); cultivate the land with a P. iron hoe, K. with a wooden hoe (the ox eats the weeds and digs up the field); peel the rice (sparrows perform); squeeze millet; fairies lower a rope from the sky for K.; P. asked her to lower it too, her rope was rotten, she fell and broke]: Cho 2001, No. 82: 130-134; Koreans [Khonchhi’s mother died, her father married again, her stepmother tyrannizes her; leaving for the wedding, he orders 1) to loosen the field with a wooden hoe (the cow gives an iron hoe), 2) to fill the leaky vessel (the toad plugs the hole), 3) to sort through a bag of rice and a bag of millet (the fairies tell the sparrows to sort it out); K. comes to the wedding, gets scared at the sight of the governor, runs away, losing his shoe; the governor is looking for a girl who has lost her shoe; the stepmother pushes K. into the lake and replaces him with her daughter Phatchkhi; she explains to the governor that she darkened in the sun, fell on peas, and that’s why she’s pockmarked; the governor takes P. as his wife, picks a lotus, P. throws it into the oven, the maid finds a necklace there, it turns into a girl; the governor takes her as his wife, the stepmother and P. are punished]: Pak 1991: 186-189; Koreans [the young man Pak, an orphan, cut and sold marsh grass for fuel; one day a deer asked him to hide it from the hunters; for this he said that once a year 8 heavenly maidens come down to the lake to swim; you need to hide the skirt of the one you like best and not give it away until she gives birth to three children; Puck hid the youngest's skirt; the wife created a tiled fanza, a barn, and a bull; Puck gave away the skirt when there were only two children; everything disappeared; the deer gave three pumpkin seeds: if you plant them, they will grow to the sky, but you can’t look back; Puck looked and fell; the deer gave again - the last; in heaven the children recognized Puck; the wife said that for the sake of her father she was forced to ask for her skirt, but she herself wanted to live on earth; the old father of the maidens orders him to be found, becomes a rooster, a hog (his wife prompts him); the eldest son-in-law shot an arrow: let Pak not allow it to fall either to the ground or to the sky; the wife turned into a gyrfalcon and caught the arrow; son-in-law - into an eagle, set off after a gyrfalcon; he dropped the arrow, it fell on the son of the leader of the nobility; the son-in-law demands that the arrow be delivered to him; Paku's wife: ask for a horse and take a poor foal; he immediately delivered Puck to the house of the leader of the nobility; there they cry for their dead son; the arrow is so thin that people do not see it in the body of the young man; Puck quietly pulled out the arrow, the young man came to life; Puck received a wife, but was persuaded to remain with her in heaven in the service of Oconchante; they rode to him on a dragon, his wife poured rain from a marble bottle; Puck asked to pour more, grabbed the bottle, started pouring it himself, dropped it; he fell into the mouth of a volcano, which died out, and in the crater the Great Dragon Lake was formed, from which three rivers have since flowed: Amnoka, Tumangan and Sungari; the great Oconchante was not angry with his wife Paca, but he removed her from business and did not give any service to her husband; they remained in heaven]: Garin-Mikhailovsky 1958: .

Balkan. Hungarians : Hungarian 1955 [a poor man goes to God to find out why he does not help the poor; the old man in the forest gives him two tiny oxen; they can easily perform any job; the count orders the forest to be uprooted and plowed up; the oxen do it, turn over the castle; the count orders him to be taken to the ends of the world; the oxen are carried away, thrown into the abyss]: 81-85; Gidas 1953: 12-17 [=Hungarian... 1955: 61-68); a hungry swineherd releases pigeons, foxes, and fish; the rich man's daughter will marry someone who can hide from her; the heads of those who failed are placed on stakes; pigeons hide behind the sun, foxes underground, fish at the bottom; the girl sees where he is every time; the fourth time the dove and the swineherd both turn into roses, the girl attaches them to her chest, does not see the swineherd; marries him], 73-80 [Ribike (“Currant”) – daughter of a widow; her mother dies, a neighbor took her in, the rich man’s youngest son fell in love, he orders the servants to abandon R. at the end of the world; demands from his three sons 1) a cloth of one hundred arshins, which can be inserted into a ring; the youngest son goes to the ends of the world, the lizard asks the spiders to weave linen, puts it in a nut, gives it to the young man, he receives a third of the inheritance from his father; 2) the dog, which fits in the box, barks with a silver voice that can be heard for seven countries; the lizard receives it from the dwarfs, gives it to the young man, he receives the second third of the inheritance; 3) a beautiful bride; the lizard orders to hit it on the bridge, turns into R.; takes the form of an old woman, the young man brings her to his father, where she is a beauty again; the father gives the youngest son the entire inheritance, drives away the older ones; wedding], 95-102 [(=Hungarian... 1955: 69-80); the old man hears the singing of a bird, immediately seems to become younger, and tells his sons to get it; the eldest unleashes a dog on the fox, which turns him, his horse and dog into stone; the same average; the youngest calls the fox to dinner; she takes him to the Blue Kingdom, tells him to take the bird from the hollow of the pear tree, and not to touch the pears; the ban is violated, the tree raises the alarm, the king releases the young man on the condition that he bring the girl from the shore of the Blue Sea; the fox makes a boat out of burdock, offers the girl shoes, they carry her away; the fox takes the form of a girl, gives herself to the king, becomes a fox again, runs away; the young man carries a girl and a bird, asks to revive his brothers, they cut off his head; the fox takes the healing herb from the snake and revives it; the fox tests his gratitude by pretending to be dead; the young man is going to bury her with dignity, she says goodbye to him; the young man brings the bird to his father, marries the girl he brought, the brothers are expelled], 103-108 [Yanko leaves home, meets, takes as his companions the Runner, Raise the Mountain, Wind Blower, Shooter, Listener; the king gives his daughter Selika (“breeze”) to the one who will overtake her, hangs the losers; The runner overtakes (the shooter knocks off the ring that is preventing him from running), the friends take not the girl, but treasures, as much as the Raise-the-mountain can carry; S. runs away with the young men, the king sends a chase, Windblower drives her away, Ya. marries S.], 138-143 [the stepmother promises to give her stepdaughter Violet only for someone who fulfills her conditions; the young man Rozan comes to woo; 1) demolish a mountain overnight, plant grapes, make wine (F. orders him to go to bed, in the morning everything is ready); 2) plow a field in place of a forest, bake bread (the same); 3) ride three horses (this is the father, stepmother, F. herself, the stepmother must be beaten with a whip); F. and R. run away, leaving drops of blood to answer for themselves; they throw a comb (forest), a comb (streams of water), the old man stops the chase; the stepmother is chasing, F. turns R. into a lake, herself into a duck; the stepmother guesses, stops the chase, but makes R. forget F.; his father marries him, at the wedding F. tells the gypsies to shout “how I forgot about F.”; R. remembers, marries F.], 147-156 [the younger prince and his brothers go to get a solar-lunar stallion; the neighboring king promised to give his daughter to the one who brought the stallion; the old woman gives the prince a brush, the second - a hair-comb; the uncle says that this is the stallion of the youngest son of the Iron-Nosed Hag; at the hag's house, the prince throws his brush, turns into a cat, overhears when the hag's sons return; waits for those at the bridge, kills one by one with the help of a raven, which drops drops of water on him; in the form of a cat, he overhears the conversation of the wives of the murdered, promising to turn into poisonous apple trees, pear trees, and water; chops an apple tree, a pear tree, water - blood flows; the hag pursues, the prince throws away the comb, mud appears on the way; horseshoe - pierced into the hag's feet with spikes; the blacksmith hides the brothers behind the iron gates; the brothers drill the gate, the hag sticks her tongue out, it is pulled out with hot pincers; she leaves; the brothers meet and take as their companions Merzlyak, Hit without a miss, One-Eyed (sees everything), Eaten, Drink the sea, Runner; the king promises a daughter if 1) he sits in a hot oven (Merzlyak sits); 2) eat and drink a lot (Eat too much, Drink the sea); 3) bring clothes from the end of the world (One-Eyed sees, Swift-footed takes it out, falls asleep; Without a miss, he wakes him up); wedding]; Curtin 1914 [the queen died, the king married another queen, who has her own son; everyone loves the king's son, he is smart and kind; the queen slandered him, the king kicked him out; a horse appeared, they galloped, the horse told him to look only between his ears, not to react to what was around him; but the young man noticed a diamond pen in a gold frame and decided to pick it up; horse: if picked up, misfortune, and if not picked up, even greater; the same thing twice more; they arrived at the city, the horse ordered to be hired as a hunter for the king, and he himself became a pitiful nag; the king and his retinue obtained nothing, but the new hunter obtained many animals; the king regrets the loss of the diamond feather, the young man offers any of his three; noticing that there is a golden hair on each feather, the king orders the owners to be brought to him; the horse orders to demand a ship with food for 7 years and 7 measures of hot coals; the horse immediately swallowed them; 12 Truths arrived, the young man fed them, they promised to help; the ship sailed to the island, the horse taught him to go into the castle, there the ring will become a girl, but you must remain silent; it will begin to beat, and then again become a ring and end up on his finger; do this three times; they returned home, the rings became girls, the third is the most beautiful of all; the girls refuse to become the king's wives, let the castle deliver them first; 12 Truths delivered; the girls locked themselves in their castle and demanded living and dead water; 12 Truths delivered; the girl promises to marry the king if he allows him to be cut into pieces and revived again; the young man cut the horse as an example, and when he sprinkled it with living water, a handsome prince appeared; now he cut and revived the young man, he became even more beautiful; and when the king ordered the same to be done to him, the girl sprinkled his remains with dead water, they turned into ash; the most beautiful one married a young man, another married a prince, and the third married a general of the royal army]: 151-174; Moldovans [the healer advises a childless woman to try food that is not available at home; she wants bleak fish; the husband brings 21 fish, cooks fish soup, the wife gives birth to 21 sons; the husband goes to live in the forest in horror; the wife raised the sons, they found the father, brought him back, demanded that he find them 21 sisters to marry; Ilyana Kosynzyana has 21 daughters; the brothers are coming to them, the younger Petra did not have enough horse, he bought a magic one; this horse orders to exchange clothes with the girls at night, to leave the horses ready outside the fence; at night IK's broadsword cut off the heads of her daughters, the brothers returned to their father; Along the way, P. picks up a golden feather, a horseshoe, and a scarf, and is hired as a coachman by the boyar; his daughter sees a shining feather, the boyar demands the bird; horse: the bird is in a cage at IR, don’t touch the cage; P. brings a bird, the boyar demands a horse; the horse teaches to take the one who eats hot coals, P. leads; the boyar demands the owner of the scarf; the horse teaches him to drink strong water at the bedside, bring it along with the bed; IK demands that P. bring her herd of sea horses; the horse teaches him to smear it with resin and stick it with matting; a horse emerging from the sea bites the matting; P. bridled him, the whole herd followed him; IK orders the mares to be milked and bathed in boiling milk; horse P. cools the milk; the boyar's horse does not cool down, the boyar is boiled; P. marries IK]: Moldavian Tales 1968: 251-262; Moldovans [the prince broke the old woman’s jug with a stone, she tells him to go around the earth, get into the immortal kingdom, but he won’t find peace there either; the old man orders to greet the animals along the way, greet the snake, he will let him into the castle; in the castle, another old man gives him a ball and tells him to go get it; the acorn promises that the young man will die when the oak tree that grew from this acorn rots; the same as a grape seed (he will drink wine as long as the grapes that grow from it are alive); the eagle asks not to shoot at him, to cure him; king of fish - push him into the water; fox - save from dogs; mosquito - remove from the web; the thread ends at the lock; the bride will be given away if the young man hides; an eagle hides behind the clouds (the eldest daughter finds it), a fish in the sea (the middle daughter finds it), a fox among the flowers (the youngest picks a flower, puts it in a basket, does not recognize it); the king will give her back if the young man recognizes her among the three (a mosquito lands on the youngest’s nose); the king does not order to go beyond the gate through which the young man entered; he comes out, sees the thread of his ball, decides to go visit his parents; the vine has grown, the oak tree is huge, the dragon has grown old, the father’s castle has fallen apart (many years have passed); a three-hundred-year-old hermit says that once upon a time everyone died of the plague; the young man goes back, sees a mortar, Death comes out from under it; the young man runs away, the old man gives him a belt, the oak - an iron staff, the vine - a saber, he gives them to Death, let him come when he wears it out, when the saber rusts; the time comes, the young man runs to his wife, she grabs his hand, Death grabs his leg; his wife turns him into a golden apple, throws him into the sky by the Evening Star); the sisters turn her into an apple and throw her away (Morning Star); Death turns the king and sisters into stone pillars]: Botezatu 1981: 27-37; Moldovans [being left an orphan, Ion sowed wheat; the birds devoured the harvest; buckwheat - beaten by frost; went to work as a farm laborer, got a foal, it was eaten by wolves; the second time he asked for a millstone - it was smashed to pieces by lightning; left home, got a rooster for his work while harvesting hay; came with him to the king - he was driven away; the hermit orders to take a wife; says that three fairy birds fly to the milk lake, take off their wings, and swim; let Ion hide the wings of the youngest and give them back only after the third promise to become his wife; Ion received the fairy, but the Sun saw her and carried her away; The king has a tree up to the sky; whoever gets the fruit from the top receives half the kingdom; the tree is divided into three branches, on the east apples, on the south pears, on the west nuts; The sun invited him to follow the rays; food will be brought by the Lord of Birds, Frost, Wolf Iron Mouth, Serpent Golden Scales; Having questioned everyone, Jon beats everyone for ruined wheat, buckwheat, foal, millstone; seeing that the Sun is leading a fairy down the aisle, Ion chops down golden trees and throws them on the way; explains to the Sun why he punished his servants and himself; The sun returns Jonah's wife, sends them to earth in peace; Jon brings fruit to the king; the advisers order not to cut off Jonah’s head, but to give him impossible instructions, and then take his wife away; 1) let there be a vineyard around the palace to the horizon; the wife called her servants, the vineyard is ready; 2) get a self-playing flute (a type of flute) from the bottom of the sea; the wife gives the ring, Ion comes to the sea, sighs, Oh appears, says that the devils at the bottom will make a flur for 7 years, you can’t sleep all this time; at the bottom of the sea, Ion gives the devils tasks, while he sleeps off; count what is more – blades of grass or leaves; Ion brought the flower to the king and fell asleep himself; they began to dance, did not know how to stop the flurry, and died; Ion received the kingdom and got married]: Botezatu 1981: 105-117; Moldovans [the hermit gives the childless queen grapes, she conceives a son; the king hunts and ends up in the devil’s fortress; he releases the king when the king promises to give away what he does not know at home; son Dafin has grown up, the devil takes him away; D. learns the language of birds from him; I overheard the conversation of the birds, they say that the unfortunate Moor has been drawing water for 180 years from a bottomless well, where Vestra, kidnapped by the devil, is bathing; old man A. teaches D. to steal the clothes of bathing V., to run without looking back; A. blesses their marriage, gets rid of the devil’s punishment, disappears; the devil agrees to let D. and V. go if D. 1) plows the field to the horizon in a day, reaps the harvest, bakes bread (V. orders the imps); 2) shoot a hare in the devil’s garden (it’s the devil himself, V. in the form of a hound chases him, D. beats him, the devil’s wife asks him to give it to him to roast, in the evening the devil is covered in bruises); 3) identify among hundreds of girls (there are tears in V.’s eyes); the devil puts D. and V. in prison, they fly away like midges, the devil sends demons in pursuit, V. turns 1) himself into a garden, D. into a gardener; 2) wheat field and reaper; 3) duck and river; The devil tries to drink water and bursts; D. and V. come to live with D.’s parents]: Botezatu 1981: 293-300; Moldovans [the king lost his seal; if there had been a son, he would have gone to the other world and taken the signet ring from his grandfather’s hand; Tudor's daughter puts on men's clothing and goes instead of her son; the deer got its antlers stuck in the serpent's mouth; the snake asks to cut off the deer's horns, the deer asks to kill the snake; T. kills the snake; the deer leads to the castle where the grandfather's ring lies; if you step on the threshold, you will remain there forever; T. stumbled over the threshold, the devils took the ring and led her to the main thing; he promises to release T. if he brings the white horse of the Red Tsar; the deer warns not to take the bridle; she takes it, is caught, the king orders Ilyana Kosynzyana to be brought; along the way, T. and the reindeer stop by St. Sereda (gives a box), St. Friday (brush), St. Saturday (scarf); IR is a nut that the witch rolls in the castle, it needs to be replaced; other witches return, tell the nut to open, it did not open, they set off in pursuit; the deer orders to throw a comb (forest), a box (mountain), a scarf (river); witches: if you are a woman, become a man, and if a man, become a woman; Tudora became Tudora; the Red Tsar gave IK a deer, T. received a horse, and the deer returned; the same for the main devil; T. took away the ring; T. returns home on a horse with a seal and a bride]: Botezatu 1982: 246-257; Moldovans : Moldavian Tales 1968: 172-184 [a poor man finds a bird with golden feathers in the forest; brings home, she lays golden eggs, he sells them to the merchant; the merchant reads on the bird's crop that whoever eats its heart will become a king, whoever eats its navel will find a purse of gold under his pillow, and a liver - with that there will be good luck; the merchant persuades his wife to kill the poor man, marry him, and roast the bird; a woman's three sons accidentally eat a bird's offal; the merchant wants to kill the children, they run away; the eldest becomes a king, the middle one becomes a rich man; the younger one is lazy; the sorcerer leads him into the forest, asks him to go underground, bring a key and an iron stick; a boy picks golden apples; refuses to give the key to the sorcerer before he lifts it to the ground; the sorcerer closes the earth; the boy rubs his wand, an iron man appears and promises to lift him to the ground if the boy feeds him in flight; he cuts off the last piece from his own thigh; on earth, the iron man says that he would eat the boy if he knew how tasty he was; disappears; the boy returns to his mother, bringing golden apples and a key; this is the key to hell; if you rub it, the servants will fulfill your wishes; the boy sends his mother to woo the king's daughter; the king demands 1) to create a palace, a road with birds and trees overnight; 2) come on horses that eat coals and drink flames; the servants do everything; The princess's first groom and she herself are taken to the courtyard and basement for the night; wedding; the sorcerer asks the young man's servant to bring a rusty key in exchange for a gold one; the young man loses his magical assistants and everything created by them; goes to wander around the world; rubs his wand, the iron man teaches him to turn into a fly, get the key from under the sorcerer’s pillow; the young man returns everything; the wife fell ill; the sorcerer turned into a holy virgin and told his wife that she would recover if she took a marble egg from the center of the earth; hellish servants say that all their power lies in him, they teach him to kill the sorcerer instead; the young man kills; helps his brother-king defeat his enemies; The beauty of the world drinks the belly button, he vomits it, loses everything; rides through a meadow, his horse eats grass, becomes a donkey; drinks water - again a horse; he gives the grass to a woman to smell, she becomes a donkey; he rides on it, meets the brothers, forgives the woman, makes her again the Beauty of the World], 185-194 [God and St. Peter walked by, Peter baptized the third son of a peasant, he became prophetic; God's godson (KB) pulled a furrow with a plow from the kitchen to the arable land so that his sister could walk along the furrow; the dragon found out, stretched a furrow to his house, the girl carried lunch, ended up with the dragon; KB goes to look for her, throwing an iron core forward; the chicks say that the dragon from the well is devouring them, 24 have already eaten them; KB cuts off both heads of the dragon; the mother asks the chicks where their savior is, they send her in the wrong direction so that she does not swallow KB in joy; she finds it, swallows it, burps it, KB becomes handsome; asks the bird to find his sister; she calls her sons, the Winds; Eastern himself with a fingernail, a beard with an elbow on a lame hare; The southern one is tall, blind, produces hairs, and if burned, will come to the rescue; KB meets Obedala, Opivala, South Wind; The East and South Winds tear the dragon in half; three brothers fight for their father's inheritance - an invisibility hat, a whip on which to fly, an awl that lifts them up the glass mountain, where the king hides his daughter from the dragon; KB promises to throw things into the lake (whoever gets it faster) takes them himself; the king promises a daughter for killing the dragon; KB overhears Skaraosky (chief of the devils) telling the devils that KB must sprinkle the water of his baptism on them, then he will take the treasure; so that KB does not sprinkle them with water, the devils bring him a dragon in a barrel; KB brings the barrel to the king, kills the dragon, faints; the king puts him in a barrel and throws him out; KB burns the hairs, Little Man-nail on a lame hare frees him; the king demands for his daughter 1) a flower from the Flower Mountain (The Little Man-with-Marigold gives); 2) eat a herd of cows (Eat up); 2) drink a well of water (Opivalo drinks); 3) collect all the mosquitoes (South Wind collects); the king threw the awl to hell into the lake; KB again threatens them with baptismal water, they give the awl; KY climbs the glass mountain, marries the princess]; Romanian [the poor old people have three sons, the youngest Tsugulya; the fairies endowed him with a good fate, but the Snake-Witch hamstrung him; the brothers reluctantly put Ts. on the mare and take him hunting with them; the fairy gives him a belt: he will be able to take on any form in order to return the hamstrings from the Snake; becoming a bee, Ts. flies to the house of the Snake; from a conversation between the Snake and his daughters, he learns that the veins are in the chest behind the stove; the next time it flies in like a fly and takes away the veins; while fighting, he kills the three Snake-sons-in-law of the Snake-Witch, gave their horses to his brothers, and took the youngest one for himself; The snake tells the daughters to take on a different form in order to destroy Ts.; the elder brother wants to pick grapes, Ts. cuts down the vineyard, black blood flows; the same - plum garden; the same thing - a stream (the brothers wanted to get drunk, Ts. thrust a spear into the stream, blood flowed); the sorceress herself flies, Ts. hides in a cave, then comes to the king and asks him to forge a club; he heated it up and stuck it in a hole in the fortress wall; The snake drew air into itself, a red-hot club fell into its mouth, it died; The boyars advise the tsar to get rid of Ts., offer to send him to the kingdom of Stryra, bring the princess to wife to the tsar; Ts. meets and takes as his companion 1) an eternally hungry man who plows with seven plows; 2) running and stroking hares as they run, with millstones tied to his feet; 3) freezing on a hot day, one mustache is white, the other black; 4) hitting a mosquito in the sky with an arrow; 5) the sage (waves a stick - birds flock); everyone, not knowing at first who is in front of him, says that he is not a hero, but a real hero - Ts.; The Stryrian king demands: 1) in a day to eat all the bread baked in 9 ovens (he eats too much); 2) drink 9 barrels of wine (Drunk drinks); 3) enter the red-hot furnace (He who is freezing has cooled it down); 4) bring water from a magical spring, overtaking the maid (the maid put Skorokhod to sleep by searching in his head; Shooter wakes him up by knocking out the horse skull left by the girl from under his head, Skorokhod came first); 5) let 50 barren women give birth overnight (The sage made it so that they gave birth; he touched the king with a stick - a brood of ducklings followed the king, everyone laughed); Ts. spared the eagle, pulled a thorn from the bear’s paw, they promised to help; brought the princess to the king, who gave her to him; the brothers killed Ts., took away the horse and the bride; Ts. is still a little alive, his eagle and his bear came out, the eagle brought living and dead water, Ts. became the same; the eagle untied Ts.'s horse, the bear scared the brothers; the horse killed the brothers with its hooves, the Stryrian king bequeathed the throne to Ts., he married the princess, received both kingdoms]: Sadetsky 1973: 79-101; Romanian [the old man advises the childless emperor to send a fisherman to catch a fish; if the empress eats it, she will give birth; the fish doesn’t bite, the fisherman asks God or the devil to help him catch it; a water monster gives a fish for a promise to give him something he doesn’t know at home; the fisherman brings fish, the empress gives birth; the fisherman's wife was also pregnant and gives birth to Peter; he grows up and goes to the monster; a monster in the form of a man meets him on the way and orders him to ride to him on a horse; the horse advises to run away, along the way P. picks up a golden pen, hires himself out as a clerk to the emperor, the pen writes for him; other servants report this to the emperor and persuade him to send P. to get 1) the bird whose feather it was; along the way, P. feeds people who were eating each other, they promise to help; the same - feeds the fish in the sea; the horse advises P. to lure the bird with food and wine, P. brings it to the emperor; 2) to obtain Glory of Peace as a wife for the emperor; P. brings her, she promises to marry the emperor if they bring her glass palace; those people bring the palace, the fish retrieve the lost keys from the bottom of the sea; The Glory of Peace asks for the Water of Life, the Water of Beauty, the Water of Death; their mistress tells P. to divide the wheat, barley, and oats in an hour; the birds that P. previously fed are separated; Glory of Peace gives the emperor to drink the Water of Death instead of the Water of Beauty, he dies, P. receives a wife and a throne]: Browne 1915: 320-329; Romanian [dying, the king tells his son Aleodor not to go to the mountain, where the possessions of the Half-man-riding-on-a-lame-half-horse (P.); A. accidentally meets him while hunting, P. demands to bring him the daughter of the Green Emperor; A. goes to ZI, along the way he saves a pike, a crow, an ant, everyone promises to come to the rescue; ZI demands that A. hide from his daughter three times, otherwise he will execute him; the heads of 99 suitors are already on stakes, the hundredth stake remains; the pike turns A. into a shell at the bottom of the sea, the raven turns into a crow in the sky, the princess finds him; the ant turns into a seed, hides it on the princess’s dress, she cannot find it; A. takes the princess away, explains that he must give her to the monster; she draws a circle around herself, P. and his skeleton mother cannot reach her, P. bursts with anger; A. brings the princess home, marries her, takes P.’s possessions for himself]: Kúnos 1896: 209-221; Albanians : Samoilov 1958 [after 9 years of barren marriage, the spouses have a son-snake; the father learns from the healer that his cry means a desire to marry the princess; the king orders the road to be paved with gold, with trees along the edges; The serpent gives earth, an apple, you need to pour it out, throw it on the road, everything arises; at night after the wedding, he takes off the snake skin and turns into a young man; the mother throws the skin into the fire; the son shouts that she burned his soul, that there will be two grandchildren left, one will bring them happiness, the other will bring misfortune to their neighbors (text ends)]: 221-225; Serkova 1989: 21-31 [a childless old woman finds a baby snake and raises it as a son; he orders the king's daughter to be wooed to him; the old woman is lowered down the stairs twice, the Serpent heals her with a magic ring; the third time the king demands that the road be built overnight, paved with velvet, and that he appear with his retinue; The serpent gets a wife, sheds his snake skin at night, says that his name is Shpeit, and forbids anyone to talk about his transformation; the wife tells her mother, Sh. disappears; the wife goes to look for him, putting on iron shoes, comes to the mother of the Sun, she first hides her from her son, the Sun promises not to eat her, sends her to the Moon, she sends her to the Wind, who says that Sh. was kidnapped by a monster and takes her overseas; there the monster brings Sh.’s wife to his palace; Sh. throws a ring into the jug, the wife finds out that her husband is nearby; the monster demands from Sh.’s wife that 1) the house be swept in some places, not in others, 2) fill two cauldrons with tears (Sh. advises filling them with salt water); Sh. pretends to be a woodcutter and carpenter, tells the monster that he is making a coffin for the deceased Sh., asks him to try it on, nails it down, burns it; Sh. and his wife return to the people forever], 48-55 [Changaloz and his two older brothers are hungry; the man advises them to harvest the millet field, then the owner will feed them; the owner turns out to be an ogre with one eye in his forehead; Ch. lies that he is illiterate, One-Eye sends him with a note to his wife, ordering him to prepare the messenger; Ch. replaces the letter with an order to feed the messenger; at night Ch. orders to exchange blankets with the sons of One-Eye, he kills the sons, the brothers run away; the elders tell the king that Ch. can 1) bring the best homespun blanket (Ch. sprinkles vetch seeds into One-Eye’s yard, he thinks that millet is falling in the sheaves, puts a blanket on him, Ch. takes it away); 2) get the fastest horse (Ch. feeds the horse One-Eye with raisins, he first calls the owner, but Ch. hides, then leads the horse away); 3) bring One-Eye; an unrecognized Ch. chops a nut, supposedly to make a coffin for Changaloz, whom he killed; asks O. to try it on, nails it up, brings it to the king; invites the brothers to open the lid; they are afraid, then he burns One-Eye through the lid of his eyes with a skewer; drives around the city; receives the king's daughter], 131-135 [only Bilman managed to break the king's iron club, he goes to get the bride; Drinking the river, Eating the carcasses of cattle, Not afraid of the heat, Hearing, Eating bread, Throwing boulders, everyone says that the real hero is B., go with him; they eat what was prepared for the whole army, a foreign king gives his daughter as a wife to King B., B. marries the daughter of his king], 136-151 [going out into the storm with a lantern to fetch the midwife, the husband saved a ship that could have crashed on the rocks; the captain baptizes the boy, tells him to come to Istanbul when he grows up, but not to take a beardless man as a travel companion; he imposes himself on his fellow travelers, invites the young man to go down into the well, takes an oath from him to exchange status and clothes with him; the king (obviously the former captain) considers the beardless godson, the young man a servant; the old woman teaches him to kill the monster that guarded the water, an elephant with a diamond skin, to get the Beauty of the Earth, to walk along the road where it is written “you will go, you will not return,” not to go where “you will return”; give meat to eagles, grain to ants, honey to bees; they let you in and promise to help; the mother of the Beauty of the Earth orders 1) to sort out three types of grain during the night (the ants sort it out), 2) get a ring from the river (the eagles tell the ducks), 3) identify her daughter among 12 girls (the bee lands on her); eagles carry the young man and the Beauty of the Earth to Istanbul; the beardless man kills him, chops him into pieces; The beauty of the earth revives it with living water; having died and been resurrected, the young man is free from the oath, tells everything to the king, marries the Beauty of the Earth; beardless hanged]; Elsie 2001, No. 17 {no pagination} [peers tell the young man that his brother is a pasha in Baghdad; the mother admits that this is so, she is afraid for her son; he goes, meets a barefoot man, returns; goes again, meets again, he imposes himself on fellow travelers; the young man wants to drink, barefoot he lowers him into the well; pulls him out with a promise to recognize him as the pasha’s brother, and to become barefoot himself; Pasha accepted them; the imaginary brother wants to get rid of the real one; persuades the pasha to offer him difficult assignments; 1) kill Kukshedra (dragon; young man kills); 2) get the daughter of the Persian Shah; the young man sets out on a journey, meets and takes as his companion a river-drinking runner (he catches up with hares); kills a snake that was trying to devour the eagle's chicks, she gives her feather; he does not step on the anthill, the queen of the ants gives a wing; The Shah demands 1) eat 300 plates of food (he eats the drink); 2) overtake riders (the runner overtakes); 3) separate the wheat, barley and millet (the ants separate); get living water from a cave on a mountain at the edge of the world (the eagle brings it); the imaginary brother of the pasha kills the real one with a sword; the Shah's daughter sprinkles living water on him, he comes to life; reveals his secret to Pasha, since the deceased and the revived are not obliged to follow an oath of silence; the deceiver was burned in the stove]; Albanians [son asks mother who his dead father was; she doesn’t want to talk, then she admits that she’s a hunter; the young man finds and puts his father’s gun in order and becomes a good hunter; in a distant forest he sees pieces of meat hanging on a tree; touches them, the meat turns into the Beauty of the World; she explains that the black dwarf appears at night, revives her, and, leaving in the morning, chops her into pieces again; under the tree the young man picked up two precious stones without telling the beauty about it; brought her to her mother; at this time the king died, the new one forbade lighting the fires; the young man did not know that the stones he took were glowing; the young man had to bring stones to the palace; On the way, the vizier persuaded them to sell them to him, but the young man gave them to the king; to take revenge, the vizier told the king that the young man could bring many such stones; the wife orders her to be hit so that the tears fill the pot; These tears must be used to water the stones in the mountains; the young man brought stones to the king to build a palace, he was pleased; once he killed a lynx, against the advice of his wife, and took the skin to the king; again refused the vizier, who wanted to buy it himself; he persuaded the king to order many skins to be brought to decorate the entire palace; the wife orders the spring to be filled with wine, the lynxes will drink and become intoxicated; the king received the skins; the vizier offers to send a message to the deceased king so that he too will rejoice at his son’s wealth; the wife orders that all residents write letters to the next world; tells her husband to take them on horseback and return unnoticed; keeps her husband and horse from hand to mouth so that people will believe that they have been to the next world; writes answers to all letters; in response to the king, his late father asks to send a vizier; the vizier demands that the young man survive in the boiling oil; the wife gives him the herbs with which the dwarf revived her; the young man is unharmed; the king orders the vizier to be thrown into boiling oil, makes a young man vizier]: Pedersen 1898, No. 8: 53-67; Bosnian [the well-behaved and beautiful-haired daughter of a poor widow rejects suitors; her mother drove her into the forest: you will become a bear queen; the bear took her to his den; leaving, he blocked the exit with a stone, but she did not even think of running; gave birth to a golden-haired girl with the same intelligent eyes as her father bear; bear: the son would be like me and inherit my kingdom, and let the daughter be a queen among people; the bear put his crown in his daughter's cradle and went away to die; the bears buried him; the bear's wife turned her daughter into a toad and hid her under a stone; the king has three sons; the father tells them to take bows and shoot arrows from the top of the tower; the elders shot arrows into the neighboring kingdom and brought the princesses; the younger one shot an arrow towards the forest; I found an arrow on a fir tree above the cave, and everything around was tidied up; I wanted to kick the toad, and she: don’t hit me, I am (your) happiness; he brought it home; they noticed that although the servant brought food to the prince’s room as expected, then everything was turned upside down; the prince entered and saw a girl wearing a crown; opened the cupboard and threw the toad skin into the fire; the prince introduced the bride to his father; he ordered his three daughters-in-law to eat; the older ones threw the crumbs onto the carpet, and the younger one onto the plate, and they turned into ducats; after this, the king demanded that his son give the sorceress to himself; he does not agree; then let him sew clothes for all the soldiers from one piece of cloth; bride: go to where you found me and shout “Flaming hair - appear!” Tell my mother what you need, she will do everything; she gave everything; second task: cook food in a cauldron for all the soldiers; Same; bring the ring that the king's late wife took to another world; bride: go ask your mother what to do; the bride's mother ordered silence and led her deeper into the cave; one snake steals the eggs of another (the girl is turned into a snake because during her life she secretly took eggs from her mother); a man and a woman are hanged by their feet, with their backs to each other (during their lifetime the spouses quarreled); a baby is hanged, a dog licks the dripping blood (the dog is a woman who strangled her child); two men are roasted on spits, and they complain about the cold (during their lifetime they stole hedges for firewood); the late queen - the prince's mother, is boiled in boiling water; she extended her hand and told her son to take the ring off her finger; let the king pay for the 30 cherries that she did not pay for - the only thing for which she could be punished; Having returned, the prince told the king about everything; he called the people together; Having learned who his wife owed money to, he gave the money to that poor man; the prince returned to the cave and the bride's mother showed how the prince's mother came out of the boiling water along the golden bridge and was saved; wedding of three princes; the king transferred power to the younger]: Preindlsberger-Mrazovic 1905: 81-94; Serbs [the son sees in a dream that he has become the king’s son-in-law, refuses to tell his parents, they drive him away; the young man refuses to tell the dream to the king, he imprisons him in prison, he makes a passage into the princess’s room, lives well with her for three years; the princess promises to marry the groom who will throw a spear over the wall, orders to call that imprisoned slave; throws the spear, the king likes it, gets the princess; the viziers demand that he bring a squad of 1000 people; Along the way, the young man is joined by 1) listening to the grass grow, 2) outrunning birds, 3) throwing a spear to the sky, 4) eating a huge pot of corn, 5) drinking a lake; the viziers offer (the winner takes the loser's wife) 1) eat everything prepared (The runner eats up), 2) throw a person into the oven and take out alive (The drinker pours water), 3) overtake the winged witch (The runner overtakes, but falls asleep, the Hearer finds out about this, The javelin thrower kills the witch, the runner brings a jug of water); the young man takes the wives of the viziers at stake, lives well in the palace]: Karadzic 1853 in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956: 36-43; Lambertz 1952 [the dervish gives the childless king an apple: let the queen eat it, and let the mare eat the peel; a boy and a foal are born; the queen died, the new one does not like her stepson, hears him talking to the foal; pretends to be sick, orders her husband to slaughter the foal; he tells the young man to ask permission to ride one last time, pluck three hairs from his mane, jump over the locked gate, gallop away; does not advise the young man to raise his pen, but he does; refuses to give a feather to the vizier, gives it to the king; the vizier becomes the enemy of the young man and invites the king to send him for the bird itself; the horse advises to lure the bird into the cage with mother-of-pearl beads; the bird sings while it thinks that the young man has caught it for himself; Having learned that it is for the king, he falls silent; vizier: let Ora bring this bird; the young man asks for a ship, two daughters of the vizier and 12 maids similar to each other; now the vizier says that the bird does not have Ora, but the king is adamant; the vizier's daughters think that they have the same maid with them, but in fact it is different every day; the young man orders the maids to sprinkle poison into the food; on the 12th day the vizier’s daughters were near death; the ship entered the harbor, the vizier’s daughters complained to the qadi, but could not determine which of the 12 maids was to blame and died; the young man left the maids in the city and sailed on; gave food to the herons, the flies who were fighting over food, they promised to help; comes to the Oras, they promise to let the bird’s owner go with him if he separates the oats from the barley and revives the dead fish (the flies are separated, the heron brings living water from across the sea); when Ora came to the king, the bird sang, grabbed its feather, both (the bird and Ora) flew away; the young man told the vizier that his daughters fell ill and died; the vizier advises sending a young man to fetch the Kjühelane mares; the horses recognized their young man in the horse and followed him; the king orders the mares to be milked, the milk to be boiled - let the young man bathe in it; for a short time the mares made the milk cold, the young man came out refreshed and full of strength; the king and the vizier rushed after them and boiled; the young man called his father and stepmother, the mares tore the stepmother apart and returned to themselves]: 91-106; Serbs [the king promises to marry his three sons if they bring 1) a beautiful scarf (the youngest comes to the princess, whose deceased father, having become a vampire, kills suitors; is not afraid to spend the night in the palace, receives a scarf); 2) long chain (same); 3) the bride; first the youngest son comes to the triple wedding in poor clothes, then appears in all his splendor]: Karadzic 1856 in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956: 66-70; Serbs [golden ram kills the hunter; the grown-up son asks his mother for his father’s gun, kills a ram, refuses to sell the skin to the king; The young man's uncle advises him to order 1) plant a vine, prepare wine in a week (the girl he meets does it), 2) an ivory castle (the girl teaches how to pour wine into a pond, the elephants are drunk, the castle is built), 3) get the princess (the girl teaches how to buy on the road of an eagle, a carp, a dove; having plucked out a feather and scales, let it go; lure the princess onto the ship; she will release the bird to tell about herself; the eagle will throw a pebble to stop the ship; the carp will turn to stone between two mountains; the queen will ask for living water; the dove will bring it home; the king orders the young man’s head to be cut off in order to take the princess, she revives the young man with living water; the king orders him to cut off his head, the princess does not revive him, the young man reigns]: Karadzic 1856 in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956: 88-94 (=Schütz 1960). , No. 10: 73-80); Slovenes [of the three brothers, only Zapechnik comes to his father’s grave for himself and for his brothers; gets a nut every time; the king orders his daughter's suitors to gallop across the glass bridge; Z. each time breaks the nut, takes out a horse and knightly equipment; the third time the princess manages to put a seal on his forehead; the king sends soldiers to look for the winner; Z. is found, he becomes king]: Arkhipova 1962: 221-222; the greeks (Lesbos) [a poor man has three marriageable daughters; the coffee maker advises not to grieve, but to cast a net in the name of the eldest daughter; the catch turned out to be unusually large and the proceeds of 800 piastres were enough to marry the daughter to a muleteer; two years later the same with the middle daughter (2000 piastres, assistant greengrocer); when the net was cast in the name of the youngest, a huge lobster turned out to be in it, it was loaded onto two carts and brought home; father of daughter: this is your husband; at night there is a beautiful young man Melidoni nearby; drinks and food appeared, the girl was happy; her mother and sisters feel sorry for her; they see a handsome prince three times and offer to marry him rather than look at the lobster; Unable to bear it, the girl replies that this is her husband; he leaves immediately: you are unlikely to see me again; the girl goes on a search, taking three pairs of shoes with iron soles; a year later I saw a dry pond; a cannibal lies in the mud, her long eyelashes cover her face; the girl stuck a stick under her eyelashes, chopped them off with an axe, doused the cannibal with water and hid behind a tree; she could not see for 15 years; if you are a woman, I will make you a queen, if you are a man, I will make you a king; the girl came out after the ogress swore not to harm her; explained that she was looking for M.; the cannibal ordered to spend the night with her, tomorrow the son will come - common to her and her two sisters; turned the girl into a button and put it in her pocket; son: I smell the spirit of a man; Melidoni? I know that his beautiful wife betrayed him; the cannibal sends the girl to her sister, a year later she arrives, everything repeats; the cannibal says that M. is the son of her younger sister; gives a frying pan and three apples; you have to come and knock an apple on a frying pan, M. will appear in different guises; you can’t let him kiss her; the girl did not allow herself to be kissed, but every time she gives her an apple; M. (he is in the guise of another man) turned it into a button and brought it to his mother; took an oath from her that she would not eat his wife, turned the button into a girl again; she requires sweeping and not sweeping the room; M.: mark and then sprinkle dust; cook and not cook the meat (cook half, chop the rest and start cooking only when the cannibal returns); the cannibal orders her to go to her sister for yeast to bake bread for her son’s wedding; M. in the form of a boy (supposedly he is M.’s son); you have to walk barefoot on the thorns and grab them by their softness; praise wormy figs; change the bones in front of the donkey, change the hay in front of the dog; source of blood and pus: drink and praise the water; grab the yeast at the top of the stairs and run; the cannibal orders the fugitive to be detained, the donkey, the dog, the spring, the thorns refuse; the ogress orders the pillow to be filled with feathers, the dog to be fed, the donkey to dance, and the bread to be brought untouched; M. called the birds, they dropped their feathers; beat the donkey, let him kick; at the wedding you will be given torches; do not throw, even if they burn your hands, and then throw them at the bride; the brides' hair caught fire, everyone stopped extinguishing it, and M. and his wife returned to her parents, who by this time had burned the lobster shell]: Paton 1901, No. 16: 86-93; the greeks : Hahn 1864(2) (Syros Island, Cyclades) [a hunter sees a bird with a jewel on its head; she says that if he shoots her, it will be his happiness, but if he misses, it will be his misfortune; the bird turned its head, the bullet flew past; the hunter soon died from grief; his son grew up, his mother assigned him to a shoemaker, but he demanded to know what his father did; his mother had to give him his father's gun; everything happened again, but the young man shot the bird; when he was carrying the stone home, the vizier asked to sell it, but the young man refused; had to sell to the king, he paid 30,000 piastres; but soon demanded that the young man build an ivory tower - if he could shoot this bird, then he could do this; the mother explained that the vizier had arranged all this; advised to ask for 40,000 piastres for the construction of the tower and let the vizier give it; with this money you need to buy wine and bread, fill the lowland, the surrounding peasants will gather and get drunk, you need to kill them, build a tower from their bones {no talk about elephants - human bones}; The king was sorry that many people died, but he rewarded the young man; now the vizier advises the king to order the young man to obtain the Beauty of the World for his wife; mother: let the king give a ship with 40 girls, including the vizier’s only daughter; Having arrived in that country, the young man told the girls to wait for him for 40 days, and he went alone; meets the giant Moor, the ant-man, the water-drinker, the walker, whose every step is equal to what a person walks in five hours; everyone says that he is not brave, but the son of a hunter is; the young man replies that he is the son of a hunter; everyone gives his hair to call him; the young man comes in the Beauty of the World, she advises him to leave while he is safe; gives tasks: 1) to eat a monstrous amount of meat and bread by morning (the young man calls the giant, he ate everything); 2) survive in a hot furnace (the water-bread cools it); 3) divide the grain into varieties (ants separate); 4) bring an apple from afar in a quarter of an hour (the fast walker brings it); now Beauty of the World agrees to become the young man’s wife; they return on the ship and the Beauty of the World promises to arrange everything; quietly killed the king and vizier, the hunter’s son is recognized as the king]: 3-15; Megas 1978, No. 21 [the old woman advises the childless wife of a fisherman to catch a goldfish, divide it into 6 parts, eat 2 with her husband, give 2 to the dog, 2 to the mare, bury 2; two brothers are born, two puppies, two foals, two cypress trees grow; the first brother comes to woo the princess; her father orders to demolish a giant stump with a blow of a sword (the princess wraps her hair around the sword), gallop without spilling the water (gives a ring, it freezes the water), defeat the black man; the black man is the princess, she orders her horse to be hit between the ears; Having received the princess, the young man leaves for a while; kills a monster who gave water in exchange for girls, it was the local princess’s turn; the old woman asks permission to touch the young man’s dog with a rod, turns the dog and the young man into marble; the cypress has withered; the brother arrives and is mistaken for the first young man; he orders the dog to grab the witch, forcing her to show her witch's wands; revives his brother, the dog swallows the witch; the first brother receives the first princess, the second - saved from the monster], 30 [the widowed fisherman caught a turtle and brought it home; someone cooks and cleans; he sees a girl come out of the shell; breaks the shell, takes the girl as his wife; the king wants to marry the one who can embroider a scarf better; the fisherman's wife embroiders the sea and ships; to get rid of the fisherman, the king demands 1) to catch enough fish to feed the army; 2) grapes for the army; the wife sends to her mother, she comes out of the sea, gives a pot with any fish dishes in it; tray with grapes; 3) bring a man two inches tall, with a beard three inches tall; this is his wife's brother, his name is Chickpea; he rides out of the sea riding a rooster; the sister orders him to tear out the king’s eyes and make her husband king; the rooster pecks out the eyes, the king dies, the fisherman reigns], 33 [the king sails on a ship, finds himself on a foreign shore, comes to a shepherd; baptizes his newborn son; leaves a ring and a note; it does not order to take a lame, blind, beardless (baldchin) as a companion; the young man goes to look for his godfather; he takes the lame and the blind, but they hesitate, he leaves them behind; the beardless man offers to take him down the well for water; raises him after swearing that he will give him the ring and the note and will remain silent until death; the king sends a young man to graze cows and mistakes the deceiver for his son; the young man understands the language of birds and animals, laughs at swallows; the deceiver persuades the king to send him to bring 1) the Pipiree bird from India; a maid teaches how to fly on a flying horse, how to avoid fire, a young man brings a bird; 2) bring Golden Hair; the maid explains what you need to take with you; the horse wakes up the young man, he kills the snake that was devouring the eagle's chicks; At first she thinks that it was the young man who killed the chicks, the chicks explain; the eagle gives a feather; the horse orders not to trample the ants, the young man feeds them with grain; the ant gives its wing; a young man saves a stranded fish, which gives him a bone; he saves bees from the water, feeds them honey, they sting; the king promises to give his Golden-haired daughter if the young man 1) takes out a ring thrown into the sea (fish bring it), 2) separates a mixture of different grains (ants do it), 3) brings the water of life; the eagle orders to go to the pounding mountains, fills the young man’s golden vessel with water; the king believes, ordering the Moor to be killed and reviving him; 4) identify the bride among 40 girls (a bee lands on her); the young man brings Golden Hair; the beardless man orders him to get the apple from the very top, the young man falls, breaks, and the beardless man buries him; The golden-haired one revives with living water; the young man is released from the oath; the beardless one is tied to the horse's tail]: 37-42, 74-79, 83-93; Paton 1900, No. 6 [An eagle flies into the princess's room, kisses her; she leaves to look for him; in a house in the forest, the witch demands 1) sweep and not sweep the room (you need to collect the garbage in piles), 2) cook and not cook the meat (cook part of it), 3) fill the feather bed with feathers from the sea (tell the birds that Margipontakis died, they will drop feathers near the shore in mourning), 4) separate the barley from the wheat (tell the birds that Margipontakis has come to life, they will separate in joy and gratitude); every time Orel teaches what to do, asks for permission to kiss the girl, she refuses, because her fiancé is far away, Orel is pleased; teaches not to repeat after the witch “my son Kakotanatos”, but to say “your son Kalotanatos” ( how - ugly, old man - beautiful); the witch sends the girl to her sister; Orel admits that he is the groom, the witch’s son, and orders the box to be taken away from the witch’s sister’s house and not to be opened on the way; the girl opens it, the imps fly away; Eagle puts them back, tells them to ask his mother for a dirty jackdaw, that's him; turns into a handsome man; wedding], 12 [a woman has a son and a daughter, the daughter gives birth to a girl; at night the monster devours cattle; the young man shoots off his little finger, in the morning the baby girl cries, her little finger is torn off; the young man demands his sister to kill the monster, she refuses; he takes his mother and leaves; they stop in the cannibal's cave; he conspires with the young man’s mother to kill him; the mother pretends to be sick, asks to bring her 1) the milk of a cannibal deer, 2) a melon of life, 3) the water of life; each time the fairy helps to get what you are looking for, replacing it with horse urine, ordinary melon, ordinary water; the sister asks what her brother's life is like; he replies that it is in the broom, in the doorframe (it decorates them); in the golden hair on his head; she pulls out a hair, she and the cannibal eat it; the fairy sends two deer cubs brought by the young men (they are described as dogs) to bring all the bones of what was eaten; first the little finger is missing, then it is found; revives with milk, melon, water of immortality; the young man kills the cannibal and his mother; comes to his sister, she has eaten everyone, tells him to ring the bell while he boils the water; the mouse rings instead of him, he runs away; climbs three trees that grew from the nuts given by the fairies; the baby deer come running and eat the monster; a young man marries a fairy]: 115-117, 340-344; Macedonians [the young woodcutter went to sell the yarn that his mother had prepared; with the proceeds he bought a puppy from the children, which they had been tormenting; next time - a kitten; saved a snake from the fire; she led him to the dragon, advised him to ask for the ring he held under his tongue as a reward; it fulfills desires; The woodcutter orders the mother to woo the king's daughter; the king sets a condition: build a palace like his; next time - to pave the road from one palace to another with gold; create a garden with nightingales and falcons flying over the garden; the woodcutter got the princess; the Arab courtier advises her to find out his secret from her husband; Having learned that the husband was holding the ring under his tongue, the Arab advised the princess, when the husband fell asleep, to bring ash to his nose, the husband would sneeze and the ring would fall out; the Arab took the ring, moved the castle to a distant mountain, and the woodcutter again found himself in the hut; came to the palace with a dog and a cat; On the way, he released a fish that was on the shore into the water, and it promised to help; the cat came to the mouse's wedding and grabbed the groom; she promised to let him go if the mouse tickled the sleeping Arab with its tail, he would sneeze, the ring would fall out, let the mouse bring it; while crossing the river, the cat sat on the dog's back; she demanded that the ring be given to her, otherwise she would drown the cat; the cat took the ring out of her mouth and dropped it into the water; The woodcutter turned to the fish for help, she brought a ring; the woodcutter returned the castle, settled the Arab and the princess in the same room; invited the king; when he saw his daughter and her lover and heard his son-in-law’s story, he cut off the heads of the Arab and the princess]: Martin 1955: 73-80; Macedonians [the king promises a daughter to the one who will rid the country of the monster (it is female); the young man Alexander promised to do this; the king ordered the monster to be delivered alive in a chest; A. pretended to be a hungry beggar, the monster’s daughter took him as a worker; he secretly sees how mother and daughter quarreled, the mother hit the daughter; the daughter says that since the mother is so angry, she will go to the king and say that the mother should be put in a box without holes and cracks and starved; A. worked for a day at a charcoal burner, turned black beyond recognition; in the forest he began to cut down trees and make a coffin; answered the monster that the coffin was for the deceased king; asked to lie down and see if there were any holes; pounded, delivered to the king, received the princess as his wife]: Martin 1955: 81-86; Bulgarians : Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 302A [400 princes wander; violate the mother’s ban on spending the night in a certain place (edge style='font-family:​​of a well, spring, mountain); in the first two nights, while the brothers are sleeping, the youngest kills the snakes (lamia, khal), goes down into the well, frees 400 girls, they exchange rings with 400 brothers; on the third night, the arap on a wonderful horse agrees to spare the brothers, if the younger one gets him the princess, he takes the brothers hostage; the hero agrees, having received his horse from the Arab; with the help of a horse and brothers with miraculous abilities, the hero fulfills the difficult tasks of the king, gets a princess; the horse says that the power of the arap is in the eggs, they are in the dove, the dove is in the boar; the hero becomes a shepherd for the priest; fights the boar, wins with the help of the priest’s daughter (she supplies water); the hero crushes his eggs, the blackamoor dies; The hero gives the princess as a wife to his father, he himself and 399 brothers marry 400 princesses], 313C [to escape from danger (storm), a man promises the devil an unborn child; at a certain time the devil takes the young man; a young man falls in love with the devil's daughter; he gives impossible instructions (to sort grain of different varieties overnight, etc.); the devil's daughter helps to accomplish everything; they run away, turn into various objects, the devil cannot recognize them; the devil's wife or mother orders the young man to forget his bride as soon as he kisses his mother at home; within a year the girl had become ugly; her mother forgave her and gave her the mirror she had left behind when she fled; looking into it, the girl again became a beauty; the young man recognized her (on the day when the wedding was scheduled with another girl), took her as his wife], 329 [the princess demands that the suitors defeat her in a game of hide and seek, and executes the losers; she has a mirror or other object that shows her everything; the poor young man is helped by grateful animals - an eagle (hiding in the sky), a fish (in the sea), a wolf (in a cave), a fox (in an apple next to the princess); the princess cannot find the hero in the apple, becomes his wife], 425A [childless elderly spouses find and raise a snake (smoka, pumpkin) as a son, or a childless woman asks to give her a child, gives birth to a snake (smoka, puppy, pumpkin); the son grows up, demands a princess as his wife, carries out difficult tasks for the king (to build a palace, a road, a bridge, a church overnight); at night the groom appears to the bride in the guise of a handsome man; the bride burns the animal's skin or reveals the groom's secret; the magical spouse disappears; (pregnant) wife goes looking for him, wearing iron shoes; along the way, three old women (mothers of the Sun, Moon, Wind) give advice and gifts (golden apple, hen with chicks, self-spinning wheel); for them receives the right to spend one night with her husband; he recognizes her, the marriage is restored], 425B [a young man with a horse’s head (or a snake) woos the princess, carries out difficult tasks for the king (to build a palace, a road, etc.); at night he appears before his wife as a handsome man; she tells her family about it; spouse disappears; the wife goes to look for him, finds him, thanks to the advice of the elders (three winds, etc.); with the help of his servant, performs the difficult tasks of his sister or mother; on the day when the husband is supposed to marry another, he runs away with his first wife; they are saved by reincarnating into various objects and animals], 465 [a young man (prince, orphan) marries an animal (turtle, toad, monkey, fox {which becomes a beauty}) or a beauty from a distant country; the envious king gives difficult tasks to take away the hero’s wife; 1) get food to feed an entire army or unusual food; grapes in the middle of winter; a melon that grows in a day, a hare will jump out of it; 2) make or obtain an unusual carpet, scarf, etc.; 3) take the letter to the late king or bring a letter from him; 4) deliver a supernatural creature (iron man, bearded dwarf), the creature kills the king; 5) bring a newborn who speaks Turkish and smokes a pipe, etc.; 6) other tasks - build a palace, dry up lakes, divide seeds, win at cards); the hero, with the help of his wife, fulfills everything], 510 [the mother of a girl who cannot spin a certain amount of wool by a certain time (or drops the spindle into a hole) turns into a cow; father marries again; a cow helps her daughter spin wool; the stepmother orders the cow to be slaughtered, she asks her daughter not to eat its meat, but to bury the bones; Leaving for a holiday, the stepmother and her daughter tell the stepdaughter to do the work, divide the mixed grain; buried bones help to do everything; at this place the girl finds rich clothes (and a golden horse); distributes golden apples in church (at a wedding); on the way back, he drops a shoe, the prince finds it, looks for someone who it will suit, marries his stepdaughter], 554 [the hero (the youngest of three brothers) saves animals (ants, bees, eagles, fish, foxes, etc.) or helps them; with their help, he carries out the tasks of the beauty's father (princess) - separates mixed varieties of grain, takes out a ring (key) from the bottom of the sea, brings living water, identifies the bride among several identical girls, hides so that the princess cannot find him; or takes the form of animals that he saved (lion, fish, ant, etc.)], 650A [a hero with an unusual appearance (half animal) is the son of a bear (the bear stole the princess, the son grew up, and returns to people with his mother; the bear meets man, gives birth to a hero); the hero serves the king, with the help of the elder (heroes with miraculous abilities) he carries out dangerous assignments (bring firewood from the forest on a lion, bear, elephant; collect tribute from wild people, from the dogs); the king rewards the hero (gives half the kingdom, gives the dog-heads to rule the country, etc.)]: 104, 112, 130, 145-146, 147-148, 165-166, 182, 206, 228; Klyagina-Kondratieva 1951 [the king left his pregnant wife and went to another; ordered to send a son to him if a boy was born; a mother sends her son a flatbread to school, but the sent one bites it; sends with another person, he did not touch; she thinks that he will be faithful to her son, sends her son to his father, giving him that man as a companion; on the way, the guide tells the young man to go down into the well for water, allows him to get out on the promise to give the paper and switch roles; the impostor lives with the king; to get rid of the young man, he sends him as a matchmaker to another king, who killed his daughter’s suitors; Along the way, the young man saves ants, eaglets, a stork, fish, they promise to help; the king orders 1) to sort out the mixed grain overnight (the ants sort it out), 2) to revive a baby who died 3 years ago (the stork brings living water), to sail to the princess on the island (the eagle carries it), 4) to retrieve the ring dropped by the princess in the sea ( the fish gets it); the prince brings his bride, the impostor hacked him to death, the princess revived him with living water; the king executed the impostor, married his son to the princess]: 73-77; Gagauz : Moshkov 1904, No. 29 [the widowed king tells his three sons to shoot arrows, where they fall, there is fate; the older ones fell to the girls, the youngest to the turtle; he brings the turtle home, returning from hunting, he finds the food cooked; he hides, grabs the girl, throws away the turtle shell; the tsar-father wants a daughter-in-law for himself, orders his son to bring from the other world the wedding ring of his deceased mother; the wife teaches her to go to the sea, shout into the hole, her mother will come out and give her the key to earthly locks; he opens the ground, walks, sees a fat herd in a dry meadow, a skinny one in an abundant one; along the way, the sea asks the guy to find out from God why there are no fish in it, the sea; A man sits by the water, he is on fire, black and white sheep come out, everyone wants to put out the flame, they fight, and the man catches fire again; asks to find out why it is burning; in the palace of the Sun, the Sun’s mother says that the Sun has the ring, she will return and give it; The sun gives a ring, cries, because in the city people go to meet their needs in secret, but in the field openly; the guy walks back; the old man explains that the fat cattle were the ones who gave alms, and the thin ones were the ones who gave alms, looking around; a burning man - who judged once righteously and another unrighteously; the guy gave the ring to the king, he immediately died], 43 [the master kept the worker for a long time, married him, then let him go to manage; he left home, three sons grew up, one found his father and asked to marry them; older brother Ivan refused to marry; tells the brothers 1) not to hesitate on the way, 2) not to promise anything to anyone, 3) to tell only the truth; the brothers went home with their wives, the devils surrounded them with a wall and asked to give them I.; tied up I.; I. brothers: I ordered not to hesitate and not to promise; but I will be saved; the elder devil orders I. to run the household; one horse asks to look after it, promises to help; I. finds a feather; the lame devil tells the chief that I. will be able to bring the whole bird; horse: I warned you that the pen would cause trouble; orders the lame man to be beaten, let him bring alcohol, peas and a table; the bird pecked at a piece of alcohol soaked in alcohol, became intoxicated, caught, but sad; lame: let I. bring a bird’s nest, it will become cheerful; horse: let the lame man bring a knife and a needle and thread; stab me and get inside; the king of birds will fly in to peck; grab him and demand living and dead water and a bird's nest; I. revived the horse with water and brought the chief devil a nest; lame: let I. find out why the sun turns red at sunset; the horse orders a table to be placed on the seashore, with a mirror and shoes there; a girl came, looked in the mirror, put on her shoes, I. caught her; lame: I. undertakes to bring this girl’s herd; horse: let the lame bring a cauldron, linen and tar; I. wrapped the horse in tarred canvas, the sea stallion began to fight with him, but could not tear the canvas; The sea horse was defeated, I. sat on him, followed by a mare with 300 foals; lame: I. undertakes to milk the mares, boil the milk, and bathe in it; I.'s mares cooled the milk, I. bathed, became handsome; the wife offers the chief devil a bath too; he was boiled in hot milk, I. took his wife and horses, took the devils into captivity], 63 [the king has 40 sons, 39 want to get married; the youngest fortieth Baldy takes the last remaining hinny; every time he tells his brothers that the parking lot is dangerous, but they don’t listen; a giantess came, gave wine, 39 fell asleep, Baldy secretly followed the woman, she ordered her 40 sons to kill those who came; Baldy kills them one by one as they leave the house; wooes the brothers with 39 daughters of a giantess; the same thing at the next night with another giantess; The bald man hung her by the breasts and negotiated with the beauty; on the third night the giant closes the door; releases his brothers on the condition that Baldy stays with him; orders him to get the daughter of the Turkish king; Baldy meets three arguing over an invisibility hat and a magic carpet that can be controlled with a whip; The bald man shoots: the one who brought the arrow will receive a hat, the second - a whip, the last - a carpet; he picks up the items and flies away; at night in the princess’s bedroom he eats the left food and rearranges the candlesticks; on the third night the hat accidentally fell off; The bald man brings the girl to the giant, ordering him to say that she has 40 days of mourning for her father and ordering the bald man to find out what the soul of the giant is; that: pillar; broom; the girl decorates them every time; then the giant says that there is a lake in the Goose Forest, there are three ducks and a drake, there is a stone in the drake’s stomach, there are three flies in the stone; The bald man took out flies, killed one, then a second, a third, the giant fell ill and died; The bald man married a girl, and married off the first one, whom he kept for himself; 39 brothers married 39 giantess daughters]: 39-41, 66-67, 113-120; Syrf 2013: 149-153 [a childless old woman sends her husband to find the child; he brings a pig; the piglet orders him to marry the boyar's daughter; the boyar orders to create a golden bridge, a garden with golden apples; everything appears; orders the house to stand on the water - the house stands; the boyar gives away his daughter; at a wedding, a pig sheds its pig skin and becomes handsome; at night the wife throws the skin into the fire; the husband puts a hoop on her belt, only his hand can remove it, only then will the wife give birth; she comes to Dumaa-babu (makes sure that no one spins on Friday), she sends Pazar-babu to her sister (watches on Sunday); she collects birds; only a lame bird saw the woman’s husband at Zhada’s baba (witch); P. gives a golden spinning wheel, a yardstick, and a reel - to sell to J. for the right to spend the night with the guy; For two nights J. puts him to sleep, his wife cannot wake him up; on the third night the maid told the guy not to drink the potion; he takes off his wife’s belt, she gives birth to a boy, all three return home], 184-188 [someone spoils the barley; the eldest son watches and falls asleep; the same average; the youngest KŸl Pepeleshka ("ash and ashes") sees three horses descending from the sky at midnight, grabs one; each horse gives a hair (gray, white, bay; the boyar will give his daughter to the one who jumps to the second floor; KP rides on a donkey, calls a gray horse, gallops unrecognized, grabs the girl’s scarf; at home he answers the brothers that he saw the competition from the top row of the folded the dung; the brothers destroyed the dung; again the next day, the white horse grabbed the ring; the brothers destroyed the stack; the boyar sent to look for the owner of the ring; he ordered the boyar to make a stone road; KP, in the guise of a handsome man, arrives in a phaeton drawn by three horses, gets his wife at home and plays in the ashes again; the boyar wants to be carried through the house and back; the boyar dies of fear, KP remains to live in his house] ; Croats [7 brothers went to look for wives to be 7 sisters; the younger one took a thin horse, but this horse was magical; the old woman said that she had 7 daughters; the horse warned his younger brother that she was a witch, that she was hiding her eighth daughter with golden hair; At night the younger one did not sleep, changed the hats of the old woman’s brothers and daughters, put the horse bridles on the old woman’s mares; at night the old woman mistakenly cut off the heads of her daughters and mares; the younger one tells the brothers to run; returning, he shouted to the old woman that she had killed her daughters; the old woman turned the grip into a horse, gave chase, but did not catch up; at the crossroads the younger one broke up with the elders, who disliked him; the younger's horse tells him not to pay attention to what he sees or hears; but the younger one saw and picked up 3 golden hairs, three golden feathers, a golden horseshoe; the young man hired himself as a groom for the king, he works better than anyone; other grooms were jealous, noticed the gold things, and told the king; he ordered to bring a girl with golden hair; this is the daughter of that witch; the horse taught him: he will pretend that he is stuck in a swamp, the witch will come running, at this time he must pick up the girl; the young man brought it to the king; he wants to give her for his son; girl: first get three ducks whose feathers are golden; the king sent the young man to fetch ducks; they spent the night with the witch again, stole the ducks; the witch is being chased, the horse orders him to throw away the comb, a dense forest has appeared; now the girl demands to get the horse whose golden horseshoe; the young man's horse orders 8 buffalo skins to be attached to him; the sea stallion tore them off, but was tired, there was a blue flame from his mouth, and a red flame from the young man’s horse; The sea mares followed the horse; the girl orders them to be milked, the milk is boiling, they filled the vat with it; let the groom be redeemed; the horse cooled the milk, the young man became handsome; the prince also threw himself into the milk, but it boiled and he died; the king adopted the young man instead of the deceased, and married him to the golden-haired woman]: Schütz 1960, No. 16: 126-133; Ancient Greece. 1. Pelias, king of Iolcus in Thessaly, sends Jason (the son of Aeson, from whom Pelias took away power) to Colchis for the golden fleece.

2. Aeëtes, king of Colchis, agrees to give up the Golden Fleece if Jason harnesses the copper-footed bulls (hephaestus gave them to him) and sows the field with them with the teeth of the dragon. Medea gives Jason an ointment that makes his body invulnerable to fire and iron for one day, allowing him to harness oxen. He teaches that when warriors grow from the dragon’s teeth, one must throw a stone at them; the warriors will fight and kill each other. Medea puts to sleep the dragon guarding the Golden Fleece. Argo sails away with Jason on the ship.

3. Pelias, king of Iolcus in Thessaly, demands that the suitors of his daughter Alcestis harness wild lions and boars to their chariot. Admetus does this with the help of Apollo (he was sent by Zeus to serve with him for a year as punishment for killing the Cyclopes).

4. Neleus, king of Pylos in Messenia, demands that the suitors of his daughter Pero drive the herd of cows of the Thessalian king Philak, which was guarded by a terrible dog. Melampus and Biant are brothers, sons of the founder of Iolcus Amiphaon, heroes of Argolis. Melampus understood the language of animals and was a soothsayer; Biant asked him to go get the cows instead. Melamp predicted that he would be caught stealing, spend a year in prison, and then receive a herd. In the dungeon, Melamp heard the conversation of the worms sharpening the beams, and asked to be transferred to another place. The building collapsed, and King Philak learned that Melampus was a soothsayer. In exchange for the cows, Melamp promised Phylak to tell him how his childless son Iphicles could have children. Melampus sacrificed bulls and learned from the flying kites that Philak had once placed a bloody knife next to Iphicles, then stuck it into a tree, the knife grew into the wood. We need to find a knife, scrape off the rust, give Iphicles a drink. Iphicles had a son. Melamp brought the cows to his brother and he married Pero (Apol.: 16-17; myth. 1: 171).

5. Atalanta [“Catalogue of Women” (circa 6th century BC), attributed in ancient times to Hesiod and preserved in the form of a number of passages on papyri (in the case of Atalanta - on the Oxyrhynchus papyrus of the 2nd-3rd centuries): “Right by hand ... / He reached out to her in his aspiration. She saw , / Pulled back. Not an equal competition, however, / Was for them: Atalanta, divine, fast in running, / Rushed, not wanting to accept the gifts of golden Aphrodite, / He gave his soul to the struggle, in which or death, / Or sought salvation, and said, planning deceit: / “Daughter of Scheneus, who has a heart alien to pity! / This gift was received by the beautiful golden goddess Aphrodite...” / ... / So he said and threw away the shame that alienated the apple , / The fruit of the golden goddess Aphrodite... / Immediately to the feet quickly... / The harpy, as if, with her soaring hands, the maiden immediately / grabbed from the ground. He threw the other apple onto the ground. / Atalanta, divine, fast in running, already took two, / He threw the third apple at the target close to the ground, / So he managed to avoid death, and black death. / I finished my run, breathing deeply..." (translated by O. Tsybenko)]: Hes. Cat. Fr. 14 (EW) = 75 (MW) = 36 (Gasparov). 27-48 (Greek original in Vitelli 1912, no. 130: 49-50); [idyll of Theocritus (III century BC): “How Hippomenes wanted to get a girl for his wife. / He took the apples with him; Atalanta, competing with him, / Having looked, lost her mind, and jumped into the abyss towards Eros” (Translated by M.E. Grabar-Passek)]: Theoc. Id. III. 40-43; [Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” (turn of eras): Atalanta demanded that the suitors be able to overtake her; many tried unsuccessfully and were executed; Hippomenes challenged her; Aphrodite handed him three Tamasian golden apples; while running, he threw one of them onto the lists; Atalanta was stunned, deviated from the path and bent over the rolling apple; G. managed to overtake her, but after a while Atalanta again left him behind; then she was delayed by the second apple and again took the lead; G. threw the third apple, Atalanta picked it up; G. came running first and took her as his wife]: Ovid. Met. X. 560-680; [“Myths” attributed to Gaius Julius Hyginus, who lived at the turn of the era, but most likely dating back to the 1st-2nd centuries: “Schoine, as they say, had a daughter, Atalanta, a very beautiful girl, who was so valiant that she defeated men in run. She asked her father to leave her as a girl. Therefore, when many began to woo her, her father set a test for those who wanted to take her as a wife, so that they would first compete with her in a race. They set a boundary and the groom ran unarmed, and she caught up with him armed and, if she caught up with the boundary before, she killed and nailed his head on the treadmill. When she had won and had already killed many, she was finally defeated by Hippomenes, the son of Megareus and Merope. After all, he received from Venus three apples of remarkable beauty and she taught him what to do with them. By throwing them during the competition, he held back the girl’s onslaught. After all, while she was collecting them and marveling at the gold, she bent down and gave the young man victory. Skhoiney, for his resourcefulness, willingly gave him his daughter as a wife” (translated by D.O. Torshilov)]: Hyg. Fab. 185.

6. King Pisa (in Elis) Oinomai (Oenomai) invites the suitors of his daughter Hippodamia to compete in chariots. The groom and Hippodamia rush forward, and Oinomai pursues them in full armor, catches up and kills them. When 12 severed heads have already been nailed to the wall of Oinomaus's palace, the wheel of Oinomaus's chariot falls off while pursuing Pelops and he dies (Apol.:79).

7. Having received a letter from Proetus (king of Tiryns) with an order to kill Bellerophon (who brought this letter), King Iobates of Lycia sends him to kill the Chimera (her body is a third like a lion, a third like a snake, and a third like a goat). The Chimera was born from Typhon and Echidna and destroyed livestock. Bellerophon mounted the winged horse Pegasus and struck the Chimera with an arrow. Then Iobates sent people to kill Bellerophon from an ambush. Having learned that the assassination attempt had failed, he showed him Proetus’s letter, gave him his daughter Philonoë in marriage and left him the kingdom.

8. Acrisius's daughter Danae gives birth to a son, Perseus. A. puts her and her son in a box and throws them into the sea. The box floats to the island. Serif. King Serif Polydectes fell in love with Danae. Wanting to send away her matured son, he asks for help in wooing Oinomaus’ daughter Hippodamia. P. carelessly says that he will not refuse him even the head of the Gorgon. P. sends him after her. Athena and Hermes led him to three old women - the daughters of Forcus. The Gorgons lived overseas, “near the final limits of the Night” (Hes. Theog. 274-276. Translated by V.V. Veresaev). According to Apollodorus, Stheno, Euryale and Medusa have copper hands and golden wings (Bibl. II. 4. 2), Medusa has snakes on her head instead of hair (Aeschyl. Prom. 864; Pind. Pyth. X. 45-50; Ovid. Met. IV. 771, VI. Guided by the gods, Perseus first arrived to the gray-haired and blind daughters of Fork - the Grays. Their number fluctuates: in Theogony there are two sisters (Hes. Theog. 270-273), in Aeschylus there are three (Prom. 858). Perseus took away their only eye and tooth from the Grai; returned after they showed the way to the nymphs. From the nymphs P. takes Hades's hat, shoulder bag and winged sandals, with the help of which the hero flies across the ocean. P. finds the Gorgons sleeping. Outwardly, the three gorgons are identical; Athena and Hermes help P. identify the only mortal among them - Medusa. Hermes gives him a curved sword, Athena guides his hand. Looking at the shield as if in a mirror, P. cuts off Medusa's head. He puts his head in a bag. The winged horse Pegasus and Chrysaor (father of the giant Geryon) fly out of the headless body; these are the children of Medusa and Poseidon. Using the winged sandals and hat of Hades, P. escapes from the surviving Gorgons, heads to Serif, and meets Andromeda chained to a rock, exposed to be devoured by a sea monster. P. kills him with Medusa's head. Before his wedding with Andromeda, Perseus fights with her ex-fiancé Phineus and other conspirators, winning thanks to the head of Medusa. Having married Andromeda, P. returns to Serif with her. King Polydectes, who pursued Danae during the absence of her son, dies from the gaze of Medusa; Perseus gives the sandals, bag and hat of Hades to Hermes, and the head of the Gorgon to Athena. Hermes returns the received objects to the nymphs, Athena places the head of the Gorgon in the middle of her shield. P. becomes the ruler of Tiryns.

9. King Kepheus of Ethiopia agrees to marry his daughter Andromeda to Perseus if he kills the sea monster to whom the girl was given to be devoured.

10. Medea, the wife of the Athenian king Aegeus, sends her stepson Theseus to kill the Marathon bull (Apol.:76).

Central Europe. Russians , Ukrainians , Belarusians : SUS 1979, No. 315 (=AA 315A) [ Animal milk : the sister (mother) conspires with her lover (robber, sorcerer, snake, devil, Kashchei, iron wolf) to destroy the young man and sends him for milk from the she-wolf, she-bear and lioness, pretending to be sick; binds him; the hero is saved with the help of animals - a wolf cub, a bear cub, a lion cub; deals with the enemy, punishes the pretender; this is the seventh largest plot of a Russian fairy tale by the number of entries (67), 465s [ Beautiful wife (Order for the next world) : the hero receives a wife from God for burning incense, the fragrance of which reached the sky; the king (master), in order to take possession of this beauty, sends his husband to the next world; with the help of his wife, the husband carries out an assignment], 531 [The Little Humpbacked Horse: helps the hero in the service of the king; the hero obtains the firebird, the princess, and carries out her wedding orders; bathes in boiling water and becomes handsome; the king tries the same thing and dies; the hero receives the princess's hand; 53 records)], 559 [ Nesmeyana the Princess : never laughs; her father promises her hand to the one who makes her laugh; the “fool” succeeds; noble groom is defeated], 560 [Magic ring: the hero rescues a dog, cat and snake from trouble; with the help of a ring received from a snake or taken from the hand of a sleeping beauty, he fulfills the tasks of the king and marries the princess; she steals the ring and disappears, imprisoning her husband; a dog and a cat return the stolen object to him], 1072 [Running competition with the devil: a man runs his younger brother, the hare, in his place]: 115-116, 138, 152, 158, 159, 261-262; Russians (Karelian Pomerania) [contrary to the owner’s order, the workers left several grains on the field; a mouse and a bird argued over them, a war of birds and animals began, everyone died, leaving a wounded eagle; the prince pointed the gun at him three times, the eagle asked him not to shoot, but ordered him to feed him for three months; tried to fly - three more; then again; ordered to sit on it, carried it to receive the reward; along the way he threw it and picked it up three times, so that the prince would experience the same fear as he himself did when the prince aimed the gun; orders to take a multi-colored box from the older sister, a self-shaking wallet from the middle sister, and a key to the multi-colored box from the youngest; the eagle orders not to open along the way; he opened it, everything flew up, the road became difficult; tall man: I’ll give you everything back if you give me back that you don’t know the house; it was a magic king; people came out of the box at home and began to uproot, harrow, etc.; During this time, the wife gave birth to a son; Ivan Tsarevich grew up, shot, hit his grandmother’s window; grandmother: you don’t have to break glass for long, in a year the magic king will take you away; father denies; the second time - the same; Grandma gave me a cup of water to drink, I. became a mighty handsome man; orders to hide the dress of the most beautiful of the 12 swans when they fly in and become girls; she promises to be faithful to Ivan; the king orders the palace to be rebuilt overnight; Elena the princess flew in like a bee, told I. to go to bed, ordered the spirits to fulfill everything; destroy a ship from a firebrand that has been under the window for 30 years; E. gives a whip, I. hit the firebrand, she soon returned by ship; cut down the forest, etc., and by morning bake pancakes from flour; the same thing, the spirits fulfill everything; choose E. from 12 mares (one hair on her face is slightly longer); the same - from 12 pigs (red spot in the ear); of 12 girls (fly over the right eye); E. and I. run, E. left her saliva in the bathhouse to answer for herself; chase; what can you see? - There is a high cloud behind; turned into a chapel and an old man; two pigeons on a pile of manure; herself with a ruff, I. - with a ring, swallowed the ring, dived into the lake; the king became a pike, but the ruff could not be caught; drank the water, but the ruffe became a duck, the duck flew away; the king flew after him, hit a rock, and burst from drinking water; E.: I’ll stay on the field like a pebble, and you go into the house, don’t forget to say hello to your older sister, otherwise you’ll forget me; I. didn’t say hello, forgot, a new wedding is being prepared; two doves came out of the pie and were talking about the forgotten E.; at first E. does not want to get up: E. has already been blessed; but he persuaded her, she left the stone, I. began to live with E.]: Nechaev 1938: 85-110; Russians (Kurskaya, Fatezhsky district) [An unlucky person goes traveling, meets a man who “knits himself” (“if I don’t tie myself, then in one day I’ll run around the whole world”), takes him with him. Then they are joined by a shooter who fired a gun into the left eye of a fly, a man who tied the entire forest and began to drag it home, a man whose breath gives birth to the wind (“a man with a pinched nostril, and the other blew and set the age-old forest in motion”), a person who, by putting on a hat, warms everything around him and freezes everything by taking it off. They come to the king, who promises to marry his daughter to the one who can overtake her and be the first to bring water in jugs from the pond. One of the travelers, having collected water, falls asleep on the way back (puts his head on the horse’s skull and falls asleep) and leaves the jug, the princess pours his water. The hunter shoots into the horse's skull, the traveler wakes up, manages to get water again and get ahead of the princess. The king orders all travelers to wash themselves in the bathhouse, hoping that they will “burn”, one of them takes off his hat, and no one dies. The king sends an army against the travelers, one of them inhales air and warriors through his nostrils, then the other exhales and the army dies. The travelers demand that the king give them his daughter, but instead he invites them to take as much gold as they can carry. They ask for a bag of 1000 oxhides, the traveler who was dragging the timber takes away all the gold, leaving the kingdom without money]: Aristov, Pavlov 1939: 55-56; Belarusians [a childless grandfather has a dream: to collect bird eggs and hatch them; he collected 31, the woman hatched, boys were born; everyone was baptized, the last name was not enough, they called Mal-Baby; the sons went to mow, M. broke the oak tree and mows it with it; every night one stack disappears; Ten brothers are on guard, they haven’t noticed anyone; M. orders to forge an iron club, throw it up, put his forehead on it, it splits; the one with 40 poods did not split; M. beats the mare with a club, she gave him the foals, M. took the worst one for himself; the brothers left; after the death of his parents, M. caught up with them; the first Baba Yaga has 29 daughters, she sends her to her sister, she has 30, she sends her to another, she has 31; the horse tells M. that at night the brothers should quietly put the hats on the brides and tie their scarves for themselves; Baba Yaga cut off the heads of her daughters with a self-cutting sword; Baba Yaga catches up on a goat, M. killed him; the brothers hired themselves out to the tsar, M. is the eldest, the brothers persuade the tsar to order M. to bring Baba Yaga’s self-cutting sword; M. carried away; brothers: get a gusli-samoguda; M. carried away; brothers: M. can find out why the sun stood in one place for three hours; M. goes to the sun; the whale fish asks to find out why it is lying on the shore; M. comes to the Month, who first hides him from his brother the Sun, then M. opens up; Sun: looked at the Bagpipe maiden as she sailed in a golden boat; let the whale spit out 40 swallowed ships; the king orders to get the bagpipe maiden; M. offered V. wine, she got drunk, he took her away; V. orders to get a chest with her clothes from the bottom of the sea; M. sends a self-cutting sword to chop the fish, the whale fish asks not to do this, takes out the chest; V.: now the keys to the chest are from the bottom of the sea; the last crayfish brought the keys; B. to get married, build a church of gold and silver bricks and the same bridge; and let the resin boil in the cauldron; V. did everything herself, the king fell into tar, M. became king, married V.]: Vasilenok et al. 1958: 94-109; Belarusians [a matchmaker came for the older and younger sister, they went out onto the porch, were carried away by the wind; brother Ivan the Peasant Son goes to look for them, enters the house, the mistress orders him to marry her; do not look into the door, which is tied with bast and covered with dirt; he opened it, there was Kashchei in chains; asked to give him three buckets of wine and three breads, three alder logs and three aspen logs; ate and drank, broke the chains with logs, carried away Marya-beauty; I. found M. and took him away; K. asks his three-legged horse if we can catch up; horse: have dinner and go to bed, we’ll catch up in the morning; the old man returned M. twice; I. came to his sisters, one was married to the Sun in a copper house, the son-in-law gave him a falcon; the second behind Thunder in the silver house, gave a dog; I. carried M. away for the third time, K. caught up with him and killed him; Thunder and the Sun grabbed the crows, ordered the crow to bring living and dead water, and revived I.; he tells M. to find out where K.’s soul is; K.: island, oak, hollow, hare, duck, egg; from Baba Yaga you need to get a horse like K.’s; I. went for K.’s soul; released the queen of flies, she promised to help; the same for the king of crayfish; sparrow; Baba Yaga orders the mares to graze; flies and crayfish drive mares; they order to choose a horse with a scab as a reward; Baba Yaga orders the sown poppy to be collected; sparrows gather; I. received a horse, he brought it to the island, I. got an egg with K.’s soul; I. took M. away, his horse ordered K.’s horse not to approach; I. broke the egg, K. died]: 115-122; Belarusians (village Markovichi, Gomel district) [The man had three sons: “two this and that, and the third Mikita is a fool.” He put them to bed. Waking up the elder, he asked what he had dreamed about. He answered: forges. And he said to his son: You should be a blacksmith. The middle one dreamed of a field and millet. He said: you should be a plowman. I asked the younger one. Mikita replied: “They washed my feet, and you drank that water.” Father said: a fool dreams of nonsense. The father and his sons went to dig, and Mikita dressed himself in festive clothes and walked along the road in them. And a merchant was driving along the road, and he asked: who is this walking? The father replies: “This is my son, a reveler. He has little intelligence." “Sell it to us,” says the merchant. Mikita asked for arshins: he measured out the land for them and dug a hole. For ransom, the merchant gave the best horse to his father. And the merchant bought it, since his son himself did not have one. The merchant says: it’s time for you to get married. Mikita refused. His father gave him a small shop. A year or two passed, my father’s shops rotted, but Mikita’s expanded and trade began. Other merchants persuaded him to write to the king on behalf of Mikita: there is a king in one kingdom, and his daughter Maria Pavlovna, I would marry her to our king. “Otherwise we won’t be merchants if we don’t destroy Mikita,” the merchants decided. The king called Mikita. Sends him as a matchmaker. Mikita asks for 12 more of these Mikitas: “one voice, one hair, the whole breed is like that!” And the same horses. Found 12 Mikit. And Mikita says: let me study science for 3 years: learn different skills. Three years have passed, the king calls Mikit back. He feasts with the eldest for three days, and then gathers matchmakers on the road. On the road we met two wolves that would not share the horse’s head. They divided them equally. Then they meet Goosebumps: he asks to save a family of ants from a fire, and she will help him. Then the mouse moved through the fire. Next are the bees. The bees tore the flower in half. We arrived to the king. They set up tents. The king saw the tents: go find out, he said, who is setting up tents near the palace without asking. They introduced themselves as matchmakers. The king called to him. Let's go 5 Mikit. The king is amazed, he has never seen such a thing, that all 5 were the same. Mikita, the main one, speaks for himself and calls for marriage. The princess was called. She agreed. They drank and partyed for three days and three nights. “If you guess the riddle, I’ll marry you,” says the king. - “If you don’t guess right, you’ll have to go headless.” Riddle: “I have a stack of wheat, 12 fathoms wide and high. You need to grind it overnight and pour it into bins, but don’t unroll the stack and don’t untie the sheaves.” Came to the tent. Murashka says go to bed, everything will be done in the morning. And everything was really done. Again they walked and feasted for three days. “It’s time to get married,” says Mikita. “Get my daughter little shoes like mine and bring them on a platter, or don’t blow your head off,” the king replies. This time the mouse helped. Everything was done. They feasted again for three days. “Make the church in wax,” says the king again. The bees helped: they made priests and bells. They got married at mass. They feasted again for three days and three nights. We made a carriage. But there are no horses. The king says: there is a mare, she has 12 stallions, all gold and silver, if you can’t get them, you won’t blow their heads off. The wolves helped. They are going to the princess, and Mikita says: I didn’t come to matchmaking for myself, but for my king. King Mikita is waiting, he has prepared a hole, he sees them coming: he saw the princess and ran towards him, but he himself fell into the hole, and Mikita ordered him to be buried there. And he himself became a king. I went to visit my father. He asked to drink from the basin, and Mikita said: it’s unclean, I washed my feet in it. And he answers: pure, you are a king. Mikita told about his dream. Father Mikita admitted it. He took his father to the palace]: Vasilenok et al. 1958: Romanov 1901, No. 50: 440-447; Russians (Voronezh) [An old man kills a bird with 21 eggs while hunting. The old woman orders him to hatch them. After 21 weeks, 20 sons hatched, and a week later the last son, Ivan the Chatterbox, appears. The old man gets rich, notices that someone is stealing the stacks, sends his sons to watch at night, the older brothers fall asleep and do not see the thief, on the last night it is Ivan’s turn. He prepares a hammer and an iron bit. Ivan does not sleep and catches a mare and her 21 foals (he hits him between the ears with a hammer). The father praises Ivan, takes the mare, the brothers sort out the foals, Ivan gets the weakest one. Father and sons go hunting. Four times Ivan lets the foal go into the field to gain strength (it bends first under the arm, then under the leg, under the seated rider). Ivan catches up with the brothers, on the third day he sees fire, finds a golden feather, despite the horse’s warnings, and takes it with him. The father orders all the horses to be cleaned, Ivan waves his feather - his horse turns golden. The father praises Ivan and shames the other brothers. The brothers are jealous and tell their father that Ivan boasts of catching a playful cat, a dancing gander and a cymbalom fox; the father sends his youngest son after the animals. With the help of a horse he accomplishes everything. The brothers tell their father that Ivan can get a gusli-samoguda. Ivan ends up at Baba Yaga’s, she gives him a ball, he leads him to Yaga’s middle sister, the mother of the Serpent Gorynych, who keeps the harp. The mother feeds her son, sits him down to play cards with Ivan, the players agree that the winner will eat the loser. Ivan wins two days later, asks to give him the harp, the Serpent gives it, and is glad that he remains alive and is not eaten. The father, again on the slander of his elder sons, orders Ivan to get Marya the Princess. He arrives on a ship, lures the princess to his place by playing the harp (I’ve never heard of it), and brings it to her father. The father then gives all orders to his son at the request of the bride, demanding to bring her box. Ivan distracts the palace guards by releasing his golden horse, takes out the box and brings it back. He gets 12 mares by order of his father: he wraps his horse in twine and pours it on him - he drives the horses out of the sea, his protection is torn by the teeth of the horses. By order of his father, he milks the mares, boils their milk and jumps into it after the horse's signal. Ivan becomes handsome. Marya demands that her father also bathe, but he dies in boiling milk. Ivan marries Marya]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 17: 97-105; Russians (Voronezhskaya, before 1938, Bogucharsky district, recorded by Tonkov from the peasant T.A. Safonov) [Poor peasant Ivan shoots a hawk that is pecking a white swan, she promises that she will not forget her savior. At home, Ivan discovers treats and new smart clothes. The Tsar is jealous of him, and they will find out where Ivan’s wealth comes from. The Tsar demands that Ivan get the same clothes for him. A peasant comes to a blue lake, tells the white swan about his task, she promises to fulfill it. She helps to complete the king’s second task: she takes out a golden bristle pig from the distant kingdom. For the third time, the king demands that Ivan get the white swan, Helen the Beautiful. The swan does not appear on the lake, a pike appears and tells Ivan that Elena ran away from the Idol-king, turning into a swan, but dropped the ring. The fish gives Ivan a ring and orders him to follow him. He finds himself at the yard, enters a beautiful garden (golden apples on the trees, birds of paradise), a swan flies up, takes the ring and turns into a beauty. Ivan remembers the king’s order, grieves, and does not want to give up Elena. She reports that the death of the king is in a duck (in it there is an egg), which is guarded by three snakes. She gives a self-cutting sword and kisses Ivan. He comes to the royal lake, cuts off the heads of all three snakes; shoots at a duck, hits the head the third time, the bird falls, drops the egg, and it drowns. The pike lays an egg. He waves the egg and the royal palace crumbles, Ivan beats the king and his servants]: Novikova et al. 1940; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, 1929, Ust-Tsilma, Vasily Sobol, a Nenets, all his life he was the “leader” of herds of deer, i.e. he was a shepherd-farmer) [The queen cannot give birth to an heir, the king decides to buy a goldfish, goes to fishermen, in the third tone catches it. The fish is eaten by the queen, the maid and the bull (he gets the garbage), on the same day their sons are born: Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Devy and Ivan Bykovich, they grow up by months, do not feel their strength - they maim other children in their games. Parents of children complain. Three young men ride into the field, meet an old man, he says that the path to the right will destroy their horses, and the path to the left will destroy them. They return to the Tsar and ask to give them horses; Ivan Bykovich does not find a horse for himself in the Tsar’s stable. He asks the blacksmith to forge a club of one hundred pounds, throws it so that it is barely visible, easily catches it (his hand did not move), asks to forge a club of two hundred, then three hundred pounds. The last one is tossed up, and she quickly returns, he almost drops her when he catches it. At the crossroads, the fellows turn right, pitch a tent near the iron bridge and agree to take turns keeping watch. The first two fellows fall asleep on guard, instead of them, Ivan Bykovich fights with the 3-headed, 6-headed, Filthy Idolish. It invites Ivan to blow on the open field, but he gives his turn to the Idol, it blows, and for three miles in the field everything living burns. While it admires its work, Ivan cuts off heads. In the morning, Ivan Tsarevich and Ivan Devy say that they did not sleep at night and did not see anyone. When it’s Ivan Bykovich’s turn, he leaves a knife for his comrades and warns that if blood flows from it, they should run to the bridge. The beginning of the fight is repeated, Ivan cuts off 8 heads from Idolishch, the last one remains, he asks to be allowed to take off his left boot, launches him into the tent, then the right one - the brothers wake up, see that the knife is in the blood, help fight, go waist-deep into the ground and defeat Idolishch . Three young men arrive at the big house, Ivan Bykovich turns into a “goosebump”, overhears how inside the old woman (“nose to the ceiling”) advises his daughters-in-law, the wives of the three Idols, to take revenge on Ivan, to turn into poisoned spring water, berries, and a golden bed. Ivan Bykovich saves his brothers from death three times; water, berries and a bed turn into women; when they start chopping them down, their heads are cut off. They hear the chase and hide in the forge. The old woman demands that the blacksmith give them up, he asks her to stick her tongue through the door, and beats him with a copper, tin and iron rod, only the tin one does not break. The old woman turns into a horse, Ivan Bykovich saddles her, the old man asks if Ivan will give up his horse if he manages to overtake him, Ivan agrees and loses. The old man hangs up the horse and promises to return it if Ivan gets Elena the Beautiful for him. Ivan Bykovich agrees, on the way he meets Yaryshek (“a thin leg, a gold cap, a polished forehead, wide-eyed eyes”), one knows how to carry people across the sea, another is a matchmaker, a third is able to wash in a bathhouse, a fourth is able to transport people in space (“from the spot to the place"), the 5th is eating bread, the 6th is drinking water, he meets a woman who can cover 3 miles in 3 hours. He takes everyone with him. He meets three more Yarysheks: one boasts: “I’m humming with a mortar and pestle,” the second knows how to shoot with a flint, the third can catch what falls to the ground. One Yaryshko takes a spoon out of his pocket and carries everyone across the sea. Another carries out the king’s task - he washes himself in a very hot bathhouse (“heat for five sazon”), the third goes to woo. The Tsar locks the visitors in a barn and sets them on fire, Yaryshko takes them to a safe place. The king forces everyone to eat all the bread in the city, Yaryshko eats everything. Another drinks all the water in forties in city shops. The king promises to give his daughter if the visitors drink all the water in the well, Yaryshko drinks it. Then he orders to get a dress for the princess from a state far away in 3 hours, they send the old woman, on the way back she falls asleep, Yaryshko “hummed with a pestle,” she woke up and arrived on time. The king gives away his daughter. The first Yaryshko carried him across the sea, at night the princess flies into the sky and turns into a star. Yaryshko saw an extra star in the sky, another shot with a flint, the last one caught the falling star and gave it to Ivan Bykovich. The princess does not want to marry the old man, she persuades Ivan to deceive him when he asks him to walk on the boards laid over the pit and let him go first. He does so, loosens one of the boards, and the old man falls into the hole on the “iron finger.” Ivan takes the old man’s property, burns the mare, marries Elena]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 163: 340-348; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, 1908, Lapinskaya volost, 18-year-old girl A.S. Filatova, lived as a worker in different villages of the seaside, composes ditties and songs, “folk poetess”, illiterate) [Before his death, the father bequeaths to his three sons to spend three nights with him graves. The two older brothers are afraid and ask the younger Vanka, the daughters-in-law offer “a bread and oatmeal pancake” and he agrees. For two nights he talks with his father, while the roosters crow, he falls into the coffin. The daughters-in-law hope that their father will eat Vanka, they don’t feel sorry for him. On the third night, the father gives Vanka a golden ball and orders him to unravel it and go where he points. The next day, the brothers go to fight for the princess "on the third floor", the one who jumps to her window and receives the seal of her ring on the forehead will receive her as a wife. Vanka takes the basket and goes into the forest, in fact he follows his brothers. He rolled out a ball, a horse jumped out to meet him, “there are sparks in the nostrils, flames in the mouth,” Vanya climbed into one of the horse’s ears and washed himself, dressed up in the other, came to the princess, and missed only “two crowns.” At home, the brothers tell Vanka about the young man who almost jumped before the princess. Vanka asks if it was him, the brothers answer, it’s definitely not him, “slobber, bullet.” The next day everything repeats itself, Vanka only missed one crown before the princess. On the third day, Vanya jumped to the princess, her ring remained in his forehead. Vanka smears clay on his face and lies down on the stove. The next day, Vanya and his brothers, smeared with clay and soot, go to a feast with the princess. She cannot find her ring in the forehead of the “rich and necessary”; noticing Vanka, they decide to wash it and find the ring, the princess recognizes it, they get married. The brothers are jealous of Vanka [Tseitlin 1911, No. 7: 14-16]; Russians (Voronezh region) [the mouse quarreled with in No. 224: 197-204. The cat orders him to wait every time until he eats bread, drinks milk, etc., stealing grain from the barn, the animals began to fight with the birds ; the wounded Eagle asks the merchant three times not to kill him, but to nurse him back to health; three years later he carries it on his back; drops three times over the sea and catches it, so that the merchant feels how he, the Eagle, was afraid of being shot by him; Eagle's sisters in the copper and silver kingdoms refuse to give the merchant a casket, the sister in the golden kingdom gives it; The eagle orders not to open it along the way, the merchant opens it, a palace and servants appear from it; Unbaptized Lob collects everything in a casket for a promise to give that he does not know the house; the merchant is greeted by his wife with their newborn son; Ivan grows up and goes to NL; Baba Yaga advises hiding the wings of a motley dove when three doves fly in to swim; this is Vasilisa the Wise, NL’s beloved daughter; his cook, Chumichka, lies that Ivan promised 1) to cut down the forest in a day, harvest the crops, and bake pies from flour; 2) make a flying ship; VP does everything, Chumichka is thrown from the ship; 3) NL orders to ride the stallion; it’s NL himself, Ivan hits him with a hammer; 4) choose a bride among three mares, three doves, three girls (VP has a dull sparkle on his bridle; flaps his wing; handkerchief); after the wedding, the young people run away, VP turns Ivan into a vegetable garden and himself into a head of cabbage; well and falcon; when the NL himself is chasing, the VP throws a brush (forest), a comb (mountain), a towel (sea); Ivan comes home first, kisses his godmother, forgets VP; she is hired as a worker, Ivan is ready to get married; VP comes to the wedding with a pie, a dove and a dove come out of it, the dove says that the dove will forget her, just as Ivan forgot VP; Ivan remembers]: Afanasyev 1958(2), No. 224: 197-204; Russians (Tver province) [the merchant began to drink from the river, he was grabbed by Miracle Yudo the Lawless, and ordered to give him back that he did not know his home; While the merchant was away, the wife gave birth to a son; he grew up and went to ChYu; Baba Yaga gives a ball, it rolls to her sister, she gives another to her daughter Chyu, her ball rolls to Chyu; there are 77 ducks on the sea, behind it is a fence with heads on poles; the girl orders him to take three steps back, the young man finds himself in ChYu’s house; he gives the tasks 1) to build a barn overnight, 2) to grow wheat overnight and collect it in the barn; Vasilisa the Wise fulfills everything; 3) recognize the VP among his 77 daughters (waves a handkerchief, shifts a ring); wedding; the young ones run away, VP leaves 4 dolls to answer for themselves; throws comb (forest), soap (mountain), ubrus (sea); VP warns her husband not to kiss the child when he comes in; he kisses her, forgets her, is going to marry someone else; VP makes a pie, at the feast a dove and a dove come out of it, the dove asks the dove not to forget her, as Ivan VP forgot; Ivan remembers]: Afanasyev 1958(2), No. 225: 205-208; Russians [the merchant's wife dies, leaving her daughter Vasilisa with a blessing and a doll; a merchant marries a widow with two daughters; the doll feeds, consoles V., and does the work; the fire goes out, the stepsisters send V. to Baba Yaga for fire; on the way, a rider on a white horse passes by (dawn), on a red horse (sun), at Baba Yaga’s house - on a black horse (night); a house of bones, with skulls on stakes with glowing eye sockets; Baba Yaga orders the wheat to be cleared of nigella, and poppy seeds the next day; the doll does everything; Having learned that V. is blessed, Baba Yaga orders the skull with fire to be taken to her stepmother; he incinerates the stepmother and her daughters; V. buried the skull and asks her father to buy flax; to see the canvas woven by her, the king takes her as his wife]: Afanasyev 1958(1), No. 104: 159-165, 482 [liter. arranged, original unknown, no parallels in Russian folklore]; Russians [the childless king and queen dream that the queen will become pregnant from eating ruff; the queen ate the fish, the cook licked the dishes, the cow drank the slop (var.: mare); each gave birth to a boy; Ivan Bykovich (IB) is stronger than the prince and the cook's son; lifts a stone, there are three horses under it; the brothers come to Baba Yaga, then to the Smorodina River; IB kills the 6-, 9-, 12-headed monster (the last one by cutting off his fiery finger, which he used to put the severed heads in place); IB overhears as a sparrow how the wives of monsters promise to turn into an apple tree, a well, a bed; does not let his brothers near him, chops his wives into pieces; the witch dragged IB into the dungeon, her husband lies there, 12 heroes raise his eyebrows and eyelashes with iron pitchforks; he does not take revenge on IB for the death of his sons, but orders the queen to get her golden curls; you have to hit the oak tree and a ship will come out; Obedailo, Opivailo, Steaming in the Bath, Stargazer, Swimming with a Ruff are asked to be IB’s companions; Obedailo eats everything, Opivailo drinks, Steaming cools the hot bath; IB gets a wife; it turns into a star and flies to the sky; The Stargazer returns her; she turns into a pike, Ruff returns her; the old man agrees to walk along the pole over the pit; the princess makes golden curls so that he falls through, goes beyond IB]: Afanasyev 1958(1), No. 137: 278-286; Poles : Dombrovsky 1992 [three elders find a baby; called the Three Son; a cow appears and feeds the boy with her milk; when the elders die, the cow teaches them to call a miracle horse; T. orders him to be brought to the palace; along the way he plucks out the feather of the firebird; the king appoints T. as a guard; other guards turn off the lights; T. illuminates everything with the feather of the firebird; appointed chief of the guard; the guards persuade the king to order the bird itself to be brought; the horse carries to her abode, the bird voluntarily follows them; the month is eclipsed, the guards say that T. can find out why; the horse carries it to where the palace of the month hangs above the ground, the firebird lifts it there; the mother of the month is afraid that her son will kill the guest; the month tells that one princess fell in love with him, and her sorcerer father made her the queen of the sea, so the month directed all its rays into the sea; T. tells the king about this, he appointed him governor; envious people say that T. can get the princess herself; they call her three times, the princess comes out of the sea, orders the ring and sword to be handed over to the king, let the king defeat her; during the battle, the princess cuts off the king's head, makes T. her husband, he becomes king; a cow appears - she is T.’s mother, now she has atoned for her sins, disappears underground]: 252-266; Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017 [the childless king was returning to the castle and became thirsty; the ladle at the well is not given into the hands; the king bent down to the water, Koschey grabbed him by the beard, let him give away what he didn’t know at home, and when he returned he would immediately find it; the king promised, the well disappeared, the king caught up with the squad; I found my newborn son at home; his name is Nenadalek (“unexpected”); when he grew up, he met an old man with green eyes, he reminded him of the promise; N. went and found 12 girls’ shirts by the sea, and saw 12 little geese in the water; hid one shirt; the geese became girls, got dressed and flew away; The 12th asked to return the shirt and promised to help; she is the youngest daughter of Koschey; ordered K. to crawl to the throne on his knees; they fell into the underworld; K. laughed, did not kill N., promised to give tasks; 1) create a palace with a garden overnight (the girl created it); recognize the youngest daughter (girl: you will notice the sun under her right eyebrow); in K.’s presence, sew a pair of shoes while the straw is burning; the girl tells him to run away and leaves the spit to answer for himself; K. sends servants; the girl turned herself into a river, N. into a bridge, and a horse into a raven; into a forest with many paths; to the church, priest, bell tower; K. didn’t recognize him and returned; the girl orders not to go into the city: if R. kisses a child who comes out to meet him, he will forget her; and so it happened; the girl became a cornflower in the field; the old man found it, transplanted it, and brought it to him; someone cooks and cleans; the fortune teller advised guarding, the old man found the girl; on this day the prince gets married; the girl baked a pie and asked the cook to serve it; Two little doves jumped out from there and began to tell how N. forgot the girl; The prince remembered everything, came with the girl to his father’s country; wedding]: 209-221; Knoop 1916, no. 1 (Poznan) [the miller took his son to look for a rich bride for him; they came to the glass mountain on which the witch lives with her three daughters; daughters fly in to bathe in the stream, take off their wings; the young man hid the wings of the younger one, she agreed to become his wife; the witch demands the construction of a glass chapel; the girl tells me to go to bed; when the young man wakes up, the chapel is ready; the same - dig three holes on the mountain with a glass shovel; the girl suggests running away; the sorceress sends her eldest daughter in pursuit; the girl turns herself into a thorny bush, and the boy into a flower; the eldest daughter wants to pick a flower, but the thorns get in the way; sends middle daughter; chapel and priest; he threw three crosses in front of the pursuer and she returned; the third time the mother catches up herself; pond and duck; the mother stopped the chase, leaving three dresses on the shore; the daughter took them; a young man and a girl came to the native place of the miller’s son; the young man left his bride and came home; forgot his bride and is going to marry another girl; the first bride began to work for another miller; the young man came there while the girl was doing laundry; asked if he could help with anything; she asked him to rinse his handkerchief and he remained standing at the trough and rinsed the handkerchief until the morning; the next time the girl was milking a cow; the young man took hold of the tail and held it until the morning; the witch's daughter came to the wedding as a friend of the bride, wearing the most modest of the dresses left by her mother; the groom asked her to give this dress to his bride; the girl gave it as a gift, ran home and put on a second dress; Same; when she put on the third dress, the young man recognized the girl, married her, and sent the other bride home]: 204-206; Krzyżanowski 1962, no. 513 [many records throughout Poland of the type of Kashubian variant, see “Kashubians”]: 165-166; Kashubian [the king will give his daughter to the one who makes a boat that goes on land and water; the peasant's two sons decide to try and refuse to talk to the old man; he says that they will only make a trench for the pigsty; the third younger brother politely answers the old man, he made a boat; the old man orders to take with him anyone the guy meets; he met three old men; one drinks and cannot get drunk, another is cold even in the sun, the third eats a lot; the king orders to eat 12 loaves of bread, 12 bulls, drink 12 barrels of wine during the night, sit in a red-hot iron oven; the old assistants do everything; the war has begun, the king demands that the groom defeat his enemies; the old man teaches where to get a horse and a sack with an army; the young man was wounded, the king bandaged his leg with half of his handkerchief; after the victory he ordered to find a brave man; the guy was found sitting in the ashes; the servant sent to search killed the hero and the second servant sent with him, tied his leg with a handkerchief and married the princess; the old man revived the dead; everything was clarified; the deceiver was torn to pieces at the gate, four bulls were tied to it; after the feast, the narrator was beaten into a cannonball and fired, flew to your table and sat]: Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017: 196-200; Slovaks : Bogatyrev 1955: 5-15 [Yanko is hired by a shepherd; sheep disappear; the snake doubles the number of sheep on the condition that Ya will come again; so three times (three times more sheep, four times more); orders to wrap her in a scarf, take her with you, and not lie down on the feather bed; at home I lie down on the stove; the mother sees how the snake becomes a girl; the next day Ya. does not sleep, takes the beauty as his wife; the king falls in love with her; gives instructions to inform Ya; 1) by morning, level the pond, grow grapes there, and prepare wine; 2) level the rock, sow in that place, bake bread; everything is done; 3) bring the girl’s father; the father-in-law of the snake asks Ya to give the king two grains and two grapes with a request to bake bread and prepare wine; the king throws them out; The serpent reproaches him, the king falls into tartarar, the serpent orders to make Ya king], 117-122 [someone crushes oats; two older brothers guard, drink wine, fall asleep; the younger one eats apples, tames the horse, he gives a halter and promises to help; do this three times; the king promises a house to the one who plucks a gold ring on a gold cord, an apple, a scarf from the sky; the younger brother wins three times on a copper, silver, and golden horse; the king is looking for a winner, he is handsome, gets a princess]; Nĕmcová 1970 [in the absence of the king and queen, their three daughters are taken as wives and taken away by the King of the Sun, the King of the Wind and the King of the Moon; upon the return of his parents, Prince Yanko goes to look for his sisters; three times he encounters a place where human bones lie, the skulls answer that they were beaten by the beautiful hero Uliana; Y. comes to her palace, replaces the sword hanging on the wall, fights with U., she admits defeat and becomes his wife; when leaving, he allows Ya to open the doors of 12 rooms, forbids him to look into the thirteenth; he violates the ban, sees the chained Dragon, he gives him wine three times, each time more chains fall from the Dragon; after the first time, the Dragon gives Ya a second life, then another; after the third it flies away, taking U. away; Ya finds the sisters, the King of the Sun sends him to the King of the Moon, who sends him to the King of the Wind; he gives a horse, which brings Y. to the Dragon's Cave, Y. takes U. away; the Dragon's horse tells him that he will have time to sleep for an hour and smoke for an hour, easily catches up with Ya., the Dragon takes one life from Ya, takes away U.; the same thing a second time; The dragon promises to tear the fugitives apart for the third time; the King of the Wind orders to get the brother of that magic horse on which the Dragon rides; takes you overseas to a witch; she orders three mares to graze for three days (these are her daughters), and will kill him if he lets them go; on the first day, the mares turn into doves and fly away; the King of the Wind makes them come down, gives Ya a magic harness to throw at them, the doves become mares again; on the second day the mares turn into ducks, the King of the Moon dries up the lake; on the third day, the mares turn into spruce trees, the Sun King sends heat, forcing them to return to their former appearance; advises asking the witch as a reward for a sick horse lying on a pile of manure; the witch orders the mares to be milked and bathed in their milk; the milk boils, the horse cools it, Ya becomes handsome; the witch wants to become a beauty, to become Ya’s wife, the end returns heat to the milk, the witch is boiled; on the way to the Dragon, the horse orders him to be redeemed, and becomes a magnificent horse; Y. takes U. away; Y.'s horse shouts to the Dragon's horse that brother should not chase brother; he throws off the Dragon, U. sits on the horse, they come to Ya.’s parents; holiday, Ya receives the throne]: 150-163; Slovaks [the king has a daughter and three sons, he decides to send one of them named Radúz (or Janko) into the world; he hired himself to a witch and sorcerer, they have a daughter L’udmíla (or Ivanka); the witch orders 1) to plant a garden in the clearing during the day so that by morning there will be fruits; L. brings him not the frogs her mother gave him, but good food; hits the ground with a magic wand (or instead of a wand, a pipe, which L. plays), the garden appears; 2) set up a vineyard on a rock overgrown with thorny bushes (the same; this time the witch sent boiled snakes for lunch); 3) grind stones into flour and bake bread from them; the witch suspects that her daughter is helping the young man, but her husband does not believe it; sent boiled lizards, L. did everything again (or scoop up the lake with a net, make a field there, bake bread; L. threw a stone into the water, the lake dried up); the witch tells her husband to put the cauldron on the fire; L. tells R. that they want to cook him, makes him promise that he will not forget her; leaves the spit to answer for himself and R., runs with R.; what's behind? - Nothing, just a black cloud. - This is the father; L. turned herself into a field, R. into a sheaf; the next time she created a church, R. is a hermit, L. is a fly among other flies; the third time the witch is chased on a fiery horse; L. teaches: she will become a duck at sea, let R. dive so as not to burn, and then grab that horse by the bridle; they both rode off on the witch's horse (or flew away like doves); that: let R. forget L. as soon as he kisses someone; At home, the king and his children died, leaving only the queen; R. left L. and went forward; when he fell asleep, his mother kissed him, he forgot L., took another wife, became a king; L. turned into a poplar, the king ordered it to be cut down; into a pear tree with golden pears; the queen ordered it to be cut down; after 7 years into a golden duck; no one can catch her; the king thinks he has seen this duck before; he caught her, she turned into L., R. remembered everything, drove out the other wife, took L.; (either L. got a job as a seamstress in the castle, creates doves, they say that R. forgot L.; R. does not marry for a long time and promises to marry the one who embroiders the most beautiful flower; L. embroidered; or L. was in prison for seven years tree; when the oxen passed, they stopped at the tree and R. approached, L. came out to him)]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 7: 28-35; Slovaks {cf. Czechs in Nemcova 1978} [from Louis Leger. Contes populaires Slave. Paris 1992, no. 25: 203-210, and the original in Recueil de litt. pop. Slovakia Vienna: Literary Society “la Matica”, 1870, vol. 1; the poor peasant has sons Jozka and Janko; Yoshka is a wandering shoemaker; does not share bread with ants, refused to throw fish into the water, did not measure the fighting devils; returns; when Yanko leaves, his father gives him healing water; he shares with ants, throws fish into the water, makes peace with devils; treats a sick princess; she demands that the poppy seed and ash be divided (the ants comply); get a pearl from the sea (the fish brings it); bring a rose from hell (the devils bring it); wedding]: Cox 1893, no. 333: 455; Czechs [the king invites his three sons to go into the world, find brides and in a year bring gifts for him - whose is better; brothers shoot arrows in different directions; the youngest is Yarmil, his arrow hits a mouse hole; the road opened down, in front of Ya. Marble Castle; a girl in white meets her and tells Ya to sit on her white horse; the horse flew to a castle made of gold and gems; I got off my horse, and the horse flew away; inside the halls one is richer than the other; the latter is empty, but it is written on the diamond; to save me, keep me close to you and bathe me daily; under the diamond and gold there is a toad; he put it in his bosom; in another room food and wine appear by themselves; I stayed in the castle, but the more I washed the toad, the uglier it seemed; a year later I found a note: put me in a frying pan, cover it, bring it to my father as a gift; Ya returned to his father with his brothers; the eldest bride has a princess, a gift - a mirror; the bride of the middle one also sent a mirror; Ya gave the box; there are diamonds on it; a little man jumped out of it and handed him a mirror, and then disappeared; the king recognized Ya's gift as the best; now the king orders his sons to return in a year and one day, bringing portraits of their brides; Ya returned to the toad; a year later a note: my portrait in a frying pan, give it to my father; when I gave it back, the king said that he had never seen such a beauty; in another year and a day the king wants to see the brides themselves; instead of a toad in front of Ya is a beauty; orders to go down to the basement, there are 12 candles, in front of each there is a shirt; you need to put out the candles, bring shirts and candles, be silent and not listen to anything; beauty: these shirts are toad skin, and the candles burned me; the monster, nailed in the basement by his tongue, bewitched my father the king; nailed by a witch who is stronger than the monster; for three years you must not tell what form I was in, and not say how many skins I had; your mother is a witch who hates you, especially dangerous; Ya brought the bride, the wedding of three brothers; the prince's mother convinces him that she is not the witch, but his bride; found out what she wanted; stole toad skins and candles from Ya’s wife’s room and burned them; wife: you revealed the secret, now I’m flying to the glass mountain, from where there is no return; Ya goes in search; the juggler said that the glass mountain is in the east; there is a river around the mountain, three giants on the bridge; maiden of the white castle: tie up the horse's hooves with rags and throw the dust behind; Across the river, spend the night at a mill; the cook will bring the miller a chicken and throw the bones under the millstone; let him give it to you, and you throw it in front of you when you want to climb the glass mountain; throw the last one behind you when you reach the top; when Ya threw the bones, each one turned into a step; when he threw the last one back, a road appeared along which the horse climbed; a witch lives in the castle with 12 daughters; wife: the witch knows that you are here, be kind to her; While eating, after each dish, get up and leave, otherwise you will stay forever; the sorceress promises to give Ya his wife, but for three years of service; gives a wooden ax to cut down a forest; the wife put Ya to sleep, threw the powder, someone’s hands cut down the forest; the sorceress gave a shovel to dig up a mountain (the same); scoop out a pond with a thimble (the same); wife: now the sorceress will appear as a black cloud, hit her with my sword; the witch fell dead, Ya and his wife galloped away; Having learned about everything, the king burned Ya’s mother; they arrived at a mouse hole: there are the gates of the city, disenchanted people greet; everyone is happy]: Curtin 1890: 331-355; Czechs : Erben 1976 [the old woman gave the king a snake (hereinafter referred to as fish): if you eat it, you will begin to understand the languages of animals and birds; the king ordered Jiri to fry the fish, he licked it himself; the king feels that I. received this gift and tries to destroy him; two birds fought over three golden hairs, one fell, I. picked it up; the king orders Goldilocks to be brought to him; I. saves ants from a burning stump; fed the crows whose parents had flown away; bought it from the fishermen and released the golden fish; the king of the crystal castle promises to give up his golden-haired daughter if I. 1) collects beads scattered across the meadow (ants collect), 2) retrieves a ring lost in the sea (fish got it), 3) brings living and dead water; the crows brought it; On the way, I. sprinkled a spider with dead water and revived a fly with living water; the king orders to recognize Goldilocks among her sisters, the fly shows; Having received Z., the king ordered I.’s head to be cut off; Z. revived him with living and dead water; I. became handsome; the king wanted it too; but they only reattached his head, and the living water had already been used up; I. became king]: 38-42 (translation in Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017: 95-103); Nĕmcová 1970: 12-28 [a hunter shot an unusual bird; a woman in the forest explains that whoever eats the head of a bird will become a king, and whoever eats the heart will find money under his pillow in the morning; the hunter tells his wife to cook the bird; she leaves her sons Fortunatus and Alex to watch her; the head and heart fall out, F. eats the heart, A. the head; the mother is furious, the brothers run away; in the house where they spend the night, the owners find gold coins in the morning; the same in the landowner's house; he decides to keep the children with him and sends them to the city to study; sends a servant to pick up the gold, intending to return it to his brothers when they grow up; the brothers do not return to the landowner, they go to another city; A. becomes the favorite of the old king; F. wanders; in one of the places where he unknowingly left the gold, the hostess goes to the witch, she explains that F. ate the heart of the bird of happiness; gives the housewife the heart of an ordinary bird to eat, she believes that the gold will now be under her pillow, drives F. away; in the forest F. eats a wild apple and turns into a donkey; having eaten an apple from another tree, he returns to human form; in a dream, a woman explains his secret to him; Unrecognized F. gives an apple to the evil mistress, she turns into a donkey, jumps over the fence, breaks; F. saves a large fish stranded on the shore; becomes the king's favorite; an envious courtier says that F. promised to get a beauty living in the sea; the fish brings F. to the palace of the sea king, orders him to kidnap his daughter and take her box; F. brings the princess to the king; she doesn’t want to marry the old man, but says that the ointment in her box revives the dead, making them young and beautiful; F. offers to cut off his head; the ointment makes it whole again; the king agrees to have his head cut off; he is not revived, F. receives the throne and wife; comes to the city where he left A., he married the king’s daughter there and also received the throne; the brothers visit the kind landowner and parents; everyone is happy], 77-99 [the fisherman sees a huge bird fly out of the reeds; swims there to destroy the nest; bird: don't spoil what you find; he finds 9 huge eggs and brings them home; do this three times; 27 young men emerge from the eggs, the father appoints the youngest as chief; sends to the king; he orders the hay to be mowed and removed from the meadow; At night one watches, falls asleep, in the morning the haystack is scattered across the field; the same thing the next night (four fall asleep); the younger brother goes to the third, not sleeping; 27 horses come running; the white horse says that the young man’s name is Sternberg, and he will serve him; the brothers take black horses; return to father; 26 brothers decide to leave, but Sh. catches up with them; along the way, Sh. frees a tied greyhound, an eagle, and a stranded carp; the brothers remain with the king, whose bride Velenka was kidnapped; the brothers say that Sh. can return her; the white horse brings him to the kidnapped witch V.; orders him to pretend to be a merchant and offer gold shoes; V. gets out of the boat on which she sailed, Sh. grabs her, carries her away, the witch cannot catch up; V. is in love with Sh.; says that for the wedding with the king she needs the dress left by the witch; the king asks Sh. to help; the witch will give away the chest with dresses if Sh. tame three mares (these are her daughters); the first runs away as a hare, the greyhound catches up with him; the second - a raven, an eagle catches up; the third - fish (catching up with carp); the witch wanted to hit Sh. with a rod, but he pulled it out, hit her, and turned her into stone; brought a chest; third assignment: key to the chest; the horse orders you to take the magic rod with you; with it, Sh. turns the lion guards into stones, takes the key from the latter’s mouth; V. unlocks the chest, takes out not a dress, but a sword: I will cut off the heads of both the king, and Sh., whose blood is nobler, will come to life; Sh. came to life, the king died; Sh.'s brothers (they are now dukes) are jealous that he has become king; they turned to the witch, who turned Sh. into a nightingale; the horse took V. into the forest, explained that the nightingale should be sprinkled with water from the source three times; the nightingale turned into Sh.; he caught up with the fleeing brothers, turned them into stones, threw the rod into the fire, and a cliff grew; the white horse orders his head to be cut off; a dove flew out of the body and flew away; Sh. ruled happily ever after], 150-163 [the shoemaker has two sons, Joza learned the craft, is unfriendly; Janek has not learned, kindly; J. goes to look for work, refuses to give bread to the ants, to help the little devil, who has locked horns with another, to throw carps into the water; finds nothing, returns; when Ya leaves, his father gives him living water; Ya helps the ants, the imp, the carp, they promise to help him; With drops of living water, Ya heals a sick princess, her father promises him a daughter, she does not want to marry a poor man, gives difficult assignments; 1) get a pearl from the sea (carps bring it), on the way back Ya dyes her hair green; 2) bring a golden rose from hell (the little imp gives it along with other jewelry), on the way back Ya paints his face black; 3) separate the ash from the poppy seeds (the ants separate); at the wedding, Ya washes off the paint and puts on a luxurious outfit; everyone is happy; Ya inherits the throne of the old king]; Bogolyubova, Talova 2000: 219-224 [a son as shaggy as a bear was born, the king heard about his intelligence, will give him his daughter Mina if he turns Laba, otherwise he will execute him; in the morning the river flows on the other side of the castle; the same - build a castle; bridge from your castle to the royal one; the young bear receives M., at night he becomes a man; the wife and mother burned the skin, the husband disappeared, the wife goes looking; sun: ask my brother of the month; month: ask the wind; wind: the sorceress across the sea has it; carries across the sea, teaches to throw one bouquet to a bird, another to an old woman, otherwise they will kill; the sorceress allows us to talk, but the king falls asleep; on the advice of one of the princesses, the king changed the cups of wine, the sorceress drank and fell asleep, the king killed her with a sword; the castle turned from black to red, everyone dispersed, M. and the king began to rule], 297-305 [the king and queen leave, their son Vitek gives his sisters for the Sun, Month, Wind; goes to look for a bride after seeing the wizard’s portrait; goes to his sons-in-law, they give him a whip, a pipe, a ring, the fiery king’s bride; with the help of a whip, V. grazes 12 stallions from the sorceress, milks cows, cools boiling milk with the help of the wind, bathes in it, gets a flying horse; the sorceress jumps into the milk, boiled; in the castle of the fire king, he replaces the sword with his own, carries the princess away from the fire; she orders her to be cut off with the sword, otherwise she will kill her; he does it; wedding]; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, village of Gorinchevo, Khust district) [The count’s son goes hunting every day. In the morning he wakes up, opens the window, sees a woman walking down the street, bringing her son something to eat in a pot. The count's son, to test his accuracy, shoots at the pot and breaks it. Baba sees him laughing and says that she barely got food for her son by begging. She curses him to marry only Seipentel Ilona. The guy runs after the grandmother and asks where she is. She replies that there are 99 human heads on stakes, and leaves. The count's son finds no place for himself and goes to look for his betrothed. He sees how the bear crushes the ants, takes pity on the ants, drives the bear into the thicket. The ants give a pipe to call them for help. The guy goes further: the boys caught the fox and beat it. He asks to leave her and pays them a crown. The fox gives you a pipe to play: he will come running to help. The count's son comes to the water and sees the fish fighting. He throws bread to the fish. The fish calms down, thanks him, and gives him a pipe to call her for help. In the thicket, the guy comes across a hut, with 99 human heads on poles around him. He enters and sees the woman whose pot he broke on the stove. She gives him a service, ordering him to look after her three mares. If he doesn't bring it back, his head will end up on the pole. The guy falls asleep, and when he wakes up, he doesn’t find the mares. Summons ants with the help of a pipe, they explain that the mares have become ants. Real ants will start biting them, then they will start running away. When the first one runs, and then the second one, you don’t need to do anything, but when the third one runs, you need to flick it with a whip and say: “Become the way you were!” The guy does just that. The woman checks in the evening, sees the mares, gets angry, hits them with an iron club (these are her daughters). In the morning he orders his daughters to go to the water and become fish. Having woken up, the guy summons a fish using a pipe. She reports that the mares became goldfish. Real fish will bite them. When the third one jumps out of the water, you need to hit it with a whip and say: “Become what you were!” The guy does just that. The woman gets angry in the evening, beats the mares with a fiery whip, accusing them of being in a love relationship with the guy. They deny, telling the mother that she is wise, and he is wiser. On the third day the mares disappear again. The fox, summoned with the help of a pipe, explains that the woman turned them into eggs, put them in a basket on the stove, and sat on them. But the woman has a rooster in the attic. The fox will call the ferret, who will start chasing the rooster. The woman will get up from her eggs and climb to save the rooster. Then you need to run into the hut, hit the balls with a whip and say: “Become what you were!” The ferret begins to chase the rooster, the woman, hearing the cry, climbs into the attic. The guy hits the balls, the mares end up back in the stable, the guy sits on the chair. Baba becomes convinced that he is wiser than her. She says that he served her faithfully and asks what he is asking for his service. He wants to stay in service for another three years. Baba agrees, takes him to the lake in the morning, gives him a wooden shovel, a wooden hoe, a wooden chisel and orders this lake to be filled up and walled up so that she can ride across it on a horse, and if she doesn’t, her head will be impaled. The tools immediately break, the guy sits and grieves. Seipentel's grandmother's daughter Ilona brings him food and finds out the reason for his grief. Having fed him, he puts him into deep sleep and calls out the devils by whistling. They fall asleep and wall up the lake. Baba checks that under the horse the surface where the lake was is not broken. The next day she sends the guy into the thicket. There the wind scattered beech and oak seeds. They need to be collected, each seed separately. At noon, the SI brings food and learns about the task. The guy has eaten enough, SI makes him sleepy, and she whistles, the devils come running, in an hour the seeds are collected by type. On the third day, the woman orders the thicket to be cut down, dug up, and sowed with wheat. Before evening, the wheat must ripen, and the guy must harvest it, carry it, thresh it, grind flour and bake bread. The guy is chopping down a tree and gets tired. SI wants to bring him an afternoon snack, but the woman shouts at her, even breathes fire, suspecting that she is doing all the work for him, he is not so wise, let his sister carry it. But after a while she calmed down and left her daughter alone. SI brings afternoon tea and finds the guy crying. When he has had dinner, she again makes him sleepy, summons the devils - they are like the sand of the sea. Everything is ready by evening. SI wakes up the guy and gives him a fresh loaf of bread. When the woman asks what the guy wants for his service, let him ask to remain in the service for another three years. Baba is happy. The count's son stays with her and does everything well. One day, when the woman fell asleep, SI and the guy ran. SI turns herself and him into pigeons, they fly, SI asks if anything is visible. The guy turns around and sees a fiery cloud. SI replies that it is the mother and that she will turn herself into a mill and him into an old miller. The old woman will ask if he saw two pigeons, and he must answer that he saw them a long time ago. Baba returns home. SI turns them into doves again and they fly to his land. Again there is a fiery cloud behind. SI turns herself into grass and the guy into a mower. He tells the woman that he saw two pigeons when he was clearing this field for a meadow. Baba is returning. SI again asks who the guy sees. Guy: woman on a fiery horse. SI turns them into fish, but tells them not to stick their heads out of the water, otherwise they will go blind, and she will talk to her mother. But the guy wants to listen, sticks his head out, the woman steals his eyes and returns home. SI cries, sends a dove behind his eyes. At home, he puts his mother and sisters into a deep sleep, reaches into the mother's bosom, takes out her eyes, and puts pigeon eggs in their place. He flies to the river bank and returns the guy's eyes. They fly to his village. The guy is happy, leading SI by the hand. She asks where he is taking her. He replies that he is going to their estate. She orders not to do this, since they don’t know her there yet, asks to be taken to a neighbor’s innkeeper, she will serve him. In a month, let him tell his father and mother that he wants to get married. Then they will get married, but he must remember not to let anyone at home kiss him. The guy leaves his betrothed with the innkeeper and returns to his parents. They are happy to see him, they want to hug and kiss him, but he doesn’t give in. The tired man goes to bed, in the evening his aunt comes to them and kisses the sleepy man in bed. He forgets about SI. Two weeks and two months pass. His relatives decide to marry him. They choose a bride, match her, and set a wedding day. SI knows everything, cries, makes the guy fall and sprain his leg. They send for a doctor, the innkeeper's maid says that she will cure him faster. That's what happens. The guy asks what to reward her with. She doesn’t want anything, she just asks to be invited to the wedding. The wedding day is coming. She cracks the golden nut, takes out the golden clothes from it and comes to the wedding. The newlyweds are just getting ready to get married. When the young woman sees the innkeeper’s maid, she refuses to get married until they buy her the same dress. They begin to look for silver clothes. They can’t find it anywhere and are forced to buy it from the maid. She doesn’t want anything, she asks permission to be with the young man. SI kisses the guy, tells him everything, but he doesn’t remember anything. The servant is hiding under the bed and hears everything. “I saved your life six times, and you forgot everything! But all is not lost. At dawn I will be cuckooing at your house, and then you will see me, then you will recognize me...” She goes home. The servant crawls out from under the bed and tells the young master about what he heard. After this, the guy remembers everything. In the morning he goes out into the yard, sees a cuckoo, and immediately remembers SI. But the cuckoo flies away. The count's son is getting ready to travel. He tells the bride that they will not get married, she can marry someone else. He orders iron posts from a master and goes around the world. He has been looking for his betrothed for seven years. One day he sits down under a willow tree and looks - the tables are torn. He thinks that this is the only place she should be if his posts are torn. A cuckoo crows mournfully on a willow tree. The guy says that this is his Ilonka. The bird replies that she is his. He calls her to him. She asks him to swear that he will not invite his aunt, who kissed him, to the wedding. He takes an oath. Then she flies off and becomes a girl. The guy rejoices, takes her hand and leads her to her parents. They celebrate the wedding and live happily]: Lintur 1979: 121-129; Ukrainians (Uman in the Kiev region) [The Mouse and the Lark quarreled over a grain; they gathered birds and animals for war; The mouse told the ants to bite off the wings of the birds at night; birds were caught and killed by animals; The eagle remains on the tree, asking the hunter not to shoot; he points the gun three times; feeds Eagle with a cow, a bull; he carries him through the air, drops him three times and picks him up, so that the man felt fear like the Eagle when they aimed at him; The Eagle teaches the hunter to promise to return the Eagle, to ask for a paradise egg for this; Orel's uncle and brother refuse, father agrees; orders to smash only houses; the hunter breaks on the road, cattle emerge from the egg; The snake promises to return the cattle to the egg if they give what they did not have at home; son Ivan grows up and goes to the Snake; it requires 1) to uproot the forest, etc., harvest the crops, bake pies overnight; the daughter of the Snake is walled up in a stone pillar; promises to do everything if I. marries her; 2) turn the Dnieper, establish a trading harbor; 3) catch the golden hare; the snake's daughter orders to grab everything that comes out of the hole; I. lets in the viper and the old woman; it was the hare; the girl herself turned into a hare, I. carried her away; both run away; The snake sends her husband in pursuit, the fugitives turn into wheat and grandfather; to the monastery and the elder; the third time the Snake chases itself; river and perch; The snake becomes a pike, didn’t catch it, started drinking the river, burst; the bride tells the house not to kiss her uncle's child; I. kisses and forgets the bride; is going to marry someone else; the daughter of the Snake makes doves from dough, they tell their story, I. remembers everything, marries the daughter of the Snake]: Pankeev 1992: 297-307; Ukrainians (Ekaterinoslavskaya) [grandfather and woman have fish, they want children; two children were born, there were fewer fish; died - no longer exists; grandfather caught crayfish; he tells him not to kill him, teaches him to get gold from the bottom; orders the princess to be wooed to him; the king sets the condition for a golden palace, a bridge, so that the fruits ripen the next day; cancer fulfills everything, gets a princess, becomes a fine man at night; the princess burned the shell; the husband says that he will return when she wears out the iron slips; she wore it out, her husband returned]: Pankeev 1992: 82-93; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia): Tales of Verkhovyna 1970: 196-202 [the poor man’s horse stops; the important gentleman says that the horse will go if the poor man promises to give him what he doesn’t know at home; at this time his wife gave birth; three months later, son Ivan grows up and leaves; the old man explains that he was sold to the Devil; you need to hide in a hollow by the sea, the Devil’s three daughters will come to swim, you need to take the third’s ring; she will take the form of water, fire, snakes, but the ring must be given for the promise to become I.’s wife; so it happened, the wife takes I. to his father; he demands 1) in a day, build a field in place of the forest, harvest the crop, bake bread; 2) build a bridge to the distant kingdom (the little devils do everything by order of the wife); 3) kill the green hare; the wife enters the sea, I.’s father and mother pass by; it was the hare; the third time - Grandma I., I. shoots, Grandma turns into a hare; The devil orders the eldest daughters to turn into mares, but I.’s wife promises to give them to his brothers; I. and his wife run away, turn into a monastery and a monk, wheat and a boy, the Devil does not recognize them; the third time the Devil is chased, recognizes his daughter and son-in-law in the form of a lake and a gander, and takes away I.’s eyes; her daughter becomes a spring, the Devil bends down to drink, drops her eyes, the wife returns them to I.; wedding], 232-243 [a widower marries a neighbor; she sets the condition that he gets rid of the children - Ivan and Marika; he takes them into the forest, leaving the log to beat against the tree in the wind, as if he were chopping wood; they returned home; the next time the father took him further, the children remained in the forest; they bake wild horseradish and go to bed with their heads in different directions; a bear, a wolf come, are surprised at the strange beast, and leave; in the morning there is good bread in the ashes; on the sycamore there is a magic shirt, a gun, a saber; I. gets them, becomes a strongman; breaks into a robber's lair, the princess is there; kills 11 robbers, the 12th pretends to be dead, I. left the body, releases the girl to her father, leaves; the robber asks M. to bring living water and pour it into the keyhole; the door opens, the robber’s severed ear grows back, M. takes the robber as her husband; in order to destroy his brother, he pretends to be sick, asks for wolf, then bear, etc. meat; the she-wolf, then the bear and other animals ask them not to kill, gives them a wolf cub, a bear cub, etc.; the robber invites M. to send his brother to fetch water from a source between the crowding mountains; at noon they stop, I. took out water; bring flour from the mills that grind human bones, open once every 12 years; I. gets tormented, manages to jump out, the doors slam shut, his animals remain inside; M. bathes I. in fresh milk, he became soft, she tied him with horsehair, the robber took the shirt in which strength; they gouged out I.'s eyes and threw him into a well; people pulled him out; he wandered through the forest, fell headlong into a swamp, there was living water, he received his sight; bought good clothes, exchanged clothes with my grandfather; he gave him bottles of water, one makes you look young, the other makes you look old; came to M. and the robber under the guise of a beggar; when they fell asleep, he took his shirt, saber, gun; ordered to give him his pipe; began to play, the animals escaped from the mill, came running, and tore the robber to pieces; left M. two barrels of tears, one to cry for him, the other for the robber; in the neighboring kingdom the serpent blocked the water; I. killed him, freed the princess, whom the gypsy was carrying a snake, cut off the snake's tongues, the gypsy cut off a piece from each tongue, demanded the princess from the king as his wife; at home almost all the tears are cried for the robber; I. shows the king not the tips of his tongues, but the tongues themselves, the animals tore the gypsy to pieces, I. took the princess; M. came, poisoned I., locked up the animals; they escaped, the Fox brought living water; the next time M. locked the door again and put a pitchfork in I.’s bed; Same; animals tore M.], 224-231 [wife gives birth to 12 twin sons, the youngest Dolmanesh; they diverge along 12 roads; D. frees the tied fox and is hired by the owner of the mares to graze them for three years; if even one goes missing, his head will be cut off; the mistress puts D. to sleep, turns the mares into clods of earth, the fox orders them to hit the clods, they become mares again; the same with haystacks; with the transformation of mares into hens with chicks; D. takes a foal for his service, which turns into the horse Tatosh; T. orders to woo 12 sisters from the distant kingdom; after the conspiracy, he orders the places of the woman’s sleeping brothers and daughters to be swapped; a woman cuts off the heads of her daughters; 11 brothers return home, D. travels further; contrary to T.’s advice, he picks up a horseshoe, golden feathers, three golden hairs; D. is hired by the filthy king, his servants report golden hair, the king orders their owner to be brought; the horse presses the mother, D. carries away her 13th daughter; she agrees to become the king’s wife if he gets the horse whose horseshoe D. has; T. orders him to be covered with skins, tow, and sprinkled with ash, fights with another horse, D. throws a bridle on him, leads him; get the bird whose feathers; T. turns into a drake, begins to drown the golden one, D. grabs him; bring that woman whose daughters D. killed; T., in the form of a man, tells her that he wants to make a barrel in which to drown D., invites the woman to climb into it, see if it’s strong; closes, delivers; the girl wants D. to bathe in boiling milk, T. cools him down, D. comes out looking handsome; the king jumps into the milk, boiled]; Ukrainians [the prince gets the sea princess; the king wants her for himself; the princess promises to marry him if he gets a gusli-samoguda; the king sends the prince, he gets it; the princess wants the wedding train to be visible from the sea; the king orders the mountain to be demolished; the horse and fish destroy it; the princess asks the prince to bring the sea mares, milks, boils the milk, bathes in it, makes it even more beautiful; the king was boiled]: Afanasyev 1994(2): 127-128; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [12th son Yurko goes to look for his godfather, who gave him a letter at the christening; this is the king; the grandfather invites Yu to pretend to be his servant, posing as his godson; the tsar does not believe it, orders to bring the golden-haired daughter of Tsar Poganin; Yu goes, the bird, the ant, the bees promise to help; P. orders 1) to sort out the grain (birds and ants are sorting it out), 2) to identify the bride among 12 sisters (a bee will hit her in the eye); grandfather kills Yu in the forest, the bride revives him with living water, grandfather was torn to pieces by horses]: Fairy Tales of Verkhovyna 1970: 356-361.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars : Birzgal 1992, No. 12 [Asan, the son of a poor old woman, sees a bull spitting fire fighting a rainbow-colored snake; on her head is a turban with a diamond; A. killed a bull; the snake leads him to his father - the king of divas; they pass through the womb of the father and mother of the snake; the snake orders to ask for the talisman that her father has under his tongue; in the talisman there are askers who fulfill any wishes; A. orders his mother to woo him the daughter of the padishah; he demands to build a palace larger than the padishah’s in 40 days and nights and connect both palaces with a bridge; A. fulfilled everything, received the daughter of the padishah and was made vizier; the viziers bribed the princess’s slave and found out the secret; They sent a merchant to persuade the princess to give her a lot of goods for that talisman; the princess pretended to be sick and told A. that his talisman would cure her; Having received this red stone, she gave it to the merchant; he did not give it to the viziers, but he himself moved the palace and the princess to distant lands; A. spared the cat and the rat; they promised to return the talisman if A. gave them his dog as a horse; the cat began to caress the princess, who took her to her bed; the rat gnawed a hole and brought snuff; at night the merchant sneezed, the talisman fell out of his mouth; when the dog was swimming across the sea, the cat and the rat quarreled and dropped the talisman; told A. about this; he began to fish, caught a golden one, she asked to let her go, for this she brought a talisman; A. moved the palace back and showed the padishah his eldest daughter in the arms of a merchant; they were beheaded, the viziers were put in prison, A. received the padishah’s youngest daughter], 14 [Usein, the son of Asan, shoots the bird, it asks not to kill it, to sell it to the padishah; he leaves U. as a bodyguard; the viziers persuade the padishah to 1) order the bird to build an ivory palace; she teaches U. to pour wine into the lake, the elephants become drunk, U. builds a palace; 2) get the daughter of the king of the jinn; the bird orders to feed the kites with meat, the bees with honey; On the way, U. takes as his companion a gobbler who breaks rocks with his fist; the kite gives a feather, the ants (U. fed them with millet) and the bees - a wing; the king of the genies orders 1) to eat a cauldron of curdled milk, remove the rock, sow the land (the companions carry out tasks); get living water from Mecca to resurrect a dead stallion (kites bring); count grain in bags (ants); recognize the daughter among 999 girls (the old bee recognizes); at the sight of U. returning with the beauty, the padishah turns into a pig, the viziers into dogs; U. marries], 20 [the padishah promises to execute his wife and child if she gives birth to a daughter again; daughter Nariman is born, the old woman disguises her as a boy, orders her to tell the padishah that kings should not take children in their arms; when the girl is 15 years old, it is impossible to postpone the circumcision any longer, she gallops away on a magic horse; it gives three hairs to call it when necessary; N. is hired as a cook; kills, every seven years he killed another padishah; showing his cut off ear, he proves that he is the winner; the padishah does not want to give his daughter to N.; the daughter has a lover who flies at night in the guise of a dove; he suggests telling N. to bring a mirror from the underworld, a magic stone from the kingdom of the ifrits; with the help of the horse N. brings everything; Ifrit curses him, ordering him to change sex; N. is happy; in the guise of a young man he obtains a crying pomegranate and a laughing quince; for this purpose he obtains a sheepskin plane, an invisible hat, a magic bow (the inheritance of the father of three boys, they quarrel over it; N. promises to award the items to the one who first brings the fired arrow); the padishah's daughter falls in love with N., the padishah dies of anger]: 153-175, 186-199, 254-274; ourums (“Greeks of Mariupol”; judging by fragments of original texts and other lexical materials available in the notes, these are Urums, not Rumeans) [the widow’s son beat the padishah’s son and the vizier’s son at dice; the vizier's son hit the widow's son; he fought back, but missed and killed the son of the padishah; the padishah wanted to execute the widow's son, but the dignitaries dissuaded him (you cannot execute minors) and advised him to send the killer to the forest where the monster lives for firewood; the padishah did so; the widow's son came to the forest, unharnessed the oxen from the cart, and went for firewood; when he returned, he saw that only the head remained of one of the bulls; went into the thicket, dragged the monster from there, harnessed it to the cart and went to the padishah; the padishah hid under the sofa and ordered the widow’s son to leave his kingdom; the widow's son and his mother found a palace in the forest, the owner of which was a 40-headed serpent; the widow's son swung a fragment of a dagger and cut off 39 heads; the snake asked to chop off the last one, but the widow’s son dragged him into the outer room and dumped a millstone on him; a few years later, the widow found this room; the serpent said: “Who is there? If you are older than me, then be my mother, if you are middle-aged, then be my wife, and if you are smaller than me, then be my sister”; the widow opened the door and brought the snake a fragment of a dagger; the snake licked it, the heads grew back; he and the widow began to live together secretly from her son; they had a child; the widow placed it on the road; the eldest son saw the child, brought it home and gave it to the mother to feed; the child grew up and began to emit a snake hiss; the widow gave her eldest son poisoned dumplings, but the younger son warned him of the danger; the eldest son killed both the mother and the snake; before going in search of his wife, he stuck a dagger into the ceiling and said to his brother: “If honey flows down the dagger, it means that my journey is safe; if blood flows, it will serve as a sign that I am in danger”; the eldest son came to the city and stayed with the old woman; she said: near the city there is a well, the owner of which is a 6-headed serpent; Every year a person is given to him to eat by lot; this year the lot fell on the king's daughter, tomorrow she will be taken to the well; the eldest son killed the serpent, saved the king's daughter and married her; one morning I saw two suns in the sky; the wife explained: a padishah lives in the west, he has a beautiful daughter, it’s her hair that burns so much; the eldest son went to that beauty; she was sitting on the balcony, he went into the garden and began to eat fruit there; because of this he became weak; the padishah threw him into the cellar; the younger brother noticed that blood was coming from the dagger and rushed to search; did not eat the fruit in the garden and grabbed the padishah by the beard; he let his older brother go; he returned to his former wife, and the younger one married a beauty]: Markov 1892, No. 5: 24-30; legs : Bagriy 1930(2) [from the report of A.E. Gren, materials from Lopatinsky); the dying man orders his sons to bring three bags of salt to his grave; the eldest and middle sons are sleeping, the youngest sees a horse, he gives him hairs; if you burn it, it will appear; the khan will give his daughters to the winner of the competition (to knock down needles in a mound while galloping); the youngest gets all three daughters; the elders tie a saber at the entrance, the younger ones have their legs cut off; the bear allows his feet to be put into his mouth, the young man recovers; returns to his wife and son (he has a star on his forehead); they poisoned the brothers]: 62-64; Nogai 1979, No. 7 [ Yauryntak born when parents catch carp, immediately grows up, comes to the bayou, breaks off the leg of the golden rooster; Bai, through Bezborody {he in the role of vizier} gives difficult assignments; The eagle helps to fulfill; bring 1) hare bones (Eagle gives); 2) Eagle's feather (Eagle beats, a feather falls from it); 3) Almas Khan's daughter Bermes (Ya is thrown onto the roof of the house, does not freeze, because the Eagle protects him from the cold, receives B.); Bai finds B.'s golden hair; orders Ya. to bring piebald, gray, red horses, saddled by the moon, sun, payhambar, and a herd of mares biting each other; B. promises to marry the boy when Ya returns; Ya dies three times from the cold, the Eagle revives him; Y. brings the horses, B. milked the cauldron of milk and boiled it; the bai rushed, got upset, Ya came out handsome, inherited the bai’s wealth], 12 [azdaa asks the old man to give back after 18 years what you don’t know at home; son Shaar Soltan grows up, Azdaa's daughter Shaarkhan helps him: 1) sit on the knives (lays flat), 2) get corals from the sea (gives a note to the sea Azdaa), 3) deliver firewood from the forest (note to wolves and bears); 4) the horse orders a piece of his hoof to be cut off and taken into the mouth, ShS does not burn in the fire; 5) Azdaa orders ShS to be thrown off the roof, Sh. spreads felt below; Sh. and ShS run away on horseback and turn into 1) an old man and an old woman collecting apricots, 2) taking ablutions in the mosque; Sh.'s mother tells her to eat sand for seven years by the sea; seven years later, the old man and the old woman catch Sh. from the sea and adopt him; she asks them to buy her a pair of pigeons; ShS is preparing a wedding with another girl; the pigeons are talking, the dove answers the dove that he will forget her, just as ShS forgot Sh.; ShS opens Sh.; everything is fine], 13 [the son of the padishah hears the voices of three girls from the hill; one promises to sew clothes for her husband while he sits in the saddle, the second promises to feed the people with one egg, the third promises to give birth to a girl with golden hair and a boy with silver eyebrows; a young man with two brothers dig up a hill and get married; two older sisters did not fulfill their promises, the youngest gave birth; the sisters persuaded the midwife to replace the children with puppies, throw the children in boxes into the river, and put the mother and puppies in a barrel of resin; elderly spouses fish out children; the midwife was sent to persuade the girl to ask her brother to get her 1) the horns of a spotted ram; 2) plant a golden tree on the side of the moon, and a silver tree on the side of the sun; 3) give her fresh kumys; foster father's gelding teaches what to do (ram - from , he also guards the trees; cannot catch up with the gelding; the gelding defeats the stallion, followed by ten mares); 4) marry the queen of the genies Wrap it up ; S. shows the young man his mother sitting in a barrel and orders him to free her; everyone comes to the padishah father; the young man marries S., his mother’s sisters were torn apart by horses], 15 [azdaa orders the shepherd to either give up his son or die; only the youngest of three sons agrees to go to Azdaa; he marries his daughter to the young man; orders not to travel to the south; the horse says that the bull living in the lake there does not give water, for a sip of water people give him their children; the young man kills the bull, Azdaa is ready to fulfill his three wishes; the wife orders to ask permission to return home, take the gray mare and the black whetstone; the young man and his wife leave, the touchstone fulfills wishes (a house and food appear); at the suggestion of the envious brothers, the young man's father orders him to bring him a gold ring from the finger of his deceased father; the wife teaches to ask the old man at the cemetery for a ring, to throw land on the brothers, they turn into spotted pigs], 16 [dying, the father tells his four sons to stock up on grain and not look for food in the south; the brothers go south, the older ones are swallowed by Elmavyz and his wife, the younger one hides; lives with an old man, kills a cow with a luminous skin, the khan buys it, the viziers advise him to tell the person who got the skin to get ivory; the old man teaches how to give the elephants vodka and deliver it to the khan; viziers: let him get singing trees; the young man again gave drink to the padishah of the genies and all the guards, brought trees; viziers: let him bring the khan’s daughter, who has never seen the sun; the girl is lured into a boat and brought; her parents arrive, the khan is tied to the end of a horse, the young man is married to his daughter and made khan], 23 [the orphan sees a dream: at the head of the moon, at the feet - the sun, on the sides there is a star; sells sleep to a shepherd for his flock; the shepherd sees the horseman ride up to the house and fall asleep; a girl called out to him, the shepherd answered, telling him to gallop after her; in the morning the girl sees a mistake, but decides that it is fate; orders to take the golden spoon as a gift to the khan and ask him to build them a house on a heap of ash; orders to invite the khan to visit, but to enter first; the young man forgot the instructions, the khan entered first and fell in love; the viziers advise not to kill the shepherd, but 1) send him for the milk of an Arabian mare; the wife teaches how to lure a mare with salt; the young man brings milk and brings the mare herself; 2) bring the apple of the girl of paradise; the wife tells you to go to the lake, three doves will fly in and turn into heavenly girls, you need to hide the clothes of one; the young man brings an apple to the khan, takes the girl from paradise as his second wife; 3) bring the gold ring to the khan’s late mother and find out where she buried the gold; the heavenly girl throws her husband into the fire, he comes out with a ring and says where is the gold; the khan asks to leave him too, he burns, the young man is made khan; two wives and two children of a young man - a dream come true]: 20-27, 47-54, 55-65, 74-77, 78-82, 120-125; Kalmyks : Badmaev 1899 [eight brothers marry eight sisters; younger ninth brother - Iestir; The serpent orders him to be sent to him, otherwise he will destroy everyone; demands to get the daughter of a rich khan; On the way, I. meets a man sucking grass, and takes another with him, drinking two seas; the khan orders the fresh bone to be turned into an old one (the one who sucks the grass sucks all the juices out of the bone); sets fire on his brothers-in-arms, The drink pours it down; The Fox takes the form of a girl and goes to the Snake instead; The serpent gives a chest with his soul for the bride; I. kills the soul of the serpent, marries the khan’s daughter, leaves his brothers-in-arms with him]: 6-9; Basangova 2002: 46-56 [Namdzhil Bumba lives 8 thousand years, has everything, but no son; asks the lama, returns, the wife has already given birth; Byurun's son Teges sees three swans on the lake, they advise him to go and woo the khan's daughter; on the way he meets heroes, each says that he is waiting to become BT’s assistant, he takes them with him; it is 1) the one who lifts mountains, 2) the one who lifts up the umbilical cord of the earth and carries out water from there, 3) the one who drinks the sea, 4) the thief, 5) the one who listens; the khan wants to burn them, but the digger gets water, it almost flooded everything; the khan gives a daughter, but gives instructions; 1) bring an apple, the shulmuska will guard it; At first the shulmuska overtakes, but the thief galloped first, gallops back, followed by the chase, the thief’s horse calls the pursuer’s mare mother; she refuses to ride and is killed; a woman comes, puts the thief to sleep, takes away the apple, it was a shulmuska; the thief overtakes her, brings her an apple, but she manages to tear out three hairs from the horse’s tail; then TT won the fight and shooting, brought his wife home], 56-67 [the episode with the copper-billed shulmuska is approximately the same as on p. 46-56], 146-150 [the old man says that he will be cured if his son reaches a country where no man has gone before, brings a thing that no one has seen; the eldest and middle brothers quickly return; the younger one saw a snake that swallowed a ram, but the horns were stuck; the young man pulled out the ram, rode the snake, and it became a khan; his daughter orders him to ask for the horse Hamar-Khar, a black stone in which the power of the horse is, and herself as a reward; the young man goes to XX, against the advice of XX, picks up the wings of the most beautiful bird; he comes to another khan; whoever wins at chess will kill the other; the young man wins three times and spares the khan; he offers to get the most beautiful girl; the young man brings it, the khan sends for horses from the underwater kingdom; the horse orders it to be smeared with sealing wax, rolls around in the sand, becomes like flint, defeats the water horse, the young man catches it, other horses follow him; a woman demands that the groom bathe in boiling milk; the young man took a bath, became handsome, the khan got boiled; a young man and his wife come to their father, the wife opens a casket, and a palace appears; a young man is chosen as khan]; Vatagin 1964: 115-128 [shooter Heeche-Mergen hides the clothes of one of the three swan girls who arrived to swim; gets married; Tsarkin Khan wants her, the adviser suggests sending Kh. to the Ganges for the tigress’s milk; the tigress is the livestock of H.’s wife, he brings milk; a lame and crooked drunkard offers to bring a sightless thing from an unknown country; the wife gives a ball; Kh. follows, shows his wife’s comb to the woman, this is his wife’s sister; she gives another ball, it leads to her older sister; she asks all the creatures, knows only the crab with an iron claw; it is in the forest beyond the outer sea; Kh. hides and sees the batyr ordering Murza to serve food; when he leaves, Kh. asks Murza to join the meal; on the way back, Kh. exchanges Murza for a folding palace, a cane with an army, Murza returns every time; Kh. drives out the khan, reigns], 140-147 [the immensely rich Mergen-Ergechi asks the lama for a son; the hero Buryun-Teges is born, rides on a hero’s horse for the girl about whom three swans told him; he is joined by the one who moves mountains, the one who listens, the one who easily finds water, the sea-swallower, the clever thief; the khan sets fire to the palace where they were staying, they pour water on the fire, then stop the flood by drinking the water; the khan orders to get an apple from the orchard, guarded by five hundred shulmus; win the fight; in shooting; BT receives the Khan's daughter]; Zhukovskaya 2003 [Ovshe comes to Mangadhai disguised as a simple shepherd; answers that 1) in his country, heroes drink cast iron (Mangadhai drinks 10 cauldrons of cast iron); 2) they break the ice, freezing into the river up to their chests (Mangadhai stands up); 3) the same, up to the neck; mangadhai blows, O. comes up from behind, cuts off his head; Mangadhai's wife O. did not catch up]: 263-266; Stavropol Turkmens [Taga tells his father that he won’t tell him the dream, he kicks him out; does not tell the eastern khan, he puts him in a dungeon; the slave girl says that the Western Khan will go to war if the Eastern Khan does not guess which of the two mares is the mother and which is the daughter; T. says that the mother will eat calmly, and the daughter will frolic; the western one demands a hero who will throw an arrow to his palace; T. destroys the wall of the palace with an arrow; Western asks T. to come to him; he takes old people with him along the way; one sees a needle a hundred miles away, the second pours water from river to river with his mouth, the third throws up mountains, the fourth herds hares with millstones on his feet, the fifth whistles so that the earth trembles; They are given water, put in a hot iron barn overnight, and the one who drinks the water cools it down; the khan promises a daughter if someone overtakes his old woman; the runner overtakes, but she gets him drunk and he falls asleep; the far-seeing man tells the whistler to wake up the runner; the khan does not give his daughter, then the strongman takes away his palace; T. receives a daughter, goes to the eastern khan; from a wife taken from the eastern khan, he has a son; in that dream he saw two suns (two khans) and a star (his son) in the middle]: Bagriy 1930(2): 84-90; Stavropol Turkmens [the khan has only a daughter, no heir-son; the daughter promises that everything will work out and leaves on a pinto horse; the horse shows the golden hare, orders him to catch it and give it to the old man, not to take the money; they come to Almaz Khan, the servant persuades him to give the girl difficult tasks; 1) catch the golden hare for A. (the horse catches); 2) make a barn {palace?} from bear teeth (the horse orders the bank of the stream to be smeared with resin, the bears who came to drink get stuck, the girl gets the teeth); 3) get the daughter of Bermez Khan (the horse orders to give thorns to the camels, alchiks to the boys, bones to the dogs, fur coats to the old man and the old woman, mix with spoons the water of the pond, divided into two parts by a hair; B. takes the daughter away, he orders the servants to detain the fugitives, everyone answers, that they were treated well (they mixed water, gave them fur coats, etc.), B. stops the chase); 4) bring a black foal Kara-Kurtki (sorceress); they are taken away, the kara-jacket is chasing, the horse says that if its curse overtakes them on the descent into the ravine, the girl will die, and if at the bottom - she, the horse; when they are at the bottom of the ravine, Kara-Kurtki tells the girl to become a horseman and the horse to die; the horse manages to give two hairs; the horseman wants his daughter B., A. agrees to give it to him if the groom walks through boiling milk; those hairs help, the horseman is unharmed; comes with his wife to his father]: Bagriy 1930(2): 103-109; Terek Cossacks (Naur) [the king becomes blind, sends his sons to bring lands from the country where he was, from it he will receive his sight; the eldest, middle son bring the earth, where it is covered with gold, where the tree exudes milk and water; the king says that he was further away; the youngest chooses a dead gelding and arrives at the right place; on the way back he picks up a golden feather; stays with the Sultan; Wanting to take possession of the pen, the vizier proposes 1) sending the prince for the sea maiden; at the bottom (all on the advice of the horse), the prince gives meat to the wolf, in front of whom the hay lay; instead of meat, the sheep gets hay; they let you into the palace; oils 90 doors; the queen orders the doors, the wolf, and the ram to detain the prince, they refuse; the prince brings it to the Sultan; 2) get a bird whose feather was golden; the horse orders to scatter the cereals, replace the water in the lake with wine, hide in the carcass of a camel, and leave the other carcass for the birds; the prince grabs the intoxicated king bird pecking for meat; 3) milk of the sea king goat; at the bottom of the sea, a horse fights with a goat and wins (the horse is protected from goat bites by camel skins); 4) bathe in sea goat milk (it is boiling); the horse vomited water into the cauldron, cooling it; The Sultan began to bathe and became boiled; the prince puts the vizier in prison, marries the sea queen, cures his father of blindness]: Vostrikov 1904, No. 1: 66-74; Karachais , Balkars [previously, the sledges lit a fire by bringing a dry tree to the sun or knocking down a star from the sky; one day the fire went out, the Emegens raised a snowstorm so that they would not get fire from the sky; Sosuruk arrived at the cave of the one-eyed emegen, grabbed a coal, and the emegen woke up; not recognizing S., asks what games S. plays; easily breaks stones with his head; enters the lake, S. freezes him; Emegen says that only his sword will cut off his head; S. does not take the sword with his hand, but touches it with a stick, which cuts the post; S. cuts off Emegen's head; pulling out his spinal cord, puts it on a tree, the tree is cut; only then is it girded; brings fire to the Narts]: Alieva 1994, No. 35: 367-369 (No. 36-42: 369-378; approximately the same, but the loss of fire is either only briefly mentioned, or the text immediately begins with S.’s arrival to the emegen); Karachais , Balkars [the horseman goes to get the beauty; meets, takes as a companion 1) a person running with millstones tied to his feet; 2) far-seeing; 3) understands the language of ants; 4) drinking a river; the girl's father orders: 1) to overtake the sorceress (the runner begins to run, the old woman gives him a sleeping potion; the one who sees far sees this, throws a stone, the runner wakes up, comes first); 2) spend the night in the oven (the water-bread cools it down); 3) guess when the khan’s daughter gets up; the far-sighted man sees everything, the khan gives away his daughter; the horseman leaves his assistants where he met them, brings his wife]: Alieva, Kholaev 1983: 77-82; Balkars [the father leaves only a golden saber to the youngest son; genie servants find themselves in it; the young man comes to the poor old woman, makes her and her three daughters rich, orders him to marry the khan’s daughter, fulfills three conditions with the help of the genies (turn the river back, gather all the animals near the palace, build a palace overnight); receives the Khan's daughter, marries the named sisters to the Black, Yellow, Gray Eagles; the sorceress persuades the young man’s wife to reveal the secret of the saber, moves their palace to a valley between seven mountains; the young man goes in search, successively meets three sisters, their Eagle husbands guide him, Gray takes him to the palace, enters the palace under the guise of a shepherd, cuts off the witch’s magical hair, returns his wife and the palace]: Kapieva 1991: 98-105; Balkars (zap. 1955) [dying, the father forbids his son to hunt in the black forest, where the fire is burning; the son grew up, went there, shot, a golden eagle fell, he presented it to the king; the king gave three gold coins for the eagle; the servant is jealous, says that the orphan boasted of getting three aurochs with golden horns; the mother advises asking the king for a hundred barrels of vodka, carts and people; they replaced the water in the lake with vodka, the aurochs became drunk, and they were delivered to the king; the king gave a hundred carts with drivers; servant: the orphan is mocking, he could have gotten the girl; the mother advises asking the king to give money from the servant’s funds to build a golden boat; along the way, the orphan saved a goldfish from a big fish, a dove from a falcon; the orphan lured the girl into the boat, but when he fell asleep, she became a fish and disappeared; the fish returned it; the girl flew away like a bird, the dove brought her back; the king gave a golden boat for the girl; servant: the guy mocks the king; the king orders the execution of the orphan; the girl killed the king and servant, married an orphan, he became king]: Malkonduev 2017: 431-436; Kabardino [crows help stepdaughter sort through a bag of wheat; a cow swallows wool and spits out balls of thread; the last one is carried away by the wind, the girl follows him to the house of the witch with iron teeth, pulls out her hair, she has to accept her as a guest; she takes her ball from the chest, does not take the gold; combs, and does not pull out (as she asked) the old woman’s hair; washes and washes, and does not break dishes; receives a beautiful dress, returns; the stepmother's daughter does everything wrong, returns tattered with donkey ears; the stepmother orders the cow to be slaughtered, and before her death she asks her stepdaughter to bury her bones and not eat meat; a girl finds a luxurious carriage and clothes in the stable, goes to a holiday, loses a golden dude; the horseman finds her through him and marries her; the cow comes to life]: Kapieva 1991: 180-187; Abkhazia : Bgazhba 2002: 153-159 [Dzhanym woos the sister of six Adau (giant) brothers; they demand 1) build a house from fish bones; Sister J. Quara orders red pebbles to be brought from the sea to the dry riverbed and millet to be scattered; stones were pulled out of the riverbed and fish bones were used; the Atsans built a house from them; 2) deer skin, every hair of which sings; the sister gives a needle and scissors, they remove the skin from the magic deer; 3) the brothers are going to burn J. in an iron house; the fox gives a swamp root to cool the house, gives his claws and a bar to J.'s six comrades, they kill six adau; wedding], 164-171 [the king picks up a boy raised by deer, taken from his mother and abandoned by his enemies; This is Jamhud; dying, the king does not order him to enter the room where the portrait of the sister of the seven Adau brothers lies; J. goes to look for her, meets Obedala, Opivalo, Skorokhod, Sharp-Eyed, Hearer, Artisan (Thief), Strongman; everyone says that only J. is amazing; Having learned who is in front of him, he joins him; the adau demand 1) cut the stone with a dagger (the Hearer hears their sister say that her hair should be attached to the dagger; the Artisan takes out the hair); 2) eat a lot (Obyalo), 3) drink (Opivalo); 4) run across the sea (the witch-runner puts him to sleep; the Hearer hears his snoring, the Sharp-Eye knocks out the millstone from under his feet); 5) climb onto the table with a bowl of boiling water on his head (J. cries, seeing how wolves are tormenting his mother deer, the Adau mistake tears for splashes, J. climbs again); 6) the adau are given poisoned food, the Artisan rearranged the bowls, the adau died; The strongman carries J.'s bride along with the castle; wedding], 232-236 [three brothers shoot at a target in a tree; a girl comes out of the tree, then a second one, they become the wives of their older brothers; the youngest shoots, a frog comes out; the young man goes to live on the edge of the forest and begins to build a wicker hut; someone finishes the construction, cooks and cleans; he guesses that it is a frog and asks to find out who it is; the beauty sheds her frog skin, says that he was three days too hasty with his desire; the young man throws the skin into the fire; the elders want to take possession of his wife, they tell the prince about his boast; the prince orders 1) to bring a boar, 2) a deer (his wife teaches him to lure with nuts and cobs); 3) build a bridge across the sea; the mother-in-law in the opened tree gives three rings, he throws them into the sea, a bridge appears; the prince transfers power to him]; Inal-ipa et al. 1988, No. 21 [Sasrykva’s brothers do not take him with them on a hike; S. asks Satanay-guasha to cook hot ailaj, puts her fingers in it, forcing her to say who his father is; she admits that S. was born a rock; rain and hail extinguish the fire of the S. brothers, they are freezing; S. catches up with them, knocks a star out of the sky; her fire is cold; S. tries to take away the fire of the sleeping giant, but the giant wakes up; S. pretends to be a servant, talks about S.’s exploits; the giant repeats them; 1) stands under falling stones; 2) drinks hot iron; 3) freezes into ice; cannot get up; asks to cut off his head with his saber, to remove the vein from his neck; S. cuts down; the vein is thrown onto a linden tree, it is cut; brings fire to brothers]: 122-130; Morina 1939 [(apparently the same series of episodes); on the advice of Sasrykua, the adau puts a red-hot plow in his mouth; says it might warm him up; S. gives several similar tips; cuts off the giant's head when he stood knee-deep in water that had turned to ice]: 35; Salakaya 1976, No. 5 [Sasrykva asks his mother to give him a hot churek, squeezes it in her hand; Satanay-Guasha is forced to say that his father is a sled shepherd; S. goes to pick up his brothers who have gone on a campaign; those have no fire; S. comes to the giant adau lying around the fire; tries to take away the fire, the giant grabs it; not recognizing S., asks about his exploits; breaks stones with his head, drinks boiling broth; allows himself to freeze into the ice, S. cuts off his head; a belt made from the skin of a giant's back cuts through a tree; S. brings fire to the brothers], 8 and 9 [about the same as in (5)]: 176-177, 186-188, 188-192; Shakryl 1975, No. 19 [as in Bgazhba 2002: 153-159, but the deer, from which the skin has fallen, curses Dzhanym; when he brings the bride to the house, his brother dug a hole, J. falls through, dies, the girl goes to his brother], 28 [the horseman wants to kill the snake, the widow’s son does not let him; brings the snake to him, orders him to ask her parents to give her a pouch, which has not yet been opened; the young man opens it on the way home, a city appears; the devil puts the city back for promising not to call anyone who runs out towards the house brother; the brother runs out, the young man does not recognize him, the brother leaves; he sees three daughters of the devil, grabs one, she promises to help; the devil orders 1) to tear down the mountain overnight, 2) to build a bridge across the sea (everything is done); 3) tame the horse; it's the devil himself; the wife orders him to be beaten with a hammer; at night the young people run away, the devil sends an army; the wife turns herself into a shop, the husband into a merchant; the same thing - a dead man and a priest; the father himself is chasing, the wife orders to enter the rock, to confuse the roads; he stops the chase], 83 [=Bgazhba 2002: 299-300; the stepmother tells her stepdaughter to separate the millet from the millet, the birds do this work; she lost her boyfriend, the prince found him, married her, and not the stepmother’s daughter]: 79-87, 143-148, 382-383; Shakryl 1975, No. 37 [the vizier grew old, the king asked to send an equally intelligent person in his place; the vizier sends his eldest son, unexpectedly attacks unrecognized, the young man returns; the same with the younger one; the daughter puts on men's clothes, is not afraid, almost killed her father; the imaginary youth breaks through the gates of Adau; they offer to choose one of their three sisters; he does not sleep with elders; youngest: I know that you are a woman, but you will become a man; orders to choose the worst horse; the king invites the vizier’s “son” to get the heart and liver of a boar; “he” cut them out from a sleeping boar, which died; bring milk from a wild deer; there are crushing rocks on the way, the girl slipped through, the horse was crushed; she sees a petrified city; one of the petrified: the queen was offended by her husband, if she says more than three words (actually phrases), you will also be petrified; the girl raised her sword; queen: let everyone 1) come to life, 2) women become men, 3) men become women; the vizier's daughter becomes a young man and kills the queen; the horse came to life, the young man brought milk to the king, married the daughter of Adau, and married the other two to his brothers]: 184-189 (= Bgazhba 2002: 221-225); Abkhazia [Prince Alyks's servant met a girl in a forest house and brought her as his wife; the prince demanded it for himself, A. did not give it to him; in order to get rid of A., the prince orders 1) to find out from the prince’s late father where he hid the golden ring and the golden cauldron; the wife gave two spools of thread, they rolled, A. followed them; across the sea there is a wide bridge to heaven and two hairs for those going to hell, the place of the late prince in hell; there the prince carries sandbags, the devils beat him with sticks; says that the ring is in a hole from a knot in a post, the boiler is in the basement; A. showed it to the prince; 2) something that no one in the world has seen; using the same coils, A. comes to his older sister, who was carried away by the adau; adau sends to his younger brother, who sends him to the youngest; one person knows, transported A. across the sea; there is a palace there, everyone who enters demands “Bear, feed me,” dishes appear; A. invites M. to drink too; he is grateful, stays with him; M. takes the ax-handle from the peasant, throws it into the sea, and they cross on it; along the way, A. exchanged M. for a box that fulfills wishes, and returned to him; at home M. creates a palace, beats the prince with a stick, shoots from a cannon, the prince fled to another country, everything went to A., his wife and M.]: Shakryl 1975, No. 27: 139-143; Ubykhs [Sakva (Sasrykva, Sausrykva?) fights the giant Pshadza; he performs various tasks, in particular, puts his side under a wheel rolling into the mountains, but in the end he recklessly allows himself to be bound by ice]: Inal-ipa 1977: 107; that's it : Aliyeva 1974 (bzhedug) [inizhi stole cattle; the sledges went to fight him off; Sausyryko returned from the campaign and followed; the sledges have no fire, S. goes to get it, tries to steal a firebrand from the inyzha, he stops him; S. appears to be a different person; answers that S. beats off a stone rolling from a mountain with his hip, puts a hot stone in his mouth, and bathes in boiling water; Inyzh does all this easily; allegedly S. is frozen into the ice and cannot get up; says that his head can only be cut off with his own sword; then you need to pull out three guts, one will make a good belt; the horse warns S. that he must take the sword with Tlepsh’s pincers; S. encircles the maple with its intestines, the trunk is cut; with the sword of the killed foreigner S. kills other foreigners, returns the cattle]: 206-210; Kerashev 1957 [=Maksimov, Kerashev 1953: 149-155; the son of a psha goes to woo the daughter of another psha; meets, takes as a companion one running with millstones on his feet, a vigilant one, listening to the conversation of ants, drinking a river; the girl's father demands 1) overtake the old naguchitsa; she gives the runner sleeping water, the far-sighted one sees, wakes up the runner, throwing a stone, he overtook the old woman; 2) the sensitive one hears that the pshi is going to order them to spend the night in a hot oven; the waterbread drank the water and vomited it in the oven; 3) guess the hour when the girl gets up and sits down to sew; the sharp-sighted one sees everything and tells it; young man gets a wife]: 235-240; Maksimov 1937 (Shendzhiy village) [the bear stole the boy, he returned to his parents as the strongman Myshemyko shao (“son of the bear”); went to the prince as a gatekeeper; the bodyguards pinched his fingers with the gate, he tore the gate off; the prince wants to destroy him, orders 1) to bring firewood from the forest, gives him a bad ax; M. pulls out trees, harnesses a boar instead of an ox, and brings it; 2) plow the field where the witch is; M. harnesses her seven sons and plows; leaves the prince, meets, takes with him 1) the one who binds the trees, 2) the one who throws up the mounds; they take turns cooking, Tlimaf riding a rooster demands to feed him, ties up the cook, eats everything; when M. remains, he ties T. by the mustache; T. pulled out a tree and went into the hollow; only M. agreed to follow him down; there one girl is crying (T. will eat her today), two are laughing (they will be eaten tomorrow); M. cuts off T.'s head with his own sword; M. and his brothers-in-arms kill the prince and marry three girls]: 121-130; Khut 1987: 20-21 [on the way the sledges were caught in a snowstorm; Sausoroko saw smoke in the distance and came to the village; he did not recognize him, asks how S. heals his headache, is being treated; S. suggests smashing a rolling wheel with your head and bathing in boiling water; inyzh performs; enter the river, the water is frozen; Inyzh advises to take his sword, S. grabs the sword with pincers, chops off Inyzh’s head], 90-96 [Inyzh crushes the stone with his hand; Kuizhiy says that he turned the stone into cheese and squeezes water out of it; orders the other to carry him across the river; in the house of others, he throws meat into a hole dug under the table, pretending to eat a lot; hides under the roof when people throw stones at the guest house at night and pour boiling water; offers to compete in a race with his younger brother, who is in the bushes; Otherwise you won’t be able to catch up with the hare; in a fight - with his older brother-bear; Some people admit their defeat and give up all their wealth], 168-176 [the dragon (blago) curled around the prince’s herd (psha) promises to return the cattle if he gives up his son; the two older ones refuse, the younger Doletmiz goes, kisses the chest of the naguchitsa, she teaches him to throw the cloak to the black snakes, the bag to the blue ones; go to the house where two snakes will turn into girls; they advise asking their father for a nondescript horse and a bag of tools; upon returning to the village, D. builds a luxurious house there; the two eldest sons, the father and the sorcerer are trying to kill D.; wives help run errands; 1) return the herd from overseas; the horse orders him to be coated with resin and sand, the horse is defeated by Jinjif, who gives up the herd; 2) get grandfather’s golden stick from the day of the sea (the sea king gives it to D.’s horse); 3) bring grandfather’s golden bath and kumgan from the other world; D. enters the mound on horseback; the grandfather tells him to return home calmly; the brothers became wolves, the father became a boar, they chase him; the sorcerer died; D. lives quietly with his wives], 235-248 (shapsugi) [Nogai became blind; sends three sons for a piece of land from a place where the hooves of his horse have not gone, then he will receive his sight; the eldest and middle sons return soon; the youngest finds a golden feather; pshi adopts him, gives him seven peluans as a worker; they ask the magician to help them exterminate him; he advises to say pshi that the young man boasted of completing difficult tasks; the horse helps to complete everything; 1) get a bird with golden feathers (lures with millet, catches); 2) get two lion cubs; 3) wild boar; 4) the beautiful Hegulez; the horse asks to smear him with tar and sand, defeats the guard horse, he helps, orders a hundred dogs to throw lamb carcasses, a hundred skins to the eagles, not to let G. take out the whip, with it she turns into stone; the young man revives those previously petrified with this whip; G. promises to accept the pshi if he dives into boiling milk; the pshi and seven pelyuans are boiled; the young man’s father reports that he pretended to be blind so that his son could get G.]; that's it : Karashev 1957 [three daughters are disobedient, the father digs a hole in the forest, lures his daughters with apples, the daughters fall into the hole; the companions of the psha (prince) find them; the eldest promises to sew clothes for the prince’s retinue, the middle one promises to feed everyone, the youngest promises to give birth to a son with the sun and moon on his forehead, a daughter with golden hair; pshi marries the younger one, gives the older ones as wives to his beycols; in the absence of psha, sisters throw newborns into the river and replace them with puppies; Pshi orders his wife to be buried waist-deep in the ground at a crossroads, with the puppies pressed to her breasts; the mistress of the river raises children; when they have grown up, he sends them to earth; pshi finds them, brings them to him; the aunts persuade the sister to ask her brother to get 1) the golden bird of the beautiful Su-Isuret; 2) her own mirror; 3) herself; he steals objects; asks SI to marry him, she turns him into stone, he manages to call the mistress of the waters, she casts a spell on him, he takes SI away; SI sees a woman buried up to her waist in the mirror; everyone goes to free her; the dogs only allow her children access; evil sisters are tied to the tails of seven horses]: 210-220; Khut 1987 (bzhedugi) [stepmother harasses Faruza with errands; the bird teaches you to be neither in the house nor on the street (on the threshold); crows sort out the grain (they eat the grain of their own daughter, who beats the crow); the cow eats the yarn, regurgitates the canvas; a cow is slaughtered, where its bones are buried. F. finds a rich outfit; goes to a holiday, loses a shoe, they find her using it, the horseman marries her]: 248-253; Abazins [every year someone steals the millet harvest from Ishaq's field; the eldest son Hadzhibekir goes to guard and falls asleep; the same as the middle Mkhamat; the younger Solman lassoed the stallion - the leader of the herd; he gives three horses for himself, hairs, if burned, he will come to the rescue; S.'s horses are bought for a lot of money; the prince calls him to him, S. calls his magic horse; along the way, despite the horse's warning, he picks up an eagle feather; the prince likes S.; the envious adviser suggests that S. give him a feather; then, to 1) bring that eagle; the horse orders to dig a hole, pour in grain, all the birds flock, S. catches the eagle; 2) the golden tail of a ram living in the river; the horse teaches how to lure a ram with salt, cut off the tip of the tail; 3) a puppy of a bitch who whelped between two seas; the horse teaches them to throw pieces of fabric into the bushes, saying that this is for them to use for pants and a shirt, how to walk across the bridge through the bushes, to pick up a puppy; 4) the daughter of the Sun and the Moon, living in the womb of a whale; she comes out of the whale to look at the goods brought by S., he brings her to the prince; 5) chest of the daughter of the Sun and Moon; S. climbs into the whale’s mouth; when it returns a day later, it takes out the chest; 6) the bride makes it a condition to bring her the golden ring of her father, the Sun, and mother, the Moon; the horse advises what to do; over the sea fish-bridge; agrees to walk across it if S. asks how long she can hang like this on the bridge; Summer and Winter fight, they allow passage between them if S. asks how long they have to fight; Luna first hides S., then shows her to her husband; they say that Summer and Winter will fight forever, the fish will always hang on the bridge; S. conveys the answers to those, passing between Summer and Winter, through the fish bridge; the bride tells the groom to bathe in boiling milk; the prince orders S. to bathe, the bride gives him her ring, he comes out of the cauldron unharmed; the prince got angry; S. marries the daughter of the Sun and the Moon, becomes a prince]: Tugov 1985, No. 47: 131-138; Abazins [the young man went to get married; meets and takes as his companion a water-drinker who is sucking in a river with his mouth, a runner with a stone on his shoulder so that he does not run so fast, an arrow (he hits a needle on the top of a tree with an arrow); they pull out a wolf that people have driven into a swamp, and the wolf gives the wool to call him; tasks of the father of the bride: 1) sit in a hot iron house (the water-bread cools by releasing water); 2) overtake the old woman (she put him to sleep, planted a chicken to peck grain in a sieve, the runner thinks that the old woman is looking in his head); the shooter knocked down the sieve, the runner woke up and overtook the old woman; 3) whose dog is the fastest (they let the wolf in, he bit the leg of the prince’s dog); got a wife]: Tugov 1985, No. 48: 139-142; Ossetians : Britaev, Kaloev 1959: 84-87 [The bear stole the girl; their son was born, grew up, went to visit his grandparents; those are oppressed by Aldar; he sends a young man to bring wheat from the cannibal, supposedly given to her as a loan; the young man pushes her into the bin and brings her to Aldar; he is horrified, the cannibal is gone; Zaliag the snake lay in a ring around the Aldar herd, the young man was sent to bring it; he threads the belt through the snake’s nostril, brings it in, and it swallows Aldar; the young man takes his wealth, brings his mother and father from the forest (the father no longer wears the bearskin)], 88-94 [The eagle flies to the poor man three times to steal chickens; every time he asks not to kill; on the fourth day he asks to sit on his back and carries him to his sisters; along the way, he twice pretends to leave it on the rock, once among a pack of wolves, so that man would experience the fear that the Eagle experienced; the first and second sisters do not give up the magic whip or ring; the youngest gives a bandage that allows a childless woman to give birth; on the way home the person falls asleep; does not find a bandage; the sorcerer from the water returns her, demands to give the boy a year after he is born; he becomes a young man in a year; the sorcerer’s daughter teaches him how to complete his tasks and gives him a magic whip; 1) build an iron bridge; 2) sow the field and harvest in a day; 3) choose one horse from a dozen (these are the sorcerer’s daughters, the bride will stand still); 4) one goose (the same); 5) dove (same); Having gone to the bathhouse, the young man and his bride run away, leaving the spit to answer for itself; the girl turns into a bush, the boy into a bird; to the church and the priest (the sorcerer’s wife explains that these were the fugitives); sea and swan; the sorcerer's wife herself pursues, becoming an eagle; tries to drink the sea, bursts; by hitting the boy's parents with a whip, the girl makes them young; (=Sokaeva 2012: 11-18)], 110-117 [the older brothers shoot at a golden deer, they themselves fall dead; the younger one wounds him, brings him home, the deer orders him to open his horn; in one horn there is food, wealth, in the other - people; Aldar takes away the deer, orders to bring a girl who was not born from her father and mother; the mother of the seven giants from the mound gives a horse; eagle, fish promise to help; the horse lures the girl out of the tower; she turns into a bird, into a fish, the eagle, the fish return her; the girl orders vats of hot and cold milk to be prepared; He orders the Aldar to take a hot bath, he is boiled; she and the young man bathe in the cold; wedding; riches from deer antler], 136-140 [the hunter finds a golden feather; the officer offers to sell it to him, but he insists that he himself will give the feather to the padishah; the officer's wife reproaches him for not being able to deceive the hunter; the officer suggests asking the hunter to bring 1) the golden bird itself (the hunter meets the girl, she gives the bird), 2) water from the golden spring (the wife teaches him to offer the officer to get a horse, the hunter reaches the source on it), 3) the daughter of the Sun (the officer is forced to equip the ship ; at sunset the sailors dance, the daughters of the Sun come to watch, one is caught); the padishah rewarded the hunter, the officer went bankrupt], 223-226 [five servants are jealous of Abaykutsykk, whom the Aldar singles out; they suggest that he 1) get the giant’s horse; in the giant's stable A. turns into a grain of wheat and brings a horse; 2) a samovar boiler and a self-scooping ladle; A. brings; 3) bring the giant himself; A. says that he is making a coffin for A., asks the giant to try it on; when the coffin is strong, he brings the giant to Aldar; he eats Aldar and five servants; sees A. on a tree, asks how he climbed up; he orders to pick up stones, then jump; the giant crashed, A. took possession of all the property], 296-301 [the eagle asks the hunter not to kill him; says that three doves fly from heaven to swim on the lake; you need to hide the clothes of the one who undresses later than others; the hunter returns his clothes when the woman calls him husband; she creates a palace, the king is jealous; orders 1) to deliver the bear from the edge of the world; the wife gives a golden ball, it rolls to her older sister; her daughter recognizes her little sister's towel; the ball rolls back, the bear follows it; the king asks to send the bear back; 2) bring something that no one has seen; the hunter again goes for the ball to his wife’s sister, who is the mistress of the animals; The fox gives Rochka - an invisible animal; the hunter exchanges her for an accordion with the troops, Rochka also returns to him; also exchanges for a rolling iron stick; destroys the king and the army]; Libedinsky 1978 [Soslan drives starving cattle to the pastures of two sons of Tar; these are the giants Mukara and Bibitz; S. pretends to be a simple shepherd, tells what games S. plays; M. subjects himself to the same tests; this is jumping on the edges of swords, crushing rocks with your head; dies, frozen into the ice and unable to get up, S. cuts off his head with his razor; before this, M. advises to stretch out his spinal cord and girdle it, his strength will pass to S.; S. encircles a thick beech with M.’s brain, the brain cuts the trunk; so with eight trees, the ninth is only compressed; after this S. girdles himself; B. swallows hot stones without harm, raises the entire body of frozen water; S. Shatan's wife welcomes B. as a guest, finds out where his soul is, puts sleeping pills; a bird brings a box with three doves, in them is strength, hope, life of X.; S. kills pigeons]: 143-156; Sokaeva 2010, No. 14 [God made friends with the earthly man George, gave him weapons; said that in the East there is a deer whose body is covered with bells; it cannot be killed; George grew old; his son Geor also became a hunter; contrary to his father's warning, he kills a deer; the father orders the skin to be taken to the king; the royal treasurer asks Geor where he is taking the skin and offers to buy it for a lot of money; The king orders Geor a house made of bird bones. “George gave his son glue in 50 buckets. Geor took them to the lake of milk and filled it up; Three hens of the Sun and birds from all over the world flew there and threw themselves on the glue.” One of the hens promises Geor to build a house from bird bones and gives him a magic feather; he again meets the royal treasurer, and he begs him for a pen for money; Geor builds a house for the king; the king sends for Beauty Julata; Geor takes with him 7 girls and 7 boys; there was a snake on the tree, not letting the ship through, Geor threw him the carcass of a bull, the snake let him through; then the wind from the eagle’s wings prevents the sailing, Geor throws the carcass of a ram to the eagle; Geor marries J.; the king sends an army, Geor asks God to help, he sends an eagle, then a snake, the wind from the wings blows away the army, the snake sinks ships; J. turns the treasurer and the king into a mangy wolf and a goat; the wolf eats the goat, the wolf is killed by the shepherds; George and his son rule the state]: 73-74; 2012, No. 5 [the king has 3 sons and a daughter, he promises to give the throne to the one who brings the curiosity; the eldest brings a sheet the size of a cloak, the middle one is even larger, the sister is indifferent, offers to bring a wing of a silver chicken; the youngest on a horse, who eats nails, brings; the sister asks for all the chicken, the horse teaches where to catch these chickens, the brother brings it; the sister offers to bring the owner of the chickens; the horse orders him to drink from the dirty, bitter river and praise the water; pick a pear, praise the tree; throw the rams to the iron-billed crows, the carcass of a bull to the wolves, grease the doors with fat tail fat; 3 girls are calling the door, one is playing, the other is singing, the third is crying; the crying one is the owner of the chicken, she asks for the door, wolves, etc. stop the kidnapper, they do not obey, the young man takes her away; the sister orders 7 iron-faced mares to be brought, milked, boiled milk, bathed, he will be king; the horse orders him to be smeared with glue, he fell out in the sand, became huge, the mares were afraid of him and obeyed him; the horse teaches him to come to heaven to Uastirdzhi, to steal his boiler for brewing beer; At home, anyone who tries to milk mares is killed by them; the horse tells them to let themselves be milked by their master; those who jumped into boiling milk all died; the young man emerged unharmed; the girl became the head of the kingdom (the end is illogical)]: 59-64; Ossetians : Byazirov 1971, No. 15 [in old age, Aslan decides to test his sons; the eldest and middle ones are returning from distant, dangerous places, but A. says that he got there in a day; the younger Kaurbek takes out a horse and heroic weapons from under the mound; meets his father's brother, who fought with the army of Donbettyr's daughter; K. wounds her, kills the horse, makes belts from its skin, and goes down into the sea; the old woman teaches how to change vessels with living and dead water; K. defeats D.’s daughter, gives her to her uncle, revives the horse with living water; removes the sword stuck in his grandfather's skull; he teaches to hit the khan with it, not to strike a second blow; K. kills the khan, takes her daughter; in the land of the khan there is eternal night; K. comes to the sea, there is a whale bridge across it; K. moves along it to the house of the Sun; his mother hides K., asks her Sun son questions so that K. overhears the answers; The sun does not illuminate the Khan's possessions, because... he tried to kidnap his daughter; the whale lies across the bridge, because swallowed ships; K. goes back, reports the answer to the whale, he releases the ships and is freed; K. takes away the daughter of the Sun, the light spreads in the possessions of the khan; The sun sends fire-breathing man-eating mares with steel jaws at the daughter's kidnapper, K.'s horse destroys them; the daughter of the Sun insidiously orders K. to milk the remaining mares and bathe in boiling milk; the horse advises K. not to throw himself into the boiling water, but to walk along the crossbar on which the cauldron hangs; the daughter of the Sun believes, bathes herself, comes out unharmed, the darkness over the earth dissipates; Zaliag-Kalm in the sea (!) does not provide water for drinking, requires a boy and a girl per month; K. kills him, the blood turns the sea yellow, now the sea is called “Yellow”; the older brothers kill the sleeping K. and his horse; the daughter of the Sun sends Donbettyr's daughter to revive K. with living water; K. forgives the brothers, gives one the daughter of Donbettir, the other the daughter of the khan, washes his father with living water, he becomes younger; K. decides to get Khadija as his wife; defeats a warrior with difficulty; the hawk reports that this is X., she will lose her heroic strength if you kiss her; K. kisses, brings Kh. to marry his father’s sons; the eldest and middle return from distant, dangerous places, but A.], 32 [after the pestilence, a young man and his stepmother remained; the giants could not pull out the young man’s arrow that had hit the pillar, they got scared and left; the eldest returned, conspired with the stepmother, she hides him in a chest; to get rid of the young man, the giant teaches the woman to pretend to be sick, to ask for 1) the liver of a boar from a milk lake (kills the boar); 2) giant apples; the young man kills the giants and frees the girl; 3) the giant teaches the stepmother to ask where the young man’s soul is; he says that there is a bowstring in it, and offers to tie it with this bowstring; the giant beats him, the young man's eyes pop out, he is buried under a stone; his father-in-law finds him, his wife puts his eyes on him (they were in his pocket), anoints him with living water; the young man killed the giant, pulled his stepmother by the hair until it remained in his hands]: 156-173, 247-256; Ingush : Bagriy 1920(2): 178-179 [the prince meets a person listening to ants, running with a millstone on his leg, drinking the sea, wearing a sakli; the king marries the beauty to someone who 1) eats a ram (he eats the drink), 2) eats poison (the listener recognizes it, the walker changes dishes, the bride’s parents die); the prince gets a wife]; Kibiev, Malsagov 1981: 117-137 [the stepmother tells her husband to take Akhmet out of the house; he asks him to go down into the gorge to get the fallen cake, and he leaves; A. is polite to the witch Garbash, she leaves him with her, orders him not to unlock one room; A. unlocks it, there is a horse, he feeds it, breaks the chain, the horse orders him to take the treasures and run, carries him across the seven seas; contrary to the horse's warning, A. pulls out a hair from the horse, it turns into a bridge, G. is about to kill A., but the horse throws it into the sea; orders A. to hide good clothes and hire himself to guard the melon tree; the youngest princess fell in love with him, chose him as her husband, and the sisters chose noble suitors; A. and his wife live in a chicken coop; the king fell ill, his sons-in-law leave to get the liver and lung of a lion; A. rides off on a nag, calls his horse, teaches him to lure a lion to throw himself into the abyss, teaches him to curse the liver to make it bitter and the lungs to be sweet; A. gives the lung to his older sons-in-law, they allow them to be whipped on the shoulder; scars remain; the king only got worse from the liver, but he recovered from the lung; after this, the king moves the young people to the calf barn; next time the king will be cured by the milk of a roe deer living over the mountains; the horse teaches her to catch it, pour the milk into two vessels, in one it is sweet, in the other it is bitter; everything repeats itself, the young remain in the calf barn; the third time you need buffalo milk, she lives at the bottom of the sea; A. takes it out, again shares it with his older sons-in-law, but he himself comes to the king in rich clothes, shows the scars on his sons-in-law’s bodies; the king drives out his older sons-in-law, gives A. half the kingdom, but he and his wife leave], 145-153 [one prince has three sons, another has a daughter; the second leaves the first an arrow; blood appeared on it, the prince sends his sons to help his friend; his daughter disappeared; brothers see fire; the eldest can spend 7 days underground, the middle one can fly, the youngest can pull an eaglet out from under an eagle; the younger one crept up to the sleeping snake and carried away the girl, the older one hid everyone underground; after 7 days I had to go out, the snake grabbed the girl, he caught up with him in flight, returned the girl; the serpent will guard them again; promises to let go for the promise of something they don’t know at home; during this time the fourth brother Hambor was born; he grew up, came to the serpent, he ordered to get Princess Albika from behind the seven mountains; the old woman gives you a bead, she turns it into whatever you want; X. becomes a duck, allows himself to be caught, the duck is given to A., X. is a man again, takes A. through an underground passage, they fly like a dove and a dove, A.’s brothers are chased by hawks; then hares and hounds; grains and cocks; Kh. and A. themselves became hawks and tore the roosters to pieces; Kh. cuts off the head of the snake, brings A.; wedding]; Malsagov 1983, No. 4 [the stepmother disliked the three stepdaughters, the father left them in the forest; the prince found them; one said that she would sew clothes for 60 warriors overnight, the second said that she would feed them with wheat from a thimble, the third said that she would give birth to a boy with the sun in his forehead, a month between his shoulder blades; the prince married his older sisters to his confidants and married the younger one; the elders sent a witch to the younger one, she planted the puppies, threw the boy to the sheep; then horses; he sucked milk, rode animals; the witch threw him in a chest into the river, a woman picked him up; the boy's mother was placed in a chicken coop with the puppies; the witch told the prince that one boy could bring a stallion like a tiger; he pacifies the horse, the horse teaches him to fall to the breast of the deva woman, she does not eat him; the prince orders the girl to be brought; the horse warns that those who approach it will turn to stone; he begins to turn to stone, but the girl goes with him; those previously petrified come to life; the girl tells the prince the truth; the prince returns his wife, two sisters and a witch are tied to the tail of a tiger stallion]: 44-47; Sadulaev 2004, No. 122 [the king sees a poor man and promises that he will give him everything he wants; a poor man asks to fill his pouch with money; The king's people bring a handful, then a hat and a cart of coins, but cannot fill the pouch; as a result, it includes all the royal property; the king and his people attack the poor man, he kills them and becomes king; the children of the murdered king grow up, the poor man gives them all the royal property; having settled separately, he sows wheat; she is hit by hail; a poor man hires out to work for a horseman and says: “I alone will remove all your grain before sunset, for this you will give me part of your paddocks, but if I do not remove the bread before sunset, then I will lose my payment”; does not have time to remove one sheaf, refuses payment; is hired by a shepherd on the condition: if after three years there is even a small loss in the herd, he will not receive remuneration, and if there is a profit, he will receive part of the livestock; Three years pass, the number of livestock increases; a wolf attacks the herd and carries away a kid; the poor man leaves the wolf alive, returns the kid and refuses the reward for the work; walks along the road, dies; the wolf finds and buries the corpse; Three doves fly to the grave, pray, and the poor man is resurrected; a tower appears on the grave, the poor man lives in it along with the doves who have turned into beauties; the wives say: “Go to the mother of the Sun and ask her for a good sofa for us. The mother of the Sun lives next to the mother of the Moon. The doors of their huts are always locked. The Sun Mother sits over the cradle of her child and feeds him with one breast, while the other breast is thrown over her shoulders. As soon as you enter the hut of the mother of the Sun, then immediately rush to her breast and begin to suck on it; if you manage to catch her breasts and suck them, she will give you a sofa”; the poor man follows the instructions, the mother of the Sun calls him the third son; her son comes, moving the Sun; Having learned about the poor man’s request, he tells him: “Tomorrow you will go for me to move the Sun around the world, and I will stay at home and make you a sofa. By noon, the mother of Thunder will bring you lunch, and when you approach the sea, look at our vineyard there”; the next day the poor man begins to drag the Sun around the world; by noon, Thunder's mother brings him lunch; he remembers how she hit his arable land with hail, and beats her; when he reaches the sea and finds himself near a vineyard, he remembers the loss of payment for harvesting grain; as a result, the Sun keeps an extra hour above the vineyard; in the evening he tells the mother of the Sun that the journey went well; goes home with the sofa; the man whose sheep he was tending comes to him; asks to give up one of his wives; wives turn into doves and fly away; the tower and other buildings disappear; a poor man is hired to work for the king, enters into a relationship with his daughter; the king throws him into a pit; a neighboring strong king sends this king two identical roosters and orders him to find out which one is older; the poor man suggests: “You can find out about the seniority of roosters by age this way: pour red wheat on them and, when there is a wind, send the roosters to it. The older rooster will stand with his head against the wind, and the younger rooster with his tail”; the king follows the advice, completes the task; a neighbor sends two identical stallions and orders to find out which one is older; the poor man explains: “Give more salt to feed these stallions, then let them go to water, the younger one will run forward to the water and begin to drink greedily, and the older one will walk more quietly and, approaching the water, will overtake the younger stallion”; the king follows the advice, completes the task; a neighbor sends a message: “Find out which of your people is able to shoot an arrow from a bow from your village to mine”; a poor man shoots an arrow into a neighboring village; she falls into the chain on which the cauldron hung in the royal sakla; a messenger arrives: “Our king invites you to come to our village and take with you one dog and one rooster to compete with our dog and our rooster”; a poor man takes a falcon instead of a rooster and goes to the village; on the way he meets a man who sees a chamois on a distant mountain, a man who hears a snake crawling behind seven mountains, a man who tries to drink the sea, and a man who, with one leg tucked into his belt, runs on the other after a hare; takes them with him; the neighboring king releases a rooster, the poor man's falcon pecks it; the neighboring king announces the start of a running competition and releases a witch from his side; she offers the one-legged man a drink from a jug, he falls asleep; the one who hears well hears snoring, the shooter shoots an arrow into the jug, the one-legged one wakes up from the ringing of shards and overtakes the witch; the king locks the guests in a copper hut; it begins to fill with water; a man who wanted to drink the sea drinks it; a strong king recognizes a neighboring king as his equal, a poor man marries the king's daughter]: 314-321; Tankieva 3003 [the prince grew old; to visit his friend, his son rode on his horse; the horse orders not to pick up the golden feather, the young man picked it up; my father's friend asked me to bring him a bird that had lost a feather; On the way, the young man, again contrary to the horse’s warning, picked up a golden apple; brought a bird, my father’s friend demanded an apple tree; there was a dragon around her, a horse galloped through, a young man brought an apple tree, picked up a golden hair, a friend of his father demanded a woman; she descends to earth from the tower once a year; the horse galloped through, the young man grabbed the girl, but brought him not to his father’s friend, but to himself; married her]: 298-300; Chechens : Malsagov 1983, No. 15 [the father is blind, the eldest son reaches places where the snow is red, brings medicine from there, the streak is dissatisfied; middle - where the white grass is, the same; The father tells the youngest not to pick up anything on the way, he picks up a golden feather and a ball of thread; 1) seeing the feather, the prince demands to get the bird; the horse teaches to tell the bird that Timar (the young man’s father) is blind, to pour intoxicating drink into the river, to scatter millet; the bird got drunk, came up to peck, the young man brought it; 2) seeing the ball, the prince desires the girl who wound it up; the horse teaches that the ball will lead to a girl; I must tell her that T. is blind; the horse prances, the young man picks up the girl; 3) she promises to marry the prince if he bathes himself in the milk of a sea mare; the horse orders him to wrap himself in cloth; in a battle with a horse that came out of the sea, it gnaws its flesh, but it only tears off the fabric; the seahorse agrees to drive the mares and foals out of the sea; The young man is the first to bathe in hot milk, the horse cools the milk; the prince is killed with hot breath; with the feather of a bird, the son returns his father’s sight and youth, marries the girl to him], 25 [the young man sees a girl hiding in the lower world; friends are afraid to go down, it’s hot there; he goes down, sends three girls up on a rope, one of them becomes his bride; friends cut the rope; he kills sarmak, who closed the water; the old woman says that if he touches a white ram, he will rise to the ground, if he touches a gray or black one, he will fall even deeper; he touches the white one, rises, finds his father, drives away the traitors, marries the bride]: 95-100, 126-128; sand : Bagriy 1930(1) [(recorded in 1902 by A.E. Grenom, from the materials of L.G. Lopatinsky); the old man gives the childless rich man an apple, he must eat it with his wife; three sons will be born, one must be given to the old man when the boy is ten years old; the older brothers are afraid, the younger one volunteers to go to the old man; the old man takes him inside the mound, there is a palace; 1) collect scattered wheat and millet; that one (Baba Yaga) collects; 2) dig a huge hole overnight and fill it with firewood; Same; 3) the young man opens the door, the owner’s daughter is there, says that tomorrow his father will burn him, teaches him to push him into the fire himself; the young man takes his wife and wealth, returns to his father]: 38-40; Bagriy 1930(2) [the wolf ate everyone; the rich man hid his son and daughter in a hole under the fireplace; the wolf ate him and his wife, heard voices, found children, left them on the roof of the house; the gray horse invited the children to sit on it, flew to the sea, the wolf caught up with it, ate it, and returned the children; a black horse carried across the sea; brother and sister live there, the girl goes to the sea for water; the wolf sees her, asks her to look in the mirror, then he will fly across the sea, promises to marry her; she hides the wolf in a chest, he advises to say sick, to send his brother seven mountains away to bring milk from the old women; the old woman explains that her sister has a lover; orders you to go through 40 doors in a cave in 20 minutes, if you don’t have time, you won’t get out; a young man passes by, takes out milk, but his dogs remain outside the doors; he brings milk, the wolf rushes at him, the swallow flies to the dogs, says that the owner is in trouble; they break out and kill the wolf; the brother walled up his sister in the room, promised to release her when a puddle appeared in front of the window, with reeds on it, and ducks began to swim in the reeds; many years later this happened, the brother released his sister, the king married her]: 35-38 (=Khalilov 1965, No. 65: 195-199); Ganieva 2011b, No. 53 [the father agrees to take a new wife only if the leather boot placed under the roof rots; she finds out, rots the boot, gets married; orders to get rid of three stepdaughters; the father digs a hole in the forest, they fall into it; digging an underground passage to the khan's stables; the khan asks what gift each has; the eldest promises to sew clothes for forty horsemen, the middle one to prepare food for forty guys from rice poured into an egg shell, the youngest to give birth to a son with a golden tuft, a daughter with a moon-like forehead; the elders cannot fulfill their promises without the help of the younger ones; the youngest gives birth, the sisters put the children in a chest, lower them down the river, and replace them with puppies; the khan orders her to be wrapped in skin and placed at the door; the fisherman picked up the chest, the girl Suvsar and her brother Tabuldu (“foundling”) grew up; Khan meets him; the sisters guess who he is, send the old woman to persuade S. to ask T. to bring a branch of a wonderful tree and wonderful water; T. comes to the palace, there is meat in front of the horse, hay in front of the dog, he changes places; praises the thorns, lubricates the gate, takes away a branch and water, the gate and others refuse to hold him; watered, a wonderful tree grows; the old woman persuades to ask T. to get the beautiful Karachach; T. calls K., begins to turn to stone, after the third call K. comes out, T. and the previously petrified come to life; in the house of T. and S.K., an old woman who came was burned in the stove; T. comes to the khan, offers the wooden dove to eat; says that even a woman cannot give birth to a puppy; Khan comes to K., she explains everything; the khan planned how to take K. away from his son; K. throws him off the glass bridge; T. and S.’s mother were washed, her sisters were wrapped in cow skins, T. was chosen as khan]: 479-488; Kapieva 1974: 65-71 [39 brothers leave with their father to look for 40 sisters as wives; Malik-Mamed, the youngest in his forties, stays at home and warns not to spend the night near the city of Palas; they wooed 40 daughters of a poor man, go back, spend the night by the river; in the morning it turns out that they mistook the serpent Ashdag for a river, he surrounded them with a ring; releases for a promise to give MA; demands that he bring him the daughter of the Shah of the Devas; the wolf orders to find a good horse; MA finds and gives the old man to be devoured by the wolf; along the way he meets and takes in as comrades Swiftfoot, Cliffbreaker, and Waterbread; the Shah of the Devas 1) tries to burn them in an iron hut, Waterbread belches water, cools it; 2) the Shah orders water to be brought faster than the lame old woman; Swift-foot overtakes her, but she gave him wine to drink and he fell asleep; MA woke him up by shooting an arrow, he caught up with the old woman, and was the first to return with a jug; 3) The rock breaker defeats the local strongman; MA gets the girl; the wolf says that the soul of the snake is in an egg in a huge partridge; MA breaks the egg, Ashdaga dies, MA marries the daughter of the Khan of the Devas], 87-92 [the old man has 12 sons, 11 are evil, the youngest Bayburak is good; the old man goes to look for brides for them; Kart-Enem offers to marry his 12 daughters to them; the brothers come and spend the night at KE’s; B. hears that she is sharpening a knife; says that he is not sleeping because 1) the geese are screaming (KE killed the geese, leaving three magical ones); 2) cows moo; KE slaughtered the cows, B. told the brothers to run away; KE pursues on a cart without wheels, B. throws a stone (mountain), stomps (abyss), KE stops the chase; the brothers want to destroy B., they persuade the khan to send him to KE for 1) a magic blanket; B. comes secretly, pricks KE with a needle at night, she thinks that fleas bite, throws away the blanket, B. takes it away, KE chases him (same episodes); 2) magic geese; B. hides behind the door of the EC; she asks each of the three geese where B. is now, they answer that it’s behind the door, KE doesn’t believe it, tears off two of their heads, then grabs B.; he advises inviting her relatives to eat; breaks the ropes, carries away the goose; 3) bring the CE itself; B. pretends to be an old man, says that his iron chest protects him from heat and cold, invites KE to climb in for a test, and brings it to the khan; he opens the chest, KE swallowed him; I saw B. on the tower, tripped, fell into a hole, broke]; Mazaev, Kasumov 1997(2): 29-37 [(=Khalilov 1965, No. 49: 126-136); the wife gives birth to forty sons, writes a letter to her merchant husband who has left; he replies that he will kill her if he finds at least one child upon his return; she hides them in a hole; after 15 years, the merchant finds his sons and takes them home; bends over the spring, azhdaha grabs him, orders him to give the younger one; orders the young man 1) to bring Bermes, daughter of Almas Khan; on the way, a shepherd in the service of azhdah promises to help; the young man is joined by a sharp shooter, a deer milker, a sea-drinking walker, and a wolf; win Almas Khan's competitions (defeat a dog, win a race, spend the night in a hot room; the young man brings a woman; the shepherd tells her to break a millstone on the mound, there are eggs with the soul of azhdah; the young man kills him, takes his wife and wealth; 39 brothers are jealous , they suggest to the father to send the younger one for the bull buried by the sea; he brings him along with the herd; the father orders him to bring a golden pole from the other world, he teaches them to turn the young man’s parents into wild boars (the origin of pigs) , brothers into dogs], 38-48 [about the same; brothers - into goats; the father - Khan Kara-Batyr demands that you don’t know at home; but the khan gives away an unloved runt, born from his late wife. ]; Avars : Bulatova 1985: 59-66 [the elder sister promises to weave cloth for the royal army, the middle sister promises to bake bread, the youngest promises to give birth to a son with pearl teeth and a golden-haired daughter; the king overhears and takes the youngest; While the Tsar is at war, the sisters throw their children into a nettle gorge and report that the Tsarina gave birth to a puppy and a kitten; the king orders her to be sewn into a donkey skin, chained to the city gates, and spit on her; The doe feeds the children with milk, leaves them in an empty castle, tells the boy to cover his mouth, the girl to cover her hair; a widow catches a golden hair in the river, the evil sisters order this woman to destroy the survivors; she advises the girl to ask her brother 1) to bring a branch of an apple tree that sings and dances; he gallops on a horse between the crushing rocks, the tip of his tail is cut off, brings a branch; 2) marry the beautiful Ezenzulhar; he sees petrified horsemen near her castle, calls E., and turns to stone himself; the sister wore out the iron soles and staff; E. looks at her when she bares her hair, the petrified ones come to life, the brother marries E.; the king meets his children, frees his wife, the children take their mother to their castle]; Mazaev, Kasumov 1997(1): 87-91 (= Saidov, Dalgat 1965: 231-239) [about the same, the name of the beauty Azhnaguhar; the khan ties the older sisters, the slave, the widow to the tails of the horses]; Kapieva 1974 [a beggar gives a childless man two beans, orders him to give one of the two sons who will be born; when Arslan and Batyr grow up, the father gives A.; on the way he drinks from the stream, the skull at the bottom says that the beggar is the Black Dev, teaches him to pretend that he does not know how to sweep the floor, light the stove; pushes the deva into the fire; pulls out a thorn from a lioness, returns an eaglet to the nest, receives a lion cub, an eaglet; dips his finger in the stream, it turns golden; washes his hair, mane and tail of his horse in the stream; releases the animals, they will return when he burns the feather; smears his face with mud, hires himself out to a gardener; the khan's youngest daughter sees his golden hair; the khan invites the three daughters to throw an apple at those they want to marry; the youngest throws at A.; the khan drives her away, she and A. live in a hut on the outskirts; a sick khan will be cured by deer meat; he calls an eagle, he calls a horse and a lioness; A. hunts a deer, gives the bile-smeared meat to his older sons-in-law, and for this puts a mark on their back; the venison is bitter, the khan is angry, and the meat given by the youngest daughter is tasty; but he is worse, he needs the milk of a lioness; the lioness gives it; A. puts a mark on the eldest son-in-law, gives milk in a jug where there was vinegar, it turned sour; the khan recovered from the milk brought by A.; as a reward he asks for his two slaves, everyone sees the seals on the backs of the older sons-in-law; A. takes on his true appearance; brother A. Batyr follows in his footsteps, the lioness and eagle give him the brothers of the lion cub and eaglet that A. received; A.'s wife mistakes B. for her husband, is rejected, cries; reproaches A., who returned from hunting; he catches up with B. and kills him with an arrow; repents; one mouse kills another, revives it with grass; A. revives B. for her; feast]: 72-80; Saidov, Dalgat 1965: 184-197 [to get married, 49 sons of the khan go to look for 49 sisters, disappear; Sulaiman is born, they hide from him that he had brothers; he offends other children, breaks the widow's jug; the old man and the widow advise him to better look for his brothers; he meets them in the forest, fights with them, then they recognize him by his ring; someone steals horses, S. remains to guard, kills seven giant Narts, finds wealth and 50 girls in their cave; on the way back, the one-eyed father of the sleds and girls grabs S.; the brothers are afraid and leave; Cyclops orders the white horse to feed flint, the black horse wheat, S. does the opposite; Cyclops orders to bring the khan's daughter; S. rides a white horse, takes as companions people endowed with different abilities (1) runs fast, 2) sees well, 3) hears well, 4) drinks the sea, 5) splits and joins rocks); not recognizing S., everyone answers that the real strongman is S.; the khan promises to give his daughter to the winner of the competition, his companions help him win; 1) racing, 2) defeating the bull, 3) running (the runner is put to sleep, but he is woken up with an arrow); they try to burn the companions in a copper room; the sea drinker spews out water; S. brings a girl to the Cyclops, tells her to find out where the Cyclops’ soul is; he first answers that in a stick (his wife decorates it), then that in three eggs in a chest under a pile of garbage in a hut in the desert, only the white horse knows the way; S. kills a cyclops, brings home his wife], 247-253 [the arrow of the khan’s eldest son falls on the roof of the vizier’s house, the middle one - a nuker, the youngest - into a swamp; he marries a frog, the khan tells him to live with her in a forest hut; the frog turns into a beauty, he burns her skin, she regrets it; the brothers are jealous and persuade their father to 1) send the younger one for a mill from which oil, honey and flour flow; the mother-in-law frog gives him a horse, the hero rides it to the mill, kills the dragon, brings millstones; 2) ask the deceased mother where the treasures are hidden; the horse brings the hero to a hole in the ground; the mother says where the treasure is, wants her son’s father and brothers to become dogs; the hero snatches the treasure, the dogs run away into the mountains], 302-310 [(=Khalilov, Osmanov 1989: 138-141); three brothers got lost and came to a house where there were cards with three daughters; the younger fool Chilbik each time answers karts that he is not sleeping, sends karts to fetch water with a sieve, puts the daughters of karts in the place of the brothers; at night she cuts off the heads of her daughters; finds in the bundle not Ch.’s head, but his daughter’s; running away (the same thing every time), Ch. crosses the bridge of ash, K. cannot catch up with Ch.; the ruler orders Ch. to bring the belongings of the cards 1) tsakh (blanket?); Ch. pricks a sleeping card from the roof, she thinks that there are fleas in the shed and throws it away; 2) cauldron (Ch. throws stones at the roof, splashes of fat fly into the kart, which throws out the cauldron); 3) a golden goat (Ch. pricks it with a stick, the goat bleats, the card throws it away); 4) the card itself; Ch. in the form of a beggar meets a card, she asks to make a strong chest; climbs into it, it falls apart; the next one is strong, Ch. closes the card in it, brings it; Ch. climbs a tree, the nukers open the chest, and Kart swallows everyone; Ch. throws bags of flour at her from a tree, the card bursts, swallowed people and animals come out; no daughter of the ruler; Ch. cuts the card finger, a girl comes out, Ch. marries her]; Dargins : Ganieva 2011b, No. 9 [Alikhan Batyr goes to woo Tetli Khanum; the Vaika's wife, having twisted ropes from snakes, built a threshing machine from turtles and frogs, harnessed the pigs and threshed on a steel current; A. blew and she flew overseas; he meets and takes as his companion Khunkar, who moves the mountains, who listens to Lippar, who makes the flowers of Chugurchi dance with his play, and who drinks the sea, Urhukhup; Everyone first says that he is not strong, but A. is so; U. drank the sea, the companions crossed overland to the other side, there they met the runner Tsatahan; T.'s father promises a daughter if A. 1) wins the race (he fell asleep, L. heard this, C. woke him up, Kh. put a mountain in front of the Khan's runner); 2) will defeat the bull (A. won, and the second one, who was let in from behind, was forced by Ch. to dance); 3) A. and his comrades were locked in a steel house, a fire was lit (U. flooded the house and half the city); 4) at the feast, bowls of poison were placed in front of them, L. heard this, Ch. swapped the bowls, the vizier and his people died; A. received a wife, chose a bad cart, a nondescript foal as a gift, all the wealth of the khan fit on the cart], 14 [everyone is afraid of the strong man Ali, they advise the talkhan (prince) to give him difficult assignments; 1) plow the field of seven giant sleds (defeated the eldest, harnessed the rest instead of oxen), 2) bring firewood (bring uprooted trees on wild animals), 3) get the girl Zhami; those who came to her tower froze {=stone}; Zhami herself went to Ali, went with him, revived those who had previously frozen (they became their retinue), moved her palace to the place of the talkhan's palace and vice versa, Ali became a talkhan]: 131-134, 182-185; Osmanov 1963 [the Shah goes to check if anyone is turning on the lights at night; at the house of an orphan girl he hears three times how she promises to give birth to the Shah a golden-haired boy and a silver-haired girl; the Shah marries, leaves, orders the nukers to hang out a red flag if the promised children are born, and a black flag if ordinary ones; the first wife orders the children to be replaced with puppies, the children to be thrown in a box into the river; the Shah orders the young wife to be sewn into buffalo skin, thrown at the threshold, wiped his feet on her, spit on her; the childless miller fished out the box; the grown-up girl tells him to buy calico at the market, embroiders a scarf with silver and gold hair, and sends her brother to sell it; the Persian gives a lot of money, the brother and sister go to the edge of the city, build a palace better than the Shah’s; the elder wife sends the witch 1) to persuade the girl to ask her brother to get a special tree; the horse says that it is behind a wall guarded by fire-breathing dragons; the dragon king gives the tree; 2) get my brother an overseas wife; the sea horse carries the young man, he hits the beauty with a golden whip, she wakes up and leaves with him; the vizier tells the truth to the Shah, he returns his wife and children, the eldest wife rotted in prison]: 97-102 (=Kapieva 1991: 120-125; =Mazaev, Kasumov 1997(1): 349-354); Khalilov 1965, No. 70 [a shepherd on the mountain has 40 mares; one of the foals asks to slaughter the others and give him the milk of 40 mares; the same for the next year; in the third year the shepherd did not listen; then the foal ordered to be placed in an underground stable; the khan demands to get the daughter of the khan of another country; the foal turns into a nag, they laugh at the shepherd; then he becomes a heroic horse and flies across the sea, but touches the water with one foot, because... the owner did not give him milk from 40 mares in the third year; that khan gave away his daughter; when the shepherd brought it, the khan's associates took it away, one of them took credit for it; makes the daughter of a foreign khan a condition of marriage; bring her father's golden bath, fill it with boiling milk and bathe in it; the shepherd brought; the khan tells him to bathe first; the horse cooled the milk for a while; the khan climbed and boiled, the beauty married the shepherd]: 215-218; easy [during the rain, an apple fell on the royal roof; the queen ate him in half with her husband, gave birth to 40 boys; the king got scared and ordered them to be left behind the mountain; later he returned, 40 young men called him father, asked him to marry 40 sisters; the king put on iron boots, took a steel stick, and went to look for brides; a father of 40 daughters came towards him - also with an iron stick and in iron boots; the father and 39 sons went to pick up brides, and the youngest Susuna stayed at home; S. to father: when snakes fall from the sky and stones rain, don’t stop anyway; but when stones began to fall, the young people insisted on spending the night; at night they were surrounded by a ring of snakes and demanded their younger brother S.; orders S. to get the daughter of the overseas king; S. meets and takes as his companion someone who shoots birds into the sky, drinks and vomits the sea; the king orders 1) to overtake the old woman; the shooter ran, shot an arrow into the old woman’s back and overtook her; 2) with a full bowl, climb a tree and come down without spilling; S. completed the task, but from the top of the tree he saw his mother in mourning for him and shed a tear; but the king was convinced that it was not water; 3) spend the night in an iron room; the king ordered a fire to be lit around, but the water-bowl spewed out water and cooled the room; the princess does not want to see the snake; the shepherd advised asking the serpent for a saber in a felt sheath as a reward; With this saber S. cut the snake; half turned into a dog, the other into a pig, they began to chase each other; S. received two wives: a princess and a former bride]: Khalilov 1965, No. 51: 137-142; Lezgin [the padishah has the eldest daughter Peri (evil, lazy), the youngest daughter Gyuri (good-natured); azhdakha attacked the country, the padishah promised G. to the winner; the warriors are dying, the shepherd's son Kahriman dug a pit-trap, and azhdaha fell into it; but the padishah gave the young man not G., but P.; he pushed P. into a pit with azhdakha; Azhdakha jumped out of horror and began to ruin the country again; K. told him that P. had gotten out of the hole; azhdakha fled in horror; K. married G., was chosen as padishah]: Ganieva 2011b, No. 62: 532-534; Tabasarans [the stepmother tells Perihanum to graze the red cow and spin wool; the wind carries away the wool, the cow orders to follow the wind; P. goes through a gold and silver current into the cave of azhdah; there are snakes and lizards in his hair, P. says that the hair is clean; the dough is dirty, P. says it’s clean, like her mother’s; cleans the house, does not take treasures, azhdha pushes her on a swing, gold does not fall from her dress; he tells her to swim in a white lake, wash her hair in a black lake, gives her gold, dresses and a horse that can be turned into anything; seeing the beauty, the stepmother sends her own daughter Aykhanum; she calls azhdah dirty, hides the gold, and it falls out on the swing; she was ordered to swim in a black lake, wash her hair in white, and a horn grew on her forehead; the stepmother leaves with A. for the holiday, tells P. to divide the ash and millet, fill the vessel with tears; the mother from the grave teaches how to sift millet through a sieve, fill a vessel with water and salt, put on a dress, take a horse given by azhdakh; returning from the wedding, P. lost her shoe; the bek's son fell in love and found the owner of the shoe; the stepmother slipped him her ugly daughter instead of P.; P. flew in like a dove, A. ordered to be slaughtered, the offal was thrown away, a pine tree grew, A. ordered to make a cradle out of it, the old woman picked up the shavings; someone is cooking in her house, she finds the girl; takes a skinny horse for fattening, it becomes prettier; the bek's son invites the women to spin and tell stories; P. tells; everything is explained, the stepmother and A. were put on horses and driven with whips]: Ganieva 2011b, No. 49: 444-450; Rutulians [dying, the hunter tells his son not to go to Mount Tseylakhan; the son goes and kills an animal with a glowing skin; Karaneniy (witch) finds out about this, tells the padishah, he orders to make a house from animal bones, bring the daughter of the padishah of the genies; in a dream, the father orders clay figurines of frogs and snakes to be buried, and an ivory palace appears in this place; in search of the country of genies, the young man meets and takes as a companion one who plays in the mountains, drinks a river, and eats food; The padishah of the genies orders 1) to eat a lot (he eats a lot); 2) stay in the room around which the fire was lit (the drink pours out a river); 3) win the race (the player who played with mountains threw mountains in front of his opponent); the young man got the girl, the padishah died of a broken heart, the young man got married, was elected padishah]: Ganieva 2011b, No. 34: 325-327; dad [a poor young man hires himself out to the tailor of Shah Abbas; he sees in a dream how he grabbed the moon with one hand, the sun with the other, and placed it on his lap; refuses to tell the dream to the owner, and to the Shah himself, and is thrown into a pit; eats the earth and digs a passage, ends up in the chambers of the padishah’s daughter, eats there, kisses the sleeping woman; the next time the beauty pours salt on the wound and does not sleep; says that Padishah Chimechin ordered to find out which apple is from the current, which from the past, which from the harvest before last; if they don’t guess correctly, he will take the padishah’s daughter; the young man promises to guess if the padishah’s daughter is given to him; guesses by putting it in a bucket of water: the older the apple, the easier it is; The mullah wanted to avert the wedding and get the princess for his son, but the young man quietly pushed him off the minaret; the wife gave birth to a son and a daughter; Padishah Chimechin calls the young man to his place and orders him to sew a beshmet from marble; the daughter of the padishah Chimechin advises to bring stones, ask her father to make threads from them, then he will sew a beshmet; the young man returns, the dream is explained: the sun and the moon are his children from the princess]: Kukullu 1974, No. 15: 123-129; Svans [a man marries the daughter of a deva; she devours the children she gives birth to; a man replaces his son with a puppy and feeds him with glacial water; This is Shavai; the deva asks Sh., whom he does not recognize, what tests he is subjecting himself to; puts his head under stones without harming himself, swallows hot plows; enters the river up to its neck, Sh. freezes it; the dev advises to take his knife, take out the black intestine from the box in his side; the horse warns Sh. about danger, the knife cuts the pillars of the house, the gut pulls over the oak tree; Sh. cuts off the deva's head]: Dzidziguri 1973, No. 13: 99-102; Svans [the king has three daughters, his wife died, he took another, she orders him to get rid of his stepdaughters; the king found an apple tree in the steppe and brought an apple to his daughters; they asked to be led to the apple tree; the king dug a hole there, covered it with a carpet, and his daughters fell through; the sisters ate apples, they ran out, but the youngest hid them; these are over too; the eldest wanted to eat her, but the younger turned her hands into a shovel and a stick with an iron tip; they dug a passage into the tin house; there the servants feed the royal horses with boiled wheat; the sisters eat everything, the horses lose weight, the king executes the servants; the healer orders a guard; the sisters are caught, the king wants one of them as a wife for his son; eldest: weave a carpet for the king and all his subjects to have a bed and coverlet; middle: I will give the king and the people wine to drink; youngest: I will give birth to a son and a daughter {hereinafter we will only talk about the son}, so that their lower and upper halves are gold; this sister was given away to the prince; older sisters threw their born children into the river and replaced them with puppies; the king tied the bride to a stump at the fork in three roads; let everyone spit in her eyes; the children were picked up by the priest who owned the mill; the priest raised the young man, he is the best hunter; his mother's sisters realized who he was; advised the priest to send a young man to Elbrus for a golden apple tree; on the way of divas, petrified to the waist; says that everyone turns to stone like that; you need to remember your mother’s nipples; the young man thought about them and brought an apple tree; the divas chased the young man, but the diva drove them away; the sisters advise asking the young man to bring a mirror from Elbrus; everyone turned to stone, and the young man remembered his mother’s nipples and brought a mirror; sisters: kidnap the wife of a Western sovereign; the young man came to the tower, there was the king’s daughter; the king will give it back if there are ripe fruits in the garden by morning; The princess orders to put a stick in the ground, pour water on it, and in the morning the tree will bear fruit; king: cross the sea, build churches everywhere so that all the bells can ring; the princess gave her a towel, it created everything; tame a horse; horse: order an iron hammer and beat the horse with it; recognize the bride among the sisters (she will have a ring on her finger); the princess orders to flee, the king sent an army; the princess turned the young man into a monk, the horse into a church, and herself into an icon; arrived to the king-father; the young man’s mother was released, his sisters were executed]: Nizheradze 1890, No. 1: 176-187; megrely (village Bandza, Senaki district) [Data – the youngest of 12 brothers; they decided to marry 12 sisters; along the way they meet, take as companions 1) who shot an arrow into the sky a year ago and is waiting for it to fall; 2) drinking a river and not enough; 3) plowed with 12 buffaloes, swallowing clods of earth and shouting, “not enough!”; 4) carrying heaven, earth, stone and wood and shouting “not loaded!”; 5) listening to where the ants went; 6) shepherd of hares; everyone answers that it is not he, but Data, who is the real hero; brothers reject giants who have 6, 9 daughters; having 12 daughters offers tests; 1) who will drink more wine (the drinker drank it all); 2) who will hit the distant target (The shooter hit); 3) who will eat the most (The Earthswallower); 4) divide the barley and grain (he who heard the ants sends them to divide); The strongman raised the giant; he gave away his daughters]: Petrov 1894: 64-69; Georgians (Imereti) [the bear forced the priest to marry her, brought a son, he was named Datvis (“bear”) - Shvili; he is incredibly strong; his father gave him to serve the king, who wants to get rid of him; orders to build a palace in the forest and deliver it; D. brings the palace on four winged horses; orders to obtain Mzis-nahavi (“unseen by the sun”); D. meets and takes as companions 1) an earthswallower, 2) a water-drinker, 3) one who listens to and controls ants, 4) a shepherd of hares; the king will give up his daughter if D. drinks and eats a lot (the dredger and the water-breader do so); D. says that there was not enough hare meat for lunch, the hare shepherd brought the hares; the king and his people are hiding in the palace, the one listening to the ants hears, D. breaks the palace, takes away the beauty; the king digs a hole with boiling water, but D. calls for horses, they carry him out, destroy the king, D. lives in a new palace]: Epiphany 1894a, No. 1: 1-8; Georgians [the stepmother asks the young man to make sure that the chickens do not peck the grain scattered for drying; he fell asleep, the chickens pecked the grain, the stepmother hit the young man; he said that he had a dream: he had one foot in Baghdad, the other on the edge of the city, on one the sun, on the other the moon, and stars on his hands and face; the stepmother asks to give the dream to her, the young man replies that this is impossible, he was kicked out of the house; he came to the King of the West, he also asked to give the dream to him, the young man again refused; he was thrown into a pit; the princess likes him, she feeds him; the king of the East demands to determine which of the four horses is the mother, and which of the three foals is older and who is younger; the young man teaches how to lock horses without water and then release them; the mother will come out first, then the youngest foal, and the eldest foal last; the king of the East shot an arrow, it pierced the palace of the king of the West, no one can pull it out; only the young man pulled it out and let it back to the king of the East; the king married him to his daughter; he went to war with the king of the East; meets and takes as his companion a plowman swallowing upturned clods of earth; drinking water from the sea; running after a hare with a millstone on his leg; listening to ants crawling underground; shot into the sky three days ago, and the arrow has not yet fallen back; changing the wings of pigeons so that they do not notice it; a priest who carries his church on his back; a young man wooes the daughter of the King of the East; he demands 1) to eat all the bread that was baked for three days (he ate too much), 2) to drink wine from a huge carp (he drank too much), 3) having overtaken the runner, be the first to bring water; the royal runner suggested rest, gave sleeping pills, the runner with the millstone fell asleep; the shooter shot an arrow, woke him up, he instantly ran and brought water, overtaking the royal runner; the king agreed to the wedding; the listener heard that they were going to be poisoned, and the one who changed the wings of the pigeons changed the plates; the courtiers themselves died; the king asked for an antidote, the priest gave it {not entirely clear}; after five or six years the young man and his second wife returned to the first; she already has a son; now the dream is clear: star, moon and sun]: Dirr 1920, No. 5: 17-23; Georgians [the eagle is spread out on three oak trees, asking the hunter not to kill him, to cure him; takes him to his parents and tells them to ask them for only a box for treatment; on the way, the hunter feeds the eagle, cuts off the last piece from the leg; having flown, the eagle heals him; the eagle's mother orders not to open the box on the way; a man opens it, and a whole city comes out of it; Dev puts back for a promise to give what you don’t know at home; this is a newborn son; he grows up and goes to the deva to be eaten; the old woman orders to hide the dress of the youngest of the deva daughters when they bathe; she becomes his wife; the dev orders 1) to cover the house and yard with golden cloth; 2) build the palace by morning; people fulfill their wives; 3) ride around the horse, this is the deva himself, the wife gives the bit and hammer; the spouses are running; the wife turns into a field, the husband into a reaper; into the forest and the old man; into the lake and the duck; the first two times the mother pursues, the third - both; drink the lake, burst]: Chikovani 1954: 167-172; rebake in Kurdovanidze 1988(1), no. 37: 136-141; Georgians (zap. in the Georgian village of Sachilavo in Megrelia) [the king has 363 sons, the eldest is Samaisa (“samasi” - 300); S. invites his father to marry them to 363 sisters at once; the first devi answers that he has 361 daughters, the second - 362, the third - 363; he gives away his daughters; warns that near the maiden with 362 daughters lives a nine-headed maiden, and near the one with 361 daughters lives a 12-headed one; S. does not allow him to see the 9-headed one, but the 12th-headed one pulls all the newlyweds into the abyss; promises to let him go if S. gets him the daughter of the eastern king; S. meets and takes as his companion 1) one who is lying on his ear and covering himself with his ear, 2) who is chasing hares with a millstone tied to his leg, 3) who is shooting at an animal, a bird a thousand miles away, 4) who is plucking feathers from pigeons, but they do not notice , 5) counting the number of ants in an ant heap, 6) drinking a lake, 7) swallowing blocks of earth; everyone answers that this is not surprising, but what is surprising is that S. and 362 brothers married the daughters of the 12-headed maiden; S. jumps the wall on his horse, opens the gate, the shooter destroys the guard dogs, the king offers tests; 1) whose messenger will be the first to bring living water; the king's messenger invites the Runner to have a snack first, he falls asleep; The shooter shot an arrow, it broke the millstone, the Runner returned first; 2) who will eat more (The overeater absorbs food, shouts that it is not enough); 3) drink 40 wineskins of water (Opivalo drinks); 4) collect the sown wheat (the one who counted the ants tells them to collect); the king gives up his daughter, but orders sleeping potion to be added to the food; The plucker of pigeon feathers changed the dishes, the king’s people fell asleep; Having brought the princess, S. invites the maidens to shave him, cuts his throat with a razor (if you cut again, new maidens will appear with each stroke); S.'s brothers dug a hole, S. fell into it, but the horse galloped away, the brothers filled the hole with earth, and took the princess away; the horse asks the fox to dig a hole for a promise to give her his hind thigh; kicks the fox when it approaches; the same with a wolf, a bear; the bear dug to the bottom, the horse pulled out S.; parents gave S. the throne, and his brothers made him servants]: Kapanadze 1900: 129-141; Georgians (Kakheti) [son wants to get married, mother advises throwing bread into the river every day; a girl came out, the young man persuaded her to go live in another kingdom; the adviser saw her, persuaded the king to take his wife away from the young man, order him to bring 1) eggs from which all the birds and animals will hatch; the wife tells him to go to the river and ask her mother for a white chicken egg; from them all animals come; 2) a bunch of grapes to feed the whole army (the same thing, ask your mother for a bunch of our grapes); 3) a child so that he knows 14 languages style='font-family:​​(to give our daughter-in-law’s newborn for a while; he talked to people from 14 countries and left); 4) Ezhvan flower; he is with the beauty at the top of the tower, she lets her hair down, you need to wrap it around her hand, she will lift it up; she has wind horses, the young man returns with the beauty, gives her a flower; the beauty advises that they propose to build a bridge so that the king, court and army can fit; the bridge was on her hair, she pulled it, everyone drowned; the young man stayed to live with his wife]: Chikovani 1954: 116-120; Georgians (Imereti) [a hunter sees a wounded nine-headed eagle, he asks not to shoot at him, to cure him; carries the reward to his sisters, they are married to the kings of the white, red, blue seas; the two older ones refuse to give the box, the younger one gives it; The eagle warns not to open it on the way; a man opens it, a city appears from the box; The eagle, in anger, orders everything to be collected back, for this is his land; agrees to lay down himself for a promise to give away what he did not leave at home; a man has a son at home; he grows up, goes to look for the Eagle; the old man says that three eagles with copper, silver, and gold feathers will come to swim, and orders them to hide the gold ones; the young man returns the promise to marry him; putting on feathers, the eagle carries him to her father; The 9-headed Eagle orders the construction of 1) a church, 2) a garden, 3) a bridge, the bride creates everything; 4) identify which of the three eggs contains the bride; she says that she will move the egg; The eagle is going to kill the young anyway; they flee to the kingdom of the young man’s father, everything is fine]: Epiphany 1894, No. 2: 8-19; Georgians [the mother found three grains, the three sons plowed three fields, the bread was harvested, but the thunderer Elia struck the field of the youngest with hail; he came to the rich man and promised to collect his bread in a day if he gave half the harvest; I didn’t have time to tie the last sheaf when the sun set; An unlucky person is hired to herd sheep for three years for half the flock, if all the sheep remain intact; on the last day the wolf carries away one sheep; three heavenly girls came down to bathe, Unlucky grabbed one and took her as his wife; the celestial maiden's ring grants wishes; the king orders the servant to roast the pheasant; the servant sees the wife of the Unlucky Man, he becomes dumbfounded, the pheasant is burned; the king himself sees the beauty, sends her husband to fetch milk from a fierce buffalo, he brings her; the king orders to take a jug of buffalo milk, climb the plane tree, go down, the milk should become curdled milk; the wife orders the ring to be dipped into the jug; the king orders the eldest daughter of the Sun to be brought to him as his wife; The unlucky one goes for the ring; the fish asks to know why it is so swollen, the plowmen ask why the ploughshare breaks, the shepherds ask why the sheep are dying; The unlucky man climbs to the sky on a poplar growing on the head of a deer; The Sun and the Moon are the father-in-law and mother-in-law of the Unlucky; he beat Eli and the wolf; The sun apologized and promised to help; you have to hit the fish - there is a bag of money in its belly; change the ploughshare from wood to iron; sheep need to be sheared in the spring; order the king to turn into a hare, the viziers into wolves; that’s what happened]: Dzhaliashvili 1970: 22-30; Georgians (Racha) [having learned that the wife gave birth to 20 sons at once, the husband leaves; the youngest son Batribeg finds his father and sends him to look for 20 sisters as wives for them; he finds them, but on the way home the dragon captures everyone, releasing them for a promise to bring B.; B.'s wife cuts off her hand and gives it to him; the dragon lifts B. to heaven and asks him to get a wife for him; along the way, B. takes as his companions a rabbit catcher, an ant listener, a sharp shooter, a sea drinker, and a swallower of earth clods; the king locks those who came in an iron room (obviously red-hot); the drinker regurgitates water; the runner beats the bride in a race, but falls asleep; the listener hears this, the shooter awakens the sleeping man, hitting the bottle on his chest; the one who ate everyone wins in food; the dragon turns into gold and silver, B. marries]: Dzidziguri 1971, No. 4: 73-77; Georgians (Imereti) [the king places his daughter and nanny on the island; they eat the rolled apple, the daughter gives birth to a son named Khvtisavar, the nanny gives birth to 8 smart puppies; the king orders them to be executed, the servants kill hares instead of them; Kh. kills 8 giants, moves with his mother and nanny to their house; the ninth was just wounded, becomes the lover of X.’s mother, they come up with difficult tasks for X.; 1) get the horn of a dangerous deer, 2) boar bristles, 3) a hawk feather; they themselves give, promise help (H. kills a snake intending to devour the chicks of a giant hawk); the mother and the giant lock X. in a cauldron and throw him into the sea; deer, wild boar, hawk free him; X. kills his mother, the giant, and his nanny; a young man equal to him in strength becomes his brother; at the fork goes left (you will find happiness), X. goes right (you won’t go back); Kh. jumped over the river on a horse, for this he received the princess; in the forest, an old woman turns X. and his four dogs into stones and swallows them; her brother cuts her stomach, the swallowed ones are dead; she orders to take a towel from the box in the corner of her stomach, wipe X. and the dogs, they come to life; her brother kills her; Kh. returns home with his wife]: Vostrikov 1904, No. 2: 17-27; Georgians [the king is blind, asks his sons which is fuller, faster, more beautiful; only the youngest son says spring, harvest, look; the king sends him to restore his sight; the horse advises to help the king of the west in his fight with the king of the east; the envious courtiers of the king of the west order to send a young man to build a palace for ivory (the horse orders to pour wine into the pond, the elephants are drunk), for the king-bird (the horse orders to lie down under a heap of grain, grab the king-bird), for a beauty from the country of Nigozeti; She is served by a mare - the horse's sister, stronger than him; at the door there is a bone in front of the goat, hay in front of the wolf; we need to change their food, open closed doors, close open ones; the young man grabs the beauty, the doors, the goat, the wolf refuse to help, they are glad for the change; the horse holds the mare; the beauty asks for a bath with boiling milk, pushes the king and the courtiers into it; the young man receives kingdoms, a beauty; the horse shows where the medicine for blindness is (it flew to the sky); father received his sight]: Chikovani 1954: 49-53; Georgians [the stepmother tells her stepson named Sizmara to guard the grain from the chickens, he fell asleep, the chickens pecked the grain; the stepmother beats S., he says that in a dream he found himself in Baghdad, on one side of him sits the moon, on the other the sun, the morning star pours silver water from a golden jug into his hands; the stepmother orders him to give her the dream, S. says that this is impossible, she drives him out of the house; S. comes to the capital of the King of the West, he is brought to the king; Having learned about the dream, he demands to give it back, throws S. into a hole; Princess Mzetunakhavi (“not seen by the sun”) has been secretly bringing S. food for three years; refuses the king of the East; he 1) sends four mares, tells them to guess which of them is the mother, the eldest, the middle, the youngest daughter; S. teaches M. to let the horses lick the salt, in the morning the mother will run first to the water, followed by the eldest daughter, etc.; 2) orders a piece of rock salt to be broken into balls; S. advises asking to see what size balls to break into; 3) shoots an arrow, no one can pull it out of the ground; S., using the rope dropped by M., climbs out of the hole, pulls out the arrow, and returns to the hole; only S. managed to lift the arrow and shoot it back to the king of the East; the king of the West agrees to marry S.’s daughter if he teaches the king of the East a lesson; along the way, S. meets and takes as his companions 1) Swift with a millstone tied to his leg, 2) Sharp-eared, listening to the ants fighting underground, 3) Dexterous, changing his wings with live pigeons; the king of the East orders 1) to bring water from a healing spring before his walker; he sprinkles sleepy earth on Swift; Sharp Hearing hears about this, S. cuts off the millstone from the foot of Swift with an arrow, he is the first to bring water; 2) bring That, I don’t know what; Lovkoruk sends S. to the old woman of the forest; she tells me I don’t know what to give her to eat; food and wine appear; the old woman leaves, S. offers I don’t know what to eat with him; he is grateful and goes with S.; invisible, beats the king; the king orders S. to be sprinkled with poison at the feast; Sharp Hearing hears about this, Lovkoruk changed the plates, the king's viziers died; the king of the East flees; the king of the West marries S.'s daughter, but settles them in a stable; the king of the East goes to war; S. takes out golden armor from the ear of a winged horse, defeats the horse, the King of the West bandages his wounded finger with his handkerchief; S. recognizes him by him and gives him the kingdom; he refuses, takes M. and leaves; he sends four mares and tells them to guess which of them is the mother, the eldest, the middle, the youngest daughter; S. ut]: Chikovani 1986: 43-46; Georgians [nine poor brothers go to be hired as farm laborers; the younger Khutkunchula asks the old woman for water; she sends her brothers to the deva, who needs shepherds; he only lures workers in order to eat them; the brothers fell asleep, the dev asks who is not sleeping; Kh. replies that he, the geese are cackling; Dev swallowed the geese, asks again; cows moo (same); the horses neigh; Kh. wakes up the brothers, they run, he locks the door from the outside, the brothers and Kh. manage to cross the river, the dev is afraid to step on the shaky bridge; Kh. took away the talking goat from the deva; the king took it away and demands a flying carpet in return; Kh. returned to the dev, stuck the carpet with needles, the dev lay down, pricked himself, threw away the carpet, Kh. took it away; the king only awarded Kh. a hat; envious brothers persuade the king to send X. to bring all the treasures of the deva; Kh. tells the dev that the king ordered him to make a flying chest, but Kh. pulled out all the nails; the dev asks to make a chest for him; Kh. offers to try it on, brings the chest to the king, hides in a tree with a piece of salt; the chest is open, the deva eats the king and viziers; Kh. answers the deva that he flew up a tree, placing a block of salt on his chest; the deva agrees to lie down under a tree, let H. throw salt for him; killed by dumped salt]: Chikovani 1986: 64-68; Georgians [hail struck the third brother's field; he hires himself out to a rich man and will receive half the harvest if he burns the field in a day; There was only one sheaf left to tie, the sun did not heed the request to wait and set; a person leaves with nothing; if he is hired to herd sheep, if there is no damage in four years, he will receive half; on the way home, the wolf dragged away one sheep, the young man left with nothing; Three daughters of the sun come down from the sky to bathe, he grabs one, lives with her in a shack; a girl's ring makes wishes come true; the young man invites the king to visit, advisers come, the servant roasts a pheasant, sees the young man’s wife, is dumbfounded by her beauty, the pheasant is burned; the advisers inform the king, who sends the young man for the Golden Fleece of the Sun; The month turns the young man into a needle so that he does not burn when the Sun approaches; The sun has moderated the heat, greeting his son-in-law; a young man beats a wolf with a club, Elijah the Thunderer, destroys the garden of the Sun; explains why; The sun gives fleece; the king sends to the next world for his mother’s ring; the wife gives an apple, the young man goes after it; a deer asks to bring a medicine - it is difficult to carry antlers; the fat bull stands without food (served his master faithfully; all explanations are given when the young man returns), the skinny one stands among the food by the stream (served poorly); husband and wife lie freely on the ax handle (they loved each other), the other is cramped on the bull's hide (they did not love each other); the old woman builds a tower of eggs, they fall and fight (she stole the eggs); the other puts white bread into the tonur (tone), takes out the black earth (she did not give bread to travelers); man is a bridge across an abyss, people walk on it (during his lifetime he was not allowed to cross the bridge); the king's mother gives the ring, curses her son; orders the deer to drink the May water; Having received the ring, the king turns into a hare, his advisers into wolves, tear him to pieces; the young man reigns]: Chikovani 1985, No. 4: 22-26; Georgians [the father tells his sons to take wives where the arrows they shoot fall; the eldest marries the princess, the middle one marries the adviser’s daughter, the youngest marries a frog; being left alone, the Frog sheds its skin, becomes a beauty, and takes charge; the husband lay in wait and threw the skin into the fire; mocking the older daughters-in-law, the wife of the younger brother asks to send papers for a dress, a horse, a donkey or a dog to go visit the king; the elders put on paper dresses, ride a mare and a donkey; The Frog tells her husband to bring the blue and white horses, causes rain, the dresses of the elders are wet, the elders return, the Frog and her husband remain with the king; the king wants to take his son’s wife away and gives him difficult tasks; 1) plow and sow the field (the self-propelled plow does everything), 2) return the sown grain (the ants have collected it), 3) build a wall (it appears from the ray of the mirror), 4) bring the ring of the deceased mother from the other world; the wife spreads a scarf - the path to the next world; On the way, the husband sees a woman tearing off her breasts and sticking a tone (an oven for baking flatbreads) to the hot walls; spouses who feel cramped on a cow's hide; others who are not cramped on the axe; a plowman being licked by nine pairs of bulls; the mother gives a ring, says that her husband will burn in it; on the way back, a person receives answers from those he saw; the plowman tortured the oxen, some spouses lived in harmony, others quarreled, the woman did not share bread; son gives father a ring, he burns]: Chikovani 1986: 136-141; Georgians [stepmother tortures stepdaughter with work; the cow tells her stepdaughter that there is honey in one ear and oil in the other; the stepmother watches, finds out, orders her husband to slaughter the cow; she tells her stepdaughter not to eat her meat, but to put the bones in the skin and bury them; the stepdaughter drops the spindle into the yard of the old woman, who asks her to look in her hair and look at her pickles; the girl does everything, is not surprised that there are snakes and frogs in the jars; the old woman orders you to pass by a white, black source, dip your head in the yellow one; her hair turned golden; her own daughter expresses disgust to the old woman, she orders her to put her head under a black spring, a donkey’s tail has grown on her head; the stepmother tells her stepdaughter to sort out the millet before she returns; neighbors provide a sieve to sift millet; in a hole where there should be cow bones, the girl finds a horse and luxurious clothes; loses a shoe on the bridge; the king orders to find the owner, marries his son to his stepdaughter; the stepmother asks her stepdaughter to take off her dress, pushes her into the pond, replaces the prince’s wife with her daughter; the prince sits by the pond, admiring the fish; the imaginary wife says he is sick and orders the fish to be cooked; a poplar grows from the bones, the wife orders it to be cut down; the old woman picks up wood chips; someone is cooking in her house, the old woman finds the girl; the prince comes in, the girl tells her story; stepmother and daughter tied to the horses' tails]: Kurdovanidze 1988(1), No. 65: 278-286; Georgians (Imereti) [three brothers decided to marry where each arrow would fall; the eldest and middle married rich brides; the youngest's arrow fell into a swamp, he took a frog as his wife and moved away from his brothers; returning, he finds the house tidy and dinner prepared; the young man followed, found the woman, burned the frog's skin; the king wanted to take his wife away and ordered to sow grain for a whole barn in one day; the wife sent her husband to her father-in-law, a wizard, who provided workers; the king orders to collect the grains sown in the ground; father-in-law sent birds; a crow with a broken leg brought the last grain at the last moment; the king orders his grandmother’s golden box to be brought from the underworld; On the way, the young man sees a fat bull grazing on bare ground, and a skinny one grazing on lush grass; a husband and wife are not cramped on a narrow bed, while others do not fit on a wide one; one woman bakes mud, but it turns out to be bread, and another woman bakes bread, but it turns out to be dirt; another was hanged by her hair; the king’s grandmother orders the young man to give him the box not himself, but through the servants; on the way back, those encountered give explanations; the one who was punished for her hair was jealous of someone else's beauty; the one whose dirt turned out did not pay back the debts, but the one whose bread was good; those lying on the wide bed quarreled, those on the narrow bed lived in harmony; the skinny bull was greedy, the fat one was hardworking; when the king opened the box, fire blazed out of it and burned him]: Kagan 1898a, No. 19: 58-61; Armenians : Harutyunyan 1986 [=Ganalanyan 1965: 151-153; the king orders his three sons to shoot arrows, in whose courtyard they fall, and take a wife from there; the arrow of the eldest falls into the courtyard of the vizier, the middle one - of the Nazir, the youngest - at the rock; she moves apart, there is an old woman, giving her her beautiful daughter; the old king wants a daughter-in-law for himself, his wife dies of grief; he sends his youngest son to his deceased mother for the keys to the treasury; the wife orders him to go to her mother, who sends her son to take the prince to the next world; along the way he sees a fat ox on a rocky pasture, a thin one on lush grass (during life, the first was thin, the second was fat), an old woman who cleans the walls of the tonir with her breasts (during her life she cleaned them with rags); the mother reports that the keys are under the balcony post and curses her husband; At home, the prince finds his father petrified, elected to the kingdom]: 95-97; Bagriy 1930(3) [the king orders his sons to shoot arrows, take a wife where they fall; senior; the eldest marries the vizier's daughter, the middle one a merchant, the youngest's arrow disappeared, his father kicked him out; he came to the swamp, saw his arrow in the mouth of a frog, took the frog with him; settled in the city, began to go hunting, leaving a frog in the chest; someone is cleaning the room; the hostess advises to hide and throw the frog skin into the fire; he grabs the beauty, burns her skin; his wife orders him to return to his father; the prince builds a palace next to his father’s; the father wants to take possession of his son's wife; orders 1) to dress the entire army in a week; the wife orders to shoot an arrow into the swamp, her mother will swim up, you need to ask her, i.e. wives, chest; in the chest there is clothes for one person, but when the first one is dressed, there are already clothes in the chest for another, etc.; 2) bring the seal that belonged to the prince’s deceased mother; the wife orders to shoot into the swamp again, ask her beloved donkey, not to be splashed with foam, which will appear in the swamp when the donkey appears; holding on to the donkey's tail, the prince enters his mother's grave, the mother tells where the cauldron with gold and a seal is buried, the donkey pulls the prince back, he takes out the cauldron; 3) bring a dwarf with a beard twice as long as himself and a staff of 20 pounds; the wife orders to ask her mother for her (the wife’s) beloved Arab in the swamp; the Arab came to the king, shamed him, killed the king, his eldest sons and courtiers with a staff; the prince ascended the throne]: 57-65; Epiphany 1894, No. 1 [the king hates his youngest son Segran; he went to live in the forest; someone is cleaning up his hut; he waylaid the frog, it turned into a girl; his older brothers Bala and Meghri find him and bring him back to the palace; the father demands 1) bring a log 50 fathoms long and thick; the wife orders to ask her sister for the sea, the sea gives; 2) a cauldron to cook pilaf for all people (the same) 3) the key to the treasury, which the late mother took to the next world; The sea orders to ride a donkey through the mountain, which will part, stop at the grave, on which the donkey will begin to eat barley; on the way S. sees people suffering, on the way back they tell what sins they were punished for; the mother warns that when S. brings the key to his father, he will die; father died, S. is friendly with his brothers]: 156-159; Bunyatov et al. 1900, No. 5 [three princes shoot arrows; if an arrow falls in a deserted place, you cannot get married; the youngest's arrow falls near a rock, a passage opens in it, the old woman gives the youngest daughter; upon his return, the son learns that his mother has died; the king wants a daughter-in-law for himself, the vizier offers difficult tasks; 1) bring a seven-year tribute from the king of the virgins (the wife orders him to take his brother’s horse and saber, with their help the husband defeats the virgins); 2) a carpet on which an army can fit (mother-in-law gives); 3) go to the deceased mother, find out where the treasure is buried; the eldest brother-in-law and the prince are jumping to heaven to the dead; further the prince goes alone, sees those suffering for their sins (on the way back they tell why they were punished); women's breasts are suckled by puppies; naked, freezing among scattered silks; the old man draws and drinks blood from a cauldron (there is meat next to it); a skinny bull in rich meadows, fat on bare ground; a man lies like a bridge across the water, the water washes away the worms from his sides, they appear again; river with yk in rich meadows, fat on bare ground; a man lies across the water, the water washes away the worms from his sides, they again flog the black, red, yellow stripes of water; the mother first offers to cross the river to her; Having learned why he came, he gives the ring with which the treasure was sealed; orders to tell the king to turn into a black stone; and so it happened, the prince took the throne], 6 [the poor man dreams of the sun on his head, the moon at his feet, and two stars on his chest; a shepherd buys a dream by giving his entire flock for it; comes to the city at night; the young man rides up with two horses and falls asleep; the princess takes him for her cousin, with whom she was planning to run away; they leave, she takes the shepherd as her husband, dresses him in a shah-zade suit, now his name is Teymur Shah; the local Shah receives him with honor, falls in love with his wife, orders him to get 1) the milk of a sea mare (the wife teaches him to give her a drink by pouring wine into a pit); 2) apples of paradise; the wife orders to ride on a sea mare, hide the clothes of the youngest of the three bathing sisters, she became the second wife, brought apples of paradise; 3) visit the king’s parents; the second wife orders T. to ask the king to throw him into the fire, takes him out of the fire, T. comes to the king with an imaginary message; the king and courtiers order them to be burned, T. reigns; the sun - the moon in a dream - his wives, sons - stars]: 89-101, 115-124; Ganalanyan 1965: 72-79 [The son of the Bear meets the priest in the forest, wins, he brings him home, gives him to the king; he eats the king; the king orders 40 arobs of firewood to be brought from the forest behind the seven mountains; there the Son of the Bear defeats the devas, they bring firewood; the king orders the daughter of the king of the Franks to be wooed; on the way, the Son of the Bear meets and takes with him 1) with a millstone on his leg, chasing hares; 2) drinking the sea; 3) an eternally hungry miller who eats raw flour; 4) a sage listening to the earth; 5) playing the saz, the music makes the stones dance; 6) carrying a mountain; the king's tasks: 1) eat a lot (he eats up a lot); 2) be the first to bring water from the source of immortality (Bystrobeg brings); 3) tries to burn the guests in the bathhouse, the drunk sea cools it down; 4) tries to poison the guests, the sazandar forces the plates to change places, the king and his courtiers die from poison; The Bear's son takes off the bear's skin, marries the princess], 114-120 [the hunter brings a dove; the house is tidy; the hunter's mother sees the dove turn into a girl; grabs her; the hunter marries her; the king demands 1) to bring something, I don’t know what; his wife reproaches him for not leaving her feathers; sends him to his sisters, gives him a towel, and tells him not to dry himself with strangers, otherwise he will turn into a rope; they, King Kadjats, kings of Snakes and Mice, do not know how to get them; the king of the frogs calls Delagora; he takes him into the forest and disappears; another man asks Afandi to serve food; she appears on her own; gives Afandi to the hunter; on the way, A. asks to sell himself to a Kurd, a peddler, and returns every time; the hunter tells the king that he did not find what he needed, A. kills the king, destroys his army; the hunter becomes king], 121-133 [the son of the hunter kills the beast Sham-chrakh with a luminous skin; gives to the king, not the vizier; the king orders him to pay, the vizier only beats the young man and persuades the king to give new instructions; an ivory palace (they poured wine into a stream, the elephants got drunk, they were killed); tree of paradise (asks the king for a ship, throws food to the fish, they give the tree); Princess Fariza Khanum; takes a ship from the king with musicians, sails, takes as his companions a strongman, a gobbler, a drunkard, a musician whose sheep dance, a listener; tasks of the king 1) eat a lot; 2) defeat the Pahlevans; 3) the sawdust fills the powder charge when they want to explode them; 4) the musician changes the poisoned dishes, the servants die; on the ship the princess throws a handkerchief, a knife, a needle into the sea; the ship begins to sail back, but the fish return the objects; at home, the strong man kills the king and viziers, the hunter marries and becomes king], 134-141 [the son of a deceased fisherman casts his net three times, each time catching a frog; brings home to mother; both wonder who cleans the house; the son spies how the frog turns into a girl, throws the skin into the fire; the old woman persuades the king to send an army to pick up the girl; the girl destroys the entire army with a saber; the old woman advises the king to ask the young man to bring the mother of the forty horses; the young man pours wine into the stream, the mare gets drunk, the young man rides on her; bring a wife for the king; on the way, the young man feeds the dog and the baklavan, takes as his companions a lake drinker, a hungry miller eating flour, pushing millstones with his little finger, listening while standing on his head; the eagle eats everything, the dog and the pakhlavan defeat the kings, the opiate drinks the water with which they tried to flood the room, the young man throws the ring into the poisoned food, separating the poison; the king gave away his daughter; during this time, the king took the young man’s wife to his palace and poisoned the water in the bathhouse; the young man collected poison with a ring, pushed the king there, became king, gave the girl brought in as his pakhlavan], 151-153 [=Harutyunyan 1986: 95-97]; Epiphany 1892b, No. 8 [the dervish promises the childless king two sons on the condition that he will give one to him; after 10 years he takes his youngest son; to overcome the sea, the dervish turns into a monster and steps over the sea; the tigers tell the boy to push the dervish into the oven himself, he burned, the boy let the tigers go; those show springs with golden, silver, pearl water; to hide his new appearance (golden hair), the prince pulled a bubble over his head; white, black, red horses will come to him at his first request; the king was attacked by enemies, the unrecognized prince smashed them three times, each time on a different horse, the king bandaged his hand with his handkerchief; The king will be cured by tiger milk; the young man gives it to the royal people for permission to put his mark; this is the milk of ordinary tigers, and the young man brings the milk of the tiger queen, shows his brands on the body of the nobles; those are severely punished; the king recognized his handkerchief, found his son again]: 99-107; Wingate 1911, No. 7 [the young man refuses to tell his parents the dream, his father kicks him out; counter; to the king of the East; he imprisons him; he breaks through to the king's daughter; King West gives problems, the young man teaches the princess how to solve them; the king takes him as his son-in-law, sends him to get the daughter of the king of the West; on the way he meets the Listener, the Runner, the Porter, the Eater, the Water-Breadwinner, the Pipe Player; The Eater eats everything, The Waterbread floods the fire in which they were placed, The Porter carries away the palace; the king gives away his daughter; a young man tells his parents his dream: two suns (two wives) on the sides, a star (son born of the first wife) in the heads]: 476-481; 1912, No. 9 [dying, the husband tells his pregnant wife that their son should not go to the Black Rock; the young man grows up, goes, kills the demon; takes the treasures of his castle, takes 40 houris captured by the demon as wives; the mother revives the demon, pretends to be sick, asks her son to get 1) a melon of immortality; the old woman orders 40 demons to fall to the mother’s breast first; she hides him, the demons recognize him as a relative; only a lame demon knows how to get the melon of immortality; orders you to take with you a jug, a comb, a razor; running away with the melon, they throw a jug (lake), a comb (thicket), a razor (shards of glass); the pursuing demons did not catch up, the young man spends the night with the old woman, she replaces the melon, the son brings a false one to his mother, she recovers; 2) lion's milk; the old woman teaches how to cut an abscess on the paw of a lioness, she gives milk and also her cubs; On the way, the old woman replaces the milk with goat's, but the young man's mother says that she has recovered; 3) living water; at the source the young man falls asleep, but his lion cubs kill the snake, scorpion, and beast that came; the old woman will change the water again; the mother pulls out three hairs of her sleeping son, he dies, the demon chops his body into pieces; the lion cubs bring the remains to the old woman, who revives the young man with living water; lion cubs tear mother and demon apart]: 94-102; Armenians [the king has three sons, the youngest advises them to marry their sisters, the king of Istanbul gives away three daughters; the younger prince asks to bring him a bride, he remains to look after the house, orders not to spend the night under the Red Hill; the vizier insists on spending the night; in the morning the camp is surrounded by the body of a vishap; he needs the younger prince, he leaves his bride as collateral; Vishap orders the younger prince to get him the princess of the country Chinmachin; gives a self-assembled tablecloth; with her help, the prince feeds two devas, in gratitude one brings him to Chinmachin; feeds the ants, they promise to come to the rescue; monkeys; their king gives two rings, one freezes water, the other drowns ice; a young man stays with an old woman; King Chinmachin demands 1) climb onto the plane tree with a glass of water without spilling a drop (the young man freezes the water, then thaws it); 2) fill three vats with oil and eat it (the devas ate it); 3) separate the millet, millet and barley (the ants divided it); the princess tells the old woman to dress the young man as a girl and bring him to her in the evening; says that he will be the 20th of 40 girls under black veils; the young man points to her; the same - horsewomen under red veils (will be the last); under white (will be first); the young man brings the princess to the vishap, goes after the bride (i.e., the daughter of the Istanbul king); vishap tells the princess to wrap her hair around him, turns into her missing brother; the young man marries the princess, the former vishap marries the daughter of the Istanbul king; everything is fine]: Nazinyan 2014: 5-17; Armenians [the king wants to get a precious pheasant; hunters who try to do this are killed by the dragon by throwing a star at them from the sky; Ovchi-Nazar (“ovchi” means “hunter”) thinks that his father was a farmer; the mother admits that he was a hunter and was killed by a dragon; HE crushed the star shot at him with a bullet, the dragon fell from the sky in grief and was killed; HE brought the pheasant home; the old woman informed the king; HE begged not to execute him; then the king orders a tower to be built for the pheasant (HE built a relative); the old woman persuades the king to send HE for the princess; HE sets out on his journey; three devas fight over an invisibility cap, a flying carpet, and a self-assembled tablecloth; HE invites them to run a race, takes away wonderful objects; HE feeds two other devas, they promise to help and give hairs; HE killed the snake crawling towards the nest of the zumrud-kushi; she gives a pen and promises to help; HE feeds the ants, they give them a wing and promise to help; the princess's father demands to defeat his two strong men (the devas won); his two zumrud-gushi (zumrud-gushi, whose chicks HE saved, with their spouses kill the king’s zumrud-gushi; in a dark room, separate the seeds of poppy, millet and colza (the ants divided); climb a tree and come down with a full glass of water (princess gives a gold and silver ring; they can be used to freeze and thaw water again); at the top of the tree HE shed a tear, remembering his mother; doctors confirmed that it was a tear, and not a drop of water from a glass; yuu); having arrived at the king, the princess quietly pushed him into the ditch, called HE her new husband]: Kagan 1898c, No. 21: 175-184; Azerbaijanis : Akhundov 1955: 39-49 [the son of the deceased bird catcher Ibragim grows up, his mother gives him his father’s pipe and bait, he catches a bird, all of whose feathers are different colors, carrying unusual eggs; the mother sells them to the shopkeeper, who sells them to the Shah; I. himself lays eggs for the Shah; the shopkeeper, left without income, advises the Shah to ask I. 1) for the bird itself; 2) a male bird (I. catches, brings); 3) a rose from the diva's palace; I. finds the beautiful Khurshid there, they run, taking the diva’s gold, but forgetting the rose; at home I. builds a palace, Kh. hits herself on the nose, two drops of her blood turn into two bouquets of roses; 4) visit the Shah’s deceased parents in the next world; Kh. advises traveling for a year, returning, saying that the deceased are asking to send a dignitary, a former shopkeeper, to them; I. advises the shopkeeper to jump into the well; without waiting for the messenger, the Shah jumps there too; I. marries Kh.], 106-125 [old man Bakhtiyar sees in a dream that the sun has risen to his right, the moon to his left, and a star above his head; goes to wander, tells a dream to a young shepherd, sells it to him along with the name B.; new B. spends the night under the city wall; the Shah's daughter Perizad Khanum takes him for her lover, runs away with him, they settle in another city; the local Shah falls in love with P., the vizier advises sending B. 1) for the apple of paradise; P. gives B. a letter to his sister, she is the wife of the lord of the divas; the diva orders to hide the dress of one of the three daughters of the padishah peri when they fly in to bathe in the form of doves; they bring an apple; the one whose dress B. hid returns with him, she is Gurizad Khanum; orders to give the Shah ordinary apples, and keep the heavenly rejuvenating apples for himself; 2) a rose from the Gulistani-Irem garden; G. carries B. there, Gul Gah-Gah-khanum flies to his house before him, laughs, roses fall from his mouth, B. brings them to the Shah; 3) milk from a mare with 40 foals; YYY. sends B. to the old man, he teaches him how to lure sea horses, B. brings a mare with her foals, the Shah is afraid to milk her, she runs away; 5) visit the Shah’s deceased parents; G. quietly carries B. out of the fire like a dove, writes a letter on behalf of the deceased; The Shah, the Vizier, the Barber (he told the Shah about B.’s wives) burn, B. reigns; the luminaries seen in the dream are his three wives]; Azerbaijanis [the old man saw a dream, ordered the old woman to collect food for the road and went to look for him; came to the shepherd, he fed him and bought a dream from him in exchange for his flock; they exchanged names; the shepherd became Bakhtiyar, and the old man Melik-Mamed; B., i.e. a former shepherd approached the city, but the gates were already closed; fell asleep behind my back; before dawn I heard a voice; someone brought him a horse and they galloped off; in the morning he saw that the girl was with him; she, Perizad Khanum, the daughter of the king, was going to run away with the son of the vekil, whose name is also B.; having galloped to the possessions of another king, P. ordered B. to sell the horses and buy a house, ordered the qadi to marry them; they began to live on the gold that P. took with her; the barber saw the beauty of B.’s wife and reported it to the king; the king summoned B. and promised to come to him with the vizier; P. ordered her husband to prepare everything for receiving guests; the king deliberately came earlier, saw P. bare-haired, fell in love; the vizier advised sending B. for an apple from paradise; P. gives her husband a letter to her sister, the wife of the king of divas; orders not to bring women with you; Div led him to a plane tree near a spring: the peri will come to swim, you need to steal the shell of one, they will fulfill the request; B. stole the younger girl’s dress, the older one brought him an apple; the youngest Ghurizat said that since a person touched her, she would not be able to return to the peri; turned B. into a stick, took it in its beak, and flew to P.; she didn’t get angry; G. ordered ordinary apples to be taken to the king, and the heavenly apple, which turns him into a 15-year-old boy, to be kept for himself; the barber informed the king that B. now has two wives; the king demands a rose from Gulistan's garden; G. moved B. to Gulistan, there was a round dance of girls, B. forgot why he came; G. brought it back, Gyulli-Gah-Gah-khanum was sitting next to her, she laughed, roses fell from her lips; the barber again tells the king, he sends a mare with 40 foals for milk; G. takes him to the old man, who was wrapped in cotton wool and placed in a cradle; you need to change the cotton wool; the old man orders to take wax from his ear and spread it on cotton wool; hide in a hole on the shore, throw cotton wool, the water will foam, the mare and foals will be scared; continue to play the flute, the horses will ask to play more; let them swear not to touch the name of Garib’s foal; the mare explains to B. that the king wants to destroy him; brings it to the king - let him milk it himself; at night the horses ran away; the vizier advises to order B. to bring news from the king’s late parents; GGG-khanum teaches to tell the king to build a fire, she will take B. away from it; orders B. to find an old man who remembers the genealogies of the king, the vizier and the ruler; On their behalf and on behalf of the barber’s parents, he writes letters: B. visited us, and you? B. jumped out from under the ashes; the king and the rest ordered themselves to be burned with their wives and children; B. chosen as king; tells the wives a purchased dream: the sun has risen on the right side, the moon on the left, stars above the head - three wives]: Bagriy, Zeynalli 1935: 20-46; Azerbaijanis [40 sons of the king go to marry 40 sisters; the king orders not to stop overnight in a destroyed building or in the steppe; the brothers spent the night at the dilapidated minaret, where the white diva is; only the youngest Melik-Mamed does not sleep; killed the diva, refusing to strike again, hid the corpse; elsewhere the same, black diva; on the third night, MM came to the old man, he was winding threads on black (night) and white (day) balls; MM tied up the old man so that the night dragged on, came to the house where the wedding of 40 giants with 40 kidnapped princess sisters; MM bribed the old woman, she gave cotton wool so that the guard bell would not ring; MM killed the giants who came out one by one, plunged a sword into the marble in the palace of the princesses’ father, and returned to his brothers; no one can pull out the sword, only MM himself; the king gives his daughters to his brothers; on the way back, the serpent king brought MM to him, ordered to kidnap Sanam with 40 braids, the daughter of the underground king; Having received a self-assembled tablecloth from the snake, MM along the way fed the lion, ant, Zumrud-gushi bird, they gave hair, etc.; the underground king has 99 heads on his roof; he orders 1) defeat the lion (the lion that MM fed won); 2) collect the sown millet (the ants collected); the last grain was brought by a lame ant); 3) hang the scales in the air (MM agrees with the old woman that she will cut off one of the princess’s braids; the Zumrud-gushi bird hung the scales on it); MM got the princess; liberated Dzhansyn-Kyos on the bridge; he pursues, takes away the princess, disappears; Zumrud-gushi revived MM with living water; explained that JK's death is in a needle, in a needle, in a sparrow, in a cage, in an elephant in the forest; MM took out, broke the needle, J.K. died; the king of snakes yielded to the princess MM; feast at home, MM lives with two wives]: Epiphany 1892c, No. 6: 308-318; Azerbaijanis (Borchalinsky district of Tiflis province): Epiphany 1899, No. 11 [a widowed fisherman got married, his stepmother orders his three stepdaughters to be taken to the forest; the sisters decide to eat the one who lags behind in the race, but the youngest digs a passage into the royal stables, where the horses are fed raisins; Shah Abbas is surprised why the horses are losing weight; the courtier caught the girls; the eldest replies that she can weave a carpet on which an army can fit, the middle one can cook scrambled eggs in an egg shell for the entire army, the youngest will give birth to two children with gold and silver hair; SHA marries the youngest; the wife gives birth to a boy, Ibrahim, and a girl, Gyullizar; the witch advises the older sisters to lower the children in a box down the river and replace them with puppies; SHA orders his wife to be gouged out, thrown into a hole, given a piece of bread and a cup of water a day; the pilgrim fished out the box and saved the children; dying, he ordered to go up the river; the gardener takes the children to his place; they knit bouquets, SHA is pleased, calls the boy to her, talks with him; the aunts are in a panic; the witch persuades G. to ask his brother to get 1) a talking, singing tree (uprooted, brought); 2) a bird that translates the words of the tree (brings); 3) marry the daughter of King Guria; the king of demons gives a flying carpet, a stick (to hit the stump that blocks the road), an invisibility hat (they will order you to enter a hot bath, you must become invisible, hide), a tablecloth (they will order you to eat 40 cauldrons of pilaf, the tablecloth will eat everything); SHA invites I., he: eat, my sleeves; SA: Can sleeves eat? I.: Can a woman give birth to puppies? The king executed his wife's sisters]: 95-104; Stamboliev 1896, No. 2 [the king wanted to kill his wife, her son Aslan took his mother away, they stay in the diva’s house; the mother takes him as her husband and seeks to destroy her son; says that he will recover 1) if he eats golden grapes; A. kills the lion guards, the lion cubs become his assistants, kill the divas; 2) the mother asks to get grapes from the divas; the lion cubs defeat them, their sister Duinya-guzeli becomes A.’s wife; At home, the mother offers to tie her son’s hands, he breaks all the ropes; cannot break the strings, orders the diva to kill him; the diva blinds him, throws him away; he was picked up by caravan workers, he ends up with D., puts her ring in a glass; D. listens to his story; two frogs fought, one blinded the other, cured it with grass; D. cured A.; he killed the mother and the diva, burned the corpses]: 8-12; Azerbaijanis : Epiphany 1899, No. 9 [the younger Tsarevich Ibrahim sees in a dream how the moon descended on his herd; tells brother Rustam and other people; having given his share of the inheritance and taking a heavy staff, he sets off to wander; in another city, the vizier’s son Ibrahim agrees to flee with the princess Kul-Shad; at the last moment he changes his decision, and the imaginary shepherd I. accidentally ends up in his place, KSh runs with him; they tell each other about themselves; I. picks up a stone, KSh says that it is expensive; builds a palace; KSh gives the stone to King Melik-Aslan; Vizier Mamed-Ali is jealous and offers to demand new stones; I. returns to the spring where he found the stone, goes down under the water, there the princess Shah-Sanam (“queen of beauties”) has been kidnapped by the diva; stones are formed from her blood; I. kills the diva, takes ShS as his wife; when she hits her nose, gems form from drops of blood; the king orders to get the rose of atri-lala; I. kills a snake that was about to eat the chicks; the chicks tell their mother not to drop the millstone on I., he is their savior; the bird teaches how to get a rose; two girls in the form of doves fly to a tree by the lake, take off their clothes, and swim; you need to climb a tree, take clothes, exchange them for a rose; one girl laughed, her laughter formed a bouquet of roses, the girls gave away their hair; if you burn, they will come to the rescue; I. brought roses to the king, the vizier advised him to send him for pears from across the blue sea; a bird carries across the sea; there are apples from which the tail is formed, and pears from which it disappears; the king declares war on I., he kills him, the vizier and the soldiers, and becomes king himself], 10 [=Akhundov 1955: 39-49; Ibrahim learns from his mother that his father was a bird catcher; takes his pipe and net, catches an unusual bird, it lays an egg, the mother sells it to the shopkeeper; the bird lays eggs regularly; the shopkeeper brought them to the king; then I. himself took them to the king; the shopkeeper is jealous, he advises that I. got the bird; male bird; I. brings everything; an extraordinary rose; I. the diva comes to the palace, gallops away, taking the princess Khurshid (“sun”) and treasures kidnapped by the diva; the vizier advises sending I. to the king’s deceased parents; Kh. advises to go somewhere, and when returning, convey greetings from the king’s parents; I. says that the parents are offended: why didn’t the vizier (former shopkeeper) come? the vizier is sent, I. invites him to throw himself into the pit; the king also jumped; Everything is fine; (the same text in another paraphrase or very similar in Akhundov 1955 [Ibrahim mother: who was my father? mother: a bird catcher, left a net and a decoy pipe; I. himself became a bird catcher, caught a bird in which each feather had a different color; she began to lay eggs, I.’s mother sold them to the shopkeeper, and he began to sell the eggs to the Shah; the shopkeeper advised the Shah to order I. to bring the bird itself, the shopkeeper received a lot of gold and suggested sending him for the male; birds, I. catches a male; to bring a rose from the divas’ garden; I. enters there, runs away with the stolen diva Khurshid and gold; ; I. leaves and returns, the Shah believes that he will visit the next world, sends the shopkeeper; I. style='font-family: ​​tells him to jump into the well, the shopkeeper died from impatience, I. married Kh.]: 39-49)]: 71-81, 82-95; Bagriy 1930(1) (Nukhinsky district, 1899) [Danareban brought a rare bird to his father, he advised him to give it to the Shah; an envious vizier advises sending D. to bring a cage of diva bones (the old woman sends to the well where divas drink; there is a bottle, there is a diva’s life in it, D. breaks it, gets the diva’s bones); the Shah asks for the return of his daughter, kidnapped by the divas; D. sees a snake that has swallowed an animal, and the horns are stuck, saws off the horns; the grateful snake gives him her seal, it fulfills his wish, the diva dies, the princess is back in the palace; the Shah orders D. to be rewarded, but the vizier orders him to be executed; the seal of the diva exposes the vizier, the shah drives him out, makes him vizier D.]: 22-24; Azerbaijanis (Kazakh district of Elisavetpol province) [two friends went east and west; agreed that if they succeed and marry, then let the son of one take the daughter of the other; both became kings; East had a daughter, Leili, and West had three daughters; he is embarrassed to admit that there is no son, and L. is waiting for his cousin to be his husband; each of the three daughters of the Western king is ready to go to the Eastern king, dressed as a man; the vizier suggests imitating an attack: if the girl gets scared and returns, then let her stay at home, and if she shows courage, then let her continue on her way; the two eldest daughters were frightened, and the youngest killed the vizier and his people and came to the Eastern king; a wedding is being prepared, but the newcomer refuses: when he saw L., he called her sister and therefore cannot get married; L. loses consciousness; doctor: 1) you need lion’s milk; the imaginary young man goes for milk, the prophet Hirellaz gives it; 2) a kidney from a sea stallion (Kh. teaches him to catch); the sorceress orders to get an unusual apple; together with the imaginary groom in a clay pot flies to the mountain; directs to where people turn to stone; the girl kills her, breaks the pot; Kh. teaches: an angel will fly to whip the former king of the petrified kingdom; you need to grab the angel's shirt, which he will take off; return if he fulfills his wish; the angel makes the girl a man, gives him an apple, frees the king and his petrified subjects; the young man is grateful to the prophet; wedding; the prophet told the father of the ex-girlfriend about this]: Stamboliev 1896, No. 4: 18-26; Turks : Stebleva 1988, No. 27 [the younger sister’s horse secretly turns into a young man from others; she doesn’t get married, she meets with an imaginary horse at night; burns his skin; he flies away like a dove, says that she will find him when she wears out her iron shoes and staff; at the source, the maid says that she is collecting water for Chamber-Tiyar; the wife, disguised as a beggar, throws her ring into the jug; CT recognizes him and comes for her; the devas want to eat her, ChT’s mother gives tasks; 1) sweep - do not sweep the room (collect garbage in the middle); 2) go to the neighbor behind the sieve (give the meat lying in front of the horse to the dog, grass from the dog to the horse, kiss the neighbor’s chest thrown behind her back); 3) fill the cauldron with tears (add salt to the water); 4) fill the bag with down (the birds gave it); during the wedding, ChT tied the daughter of the devas to a pole instead of the daughter of the padishah, runs away with his wife; she throws a comb (thorns), soap (slippery), a jug (water); CT became a gardener, his wife became a gardener; a tree and a snake entwining it (the devas broke the net and tore off their little finger); in flowers at the feet of the padishah; he gave them to the devas, they turn into grains, chickens peck, two grains remain, turn into a young man and a girl, have a wedding], 71 [the young shepherd dug a reservoir to water the cattle and drink for himself; a dove flew there, shed her feather clothes, and became a girl; the young man hid the clothes in a chest and brought the girl as his wife; she creates a palace, a bridge to a reservoir; The padishah wants to harass the young man, orders him to bring 1) a bunch of grapes, which can be used to feed the army and residents; the wife tells her to go to the pond and ask her older sister for such a brush; 2) a newborn baby who would talk (the younger sister had just given birth, the young man brought the talking baby, the padishah was frightened and ordered to be taken back); 3) a ring from the finger of a padishah who died half a century ago; the wife sends to ask her middle brother to get this ring; a dove leads a young man across a bridge; there is a man dragging straw, another carrying doors; during his lifetime, one stole bags of straw, another two doors; the young man brought the ring, but during this time the wife found her clothes in the chest and flew away, taking with her the palace, property and mother-in-law; the dove carries the young man to his wife, who has just given birth; they return, with them the palace, the young man’s mother, etc.; the executioners are ready to execute the padishah, but the young man forgave him]: 105-109, 288-292; Kúnos 1901 [bird catcher died; the son found his father's snare and caught a crow; she persuaded her to let her go; a wonderful bird was caught in a snare, the padishah bought it for a lot of money; the vizier advised to demand that ivory be brought to build a palace for the bird; the crow advises asking the padishah for wine, filling the ditches where the elephants drink, they will get drunk and fall asleep; the young man brought tusks; but the bird is silent; the vizier advises to order the young man to deliver the mistress of the bird; the crow orders to ask for a ship, to lure the queen 40 peri onto it; seeing the peri, the bird began to sing; Before the wedding, Peri fell ill: she needed the medicine that she had left in the palace; the vizier offers to send a young man; the crow gives a feather to touch the two lion guards, they will let them through; the young man brought medicine and came to the peri with the crow; the crow turned out to be her punished servant, but now she has forgiven her; the padishah married a young man to her and made her a vizier, the former vizier was driven out]: 134-142; Walker, Uysal 1966, no. 4 [the son of the late fisherman (SR) catches a turtle shell; someone cooks and cleans the house; SR spies, sees a girl, SR breaks the shell, gets married; the king orders the lights in the city to be extinguished; he sees light emanating from SR’s wife; the vizier advises giving her husband tasks; every time the wife orders to press the seal to a stone on the seashore, an Arab will come out and fulfill his wishes; 1) bring 10 lions that will defeat the king’s 10 lions; 2) feed the city; 3) build a wall with iron gates around the city; 4) bring a wild mare with 40 foals from the mountains (a bridle appears instead of an Arab; fills the reservoir with wine; the mare gets drunk; the foals follow their mother); 5) the king personally comes up with the task of bringing the sister of the seven giants; SR's wife cannot help; SR meets the Eater, the Drinker, the Flute Player, the Omniscient; the giants order 1) eat 7 cauldrons of meat, 2) drink 7 wineskins of water; 3) they give poisoned bread; companions perform tasks: the Omniscient knows which bread is poisoned, the flute player makes the plates dance, change places, the giants have died; the sister of the giants kills the king’s army and himself, SR reigns], 7 [40 sons of the sultan send the youngest to ask their father to marry them; they are ordered to sit down only when the Sultan offers a green chair - then he will understand what his sons want; brothers leave in search of brides; spend the night in ruins; the youngest sees a seven-headed giantess; drove her away, but she returned with 40 sons and 40 daughters; as they entered, the youth cut off the head of each; the giantess disappeared into the water, the young man followed; the giantess gave the keys to 4 rooms, in each a girl, these are brides for the brothers; the giantess asks to take her with him; calls his father-in-law - the king of the giants; young men and brides find themselves surrounded by a stone wall; the giant releases everyone except his younger brother; to show his power, the giant orders him to be burned, the ashes scattered, sprinkled with water - he is reborn; orders to obtain for him the daughter of a neighboring king; the king demands that a huge field be plowed and sowed overnight, and the harvest be harvested (the ants complied); eat 40 cauldrons of food (the blacks ate); defeat the princess; she overcomes; the young man again burned the hair of the Arab, who quietly helped to knock down the princess; the young man took the princess away and gave it to the giant; asked her to find out where he kept his life; giant: three deer will approach the watering hole, there are three boxes in the yellow one’s belly; Having killed the giant, the young man took his wife and found his brothers; they are arguing over his bride - who will get it; the young man received it himself; wedding with two wives]: 55-63, 77-83; Kurds : Jalil et al. 1989, No. 6 [40 sons of the Shah promise to marry only 40 sisters; the padishah finds a shepherd with 40 daughters and gives him wealth; the brothers take their brides home, the dragon lies around their camp; the padishah is forced to send his son Baksamat with him; the dragon turns into a young man; says his father is killing his sister's suitors; B. asks the old woman to woo the girl; her father demands 1) to separate the millet from the wheat (the ants separate); 2) defeat the royal Pakhlevans (B. exposes his own, they win); 3) defeat the padishah’s birds (B. releases his own); 4) identify the bride three times among 40 girls (she says that she will be in the middle, at the end, at the beginning of the row); B. returns to his father with his wife], 7 [the dragon surrounds the padishah’s 40 sons and demands that Banger be released with him; he separates those fighting over an invisibility hat, a self-assembled tablecloth, a flying carpet, takes the objects for himself, and feeds the devas, ants, and birds along the way; further approximately as in (6); tasks 1) separate the peas from the rice (ants), 2) eat a lot of halva (dev eats), 3) eat forty lamb tails (birds eat); 4) climb a tree with a bowl of water, remove the braids from there (the bride gives a ring that temporarily turns the water into cheese); B. and his wife return to their father, the disenchanted dragon brother takes the throne of his evil father], 16 [the shepherd had a baby son; demanded that his father marry the padishah’s daughter; fulfills his conditions (lead a caravan of camels, build a palace, lay out a carpet); at night sheds her snake skin and turns into a handsome man; the mother-in-law spies, throws the skin into the fire, the son-in-law flies away like a bird, the wife will find him if she hears about the forty dervishes; some young man tells how he visited a moving rock, where another young man poured water for forty dervishes; the wife finds her husband and reunites with him]: 90-97, 97-108, 203-207; Rudenko 1970, No. 58 [the padishah has a son Moqaddam (MD), the vizier has Mohammad (MM); MM studied, MD quit his studies; MM fell in love with the daughter of a distant padishah, MD went with him to get her; MM pulled out a splinter from the leopard's paw, helped the ants cross the stream, they promise to help by giving a hair's breadth; MM and MD stayed with the old woman; she orders me to work with the gardener, he will inform the padishah about the matchmakers; The padishah demands: 1) to get a dog that would defeat his dog (MM brought a leopard); 2) separate the wheat from the millet in the barn (the ants separated); 3) eat a barn of salt; MM made a dig at the padishah’s daughter, learned from her that he had to say: “What a whole barn of salt, what a pinch”; MJ gets married, they go back; MM drove forward, hears a conversation between three lovebirds; 1) if MM and his wife approach the tower, they will burn; 2) if they sit under a tree near a spring, they will turn into wolves; 3) MD’s father poisoned the horse’s stirrups; if MD puts his foot in the stirrup, he will burn; if MM reports all this, he will be petrified; MM destroyed the tower, muddied the spring and cut down the tree, killed the horse; MD is angry, but then his father died of love for his wife, MD forgot about MM; MM hears the dove again: the dragon is coming to devour MD; MM killed the dragon at the entrance to the palace, entered the chambers with a bloody sword, MD thinks that MM wants to kill him and his wife; MM told everything, petrified; the wife gave birth to a son; doves: if she slaughters her son at the feet of MM, he will come to life, and if she tells, she herself will petrify; wife stabbed, MM came to life; the dove threw a feather, MM passed it along his son’s neck, he also came to life; feast]: 210-218; Farizov, Rudenko 1959 [Kechelok (“Pleschivets”), the son of an old woman, catches a bird, she asks to let it go, brings the bird to Simurg, he gives it to the hakim, receives money; the vizier is jealous and advises to instruct K. 1) to bring ivory to make a cage for the bird; the bird advises throwing resin into the spring, salt on top, the elephants will mistake the salt for water, eat it, and die of thirst; K. brings tusks; 1) sea mare; the bird teaches you to hide on the shore, the mare will come out and want a beautiful saddle and bridle, you need to bridle her; 3) daughter of a sea hut (monster); she boards K.’s ship, he brings her and lives with her; hakim dies, a falcon lands on K.’s head, he is elected hakim]: 49-54; Yaremenko 1990, No. 26 (Iraq; western in Sulaymaniyah province, published in literary Arabic) [the youngest of the three sons of a poor man became a fisherman; I caught a large fish, and in its stomach I found a small golden one, still alive; began to take care of her; one day the fish disappeared; a young man came and said that he, the son of the sea king, was that fish, brought him to his father, and advised him to ask for a white chicken as a reward; the young man has returned, someone is cooking in the house; he waylaid a girl - she, the daughter of the sea king, was a white hen; the ruler orders the fisherman to give up his wife; he replies that he would rather do whatever he wants; the ruler orders 1] to bring 120 identical goldfish (the wife creates them), 2) a blue scarf the length of the road (the wife gives, the scarf is measured, there is no end); 3) a herd of red sheep, a herd of buffalo (the fisherman drives); the fisherman calls the ruler a beast; he puts him in prison, then demands 120 of these “cattle”; the wife creates monsters from coal and oil; the ruler approaches them with a lamp, they burst into flames, the ruler and the entire palace burn]: 142-147; talisman : Asatryan 2005 [dying, the father orders his three sons to come to the grave for three nights; only the youngest goes; successively kills riders on a white, black, red horse, with a white, black, red sword, etc.; they want to open the grave, the young man kills them, gives the horses, weapons and clothes to the old man for safekeeping; the padishah will give each of his three daughters to the one who jumps over the pool and kidnaps one of the girls; he, each time in new clothes and on a new horse, takes away all three girls; the brothers try to stop him and wound him in the arm; he takes away the elder's hat; tells them everything, forgives them, gives them the older sisters, takes the younger one for himself]: 33-40; Miller 1930 [the king has bad eyes, the dervish advises smearing them with the blood of a certain fish; the king sends his son Ibrahim with the army; he catches a fish, but the rest of the fish are going to sink the ship; I. releases the fish, the king finds out about this, wants to execute I., the vizier persuades him to simply expel him; some dervish becomes a traveling companion; looks for water for I., receives seven devas from the servant, orders him to add sleeping pills to the deva’s pilaf, kills the devas; they fought with the Peri, she is grateful, gives a ring from which four servants emerge, a flying carpet, a self-assembled tablecloth; I. and the dervish send an old woman to woo the king's daughter; he demands 1) one hundred camels loaded with jewelry, otherwise he will kill the old woman; 2) a palace made of gold and silver bricks; the servants from the ring bring everything and build it; I. gets a wife, the dervish leaves, promising to return in 6 months; one day his wife asked to explain how I. completed her father’s tasks; in response, he scolds and beats her; then he softened and showed magical objects; the slave overheard, took possession of the ring, the servants from the ring threw I. into the well, the palace with the king’s daughter was moved to the top of the mountain; the king heard groans, I. was pulled out, the dervish came and cured him; found the palace, ordered I.’s wife to throw sleeping pills to the slave; {story breaks off}]: 126-142.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens : Lebedev 1954, No. 12 [stepmother torments her stepdaughter with work, orders her to clean a pound of cotton before evening; the wind carries the bag to the black hut; there the old woman asks to search in her head; the girl kills all the lice and does not take the gold scattered at the entrance; the old woman orders you to pass by one water and swim in another; after bathing the girl becomes prettier; the stepmother gives the same task to her own daughter; she picks up gold; the old woman orders you to swim in the first water, pass by the second; it becomes pockmarked; the stepmother cuts her stepdaughter's sheep, the meat tells her that it is poisoned; the stepdaughter runs away, the padishah's son takes her as his wife], 13 [the bald man asks his grandfather to woo him the padishah's daughter; he orders to study a craft that is not among the people; a bald man comes to the daughter of a diva; one lip sweeps the earth, the other reaches the sky; teaches the young man science; the young man pretends that he has learned only half of the book; Div hits him, but lets him go; returning to his father, the son knows how to turn into a horse and a camel; orders to sell it in these images, but not to sell the bridle; he returns immediately, the father earns good money; a diva in the form of an old man buys a camel with a bridle; the diva's daughter lets the bald man go, he flies away like a dove; the diva is pursued by a golden eagle; a young man gives a flower to the padishah’s daughter, an old man begs for a flower; the young man - millet, div - chicken, the young man became a fox, ate the chicken; the padishah gives him his daughter]: 146-148, 148-157; Stebleva 1969, No. 19 [in a dream, an old man sees nightingales landing on his shoulders; sells a dream to a shepherd; he comes into the garden, takes the reins from the hands of the sleeping young man; the girl mounts a horse, he brings her to the city; she makes skullcaps; the padishah takes a shepherd into his service in order to destroy him and take possession of his wife; 1) get the milk of a black mare; the piebald horse defeats her and brings the padishah; 2) bring flowers falling from the peri's mouth Gülkahkas ; this is one of the peris that come in the form of doves to bathe; the mother of the devas orders her clothes to be hidden, the shepherd brings flowers to the padishah, leaves G. as his second wife; 3) bring a letter from the other world from the padishah’s parents; the peri lift the shepherd from the fire, then hide him in the ashes; the padishah thinks that he actually burned down and returned; orders himself to be burned, the shepherd becomes the Shah], 25 [approximately as in Erberg 1953: 93-100; the deva eats the brothers; Kelzhe-batyr invites the dev to enter the bathhouse first, hangs a saber over the entrance, shouts that the horse has run away, the dev runs into the saber, dies]: 47-54, 124-128; Erberg 1953: 50-67 [=Sokali et al. 1955: 82-88; Bakhaveddin gives his son Mamed-jan to graze the camels and does not order him to sell the old she-camel; M. sold, the whole herd went after the camel; M. finds a ruby necklace and gives it to the padishah, but he demands another one, otherwise he will execute him; M. arrives in the gorge, where the blood of the dead beauty has turned into rubies; a diva flies in, revives the beauty with a potion from a bottle, kills her again, and flies away; M. himself revives her; teaches to find out from the diva where his soul is; the diva shows a stream under the stone, there is fish there; M. kills the fish, the diva dies; M. brings the padishah a second necklace; the old woman reports that M. has a beautiful wife; the vizier advises sending M. for the lioness’s milk; the wife orders the thorn to be removed from the lion's paw, he orders the lionesses to give milk, M. brings the lionesses, the padishah is horrified; the vizier suggests sending M. for a talisman that makes the apple cry and the pomegranate laugh; the wife gives a letter for her sister Peri; she arranges it so that the “cruel peri” whom she serves gives her a talisman; the padishah orders to build a castle overnight; M. asks him not to shoot the pigeons; Peri arrive in the form of doves, the castle is ready; the vizier advises sending M. to the next world to find out how the padishah’s late parents are doing; the wife advises asking the padishah to light a huge fire, the peri-dove turns M. into a straw and takes him away from the fire; peri writes a letter on behalf of the late father of the padishah, he calls his son and his vizier to him; at night M. hides in the ashes, in the morning they find him there; Having read the letter, the padishah and the vizier order themselves to be burned, M. is chosen as the new padishah; peri-doves brings his parents to M.], 93-100 [Kelzhe-batyr is incredibly strong; eats half a pound of wheat at home; goes with other boys to get firewood, but only sleeps in the forest; replies that he does not want to waste his strength on trifles; the diva invites the boys to her place; only K. is awake; replies that he is used to his mother giving him water from a sieve before going to bed; div cannot collect water with a sieve; then K. asks to cook scrambled eggs from the egg shells so that the shells melt in the butter; diva can’t do it again, meanwhile the boys are leaving; the khan is ready to shelter them on the condition that K. brings a golden carpet from the diva; K. asks for a bag of needles; K. imperceptibly sticks them into the golden carpet of the diva; he thinks that the carpet is full of fleas and throws it out; K. takes away the carpet; the khan demands a golden cauldron, K. asks for a poker; K. quietly taps it on the cauldron, the diva thinks that the cauldron is teasing him and throwing him out; Khan demands a golden hen diva, K. asks for a bird catcher's net; disturbs the chicken, it cackles, div throws it out (all this time he unsuccessfully tried to melt the shell); the khan orders the diva himself to be brought; K. puts on a goatskin with bells tied, answers the diva that he is a lion, he has come to eat him; allows you to hide in a brought chest; brings a chest with a div to the khan; the diva came out and tore the khan to pieces; K. advises the diva to first wash it of chicken droppings, then eat it; in the bathhouse he offers to dive into the cauldrons; he himself jumps into a cauldron of cold water, the diva jumps into boiling water and dies; K. brings home a golden carpet, a cauldron and a chicken], 101-110 [=Annanurova 1980: 50-56; the stepmother tells Ai-bibi to clean a bag of cotton in a day; the calf chews the cotton, cleans it, twists the threads; the wind carries away the ball; A. comes to the old woman, she replies that she has the ball, lies among the jewelry; A. does not take jewelry; the old woman asks to pull out her hair, break the dishes, rip the blankets, etc.; A. washes her hair, cleans the dishes, etc.: the old woman orders her to bathe in a narrow ditch on the way home, and not to look at the wide ditch; A. returns dressed up as a beauty; the stepmother sends her daughter, who steals gold and silver and literally fulfills the old woman’s requests; she tells her to bathe in a hole, a donkey’s ear has grown on her forehead; the stepmother decides to slaughter the calf, he tells A. to hide its bones in the old tamdyr; the prince wants to marry A.; the stepmother sends her daughter instead; at night the prince feels the donkey's ear; the prince demands a real bride, A. finds a precious dress in tamdyr, marries the prince]; Chess names [King Faridun has eldest sons Salm and Tur from his wife Shahnoz, the youngest Iranzh from Arnavoz; F. sends a servant named Jandal to find three sisters as wives for his three sons; he finds the daughters of a king named Sarv; S. makes it a condition of marriage to identify the eldest and youngest among the daughters (F. warns that the youngest will go first, the eldest last); leaving the suitors to spend the night in the garden, he sends a severe frost; those are unharmed; get wives]: Ulug-zoda 1989: 42-47; Balochi : Zarubin 1932, No. 2 [shepherd Asan dreams that he has three stars in his hands; leaves the sheep to the owner, goes to wander; sleeps at the vizier's house; that daughter was just about to run away with her lover named Asan, but by mistake runs with a shepherd; decides to stay with him; going for water, A. finds the royal lamp and gives it to the girl; a mullah performs a marriage ceremony; the wife tells A. to bring the king a candle (that lamp); the king wants to take possession of A.’s wife, the vizier advises him to offer him difficult tasks; 1) find a match for the candle; near that reservoir A. finds a couple and a girl kidnapped by the buzlangi; tells her to ask for buzlangi, leaving her with her soul; A. and the girl tell the buzlangi to take them to the city, then they kill the dove that contains his soul; A. forgot a pair for the lamp, but the girl had it with her; she becomes A.'s second wife; 2) leaves from the garden of the black diva; A. finds a garden, kisses a sleeping girl in the palace; she catches up with him, becomes his third wife; 3) find out about the situation of the dead; the new wife orders a huge bonfire to be assembled, the king and all the people, led by A. and his wife, climb onto it; the wife imperceptibly lifts A. into the air and carries him away; the rest are burned; A. elected king], 3 [the king has a dream that the sun rose and set on the same side; tells the shepherd; he gives him his sheep and goes to another city; the girl takes him for her lover and runs with him; they spend the night near a reservoir, the water of which turns into gold; the wife teaches the young man to impersonate the prince; the king orders to bring 1) gold; the young man returns to the source; there is a diva and a girl; her head separates and grows back according to the diva's spells; the diva leaves, the young man repeats the spell, the girl grows together and comes to life; this is Peri, she takes the young man, flies with him to the city, he gives the king jewelry; 2) news about seven generations of the dead; the new wife orders Zar-bibi to be called to the cemetery; she rises from the grave, gives a letter where she writes about the dead; 3) build a tower of gold and a tower of jewels in the Nile; wives are taught to grab a bathing peri by the hair; she orders everyone to take a brick, build towers, then, at a signal, each must pull out her own brick; the king and people who entered the towers drowned in the Nile; the young man reigns], 9 [the king sends the vizier for the forgotten rosary; that one has been gone for a long time; sends his son Sha-trasan 'A; he sees the vizier with the king’s wife and takes the rosary; the vizier manages to return earlier, suggests to the king difficult tasks for Sh.; the old man teaches what to do; 1) build a city (the old man creates); 2) tree of laughter and crying; Buzlanga has a shoot on his leg, Sh. hides in a hole, grabs Buzlanga by the shoot; lets go, for this other buzlangs bring wood; 3) tree of forty songs; Sh. rushes to suck the breast of the buzlangi woman; she tells her sons that this is their new brother; their puppy leads him to the bouzlangi who has kidnapped their bride; Sh. kills him with a sword, gives the girl to his sworn brothers, they bring a tree; 4) a girl from Green City; Sh. meets a buzlangi continuously baking and eating bread; he says that he is accumulating the strength to overcome Sh.; Sh. says that he knows Sh., defeats the buzlangi, takes him with him; another slingshots from country to country; I do this so that Sh. doesn’t run away from me ; Same; the third listens to what is happening in another country, so that Sh. does not run away from him ; Same; the fourth walks from country to country: the same; Sh. lays a bridge across the ditch for the ants, they promise to help; The fast walker (the fourth buzlangi) takes Sh. to the girl, he kisses the sleeping woman; the next night the girl cuts her finger so as not to fall asleep, talks about her father’s conditions; 1) separate millet from wheat (ants separate); 2) eat a lot of bread and meat (the first companion eats); 3) overtake the royal speedboat; the companion went to bed, the listener learned about the danger, the slinger throws a stone in time, waking up the sleeping one; on the way home Sh. puts the sword between himself and his wife; At home, the king himself gives him the girl he got; 5) get a horse with forty foals; the old man orders camel hair to be thrown into the well; the horse cannot drink, promises to fulfill Sh.’s wish; he and his men mount her foals; when the king, vizier and others sit down, the foals fly into the air and ask whether to throw their riders onto the mountains or into the water; Into the water ; they throw them onto the mountains], 15 [two princes went hunting; the younger saw a snake that swallowed a ram, but the horns got stuck in its mouth; the younger one called the older one, they sawed off the horns, the snake swallowed them; They brought the serpent to their father, who laid out a carpet for him; serpent: let one of you come; the younger one got scared, the older one went; the snake asked his relatives whether to give him his daughter in marriage to a man; they said that if he did not cope with her in three nights, then they would stuff his skin with hay, and if he did, then let him; at night the girl took off the snake's shell; the young man slept for two nights, but on the third he cut his finger, did not fall asleep and got along with the girl; In the morning the snake came and began to joke; his wife ordered him to choose a thin horse, old harness and saddle from his father, and to take the amulet of the holy prophet Suleiman from his mother; going to his father, the prince began to wait at the crossing; saw a snake and threw a stone at it; wife: you killed me, put medicine from that bag on my head; the younger brother saw the elder’s wife and wanted her himself; the king ordered the vizier to help get rid of the eldest son and give his wife to the younger one; the vizier orders three jugs to be filled with divine milk by morning; the wife called the divas, they gave milk; bring a flower from the other world; wife: sow sesame seeds at the spring; when it blooms, the paris will come; take a mid-sized dress and don't look back; she is my uncle's daughter; the prince did so; the other paris flew away; he returned the clothes when that pari said “for the love of husband and wife”; she brought a flower and brought the prince to his home {and became his wife}; vizier: there are 7 vessels with gold, the key disappeared with your late mother, get it; wives: in such and such a place the entrance to the grave will be open; the prince goes and sees two bulls attacking their master; two dogs (same); one woman is hanging, another has lit a fire under her; every time he asks what it means, he is promised an answer on the way back; his mother in the cauldron, jumped out and gave the key; the one who hangs did not give half a liter of oil to the one who burns her; the owner fed one dog and not the other; He gave hay to one bull, not to the other; the young man gave the key; vizier: build a castle on the river, one brick is gold, the other is silver; the wives called the paris and the angels, they built everything; the king, vizier, and those close to him went up there; the priests and angels carried away the bricks, the king, the vizier, and those close to him drowned], 16 [a dying father orders his three sons to guard his grave for three nights; the elders refuse, the younger kills every night a diva whose upper lip reaches to the sky, and the lower to the ground; the king promises daughters to the one who jumps 40 wells on a horse; the young man fulfills the condition three times, gets all three]: 10-35, 36-52, 104-121, 190-198, 198-201; Rosenfeld 1956 [Mollabaji's teacher persuades the girl Shahrbana to push her mother into a barrel of vinegar, and then persuade her father to marry her; he got married, she brought her ugly daughter; she opened a barrel of vinegar and a red cow came out; M. gives Sh. more and more work, sends her to graze a cow and spin; a cow chews cotton into yarn; the next day the wind picked up the cotton and threw it into the well; the cow calls Sh. daughter, orders him to climb into the well, do everything the other way around when asked; Div orders to hit him with a stone, Sh. looks in his head; replies that his head is cleaner than his stepmother’s; does not break down a house with a pickaxe, but sweeps the yard; replies that the estate and the dishes are better than her father’s; takes cotton, not gold; the div orders to wash his hair in black water, his face and hands in white; At home, the stepmother sees that there is a moon on Sh.’s forehead and a star on his chin; M. sends his own daughter, she does everything wrong, the diva orders her to wash herself in yellow water, a snake appears on the girl’s forehead, a scorpion appears on her chin, the gold she grabbed turns out to be bricks; M. with his daughter, covering her face with a scarf, goes to the wedding, tells Sh. to sort out the mixture of peas, beans and beans, fill the bowl with tears; Sh. goes to the diva, he gives salt (the water will be like tears), a rooster (separate the beans, etc.), a luxurious outfit, ash (to pour on M. and her daughter), flowers (to throw on the bride and guests); The prince sees Sh., she runs away and loses her shoe; returning home, M. pretends to be sick, let her husband slaughter the cow; div replaces the cows, orders Sh. to bury the bones of the slaughtered woman in the barn; the prince's servants are looking for the owner of the shoe; M. hides Sh. in the oven, but the rooster crows where she is; M. feeds Sh. onions and garlic so that she smells bad and disgraces herself; the diva helps to get out of the situation, and M.’s daughter, whom she imposed on the vizier, dirty the room; M. and her daughter were thrown into a ditch, the div cut the skin of a cow, and Sh.’s mother came out]: 130-149; luckily [the man smoked anasha and went to the bathhouse; the barber began to shave him; seeing himself in the mirror, the man decided that he was handsome enough to woo the Chinese princess; goes to China; successively meets and takes four as companions; everyone is called Ahmad so-and-so and they have different abilities; they demand the king’s daughter, threatening to carry away all the soil from his country in bags if she refuses; the vizier advises offering to eat 70 pots of soup; one of the Ahmads eats; the king demands that the marriage contract be carried around the entire country; fleet-footed A. does this, but before he can return, he falls asleep under a tree; the third A. sees the sleeping man, the fourth sends an arrow, he wakes up; Having received the princess, they argue about who will get her; the barber slaps the smoker, who wakes up in the bath]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 42: 288-290; Persians , Tajiks , Uzbek (manuscripts in Persian and translated into Uzbek that were widely circulated) [every day the stepmother tells her stepdaughter to spin a huge amount of yarn; the girl inherited a cow and a chicken from her mother; the cow ran into a cave or the wind carried away the cotton wool from the girl’s hands; a gray-haired old woman in white sits in a cave, orders (in the Persian version from Ura-Tube) to sweep the floor, search in her head, is satisfied, rewards the girl with beauty; he orders the cow to eat the cotton wool; thin yarn begins to come out from behind; in the Persian version, the stepmother's own daughter is inattentive to the fairy and becomes ugly (from a bead stolen and hidden in her mouth, she grows a goiter); among the Tajiks in Samarkand, the stepdaughter washes her hair in the Black River and her face in the White River, becoming a beauty; his own daughter, on the contrary, becomes black-faced and gray-haired; the stepmother asks her husband to slaughter a cow; she tells her stepdaughter not to eat her meat, but to bury the bones under the threshold; a noble person invites you to a feast; the stepmother tells her stepdaughter to separate the millet from the sorghum, the chicken does the work, the old fairy calls the houris, they dress up the girl to go to the feast; the girl loses her shoe, a noble man tries it on for everyone, the stepmother locks her in the latrine, but the chicken shows her where to look; Having gotten married, the stepdaughter prepares a treat in honor of the old fairy woman (Bibi Se-Shambe), the husband enters, offended that the treat is poor, knocks over the cauldron; goes to cut melons, in his bag they turn into the heads of three missing princes; before execution, he goes to see his wife, repents, heads turn into melons, the princes return]: Andreev 1927b: 8-12; Tajiks [the padishah fell ill; doctor: let them catch a white gazelle, kill it in the presence of the padishah, let him drink blood; The prince went with the soldiers, saw the poor girl, promised to send matchmakers, brought a gazelle, but her blood did not make it any easier; healer: the desired gazelle has a necklace on its neck, rings on its legs, it is guarded by 40 peris; The prince saw the gazelle, but the main peri, Nigora, ordered to first fulfill the conditions: 1) run with the gazelle to Balkh and overtake it; 2) build a palace between heaven and earth; 3) sit for 7 days in a hot tonur and cook pilaf there; if you do, we will become your slaves, and if not, we will die in prison and throw the bodies to the snakes; 40 Pakhlavons fled, did not overtake the gazelle, and were thrown into prison; the shepherd's daughter Nulsanam {the one whom the prince saw at first?} put on men's clothes and came to the old man; Three doves flew to his three sons, turned into peri, became the sons' wives, the diva took them away, the sons went in search and disappeared; in a dream, some old man teaches G. to strike three swords against each other, a horse will appear, come to the cave, go down on a rope, the div is sleeping at that time, take the ring from under his tongue, after which the div will become a servant; three young men at the cave lowered G., she took the ring, ordered the diva to return the kidnapped wives to the young men and then take them all to the young men’s father; the young men became G.'s assistants; the elder overtook the gazelle; the diva rose into the sky, and G. said to the peri: now let the diva be given stone and mortar; peri: second requirement fulfilled; the third young man Bahrpakhlavon sat in the tonura and cooked pilaf; G. gave the main peni Nigora to her brother, the rest to the Pakhlavons released from prison; the padishah recovered, the prince married G., received the throne, and appointed G.’s brother as vizier]: Osmanov 1989: 371-379; Persians : Osmanov 1987 [a shepherd saw a dream, goes to look for someone who will interpret it, sold it to Javad for a cow; D.'s mother is furious, D. runs away and spends the night in the royal stables; the princess fell in love with Javad Khan and agreed to run away with him at midnight; he decided not to embark on an adventure; D. the shepherd answers instead; in the morning the princess sees that an uncouth Kurd is with her; sends him for water; there is no water in the spring, only gold coins and gems; with this money they buy a house; meet the padishah; the envious vizier advises to order more of the same gold coins to be brought; D. comes to that spring, sees a peri on a tree; As soon as you step on it, 300 of these coins appear; D. brings coins and brings peri; vizier: let him bring three bouquets of laughing roses; peri: next to my spring is the spring of my sister who was kidnapped by the diva; there is a bottle with his soul; when she laughs, laughing roses fall; D. broke the bottle, brought the peri; the first peri wrote an invitation to him and the vizier to come and visit him in the handwriting of the padishah’s father; they were killed, D. became a padishah]: 209-217; Romaskevich 1934a, no. 16 (Jews of Isfahan) []: 86-90; Lorimer 1919, no. 6 (Kerman) [the wives of the vizier and the king are pregnant; the king offers to marry the children if they are of different sexes; the vizier gives birth to a daughter, Mer Niga (“Eye of Grace”), and the king has a son, the black snake Miz Mast, or Khumar (“Sleepy Head”); on their wedding night, Kh. sheds his skin and appears as a young man; puts the skin back on in the morning; the king orders his daughter-in-law to stop her husband from turning into a snake; the prince tells his wife that his skin can be burned in a fire made from egg shells, a broom handle and hair from a dog's tail; in this case he will disappear and they will not see each other; MN burns the skin; the prince says that his wife will find him after wearing out seven pairs of iron shoes and wearing out seven paper cloaks; having worn out the last pair, MN meets a slave; she says that X. is going to get married; MN throws the ring into the jug, tells the slave to make sure that it falls into X’s hands along with the water; Having recognized the ring, H. finds MN; she faces death if they find out about her; MN pretends to be a slave; Kh. gives her his lock of hair, telling her to burn a hair each time if his help is needed; the mother of the bride X. (this is his aunt) tells the imaginary maid to 1) sweep with a broom to which the pearls are attached, without losing a single pearl; they immediately fall apart, MN calls X., he does everything; 2) bring water with a colander and sprinkle the floor (H. performs); 3) fills the box with stinging insects, says that it is full of pearls, orders it to be taken to the right place; on the way, throw bones to the horse, straw to the dog, do not open closed doors, do not close open ones, do not go near a pit with dirt and blood; MN looked into the box, insects crawled over it; H. collected them; ordered to do the opposite of what his aunt ordered; MN opens and closes the doors, greets everyone, gives bones to the dog, straw to the horse, says that she would dream of tasting honey from the sweet pit; the aunt orders the doors, the dog, the pit to catch the girl; they refuse; on the wedding day, the aunt orders candles to be fastened on the fingers of the slave (i.e. MN) to illuminate the path for the bride; the prince tells his wife to say goodbye to all things; after the wedding ceremony he cuts off her head; takes MN away; she forgot to say goodbye to the pound weight; Girya talks about the murder of the bride and the escape; Aunt Kh. and her husband (they are divas) fly after the fugitives; turning to God in the name of Solomon, Kh. throws the reeds, which turn into reed thickets; igloo - grove of needles; salt – salt marsh; sea style='font-family:​​foam - the sea, a clot of foam floats in it; aunt: how did you get over? Kh.: stepped on a rock in the middle of the sea (this is foam); the pursuers jumped on her and drowned; everything is fine]: 25–32; mountain Tajiks : Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 1 [after the death of his father Sodikjon catches a sparkling fish and gives it to the Shah; the vizier persuades the Shah to order S. to bring colored water for the fish, a stone pool, a climbing tree; every time those in love with S. peri fulfill their desires; last task: bring the daughter of the Non-existent Shah; on the way, S. successively meets giants and takes him as his companions; this is Odge the Eater, Odge the Drinker, Odge the Sharp Shooter; digs a passage into the girl’s chambers, she explains how to fulfill her father’s conditions; 1) split a log with one blow; 2) spend the night in a red-hot room (Opivala drinks and belches a river); 3) eat a lot; 4) hit an egg hidden in the willow crown from three miles away; 5) choose a wife among hundreds of girls (she will wear a canvas dress, dirty boots, and sit on a white donkey); S. kills the Shah, at home his wife kills the Shah and the Vizier who sent S.; S. receives wealth and power], 2 [the three sons of the Shah shoot arrows; the arrow of the eldest fell at the gate of the cathedral, the middle one - of the mufti, the youngest - to a frog on the shallows of the river; the young man brought the frog home, she said that she was the daughter of a bet, and put on the skin of the frog so as not to amaze people with her beauty; the young man asked to shed his skin and burned it; the older and middle brothers want a beauty for themselves; the Shah sends his youngest son to visit his grandparents in heaven; Pari's daughter brings three apples from Mount Kof, tells her husband to ask him to collect a mountain of firewood, climb on it, and set it on fire; she picks him up; orders him to take the apples to his father and say that his grandparents are waiting for them to visit; the Shah and his eldest sons allow themselves to be burned, the youngest becomes Shah]: 22-37, 37-38; Semenov 1900(1) (Karategin) [the prince wants his own sister as his wife, the king refuses; the prince leaves; the princess will be received by the one who overtakes her on a horse, the losers will be executed; the prince overtakes, gets the princess]: 41-42; Tajiks [the viziers did not find the padishah the most beautiful woman in the world; he himself met her in the shepherd's house; she bore him a son, Salim; before he matured, the padishah decided to retire with his wife, leaving the state in the care of the vizier of his right hand; S. grows quickly; in order to eliminate him and take the throne for himself, the vizier sent an old woman to where S. was playing knucklebones; the lead broke the spinning wheel; the old woman called S. rootless: the vizier is not his father; S. went in search of his real father; meets a man in whose hands are 7 millstones: I’m going to fight S.S.: I am S.’s brother, defeat me; S. knocked him down and wanted to behead him, but he promised to become his friend; the same with the hero who threw up the plane trees; with Recoiler; Salim was not given pilaf at the market, he scattered the local strongmen; the padishah was frightened, gave him his daughter, S. gave her to the Millstone; gave a cup of milk: if she blushes, you need to rush to help; in another city there is a dragon in a house, demanding a man and a bull every day, it’s the king’s daughter’s turn; S. dozed off, the girl’s tear woke him up; he cut the dragon with a dagger; the padishah gave S. his daughter (proof that he is a hero: only S. was able to lift the dragon’s body); S. gave it to the China Bearer (the same as with the Millstone Bearer); in the third city the padishah is a girl; she executes those who fail to complete the task; fly on a horse without spilling the milk (some of it spilled, but S.’s tears filled the pot again and the girl didn’t notice); a chest with two pearls fell into the river, we need to get it out (The Requiver drank the river); spend the night in a glacier; Zh. and Ch. saw that the milk had turned red, they hastened to help, Ch. lit a huge fire of plane trees, S. slept through the night; grind 20 bags of grain per day; J. performed; the girl married S., but he gave her to the Rekovivator and went to look for her parents; river, island, palace, there are marvels there; S. defeated and killed him; the padishah's daughter was kidnapped in the palace; S. brought her to her father, who married her to S.; they went to look for S.; a fisherman catches fish with a net; this is the father; everything is fine]: Amonov 1961: 323-336; Tajiks : Amonov 1972: 116-126 [the padishah sends the eldest, then the middle son to guard the thief stealing apples; only the youngest son from his youngest wife does not fall asleep, tears off the tail of the fiery bird; playing knucklebones, he breaks the old woman's spindle; she advises him to better go look for the thief, like his brothers; chooses a skinny horse, a rusty dagger, catches up with the brothers; it is written on the stone that he who goes to the left will return, but not to the right; the young man turns left, the brothers turn right; the wolf eats off the front legs of the young man’s horse, then the hind legs, the torso, and the head; each time he asks whether the horse was bipedal, without legs, etc.; the young man says every time that he was; the wolf brings him to the padishah Misra, orders him to take a bird without a cage, he takes the cage, is captured, the padishah orders him to get a horse from the country of Chin; the wolf orders not to take the harness, the young man takes it, padishah Chin orders to bring the padishah’s daughter Machin; the wolf gets everything, puts the guards to sleep each time, the young man returns on horseback with the girl; the wolf is going to stab a girl, a horse, a bird with a dagger; poison falls out of everyone's mouth; the brothers cut the young man into pieces and take everything; the girl promises to marry the padishah when her cut braids grow back; the wolf resurrects the young man, he puts on a bull's abomasum and is hired as a servant to the cook; his sister and bride recognize him, his brothers are driven away, the young man marries and receives his father’s throne], 219-222 [a man says that in a dream he lived in a castle with the padishah’s daughter; he who heard bought his dream; went, saw a rider and another horse nearby, sat on it, the companion turned out to be a girl; she orders to dig where the white and black snakes crawled out in the ruins; he finds gold and silver; the vizier persuades the padishah to get rid of the young man and take his wife; the padishah orders 1) to get two pearls (the wife orders to jump to the reservoir, dive, there are pearls); 2) give the letter to the deceased father; the young man’s wife herself writes a response, in it an invitation to the padishah to visit another world; says that the padishah must go to the stake; the padishah dies, the young man reigns]; Amonov, Ulug-zade 1960: 150-155 [two older brothers inherit property from their dying father, the younger one takes instruction; comes to his father’s grave three times, black, bay, white winged horses give him hairs to call them; the Shah gives his daughter to the one who can gallop up the stairs 40 steps; the younger brother tends the herds of the elders; calls the horses three times, completes the task on white; reveals himself to his brothers, marries the princess], 156-163 [(=1957: 138-144); the fisherman's son catches the fish Guldor, which his late father missed; she is taken by the padishah; demands the fisherman's son to get the princess Chin-Mo-Chin; he saves an ant along the way, takes as his companions a river-drinking man and a ketmen man filling a hill; the princess's father orders 1) to sleep in a hot copper bath (the drink cools), 2) to overtake the camel (the ketman makes a hill in front of him), 3) to sort the grain by type (the ants are sorting it); the princess marries the padishah, becomes capricious, the fisherman’s son releases a fish into the river], 241-247 [=Niyazmukhamedov 1945: 27-36; Sohibjamol, the daughter of the padishah, flees with the orphan slave Akhmad; in another city she sews skullcaps, he sells them; hired to serve the padishah; he wants his wife, the vizier offers to give A. difficult assignments; 1) bring apples of seven colors from the garden of Iram; the fox brings him there, takes the dogs away; 2) bring milk from a lioness in the skin of a lion; he frees the lioness’s paw, which has grown into the ground, and brings milk; 3) to see the padishah’s parents in the next world; peri brings A. from the fire to his wife; A. tells the Shah that his parents have prepared medicine for him and are waiting for him; the Shah and his viziers burn, A. and S. go to live in the mountains]; Ulug-zade 1967 [the old man’s eldest son Sitorashinos is an astrologer, the middle one is Daryoband (directs the flow of rivers), the youngest Shamshirboz (a brave man with a saber); the brothers decided to get married on the same day; Sh. moves the stone, but does not crush the ants, they give a wing and promise to help; whoever cuts the strip of iron will give the padishah his daughter; Sh. cut it, but went on with his brothers; near the city in the lake there is a dragon, every day he demands a girl, 40 rams and 10 dastarkhans, it’s the turn of the padishah’s two daughters; S. found out where the dragon was, D. diverted the water, Sh. hacked him to death with a saber; the padishah offers to choose a bride, but Sh. wants three for himself and his brothers; the padishah asks to collect the crumbled grains from the field (the ants are collecting); the padishah gives his daughters to S. and D.; at their wedding, Sh. finds a third girl hidden by the padishah in the garden - an humble, but beautiful one; Sh. says that his strength is in his saber; The old woman hears, grabs the saber, orders him to throw it into the river; S. finds out everything, D. diverts the water, Sh.’s saber is returned; he sends the girl’s servant, putting his ring in the jug; the padishah has to let the brothers go with their brides]: 115-129; Tajiks Sistan [the king has two wives, one has a son, Malik-Muhammad; the second wife offers herself to him, he refuses; she complains to her husband that his son wanted to take possession of her; the vizier stands up for M., his father kicks him out, but does not execute him; a pregnant mother leaves with her son; asks to catch a bird, he goes after it, he is swallowed by a diva; mother gives birth to a son, Khanjarsho (“king-dagger”); his mother tells him to catch the same bird; he defeats the diva, throws him into the well; the mother finds the diva, raises her, takes her as a lover; in order to destroy his son, he asks to bring 1) lion’s milk (the son takes out the thorn to the lion, he gives milk); 2) dates from the White Div garden; Kh. kills the dragon, which annually devoured the chicks of the Simurgh bird, the chicks eat the meat, Simurgh brings it to the White Div, the defeated Div becomes his friend; kills his mother and her lover when she tried to poison her son; gives H. a peri wife; the old woman kidnaps her for another king, breaks the dagger in which X.’s life was; diva repairs the dagger, returns wife X.]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 2: 24-39; Yagnobis [the poor young man sends his mother to woo the king's daughter; he asks for 1000 lambs and 1000 horses; the rich man Hotam gives them; the king asks for X's head; H. comes himself; the king gives his daughter to the poor man, the throne to Khotam, he himself becomes his vizier]: Andreev, Peschereva 1957, No. 4: 48-61; Shugnats : Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 2 [poor shepherd Dzhumak fell asleep at the royal hitching post; the king's daughter was going to run away with the vizier's son with the same name, she rode off with J.; gave him royal clothes, on the way he accidentally picked up rubies on the shore; serves the king, he desires his wife; leads to hang, J. promises to bring a bag of rubies; collects them, it is the blood dripping into the stream from the throat of the slaughtered peri; J. revives her; she was kidnapped by the diva and killed during his absence; J. persuades Peri to find out from the diva where his soul is (in a plane tree, in a chest, in a bottle, in a shirt); J. kills the diva, brings a second wife; the vizier advises the king to ask for the Laughing Flower; This is Green Pari from Mount Kof, when she laughs, flowers fall from her mouth; the Pari fly to the lake to swim, J. takes the dress of the Green Pari, brings her to the wives, this is the sister of his second wife; takes flowers to the king; he orders the sword of his late father to be brought; the wives give a sword, hide J. with an imaginary letter in the ashes of the fire; the king and the vizier agree to be burned, J. becomes king], 5 [the vizier hears how the elder sister promises to feed the city with a mug of flour, the middle one - to clothe everyone if she receives yarn for a piece of cloth, the youngest - to give birth to the king a golden-haired son and a beautiful daughter; the king took all three as wives; the elders did not fulfill their promises, the younger did; the sisters invite her to invite everyone to the celebration, at this time they put the puppies in bed, throw a box with children into the ditch; the king orders his wife to be sent to collect thorns; the gardener picks up the children; they grow up, the older wives realize who they are; They advise the girl to ask her brother for 1) a dress made from fox claws; brother comes to the bet, she gives a dress; 2) magic mirror; makes a bet by asking his sister; 3) a talking parrot; Pari's husband followed him and turned into stone; Pari orders to bathe in seven springs, ask for forgiveness of sins; the sister sees in the mirror that her brother is plunging into the ground, he comes, cries, his sins are forgiven, the parrot flies in on his own; the king sees the girl and sets a wedding day; a parrot tells a brother and sister their story; older wives are tied to stallions and their remains are burned; the youngest is returned]: 60-73, 91-101; Vahans : Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 13 [a poor man had a dream: on the right shoulder the sun, on the left the moon; he told his wife that he was leaving to travel; the shepherd bought a dream from him for the flock; the merchant gave him a bucket for a broken jug, the poor man sold milk, became rich; a shepherd came to a kingdom where the king had a daughter and the vizier had a son; the vizier's son told the slave of the king's daughter, asked where the mistress was; she answered rudely; the vizier’s son said that although she was beautiful, she was still a slave; she scratched her body, told the king that the vizier’s son had dishonored her and had also knocked up the king’s daughter; the king orders the vizier's daughter and son to be tied to the muzzle of the cannon and fired; the nurse tells them to run; the vizier's son was captured, and the princess mistook that shepherd for him; they came to another kingdom; the princess tells the shepherd not to take anyone as sworn brothers; he takes the royal groom; Having seen the shepherd's wife, the groom informed the king, the king ordered the viziers to kill the shepherd and take his wife; the shepherd says that his name is Bogatyr Zemchi (BZ); the vizier advises it is better to take the BZ hunting in the Mazandaran forest; wife: there are tigers and lions, you need to take the Steel Sword and the Wind Horse with you, they will do everything themselves; the sword cut down the entire forest; vizier to the king: send BZ to Mount Kof for the Mare with 40 Foals; wife: horse and sword will kill 40 divas; killed: the bet teaches how to saddle a mare at a spring; BZ brings her, followed by the foals; vizier to the king: send BZ to bring news from the other world from the king’s parents; bet: you must say that you brought the news, order the king and the vizier to climb onto a pile of wood and set it on fire; they burned down, BZ became king, his first wife and bet were with him], 21 [the shepherd’s son has a lame chicken; grew up quickly, orders the king's daughter to be wooed to him; the king wants to kill the shepherd, the vizier advises against doing this; the king demands 1) bring the Talking and Laughing Rubob; HC sends his father to the bet, orders him to ask for Rubob on his behalf, they give it; 2) 40 white camels with a load in the tower, 40 gazelles with identical horns, a garden with different fruits overnight; HC tells his father to throw handfuls of fruit behind him, everything appears; HK gets a princess, turns into a handsome bet at night; the princess burns his face, he flies away as a dove; she comes to the plane tree, there are three pari men, her husband is among them, takes his wife, reigns on the throne of his father-in-law]: 163-172, 235-240; Ishkashim people : Pakhalina 1959, No. 2 [the old woman’s grandson and another young man killed two partridges and came to another old woman to cook them; one of them sees a girl, his partridge is burnt; then he made a partridge from the dough and cooked it so that it tasted better than the real thing; they return to their grandmother; then that young man tells her to woo him the king’s daughter; the mullah asks him to go with him; casts a spell, the earth opens up; the mullah asks to go down and get a candle for him, and the young man can take the precious stones for himself; the young man did not give a candle, the mullah closed the ground, the young man was pinched, only his head was outside; he pulled out the candle he had taken, spat, a witch appeared, he ordered her to free him; deliver home; the king demands for his daughter 40 identical saddled horses, a house of gold and silver, a source at the gate of the house; the witch does everything; the young man deliberately did not install one column; The royal people tried it themselves, but they couldn’t; wedding], 9 [40 brothers go to look for wives; the younger Amad finds 40 sleeping princesses, removes the ring from each, and kills 40 robbers; brothers get wives; the king warns of danger on the way back; a dragon encircles them; lets go when A. and his wife agree to go to him; she lit something, a peri came out of the dragon, took them to Mount Kof, forces A. to take her as his wife, and sends him to take his sister too; Bear and Ant promise help; Sister Peri orders 1) to deliver three cartloads of thorns from the forest (the Bear collects), 2) to collect the sown grain (the ants collect); after 20 years, the Peri revive A.’s first wife and release him with him to his brothers; he is elected king]: 117-121, 139-147; Munjans [Pleshak poured ash into a bag and put several gold coins at the bottom; tells the mason that he is building the wall incorrectly; he invites him to try; Pleshak tells the mason to give stones, but not to let in the winds, otherwise the money in his bag will turn into ash; this happened, Pleshak says that only the smell did not reach the bottom of the bag, the mason had to borrow money, give it to Pleshak; people believe that Pleshak set fire to the forest and sold the ashes at the market; the same story with the blacksmith (he filled a bag with coals, and at the bottom there were coins); people believe that Pleshak burned his house; then they chase him, he tells the shepherd that they want to elect him as king, he agrees to exchange clothes, the shepherd is drowned, and Pleshak drove the flock, saying that from the bottom; all the men rushed into the water and drowned, their wives demand that Pleshak feed them; he is ready if women don’t get their pants dirty at night; he cooked shushi (a thick, sweet brown mass made from apricot kernels), smeared it on the women’s butts, and they ran away in horror; Pleshak tells his grandmother to woo him the royal daughter; the vizier advises asking Pleshak to bring news from the Sun; he goes into the desert, spends the night under a rock; Khojai-Khizr orders him to close his eyes and carries him through the air to the plain; there is a lake where the Sun sets, in the morning they drag him out with a chain, you have to fill your pockets with stones, these are yachts; Pleshak (he is now handsome) gets a princess]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 53: 430-437; Yazgulyam people : Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 7 [a man has two sons from one wife, one from the other; he tells them to shoot wherever the bullets hit, and take their wives there; the bullets of the elders hit the house where there were two brides, the bullets of the younger hit the stone scree; he dug for a year, there was a door, a woman; she put on a skin and became a snake; he threw the skin into the fire; the wife is afraid of misfortune; the brothers came, fell in love with her, ordered the father to drive the youngest out of the world; he orders to get 1) a magic flower; wife: three bets will come to the lake to swim, one has a flower on her dress; don’t grab, run without turning around, otherwise you’ll turn to stone; husband brings a flower; 2) a mare with 40 foals; wife: at the same lake, jump on the mare, the foals will follow her; 3) a boiler with 40 ears; wife: almasti sleeps with her head on him; when the eyes are open, asleep, you have to grab it and run; 4) bring news from the other world; the son tells his father to climb onto a pile of wood to see another world, sets fire to the wood, the father is burned; the brothers put the youngest in a sack, carried him to drown, and left him on the shore; he told the shepherd that he was being married by force, the shepherd changed places with him, and was thrown to the river; the younger one comes, driving the herd, says that from the bottom; the brothers order them to be thrown into the river; the young man poured flour mixture on the blankets of their wives; they decided that they had soiled themselves; he said that they disgraced the house, tied the mares to the tails, the horses tore them to shreds], 22 [the poor man found an egg on the mountainside, left it in the storeroom, a calf appeared; the poor man and his wife died, the calf remained with the poor man's mother; fills the pantry with food; orders the royal daughter to be wooed to him; the king wants to hang the old woman, the vizier advises giving the calf difficult assignments; 1) shady apple trees along the road; 2) a mill with compartments for grain and meat; 3) gutters on the roof, oil flows through one, milk through the other; 4) three courtyards are full of gold; by morning everything is ready, the wedding, the calf turns into a man]: 108-113, 241-243; sarikoltsi [a childless man sees a pomegranate in the river and takes it; a dragon comes out, gives two pomegranates, let the wife, mare, dog eat them; a son, a foal, a puppy must be sent to him; then all three will give birth again, these people can keep for themselves; Jonihair is born; Having learned what the matter is, he rides on horseback and with a dog to the river; the dragon orders to get the princess; wins, takes the Ice-Bearer beast, the Fire-Bearer beast, the Shooter beast, the Shovel-Bearer beast as assistants; does not crush ants, their king gives his antennae to call him on occasion; the same with mice; the princess's father proposes tests; 1) sit in a cold house (Fire-Bearer warms, 2) in a hot house (Ice-Bearer cools), 3) turn the forest into arable land (Shovel-Bearer performs), 4) collect millet scattered across the field (ants collect); 5) bring firewood on a donkey (the witch turned into a donkey, then became a bird, flew away with firewood, but Shooter shot her down, she became a donkey again); mice gnaw the wall into the princess's room; she warns that her father will put his horse against J.’s horse, his dog against his dog, and orders him to cut the iron block with a wooden ax; gives a bunch of his hair, they help to cut; J.'s horse and dog win; the king gives away his daughter; sends an old woman after her to turn J. into a donkey; J. changed the potion, the old woman and the dragon ate it, and became donkeys]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 27: 273-285; Persians : Marzolph 1984, No. 462 (Khorasan, 1 entry) [the king has seven wives, he fell in love with a diva woman; she orders the former wives to be blinded and thrown into a pit; each gave birth, the newborns were eaten, the seventh kept hers, he grew up and began to get food; the king recognizes his son, the stepmother gives instructions, hoping to destroy the young man; 1) bring a pomegranate from the diva’s garden (brings), 2) a mare with 14 foals (the young man pours salt into the spring, blinds the mare with a mirror); 3) silk cradle; the young man kills the baby div who sleeps in it, finds a vessel with the soul of the diva woman, kills her, returns sight to the king’s wives by giving them the meat of the child diva to eat], 465A (Mazandaran, Isfahan, Khorasan, Hamadan) [at night the princess runs from home with your lover; the poor man, who has the same name, turns out to be in his place, the princess stays with him; either the hero receives a heavenly maiden as his wife; the king wants to take possession of her, gives his husband impossible tasks (to get precious stones, a mare with 14 foals, unusual fruits, a princess); the wife and others help to get everything done; as a result of fulfilling the last order, the king dies: move the castle to the sea - the castle drowns; bring news from the other world - the king (together with the vizier) allows himself to be burned in order to go there himself]: 97, 98-100; Osmanov 1958: 34-49 [dying, the hunter tells his wife to hide his hunting equipment from his son; he finds it by chance; catches a gazelle, refuses to sell it to the vizier, gives it to the Shahanshah; the offended vizier suggests 1) sending a hunter for another gazelle, a female (brings); 2) for a couple of caresses (Khizr turns peas into caresses); 3) an ivory throne (Khizr teaches how to pour wine into the lake, the elephants got drunk, the people got the tusks); 4) daughter of the king of Peri; Kh. teaches to take as companions on the way a ball rolling across the steppe, an old man standing on one leg and holding a rock on his shoulder, two ants (they will give a tuft of hair), the devourer of all the flour at the mill; satellites and ants perform peri tasks (deliver a letter to Iran and back in a day; divide wheat, barley and millet, eat a lot); the young man returns from the peri; 5) the vizier advises sending him to visit the deceased fathers of the vizier and the Shahanshah; the young man promises, invites the vizier and the Shahanshah to wait on the throne on a pile of wood, burns them, marries the peri, reigns], 109-114 [the camel driver Najma and the king's daughter fell in love with each other; spends the night with her; the vizier advises not to execute N., but to test him; 1) recognize your beloved among 40 girls in identical clothes; 2) bring a glass vessel from Baghdad; 3) find out what is in the bales loaded on camels; 4) find out your favorite one again among 40 girls; N. marries her; (it is not specified who or what helps N. complete the tasks)]; 1987 [the eldest sister promises to dress the army if she is given in marriage to the vizier, the middle one - to feed the army, the youngest - to give birth to the Shah a golden-haired son, who, if he laughs, roses will fall from his mouth, tears - pearls and precious stones; the sisters put the puppy in, the baby was put in the oven in the bathhouse; the Shah put his wife in a kennel like a dog; the bathhouse attendant picks up a baby, gets rich; the Shah's new wife pretends to be sick, asks to bring lion's milk in the skin torn from a lion on the back of another lion; the Shah sends the adopted son of a bathhouse attendant; the mother of divas teaches that the main lion has a splinter in his foot; the young man treats him, he arranges everything; bring a mare with 40 foals; bring a self-rocking cradle; the diva tells his mother about two girls bathing, you need to hide their dress, they will give you a cradle; the Shah questions the bath attendant, returns his wife and son, ties her sisters by the hair to the tails of horses]: 131-146; Pashtuns : Lebedev 1972, No. 5 [a padishah agrees to marry seven sons to the seven daughters of another padishah; leaves the youngest at home for himself; the vizier forgets the fakir's order not to spend the night on the river bank; in the morning the princes and their brides are surrounded by a dragon; releases when a younger prince is sent to him; the dragon asks him to go to the sorceress Gulhandan; if you make her laugh, flowers will fall from her lips, butterflies will fly out of the dragon's nose and fly to those flowers, the dragon will be freed from the butterflies; Along the way, the prince saves ants and mice, pulls out a thorn from the lioness, who gives him a lion cub; he stops with the old woman, asks the mice to dig an underground passage to G.; exchanges sleeping clothes with her; she learns to carry out her father's difficult tasks; 1) dog fight (the prince lets his lion cub); 2) break the iron blank (G. lets his hair be tied around the ax handle); 3) collect the sown mustard seeds (ants collect); the prince brings G., she laughs, flowers fall, butterflies fly out, the dragon is happy, the prince and his wife come to their father], 6 [the bird catcher has sons Khunkar (senior) and Muslim from his first wife; he found a white egg in the nest of an unknown bird, sold it to a rich man for a lot of money, and began to bring him more and more eggs; caught the bird itself; after his death, X sells the eggs to the rich man; the stepmother asks the rich man to come to her, he makes it a condition to slaughter a bird in order to eat the heart and head and become a padishah; the maid gives heart and head to the sons of the poor; the rich man is furious, the maid tells H. and M. to run away; Kh. died, a falcon sat on Muslim’s head, he was chosen as padishah; three birds admired the beauty of X., shook the tree, the leaves of which revive, one fell into X.’s mouth, he came to life; A falcon also sat on his head, Kh. became the padishah of another country; M. had 7 sons, H. had daughters, he killed them; the wife hides the seventh, named Shmaila; she grows up to be a beauty; H. sees her, his wife has to explain everything; Kh. sets difficult tasks for Sh.’s suitors; 1) break an iron block with a wooden ax; 2) milk the red cow Shmaila with diamond horns; 3) run up to the roof three times with a milk pan full of milk; 4) separate the millet from the sand, and there is half a room of millet; 5) bring a lion, arrange a fight with the padishah’s lion; 7) find the entrance to Shmaila’s chambers; 6 sons of M. were executed; the seventh Jallat Khan plays with the old woman's son, beats him; the old woman tells her son to say - if D. is such a fine fellow, then demand (from the mother) an answer to how the brothers died; D. asks his mother to roast the grains, squeezes them in her hand, forcing her to tell about the fate of her older brothers; at the direction of the fakir, receives the blessing of his mother and father; takes out a thorn from a lioness; lions promise to help; saves ants by buying a man's field so that he does not flood it with water; gives Mulla Miro a letter from the fakir, the mullah makes D. a student; he first enters Sh.’s chambers in a woman’s attire; Sh. suspects that it is a man, but M. does not give himself away; then he makes a mechanical lion, hides in it, Sh. tells him how to complete his father’s tasks; the ants separate the millet, the lion defeats the lion X.; D. receives Sh., Hunkar's eyes were gouged out and brought to his brother; the brothers recognized each other, Kh. repented that he killed his sons after Muslim]: 21-27, 27-44 (=1958: 113-120; brief retelling in 2003: 395); armor (Logar) [the king built remains with high walls and settled his daughter in it; many tried to find her, but could not overcome the walls and were executed; Turdalay unsuccessfully tried to make a hole in the wall, then ran away; found a snake shusmar "(monitor lizard), tied it to a rope and threw it into a niche in the wall; then I pulled myself to this niche; the next day he threw the monitor lizard a little higher and pulled himself up to her again; trained a monitor lizard until it became tame; thus climbed onto the wall; from there he threw the monitor lizard onto the roof and, seeing that he was holding on tightly, climbed up the rope himself; in the morning the king's daughter went to the pool; T. began throwing stones in her direction and became acquainted with her; a dove flew from the king; The king’s daughter tied a letter to it: “The melon was unripe - it became a [ripe] melon, a knife was stuck deep into it. Now (she) has matured. What does she need now?”; the king realized that his daughter wanted to get married; arrived, saw T. next to her and became furious; on the advice of the ministers, he did not execute him, but said that three conditions must be met for marriage; first: bring the treasury to Akbar-pacha; T. reached the city of A.-p.; the guard asked whether he was a nomad or not; T. replied that no; the guard did not let him in; T. went up the river on which the city stood; made three rafts from reeds, launched the first one along the river; as soon as he reached the city, they began to shoot at him; then T. launched the second raft; the guards decided to ignore him; T. boarded the third raft and reached the city; made a hole, stole the treasury and returned to the king; he set the second condition: to bring from A.-p. two bars of gold; T. came to the city, told the guard that he was a nomad; he replied that because of the robbery that had happened, no one was allowed into the city; T., as the first time, used three rafts and entered the city; stole the gold bars and brought them to the king; he demanded that the last condition be fulfilled: to bring a lock of hair from A.-p.’s head; T. got into the city with the help of three rafts, went into A-p’s room. and his wife while they were sleeping, and cut off a lock of hair; going out into the street, he lost his way and was captured by the guards; In the morning he told A.-p. how and why he committed the theft; he ordered T. to be thrown into a hole; the king's daughter rode on horseback to the city of A.-p.; T. was given to be torn to pieces by dogs; the king's daughter began to pray to God so that the dogs would devour each other; God heard her request - the dogs grabbed each other; the king's daughter put T. on a horse and took her to her kingdom; the king called the mullah and made an engagement; “May God fulfill their desire there, and ours here”]: Efimov 1986, No. 36: 276-283; Uzbek [the king sends the sorceress Maston on the camel Ilyamon to woo 40 sister brides for his 40 sons; the girls' father demands to dig a canal between the kingdoms; the elder creates a channel, teaches the youngest of the brothers to send a knife in his place; on the way back, brothers and their wives should not enter the white house during bad weather; they enter, the dragon blocks the exit; releases him for the king's promise to give up his youngest son; the dragon demands that the young man find a bride for him in 40 days; he helps ants and lions along the way; stops with an old woman, whose 7 sons died, wooing the princess; the king demands 1) collect 40 bags of millet scattered across the field (ants collect), 2) eat the meat of two bulls (lions eat), 3) fill a large jug with chervonets (the princess gives her ring, it fills the jug with gold); the bride has a chest, there is a dove in it, there is a worm in the dove’s crop, the young man crushes it, the dragon dies; a young man brings his wife home]: Konovalov, Stepanov 1986: 157-166; Uzbek Khorezm [near Urgench there lived a shepherd Kuldash and a farm laborer Yuldash; Yu dreams of two stars sliding down his bosom; K. buys a dream for a heifer and foal; K. left, Yu. remained as a shepherd instead; at night, the girl, about to run away, mistakes K. for the groom, asks questions, opens up to him, and becomes his wife; the vizier wants her for himself, persuades the khan to send K. (now his name is Musofirbek) to bring 1) milk from a tigress (his wife teaches him to bring a herd of tigresses); 2) find gold missing from the treasury (the wife and her sister walk through the yard, ingots fall from under their feet); 3) visit the Khan’s deceased relatives in the next world; the wife teaches him to pretend to be a holy fool, gives a note on behalf of the khan’s relatives, as if it is much better in the next world; the khan and viziers allow themselves to be burned; two stars - the peri wife and her sister, a small star - their son; K. marries friend Yu. to his wife’s sister]: Konovalov, Stepanov 1986: 217-234; Uzbek [the fisherman Hakim caught a goldfish, ordered the young man to take it to the vizier, who took it to the king; the envious vizier suggested telling the young man to bring 2) a second fish; after 40 days, father and son caught her; 2) golden house from divas; Kh. orders to ask the king for an iron staff and shoes, rams, donkeys; the young man drives, then walks, falls asleep; in a dream, an old man gives a nut; upon returning, the young man abandons him, a golden house arises; 4) beauty peri; a young man ransoms a giant thief who is about to be executed; he takes out the feather, orders not to touch the horse’s bridle, the young man touches it, three divas in the form of doves carry away the girl; a giant thief finds her, teaches her to ask the divas where their soul is; in a chest in a spring under a plane tree; Having captured the souls of the divas, the giant thief forces them to do what he wants; the young man returns from the peri; the king sends soldiers to seize him, but the giant thief and divas scattered the king’s army; the young man reigns, marries the peri, the giant thief becomes his servant]: Konovalov, Stepanov 1986: 25-35; Uzbek (Karabulak near Chimkent, recorded in 1924) [a rich man has a daughter and two shepherds; one dreams that he has the sun on one cheek, the moon on the other, and the star Venus in the middle; another shepherd bought this dream by giving away his cattle; the rich man's daughter agreed with her lover that he would take her away; he overslept; the shepherd fell asleep right there by the pool; the girl mistook him for her lover, woke him up, telling him that he would take her away; he overslept; the shepherd fell asleep right there by the pool; the girl mistook him for traveling with him; he is silent in response to the proposal to raise sheep, cattle, shoot ducks; she decides that he is of noble birth, takes him to the city, and the mullah concludes their marriage; the vizier invites the king to take the woman, send her husband 1) for the tiger's milk (the wife teaches the tiger king to remove the thorn); 2) behind the gul-kaakhka flower; the wife gives her handkerchief, the owner of the flower sees that it is her sister’s handkerchief, the young man’s second wife comes, he gives the king a bouquet; as she walks, pearls and gold rain down; 3) find out about the health of the king’s deceased parents; the husband stood on the fire, both wives flew up and quietly removed it; wives are taught to tell the king that his father sews boots, his mother spins, they ask him to visit them; the king burns at the stake, the husband reigns]: Yudakhin 1927: 417-425; Uzbek : Afzalov et al. 1972(2): 59-64 [while hunting, the padishah met three peris; the first answered that she could sew a robe from rose petals, the second - to remove a pattern from a bird of heaven, the third - to give birth to a son with a golden braid; The padishah married the first two to viziers, and he himself married the third; the first asked the old woman to replace the boy with two puppies, the padishah ordered his wife and puppies to be thrown into the zindan; The old woman abandoned the child in the desert, the steppe doe nursed him; the boy wandered into the palace, the old woman put him in a chest and threw him into the river; the fisherman caught him and raised him; the padishah notices him while hunting; the old woman tells him that the padishah will take him to the palace if he 1) gets the gulikahkah flower; the man guarding the sleep of the divas hides the young man and shows him where the flowers grow; 2) 40 boilers preparing different dishes; the old man teaches to tell 40 divas to carry 40 cauldrons; 3) a mirror in which the whole world is visible; the dragon under the plane tree is ready to eat the chicks, the old man teaches him to kill him by hitting him on the forehead with a stone; the grateful bird brings the young man to heaven, teaches him to take away the shepherd's staff, there is a mirror in it, and leaves his feathers; the padishah enters the young man’s house, everything is revealed; the wives answer that they do not want a knife, but 40 mares; they and the old woman were tied to the tails of horses, the padishah appointed the fisherman as vizier, gave the throne to his son, and freed his mother; the young man sees the daughter of another padishah in the mirror, burns the feathers, a bird appears, brings him to the top of the minaret to the girl, brings them back; wedding], 301-307 [while collecting brushwood, Baldy sees how a deva removes a skull from a tree, turns it into a girl, she gives him wine, the deva falls asleep, then leaves, the girl turns into a skull again; The bald man is hired as an apprentice to the cook; grabbing his daughter by the hand, she forces her to reveal a spell thanks to which her father cooks without lighting a fire; Having cast a spell, Baldy runs away from the cook, turning into a dove, the cook - a falcon; the dove is a rose in the Shah's garden, the cook is a nightingale; the Shah promises to give the nightingale what he wants, he wants a rose; the rose turns into a handful of millet, the nightingale into a hen with chicks, they peck at the grain, one becomes a dove again, flies away, the cook again pursues in the guise of a falcon; the dove hides in the straw, is not noticed, returns home, turns the skull into a girl, brings it to itself; The bald man brings the Shah a rose floating on the river, the Shah gives it to one wife, all 40 want the same; 1) the wife orders her to beat her with rods, the rods turn into roses; 2) in order to take possession of Baldy’s wife, the Shah sends him to bring bear milk; the wife teaches how to cure the bear, it gives milk; 3) bring a golden couch to the pari Gulikahkah from Mount Kuhikaf; the wife (she is peri Kunduh, G.’s sister, that queen of all peri) carries Bald One to G., the deva brings them all on a couch to the Shah’s garden; he orders Baldy to be burned, G. and K. snatched him from the fire and sent him to the Shah with halves of melon (it was winter); The bald man says that he was in heaven, the parents of the Shah invite him to the melon festival; both sit on the fire, G. and K. snatch Baldy, the Shah burns; The bald man reigns]; Bukhara Arabs : Vinnikov 1969, No. 7 [the son of a firewood seller sees how a black snake overcomes a white one, he killed the black one; white is the daughter of the emir of snakes, her father gives him a ring; the emir orders 1) to fill the house with gold, 2) to build a palace; the angels from the ring do everything, the young man receives a wife; a beggar comes to them, persuades the wife to find out her husband’s secret, takes possession of the ring, moves the palace to the emir, buries the young man waist-deep in the ground; a dog, a cat, two doves return the ring, a young man executes a beggar], 63 [the son of the poor old woman set off on a journey; under the city wall I saw a sleeping horseman; the girl goes downstairs to run with him, does not notice that she was taken by the old woman’s son; along the way, she asks questions and understands that the one who took her away had parents who were not lords, but shepherds; she tells her husband to hire himself to the king and call himself the name Jehangir; on her advice, D. enters the battle later than others, drives out the enemies, takes possession of the city; the wife orders that the king be invited to a feast; she is a peri, other peris help to clean the house luxuriously; the viziers agree to destroy the husband and give his wife to the king; they are ordered to bring news from their dead fathers; the wife actually visited the next world, wrote letters on behalf of her fathers; the king and viziers asked to burn them, they burned; the peri wife makes her husband a king]: 59-62, 344-348; infidel (Kati; registered in 1968 in Kabul from a native of the village of Kulem) [the guy and his old mother live poorly; the guy hit the road and stayed overnight with the old witch; the next day he came to the source and said: “I’ll eat it, I’ll eat you, I’ll eat all the mountains”; the source got scared and threw the cauldron to the guy; the guy returned to the old witch and said: “Whatever you tell him: “Cook,” he will cook”; the old woman changed the boiler; the guy came home and gave the boiler to his mother; when it turned out that the cauldron was not magical, he set off; the situation is repeated with a goat, about which the guy says: “If you tell her: “Give birth, give birth, give birth to silver, give birth to gold,” she will give birth to it and fill [everything around]”; the third time the source threw away the staff; the guy returned to the old witch and said: “If you tell him: “Beat this, hit that,” then he will beat people”; At night the old woman spoke those words to the staff; he started beating her; the old woman gave the guy the cauldron and the goat; he returned home with them and the staff; told his mother to go to the king and woo his daughter; he set two conditions: 1) to feed the entire army, 2) to fill his house with gold; the guy did it with the help of a cauldron and a goat; the king refused to give up his daughter; the guy used his staff; the army fled, the king gave up his daughter]: Grunberg 1980, No. 1: 131-133; cutting [the prince’s daughter is mute, he promises her to the one who makes her talk; many tried unsuccessfully, the losers had their heads cut off; the monkey of one prince ordered to hide it behind the door, let him, in the presence of the princess, address himself as if to the door, she would answer; the monkey says that, dying, one king ordered his three sons to go to his friend another king; he asks the princes how they were revered at home; one says that his bed linen was changed every day, the second that he was well fed, the third that his clothes were changed every day; the king orders this to be done; the princes are dissatisfied: one had a log in his bed (this is a hair), the second had a melted butter that tasted like goat’s milk (the baby goat was nearby when the butter was being prepared), the third had pinched clothes (there was only one thorn in it); the monkey asks who is more tender, the prince replies that he is the younger prince; the princess objects - the elder mistook the hair for a log; everyone is happy]: Lorimer 1935, no. 2: 405-409.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [Thor and his companions come to Utgard, where Utgard-Loki rules (note 61: In the Acts of the Danes of Saxo Grammar it is explained that Utgardylokus - Loki, expelled from Asgard to Utgard, i.e. in external enclosed space ); they see a city in the middle of a field; The king asks in what art the guests undertake to show themselves; Loki: no one will eat their share faster than me ; competes with Logi ( flame ), both eat from both ends of the trough, meeting in the middle, Logie ate both the bones and the trough; Thialfi competes in a race with Hugi ( thought ), loses; Thor drinks from a horn, which the local people drink in one, many in two or three sips, but when Thor takes two sips, the water in the horn hardly decreases; Thor is asked to pick up the cat, but he only manages to lift one of its paws off the ground; Thor offers to fight; Utgarda-Loki sends the old woman Ellie ( old age ), Thor fell to one knee; Utgard-Loki welcomes the Aesir well, and when releasing them, he says that if he had known how strong Thor was, he would not have allowed them into Utgard; Loki and Thialfi could not argue with Flame and Thought; the other end of the horn was in the sea: what Thor drank is now called the ebb; The cat is the world serpent, Thor raised it to the sky; there was no man who could defeat Old Age; Thor raised his hammer, Utgarda-Loki and his city disappeared]: Younger Edda 1970: 42-46; Eyrbyggija Saga [Styr answers the hero that if he makes a road through the rocks to Biarnarhaf, builds a fence that would separate his domain from his neighbors, and a barn for his sheep, then he will get Adisa as his wife]: Crooke 1908: 157-158; Norse : Christianes 1959 [in fairy tales telling how a hero falls to a sorcerer and runs away from him with his daughter (ATU, no. 325), the sorcerer orders 1) to cover the house with a roof made of bird down or gold and silver feathers; 2) get the eggs from under the bird from the tree; 3) put your head under the sword, covering your neck only with feathers]: 83; Norse : Dasent 1970: 155-171 [a boy walks with his old mother through the forest; contrary to her prohibition, he picks up a blue belt at the crossroads of paths, girds himself, and becomes a strongman; they come to the troll's house; the son hears his mother agreeing to the troll’s offer to become his wife, getting rid of her son; the troll wants to roll a stone on the young man, the young man himself rolls it on him, injuring his thigh; the young man brings it home; the troll offers to feed the young man to the lions; the mother pretends to be sick and asks for lion's milk; the troll sends the young man into the lion's pen, he kills one lion, the others obediently allow themselves to be milked; the troll doesn’t believe it, the young man throws him to the visiting lions, takes him away while he’s still alive; there are sleepy apples in the troll brothers' garden; if he eats them and falls asleep, the trolls will kill him; the mother pretends to be sick again, wants apples; the young man eats apples, falls asleep, but obedient lions guard him; trolls come in the guise of man-eating horses, lions eat them; the young man wakes up and meets an Arab princess kidnapped by trolls in the castle; before going with her to Arabia, he visits his mother and invites her and the troll to move into the castle; Having learned the secret of the belt, the mother tears it off and wraps it around her hand; the young man's eyes are burned out and he is sent down the river in a boat; the lions drag him ashore; one sees how a blind hare regained his sight after bathing in a stream; they treat the owner, he enters the castle, grabs the belt, kills the mother, burns out the troll’s eyes, and lowers him in a boat; sails to Arabia; on the island an egg is cut open, inside it is a chick the size of an elephant; the young man orders to sail to Arabia, there he clings to a spruce, others hide in the sand; the bird picks up the island and throws it onto the ships; when he attacks the young man, he kills her with a sword; the princess's father will give her to whoever finds her; the young man dresses up as a polar bear and dances; if anyone laughs, he will tear it apart; maid laughs, killed by bear; the king leads the bear through the castle to where the princess is hidden so that he can dance for her; he reveals himself; in the morning he finds a princess in the guise of a prince and gets married], 199-213 [the rich man refuses his daughter’s suitors; goes to the astrologers to find out who she will marry; they answer that for the miller’s son, who is now born; a rich man buys a baby, puts it in a chest, and sends it down the river; Another miller finds him and adopts him; the rich man again goes to the astrologers, they confirm the previous prediction; the adopted one has already grown up, the rich man buys him; sends to his wife with a letter, where he asks to burn the one who brings it; the young man spends the night in the house of robbers, they replace the letter, the new one says that the wife must immediately marry her daughter to the young man, give the young people cattle and property; Having returned, the rich man sends the young man to bring three feathers from the dragon’s tail; he stops with the king, the king asks to find out why there is no clean water in his well; another king asks to know where his daughter has gone; in the third castle, the queen wants to know where the lost golden keys are; the hunchback carrier - how long does he carry travelers across the river on his back; the dragon's castle across the river; the princess in the castle gives him strong water to drink and tells him to hide under the bed; when she goes to bed with the dragon, she asks him, saying that she dreamed the question; the first king must pull out the rotten stump from the bottom of the well; the missing daughter of the second is the dragon’s wife; the queen forgot her keys when she was lying in the bushes at an hour known to her; the carrier must throw the next rider into the water, saying that now he will carry people until someone frees him; the dragon fell asleep, the young man cut off his head, took feathers, jewelry and the princess; the carrier listened to the story, asked about himself when the prince and the bride were already on the other side; the queen is grateful, but ordered to remain silent about it; the princess's father gives her to the young man as his wife; the first king takes out the stump and rewards the young man; the rich man goes for the remaining dragon treasures; the carrier throws him off, from then on he is the carrier himself], 282-285 [the youngest son inherits 12 mares; each has a foal and one more is the best; he orders the remaining foals to be killed for three years in a row so that he can feed on the milk of all the mares alone; grows into a heroic horse; the young man is hired by the king; the servants say that he allegedly volunteered to return the princess kidnapped by the troll; the horse brings her; the king orders to get a second horse of the same kind; he lives in hell, the young man’s horse tames him, brings him; the king gives the young man a daughter on the condition that he must find her, but she does not find him; the horse tells where the princess is (became a duck; a loaf of bread), hides the young man himself (a tick in the horse’s nostril, a lump of earth), does not allow the princess to find him; wedding]; Swedes [the king and queen are childless; the queen loved boat trips; the ship suddenly stopped; voice: give back what’s under your belt; she agreed, not knowing that she was pregnant; the ship sailed again; Having learned what was the matter, the king assured his wife that he would protect her from the siren (Meerweib); the prince has grown up, plays with two cousins style='font-family: ​​- the sons of the neighboring king; his horse carried him into the sea and they disappeared into the waves; the prince at the bottom of the sea walks along the path to the golden castle of the siren, mistress of the wind and waves; the siren appoints him as her page; if he serves well, he will return to his parents; first task: wash white yarn black and black yarn white; princess: my name is Messeria; If you promise to be faithful to me, I will do everything; but don't tell anyone; she called her mother’s little men, each took one fiber and washed it as needed; second task: separate two types of grain (wheat and Korn); the little men divided; third task: clean the barn in which the oxen had been standing for 20 years; now the young man must choose one of her daughters; they are all in the form of different animals; the princess warned that she would be a cat; the siren sent the young man to her sister to take a wedding dress from her for her daughter; M.: there will be a lattice at the gate, lubricate it with ointment from this horn, you will be able to open the gate; then two men will chop down an oak tree with wooden axes, give them iron ones; then two others are threshing with iron flails - give them wooden ones; give meat to two eagles; Don’t eat anything at Sister Siren’s; the prince fulfilled everything; discreetly hid the offered food; but the food responded to the siren’s sister’s question: I’m here, under the bed; the next time the prince hid food in the oven - the same thing; the third time he hid it under the clothes on his body; the siren's sister believed that the prince ate everything; gave me a box with wedding dresses; when the prince left, the siren’s sister successively ordered the guards (eagles, woodcutters, etc.) to detain him, but they replied that he helped them and they would not detain him; on the way to the siren, the prince opened the box, although M. did not order this; a sheaf of sparks burst out; the prince remembered the little men whom M. had called; knocked on the stone, asked them to help; they jumped out, each grabbed a spark and returned it to the box; the siren asked about the luxurious wedding of the prince with M.; then the young people went to the prince’s homeland; Arriving at the king's city, the prince insisted on going alone first; M. ordered not to eat anything; but he succumbed to persuasion and ate the cookies (Pfefferkorn); I immediately forgot M. and everything that happened to him; they decided to marry the prince to a neighboring princess; during the wedding feast, M., as a servant, entered and released two doves; the dove tells the dove three times that he will forget her, just as the prince forgot M.; the prince remembered everything, hugged M. and called her his only bride]: Hyltén-Cavallius, Stephens 1848: 255-274; Swedes [the king is courting the blacksmith’s wife, wants to get rid of her husband; orders to create in three days 1) a palace on four pillars; the blacksmith went into the forest, met an old woman, she taught him what to do; 2) a moat around the palace with four bridges to the gate (same); 3) tiller; the old woman orders an iron cauldron to be placed under the bed; when you hear that there is something there, say, “Stay there”; at night the king came to the blacksmith’s wife, but wanted to relieve himself and stuck to the pot; a wife stuck to the king; then a maid; the blacksmith led them into the city, where a warrior stuck to them and tried to help; the maid tried to cover herself with hay, a cow came and stuck to her; a bull towards her; at the gate a tax collector stuck to them; everyone fell into the city ditch, and the blacksmith was made king]: Schier 1971, No. 18: 83-85; Danes : Christianes 1959 [in fairy tales telling how a hero gets to a sorcerer and runs away from him with his daughter (ATU, no. 325), the sorcerer orders 1) to recognize his assistant among several identical women; 2) build a feather castle; 3) collect scattered grains or feathers]: 88; Grundtvig 1920 [a son is born to the poor, they cannot find a godfather; the beggar agrees to be him, gives the boy the name Willy Faith; leaves a rusty key; when a young man is 14 years old, a house appears, he opens it with a key, there is a talking horse; V. leaves on it; the horse does not order to pick up the luminous feathers, V. picks up; hired as a groom for the king; he forbids turning on the light at night; feathers glow like fire, V. draws a portrait of a beauty; the groom brings it to the king; king: this is the daughter of the king whom I killed and who ran away; orders to get it; horse: she became a bird, these were her feathers; orders the king to give him a ship; along the way they throw worms to the fish, barrels to the whales to play with, on the other side to the wolves and bears - meat, to the giants - bread; in the castle a bird turns into a girl; the dog helps to find it among fabrics and straw; on the way back she throws away the keys, but the fish find them and give them to V.; the girl demands from the king that he deliver her castle to her; the king orders the same to V. (the giants bring); girl: I need keys; V.: I have them; the girl demands the water of life and the water of death; the horse with V. gallops into the forest, orders the crow to be killed, the raven brings the water of life to revive him, V. takes the bottle; the horse orders a viper to be sent to the nest; the raven brings water to kill her, the young man takes the water; the girl sprinkled V. with the water of death, and then with the water of life, he became handsome; the king wants the same, she does it; he wants to repeat; but the water of life has run out; V. becomes king, marries a girl; the horse orders his head to be cut off, turns into a prince - the brother of V.'s wife; everything is fine]: 9-26; eastern time : Kharuzin 1890 [two brothers tell their sister not to leave the house; One day they didn’t leave her any firewood or water; she went to fetch water; a man came out of the lake and carried her away; Having found a bucket near the shore, the brothers wove a rope from birch branches, the younger one went down to the bottom; he orders the hut to turn its windows towards the forest and its door towards it; the old woman says that the meat has arrived; gives him half a pig to eat; he throws the ring on the floor, the dog barks, the old woman comes out to see what’s the matter, he hides the meat; the old woman gives a ball of wool, rolls towards the old woman's younger sister; she sweeps the floor with her tongue, takes bread from the oven with her hands; gives a ball, it rolls to her older sister (the episode with the pig, the ring and the dog is repeated); the old woman orders the first horse to be taken, it is small and ugly; the man takes another, comes to his sister, there are three boys shouting that their uncle has arrived; takes his sister away; Stallo-steel catches up with a person, kills; the old woman revives; the same with the second horse; the third time the person takes a small one; The old woman gives two dogs, orders them to leave them halfway and throw them some bread; the sister orders him to leave, S. almost catches up, but the dogs grab him and eat him; brother and sister kill two children, take the third with them; brother and sister rise; when S.’s son climbs, they cut the rope; in the lower world, the younger brother of the saved sister meets S.’s son and brings him back; his brothers kill him by knocking down a tree on him]: 353-354; Charnolusky 1962 [after the death of her husband, the stepmother marries another, both do not love the stepson; the stepfather tells the king that the young man boasted that he could bring news from the other world; the king orders a note from his late father to be brought; the grandmother gives the young man a ball, he follows it to hell, where kings are tormented by iron mosquitoes; the old king tears off a piece of skin from himself and writes a note to his son; the young man finds the house burned down, his grandmother and stepfather also burned down; on the letter handed to the king it is written, Take care of what you sit on ]: 225-227; Western time : Billson 1918 [the son of Peive (the Sun), accompanied by noble friends, travels to the land of the giants north of the Pole Star; the daughter of a blind giant falls in love with him, helps him pass the tests offered by her father; instead of his hand, a man gives an iron anchor; wedding gift - a barrel of oil, a barrel of resin, a horse; the giant drinks it, eats it, falls asleep; a man and his wife swim away, pursued by his wife's brothers; she unties containers with wind and storm; with the sunrise, the brothers turn into mountains]: 180-182; eastern time (skolts): Klaus 1995 [someone steals turnips from the king's garden; the eldest and middle son are guarding, hear the noise, run away; the youngest sees how three maidens arrived, took off their winged robe, began to dig turnips, he hid the clothes of one, she agrees to marry him on the condition that he goes with her; the young man went to say goodbye to his father, the king did not let him in, demanded that he 1) cut down the entire forest, 2) cut off the branches on the felled trees, 3) restore the forest; each time the wife orders this to be done with one tree, the rest fall, lose branches, and get up again; the king let his son go, but the heavenly maiden had already flown away, the young man went to look for her; meets an old woman, she gives boots, sends them to the middle sister, the middle one gives an invisible hat, sends her to the eldest, she sends an eagle, the third time the eagle finds out where to fly; the old woman gives a staff, if you turn the end up, the dead will rise from their graves, if down, they will return to their graves; gives three pebbles; the eagle carries across the sea, gets tired, every time a thrown pebble turns into an island to rest; across the sea the young man finds his wife and son; the father-in-law asks his son-in-law to return his dead warriors with a staff; they rush at the king, the young man turns the staff, the dead return to their graves]: 31-38; Pollan 2005, no. 25 [young fisherman is unlucky; An old man came up, gave him a fishing rod, and ordered that when he began to bite, do not look at what he caught three times, cut what he caught into pieces, and throw it back; the first three times the bones of the head, arm, and leg were caught; the fourth time the young man fished out the beauty; she started making scarves, her husband sells them; the prince wanted to take his wife away; the king ordered the young man to bring a wolf with legs without hair; wife: go to where you pulled me out from; the young man came with two companions; the wolf offered to play cards and won, the wolf's wife cooked one of the companions; the second time the same; the third time the wife sharpens the knife, the young man took out a handkerchief, the wolf saw his daughter’s name on it, recognized his son-in-law; he put the young man on his back and brought him to the royal castle, where the young man’s wife was marrying the prince; the wolf jumped out the window, hit the king, he crumbled into pieces; the people made the young man king; everything is fine]: 98-100; Simonsen 2014 (Norway) [the son of the king and the son of the peasant shot from bows, on one of the fallen arrows there was a golden feather; the peasant said that the arrow was his, the king ordered to bring the bird; the fox led him to the daughter of the Sun Dawn, ordering him to take only the bird; but he kissed the girl, she ordered to save her sister Dawn (“fighting the twilight”), who was kidnapped by giants; the fox led him to the giants, went on her own, began to dance with the girl, turned off the lights, quietly handed the girl to the peasant, ran in the other direction, the giants did not catch up with her; the grateful Dawn promised to marry the peasant, but to arrive later; the peasant brought the bird to the king and said that he was going to marry the shining girl; king: if she does not appear by a certain date, you will be thrown into a barrel of burning tar; at the last moment the ship with Zarya arrives; the king will allow the wedding if the peasant 1) cuts down all the trees in the country in a day (Dawn gives an ax - cut down one, all will fall); 2) will restore these trees (give ointment); 3) kill the three-headed dragon in the royal pond (gives a spear); the king allows the marriage]: 101-110; Kalevala Rune 12: 140-151. Lemminkäinen abandons the maiden Kylliki, who broke her oath, and goes to woo the maiden of Pohjola; his mother holds him back in vain and predicts his death; Having combed his hair, L. throws the brush and says that if blood flows from it, it means that he is bleeding too; in Pohjola he calls all the men out of their homes by singing, but leaves the evil shepherd without a song. Rune 13: 151-158. The mistress of Pohjola promises him a daughter if 1) L. gets Hiisi the elk (Hiisi is an evil spirit); L. is confident of success, but he cannot catch an elk. Rune 14: 158-168. With hunting spells and entreaties, L. gets an elk; 2) tame the fire-breathing horse Hiisi; L. bridles and drives the horse to Pohjola; 3) shoot a swan on the Tuoni River; who comes to the river L. is killed by a shepherd who bypasses him in the song, throws the corpse on the threshold of Tuoni; Tuoni's son cuts the corpse into pieces. Rune 15: 169-184. Blood begins to ooze from the brush L. left at home; the mother hurries to Pohjola, asks her mistress where L. is, she talks about the order to kill the swan, the sun reveals to the mother the place where the remains of her son lie; the mother pulls all the pieces out of the water with a rake, puts them together, and with the help of ointments and spells revives her son; L. tells how he was killed and returns home with his mother. Rune 18: 208-224. Väinämöinen sails on a boat for the daughter of the mistress of Pohjola; on the way he talks to Ilmarinen’s sister; she informs her brother that he may lose his well-deserved bride; I. comes to Pohjulu on horseback; The mistress of Pohjola advises her daughter to marry V., but she wants I., who forged the Sampo, and refuses V., who entered the house first. Runa 19: 225-236. I. is given dangerous assignments, but the bride helps him with advice; he 1) plows the snake field, 2) catches the Tuoni bear and the Manala wolf; 3) forges an iron eagle, which catches a huge pike for him from the Tuoni River; I. receives a bride, V. advises others not to compete with young people in matchmaking; Karelians : Evseev 1950, No. 2 [the girl Iro was combing her hair by the sea, dropped her comb, found three hairs, put them behind her cheek, gave birth to Väinämöini, Sredny and Ilmoilini; they grew up and came to woo Katerina, the daughter of the old man and old woman Hiisi (Hiijen Ukon, Kiijen akan krasoi Katerina); on the way in the sleigh, the sling and arc breaks; I. with a song creates an island in the sea, on it there is a willow tree, makes a new belt, an arc; K. replies that the groom must 1) plow a field with echidnas, with snakes (kyrmispellon, kärmispellon); 2) make a rope from chaff; I. immediately does this, K. says that she will now get married], 152 [Iroy puts three strawberries in his mouth, gives birth to the eldest Väinämöine, the middle one Ilmoylline, the youngest Degamoyone; V., D. are unable to harness the horse, I. harnesses it, and goes with his brothers to woo Katerina; the old man he meets swallows I., he forges it in his womb, breaks out his ribs, and comes out; K. demands 1) to plow the snake field (I. plows), 2) to swim across the forest lake (swims without getting his clothes wet), 3) to evaporate in a hot bath (I. cools the bathhouse by spitting); carries K. across the sea, the shaft breaks three times, I. creates an island each time, K. hides each time, becoming a fish, a star, a mirror in a hollow; I. finds her three times, tears her apart, throws her into the swamp; bones became snags, blood became berries, flesh became mounds, soul became a seagull], 155 [the girl Iroi dropped her comb into the sea, found three hairs, puts it on her cheek, gives birth to the elder Vaigamoine, the middle Ukko Ilmalline, the younger D'ougamoine; sons go to marry Katerina; along the way, shafts and arcs break, V. creates an island, a willow on it, makes new ones; K. refuses to marry V., D., agrees to marry Ui if he fulfills the conditions; 1) build a fire bath, where they wave leafy brooms with tin branches; 2) count the grains of sand at the bottom (there are extra ones), 3) count the stars in the sky (there are so many of them), 4) plow the burning fire (iron hail is coming, the UI asks that the hailstones be smaller than a chicken egg, larger than a sparrow egg), 5) bring a dancing one fish from the bottom; now K. agrees; going home, UI dozed off, K. into the water, he turns her into a seagull], 162 [brothers young Jorgamoinw, old Väinämöine and the smith of heavenly iron Ilmoilline; I. sees Baba Hiijen Himmen (Hiijen Himmen akku) flying and went to woo her daughter Anni; XX orders 1) plow a field with reptiles, 2) make a fence of snakes, 3) swim across the lake (heer boils on the shore, oil in the middle); swallows I., he asks his mother to send a piece of iron to make a knife, makes bellows out of his pants, fingers - pliers, hammers - fists, knees - anvils; came out of the womb of XX, took A. away; she broke the sleigh in the middle of the tenth sea, I. created an island with a song, repaired the sleigh; A. jumped into the water, became a pike, I. ruff, caught her, turned her into a seagull], 164 [Blmoilline forges, Annie flies like a bird, he, accompanied by old Väinämöine and Jogi-Jolgamoeni, rides across the ten seas to woo her; golden snakes crawl along his neck, nightingales sing on the arc, golden cuckoos crow, the horse’s body does not sweat, the hoof does not get wet; her father Hitto demands 1) to plow the snake field with a horse like an elk on the shore of Lake Tuomela (Tuomelan d'ärven rannas), 2) to put up a fence of snakes and frogs, 3) to catch a pike in Lake T.; I. sends an iron hail smaller than a horse’s head and larger than chicken eggs onto the pike’s back; H. agrees to give A., but swallows I.; he doesn’t want to come out with feces, vomit, he makes a forge out of his shirt, bellows out of his pants, his fists are hammers, his knee is an anvil, he forged a knife, came out through the side, Kh. died; on the way, A. asks I. to sing as he sang when killing her father; I. refuses, she breaks the sleigh, jumps into the sea with a ruff; I. becomes a burbot, swallows a ruff; does not turn A. into a crow, a magpie (she would have become famous then), turns her into a seagull], 165 [Ilmoylline goes to woo Annoy, Hiisi’s only daughter (An’n’oi, Hiijen aino tytär); his friend Väänämöine cannot harness his horse, I. harnesses it himself; at half past ten seas, X. breaks the arc, the runner, I. creates an island, repairs it; X. demands 1) catch a horse-moose (hirvoi-hebozen), harness it to a fiery plow, 2) plow a snake field, 3) catch a pike from the bottom of a sea river (meren-joven pohjas; I. sends iron hail at it); X. swallows I., he makes bellows out of a shirt, his fists are hammers, his knees are anvils, he forges a knife, cuts through X.’s live, comes out, carries A. in a sleigh or boat; A. doesn’t want him, I. takes her by force, turns her into a seagull], 167 [the mother answers Ilmoyllina that at Hiizi-Hitto’s stockade, on the stakes are the heads of his daughter Anni’s suitors, only one without a head; I. tells his father to harness the elk horse, put the nightingales behind him, set the cuckoos to crow, the dogs to bark, he rides with his father; towards the young Jolgamoine, does not turn, I.’s sleigh breaks the arc of J.’s sleigh; on the way, nightingales sing, cuckoos crow, dogs bark; Hiijen Hittolaine demands 1) to plow the snake field with an elk horse, 2) to build a snake fence on it, 3) to bring a pike from the Tuonekh River (I. drives hail from the sky at it); swallows I.; he sends the father to the mother to ask whether he should come out with feces or vomit; mother orders to go straight out; XX asks him not to kill, but I. forges a knife (the bellows is a shirt, the knees are an anvil, the fists are hammers), comes out through the side, XX. dies; I. forces A. to go with him, she breaks the sleigh in the middle of the sea, I. repairs it with a song; A. throws himself into the sea with a ruff, I. with a pike, orders A. to turn around to swallow the ruff from his head; A. refuses, I. turns her not into a crow, a magpie (she would become a bad person), but into a seagull], 170 [the blacksmith goes to woo Anyoy (An'n'oi) - the daughter of Hippo-Khiisi, the granddaughter of Vägi-Vuore ( Hipon Hiijen tuttareh, Vägi Vuoregen bunukkah); he has only one out of a hundred stakes without the groom’s head; he demands 1) to plow the snake field, 2) to put up a fence of snakes, 3) to make a rope from chaff, 4) to catch a pike (the blacksmith asks Ukko to hit it with iron hail); the blacksmith throws the pike on the table, Kh., in the form of that pike, swallows it; in order not to come out with feces, the blacksmith makes bellows from a shirt, forges a knife with his fists on an anvil and knees, cuts X.’s womb, he dies; when the blacksmith is carrying A., she tells him to sing as he sang when killing her father; the blacksmith refuses, A. breaks the sleigh, turns into a ruff, and invites the pike blacksmith to swallow the ruff from its tail; he does not turn her into stone (they will kick him), into sand at the bottom (the waves will whip), he makes her Katerina the Seagull], 172 [Ilmoilline goes to woo Anni (An'n'oih) - the daughter of Baba Khiizi, the granddaughter of the strong Vuora ( Hiijen akan tyttäreh, vägevön Vuoran vunukkah); in the middle of the tenth sea, X. breaks the arc, clamp, runner; Every time I. creates an island with a song, makes new ones; out of a hundred stakes, only one is without a head; Kh. orders 1) to walk along the points of the stakes, 2) to plow the snake field, 3) to get a pike from the bottom of the sea (I. asks to send an iron hail to the pike); H. swallows I. with a sleigh and a horse; I. forges knives (shirt - bellows, knees - anvil, fists - hammers), cuts a path for himself, takes A. away; she asks to sing the same song that I. sang when killing her mother; I. turns A. into a seagull], 174 [the short cloud woman Lyylelliine preened her feathers, took off, and met the boat of Vohjalaize-Voiboraize; does not believe that he is going hunting, to catch whitefish; he admits that he is going to woo Paglu Hermandoine, the daughter of Hiyzi-Himmi (Paglan Hermandoine, Hiijen Himmen tyttareh); L. flies and reports this to Ilmoyllin; he tells the mother to harness the sleigh so that 8 golden cuckoos on the bow, 7 birds chirp on the tugs; on the way he breaks a runner, an arc, creates an island with trees, makes new ones; three grooms ask the girl to bring beer; Vohjolaine-Voiboraine and Koave-Pohjolaine receive beer like slop, I. - like honey; the bride asks I. 1) to create a lake with fish with a song; 2) make a golden fence tied with snakes; 3) plow the fire (snakes bite I., Väinämöine treats bites); I., V., and Yougamoine swim, taking away their wife, who turns into a seagull], 176 [the virgin Iroi gives birth to Väinämoine, Ilmoylline, Yougamoine; the little woman Lullelina tells I. that the daughter of Hiisi-Hiime, the granddaughter of Vägi Vuonehen Katerina, is of marriageable age; she brings water Suomen Voitto and Vohvolaine-Voimoraine, and I. beer; 1) bring a piece of gold (Vain. gives); 2) take a steam bath in a hot copper bath (Vain. cools); 3) plow up a snake burn (Vain. treats bites); 4) bring the sleeping Almighty Ukko (Ukko-Ylizen) to the wedding; the snake swallows I., he makes a forge out of his shirt, bellows out of his pants, fists into hammers, knees into an anvil, comes out through the side, grabs the snake by the neck with pincers, and drags it to the wedding; I. is carrying his wife in a sleigh, she sees the tracks of a hare, a wolf, a bear; says that he would rather follow this trail; I. turns her into a seagull], 179 [the virgin Iroi gives birth to the eldest, second and blacksmith-Ilmoilline; I. forges a folding knife (pants are bellows, fingers are pliers, knees are anvil); an eagle flies with many people under its wings and on its back, orders 1) to plow the snake field; 2) bring Katya a wedding dress from across the nine seas; Igya-baba (Igä-buabo) promises to give if he dances on her tongue, swallows I.; he makes a knife (pincer fingers, etc.), rips open her stomach, goes out, brings Katya a box; 3) K. offers to wash herself in a hot bath, I. cools it down; when he takes K. home, she disappears, becoming a grain of sand at the bottom, a star; I. sees her, she immediately returns; he turns her into a seagull], 180 [Ilmoylline, who forged the sky, tells his mother to heat the bathhouse, cools it down; comes for Anniki, the daughter of Baba Hiisi; she orders to plow the fire, around the head on stakes, you have to plow until the horse gets tired; the horse gets tired, I. takes A. away, followed by a chase; I. turns A. into a pike, he himself makes a forge in this pike (knees, anvils, etc.), threatens X. to rip open his daughter’s belly, she stops the chase, I. brings his wife home]: 30-32, 303-307, 308 -313, 322-324, 325-327, 329-331, 332-337, 340-343, 345-349, 351-357, 358-363, 365-368, 369-370; Schreck 1887, No. 1 [when Ilmarinen, the immortal master, was working in the forge, a woman came in and said that two suitors were wooing the daughter of the king of devils, Katrina; I. ordered his mother to prepare hot water for him to wash himself, give him a nice shirt and trousers, and ordered the slave to harness three stallions to the sleigh; the slave could not, I. harnessed it himself, rode across the sea, and came to K.’s father; he demands to plow the snake field; the other two suitors immediately refuse, I. complies; the king demands to create a pond on the site of the threshing floor, I. creates it with his magic; orders K.'s chest to be brought from the seashore; there three girls say that the chest is with Ukko Untamo; he curled up on the threshold of his castle; orders him to jump on his tongue, swallowed I.; he made a forge from a shirt, fur from pants, an anvil - a left knee, a right fist - a hammer, forged a copper bird, it tore UU’s body, made a hole in his side, I. went out; dying, UU says that the chest is where those three girls are; I. dug it up, brought it to the king, and K. received it; on the way back she created an island three times, on each one he and K. fell asleep, and I. woke up alone; the first time he counted the ducks - there were more than one, the second time - trees, the third - stones, each time he told K. to take his normal appearance; the third time he got angry and ordered her to become a seagull; forged a wife out of gold and lay with her; in the morning the hand that I. put on his wife’s chest was icy; I.: let no one create a wife for himself, we must take one that has already been created; he again turned the seagull into K., brought him into the house with his wife]: 1-10; Karelians (Kalevalsky district) [the husband went into the forest, took aim at the “vuoka” bird; she asks not to shoot, but to bring it to her and feed her for a year; do this three times; explains that she was wounded while fighting with a wood grouse; when the bird recovered, she ordered to slaughter a cow, take the meat with her, she would carry it for a reward; over the sea, drops and picks up a man three times so that he experiences the same fear that she felt when he aimed at her; the bird successively stays with its three sisters in a copper, silver, and gold house; only the sister from the golden house agrees to give away the box with the key; flying away, the wuaka beats its wings, the copper and silver houses burn; On the way, a man opens a box and countless things fall out; the giant demon puts everything back for the promise to give back what was born in his house during the man’s absence; It turns out that a boy was born and has already grown up; the boy accidentally broke a pot of stew on the old woman’s window; she says that he was promised to the Arab guest, let him go to him; the boy (now rather a young man) leaves; sees how three swans flew in to swim, took off their clothes, and became girls; he hides the clothes alone; the girl agrees to take him as her groom; says that she was sworn to be the daughter of an Arab guest; the swan took the young man under his wing and brought him to the Arab guest; the young man spent the night with the girl, in the morning she gave him living water to drink, ordered him to break all the axes and saws that his father would give him in order to harvest a huge amount of timber; after that the devil gave his ax, the young man ordered the demons to do the work; second task: dig a giant field on the rock (the same thing - breaking hoes and shovels); the devil orders you to choose a bride among three identical girls; chickens; mares; the girl teaches that she will have a longer string on her apron; puts his finger aside; puts back the back leg; the devil offers to ride a horse, it’s himself; a girl teaches how to hit a horse in the forehead with whips and a sledgehammer; the beaten devil gets sick, the girl tells him to run away; they turned into a shepherd and a cow; priest and church; the demons did not understand and returned; when they became a lake and a ruff, the devil himself came running and tried to drink the lake; the ruff ripped open his belly, the water flowed out, the devil died; the girl sends the guy home, but she herself must be water for three more years; the young man became a rich merchant, forgot his bride, and is preparing a wedding with the princess; a girl comes and offers to buy buns from her; the buyer wants to sleep with her; she tells me to come in the evening; the girl sent her boyfriend for firewood, she stuck to the doorknob all night; the next evening, the same with the second one, who came out to bring a bag of flour; on the third evening the merchant himself came; she lay down with him, told him who she was; they stayed to live together]: Onegina 2010, No. 16: 182-193; Ingrians : Kiuru 1990, No. 17 (Toksova, D. Europaes, 1847) [the son of the sun came to Tuoni, to Manala to woo his daughter; he demanded to run over needles, blades, knives; twist a rope out of chaff, tie an egg in a knot, take a steam bath in a fiery bath; the groom did everything and took the girl; after 9 years she ran away back to her father]: 67-70; Kiuru et al. 1974, no. 3 (rep. 1968) [same story; more than 50 options in total; difficult tasks: run over the blades; build a fortress from willow shoots one night old, from stumps two nights old; build a bridge across the sea overnight; after this the son of the sun receives the daughter Tuoni]: 256-258; Estonians : Mälk et al. 1967, No. 50 (Hargla) [the king gave a feast, they brought a beautiful bird as a gift, he put it in a cage; a man came out of the cage, he is the king of the Beyond (the one behind, Tagutsemaa) country; invited me to his place; became a bird, carried our king over the Forward Country (Editsemaa), the Middle Country (Keskpaigamaa); in the Beyond Country he gave him a box and told him not to open it on the way back; the king opened it, a city arose, but without people, and it was impossible to leave the city; the old man puts the city back in the box and takes the king out onto the road for a promise to give up his son; a young man is needed to be placed under the fourth corner of the house; there are already three Christian souls; the old man orders 1) to plow the field in a day, etc. and ready bread for the table; the captive girl blows a silver whistle; the young man whistled, everything appeared; 2) overnight a bridge across Lake Peipsi (the same; the old woman came to destroy the bridge, the girl orders to grab the old woman by the hair and throw her into the lake); 3) tame the black stallion; girl: make iron tools in the forge and beat the horse with them; the old man is ready to give up his daughter; he must be identified among the three doves; girl: I'll swing my left wing; three horses: gray hair in the tail; three girls under black veils (the veil on their faces moves slightly); wedding; a young man and a girl are running; she turns herself into a herd, him into a shepherd; the old man's sons did not recognize them; to the church and the priest (the same); into the lake and the duck; the old man comes running himself, tries to drink the lake, tells his sons to shut up his ass, bursts; the king brings his wife to his home]: 114-120; Juhan Kunder in Raud 2004 [Big Peter and Little Peter work for the landowner; he sends them to cut down the forest; BP eats half the food taken by MP three times, refuses to share his food; MP promises to complain to the owner; BP tells that the MP boasted in three days to make a church out of wax, an earthen fence, and bring a bell with 12 voices; bees make a church, mice make a fence; the hawk brings MA to hell (vanapagan), who has a bell; VP unties the rope of the bell, takes it, flies on a hawk; throws behind a twig (a forest grows), a touchstone (mountain), a drop of water (sea), the devil tries to drink all the water, bursts; MP receives a lot of money from the owner; says that BP boasted of sleeping in a hot furnace; he burns]: 144-153 (=Talvet 1991: 47-58); set : Järv et al. 2009, No. 33 (Satserinna; recorded in Estonian) [a man went to sell flax, returned a year later, leaned down to drink water, someone grabbed him by the beard, let him go for a promise to give him something he didn’t know at home; during this time the wife gave birth to a son; (he grew up); one girl told the young man to take with him two loaves of bread, two belts and a ball of yarn; the ball rolled, the young man followed; threw two lions a belt, two others a piece of bread, they let him through; The devil (vanahalb) orders by morning 1) to plow the field, etc., bake bread; 2) build a church; 3) build an iron bridge; daughter Devil tells him to go to bed, does everything; 4) choose a wife among his daughters, turned into mares, into doves (the assistant will bite, peck other horses, pigeons); the young man gets a wife; she orders him to run, leaves his saliva to answer for himself; The Devil sends his sons in pursuit, his wife throws bark behind (a forest grows; the Devil’s sons chop down, hide axes, the lark says that he sees where, so they have to hide it), clay (mountain; the same: lark, shovels), water from a glass ( lake; devils drink, burst); a young man brings his wife home]: 139-141; Järv et al. 2015 [a mouse and a sparrow divided the grain in a peasant’s barn, quarreled over the last grain; because of this, the animals began to fight with the birds, the lion was left without fur, the eagle without feathers; an eagle asks a man to feed him until his feathers grow back; when he recovered, he put the man on his back and flew to his sisters; the first has a copper box, the second has a silver box, the third has a gold box; the first two did not give, the third gave as a reward for saving the eagle; the eagle orders not to open it on the way home, the man opened it, and a golden estate appeared; the black man placed back for a receipt to give away what he did not know at home; the man thinks it is a dog, but at home his wife gave birth to a son; he grew up, the dog led him to the sea, they sailed in a boat to the island, hid in the bushes; two doves flew in, became girls, the young man hid the clothes of one, gave them for a promise to become his wife; she orders the old man to be greeted loudly, but he has difficulty hearing; heard; promised a bride, if the young man takes the goslings to swim, eggshells in front, not a single egg will be lost; tame the stallion; the bride orders to make a nine-pound club and beat the stallion with it; In the morning the old man's head was bandaged; build a church out of wax; the bride created a church and a bridge; they ran away, leaving the bird in charge; she answers for three days; then the old man sends his son to catch up with the fugitives; the girl turned herself and the boy into a priest and a chapel; The priest replies that he hasn’t seen anyone for three years; another son; into a flower and a bee; the old man himself is chasing; the girl turned herself into a lake, the boy into a fish; the old man began to catch and fell into the water; the girl tells her not to welcome her younger sister at home; he violated the ban and forgot his bride; went to woo the colonel's daughter, chopped wood all night, returned; to the general's daughter - he carried water; to the king; he ordered to carry water; the young man saw the girl’s reflection in the water and remembered everything; gave the king a box, people came out of it; everything is fine]: 25-29; Sandra 2004: 101-110 [the king promises a daughter and a throne to the one who makes a ship that floats on and under water, flies through the air, rides on land; the old man makes such a ship for the son of a poor widow; as they fly through the air, there is a tree with a crow's nest in its path; the raven asks not to offend him, gives him a golden pipe that fulfills any desire; the king praises the ship, but does not want to give his daughter to the poor man, gives new tasks; 1) in the evening, collect and bring a cart of fir cones (kusikulasõ); 2) collect released hares: 3) black grouse; with the help of a pipe the young man does everything; at the wedding, the king puts a barrel into which the guests must tell the truth; whoever fills a barrel with truth, the king will give it to him filled with gold and silver; when the young son-in-law begins to speak, telling his whole story, the king asks him to stop, says that the barrel is full; son-in-law receives a barrel of gold], 236-240 [a man was carrying a cart of firewood from the forest, and on the way down he overturned; the man, without much hope, began to call for help; A black man came out of the forest: I’ll help you if you give me what you don’t know at home; the man promised, the little man easily put the cart in its place; promised to come in 15 years; the wife gave birth to a boy, 15 years later the little man came for him; the man persuaded him to wait another year, then he would send his son; he went into the forest, saw how three swans descended onto the lake, took off their clothes, and became girls; while they were bathing, the young man hid the clothes of one of them; the girl turns to the kidnapper: if she gives it up, she will love him like a father, or mother, or sister, or brother, or groom; he gave; came to that black one; The black one orders to uproot the oak grove by morning, plow, sow, collect barley, make beer from it, otherwise he will kill you; that girl called the people, everything was ready by morning; next time the black one orders a pig and piglets to be brought from the pasture; girl: this is his wife and her children; you have to throw it down the throat of a pig, grab the piglet and run to the house; the pig with the other piglets will run after; at home I stuck the pitchfork in the pig’s throat again, otherwise it would have eaten it; further: give food to the black stallion; girl: it’s black himself, he gave it a crowbar to beat him; She told me to run: now the black man will lie there for three days, his head hurts from blows with a crowbar; the girl turned the boy into a swan, they flew to his parents; they ordered to get married immediately so that the black man would no longer have power over them]; Finns : Salmelainen 1947 [the hunter sees how three ducks came ashore, shed their feather clothes, and became girls; hides the most beautiful clothes; returned when she promised to become his wife; she is the most beautiful of all, the king wants to take her for his son, he is advised to give the duck girl’s husband impossible tasks; 1) by morning, make a Tischplatte with the moon and stars on it (my wife drew it); 2) bring nothing from nowhere; By morning the wife made a handkerchief and sent her on her way; when the husband reaches the house where he sees something strange, let him show the handkerchief and behave like his own; around the house there is a wall of bones, on each pillar there is a skull, only one is empty; old woman: the human came on its own; seeing the scarf: you are the husband of my aunt’s daughter! asks the servants where to look for nothing and nowhere, they don’t know; she sent to her sister, she sent to the third sister; there knew the old toad who came last; the old woman ordered to follow her; the toad led them into houses where they hid in a dark corner; a man came in, called Nobody (Nichtda), ordered to set the table; everything is done by itself, the servant is not visible; when the newcomer left, the man decided to call Nobody himself; he agreed to go with him; the man keeps asking if Nobody is here; they sailed on a ship, the man told Nobody to feed the shipmen; they offered to exchange a table with food that appears at will (and which was set by Nobody) for an anvil: if you hit it with a hammer, 12 fellows will appear, fulfilling wishes; but Nobody stayed with him; the shipbuilders, seeing that the magic table had disappeared, rushed after the man, but he ordered the fellows to drive them away; a man came when his wife was being given in marriage to the king's son; he threw his ring into her goblet, she recognized him and said that her husband was alive; the fellows beat the king to death, the man was reunited with his wife and became the king himself]: 33-39; Schreck 1887, No. 5 (Esterboten) [dying, the father tells his three sons to take turns guarding the geese on the shore for three nights; the eldest and middle ones are afraid and leave; the youngest “Cinderella” sees three geese arriving before dawn; they take off their clothes and turn into girls; the young man hid the clothes of the younger one, she could not fly away; he returned her wings for her promise to become his wife; she flew away, telling them to look for her in her castle; he came there, she offers to run, but the young man decides to open up to her father and try to do what he demands; her father the king orders 1) to cut down all the trees of the forest; wife: cut down one, say, “Let the whole forest fall”; 2) uproot all stumps; wife: uproot one, lead everyone; 3) bring golden loaves from heaven; his wife put a sack on his head, put him on a horse, where the horse stops, you have to stretch out your hands, you will get what you need; but it turned out to be such a weight that the young man fell, sinking into the ground, only his hair on the outside; the duck built a nest in this place and began to hatch ducklings; the fox came to eat the eggs, the young man grabbed him by the tail, but the fox only pulled him up a little; then wolverine; the bear pulled out; the young man came to two cannibals and said that he was too thin; they asked them to judge: there was a stick left from their father; if you grab one end, your enemies will die, but if you grab the other, your warriors will come to life; young man: whoever you give it to, everyone will be offended, give it to me; the cannibals agreed; two others argue over their mother's invisibility cap; Same; the third couple argues over their father's walking boots - the same; the young man came to the house, where they also first gathered to eat him, and then fed him; he asks if the locals know where he should go; they called the animals, no one knows; then they gave me a magic stone; all the same in one more place; in the third they also gave a stone and called the birds; the eagle has difficulty hearing and was the last to arrive; agreed to take the young man to the king; They flew over the sea for a week, the eagle ordered to throw a stone, a rock was formed, the eagle rested on it; the same again.. {in pdf there are no pages 42-43}]: 35-44; Viiding 1980: 9-20 [the blacksmith met a forest girl (metshaldjia), took him as his wife; Matti's son is immensely strong, the parents of other children complain about him; to get rid of M., his father tells him to 1) bring firewood from the forest, where there were bears and wolves (he easily dispersed the animals), 2) fish from the lake, where the monster (M. beat him with a fishing rod), 3) money lent to the king (beat him Tsar's soldiers, brought money); M. goes wandering, meets and takes as his companion 1) a fisherman trying to catch that same water monster with a cow, 2) hitting boulders against each other (answers that he is waiting for M. to fight in single combat; having learned who is in front of him, refuses to fight, submits ), 3) dammed the river; There are cows in the corral, the companions slaughter one, leaving the fisherman to cook the meat; the old woman Iron Tooth ties him up, eats everything; the same with the rest; M. himself throws her into the crevice, the companions admit what happened to them; the old woman frees herself, hides in the abyss, the companions lower M. down there; the kidnapped princess orders the bottles with strong and weak water to be replaced; M. defeats the old woman, she drinks weak water and dies; the companions lift the princess and the treasures up, cut the rope, lifting M.; the eagle on its back carries M. up; M. throws his companions into the abyss, marries the princess], 21-26 [the king does not want to give up his daughter; promises it to the one who builds a ship moving on water and land; two brothers answer the forest old man that they are going to make feeders for pigs; no matter how hard they work, feeders come out instead of a ship; the younger brother is being taken for a fool; he shares his last bread with the old man and replies that he wants a ship; the old man gives him a ship and orders him to take on it those who he meets; this is 1) holding one leg in his hand, 2) closing one eye, 3) opening only half his mouth, 4) having five winters in his stomach; the king orders water to be brought from afar for the bath; the one holding the leg turns out to be a walker, falls asleep, the one who opens his second eye sees it, the one who opens his mouth calls out to him; the king tries to burn his friends in a copper bath; after five winters, the heat cools down; the king gives away his daughter]; Estonians [the aged king learns that there is a mirror that makes him young; sends his two eldest sons after him; the younger fool goes on his own, finds his brothers in the tavern, they refuse to take him as a companion; comes to a forest hut, the old woman sends him to his elder sister, she sends him to the eldest, she calls her family, i.e. animals, birds, no one knows about the mirror; the last to arrive is a double-headed eagle, says that the mirror is in the princess’s head, and carries the young man there; he puts two guard bears to sleep by throwing them eagle feathers; contrary to the eagle’s prohibition, he hesitates, eats and drinks, takes the ring off the finger of the sleeping princess; on the way back, the eagle plunges the young man into the sea three times, saying that he, the eagle, was just as scared when the young man hesitated; the brothers are still sitting in the tavern, taking the mirror from the younger one, advising the father to kill the fool; he launches him into the sea in a shuttle; the shuttle sails to the island; the young man takes out the broom, scissors, and bread received from the old women; a city appears, all the people are dressed and fed; the princess sails in search of her ring, she must marry its owner; the young man marries her, rules the island]: J.Kunder in Põder, Tanner 2000: 47-61 (=Raud 2004: 160-170); Latvians : Ariys 1968 [a man is hired by a master to uproot tree stumps; Laima comes to help; the manager decides to get Lima the master’s share, to get rid of the grubber, offers to send him to take the news to the Moon, the Sun; Laima provides a thread, along which the grubber easily walks back and forth; he is sent to hell, where the master’s father rolls heavy barrels; the manager follows, tries to help, the devil whips both of them; Having returned, the manager decides to send the grubber through the hole, where there will be a cauldron of boiling water; Laima orders them to go, the grubber returns in golden clothes; the manager and the master got into trouble]: 59-63; Ariys 1971: 101-114 [riding the king's horse, the servant ends up in the forest with the old man; he orders not to open the gates tied with bast; there is a lake outside the gate, three ducks fly in to swim, take off their clothes, and turn into girls; the young man hides his clothes alone; returns, they turn him into a dove; upon returning, the old man returns him to human form; the same thing a second time; the old man advises not to give up the dresses, the young man takes the beauty as his wife and returns to the king; the sorcerer advises the king to harass the servant with difficult assignments; 1) bring a lion; the wife gives a handkerchief, the girl in the hut recognizes her sister by it, orders the lion to put the handkerchief over his nose; 2) bring an apple tree; the wife's other sister rolls an apple tree into a scarf; 3) go there, I don’t know where, bring something, I don’t know what; the wife promises the king to marry him if her husband does not return within a year; the third sister orders to kiss the knees of the dead Mother Earth; she comes to life, calls birds and animals, only the lame Frog knows the way; invisible I Don’t Know What he orders to feed the snake, ask for a box from it; an army comes out of it, kills the king, the servant reigns], 152-154 [four brothers left the house long ago, now the fifth is coming - the Strongman; successively meets the brothers, this is a well-aimed Shooter, a doer of Cold (if he pulls his hat down over both ears), a Runner, a doer of Wind (keeps one nostril closed); the king promises a daughter to the one who overtakes her; The runner overtakes, falls asleep, the shooter knocks the bone out from under his head; the king heats the stoves around the room with his brothers, they bring in the cold; the brothers agree to take the bag of money instead of the princess; The strongman carries away everything, the Wind blower drives away the army sent after him; one soldier became entangled in upturned roots and is still visible there]; Niedre 1952 [six smart brothers go to work as workers; Father wanted to leave the seventh fool at home, but he also went; hired a master, he sent him to his wife and gave him a note; only a fool could read it; it is not the master, but the devil, who orders the bearers to be killed; the fool changed: give the end of the gold; the brothers galloped away, the fool on a nondescript filly hid in the forest, the filly gave advice; all seven were hired by another master, he made the fool a footman, the brothers are jealous, they say that the fool can steal the devil’s golden bird; the master sent, the filly brought it; the same - a golden cage for a bird; the devil himself; filly: let the master give him a coffin with iron hoops; the fool tells the devil that he is an angel, that God promised the devil to give one soul in this coffin, let the devil lie down and measure it; closed the coffin and brought the devil in it; brothers: a fool can drive and bring all the hares; the filly orders to ask the golden and diamond pipes to collect hares; the fool sells the hare to the master's daughter for money, and to him for eating the carrion; the hares come running back; the brothers advise telling the fool to talk like crazy; guests gather, the fool talks about everything; when he comes to the carrion that the master was eating, he orders him to stop; drove away his brothers, gave his daughter to a fool]: 103-110; Ariys, Medne 1977, No. 560 [ Magic ring . The son gives money for a dog, a cat, saves a snake from death, and receives from it a magic ring (mirror) that makes all wishes come true. The son wooes (also: orders to bring) the princess, completes all her tasks (build a church, plant a garden in one night, grow wheat) and marries her. The princess steals her husband's ring and throws him into prison. A dog and a cat steal the ring kept by the princess in her mouth and return it to her son]: 331-302; Lithuanians : Kerbelite 2014, No. 154 [199 options; after the death of their father, 7 sons drank away the estate and hired themselves out as farm laborers; someone steals cut hay; only the younger Jonas manages to catch a mare with seven stallions; J. got the most nondescript one; they decide to woo the 7 daughters of the Bone Woman, who is on the island; the horse teaches J. to wave his handkerchief, the waters part; orders to exchange blankets with the girls at night; the saber cuts off those heads; the end tells you to run; the sea parted and closed behind, the Bone Woman cannot cross; the horse does not order to pick up the feather, J. picked it up; The brothers, out of envy, tell the king that 1) J. can get a bird; the bird at the Bone Woman; Y. became a cat, the Bone Woman brought him into the house, he took away the cage with the bird; 2) a saber that cuts itself and defeats attacking enemies; Y. became a bird, the Bone Woman brought her into the house, she took away the saber; 3) a sea maiden (while she was having a ball, the moon and sun were not visible for three days); the horse teaches to set up a table with wine on the shore, the maiden came out of the water, got drunk, and fell; maiden to the king: I’ll come out when you become handsome, you need to bathe in boiling milk; J. jumped and became handsome, the king dissolved in milk; J. married a maiden, became a king]: 401-408; Lebite 1965: 149-153 [the fisherman didn’t catch a fish, he says, at least let the devil catch on, the Devil gives a fish for a promise to give what you don’t know at home; a son was born at home, when he grew up, his father sent him to the old man of Gray Mountain Bone (SGK); the young man comes to one, then to another old woman; the first calls the birds, the second the animals, no one knows the way to the SGC; the old man sends to the river in which three swans are bathing - the daughter of SGK, orders to hide the wings of the youngest; he hides the wings of the eldest, the middle one, the swans take away their wings and fly away; then the youngest, she asks to return the wings, puts the young man on his back, brings him to the SGC; he promises him a daughter if the young man 1) uproots the forest, plows the field, collects wheat, bakes pies for the wedding (by order of the Swan, the devils do everything); 2) ride one of the three stallions (this is SGK himself, Lebeditsa orders to stab him in the neck with a knife); 3) identify the bride among the crows (sit on the edge, scratch her beak); identified three times; 4) bathe in boiling milk (the wife bewitched the vat, the husband is unharmed); the wife leaves the drooling to answer for her, runs with her husband; 1) turns into rye, the husband is an old man, the devils return; 2) church and priest (the same); 3) lake and pike; SGK himself pursues, becomes a bull, tries to drink up the lake, bursts], 174-178 [the woodcutter brings home a hedgehog; while he sleeps with his wife, he cooks and cleans; the old people adopt him; he asks to marry him the princess; the king orders 1) to remove all the manure overnight, plow the field, collect the wheat, bake bread; The hedgehog does everything, gets a wife, sheds its skin at night, becomes handsome; the princess burns the skin, the husband goes to the sea for seven years, says that the princess will turn what she touches into iron {this motive is not used further}; the father visits Hedgehog, he allows his wife to come; tells her to collect white, not red, foam into a bundle; pulls his wife through the sea, through the fire; teaches to identify him when he becomes one of the storks (lowers his wings), one of the horses (in scab); her husband is returned to her, everyone is happy], 179-182 [the father promises an inheritance to the one who builds a flying ship; the two eldest sons cannot, the beggar makes a ship for the youngest, and he flies away on it; takes as his companions 1) a runner (tied trees to his feet), 2) an eater (eats birches), 3) a water-drinker (drinks the lake); 4) an arrow (hits a mosquito), 5) a listener (hears the grass growing), 6) a creator of cold (if you take your finger out of your mouth, it’s frost); the king gives his daughter away, demands 1) to run a race (the runner runs, falls asleep, the shooter shoots an arrow, wakes him up); 2) find out the time on a clock a hundred miles away (the listener and the shooter see and hear everything); 3) eat all the food in the palace (the eater eats); 4) drink all the wine (the water-bread drinks); the king locks everyone in the upper room, lights a fire under it, creating frost and moderating the heat; wedding], 187-190 [the king tells Juozapelis that he will take him hunting when the horse saddles itself; the plain-looking horse saddles itself; doesn’t tell you to pick up the pen, Yu picks it up; the king orders to bring 1) a bird, 2) its nest, 3) a sea princess; Each time the horse brings Yu to them, he orders the princess to be lured out by laying out expensive cloth on the shore; The princess promises to marry the king if Yu. 4) brings her ring from the sea (the horse orders him to catch a little crow, give the crayfish for the ring), 5) a necklace (the horse orders him to kill him, get into his stomach, crows will fly in, catch the crow, in exchange for a crow will bring a necklace; the horse comes to life); 6) chop up Yu (the horse promises to revive him); the princess suggests to the king that he too be chopped up and revived, the king agrees; he is not revived, Yu marries the sea princess].

Volga - Perm. Comey : Novikov 1938, No. 47 [young dog by day, man by night; the king gives tasks (to build a bridge, palace, church, plant a garden overnight); the dog does everything, marries the king's daughter; the queen peeks and sees a young man in bed; the dog runs away to Baba Yaga; the wife goes looking, throws meat to the bears, peas to the magpies, iron to the needles, water to the burning steppe; young people run away and live well]: 161-162; Plesovsky 1975 [30 brothers want to get married in such a way that all the wives turn out to be sisters to each other; Ivan throws the ball and goes after it with his brothers; The first old woman answers that she has only 5 granddaughters, the second - that 20 (she spins wolf hair), the third has 30; I. understands that the old woman, Yoma, is not sleeping; Yoma turned the girls into horses, they are not her daughters, but captives; I. orders the brothers to lie down not on the benches, but under the benches; they placed brooms on the benches, Yoma chopped them up; Yoma orders his brothers to torment the horses with work, but I. takes care of his own; Yoma gave the brothers a good horse each, I. chose a foal for himself; the brothers came to the king, he brought I. closer, made the rest grooms; the brothers complained that I. promised to bring a flying carpet from E.; the foal turned into a horse, brought I. to E. when she was sleeping, I. took the magic carpet; brothers: I. promised to bring Princess Marpida; the horse brings it to that kingdom, invites M. to sit on it, carries it away; M.: whoever brought me, let him get me a wedding dress; dress in church under the altar; the horse turned into a golden priest, people rushed to look, I. took the dress; M.: bring a mare that gives 30 buckets of milk, you need to bathe in it, then the king will become younger; Ivan’s horse turned out to be the son of this mare, she herself followed him; the milk was boiled, the horse snorted, it cooled down, I. took a bath; the king rushed after him, got upset, I. married M., became king]: 45-51; Komi [someone gave an egg to a rich childless merchant: let his wife and mare eat it; the wife gave birth to a son, Vasily, the mare foaled; father is always on the move; V. grew up, his mother took a lover; he orders his son to be killed, otherwise he will kill her herself; when V. returned from school, the horse warned that his mother wanted to poison him; V. quietly poured out the poisoned soup; mother's lover: you fed the soup under the bench, the poison burned a hole there; the same the next evening; the dog tasted what was poured out and died; horse: tomorrow mother will poison even the bread, we must run; the horse orders him to be bridled three times, turned around, and sprinkled with dew from three trees; after this he is able to jump from one hill to another; they went to get living water overseas; they galloped to the hut on a chicken leg, the hut was spinning, there was a witch in it; They galloped from her to another similar one, there is a second witch, she teaches: there will be three pillars, three gates, on the middle one hangs a key, you need to grab it; “soon the tale is told, but the deed is not soon done” {this proverb is inserted several times}; the third witch in the third hut orders her to leave her horse and gives her hers; hit him near the shore, he will become a crow and carry him across the sea; on the other side you will become a dove and steal living water from the maiden; when you fly on a crow, cut off the meat from the calf of the leg and feed it to it; when V. flies, the crow gets tired, sits on the bapka-kotil plant in the middle of the sea, V. gives her a piece cut off from his leg; so several times, only bones remained on the legs; V. first flies in like a dove, hears the girl say out loud that she will not sleep that night, she will guard the water; V. became a man again, put the guards and the girl to sleep with the potion given by the witch, took the water, kissed the girl and wished her to be his wife; back across the sea on a raven horse {it is not said how the legs grew back with meat}; the girl's brother is pursuing; one of the three witches replies that V. rode past a long time ago; brother: to the one who took water and kissed his sister, I will send her to wife; gave V. a letter to prepare to receive the bride; she appeared, they live poorly, they want to take away their wife; the king orders the creation of a golden palace by morning; the wife creates; golden passage to the royal palace (same); for the third time: create a water supply system and a telegraph; at night the wife called her workers again, everything was ready; everything is fine, wedding]: Fokos-Fuchs 1951, No. 1: 11-35; Uotila 2006, No. 17 [the peasant’s wife first gave birth to the eldest son Vasily, then 39 more sons; the mare gave birth to 40 foals; the brothers prepared supplies for their parents and set off to travel; in the forest, Vasily climbs an oak tree and sees fire; they come to the witch; she invites them to sleep with her 40 daughters; V. lies down separately, sees how the witch has tied white scarves for her daughters, and sharpens her saber; quietly ties the scarves, the witch kills her own daughters; the brothers come to the fiery king and are hired as grooms; the king makes V. elder, others are jealous; asking the witch for advice; she orders the king to be persuaded and orders V. to get him the daughter of the Sun Woman from the bottom of the sea; the horse orders V. to take gold from the king; they come to the seashore; there the woman promises to help; whistles on a silver whistle, fish swim, but they do not know where the daughter of the sun is; then in the golden one, the frog swims, she knows; she is given ruff and perch as assistants; the three of them bring the daughter of the sun; she tells the king that his body is black - let him first bathe in boiling resin, and then in boiling milk; the king orders V. to do this; the horse dips the care into resin, then into milk; V. is unharmed and becomes handsome; the king was boiled in tar; V. marries the daughter of the sun, reigns, kills his brothers]: 75-83; Udmurts [the landowner caught the copper man in the field and locked him in the barn; he saw the landowner's adopted son through the window and persuaded him to let him out; the landowner drove him away; the young man hired himself to another, became friends with his daughter; he orders herding the hares, promises to kill them if even one runs away; the copper man gives a magic handkerchief and uses it to collect hares; then fills the bag with sheep tongues; receives the landowner's daughter]: Kralina 1960, No. 54: 146-148; Udmurts [the father married the eldest daughter to the chief of birds, the middle daughter to the chief of beasts, and the youngest to a whirlwind; the son sold the house, went wandering, did not eat the bee, crow, ant, they promised to help; the young man came to his older sister; her husband answers her that if her father comes, he will kill him, but if her brother does not; the sister showed the hidden brother; his son-in-law fed him and gave him a horse; the young man galloped after a lame fox, the horse ran into a stake; the young man came to the middle sister, it was the same as in the eldest’s house; the fox's leg hangs slightly, the horse has fallen; the same for the whirlwind; the fox's guts fell out; a young man comes to the house, the owners take him as a watchman, they tell him not to go into one of the huts, he goes in, there is a man nailed to the wall, asks him to hit him with a hammer, after the blow he disappeared; owner: it was Satan, pretending to be a fox, he ate your three horses; the young man returned home, where the new owner orders the sown grain to be collected (the ants collect); give birth to a child in one night without a wife (the crow screams like a baby); make a wax bridge (a bee does); that man left, but the young man remained in his house]: Kralina 1960, No. 57: 154-157; Udmurts [someone steals a peasant's peas; the eldest and middle son fall asleep, the youngest plucks two feathers from the tail of the golden bird; the father orders to find the bird; the eldest and middle son walk, rudely respond to the old man they meet, he directs them to walk along the road, they are torn to pieces by a bear and a wolf; the youngest is polite, gets a broom and a flying carpet; flies to the palace on a cloud, tries to unlock the cage with the bird, is caught, the owner orders him to get the golden-maned horse; caught again, the owner orders him to bring a golden perch; the broom transported the young man to the underwater world; caught again, must get the daughter of the owner of the world; the young man takes her away on a magic carpet; she turns her pigeon into a girl like her, exchanges a perch, then a horse, a bird; wedding]: Kralina 1960, No. 55: 148-152; Chuvash : Grigoriev 1971 [Sparrow quarreled with the Mouse, a large bird stood up for him, the Mouse gnawed its wings; the man cured her, she took him to her sister, she gave him a casket and forbade her to open it on the way; the man opened it, the garden and palace fell out; old man Sige-Sukhal hid it back for a promise to give away what he didn’t know at home; Having reached the age of 18, the son went to the school; the old woman says that his bride will be the ninth of 18; the wife helps carry out emergency orders; 1) build a church overnight; 2) grow wheat - bake rolls; 3) tame the horse; the spouses flee, the swan girls are sent in pursuit, the wife turns into an apple tree, the husband into a gardener; field and peasant; into the lake and fry; The midget flies like a hawk, is chased by a perch, the fry turns into a pike, swallows it; spouses return to their husband's parents]: 70-77; Chuvash Tales 1938: 89-94 [The eagle asked the man not to shoot at him, to heal his wing; he feeds him with cows and sheep, his wife scolds him; lifts to the sky, throws, picks up, now the person also feels fear; takes him to his sisters, the middle one gives a casket, a man opens it along the way, the silver falls out; an old man with elbows puts it back for a promise to give away what you don’t know; during this time a son was born and grew up Ivan ; comes to the lake, hides the dress of one of the three bathing swan maidens; I. gives it back when she calls him not brother, but dear; gives a ball, I. comes to her father; 1) give the stallion and mare water (these are the girls’ parents; I. beats them and gives them water); 2) identify the youngest of the sisters (she will blink her eye); I., gets married; when he comes to his parents, he forgets his wife’s request not to kiss the child in the cradle (this is an old man with elbows), forgets his wife; they want to marry him, the cuckoo crows, turns into his former wife, he remembers, returns to her], 17-26 and 177-187 [identify his son among the horses], 280-283 [someone tramples the wheat, the father tells his sons to guard; the eldest and middle fall asleep, the youngest Ivan catches his horse; sells to the king for 3 cartloads of gold; picks up a golden feather; hires himself out as a groom to the king; cleans a horse with a golden feather, it becomes prettier; another groom to the king: I. boasts of getting the golden bird itself; the horse advises to put wheat and a barrel of wine on the bird, it got drunk, I. brought it; groom: I. boasts of getting the waterman’s daughter; the horse orders to make a ship that moves on water and land; the merman's daughter enters the ship, he takes her away; the merman's daughter refuses to go out without a dowry; I. returns to the merman, he turns into a bull, I. defeats him, brings him, and his whole herd follows him; the waterman's daughter orders him to bathe in boiling milk; I. takes 3 hairs from the horse’s tail, unharmed; the king was boiled; I. became king, married the daughter of a merman]; Eizin 1993 [Ekhrem Patsha sees in a dream a 12-headed serpent on a seven-legged horse; orders to build a tower with a mirror at the top, whoever sees that horse in it will receive half the kingdom; Ivan Batyr sees, receives a soldier to help, goes to the bridge; the soldiers are sleeping, I. is on guard; every night he successively kills a 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-headed serpent; crushed by the carcass of the latter, the seven-legged horse frees him, makes I. a fly so that he finds out what the snake wives are preparing on the shore of the bloody lake; one will become a meadow and a river, the second will become an apple tree, the third will rest one lip on the ground, the other on the sky; I. cuts down a meadow and an apple tree; the horse teaches to ask the third snake to let his comrades through, lower his upper lip, jumps himself, I. chops the snake; the old man Chige-khurs was as tall as his elbows, his beard the length of a fathom teased, he jumped on a seven-legged horse, promising to give it back if I. brought the daughter of the bird Maxim-patsha; I. meets, takes as his companion a cup of water, Frost, Glutton; M. requires 1) to prepare and eat a lot of bread, 60 bulls (The Glutton eats), 2) to sit in a hot bath (Frost cools, the cup collects excess water); I. takes M.’s daughter away. The glutton and the cup stop the chase by regurgitating what they swallowed and spilling water; M.'s daughter Marya orders her to be given to Ch. feet first; she imperceptibly turns into a needle, I. brings her home on a seven-legged horse; E. wants to take Marya away, she makes it so that a bullet from his gun kills him; I. receives the kingdom]: 64-77; Eizin 1993 [the forest is empty, I. comes to a tree on which all the birds; shoots a large white one, she falls, he brings her to the hut, she turns into a beauty; the wife weaves a self-assembled tablecloth, the husband carries it to sell, the king sees it and comes to find out who the craftswoman is; the sages advise sending I. for a goat with golden horns and wool; the wife sends to go for the ball, he leads to the goat; the same boar with golden bristles; they send for the invisible Sharapchyk; the wife gives a towel and sends for a ball to her older sister; there is a girl in a silver palace who recognizes her younger sister's towel; she gives her ball and ring, the ball leads to the eldest sister in the golden palace; she heads to the river, followed by Sh.; the frog asks for milk, I. brings it, the frog jumps, carries it across the river; Three robbers enter the triangular house and order Sh. to set the table; when they leave, I. invites Sh. to go with him, he agrees; orders to exchange it with the robbers for crossing the river, a chest, an ax, a pipe; returns to I.; I. goes to war against the king, blows - ships, from the chest - soldiers, axes make fortresses; I. kills the king, receives the throne, also a goat and a boar]: 129-138; care (meadow): Chetkarev 1941, No. 10 [father asks three sons to find out who is eating wheat in the field; the eldest and middle go to their mistresses, the youngest Ivan successively catches two horses, then the little humpbacked horse, puts him in a stall; the brothers stole two horses to sell at the market; I caught up with I. on the little hunchback and picked up a firebird feather along the way; the little hunchback orders the horses to be sold to his king; They don’t let the grooms in, the king has to take I. as a groom; other grooms, seeing the feather, persuade the king to send I. for the firebird; the horse is taking it to the apple tree, where the firebird is, I. brings it; bring the princess to wife to the king; the little hunchback helps to grab her and bring her; the bride demands that the king take the wedding crown from her father's church; brings; the princess demands to bring the ring she threw into the lake; the little hunchback orders the lake to be beaten with chains, the king of fish sends for a ruff, which brings a ring; the princess promises to marry the king if he becomes handsome; you need to jump into boiling water, then into boiling milk, then into cold water; the little hunchback brings grass to cool the boiling water, I. comes out looking handsome; the king was boiled; I. married the princess, became king], 37 [(=Sabitova 1992: 102-109); the soldier returns home, bends down to drink at the pond by the mill, the devil grabs him by the beard and lets him go for a promise to give him away that he doesn’t know the house; he has a son, Ivan, at home; I. leaves to look for the one to whom he was sold; enters the door in the oak, down the stairs; the old man (he is the younger brother of the big Satan) orders to walk three hundred miles, 11 pigeons will fly to the lake, turn into girls, begin to swim, put on their clothes again and fly away; after that the 12th one will arrive, her clothes must be hidden and returned for the promise of becoming a wife; she promises, it’s three years away, she’ll hang a ribbon from the window, her house will be the third from the edge; I. comes, his wife orders him to go to her father, slam the door loudly, take the spoon from him, and start eating himself; Satan is surprised and promises to give him work in a week; orders 1) to uproot the forest overnight (the wife sends workers, I. brings the last stump); 2) plow, sow, harvest, bake bread, bring one boatload of grain (the same); 3) build a church and have the priest serve; Same; Satan turns into a pig, the wife orders a hammer to be thrown at it; tame the stallion; this is Satan himself, we must beat him with a hammer; Satan orders him to choose a wife from 12 girls, they are in the form of doves; wife: I will descend and rise; 12 sheep (the wife will come out third); 12 drops of dew (the third one from the edge is about to drip); Satan sends young people to a cast-iron bathhouse, wants to burn them; the wife tells the broom, the trough, the ladle to answer that they are still steaming and washing; the young flee, 11 daughters of Satan in pursuit; the wife turns I. into a chapel, she herself is an old woman, the sisters return; Satan himself is persecuting, the wife is a ruff, the husband is a lake; Satan becomes a pike, cannot catch the ruff, breaks the bank so that the young ones do not come out, but I.’s wife restores everything; wedding in I.’s father’s house]: 169-173, 282-286; care (mountain) [horse tramples wheat; the eldest and middle brothers fall asleep, the youngest catches the horse, he promises to come when he calls; the king gives his daughter to the one who jumps on a horse to the third floor, where the daughter will sit; Each time the younger brother fits into one ear of the horse, climbs out of the other, becomes handsome, the third time he jumps up, receives a ring, a scarf, a note from the king with a promise to marry his daughter to him; in the morning the princess looks for her betrothed among those gathered; cries upon learning that the beggar has the ring; he, with the help of a horse, turns into a handsome man, marries, reigns]: Aktsorin 1995: 62-83; care : Chetkarev 1948: 20-28 [the childless queen finds a baby in the dressing room, the king calls him Babi Son; he asks his father for two comrades and leaves; they stay in an empty house, where there is plenty of food, and take turns keeping watch; at midnight the enemy arrives on three, six, nine horses, BS kills everyone, his comrades are sleeping; overhears how the sisters and mother of the opponents agree to kill BS and his comrades; the younger sister turns into sand a hundred versts and a stream, the middle one - 200 versts and a teahouse, the eldest - three hundred versts and a beer hall; BS does not allow his comrades to drink, he chops down demonesses with a saber; their mother is pursuing, BS and comrades are hiding in Ilya Murovin’s forge; he offers to stick out his tongue, clamps it in a vice, and the demoness is burned; IM asks to bring self-playing harps; BS brings, violates the ban on not chopping cow intestines, he chops, the harp disappears; IM and his brothers are looking for a wife for BS; her father demands 1) drink 40 buckets of wine, eat the same amount of porridge (IM does everything); 2) wash in a hot bath (they are unharmed); BS gets his wife, MI is told not to touch her for three nights; she puts her hand, leg, breasts on BS, he begins to choke, IM hides, hits the woman every time, she vomits lizards, snakes, frogs, dried blood; after the third night the wife is safe; BS returns to his father], 45-54 [=Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945: 49-59; dying, the father orders his son Ivan to cut off his head, the dogs Katai and Valyai come out of it; sister I. Avdotya sees a guy across the lake; he tells her to whip the water with her father’s whip, a bridge is formed; the guy becomes A.’s lover, asks her to destroy I.; teaches to pretend to be sick, ask to bring 1) milk from a bear, 2) a lioness (they give it, the bear gives a bear cub), 3) grind flour in a mill that grinds itself; I. leaves with the flour, and the animals remaining to lick the flour remain locked up; A. and her lover are preparing to eat I.; he asks to let him take a steam bath; the cuckoo says that the animals have already broken 11 of the 12 doors, orders them to wash more slowly; the dogs and the bear tore the lover to pieces; I. chained A. in the bathhouse, promised to release her when she ate the bath coals and spit out a vat of saliva; comes to the city, where the king’s daughters are given to 3-, 6- and 9-headed snakes; I. kills the kites, hides their heads, the coachman forces the princess to say that he is the savior; the coachman was sent to hard labor, I. takes the youngest princess; I. brings A.; she kept her lover’s tooth and puts it in her ear; I. is buried, the animals tear out the body, the old woman takes a tooth out of her ear, I. comes to life; the old woman warns that A. will come out in the guise of a wife and try to give him a child, but he must not take it; I. takes it and turns into a dog; she is sold to a merchant, the animals beg for the dog, the old woman with a whip returns I. to the appearance of a man; he beats A. with this whip, she turns into a horse; then again to his sister, ties the horse to the tail], 58-63 [the wife of a poor Tatar gave birth to a snake; the serpent son orders his father to woo the rich man's daughter; he beats the poor man for the first time, then chops him into pieces and burns him; the serpent resurrects the father every time; the rich man's daughter proposes to demand from the groom 41 savras mare, a palace, a garden with birds; the snake climbs into the hole and tells the father to pull it all out; on the wedding night the snake turns into a handsome man; the wife's sisters burn the snake skin, the groom disappears; one hunter sees a house on the shore of a lake, a bird flies there to drink milk and sings about what happened; the wife comes to the house, throws her ring into the milk, the husband takes on a human form, returns to his wife], 126-128 [the soldier buys incense with his last penny, lights it, God likes it, he sends an angel, tells him to tell the soldier to catch the third one under the bridge fish; she turns into a beauty; the clerk advises the merchant to take it away, offers to give the soldier difficult assignments; 1) measure the sun (this is the elder sister of the soldier’s wife); 2) get the ring of the merchant’s deceased father; the wife orders him to take the clerk, come to the ice mountain, ask the crow to carry him over it; the soldier stops three horses, the merchant's father turns out to be the root worker, the soldier gives the clerk a replacement; the rootman (i.e., the merchant's father) gives the soldier his ring, orders him to tell his son, so that he distributes the money, gives the house to the soldier, otherwise he will be in his place; the merchant fulfilled everything]; mordva : Samorodov 1972: 83-95 [a childless old man bends down to the stream to drink, Vedyava grabs him by the beard; he promises to give back that he doesn’t know the house; upon returning, he finds out that he has been away for three years and has a son; three Baba Yagas successively send the grown-up young man further; the latter orders to hide the clothes of the youngest of the duck girls when they fly to the lake to swim; they are her brother's daughters; her father orders 1) to complete the entire cycle of work in 24 hours, from cutting down forest for arable land to baking bread; 2) an iron bridge, on the sides of an apple tree; the wife orders the forest men to do everything; 3) ride the stallion (this is the father-in-law himself, his wife orders him to beat him with a hammer and an iron rod); the girl leaves her spit to answer, the young ones run; she becomes a cow, he a shepherd; church and pop; the servants do not recognize the fugitives, the father-in-law himself flies like a falcon; lake and ruff; the pike father-in-law cannot swallow the ruff; tells his daughter to be a dog for seven years; the wife tells her husband not to kiss his younger sister at home; she chases the dog away, kisses her brother, he forgets everything; he gets married, he sees a reflection in the well, remembers his real wife; he is married to a dog, after seven days she turns into a woman], 221-235 [the prince is strong, cripples his playmates, leaves, taking an iron club; takes two heroes as sworn brothers; each one takes turns guarding the bridge; the brothers-in-arms are sleeping, the prince himself kills the 6-, 9-, 12-headed snake each time, hiding their heads under the bridge; overhears how the snake's wives promise to become a spring, an apple tree, a bed, to poison, to strangle the heroes; the mother of snakes will open one lip to the sky, the other to the ground, lower one breast to the ground, raise the other to the sky; lashes a spring, an apple tree, a bed with a whip, blood flows; the prince's horse jumps over the old woman, she swallows her brothers-in-arms; by order of the prince, the blacksmiths ask the old woman to stick out her tongue, press them with pincers, she burps up what she swallowed; the prince's horse disappears; he gets the guards drunk, takes her away from the wizard; he looks in the mirror, catches up on a three-legged horse; promises to give the horse if the prince brings the youngest of the sisters from the glass house at the bottom of the sea; takes as his companion the one who is cold in the fire, who drinks endlessly, who turns into a fish; the brothers carry out the old woman’s tasks (one cools the hot bath, the other drinks and eats forty barrels of beer and forty pounds of bread); a brother-perch catches a bride who has swum away with a fish; the wife creates a ditch with hot coals, the wizard on a three-legged horse dies in it; the old man cuts the girl up, takes out snakes, frogs, worms, etc., revives her clean, gives her to the prince], 282-292 [(= Pomerantseva 1973: 100-110); in the forest, old man Dyachka Nai-Nai tells the old man to give him something he doesn’t know at home; finds his son at home; he grows up, goes to D., greets Viryava in the hut; she sends to her older sister; she teaches how to hide the clothes of the youngest of D.’s three bathing daughters; This is Marya the Beautiful; give when she calls him not brother, but husband; D. orders to count the millet in the barn, build a palace and a glass bridge (the wife performs), and ride the stallion; this is a seven-headed serpent; a guy cuts off his heads with an iron club; recognize the wife among the three doves (peck others in the back); among three girls (wipes a fly from his face); M. leaves his ring in charge, runs away with her husband, turns himself into a herd, him into a shepherd; both in two flowers; into the lake and the duck; this time it is not the servants who are chasing, but D. himself, unable to drink the water; M. tells her husband not to kiss his younger sister at home; he kisses, forgets M., prepares for a new wedding; sees M.’s reflection in the well, remembers, marries her], 293-299 [dying, the old man tells his son to slaughter the heifer, her liver and heart will turn into black and white puppies; they catch up with any game; the younger sister pulls a snake out of the well, takes it as a lover, he advises him to pretend to be sick and send his brother for animal milk; the old woman advises her brother to answer the sentry of the animals (i.e. lions) that he came on orders; the same - milk of tigers; get flour from the ever-grinding mill; the brother collects flour, the dogs remain outside the doors; the snake is going to eat him, the brother asks permission to wash himself in the bathhouse first; the magpie reports that the dogs have chewed through the doors; the brother climbs one, then two other birch trees, the snake gnaws them, the dogs came running and tore him apart; brother leaves his sister, his dogs tore apart the 12-headed snake that was going to eat the princess, gets married; the sister sends a pillow with a serpent's tooth, the brother lies down and dies, the sister orders the body to be thrown in a barrel into the sea; the dogs catch the barrel, the old woman of the forest revives it with living water; brother tied sister to the stallion's tail]; Kippar 2002 [Maskeyev 1966: 143-153; almost the same as in Samorodov 1972: 293-299, but different details; the mother dies, wants to bless the children, the son comes up; the father dies, orders the calf to be slaughtered, the heart and liver put in the stomach, left under the stove; three dogs will appear: Mastordonga (“heavier than the earth”), Warmadonga (“stronger than the wind”), Komlyadonga (“lighter than hops”); Neither bird nor beast escapes from dogs; sister is a housekeeper; the snake in the well asks him to get him, promises to become the groom; at home he offers to get rid of his brother; sister pretends to be sick; 1) asks his brother to bring lion’s milk; the mistress of the forest, Virbaba, meets you; teaches you to tell the guard that you came on orders; lions give milk; the snake tells his mistress not to drink it - the lions have enchanted the milk; 2) the same – tiger milk; 3) bring flour from the ever-running mill; V. teaches: when entering, place one foot with the toe forward, the other with the toe out; the young man took the flour, went out, the doors slammed, the dogs remained inside; There are snakes in the yard, there is a sister on it, they say that they will kill the young man now; brother asks permission to wash in the bathhouse; Magpie orders to drown slowly: the dogs have chewed through one door, 11 remain; so reports after each door; when the last one, the brother asks for permission to climb the birch tree and say goodbye to everyone; the snake knocked down a birch tree, the young man knocked down another, a third, the dogs burst in and killed the snake; the young man takes the dogs and leaves; affectionately greets the three-toothed old woman Virbaba; she says that otherwise she would have swallowed it; asks to tell her fairy tales, otherwise she won’t sleep; the young man tells his own story; V. fell asleep; the next day the young man returned from hunting - V. was sleeping; on the third day - no V., no prey; V. went to kill him because he kills animals and birds; she revived the prey and released it into the forest; enters and wants to eat, the young man again tells the tale - how the dogs caught game without his knowledge; V. fell asleep; the young man buried the spoils and also lay down; in the morning: what is that sound? V.: This snake is going to eat the princess; the young man leaves, leaving the dogs; if they get worried, let them out; the young man falls asleep on the princess’s lap, wakes up from her tears; calls the dogs, they tore apart the 18-headed snake, the young man hid the heads under a stone; leaves for 3 days, the princess gives him a ring; the soldier says that he killed the snake; the princess promises to confirm in 3 days; the soldier cannot move the stone with his head under it; the young man returned, the soldier's head was cut off, a wedding; they sent for my sister and V.; V. didn’t come - she can’t leave the forest, otherwise it will dry out; my sister has a pillow with a snake tooth inside; brother lay down and died; sister: according to our custom, the dead are thrown into the sea in a barrel; the barrel washed ashore; dogs can't open it; V. opened it and sent the black grouse for living water; the young man moved, the snake's tooth fell out of his mouth; the young man returned, his sister asks for forgiveness, but she was tied to the horse’s tail; wedding again; V. is waiting for the young man to come tell the third tale]: 137-145; Paasonen 1941 [father died, mother did not love her son, pretended to be sick, sent across 7 forests and 7 fields to bring milk from a bear; she gave; the same for tigresses; then he orders water to be brought from there; the young man went, taking with him a bear cub and a tiger cub; they entered the house, but cannot leave; the young man returned, gave the water, his mother poured it out and ordered the bathhouse to be heated; a raven flies in and says that a bear and a tiger are digging a tunnel, how much is left; the mother locked her son in a hot bath, but then the animals broke out, freed him, and tore the mother apart]: 260-263; Kazan Tatars : Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956 [a childless old man and an old woman made a boy out of dough, he came to life, he was named Kamyr (“dough”); strong, cripples peers; asks his father to order an iron club from the blacksmith, goes on a journey; meets, takes as his companion 1) a runner (walks with his legs tied), 2) pinching his nostrils with his fingers (if it blows, a storm will arise), 3) an old man with a hat on one ear (if he puts it on his head, a blizzard will rise), 4) an arrow ( aims at the eye of a fly 60 miles away), 5) another old man filling mountains; K. wooes the Khan's daughter, he demands 1) overtake the runner (the runner fell asleep, but the shooter woke him up with an arrow, the runner won); the khan is trying to burn K. and his friends in the bathhouse (the old man put on his hat, it became cold); the khan lets soldiers attack K., the blower dispersed them, the old man heaped a mountain over them; K. got a wife]: 5-11; Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 44 [9 wives gave birth to 40 sons and 40 daughters; the youngest gave birth to only one son, Dutan; they all went to look for brides and grooms; at night Zhalmavyz swallowed everyone except D.; belched for the promise of Kenekey - the daughter of the padishah; D. meets, takes as a companion 1) the listener to what is in the underworld; 2) arrow; 3) a runner named Zhilayak; 4) who tamed birds; 5) a strongman miller; the padishah will give K. to him when he kills his enemy, another padishah; D. killed; orders to overtake the old woman; she intoxicates the runner; he managed to wake up and overtake her; the vizier comes up with new competitions so as not to give K. up; they try to take her away secretly, D.’s companions return her; in order not to give K. Zhalmavyz away, Zhilayak dresses up as a girl, goes instead of her, then runs away; arrow killed Zhalmavyz with an arrow when she set off in pursuit; D. marries K.; finds brides and grooms for his brothers and sisters]: 153-167; Marchenko 1993 [stepmother told her husband to drive away three stepdaughters; he dug a hole in the forest under an apple tree, covered it with twigs, the daughters fell through, the father left; they ate apples, then the youngest climbed onto the shoulders of the elders, got out, came to the padishah, and pulled out the girls; the eldest promised to sew clothes for an entire army with one thread, the middle one - to feed the entire army with one cake, the youngest - to give birth to a son and daughter with golden hair and silver teeth; the elders are jealous of the younger one that the padishah chose her as his wife; the padishah left, his wife gave birth to children, the sisters replaced the letter with a message that she had given birth to two puppies; they replaced the children with puppies and gave them to a witch in the forest; the padishah ordered to place his wife and puppies in a hut, everyone should spit on her, he took the older sisters into the palace; the children have grown up, the sisters have made their sister ill, she will be cured by 1) a black horse; the old man orders him to hit the horse with a whip and grab him by the mane; 2) get a milk lake with a golden duck; the horse brings it to the lake, orders it to whistle, the lake is transported to the young man’s house; 3) get Altynchech to be your sister’s friend; the horse brought it, A. came out to shout, the young man brought her home; she orders him to save his mother; children, then padishahs, crawl to the woman on their knees; she forgives her husband; the sisters were tied to the tails of horses, A. was given away as a young man]: 217-226; Yarmukhametov 1957 [Safa said goodbye to his wife, walked around the world, saved a swan that was attacked by an ubyr; she carries it to her older, middle, younger sister; the eldest and middle refuse to give a gift, the youngest gives a chest and orders not to open it on the way; S. opens, a shop and gold appear; the old man asks what S. groans, puts what fell out back for a promise to give back, that you don’t know at home; during this time a son was born; grows up, leaves, sees swans bathing, grabs one, this is the daughter of that old man, teaches her to ask her father for a job, her servants do everything; 1) overnight from cutting down forest for arable land until harvesting; 2) transfer water from one lake to another with a sieve; curb the stallion; this is the Shaitan himself, the girl teaches him to hit him with a hammer, put on a bridle of 40 pounds; 4) identify the bride among the doves (he dances, she looks at his legs, the rest at his head); Shaitan threw both of them into the zindan, they flew away like flies, leaving saliva to answer; the wife turns into a mosque, the horseman into a muezzin; she is in the sea, he is in a goldfish; Shaitan began to catch fish, choked, the horseman and his wife settled with his parents]: 184-190; 1970 [after the death of his father, Abdullah was driven away by his older brother; the elder tells A. to get a dagger from the golden palace behind the Kaf mountains; A. went there, running away from the lions, took the dagger out of its sheath, a girl appeared; the padishah wants to take it away, orders him to bring 1) a harp; the old man sends A. and his wife to his brother, who sends him to his sister, she first hides from her sons, the sons will help if A. does not sleep for three nights; on the second {obviously the first} night they ask if A. is awake; he answers that he thinks there is more firewood or trees in the forest; on the third {second} - living or dead; they brought the harp, and A. was sleeping; they want to kill him, but they took him home when they saw his sister’s handkerchief; 2) algu and kulgu stones; A. is hiding in a house where there are 7 golden basins, 7 golden kumgans in them, a stick on the table; 7 batyrs enter, one asks who poured the water from his kumgan; They tell the stick to feed him lunch, and they leave; A. asks the stick to feed him and thanks her; stick: no one thanked me, I’ll go with you; A. promises the old man, whose workers are building something, for.. {not clear}; that one: I’ll dive, if the foam is white, I’m alive, if it’s black, I’m dead; the old man dives, but comes back, rubs himself with white powder again, dives successfully; the algu stone kills everything, the kulgu stone revives everything; A. calls Alga, the padishah’s people fall dead; kulgu! they come to life; A. himself becomes a padishah]: 246-254; Tatars [the stepmother cherishes her own son, the stupid and lazy Tuktar, hates the stepson Timur; the horse bequeathed by the mother warns him that the stepmother put poison in the pie, Timur gave the pie to the dog, she died; the horse saves him from several attempts by his stepmother to kill Timur; she pretended to be sick and demanded the horse's heart; the horse told Timur to ask his father for permission to ride one last time; neighs three times, T. manages to run from the madrasah, they gallop away; contrary to the horse's warning, T. picks up the golden wing; they come to the White Kingdom, T. is hired as a groom to the padishah, if you touch the horse with a wing, it immediately becomes fat; the vizier spied, the padishah demands the bird to which the wing belongs; the horse teaches you to cover yourself with a white cloth, grab the legs of a fiery eagle that will descend; seeing that T. would not let him go, the eagle released a golden bird from under its wing, T. brought it to the padishah; the padishah demands a sea maiden; the horse teaches you to leave a jug of wine on the shore; the girl came out and got drunk, T. grabbed her; the maiden sets a condition for marriage: to bring her herd of sea horses; the horse teaches how to lasso and tame the mare, the herd follows her; the maiden orders the horses to be milked: horse: each one must be hit with a whip, they will be milked themselves; the maiden orders her ring to be taken out of the cauldron of boiling milk; horse: rub with dewy grass under the birch tree; T. took out the ring, the padishah also dived and boiled, T. married the maiden]: Yarmukhametov 1957: 3-9; Tatars [Akhmet is told that he is more perky and bolder than his brothers; his mother is forced to reveal that his 10 brothers have left and disappeared; A. comes to the mother of 10 genies, promises her sons to get 11 daughters of the padishah for them, which is prevented by 10 warriors; they turn out to be A.'s brothers; A. enters the girls’ room, orders the genies to go up there one by one, chops off the head of each, removes their name rings from the sleeping girls, keeps one for himself, and distributes 10 to his brothers; 5 warriors claim that they defeated the genies; the padishah gives them his daughters, but during the wedding the warriors cannot raise the heads of the genies, but A. does this easily; the daughters of the padishah recognize their rings, marry their brothers; the father of the genies wants to get the daughter of the padishah of the Sun, and he will give her only for the horse of the padishah of Almazov; the father of the genies kidnapped A. and ordered him to get that horse; the old man orders the horse to be led away, but not to touch the bridle; A. grabs her, the bells ring, he is captured, Padishah Almazov demands the nightingale of Padishah Month; the old man orders not to take the cage, A. did not take it, gave the nightingale in exchange for the horse, but the nightingale returned to him; gave the horse in exchange for the daughter of the Sun, the horse also returned; the old man orders to go right from the fork, A. forgot and went left; A. fell asleep, woke up - there was no girl, no horse, no nightingale; the old man gives a handkerchief, a comb and a mirror; putting the handkerchief on the water, A. crosses the river, takes the girl, horse, and nightingale out of the diva’s palace; he is chasing, A. threw a comb (forest), a mirror (sea); the marvel swam and drowned; A. gives the girl to the padishah of the genies, remains a worker, orders to find out what the soul of the genie is; genie: in the broom (the girl decorates the broom); in four eggs under a duck in a nest on an island guarded by four wild boars; A. fights with wild boars, the main boar wants to eat a sprout of reeds, A. wants to eat a roast lamb; the shepherd gave him a lamb, he killed the boars, brought eggs, broke two, the genie agreed to take him and the girl home, there A. broke the rest of the eggs; 11 brothers with their wives, a nightingale and a horse return to their parents]: Yarmukhametov 1957: 14-31; Bashkirs [stepmother hates stepson Hassan, gives instructions with the aim of destroying him; he is helped by a golden eagle, which he spared; 1) bring blue berries (they are guarded by a bear, the golden eagle pecks out his eyes); 2) fish from a lake protected by merman (a golden eagle catches fish, defeats another golden eagle, into which the merman has turned, becoming a tulpar, and carries away G.); 3) green root of youth from the copper kingdom; the golden eagle carries G. across the burning sea; turns into a saber, with it G. chops off 5 of the 6 heads of the dragon; the dragon agrees to serve him; G. sees a harp (aeolu), touches the strings, copper trees enchanted by the wizard, etc., and the petrified girl come to life; G. marries, rides on a dragon to visit his father; At the sight of the dragon, the stepmother falls into boiling fat; Having taken his father, G. returns to his wife and reigns]: Bulatova 1985: 50-55; Bashkirs [the old man slaughtered a cow, a drop of blood fell on the roof of the house, and the boy Akyelak emerged from it; the padishah takes him into his service; the padishah has a bull, one horn goes to the sky, the other reaches the ground; the padishah orders him to be given a drink, the bull butts him, A. kills him with a click; the adviser advises sending A. for firewood with horses without an ax so that the wolves will eat him; A. kills wolves; then bears; the advisor suggests giving the task of bringing the mare to 60 girths; Father A. orders to ask the padishah for a tireless horse and endless food; the horse brings A. to the meskei (cannibal witch), she sends her to her older sister, her sister to a watering hole; A. saddles a huge mare, kills azhdakh, makes a whip from his skin; padishah makes A. heir]: Barag 1988, No. 26: 178-180; Bashkirs [after the death of their parents, 10 brothers leave to look for work, refuse to eat the old woman’s unsalted stew; the youngest eleventh Karasa-batyr eats, she orders to first destroy the Yalmauz talismans, then fight; the girl says where is the talisman of the 7-, 12-headed Yalmauz, K. kills him; the same in the palaces of the 9-domed; K. frees the captives; meets brothers, gives each one 10 girls, takes three for himself; At night, azhdakha captivated the brothers and released them for K.’s promise to bring Kurenmyas Khan’s daughter; K. meets and takes as companions 1) a one-legged runner, 2) a tall man catching birds with his hands, 3) a listener, 4) a lake drinker; the khan demands 1) to overcome the bull; 2) without spilling the milk, climb onto the pole and ring the bell; 3) overtake the walker (60-year-old old woman); 4) spend the night in a hot bath; the satellites do everything together; the khan turns his daughter into a knife, a pillow, a writing pen, and orders her to choose among 12 samovars, 12 feather beds, 12 clerks; K. makes the right choice every time; the girl turns into a fish, the drinker drains the lake, the companions cook the fish, the imaginary fish jumps out of the cauldron; turns into wheat grains, they are fed to the duck, the girl takes on her previous appearance; the duck flies away, the bird catcher grabs it; Lisa offers to give her to azhdha instead of the girl; azhdaha believed; K. lives with four wives]: Barag 1988, No. 32: 200-213; Bashkirs [30 brothers, the youngest Yulbat, are going to look for 30 sisters as wives; the king says that his 30 daughters were carried away by a whirlwind; the brothers turn to the right, where luck awaits, Yu - to the left; the wolf eats his horse, orders him to saddle himself instead of the horse; three deva brothers were married to those girls, 27 girls were turned into mares; Yu kills the devas, frees the girls, gives them to the brothers he meets; the wolf eats the hearts of 60 horses, carries 30 brothers and their wives; Contrary to Yu's warning, the brothers stop for the night; the azhdaha dragon surrounds them with its body; releases Yu for his promise to get him the daughter of King Birmyas; along the way, Yu takes Runner, Strelok, Listener, Water Swallower, and Water Walker as his companions; Tsar B. orders 1) spend 6 days in a hot bath, 2) overtake an 80-year-old old woman; 3) climb a pole with a glass of milk; Yu gets a wife; his son, who had grown up during this time, killed azhdha; Yu gives him daughter B.]: Barag 1988, No. 35: 234-242; Bashkirs [the late son of the old people and the foal born at the same time constantly defecate; the old man leaves them in the steppe, the caravan men pick them up and give them to the old woman to raise; children tease the boy about being fatherless; he asks his foster mother to fry some peas, holds the hot peas in her hands; she admits that she is not his natural mother; the boy rides off on his foal-turned-horse; contrary to his warning, he picks up the golden feather; the king's servants notice the light emanating from the pen, the king invites the young man to live with him; those close to him slander the young man that he despises the king and boasted of getting the whole bird; the fox points the way to the bird; the young man catches her, the king covers the palace with her skin; the servants advise ordering the king to bring the daughter of the sea king as his wife; the wolf teaches her to catch her; the sea maiden promises to marry the king if he gets her ring that fell into the sea; a young man saves a fish, which brings a ring; the maiden orders her sea stallion to be brought; the fox teaches him how to hobble; First, the young man’s horse is bitten by a seahorse and dies; the young man hides in the belly, grabs the crow that has descended; returns to the crow when it brings living water, revives the horse; he defeats the sea; the king orders the young man to bathe in boiling water and boiling milk; if he is not cooked, he can take the sea maiden for himself; the young man bathes and becomes handsome; the king was boiled; a young man marries and becomes a king]: Barag 1988, No. 46: 314-334; Bashkirs [Akhan and Karakhan promise to marry their children if a boy and a girl are born; A. has a son, K. has a daughter; A. dies, K. forgets about the contract; Having learned that he has a fiancée, son A. clutches a handful of hot wheat in his mother’s hand, the mother admits that this is K.’s daughter; K.'s wife on her deathbed tells him to take a new one more beautiful than hers; Only their daughter is more beautiful, K. wants to take her as his wife; she demands to sew a fur coat from flea skin and a scarf from the skin of a lice for the wedding; K. completes the task; the daughter digs a hole in the bathhouse, K. falls into it, the daughter leaves; A.'s son comes to K.; he says that his daughter killed her mother and threw him into a pit; son A. stays in the same house as daughter K.; brings her as his wife, not knowing who she is; they have a son; K. comes, his daughter recognizes him and allows him to live with them; he kills the boy, places the knife next to his daughter; mother tells her son to take away his murderous wife; the son leaves it with the old people from whom he found it; she sees how one snake revives another, going around a stump; revives his son; he grows up, wins, chains the deva, frees the captives, lives with his mother in the deva’s palace; K. comes, frees the deva, he figures out how to kill the young man; the young man’s mother fell unconscious when she saw K.; he sends her son for medicine - the bear's milk; the young man takes out a splinter from the bear’s leg, she gives milk; the young man again defeats the deva, splashing milk and turning K. into stone; marries a princess, becomes king; his mother and father are with him]: Barag 1988, No. 54: 377-385; Bashkirs [the whirlwind carries away three daughters of King Garif in succession; his son Akhmet sees a beauty in a dream, goes to look for her, successively stops with the devas - the husbands of the sisters; one of them is the master of birds, the other of animals, the third of water creatures; everyone gives a handkerchief; Lena the Beautiful (LP) sends A. to prison, where those who came to woo her are imprisoned; agrees with A. that she will marry him if four warriors cannot restrain him and he kisses her; A. loses twice, each time giving PL one of the scarves; the third time he kisses and marries; finds the deva Kasim-batyr behind a locked door, gives him a drink, he twice gives A. 150 years of life, flies away, takes away LP; A. takes the LP three times, K. catches up each time, first takes away his gifts, then kills A.; the deva-sons-in-law find out about this by seeing blood in the tube left by A.; they are looking for a doctor, only a lame frog takes out living and dead water and revives A.; LP hides A., stabs the girl, tells Kasim that she is crying, wanting to know where he got the six-winged stallion, where K.’s soul is hidden; K. answers, A. listens; first K. says that his soul is in the ram, in the broom, LP adorns them; A. spares the wolf, hawk, anthill, pike, cat; a cat distracts the dogs of an old woman who owns mares; K. got his 6-winged horse from her; the old woman orders the mares to graze, they scatter, turning into foxes, pigeons, fish; wolf, hawk, pike drive them back; the old woman scatters and orders poppy seeds to be collected, the ants collect them, the cat takes out what the mouse swallowed; A. chooses a thin foal as payment, this is a 12-winged horse; he carries A. to the island; along the way, A. takes the saw from the devils; he cuts down a poplar tree on the island, takes out a chest from under it, kills a duck that has flown out of it, takes three eggs from it, K.’s soul is in them; kills K., returns home with LP]: Barag 1988, No. 56: 389-402; Bashkirs : Barag 1989, No. 28 [after the death of his father, the youngest son Safar leaves home; stays with the fisherman, marries his daughter Zuleikha; she weaves, S. sells, the king saw, gives instructions to kill S., take Z.; 1) get three wild horses (Z. gives the powder to throw into the water, the horses fall asleep); 2) get something, I don’t know what; Z. calls animals, birds, fish; only the old pike orders you to go down to the green house and hide under the green table; a white-bearded old man entered and ordered the invisible Uzbek to serve food; when he left, S. himself invited W. to share the meal; he goes with him; orders to exchange it with the caravanners for a chest with soldiers; he also returns to S.; the soldiers defeated the king's army, S. executed him and reigned], 30 [the vizier Urtan-Sultan is going to get married; the horse advises him to choose the most unsightly of the three doves that the sorcerer king will show him; she turns into a girl; takes with her a copper kumgan, the water from which can turn her into an ugly or a beauty at will; US lives with his wife in a bathhouse on the outskirts of the city, but the king saw his wife and decided to kill him; The sages advise telling him to get 1) three lions; the wife teaches how to lead the lions; 2) music box from the cave (same); 3) an iron box; the wife gives a towel, the old woman-mistress of the winds learns from it that the husband is the daughter of her elder sister; the winds do not know where the box is, the old woman sends birds to the mistress; the birds say that the lame frog knows; in the underworld, in a stone bath, a cup of human milk; you need to pour it out; in the evening 60 pahlavans will return, decide that someone has eaten human flesh, and kill each other; you need to kill the last guard, drink water from his bottle, you will become strong, lift the stove, there is a box under it; US protected the chicks of the Samrigush bird from the thunderstorm, and for this she raised him to the earthly world; the supply of meat was not enough, the US cut off a piece from the leg; S. burped and put it back; Soldiers came out of the box, killed the king, and threw his head to the wolves; US and his wife went home]: 145-151, 155-159; Bashkirs [someone steals golden apples from the king's garden; the eldest, the middle prince is guarded and returns with nothing; the youngest sees how the golden bird took away the apple and leaves in search; at the crossroads there is a post with an inscription: to the right - you will die, to the left - you will lose your horse; the prince turns left; the wolf eats the horse, carries the prince himself, orders him to take the bird without a cage; the prince takes it with the cage, the guards order the golden-tailed silver-mane horse to be obtained for the bird; the same thing - to take a horse without a bridle, the prince takes the bridle, he is told to get the princess; the wolf turned into a horse, the princess sat down, he carried her away; the wolf turns into a princess, then a horse, runs away from the new owners, everything goes to the prince; the brothers cut off his head and took everything for themselves; the wolf caught the crow, ordered to bring living and dead water, revived the prince; he married the princess, the brothers repented]: 1989, No. 41: 192-194; Bashkirs : Zelenin 1991, No. 99(106) [poor young man Byzhyrmargan sees a snake in the fire, saves it; the snake orders him to go to her father and ask for a white chest as a reward; at home B. opens a chest, there are buildings, a household, a wife in it; the king is jealous and goes to war; the wife sends her to her father to get the arrows; they pierce the king's soldiers; fight the bull - B. brings a belt from his father-in-law, throws the bull to the ground; races, father-in-law gives a tulpara, he overtakes the king's horse; B. becomes king], 102(101) [Meshcheryak conspired with the owner’s daughter, got drunk; the Bashkir overheard, came at night, took the girl away; the king found out about the beauty and wants to take her away; the adviser suggests 1) sending the Bashkir for another beauty; the wife gives a note, this is her friend, the husband brings his second wife; 2) get dangerous golden-headed hares; the wife gives a felt felt, the husband brings hares on it, keeps it for himself; 3) bring a dragon; the wife gives an pick and a whip, the husband comes riding on a dragon, the king orders the dragon to be sent away; 4) find out how the king’s late father lives, to do this, jump into a pit where there is fire; the wife orders a shelter to be dug in advance and gives gold and silver bowls; a month later, the husband brings cups to the king - gifts from his father and mother, they say they are angry that he himself did not visit them; the king burns, the Bashkirs reign]: 431-433, 441-445; Bashkirs [a person sees a dream: the sun is at the head, the moon is at the feet, a star is on the chest; the man went, met a bull, he interpreted the dream: these are two wives and a son; the man came to the fence and lay down; the girl brought out the cattle and ordered them to go with her; she mistook the man for the son of the vizier, with whom she agreed to flee; they began to live; invited the khan to visit; seeing the woman, the khan ordered her husband to be killed and her brought to him; one of the viziers suggested sending a man for a horse that was grazing among the crowding mountains; the journey between the mountains is three days, and the mountains converge every day; the wife gives her horse; as soon as the other horse saw him, he ran after him; they managed to leave before the mountains collided; the khan pretended to be sick, the vizier ordered to send a man to bring ash from the Daughter of the Sun; the wife gives a letter for her; the husband comes to one old woman, she sends her to her eldest sister, the sister sends her to the eldest, she teaches her to hide in a hole and lure out a white horse three times; SK will get tired of going out to find out what’s going on; she falls asleep, you need to tie her by the hair and beat her with the whip that lies on the left; then she won’t eat, you can show her the letter; SK went with the man and became the second wife; the first gave birth to a son; the khan orders to find out where his late father put the treasury; the SK wife removed him from the fire and then returned him, giving him a bag of gold; The khan asked to burn him too, and he burned; the man became a khan; the dream came true]: Bessonov 1941, No. 27: 155-159.

Turkestan. Kazakhs : Babalar sozi 2001, No. 10 [old people are childless; the old man went to the one that the khan arranged on the occasion of the marriage of his youngest daughter; An old woman sees in a dream: a tall black man came and announced: “I will give you eight watermelons and one melon, you will have nine sons. The youngest, whom you give birth to from a melon, will be called the hero Kekzhan”; the old woman opened her eyes and saw 8 watermelons and a melon at the head of the bed; ate them; after 9 months she gave birth to 9 sons, the youngest was named hero Kekzhan; sons grew up; Once, in the absence of their sons, the old man and the old woman saw a flock of sheep, which the girl was tending, descending from the mountain; she came and asked for a drink; said that her family has 9 girls, and she is the youngest; the old man came to her father, wooed his daughters for his sons; 8 sons went to their brides, but K. stayed; did not order to spend the night near the mountain; but on the way back the brothers with their wives and father spent the night there; they saw an idahara (dragon), which held its own tail in its mouth, wrapping itself around the cattle; promises to return the cattle if the old man gives him K.; he spent one night with his wife and went to the dragon; he orders the golden-haired girl to be brought to him; on the way, K. met and took as a companion someone who could track the corsac; who knows the number of stars in the sky; who knows how many fish there are in the world; one buy will give his daughter to the one who shoots down a suspended gold ingot and knocks down its wrestler; K. knocked down the ingot and knocked down the wrestler, gave the captured girl to the first comrade; the same thing in another village - he gave the girl to a second comrade; in the third - to the third; K. went alone; in the village there is a golden-haired girl - “I would call her the moon, but unlike the moon she has a mouth, I would call her the sun, but unlike the sun she has eyes”; her father sets the same conditions (knock down the ingot, knock down the wrestler); K. complied, took the girl, went to the dragon; I saw an empty white yurt and began to live in it with a girl; the girl began to wash her hair in the Edil River, one swam away, a horseman on the other bank picked it up, came to the old woman Zhalmauyz, asked her to get the girl; she orders him to give her a golden boat and a wineskin; old woman to girl: this yurt is mine; I’ll kill you if you don’t tell me where your husband’s soul is; K.: “Under the skin laid on the right side of the ground, on the edge of a penknife”; the old woman got the girl drunk, pulled out a knife, heated it in the fire, threw it into the water, and took the girl to the horseman’s palace; the one who knows the stars said that the star K. fell; the one who tracked the corsac found K. dead; who knew how to count the fish, discovered that one pike was missing, caught it, a pocket knife was found in its belly, K. came to life; came to the kidnapper, he also took away his tulpara; tulpar doesn't let anyone in; K. offered to take him around; galloped to the palace, carried away the girl; brought it to the dragon, but he was killed, and next to him was a man in black; it turns out that this is his son (from the wife with whom K. spent one night); everything is fine]: 90-96; Daurenbekov 1979: 67-73 [a young man releases the wolf that carried away his horse when he promises his sister as a wife; at night she turns into a beauty; mother-in-law warns not to throw away wife's wolf blanket before 40 days; he throws the skin into the fire three days before the due date; the wife predicts misfortune; The khan sees the young man’s wife, the old woman advises him to send him for 1) an ingot of gold that the khan’s father dropped into the sea; the wife makes a silk flower, the young man uses it as bait, pulls out a hanshu fish, which brings back an ingot; 2) a herd of horses that disappeared from the khan’s father; the wife gives a stick, the young man drives the herd with it; 3) a stallion slaughtered at his father’s wake; the wife cannot help; the block given by the mother-in-law, thrown on the ground, turns into an iron yurt; the wife takes refuge in it while the husband goes to his mother-in-law for advice; she orders the grave to be dug up, the old khan throws out the stallion; seeing him, the khan was ashamed and cut off the old woman’s head], 96-99 [the khan makes the son of the late vizier new; a young man sees a duck with 99 colors, it asks not to shoot, it becomes a beauty; the young man is not in the palace for a long time, the khan sends servants, the wife turns into a golden chest; two former candidates for vizier propose to destroy the young man by giving difficult assignments; get 1) a golden eagle with feathers of 99 colors, 2) a bear with fur of 99 colors; the wife releases both of them from the scarf; the beggar offers to tell the young man to get 3) “Go there - come back here”; the wife sends him with her scarf to the world of peri, at which time she herself will be the stove in the house; in the city of peri the young man does not see the inhabitants, but they do not see him; approached the boy, he immediately fell dead; Mulla Peri explains that the boy was touched by a man; the young man is brought to the king of Peri; the sister of the young man's wife recognizes her scarf; the young man is sent to another city, where his wife’s second sister lives; only the blind frog knows how to fulfill the order, orders to build a ship from precious stones; the young man sails to another king, who tells the servants “Go there - come back here”; this is the name of the servant, he brings a cup of tea and a cup of meat, the young man gives the meat to the servant; the servant says that the king has never treated him, and goes with the young man; watching the miracles taking place from the tower, the old khan demands to get him “Go there - come back here”; the khan's people killed and chose a new young man; (another translation from the same original or a very similar text in Tursunov 1983: 234-239)], 215-218 [=Tursunov 1983: 224-228; the boy Kazangap herds the Bai lambs, sees in a dream the sun above his head, the moon below, and two butting lambs at his feet; he rushes to separate them, wakes up; the bai's son Asaubai asks to sell the dream, K. decides it is better to leave; the daughters of Khan Tausagora Gulyayim and Gulmakhira do not want the appointed suitors, they decide to run away with poor Sagit, Gulyayim is the first, Gulmakhira will join later; by chance, instead of S. it turns out to be K.; the vizier advises the local khan Asauhan to take Gulyayim and give K. difficult assignments; 1) bring “Suleimen’s white medicine” to the khan; the wife helps to choose a horse, sends her to her father’s domain, in front of the palace there are crowding mountains, Gulmakhira calls the peris, they give medicine; A. has already died, the bird lands on K.’s head, the vizier does not allow K. to be elected khan; the wife sends for her father, he makes K. khan and gives him both daughters; each gives birth to a son, K. understands the meaning of the dream; finds Sagit, makes him vizier, marries]; Potanin 1916, No. 36 [Temir-gendik (“iron navel”) killed the enemies; his sister found him crushed by a stone; took her as a husband; hid it in a chest; tells her brother that she is sick, orders him to get milk from a black saiga with a bell on his neck; the person he meets advises T. to give the dogs meat from the thigh, and the camel a whip, saying “turn into a leash”; They let him through, he kills three dau (devas), cuts off their ears; milks out milk, runs away; the old woman calls the dhow, T. throws her ears; the camel tells the old woman that she did not provide him with a leash, the dogs that she did not feed them meat; T. reveals himself to his mother, kills his sister and her hero, becomes the khan of two nations]: 142-143 (=1972, No. 3: 112-113); Sidelnikov 1952 (Akbulak district, Aktobe region) [the son of a poor old woman caught a golden-horned doe, took it to the khan; the vizier advises not to give the young man a reward, but to demand a stand for a doe, one wing is gold, the other is silver; the mother went in search; an old woman sews a crack in the ground; says a master near Mysyr makes such stands for 1000 dill; the young man received a stand, but the wings were simple; along the way there were wells with gold and silver water, the young man plunged the wings of the stand into them; now the vizier advises to order the golden tree to be brought; the old man teaches: a hare will run and hide in a den, there are two holes, the hare - in the left one, and you - in the right one; there is a cave of 40 robbers; we must cook dinner for them and hit the cauldron with an iron stick; the old man gave this stick; there is salt in the chest, you need to salt the food, the robbers will taste it and immediately die; there is a golden tree; you need to lean in, close your eyes and pull - the tree will end up in front of the palace; but the young man forgot to knock on the cauldron and remained as a cook for the robbers until the old man reminded him in a dream; now the viziers advise delivering the beautiful Kunkei; the young man goes, meets, takes giants as companions; 1) holding mountains on his palms; 2) all-hearing; 3) holding two lakes of water behind his cheeks; 4) a walker (a rock is tied to each leg); the young man saved an ant from a hole (gave him a wing); Kunkei is guarded by a dog, the first giant killed it by throwing the mountain; Khan-father K. offers to defeat the bull, the giant killed him; overtake the old woman; she gave the walker some wine; the one who hears says that the walker is sleeping; the young man hit the ground with an iron stick, the walker woke up, threw sand in the old woman’s face, and came first; find K.; hearer: she is in the underground palace; her brothers found her; the khan invited them to the iron house, ordered them to burn it, holding water on his cheeks, cooled the house; identify K. among 40 beauties (an ant crawled to her feet); the young man took K., on the way back he left each giant where he met; K. told the young man to ask the khan and the vizier to come out to meet her; turned the khan into a wolf, the vizier into a fox; the young man became a khan, married K.]: 253-260; 1971(1) [the khan’s son overheard at the yurt how the elder sister promised to weave him a golden carpet, the second to feed the people with one egg, the youngest to give birth to a son with a golden head, a daughter with a silver one; the khan's son gets married, in his absence the older sisters order the sorceress to replace the younger one's children with puppies, and throw the babies in a chest into the river; the khan orders his wife and puppies to be left in the desert; a fisherman catches a chest; the boy was named God gave , girl Kunslu (“sunny beauty”); old people died; Where. kills saigas, the khan gets nothing; the older wives send a sorceress to persuade Kunslu to ask her brother to get it; 1) self-playing dombra (Zhalmauyz-Kempir here and further helps to obtain); 2) all showing mirror; one chick Simurgh is crying (the dragon Idahor will eat today), the second is frowning (tomorrow), the third is laughing (the last); Godfather kills the dragon, Simurgh carries him between the crushing mountains, he takes the mirror, on the way back the mountains tore off Simurgh’s tail; 3) daughter Tasshilar for wife; this is Aislu (“moon beauty”), she is taught underwater by her late adoptive father, the fisherman of Kudaibergen; at Kud's house. A. turns the witch into a needle; Where. made friends with his father Khan; A. orders the demons to build a canal, a bridge; the khan returns his wife, the sorceress was burned, the older wives were torn to pieces by horses]: 33-45; Sidelnikov 1971(1) [having eaten horse toast during famine, the old woman gave birth to a son named Er-Tostik; he wounds the little siskin, he tangled the old woman’s yarn, the old woman tells him to better look for his missing 8 brothers, who drove the cattle to the south into famine; ET squeezes a handful of hot wheat in his mother’s hand, she admits that he has brothers; ET goes to look for them, finds them, brings them; their father Ernazar marries them to 9 sisters, and to the youngest Kenzhekey; Peri Bectory wants ET for himself; he orders Baba Yaga to seize E., he promises her a son; leaves the winepress at the old camp, ET goes after it on a six-legged horse, takes the seven-legged one on the reins; K.'s wife gives him her father's horse, which she took as a dowry; ET, grabbing the sharpener, runs away from Baba Yaga on it, falls into the lower world of the serpentine Khan Bana; he promises him a daughter if ET gets Temir Khan’s daughter; ET meets and takes as companions Thief, Windfoot, Sensitive Ear, Gorokat, Lake Swallower, All-Seeing Eye, thanks to them, wins the competition (1) Lake Swallower drinks and eats everything, Sensitive Ear hears about the intention to poison the guests, Thief replaces the dishes; 2) horse ET wins the race: 3) Windleg overtakes the old woman Mystan-Kempir, who was trying to put him to sleep; 4) the horse takes the cauldron from the bottom of the lake; first there is white foam on the surface, which means it’s grabbed; then red - do not lift; finally gets it), gets a woman; the grateful Bani Khan points the way up; on the way, the wife dies, ET goes with her slave Kunkei; kills a boa constrictor crawling towards the chicks; a double-headed eagle (one head is human, the other is bird's) carries him and K. to the ground; Peri throws him into the well, the double-headed eagle saves him; ET saves Kunkei, who was given as a wife to Shoin-Kulak (the son of Baba Yaga), overhears where the soul of ShK is (in a goat, in a box, in a chicken); kills ShK; returns to Kenzhukey]: 7-33 (=1958(1): 3-35, =Daurenbekov 1979: 15-35); Tursunov 1983: 171-179 [the son of the padishah refuses to tell his father his dream; he floats it down the river in a box; a young man picks him up and refuses him, the fisherman wants to kill him; the padishah saves him; buys a dream by giving away the throne and daughter; in a dream, a person holds the sun in his arms on the right, the moon on the left; the former padishah comes to the city, the girl mistakes him for her lover and runs away with him; another padishah falls in love with her; the viziers offer to send her husband for the diamond; the wife sends to her mother, who gives four diamonds; Having returned, the husband goes hunting, contrary to his wife’s prohibition, drinks blue water in the garden, the water turns into a beauty named Bibatima; she is the rival and friend of the man's wife - Minuar, both are sorceresses; the padishah orders to visit his late parents, to find out if they are in heaven; wives quietly kidnap their husbands from the fire, then pull them out from under the ashes; he says that the padishah’s parents are in heaven; he allows himself to be burned; the husband of the sorceresses is made padishah], 214-217 [father drove Begbolat away for disobedience; he releases the white catfish, saves a baby camel, two Samruk birds, and a fox from his pursuers; adopted by a childless old man and old woman; Karaayu, the daughter of Khan Akbuzau, promises to marry the one who hides from her; B. insists on hiding not 3, but 4 times; the baby camel takes B. to the Ice Sea, the catfish - to the bottom, Samruki - to the seventh heaven, the fox hides in a hole under A.'s throne; three times K. sees B., but because out of pride he never looks at his feet, he doesn’t see for the fourth time; B. receives a wife and a throne]; Coyaud 2012, no. 69 (China) [Aolar has a particularly valuable horse; two she-wolves tore him down; A. caught up with them, but the bow fell out of his hands and they led him to the old man and the old woman, they became girls; the old man ordered to choose one of his three daughters as a wife, A. chose the youngest; in human form it cannot be shown to people; but they began to laugh at A., he showed his wife; but covered it again; then he burned the blanket and his wife said that she was expecting misfortune; the khan decided to take away A.’s wife; ordered to find the bear and find out when he was born and how old he was; his wife teaches him to put on a horned demon mask and appear as a bear; bear: I am 99 years old, I was born in the year of the sparrow {is there such a year?}, but I have never seen such a monster; The 95-year-old hunter confirmed that the bear was already there before he was born; now the khan orders to bring 7 rubies, which are in the mouth of the dragon on top of a poplar reaching to the sky on the Syr Darya; father-in-law: in front of the poplar tree you need to scatter 20 bags of cookies for the dragon; for this the dragon gave rubies (or rather pink pearls); khan: bring from his late father a dapple-gray foal, which was sacrificed to him; father-in-law teaches to come to the tomb of the late khan; he produces a foal that is missing a buttock; the current khan and his wife ate it instead of giving the meat to the poor; if the khan begins to object, you need to throw a handful of yellow earth at him and the khansha (he gave him a bag); A. did so, the khan and khansha turned into pigs; the people made A. khan]: 152-161; Kyrgyz [Minbai’s son has a dream, how the sun came out of his head, the moon came out of his feet, stars fell from his chest; at this time, Juzbai's son Chanybek wakes him up, because the flock was attacked by wolves; buys a dream for a hundred sheep; his father sends him away; the crow and dove refuse to help, because he chased them, killed them; the horsewoman orders him to mount his horse behind her; later realizes that Ch. is not her fiancé Omuraly, the son of the wizard Seyit; she herself is the daughter of the sorceress Gulgaaki - Aisuluu; Ch. and A. live well; O. decides to kill Ch.; it turns into a yurt, O. and his people enter, try to lift the boiling cauldron, it overturns, they die; S. goes to take revenge, Ch. turns into a baby camel, the girls ask him to give it to them, he falls like lead into the lake, S. finds lead, it turns into a spider, S. into a sparrow, Ch. into a falcon, kills the sparrow; Karakhan fell in love with A., invites Ch. to play hide and seek; A. says that K. has become a white goat, orders him to be beaten; in poplar - chop with an ax; at a black camel (beat with 12 sticks); A. turns Ch. into a thimble, into a thread, into a needle, K. does not find him; demands that the letter be taken to the next world to his father; Ch. and A. write a note on behalf of K.’s father so that he comes to him; Ch. kills K. by throwing him from the mountain; Ch. and his wife come to their father]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963: 87-95 (=1968: 21-31; =1981: 28-33; =Ledenev 1987: 180-187); Karakalpaks : Volkov, Mayorov 1959: 3-13 [the khan has no son, he marries his daughter Gulziba as a boy; she becomes a khan, the vizier’s son becomes a vizier, finds out that the khan is a girl; they agree to flee, but at night the vizier is replaced by the chieftain of the robbers; she runs away and marries the shepherd Meitin; sews skullcaps, M. sells them for a high price; the merchant finds out about this, the khan takes M. into his service, gives difficult assignments to take possession of his wife; 1) build a palace from tiger fangs (M. takes out a splinter from the lion, he tells the tigers to give him a fang); 2) a palace made of feathers from the king bird; the Aidarha serpent devours her two chicks every year; M. is killed by a snake, a storm with rain begins; rain is the tears of birds, wind is from their wings; all the king birds give a feather; the khan wants to burn M. at the stake and send greetings to his parents in heaven; M. burns the feather of the king bird, she brings it to herself, gives fruit for the khan; the khan and the viziers order themselves to be burned, M. becomes khan], 39-44 [(= Marchenko 1993: 360-364); Coin became the ruler of the khan; Black Bird asks T. to give his sister for her; the girl agrees; the khan gives tasks 1) to bring diamonds to cover the yurt, 2) to felt a felt felt from gold and silver ram wool, 3) to get the daughter of the king of angels; The Black Bird helps to carry out the assignment, the khan turns into a pig, the viziers into dogs, T. becomes a khan, marries the daughter of the king of angels, the Black Bird dies, the sister returns to T.], 45-50 [the son of the bai sends the son of a poor man to bring from Bars- Kelmez 1) new boots (the mother of the three giants tells the eldest Sary-Dau to bring them); 2) winged tulpar horse; the same old woman orders the middle son Kara-Dau to carry out the assignment; 3) bring a sun-faced girl living in a yurt under the Bai-Terek tree; the old woman sends her son Kok-Dau; they are joined by a lake drinker, a strong man (who moves mountains), a listener (for three days he heard the stomping of a tulpar); the girl’s father orders her to climb a tree with a bucket of water without spilling it; win a race, a fight, sit on a fire, find a hidden beauty; companions carry out assignments; at home, the son of the bai died, the son of the poor man takes everything for himself], 114-119 [They want to take Abdullah to the khan’s work, he runs away; hiding in the tandoor, he overhears the conversation between the girl and the horseman; at night he comes instead of the horseman, runs away with the girl, all she can do is become his wife; the king appointed A. as vizier, others are jealous, they advise the king to take away A.’s wife, to do this, send him to bring the daughter of the khan of the city of Msyr; her groom must outrun her runner, defeat her wrestler, emerge unharmed from the fire, withstand the blow of a blade on his forehead; the wife gives her lock of hair to protect her forehead; on the way, A. is joined by his namesakes: a strong giant, catching birds as he goes, drinking a river; the companions defeat the runner and the wrestler, the water-drinker is not afraid of fire, the blade shatters into pieces on a lock of hair; A. arrives when the king wants to take his wife; people were placed on the throne by A.], 193-200 [the horseman told the shepherd that he saw in a dream how the sun rose on one side and the moon on the other; the shepherd bought this dream by giving away the entire flock; the horseman did not know that the flock belonged to the bai; he turned to the kazii, the kazii sued the bai for all the horseman’s property; the shepherd is hired by the husband of 10 wives; he must unlock and lock the gates; overhears the owner making an agreement to run away with the khan’s daughter, and replaces him at night; they live in the domain of another khan; his warriors and then he himself see the horseman’s wife; to get rid of him, the khan orders Dastegul to be brought; her horses always kill the suitors' horses; the horseman's wife orders iron nets to be put on the horses, these horses win, the horseman brings D., her sister and a caravan of treasures; the khan demands to go to the fire and bring a letter from his late father; the horseman's three wives promise to help, the third sends a bird that snatches the horseman from the fire; the horseman brings a letter to the khan, in it a request to execute the vizier and wife and come to his parents in the same way as the envoy arrived; the khan ordered his wife and vizier to be tied to the tails of mares; burned at the stake]; Karakalpaks (Karauzyak district) [{text fragmentary; the narrator apparently did not remember some details}; the div approached the Kogyurshin bird sitting on the bank and asked her to carry him across the river; Kogyurshin the bird did this and asked for his only son in return; The div returned home, did not recognize his son, and hit him; before leaving, the boy abandoned the alchik; he hit the old woman's spinning wheel and broke it; the boy asked the old woman to find him a Kogyurshin bird; The old woman said: “There is a river over there, when you go downstream, girls will come and swim, when one little girl falls behind, you grab this girl; as soon as she says: “My house is on the top of that forked poplar,” that’s where you go.” the boy did so, came to the house on the top of the poplar; The Kogyurshin bird {hereinafter called the dove} said: “Dig the river, my son, dig [both day and night], then, my son, build a bridge without supports from the ground and without pendants from the sky, then, my son, build a house, which would ring all the time on its own, then build, my son, a garden of wood, a garden of clay and a garden of stone, and I, my son, will give you my daughter; Which of my daughters will you take, my son?” {the completion of these tasks is not discussed further}; the boy replied that he would take the youngest of his daughters; Kogyurshin the bird said that he would give her back if the boy killed a diva named Dumalak; the boy did it, got the girl; enemies came and surrounded him; he took off his galoshes and killed all his enemies with them; took the girl, galloped to his native village; followed by a yellow bird; the divas drove her away; the boy and his wife remained to live in his father’s house]: Baskakov 1951: 80-81; Uighur : Kabirov, Shakhmatov 1951 [a young man catches a goldfish, contrary to his mother’s advice, gives it to the khan; the vizier advises to reward the young man if he brings the second one; he brings; bring living water from heaven for the fish, otherwise he will be executed; in a dream, the old man tells the young man to hide on the shore; five doves fly in to swim in the lake, undress, turn into girls, the young man hides the clothes of one; returns for the promise to bring living water; she brings a nut, if you hit it on the ground, there will be a lake; the vizier demands the golden throne; the elder orders to make a staff from plane tree, come to the cave of the sleeping dragon, take the gold, and when struck by the staff it will turn into a throne; get the daughter of a khan who lives a year away; the elder explains what to do; in the country of that khan, a young man builds a bridge, creates a garden, eats a cauldron of food (throwing in the seeds of plane trees, they imperceptibly turn into eaters); the young man explains to his wife that he must give her to his khan; she calls the khan out for a walk, orders him to bend down, grab the khan, and hold him until he dies; a young man becomes a khan]: 18-24; Kabirov 1963 [Kasim sees how a black snake overcomes a white one; kills black with ketmen; the white one promises to reward him, carries him on her back to her father; orders to ask his father for a magic ring as a reward; K. returns to his mother and asks her to woo the khan’s daughter; the khan orders a palace to be built from gold and silver, let fierce animals guard it; K. gets a wife, becomes a khan]: 297-303; Ostroumov 1906, No. 2 [father and son caught a goldfish; the father does not advise giving it to the king, but the son still gives it; the king made him an adviser on the right side; other nobles were offended and advised the king to send the young man for a glass bath for fish...]: 183-; Uighur [stepmother tortures stepdaughter Khazhyarkhan with work; Kh. spins while grazing cows, the cotton is carried away by the wind, she comes for him to the old woman’s cave; she orders them to cook thick noodles, pour the slop into the hole in the roof, and rip out her hair; X. does everything wrong (thin noodles, carefully takes out litter and slop, washes and combs the old woman’s head); receives a ball of ready-made thread, her hair has turned golden, receives an old woman's hair to burn if she needs help; the stepmother sends her daughter Patyamkhan. she does everything wrong, steals gold, her head is covered with dandruff; Leaving for the holiday, the stepmother orders the millet to be sorted; Kh. burns his hair, ends up with an old woman, she gives him expensive clothes and sends him to a holiday; returning, Kh. loses his shoe; At home, the chickens are sorting millet, the peri-doves are weaving; Adil, the son of the padishah, finds a shoe and looks for the owner; the dog tells the servants that she was put in the tono (tandoor); Having become A.'s wife, Kh. visits the house, P. and her stepmother pour boiling water over her and bury her; P. attaches her braids to himself, puts on her clothes, comes to her husband; a drop of X.'s blood fell and turned into a bird; she flies into A.’s garden and shouts that there is a secret in the house; A.'s wife pretends to be sick and will recover if she eats a bird; the bones and feathers were buried, two roses grew; the wife snatches them from A.’s hands; a poplar grows in the same place, the wife demands that it be cut down; a sliver of wood sticks to the gardener's beard, falls to the floor in his house, and turns into X; she tells A. about everything, her tears became a river, her stepmother and P. drowned in her]: Kabirov 1963: 320-331; yellow Uighur [two brothers tyrannize their sister; she dreams that the sun and moon entered her; finds a golden spindle whorl in a spring, hides it on his chest, it disappears; so twice; the third time he puts it in his mouth and swallows it; the brothers drive her out, giving her a mare, a dog and three goats; all the animals immediately gave birth, the sister gave birth to a boy, Gesar; the brothers send a crow and a dog to kill him, G. easily kills them; they send a monster; G. turns into an egg, teaches his mother to advise the monster to swallow it, gets stuck in his throat, grows, the monster dies; they come themselves, supposedly with gifts; leaving, one returns, nails the baby to the cradle, puts a stone on top, and lowers it into the river; his mother finds him, cannot move the stone, G. throws it off, gets up unharmed; they live in a hut; two princesses look at them, thinking of destroying the hut; G. accuses them of stealing marmots, finds marmots in their clothes; the khan will marry the eldest to the one who 1) wins the race (G. overtakes the riders on a bull), 2) threads a thread through a twisted horn (G. ties it to an ant), 3) covers the mountain with silk (G. throws a piece of silk , it covers the entire mountain), 4) recognizes the bride among a hundred horsewomen (the goose reports that a bee will hover next to her); G. gets a wife], 55-59 [a man climbs a tree, drops an ax, sees that a white snake is wrapped around the ax; the serpent demands that one of the man's three daughters be given to him as a wife; only the youngest agrees; when the girl comes to the cave, the snake and his family look human; these are celestial beings exiled to earth; their time in the form of snakes is over; the older sister visits the younger sister, sees snakes, gets scared; the middle one sees her sister’s handsome husband and is jealous; goes for a swim with her, pushes her into the water, takes her place; the youngest turns into a bird, caresses her husband, defecates in her sister’s food; she kills the bird and buries it under the threshold; a thorny bush grows, tears the middle sister’s clothes, she digs it up and burns it; a stone spindle whorl rolls out of the ash and is found by an old woman; when he returns home, the food is ready; she spies and catches the girl; she asks the old woman to invite the prince (i.e. her husband); the new wife says that they will come when 1) pine trees grow along the road (the real wife grows them overnight); 2) the road is covered with red and white carpets (it scatters wool, it turns into carpets); the prince and his imaginary wife arrive; the real one puts her wedding ring in her husband's cup, and crap in her sister's cup; the prince recognizes his wife, throws a snake onto the imaginary skin, it becomes a colorful snake]: Stuart, Jhang 1996: 40-43; Dungane : Riftin et al. 1977, No. 1 [the young man Jeong Dazhyo sees a black snake fighting with a white one and wins; he hits the black one with a whip, she lets go of the white one; in a dream, the old man orders to follow not a black man on a black horse, but a white man on a white horse; he orders to ask his father for the gourd that hangs on the wall; Having received the pumpkin, he spends the night in the steppe; someone is preparing food; he spies and sees how three girls (these are the daughters of the white snake’s father) come out of the pumpkin and cook; at the young man’s house, the younger sisters hide in a pumpkin and return with her to their father; the eldest is left to the young man as his wife; people from the spring build a new house for the couple; the official is jealous, demands 1) to plant trees in front of the council, 2) to shoot pheasants, 3) to win the mule race (the bet is the wife); the wife teaches what to do; ChD refuses the official's wife he won; the mule scatters fireballs, the official burns along with the council], 2 [stepmother takes care of her own son, tyrannizes stepson Jong; he sees how the black snake has bitten the head of the white one and pulls them apart; a white-bearded man from the lake calls to him, advises him to ask for a pumpkin; on the ground, returning to the pumpkin, Ch. finds a house with a wife in it; the stepmother orders 1) a donkey race between Ch. and her son, the winner will receive a wife; 2) cockfight; 3) dig a hole, fill it with boiling water; the wife orders him to jump into the pit, pulls Ch. out of there along with bags of gold; the stepmother's son got upset, she decided that he couldn't get the gold out, so she jumped in after him], 10 [Chinhua's mother died, the stepmother has a lazy daughter, Khiishchinhua; the cow tells Ch. that the stepmother will pretend to be sick, demand her heart, Ch. should not eat her meat, she should put the bones under an overturned vat; the stepmother orders the millet to be separated from the wheat while she and Kh. are going to the performance to the emperor; a rooster and a hen come out from under the vat and separate the grain; they are ordered to take the dress out from under the vat and go to the palace; Ch. loses a shoe, the young Yuanwei orders everyone to try it on, marries Ch.; she goes to visit her stepmother, she pours boiling water over Ch., applies her skin to H.’s face; Ch. turns into a bird, scolds his imaginary wife; Kh. orders it to be boiled, pours out the broth, a horncap grows, the fortune teller turns it into Ch.; the stepmother and Kh. are executed], 61 (Dzhambul region, Shensi dialect) [Luchyr (he was tending the owner’s horses) has a dream: he stands between the moon and the sun, with a star in each hand; another worker Tuzi (“lousy”) bought a dream and went wandering; the emperor's daughter does not want to marry the old dignitary, she agrees to run away with the student; he came, she was not there; the next night T. is sleeping in this place, the princess wakes him up and tells him to run; became his wife; orders not to take guards as friends; he invited the guard, he saw his wife, told the emperor about the beauty; the bawd advised telling the beauty's husband to get the cauldron from the country of Peri; the wife gives a bone - he will become a fleet-footed horse; the horse teaches you to steal the cauldron, tells you not to look back; T. looked back and missed the boiler; I brought it the second time; the bawd orders a handful of ash to be brought from the Peri country; the horse teaches how to get past the guarded gate; the guardian edingui advises to hide the pigeon outfit of one of the three peri who came to swim; return after the peri has stamped the palm; the emperor of the country of Peri gave his daughter to T.; T., now with two wives, brought the ashes to the emperor; bawd: dig a hole, light a fire in it, order the remains of your parents to be taken out of it; Peri's daughter ordered stones to fall from the sky, they crushed the emperor and his people; T. became emperor, Peri's daughter returned his hair; Peri's daughter asks why he is laughing; T. talks about a dream: the sun and the moon are two wives, the stars are their sons]: 35-40, 40-46, 96-100, 257-266; consequences (Ullagyl, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [an orphan boy saw two snakes fighting on the road; one is black, the other is motley; the young man threw the black snake into the bushes, and released the motley one; she brought him to her home; she told her serpent father that the young man had saved her from a black snake; the young man stayed there for several days, then got ready to go home; The motley snake advised: “Tomorrow my father will ask you: “Do you want a large measure of silver or a small measure of gold?” You say: “I do not want a large measure of silver, nor a small measure of gold. I want the chicken that’s in the yard”; the young man did so and brought the chicken home; In the morning I went to mow the grass, and when I returned home I saw that the bread and tea were ready; the next day he remained outside the door; the hen took off her feather cloak, turned into a beauty, cooked food, and then put the cloak back on; the young man had supper and in the morning again stood guard at the door; when the chicken took off his cloak, he threw it into the fire; the hen remained beautiful and became the young man’s wife; in the mountains an imperial hunter approached him; he tried the bread that the young man treated him to and took a piece away for the emperor; he ordered to tell the young man: “We will arrange a horse race; if your horse can’t stand it, the emperor will take your wife!”; the young man told his wife about this, she ordered him to go home to her father and bring a small white horse from there; the young man did it, won the competition; Emperor: “Tomorrow you level this mountain, and my army will level that mountain. If you fall behind, I will take your wife away”; the wife ordered to go home to her father and bring a white chest; the young man did it; a flock of doves flew out of the chest, which leveled the mountain before the imperial army; the emperor warned the young man that he would come for his wife tomorrow; wife: “If he comes for me, I will go. You wait seven days. Then tie feathers with wool, make a cloak, hang a bag on your shoulders, take a stick in your hands and go to the imperial doors to ask for bread! The emperor's soldiers took the young man's wife away, he waited seven days and did as she ordered; his wife, seeing him, laughed; Emperor: “I am so beautifully dressed! Why don’t you laugh at me?”; the woman replied that she would laugh when he dressed like a beggar; the emperor invited the young man to come in, took his clothes and a stick; then he went outside and came back; the woman ordered the guards to kill him; the young man became the emperor, the woman remained his wife]: Tenishev 1964, No. 54: 108-109.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars : Dmitrieva 1981: 52-55 (Barabinsky) [a boy is born to an eighty-year-old couple and immediately grows up; given to the khan, studies with his son in a madrasah; he has a picture of a peri under his arm, he finds that peri and gets married; she weaves carpets, he sold the carpet to the khan, he decided to take his wife; 1) bring a hare with a golden head and a silver tail (brought); 2) bring the dragon from the mountain near the seashore (he brought it, the khan, in fear, ordered it to be taken back); 3) rise to heaven on a ball and take the gold to the khan’s father; the wife writes a letter, tells her husband to give it to the khan, “Your father did not give the gold, he ordered him to come himself”; the khan flew away on the ball, did not return, the young man became a khan, a peri-khansha], 67-68 (Barabinsky) [the khan tells the young man by name Puryush 1) bring fish bones short ; P. frees the white fish nailed to the mountain, she gives a bone short ; 2) fish bone blood ; P. kills a dragon that jumped out of the river and attacked an eagle's nest; for saving their two chicks, Orla's father and mother brought him a bone; 3) deliver the girl Aching ; the old man who had helped earlier turned into a falcon and brought P. to a stone house without a door; P. opened the house with a sword, A. was inside, he brought her to the khan; A. turned the khan into a raven, his people into ravens, married P.], 111-115 (Barabinsky) [No. 6; the man leaned down to the river to drink, the peri grabbed him by the beard, ordered him to give him something that he did not know at home; at home a man learns that he has a son; at the age of 16 he left to look for Peri, three old sisters Peri consistently give advice; first 37, then 3 more doves-daughters of the peri will fly in to swim, take off their clothes; the young man must take the middle of the three clothes; Peri demands to identify the bride among 40 girls, she warns that a fly will land on her nose; the young man takes Peri's daughter as his wife; he orders that by morning the forest should be uprooted, plowed, sowed, and baked bread; they do it, then again; the father-in-law locks the young people in the bathhouse; when he leaves his spit to answer, turns her husband and herself into a needle and thread, they come out through the crack; the father sends in pursuit; the daughter turns 1) her husband into millet, herself into a reaper; 2) husband to the mosque, himself to grandfather; the father is chasing himself, she turns her husband into a lake, herself into a duck; the father tries to drink the lake, the duck pokes his stomach, the water flows out; the newlyweds go to their husband, the wife does not order him to kiss his younger sister, she kisses him herself, he forgets his wife; at the new wedding, the peri-dressmaker creates doves, they kiss and remind the young man of his former wife; he reunites with the peri]; Radloff, Proven, IV, 443 in Potanin 1916 (Tyumen) [was Bai Tokpai-Bai, he had 9 sons; they drove the herds, at which time the mother became pregnant; I wanted horse breastbone (breastbone); gave birth to a son, Ir-Tyustyuk; playing grandmas, he offended the lousy guy; that one: it would be better if you found your brothers; IT gave him all the money, incl. golden, asked his mother to cook wheat, pressed her hands to the cauldron, she had to tell her; IT found the brothers, an unrecognized follower began to live with everyone, eating everything; they recognized each other, the brothers agreed to return to their parents; IT tamed the foal and the mare and began to ride them; the elder brother asked his father to marry his 10 sisters; he stayed in a fisherman's yurt; when he saw 5 hats, he cried, the other 5 he laughed (at first I thought that there were only 5 brides in the house, and then I realized that there were 10); the fisherman gave his daughters to the bai; the youngest Kunjekey orders to spend the night on a waterless hill; Bai got angry, stopped by the water, there was a lung floating there; Bai hit it, it became an old woman (kempir) with seven heads, and began to strangle it; refused to take horses, 9 sons, demanded IT; Bai promised to leave her a golden grandma and send IT for her; after the wedding, IT asked about his grandmother, IT was going to go pick her up; K. ordered to sit on the white horse Shal-guiruk, take the white saber Ak-polat, white chain mail Ak-syrmal; Sh. tells IT that a kampir-dzhalmaus sits on the site of the yurt; she replied that she could not get up; Sh. became huge, then small, IT grabbed his grandmother and galloped off; they began to fight with the old woman, both fell underground; Sh. left IT one hair to call her; IT meets, takes as a companion 1) one who hits one mountain against another, 2) one who drinks a lake, 3) a runner who easily catches animals, 4) one who hears at any distance; they came to Ulmis Khan (it was his daughter who sent those comrades so that IT would marry her); they said that a fugitive had allegedly disappeared into the village of UH, and they demanded the daughter of UH; he orders 1) to overcome the strongman (he who stole mountains overcame), 2) to overtake the old woman (the runner overtook); the khan put IT and his companions in an iron house, surrounded it with wood, and set it on fire (the water-bread doused the fire); the listener said where UH's daughter was hidden (on the ground); IT went home with the girl he took; Choyun-gulak came out to him, invited him to his place, and entered into battle; IT defeated him, but the saber does not take him, ChG defeated him; Sh. ran to his comrades, they saved IT; IT asked CG's wife to find out where his soul was; she made their child cry, explained to ChG that the child wants to join his soul to the soul of his father; CH: at the top of the mountain at the bottom of the well there is an iron box, there are 4 quails in it; IT killed them; everything is fine]: 89-93; Chulymskie Turks [the sister gave the two heroic brothers a drink; the neighbors dug a hole and lowered them into it, throwing half a horse carcass and a piece of wood; they sobered up, made a balalaika, and began to play; The old woman heard and pulled out the heroes; says he will outrun the goat; they took her with them; another old woman; the old man drinks a lake and pours it into another; they took him too; they lit a fire in front of the city; king: who are you? ready to compete in running; the king sent the old woman; the heroic old woman overtook her and went to bed; the tsar's wife soiled it and ran past; Bogatyrskaya woke up and overtook; the king dug a hole and covered it with silk; another old woman warned not to walk on silk; the king wants to burn them; the one who drank the lake poured water on the fire; everything floated; brothers tore their sister apart with horses]: Lukina 2004, No. 5.5: 100-103; tubas [ Oskus-Mt ("orphan boy") works for the rich, his wife - T ÿlg ÿnök ("chanterelle"); Karatykaan threatens to take away his horse and wife if he does not complete the task; 1) find out how old the bear is (T. tells O. to take 60 dolls she made to the den; the bear says that he is already 62 years old, but has never seen such people); 2) hide (T. turns it into a comb); 3) count the trees on the mountain (T. orders salted flour to be smeared on the trees and the hare trap; the hare says that there are 80 trees on the mountain, 30 in the hole; he has never eaten anything so tasty); 4) find K.’s son (O. cuts a birch tree, the son screams, it’s me); 5) bring the given ones Erliku two black horses; E. gives them, K. cries, lets O. go; E. sent a flood, took K. and all his property; O.'s wife was carried away by the seven-headed man Not done ; O. killed him, returned his wife]: Baskakov 1965: 55-60; Chelkans : Kandarakova 1988 [after the calling of a shaman, the wife of a childless White-Kana gives birth to seven sons; after the second calling - six-eyed Look at it ; eldest son Maka-Maatyr sees the girl get up from the cradle, devour animals, lie back down; MM runs away, marries the youngest daughter of the Great Khan; two other brothers-in-law persuade her to give MM difficult tasks, the wife explains how to complete them; 1) get a golden eagle feather; MM cuts off with an arrow the heads of the seven-headed serpent emerging from the lake to devour the golden eagle chicks; they hide him from his parents; their father arrives with rare snow, their mother with heavy rain (these are the tears of golden eagles), they carry deer in their claws; the chicks explain that MM saved them, the golden eagle does not kill MM, but gives him a feather; 2) get a tooth of a monstrous wolverine (one of its horns is stuck into the ground, the other props up the sky; MM jumps between the horns, the wolverine runs under the clouds, cannot throw it off, gives two teeth); sons-in-law don’t know how, MM makes a cauldron, working with these teeth as tools; 3) bring Altyn-Tana , daughter of god; the wife gives MM fur coats to have, the AT brothers ask her to show MM her face, drink araki from a thimble; AT loses consciousness, MM takes her away; the brothers catch up, she sends them back; turns the khan into a fox, his people and property into black earth; MM climbs the mountain, sees his camp, cries; says that the branch, the pipes, and the wind damaged his eye; AT punishes them, the mother of the wind explains what the matter is; MM gets home on a six-legged horse; six-eyed K. ate everyone, chases MM, tears off all the horse’s legs one by one; AT tells her not to touch her husband, K. leaves]: 44-72; 2005 [Ak-Kaan believes that Kystyyak-Mergen has taken all the wealth of the taiga for himself, goes to fight him, he easily kills him; bury with honor; AK's wife gives birth to a son; he plays with other children, breaks their bow, they say that the CM killed his father; he asks his mother to give him a handful of hot wheat, squeezes her hand, she is forced to tell how his father died; AM meets a skinny horse, she turns into a good horse, a hero’s robe is tied to him, a note that the rider’s name will be Alatai-Mergen; AM meets and kills the servant Ai-Kaan, several of his heroes, AK offers to shoot the scarf hanging where the seven heavens meet, and get into the eye of a clamp needle, the one who does it will receive his daughter; for others, the arrows do not reach, for a boy at the court of Ai-Kaan, an arrow pierced a scarf, but not the eye of a needle, Alatai-Mergen shoots through, gets a girl, the boy and he become sworn brothers; in search of KM, AM goes underground; the horse warns not to pay attention to the playing monsters, not to touch the old woman, who puts one ear under her head and covers herself with the other, to bow to the man on a large stone while crossing the river; turning the horse into dung, himself into a water rat, then in column AM runs to the old woman, tickles her nose, she sneezes out 7 rings, he breaks one, 6 turn into heroes; the one sitting on the stone comes to the rescue, an arrow sent by Kara-Nyutkul {is that the boy?} pierces the hearts of AM's opponents; the one sitting on the stone explains that KM is his nephew, he cannot be killed, otherwise all evil spirits will rise; as soon as AM decides to abandon the pursuit, the red star in the sky (this is KM) goes out; N.’s sister, who sent her arrow to help, explains that two heroes (masters of the Blue and White Seas) took away his eyes and will kill him in 6 days; AM finds KM's eyes in the belly of the pike, returns KN, together they kill the owners of the Blue and White Seas; AM received KN's sister, KN received from him a daughter, Ai-Kaana; she was previously engaged to him, so he sent his arrow to help AM]: 132-158; Altai people : Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [with Karaty-kaan they buried a golden cup, seven camels, seven slaves, seven songstresses; the new khan sends the poor man Dita behind the bowl; the old woman gives him combs, needles, iron posts; when those buried with K. rush at him, he gives combs to the singers, needles to the slaves, and poles to the camels to rub against them; runs away with the cup; camels, etc. do not stop him; K. orders the cup to be handed over to his son so that he can become an empty cauldron, and his daughter-in-law a magpie; that’s what happened]: 127-131; Katash 1958 [seven khans lived on earth; their names were Big Mouth, Long Arm, Sorcerer, Hearer, Runner, Strongman, Big Eye; they easily defeated everyone, destroying everything living on earth; Karaty Khan decided to deal with them; The listener overheard that he was going to put them in an iron chest and fry them; at the khan's headquarters they were served poisoned meat; The sorcerer made it so that the khan's people ate him; when the seven were lured into an iron trap and a fire was lit, Big Mouth, who had drunk the lake before, cooled the trap; The strong man knocked down the door; with the help of the Runner they escaped; but the Pure Spirit (Ulgen) forced them to commit suicide; they threw themselves off the cliff and turned into seven stars; The Big Dipper is called Jeti kaan (“seven khans”)]: 10; Nikiforov 1915 [“Toibon Khan and nine good zaisans” (hereinafter T.) summon an old man Olikshin 'A; he is old, he has three daughters; the eldest and middle go instead of him and return; the youngest arrives and looks like a hero; turns out to be a young man - Ain Shain Shinshirge ; the God gives him a horse Ilysin 'A; T. offer difficult tasks; 1) bring the fangs of the beast Karagula (he is like a mountain, AShSh defeated him, they fraternized, K. gave fangs, T. begged to take him back, K. devoured half of T.’s cattle and people; the same with the fish Ker-balyk; 2) bring a shaman from the sky; she is also the Kan-Kerede bird; ASSH finds her two daughters in the house, they hide her, they say that the mother will come with the wind and rain - the fan of her wings, drops of sweat from them; KK flies in, agrees not to swallow ASH, and to visit the earth with him; her daughters marry ASH; when the shaman beats the tambourine, T.’s people and cattle do not reproduce, but die; 3) bring from the lord of the dead Erlik 'and given to him were two jugs for distilling and a fur coat; mother-in-law gives AShSh poles, coals, eyes, tendons (in hell, two camels rub against poles, and not against AShSh’s horse, the fellows don’t burn coals from AShSh, but take ready-made ones, girls don’t pull tendons from a horse for thread, crows peck at the eyes given to them ); ASHS crosses the hairline bridge J mourning (“past”) Do not walk (“don’t step”); there is a hoe at the stump; if it lies on the ground, the woman will die; if she lives, she will die on the stump; next to it is a peak (the same sign for a man); the lungs of two people are tied in a stream, the water carries them neither up nor down (two kama did not finish their studies, this is their punishment); the horse teaches you to throw sand into the yellow swamp, say, Father's good (swamp), be you Altai , the swamp is drying up; then two people tied to poplars catch those trying to escape from E.; then the mare hits the man on the head with her hoof (the man stole and ate the mare’s foal); a black stone was stuffed into a man’s mouth (he took bribes); the old man and the old woman have their cauldron crushed by a stone (mean in life); a naked young woman holds a marlushka in her hands, the other laughs (the second asked the first one three times for a marlushka, but she did not give it); spouses pull the blanket from each other, others lie covered (the first quarreled, the second lived in harmony); E. asks to bring three horses, horse I. helps to do this; E. leaves ASSH. for a while on his throne, orders not to go to the mountain; ASH goes and sees lakes made of people’s tears, bushes made of their hair; gives away the vessels and fur coat, asks for I.’s horse in return; I. breaks down and returns to ASH on the ground; E. asks ASH to migrate, devours T. and all living things in his land; ASH says goodbye to his parents, goes to the upper world]: 31-64; Surazakov 1979 [("Maadai-Kara", song 3); Kogyudey-Mergen rejected Erlik's daughter Kara-Taadi; KT set it up so that KM drove away his horse and took another; this is a snake, he brought KM to KT; the old horse turned into a golden eagle and carried the CM to the ground; his parents tell him that Ai-kaan lives on the edge of the world, he has a daughter, Altyn-Kyusku; KM goes after her, meets her, takes 6 heroes who look like him as companions; CT is trying to destroy CM, but does not know which of the seven is him; each of the heroes has a special ability; K. – water floods the hot iron house in which they were left; K.-mountain wins in single combat; K-fire destroys enemy weapons; K. the jumper runs first to bring a handful of sand from afar; KT puts him to sleep with alcohol; K. the earth hears this, K. the shooter wakes him up with an arrow, K. the jumper wins; also knows where the hole is dug in the yurt; KM gets AK, but KT takes her to the netherworld; CM breaks through a mountain with a hammer, brings back his wife; Ai-kaan orders to get the fin of one of the two whales {apparently, ker-balyk}, on which the world rests; then bring the bear; KM takes it out and brings it in, Ai-kaan orders to be taken back; KM and his wife return home]: 157-210; Plots 1986, No. 8 [Dyakshylykh-Dyalakay ("Good-Tender") lives alone, grazes a herd, the wolves ate half, the other, of his horse; he is not angry, the Wolf is calling to him; along the way, DD meets an old man, then an old woman, does them a favor, they advise taking only a puppy from the Wolf; at home he turns into a woman; Kara Khan wants to take it away for his son; gives difficult assignments; last: bring from the underworld the golden and silver bowls, which he placed in the coffin of his parents; he fulfills everything, triumphs]: 320; Yutkanakov, Tokmashov 1935 [Childless old man With Kogu finds a beaver and adopts it; Beaver asks K. to woo him to Mene-Ko , youngest daughter According to Blood A; six eldest are already married; KK orders to cut K. in half, send the corpse home on a bull; The little beaver revives him; the next time K. was burned, the ashes were sent home; The little beaver revives K. with healing water and gives him strength; he throws six sons-in-law over the mountains, KK agrees to give TK for Bobrenok; he easily gives a rich ransom for the bride, taking property from under a birch tree on the mountain; KK invites only beggars and cripples to the wedding; 1) six sons-in-law return without prey, the walking Bobrenok catches six deer, leaves them to his sons-in-law; they give him offal; he turns offal into a choice dish, making meat inedible; 2) the next time the sons-in-law give Bobrenok meat, they take the giblets, but the meat is tasty, but the giblets are inedible; 3) KK orders to catch the mare; The little beaver catches it, gives it to his sons-in-law, and in return they cut off and give him their little fingers; 4) bring foals stolen by the Kan-Kerede bird; The little beaver throws off his beaver skin, tells his wife to hide it, turns into a hero Kuskun-Kara-Matyr ; his father is the mountain, his mother is the sea; he catches a heroic black stallion; his sons-in-law don’t recognize him; he promises to bring them stolen foals, for which they cut off and give him their thumbs; KKM comes to the sky, there is Kan-Kerede’s nest on a silver poplar; her chicks are eaten every year by a seven-headed snake; one chick is crying (he will be eaten today), the other is laughing; a snake comes out of the sea, KKM cuts off its heads with an arrow; the eldest chick extended his wing, KKM followed it across the sea to the nest; the chicks answer that their parents will arrive with the rain (tears) and the wind (flapping wings), hide the KKM under the wing; birds give foals to KKM; six sons-in-law prepared a trap pit, KKM fell and ran into a stake; his horse was hung from a post; Kan-Kerede revived KKM with healing water; KKA reproaches his wife for showing her sisters-in-law a beaver skin; it was burned; the wife explains that they got her drunk; KKA burns the skin, curses KK, his people and land, leaves for his father, turns him into many boys and girls, creates cattle, leaves; TK goes to look for him; she is met by the daughter of the Sun-Kan and the daughter of the Month-Kan, they are the wives of KKA; KKM brings another wife - a chick (i.e. daughter) Kan-Kerede; plays a wedding with all four]: 41-171; tubas (recording made by N.P. Chernoeva, a famous Tubalar storyteller) [lived Saatakai , his son Ëdgëi-Bagai went to look for a wife, fell into a stump; Dylan-Biy does not order him to open three doors in his palace; ËB finds girls for each, plays with them, marries one; the wife says that DB tells him to identify her among the birds (she will fly), the coals (she will lie at a distance), the rings (she will sparkle like gold); after that, DB tells LB to lift the chest; At first he cannot, after drinking araki and eating meat, he rises; DB orders not to give anything to his wife until she gives birth; At home he gives her all the clothes from the chest, the wife disappears; DB's mother hides him from her son; he hires himself out as a blacksmith to his wife, but she does not recognize him; he tears her magic from the seam of her fur coat with pincers, beats her; she recognizes him, stays with him]: Sadalova 2002, No. 25: 239-249; Chelkans [after turning to the shaman and sacrificing a horse, the wife gives birth to seven sons, the eldest Maka-Maatyr ; next time he asks for a girl, but donates not a mare, but a dog, gives birth to a six-eyed one Look at it ; MM sees K. get up from the cradle, eat the calf, and lie back down; then a foal, a bull; MM says she will be leaving for a while, leaving completely; marries the youngest of three daughters Ulug-Pia ; other sons-in-law advise father-in-law to tell MM to bring 1) bird feathers Purush ; the wife says that her nest is on the top of one of the seven larches; a seven-headed snake crawls from the lake to the nest, MM kills the seven heads with arrows, climbs into the nest; the chicks say that this snake always devours the chicks; Father P arrived. with the wind and fine snow, then the mother with the wind and rain (these are her tears), gives two feathers; 2) a tooth from a wolverine living at the confluence of seven rivers to make a tagan; the wife says that one of her horns is stuck into the ground, the other is raised to the sky, she must grab onto both; wolverine produces two teeth; 3) youngest daughter Kudai Altyn-Tana ; the wife teaches to make a dwelling where K. gets water; his three sons will come; for a fur coat made from what was collected from the mountains, ask to see half of your sister’s face; for a button sewn from collected from the meadows under the arm; from the rivers - let him drink araka from a thimble; AT is drunk, MM carries her away; the brothers who received the fur coats catch up, AT sends them away; turns the UP cattle into black earth, it into a fox; MM marries AT; she says that only six-eyed K. remained at MM’s father’s camp; AT gives him a six-legged trotter; K. gnaws the bones of his parents, sees MM on the chimney, chases, chops off, eats the horse’s sixth and fifth legs, fights with his brother; AT tells her to leave, she returns home; AT and MM live on]: Sadalova 2002, No. 20: 173-201; Kumandins [in White Kaan a and Kyumyush-Aryg a frail boy was born Altyn-Kanpyuk , they threw him to the bulls, he disappeared; in another world Kara-Kaan picked him up; he refuses food from the eldest and middle daughters, eats from the youngest Recognizes , immediately grows up, wants to take her as his wife; KK orders 1) recognize her among the sisters; T. said that she would lower the end of the scarf; 2) among three geese (T. will scatter wheat); 3) build a large yurt (yorgyo) overnight; T. put her mother to sleep, searching in her head, took her book from under the poplar tree, waved it, and an image appeared; wedding toy nine years old; the old woman advises to flee to AT’s homeland; KK sends a chase; T. turned herself and AT into two flowers; next time in the fish in the stream; KK's wife Shipilday she is chasing, T. turns AK into a stone, sits on it; her mother cannot persuade her to return, she gives her two eggs, dressed in them; AK enters the house, T. waits for a long time; finds out that AK is marrying Patlyt-Kodyr ; T. gives his dress to sister AK, she puts T.’s ring in his cup; he remembers his wife, arranges for her (a holiday) for 30 years]: Sadalova 2002, No. 21: 215; Teleuts [Khan wanted to marry his daughter to a hero Gold-Male 'ah, but he came to the competition unrecognized, seedy, lousy; brought an iron larch, threw a stone higher than everyone else, brought a mountain; got a girl]: Nikiforov 1915: 209, approx. 1; shorts : Arbachakova 2010, No. 3 [the horse tells Ak Kaya that his bride Ak Kuya is marrying someone else; lucky where needed; they meet someone who can drink the sea, crush a rock, and carry everything to any distance; the horse orders everyone to be fed, everyone blows a whistle to call him; Khan's father AK will pass her off as someone who has completed the task, and those who do not complete it will be executed; it is necessary to move the sea and the rock in it, to fell the trees beyond the sea; Ak Kaya wants to see the girl first; the horse neighs, the girl goes to the window to see, Ak Kaya has fallen in love with her; horse: order the khan to boil a bull before completing each task; each of the assistants eats the bull; the first uprooted the forest, the second removed the rock, the third carried the sea; Ak Kaya got a wife, returned home, recaptured his father’s cattle, which they wanted to steal]: 203-215; Dyrenkova 1940, No. 15 [A lonely guy (OP) exchanges a sheep for a pike caught by people; it falls out of his bag, he throws it into the water; the owner of the water sends for him, offers a reward for his saved son; OP takes the little dog and feeds it at home; in the morning his dishes are made of gold; at night the OP spies and grabs the copper-haired beauty; she says that now the owner’s son will come for her (SH, i.e. her brother?); SH tells his father to return the girl; 1) invites the OP to play hide and seek; the girl points out that SH has become a ram with curled horns; turns her husband into a comb, SH doesn’t find him; SH – bull, OP – thimble; SH - bird with a crest on the seashore, OP - needle; 2) bring a golden table; the wife orders him to follow her ball; he spends the night with three girls, in the morning the copper-eared old woman wants to eat him; he shows her the book given to him by his wife, she recognizes him as her son-in-law; gives another horse, sends it to his older sister; She has the same episode, she gives her a six-legged horse and tells her to go after the black cloud; The OP takes the table away, the shaman cannot catch up with him; stays in an empty house; asks for food, food appears; he asks the invisible to share the meal; the grateful invisible one follows him; The OP distributes their horses to those who helped him, etc., and returns home; there are no doors or windows in the house, they appear when the wife recognizes the OP; The owner sends soldiers, the OP releases the red-crested birds he brought, they destroy them, transfer the property to the OP]: 237-251; the khakas (Sagai people) [Khan orders to bring a fur coat placed in the grave of his deceased mother; the wife gives the hero a horse, who brings him to the land of the dead; one old woman is trying to separate water from milk (during her life she diluted the milk for guests); another squeezes araka out of manure (during her life she diluted the manure with araka to cover something); the khan's mother gives a fur coat, ends the torment of the old women; a woman, who during her lifetime stole bridge material for fuel, lies across the river; returning from Erlik, the hero crosses this bridge; when another person steps on him, the old woman gets up, and he lies down as a bridge instead of her]: Mainagashev 1915: 287-289; the khakas (Kachins) [Kara-khan and Pai-Bigu each have a son; Sarykh Khan arrives and demands that they be apprenticed to him; P.'s son receives his father's blessing in the form of a horse, K. forgets to bless his son; at S. both boys are beaten with an iron rod, only P.’s son named Kanyg-kylys survives; does not eat human flesh, secretly hides pieces on himself; withstands heat and frost in the room; passed by people who committed bad deeds (the woman who diluted the milk poured it from vessel to vessel, etc.); S. gives him the Divine Book to read, he tears out and hides two pages; rides away on a horse, meets a girl, takes her along with him, tries to ride away from S.; Having crossed the sea, he sees S., turns into a fish, S. into a pike, cannot catch K.; the girl says that S. left to cut down a birch tree, in which K.’s knowledge; The birch tree falls, K. forgets everything, but the pages of the book drive S. away from him, and he leaves; K. marries that girl; a shaman appears in K.’s family, driving away those coming from S.; he began to rise to heaven, God returned him to earth]: Kuznetsova 1899, No. 1: 140-143; the khakas [the fishermen caught a barrel, the old man asks for it, finds a boy in it; the king takes it away; the sun and moon disappear, the king orders them to be brought; the foal comes running and tells the young man to go to the hut by the lake; there is an old woman (mother of the sun) - one ear is under her head, covered with the other; she orders a red cloth to be spread out (the foal warned him to take it with him), geese with golden feathers will sit on it, one must be pulled out and a ring made; upon his return, the young man throws the ring to the ground, the sun and moon return; the king orders the beauty to be brought; the foal takes the young man to the same old woman (the same thing, at home a girl appears from the ring); the beauty orders her golden comb to be brought; the stallion orders you to take blue and white threads with you; having tied himself with them, the young man climbs the larch tree to the sky; a white goose flies into the nest, says that if they took his daughter, they would take the comb; lets you pull out a feather, promises good luck; at home, a comb emerges from a feather-ring; the beauty orders to bring living and dead water; the water is guarded by 40 wolves; the stallion lets in frost, then heat, the wolves fall asleep, he orders them to take one bottle at a time; the beauty pours living water on the young man, dead water on the king; he dies; wedding]: Koptelov 1956: 155-160 (=Balter 1986: 41-45, =Taxami 1988: 210-214); the khakas [Khara Khan took the hunter’s only horse; he took the girl and began to live with her in the forest; X.'s son saw her, wants to take her for himself, asks his father to take her away from the hunter; X. demands 1) play hide and seek; the wife orders, upon entering the bai, to turn everything over and break it, select a horse with a covered eye, a rusty bit, drive it, hit it in the eyes; the horse turns into X's son; when Kh.'s son comes to look for the hunter, his wife turns him into scissors, Kh.'s son does not recognize him; 2) ask how old the bear is; the wife gives seven hats, orders him to lie down in the forest, put them on his feet, knees, hands, head; The bear comes up, reasons that the poplars have stood for 300 years, he lived under them for 60 years, but he has never seen anything like this; 3) go to Erlik Khan, bring a black fur coat from his deceased father, a black scarf from his mother; the wife gives a ball and the skull of a dog, tells him to go get the ball, then throw the skull; the shadows of X.'s father and mother reproach their son for greed, order him to become a black woodpecker, his wife to become a blue woodpecker, and their son to become a magpie; they ask you to pick up the dog’s skull, it barks and gives no rest; the hunter returns, the site of the yurt is ashes, the son of Kh. is preparing a wedding with the hunter’s wife; the hunter turns Kh. with his wife and son into birds, returns his wife, is chosen as a khan, distributes cattle to the poor]: Balter 1986: 46-52 (= Taxami 1988: 218-223); Tuvans : Vatagin 1971, No. 11 (Dzun-Khemchik district) [the boy raised two golden eagles, received two dogs from his father’s friend, and began to understand their language; when he returned, he did not find the yurt; where the mother slept, I found a needle and a fragment of a comb, where the father - a whetstone; A six-headed mangys crawled out from under the ashes Calchaa-Mergen ; cut off the legs of the boy's horse; the boy threw a whetstone, a comb, a needle, they became a rock, a thicket, an iron poplar; K. climbed over the rock, made his way through the thicket, and began to chop down the poplar; the young man sat on the top; the ax flew to the side, K. fell asleep, the Frog threw the ax into the lake; K. drank the lake and began to chop further; The fox offered to chop for him, hit him with the blunt side of the ax, and threw it into the lake; K. drank the lake again, sharpened his ax; the boy asked the ravens to call his golden eagles, they carried the boy on their wings to his father; he gave him a name Above-Mëge (Heavenly Strongman); Cher-Aldy Khan marries his daughter to the one who wins in archery, horse racing, wrestling; D. wins, kills K. in a duel, marries], 14 (Bai-Taiginsky district) [poor orphan Oskyus-ool hires himself out to the khan to remove millet while the moon is in the sky; asks the moon not to set, it does not pay attention; the khan beats the orphan; the same with the sun; three daughters Kurbustu Khana in the form of swans they go down to swim on the lake, throw off their clothes made of feathers, the orphan hides the clothes of the younger one; gives it to her, she says that her wings now smell like a person, they won’t take her back, she becomes O.’s wife; Karaty Khan requires 1) to make it rain; 2) stop it; 3) build a glass palace; the wife puts on swan wings, ties them to a birch tree in the sky, and then unties a piece of red silk, thereby causing and stopping the rain; orders to tie a piece of yellow silk with a thread and throw it into the lake to her uncle Uzutu-hana , he sends the palace, O. brings it to the khan; 4) get an army raging like the sea Kalchaa-Dalai ; the wife sends O. in her clothes to heaven, her mother intercedes for O. before Kurbustu Khanom ; he says that the army is in a golden chest near the Sun and Moon; O. leads them with a lasso, half of the Moon has been erased, the Sun has become hot; O. tells how badly both of them once treated him; receives an army, then destroys the evil one Karaty-khana and his people, O. feasts]: 112-117, 130-139; Katanov 1907, No. 1095 (Khemchik) [=2011: 262-265; The orphan has 7 horses; the wolf eats them one by one; invites the orphan to his place; the wife of the Wolf Tsar Shibishkin teaches to ask, when leaving, as a gift a puppy, a skinny lamb, 3 upper sticks from the yurt; they turn into a beauty, a palace, a cattle; the son of Karatta Khan sees the wife of an orphan, faints, asks his father to get her for him as a wife; K. tells his son and the orphan to 1) play hide and seek; The orphan's wife turns him into a needle, a ring, fire, a son. K. doesn’t find it; explains to her husband that K.’s son became a birch tree, a hat, an arrow; the orphan takes a knife to cut them, son K. admits defeat; 2) count the hares (give sugar; the hare will say, “I am one of 50 thousand hares, but I have never eaten such a sweet thing”); 3) K. wants to kill the orphan, but shoots at the feather grass; puts up with him; K. gives the throne to the orphan]: 128-132; Tuvans (Kara-Khem) [it was a long time ago, when the rivers dried up from the heat, and the beaks of birds melted; Anchi Kara was left an orphan, he slaughtered the last goats, there was no game to be found; began to sing and all the animals gathered to him; then disappeared; the raven ordered to take three beads from his nest, swallow them - you will begin to understand the language of birds and animals; AK hears two herons talking; they talk about a lama who was reading a sacred book, threw it away, stole a tripod from someone else’s yurt, put it on his head, the tripod was hot, the lama became bald; then a conversation between a hare, a wild cat, a wild ram, a boar and a fox; everyone says how he will kill a person; the hare: looks with his sideways eyes and the man bends; boar - will kill with tusks; ram - gored; the cat will tear it with its claws; the fox will scratch you with its claws and beat you with its tail; AK grabs everyone, orders them not to attack people, but to do what these animals are doing now; I didn’t grab the fox, she ran away on her own; AK comes to Darynsa Khan, whose daughter Nagyr Chechek has become blind; next to that bald lama; AK told about what he learned from the herons and promised to cure NP; hears a conversation between two swans; LF will cure the juice of blue flowers growing in the sky; the swans promised to bring flowers; the lama advises the khan to cut off AK's hands and head if he does not cure the LF before sunset; at the last moment the swans brought flowers and NC regained her sight; but, at the instigation of the lama, the khan promises to give AK his daughter only if he gets out of the pit; they threw him into a hole and blocked the exit with stones; realizing that AK understood their language, the mice dug a way out; now the khan sends AK to the south to kill Shulbus; the swans teach you to find a black foal with a white spot on its forehead, ride it to a long snake, ask it to wrap rings around the shulbus, and shoot out its only eye with an arrow; Shulbus died, the vaults of his cave collapsed; the khan drove the lama away, and AK married NC and took him to Kara-Khem]: Taube 1978, No. 30: 137-146; Tuvans (Buren-Gol River): Potanin 1883, No. 84 [old man Tyumendey I saw felt floating on the river; he turned into Dzhelbaga , grabbed the old man by the beard; let him go when he promised his three daughters; The old man and the old woman gave their daughters buckets without a bottom, sent them to pick berries, and migrated; Having repaired the holes in the buckets, the girls picked berries; they saw a stranger in the yurt and realized it was J.; went out into the yard and ran away; they threw a comb (turned into a forest), a beam (into a rock); J. cut the road with an ax; A beaver by the river asks the girls what its tail, ribs, and teeth are like; they praise him, he transports them; J. says they are wormy; The beaver tells him to pick up stones, throws him in the middle of the river, J. drowns; The beaver told the sisters to climb three spruce trees; Three young men passed by and took them as wives; older sisters promise to sew clothes and covers for their husbands; the youngest - to give birth to a boy with a golden head and a silver neck; the elders throw the boy into the lake and replace him with a mole; he bites his returning husband; the husband breaks his wife's arms and legs, gouges out her eyes; she is left alone; she successively mutilates three rats, who treat their paws and eyes with grass; the woman is treated with the same herb and recovers; cannot lure his son out of the lake; he catches it a third time, leaving his bow and arrows on the shore; gives her milk, drops tears into his eyes, he recognizes her as his mother; his name is Men and women ; Seven geese fly, and at their cry the mother cuts off her ear, nose, and lip; E. shoots, the arrow comes back with a human finger; E. meets the Khan's shepherd named Buzakai Tarakai , he refuses to marry his daughter for E.; E. kills him, takes his form; the khan orders to catch the calf, E. cannot, the khan beats him; orders the cows to be milked, the cow is not given, E. says, “Make milk,” the milk is milked by itself; the khan orders the soles of his boots to be licked and goes to bed; E. smeared them with sour cream, the dogs licked them; gives seven daughters to Jety-tas (Seven Bald), but the youngest marries the imaginary B. (i.e. E.); she is the most beautiful of all, only she has no index finger; E. 1) brings his father-in-law a mountain goat, whose external meat is bitter, the internal is sweet (and the second time - vice versa); 2) brings three horses Tengri-khana (follows them into the sky along the rainbow); 3) the khan orders to bring a foal, which Khan-Garide steals from him every year; E. knocks off the tails of the foal and Khan-Garide with an arrow, hiding it; The Jetytases tell the khan that they knocked off the tails; Khan-Garide asks E. not to kill him, gives up the entire herd of foals and the burden of his down as a sign that he was killed; Jetitasi they dig a hole, E. falls into it; his horse leads Mengu is a girl , she makes a rope from her braids, pulls out E.; he, in his true heroic appearance, returns to the khan, showing his hidden tails; whose arrow shot into the sky kills the archer, falling, he is a liar; Jetitasi killed by their own arrows; E. and his wife visit their mother; the horse kicked her and killed her; she was buried], 110 [see. motif K24A; Tung Karat Khan marries Sambai-dagine , who descended with her sisters onto the lake in the form of ducks; she flies away to her father Ter-khan ; seven Tayanji-kuls (who were previously her husbands) blew up her iron house; KH, having become a thin boy, meets along the way a huge Raven, then a huge Wolf; they answer that they are going to peck the eyes of KKH’s horse, there is KKH’s horse; KH beats them, breaks off their legs and nose to their current size; Mourning replies that he is going to kill and eat TK himself; TK ground it into powder, spider webs, horseflies, and mosquitoes formed from it; TK pierces a giant rock with an arrow, makes a dry path through the swamp with an arrow; each time before this he turns two hairs torn out from a horse into two ravens, they report that there is no road, but the horse orders to shoot; two boys on the seashore; they say that they serve SD water to wash in two golden vessels; TK puts the ring and bracelet left to him by SD into the vessels; seeing TK, Ter-khan agrees to recognize him as his son-in-law; orders 1) to kill the snake Amyrga Mogus ; he brings the lung of a killed snake, filling the whole house; 2) snake Iron-Mogus ; she used to eat people, but now she eats stones; TK brings her lung, himself Ter-khan cannot lift it; returning to earth, TK steals the sun and moon from his father-in-law and does not agree to give it for cattle; Now the sun and moon are shining on the earth, and Ter-khana dark], 131 [Khan's son wants to take away his wife To Ulber ; she hides her husband; son Karabty Khan turns into various objects, U., with the help of his wife, finds and defeats him every time; then the khan sends U. to Erlik behind a damask knife; along the way to a flower meadow, a cliff, a boiling sea, you need to make a libation; Give two women sinews for sewing, two camels to drive two pegs into the ground, two dogs - a piece of meat, three heroes - a lasso; W. takes away the knife; they all let U. go back and forth when U. takes away the knife and E. chases after him; E. kills the khan and his son, takes his knife, beats Erlika ]: 341-348, 373-379, 412-416; South Altai Tuvans : Taube 1994, No. 3 [on the advice of the horse, Ergen-ool agrees to become a friend of the black snake; the serpent turns into a young man on a blue horse, sends the young man to his house, and gives him a golden casket there; it contains cattle tags, scissors, a needle; he throws it away, in the morning he finds a beauty, a yurt, and a lot of cattle; Kharagati Khaan sends servants to roast the quails; the quails were burned, E.’s wife gave them three pieces of a sheep’s tail instead, sprinkled them with her milk, XX and his people ate this for a month; XX comes to her yurt, she makes him stick to objects three times at night; E. comes to XX, his horse reaches the clouds with its withers, rolls the boulders of the lower world with its feet; XX unsuccessfully tries to poison E. with araka; XX suggests hiding; the wife turns E. into a fire iron, fire tongs, and scissors; tells her husband that XX has turned into a hair of felt on the roof of the yurt, a stalk of reeds, a yellow whip; XX orders to kill Erlik Khaan and return; the wife asks to take sandbags, tendons, leather sticks, and a sheep's tail with them; a black dog runs across the scorched pasture; he must be fed with a sheep's tail, strangled, his tail shoved into his mouth; pour sand on a snowy mountain to cross it; the camels will ask whether to scratch themselves on you or on your horse - give them some skins; women - pull the sinews out of you or from the horse - give them the sinews; a man and a woman call out to each other on opposite sides of the rock, two others on opposite sides of the lake (the spouses lived in discord; the latter spat on each other, the saliva turned into a lake); in the cauldron of one there is boiling water, in the other there is a bone without meat (both are stingy during life); a man eats huge tea leaves (during his life he threw away tea without boiling it well); in Erlik's world, E. meets that black dog; the dog says that when Erlik is awake, he says, I'm sleeping , and when he sleeps, then I am not sleeping ; by morning Erlik fell asleep, E. tore off a piece of his heart and flew away like a falcon; sees a man leading a black dog; it was the revived Erlik who led XX], 20 [the childless old woman picked up a frog with a ladle, he promised to become her son (this was the youngest son of the god Gurmustu); the old man feeds him meat; at night there is a rainbow in the yurt, by morning the frog turns into a boy; he herds goats; orders Kharaatai Khaana's youngest daughter to marry him; the first time the old man is killed, burned, the Frog revives him; in the second, the Khan demands that a sugar tree grow on his left hand, and a golden poplar with a golden cuckoo on his right; The little frog turns his sword and scabbard into them; gets a wife; to her he seems like a young man in a white yurt, a stranger - a frog in a hut; three sons-in-law are going hunting, only the Frog has shot game; the sons-in-law take the meat and leave the offal for him; but his dish is the most delicious; the khan asks to find who is kidnapping the foals; they are dragged away by the bird Khan Gerdi, whose eggs are devoured by a snake; A little frog kills a snake crawling towards two chicks; their mother swallows and regurgitates it; returns the horses, warns that his sons-in-law have prepared a pit covered with a carpet for him; he himself throws them into the pit; cuts off the heads of the khan, khansha, and their daughters, these were Mangys and Mangysikhs; he leaves]: 61-69, 196-202; South Altai Tuvans [8 sons of Bai Nasar drove 800 horses and did not return; when BN and his wife ate horse brisket, the wife gave birth, their son was named Er Töstük (“breast man”); he grew up; one old woman was weaving, he stepped on the thread and broke it; the old woman told him to better look for his brothers; the father said that he had no brothers, he was deceived; the grandson of another old woman began to pull ET's bow, ET hit him, the boy died; and this old woman told him to find his brothers better; ET found first the brothers, and then the horses, they returned home; BN went to them to look for 9 sisters as wives; found; their father did not order to spend the night at the Salt Well (Chushurlug Chuduk) on the way back, but BN did not listen to the warning of his younger sister, intended for ET, and spent the night there; she sent a man to her father with a request to give her a hemp shirt and the best mare and camel for this purpose; he didn’t want to, but gave it; in the morning there is no mare; BN went to the place where he spent the night at the Salt Well: the mare was there, and next to him was a dzhelbege, she covered herself with one ear and put the other under herself; BN asks for the camel; dzhelbege says that he cannot get up, let BN come up himself; he approached, she grabbed him, threatens to eat him, refuses to let him go in exchange for his 8 sons, for 800 horses, agrees to let him go if he gives ET; BN promises to leave Djelbige with his son’s triangular file, with which he sharpens arrows; he will say that he forgot and will send ET for him; the bride tells everything ET; he asks his father what horse he should ride on; BN: sit on the six-legged one and take the eight-legged one with you; bride: no, sit on the horse that my father gave me, put on that hemp shirt; 8- and 6-legged horses will not last 6 or 8 years; when ET mounts his horse, he orders the djelbige to shout: what kind of children are behind you? she will look back, you need to grab the file and gallop away; they escape and find themselves in the underground kingdom of the snake Bobbuk Khan; the horse tells you not to be afraid of snakes that will crawl inside the ET and come out; since ET was not afraid, the two snakes turned into khans; ET says that he came to get Temir Khan’s daughter for Bobbuk Khan; he is pleased and lets him go; ET meets people, each responds (at first without understanding who is in front of him) that he would like to become ET’s companion; the first knows how to catch birds in flight; the second one hears everything; the third eats a lot; the fourth drinks and pours the sea back out; T. will give his daughter to the winner; the ET mare wins the race; who endured mountains - in struggle; the gorge eats the most; the drink takes three sips, but the sea level has only dropped three fingers; ET's horse dives: if black blood flows, he died, and if colorless, he took out the cauldron; first colorless, then black blood rises, but then the horse swam out and brought a cauldron; the listener heard that T. was going to burn the heroes in the house; the mountain lifter overturned the house, they came out unharmed; T. orders poisoned meat to be served, the heroes changed their portions and the portions of the khan’s subjects, they died; ET brought daughter T. Bobbuk Khana; in return he gave Chünkee a girl and five men; the men died along the way; ET and the girl spent the night under a larch tree; the rain poured down, and a snake crawled towards the chicks of the bird Khan Gärdi on a tree; ET shot the snake with a bow; In the morning it started to hail and Khan-Gerdi flew in; Having learned what happened, she took the ET with the girl S. and the horse to the ground; but the son of Dzhelbege Schojun Gulak (SH) was already waiting there; he took Ch. and the horse away and pushed Et into the pit; the horse managed to throw the flint into the pit; ET struck a fire, burned the feather given to him by Khan-Gerdi, she appeared, lowered her wing into the hole and ET climbed out along it; ET and Ch. agreed that ET would hide under the cradle in which Ch.’s son was from ShG; she will prick the baby, he will cry, ShG will begin to ask why; Ch.: the baby says that he is the son of ET, and not SHG, since SH does not want to leave his soul (the container of life) next to him; SH whispers to the baby (and ET hears) where his soul is; 70 moose will come to the Salt Well, there is a brown box inside, there is a soul in the box; ET lay in wait (the moose are afraid to approach, but SH reassures: he killed ET), ripped open the belly of the brown one, there are 9 birds in the box; he killed 8, left one, came to ShG, began to fight with him, ordered Ch. to kill the ninth; there are again 9 birds in the box, but Ch. killed them all and ShG died; his son jumped up, but ET threw him into a 70-foot hole; when ET returned home, the camel, as predicted, gave birth to a baby camel; the expecting bride became 15 years old again; holiday]: Taube 1978, no. 37: 192-206; tofas [Khan tells the guy to find out the age of the hare; the sister orders to guard where the sweet berries are; hare: I’ve lived 63 years, but I haven’t tried such a sweet berry; orders to find out the age of the bear; sister: put one hat on your head, the other two on your knees; bear: lived 70 years, but never saw a three-headed creature; the khan orders to train a black stallion with 9 stirrups; the sister gives 3 iron whips and orders the stallion to be beaten; he turned into a khan]: Rassadin 1996, No. 35: 81-82; Buryats : Barannikova et al. 1973, No. 1 (Tunkinsky) [the orphan earned a horse, he was eaten by wolves; takes on a bet to chop four fathoms of firewood in a day; there is not much left, the orphan asks the Sun to hesitate, but the Sun sets; again he works as a laborer for a year, receives seed grain, in the fall his harvest was destroyed by hail; he goes to the sea to fish and catch animals in a snare; sees how 7 swans flew in, took off their clothes, became girls, and began to swim; the poor man hides his most beautiful clothes; she asks to return it, promises to recognize the kidnapper as a father if he is old, as a husband if he is young; the orphan returns her dress and keeps the scarf for himself; everyone admires his wife; so that her husband does not get bored, she draws him her portrait; the wind carries it away, the soldiers bring it to Abaakhai Khan, who orders him to find the woman; they go into an orphan's house to roast a bird; do not take their eyes off the owner, the bird is burnt; the hostess makes it unburnt, orders not to tell what they saw; the bird satisfies the hunger of AH and three soldiers; AH orders to stay in these places; the next day the soldiers do not look at the woman, they fry the bird, it tastes ordinary, AH beats them, forcing them to tell everything; locks an orphan and his wife in an iron barn; tells the orphan 1) to bring an evil yellow dog from the east; the wife gives a hook, the orphan pacifies the dog with it; 2) clear the bottom of the hot hell; the wife gives a red thread to get out of hell; it is impossible to cleanse hell, but the orphan invites AH to check it out himself, to go down; 3) bring tribute from the son of the Star and the son of the Sun; the wife gives the thread to climb into the sky, her handkerchief to show her to her mother, who recognizes her as a matchmaker; the guard climbs up behind him, the orphan shakes him off, and he falls; After resting with his mother-in-law, the orphan comes to the wife of Zvezda’s son, who hides him in a hot cellar; when the son of the Star comes, everything cools down; the son of the Star sends to the son of the Sun; along the way 1) two roosters ask to know why they are fighting; 2) woman - why does she sit on the horns of a cow; 3) another woman - why is she lying there, water flowing into her mouth and flowing out from behind; the wife of the son of the Sun hides the orphan in a cold cellar; he begged the son of the Sun to send him on a day's journey on the horse Altan Sharga instead of himself; at noon he must dine on a silver table with 88 legs; the old man lying prone replies that he is looking at his seven dogs on the ground to show them the cattle they can eat; the orphan breaks his arm, knocks out his eye because he gave his horse, for which he worked for a year, to the wolves to be eaten; another old man replies that he is trying to blow back the stone hail and rain that he lets through the heavenly doors; the orphan beats him, breaks his arm, knocks out his eye because he destroyed his crops; in the evening the son of the Sun gives the orphan a golden cane for AH; says that the woman lying on the ground did not give the mothers milk for their newborns; another was beating a cow that was being milked in honor of the Eastern Zayans; you should swing a cane at the roosters, they will turn into gold and silver; AH wants to kill the orphan, he swings his cane at him and his warriors, they fall dead; the orphan was chosen as khan, the daughter of Tenegeri as khan]: 29-31 (=Barannikova et al. 1992, No. 2: 37-61); 1993, No. 10 (Alar) [dying, old Taryasha says that when he was young he set a snare for hares overseas; his son Gong Sezhe has grown up and goes to check the snare; on the way he is joined by Genen Erhe, the son of a wealthy merchant; every time he acts rashly and stupidly; across the sea, Dalai Bayan Khan suggests 1) cutting the meat of a bullock, dried 25 years ago; The GE does this easily, the GE cannot; 2) find out the age of the bear; the khan's daughter, Dangir Shara, orders round bread to be placed on each shoulder; bear: I’ve been living for 97 years, I haven’t seen a two-legged one with two heads; 3) build an iron bridge across the sea; DS gives his handkerchief, GE waves it, a bridge appears; the khan gives his daughter to GE, they return to the parent of GE, DS creates a palace there]: 167-181; Dugarov 1990 (balagan) [in old age, the king of Bogdor gives birth to a son, Khan-Khuzhir (more precisely Khan-Guzhir), the top of the body is golden, the bottom is silver; brother B. Zoton-Hara tames the horse for him; XX goes to woo Gonok-gohon-duhe, daughter of Guli Khan (GH); Wanting to test the groom's insight, the bride gives poison, XX does not drink; GH requires 1) defeat the 58-headed Mangadhai; he comes out of the sea, his dog, golden eagle and kite sense danger, he kills them in anger, XX hits him with an arrow; 2) bring the dog Gunir; XX approaches when she is sleeping, puts on a collar, brings her in, GH is horrified, XX releases the dog, she promises to help; 3) feather of the bird Khan-Heregde; her chicks say that a 25-headed serpent will come out of the sea to eat them; XX turns into a birch tree standing by the sea; the serpent comes out, XX becomes a man again, strikes all the heads of the serpent with an arrow; a drop of blood the size of a tick chases him, catches up, XX dies; the dog Gunir comes running, swallows XX, vomits the living one, and dies from the poison; the bird gives a feather, XX is horrified, the feather remains with XX; 4) Naral-Gerel liver, which contains edible oil; along the way, XX sees Hohodoy-Mergen, who fought with NG, and now he has only the upper half of his body, and below only bones; XX turns into a poor calf shepherd and comes to NG; he sends him to bring the knife that remained under the body of KhM (he himself is afraid to approach him, fearing this knife); HM gives a knife, XX cuts NG with it, takes the liver, revives HM with oil, he flies to heaven, promises to help; 5) to receive back from the heavenly Esege-Malan-tengir what GH has sacrificed to him over all the years; immediately lightning destroyed the GH, the ashes were scattered by the wind; XX takes the bride, goes to his father, falls asleep; the monster kidnapped half of the subjects and livestock and flew away; XX woke up from the bride’s tears, shot an arrow and galloped after; the sky hits the ground, cutting swallows in half; XX jumps through, only the horse's tail is cut off; the servants in the palace answer that the mistress returned with an arrow in her back, died, her four sons went to bury her; XX defeated and killed them, took everything; his 4 younger brothers meet him, they are looking for him; XX shoot an arrow: if brothers read his name on it, if strangers, the arrow will hit them; they caught the arrow; everything is fine]: 231-244; Buryats (Khorinskie) [the wolf ate the orphan’s horse; he goes to look for him; old man: when you defeat Shono-khan (“shono” - wolf), ask him to give the red dog and the blue chest; he did so; returns to the yurt - the corner of the chest is burnt, one of the dog’s legs is broken; the next day - second corner, second leg; on the fourth - four; he hits the dog; In the morning he wakes up in a palace (it arose from a chest), next to a beauty (that dog); Sh. calls for a wedding; the wife warns not to step on the carpet (there is a hole under it), not to sit on the bed, not to eat anything; the orphan touched the food with his finger and died; The 25-headed Khongil Shara Shabshehei put him in a coffin and threw him into the sea; wife of Mangadhai: if you catch the coffin, place it on the shore; the coffin is found by three daughters of the khan, inside is a baby, growing quickly; every day the Khan's mare foals a golden foal, he disappears; the khan asks the grooms to guard his daughters; they fall asleep, the foundling shoots at a descending cloud, a bird feather falls to the ground; the foundling gives it to the suitors, and for this he cuts off each ear; the khan sends for the bird; a foundling sees a nest, one chick laughs, another sings, the third cries; while father and mother Khan Garaudy are flying, the chicks are eaten by a fiery snake (it will eat the crying one today, the singing one tomorrow, the laughing one the day after tomorrow); they deliberately steal golden foals in the hope that the strongest of people will go looking for them; a foundling kills a serpent with an arrow, Khan Garaudy gives away 9 foals; the foundling gives them to the suitors, and in return cuts the belts from their backs; they throw him into a pit; the horse digs it up, revives the foundling with his tear; he comes to the khan, shows the belts; the khan hangs the suitors alive on branches to feed the crows; the foundling destroys Sh.'s army, crushes him, squeezes him into a crevice to feed on insects; For 4 months he fought with Khongil Shara Shebshekhey, the son of the foundling grew up, came to the aid of his father, the body of ShShSh was burned]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 5: 93-109; Buryats (place not specified; Baikal?) [the dog brings the orphan Gure Araksha to a beautiful house, orders him to obey the horse, says that his betrothed daughter is Shaza Khan; GA picks up a swan feather, a fiery roe deer's horn, a fragment of a fiery stone; comes to Sh., in the guise of an old man, then takes on his own appearance; Sh. gave his daughter, but demands that his son-in-law bring the swan itself, the roe deer itself, and the fire stone itself brings GA; demands the stallion of the sea lord Dalai Lusai Khan, then his daughter; the horse lures them out, gets them; DL's daughter refuses to marry Sh. until they bring foam from her sea; GA called the water dirty, the sea began to rage, GA brings foam; GA's wife became a swan, flew away, her older sister replaced her, GA did not notice; but the wife drinks, she goes to her father’s house alone; in the third year the GA finds a yurt, where his real wife, the imaginary one, returns to her father; the wife ordered GA to bathe in boiling milk; the horse snorted, the milk turned into mist; Sh. decides to take a swim too, he got upset; GA became khan, took DL’s daughter as his second wife]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 11: 181-191; Pribaikalsky Buryats (Okinsky district of Buryatia) [noyon Sebzhenei goes to worship; meets, takes as a comrade someone who is sensitive to hearing, who lifts a mountain, who can imperceptibly change the feathers of a magpie and a crow, who runs with stones on his feet, who swallows the sea, who is a sharp shooter; Khan invites you to compete; a runner on foot overtakes horsemen; the sensitive one finds out that they want to poison them, the money changer replaces the food, the khan's noyons die, the shooter kills all the khan's mergens, the swallower drowns everyone who remains; to atone for the sin of murder, seven young men throw themselves into the sea and end up in heaven - “Seven Elders” (Ursa Major)]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 14: 209-215; Pribaikalsky Buryats (ehirit-bulagaty) [AM hunts, while hunting he is killed by an old woman; the horse galloped home; his sister Agu-Nogon put on his clothes, killed, burned the old woman, buried her brother’s bones, went west to Munko Khan for a magical bride who resurrects the dead; on the way she turned into a hawk, into a deer; kills the bear, she is thanked by the bear’s enemy Shargolzhin (ant); kills the bird, thanks the king of the frogs; the old man poisoned passers-by with tea, AN kills him; wooes the daughter of Jerzy Munko Khan (she is the resurrector); 1) EM hangs the imaginary groom by the Black Sea to freeze him (the king of the frogs who lived in the sea saves); 2) sort the flour (ants sort); 3) get the dog, this is the monster Hara Bura ("Black Camel"); Tengri gives chains, AN brings HB; AN gets a wife, the shaman says that AN is a woman, AN’s horse prevents the khan from finding out the gender of the mistress; 4) get the feather of the Hanhan Gardi bird, which fought with Menehe'em - a monstrous frog; AN kills M., receives a feather from HG; the bride resurrects AM, they live well]: Zabanov 1929: 13-14; Buryats : Tugutov, Tugutov 1992, No. 16 (Selenginsky, Dzhiginsky district of Buryatia, 1973) [Khan of Tibet gives away his daughter Yunzu Erdene for those who have passed the test; Suranzan Gombo Khan sends a matchmaker Uranium Swearing-off 'A; 1) in one herd there are a hundred mares, in another there are a hundred foals, each foal must find its uterus; FIRE let them into one pen, the foals found the queens; 2) the same with chickens; 3) slaughter one hundred sheep in one day, eat the meat, and prepare the skins (UT invited guests, they did everything); 4) recognize the bride among a hundred identical girls (the maid said that the first word of the prayer would be written on the bride’s cheek; the maid hid in a cauldron under a pile of wool, spoke through a copper tube; the astrologer said that a three-legged cast-iron bird gave away the secret, the khan burned it ); UT tells SG that his bride has no nose, and YE that the groom has an abscess on his head; he himself marries Yue; SG found out the truth, blinded UT, and married Yue himself; began to build a subargan; sent servants to find out from UT how to build; he told; He sent his sons to tear out the tongues of the messengers; They decided that they needed to tear out their legs and tore off their high boots; subargan completed; UT broke it; SG forgave UT, he healed his eyes]: 63-68; Khangalov 1959c: 241-267 (balaganskie) [ Tume-Ulan-Khan promises a daughter to the one who hits three targets with an arrow: a cart of firewood, a black stone, a gold plate with a hole; NZ gets there, gets a wife, and constantly smears everyone (including his wife) with snot and feces; gets a second wife - the daughter of three lamas Sorzhi; continues to stain them at night; goes somewhere every night; they sew the end of a thread wound into a ball to his fur coat; they walk along it to the palace on top of Mount Orgil-ula; they see there a man the size of a mountain praying, to whose hem their thread is sewn; in the palace NZ receives the blessing of three Shibegeni-Burkhans and the name Abay-Geser-bogdo-khan ], 276-282 [the Chinese king’s beloved wife died; he began to mourn her and ordered his subjects to do the same, giving up work; the youngest of the seven Black Smith brothers is sent to Abai-Geser-Bogdo-Khan for help; he says that he needs the severed heads of seven Black Smiths; the messenger blurts this out to his wife, the demand is made known, people send Geseru seven heads required; he makes cups from skulls, fills them with wine, and ascends to heaven to his grandmother Manzan-Gërmë , gets her drunk, steals erdeni (magical objects), begins to descend to earth; MG discovers the loss, orders his grandson to fall into the yard of the sinkhole Albinus (tama - hell); then he takes pity on him, strains the milk from his right breast, and throws him after him; G. finds himself at home, the milk turns into the Milky Way; the bowls thrown by MG form the Big Dipper; G. comes to the sleeping king, orders him to bury the deceased and put a dog in her place; tells the awakened one that it is a sin to mourn; the king orders G. to be placed in darkness with lice, small lice, snakes, frogs, worms, fire, frost, tar, in a burning tama; with the help of erdegi G. destroys Tama every time; the king gives him his daughter as a wife]; Khangalov 1960, No. 111 (Balagan Buryats) [ Khan-Gujir wooing the king's daughter Flower ; he demands to bring a bird feather Khan-Kheregde ; HG comes to the yellow sea; three children of the bird XX say that the twenty-five-headed snake Horto-Sharta has already eaten their six brothers, their father cannot defeat him; HG turned into a golden birch tree on the seashore; kills the crawling snake with an arrow; dies of his black blood; his dog resurrects him and dies; bird XX gives his feather, buries the dog; when the pen is leaned against the palace of King G., the palace staggers, G. is afraid; (hereinafter HG gets the king’s liver for G. Sun-Gerela , kills G., takes his daughter)], 118 [from the king Gondola unloved son Mu-Monto from the eldest wife and beloved Altyn-Segse from the youngest; M. saves the enchanted man Moga-hana , rotating in a fiery wheel; he helps him, M. becomes king, marries Agu-Green-Queen ; G. is jealous of his son and wants to destroy him; 1) sends to the next world to return a horse and saddle from his late father; the wife explains how to do it; on the way M. sees the torment of sinners; 1) G. sends M. to heaven Esege-Malanu return the ram and nine skins sacrificed to him; the wife lifts M. to heaven on a skein of thread; E. sends M. back, promises to return what is required, strikes G. with thunder]: 250-256, 308-314; Buryats (balaganskie) [brother Garyulay-mergen and sister Agu-nogon-abaha; G. goes hunting, meets a 7-headed mangathai; asks: what is behind you - your soul or the soul of your horse? G. looked around, the mangathai swallowed him, spat out his clothes; the horse picked up G.'s clothes and weapons and brought them to his sister; dressed in her brother's clothes, met Mangathai, she asked him the same question, he looked back, she killed him with an arrow, caught and killed the horse; her horse orders the thumb of the mangathai's right hand to be cut, containing the bones of his brother; the bodies of mangathai and his horse were burned; she asked the mountain to open up and put her brother’s bones there to preserve it; in a man's outfit, under the guise of a groom, she went to the three daughters of the deity Esege-malana, who can revive the dead; the horse warned not to drink tea from a dangerous woman, A. threw tea on her, she died; killed a bear who was ruining an anthill, the ant khan promised to help; the horse lifted A. up a steep, high mountain, there was a source of living water, A. drank, and became even stronger; revived people whose bones were under the mountain; revived three invisible bators who were dying of fatigue; revived a dying dog, which can also be invisible; Two more suitors came to E. to woo his daughters; A. named herself after her brother - G.; E. invites them to fight each other; the invisible batar fights instead of A., wins; shaman: imaginary G. - a girl in disguise; E. arranges new tests; shoot at the target (the invisible bator wins); horse racing (the dog detained the opponents' horses); let each of the suitors spend the night in the barn with the bear (the invisible bator killed the bear, the other suitors were killed themselves, E.’s daughters revived them); separate red and white millet (the ants divided); the imaginary G. received E.'s daughters; said that first he must check on his flocks; Along the way, E.'s daughters test her husband again: they put fire and a snake on him as he sleeps; he doesn't pay attention; A. took G.’s bones from the mountain, placed his clothes and weapons next to him, left a note for her brother in the clothes, became a hare herself, and ran away into the forest; E.'s daughters revived G. and became his wives; G. found a hare, grabbed it, it became A.; E.'s daughters forgave A. for her deception; they have a silver ladle, in which there is any kind of food and drink; everything is fine]: Eliasov 1959: 92-109 (= Eliasov 1959b: 113-122; the text is a processed version of M.N. Khangalov’s recording - see Khangalov et al. 1889, No. 9: 32-48); tree : Potanin 1883, No. 147 [Dzaluta Mergen sleeps for three years and is awake for three years, he has dogs Khasyr and Basyr for three years, horses for three months, a camel for three days; they all raise the alarm; Ebogun Mangys (“old Mangys”, SM) arrives, the shepherd tells him where DM’s weapon is; his wife wakes up DM, he gallops into the steppe; the horses are ordered to return; on the ashes he finds a note from his wife; she writes where the weapons are buried, promises to help kill EM; DM meets the hero, fights with him, it turns out that this is his son; DM comes to EM, meets his wife, she has seven pointy-headed children from EM, she promises to persuade them to find out where their father’s death is; this is a red-piebald tiger, a golden bogshiro, etc. (seven, according to the number of children); EM destroys all the receptacles of EM’s soul, he dies, he takes EM’s wife and property; goes to marry Narsyn Guali, daughter of Lusai Khan; under the guise of a poor person he participates in competitions, the winner will receive an NG; only DM pulled the bow; having shaken out bags of ash, sand and snow, he caused a blizzard and a dust storm, won the race, won the fight; L. does not want to give his daughter to the poor man, demands to tame the stallion (tamed), then bring foam from Khangai-talai (informant: when worshiping Lusai Khan, Lamaists sacrifice sea foam); this foam is poisonous; on the way, DM sees the Dzandyn Modo tree, on it is the nest of Khan Garidi, the snake Abaga mogoi has wrapped itself around the trunk, is going to eat the chicks; DM killed the snake with an arrow; the chicks say that only their mother can reach the foam; she arrives with the wind and rain; the bird brings it, DM returns alive; Lusai Khan invited him to sit down, he fell into a hole; the horses found him, brought a girl with a scythe 90 fathoms, she lowered them into a hole, DM got out, killed Lusai Khan, Narsyn Guali gave him as a wife to his son]: 507-512; Sanzheev 1931, No. 3 [Alakhai-Mergen could not be killed, but the warriors of the king of the Mangus tied him with iron, threw him into a deep pit, stole the cattle, took his sister to be the wife of the king of the Mangus; Magpie and Raven are crying because they are no longer given the offal from AM's slaughtered cattle; AM asks them to bring Khan-Garudi, she lowers her wing into the pit, AM gets out; two servants of the king of the Mangus, blind and armless, tear the iron with their teeth, freeing AM; he finds his younger brother, they meet, take as comrades the Listener, the Runner, the Thief (unnoticeably plucks the feathers of a flying magpie), the Drinker of the Sea, the Rearranger of Mountains; they put poisoned wine on the mangooses, win 1) by shooting through the eye of a needle beyond the seven mountains, 2) in horse racing, 3) in wrestling; the Khan of the Mangus puts them in a yurt, sets it on fire, the Sea Drinker pours fire, the subjects of the Mangus King drown in the water, the Mountain Raiser crushes him himself with a mountain; the seven kidnapped sister AM return her property, rise from the mountain into the sky, turn into seven burkhans (seven stars of the Big Dipper)]: 87-93; will destroy (Torguts of Karashar) [childless Bujin-Dava Khan sends the dog Khasar to hunt; he sees the house, hears the old woman asking the three daughters what they have learned; one, if BDH takes her as his wife, promises to prepare dinner for 500 people from one egg, another to make a carpet for 500 people from the wool of one goat, the youngest beauty will give birth to a golden son and a silver daughter; Kh. told the khan, he took the sisters as wives; the youngest becomes pregnant, 502 childless wives ask Tushmyl-eunuch Tsok-Gyryl to help; he replaces the children who gave birth with two puppies; BDH buries his wife and puppies alive at the crossroads of three roads; CG puts real children in gold, silver, copper, iron, wooden, leather boxes (one inside the other), lowers them into the river; they are caught by a fisherman; his old wife feeds the children; the old woman, then the old man die; the old man orders them to come to the grave, on the third morning the young man catches the horse; hunts; the eldest khatun Mani-Dara comes to his sister in his absence and persuades him to ask his brother to bring her 1) a branch of the saikhan-saglar tree; the horse tells the prince that the tree is guarded by three Mangyt-Khai with 15, 25, 35 heads; the prince gets it, MH just cut off the horse’s tail, the tree began to give everything you wanted; 2) marry Saikhan-Sarane, daughter of Dzandan-tengir; the horse carries the owner through a dangerous forest, a mountain, a sea of fire; the prince returns with the SS, who on the way turns people who had previously become trees and stones back into people; sister marries a hero; The SS orders to dig up the old grave, throw out the dog bones, bring human bones, revives the husband’s mother; she forgives BDH; throwing the ashes, the SS turns the CG into a boar, 502 wives into wild pigs]: Bennigsen 1912: 44-55; Khalkha- Mongols : Bennigsen 1912 (Dunsurun) [two brothers want to destroy the third, the hard-working one; he leaves; successively meets and takes as comrades 1) someone listening to the conversation of sinners in hell; 2) easily catching up with antelopes; 3) shooting down stars from the sky with an arrow; 4) a thief who steals eggs from under a female raven; 5) piling mountains on top of each other; 6) drinking and belching the sea; the hero returns to his brothers, who became khans; a thief replaces barrels of good and poisoned wine (one khan survives); the strong man wins the fight; the others find out about the intention to blow them up in the palace and prevent it; become the seven stars of Ursa Major; it was cold, there were 7 stars in Mechin (Pleiades); brothers steal one, it gets warmer; the stolen star is visible at the second star of the bucket]: 55-57; Mikhailov 1967: 154-160 [the khan has six evil officials who are jealous of the good, asking the khan to give him impossible tasks; 1) bring the sage from the area of Ar-gol (the bird puts the good man on his back, carries him through the underworld; the lords of the red, white and black luses (underground inhabitants) give the good man hadaki (?), and on the way back, caskets of these flowers; the sage is brought) ; 2) build a house from cast iron in three days (he builds a black casket); 3) deliver seven bags of gold by morning (the white casket delivers, the officials snatch them up); 4) get seven amazing things (seven lightning bolts from the red casket kill the khan and his entourage)], 161-166 [to the childless khan Solombo the lama predicts that his property will go to the poor boy; S. takes the child to be raised and buries him alive in the snow; an old woman found him, he grew up, got married; S. found out and ordered the young man to bring the soul of the deceased from hell; the wife gives with her a bag of eyes (to give to the crows), a bag of veins (to women), salt (to a cannibal camel); on the way, a woman asks why she has horns; people - why is the temple they are building collapsing; man - why he stuck to the boat; gives away eyes, veins, salt; passes between the golden and silver mountains; the ruler's wife turns out to be the kidnapped sister of the young man; hides in a hole under the hearth; the wife asks the returning ruler why those people were punished (the woman did not give milk to the poor man, the builders of the temple were previously robbers; the boatman made money by transporting people); You can get a little gold and silver from the mountains; In the morning the bishop left, the sister told what she had found out, gave the soul of the deceased; he brought S. gold and silver; S. himself went to hell, torn to pieces along the way]; Potanin 1893, No. 8b (Ordos) [the boy learned to play the khur (a type of violin), he was invited by the underwater king; the old man ordered to take a puppy and a door latch as payment; a boy wakes up on the shore near rich yurts; someone is preparing food; he pretends to be asleep, sees a girl skinning a dog, throws the skin into the fire; the girl says he was in a hurry, Shatzgai (Soroka) Khan will begin to take it away from him; Entering the yurt, the khan's servants stared at the woman and burned the meat; she gave another, it was tastier, the khan had to admit; the wife tells the boy to invite the khan to hide; the boy wins three times (his wife helps); the khan proposes to compete to see whose horse is faster; the father-in-law sends the boy an eight-legged horse and a four-legged lion from the sea, this horse wins; the boy crosses the boiling lake twice, saying, Joshua ; Khan dies; noyon asks what huoshuai is; the wife gives a red bean, he kills Noyon and the soldiers with iron hail; boy becomes khan]: 152-156; Skorodumova 2003 [a poor brother works as a laborer for a rich man, he feels sorry for cutting down trees; in a dream, a forester pierces his tongue with needles, he now understands the language of animals; Raven tells Crow that the Khan's son fell ill because... a snake crawled into his mouth; you need to throw the meat of a fat mare into the fire, breathe in the smoke; a poor man treats the khan's son, asks as a reward 7 skinny mares and a bad horse under a blanket; along the way he meets and takes as his companions 1) one who moves mountains, 2) one who listens to what is underground, 3) one who shoots into the sky, 4) one who quietly changes the feathers of crows and magpies, 5) who drinks a river, 6) one who chases mountain sheep; the khan will give his daughter to the winner of the competition; 1) the strongman defeats the wrestler, 2) the shooter falls into the golden circle between heaven and earth, 3) the runner overtakes two old fast women (they put him to sleep by patting him on the head, but he woke up); the khan sent an army and drowned him with drink; friends rose to heaven, became the constellation Ursa Major - “Seven Elders”; little star - princess]: 5-8; Mongols Ordos [Onday, the best of men, is immensely rich in cattle; someone steals the foals that his mare gives birth to every year; he is going to give the foal to Hormusta; the mare gives birth, but a yellow rainbow carries him away; O. shot an arrow, the foal fell, the mare licked it; a long yellow llama also fell; said that he stole the foals on the orders of Burkhan; O. dug a deep well, lowered Long into it, sat a bull and a camel on the hole, ordering them not to get up, even if they were beaten and the twig and stick broke; went to inspect the herds; O.’s wife’s fire went out, she goes to look for fire, hears a song, approaches the well; Long advises offering the animals grass and water - O. did not tell them about this; the animals stood up, Long got out, the woman brought him to her; says that she will not return to her husband; Long advises to pretend to be sick and ask for the heart of a monstrous snake; O. took his dogs Arja and Barja, a peacock and a parrot, and went in search; he arrived at a black yurt, in front of it was a gold and silver hitching post, O. tied the mare to the gold one; the girl called into the house, the old woman gave food and honors; having reached the mountain behind which there is a snake, the horse teaches him to close his eyes, the horse will gallop, making thunder, the snake will close its mouth in fear, you must shoot, swallowed people will come out of the mouth, then insert an arrow, enter the snake, cut off the heart; the serpent's upper lip is level with the mountain in the west, the lower lip is level with the mountain in the east; when O. pulled out the heart, blood flowed, causing a flood; Having reached the yurt, O. lost consciousness; the old woman tells her daughter to throw the snake's heart into the abyss and replace it with the heart of a bull; at home, Long advises the woman to feed the serpent’s heart to her husband - it is poisonous, he will die; O. did not die; Long advises to show up sick again, ask for the brain of a 12-headed black mangus; O. goes to the black yurt, there are another girl and an old woman; the old woman tells the girl to cook an ox for the guest and keep the brain separately; the horse trampled the mangus, O. collected the brain; the old woman tells her daughter to replace the brain of a mongoose with the brain of a bull; the wife only pretended to eat the brain; got her husband drunk to the point of insensibility; Long crawled out of the chest and cut O. into pieces; the mare, the peacock, the parrot and both dogs grabbed and carried away the pieces; the wife gave birth first to a son, O., and then to a son, Dlinny; animals guard O.'s severed body, Naran Gho (daughter of the old woman from the white yurt) found them, her mother gave a magic object to revive O.; gives him a daughter as his wife, gives him a new name Shudurg Mergen Chagadai Khan (Chagadai Mergen); The long one flew into the sky; World Cup (i.e. former O.) arrived when only his son was at home; opened up to him; took the animal's meat out of the cauldron and cooked Long's son; asks his wife if she wants to live with five jingas or with someone she doesn’t love; ta: with jings; he tied her to five horses; when the World Cup mare neighed, her son, on whom Long was sitting in the sky, rushed forward, carrying a rider; Sh. cut it into 5 parts and boiled it; lives with his wife, her mother and his son; by order of Khormusta, became the son of Genghis, became emperor]: Mostaert 1937, No. 1 in Solovyov 2014; again : Bender, Su Huana 1984: 69-82 [in the north, Chunjina is the older sister of Hungduledi Mergen; his bride is Tarelan, the third daughter of Tulamir Mergen; in the south Archuni Mergen with three wives; while KhM is not at home, A. took his sister away; she managed to write about it in blood; HM rides to save her; the horse orders to kill the guards and spies of AM - a boar, an owl, a snake; the snake must be struck from the inside by cutting the heart; HM jumps into his mouth, cuts his heart, but the snake’s blood has poisoned him, he lies lifeless; the horse resorts to TM for help, he gallops on his 8-legged horse, but cannot defeat AM; his daughter tries unsuccessfully to revive HM; he is revived by a heavenly maiden; HM marries both; kills the sons of AM, after a difficult battle - himself, then his three wives; brings his sister home, but during this time his heavenly wife and two children were taken to heaven by her heavenly father; KhM climbs there from the Eastern Mountain along the antlers of a deer that grow to the sky; finds sons and wife; the wife gives a hat to protect the head and a feather to moderate the heat or cold; father-in-law offers tests; strong men hit KhM on the head with iron sticks (the hat protected him); he is placed in an ice cellar, then in a hot cellar (the feather is warmed and cooled); he gets a wife, together with their children they descend to earth back along the antlers of a deer; live well; KhM’s sister married a good hunter], 92-102 [younger brother fell ill and died; the eldest met a monster in the forest, he let him go for a promise to bring him human eyes; the elder brother blinded the younger brother's widow and brought her eyes; settled his little nephew and niece in the hut; the servant takes care of them; Uncle orders the children to be abandoned in the forest, but a house has already been prepared there; the servant reports about the flying horse that the father rode, summons the horse, burning the stems of wormwood; weapon with horse; the first time the boy (his name is Hareladi Mergen) cannot draw the bow or hold the horse; two years later he becomes strong, acquires his father’s horse and weapons; the uncle's wife overhears the servant's conversation with the blinded woman; Uncle goes to KhM, calls him to hunt, kills him by shooting him in the back; sister turns into a hare; the horse tells her to go to the lake, where three heavenly fairies fly; you need to steal their feather clothes and bring them to him, the horse; the fairies find the murdered young man, guess everything, and revive him; he brings them to his house; the hare whispers that she is his sister, orders the fairies to test who has the kindest heart; when leaving, HM successively leaves the hare with the eldest, middle, and youngest fairies; the hare spoils what they sew; the first two scold and beat her, the third says that the seam on the boots was bad, strokes and pampers the hare; HM marries the younger fairy; the wife gives HM magic wands, turns him into a golden hornet so that he can return his mother’s eyes; XM flies into the monster's ear, climbs into his chest, stings him in the heart; getting out, he finds a storage room full of human eyes; takes away the mother's eyes, restores her sight; uncle asks HM to get a snake in the Eastern Sea and a boar in the Northern Mountains; in the form of a hornet, HM climbs inside the boar (and, apparently, the snake), they are powerless to do anything, he brings them, ties them to the gate; An uncle and his wife come out, one was eaten by a wild boar, the other by a snake; KhM lives well with his family]; Stuart et al. 1994: 146-147 [the widow gives her son the remaining silver and sends him to look for his wife; he stays with an old woman; goes to the well, there is a girl (her parents are snakes), returns without silver; goes to look for him, the girl invites him to her place; her father orders huge vats to be filled with water; lying at night with his wife, he feels that there are snakes around; the old woman advises sticking three needles into the wife’s body; he takes them out for a promise to be faithful to him; the wife teaches words, after which the vats are filled; another task: chop logs into firewood (hit with an ax only once); the wife warns not to take food from her father; these are not pies and noodles, but fleas and snakes; they force a little bit into him, but the wife removes it; he is ordered to deliver a letter to his wife's sister; she orders to bury a chicken egg at the beginning, middle and end of the road; he runs, his sister and her husband follow, every time they reach the egg, the rooster crows; they return; the wife orders him to run, covers his head with a chicken; the wife's father sends a sword, it cuts off the chicken's head and returns bloodied; the wife's father thinks he killed the fugitives; they return to the young man’s mother], 162-163 [the mother is dying, her adult daughter and son made a coffin; the son went hunting; at this time the 9-headed monster ate half of his sister; upon returning, the brother decided that his sister looked terrible; asked her to try on the coffin - if it suited her, then it would suit her mother; nailed down the lid and threw it into the river; the mother died, the son buried her; the coffin floated, the woman gave birth to a son, he says he was strong from birth; a year later he knocked out the lid and built a hut from the boards of the coffin; hunts ever larger game; the woman's brother accidentally came to them; she said that the owner of the lower world did not accept her; the brother said - let his nephew find that monster and return half of his mother’s body; the monster had to regurgitate what it had swallowed, the son restored the mother’s body; now the uncle demands that the nephew 1) bring a huge wild boar (he brought it); 2) planted 900 thousand trees, populated them with 500 thousand animals (the young man asks the monster for help, he asks the owner of the mountain, everything is done); when the uncle comes with his people, the nephew unleashes the animals, they tear them apart]; Mongors : Stuart, Limusishiden 1994: 90-98 [an elderly couple gives birth to a frog son, Bawo; bringing dinner to his father, he becomes a young man, but appears to his father and mother only in the guise of a frog; quickly plows the field, returns the ox, which was taken by a rich neighbor; wooes the official's three daughters one after another; at first he refuses, but when B. laughs, then cries, a terrible storm begins; the eldest and middle daughters try to kill B., he returns them; when the youngest daughter is wooed, the earth trembles; the girl agrees; her father demands 1) to lay carpets from house to house (B. orders to throw away the wool, it turns into carpets); 2) willows should grow along the road, 3) and songbirds on them (everything is done at once); after the wedding he takes off his frog skin, but only in front of his wife; wins races incognito; the wife burns her skin; the husband says that he is the son of Zhuoma Buddha, that he will not survive the night without a frog skin; sends his wife to the west to the heavenly woman, she will send warmth, he will not freeze; the wife does not have time to return, the husband has died], 118-119 [Danjiansirang has been fattening the toad for years, although the father orders it to be thrown away; when he grows up, he goes to the capital to take an exam; The toad gives D. as a reward a bead that revives the dead, and orders him not to revive people; D. revives flies, mice, and bees; revives a corpse by the road; this is Lamurenqian; he first accuses D. of murder, then goes with D.; lowers water into the well, throws it, takes away the bead, gives it to the emperor, receives the title of “Hero who gave the treasure”; a passer-by pulls D. out of the well, he comes to the capital, accuses L., L. throws him into prison; rescued Bee teaches how to cure a dying princess; D. treats her, gets her as his wife, D. persuades the emperor to test his son-in-law; 1) separate the millet from the rice overnight (separate the mice); 2) identify the princess’s palanquin among 22 identical ones (a fly lands on it); D. finds his bead in the treasury, his wife informs his father, who executes L.].

Western Siberia. Nenets : Lehtisalo 1947, No. 50 (forest, zap. in 1914 on the Maikovskaya river) [the son of an old woman (Sohn der Mütterchen; SS), contrary to her prohibition, goes up the river and meets a cannibal giant; they tie each other to a larch tree, SS breaks the bonds, the giant does not, but then uproots the larch; demands to get him the daughter of the Sun Woman; mother says that this giant killed the SS’s father; The SS goes, meets, does not kill, takes Fox, Wolverine, Wolf, Bear, Eagle as companions; The Sun agrees to give up her daughter if the SS finds her; he sees a chest attached in the sky in a star hole (stars are holes in the sky); knocks him down with an arrow, the Eagle picks him up, drops him into the sea, the kari bird dives and takes him out, there are three eggs in the chest, in them is the daughter of the Sun; everyone goes back; The fox steals the egg, hides in a hole, the bear catches it; SS comes to his mother, she is barely alive, he brings her to her senses, takes the egg to bed, in the morning there is a woman there; the cannibal giant went underground]: 132-147; Pushkareva, Khomich 2001, No. 4 (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District) [Russian Merchant has three sons; the elders have earned money, the younger ones are fools; someone stole all the gold, killed the cows; there is a larch tree in the garden, gold grows on it at night, and by morning someone eats it; two sons are watching, falling asleep; a fool fills his pockets with gold, sees a bird pecking at gold, snatches a golden feather from it; his father praises him, the family is rich again, his older brothers go looking for the golden bird and disappear; the fool goes to look for his brothers and gets covered in snow; An eight-eared Mother Bear with eight legs flies in and saves him, they address each other as mother (grandmother) and son; he climbs onto her back for three days; she brings him by air to the church, where he takes the bird; when he wants to take the cage, the bells ring; they grab him and bring him to the King of Fire, who agrees to exchange the bird for the Horse with a Golden Face; (the same thing, when he takes the bridle, the bells ring); The Tsar agrees to exchange for the Sun-Faced Beauty; contrary to the warning, he takes the ring; tells her father the Sun King that he himself is the son of the Sky King; he orders the Beast to be brought, this is the Eight-Eared Mother Bear with eight legs; she is locked in a chest, he gets a wife, leaves; she catches up with them through the air, they transfer to her; she takes the form of the Sun-Faced Beauty, exchanges herself for a horse; the same with the bird; at the bus stop, the brothers cut off the fool's head, the Bear revives him, turns him into a snotty boy; he comes to his wife’s wedding and reveals himself to her; brothers are expelled]: 177-219; Nenyang 1997 (Taimyr, written by Labanauskas in 1976 from the storyteller V. Yar from Vorontsovo) [an old man’s wife died, he comes to the king, earned a calf and a foal, they died; the forest giant gives the box, it turns into a house, with a woman in it; the king is jealous, orders 1) to bring the winged devil (brings him, the king sends the devil away in fear), 2) a bear (brings him, he ate the queen, the king orders him to send him away); 3) bring the daughter of the Sun, otherwise the king will take away his wife; the daughter of the Sun hides the old man from the mother Sun, the old man looks down, sees the king hugging his wife, throws a stone, killing the king with it; descends to earth with the daughter of the Sun, lives with two wives, becomes the Breadwinner of people]: 58-61; Shcherbakova 1946 (archive) in Pushkareva 2000 [The owner of the Iron Swing promises to give his daughter to Snotty if he tears down the iron swing; Haptarka the Leader promises a daughter if Snotty catches two pikes in his lake; he completes both tasks and gets two wives]: 30; Mansi : Kumaeva 2015, No. 5 [the wife and husband picked up the child in a birch bark cradle and named him Ekva-pygris; it grows quickly; father fell ill and died; caught a wolverine; went to sell the skin; the senior merchant took it away without paying; threatens to kill E. if he does not fulfill the following instructions; 1) get a birch tree with golden leaves (mother directs where to go, E. brought the top of a birch tree, it grew near the merchant’s house); 2) seven lakes from the middle of the sea; the mother teaches how to get a pike, everyone will follow her, lakes splash around the merchant’s house; 3) talking shaitan 7 Nenets; the mother gives a ball of thread, it leads to her sister; the sister's husband helps kidnap the shaitan, takes the form of a goose, and the Nenets take the form of a raven; they make a winged boat, but they don’t fly to the merchant on it, but hide it in a barn under lock and key; Seeing the talking shaitan, the merchant was afraid, E. made him a worker, and he and his mother occupied his house; they are still happy; this is a story about Mir Susne Khum - Luvyn Khum]: 61-89; Lukina 1990, No. 134 [ Equa-pyrys lives with his grandmother; shows her his invisible cap, goes off to see people; meets four old men, one gives him a ball of thread, the second - an ermine skin, the third - a mouse skin, the fourth - a hatchet; Sitting promises a daughter to the one who 1) kills two man-eating birds Tovlyng-kars ; they live on the top of a larch tree in the middle of a hot sea; E. is climbed up the trunk by an ermine or a mouse; kills with a hatchet Heartless and Liverless Iron Frog , who lived under the nest and gnawed the feathers of the chicks when they were about to take off; for this T. promise not to kill people anymore; first the female flies into the nest, followed by the male, and they bring people; E. makes sure that when the released people fall down, they do not break; grateful T. takes E. to U.; 2) catch a golden perch (T. brings E. to the icy sea, catches a perch); 3) get the bird Satnematur cones (T. brings E. to the ends of the earth, catches a bird); E. gets a wife; takes the ends of the horns, broken off by T., to the mammoth, brings T.’s feathers from the mammoth, which he tore from him; now both are still strong]: 346-352; Munkácsi 1995: 25-26 [from the seven men Numi-Torem wants to choose the Overseer of the world; Elder Tapel tells his nephew the Son of a Woman to stand closer to him; 1) stop seven running horses with a word (the Son of a Woman stops), others require additional tests; 2) who will be the first to reach the NT, placing his hand on its gate; T. advises choosing a nondescript calf, the woman’s son wins], 28-29 [The military leader-in-clothes-with-a-black-sable-collar (V.) meets the daughter of Shul-otyr (Xul'-ater, the master of the lower world ), takes her as his wife; he sends him an invitation to come play; the wife orders him to hold the golden bridle tightly; V. instantly jumps around the whole sky, wants to kill his father-in-law with an ax, he asks not to do this, recognizes his strength]; eastern Khanty (b. Pim) [the only son is already 18 years old, he still sleeps in the cradle; wakes up, tells his father to woo the king’s youngest daughter; 1) the king asks to build a palace painted with birds and animals, sparks fly when you enter; orders the petitioner to be cut in half; when they bring it, the son makes the father whole; turns into a handsome man, turns to his seven older star brothers, they make a palace overnight; 2) the king chops the old man into three parts and orders a bathhouse to be built; Same; 3) chops into small pieces, orders to create a river of hot water; the king sends his daughter, at night the snotty baby becomes handsome; the king visits the eldest and middle daughter, they sleep with their backs to their husband; finds the youngest with a handsome man; he says that the secret is revealed too early, he will have to leave; the wife has worn out three iron staffs, comes to the hut, the birds of prey Ekar and the hawk let her through; the old woman’s husband says that a man appeared across the sea, a Chinese woman gives him wine and doesn’t let him go anywhere; the old man gives a needle case, the woman swims across the sea on it; smears herself with coal, in the guise of a dirty girl, asks the old man and the old woman to take her to them; the old woman carries the buns to the palace, the woman puts a note in the bun, the king finds it; a woman spends three nights at her husband’s bedside, and finally he recognizes her; they return, the king gives the kingdom to his son-in-law]: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 113: 125-132; chum salmon : Alekseenko 2001, No. 44 [Dogo comes to heaven to Yesyu, he gives difficult assignments; 1) get the thunderbird ekkyt (brings it, E. eats it, throws bones at D., he dodges); 2) bring from I'm stuck (= I have ) syuk (an oval dish hollowed out of bone) Yesya, for this the daughter promises; D. flies to the camp where he is fed, tells these people to multiply; others shoot with bows, tells them to die out; throws food to T.'s guard wolves; she sits on a yoke; D. has an ekkyt with him, the house is heating up, T. slips off, D. takes away the syuk, gets a wife]: 103-104; Donner 1933 [the god Ēs promised Ēste·ēn to give his daughter if he filled a large cauldron with food; Ēste·ēn collected hunting spoils (hares, etc.), but one part of the cauldron remained unfilled; in the end, Ēste·ēn climbed into the cauldron and took the empty place; the cauldron immediately took off, the wife of God became the wife of Ēste·ēn]: 95; southern Selkups [a lazy son does not bring booty or firewood; the old man invites him to his place, tells him to weave a net, teaches him to catch salmon, leave it on the table overnight between two balls of thread; the towel is ready in the morning; the old man tells him to go sell it for a thousand rubles; Only the young man’s father buys; Having returned, the young man sees the girl, she was the nelma; tells him not to tell him that he got married; his father got him drunk, found out about his wife, and ordered him 1) to get a knife that the young man’s grandfather had dropped into the sea; the wife calls the fish, the pike brings a cub fish with a swallowed knife in its stomach; 2) find the cast iron lost by grandfather; the wife calls the birds and animals, the mouse shows where the cast iron is (she has a nest in it); 3) get music from overseas; the wife gives a towel and thread to cross the sea, without looking around; he comes to overseas people, takes away the music; the father gives his son an inheritance, making sure that he is not a slacker]: Pukhnachev 1966: 25-34.

Eastern Siberia. Central(?) Yakuts (place of recording is not indicated, the mediation of A. Kulakovsky is mentioned; probably central): Tolokonsky 1914 [historical legend, episode; Dygyn sets a condition: Byart-Khara will marry his daughter if he catches up with her on horseback; carried away by the race, the girl drives the horse with all her might, BH cannot catch up; at the last moment she remembers that we are talking about her marriage, allows herself to catch up]: 102-105; northeastern Yakuts : Seroshevsky 1896 (Kolyma) [Ulu-Toen sends his grandfather Sesen to woo It's winter (Sun-daughter) Ai-Toëna ; he asks in return for a mirage and a ripple of water; W. collects animals; The Wolf and the Raven promise to get it, for this the first receives long legs, the second vigilance; but they didn’t get it]: 655-666 (retelling in Eremeev 1980: 54); Ergis 1964, No. 63 (1945, Abyisky ulus, Indigirka) [the son of Baai Kara Khaan asks his father to get him the wife of a poor man Ereydeeh-Buruidaakh; he 1) sends EB to the land of the dead to bring cattle eaten at the funeral of his ancestors; while he is away, B.’s son comes to the woman, she does not seem to notice him, says that EB would pick up the smoking log that fell out of the stove; B.'s son picks up a log, touches the stove, the woman tells him to stick to the stove for the night, half of his clothes are burnt, the other is covered in frost; in the morning E. brings in the cattle, but the animals soon die; 2) remove the dead from their clothes and bring them; the episode repeats itself, the guy is glued to the door at night; the sun disappears for three days; after that, on the site of B.’s estate there is only a swamp]: 226-228 (= Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 24: 271-275; retelling in Sivtsev, Efremov 1990: 112-118, in Sivtsev-Omolloon 1976: 80-84) ; Potanin 1883, No. 187 (Verkhoyansk) [three sons of a poor man in Bordeaux successively sell themselves into slavery to the rich Boilyt; the first two cannot cope with the work, they were flayed; the younger Bert-Er does everything easily; one man advises sending Bert-Er after the monstrous bear; Boilyt sends, promising a daughter; Bert-Er brings a monster, it destroys Boilyt's farmstead, exterminates his people; Boilyt is horrified and gives up his daughter]: 641-647; Symskie Evenki (Chirombu) [the father, then the eldest, the middle son left, did not return; the younger one went and saw the bloody antlers of Epkachan (a one-year-old deer); asks his mother for his father's blacksmith tools, forges an iron bow and arrow; killed E., broke a pine tree that moves and moves apart, and in the middle is a woman; the woman suggests jumping where there are, as it were, awls on the ground; the young man invites her to jump first, but then overtakes her; the same - run (first from behind, then overtake); who will urinate next (young man); place where hair is scratched; the woman began to scratch the young man, broke a wooden, bone comb, broke a tooth in an iron one, it jumped into her chest, killing her; the young man burned E.’s corpse; the young man’s mother tore out her lung out of joy and died]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 43: 52-53; Baikal Evenki (Baikal region) [Lamunay bends down to wash his hands in the sea, the Master of the sea grabs him by the beard and lets him go for the promise of giving him his unborn child; his son is Chokondon; The fox leads him to the lake, he hides the clothes of one of the 12 swan girls who came to swim; her father Deraulov tells him to identify his daughter among 12 hares; the wife warns that she will limp on her left leg; D. says that he still won’t give up his daughter; she invites Ch. to run away; turns Ch. into stone, herself into the mistress of the lake; D. flies in the form of an eagle and says that they will remain in this form; the daughter says that then he will remain an eagle; D. lets them go, they come to Ch.’s parents]: Voskoboynikov 1967, No. 10: 35-37; Far Eastern Evenki : Varlamova 2002 [lonely Nyonyugichan (dipper; also “bird droppings” comes to live with the old people; overhears that they want to kill him by giving him poisoned red wine to drink; he puts a tube made of a hollow stem to his throat, pours the wine into it; the same with more poisonous red wine; maybe turns into a wasp; kills an old man's dog; he bathes, flying like a bird from one ice hole to another; he took out the wine, the old man and the old woman caught fire, burned]: 343-349; years old, at the mouth of five deep-water rivers with thundering valleys and blazing capes, under a spreading tree, a young man Tyvgunai appeared; he doesn’t know where he came from; he saw two ducks, but he doesn’t shoot (maybe they belong to people, it will be bad if I kill them). ); maybe T. didn’t try, he returned under his tree; a man sits there, says that he is his older brother (his name is Cholbon Chokulday), he has been looking for him for several years; T. talks about the leader, his daughter and the bow; CC: enter the left ear of my horse, there is food there; enter the one on the right - there are clothes; T. gained strength, put on armor, and both rode on a huge heroic horse; CC pulled out the bow, the shaft broke, the arrow flew up to the sky; the brothers flew on horseback to the upper world to find out where the arrow hit; there people are like mosquitoes, cattle like spiders; there was smoke coming from under the ground, there was an old man and an old woman half charred; old man: my liver is sick, give me some liver; old woman: they gave it to me for dressing skins, if I give it to you, they will beat me on the head with a golden poker; then the same about the brain (they will hit you on the head with a poker); then the old woman to the old man: when you were young and the heroes defeated you and flew to the upper world, taking us with them, I left a two-year-old boy, ChCh, under a larch tree, and a six-month-old T. under a branchy tree; Having heard, the brothers rushed into the tent, the parents rejoiced; mother: in this country there are invincible heroes; they are now lying because some kind of death that came from the middle world tore half of their bodies from them; they roast us on fire and ask who we left behind in our homeland; they gathered shamans to find out; those who failed to predict were killed; the brothers fed their parents and came unnoticed to the warriors' tent; the shaman began to spin: the young men who released death are here; the heroes don’t believe, they want to cut off the shaman’s head; she asks the young men to show themselves so that they don’t kill her; two heroes Singkeltuken Eden (SE) and Begaltukan Eden (BE) ask the brothers to return their full bodies to them, because it is shameful to kill cripples; they did it; during the battle, CC sees nothing and begins to weaken; his horse orders him to hit him with a silver hatchet, then he will see a raft with a smoker attached to SE’s horse; he was scammed by an old woman, she must be killed; CC did it; SE offers to take a break, leads him to his room, offers to sit down; HH falls through and flies down; SE addresses someone below: I am sending you the strongest hero; in response: if he is driving cattle in front, then they would keep him alive for several days; CH throws lumps of clay, they turn into cattle; ChCh are brought to the tent, where people are smoked and eaten; the old woman says to CC: if you sniff the smell of this country, you will not return to earth; CC and the local leader look at each other for 30 days without closing their eyes; then the leader closed his eye, three days later the second; CC saw a bell above him and far above him the opening of the upper world; became a spider, then a bird, crawled, flew; jumping into the hole, he became a man again, then the bell rang; the monster stuck out: and henceforth, let the people of the middle world come to me with cattle, then sometimes they will be able to return; therefore, shamans take cattle as payment; ChCh led SE to fight to the rock where heaven and earth touch; there the sky is like scissors; CC was the first to jump, the sky cut off the tip of the horse's tail; when SE jumped, he was cut in half; CC found T.; he is barely alive, his enemy BE is too; BE shot an arrow, ordering him to hit a fish in the sea and bring it to him; the arrow did it, the fish did it; the soul did it; T. sends an arrow to the larch tree for a small swallow; she is about to slip away into the opening of the upper world; T. remembered the thimble, threw it, he plugged the hole, the arrow brought a swallow; BE: none of us can win, we won’t fight anymore, we’ll exchange souls; T. and CC took their parents and returned to earth; T. married the girl who gave the thimble, and ChCh married the daughter of the hero whose bow he pulled out], 150-154 (Uchur or Amur) [each time Tenenge does not give the roe deer to the hunters; One day they beat him terribly, whipping him with rods; he grew weak and called the roe deer; she tells us to go to the lake, the geese will fly in and take off their wings, we must choose the best ones; the goose is trying to take away its wings, T. overcame her with difficulty, she gave birth to a boy, and took her to her parents on the upper earth; her father orders her to go and bring the scattered flour; the roe deer shows where it is, tells the squirrels, chipmunks, and birds to collect it; then the roe deer orders to go to the lake, collect moss, give it to the elk, who will come to the middle of the lake; T. gave, climbed onto the horns, they became earth; T. went, two boys were shooting with a bow; T. opened his mouth, caught the arrow of one with his mouth, and the second boy missed; T: this is my son (whose arrow he caught); T. gave the flour to the old man; he doesn’t give her a wife, he orders him to bring the lost prison; the roe deer brings, T. took the prison; he made a raft, pierced a huge taimen with a spear, and it hit him; T. fell into the water and died] (=Bulatova 1980: 102-104 (=1987, No. 7: 125-128); even : Novikova 1958: 42-48 (=1987: 45-49) [brothers Fox and Dolgan still small Missing locks them in an iron house; they grow up, raise the house like a cauldron, come to K.; he invites them to 1) ride down the mountain where the knives are placed; 2) jump over trees with knives under them; 3) fight on the edge of the pit in which there are knives; 4) jump on stumps with knives between them; every time one of K.’s people dies, the brothers are unharmed; 5) eat a huge cauldron of meat; D. eats two, K. gives him his daughter; she has iron teeth and nails; she grinds them down overnight, D. is unharmed, kills her with a blow; brothers kill K. and his people], 48-50 [ Uindia sees three women bathing on the lake, who have taken off their golden wings; It sneaks up like a mouse, hides its wings, and does not return it to its younger sister; then gives up one wing, she flies away, but returns to U.; he comes to live with her on the seashore; the men want to take possession of the beauty, they order U. to bring 1) a bear, 2) a spotted bear, 3) a motley seal; he completes tasks; 4) build a house overnight; the wife says that now we have to run away; floods the village with water, gives U. one of two wings, both fly to the lake and live there].

Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi : Ostrovsky 1997, No. 18 [a poor lonely hunter hides a beautiful beast kuhy from his human pursuers; he tells him to go to the lake; Five women bathe in it, the hunter hides the clothes of the most beautiful one, takes her as his wife; her father demands to get various animals; the wife teaches how to sail to the island, set fire to the grass near the bare mountain; various animals come to him, he gets a wife]: 96 (=Pilsudski 1991: 38-40); Sangi 1974 [a poor man lives alone, fishes in the river, no one marries him; tames a bird and a mouse; sees two daughters swimming Go ahead (Master of the Sky); asks the eldest to marry him; wakes up in the sky; KY offers tests; 1) collect gold powder scattered in the forest (the bird collects); 2) find the missing earrings of KY’s wife (they were stolen by rats; a man comes into the house of rats and mice, they attack him; his pet mouse protects him, she is their mistress; gives him earrings; 3) defeat the former groom living at the Head of the Earth ; they fight on poles, the man from the ground wins; KY gives him a daughter; young people wake up on earth]: 106-114; Sternberg 1908, No. 16 [the older and younger Tit brothers lived under a hummock; there were two suns, two moons, too hot in summer, too cold in winter; golden and silver birds descend from the sky along the larch tree; the brothers fight with them, the eldest and the silver one fall down; the golden one turns into a woman, the younger one takes her as his wife; her father demands to kill the extra sun and the extra moon; the old man cooks the young man in a cauldron, makes him iron; he kills first the sun, then the moon; a woman from underground demands to tie a knotted stick with a chain - her mother’s horns; it becomes dark; a young man opens a door in a larch tree; inside there are two images of the sun, two of the moon; he throws one sun, one moon to the sky, buries the others; brings the Golden Bird to his village, where his older brother and the Silver Bird already live]: 150-155 (reprint in Ostrovsky 1997, No. 27: 231-224); nanai people : Kiele 1996, No. 16 (recorded from an illiterate 78-year-old resident of the village of Belgo, 1968) [a lonely boy went for a walk; a boat moored to the shore, with Pudin and her servants in it; Pudin took the boy with her; when the food ran out, he stood on the top of the cliff and began to ask his father and mother to give him a bow and arrows; an arrow flew from the upper reaches of the river, and a bow from the lower reaches; the boy shot, the arrow came back with seven boars and seven elk; the next day we sailed to a large village; the head of the village announced a competition: to pierce with an arrow nine ears of an awl, nine cauldron lids, the bottoms of nine cast-iron cauldrons, and then kill with an arrow a mergen sitting between the horns of a red deer; the winner will receive the daughter of the head of the village as his wife; the competitors began to shoot, but no one was able to hit the targets; the boy turned into a servant: “the head is bald, covered with scabs, the snot is three fathoms long, and the drool hangs five fathoms long”; fired the arrow, pierced everything that was supposed to; shot at Mergen, who was the fiance of the daughter of the head of the village - he fell from the head of the red deer, and then the red deer himself collapsed; the head of the village gave his daughter to the boy; after the feast, the mergen boy made a boat, took half of his father-in-law’s possessions and set off on the way back; on the way it turned out that puddin is the hero’s older sister; when they reached the enemy’s village, who had taken his sister and brothers away, Mergen defeated him; then he turned into a duck and flew to the place where the enemy of his father and mother lived; the mother told Mergen that the enemies, having failed to kill his father, locked him in an iron coffin and threw him into the river; Mergen wrapped the enemy's old man in a chain and forced him to climb into the water; the old man took out the coffin, the father came out; Mergen killed the enemy and took his two daughters; then he went down to the shore, met with his parents, gathered his father’s servants and maids, all the enemy’s people, drew a boat on the sand and hit its bow; she became real; they pushed it into the water, put people in it and set off; they lived peacefully and richly], 27 (Amur region) [a boy looks out the window to an old man, he eats human flesh; crushed the old man with firewood, brought his mother there to live; the mother secretly freed the old man and became his wife; he advises her to pretend to be sick and send her son for medicine; 1) the boa constrictor eats the children of the snake, bring snake skin (kills the boa constrictor, the snake gives); the fur of a bear (takes out a splinter for her, the bear gives her wool); 3) the hair of an iron dog (removes a human skull from its throat); a dog comes with a young man, eats his mother and the old man, turns into a beauty, brings many people, the young man takes her as his wife]: 191-201, 291-301; nanai people [Soldigá widows, he has a daughter Elga , married P idea nothing ; the tiger killed S., E. killed the tiger; the stepmother tells her to 1) sew a robe (the grasses themselves formed a pattern); 2) a robe sewn with reindeer hair (the toy deer became real and did the job); 3) bring grandmother P.’s needle from a distant camp and return by morning; the toy dogs brought the sled with E. to her grandmother, who gave her a needle and told her to hold it with her ear towards her; the needle sewed P.'s fingers together; she threw E.’s toys into the fire; the dog jumped out and told him to run; along the lunar path they climbed to the moon, under P. the path fell through, E. finished her off with a spear, she turned into an owl; E. with a dog is visible on the moon]: Nagishkin 1975: 129-138; Naikhinskie nanai people [the three-legged roe deer calls the mergen; he comes and marries the pudi; she explains that it is her younger brother who lures and kills her husbands; explains what to do; 1) go skiing (Mergen takes his skis without strings, his wife’s brother slides into the river, but returns); 2) he, and not the Mergen, sits on a branch that breaks off; 3) hunt from ambush; if a mergen kills a deer, he himself will die, if a doe, the pudi will die, if a three-legged roe deer, the brother will die; Mergen shoots a roe deer, his brother dies, Mergen and Pudi live well]: Avrorin 1986, No. 34: 206-208 (=Medvedev 1992: 278-281); nanai people : Shimkevich 1896: 75-81 [the wife defeats three people (one of them with a boar’s head) who came to be hired as workers; But fly (a man from the underworld) overpowers her, drags her away; the husband comes to the cannibals, pretends to eat human flesh, and hides it himself in the chimney; at night he lies down with a woman, but her skin is covered with needles; husband comes to the house fly , finds his emaciated wife and daughter fly ; she says that the souls of her parents are in a ball that will hang in the sky; the husband knocks him down with an arrow, takes out two black eggs, smashes them on his forehead fly , he dies; husband returns with four wives (former, daughter fly , the ogress and her sister)], 119-122 [the old man says that the cannibal will come bus , leaves with his wife and grandson; the grandson remembers that he forgot a bunch of gold and silver roe deer doughnuts and returns to the fanza; tries to carry away the money unnoticed, but the old man grabs his horse by the tail; the boy woke up in an unfamiliar fanza, the old man told him not to go far; one day he goes further away and finds many teenage boys in the barn; the old man trains them as workers when he marries Jiadankan-fuji, who lives overseas; the boy releases the prisoners; the old man sends him for D.; The fox helps him, sables and squirrels fall from the sky; The fox turns into a falcon and lures D.; she agrees to marry the young man if he kills the old man; The fox rips out the old man's throat; the young man returns to his parents with two wives - F. and Lisa, who has become a woman]; Ulchi : Avrorin 1981, No. 2(?) [Mergen comes to the head of the city, he has three daughters, he promises to give up the youngest, demands 1) to bring a golden carp (M. catches, brings); 2) recognize the youngest among the sisters (recognizes); the father is chasing M. and his daughter; on the way 1) fire, 2) sea (thrown objects are not mentioned); the old woman gives the box; houses from it chickens, goats, wealth]: 130; Avrorin 1981, No. 2(?) [y Geenthea pregnant wife; he wants to go look at Sword , feeding on iron; his wife sews high boots, each from half a moose skin, they are too big for him; on the way he meets an old woman; he cannot, like her, support a rock with one hand and pour millet with the other; can't swallow the old man's tubers Kanda-Mafa ; S.'s mother chews a hot iron, spits in his face, scorches him; S. skins a bear faster than G.; sticks needles into his tongue, takes him to a hanger to scare the crows; G.'s born son asks his mother about his father; the high boots fit him well, on the way to S. he performs all the tasks (spits iron in the face of S.’s mother, etc.); competes with S. in running along the points of sabers and spears; S. dies, G.’s son finds him, frees his father, brings him home]: 130; Sunik 1985, no. 7 [the guy lives alone; the girl comes in, takes charge, he is embarrassed; she flies up; he goes to look for her; the old woman unsuccessfully tries to kill him; near the tree, an evil spirit brings a woman in his claws, the guy seriously wounds him, takes the woman as his wife; goes further; by the sea, seven seals shed their appearance, a guy grabs one and takes one as his wife; she says that her parents desire the heart of an evil spirit; he has a mouth like a lake; the guy asks to open it, jumps into it, inserts a sharpened tree trunk, cuts it off, brings a heart; the Nerpa wife teaches how to defeat another spirit; you need to drink your own vodka, not his; the spirit drinks his vodka, two of his three heads fall off; the guy finishes him off; takes his people away; lives with two wives; his name - Batur (hero)]: 136-143; oracles [the ox tells the owner to go to the sea, 12 swans will fly in, take off their clothes, and become girls; it is necessary to hide the plumage of the youngest; she clapped her hands, created a rich house, fed her, put her to sleep; he woke up - no home, no girl; the ox reproaches that the young man did not make her his wife; you need to sow two sunflower seeds, they will grow to the sky; you have to climb them; the stars are the roots of the trees of the upper world; the ox also orders him to get into one ear and come out of the other, the young man became a fine fellow and handsome; the young man hit his head on the sky, it parted, he saw houses, in one of them that beauty; her father gives difficult problems, the girl helps her solve them; 1) recognize the bride among the three chickens (raises her wing, there is a white feather there); 2) find out among 12 girls with curtained faces in identical dresses (the bride will pin a needle to the clothes); 3) find and bring three arrows shot in different directions; the bride orders to choose a runny horse, its fur is backwards; gives a bottle of medicine to treat wounds; the first arrow in the sturgeon's side; the young man took the arrow and cured the sturgeon; the mice brought the second to their queen; they ate the young man's horse; the mouse returned the arrow and revived the horse; the young man helped the weaker army; after the victory, I learned that in their city the princess was wounded by an arrow; he took out the arrow, applied medicine, and the princess recovered; the young man returned to the bride, her father gave her to him; one day a man decided to visit the earth; my wife warned me not to eat chicken; they met him and gave him cock meat; he ate and became a rooster, so the rooster meets the morning dawn]: Avrorin, Lebedeva 1978, No. 82: 133-135, 150 [borrowed tale, probably Manchu origin, but the motifs of swan girls and hidden clothes “have been inherent in Oroch folklore from time immemorial”]; oracles [father promises to give his daughter to the strongest; the girl chooses the poor man; he lifts a heavy stone, gets a girl]: Avrorin, Lebedeva 1966, No. 11: 13; Udege people : Arsenyev 1995(1): 117-120 [(=Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 103: 265-467, with reference to Arsenyev 1917-1925, No. 1: 701-705); old man Kanda hides his daughter in a box; When he asks her to be his wife, K. demands to bring sunlight from the sky; E. meets a fox with two, then 11 tails; shoots 10, since then the foxes have one tail; brings K.; he replies that he does not need fox tails, but sunlight; E. goes again; two birds fight over a nest, E. reconciles them, makes them a second nest; fish in shallow water, E. lets it into the water; meets brother K.; he promises to help if E. scatters a bag of plague by the sea and then collects it; birds collect; pour a bag of abdu (coppers) into the sea, the fish collects it; brother K. asks him to give up his daughter, but K. again demands sunlight; the old woman gives a small saw; E. will meet a bear, a boar, an elk lying motionless; then a wapiti with sky-high antlers; the bear's teeth grew into the ground, E. sawed them off, the bear is grateful; orders him to climb up to the sky using the horns of the wapiti, sawing him off on the way back; in heaven we must bow to the Moon, he will help; E. sawed off the tusks of the boar, but he left without thanking him; in the sky, an old man (obviously the Moon) gives a package and orders not to open it on the way; Having descended to the ground, E. saws off the horns of the wapiti, he is grateful; runs the bundle through the fur, now the wapiti’s backside is red; E. gave the package to K., took the girl; K. and his wife were turned around and burned; Having married, E. gave the tiger a beautiful shirt (since then he has been striped), the tiger taught him to hunt well; Magpie helped E., he gave her clothes too], 124-131 [{probably Udege, but possibly Orochi; At first Arsenyev did not distinguish between Udege and Oroch texts}; the boy tells his father that he will go to look for a wife in heaven (both the son and the father are called Egda); the birds fight over the nest, E. makes a second nest, the birds are grateful, and have been able to build nests ever since; E. carries the stranded fish into the river; measures the boar's tusks to the required length (they have grown into the ground); the same for the bear; he teaches how to ascend to heaven using the horns of a wapiti, whose horns have grown into the sky; in heaven there will be old man Kanda, his wife Bolihe and their daughter; K. orders to pour the plague into the sea, then the shells, and collect them back (the fish are collected); catch a 10-tailed fox; the fox teaches to bring from the upper sky a package that the Moon will give; E. cut off 10 tails of the fox with an arrow, one remained; K. asks to bring a month; in the sky the old woman tells what is where; gives a package, orders not to open it on the way; E. gives it to K., he opens it, the flames burned him and his wife; E. measured out the horns of the wapiti of the required length, they were sawed off, the wapiti was glad; E. got a wife, leaves to get a second one; overtakes, kills hazel grouse, black hazel grouse; shoots someone at night; the nuthatch explains that E. killed the monster Amba, which destroyed everyone who reached the ends of the earth; the old woman praises him for this, shows him a river that falls like a waterfall into the underworld; there are fish, toads, a skeleton, monsters; E. returns, then tells people about what he saw; the old woman gave seeds, and since then berries have been growing on the ground; E. again overtook and killed a hazel grouse, a black hazel grouse; found a booth, got a second wife, brought her home]; Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 32 [younger brother leaves to look for his wife, sister gives half a comb and a whetstone; turns into a hare, hides in a tree near the road; An old man is passing on a sledge drawn by boars, pigs, and piglets respectively. Kanda , his wife, their eldest daughter in oak ; younger belle Sneeze she herself drags a sledge with human bones; a man marries Ch., every time she teaches him what to do; 1) K. will strike with a spear at his feet (the man places a dead eagle owl there in advance, the spear is covered in blood); with a red-hot spear (puts a dead hare in its place); 3) will give poisoned food (the person quietly puts it in the angelica, e. ate it, dies); 4) K. and the old woman are performing shamanism, preparing to kill a man; he places seven funny idols by the fire, K. and his wife laugh, the son-in-law and Ch. run away; they throw half a comb (thicket), a touchstone (mountains); K. and his wife were unable to overcome the mountains, the man with Ch. returned to his sister], 103 [reprint. from Arsenyev 1917-1925, No. 1: 701-705; Whenever wants to take the old man's daughter Kanda , he gives difficult assignments; 1) E. finds a fox with 11 tails, shoots 10 (since then the fox has one tail), brings it to K.; he says that he did not ask for this; 2) the girl’s uncle scatters the wheat (the birds collect it), 3) throws a bag of small money into the water (the fish collect it); 4) the girl’s father demands to bring sunlight from the sky; the old woman gives a saw, E. saws off the tusks of a wild boar that have grown into the ground, he teaches him to climb to the sky using the horns of the wapiti that have grown into him, then saw off; The month gives you a bag of sunlight and tells you not to open it yourself; E. gets a wife; when K. and his wife open the bag, the heat burns them], 104 [repeated. from Arsenyev 1917-1925, No. 1: 782-790; approximately as in No. 103; E. brings either the month or the light of the month to his father-in-law, it burns out; further E. follows his second wife to the ends of the world, kills a monster Amba , which otherwise would have eaten everyone; sees monsters of the underworld]: 235-241, 465-467, 467-471; Sangi 1989: 264-269; Udege people [young Egdi tries to shoot back from the cannibal Sontra-Masa , but he has a stone body, a metal chest; S. takes him in a boat, E. says that it is dangerous to swim in the middle of the river, and unnoticed jumps onto the shore; S.’s wife finds nothing in the boat and sends her husband to catch up with E.; E. killed an elk, cut it in half; tells S. that he will throw his lower half into his mouth, throws the elk’s butt; the upper half is thrown in front of the elk; the horns pierce S.'s stomach, S. dies; E. puts on his clothes, comes to his wife, tells him to prepare a cauldron and a knife; lowers a noose through the chimney, catches the witch by the horns, kills her with an ax; along the way he helps birds, boys, fish; marries a rich girl; the father-in-law orders the discarded oats to be collected (the birds collect them); 2) get the ring thrown into the water (the fish get it); 3) kill the fox with seven tails; Foxes pass by with two, three, etc. with tails, E. kills the seven-tailed one; 4) bring undying heat from the sun; E. helps the wild boar, moose, and bear along the way; the old woman brings him heat wrapped in cloth; the animals bring him home; father-in-law unwraps the package, burns]: Lopatin 1933, No. 2: 241-246.

Japan. codes , ch. 18: 64-66 [ Oo-moudzi marries daughter Susanoo ; S. tries to destroy him, his wife gives him talismans against dangers; 1) spend the night in a cave with snakes; 2) with centipedes and bees; 3) orders to look for the fired arrow, surrounds the plain with fire; The mouse tells you how to hide; O. stamps his foot, falls into a hole, waits out the fire; The mouse brings him an arrow; 4) S. orders to look for insects in his head, these are centipedes; his wife gives O. red clay, he spits it out like bitten centipedes; O. ties the sleeping S. by the hair to the rafters, blocks the entrance to the house with a rock, runs away with his wife, taking the Sword of Longevity, the Bow and Arrows of Longevity, and the Heavenly Talking Koto; it touches a tree, S. wakes up; O. and his wife manage to reach the exit from the Underground Country (Passage of the Land of Omi); S. predicts that he will become the God-Ruler of the Great Country; O. develops the land]; Ikeda 1971, No. 312D (Tohoku) [a man plays a flute, a celestial woman descends to its sound; the local prince kidnaps her and gives her husband impossible tasks; the wife helps to fulfill them; her husband goes to heaven to see her relatives; receives a grain of rice that gives strength as a gift; he takes pity on the cannibal in chains, gives him a grain, he breaks the chains, runs away, and kidnaps the man’s wife; he was chained because he wanted her since she was a girl; a husband searches for his wife by playing the flute; she recognizes its sound, invites him to the cannibal's house; they escape, the cannibal dies], 400 (59 versions; all of Japan, including northern Ryukyu) [see. motif K24; a man hides clothing made from the feathers of one of the girls bathing in the lake; they have children; she learns from them where the clothes are; flies away with the children; he comes to heaven for her; father-in-law gives difficult instructions: 1) cut down a forest for a field in a day, plow a field in a day, grow melons in a day, harvest their harvest in a day; the wife helps to do all this; (2) the person must identify the wife among her sisters, who all look the same; the bee he saved points to his wife; he was ordered not to eat melons; he cuts one, a stream gushes out of it, the husband and wife remain on opposite sides of the Milky Way; can meet only once a year, on the eve of July 7, when the stars celebrate the holiday; some versions end with the episode of (1) marrying the heavenly girl, (2) her return to heaven, (3) the man being reunited with his wife and children in heaven; (4) if the father-in-law subjects the son-in-law to tests, he usually does not withstand the latter, so he and his wife remain separated by the Heavenly River (Milky Way)], 465 [a poor peasant marries a beauty who is (1) a Swan, (2) a sea princess ( he meets her by visiting the underwater palace), (3) the Crane, whose life he saved, (4) the heavenly maiden; working in the field, he carries her portrait with him; the wind carries him to the castle, the owner of the castle kidnaps his wife, gives difficult instructions (usually there are three of them): (1) make a rope from the ashes (first make, then burn); 12 versions); (2) get a self-sounding drum (fill it with bees; 12 versions); (3) bring a lot of rice, sesame, mustard seeds (9 versions); (4) bring a monster; in different versions, different monsters are brought from other worlds; in 14 the monster kills the owner of the castle; (5) get Thunder (in this case Thunder kills the owner; the last task is always fatal for him), 554 (18 versions from Kyushu to Tohoku) [the young man saves a bee, a turtle, a monkey; they help him complete difficult tasks, marry a princess; 1) indicate the number of bamboos in the grove; 2) get eggs that will cure the princess or her father from a bird’s nest in a tree on a sea island or across the river; 3) identify the princess among identical girls]: 77, 96-97, 116-117, 147-148; Borovkov 1937 [the prince’s maid washed clothes in the river; the serpent from the river ordered her to give the prince a letter demanding that he give him one of his daughters as a wife; the youngest Otohime agreed; the serpent ordered to cut his skin, a young man came out; said that he was the son of a dragon, Prince Bootes, must ascend to his father in heaven for 7 days; if he is gone for 21 days, he will never return; left the casket and did not order it to be opened; if you go to the witch at the oak tree and ask her for a ladle, with its help you can ascend to the sky; O.’s sisters beg her to open the box, steam comes out of it; the husband does not return, O. finds the ladle, rises to the sky, asks directions from various stars; Bootes hides his wife from her father, he finds her, gives her tasks, and her husband helps her complete them; 1) drive a thousand oxen into stalls; 2) carry a thousand koku of rice (ants carry); 3) spend the night in a house with centipedes; the dragon agrees to leave O. as Bootes' wife, but allows them to meet once a month; O. hears that once a year; the dragon creates a river - the Milky Way; O. (the Weaver star) meets Bootes on the seventh day of the seventh month]: 149-161 (trans. Conrad); Japanese [poor Mikeran goes to swim higher up the river than they usually swim; sees a kimono on a tree, takes it; the maiden emerges and says that this is her feather outfit for flying; she has to go to M.; 7 years later they have three children; unexpectedly approaching the house, the wife hears the elders singing, reassuring the younger one that the father will come and open the barn, where there is a feather outfit for rice and millet, he will get it for us; the wife took the children, flew to heaven, but dropped the youngest child, he fell from a height; husband finds a note in a bamboo tube; he must bury a thousand pairs of wooden shoes and a thousand pairs of straw sandals, plant bamboo on top, in two or three years it will grow to the sky; M. found only 999 pairs; climbed to the top of the bamboo, but was just a little short of the sky; the wife stretched out the shuttle and pulled her husband into the sky; the heavenly father-in-law demands 1) to clear a field of a thousand chobu in a day (the wife orders to cut down one tree and go to bed, the field is ready); 2) dig up this field (the same thing - dig and sleep); 3) sow melons (the same); 4) collect them all the next day (the same, the melons are already ripe); the father-in-law is pleased, but orders him to cut three melons lengthwise and lie down to sleep on them; the wife orders it to be cut across, but M. obeys his father-in-law; Immediately all the melons are cut lengthwise, water gushes out of them, and the stream carries M. away; this stream is the Milky Way, M. is Altair, his wife is Vega, two stars next to her are her children; spouses meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month; the fallen child remained alive, his mother left him three koku rice once a year on the mountain; some washed dirty clothes in the river, three koku shrank to three verna, and the child disappeared]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 1: 255-259; nausea : Etter 1949: 65-67 [the gods compete to see who should rule the world; 1) withstand frost; 2) sit on fire; 3) don’t laugh when listening to funny stories; Kirumi wins; smiles only slightly when the gods imitate copulation, says that such a smile does not count; hides millet seeds in a cut under the skin, brings them to the ground; the dog says that K. is going to take away the seeds; K. throws ash into her mouth; since then dogs have not spoken], 156-158 [the young man sees goddesses bathing, hides the clothes of one of them; hears in a dream that she is a bride Ripun-kando-koro-kamui ; they drop a ladder from the sky and call him for testing; the goddess gives him a fan that causes cold and heat; young man 1) sits in a cold house; 2) rides a fiery horse; he is sent to earth with his wife; she gives birth to a son and a daughter; returns to heaven with his daughter]; Kayano Shigeri 1985: 116 in Sadokova 2001: 191-192 [having learned about the beauty of the Ainu land (Ainu moshiri), Okikurumi decides to go down there; the gods arrange tests; O. withstands the test of cold and heat; naked god and goddess copulate doggy style; the gods laughed, O. just chuckled, but he was considered a loser; nevertheless he descended to the ground].

NE Asia. Chukchi (reindeer): Anonymous 1958 [ap. in 1955 in Nunyamo; an orphan lives with his grandmother; a rich reindeer herder promises a daughter and half of his property to the one who wins reindeer sled races and wrestling at the festival; the orphan wins, receives a reward]: 71; Baboshina 1958, No. 46 [as in Menovshchikov, No. 63; the young man is carried away on an ice floe; sees a naked woman, gives her part of his clothes; This is the Bear, she rewards him, marries him; his mother calls her a werewolf, she leaves with the children; he follows her; her Bear ex-husband offers challenges; (without the story of returning home)], 48 [an old man and an old woman place a seal on the way of the kele caravan; they are afraid and give the child away; he is growing up quickly, his name is Seken, he is wooing his daughter in heaven God bless you 'A; Kele helps with advice; 1) catches a thrown stone with his mouth; 2) eats a lot of meat (makes a cut in the stomach, food falls through the sky, sun and earth); 3) drives a huge herd with a dangerous deer at its head; 4) becoming a bug, he finds a bride hidden in a chest; brings his wife and deer to the land; the neighbors try to kill him, take his wife, he is unharmed every time; 1) hit with a knife; 2) cut into pieces and fed to crows; 3) pushed into a hole; his wife and child jump into the pit with him; underground, kele gives them a sledge, a deer; they return, a mad deer tramples their rival neighbors]: 118-122, 124-130; Belikov 1982: 24-27 [a polar bear kidnaps a man's wife; he comes to the bears, they offer competitions; 1) jumps further than the bear; 2) defeats a bear in single combat; 3) play ball with the head of a walrus (dodges, throws his head, fangs pierce the bear); 4) kills the kidnapper, the bear Kochatko, with a spear; gets a bear as his wife, returns home with two wives], 46-51 [wife disappears, Rorat sails on a boat to the crushing rocks, between which birds fly; further is the country of Kele; R. catches a stone ball and injures his opponent with it; jumps from a height, retrieves a stone thrown into the sea, wins the race; gets his wife back]; Bogoras 1902, no. 31 [approximately like Menovshchikov 1974, no. 63]: 633-634; 1928, No. 3 [orphan rejects brides; ascends to heaven to marry the daughter of Arcturus; he locks him in a room, where he sends first a burning fire, then a hail of stones; the young man remains alive; penetrates the girl, takes her as his wife; her father allows her to be taken; on earth the young man hides her from people; one day she comes out; those who look at her die from her beauty], 23 [see. motif K30; Dawn takes away the orphan's wife; he kills him, takes his wife back; now she is abducted by the Sun and the Moon; The sun creates a river of centipedes; the orphan throws meat at them, crosses the river; the same episode with rivers of beetles of different colors; the young man enters the Sun; he throws a bloody disk made of wood, iron, or copper around the room; the young man turns into a hair, into a needle, unharmed; The sun throws him into the fire, the young man comes to life; takes his wife home again, promises the Sun his sister as his wife; The Sun and the Moon come for her; a young man makes a girl out of snow; The Sun and the Moon carry her to the sky; the warm wind makes it melt, kills the Sun and the Moon with a blizzard], 24 [Sun, Moon, Sky, Sea, Dawn, Dusk, World, as well as Atigitki and his cousin came to woo girls whose father is the Earth; everyone shows what they are capable of; The sea drowns everyone, the sun burns everyone, but everyone is reborn; The month causes crushing rocks that crush those present; A. and his cousin turn into stoats and hide in the corner of the room; Dawn unleashes polar bears, Dusk - brown ones, Peace - a storm; all shamans are reborn again; when A.’s turn comes, he pokes his staff at each opponent, burning half of his body; the other half weakens; rivals scatter; Sun and Moon - to the sky, Sky - up, Dawn - to the east, Dusk - to the west, The world stretches across the universe; A. turns himself, his brother and daughter of the Earth into mosquitoes, they fly into our world; there the strong men took away their wives; they fight them in the air, they fall dead], 31 [an orphan lives with his sister; goes to look for a bride; the girl promises to marry the one who will overtake her; the orphan overtakes, marries], 50 [boys and girls play husbands and wives; the younger girl grabs a whale skull and it drags her out to sea; turns into Kit, takes her as his wife; her brother learns to sail a boat as fast as a bird flies; together with his companions he sails for his sister; A whale floods a house with water, people escape by wearing bird skins; The whale lets a heavy bloody stone roll, people escape by wearing ermine skins; a woman is taken away; Keith catches up with them; the woman throws away the items of her clothing one by one, strips naked; people on the shore kill Whale; a woman gives birth to Kittenka; it grows, leads to the settlement of many whales; someone kills him]: 322, 364-367, 367-370, 384-385, 436-439; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 63 [orphan cannot catch a seal, carried away on an ice floe; The bear tells him to sit on her back, takes him home, turns into a woman; gives birth to a teddy bear and a boy; the husband's mother scolds them, calls them bears; wife and children leave; her husband follows her to the land of polar bears; The Bear's former husband offers to compete; 1) hunt seals (a man killed five, a bear killed three); 2) lift a stone from the bottom (putting on the skin of a cockerel, a person dives for a long time and lifts a heavier stone); 3) fight (a man kills a bear with an arrow); the bears scream in horror that a polar bear is coming; This is a rat, a person kills it easily; his wife's relatives are in admiration of his strength; =Sanghi 1989: 440-446], 64 [as in (63); the grandmother offends the Bear wife, saying that she eats whole pieces of fat; after the second test among the bears, the man and his wife return to the people; kills his grandmother, lives with two wives], 65 [orphan goes to look for his uncle’s wife, kidnapped by Kele; slips between the crowding mountains at the edge of the world; the bird-boy teaches him to give meat to two kele guards; Kele the kidnapper suggests 1) jumping into a fiery pit (the orphan comes out unharmed); 2) visit the house of his (kele) wife (the orphan is alive, kills the kele wife with an arrow); kele-kidnapper allows you to take the stolen property and return to the people]: 232-238, 238-242, 242-248; coastal Koryaks : Zhukova 1988, No. 12 (written by A.N. Zhukova, 1952, village of Belogolovoye, Tigilsky district) [seven brothers come to get married, Oyo is the youngest; local owner Kagynkan and his assistant Nyungye propose a competition with local heroes; losers are killed; 1) fight; 2) run a race on skis; 3) jump over spears; Oyo wins; N. shoots seven arrows, each of the brothers follows his own, finds a yaranga, a bride, and deer; Oyo has the best, he is now the eldest]: 41-50; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 138 (Palana, zap. 1960 by A.N. Zhukova) [The rich man’s daughter asks for Viksa; he sets the condition that V. kill 1) two giants; they are sleeping, V. throws stones at them, they accuse each other, fight, kill each other; 2) bull-unicorn; V. hides behind a tree, the horn pierces the trunk, V. cuts it down, brings the bull; gets a wife], 146 [=Zhukova 1988, No. 12]: 430-434, 461-466; tundra Yukagiri (village Kolymskoye, Nizhnekolymsk district) Gogolev et al. 1975 [the young man Ulegeradoite sees three swan girls on the lake who have taken off their clothes; the old man advises him to take the wings of the younger one, they are closer to the shore; W. takes her as his wife; she says that her older brother will come for her and kill everyone, it’s better to go to her home ourselves; she gets wings and flies away; W. follows; overtakes his wife's younger brother; her father gives up his place to him]: 223-226; Kurilov 2005, No. 8 [Ulegeral Oyche sees three swan girls arriving to swim; the old man orders the younger one to hide her wings; brings home, marries; she says that her older brother can kill everyone, advises them to go to him themselves; the brother tests the UO in running, he wins; the father of the swan girl allows UO to marry her, gives his power to his son-in-law, not to his sons]: 207-213; Chuvash people : Bogoras 1918, No. 10 (Anadir Yukaghirs) [a person has a worker named Pondandi ; a person dies; his daughter gives P. various instructions, but he sits motionless; when he asks if he wants to marry her, P. comes to life; she asks him 1) to kill the bear; 2) large mountain sheep; 3) shoot an arrow into the sky and follow it; he carries out all the instructions, returns handsome with a herd of deer; marries her]: 136-138; XXX, No. 18 [An orphan worked as a laborer for a rich man. Their yarangas stood nearby. The lazy son of the rich man did not graze the deer, he still sat in the yaranga. And the parents were already old and could not shepherd. One day the rich man's son and the Orphan went to a neighboring camp. The rich man's son was given a beautiful dagger there. And for Sirota - a shabby dog style='font-family:​​with singed fur. When Sirota leaves to graze the deer, the dog gets up, takes off its skin, turns into a beautiful girl, and begins to prepare food. The orphan ran into the yaranga, grabbed the dog skin and threw it into the fire. The girl told him: “Why did you burn my skin?! Where will I hide now? You’ll see, they’ll take me away from you!” After the rich man's son saw Sirota's girl, he could not find a place for himself. With the help of his bride, the Orphan fulfills the tasks of the rich man's son: bring a dagger from a cliff, bring a bear tied on a pass, bring their knife from the “parents” (i.e., from the cannibal devils). During the last task, the Orphan, when asked by the devils who he is, replies that their son sent him to them for a knife. The fourth order is to bring the “parents” (i.e. cannibal devils). An orphan brings devils to the rich man's son's yaranga. The fifth order is to bring the bear. When the Orphan brings the devils and the bear, the rich man's son cries and asks to take them back. An orphan and his bride migrate away from the rich. There was no one left to graze the deer, the herd broke up, and the rich died of hunger].

Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Bogoraz 1949, No. 12 [an unlucky hunter is carried out to sea on an ice floe; The Polar Bear kills a seal for him, becomes a woman, he brings her home; gives birth to two sons; her mother-in-law reproaches her for eating fat intended for a fat lamp; she leaves, taking her sons; her husband follows her to the land of polar bears; The Bear's former husband offers to compete; 1) lift a stone from the bottom (putting on the skin of a polar bear, a person lifts the stone for a long time and at the same time kills a seal); 2) play ball with the head of a walrus (putting on a bear skin, a person wins); 3) fight; a man kills a bear with an arrow; lives with his wife and children with the bears; having grown old, he wants to return to people; his bear sons bring him ashore]: 161-176; Kozlov 1956 (Chaplino) [a young man wooing the daughter of a shaman; he orders to bring 1) the seal as the moon; 2) like the sun; 3) lunar, 4) solar deer (my wife teaches how); 5) a giant walrus; 6) depict on a walrus whale, which the shaman himself does not know; this is a magical whale, whoever kills it will obey the spirits; the shaman goes after him himself and dies]: 152-155; (cf. Menovshchikov 1985, No. 93 (Chaplino; similar to a Russian borrowing) [reindeer herder Yugnilnuk goes to woo a girl; the late father from the grave helps him complete the marriage test: jump on a reindeer sled over a sushi, so that the bride hits the applicant with a hammer; all sleds fall, only Yu gets to the girl; after the tests, everyone sees the bruise on Yu’s forehead, Yu gets the girl; all the sons-in-law and their wives gather to see his father-in-law, Yu’s father-in-law wants the sons-in-law to get the wild dogs from the grave; do this; two other sons-in-law buy dogs from Yu in exchange for thumbs; Yu’s wife shows these fingers to her father; he recognizes the superiority of her husband]: 217-220); island St. Lawrence [a young man, whose relative is mocking him, sees a light in a cave and finds a woman there; a relative offers to swap wives, comes to a cave, is killed by a woman; she is the White Bear, leading her husband to her people; bears with a necklace were killed by hunters and were reborn; the wife's sister's husband offers to compete, the wife teaches how to win; 1) dive into the sea, get it from the bottom, throw heavy stones; 2) play with the heavy head of a walrus; man wins]: Slwooko 1979: 86-91; island Nunivak : Lantis 1946, No. 10 [a man sends his son to his grandparents to take them new parkas; the grandfather says who took his parka; along the way, two people try to kill the young man; a cannibal with a knife chases him; he draws a line behind him, a river appears; advises the cannibal to put the knife down as a bridge, and volunteers to hold it; the cannibal falls into the river and is carried away; he takes her knife; a man proposes to run a race, the winner will throw the loser into the water; the young man wins, kills the man’s wife, and takes the parka; on the way back he kills all the villains; when he cuts off the heads of those two men, the heads jump, but he gouges out their eyes; gets married at home], 11 [father-in-law sends son-in-law to split a log; waves move towards him, he throws a slate point at them; he takes out water with a bucket, something white flies from the well, he hits it with a spear; finds his father-in-law and mother-in-law wounded at home; kills and turns their daughter into a beluga whale; returns to his home, marries again]: 278-280, 280-281; central yupik (Kuskokwim) [a woman at work gives a crying child to another who is ready to hold him; a stranger and a child disappear; not the shamans, but the poor boy tells the father of the missing man that the child was stolen by the She-Wolf; produces goose and otter skins; a man comes to the village of Wolves, an old man and an old woman hide him; The She-Wolf suggests 1) hunting seals (the man kills the seal before the She-Wolf's brothers); 2) run a race (there is an abyss on the way, a man descends in the form of a goose); 3) fight in a dugout (the man puts on the skin of an otter, the She-Wolf puts on a sea otter, he kills her); The wolves give him his son, he returns home]: Krenov 1951: 181-185; Bering Strait Inupiat (Prince of Wales Cape): Curtis 1976(20): 157-160 [the young man does not marry for a long time; sees an unfamiliar girl, brings him to him, she makes it a condition that his mother does not insult her; they have a son; the mother-in-law says that the daughter-in-law eats raw blubber, she is the White Bear; the wife leaves, the husband comes to the Polar Bears; his father-in-law tells him to throw a bead into his son's mouth, the bears become friendly; the foreman challenges a man to a competition, the father-in-law gives him his skin; 1) play with an ice ball (the person throws it the furthest); 2) whoever dives for the longest period (the person who breathes secretly wins); 3) hunt seals (wins); a man stays with the Bears], 254-256 [a man shelters an orphan, he works a lot; hides the clothes of four bathing girls; returns to three, they fly away like cranes; the fourth becomes his wife, creates a house away from the village; they have two children; they come to live in the village; his stepfather wants to take possession of his wife; during the game, a young man is pushed off a cliff, he turns into a weasel, and returns alive; during a whale hunt, a line is tied to his leg; he swims to the whale, gets ashore, sees his wife and children flying out of the house in the guise of cranes; they bring him into the world of the cranes, his wife's father gives him his crane parka, he stays with the cranes]; Bering Strait Inupiat [ Yes Yes meets an unfamiliar woman on the ice, marries, they have a son; T.'s mother tells her grandson that his mother eats like a polar bear; she takes her son and goes to the polar bears; T. comes to them, they are happy; her father helps him, gives him a bearskin; these bears are the souls of those killed by people; divided into two batches, white and speckled; T. in the White party; wins a ball game (ball made of ice); gets the seal first; stays with his wife and children with the bears]: Garber 1940, No. 24: 195-203; Bering Strait Inupiat [orphan Seetuk lives with his uncle, studies with him; the uncle's wife eats all the supplies, tells her husband that the nephew is doing this; Uncle puts S. in a box, ties the lid, and lowers it into the sea; the box reaches the shore; S. frees himself, hunts, gets everything he needs; someone drives fish, deer, wolves (they have valuable skins) to his house; two brothers and sister arrive; she is ready to marry S. if he overtakes her and defeats his evil rival; S. first lags behind, then casts a spell and overtakes; the girl's father gives him the skin of a polar bear; S. defeats his opponent in a game of ball (this is a large stone); in diving in the sea; kills with an arrow when he appears in the guise of a bear; S. marries, his father-in-law gives him hawk plumage; S. flies to his native village, picks up his uncle, throws him into the sea, having first taken off his bird clothes and said why he is going to kill him; brings his uncle's corpse to the village, tells his story; people kill their uncle's wife and bury her with her husband; S. returns to the Hawks, becomes their leader]: Garber 1940, No. 27: 204-215; Bering Strait Inupiat : Garber 1940, № 14 [ Vinylinatuk refuses to get married; gives birth to a child, does not order the parents to look at him; while she's gone, they watch; he has a huge mouth, he bites them to death; V. leaves with him, he hunts for her; A. marries a man who has four other children, one of them a girl; the largemouth becomes more and more human-like, although it manages to kill one of the named brothers; my sister was carried away on an ice floe; largemouth with one of his brothers swim in umiak to the mouth of the sky; it opens and contracts; only the stern of their boat is fragmented; they find their sister; her husband offers to fight; kills her brother, killed by largemouth, brother immediately revives; an evil shaman kills people by pointing severed human fingers at them; largemouth kills it; both brothers and sister return home, following along the edge of the sky]: 115-114; Keithahn 1958: 47-51 [ Ahsiksakak – a shaman, he has four brothers, a sister, a wife; one brother and sister are carried away on an ice floe; A. makes a boat as fast as a duck, sails with his family to a village whose leader is going to kill A.’s brother, kills strangers, offering to fight; kills all A.'s brothers in turn, he kills himself, revives the brothers; the shaman kills the brothers again, sending human bones at them; A. sends the bone into itself; having reached his native shore, A.’s boat and everyone in it turn into stone]; Northern Alaska Inupiat : Hall 1975, № EH1 (Noatak) [ Kinyuk hunting, someone repeats that they see hair on his shoulders; K. finds out that it is a mouse and burns its face; the foxes invite him into the hole; an old man with a wrinkled face (he was a mouse) invites him to eat a lot of meat; another person (this is a seagull) pushes him so that he does not eat; he puts the meat in the parka; it is wormy; something falls from the wall, Seagull warns not to look; K. returns home], PM71 [ Inyuhuyuk marries a girl with big teeth who plays ball; the mother-in-law notices that she is licking her fingers and says that she looks like a bear; Having taken both sons, the offended daughter-in-law leaves; I. follows them, the trail becomes the trail of bears; his wife's relatives are kind to him, but the bear's former companion offers to compete; 1) run to the ice hole, catch a seal, return; 2) dive for a long time (the old man advises to take air into the parka and breathe at the bottom); 3) roll down the mountain; I. wins; with his wife he often visits his parents, who takes on a human form], PM87 [father-in-law tells his son-in-law to bring a partridge with fused legs; the son-in-law turns into a squirrel, sneaks under the snow, kills, brings back a partridge; 2) check the tops; the ice is thin, the son-in-law falls through; shoots an arrow with a rope from under the water through the hole, gets out; partridge and vertices were traps for people; father-in-law sends son-in-law home], 114 [poor young man lives with his grandmother; the rich man has a post with a ball on top; whoever climbs in and removes the ball will receive the rich man's daughter; the poor young man completes the task; the ball is a human head; the rich man tells her to roll up to the one who got the ball; she approaches the young man; he gets a wife; in the young man's house the wife finds a lot of meat; in fact the young man was rich]: 71-75, 270-274, 301-303, 343-345; Ingstad, Bergsland 1987 (Anaktuvuk pass) [wife dies, hunter raises son alone; he grows up, the rich man invites him to bring him the head of the demon; the father says that he constantly sends young men to death; gives a trap, indicates where to go; a young man looks into the house of demons and invites them; they run after him, fall behind, he is left alone, he is also exhausted from running; the young man puts him in a trap, cuts off his head, brings it to the rich man, who orders him to throw away the head]: 224-225; Keithahn 1958 (Kobuk River) [brothers swim one after another down the Kobuk River, disappear; Jr Ugungoroseok receives amulets from parents; his father tries to kill him, but cannot, believes that he is strong; O. swims along the river, kills the women who killed the travelers (throws the head of a seal into a dugout, the head fights with the woman, both die; he replaces his hat and the hair of the old woman’s daughter, the old woman kills the daughter, turns out to be a bear); throws a harpoon at the attacking man, kills the old woman, puts on her skin, comes to treat the wounded, orders to turn off the light and sing, finishes off; touches something with an oar, sticks, the owner of the trap brings it to his two boys, falls asleep, O. kills him with a stone, sees that it was a bear with cubs; having reached the sea, he marries; kills two ferocious dogs, the father-in-law says that they were his hunters, decides to kill his son-in-law; 1) get a tree for the boat (the log is thrown at O. when he starts chopping branches, he splits it); 2) walrus skin for the boat (a storm begins, O. calms the sea); 3) the father-in-law pours tar on the fireplace in the dugout, O. hides behind the turf with a caress; takes his wife and daughter to his home, the storm calms down only when he throws them into the sea; O. finds them alive with his father-in-law, burns him in the dugout in the same way that his father-in-law wanted to burn him; brings the family home; along the banks of the river he sees dens instead of dugouts, where hostile creatures lived]: 52-61; Ostermann 1952 (Kotzebue) [four brothers disappear one after another; conceiving a new son, the husband sprinkles sparks into his wife’s vagina; When Kajartuarungnertok is born, his father gives him two red-hot pebbles to swallow; K. travels, meets strange creatures; turns into a falcon, falls into a trap; Umialik asks his adopted daughter to boil a falcon, eats it, asks his daughter to throw away the bones; K. turns into a man, marries a girl; W. is trying to destroy him; 1) K. must sail into the sea to catch ducks, U. creates a storm, K. belches amulets, neutralizing witchcraft; 2) splits the log that was supposed to crush him; 3) kills the monstrous hazel grouse; 4) kills the scaly monster; 5) U.’s people push him into the abyss, he turns into a falcon, unharmed; 6) they set fire to the dance house, locking K. in it; he turns into a caterpillar and crawls out; 7) they shoot at him, their arrows fly past; he kills them with arrows; leaves the undressed U. in an unheated house, he freezes; returns home, his parents have already died; he turns into a falcon and flies away into the forest]: 246-253; Ivanoff Brown 1981 (Selawik) [Nunamiu and his wife Qimmiq have four sons, they leave and disappear; N. conceives the fifth by lighting a fire so that sparks will fall into his wife’s vagina; son Qayaq is born; his father magically instills in him strength and dexterity, gives him amulets made from the bodies of insects and small nimble animals (weasels, minks, shrews); Having prepared a supply of food for his parents, K. goes up the Kobuk Valley in search of his brothers; his father tells him to take with him his uncle, whom he meets on the way; in the parking lot, an unfriendly man comes into K.’s hut, he throws him out, he turns into a woodpecker; picks up a broken wolverine tooth from a beaver lodge; a man spends the night with him, leaves in the morning, it was a wolverine; K. says to the man who comes up that his thumb eats people like him; the man runs away in fright and turns out to be a trot; someone voracious behaves strangely and rushes at K. with a knife; K. invites him to die in fire, he jumps into the fire and burns; in the village K. marries; in the spring the wife waits for her father to cut her open to take out the baby; K. teaches giving birth in the usual way; goes further, meets a giant; he says that his two wives will soon come and start fighting; let K. hamstring both of them, first the one that comes from the sea, because she is aggressive; after urinating, the giant flooded the whole valley; K. does this, the giantesses bandage the wounds, the husband sends them to clean the house; wives live with the giant only in the spring; a giant kills a caribou with a torn larch; K. leaves, prepares materials to make a boat, wants help; spies, sees that the Fox girl is frying meat, the Squirrel is melting the resin, the Bird women are sewing the skin of the boat, the Beaver is preparing the frame and oars, the Raven is throwing a dart at the birds, the Wolf and Wolverine are scraping out the bark, the Bear is cutting down trees, clearing them of branches; then everyone dances, the Woodpecker beats the tambourine; K. jumps up, grabs the Fox, she remains human, the rest scatter in the form of animals and birds; in the summer K. floats down the Yukon, his wife becomes a fox again; K. meets and takes his uncle with him; they see how a man breaks off chips from a fir tree, they fall into the water, small ones turn into trout, large ones into salmon; thanks to this there is fish; on the shore there is a house, the bones and skulls of his brothers, a naked woman; K. throws the head of a sealed seal into her vulva, the head tears apart the cannibal; K. buries bones; there is a shiny ball on the tree, it attracts K., he hangs in a trap; the cannibal brings it home, his two children say that the game has opened its eyes; the cannibals fell asleep, K. cut off their heads; K.'s boat slips between the crushing rocks, only the oar is crushed; the giant in the boat and K. throw darts at each other, K.’s dart cuts off the giant’s head; enters the house, the giant's wife throws the ulu, K. throws it at her, cuts off her head; the door is closed, he gets out, becoming a mouse; turns into a trout, bites off the tip of the fisherman's spear; comes to him, offers to repair the prison, pierces the fisherman with it; turns into salmon, gets into the fishermen's net; the chief's son eats the head, the bone gets stuck in his throat, he dies; the bones are thrown into the pit, K. is revived, they shoot at him, he runs away; they swim to the sea; Uncle left, turning into a lynx; K. becomes a falcon; the leader of the people, Unalik, catches him, eats him, he is reborn from the bones, marries the leader’s stepdaughter; he wanted her for himself; sends a storm, K.'s boat is driven into the open sea; K. burps up the stones given by his father, the wind has died down; K. burns the leader’s face with this stone; he orders the log to be split into firewood; So he killed many of his stepdaughter's suitors; with the help of a weasel amulet, K. completes the task, the leader is surprised that K. is alive; the leader orders the partridges to be shot, K. kills a huge cannibal bird there; cross the abyss along the log, K. falls, but returns unharmed; crawls like a caterpillar from the communal house in which the leader wanted to burn him; K. dodges the arrows fired at him and kills the leader’s warriors himself; ties him naked to a post, leaves him in the cold; appoints a new leader, flies away as a falcon]: 40-114; Spencer 1959 [man marries polar bear woman; the mother-in-law doesn’t like that her daughter-in-law eats a lot of fat; she goes to her people; in her village Angusiluk kills strangers, inviting them to compete, takes the wives of the dead for himself; a man's wife's father-in-law and brothers help him; 1) play with a heavy ball made of bone and ice (a person breaks it); 2) get seals (the person is the first to pull out the seal); 3) A. turns into a walrus, the dugout fills with water; a man harpoons a walrus; heals the enemy; 4) dive for a long time (the person breathes through a tube; A. is barely alive); a man with his wife and son returns to his parents]: 419-425; Kodiak : Golder 1903, no. 8 [man kills sister's sons; she pretends that she gave birth to a girl, her brother finds out the truth; 1) drops a wedge into a crack in the log, asks his nephew to get it, knocks out other wedges (the young man rubs the log with sour cranberries, it opens its mouth); 2) sends his nephew to get ducks and eggs from a steep cliff, pushes him down (he holds feathers in his hand, goes down like a feather); 3) sends a huge oyster past (the nephew is swallowed and cuts the oyster’s muscles with a knife); the uncle puts his nephew in a deck with a lid and sends him out to sea; he sails to the country of Eagles, marries the daughter of the leader, receives eagle plumage; brings a whale to his uncle's village; the uncle drives the young man's parents away from meat; Nephew-Eagle lifts his uncle into the air and throws him into the sea; takes his parents to the country of Eagles], 9 [at a time when there were no winds yet, the young man receives a mink skin from his grandmother; sails into the bay, gets married; 1) the father-in-law asks to bring firewood (a monster rushes at the young man, he kills him with an arrow, brings firewood); 2) his wife and her sister call him to swim (a whale swallows him, he turns into a mink, jumps out through the whale’s blowhole); 3) the whale swings the young man’s wife and her sister on its tail (the young man quietly kills the whale with an arrow, only then steps on the tail); sails home; A huge wave rolls behind him, he breaks it with an arrow; he is swallowed by a monster, he becomes a mink, gets out through the gills; remains a mink]: 90-95, 95-98; 1909, No. 2 (Karluk) [mother gives her son a feather, a pebble, a needle; the old man pushes him off the cliff, he lands with a feather; marries the daughter of an cannibal; she sends him to her brother’s steam room; it turns into a pebble, withstands heat; kills his wife and mother-in-law with a needle; marries the chief's daughter]: 12-13; Aleut : Golder 1909, No. 6 (Unga) [a young man trains by lifting stones; comes to get wives; their relatives demand that the groom 1) kill the largest beluga whale (kills), 2) win the kayak race (turns his kayak into a beluga whale, swims under water, wins; gets the right to shoot at his opponent; removes his arrow from his body, he recovers) , 3) fight on the edge of the pit with worms (throws the opponent into the pit, the worms devour him); gets two wives]: 17-18; Jochelson 1990 [as in Alutiiq], No. 35 (Unalaska) [man kills sister's sons; she pretends that she gave birth to a girl, her brother finds out the truth; 1) drops a wedge into a crack in the log, asks his nephew to get it, knocks out other wedges; he saves himself by becoming a beetle and brings firewood; 2) his uncle takes him to hunt seals, sews him into a seal skin, and throws him into the sea; the nephew sails to the country of the Eagles, receives two wives and an eagle plumage; flies to his mother, brings the whale to his uncle’s village; the uncle drives the young man's mother away from meat; Nephew-Eagle lifts his uncle into the air and throws him into the sea; returns to his wives], 43 (Umnak) [= 1916, No. 4: 302-304; Kanaagutuh keeps only women in his villages, kills all boys; one woman hides her son; when K. finds out the truth, he seeks to destroy him; 1) a young man splits a log and brings firewood; 2) K. pushes him off the cliff, taking him to hunt cormorants; he goes down like a feather, which his mother gave him, brings cormorants; 3) K. leaves his son on the island; he hides the seal in advance, sews himself into its skin, sails to the Eagles]: 269-277, 329-333; Lyapunova 1984 (Commanders) [in the leader’s village there are only women (they also do all the men’s work); the men are exterminated, the leader kills the boys who are born; one woman hides her son under the guise of a girl; the leader discovers him when he knocks down flying birds with stones; the leader tries 1) to pin him in a tree trunk (the mother gives him a magic bone wedge); 2) throws him off a cliff (mother gives him magic feathers); 3) takes seals to fish and leaves them on the island; With a woman's knife, the boy removes the skin from the seal, sews himself into it, swims, and is thrown out onto Orlov Island; the young man marries, learns to fly in the skin of an eagle, goes to his mother’s village, brings her two whales; the leader tries to take them away, the young man lifts him into the air and throws him into the sea; returning to the village, swaps places with idle women and slaves (among whom was his mother), flies off to his wife]: 27-28; mouth Mackenzie [a man meets a woman, follows her to her relatives; these are Polar Bears; the father-in-law demands 1) hit the target with the ball, 2) get a seal in the hole, 3) get the “narrow one” (fairy-tale animal); the son-in-law wins every time, returns home, leaving his bear wife]: Ostermann 1942: 91-95; needle-like (Repulse Bay) [a good hunter Angusugjuk finds a puppy near the house, and a woman in the house; she leaves when her mother-in-law reproaches her for eating only fat; A. follows the trail - partly of a man, partly of a polar bear; the wife rushes into the water, takes A. to the village of polar bears; the wife of the biggest one looks into the house and says that her husband is challenging A. to a competition; mother-in-law teaches what to do; there is no need to accept the challenge of diving for jellyfish; 1) lift, carry the stone (it is slippery, but there are four notches on it, A. wins); 2) dive for seals (A. grabs something black, at home it turns out that it is a seal)]: Spalding 1979: 12-14.

Subarctic. Ingalik [brothers Nounnegus 'and one after another they come to woo their daughter Kamushaisyuk 'A; he kills everyone; N. himself remains unharmed when K. causes a storm at sea; brings firewood from the forest, taming two bears K.; remains unharmed in a hot dugout; gets a wife: kills her on the way home, avenging his brothers; leaves the corpse in the top of K.]: Chapman 1914, No. 3: 19-21; kitchen [while the husband is hunting, the wife in the forest receives meat from the ceftri (probably copulates with him; the word means insects, snakes, worms, eels); Jateaquoit is the eldest of two sons; tells father about mother's behavior; he cuts off her head; the body pursues the husband, the head pursues the sons; D. throws a stone, an awl, a knife, and a beaver tooth, received from his father, while running; they turn into a mountain, a thorny thicket, a mountain range, a river; by chance the tooth falls in front of, and not behind, the fugitives; The swan carries them across the river; the head calls the Swan husband , asks to transport her too; The swan throws her into the water, she turns into a big fish; brothers play ball, it falls into the boat; the owner of the boat invites D. to take the ball: he takes it away; the younger brother left on the shore turns into a wolf; the owner's eldest daughter refuses to marry D.; the youngest comes out and makes him handsome; the father-in-law demands 1) bring material for an arrow shaft from a tree scattering sharp chips around; 2) get the resin from a tree splashing with boiling resin; in both cases D. calms the trees by spitting on them; 3) get the tendons of two animals covered with impenetrable wool; The mouse gnaws the fur under the animals' hearts, explaining that its babies are freezing; D. kills animals with arrows; 4) get the feathers of man-eating eagles; D. kills the female chick; asks the male how his parents will arrive; Father - with rain and hail, mother - with blizzard ; D. kills adult eagles with a spear, turns the chick into an ordinary eagle; 5) kill the bear; D. grabs the forbidden arrow and pierces the bear; she turns out to be his wife; the father-in-law turns into a bear, rushes at D., and is also killed by him]: McKennan 1965: 98-103; to your house : Ruppert, Bernet 2001 [shaman wins property, three daughters, wife, little son from a rich man; the loser comes to the house of the giant K'eluyesh; on the way, the man took a squirrel out of the trap, or rather the skin left over from it; now the squirrel jumped out alive, it is the giant’s child; the giant gives animal skins and dice; Having staked the skins, a person wins everything back from the shaman; the man advises the shaman to go to the giant for dice (the giant himself advised him to offer this to the shaman); as a result, the shaman loses his abilities]: 316-317; Vaudrin 1969 [grandmother gives young man a mink skin; the grandson goes to the village; the chief's daughter consistently asks him to bring animals out of season (caribou, seal, marmot, salmon; the skin turns into a mink, getting the marmot and salmon); a girl marries a boy]: 108-113; week : Ruppert, Bernet 2001 [two families live; the head of one invites another to visit, wins all his property and household members at checkers; orders to migrate, extinguishing the fire for the loser; a good slave hides hot coals for his master; he sews clothes from the remaining scraps of skins, hunts rabbits, survives the winter; in the summer his marmot traps are empty, he is in despair; the stranger touches him with a stick, he regurgitates his bad luck; the traps are full; Despite the stranger's warning, the man takes the groundhog from the last trap; he jumps out of the bag and runs away; a stranger teaches you how to win at checkers; the person beats the offender, takes everything; the slave did not leave fire for him, the offender died of cold]: 343-345; Tansy 1982: 8-14 [Lynx came to Bear; he has two daughters; he persistently calls Lynx his son-in-law; Lynx asks where to get material for arrows; 1) shafts; The bear sends trees pushing into the forest; The lynx gallops between the converging trees, brings a solid tree; 2) feathers for arrows; on such and such a cliff; there are two eaglets in the nest, their parents have flown away to hunt people; the eldest eaglet promises to tell his parents about Lynx, who kills him; tells the younger one to say that he fell asleep and fell out of the nest; The Eagle flew in, the Lynx killed him with an arrow; then Eaglet, the same; each of them brought half a man; The lynx told the eaglet to eat partridges and rabbits from now on; brought feathers; 3) bowstring; there lies a deer as big as a mountain (moose); The Lynx asks the Mouse to gnaw off the fur from the place where the heart is; she gnaws it, tells the Deer that her children are freezing; The deer allows; The lynx pierces him in this place with an arrow, brings the sinews; 4) glue for securing the bowstring; The Bear sends the Lynx to where the resin boils on the fir tree; he brings it without getting burned; The Bear offers to hunt bears (these are his daughters), gives arrows with bark tips, but the Lynx uses his own and kills the Bear’s daughters; he is chasing Lynx, Lynx is hiding in the middle of the lake; The Bear tells the Frog to drink it; The Lynx asks the Sandpiper (snipe or curlew) to pierce the Frog's stomach, the water pours out; The Bear digs a drain for the waters in the lower lake, but the Lynx slips through, the Bear cannot catch him], 23-28 [many go to get the leader’s head, no one returns; Raven tells Grandma that he will get her; the leader invites him 1) to climb into the steam room, hot stones are thrown there, Raven digs a hole under the floor and hides in it; they pour fat in there, everything burns; when the fire goes out, the Raven comes out; 2) the leader blows an icy wind into the steam room; Raven has a hare skin with him, he turns it into a hare cape, and remains alive; 3) the leader orders a swim, Raven dives, breathes through the tubular stalk of wild celery; the leader's men poke the bottom with a knife; The raven bleeds from his nose to make people think he was killed; he swims out; 4) they are told to play, they rush at the buried knife, Raven dodges, throws a local man, he is cut in half; The raven pretends to leave, turns into a woman, returns; the leader says that the woman is for him; his men notice a crow's tail; the imaginary wife tells the leader that his beard is itchy; the leader gives him a razor to shave him, Raven cuts his throat, cuts off his head, leaves, tells the people that their uncle fell asleep; flies out through the chimney, sets traps behind, the pursuers die in them; The raven brings the leader's head to the grandmother]; Khan : Mishler 2004, No. 2 [having killed the man-eating Otter, Tsá'Wëzhaa comes to the Bear; he gives him a daughter and sends him for material for a bow and arrow; 1) eagle feathers; Ts kills the male and female cannibal eagles, feeds the chicks with ordinary meat, and orders them to eat animals from now on; 2) sinews of a dangerous elk; Ts. asks the Mouse to climb into the anus of the lying elk and cut the heart; Ts. made a bow and arrows], 3 [3) now the Bear asks to get the resin; it is dangerous to approach the resin hanging on the fir tree, Ts. knocks it down with a stick; Ts. kills the Bear with a bow; it turns out that she is the Bear’s daughter; Ts. ran away, hid in the lake, the Bear told the Frog to drink water, she drank it, but Snipe pierced her belly with his beak, the water poured out; The bear with the net began to wait where the river flows out of the lake, but Ts. threw his clothes into it and slipped through]: 147-149, 149-151; Schmitter 1910 (Eagle) [Bear harpoons salmon; the old man turns into a salmon, allows himself to be harpooned, breaks off the tip and carries it away; comes to the Bear in the form of a man; he suspects that the old man stole the harpoon; the old man marries the Bear's daughter; he demands 1) to bring a tree for arrows (a stump falls on the son-in-law, he dodges, makes shafts from the stump; 2) to bring feathers of man-eating eagles for arrows (the son-in-law climbs into the nest, kills one chick, asks the other how the parents will fly; Mother with snow, father with hail ; kills adult birds with a spear, brings feathers); 3) get resin and glue the tips (the son-in-law sticks a long pole into the lake of boiling resin, splashes it over all the fir trees; since then the fir trees have been resinous; brings resin); 4) bring tendons (the son-in-law asks the Mouse to gnaw off the wool from the place on the body of the monstrous elk, under which the heart is (the Mouse explains to the elk that she needs the wool to warm the babies; the son-in-law kills the elk with an arrow, brings the tendons); 5) The Bear advises making arrowheads from birch bark ; sends his son-in-law to hunt, orders his daughter to become a bear and kill her husband; her son-in-law kills her herself with bone-tipped arrows; The bear chases him, the son-in-law hides in the lake; The Bear tells the Frog to drink the lake; the son-in-law tells Snipe to pierce the Frog's belly, the water pours out; son-in-law runs away from the Bear]: 21-23; upper tanana [ Caosha (Beaver) marries Bear's two daughters; he asks 1) to bring the sinews of a huge Elk (the Mouse gnaws the wool from the place on the skin of the Elk, under which the heart is; explains that her children need warm moccasins; Ts. kills the sleeping Elk with an arrow); 2) get feathers for arrows from man-eating eagles (Ts. climbs into the nest, kills the male chick; asks the female how her parents arrive; Mother with a cloud and snowball, father with a cloud and hail ; Ts kills adult eagles, tells the chick to eat squirrels and partridges from now on; 3) get larch resin to secure the feathers on the shaft (the tree grows on a high rock; Ts. wets the branch, touches the trunk, the resin freezes to the branch, Ts. pulls the branch back); 4) The bear turns his daughters into two bears, Ts. kills them; sees the Bear copulating with the corpses of his daughters; Ts. runs away from the Bear, asks the Frog to drink the lake, hides in the mud at the bottom; becoming a fish, eludes the Bear]: McKennan 1959: 179-182; change : McClelland 2007(2), No. 53 [8 brothers saw a mouse, began to push it into the water, the youngest saved it; he has an unloved, dirty wife; she invites him to marry the daughter of the Sun; he sees smoke over the grass, enters a tiny house, there is an old woman; he falls asleep and wakes up in a big house, the old woman has prepared a lot of food; she gives him a piece of ice, a whetstone, two pieces of dried fish, orders him to bring the skins of a blue jay and a hummingbird, buttercup stems, branches of various trees; in a clearing, shoot an arrow from a buttercup stem into the sky, then a second one, then shoot the rest of the arrows, they form a staircase to the sky; climbing it, he drags the ladder behind him; hears the ringing of a bell, these are the daughters of the Sun swinging on a swing (before that, people did not know what a swing was); putting on the skin of a jay, he flies up to the daughters of the sun, they drive him away; then he flies up in the form of a hummingbird, the youngest of the sisters catches him, the eldest buys the hummingbird from her for a spoon from an abalone shell; in the morning the sisters wake up, the man lies between them; The sun sends a slave to find out what his daughters are doing, he reports that a man is with them; the sisters tell the man that many men tried to marry them, but their father ruined them all; The sun sends his son-in-law to bring water, there are two eagles on the way, a man throws food at them, they let him through; The sun puts a man in a cauldron, cooks for a long time, but he is unharmed, clinging in the guise of a hummingbird to the lid of the cauldron and holding a piece of ice; (further omission in the entry; the Sun sends the eldest daughter with a man to the earth, gives a feather; if the husband is not faithful, the feather gets wet); they come in a boat to the person's parents; he sends his younger brother to bring his wife, but the boy sees only a ray of sunshine in the boat; the ray penetrates the house, then turns into a woman; the first wife is jealous, grabbed him when he went for water, scratched him; the daughter of the Sun saw that the feather was wet; it turns into a ray of sunshine, disappears; the next morning the heat intensifies; The former wife was the first to die, she jumped into the water; the world burned; only that man, his brother and sister and their spouses hid under the river cliff, they had that piece of ice; the husband of the Sun's daughter returned to her, the rest remained on earth], 74a [Beaver (Smart Man) marries the Bear's daughter; he tells his daughter to put on a bearskin, invites his son-in-law to hunt, and gives him arrows tipped with larch bark; The beaver replaces them with bone ones, hits the Bear, her bear skin falls off, she dies; The Bear and his wife chase the Beaver, who hides in the lake and shoves a log into the net instead of himself; The Bear tells Curlew to drink the lake, the Beaver asks Snipe to pierce his belly, the water pours out, the Bears hang themselves]: 282-288, 369-372; Norman 1990 [Beaver wants Bear's daughter as his wife; he demands 1) to cut down a huge tree to make a bow (the Beaver cuts down the tree, it did not crush him), 2) to get the tendons, killing a huge grizzly (the mice dig a passage under the lying grizzly, gnaw the fur on the chest; the Beaver thrusts a spear into this place, the grizzly dies), 3) kill a huge Frog (Beaver kills, takes out paint for arrows), 4) get feathers for arrows from cannibal Eagles (Beaver climbs into the nest; the chick says that its mother brings warm and sunny weather, its father - hail ; Beaver kills adult Eagles, turns the chick into an ordinary eagle); The bear regrets that all his animal helpers died; Beaver kills Bear, his wife and daughter]: 109-113; internal Tlingit : McClelland 2007(3), no. 136 [the man lost everything; his wife advises him to marry the daughter of the Sun; he sees smoke over the grass, there is a door to a big house, in it is a Little All-Knowing Old Lady; she gives the man bird skins, a piece of ice, a whetstone, a bow and 8 arrows; he hears laughter in the clouds, shoots arrows, they dig into each other’s tail, form a chain, he climbs along it into the sky, puts on the skin of a blue jay; girls swing on swings, chasing jays; a man puts on a hummingbird skin, the youngest catches a bird and takes it to bed, in the morning the sisters see a man nearby; their Sun father offers his son-in-law a heat test; a person takes a piece of ice into his mouth, unharmed; The sun orders him not to cheat on his daughter, not to meet with his former wife; a man comes down to earth with a new wife; goes for water every day; one day he meets his first wife, she scolds her; when he returns, the daughter of the Sun puts a feather in a bucket of water, the water becomes cloudy, the wife returns to her father; causes terrible heat, all the people died, except that man, for he held a piece of ice and a whetstone in his mouth; he returned to heaven to the daughter of the Sun], 147 [the son-in-law asks where 1) to get a birch tree to make a bow and arrows, his father-in-law sends him to a certain place, he disappears; so with five out of six (or seven out of eight) brothers; the last junior is attentive, finds the remains of the dead, kills the beast that killed people; 2) bowstring; the father-in-law sends to a huge bison lying on the ground; The mouse digs a hole towards the bison, plucks the hair on its chest, replies that the hair from the tail is not suitable for making a nest for the little mice; the young man pierces the bison's heart through the place where the wool has been chewed off and brings back the sinews; 3) flint for points; a young man throws a stone onto a giant frog and takes away the flint; 4) feathers for arrows; a young man climbs into the nest of man-eating bald eagles; there are two chicks, he kills one, the other replies that the father will fly with a strong wind, the mother with darkness; answers the father eagle that his sister herself fell out of the nest; that the marks on it are from a murdered man brought by his father; a young man kills a male eagle; then a female (all episodes are the same); tells the eaglet to eat fish]: 617-620, 653-661; southern tutchons : McClelland 2007(1), no. 2c [Beaver (Smart Man) marries Bear's daughter; he tells his daughter to put on a bearskin, invites his son-in-law to hunt, and gives him arrows with unusable tips; The beaver replaces them with good ones, kills the Bear; The bear chases him, he hides in the lake, the Bear tells the big bird to drink all the water, the Beaver asks the Snipe to pierce its belly, the water pours out; The Bear stops pursuing], 11d [Beaver (Äsúya, Smart Man) marries the Bear's daughter; he gives worthless arrows to hunt the bear, Beaver takes his own bow and arrows, kills the bear, it turns out to be the Bear’s daughter; The Bear chases the Beaver, he hides in the lake, pushes a stick into the Bear's trap; he tells the South Wind to drink the lake, Beaver asks Snipe to make a hole in his stomach, the water pours out; The Beaver tells the Bear to eat animals, not people]: 37-39, 72-77; helmet [A beaver floats in a boat down the river; the old woman Shrew helps him with advice and gives him two fish; along both banks of the river along a snake; he throws a fish into each mouth, they devour the fish, the Beaver swims by; turns into a bird, allows two sisters to catch him; the eldest takes him to their bed, he turns into a man; the father-in-law cooks it in a cauldron, it flies out like a bird, returns; the father-in-law demands 1) to finish the boat (takes out a wedge from the log; the Beaver is not crushed, splits the log); 2) get feathers for arrows (Beaver climbs into the Eagles’ nest; asks the chicks how their parents will arrive; Mother at noon with wind and rain, father in the evening with wind and hail ; kills one chick, kills adult eagles with a club, brings feathers); 3) get the tendons of the shaggy monster (the Shrew digs a hole under the lying monster, hides the Beaver there, gnaws the fur from the place under the heart, supposedly to warm her babies; the Beaver shoots at this place, kills the monster, brings the tendons); 4) bring paint (the Snake lies on the paint; the Shrew sets a clay doll adrift; the Snake rushes after it, the Beaver takes out the paint); 5) get a huge fish to cook glue (the Beaver kills it with a harpoon); father-in-law mourns the death of his favorites; turns his daughters into bears, the Beaver kills them with arrows; father-in-law pursues him, Beaver hides at the bottom of the lake; the father-in-law tells the Bird (species not specified) to drink water; The Snipe makes a hole in the Bird's belly with its beak, and the water pours out; The beaver revives his wives and comes with them to people; once sleeps with his ex-wife; new ones rise to heaven, almost all people die from terrible heat; The beaver goes looking for wives; his father-in-law comes to stay with him for the night and replaces their pants that were hung up to dry; The beaver throws his father-in-law's pants into the fire early in the morning; he admits his defeat, rises to the sky, he is the Sun]: Teit 1917a, No. 1: 435-441; beaver [ Tumashala comes to the beaver dam; there is a girl crying there; says that the giant beaver can only be pacified by people giving it to him, now they gave her; T. kills the Beaver with an arrow, cuts it into small pieces, from which the current beavers arise; T. sets a trap, the Sun falls into it; it becomes dark; T. cannot approach due to fever; other animals also fail, only the Mouse bites the bonds; T. meets an old man, he eats lynx meat, they spend the night in the forest; T. replaces the moccasins drying by the fire in advance; the old man throws his own into the fire instead of T.'s moccasins; in the morning T. gives him one moccasin from his pair; the old man gives him an arrow; T. shoots, follows her, finds himself in the sky; the old woman lowers him on a rope; he thinks he has reached the ground, gives a signal, the rope falls; in fact he is in a big nest; kills two chicks; the third replies that the father will arrive with hail, the mother with rain; T. kills adult birds, turns the chick into an ordinary bird, teaches him to fish; T. comes to the woman, she says that inside her three daughters there are bad creatures that kill men; T. destroys these creatures (no details), marries girls; the father-in-law successively orders to bring various materials for making arrows, the old woman warns of dangers each time; 1) bring will see (probably reed) make shafts (there are snakes, T. puts on stone moccasins, brings reeds); 2) get a grinding stone; on the edge of a cliff, the Elk man throws down those who come, his wife kills them; T. throws off Moose himself, his wife mistakes him for a stranger; T. kills her with a stick and brings a stone; 3) bring feathers for arrows; T. kills huge eagles, brings feathers; 4) bring the sinews of a huge bison; he has two snipes sitting on his horns, warning of the approach of people; T. turns into a rodent, digs passages in different directions, gnaws wool from the chest (shoulder) of the bison, pierces it in this place, brings tendons; 5) bring resin, it is between two collapsing trees; T. puts on stone gloves and brings resin; 6) hunt bears; the father-in-law turns his daughters into bears, T. kills them; chases his father-in-law, he jumps into the water; T. tells the pelican to drink the lake; father-in-law drowned; T. meets an old man, who turns out to be his younger brother, they tell each other about their adventures]: Goddard 1916: 232-237; sided : Teit 1921a, No. 39 [the young man loses his family and all the inhabitants of the village to the Water (Sea) Man; he keeps them under water as slaves; The Mouse advises asking Drake for help; he tells you how to play; the young man wins back all the people and property], 41 [the father of the young man’s wife demands 1) hunt where huge toads live (Grizzly, Black Bear, Wolf, Lynx rush into the toad’s mouth, tear it from the inside, come out); 2) hunt where avalanches occur (the young man turns into something light, unharmed); 3) turns his daughter into a Grizzly; the young man kills her, his father-in-law chases after him; the young man throws objects (a piece of bear meat, the rest is not specified), creating gorges, lakes, etc. behind him; throws a stick, it turns into fire, the father-in-law burns]: 233-234, 235-236; left : Moore, Wheelock 1990, No. 9 [Yamonhdeyi's father advises him to get married; the old man is ready to give him his daughter; Ya understands that she already has a husband, he kills sleeping people; Ya kills him with an arrow; the wife replies that her father gets the feathers for his arrows from huge eagles; Ya climbs into a nest in a tree; the eaglet says that the mother will come with rain, the father with snow; the eaglet's sister promises to complain to her mother that he told this to the man; Ya kills the eaglet girl, kills the female who brought half a person; tells the eaglet to eat rabbits, ducks, fish; Ya goes to get the tendons that my father-in-law uses for the bowstring; the mouse gnaws the fur under the heart of the lying monster, says that its children are freezing; Ya pierces his heart, brings tendons; brings flint points from where they fly like arrows; the wife turns into a bear, Ya kills her with an arrow; her parents hoped that she would kill her son-in-law; Ya runs, became a fish at the bottom of the pond; the wife's parents tell two pelicans to drink water; Ya tells the bird snail (Tringa melanoleuca) pierce the belly of a pelican; water pours out, Ya jumps out, father-in-law and mother-in-law drown]: 43-48; Petitot 1886, No. 5 [the enemies kill everyone, leaving the grandson and grandmother; he's getting married, he needs arrows; climbs into the eagle's nest for feathers; the chick hides it under its wing, replies that the father will bring snow, the mother - rain; a man kills adult birds, tells the chick to eat fish, not people; asks the Mouse to dig a passage under a huge deer lying on the ground and gnaw the fur from the skin under the heart; kills a deer, takes tendons for a bowstring; kills a toad sitting on a piece of flint, makes arrowheads; his wife turns into a bear, he kills her; his father-in-law chases him and turns into a flying monster; a man, having become a Beaver, hides in the lake; the monster drinks the lake; The plover makes a hole in its belly, water pours out; the monster flies to the sky; Beaver makes rapids on the Mackenzie River]: 321-327.

NW coast. Tlingit : Swanton 1909, No. 31 [Raven steals the luminaries from Raven-upper-Nessus (chief, Creator; see motif A26); The raven is asked to 1) fell a tree (it falls on him, he turns his body to stone), 2) clean an unfinished boat (it closes when he gets inside, he splits it), 3) sit in a boiling cauldron (as in 1); he is allowed to leave], 38 [the young man has an abscess on his finger; he opens up and turns into a little man; helps complete the tasks of the old woman who kills suitors; 1) guess what animal this skin is (fattened louse); 2), 3) kill the monstrous octopus, rat; 4) get the lost bracelet from the bottom of the sea (the man sends a shark after it); a young man marries an old woman's daughter; quarrels with his wife, she disappears; he turns into a snipe that walks along the beach], 52 [a jealous uncle kills the sons of his three sisters; the husband of the fourth gives his son a bracelet that helps him become a ball of feathers in a moment of danger; uncle demands 1) approach a huge oyster (the young man is swallowed, cuts the oyster from the inside), 2) catch a monstrous octopus (brings it to his uncle), 3) climb a tree (uncle climbs after him, pushes his nephew down, he lands with a feather); the uncle ties the young man to a board and throws him into the sea; three sisters find him, he marries two; visits his uncle's wife, kills him, returns to his wives]: 119-120, 177-180, 198-203; Come on (Skygate) [the quest giver sends the hero to obtain dangerous objects or creatures; these are his magical assistants; each time mourns their death]: Swanton 1905: 238-244 [the wife helps the hero with advice; father-in-law sends to creatures that swallow sons-in-law; the swallowed hero calls his own supernatural assistants, who extract him every time; the hero cuts down a tree, catches fish, seal, cat, shellfish; unharmed in boiling water; recognized as son-in-law; rides in a self-propelled boat with his wife to his mother; she sees not a woman in the boat, but a cloud; water creatures kidnap the hero's wife; the old man helps find her trace; advises giving Heron tobacco and wicker cedar branches; The heron hides her husband in her mouth; hides again when he runs away with his wife from her kidnappers], 247-250 [as on pp. 238-244; the hero swallows hot stones; being inside a fish, sea otter, tree causes them to burst], 277-280 [nephews had the right to sleep with their uncle’s wife; he sends nine nephews one after another to split the log, they get stuck and die; the tenth trains by swimming in the sea, cutting off the paws of fir trees; 1) the uncle splits the log, asks his nephew to get the wedge that fell into the crack, takes out another wedge; the nephew tears up the log and brings it to his uncle; 2) uncle asks to bring cormorants, pushes nephew off a cliff; he turns into a feather; into a weasel, climbs a rock, brings cormorants; 3) brings burning bark; 4) his uncle pushes him into a clam shell, his nephew tears it open; his uncle puts him sleeping in a box and throws him into the sea; he sails to the country of the Eagles; marries the chief's daughter, receives an eagle robe; lifts his uncle into the air and throws him into the sea; he turns into a sea spirit]; Come on (Masset) [the young man lives with his grandmother; she collects shellfish in the littoral zone, every day under a certain stone she finds herring, each time in increasing numbers; the young man makes himself a shaman costume and a tambourine; treats the patient; makes your home bigger; walks on the sea to marry the daughter of the rock Many-Ledges; The heron gives him a witchcraft remedy; you cannot enter the rock house; it turns into a knot on the shore, the daughter of the Rock picks it up and shows it to her father; he throws it into the fire; at night the young man comes to life from the ashes, takes the daughter of the Rock as his wife; the father-in-law orders 1) to bring the bark of a tree (it burns, the young man uses his remedy, brings it; the same in other cases); 2) puts his son-in-law in a box with hot stones, he is unharmed; 3) kill the eagle; 4) seal, 5) octopus; the father-in-law is in despair, his assistants are destroyed; the young man brings his wife home, both walk along the sea; the wife warns not to respond to other women; he replies, the water she drinks becomes dirty; she goes to her father; he follows, she glances at him, he falls through the water; his father-in-law takes out his bones, his thigh is missing; his wife revives him, but one leg is shorter]: Swanton 1908a, no. 18: 417-426; Tsimshian : Boas 1902: 126-136 [a young man wants to marry the daughter of the chief who lives behind the burning mountain; cannot fly over a mountain wearing the skin of a robin or blue jay; The mouse guides him through his hole, helps him with advice; 1) the door in the father-in-law’s house opens and closes, crushing the suitors; the young man pushes a piece of ice into her, she stops; 2) sits on the skin of a bear (it pierces the suitors with sharp bristles, the young man breaks the bristles with a piece of ice); 3) unharmed in a box of boiling water; 4) the servants push him into a split log, knock out the wedges, he splits the log; 5) harpoons a seal in a whirlpool and brings it to his father-in-law; returns with his wife to his home], 137-145 [a piece of copper falls from the sky, hangs on a tree; the leader promises his daughter as a wife to the one who knocks him down; a man gives the poor son of the leader's sister white, black, blue, red stones; in red the young man knocks down the copper, his rivals appropriate it for themselves; the leader demands to kill a white bear; the young man turns into a fly, is the first to fly up to the bear, and kills him with an arrow; rivals claim that they killed the bear; the leader knows the truth, gives the young man a daughter, but orders him to migrate, leaving the young men alone without property; a huge frog with copper teeth, eyes, eyebrows lives in the lake; the young man kills her, puts on her skin, first catches trout in the lake, then salmon, seals in the sea; the young man with his wife and his grandmother living with them have a lot of meat; and the leader’s people go hungry, return, choose the young man as the new leader; he can no longer remove the frog's skin; goes to sea, sends food to his people]; Boas 1912 [during famine, an aristocratic woman and her daughter were left alone; at night someone came in and slept with the daughter; after that, when she touched the fir bark, it fell down and increasingly larger animals were found under it: squirrel, partridge, porcupine, beaver, mountain sheep, black bear, grizzly bear; that man appeared (he also often appears nearby in the form of a bird, whose cry brings good luck), said that it was he who was sending the game; then the animals fell in twos; they built two houses to store meat; the father orders his son to be named Asdi-wâ'l, he became a great hunter; chases a polar bear, it makes passages in the rock, A. puts a bow into the crack and follows; after the bear he climbs the stairs to heaven; there is a flowery plain; the bear turns out to be Evening Star, daughter of the Sun; she warns that her father has killed many of her suitors; father-in-law orders 1) to hunt mountain sheep; the stars think that A. froze in place, but he only left his cloak and hat on the pole; A. entered the house where the mountain sheep had gathered; they beat out a rhythm, and the shaman performed rituals; the shaman and the lamb jumped over his head, and A. killed the rest, bringing back a lot of fat; 2) bring mountain water; she is in a cave, the entrance to which sometimes closes and sometimes opens; the slave was crushed, and A. took out water; The sun ordered his daughter to step over the bones of the crushed man and he came to life again; 3) bring firewood; wife: as soon as you touch the tree, the bark will fall and crush you; under the tree there is a pile of bones of the dead; the tree fell on the slave, but A. was unharmed; the father-in-law revived the slave again and set up the fallen tree; 4) lie down on the hot stones (the Sun wants to bake and eat his son-in-law); A.'s father gave him pieces of ice to put under his arms, A. was unharmed in the oven; since then the Sun and all his people of stars fell in love with A.; A. wants to return to his mother, together with his wife, who has 4 baskets with meat, berries, etc., rolls down to the ground along the sun's rays; every day the wife orders water to be brought, puts a feather in the bucket - the water is clean; one day A. got together with another girl, the water became covered with mucus, the wife returned to her father; he follows her, falls when he almost reaches the sky, breaks, the Sun revives him; he lives with his wife again; they return to earth again; then the wife leaves completely, and A. marries the leader’s daughter; challenges her four brothers to an argument, claiming that he is a better hunter of sea animals than they are of land animals; brings four bears, the brothers return empty-handed, take their sister; A. marries another girl, she gives birth to his son; A. is better at hunting walruses than her four brothers, they leave him on a rock in the middle of the sea; the mouse leads him to the underground house of the walruses; he treats a wounded walrus; the walrus owner sends him home in a walrus stomach; his wife helps him kill her brothers; he goes hunting in the mountains, turns into stone]: 71-146; Miller 1997 [during the Flood, the leader Dzagamsagisk with two people from the same clan of Blackfish and the helmsman and clan of the Eagle went on a sea hunt; spent the night near a rock in a boat; at night D. was awakened by the splashing of a cod, he grabbed it, tore its fins, and ordered not to disturb his sleep; the Cod maid complained to her master Gitnagunaks “Underwater”, who sent her to find out whose anchor it was that was scraping on the roof of the house; he ordered the servants to bring D. and his people to him; The mouse promised to help if D. threw his ear jewelry into the fire; explained that they would each be offered to eat a cooked seal; they had to open their mouths and the seal would be swallowed; ordered to give the owner copper, etc.; D. and the people of his family swallowed it, the helmsman could not, because. not related to nautical characters; they gave him half; the owner is pleased, he richly presented the guests; a day later he sent him home in a copper boat, ordered not to harm the fish, but to give him gifts; during this time a year passed on earth; D. organizes a holiday, first for his family, then for others; he himself takes the name G.; the helmsman also throws his own party; now fish and animals themselves fall dead when the leader and his team approach, there is no need to hunt; one day a man began to beat the salmon that remained stranded; others tore the salmon's mouth and laughed; the boat fell into a whirlpool; the companions died, the leader remained to live underwater with the underwater G.]: 68-73; bellacula : Boas 1898: 73-83 [gutting salmon, the chief's wife finds a boy in one, raises him with her son, both immediately grow up; brother Salmon orders to shout as he approaches his hut near the shore; the human brother forgets and sees a half-dead salmon on the floor; then a boat comes and a man sails away with it; they swim through the countries of smelt, herring, and candlefish; in the country of Salmon they jump into a house whose door keeps slamming shut; Salmon eat algae, offer a boy and a girl to a man; thrown into the water, they turn into salmon; the owners order to keep the bones and offal and throw them into the water; the children are reborn, but the boy is limping, the girl is missing an eye; an eye and a bone are found, thrown into the water, the children recover; Salmon's daughter does not order to lie with her; a man shoves a stone, breaks vaginal teeth; she gives birth to a son and a daughter; in the form of salmon, everyone returns to the human world; caught, the man and his wife take on the appearance of people; a person teaches to throw fish bones into the water; wife and children return to salmon; a man rises to the sky with a feather; the woman gives him a bottle of cold wind; The sun 1) locks the visitor in a hot cave, he opens a bubble around an icicle; 2) orders his daughters to become mountain sheep, gives the man arrows tipped with coal; rams drive a man to the abyss, he descends with a feather, kills the rams with his arrows; The sun mourns for children, man revives them; receives the two eldest daughters of the Sun as his wife; 3) The sun orders to check the top, a log falls on the son-in-law, he swims up as a salmon; 4) The sun drops a hammer into the water, orders him to get it, covers the water with ice, the son-in-law slips out through the crack like a fish; 5) The sun orders you to get a bird (a partridge or something similar); her son-in-law orders her to peck out her father-in-law's eyes; he admits defeat, his son-in-law returns his sight; a year later he descends home to earth, his wife descends with him along the sun's rays (these are her father's eyelashes)], 103-108 [the son of a man named Nutsxoasen loses all property and wife to son We are happy ; people leave the loser alone, only a friend secretly tells where the fire is hidden; snow extinguishes fire; the woman tells the abandoned one to follow her, gives him a strip of meat from her chest to eat, restoring his strength; they approach the rock, the door to it opens and slams; the young man skips by; there is a holiday inside, these people are Wolves; he marries the She-Wolf who saved him; she says that he should not stain her blanket with smoke; at first he does not know that this is a euphemism for infidelity; kills many mountain sheep, Wolves bring meat; they call him to play ball, his wife says that her former husband was killed during the game; The wolf is ready to gnaw the man's throat, but he throws the ball away; no longer participates in the game; falls in love with a girl at the spring; promises his wife that this is the last time; they go to live with his parents; his former wife meets him; The she-wolf takes her son and leaves; he seeks her by becoming a wolf; The beaver orders them to go under the water; there he reaches the land of the Wolves; the son rejoices at his father, the wife believes that he loves her; he stays with the Wolves]; McIlwraith 1948(1) [a shaman and his three older brothers come to the Sun; he gives them a daughter as a wife; 1) tries twice to kill his sons-in-law with heat, making the house hot (the shaman cools the house); 2) orders to get a lot of mountain sheep; the wife herself turns into a bear and attacks the hunters; in the guise of a ram, he pushes the shaman off a cliff (the brothers bring the spoils, the shaman descends into the abyss, becoming a feather); 3) The sun brings the shaman in a boat to the middle of the sea, orders him to hammer a pile; he hammers, drops the hammer; dives after him, the father-in-law covers the sea with ice; the shaman turns into a salmon, takes out a hammer, finds a crack in the ice; brings a hammer, throws it in front of his father-in-law, he crumbles into dust; brothers return home, do not take their wife with them]: 671-672; Heiltzuk [a young man is the lover of his older brother's wife; he demands 1) to get the wedge that fell into the splitting log (the brother knocks out the spacer, the young man splits the log); 2) hunt cormorants, get an arrow stuck on a rock (the young man puts on an ermine skin and brings the arrow); 3) catch halibut (the brother puts the young man in a box, throws him into the sea; four Eagle sisters find him; he marries one of them, receives eagle plumage from their father; brings the whale to his people; lifts his brother into the air, throws him into the sea) ]: Boas 1928b: 115-121; квакютьль : Boas 1910, № 16 [ Kankilah marries the youngest of four daughters Two years ago ; the father-in-law asks to get a hammer that fell into a split log, takes out the spacers; blood splashes; K. is unharmed and brings the hammer; turns a rotten log into a dolphin, who splashes water on his father-in-law, his face swells; K. and his wife return to their younger brother; he died; the wife sprinkles him with living water, he comes to life], 35 [ Kanekalak going to marry his daughter Dzavadalalis ; meets blind geese and ducks, a blind woman; spits on their eyes, they receive their sight, give him instructions; he breaks the vaginal teeth of the youngest of D.’s daughters with his finger and marries her; slips through the door, which usually traps suitors; thrown on thorns, turns into an ermine; sent to split (?) a tree; D. mistakes alder sap for blood, fluff for his son-in-law's brains; K. returns with firewood; carries his father-in-law in a boat, causes a storm, the father-in-law dies, K. revives him]: 195-199, 455-462; Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 [Coyote goes to marry the daughter of Always-Living-on-the-Coast; along the way, he successively makes two women sighted, the second of them gives a stone chisel to break out the girl’s vaginal teeth, gives masks of Wren, Deer, Mountain Sheep, Grizzly; the girl takes him as a servant and is glad when she loses her vaginal teeth; the father-in-law makes traps and offers to jump; The deer dies, but Coyote comes out of this mask; the same - Ram; Grizzly bear breaks trap; the father-in-law invites his son-in-law to pull out the hammer, knocks out the wedge; The coyote chewed the bark in advance, the father-in-law thinks it is blood; Coyote Wren flies out; turns logs into killer whales, which drag away his father-in-law; after the birth of his son, Coyote leaves]: 362-365; квакютьль : Boas 1895, No. XV.1 (nimpkish) [Gyi'i goes to marry a girl whose father kills suitors; sails in a self-propelled boat, taking with him feathers and wings of seagulls; swims to his aunt, who gives him three stone tiles to tie to his legs and buttocks; gives shells; G. gives these shells to a person who also helped with advice; he leaves them on the shore, and since then there have been shells for people to eat; gave the same thing to another person, but these are inedible shells; sailed to four blind Duck women, stealing the roots they were baking; each thinks that the other has taken, they fight; smell it; G. spits in their eyes, restoring their sight; they tell him that the girl and her father will come now; G. ties an octopus to his face to look like an old man; the girl takes him as a slave, her brother doubts; in the boat the girl tells the imaginary slave that she must marry G.; G. throws off the octopus and appears in his own form; the door to the girl's father's house slams shut, crushing those entering; G. makes a false movement and then slips through; the father-in-law offers to sit down, G. ties his stones, they break the points that killed the other suitors; G. throws shells into the fire, extinguishes the fire; under the guise of salmon meat and berries, the father-in-law gives sisiutl meat and milk; G. pretends to eat, hides pieces under his clothes; gets a wife, she gave birth in the morning; the father-in-law calls to split the trunk, deliberately drops the wedge, asks to get it; sees blood, but it turns out that G. has jumped out unnoticed and is waiting for his father-in-law in the boat; when they swim, G. throws pine needles and pieces of wood into the water, they turn into fish and dolphins, jump on his father-in-law, he dies; near the shore G. revives him, his father-in-law admits defeat]: 135-137 (=2002: 307-310); квакютьль : Boas 1895, № XVIII.1, 1 [=2002: 377-379; the leader finds out that his wife has a lover and scolds her; she pretends to be dead; people tell the leader that her lover is visiting her at the funeral house; the leader kills her, leaves her baby with her in the coffin; he survives, the leader adopts him; the young man chooses a comrade, they put on woodpecker skins and fly into the sky; daughter Countsoump 'and goes for water, they let it catch them; in her room they turn into men, the chief’s son takes her as his wife; she warns that K.’s room is strewn with sharp nails, all previous suitors have run into them; the young man does not attack them; she gives birth to a baby, it slips out of her hands and falls into the sea; the chief on earth sends a slave to pick him up; this glutton, Omeatl (Raven), eats all the supplies in the village, leaves; see motive K16], XIX.1, 17 (nakomgilisala) [=2002: 424-425; K . ā’nigyilak sees four sister girls bathing; turns into an old man; girls ask to wash their backs; K. puts a finger in each vagina; the younger one doesn’t allow it; K. takes on his true appearance and marries her; she immediately gives birth, her sisters also become pregnant; their father Guana'lalis asks his son-in-law to get a hammer that fell into a split log, takes out the spacers; K. is unharmed and brings the hammer; returns with his wife to his younger brother; he died; sprinkles him with living water, the brother comes to life]: 170-171, 197-199; nootka : Boas 1895, No. XIII.12 [a girl bathes in a lake, she is carried away by a spirit with a second face on the back of her head; one of them is always watching her; she bears him a son; every time one of her ten brothers comes for her, the son informs his father, who kills the young man; the brothers' mother cries, her tears and snot turning into a boy; he kills the monster and his son with arrows; makes a chain of arrows, climbs into the sky; stealthily takes food from two blind women Snails; restores their sight; they help him overcome trials and marry the daughter of a heavenly leader; 1) he smears himself with snail mucus, rats and snakes do not harm him; 2) jumps away from the door slamming and killing the suitors; 3) extinguishes the fire by throwing shells into it, the leader cannot burn it; 4) places a flat stone under himself, sitting on the spikes; 5) the leader throws a hammer into a pond full of biting fish, the young man takes it out; 6) jumps out of a split log when the leader knocks out a wedge; the leader gives his daughter as a wife, sends the young people down to earth]: 116-119 (=2002: 270-274); 1916, No. 6 [see motif L39A; a young man emerging from snot visits his father in heaven; returning to earth, marries the chief's daughter; she helps him with advice; the leader asks to split the log; drops his hammer into the crack, asks to take it out, knocks out the wedges; the young man turns into snot, sees the skulls and bones of his former suitors under the log; becomes human again; makes four dolphins from wood; they rush at the father-in-law, kill him]: 909-910; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 3 [Raven challenges Scathach to throw spears at each other; The stingray turns sideways, the spear flies past; The raven is wounded], 21 [having killed the cannibal, the young man shoots arrows into the sky; a chain of arrows turns into a rope; he ascends to heaven; rubs the eyes of blind women with his penis, making them sighted; they teach him to overcome obstacles; 1) the doorposts to the house of the Sun are jaws that sometimes close and sometimes diverge; the young man rushes through the door; 2) sits on a flat stone (sharp stakes do not pierce it); 3) extinguishes the too hot fire of the Sun four times, throwing fern roots and shells into it; 4) inserts a piece of wood into the crack of a split log, when the Sun asks him to take a hammer out of the crack and knocks out the wedges; The sun recognizes him as his son-in-law; the young man and his wife go down to his mother, bringing gifts; return to heaven forever]: 28-29, 97-101; nootka (south of Vancouver's west coast) [see motif L41; having killed the cannibal and her husband, Eut-le-ten became the leader; decided to marry the daughter of the heavenly leader; ordered to prepare arrows; shooting into the sky, he made a chain; in the sky two blind old women are preparing food, E. quietly intercepts it, they quarrel; he confesses, makes holes in their eyes, restoring their sight; the old women give him strength to overcome trials; turning into a puddle of tears from which he once emerged, E. overcomes a lake with frogs, a catfish (which grabs the luminary during eclipses), two snakes; breaks the stakes he was supposed to run into; unharmed in the fire; turns into a puddle of tears when a log rolls on him; gets a wife; later returns to earth]: Carmichael 2006: 37-41; makah [the children sailed in a boat to get shells; a cannibal approached with a basket, covered the children's eyes with resin, and threw them into the basket; one little one saw a little, got out of the basket, and sailed home in a boat; Having learned what happened, everyone began to cry; the snot of the chief's wife fell on the sand and became a boy; grew up quickly; climbed a tree above the water near the cannibal's house; she took the boy’s reflection for her own and decided that she was beautiful; he began throwing pieces of bark; When she saw the boy, the ogress asked her to be made just as beautiful; the boy asked to give him a stone, and put his head on another; threw a stone on her head, but she was unharmed; ogress: you cannot kill me, for my heart hangs at home; she takes Snot there, he pierces her heart hanging on the wall with an arrow; children hang on the rafters - the cannibal smoked them like that; Snot cleared the tar from their eyes and they came to life; how long we slept! Snot took them home; shoots into the sky, makes a rope of arrows; goes to marry Moon's two daughters; meets two blind women, they help carry out his father-in-law's orders; 1) two cods hang in the doorway of the House of the Month, biting those who enter (Snot slips through, turns into snot, and becomes human again); 2) The month eats lizards, snakes, frogs (Snot pretends to eat too, he himself eats the root given by the women); 3) The Moon makes a big fire (Snot throws a root into the fire, moderating the flame; continues to sit in place; The Moon allows him to get married); 4) The month asks his son-in-law to get a wedge from a split log; the log closes, Snot turns into snot; then back into a person); The moon no longer tries to kill it]: Densmore 1939: 212-213.

Coast - Plateau. Career : Jenness 1934, No. 1 [a young man returns from the afterlife; meets a giant, they live together; another giant catches fish in the lake; they fight, the young man chops off the second’s legs with an ax; the first predicts that if large white and red drops of rain fall, then the giantess has killed him; and so it happened; the young man kills the giant's two wives and his children; comes home following the directions of the wand given to him by the first giant; the sister says that all the young people disappeared, having gone to heaven to woo their two daughters With {apparently the Sun}; brother flies up into the sky like a feather; the old woman helps him with advice, gives him what he needs; 1) With orders to swallow hot stones (the young man passes tubes through the body in advance, the stones slip through them); 3) throws an ax into the lake, asks to get it (freezes the lake; the young man turns into a loon, a fish, a hair, goes out, brings an ax); 4) With splits the log, pulls out the wedge (the young man is unharmed); 5) locks the young man in a hot steam room (he takes ice with him, it becomes too cold; then he lets in the heat); 6) With leaves his son-in-law on the island (the old woman sends him a boat with an oar; he brings a lot of bird eggs; the boat turns into an otter, the oar into a weasel); 7) With calls his son-in-law to hunt, pushes him off a cliff; son-in-law flies off like a feather, rises like a squirrel, pushes With ; it breaks, darkness falls; his son-in-law revives him; both produce fire, rain (the son-in-law is unharmed, the father-in-law almost dies); woodpecker pecks With eyes (darkness sets in; son-in-law restores vision to father-in-law); With he orders his son-in-law to take his wives and descend to the ground along the trunk of a tree whose top reaches the sky; gives his daughters bags of cold and heat; on the ground they open them, the young man’s mother cannot approach her daughters-in-law; the youth sends his wives back to heaven; floats away on an ice floe to the land of salmon; the old woman teaches him to kill the girl; she turns into salmon, he eats it; all skin and bones must be burned; it does not burn the eye; the girl is reborn, her eye hurts; the old woman orders the eye to be boiled and eaten, the girl recovers; So the young man feeds on salmon children, who are reborn every time; swims home in the guise of a salmon; his father catches him, he turns into a man again], 3-4 [two var.; the chief promises a daughter to the one who hits two copper rings hanging on a tree with a stone; the orphan has magical powers, gets caught; in the steam room the leader makes him a handsome man], 15 [The player loses property, relatives, and finally, his hair; The rabbit in the form of a man gives him the ability to place correctly; Utakke , the owner of the sky, descends, puts the sky against the earth and everything on it; The first player loses, the second wins; afraid of the decisive third; players disperse]: 104-109, 121-125, 161-162; Chilcotin [the boy is carried away on an ice floe down the river to the land of the salmon; the old woman tells him to kill and bake a local boy, who is actually a salmon; After eating, the earth boy throws the bones into the water, the salmon boy comes to life; he is blind because... his eyes fell to the ground; the old woman finds them, gives him to swallow, he sees again; an earthly boy in the guise of a salmon swims home, caught by his father, and regains his human form; at home his sister says that his brothers died wooing the daughters of the Sun; the young man collects feathers, tells his sister to blow, and flies up into the sky on the feathers; there the old woman helps him with advice, gives him amulets (porcupine gut full of cold, beaver gut full of heat, arrowheads); 1), 2) The sun first places the young man in a hot steam room, then freezes it; the young man is alive; 3) asks to get a fallen ax from the bottom of the lake, covers the surface with nets; becoming a fish, a hair, the young man squeezes into the meshes of the net, brings an ax; 4) two daughters of the Sun in the form of bears stand at the entrance to his house; the young man kills them with arrows; The sun revives them; 5) while hunting mountain sheep, the Sun invites the young man to look down from the cliff, pushes him, the young man turns into a flying squirrel, and does not crash; 6) The sun proposes a competition to see who can cause the heaviest rain, loses; the young man marries the daughters of the Sun; returning to earth with them, he forgets to thank the old woman-helper; on earth his wives are surrounded by fire, they rise back to heaven]: Farrand 1900, no. 10: 24-26; shuswap : Boas 1895, No. I.1 (=2002: 61-67) [The Woodchuck (Woodchuck, Arctomys monax) lives in a house between the rocks; when a guest enters, the rocks crush him; Tleesa inserts a spear between them, enters, kills the owner, turns him into a woodchuck; The bear proposes a pole climbing competition; kills T.'s three brothers when they climb in; T. kills the Bear; The hare invites you to his house to eat meat; pierces those who come with his (sharp?) leg, hitting them in the chest; T. ties a stone to his chest in advance; kills the Hare, makes him a hare; An elk stands in the river, swallowing boats; T. allows himself to be swallowed, lights a fire in the Moose’s stomach; cuts off the heart when the Elk swims to the shore; tells his brothers not to touch him when they begin to skin the carcass; The eagle carries people away; T. allows himself to be carried away, scatters red and white paints, Eagle takes them for blood and brain; T. kills the Eaglet, descends on the back of the eaglet], I.3 (=2002: 73-74) [the girl rejects the suitors; The lynx blows his urine through the roof, making the girl pregnant; parents recognize the one who knocks a bird from a pole as a son-in-law; Lynx does it; parents tell people to leave the young; Granny Magpie hides a fire in the shell for the girl; The lynx becomes handsome, a good hunter; the tribe is starving at this time; The Lynx gives meat to the Magpie, who feeds her children, they scream loudly; people find out the truth, return to the village]: 1-4, 9-11; Teit 1909a, no. 28 [old Grizzly woman lives alone; makes a daughter out of resin, she melts in the sun; made of stone - sinks; from clay - dissolves in water; made of wood - the girl remains to live; she is kidnapped and taken into the river by the Trout man; her children come to play at their Grandma Grizzly's house; hide in the river when it approaches; she leaves the digger, hanging her clothes and basket on it, sneaks up to the house, splashes the potion on the children; the boy remains a man, the girl turns into a dog; the name of the young man is Chickadee; one day he beats a dog; she admits that she is his sister and runs away to the mountains; the grandmother warns him not to climb the tree for the stuck arrow; he climbs and ends up in the sky; meets her grandmother's husband (or father); he tells how to get the leader’s daughter; Chickadee lives inside the old man, coming out at night; the chief promises a daughter to the one who knocks the owl off the pole; deflects arrows with magic; Chickadee hits an owl; at night the wife finds out that her husband is young; Chickadee kills many deer, others none; people separate Chickadee from the old man's body; Chickadee lives with his wife in the overworld, then turns into Chickadee], 49 [first the player Red Hood wins against the young man; he wins back what he lost, the player disappears; the young man finds the player and marries his daughter; he puts his son-in-law in caves with 1) bears, 2) excrement, 3) needles, 4) ice; thanks to his wife’s charms, the young man comes out alive every time; runs with his wife; the father-in-law pursues the fugitives on lightning; they throw red, green, white, black blankets; they turn into viscous clay, thickets of dwarf cedar, slippery paths, thorny bushes; the fugitives turn the hair into a bridge across the lake, telling it to break when the Red Hood is in the middle; he drowns]: 691-696, 728-729; thompson : Hanna, Henry 1996 [Coyote has four sons; they are weak, go to play ball, are killed during the game; Coyote turns into a Moose, kills many players; killed when an arrow hits his weak spot - the Adam's apple; his brother Fox revives him]: 43-48; Teit 1898 [The Ogre has a daughter; Coyote's four sons live on the other side of the river, one by one they go to court; three drown while trying to jump into the Ogre's boat; the old woman Mouse gives advice to Coyote and his fourth son; 1) The cannibal makes a hot fire in the house; father and son put ice on their faces, sitting unharmed; 2) The cannibal sends them out to hunt, sets fire to the forest, they are unharmed on the path; the trail has stopped fires ever since; 3) a young man splits a tree; The ogre tells the tree to squeeze the young man; he spits out red and white paint from his mouth; The cannibal mistakes it for blood and brains; a young man splits a tree with a lightning arrow; brings firewood to father-in-law; 4) The cannibal asks to harpoon the salmon; this monster drags the young man into the river; he kills him, brings him to his father-in-law; Coyote freezes the Ogre and his relatives to death]: 38-40; 1917b, No. 36 [{European motifs}; the son of the people of Heat goes to marry the daughters of Cold; the old woman gives him a golden staff, tells him to put it under him, when he is asked to sit on a seat made of ice, he will not freeze; Cold's youngest daughter subjects him to this test, agrees to marry him, teaches him what to do; 1) it brings warmth, cold cannot freeze water; 2) it’s cold to ask to distinguish the bride from her sister, the girls are the same (the bride winks); Cold allows a person to marry, forbids him to leave his country; his wife and newborn son want to see his relatives; the young run away; Cold sends his wife in pursuit; her daughter turns her husband into a duck, her son into a duckling, and herself into a lake; the old woman returns; next time to an old man, a boy, an old house; to priest, bishop, church; for the fourth time Cold himself sets off in pursuit; the husband's father (or grandfather) releases the Chinook wind from the bag, The cold is defeated; begs permission to visit his daughter every winter; since then heat and frost have been moderate]: 56-62; Lillooet : Elliott 1931 [young man loses everything; goes under the water of Lake Tuk in search of strength; the old woman teaches him to ask Essisnaeha , not his brother Kuklkulnaivaha (he feeds his dogs people); E. gives the young man two daughters as his wife when he returns the arrows that pierced K.’s house; K. turns his sons into grizzlies, the young man kills them while hunting; K. mourns their death; the young man returns to earth with his wives, son and daughter; acts out everything, including the scalp of his offender; another man goes to the bank of Tuk to get wives; calls loudly, no one answers; yawns, now they hear him; says he is going to K.; torn to pieces by his dogs]: 169-172; Teit 1912b [the hero's three brothers die or fail to achieve the goal; the old woman helps the hero with advice], No. 37 [Bear brothers; when two sisters hug their suitors, they turn into a pile of bones; the hero is unharmed; after spending the night with his wives, he turns into an old man; his younger sister continues to take care of him; father-in-law and mother-in-law order 1) bring firewood (they kill him; he comes to life, brings a fagot, it turns into a pile of firewood), 2) hunt (they cause snowfall, but the son-in-law brings a lot of game), 3) harpoon salmon (the fish man drags him into the river; he returns with two fish-men; he causes a flood, many relatives of his wives drown; his descendants dance at the potlatch in the costumes of fish-men], 38 [Wolf brothers woo the Bear-men 1) the hero enters the room; where the burning web of fat hangs; eats fat without harm; 2) agrees to split the log; others kick out the wedge; he pretends to be pinched to death; splits a log; recognized as a leader; descendants of Wolves and Bears dance at a potlatch in wolf and bear costumes]: 344-349; comox (chatloltk) [two brothers make a chain of arrows, climb to heaven to marry the leader’s two daughters; steal food from two blind old women; make them sighted, they turn into Ducks; they advise you to look for the old One-Legged man; he gives 1) flat stones to place under himself to sit on porcupine benches, 2) sticks to put in the wives’ vaginas to break their vaginal teeth; brothers marry safely; Since then, women have vaginas without teeth; 3) the father-in-law orders to get the wedge that fell into the split log, he himself knocks out the spacer (the brothers take off like birds, leave red and white paint, as if it were their blood and brain, and return home); 4) the father-in-law turns the dog into a waterfowl and asks him to get it; the brothers are sailing in a boat, the father-in-law understands the storm at sea; the brothers make good weather and return; 5) the brothers force their father-in-law’s hook to catch on the bottom, and they themselves catch many sea animals; 6) the father-in-law orders to bring bark to burn the fire (the grandfather of the Woodpecker brothers peels off the bark from a whole tree); 7) bring berries in the middle of winter (The Woodpecker tells the plants to bring a harvest); 8) bring a Woodpecker (the brothers bring it, it pecks out the father-in-law’s eyes); 9) bring a snake with heads on both ends of the body (the snake devours the father-in-law with both mouths from the head and from the feet)]: Boas 1895, No. VIII.3: 65-68 (=2002: 181-186); chalkomel (lower Fraser River) [boy visits girl; she smears soot on his back and recognizes her brother in the morning; out of shame they both go to the mountains; their son asks why their parents look alike; they send him to his mother, burn themselves; the young man meets his cousin; washes the grandmother’s eyes, restoring her sight and youth; asks his cousin to pretend to be dead to catch a vulture; wearing the skin of a vulture, he rises to the sky; comes to two blind women, quietly takes their food; they recognize him; help overcome trials in order to marry the daughter of the Sun; he places stones under himself and does not sit on thorns; he throws bones to the wolves guarding the house of the Sun; the Sun's three daughters are beautiful, he gets one; the three daughters of the Month are ugly, the Month is angry that the young man did not choose them; demands 1) to split the log (the old woman gives bones and white paint; when the Month knocks out a wedge so that the log will flatten the young man, he inserts bones instead of the wedge; the Month takes the paint for the brain); 2) catch a trout (the young man turns a stick with spikes into a trout, gives it to the Moon, the spikes dig into his throat); 3) bring a red bear (he turns pieces of wood into two bears, the Moon asks them to be taken away); two sons of a young man, born of the daughter of the Sun, want to see their grandmother on earth; The sun lowers the son-in-law and his family in a basket to the ground; one man spies on the young man’s wife, burned by her radiance]: Boas 1895, No. III.4: 37-40 (=2002: 121-126); quinolt : Farrand 1902, no. 3 [five seal hunters give little meat to Grouse; he makes a seal from cedar, he drags the hunters’ boat into the sea; they reach an unknown land, are challenged to a competition; 1) climb the pole (Blue Jay hits Squirrel on the head with a bone, she falls from the pole); 2) sit under water (Blue Jay breathes under an overturned boat; hits Seal on the head with a hammer, he floats up); 3) withstand a hot bath (Beaver and Otter are digging a passage to the river; the rivals almost got cooked); 4) spend five days without sleep (the hunters leave decks with rotten eyes instead of eyes and run away); the pursuers drown, the hunters return home], 9 [Sisemo marries the daughter of Thunder; the father-in-law demands 1) to get snow from the mountain peaks (S. brings a handful, snow covers the entire ground); 2), 3) bring two pumas, two bears (S. brings, Thunder is scared); 4) split the log (Thunder knocks out the wedge, S. is not crushed, brings the log); 5) bring lightning from the underworld (the inhabitants there play ball with it); S. turns into something I don’t know what, and is carried away by lightning; the torches of the pursuers are filled with thunder and rain; places lightning under his armpits, gives a piece to all animals and birds painted red]: 102-105, 113-114; Klallam : Gunther 1925: 131-134 [two girls make a boy out of resin; he comes to life, takes one of them as his wife; fishes at night; before sunrise his wife calls him home; Once I overslept, he melted in the sun; her two sons force the hunter to tell them about the fate of their father; they make a chain of arrows and climb into the sky to take revenge on the Sun; restore sight to two blind old women, Otter and Blue Jay; they show them the way to the Sun; the two daughters of the Sun notice their reflection in the river; take them as husbands; they are led into a house whose doors either open or slam shut; The sun demands 1) shoot ducks (sons-in-law bring ducks); 2) withstand the hot fire (the sons-in-law throw shells into the flame, the heat subsides); 3) bring berries; brothers bring a basket of berries, the sun eats them, bursts; first the younger brother is going to become the Sun, the older one the Moon; they smear their faces with menstrual blood; The older one becomes weaker because of this, the younger one does not; only he is capable of becoming the Month and determining the rules of women and the timing of pregnancy; the eldest becomes the Sun], 137-138 [Raven hides fish from the family, eats alone; his son is watching him; The raven launches him on a log into the sea; The sun makes the young man handsome, directs the log to the shore; Kekayash advises him to take two girls as wives, orders him to tie flat stones to his feet and buttocks (since then these parts of the body have been cold in people); father-in-law offers to sit in a chair; There are thorns there, the young man breaks them with a stone; the father-in-law makes a hot fire, the young man extinguishes it by throwing roots and shells into it; the father-in-law tells the Loon to lure his son-in-law further into the sea, and the Bear to blow, causing a storm; the young man returns safe; comes with his wives to his parents; one paints the face terribly, the other beautifully; the first turns people into stone with a glance, the second revives them]; Puget Sound : Ballard 1929: 64 [Sea Wind (Chinook) and his servants (Blue Jay, Beaver, Raven) go to compete with the North Wind, whose servants are Otter, Woodpecker); 1) dive for a long time (Otter floats up dead, Blue Jay secretly breathes in the grass), 2) climb onto a pole (Blue Jay defeats Woodpecker); if Chinook had lost, summer would not have come], 65 [Eagle's sister marries Kalan, he takes her north; his servant Woodpecker; The eagle and other birds come to compete (as on p. 64); 1) dive (Seal vs. Blue Jay), 2) climb the ice pillar; on the way back they pass under a sky that rises and falls], 66 [the sister of the Sea Wind is taken away by the son of the North Wind; her brother leads his people north; breaks ice on rivers; the wife of the North Wind is the sister of Blue Juice, helps him with advice; 1) blow dust (smoke?) at each other (Blue Jay hides his face in a hole), 2) eat a lot (sends food past through a hollow stick), 3) kill a monstrous beaver, 4) dive (Seal dies, Blue Jay hides in the grass ), 5) shoot at each other (Blue Jay covers his chest with a stone), 6) climb an ice pillar (knocks Squirrel down, wins); return home with Wind Sister Chinook]; Skagit [Coyote promises a daughter to whoever outruns her; Raven, Mink and others lag behind, Mountain Goat overtakes, marries; the wife gives birth, fat serves as a diaper; The coyote eats him; when he goes to the mountains, the Goat sends frost, Coyote finds himself trapped in ice; makes a hole with his breath, takes himself apart, pushes himself out; The raven takes away his eyes; Coyote applies leaves, sees a little; pretends to see a star; one of the sisters comes up, he rips out her eyes and inserts them into himself; asks the old woman-Sickness about her daughters; kills with nettles, takes on its appearance; the sisters carry the imaginary mother on their backs to where they play with Coyote's eyes; the younger one throws him off on the road, he copulates with the older one; takes his eyes, runs away]: Hilbert 1985: 45-56; Puyallup [Seal's tribe competes with freshwater animals, joined by Blue Jay; 1) stay under water for a long time (Blue Jay breathes under a broom thrown out of the boat, hits the Seal lying on the bottom with a hatchet); 2) climb a tree with a smooth trunk (Blue Jay hits Woodpecker on the head with a club, he falls, Jay wins)]: Adamson 1934: 251-353; upper slippers [the leader and his people sail to an unknown land; jumping out of the boat, Blue Jay slips and falls; the local leader Kalan is lying on his bed, offering competitions; the room is full of smoke, the servant or dog inhales the smoke, purifying the air; 1) eat dangerous food (guests swallow hollow tubes and pass food through themselves); 2) dive (like Puyallup); 3) run a race (Blue Jay vs. Coyote or Squirrel, beats him, wins)]: Adamson 1934: 12-15 [4) climb a slippery tree (Blue Jay hits Squirrel, he falls), 5) hot bath (Blue Jay takes take ice with you, Partridge bursts from the heat); 6) walk along the river in a boat under the ice floes that rise and fall (they pass, the tip of the Blue Jay's tail was cut off); Spider gives them a boat, it brings them home and goes back], 15-20 [7) shoot each other (Blue Jay kills Beaver]; cowlick : Adamson 1934: 178-184 [two varieties, like the upper Chehalis; salmon drags a boat to an unfamiliar shore, turns into a local leader; 1) diving (Blue Jay breathes under a broom floating on the water, kills Duck); 2) climbing a pole (Blue Jay hits Hummingbird Girl); 3) duel (Eagle puts a touchstone under Jay's clothes, a local boy is killed); 4) steam room (Eagle makes a tunnel, a local boy bursts from the heat); 5) Eagle and Jay win at dice; Jay's kidnapped sister lives in this land, the fish are her children; she helps relatives return home; another option: Blue Jay, his sister, Eagle and others sail to another village, find themselves on an unfamiliar shore; on the way back, the boat twice passes under a log that rises and falls], 209-211 [Thunder tells his son-in-law Puma to kill Grizzly; this is Thunder's wife, Puma kills her, gives Thunder to eat her udder, he cries; asks Puma's brother Mink to bring it toy ; these are White Agate and Blue Stone; both stones fight each other, Mink brings them, they smash Thunder's house into dust; servants turn into birds, Thunder himself into the Thunderbird]; Kalispel [two (these are Carolina Duck and Woodpecker) went to a pow-wow, where there should be a competition: who will dive and stay under water the longest; they decided to make a hole in the bottom of the boat so that they could swim under it unnoticed and breathe; Coyote insisted on going to the pow-wow too; painted one red, and the other with white clay and black; Beautiful; they won; against them Elk, Deer, Buffalo, they cut off their heads; and they ate so much that they died]: Vogt 1940, No. 5: 85-89; lower Chinook : Boas 1894a, no. 2 [the youngest of the five brothers feels that Gluttony is coming; the brothers run, dig a hole in the ground, tell their bitch to show the monster another way; but he catches up and eats four brothers; the fifth runs to the river; Thunder stretches out his long leg like a bridge when a person calls him not grandfather, uncle, but father-in-law; warns not to touch his leg with a stick; when the monster crosses, he touches, Thunder bends his leg, the monster falls, is carried to the sea, turns into the Sound of the surf during a storm; a man marries the daughter of Thunder; he does not order to watch how he catches whales; a man looks, a whale leaves the Thunder net; a man's wife gives birth to two boys; Grom demands his son-in-law to 1) bring the wolves (then bears; grizzlies), which Grom played with as a child (the son-in-law brings them, they bite the father-in-law), 2) help split the log (the father-in-law takes out a wedge, pinches the son-in-law, he tears the log), 3) bring meths, which powerful people shoot at (the son-in-law steals the meths at night, he is pursued with torches; Thunder's daughter tells the children to beat her grandfather; Thunder urinates, it rains, the torches go out); the son-in-law goes to the village and lives with two old mouse women; loses to local people in a shooting competition; they cut off his hair and hang him in the chimney; his children come with their throws and arrows; win; they turn the local chief into a sturgeon, his messenger into a blue jay; revive the father], 3 [the leader's sister marries a foreign spirit; the chief and his people come to visit; they are told to 1) eat a lot (the owner and the leader pass the meat through swallowed reeds, and Blue Jay's intestines fall out), 2) stay under water for a long time (Blue Jay hides under floating branches, kills a local diver at the bottom with a club, her corpse floats up), 3) climb an ice pillar (Blue Jay quietly clubs his rival Chipmunk), 4) participate in a duel with bows (Beaver ties stones to his chest, wins against the local Loon), 5) survive the sweat lodge (the leader puts ice under the feet of his people, and the perfume bursts from the heat); people return home safely]: 31-36, 55-59; we are clapping [elder brother makes boats; sends his son to his younger son for fat; he insults him; the elder sends a wooden seal to drag the hunters' boat out to sea; they swim to the Seal woman; there is also a Bumblebee woman with teeth in her vagina; the hero inserts a stone; teeth break, woman menstruates; the helping spirit gives advice on how to win competitions; 1) breathe in a cloud of toxic smoke (breathe through tubes), 2) shoot at each other (Beaver covers his chest with a stone, local chief with a shell, pierced by an arrow), 3) dive (Blue Jay secretly breathes under the boat, local girl dies), 4 ) climb a pole smeared with grease (Blue Jay flies up, hits the Woodpecker girl, she falls), 5) run a race (Raven is faster than the Wind), 6) spend the night in a hot steam room (Beavers and Martens dig a hole to cold water), 7) harpoon the salmon (the Wind-Salmon drags the hero, the Beaver gnaws the tench); people come to their Sturgeon spouses; the wife bakes herself; the vault of heaven hits the ground; on the way to the house the boat passes over them five times; the last time only the stern was slightly broken; the hunters return; people turn into birds and animals]: Jacobs 1958, No. 25: 207-226; we are clapping [the grandson of Fire has two wives, both have a son; one returns to her brother; the husband follows her, plays a disc game with his brother, loses; he cuts off his ears and hair and hangs him in the chimney; the victim's children train their shamanic powers; now they can burn with their gaze; they take grizzly fur and come to their enemies; they win, stare at the players (they turn into a shrimp, a blue jay); turn wool into grizzly bears, who devour enemies; the brothers spare the two old women who sheltered them and their father; they bring their father home, grandfather Fire revives him; they come to two girls; they don’t know that one of them is their maternal aunt; local people kill them; the mother turns into the Sun, the brothers into stars; whoever killed a leader sees two stars near the sun, whoever killed an ordinary person sees one]: Jacobs 1958, No. 13: 114-130; layer [Mink asks Puma's older brother for the name of the lake; you can’t call it, it will rain; Mink insists; the rain washes him away, he floats with the flow; ends up with Puma's wife; the old man, her relative, wants to destroy him; 1) a tree falls on him (Mink bounces back); 2) throws him into the river in a basket with stones (Mink swims up); 3) whoever doesn’t close his eyes the longest (Mink sprinkles rotten wood on his eyelids, his closed eyelids glow); 4) bring two wolves with whom the old man played in childhood (Mink brings, the wolves bite the old man); 5) the same, bears; 6) the same, raccoons; 7) the same, grizzly; they kill the old man]: Boas 1901a, No. 14: 112-117; Wishram [The leader invites to play dice, cuts off the heads of the losers; Eagle has wives Cricket and Little Dove, each with a son; The eagle goes to play; The chief sends Blue Jay, Whitefish, Crab, Rabbit to find out who has come; from the Eagle’s gaze, the first three were crippled (almost blind, their mouths were burned, etc.); The rabbit conveys a message; Eagle loses to Rabbit, Chief cuts off Eagle's head; Coyote takes Eagle's wives; Cricket believes that it is Eagle, Dove does not; two old women tell Young Eagle how his father died; The young one won, cut off the Leader’s head; since then the losers have not been killed; Young Eagle took his father’s head from the pole, put it against his body, smeared it with paint five times, it came to life; the resurrected Eagle told Coyote to climb the tree to the nest; there were no birds there; tree with Coyote turned into rock]: Hines 1998, no. 36: 135-140; call : Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 2 [Ice and his people (land animals) come to the sea people; they suggest 1) drink a lot of fat (Ice inserts a hollow stem into the anus to remove fat), 2) take out a hot steam room (living whales heat it with their breath; Ice blows, the wind carries the whales), 3) climb onto an ice pillar (Bear climbs), 4) spend a long time under water (The ice breathes imperceptibly under the moss floating on the surface); land animals enter into combat with fish and sea animals; Ice and his people return home], 14 [the hero in the sky wants to marry the daughter of the old man Thunder; he orders 1) approach three burning trees (The ice is cooling), 2) approach the dogs (these are grizzlies, the hero killed them), 3) get a hammer from the bottom of the lake (the hero dived, Thunder covered the lake with ice; the hero created a hammer, which there was no bottom, cut through the ice, came out), 4) get the fish from the top (there is no fish there; the hero turned into a small fish; Thunder fried him, but did not eat; the previous groom became a big fish, was eaten, weakened); the hero arranges it so that Thunder's skewers for frying whales burn out; Thunder gets stuck in a split spruce; roars in pain (the sound of thunder)]: 9-12, 55-58; alsea : Frachtenberg 1920, No. 1 [four brothers walk from village to village; they bet their sister, win their wives; in the last village the house where they dance turns into a rock; their mother breaks the rock; the brothers return home, taking the women they won; turn into winds, their mother into a tornado], 9 [the Vulture’s wife’s brothers ask him to 1) split the log, remove the wedge; Lesser and Greater Woodpeckers split the log, free it), 2) butcher the whale (the whale swims with him into the sea; Seagull and Pelican bring him to the shore in their boat; he meets his wife and sons)], 12 [brothers (number not specified) from one bank of the river they go to play with brothers living on the other bank (shooting at a target, throwing a spear, gambling - dice throwing, guessing game); killed, only a grandmother and a boy remain from the entire family; he trains to become invulnerable to a knife; finds in the sweat lodge a set of playing sticks that his father and uncle(s) owned; plays, wins; they attack him, he cuts off the heads of the attackers, the grandmother throws them into a hole so that they go to the world of the dead; the younger one had his neck cut, so the hawk (which he turned into) has a crooked neck]: 23-25, 119-123, 137-159; short : Frachtenberg 1913, No. 3 [an old man has a son, he has two wives and two little sons; the old man went to relieve himself, noticed blood on his excrement, the woodpecker began to peck at it; he called his son to get the woodpecker, ordered him to climb the tree, because... the arrows do not reach; a young man climbs a tree to the sky; the old man makes himself young, takes his son's property and wives; a young man walks along a windless sky plain, sees two cranes, shoots, the cranes disappear, the young man follows them, comes to a house, there is an old man and an old woman, they say that the young man almost shot them; they explain that when the Sun woman rises and comes, she stops and eats people's stomachs; they hide the young man, but the woman smells it; leaves; the young man catches up with her, copulates with an ice-cold penis; tells her to be kind; marries the old man's two daughters; he deliberately drops a hammer into the water, orders his son-in-law to get it, covers the pond with ice, the son-in-law breaks through the ice with a hammer, gets out of the water; the father-in-law lowers his son-in-law in a basket on a rope to the ground, giving a lot of property; the young man sees his children; lifts his wives and children into the sky in a basket, and the old man becomes an old man again and falls into the water; tells the whale to swallow him; the whale carries him to the shore; he eats manzanita berries, but they fall out of his butt; he inserts a grass plug; bakes skunk cabbage; sets the top, catches salmon, dries; all the dried salmon returned to the river {unclear why}; therefore, salmon now enter the rivers every year]: 21-37; Jacobs 1940, No. 29 [Coyote turns his excrement into woodpeckers; sends his son to get woodpeckers from a tree, tells the tree to grow to the sky, then descend, copulates with both of his son’s wives; the hero remains in the sky, meets the Sun girl; copulates with an ice-cold penis (since then the sun has not been so hot); The sun sends him to his sister; old people teach how to overcome trials; 1) harpoon a salmon (the hero misses four, hits the fifth), 2) get a hammer from the bottom of the lake (the water is covered with ice, he breaks the ice with a hammer; the opponent cannot break it, the hero saves him), 3) hunt a moose (this is the old man himself - A month, he is scared), 4) fell a tree (the hero jumps back when the tree falls), 5) cut up a whale (it swallows the hero and swims away; the hero crawls out of the belly, floats on a log; people in a boat bring him back); The month recognizes the son-in-law; the old spider woman lowers the hero and his wife in a basket to the ground; the hero's children are almost blind, for Coyote touched their eyes with his penis; the hero puts a coyote skin on his father, turns him into a coyote; The spider lifts the hero with his wives and children in a basket back to heaven, he now lives there]: 214-221; upper Coquill [Wind Woman lives alone; stripping the bark from a tree, he finds a baby; he stops crying as soon as she addresses him “my brother”; he becomes a good hunter; rejects girls who come; goes to woo the daughter of Thunder; The Wind Woman hangs a pestle - if there is trouble with the young man, he will fall; the young man first stops on the other side of the river with the old people; they have two daughters, he takes them as his wives; the second daughter of Thunder has long nails, she is dangerous and ugly, she kills people; Thunder orders 1) to bring eels (these are rattlesnakes, the young man beats them with a stick, brings them, Thunder throws them back into the river); 2) after the steam room, Thunder suggests diving, covers the river with ice, the young man breaks through the ice, comes out; 3) fight, Thunder cannot defeat the young man; 4) the ugly daughter of Thunder invites the young man to look in his head, wants to cut it off with her nails, but they break, and she herself falls dead; 5) Thunder leaves the young man in a hot steam room and closes the exit; the young man digs a passage to the river and gets out; 6) Thunder bends the tree, sits on the top of its head, tells the young man to stand at the base, jumps, breaking the tree, but the young man also jumped away; 7) get the nest from the tree; the young man climbs, the tree grows almost to the sky; the young man smoothly descends through the air like a piece of moss; 8) Thunder leaves the young man in the snowy mountains, he is barely alive, but returns; at this time the pestle cracks, the Wind Woman comes, demolishes the house of Thunder, destroys it, brings firewood to those poor old people with whom the young man will stay and whose daughters he took as his wife]: Jacobs 2007: 172-279; Modoc [old Nathanas always kills his sons-in-law; Kai (big rabbit) marries his daughter; a white eagle feather helps him; 1) N. takes him into the boat to fish, causes a storm; K. throws seaweed onto the water and walks along it to the shore; 2) get reeds for arrow shafts; reed grows on the island, K. flies there, brings reeds; 3) get round stones - arrow straighteners; they lie at the bottom of the river, the river dries up, K. brings them; 4) get feathers for arrows; K. takes off his clothes, climbs a tree to the eagle’s nest, the tree becomes tall; he plucks feathers from the chicks and descends to the ground with a feather; 5) kill a deer; N. turns his son into a deer; brother K. Goshgoise (the little rabbit) shouts to him that his heart is in his leg; K. shoots a deer in the leg, kills one, then four more of N.’s sons; he grieves for them, hopes to revive them; 6) harpoon a big fish (this is also N.’s son); G. helps his brother pull her out; 7) run a race with N.’s son; he pushes him into the river so that others will eat him, but K. takes off, pushes his opponent himself, and is eaten; the same when N. himself runs; his spirit returns; K., his wife and G. go to live elsewhere]: Curtin 1912: 359-365; cute [Coyote and his bird people come to three separate villages to compete; 1) dive for a long time (the Beaver is drowning, the Drake is breathing unnoticed by the boat); 2) fight with fists (with the help of Woodpecker, Drake defeats Kneecap); 3) eat a lot (Blue Jay eats and wins)]: Boas 1918, no. 49: 69-73; they click : Jacobs 1929, No. 7 [Chief Eagle and his men sail in a boat; the Salmon woman drags the boat to her people; they offer to compete; 1) dive for a long time (Blue Jay secretly breathes near the boat, a local girl dies), 2) A beaver and a local woman lie down by a rock; she falls, the Beaver lives, the woman dies), 3) The Eagle and the Puma girl eat each other (the Puma dies)]: 216-219; 1934, No. 21 [a man promises a daughter to the one who splits the deer antler; Salmon splits; five Wolf brothers kill Salmon and his four brothers, take the woman; the scale of the Salmon remains, and the young Salmon grows from it; he kills five Wolves, squeezes five wolf cubs out of a woman’s womb, takes her as his wife, takes her in a boat; falls asleep in the sun, his wife sees larvae on him and talks about it; he throws her onto a rock in the middle of the water; The Vulture and the Vulture bring her back to the Salmon, he agrees to take her back, invites her into the boat; she stumbles and falls into the water; The salmon promises it to the one who gets it from the bottom; all birds and aquatic animals dive and cannot reach; The turtle searches for her at the bottom for five days, gets her, takes her as his wife]: 47-53; Okanagan : Teit 1917a, no. 6 [the chief's two daughters do not marry; The Sun takes the form of a Dirty boy, the Star - his grandmother; they descend to earth and live in a poor hut; the leader promises daughters to the one who 1) knocks an eagle from a tree with two arrows; 2) catch two otters in traps in two days; Coyote cannot complete the tasks, Muddy does; the eldest daughter marries Raven, the youngest daughter marries Dirty; he regains his true appearance, makes his wife’s hair and body sparkle, and easily gets bison]: 85-90; Hill-Tout 1911 [Coyote's four sons successively come to marry Grizzly Bear's daughter; they leave their bow at the entrance, the Bear quietly breaks the arrowheads; asks to kill a Grizzly Bear while hunting, shoot from the foot of the hill; The bear kills everyone; the fifth son gets a totem, returns, knows everything in advance, hides spare tips, shoots Grizzly from the mountain, brings the head of the dead man to his father; Mother Bear chases Coyote; it turns into a boulder, the Bear does not understand this, and breaks her teeth on a stone out of anger; into a rosehip bush; The she-bear scratches herself on the thorns and stops pursuing]: 150-152; Western of the day : Farrand, Mayer 1917, № 9 [ Valetitsa married to Tiptiptieya (bird); his younger brother is single; T. asks the young man to shoot her a bird, scratches its face with his claws, tells V. that his brother tried to rape her; V. throws his brother's arrows into the fire; he leaves, his dog (this is a grizzly bear) follows him; the young man climbs up the trunk to heaven, to the house of the Spider (Spider?), never returns; the grizzly remains to live in the forest; A. repents, looks for his brother, the grizzly tells him the truth; V. kills his wife with an arrow; swallows things, becomes small and ugly; Chief Eagle promises two daughters to the one who knocks the feathers off their heads (the girls themselves are placed on the top of the tree); V. knocks down both feathers; Coyote says he hit it, but they don’t believe him; the leader sends his daughters to Grandma V.; the youngest remains in their wigwam, the eldest mocks the dirty boy, marries Raven; in the absence of his wife, V. regurgitates what he swallowed and returns to his appearance; turns buffalo patties into bison; kills buffalo; The raven only picks up heads; leaves with his wife, taking away all the animals; The Beaver pretends to be dead and catches the Raven who has descended; people smoke it black; they let him go, or he breaks out on his own; V. turns into a puppy, Snake into a digging stick, Mortar into a mortar; Vorona's daughter picks them up; V. drives the deer out of the wigwam by barking; Raven returns to the village], 11 [Coyote invites the Fox to challenge the Deer to a running competition; the losers will have their heads cut off; Coyote and Fox win; Mountain Sheep and Elks are also killed; The Fox warns that they will lose to the Magpies; Coyote insists, Magpie wins, kills Fox and Coyote]: 157-164, 171; which [the eel, on whose side are snakes, worms, salmon, plays against bony fish; bet - dice; fish win, so they have a lot of bones, and the eel is boneless]: Hines 1992, No. 10: 49; ne perse : Phinney 1934 [the chief promises daughters in marriage to the one who shoots two eagles; who will trap an unusual beast; Coyote misses when he shoots; steals a whitish wolf from someone's trap; an ugly young man kills eagles, brings a snow-white wolf; the younger sister marries him, the eldest marries Raven; the young man catches more bison than Raven and becomes handsome; the elder sister leaves Raven for him; Raven hides bison; the younger sister marries an ugly young man, the eldest marries Raven; the young man becomes handsome, the older sister also goes to him; then Raven hides the bison; The Beaver orders his belly to be cut open, pretends to be dead, and catches the Raven; people hang Raven in the chimney, it turns from white to black; promises to tell where the bison are, flies away; Snake, Pest, Weasel come to Raven; turn into a digger, a pestle, a puppy; Raven's daughter picks them up; a puppy barks, driving the bison back to earth from an underground cave; digger and pestle sit on the back of running buffalo]: Phinney 1934: 166-172; Spinden 1917, No. 5 [Mountain Ram, Elk, Black-tailed Deer, White-tailed Deer, Mountain Goat always win a race, behead the losers; Coyote and Fox win, kill ungulates, gorge themselves on meat; lose to Magpie, they themselves are beheaded, even though Coyote tried to hide], 13 [Beaver challenges him to a competition: whoever stays under water longer always wins, the opponent drowns; Coyote gathers the people to come up with something; The Dive (Mud-hen) breathes through a hole under the bottom of the boat, the Beaver floats up dead]: 185-186, 194-195; Walker, Matthews 1994, no. 10 [The frog always wins the pole climbing game, kills the losers; Coyote sends Blue Jay to compete; The frog kicks him, but he reaches the top by flying; pushes the Frog, she is killed below; there was a mark on Jay's face from the blow]: 34.

Midwest. Winnebago : Radin 1909, No. 1 [giants kill people, ten brothers and sister remain; someone goes to that one; she gives birth to a boy; leaves with her husband; the husband (or the spirit that replaced him) is evil, she also becomes evil; nine brothers, one by one, leave to look for her and disappear; the old woman-Mouse gives advice to the tenth; the sister demands 1) to bring a stone (the brother pushes him down the mountain with a stick, the stone does not crush him); 2) bring bark (the brother throws a stick at the tree, the falling bark does not crush him); 3) bring pillars for the steam room (these are snakes, the brother gives them tobacco); 4) serve a sticky and burning stone (the Mouse greases his brother’s hands with fat); 5) bring a deer horn (it does not pierce his back); the woman's son grows up and kills her evil husband; her brother kills her herself; uncle and nephew come to the Thunderbirds; see motive I3]: 292-296; 1931 [The hare is the youngest of ten brothers, he is always left at home; the girl promises to marry the winner of the race; The Hare overtakes the Tortoise and wins; gives up a woman to his older brother Day ; the Hare's hair becomes long and red, his new name is Red Horn; small, grimacing faces appear on his ears; he wins the competition to see who can eat the most and fastest; his comrade in arms is Thunderbird; they travel with him in the clouds; he marries an orphan; together with his brothers and relatives he competes with giants, losing to them in the fight; the giants kill everyone; after the death of Red Horn, his two sons are born; the eldest is from his wife (he also has faces on his ears), the youngest is from a giantess (he has faces on his chest); the brothers take out the skulls of Red Horn, Thunder, and Turtle, impaled on poles by the giants; they kill giants with shouts and arrows; they spare the girl and the boy and throw them overseas (there are giants there now); revive the father and his brothers; they put the bones of those killed by giants in their homes, everyone is reborn]: 143-162; Smith 1997 [brothers hunt, eldest stays at home; every day a man comes and invites his brothers to a competition; every time the elder brother forgets to convey the invitation; repeats the whole fourth day, I have to tell my brothers... ; the youngest wins the running competition, the eldest wins the wrestling; competition continues (text probably incomplete)]: 61-63; you call : Bloomfield 1928, No. 90 [girl promised to best runner; The turtle places his younger brothers at a distance in holes in the ice; grabs the girl at the same time as Hawk; is about to cut it in half with a knife; Hawk lets her go, Turtle gets a wife], 106 [], 110 [Deer and Moose live together, go for berries, both have two children; The deer has gained weight, the elk kills her, and brings the meat home; puts the Fawns in a sack, hangs them in the chimney, says that their mother is left to pick berries; the mother's meat, while being fried, screams to the eldest son that she was killed; the eldest Fawn kills the Elk Cubs, impales them on stakes, leaves them standing opposite each other, putting pieces of venison in their teeth; runs, taking his brother; The moose scolds the children; chases the Fawns; they ask the old Heron to take them across the river; The heron asks to look in his head, to gnaw the louse; A fawn is gnawing on a cranberry; The heron extends its beak like a bridge across the river; Moose calls Heron dirty and refuses to chew the louse; The Heron turns its beak, the Moose drowns (the part presented on pp. 493-497); boys come to the sea; the old man drives up in a dugout, asks the elder to look at what is in his eye, takes him away, the younger brother remains on the shore; the old man gives his daughter to the young man as his wife; wife teaches how to stay alive; father-in-law and son-in-law hang moccasins to dry in the winter forest; the son-in-law replaces them, the father-in-law throws his into the fire; the brother-in-law is the first to sail home, and with his wife they return to where they left their younger brother; the elder meets the younger when he is carrying a bear; now he is a strong man; brothers stay together]: 281-293, 443-455, 493-501; Hoffman 1896: 168-171 [mother-in-law lives on top of a cliff; demands his son-in-law to bring a paw of a white bear, then a yellow bear; these are underground spirits, her relatives; he kills them; she cannot bring the bird that his sister is guarding; admits defeat], 187-196 [Moose always win, beat the losing Deer with clubs; the hero marries the daughter of the Deer chief; wins all competitions; 1) a game of dice (Moose play with human eyes instead of plum pits; the hero refuses to use them), 2) toss a heavy metal ball, 3) dive into an ice hole for a long time (Turtle keeps the hero warm under water, his opponent emerges half-dead), 4) run on the ice (Otter makes sure that the hero’s soles do not slip), 5) simply run a race (Wolf, Fox run instead of the hero); The moose kill the hero with their clubs when he takes off his protective bracelet; The Wolf, the Fox, the Dog come under his guise to his widow, who rejects them; The wolf revives the hero; he returns to his wife, exterminates the Moose, turns them into moose], 232-234 [the cannibal invites the young man to run a race; the winner kills the loser; the young man runs and flies, successively taking the form of a wolf, a dove, a raven, and four types of hawks; becoming a hummingbird, it overtakes its rival; breaks her head; kills her children]; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II5 [the youth's grandfather lies in the wigwam like a log in the moss, waking up once every four years; the young man finds the upper body of his older brother attached to the stump; he explains that their evil grandfather will do the same to him, teaches him how to win; the grandfather orders the polar bear to be killed; the young man runs without looking back, at the entrance to the house the bear falls dead; the grandfather takes the cauldron out of the side to cook the meat; the young man gives the bear's head to two old women, they disappear; these old women cut up their elder brother; now hostile creatures with the lower half play ball in the sky, hang it in the chimney; the young man rises to heaven, cuts the rope, the lower half falls to the ground, connects with the upper; cranes and horned snakes guard the house of two dangerous sisters; the young man scares off the guards, takes his sisters as wives; the old man breaks the sleeping young man's back, changes clothes with him, pushes him into the thicket, takes the eldest of his wives as his wife; the youngest finds the young man and takes care of him; he turns sticks into bear carcasses, grass into beavers and turkeys; when the deceiver steals the carcasses, they turn back into sticks, into dung beetles; the young man climbs into the deck, returns to his former appearance, turns the deceiver into a hawk; gives his elder wife to his brother], II14 [see. motif J44; the old man invites his older brother into the boat, takes him across the lake, leaving his younger brother, a boy; a young man marries an old man's daughter; they try to sail away in the boat, but the old man uses magic to make the boat return; orders 1) to harpoon a monstrous fish (it does not swallow the hero), 2) to collect gull eggs on the island (he leaves his son-in-law, the gulls carry him back), 3) to go with him to the forest in winter (at night he pushes his son-in-law’s moccasins into the fire; the Wolf gives him his warm skin; the next night the son-in-law replaces his moccasins, the father-in-law burns his own and dies from the cold); the elder brother and his wife find the younger brother, who has half become a wolf], II25 [the girl’s father demands 1) kill a white deer, 2) bring a rope made of copper, 3) win a race; The turtle completes tasks; while running, places his relatives along the path; Hawk is slightly ahead at the finish line; wants to cut the girl in half, then Hawk refuses her; Turtle gets a wife], II27 [the wife wants to kill her husband, the Wolf helps him; he marries Losikha; Caribou challenges him to a competition; he loses his amulet, is eaten; The Wolf and the Otter revive him from the bones; new competition: spend the night in the cold; Caribou freezes, man wins; kills most Caribou]: 317-327, 366-371, 396-397, 399-403; western marsh hide (Stone Cree): Brightman 1989: 13-16 [Wīsahkīcāhk with his younger brother plays with the bird's claws; they fall into the water; Wimisos in the boat invites V. to come and take them himself, takes him away; the brother remains on the shore, turns into a wolf; V. shouts to him not to go near the water when he is chasing the elk; Vimisos has two daughters; the eldest says that V. is dirty; the youngest washes him and takes him as her husband; now the eldest wants him too; the youngest refuses to share; Vimisos orders both to be wives, let there be many wives, otherwise there will not be enough people; wants to destroy his son-in-law, orders him to bring 1) feathers for arrows; takes him to the island where the eagles are, leaves him there; V. turns into a seagull, flies, defecates on Vimisos, reaches home before him; 2) turn into a jay; V. flies, Vimisos turns, flies, falls into the water, drowns], 23-26 [Wīsahkīcāhk and his younger brother play on the shore of the lake, tossing their nails; V.'s nail falls into the boat of the approaching Wīmisōsiw; he invites him to climb into the boat and take the nail; the self-propelled boat immediately sets off; the younger brother turns into a wolf on the shore; V. shouts to him, chasing the caribou, not to approach the water; V. is in tears, ugly; Wīmisōsiw's two eldest daughters reject him, the youngest washes him and makes him her husband; the eldest now wants him too, the younger refuses to share; they have two children; V. wants to make himself wings to fly; Wīmisōsiw intends to destroy him, 1) takes him to dangerous eagles, these are the spirit guardians of his father-in-law; throws V. to them to eat; V. calls the eagles his younger brothers, they give him feathers, he flies over Wīmisōsiw in the guise of a seagull, defecates on him, finds himself at home before his father-in-law; he sees V. making arrows; 2) bring arrow shafts, take them to the thickets, throw them to the snakes; V. calls the snakes younger brothers, brings the shafts home before his father-in-law returns; 3) V. suggests swinging; Wīmisōsiw leads to the swing, around the bone; V. does not fall, but when Wīmisōsiw swings, he flies up and falls; later he still returns; both spend the night in the forest, V. hides his clothes under his head, hangs his father-in-law’s clothes where his hung; at night Wīmisōsiw gets up, throws clothes into the fire; Wīmisōsiw heats up a stone and rolls it in front of him; when the stone cools, it makes it hot again; Since then, larches have grown at all its stops; Wīmisōsiw admits defeat and no longer pursues his son-in-law]; eastern marsh hide (western shore of James Bay): Ellis 2995, No. 11 [Memishoosh swims to the shore, takes an orphan boy into the boat; raised and married his daughter; always killed his sons-in-law with witchcraft; 1) took his son-in-law to the island to collect gull eggs, floats away, leaving him on the island; the son-in-law puts on a tern skin and flies home before his father-in-law; 2) jump over the abyss; the son-in-law jumped over, M. fell down, and returned home with difficulty; 3) spending the night in the winter forest, M. and his son-in-law hang their greaves by the fire; son-in-law swaps them; M. burns his own, thinking that he burned his son-in-law’s greaves; walks barefoot in the morning; the son-in-law hears a crash, turns around, M. has turned into a larch; people will make runners for sleds from them]: 69-77; Skinner 1911 [cannibal devours family, fattens two little boys to eat later; the older one makes a hole in the ground with his mother’s awl and leaves through it, carrying the younger one on his back; squeezing through the hole, the younger one injured his cheek; the elder throws a piece of wood, a rag, a stone, they turn into a forest, a thicket of rose hips, a huge boulder blocking the hole; The walrus transports the brothers across the lake; orders to warn if Thunder appears; orders not to shoot arrows into the water, and if they fall into the water, do not take them out; when transporting a cannibal, he warns him not to move and not to touch the sensitive spot on his neck; the cannibal moves, the Walrus throws him into the water, he drowns; the elder brother's arrow falls into the water; Wemishus invites him to come and pick it up; takes him away in a boat, the younger one remains on the shore, he is raised by two polar bears; V. gives his older brother as his daughter’s husband; always kills his sons-in-law; V. leads his son-in-law to collect bird eggs; there are crushing rocks on the way; the young man slips through, V.’s head is crushed, but he makes it whole again; takes his son-in-law to the island to collect bird eggs, sails away in a self-propelled boat; the young man puts on the skin of a seagull, flying over the boat, defecates on V.’s head, and flies back before his father-in-law; V. is surprised that the grandchildren shoot arrows feathered with seagull feathers; his father-in-law leads him into the winter forest; at night he wants to push his moccasins and knee pads into the fire; the young man replaces them in advance; the father-in-law smears his feet with coal, as if he were wearing shoes, but freezes in the forest, turns into a juniper; the young man finds his younger brother; reminds of a scar on his cheek, the younger one believes that the elder is in front of him; releases his bear servants]: 88-92; eastern hide [the old man takes the first son-in-law into the forest, he dies from the cold; the new one is pushed into the water from the boat, he swims out; In winter, while spending the night in the forest, the son-in-law swaps their moccasins, hanging over the fire to dry; the old man pushes his own into the fire; tying fir branches to his feet, he comes home; the son-in-law makes a beautiful boat, he sails in it, a storm begins, the old man never returns]: Swindlehurst 1905, No. 3: 140-141; Algonquins (Lake Grand Victoria) [The pike wants to kill his son-in-law, leads him on a hunt; at night he hangs his moccasins too close to the fire; the son-in-law quietly swaps them with his father-in-law's moccasins; seeing that his moccasins are burned, the father-in-law ties his legs with branches, follows his son-in-law, who deliberately chooses a roundabout path to the house (the text ends here)]: Davidson 1928b: 281-282; northern dies (Sandy Lake): Ray, Stevens 1971: 52-57 [see motif L5; two brothers ran away from their mother's chasing head; old man Gynosase invites the elder into the boat, sails away with him; the youngest turns into a wolf; the eldest marries G.'s two daughters; he always kills his sons-in-law; 1) calls his son-in-law to swing on a swing over a cliff; the son-in-law does not fall, G. breaks on the stones, the son-in-law revives him; 2) G. wants a penis as big as his son-in-law’s; he orders to make a penis out of wood and drive it into his body with the sharp end; G. dies, his son-in-law revives him; 3) G. wants hair as long as his son-in-law’s; he advises tying the hair to a tree, pulling; G.'s head is torn off, his son-in-law revives him; 4) G. takes his son-in-law to hunt caribou and burns his moccasins at night; the son-in-law turns his legs into hooves and comes home; the next time he replaces his moccasins, G. burns his own; melts the snow in front of him with hot stones; the stones cool down, G. dies, wraps himself around a tree (the origin of the shape of the trunk of a certain tree growing in a swamp); younger brother returns; one of the elder's wives falls in love with him and sits on his bed; he becomes a wolf again; the elder brother chops his wives and children into pieces, turns into a crane], 102-103 [bears kill parents Jakabaysh and ( Poke-in-the-Eye ); he is raised by his sister; a person invites him to compete; 1) smoke a large pipe; 2) shoot over a high cliff; 3) shoot through a gap in the rock; 4) juggle ten acorns; 5) fight; J. wins]; steppe hide : Ahenakew 1929 [see motif L5; two brothers ran away from their mother's severed head pursuing them; Vaymesosiv takes the elder by name Vesakaichak into the boat, leaves the youngest; the young man marries his youngest daughter; the father-in-law takes his son-in-law to the island twice, first to cut willow branches, then to collect crane feathers; both times he leaves, calling first the Eagle, then the Horned Serpent to eat his son-in-law; he kills both monsters with a hammer, puts on the skin of a seagull both times, and flies back; father-in-law leads son-in-law to kill Great Elk; the son-in-law turns to fluff, the Elk cannot trample him, he is killed; at an overnight stay, the son-in-law swaps his clothes and his father-in-law's, who pushes him into the fire at night; returns, rolling a hot boulder across the snow in front of him; acknowledges Vesakaichaka son-in-law]: 313-319; Bloomfield 1930, No. 1 [see motive J35; Vysakechah with his younger brother he ran away from the severed head of their mother who was pursuing them; the old man invites V. into his boat and takes him away; the younger brother is left alone and turns into a wolf; the old man's eldest daughter rejects V., the youngest marries him; V. becomes handsome; the eldest now wants him, but is rejected by him; persuades his father to inform him; V. asks where to get shafts for arrows, feathers, wood for a bow; his father-in-law sends him to where his helping spirits live - the Polar Bear, the Thunderbird, the Snake; V. kills them, his father-in-law mourns their death; V. and his father-in-law spend the night in the winter forest; father-in-law pushes V.'s clothes into the fire; V. turns into a moose and comes home; the next time V. changes his clothes, his father-in-law pushes him into the fire; freezes to death; the mother-in-law tries to kill V., he himself kills her and her eldest daughter; see motive B3A], 16 [the old man trains his grandson, he becomes strong, his name is Pine Roots; he defeats two sisters possessing shamanic power and takes them as his wives; their mother is a sleepwalker; she says that she will recover if her son-in-law brings her the meat of a giant beaver, deer, or elk to eat; he kills animals, the mother-in-law mourns their death; comes in the guise of his grandmother to turn him into a tree; he recognizes her, turns her into a tree, disenchants other trees back into people; now the eldest of the sisters is becoming a sleepwalker; demands that the husband spend a frosty night in a special house; his tobacco pouch turns into a partridge, she shouts: Summer, summer ; it gets warm, the berries ripen; the sisters cannot eat them all, they are defeated], 19 [the woman Thunderbird and the Wolf are the leaders of the two halves of the village; during the competition, Thunderbird's people exterminate the Wolves; brother and sister run away; brother creates a lot of wampum from his sister's beads, strings it on his hair, now he Head-of-Wampum ; goes north, orders not to answer a person who comes at noon from the south; he will be his copy, ask her to marry him; the sister believes that her brother has come and responds, indignantly refusing the marriage; now the brother is forced to compete with the southern man; they drive each other into the ground, cut off their heads; the sister was afraid to grab the severed head of a southern man; he carried away her brother's head; V.'s body remains alive; sister marries a Westerner and gives birth to twins; they have knives on their elbows; the twins fly on their arrows, visiting V.'s body; a raven guards V.'s head; one of the twins turns into a swallow, the raven drives him away; the other turns into a hawk, brings his head, revives V.; all three return to sister V. and her husband; husband, V., the eldest twin disappear one after another, swallowed by the Serpent; the elder rips open the Serpent with his sharp elbows, the swallowed ones come out; twins turn their parents into two thorny trees; V. is ordered to stay in the west, people will see him in their dreams; they themselves turn into two stars], 20 [people organize competitions, devour the losers; a girl runs with her younger brother; he grows up, makes a flute, comes to a village where Visaketchak became the chief's adopted son and brother to the chief's two daughters; these girls live in a nest in a tree; V. promises them as a wife to the Flutist if he climbs a tree; all the previous suitors died, because... the longer you climb, the higher the tree grows; The flutist gets to the nest, throws first one, then the second sister to the ground; V. thinks that the victim is falling; recognizes girls; pursues the Flutist; he sends his moccasins to run to leave traces; he himself turns into an arrow, into a woman, into an old man in the house; V. stops the persecution]: 16-18, 93-99, 152-162, 169-177; Western dies (Chippewa): Barnouw 1977, no. 45 [young man lives with aunt; sees girls bathing, they turn into frogs, he brings them to his bed; aunt hears giggling at night; in the morning he throws out the frogs, tells his nephew to marry women; on the way, the young man stumbles upon his younger brother, turned into a stump below the waist; he says that their uncle killed their father and other brothers, explains how to walk along the path leading to the women; a man gives tobacco to two snakes spewing flames on the sides of the path, calling them grandfathers; shows two swans a red cloth; reaches the women and turns back; they kill snakes and swans for letting the stranger through; They themselves follow the young man, become kind, having left the power of their father; the uncle pretends to be dying and demands that they bring him a bear and two otters to recover; the young man gets them; spirits gather for a feast; uncle's sisters cry that they have to eat his dogs ; the uncle shoots his nephew in the chest, he turns into a squirrel, unharmed; kills his uncle with an arrow; treats his brother stump, gives him one of his wives; the younger brother forgot that he should not mention his uncle, he immediately appeared; brothers and wives ran away and got rid of their uncle]: 64-68; Schoolcraft 1999 [Muje Monido invites everyone to run a race, kills the losers with a knife, skins them; Partridge Man marries a girl whose older brothers died; wins the race, kills MM and his wife and child - huge snakes; revives the dead by shooting arrows into the sky]: 220-228; Western dies : Jones 1916, No. 11 [Little-Image came from the heavenly country in the east to save people from the terrible Bears; they organized races, the bet was life, and they always won; MO came to the fasting people; through fasting they gained strength, the number of Bears began to decrease; The bears tried to escape, but the Defense Ministry destroyed them; remained smaller in size - today's bears], 24a [giant Mashos took the eldest of two brothers, made him the husband of his youngest daughter; the young man hears the voice of his younger brother, first reporting that he is turning into a wolf, then that he has become a wolf; M. is trying to destroy his son-in-law; 1) is lucky to harpoon sturgeons, leaves them overboard; The Great Sturgeon brings the young man home before his father-in-law; 2) takes him to the island to collect seagull eggs and throws them there; The Great Seagull brings the young man home on his back; 3) takes him into the forest to hunt caribou, and at night pushes his moccasins into the fire; the son-in-law heats a stone and melts a path in the snow with it; the next time the young man arranges it so that his father-in-law burns his moccasins; M.'s daughter magically sends him new ones; 4) M. lowers his son-in-law on a sleigh to the edge of the world, but the young man holds the sleigh; M. gets into the sleigh and flies away forever into space]: 370, 377; Radin 1914, No. 1 [The player offers to throw beads into the hole, kills the losers; Manabozo wins, kills Player], 28 [three brothers marry three daughters of an old woman; the younger one has magical powers and marries a girl with ulcers on her body; 1) the old woman kills her two older sons-in-law by throwing them off a cliff; the youngest turns into a bird and returns; 2) his father-in-law takes him to the island to collect bird eggs and abandons him there; the seagull brings it home before his father-in-law; he cures his wife; 3) his father-in-law takes him to tear the bark off the thuja; he turns into a squirrel, the bark falls on his father-in-law, the mother-in-law treats her husband; 4) in order to poison his son-in-law, the father-in-law asks to see through three black warts on his back; the son-in-law bites into the stored cranberries; 5) the father-in-law takes his son-in-law to harpoon a fish and throws it overboard; the fish takes the young man home; 6) father-in-law takes son-in-law to slide down the mountain; the son-in-law turns into a bird, the father-in-law falls off a cliff, the mother-in-law treats her husband; 7) father-in-law and son-in-law spend the night in the forest; son-in-law replaces moccasins; at night the father-in-law pushes his own into the fire; returns to spring barefoot, recognizes the primacy of his son-in-law; he asks him to get a bird from the nest; a thunderclap blows the father-in-law to pieces; a young man takes a wife and goes to live in his father’s house]: 54-59, 61; eastern dies (timagami): Speck 1915d, no. 4 [Vemikus kills sons-in-law; 1) his daughter warns her husband that V. will throw his moccasins into the fire while spending the night in the forest; son-in-law replaces moccasins; V. returns rolling a stone (like the Crees); 2) V. leads his son-in-law to the snake’s den, he is not bitten; 3) tells you to look in your head; there are lizards instead of lice; son-in-law bites into cranberries; 4) V. takes his son-in-law to collect eggs on the island, leaves him; he kills a seagull, puts on its skin, flies back, and defecates on V. along the way. 5) V. cuts down a tree with his son-in-law; it falls on V., he comes to life; 6) competes with his son-in-law whose boat is faster; V.'s boat capsizes, he turns into a pike], 9 [a lonely young man carves his wife out of wood; she orders her to be locked in a wigwam for three days; he peeks before the time, she leaves; he follows her; three old women, one after another, show him the way, give him lynx bones as amulets; he ascends to heaven along a tree trunk; 1) the wife warns that her Polar Bear brothers will play ball with him, chasing the ball around the entire earth; he makes the Bear drop the ball, wins; 2) The bears cannot move the rock, he breaks it with an arrow; 3) kills first the red otter, then the blue otter; recognized as son-in-law]: 45-47, 57-62; northern left [hunter's children are always hungry; he watches his wife; she knocks on a tree with an ax, a man comes out of the trunk and copulates with her; the hunter calls him with the same signal; kills, mixes his blood with the blood of a deer, gives it to his wife to eat; cuts off her head, leaves; the youngest son tries to suckle at his mother's breast; the head haunts the sons; the elder throws a needle, a comb; the head lingers at the needle, the ridge turns into a mountain; The swan transports the brothers across the river, warns them not to sit on his neck, there is an ulcer there; the head promises Swan to be his sexual partner if he transports her; he asks how she will copulate, she replies that per foramen magnum; grabs him by the neck, he throws her into the water; she drowns and turns into a sturgeon; brothers play by throwing stones; Omishus makes one fall into his boat; invites his older brother to pick him up; takes him away, the younger one remains on the shore; O. invites the eldest daughter to take the kidnapped young man as her husband; she says that he is ugly; the youngest likes him and marries him; O. takes his son-in-law to the island to collect seagull eggs, throws him there, and invites the seagulls to eat him; the son-in-law says that he is not food for seagulls, orders them to douse his father-in-law with their droppings; gets home before his father-in-law; his older sister is now also marrying him; the father-in-law takes his son-in-law to catch sturgeon, pushes him into the water, calls on the snakes to swallow him; The Horned Serpent takes the young man to the shore, asking him to warn him if thunder roars; he is silent; The serpent throws him into the water, hearing thunder, but the shore is already nearby; a young man brings sturgeon to his father-in-law; sent to get the chicks of a dangerous eagle, brings them; every time the father-in-law mourns the death of his assistants; the father-in-law leads the young man into the winter forest; at night he wants to push his moccasins into the fire; the young man replaces them in advance; the father-in-law first tries to make a path in the snow, rolling a hot stone in front of him; then he walks barefoot, having rubbed his feet with coal; Having taken both wives, the young man sails away; father-in-law calls his magic boat; the young man tells his wives to send it to him]: Skinner 1911: 168-173; steppe dies [eight brothers find the firewood prepared; they take turns remaining on guard; the woman appears to the younger man; breaks trunks by moving his hand; her older brother kills her out of jealousy; she flies away; the younger one shoots arrows and follows them; meets four old women one after another; they give sharp claws, bones, horns to climb the spiky mountain, explain what to do; there will be eight identical sisters in the house, the wife will sit closer to the entrance; the young man sits down next to her; the father-in-law sends all eight daughters with him, they fly to the brothers; the animals mock the brothers, saying that the youngest has returned; this time it is true; brothers receive a wife]: Skinner 1919, no. 4: 293-295.

Northeast. Montagnier (Lake St. John) [Tuladi marries Pike's daughter; he leads him into the winter forest; they dry their clothes and moccasins; T. swaps them, Pike pushes his own into the fire; has difficulty getting home; offers to swim across the river above the waterfall; carried into a waterfall, turns into a pike]: Speck 1925: 16-17; it got expensive [Tchakapesh married Salmon's daughter; he wanted her for himself; invited his son-in-law to hunt; he hung his clothes to dry, and put the Salmon under his head; at night he threw Ch.’s clothes into the fire; he, by the power of a shaman, replaced his clothes with the clothes of Salmon (this is a bunch of old scales); the next night, Salmon called Ch. to swim, whoever was faster to the top of the rapids; Ch. swam easily, and Salmon is still swimming]: Millman 1993: 136-137; the Hurons : Barbeau 1960, No. 4 [a young man marries the daughter of an cannibal; she tells him to bring 1) a white partridge, 2) a polar bear; the young man also kills a white deer and a turkey; runs away with his wife; the wife throws her mother's leggings into the water; the pursuing mother ends up in the water; the wife orders the water to boil, the mother dies; the wife brings with her seeds of corn, beans, pumpkins, melons (the origin of agriculture)], 34 [the hero comes to play, the bet is life; he uses his stones, wins, cuts off his opponent's head, throws it against a tree; the head turns into a growth on the trunk; Since then, vessels for playing stones have been cut from such growths]: 7-9, 29; Seneca : Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 22 [uncle sends a nephew to marry, gives him a hat, outerwear, greaves, moccasins; if you take them off, they turn into an otter, a puma, wild cats, owls; two girls jump out of his bag of tobacco to light his pipe; two pigeons coo at the end of the tube; during an overnight stay on the road, the deceiver steals the hero's clothes and plunges a dart into his back; the hero's sister and her daughter save him; the one who shoots the eagle sitting on the pillar will get the bride; the hero does it, the deceiver grabs the bird, marries the girl; unable to spit out beads; the items of his outfit, turning into animals and birds, are barely alive; his wife refuses to sleep with him; the hero's sister and niece return his outfit to him and stab a piece of bark into the deceiver's back; the hero gets younger, the woman recognizes him as a real husband; the animals that make up his magical outfit are full of strength; he spits out the beads; his uncle is happy to see him again], 34 [a woman dies giving birth to a premature baby; her husband leaves him in the hollow; he, while his father is away, comes to play with his five-year-old brother; looks like a chipmunk; the father notices the tracks and is surprised that the food supplies are quickly depleted; turning into a stump with mice, he catches the Thrown One; gives him a club, he destroys trees, calms down, agrees to live with his father and brother; the father warns his sons not to go in one direction or another; those violate the ban; in the north, the Thrown One kills the frogs that threaten his father; in the west, he climbs a tree into the Thunder nest, kills a male, a female, and two cubs; in the north he smashes a stone giant with a log, comes home riding his dog; in the SW the dice player kills the losers; The one who is thrown out wins, cuts off the player's head, saves people; in the east, he wins the ball game, taking the side of the wolf and bear clans against the eagle, turtle, and beaver clans; the father agrees to become the leader of that country], 46 [the wife does not feed her husband’s dogs; while cutting meat, she cut her finger; sucks blood, she likes the taste, she cuts and devours her flesh; eats his little daughter; chases dogs, devours people in the village, pursues her husband; he and the dogs are crossing the river on a raft; she jumps after him, falls into the water, drowns; a man with his three dogs stays in a poor house; the leader challenges him to 1) run a race (the dog in his guise wins), 2) play ball (the other dog wins and cuts off the leader’s head); a man becomes a leader], 100 [a man marries; on the first night his mother-in-law puts him in her bed, covers him with skins, and tries to poison him with intestinal gases; his fetish clears the air for him; his mother-in-law takes him to hunt on an island, sails away in a boat; the island is flooded with water, a man climbs a tree; asks the Morning Star to help; he tells the Sun to rise earlier; the water subsides; the mother-in-law comes to eat her son-in-law's bone marrow; he floats away in her boat, the water creatures devour her], 117 [the sister tells the younger brother that all their relatives have died; he finds his older brother in the attic and gives him the entire supply of tobacco; the sister says that now without tobacco he will die; the younger brother goes for tobacco; tobacco owners offer to run a race on the ice, kill the losers; the young man wins, kills the owners, revives the previously dead from the bones, returns home]: 139-144, 179, 231-236, 467-469, 573-586; Malesites [Sakilexis (for all other Gluskap informants) comes to the village; the Woodchuck woman is crying because he is going to be killed; he is offered to play with the skull of a shaman, who sinks his teeth into the one he hits; S. breaks the skull with a kick; he is offered to fight; the enemy stands among the rocks knee-deep in the ground; S. wants his legs to break, throws his body onto the rocks; the people are glad that he delivered them from the tyrant; The Master of Water closed the water; S. threatens to pierce his huge belly, he breaks the dam in fear and releases the water]: Mechling 1914, No. 6: 45-47; Mi'kmaq : Leland 1968 [two young men come to Glooskap; one asks for strength (receives a stone boat and a flute to lure game), the other wants the chief's daughter; the leader demands 1) bring the head of a horned snake (the young man, who has received power, lures the snake out of the hole, cuts off the head with two horns), 2) transport the mountains on a sleigh (friends transport), 3) compete in a race (Lightning defeats the Northern Lights), 4 ) dive for a long time (the young man turns into a loon, emerges later than a duck); the one who has received the power blows towards the storm, the wind subsides; kills monstrous beaver and skunk; friends return the boat to Gluskap]: 82-91; Rand 1893, no. 4 [roughly as in Leland]: 92-100; Speck 1915b [two brothers come to Porcupine; she makes a fire; the older one dies, the younger one (Torn out of the Guts, see motive J19) complains of the cold; Porcupine dies of fever, Taken-out-the-guts revives his brother; they come to Gluskap (the supreme deity); Taken-out-of-the-guts smokes a pipe with him; it’s so cold at night that while the water boils on one side of the boiler, it freezes on the other; the brothers remain alive and receive gifts; Guts-Torn Marries Skunk's Daughter; his mother-in-law takes him to the island to collect seagull eggs and abandons him; seagulls bring it back; at night his mother-in-law covers him with skins and tries to poison him with her intestinal gases; he breathes, piercing a hole in the bedspread with a knife; mother-in-law throws son-in-law into a hole; at the bottom an old turtle is waiting for its next victim; Taken-out-of-the-guts gets out back (no details)]: 63-64; Norman 1990 [Kuloscap comes to the Frost Giants; 1) they take the whale’s tail from him, he returns it with the power of thought; 2) easily breaks a whale’s jaw; 3) smokes a pipe of strong tobacco, sits in a room full of tobacco smoke; 4) scares giants using a skull instead of a ball; turns them into fish]: 114-115; Rand 1894 [an old woman finds a child in the forest; he grows up and asks to make him a bow and arrow; the huge bird Culloo wants to grab him, but he himself wounds it with arrows; goes to where she flew; says that if blood appears on his pipe and mat, it means he is dead; meets girls, then men; both say that the culloo chief will kill his parents and sister; he comes to where the parents are, everyone is crying in anticipation of death; comes to the wounded Culloo, he is asked to treat him, but instead he finishes off the enemy; kills all the culloos except one chick, which becomes his mate; wears it hunting; brings him to the old woman who picked him up; brings to beautiful girls; to those who take her eldest daughter, the old woman always offers to fight on the edge of the abyss; the girl warns of danger, the hero himself throws off the old woman; the wife gives birth to a son, his enemies carry him away; culloo brings its owner there; the boy is already an adult; when his father grabs him, he becomes small again; enemies are killed]: 83-93; Whitehead 1988: 56-61 [girl turns stick into little brother; he leaves, finds his wife; others are jealous; one of the enemies in the guise of a mouse tries to kill him at night, the young man crushes him; 1) who will stay under water longer (the hero is a dive, the opponent is a loon, the hero emerges later); 2) who will grow taller (the hero is an elm without branches, bends; the opponent is a pine tree, breaks from the wind); the hero returns home with his wife; kills those who set off in pursuit], 108-113 [two young men come to Kluskap; one receives from him the power and name Mi'kmwesu; on the island-boat given to him, he sails to a man who is killing his daughter’s suitors; 1) bring the head of a horned serpent; M. calls the snake out of the hole, cuts off its head with an ax; 2) slide down the mountain on a sleigh over the rocks (a friend fell out, M. caught him); 3) running a race (M. - Molniya, overtook Northern Lights, who returned only in the evening); 4) who is under water longer (M. - loon, rival - dive, loon surfaced later); 5) wedding dance (the hero dances, going into the ground, distorting the stage); on the way home, the father-in-law sends a storm, M. calms her down; kills a beaver and a skunk sent by his father-in-law to kill him], 140-154 [a woman marries the son of Kukwes (a cannibal giant); for her and his son he hunts animals, for himself and his parents - for people; does not order you to touch the bear's stomach; the son hits the stomach with an arrow, the liquid drips, K.’s strength melts; he allows his father to eat his wife; the old man heats up an iron staff, plunges it into his daughter-in-law, disembowels him, throws the child from her womb into the river; The turtle raises him, he goes out to play with his brother; he asks his father to make two bows, two arrows, etc.; the boys make a mess in the house, the family is forced to confess to their father; father makes jewelry from bird tails; The family grabs Rechnoy in the house, holds it, and the father comes running; first Rechnoy throws the tails into the fire, then smiles; the father fell asleep, the brothers burned him in the house; the bones were crushed, they turned into flies, mosquitoes, sand fleas; because pushed on the threshold, insects enter the house through the entrance; River beats a birch with a spruce paw, since then there are marks on the bark; the brothers put the grandfather to sleep, looking for insects on him, cover him with fat, burn him, give his liver to his wife to eat, kill her with an ax; The bullfrog hides all the water in his house in birch bark buckets, giving it in exchange for women; River kills the Frog, breaks the vessels, water fills the rivers; brothers sail in a boat, River kills giants; Porcupine drowns so hot that Domestic dies; Rechnoy wraps himself in a blanket, Porcupine herself dies, Rechnoy revives his brother; house Kluskapa The geese are guarding, River tells them to be silent; K. causes frost, Home dies, River morning revives him; The domestic one receives a growing beaver skin from K. and becomes a trader; River marries Skunk's daughter; she takes him to collect bird eggs and leaves him on the island; seagulls bring it home; the mother-in-law orders her to sleep with her, tries to suffocate her with her gases, he makes a hole in the blanket; she throws him into a hole, at the bottom the Turtle devours his sons-in-law; River is selected; meets a person walking on bent legs, kills him, makes a door out of him, brings the corpse to his relatives; snakes and frogs fall from their faces; both brothers return to the island and turn into two stones]; Mi'kmaq , passamaquoddy [ Gluskap and the evil sorcerer compete to see who can smoke the pipe; Gluskap makes a hole in the rock, quietly removes smoke; the sorcerer is unable to smoke a pipe]: Leland 1968: 58-59; the penobscot : Leland 1968 [the ogre has three sons and a daughter; Gluskap comes to them, smokes his pipe in one puff; plays ball; cannibal ball - biting skull; Gluskap turns the bough into a larger skull; the cannibals run away; Gluskap sends a flood, cannibals turn into fish]: 123-126; Speck 1935a, no. 11 [ Gluskabe comes to his father; his other sons are plotting to kill G.; G. smokes their big pipe, they cannot smoke his small one; G. wins at dice; his brothers recognize his superiority], 21 [half the village plays ball against the other half; they kill the losers using a biting skull instead of a ball; Longhair comes, puts a piece of wood under his shirt, breaks the skull into pieces; plays with his bone ball; drives the villains into the sea, they turn into sharks]: 45-46, 54; mohegan [Tcānamid argues with someone else who can eat more; attaches a bag under his shirt and pours the stew into it; wins; invites the enemy to pierce his stomach, dies]: Speck 1909b: 204.

Plains. Sarcy : Curtis 1976(18): 136-140 [see motif J19; an old woman finds a baby lying on eagle feathers; only her youngest son agrees for her to bring the foundling into the house; he is called Cillunna ("lousy") the leader promises to give two daughters to the one who gets two silver foxes; C. extracts; the old woman is ashamed to offer Ts. as a son-in-law to the leader, for the third time she says that it was he who got the foxes; the older sister refuses to marry Ts., the younger sister leaves; only Ts turns bison cakes into bison and gets bison; creates beautiful clothes for himself and his wife; Out of envy, the older sister turns into a mole, digs a hole under the sleeping Ts., he falls through, she defecates on him; the old She-Wolf calls the animals, they tear off the Ts.; The she-wolf adopts Ts., she is killed, Ts. returns to his wife; orders the Wolves to execute his older sister; The wolves tore it apart, Wolverine took the vulva and climbed the tree], 143-144 [Sleeping Snake (NW) needs flint to sharpen her father-in-law's horn scraper; he takes his wife, goes to the south, where the Stone lives; he kills men, takes their women, he has many wives; two rattlesnakes flank the entrance to his tipi; SZ calms them down; they give him a cup of poison, he blows, the liquid evaporates, he returns the empty cup; also removes the rattlesnake from the pipe, smokes it; leaves his amulet (wolverine’s tongue) at the door, he pierces the Stone’s heart; the corpse is placed on the fire, it explodes, turning into fragments of flint; now people have flint]; Blackfeet : Josselin de Jong 1914: 38-52 [husband warns wife not to look at the monster who asks Where to enter? ; she looks, the one who entered is without legs, the insides are visible through the body; the woman offers him food on various items of her clothing, he agrees to eat on her stomach; rips it open, throws one baby into the ashes, this is the Chief-ash (Z.), the second outside, this is the Chief-stuck-behind (S.); every time the hunter finds things scattered; both boys play with his arrows; the father leaves, simultaneously turning into a stick; grabs both boys, recognized by them; Z. tries to revive his mother by shooting arrows above her; S. revives him, saying that now the boiling pot will tip over; the father does not order the hoop to be rolled east; the brothers roll, the hoop rolls into the old woman's house; she tries to choke the brothers with smoke, they dispel the smoke with a feather and return home; father does not order to shoot to the west; their arrow hits the beavers; the brothers live with the beavers and forget about home; the father sticks arrows into a row on the shore; the boys come out of the water to collect them, their father grabs them and is recognized by them; the father does not order to shoot at one bird; they shoot, the arrow gets stuck on a tree; Z. climbs after her, disappears somewhere in the sky, his clothes and shoes fall down; S. turns into a crying baby, picked up by the old woman, she calls him Fat-tummy (F.); he regains his former appearance; the leader promises to give one of his three daughters to the one who shoots a partridge; J. shot, Crow-Arrow (V.) replaced the arrows, marries the eldest, J. the younger sister; 2) who will catch the black fox in a trap; J. catches it, V. puts it in his own, gets the middle sister; J. gives himself, his wife, and his home a magnificent appearance; turns buffalo cakes into buffaloes, kills them; the snow on his greaves turns into cherries, the snow on V.’s greaves simply melts], 52-59 [the boys see a buffalo stuck in the snow, one shoves the barrel of a gun into her vulva; she gives birth to a child, turns into a woman, comes to him; asks not to hit her with fire; one day he hits her with a firebrand, she leaves, taking her son; her husband comes to the buffaloes; their leader orders his son to be identified among the ten dancing calves; each time the son gives a sign (moves his ear, tail, etc.); the leader orders the rest of the calves to repeat his movements after the man’s son; a man makes mistakes, buffalos trample him; his father sends forty to bring a piece of his son; they bring the hair, the father revives him; he comes to the bison again, brings his wife and son back; hits her again with the firebrand; she goes out and dies, he stays with his son]; Grovantr [the hunter does not give meat to the father of his four wives; he hides some meat, a blood clot turns into a young man (SK); kills a hunter and three evil wives; gets married; father-in-law gives difficult instructions]: Cooper 1975, No. 11 [1) bring water (the young man kills the water monster - the father-in-law's servant), 2) bring feathers of the Thunderbird (the young man climbs into the nest of Thunderbirds, asks the chicks how their parents will fly; Father in a black cloud, mother in a white cloud ; the birds are unable to strike the young man with lightning, he himself wounds them with arrows and returns; kills father-in-law with an arrow]: 482-487; Kroeber 1907b, no. 20 [the kind daughter tells her husband that SK is a girl; the boy grows up, kills his son-in-law, three evil wives and their children; travels, exterminating monsters; the tree crushes and swallows passers-by; SK turns into a feather, cuts down a tree, releases those swallowed; the bridge stands on the head of a bison, throwing off those passing by; SK jumps over it, the bridge goes under water forever; SK allows the Wolf to swallow himself, cuts his heart, comes out, making a hole in his side, releases those previously swallowed; a man swings passers-by over the river and throws them to the water monster; SK turns into a feather, allows himself to be swallowed, kills the monster from the inside with arrows, frees those swallowed; kills the owner of the swing; a man with a sharp leg plays with others, kicks him to death; SK substitutes a poplar instead of himself, his foot gets stuck in it; SK gets married; the father-in-law leader orders 1) to get a luminous object (this is the Morning Star, the son-in-law brings it); 2) kill the bear (son-in-law brings meat); 3) get feathers for arrows (the son-in-law climbs into the nest of Thunderbirds; they produce lightning by blinking and thunder by moving; Our mother will arrive in a black rain cloud, and our father in a white cloud with thunder and hail ; the son-in-law kills the parent birds, leaves the chicks, brings feathers); 4) bring bison tendons (brings); 5) flints for arrows (a rock falls on him, he flies up with a feather, brings flints); 6) bring water at night (breaks the horn of a water monster, brings it to his father-in-law); he is furious that all his assistants were killed, shoots at his son-in-law, misses; his son-in-law kills him with an arrow]: 82-90; Assiniboine : Lowie 1909a, no. 8a [sorcerer kills sons-in-law; leaves the hero on the island; he turns into a seagull and defecates on his father-in-law's head; in winter, the father-in-law calls his son-in-law to hunt, they spend the night in the forest; the father-in-law is going to burn his son-in-law's moccasins; he replaces them, the father-in-law himself freezes], 8b [as in 8a + the father-in-law sends his sons-in-law to the source, where the Water Puma kills them; sends you on a hunt for the dangerous Elk; the hero tells Puma that he is her grandson; asks the Mouse to dig an underground passage to the lying Elk, gnaw off his fur from the place where the heart beats; kills Elk from below with an arrow; Puma and Moose are father-in-law's assistants; he mourns their death, loses strength], 9 [grandmother helps the hero; the father-in-law demands 1) cut down the trees (they fall on their own), 2) eat a whole bison (the hero quietly puts the meat in a hole in the ground), 3) shoot at each other (the father-in-law is killed); the hero and his wife run away from her mother; snakes and possums hide in holes; turn into partridges, mosquitoes; mother-in-law stops pursuing], 15a [a man kidnaps the youngest of another's four wives; runs away with her to her brother; the husband challenges him to a competition to see who can eat the most; the animals eat up the lover's share; the lover attracts the sun by its rays; he, the woman and her brother put on clothes made of porcupine skins; the husband and his people are burned], 51 [the sorcerer takes the hero’s wife away; the hero's grandmother and the Wolf help him; the sorcerer proposes a competition; 1) stand in boiling water, 2) break an iron post with an arrow, 3) sit in a pit with hot stones; the hero wins, kills the opponent and his people; the father of an unfaithful wife himself cuts her alive into pieces; gives his son-in-law his youngest daughter]: 154-157, 157-159, 166-167, 210-213; crow : Beckwith 1938 [old man kills sons-in-law; the young man must bring 1) berries, plums in winter (Bear gives); 2) strong reed for arrows in spring (same); 3) flint (Bear turns leaves); 4) yellow, blue, red eagle feathers (Bear transforms dry grass); 5) multi-colored (including horns) bison; six bison answer that they cannot kill the old man, he is made of stone; The young man paints the seventh in different colors, he gores his father-in-law; the young man takes his wife, his father-in-law’s property, returns to the people]: 79-80; Lowie 1918: 110-115 [young man marries Buffalo and Corn; both wives give birth to a son; The buffalo woman and her son turn into buffaloes and go to her mother; Buffalo mother-in-law wants to eat him, demands 1) to identify her son among ten calves (son, I'll move my left ear ), 2) identify the wife among ten cows (son, I'll put my tail on my mother's back ), 3) identify your bed among ten (son, I'll hit the pillow with my tail ), 4) withstand a hot steam room (the worst thing for mother-in-law), 5) bring a tree for firewood (at the top of the tree there is a nest of thunderbirds; the hero asks his father to help, he breaks the tree with lightning), 6) bring a wolf (the hero asks the wolves to send with him one of them), 7) bring reeds growing between the moving hills (the hills are the mother-in-law’s knees, the reeds are her pubic hair; the swallow brings it three times, the fourth time the hills pinch its tail; Corn sprouts from under the ground, freeing the swallow’s tail), 8) run a race around the world (magpie, snipe, duck help the hero, mother-in-law falls); The Buffalo Woman sends buffaloes to the people, Corn sends corn], 149-151 [the old man kills one after another three brothers who marry his daughter; asks the fourth 1) to bring berries and fruits in winter (Bear gives), 2) to bring a special bow and arrows (Bear turns a snake into a bow), 3) to bring a spotted bison (the bison gored his father-in-law)]; Simms 1903, No. 12 [Moose and Buffalo get stuck in the mud; Old Man Coyote invites the man to mate with them; later two boys come to the man, they are the children of Moose and Buffalo; their mothers come in the form of women; a person takes only Buffalo; one day he scolds her, she takes her son and goes to the Bisons; they demand to identify their son and wife among several identical bison; the son helps his father (moves his ear, stains his mother with clay); man returns wife and son]: 289-290; McCleary 1997 [Yellow Greaves climbed into a hole to bait eagles; a stone rolled down and blocked the exit; ZhN asked the mouse to help, she led him through a hole into another world; there the old man White Owl gave him a single arrow and ordered him to kill a monstrous elk; ZhN did not eat the soup served - there was a human hand in it; the bullfinch advised turning to moles; the mole dug an underground passage under the elk - where his heart is; ZHN pierced the elk with an arrow and ran; The elk plowed the ground with its horn, rushed after it, but fell dead; ZhN brought the tip of the horn to the old man; he asked to bring Red-Haired's head; the bullfinch advises turning to the ant woman; ZhN switched bodies with her, gave her a louse; The redheads and their mother live on an island; the ant gave corn pemmican to the dog, which he took to the island; while the dog was swimming, JN put pemmican in its mouth; Red-haired's mother suspects deception, but her son lay down with an imaginary ant woman at night; she avoided copulation, and when Red-haired fell asleep, she cut off his head and put a louse in its place; she answered Red-Haired’s mother, and when her voice weakened, the mother entered, saw her murdered son, and rushed in pursuit; ZhN managed to swim to the ant; the pursuer came, she had a point on her forehead like a spear, she began to chisel away at the tipi-rock, inside of which there was an ant with a vital sign, but the ant immediately repaired the damage with her saliva; they opened the door, the pursuer stuck his head in, they slammed the door, cutting off the head; swapped bodies back, but not armpits, which is why women’s armpits are more muscular than men’s; the ant advises asking the old man for his strength for the head he brought; ZhN received the power of an owl and a fawn; on the way back, ZhN meets three women who turn into an otter, a deer and an elk and run away; the fourth remained a woman - the wife of ZhN; she has seven brothers; ZhN and his wife came to the younger one; when the others arrived, they began to tease the son-in-law, throwing their limbs; ZhN called the owl, it began to torment the fawn, the brothers experienced pain, and left ZhN alone; the younger brother gave his son-in-law his bear, and since then the wife’s relatives have been giving gifts to her husband; everyone began to think about what to turn into; - Trees? - They are dying. - Rocks? - They crumble over time. - Water? - It's drying up. To the stars {Ursa Major}! The younger brother took his tame puma, this is the star near the handle of the bucket {Alcor}]: 65-69; rise [man marries Buffalo and Corn; the jealous Bison quarrels with Corn and goes with her son to the bison; the husband follows them in the form of a hawk; the Buffalo mother-in-law gives difficult tasks to kill her son-in-law; his son helps him complete the first tasks with advice; 1) enter a house with a stone door (the man turns into a feather, the door falls, but does not crush him), 2) identify his wife’s bed (the calf son butts the bed three times), 3) identify the son among ten calves (the son moves his ear) , 4) withstand the hot steam room (the spider hides him in the fourth underground tier), 5) bring firewood (an eagle sits on a poplar tree, sends lightning; splits the tree so that the hero can take firewood), 6) bring red wolf cubs (flames glow from the eyes of the wolves ; the wolves do not eat the hero, they give him wolf cubs; like other dangerous creatures, they are all servants of the buffalo; she releases them when her son-in-law brings them), 7) bring white beavers (sharp flints fly from the beavers’ tails; the beavers give the beavers), 8 ) bring blanks for arrows (the bushes grow in the gorge, which is the mother-in-law’s backside; a man finds himself inside her; flies out like a swallow, brings blanks), 9) consider a distant island (Raven gives the hero his sharp eyes), 10) shout loudly (Seagull gives his the hero’s voice is louder than the roar of the Buffalo Mother-in-law), 11) run in a race (the whole world is the Buffalo Woman’s home; the hero turns the land on the path of the bison into a swamp; a silver fox, a red fox, and a coyote run for the hero three-quarters of the way); the old woman opens up the ground, calls up four herds of bison one after another; the first three are strange, the hero refuses them; in the fourth flock his wife and son; hero brings buffalo to the people]: Bowers 1950: 276-281; rise [the first ancestors sail to the island to get valuable shells; near the shore, the willows turned into warriors, we had to fight with them; the owner of the island of Maniga gave so much food, water, tobacco and women that many of the guests became weak; but Lone-Man and his companions lowered the food through hollow sunflower tubes; according to other versions, he had three assistants; one could eat a lot, another could drink, a third could smoke; instead of ardor there are three assistants; one mnopenis used a buffalo tail without hair; Lone-Man himself copulated with all the women; M. accused the Mandan of killing the dog and sent a flood; Lone-Man made sure the water didn't rise higher than the cedar]: Beckwith 1938: 4-7; Bowers 1950: 132, 140-141, 347-353, 360-361 (=LS 1968, no. 512-515); Teton (Oglala): Beckwith 1930, No. 4 [at sunrise, poor couple find baby; his name is Iron Hawk, he goes looking for a suitable wife; kills the old woman who killed four Lightnings, gives the Lightnings her four daughters as wives; JY and the Yellow Man agree to jump into the hole to get beads from the bottom; this is a condition to marry two sisters; ZH pushes ZH into the pit, puts on his clothes; the old man and the old woman pull him out of the hole, throwing him a rope; he is ugly now; hunts many birds and buffalo; ZhCh marries one of the sisters, offers to get a red fox and a red eagle; JY gets it, tells the grandmother to hide some feathers and hair, because... the prey is immediately stolen; his second sister marries him; stolen trophies are turned into coyote and crow pelts, and hairs into untouched red skins and feathers; ZH becomes handsome again, and ZH becomes an old freak; ZhYa turns into a bison, carried to heaven, where they want to kill him; his son Red Calf saves him]: 379-391; Walker 1917: 183-190 [man marries Buffalo and Reed; their children quarrel, Buffalo and her son leave, Reed helps her husband; gives the people corn and pumpkin seeds], 219-220 [the chief goes to visit another camp; along the way he successively meets three people, they join him; the first is a runner, the second hears far away (laughs at the story being told at a distant camp), the third obeys the wind; The witch invites people to run a race, kills the losers; The Listener hears her talk about her plans, the Runner turns into a hawk; The witch puts him to sleep, but the Wind wakes him up by throwing sand in his face; he wins]; 1983 [Corn dies, orders to be dismembered and buried; from her remains the first corn grows; a man flies after his arrow; 1) identify the wife among the four buffalo sisters (the calf is playing next to her); 2) enter the stone tipi (the tornado carries the person inside, he is not crushed by the floors of the tent); 3) put the quiver on the wife’s lap (the calf rubs against the mother); 4) bring cherry twigs (the bushes are snakes, he turns them into twigs); 5) bring the Thunderbird chick (the whirlwind lifts it up the mountain, it brings the bird); 6) dance with other bison (father-in-law tries to gore him, he is killed); a man strikes his mother-in-law and her daughters (except his wife) with his lightning arrows made from snake rods feathered with Thunderbird feathers; chosen as the leader of the bison, leads them to the people]: 109-118; yankton [Black Bear takes all the meat from the Badger family, drives them out of the house; The Badger finds a clot of buffalo blood, it turns into a warrior: he drives the Bears away; goes to wander; the red eagle carries people away; the chief promises one of his two daughters to whoever kills him; Blood Clot comes to the rescue; Iktomi asks him to hit the bird for him, tells the bird with the arrow to get stuck; asks him to climb up to get them, advises him to take off his clothes; after the Blood Clot drops the arrow, I. tells him to stick to the bark of the tree, puts on his clothes, takes the arrow; immediately calls the leader's wife mother-in-law, but cannot hit the red eagle; the leader's youngest daughter finds the hero and frees him by cutting off the bark; he kills the eagle; I. is mocked and driven away; Blood clot gets a wife]: Zitkala-Ša 1985: 61-99; santi [a man marries a Buffalo and a Moose; The elk scolds the son of the bison woman, she takes him and goes to the bison; her husband follows her; the son explains that the buffalo will demand to identify 1) his wife's bag among the bags of her and her three sisters; 2) a wife among four buffalo sisters; 3) a son among four calves; promises to put a pebble on the bag, a bunch of grass on the mother’s ear, wag his tail and twitch his ear; a man completes tasks, but buffalos trample him to dust; Moose finds drops of his blood and revives him; the buffalos are coming to kill them; they climb the pole, their friends kill the buffalo]: McLaughlin 1990: 170-178; Omaha and ponka : Dorsey 1888b [villains propose to compete; older brothers die; the youngest 1) climbs a pole (killing his opponent), 2) does not crash on a swing whose rope is cut (landes softly on his magic feather), 3) wins a running competition; the last of the villains remains alive, turns into a woman, puts his head on the hero's lap, steals his feather, turns him into a mangy dog, marries the chief's daughter; her sister in the steam room returns the hero to his former appearance; he marries her, takes his pen back, turns the villain himself into a mangy dog; crows pecked out the eyes of the hero's parents; the elder sister (the ex-wife of the imaginary hero) restores their sight; as a reward, the hero agrees to take her as his wife]: 74; 1890: 55-57 [arrow Marriage gets stuck on a tree; I. asks the Rabbit to get it; he climbs a tree, taking off his clothes; I. puts it on, tells the Rabbit to stick to the trunk; I., under the guise of the Rabbit, marries the leader’s eldest daughter; the youngest cuts down a tree, unsticks the Rabbit, takes him as her husband; when the Rabbit approaches, the birds on I.’s stolen outfit recognize the owner and begin to scream; the leader demands that his sons-in-law shoot an arrow at a flying eagle; The rabbit knocks down the eagle, I. misses; the deception is revealed; The rabbit takes his clothes back, throws I. high to the sky; he falls, breaks], 157-162 [a man marries Corn and Buffalo; their sons fight, the buffalo woman and her son go to the buffaloes, the man follows them; his magic pen helps overcome difficulties; mother-in-law-Bison 1) tries to destroy him in a hot steam room (he is not hot, she loses consciousness); 2) demands to identify his wife among her four sisters (he identifies); 3) identify the son among the calves (the son reports that he will run sixth); 4) the mother-in-law runs a race with her son-in-law (the feather carries him, he wins); 5) orders him to swing on a swing on the edge of a cliff (the rope breaks, he flies like a feather); his father-in-law, Bison, tries to gore him; he kills his father-in-law and mother-in-law with arrows], 172-175 [as in 1888b], 604-609 [the leader promises to give his daughter to the one who knocks the red bird from the tree; The orphan kills the bird Marriage pretends that he killed; marries the chief's eldest daughter, Sirota marries the youngest; during a famine, the Orphan creates bison with witchcraft; having dived, he becomes handsome; I. asks him to shoot a turkey on a tree, the arrow gets stuck; An orphan climbs a tree; I. tells the tree to grow to the sky; puts on the Orphan's clothes and comes home under his guise; live birds decorating clothes do not sing, but scream; Eagle, Vulture, Raven, Magpie lower the Orphan to the ground, placing him on their back; The orphan returns and tells I. to return his clothes and arrows; hitting the drum, lifts people into the air and throws them to the ground; everyone dies except Sirota’s wife and grandmother]; Odesa [the girl’s parents do not give her away in marriage; she leaves with a stranger, he turns out to be Bison; she gives birth to a Calf; another Bison kidnaps her, creates two more women of the same appearance; promises to return her to her husband if he identifies his wife; The calf tells its father that its mother is moving her right ear; the husband takes his wife, they come to people; The calf kicks another boy, who calls him names; The calf is crying; his father takes him and goes to the bison; all the bison (skins?) at the camp turn into bison and follow]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 23: 27-30; Iowa : Skinner 1925, No. 5 [The badger is a good hunter, the Grizzly takes all the prey from him; he sends his wife to pick up a blood clot, she finds a baby in this place; he grows up, kills Grizzly; receives from Badger the ability to lure game; puts on moccasins made of live hooting owls, a headdress made of singing yellow birds; goes traveling; upon entering the village, he takes off his formal suit; stays with an old woman; the leader promises a daughter to the one who shoots a bird soaring at the zenith; the young man does this; the younger sister refuses to marry the lousy one, the older sister agrees; the young man finds his true appearance, the younger one asks to take her too, but the sister drives her away; the young man kills many buffalo; goes to another village; there the giants force you to shoot at a target and run a race; always win, kill the losers; the young man wins, kills the giants; receives the leader's daughter (the same episode with two sisters and a change of appearance); the leader is unhappy that the young man rejected his youngest daughter, orders Ishiinki get rid of him; I. takes the young man to the other side of the reservoir; puts her cape on a tree, it looks like a raccoon; the young man climbs after an imaginary raccoon, I. floats away in a boat; the young man dismounts and marries the daughter of Lord Wind; he and his wife are cannibals; the mother-in-law orders 1) to dry the lake by scooping it out with an acorn shell (the wife does this); 2) cut down a grove on the shore of the lake (the wife strikes four times with an ax, the wind blows away the trees); 3) level the mountain with a beaver's fang (the wife scratches the fang on the ground four times, the hill disappears); the wife tells her to run, hides her mother’s moccasins; she puts on her husband’s moccasins and pursues the fugitives; a young man and his wife turn into swans and swim across a pond; the young man takes his other wives and the children born to them, brings everyone to their father Badger; since then, children arise from the menstrual blood of their mothers], 6 [the youngest of ten brothers comes out of the steam room handsome; his ear pendants are living human heads; his friends Turtle and Hawk; giants compete in races with people, always win, kill the losers; He-who-has-the-head-pendants (TPG) wins, kills giants; Bears play lacrosse with people on the ice, killing the losers; TPG runs, followed by the Bear; one of the pendants makes faces and sticks out its tongue; The bear laughs, loses; The bears lose, TPG and friends kill them; other giants come to fight; instead of the strong Turtle, the Hawk enters into single combat and is defeated; the giants cut off the heads of him, TPG, the Turtle; the sons of TPG and Yastreb grow up and learn from their mothers about the fate of their fathers; TPG's son is like him, but he has a living head on his chest; young men turn into cobwebs, find out where the giants keep their trophy heads; TPG shows the giants that he is shaking and coughing up blood; the same thing happens to the giants, they die; young men take the heads of their fathers, revive their fathers; The turtle goes to live in the water], 8 [the youngest of four brothers got a splinter in his foot; a splinter taken out turns into a girl Tiogritta ; she grows up; standing on the platform, she lures deer for her brothers; in their absence Ishiinki asks to call the deer for him; he has arrows from sunflower stems, he cannot kill deer, the deer carries away T. on his horns; the brothers find her and return her; The otter carries her away; younger brother kills Otter, brings back sister; the cannibal kills the brothers one by one; T. kills the cannibal's four brothers by giving them cornbread, which swells in their bellies; throws their heads to the ogress, who throws her the heads of her brothers; offers competition; 1) running on ice (T. wins); 2) who will be the first to dig an underground passage under the hill; T. turns into a beaver, kills the cannibal with a club when she crawls out of the dug passage; revives the brothers]: 450-456, 456-458, 461-464; that's it [a woman and her husband treat her little brother badly; he is taken away by an unknown woman; leads to an underground cave where bison stand; she is the spirit of the buffalo; he grows up, takes her as his wife, they have two sons; she says that Big Buffalo wants to take his place; says that he will find them where the rose hips grow; she and her sons become buffaloes, leaving with the others; the bird says that the footprints of the wife and sons will be red; the young man finds his wife and sons; defeats Great Buffalo in a duel, returns wife and children]: Anderson 1940: 121-126; Iowa , that's it [The muskrat rules over people and does not give them food animals; challenges the Rabbit to competitions (gambling, running); The rabbit wins; sends his skin instead of himself to compete further, he himself comes to Muskrat’s wife, deceitfully finds out from her where he hides his heart; gives the Beaver an ax (i.e. sharp teeth), for this he receives his heart for a while, replaces it with the Muskrat's heart when the guardian Loon gets it; burns the heart, Muskrat and his wife turn into muskrats]: Dorsey 1892: 294; arapaho : Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 129 [father-in-law demands to bring 1) straight stems for arrows (three sons-in-law do not bring them, he kills them; the owner of the lake shows the fourth the necessary plant); 2) feathers (the voice indicates how leaves - {not very clear} turn into feathers) and 3) arrowheads (son-in-law brings); 4) buffalo hooves (buffalo help the son-in-law, kill the father-in-law); son-in-law burns father-in-law's body, ascends to heaven], 139 [see. motif J26; the father does not tell his sons to throw the hoop into the wind; they throw, the wind carries them away; the old woman finds one in the grass, he is fat-bellied; the chief promises a daughter as a wife to the one who shoots a fox (Vulpes macrotis) in a tree; Found-in-the-Grass hits the fox with an arrow, Raven appropriates the spoils; N.T. turns a tuft of wool into a better hide than that of the Raven; marries the younger one, Raven marries the older sister; becomes handsome at night; turns manure into bison; older sister turns him to stone], 140 and 141 [as in (139); The Youth from the Stream is blown away by the wind; creates a lot of bison; not turned to stone], 142 [as in (141); condition of marriage: get a porcupine], 144 [Blue Bird marries Buffalo and Moose; the wives quarrel, the Buffalo woman takes her son and leaves; her father demands 1) to run a race with the bison (the calf son runs instead of his father); 2) recognize the son among the calves (he moves his ear, leg, tail); 3) dance for three days (my son dances); 4) stay awake for four days; on the fourth morning Blue Bird falls asleep, trampled to death; his brother Soroka finds his feather and revives him in the steam room; The buffalo woman leads the buffaloes to kill her husband; The elk helps to destroy the bison, they become food for people; Moose turns into moose], 145 and 146 [as in (144) with minor differences]: 294-298, 346-350, 354-355, 369-376, 384-387, 388-395, 395-404, 404- 418; Voth 1912, No. 1 [the wind carries the young man to another camp; the old man promises his daughter as a wife to the one who shoots the red bird; a young man kills a bird, a raven steals it; the young man marries the younger sister, the Raven marries the older sister; The raven cannot hunt the buffalo itself; the young man is dirty during the day, at night he becomes handsome]: 43; Sheyens [buffalo ate people; Magpie, Hawk, and other birds offer a running competition; the losers will be eaten; win; people have been eating bison ever since]: Grinnell 1892: 161-162 in Edmonds, Clark 1989: 184-185; Kroeber 1900, no. 2 [runners coloring themselves before a race (the origin of the colors of birds and animals)]: 161-162; southern Sheyens : Curtis 1976(19): 144-145 [a man invites suitors for his daughter’s hand to sit on a swing, kicks them, they fall into the river and drown; a young man with a magic feather turns into a bird and takes off; marries a girl; father-in-law orders to bring material for shafts, tips, plumage, bowstrings; the son-in-law brings something worthless every time, but the father-in-law does not object; the son-in-law is watching which of the seven bison is able to break a rock with its horns; directs it at his father-in-law; the father-in-law's arrows are powerless, the bison gores him to death and turns into a rock; son-in-law burns father-in-law's remains, they turn into colorful beads], 147-148 [buffalo kidnaps man's sister; he comes for her; his calf nephew promises to help; 1) identify the sister and all her relatives (the calf throws grass on those ears and twitches its left ear); 2) roll a hoop (a person stops at a cliff, a bison falls down as it accelerates, breaks its neck); 3) running a race; The bison invite the birds to participate, Thunder helps the man, and he wins; so now people eat bison and other animals, not the bison of people; a man knocks on wood, people come out; he teaches men, his sister women, how to live]; Arikara : Dorsey 1904d, No. 29 [the young man is a good hunter, does not look at women; sees a bison woman and two bison in a dream, the bison turn into two sticks; the young man examines them and the hoop; waking up, he sees a sleeping buffalo and gets along with her; finds a hoop seen in a dream, makes sticks; playing hoop, wins property; the old woman asks to be carried across the river, refuses to get down; healers are powerless; the boy, the son of Lightning, shoots down and kills an old woman with four arrows, and heals ulcers on the young man’s back; the old woman is burned; at this place a tipi appears, in it a woman and a child; the young man follows them, they are first people, then bison; the calf calls the young man father; crossing the rivers, the buffalo raises dust, it lies in a layer on the water, the young man crosses it; the buffalo patty of the calf turns into pemmican, the young man eats; at every sleepover, the wife, turning into a woman, allows the young man to lie closer, and finally sleeps with him; in the buffalo camp, a young man ties feathers to their horns, but there is not enough for everyone; the bison want to kill him; the young man asks the gods to create a stone wall around him; 1) the young man’s son and his friend Yellow Calf overtake other calves; 2) the young man’s son marks his mother with a thistle, the young man recognizes his wife among the five bison; 3) the bison cannot trample the young man, because there is flint around him; the bison send the young man with his wife and son home to the people; all three walk in the form of buffalo, the part of the herd intended for the hunters following; a young man, a wife, a son are people again; the young man gives gifts to the bison, they agree that people kill them; the calf son taught the people the Buffalo ceremony (involved with a hoop and sticks)]: 94-101; Parks 1996, No. 4 [buffalo killed and ate people; Two star people appear to a young man in a dream and order him to teach his fellow tribesmen how to make bows and arrows, and to organize a running competition, the outcome of which will decide who will hunt whom; the horse (also representing wolves, coyotes, bears, eagles) defeats the bison (also representing all wild cats); since then people have been hunting bison and taking care of horses], 6 [the old man sharpens his leg, kills his next son-in-law, inviting him to kick each other; This is how everyone who moved to his winter camp and married his daughter perishes; the latter climbs a tree, the father-in-law jumps up to pierce him, but plunges his foot into the trunk; left hanging, dies; the son-in-law with his wife and mother-in-law return to the village], 9 [the Buffalo wife leaves, takes her son away; the person follows them; the son's dung turns into pemmican, the water in the hole from his hoof is clean; the father-in-law and other bison demand that the man 1) identify his son among ten calves (the son moves his ear); 2) a wife among ten cows (the son puts a burr on her tail); a son and his father escape from bison on a rock, a man shoots them with a bow; returns to the village, the son brings bison to the people], 14 [the old man kills each new son-in-law with difficult assignments; the young man divides meat for the animals, those (or their invisible spirits) help him; 1) the father-in-law serves human flesh, the puma and the bear eat it instead of the young man; 2) at night the bear puts a stick into the mouth of a huge frog, ready to raise the alarm; the ant helps the young man crawl onto the bed of the old man's daughter; 3) bring a white moose (the eagle finds it, the bear and puma bring the carcass); 4-5) in the middle of winter bring plums and berries (the woman gives); 6) bring a spotted bison; spotted bison break the stone that contains the old man's strength; one of them comes with a young man, butts the old man to death; the corpse is burned, not a drop of blood is shed]: 128-130, 143-145, 162-165, 197-206; discount peacocks : Dorsey 1904b, no. 45 [girl rejects suitors; pregnant, throws baby into lake; he is raised by animals, his name is Woodpecker; his cap and leggings are decorated with live woodpeckers; the chief promises a daughter to the one who gets the red coyote; Woodpecker goes to marry her; falls into a pit trap; Coyote promises to get him out if he gives him his outfit; leaves in a hole, marries the eldest daughter of the leader; the woodpeckers on his cap do not sing, but peck at him; people are starving; the old Spider woman and her grandson pull the Woodpecker out of the hole; he makes his grandson handsome, his grandmother young; kills Coyote, marries the chief's youngest daughter, becomes a chief himself; Coyote's wife gives birth to coyotes, they are killed], 60 [the chief promises a daughter to the one who shoots the red bird; the old woman's grandson kills her, Coyote grabs the bird, marries the chief's eldest daughter; the feathers of the bird in his hands turn yellow; the hero saves several red ones, they shine; marries the leader's youngest daughter, becomes handsome; live owls hoot on his greaves; Coyote makes raccoons from his quiver, asks the hero to get them from the tree, makes the tree grow; puts on the hero's clothes, takes his wife; the owls stop hooting; Vulture, Eagle, Hawk, Crow put the hero on their back and lower him; he drives Coyote away, the owls on their leggings hoot again], 79 [virgin youth copulates with the buffalo chief's daughter; ties his shell pendant to her horn; a son is born to a buffalo woman; he and she are sent to the people to bring ritual gifts from them; the buffalo woman is offended that a man recognizes his son only after seeing his pendant; returns with his son to the bison; the person follows them; the bison demand from him 1) to identify his son among ten calves (son, I wag my tail ), 2) identify the wife among other buffalo women (son, I will lick my mother's lips ), 3) run a race with young bison (the man produces ice, becomes light as a feather, wins), 4) becomes a bison, fights with an opponent (gored him); a man with his wife and son return to the people; his wife and son help in getting a lot of buffalo; go to the buffaloes when the hero cheats on his wife], 85 [the sorceress offers to compete, kills the losers; 1) stay under water longer (she has a cave under the shore; the young man turns into a beaver, emerges later than the witch), 2) slide on the ice (the young man turns into an otter, glides faster); people help the young man kill the witch]: 178-185, 239-245, 284-293, 301-302; Kiowa [the leader promises a daughter to the one who knocks down an eagle from a pine tree; Senpit (Dirty Nose); kills an eagle; It's you replaces arrows; marries older sister Senpit on the youngest; Senpit and his grandmother dive into a cauldron of boiling water, make themselves beautiful, their things become new; mockingbird sings on his head Senpita ; lark sitting on his head Sendeha , calls the crowd bad names; Senpit shakes a plum branch, fruits fall from it; turns manure into bison, skinny bison into fat; It's you cannot do this; Senpit blows his nose, beads fall, honey flows; at Sendeha snot flows; wife Sendeha now he also wants to marry Senpita ]: Parsons 1929a, № 26: 47-56; Kiowa-Apache : McAllister 1949, No. 1 [the world is dark; stone monster None together with Elk, Deer, Bear, Squirrel, Rabbit play a guessing game against Bison, Bear, Wild Cat, Puma, Hawk and others; Coyote helps both sides; N. loses and is thrown down a cliff; many have lost betting; Coyote - his night's sleep, Bison - upper teeth, Possum - bushy tail, etc.], 2 [the world is dark; N. plays against herbivorous human animals; you have to guess who has the sticks; Coyote keeps track of the score, always supporting the winner; N. loses, Coyote helps throw him off the cliff; it breaks, turns into grindstones; Wagtail (? Road Runner) raises his wings, dawn begins; the birds choose which of them is better; they reject the Raven, choose the Eagle; Coyote throws a wood core into the water, it floats up; it means life will be eternal; the enraged Raven throws a stone, he drowns - death becomes final], 7 [the old woman finds a blood clot, cooks it, it turns into a boy; she asks to bring meat from the tipi, he finds a snake under the skin and kills it; she says that he killed his grandfather; the chief promises two daughters to the one who knocks two eagles from a tree; the young man hits the eagle, Coyote replaces the arrows, gets the eldest daughter; the young man hits the second one, gets the younger one; always snotty; shakes snow and dirt from moccasins onto the blanket; when the bundle is unwrapped, there are sweet summer fruits, everyone eats them; kills bison with magic, turns cut off beards and manes into the best pieces of meat; Coyote tries both tricks and fails; his wife leaves him and becomes the young man’s second wife; the young man becomes handsome; leaves, turns into yucca with edible petals (“Indian cabbage”)]: 18-20, 20-22, 45-51; screamed : Dorsey 1904a, № 3 [ Shadow of the Sun offers to dive, devours those who emerge before him; Coyote spends time in the beaver's lodge, emerges later, kills his opponent with an arrow, burns his corpse], 24 [see. motif K19; the chief promises a second daughter as a wife to the one who gets the red turkey; Coyote paints a white man red; the hero gets red, gets a second wife], 28 [ Shadow of the Sun offers to play, kills the losers; a short youth loses property and part of his body; two buffalo women take him to an old man and an old woman, they give him strength; he breaks playing sticks Shadows of the Sun , plays with his own, wins; two bison raise Shadow of the Sun on the horns, people burn the corpse; the young man turns into a starling, flies away to the bison], 29 [the bison takes on human form, marries the leader’s son; pregnant, the young man leaves her; she returns to the bison, he follows her; she helps him identify among many bison 1) his uncle (mark on the tail), 2) his son (squints his eyes to the right), 3) himself (a tuft of grass under his nose), 4) his father (a thorn on his ear), 5) his mother ( dried dirt on the right hind hoof); her sister says that he will not be able to complete the tasks, offers to take her as his wife; the hero completes the tasks, stays with the bison; bison and people have since exchanged with each other what they have], 30-31 [ Shadow of the Sun offers to compete in a race, kills the losers; three or four brothers die; their father kicks an opponent while running or flies like a hawk; wins; kills Shadow of the Sun with a bowstring, burns a corpse; together with his revived sons he turns into hawks]: 34-40, 174, 194-199, 199-206, 207-218.

Southeastern USA. Caddo [the young man marries Buffalo; transformed into a buffalo, he accompanies her to her people; her relatives want to kill him, they order him to participate in a race; The wind helps him win; he returns with his wife to the people; one day wife and son turn into buffalo, leave forever]: Dorsey 1905, No. 43: 73-76; see motif J56. Cherokee : Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 10 [a young man comes to his father Thunder; he places him on sharp thorns, they do no harm; treats his ulcers by boiling him in boiling water, gives him strength to defeat the Player; The player turns into various objects and animals; the Thunder beetle chases and exposes him every time], 4 [the hunter has three dogs; Little Dog tells him that his wife doesn't feed them; he tells the dogs to do whatever they want with her; the wife bit her finger instead of meat, she liked it, she cut off her breast, ate her little daughter, chased the dogs; her husband on the raft, pushed her, she drowned; the man took the dogs and settled with the old couple; they say that they have an evil leader-player; the player proposes a running competition; The Little Dog in human form wins; ball game: Little Dog wins again; the hunter became the leader]: 393-397, 418-420; Mooney 1900 [three sons of Thunder pursue the Player]: 311-315; Cherokee [two brothers who have not yet known women see two girls in beautiful black suede clothes at a dance; go with them to the mountains; they open a door in the rock; there's a lot of people; they are a small people, but at the same time they are deer; the girls' father promises to give them away if the boys win a running competition (hereinafter we talk about one young man); the girls' father is Thunder; he gives the deer clothes; seven rivals successively run out onto the path, the young man butts with them, wins six, loses to the last largest one, so he cannot get wives; Thunder helped him win and let him lose, because... it was too early for him to marry; the young man who took part in the competition has been sick for a long time at home; then a woman comes to him with her son and daughter, they call him father; one day he tells his mother who his wife and children are; they immediately turn into deer and run away]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966: 84-91; crying [Red Copper offered to compete in shooting at a rolling wheel, caught up, cut, took blood; the grandmother tells the son of Thunder that before going to Red Copper, he should visit his father; near his father's house the young man sees a young woman, she calls Thunder; he replies that if the young man is his son, let him sit inside the rock for four days, then walk above the ground; on the fourth day the rock explodes, the young man comes out and walks above the earth with thunder and clouds; father and sister recognize him, sister splits the clouds with an ax, the sky clears up; catching up with the young man and touching him, Red Copper does not cut him, but melts away, leaving only his head; Red Copper offers to play ball, puts his head on the line; Red Copper is helped by all creatures on earth, the son of Thunder is helped by all who fly; to win, Red Copper must throw the ball into the water, and the son of Thunder must throw the ball into the sky; every time the flying creatures are ready to kick the ball into the sky, Rabbit tells him to get hot, they drop the ball; The Bat pushes the ball up; first the Crocodile, then the Trout grab the ball, it drowns; the enraged Eagle grabs the Crocodile and throws him; Red Copper won back his head]: Wagner 1931, no. 17: 71-77; Natchez [the young man Idzogociya shoots birds; sees a girl picking up his arrows; she agrees to take him to her place, but warns that her mother is a cannibal; along the way they pick up the feathers of various birds and place a clay ball on each one; warns him not to eat what his mother offers, gives him corn, which he can eat; he does so; a girl warns that just because her mother snores does not mean she is sleeping; when she really fell asleep, the daughter placed feathers with lumps of clay at the ends around her bed, and the cannibal found herself in the middle of a lake with waterfowl; the cannibal found herself chest-deep in water; the daughter removed the feathers and the water disappeared; her daughter helps her husband 1) shoot raccoons (the mother-in-law would kill her son-in-law if he missed), 2) shoot a big fish (the water is chasing him), 3) hunt cranes (the cannibal leaves him on the other side of the river; he builds a bridge from feathers); the ogress brought her son-in-law to her husband and invited him to play ball; the young man, along with Wind, Tornado and Thunder, play ball against the cannibal father-in-law and his people; among those playing on the side of the cannibal are excrement and slippery holes on the river bank (the young man and his people must slip); The wind lifts them from the ground, Thunder tears them apart; body parts of the tossed and dismembered ogre players fall to the ground; they were gathered in a heap and burned; after this, the young man and his wife went west]: Swanton 1929, No. 4: 219-222; Natchez [a woman washes clothes by a stream, her baby is carried away by a Puma; raises him with his wife; does not order to go over the mountain; he walks, sees people, his mother, who plays ball; The puma sends the pupil to people, decorates his hat with a parrot, jays, small birds, and gives him a horn; if you blow into it, the birds sing; does not order on the way to speak to anyone who comes towards him; This is the Rabbit, he calls the young man to the river to catch turtles, steals his clothes; a young man smears himself with persimmon fruits, dragging a turtle behind him; only the old woman sheltered him; he leaves a turtle in the hole, the old woman finds many turtles there; gives him his granddaughter as a wife; while swimming, he becomes handsome again and puts the fish to sleep, people pick it up; The Rabbit tries to do the same, but only the minnows emerge, and on their own, and not because of the Rabbit; the young man asks his wife to part her hair and chops it with an ax; he now has two wives; The rabbit only kills his wife; the young man is told that he caused the murder; 1) they send for arrow shafts to the reeds, where poisonous snakes infest; The puma gives him four balls, the snakes rush after them; Puma also helps with advice in subsequent tasks; 2) get the ogre’s beard and wrap the arrows; the cannibal's wife cuts it off for the young man; 3) get clay from the bottom of the river; The kingfisher brings a lot of clay under its claws; 4) the young man is left on the other side of the river, where cannibals live; he hides in a hollow; hides the clothes of two bathing women, gives them away when they call themselves his wives; the father-in-law proposes a running competition, always pushing his sons-in-law to the forefront; the young man pushes him and helps him get up; at night he covers himself with a mask, as if his eyes are open; the father-in-law sets the house on fire, but the wives take the young man out; they are ordered to call the ferryman at the river; the young man rejects various snakes and takes as his carrier a snake with the antlers of a deer; on the way he gives him four dogs to eat; closer to the shore, he shoots an arrow, rushing after it]: Swanton 1929, No. 9: 234-239; tunic [a woman falsely accuses her nephew of an attack on her honor; the uncle demands to bring 1) reeds for arrows (dangerous creatures live in the reeds; the rabbit gets them), 2) feathers of a dangerous bird (the young man climbs into the nest, the eagle gives him feathers), 3) lures the young man to hunt on an island in the sea, leaves him; he returns and meets his sister; she throws her uncle's child into the cauldron; her uncle sends two servants to kill her; the young man turns them into a vulture and into a possum (their oar and pestle into their tails), he himself turns into thunder]: Haas 1950, No. 4 [the eagle gives the young man one of the chicks; he takes away his uncle’s child]: 31-43, 45-57; Swanton 1911 [uncle left his orphan nephew to fast in the house; his sister brought him food; Uncle's wife in vain lured the young man out of the house to kill a white squirrel; then she asked to kill the squirrel through a hole in the house; the young man pulled out the squirrel's claws, one did not notice; the woman scratched her body with it, told her husband that the young man came out and did it; the uncle demands to bring 1) reeds for arrows (dangerous creatures live in the reeds; the rabbit gets them), 2) feathers of a dangerous fishing bird (the young man climbs into the nest, the eagle gives him feathers and one chick, orders him to release it at home; the chick takes away his uncle’s child); 3) the uncle takes the young man to hunt deer on the other side of the fresh ocean, and he himself sails away in a boat; a young man wanders through the forest, cursing owls and woodpeckers; the woodpecker asks not to curse, brings him to his house in a hollow; for the young man to climb, he makes a ladder out of mushrooms; the cannibal brings her dogs to the tree (these are pumas, jaguars, wolves, raccoons); climbs a tree, the mushroom step breaks, she falls, shouts “It’s me,” her “dogs” almost killed her; the young man goes to the water, climbs a tree; two women catch his reflection; he spits, they see him, take him home as their husband, give him a mirror; these women were stolen as children by a cannibal; when she entered, the young man launched a bunny with a mirror, the cannibal liked it, she did not kill him; the young man and his wives ran to the shore and began to sing; sends away the turtle, catfish, and garfish that arrived, agrees to sail on a crocodile; shoots arrows forward; the crocodile swims up to them and bites them; the young man throws skins and cakes, the crocodile swallows them; the last arrow falls near the shore, the young man and his wives manage to jump off; the sister recognized her brother's arrow; nursed my uncle's child; threw it into boiling water; her uncle ordered two people to kill her with clubs away from the house; the brother launched lightning, the people turned into a vulture and a possum, their clubs (paddle and pestle) - with their tails; the brother began to rise to the sky, ordered his sister to grab his leg, she could not, became a wood hen of the night, singing before dawn; brother became thunder]: 319-322; biloxi [cm. motif K1; uncle Dull orders him to remain in ritual isolation in the house; Uncle's wife asks him to shoot a squirrel for her; T. shoots through a crack in the wall; his sister pulls out a squirrel’s claws and forgets one; Uncle's wife scratches her body with it, accuses T.; his uncle tells him to bring special arrow shafts, white turkey feathers, deer sinew; Rabbit and Deer help T.; he kills the evil Old Man who whipped him; the uncle asks the Eagle chick to let the baby play with him; The eagle gives birth to a chick, which carries away and devours the baby; Uncle takes T. to the other side of the sea to burn grass and leaves him; the crocodile transports T. back; tells his sister to throw his uncle's baby into boiling water; kills uncle's people; one of them is the Vulture, his spade turns into his tail; T. becomes Thunder, sister becomes Snipe]: Dorsey, Swanton 1912, No. 28: 99-107; Alabama [Owl kills Spitting Beads ; his two wives are left without a husband; those who would like to take them are offered tasks; the women's brother wins, brings the sisters home; tasks 1) kill a white deer (Owl brings a white dog), 2) kill a white turkey; people leave the young man on the other side of the sea; he returns and kills Owl]: Swanton 1929, No. 12: 127; coasate : Swanton 1929, No. 12 [two sisters go to marry Shoot-Up; Owl: A bad path leads to him, but a good one leads to me ; the sisters follow a bad path and end up with Owl; he puts beads into his mouth and pretends to spit them (like Shoot-Up); in the evening Owl is called to dance; he tells his sister not to let women out of the house; they run away; they see Owl dancing with his intestines wrapped around his neck; stay with Shoot-Up; At night, the Owl kills him by piercing his ear with a sharp horn; people offer to give widows to whoever wins the competition; the orphan wins; 1) fill the box with your long hair; bring a white deer (Owl brings a white dog); 3) bring a white turkey; everyone goes overseas to hunt a turkey and leaves an orphan behind; the bird tells him to hide in a tree; The Monster's dogs (these are cougars) cannot find him; The monster kills them, cooks them, eats them, throws the bones into the water, they come to life; two sisters are swimming, the orphan hides their clothes in a tree, they dive for the reflection, then they see a young man; he gives away his clothes when they call him not grandfather, uncle, brother, but husband; comes to them; near the shore rejects the Crocodile, Turtle, Snake, swims on the Horned Snake; throws roasted partridges in front of him so that he swims forward; orders his sisters to throw their children from Owl into boiling water; kills Owl with an arrow], 14 [two sisters bathe in a stream, a young man hides their clothes on a tree; they dive for the reflection, then see the young man; he returns the clothes after they call him not grandfather, brother, uncle, but husband; his mother-in-law twice sends him to bring something (not specified); orders the roof to be repaired; the horned serpent tries to wrap itself around him, he chops him into pieces; takes out bark, ropes, finishes the work; refuses to compete with his mother-in-law in running or wrestling, throws her to the ground, leaves]: 172-175, 177-178; Seminoles [people agree to give Rabbit a wife if he kills Crocodile; The Rabbit makes friends with the Crocodile, walks with him, hits him on the back with a stick, the Crocodile runs away; Rabbit turns into Squirrel; The crocodile says his head and butt are vulnerable; the imaginary Belka hits him with a stick in these places, kills him; people ask to kill a rattlesnake; The rabbit kills her at her hole with a stick; people ask to cut down a thick tree; The Rabbit sees the Woodpecker hammering away at the trunk from all sides; when the trunk becomes thin, the Rabbit knocks down the tree with a single blow; gets a wife; he is advised to comb her hair in the parting, hit her with an ax exactly on the parting, there will be two wives; The rabbit misses, the girl dies; Rabbit runs into the forest]: Greenlee 1945: 144.

California. Yurok : Curtis 1976(13) [Transformer Pilukuh-kerrek (P., “far downstream a sharp buttock”; he has a really sharp buttock) travels; ten brothers take turns offering pipes of increasingly stronger tobacco; P. puts a flute through his throat and body, blows smoke through it, is not poisoned; in a hot steam room he orders an invisible assistant to pour water, but does not burn; turns brothers into ordinary people; the old man asks to install a wedge, knocks it out; P. jumps through the log to the ground; asks the old man for the same thing, knocks out the wedge, the old man dies; the husband of two women kills everyone passing by; P. places his heart between his toes; arrows do not harm him; P. removed a tip with a deadly fiery poison from the body and ordered the bird to crush it; Rattlesnake, Hornet, Scorpio, Spider grabbed the fragments and became poisonous; two blind women pound seeds and hand each other flour; P. sprinkles ash on their palms; they close the door; he promises to make their eyes; they let him out, he burns them along with the house; a man throws a line with a hook, catches P., brings it home in a bag; his children can't find the eye picker; while the old man is looking for her, the children open the bag, P. runs away, hides on a dry tree in the middle of the lake; the old man sees the reflection and dives after it; goes to rest; P. catches him on his hook, kills him with a club, burns his two sons along with the house; other episodes follow (not recorded by Curtis)]: 185-187; Kroeber 1976, No. A8 [mother-in-law tells her son-in-law to catch salmon with a spear; a water monster drags him along the river; son-in-law kills monster, brings it to mother-in-law; mother-in-law's sister sends a deer; the son-in-law did not get lost, he killed a deer; invites the old woman to cross the river along the crane's leg; he removes his foot, the old woman drowns], C1 and J3 [man kills others by forcing them to smoke a pipe in a sweat lodge; the hero swallows hollow sticks, passes smoke through them through his body], Q2 [=A8, only the beginning of the text]: 61-62, 23-214, 319, 374-375; Kroeber, Gifford 1949, no. 7 [two young men went to get wood for the steam room; one was left behind, the second came to the northern edge of the world; the woman put him in a basket and brought him home to marry him; her relatives give suitors deadly tasks so that they can later catch dentalium shells on their flesh; the young man wins with the help of a weasel skin from a pipe bag, then with the help of his wife; 1) smoke poisonous tobacco; 2) in a dream, hot coals are poured into his eye; 3) get firewood for the steam room; 4) burn in fire; 5) catch salmon, which are actually monsters that carry away the fishermen; he is recognized as a son-in-law, finds a lost comrade; a sweat lodge with dancing people jumping from place to place; where I stayed, people are now organizing a Jumping Dance]: 117; viyot [water monster eats the most beautiful people; The Puchuri-gurru (“sharp buttocks”) transformer pretends to swallow a hot stone (it passes through it through a pre-inserted wooden tube); the monster agrees to swallow the stone and dies; two blind old women catch people in a net; P. announces that he is their nephew and is released; burns old women along with the house; the log splitter invites passers-by to take out a wedge, knocks out another; P. takes red alder juice into his mouth, as if crushed; then he asks the splitter to take out the wedge, he dies; P. dries up three streams that killed people - yellow, brown, red]: Curtis 1976(13): 191-192; karok : Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. A10 [Ankhush lives with his grandmother, goes to exterminate monsters; marries two daughters of the Month; he demands 1) withstand the sweat lodge (hot resin drips from the ceiling, the son-in-law hides under the floor), 2) enter the house with rattlesnakes (the son-in-law kills them, brings them to his father-in-law; he buries them, they are his children), 3) split a log (father-in-law knocks out a wedge, the son-in-law puts a wood larva in its place), 4) get a salmon with a spear (this is a water monster, it drags the hero, the Kingfisher kills him, the son-in-law brings the monster to his father-in-law; the hero’s wives mourn for their dead brother), 5) bring eagle chicks (the son-in-law kills dangerous eagles, these are the sons of the Month; see motif K1), 6) climb onto the pole, which the father-in-law pulls back and lets go (the hero replaces himself with a rat; when the old man and his daughters climb, the hero throws them into the sky; the father-in-law turns into the Month, the women into Morning and Evening stars], III8 [ten brothers disappear one after another; their father meets a mountain spirit; he gives a pipe to smoke; the man puts resin in his throat in advance, the smoke does not burn his throat, revives his sons], III37 [= III38, without the episode with the splitting of the log; brings birds to the Moon, these are also his children, like the snake; without turning daughters into stars], III38 [Weasel lives with his grandmother, goes to exterminate monsters; marries the old man's two daughters; after completing each assignment, he leaves and marries the daughters of another old man; 1) harpoon a salmon (this is a snake, Laska kills, brings it); 2) get the chicks (the father-in-law took the ladder, called the wind, Weasel made the wind subside, came down); 3) split the log (Laska himself pinched his father-in-law and told him to be a white rotten core); 4) swing on a swing; not the Weasel, but the Tree Rat flies to the sky; Weasel sends his father-in-law to heaven, he is glad to be there for the Month; his two daughters - the Morning and Evening Stars]: 18-21, 220-221, 250-252, 255-258; sixty [if not otherwise: the last test: swing on an elastic tree; son-in-law casts Thunder or Moon/Moon into the sky forever]: Dixon 1910a, no. 16 [(=Holsinger 1982: 42-47); Coyote and his people come to compete; the bird constantly helps him with advice; 1) throw darts at each other (? Coyote dodges, hits enemies), 2) get eagle chicks (the tree grows to the sky, the trunk becomes icy, slippery; Coyote descends on a piece of moss), 3) catch fish (at the top of the snake, he kills them), 4) get a dead salmon from the bottom (Coyote takes an arrow breaker with him; the lake is covered with ice; he breaks through the ice with the breaker), 5) stay alive in a hot steam room (dugs out a side passage with his flute); runs away; escaping from pursuit, he turns into an old woman, into a salmon, into a hummock, into a fog)], 32 [Urutsmaxig wanders; everyone who fords the river perishes; U. enters the river, someone catches him with a hook, U. grabs the one who was clinging, breaks the hook, throws him into the river, throws the one who was clinging after him, turns him into a newt; there is a pile of dead bodies on the path to the house; in the house the murderer is told not to look, for the leader is coming; he looks, blinks in order to kill the approaching one with his gaze; U. throws pieces of flint into his eyes, he falls into the hearth, burns, U. turns him into a vulture, whose feathers and skin are torn off; W. marries the old woman's daughter; she asks 1) to hunt a deer (a huge snake tries to swallow him, he kills it by throwing shards of flint into its mouth), 2) to fish (there are rattlesnakes in the water, U. kills them), 3) to bring eagle chicks (in the nest rattlesnakes; W. kills them), 4) harpoon the salmon (it drags W. along the river for a long time, but W. kills it); U. brings all the killed snakes and salmon to his mother-in-law; these are her relatives; she mourns them, buries them; the mother-in-law suggests swinging over a tree leaning over the lake; W. flies up to the sky and returns; the mother-in-law completely flies into the sky and becomes the Moon; laughs, says that now he will see everything, he will see if anyone steals]: 25-27, 364-368; Farrand 1915, No. 4 [young man marries Thunder's two daughters; he asks 1) to harpoon a large salmon (the fish drags the young man into the sea, but he kills it and brings it to his father-in-law); 2) take a steam bath (there are rattlesnakes there, the young man kills them and brings them to his father-in-law), 3) get bird eggs from a rock (the father-in-law destroys the steps; the son-in-law makes a mat from lichen, which falls slowly; he descends on it)]: 211-212; Wailaks [(the text is difficult to understand; it is clear that the evil father-in-law wants to destroy his son-in-law, orders to kill a lot of deer, turns into the Month)]: Goddard 1923, No. 6: 95-99; sinkion [Father mink with his wife and baby in a basket crosses the river, he and his wife are swallowed by salmon, the baby slips out of the basket onto the shore, and the grandmother picks him up; he grows up, notices the hair in the salmon's mouth; kills him and other fish responsible for the death of his parents; The Cloud Woman descends from the sky, agrees to marry young Mink, takes him overseas to her father the Sun, mother the Moon and younger brother Morning Star; they always kill her suitors; Luna couldn't kill him with an oar; The Sun gives difficult assignments; 1) bring stones to crush acorns; 2) firewood (pushes logs onto him); 3) The dog (she killed the suitors, Mink brings); 4) salmon (my wife warned me how dangerous they were, Mink killed them); 5) sent to the bears; 6) to the area to which he drove various animals; 7) ball game (no details); Mink dived and pulled out many salmon at once with a rope; I decided to visit my grandmother with my wife and son; the wife warned not to turn around; he turned around; in the place of the son - a dark cloud, the wife - a large white cloud; found the grandmother dead; burnt; turned into a mink]: Nomland 1935: 172-174; Maidu [Pitmilussi, the eldest of the two brothers, saw the daughter of Thunder; shot an arrow, it fell in front of the girl; she picked it up and put it in the basket; whoever fails to remove his arrow from my basket will perish; P. managed to pull out the arrow; the daughter of Thunder continues to go east; ahead there are thickets of prickly rose hips; the girl passed, the path closed behind her; P. put down a flint and ordered him to cut a path; then rattlesnakes; P. walked by, putting on red-hot stone moccasins; wished that night would come sooner; the girl stopped for the night; she caused a storm, the fire went out, she climbed into a hollow tree, covering the hole with a basket of ice; his younger brother came to P. and wanted to get in with the girl, but P. went; cut off her vaginal teeth, which were like those of a rattlesnake, with flint; in the morning the girl already has a child; crossed a river with slippery ice and a wide river; P. walked across the ice in his stone moccasins; when he began to cross the wide one, the water was already up to his nose; he stuck a feather in his hair, the river became shallow; further the Valley of Old Age - you will grow old before you cross; P. began to grow old and weaker, but again stuck a feather in his hair, became younger, passed the valley; in front of him is the steam room of Thunder, it is made of ice; the girl entered through a hole in the roof, P. in her moccasins behind her; Thunder gave poisonous food, it did not harm P.; Thunder ordered to bring firewood; lies a resinous log, next to it are the bones of those who could not break off a piece; P. threw the log on the ground, it broke; Thunder ordered to get the fish if it had ear pendants made of suede, but not to touch if it was made of beads; the fish has pendants made of suede, P. harpoons it, it begins to pull him into the water; oysters helped push her ashore; Thunder orders to hunt deer, but a grizzly bear comes towards him and chases him; P.'s spirit created an ice tree with a slippery trunk; it bent down to pick up P., but the grizzly couldn’t climb up; a grizzly bear can only be killed by the left hind leg; she is under the body of a lying bear; P. tells the gophers to dig up the ground so that the leg becomes visible; kills a grizzly bear with his last arrow; P. returned to his wife; if he had not defeated Thunder, he would still be killing people]: Dixon 1902, No. 6: 67-71; help : Barrett 1933, No. 32 [the acorns fail, Chief Falcon leads his people east in search of food; they come to the village of the Sun; he invites men to the steam room, destroys him with heat; makes women slaves; Grandmother Turtle, who remained in the village, has two grandchildren, Hummingbirds; she teaches them to distinguish between animals; they make arrows that sting like hornets; come to the Sun, find their mother there; 1) come to life after burning; 2) pass tubes through the bodies, put food there and pretend to eat all the food offered; 3) they kill grizzlies, who are actually the favorites of the Sun; they kill the people of the Sun when they openly attack them; having freed the slaves, they return home], 33 [bird people come to the village of the Sun for food, they are killed; The two sons of the murdered remaining in the village grow up and also go to the Sun; they find their mother there; 1) come to life after burning; 2) sent to hunt deer; it's actually a grizzly bear; the young men kill them, bring them to the Sun, who is upset; young men revive the dead and return home; baskets of food go in front of them; The crane puts its neck as a bridge so that it can cross the river; after the dance everyone died, everything turned into water, poured into Clear Lake], 40 [Coyote, Flower's father, sleeps with Snake, his son's wife; The flower kills him, his wife leaves; Flower marries two Duck sisters; they lead him overseas; there is a hole in the rock with chewing jaws in it; Ducks and her husband jump through them, Flower breaks the jaws with a sling; the father of Ducks Thunder demands 1) to catch fish (he is unhappy that his son-in-law brought salmon, he needs a larger fish); 2) cut down a mammoth tree (the son-in-law cuts it down with a sling, the tree crushes the dugout); 3) bring wood for arrow shafts (around the snake, Turtle brings); 4) bring resin (around the grizzly bear, the bird brings it); 5) shoot at each other (Flower kills his father-in-law, he comes to life); 6) swing each other on a swing (there are stakes at the bottom, Flower asks them to make way, lands unharmed; Thunder dies on the stakes; the people he killed earlier come to life from the bones), 48 [Coyote steals a fish, is killed; Blue Jay revives him; Coyote takes him out of his body the arrowhead that hit him puts it into his wife’s body, the tip turns into a young Obsidian; he goes with Coyote to the four Thunder brothers; 1) withstands the heat in the steam room longer than Thunder; 2) brings firewood by killing bears; 3) sits under the ice cape given by Coyote when Thunder pours hot coals on him; 4) Thunder gives him his daughter, her body is covered with snakes; Obsidian kills them with a potion, sleeps with the girl; 5) brings fish from the top, killing snakes; these are the children of Thunder, he mourns them; 6) Obsidian brings wood for bow and arrows, killing snakes; 7) The squirrel gets him resin from a tree that grows tall; 8) The lizard brings obsidian for arrows from a place where there are many snakes; 9) Thunder sends him after the deer; the bears come, he kills them; kills Fire, also sent by Thunder; Thunder mourns them; 10) while competing in shooting, Obsidian kills Thunder with an arrow and spares his brothers; Thunder flies into the sky, shows how to produce rain, hail, etc.; Obsidian leaves Thunder's daughter, returns home], 69.IV [Hawk cheats on his Osprey wife with her sister; Osprey goes to the Sun; Hawk follows her, his grandfather Coyote helps him; 1) The hawk throws a stone at the rattlesnakes, but is not bitten; 2) rivals shoot at each other with bows; The hawk places flat stones under his clothes; Kilak (also a bird?) and the Sun do not harm him, he kills them], 86 [Falcon marries two Swan sisters; their father is Bear; asks his son-in-law to hunt deer, he himself sends bears to attack him; Falcon kills bears, father-in-law mourns his relatives]: 148-160, 160-164, 190-193, 210-220, 272-276, 322-327; Clark, Williams 1954: 76-79 [the ice and stone giants, led by Keb Muti, always challenged the birds to a race around Clear Lake, blew a fog and won; Gray Squirrel made a path in the grass in advance, ran along it, and got ahead of KM; climbed away from him onto a tree, then onto another; when KM fell asleep, Gray Squirrel's grandfather ordered to shoot KM in the big toe with an arrow with a hot stone at the end; water, fire, sand, clay splashed in all directions, so there are many stones between Clear Lake and the sea], 82-88 [Kuoti for the fifth time answers the son of Tata (hawk) that he hears the sound of flying spirits living on the islands beyond the sea and flying through the hole in the sky; T. goes on a search, meets the daughters of the Sun, goes with them; contrary to his wishes, K. goes with him; they rise to heaven on the rope Ko Ko, K. is lifted in a basket; The sun demands from T. 1) kill a deer (K.: these are crocodiles, they must be hit from above), 2) the same (not deer, but pumas), 3) the same (not deer, but bears); the Star woman tells T. that next he will be asked to get a huge fish; if he can, he will become the master of earth and sky; T. forgot to consult with K., calls his uncle Chadada (kingfisher), the fifth time he flies in and kills the fish; since then T. has been in heaven and rules the world]; vappo [The Hawk comes to the Moon's house; Coyote, Hawk's grandfather, lives there and helps his grandson; makes it safe to hug the two sisters of the Moon; The moon always kills the sisters' husbands; The hawk 1) remains alive in the hot steam room; completes tasks 2) bring reeds for arrows (he is guarded by bears and winged rattlesnakes; two hummingbirds bring reeds to the Hawk, explaining that monsters are relatives of the Moon); 3) bring red earth (apparently for coloring arrows; it must be taken from the mouth of the cannibal wife of the Moon, it is red earth; the hummingbirds take it out and bring it to the Hawk); 4) bring two eaglets (obviously for feathering arrows; when Hawk climbs a tree, it rises into the air, Coyote pulls him back), 5) drive in deer, kill a spotted one to get sinew for arrows (two eagle owls kill a deer, this was a relative of the Month, he was all sinew), 6) catches a siren fish (this is the sister of the Month, two drakes kill her); A hawk breaks the branches of a pine tree; for this the Moon kills him with an arrow; the Hawk's body is burned, the hawk flies out of the ashes and returns to his country; the eldest of the wives gives birth to his son, the youngest - a daughter; old Coyote helps them grow up right away; their mothers do not tell them to go to the pine tree; They go and find a bow and traces of their father’s blood; in front of the Moon, the young man breaks the branches of a pine tree and kills him with an arrow; the sisters of the Moon are crying; Uncle Moon (reborn?) comes and offers a running competition; Coyote helps the young man win by creating thick grass, the Moon gets entangled in it; they run on; in the steam room, a young man knocks the Month’s head off with a poker, it is alive, he breaks it with a poker]: Radin 1924, No. 11: 93-141; screw : Curtin 1898 [old woman Pom Pokaila (earth old woman) stuck a digger into the ground, heard the cry of a boy; he grew up, his name is Tulchuherris, she tells him not to go to the east; the young man 1) jumps through a split pine tree in front of the Sun’s house (the gap slams shut behind him), 2) throws flint dust into the eyes of the Sun’s wife, who kills with her gaze, 3) pretends to smoke the Sun’s pipe (the Sun choked on the young man’s pipe), 4) dodges from a knife falling on his bed at night, 5) escapes from a hot earthen oven by digging a side passage, 6) climbs a tree to get woodpecker chicks (The sun breaks the rope; there are not chicks in the nest, but snakes; the hero kills them, goes down the rope, plucked from the sky; the Sun mourns for the snakes - his children), 7) goes to kill a deer (grizzlies run out, the hero’s dogs kill them; the Sun mourns for his children), 8) kills the fish that drags him along the river (the opossum helps to overcome; this son of the Sun), 9) climbs a rocking tree and quickly jumps off; when the father-in-law climbs, the young man pulls and releases the trunk; The sun flies into the sky and splits, becoming the sun and the month)]: 121-158; DuBois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 7 [an old woman digs edible tubers and finds a boy under the last hummock; he grows up, his name is Tultuheres, his grandmother does not tell him to go east; he goes, there is the house of the Sun and his two daughters; returns, the old woman says that his parents died there; he takes a puma instead of a dog, comes to the Sun again; he only pretends to eat human flesh, he himself eats what he brought with him; the wife's gaze incinerates the sun, but T. manages to throw crushed flint in her eyes; he only pretends to smoke the Sun's pipe, but T.'s pipe made the Sun choke; at night a knife fell on T., but he dodged; The sun sent T. for the bird, but there was a nest of rattlesnakes on the tree; T. killed them, brought them, the Sun feels sorry for his people; the next time I killed a lot of grizzly bears with a puma; rattlesnakes in the salmon house; monster with two horns; these are all the people of the Sun; the last test: climb a tree, another will bend it and let it go; T. jumped off, and the Sun flew into the sky, split, became the sun and the moon; only five options; differences: flint dust in the eyes of the dogs of the sun; additional test: The sun was covered by T. in a pit where human bones were burning; T. made a hole with a knife and came out]: 291-295; nomlaki [the parents of two sisters are trying to harass their son-in-law; The rabbit helps with advice; 1) kill the bears (the father-in-law and mother-in-law mourn their death), 2) dodge a knife that falls on the bed at night, 3) get nuts from the tree (it flies up, the young man does not try to jump, the tree lands), 4) dig up roots (the area is flooded water, the young man does not drown), 5) climb onto a slippery pole (the young man smears his hands with tar), 6) harpoon a large salmon (it pulls the young man along with him, but he kills him); The rabbit takes his magical power from the hero]: Goldschmidt 1951: 399-400; Maidu : Dixon 1902, No. 3 [see. motive J39B: the player offers to drink a large amount of soup; one of the twins drinks one vessel, makes a hole in the other, the soup flows out], 6 [taking a flint knife and putting on stone moccasins, the hero follows with the daughter of Thunder through thorny thickets, past snakes, on slippery ice; breaks a girl's vaginal teeth; flies on a feather across the river; Thunder requires 1) bring a heavy log (the hero breaks it, carries the wood chips), 2) catch a large strong fish, 3) get a deer (instead of a deer, a bear; the hero climbs a swaying tree, hits the bear in a weak spot on its paw); Thunder returns to the hero the people he previously killed], 4 [Player - old North Wind; The sun helps the hero with advice; the hero and his grandfather play out the eyes and hearts of people; they take out the eyes of the Wind itself]: 53, 57-59, 63-64, 67-71; she : Curtin 1898: 281-294 (=2004: 180-189) [the son of the Rainbow marries the daughter of the Moon; the uncle hides in the heart of the young man, helps him 1) smoke poisonous pipes, 2) eat all the food prepared by the wives of the Moon and the Sun, 3) pour rain on the hot steam room of the Sun; playing with the Moon in a swing pole, the hero throws him into the sky; The Spider gives the daughters of the Moon a rope, they rise after their father; these are the stars], 425-442 (=2004: 266-278) [Acorn marries the daughter of the Moon; the husbands of the other daughters of the Moon hate him; he wins a dice game, a running competition; his uncle is hidden in his hair; helps him get around a scorpion, jump over a hole, a rattlesnake, a grizzly bear; Acorn kills sons-in-law]; Sapir 1910, no. 4 [ Young-Moon-Chief-of-the-West kills his daughter's suitors; Blue Jay marries her; father-in-law offers a poisonous pipe; The Silkworm, hiding in the hero’s hair, smokes instead of him], 13 [The Month offers Marten 1) to smoke a poisonous pipe (smoke), 2) stand by the fire where the brains are burning (Marten puts firewood instead of brains), 3) swim ( water grizzly catches the Marten, but lets him go, he brings his skin), 4) bring firewood (a large snake with a horn catches the Marten; he says that he is the uncle of the snake; brings the Moon her skin), 5) hunt deer (this is a grizzly bear; the Marten runs through an open tree trunk; a grizzly bear is pinned by the trunk), 6) run a race with Rain and the Blue Runner (kills both), 7) climb a tree (the Moon bends down and lets go of the tree, the Marten jumps off); then Marten does the same, throwing the Moon into the sky; then abandons his Frog wife and two daughters]: 66-74, 233-235; achomava : Curtin 1909a, no. 3 [the people of the Sun live in the west; the relatives of the Woodworm died there; he goes west, with two Vulture brothers with him; marries the daughter of the Sun; The vultures win a hoops game, a running competition; they kill the people of the Sun who put their lives on the line; The Woodworm revives its relatives from their bones]: 285-286; Merriam 1992 [see motif K25C; Edechewe (“Wanderer”, aka Fisher) and his younger brother Yahtch (Weasel) live with their grandmother; preparing to go to the east, where the Sun-Woman and the Moon live, they train; take turns placing each other in their hair; E. prepares firewood for the grandmother; she returns several times, seeing from a distance that she has already burned everything; on the way they meet the spirits Shadow of Water, Shadow of Clay; Annikadel (the deity living in the air) gives them advice; turn into stone, the tornado is unable to carry them away; they drive away the Thunder brothers with a fish's eye, and the Lightning brothers with green reeds; husband and wife Evil Spirits feed E. poisonous food, he throws it into a bag tied to his chin; at night he leaves his own image made of wood in his place, they beat him and burn him; in the morning E. appears and tells them to live in remote places; E. takes the Bee with him, carries it in his quiver, he gives advice; also the Maiden of Flowers (carries her in her hair on the left side of her head, and her brother on the right); E. marries two daughters of the Sun and the Moon; now the daughter of the Month is the Polar Star, the daughter of the Sun is the South Star (resurrection January 20, decline March 20); A. gives E. two obsidian daggers and an invincible weapon made of air, the Big Dipper; with all these weapons E. destroys snakes and winds (including a snake-rope with heads on both ends, p.83); E. falls asleep, the dragon Himnimtsooke carries him away to throw him into the sea; waking up, E. cannot move his hands, but the brother in his hair kills him with an obsidian blade; Every morning the sun climbs onto the roof of the house, turns from the east (in the morning) to the west (in the evening); the name of both the Sun and the Moon is Chool; The Moon demands 1) to go into the steam room with him (E. throws out burning human bones, which give off poisonous smoke, burns logs, the Moon almost burns); 2) hunt grizzlies (10 grizzlies are made of manzanita leaves, have no heart, E. runs, climbs a tree; A. orders the vegetation to be set on fire, the grizzlies burn); 3) get the eagle’s tail; nest on a burnt tree with a smooth trunk; E. throws up a bowstring made of tendons, kills two girl chicks; The month buries them; 4) swing on a pole made of resin, placed over a sea bay in which there are predatory creatures; E. secures the pole with a bowstring and does not fall; when the Moon steps on the pole, it throws it into the sky; The month is glad, asks to send his wife and daughters to him the same way; E. does it; the brothers return to their grandmother; (p. 102-111: first the Sun, the Moon and both stars are motionless, located together; eternal day, hot; Annikadel sets them in motion, places them as they are now)]: 61-101; mountain sink [Falcon vs Winged Monster; they take turns throwing hot stones at each other; Falcon loses; his grandfather Coyote comes and wins; The Falcon Comes to Life]: Barrett 1919, no. 3: 7-8; mountain(?) sink [The falcon goes to play with the winged monster; this is his brother; the players take turns throwing hot stones at each other; Falcon is killed; his grandfather Coyote comes to play, hits the monster in the heart, which he has in the white spot under his hand; The falcon comes to life; the world catches fire, Falcon and Coyote hide in the sea]: Merriam 1993: 75-87; coastal sink [Coyote and his wife leave, his grandson Hawk remains; takes his wife and goes to the bottom of the sea with her; they have two sons; his wife ran away, crushed his shell money; splashed water through the roof of the house as if it were raining; The hawk follows in her footsteps, she is with the shaman leader; he orders to catch salmon; The hawk is crying, he has no net, Coyote helped him catch; ordered to catch again, obsidian blades sticking up in the water, Hawk jumps there, shouting Coyote's name, the blades fell down; the fourth time (the third is not described) the hair in the water looks like worms, the water is red; The hawk called out the name, the water became clear; The hawk lost, he was killed; his son is always in his hair, he came to tell Coyote; he came to play, i.e. shoot each other with arrows; the pigeons peck the blood, it seems that Coyote is not wounded, he wins; the shaman leader was killed, Coyote revived those he had killed from the bones, and returned home with the revived Hawk and his wife]: Kelly 1978, No. 19a: 33-35; Friday : Blackburn 1975, No. 15 [brothers Sumyvo (son of the Fog, youngest, and Six'usus , son of Thunder, eldest) travel, they are helped by Coyote; they come to Shumilaksha (world of the dead), where the leader Shak (Turtle); Coyote invites him to run around the world, the stake is his life; tells the gophers to dig holes under the path Fist , sends an imaginary image to run Sik'usus 'ah, and the real one jumps out before the finish line and wins; Shak 'and they burn alive; he tries to douse the fire with urine, then dies], 26 [Orel's nephew Xelex sea bass harpoon; The swordfish carries him away; Eagle sends Coyote to bring back his nephew; at the bottom Coyote gives the door of the Swordfish house tobacco, it opens; throws powder from poisonous mushrooms in the face of the old Swordfish, forcing him to talk about the customs of the Swordfish; 1) The swordfish give Coyote huge pieces of whale meat to eat; he puts a flute through himself, passes meat through it, pretending to eat; 2) brings a huge whale; 3) dances, jumping high; 4) wins a race by making many coyotes out of his excrement and telling them to run sections of the race; causes Swordfish to revive K; returns home with K.; he marries]: 175-189, 112; kawaii : Zigmond 1980, No. 41A [all animals, birds, reptiles come from Koso to collect sweet grass; leaving, they dig a hole, light a fire in it, boil water, tell Robin to keep it boiling; since then she has had a red breast; the animals decide to race from Victorville back to Koso; Coyote insists that those who come last be thrown into the boiling water; while he eats, others go back; he catches up with them, urinates on them; he and the Lizard brothers arrive first; Bears, Sun and other bad runners are thrown into boiling water; The water in the source is boiling even now, in the gurgling you can hear the roar of the Bears thrown into the boiling water; it’s dark all year round; animals gather in the house to decide how many months the winter will last; Coyote: How many hairs are there on a mouse, how many hairs are on the four feathers of an owl? ; Lizard brothers: Three months ; everyone agrees with them; an angry Coyote pours hot ashes into their hole; those are selected when the ash cools; The Owl and the Duck “purr”, dawn begins; Coyote purrs, it's dark again; the others tell him to be silent, the Owl and the Duck call the sun to the sky; Coyote bitten to death by rattlesnake], 43B, C [as in A, less detail]: 141-145; yokuts [two orphans live with their grandmother; the elder shoots the lark, he falls into a hole in the ground, the boy descends after him into the lower world; The lark suggests playing with beads; game - shoot a hoop; Lark's people lose; The lark gives the boy a bow and arrows and sends him to the ground; a boy kills a bear, makes a stuffed animal, and scares his grandmother with it; the boy and his younger brother became lucky; descend into the lower world of Atil and remain there]: Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 2: 17; serrano [cm. motif J4A; a woman gives birth to two sons from the Sun; they make flutes; the younger one's playing can be heard on the other side of the world; Vulture's two daughters follow this sound from there; on the road Coyote and Hawk say they were playing; the older sister believes, the younger sister orders to move on; sisters spend the night with their brothers and leave in the morning; the brothers soon follow; the mother knows that they will die; The vulture sends his son by name They cackle find out who came; the light from the bodies of the young men kills Ts.; Vulture calls his warriors, Hawk manages to kill the twins; their bones are ground into powder, long bones are used for games; younger sister gives birth to a son Queshomari ; he also shines; she lies to her father that she gave birth to a girl; K. plays with his uncle, he says that it was not he who killed his father and uncle; K. finds the bones of his father and uncle, but cannot revive them; plays with Coyote; throws the dice, the earth splits, everyone dies except K.’s mother; with her he visits his grandmother; carries mother across the sea, drowns]: Benedict 1926, No. 3: 2-7; Luiseño [an ogre living in a rock kills the hero's son; he comes to him; the owner demands 1) smoke a pipe (the hero smokes his own), 2) taste the meat (the hero eats the rabbits he brought with him, not human flesh), 3) take himself apart (both disassemble and reassemble); the hero takes his son's hair and revives him; people beat the cannibal with a club, he turns to stone; even if you burn it, it turns into a meteor]: Kroeber 1906b: 318; gabrielino [the young wife is killed by the old woman who raised her; husband waits at the grave for three days; a tornado rises from the grave, it follows it to the south; his wife (= tornado) carries him across the sea; his wife helps him pass the tests; 1) remove the feather from the high post; 2) cut the hair lengthwise; 3) draw a map of the sky with the Big Dipper and the North Star; kill the deer that the dead will drive; these are beetles, he crushes one, it turns into a deer; the dead allow you to take your wife; he copulates with her before the end of three days; in the morning there is a rotten deck in his arms]: Gayton 1935a: 270 (reprinted in Monroe, Williamson 1987: 80-82).

Big Swimming Pool. If nothing else: the player tortures and burns the losers; a young man wins a golf-type ball game, burns the Player. Northern payut : Kelly 1938, no. 17a [], 17b []: 409-410, 410; Lowie 1924, no. 18 [The eagle promises two daughters to the one who gets the silver fox; the poor grandson of the old woman earns; gets wives, copulates with one, urinates on her, she throws him out of the house; He is crying; at the top of the mountain he gets the best horse, beautiful clothes, beads, comes on horseback; Orel's daughter is losing weight, Orel advises her to return to her husband, she refuses; the young man advises Eagle to rub his daughter with silver fox fat, the girl recovers]: 237-238; payut Owens Valley [Sun people lose to another group of ancestors (animal people) in a running race; they agreed to kill the losers; Coyote burns the Sun; it becomes dark; later light and warmth return]: Steward 1036, no. 32: 411-415; northern Shoshone : Lowie 1909b, no. 23h [Chief Eagle promises one of his two daughters to the one who kills the fox (which one is not specified, the text is short); the old woman's poor grandson brings a fox and marries his older sister; he urinates at night, his wife drives him away; he finds clothes and red paint and becomes big and handsome; marries the younger sister, Raven marries the older sister; his grandmother sends him to the buffalo pit; Coyote pretends to be his friend, lowers him into the pit, begs for his weapons and clothes, comes to his wife; there was a live bird on the young man’s hat, now it constantly screams; the grandmother helps her grandson to get out of the hole; he comes to his wife; a bird flies screaming onto his head; Coyote has to return all the young man's property], 23k [Coyote comes to the village of Eagle to compete; 1) who will stay under water longer; Beaver dives for Coyote, Duck for Eagle, Beaver wins; 2) fight: Weasel for Coyote, defeats Mole; 3) who will eat more; Rat for Coyote, Floating Ice wins; 4) running, Coyote defeats the bird; in another village, Coyote and Fox propose to run a race; the losers will have their heads cut off; Magpie wins, Fox and Coyote get their heads cut off]: 274-275, 277; Panamint [the animals gather in Victorville to eat sweet seeds; decide to run from there in a race to the hot springs of Koso; the losers will be thrown into a boiling cauldron; The coyote at first lags behind, then overtakes many, throwing mud at them; but the Frog comes first; Coyote throws the Sun into boiling water, it becomes dark; animals gather in the winter house; The woodpecker screams - it’s dawn; Raven - it gets dark again; Long-billed Duck - it’s dawning again; Coyote - dark again; The woodpecker screams, the sun rises; greenery around, summer]: Zigmond 1980, No. 71: 231-232; Western Shoshone : Steward 1943: 268-270 [two versions; like the Northern Paiute; the sun was too low; Coyote's men kill the Sun, throw the gallbladder high into the sky, it turns into a new sun], 282-284 [Coyote, Puma, Bear, Crow and everyone else went to gamble in the Panamint Valley and died there; only Tuhu'ni (hawk) remained; his sister-in-law Takandado’a (bullfinch) still remained, but she refused to live with the Hawk and lived alone; One day the Bullfinch did not find the Hawk and followed in his footsteps; when she caught up, Hawk doubted whether she should go, but she said that her strength was in the snowy mountain; The Player has many daughters; with him are two Gophers, these are Hawk's mother-in-law; Hawk learned that they would be served poisoned food; at night he answers the Player every time that he is not sleeping; The player tells his daughters to grind the acorns properly, we will eat porridge with Hawk meat; first the Hawk and the Player kick the ball; The Gophers help Hawk by digging holes to cause the Player to trip; Hawk replaced the ball taken by the Player with his own egg; won; ordered the Player to slaughter his family himself; but he only touches his daughters with a dull knife; then the Hawk himself killed them all; It was not immediately possible to move the bullfinch; fearing that the Player would win and throw her, like everyone else, into the fire, she caused her roots to grow; Hawk saw his people - Coyote and others; some have no legs, some have no arms, some have no heads; he revived them all {and made them whole}]; Smith 1993: 127-129 [with Coyote there are small animals (bugs, lizards, frogs), in another room there are birds; Coyote and Hawk agreed that those who made it from the reeds to the hot springs first could burn the losers; Coyote and Bullfrog {won} threw all the hawks into the fire; Coyote pushed Bear into the fire and kept him there until he burned; The bear was the sun, so it became dark; in the spring Coyote was given food, food was found by owls, rats and mice that can see in the dark; everyone decided to shout, call for the sun; Coyote's cry only made it darker; nothing changed from the cry of the beetles; the cry of the duck made it a little lighter; after the woodpecker's cry the sun rose, and after the red-headed woodpecker's cry the sun rose], 147-150 [The player kills the Hawk and other people; Son-Hawk kills the player, revives the dead]; southern payut (shivwitz) [Wolf's son and Coyote live together; two girls reject their suitors; the son of the Wolf came to them and they accepted him; the father-in-law offers to win back what the Players have lost {the essence of the game is not entirely clear, but, apparently, it’s a game of chance}; the Wolf's son screams in pain and falls into the river; his grandfather fished out his remains, boiled him in a bucket several times, revived his son Wolf; sent him to play again, giving him a stick divided into 4 parts; it will contain the body of the son of the Wolf; but these pieces cannot be shown to the Players; but he put them where they were visible; The player placed the stick in the hot ashes; the grandfather began to look for his grandson, raised a terrible storm, everything scattered, with difficulty he found a charred stick, revived his grandson; he gave his grandfather everything he won; the son of the Wolf found a pregnant wife (she was heavy and therefore was not blown away by the wind), squeezed out of her belly all the children who were from other men; came to where girls play with the severed testicles and limbs of men, throwing them into the air; those people eat human flesh]: Lowie 1924, No. 5: 105-109; southern payut (Moapa) [two women stand in front of the house, and their sons play with people in the house; before the game, women give visitors poisonous porridge; when the players win, they cut off the heads of the losers and throw them to their mothers; Cünawab {probably Coyote}, his brother Töbats {probably Wolf} and their people came to play; they did not eat the offered porridge, but threw it to those women; Rabbit from Coyote's team won, cut off the players' heads and threw them to their mothers; At first they decided that these were the heads of those who had come, but then they began to cry; these women were also killed; then they came to play in another place; Everyone won, including the pinyon pine seeds; they were on top of a smooth pillar; by order of Coyote, the mouse got them; Coyote placed the seeds on the pine trees - let them always be there; The turtle killed the wild ram; Coyote: whoever jumps over the carcass gets the skin; The turtle was unable to jump over; Coyote skinned the ram, but there is no rope to carry the skin; While he was going for grass and making a rope, the Turtle dragged everything to his home; Coyote asked one of his sons to cause a rainstorm so that Turtle's house would flood; but the Turtle is alive; asked one of her sons to cause a terrible fever; Coyote and his sons died]: Lowie 1924, no. 2: 160-161; southern payut [The eagle comes to the Sibit Indians; watching the girls, he chooses a virgin, this is the daughter of the leader; her father tells him to look through the smoke, locks him in a smoky room, he sees everything through the smoke; Coyote persuades Eagle to undergo other tests; 1) hunt rabbits (Eagle immediately gives the killed ones to his father-in-law, he himself carries only one rabbit, Coyote thinks that this is all he killed); 2) run a race (Eagle deliberately lets everyone go ahead, and then easily overtakes); 3) fight (Eagle knocked everyone down with his fist); the narrator does not remember further]: Sapir 1930, No. 14: 445-447; Uintah Utah [a man sees girls bathing, green and yellow; hides their clothes, then gives them away; goes to their countries, marries first the green one, then the yellow one; the fathers of both and their people put him to the test; 1) stand in a boiling cauldron (unharmed, the enemy is cooked), 2) run into a pitchfork (they pierce him without causing harm), 3) cut down a forest overnight (cuts with a magic ax), 4) climb a pole (opponents cannot) , 5) walk on a tightrope, 6) ride a mule, which usually kills its riders]: Mason 1910, no. 25: 322-328; southern Utah [every morning the girl lies down with her legs spread towards the rising sun; gives birth to twins from the Sun; they go to visit their father; the old woman-Bat takes them to the house of the Sun; the Sun's wife is angry; The Sun denies that he had relationships with other women, suggests that the boys' father is Month; quarrels with the Moon, knocks out his eye; since then the month has been dim; The sun cooks the twins in boiling water, they are unharmed; he recognizes them as his sons; they return to their mother]: Lowie 1924, no. 48: 76-77.

Greater Southwest. Navajo [along the way the twins pass between pushing rocks (see motive I22); having come to the Sun, they smoke a huge pipe; unharmed in a hot steam room]: Buxton 1923 [White-bead-woman has two children; she tells them that their father is a hill; they don't believe; The wind tells that Nayezesegoni was conceived by the Sun; they go to the Sun; The wind teaches what to say to the guards (a cougar, two bears, a snake, lightning), they let them through; the wife of the Sun hides those who come in a cloud; The sun finds, offers a steam room, heats iron instead of stones; someone dug a hole, the children hid in it and did not burn; the informant does not remember the next three tests; The sun gives a poisonous decoction, the Wind teaches how to neutralize it with the help of a caterpillar; The sun recognizes the children as his own, dresses them like the other two children in his house; those who came asked for help defeating the monsters; The sun gave them lightning arrows and sent them to the ground with lightning; with the help of the Wind, N. dodges the Giant’s blows, knocks the Giant’s armor off, kills him, and returns to his mother; she is getting younger; N. kills a horned beast; mountain sheep]: 298-302; Goddard 1933 [smoking a poisonous pipe]: 142; Haile 1938 [+ thrown on obsidian knives]: 103-107; Johly, B'yash 1958 [+thrown on obsidian knives; spend a frosty night on the roof of the house of the Sun]: 19; Klah 1960 [as in Johly, B'yash]: 13; Matthews 1994 [+thrown on obsidian knives, shell spikes and turquoise]: 110-112; O'Bryan 1956: 80; Western apache : Goddard 1918 (San Carlos) [Black Tornado rubbed his chest, rolled up a lump of skin scales, made earth out of it, placed it on 4 supports; made coyotes and birds, destroyed with a flood; a woman (in Jicarilla she is the Earth) became pregnant from the Sun and gave birth to a girl; she became pregnant from the water and gave birth to a boy; he has webbed fingers, no hair, ears, etc.; the grandmother does not want to say where his father is; The spider showed how to get to the Sun (via its web); the Sun's wife tries in vain to hide him; The Sun lets him smoke his pipe, tries to burn it, his son is unharmed, the Sun recognized him; the relatives of the Sun give his son a completely human appearance, placing him in a hot steam room; The sun gave him clothes made of obsidian, the grandmother made a bow and arrows; he consistently asks her about dangerous creatures; 1) a person sitting by a rock pushes passers-by down; the young man first sent the fox to him, then killed him with a club; 2) killed the one who killed with his gaze; 3) the grandmother orders not to butcher the deer under the tree, the grandson does; the girl sitting on the tree calls him husband; she has a toothy womb; he runs, throws a tripe, mountains grow (the same with the Jicarilla); the grandmother hides it in a hole by the hearth; the girl finds him; he says that he is ready to sleep with her only in the house on a bed; while she runs behind a tree, he makes penises from white stone, sand, resin, wax; knocked out her teeth with a stone, she cries in the morning; 4) kill a horned beast; the gopher dug a hole under the lying beast, ate the fur where the heart was, the young man pierced the monster with an obsidian tip; 5) hung a bag of blood and dung on himself and let the bird carry him away; thrown onto a rock, the bird saw the splashes and decided he was dead; he threw out three chicks, asked the fourth when the parents would arrive; those arrived with the rain; he killed everyone, threw parents and chicks in different directions of the world; The raven gave him his clothes, he went down, returned to the grandmother]: 7-19, 36-37 [placed in water, not in fire]; 1919 (White Mountain): 96-97 [the sons of the Sun have webbed fingers, no hair, no ears, etc.; The sun gives the twins a completely human appearance by placing them in a hot steam room; heavenly fire/lightning does not harm twins], 116-117 [as in Goddard 1918: 10; along the way, the caterpillar helps the hero pass over the crushing rocks]; Hopi : Fewkes 1895 [woman conceives twins - Youth ( Dry , aka P üiko hoya ) from a sunbeam and Echo ( Hammer hoya ) from a stream of water; The Peanut Pinyon Girls make a resin replica of the flint robe of the Eagle Man who stole the Young Man's wife; The spider hides in the Young Man's ear, giving advice; The hawks bring it to heaven; The young man smears the sharp rungs of the stairs leading to the roof with chewed berries, they become dull, he climbs into the house, changes his clothes; The Eagle Man suggests 1) smoking a huge pipe (the Mole has dug a passage through which to remove the smoke), 2) breaking a deer antler (one end is fragile, the Young Man is trying to be allowed to choose), 3) tearing out a pine tree (the Mole is digging up the roots), 4 ) eat a lot (as in “1”); 5) sit in the fire (The young man in the flint clothes is unharmed, the Eagle in the tar one burns); The young man frees his wife and other women, Hawk and Eagle lower everyone to the ground; further see motive J60]: 132-135; Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 10 [a young man from the Snake Family lives with his grandmother, is poor; the girl rejects the suitors; the young man bets the feather decoration given by his grandmother, wins a shirt, comes to the girl in it, and is accepted by her; the grandmother sends the young man to his uncles (these are snakes, lizards), they give him meat and clothes; the sorcerers decide that the girl will be given to 1) the one who killed many rabbits and ran with them first to the village (the eagle uncle gives a stick that kills rabbits, carries the young man to the village); 2) the winner of the race, the participants of which roll stones in front of them (the snake uncle is chasing a stone); both times the wife is grateful; 3) the sorcerers order to bring a huge rattlesnake; a young man comes to the snake, he drinks poison, allows it to be carried, injects poison into the kiva of the sorcerers and into the houses of those who supported them; all killed; people led by a young man move to Oraibi (the origin of the Snake Family)], 16 [the girl rejects the suitors; agrees to the proposal of the poor young man, who spent his whole life sitting in the ashes by the fireplace; sorcerers offer competitions; 1) hunt deer; they send a deer that must kill the young man (inside the deer is a sorcerer-rival of the young man), the grandmother gives him a bag of thorny grass, the thorns cling to the rock, the young man does not fall from the ledge, but the deer breaks); 2) hunt rabbits; the sorcerer rabbit grabs the young man’s hand when he tries to get him out of the hole; the young man releases the wasps from the bag, orders them to sting the rabbit, takes it out, kills it; both times the sorcerer is reborn from a deer carcass or a killed rabbit, but soon commits suicide; 3) at the request of the sorcerers, the Rattlesnake kidnaps the young man’s pregnant wife; the grandmother puts the Snake to sleep, the young man kills him with arrows, frees the captive women, and burns the corpse; the sorcerers reconciled with fate], 24 [the girl conceives from water and from a sunbeam, gives birth to twins, the elder Pöqangwhoya and the younger Palöngawhoya; they go to look for their father, the Old Spider Woman leads them to the Sun; he tests them; 1) smoke a huge pipe (the gopher inserts reeds into his butt and takes the smoke out through his hole); 2) sit in a hot steam room (the Spider gives a means to moderate the heat); 3) sit on a fire (the same); 4) stand the night without sleep (the Spider inserts sticks into their eyes so that the eyelids do not close); The sun gives them bows and arrows, takes them on a day's journey, stops at noon to rest; brothers descend to earth on a rainbow; they kill the monster So'yoko, who was kidnapping people, dressed in quartz, with arrows, dragging away his effigy]: 91-103, 147-160, 224-235; Mullett 1993: 54-61 [Spider has two grandchildren: Puukonhoya (“youth”) and Palunhoya (“echo”); their father Tawa (Sun) gave them the lightning weapon; they killed the giant Tcaveyo for her; decide to go west to see their father; The spider warns of guards on the way to his house and gives him a magical remedy; an old man sits on the edge of the abyss, he tries to push the twins into the abyss with his foot; they spat the Spider's remedy on him, his feet pressed against his chin, they passed by; they also pacified a snake, a bear and a puma; the sky hits the ground; the twins spat, the rock froze for a second, they slipped through; came to the turquoise kiva of father and mother; their mother greeted them; The sun came, threw it into a red-hot furnace; when I opened it, they were alive; he recognized them as his children], 84-88 [the eagle man kidnaps the hero's wife; he comes for her; the kidnapper demands 1) to smoke a pipe of poisonous tobacco (the mole digs a hole under the hero for the smoke to escape), 2) to break a deer antler (the spider woman reports which of the horns is made of wood), 3) to tear out one of the two pine trees (the mole gnaws its roots ), 4) eat a lot of food (the mole digs a hole under the hero to remove food), 4) stay alive in the fire]; Stephens 1929, no. 4 [twins unharmed after spending night on cold peak; they catch and bring hot metal (flint?) balls], 7 [in the steam room = oven], 8 [pass under the moving vault of heaven into the outside world; unharmed in the flint furnace]: 11-13, 15, 18-19; Stephens 1929 [ogre offers hero a competition; they sit in the fire, the cannibal burns], No. 9, 10 [+ smoke a huge pipe; break the deer antler; uproot a tree; eat the whole meal in one sitting]: 21, 23-24; Titiev 1948 [see motif L14; the girl marries the spirit- duck ; The spider gives her feathers, holding which in her hands she can complete the tasks of the mother of spirits; 1) spend the night in an ice room, 2) grind the ice; a woman and her husband return to the people; neighbors call husband - duck to compete to take his wife away from him; he wins 1) in running, 2) in throwing the enemy from a height onto the stone floor; they want to kill him; during a thunderstorm he carries his wife and sons back to the world duck ]: 32-37; Zuni : Cushing 1901 [wife demands 1) get game (all of it hidden in a pen); 2) scrape out the skins (mice help)]: 104-107; Parsons 1930, No. 6 [Knifewing kidnaps a young man's wife and many other women; the young man goes to look for her; the hedgehogs make him a resin copy of the kidnapper's ice clothes to replace them with; gophers give a salt ball, which helps you pass between pumas and bears, along the knife steps; KnifeWings offers challenges: 1) pull up trees with one hand (gophers gnaw their roots for the young man); 2) sit in a burning fire (Knife Wings burns in his substitute shirt, the young man remains alive); the young man cuts the kidnapper's corpse into pieces, throws them into the sky, creating stars (head: the star following the sun; one leg: the Morning Star; arms: Pleiades; lungs: all the small stars; hips: Orion's Belt); spiders lower the young man and the freed women to the ground; the young man comes to his grandmother, goes down with her Koluvelakwii ]: 24-32; tiva : Harrington 1928 (Picuris) [see motif J4; The sun cuts off the hunter's head, carries him to the sky, takes his wife; the two sons of the slain ascend to heaven on the back of an Eagle; Eagle teaches them how to play catch with Morning Star; he plays with their father's head; the brothers break all the clubs of the Morning Star, he dies; they take the father's head, put the Sun to sleep, take the mother, the Eagle lowers them all to the ground; the father's head is placed in a dark closet, the father comes to life]: 313-323; Parsons 1932c (Isleta), no. 11 [(two var.); Yellow challenges White to a race; losers will be killed; At first the Hawk (Yellow) is ahead, but the Deer (White) wins; Whites are killed or die from disease]: 386-390; 1940 (Taos), No. 11 [1) Little Trash lives with his grandmother in a dirt heap; someone comes to prepare food; the Deer girl admits that it is she and leads him to her place; two Fawns call him father; he must run a race with the sorcerers, the losers will be killed; The fawns run for him, the Hawks are against them; cause rain, the Hawks' feathers get wet, they lose; The Little Fawn and the Fawns beat them to death with sticks; 2) sorcerers force good people to race around the world; the losers will be killed; two young men turn into Antelopes and run against the Hawks; they pray for rain (as in 1), win, beat the sorcerers with sticks; 3) Fihuena rejects suitors, marries orphan Old Blanket; makes him regurgitate swallowed rags, skin trimmings; he becomes handsome; other young men tell him to run a race around the world; they display two Hawks; wife makes it rain, Hawks loses, he kills them, takes their two wives for himself], 17 [two Apache girls reject suitors; the bear turns into a young man and comes to them; each gives birth to a Bear boy; their father calls the men together; boys reject Deer, Elk, Rabbit, Coyote, sit on Bear's lap; Bears and Apaches compete in a race, the losers will be killed; Bear boys overtake Antelope boys]: 40-48, 57; tiva (Picuris): Harrington 1928 [Giant kidnaps hunter's wife; he follows her; a pair of Woodrats give him magic ear plugs and a snorkel; The Giant demands 1) fill the room with tobacco smoke (he fills only half of it; the hunter smokes his pipe, the room is full of smoke), 2) stay alive in the room through which obsidian blades are flying (the hunter is unharmed, the Giant dies); the hunter and his wife return home; the reborn Giant asks the Vulture to cause heat; asks Crow to call a thunderstorm; the elements do not interfere with the hunter and his wife; The giant suffers from the heat and gets wet)]: 323-331; 1989: 23-31; tiva (Taos): Parsons 1940a, no. 25 [1) p. 76-77; during the migration, an old Apache woman found an abandoned baby and named her Na'sagi; the leader promises a daughter to the one who shoots down an eagle with an arrow; who will kill the fox; N. did this, although he was small, fat-bellied and dirty, he got the girl; hid all the bison, deer and other animals in an underground shelter; opened it, the animals came out, the people were happy; N.’s wife stepped on a bison’s skull, regretted that it was a strong bison, and now only bones; the bison came to life and carried her away; a small animal that digs the ground promised N. to dig an underground passage under the bison; dug under the ear; N. entered the buffalo house, where there were dances, and took his wife back; asks the tree if it will help, it sends to another; the fourth, the smallest, promises to help, N. and his wife climb onto it; N.'s wife urinated, the calf smelled her, the bison returned, but N. killed their leader with an arrow, they ran away; 2) p. 77-78; among the Apaches, a young man named Shaggy, or Snotty, lives with his grandmother; the chief promises his daughter as a wife to the one who brings the buffalo; Shaggy leads; marries older sister, rejected by younger sister; becomes handsome; now the youngest also wants him, but is rejected], 26 [the girl gives birth to a son from the Sun; the wind carries it away; a woman picks him up; he asks to make him ugly, his name is Nasigi; the leader promises his daughter as a wife to the one who shoots the white eagle; N. shoots, Coyote takes the spoils for himself; N.'s adoptive mother comes to Coyote for the eagle, who throws it into the fire; N. makes the eagle whole again; the same episode with the yellow fox; N. marries the younger sister, Coyote marries the older sister; N. becomes handsome; tells his wife to cut the buffalo blood bag; blood floods her (and she becomes a beauty?)]: 76-78, 78-81; these : Parsons 1926, No. 10 (Hano) [girl rejects suitors; accepts the courtship of the Cloudy Yellow Youth (yellow is the color of the north); he travels on a rainbow; they visit his parents, return to her, along the way they follow, the earth is irrigated by rain; she is kidnapped Taiova (inventor of the flute in the lower world, founder of the phallic male union and the corresponding female union); he has a lot of kidnapped women; The cloudy youth comes to him, T. offers tests; 1) smoke a pipe without letting out the smoke (the gopher digs a passage through the mountain, the smoke escapes through this hole); 2) running a race, the one who gets there first cuts off the head of the one who lags behind; The cloud youth wins and takes the women back to earth; doesn't want to stay with his wife after she was with T.; having taken his son, he returns to his parents], 23 (San Juan) [The skeleton comes to the holiday disguised as a handsome man; two Yellow Corn girls go with him and marry him; in the morning they see a skeleton in bed; they run away, he chases them; The Morning Star sends an arrow with a rope from the sky, takes them to the sky; each gives birth to a son; the grandfather does not tell them to go north; they are coming; they go first to the old man, then to the old woman; his guard is the Raven, hers is the Owl; an old man and an old woman are owners of game animals and birds; offer to play hide and seek; if the brothers win, they will receive animals and birds; they are also recognized as the children of the Morning Star, and not the Skeleton; the old man (and then the old woman) and the boys turn into various animals and birds, into objects (lake); the old man (old woman) cannot guess, the younger brother always guesses (the older brother does not); the brothers receive what they promised; the grandfather sends them with their mothers to earth; with them - animals and birds that were not on earth]: 81-86, 217-222; Western you are looking for : Benedict 1930 (Acoma): 67-70 [three beautiful sisters Kocininak , inhabitants of the rocks, reject suitors; brothers live in the east Payatiamos ( teenagers , Sunny Flowers ); the eldest comes to the sisters; the eldest falls in love with him and invites him to play hide and seek; turns into a beetle, climbs onto his back, he doesn’t find her; he hides in the sky behind the solar disk; his father the Sun tells him not to move; he looks out from behind the disk; forced to go down to K.; she cuts off his head, takes out his heart, drops of blood turn into flowers; on the four walls of her house she hangs his jug, arrowhead, flute, bracelet; his body is blackened by the sun; other P. find him, revive him, four winds and four rains from the four cardinal directions destroy the walls of K.'s house; P. flies to the sisters in the guise of a butterfly; K. follows him, he takes her as his wife], 71-77 [Rainbow kidnaps his brother's wife and other women; The spider helps his brother rise to the world of the Rainbow, teaches him to overcome trials; gives clothes, chair and knife made of resin, copies of flint clothes and knife and Rainbow's ice chair; the young man replaces the originals with these fakes; 1) smoke poisonous cigarettes (the young man smokes his own); 2) eat a lot (the gopher digs a hole where he dumps food); 3) dig up a cornfield (gophers, mice, spiders do the work in a day); 4) dig a hole on the rock for roasting corn (badgers and gophers dig it); 5) Rainbow pushes his brother into a hot pit, he hides in a tunnel made by a gopher; 6) sit on a burning fire; The rainbow burns in her changed resin clothing, the young man does not; releases the women, returns to earth with his wife in the Spider's basket; The rainbow sends a storm, but the lightning does not hit the young man]; Boas 1928a (Lagoon) [ Flint Wing (KK) carries the wife of young Shock-of-Hair (SH) to the top of the mountain; he sleeps on the top of the Enchanted Mesa, on the fourth night a man appears, tells him where his wife is, and orders the Spider to ask for help; she tells the Wind to lift SH up the mountain; an elk and a deer guard the entrance to KK's house, SH throws a potion given by the Spider at them, they promise to help; the young Spider catches birds in a snare and is afraid of them; SH easily catches many birds and takes them to the Spider; she gives SH one bullfinch, he eats it; the Spider-boy is amazed, for he only ate a piece; The spider gives SH clothes and a club made of resin, he comes to the kidnapped wife while KK is hunting, replaces the flint things with resin ones; KK promises to return his wife if SH 1) spends the night in the cold (SH covers himself with a blanket of rabbit skins, is alive); 2) knock down the tops of four hills with a club (KK throws a resin club, it is powerless, SH knocks down the tops of a flint one); 3) sit in the fire (KK in resin clothes burns, SH in flint clothes is unharmed); SH releases all the kidnapped women; The spider lowers everyone in her web on a resin rope; having lowered it, he pulls the rope back]: 111-118, 258-259 [summary]; Lewis 1965, no. 38 (Acoma) [mother and daughter live alone; the daughter goes to collect piñon nuts, the Sunny Youth meets her, gives her two nuts, she becomes pregnant, gives birth to twins Masewi and Uyuyay; the grandmother makes them bows, they kill rabbits, then deer, bear; they go east to look for their father; The spider shows the way, her son hides behind M.'s ear and gives him instructions; the brothers of the Sunny Youth advise him to test his sons by putting them in a room with pumas (lions), wolves, lynxes, bees; the twins are unharmed and have eaten bees and honey; they were put on hot coals, they became handsome, they were recognized; Father Sun gave them new bows and arrows; gave a stick that kills and revives; the twins returned home]: 249-259; White 1932 (Acoma) [ Flint Bird (KP, a man dressed in flint) descends from the sky, kidnaps a woman; The spider helps her husband by name Cassevat rise to heaven, makes a false robe for him from resinous pine chips; he replaces KP's clothes with them; Spider's son helps TO. stand the test; 1) spend the night in the cold (the web is covering TO. from hail); 2) weed a corn field in a day ( TO. pulls out weeds by pulling the cobwebs that cover the field); 3) TO. brings wood chips, they turn into a huge pile of firewood; 4) CP pushes TO. into the oven, he hides in a tunnel previously dug by Badger; 5) KP and TO. sit in fires; KP burns in his false resinous robe; K. frees his wife and other captives; the Spider's son lowers them all to the ground in a basket]: 172-178; eastern you are looking for : Benedict 1931: 34-39 (Cochiti) [as on p. 40-43; The Mistress of the Wind tries to block the sun with her clitoris], 40-43 (Kochiti) [ Mistress of the Wind hides rain clouds; the young man goes up to heaven with her, they play hide and seek; he wins, takes a prickly cactus from her heart, inserts a heart of corn or turquoise, releases clouds], 51-57 (Cochiti) [applicants for the girl's hand must 1) get a lot of rabbits, 2) have long hair, 3) have full bins grains]; Gunn 1917 (Sia) [Yellow Woman becomes pregnant by the Sun, gives birth to twins; the mother tells them who their father is; their grandmother Spider gives them a bow and arrows; weaves a web like a bridge across a river; in the center there is a hole leading to the house of the Sun; he tests his sons; 1) a steam room lined with turquoise (they cool it by spitting out shells); 2) locked in a room with elk, bison, deer, antelope; 3) in another with bears, cougars, rattlesnakes; The sun gives them bows and arrows, hunting sticks for rabbits (they cannot be thrown away before reaching home); mother and father warn not to go to dangerous places, the twins go; the puma throws those coming for arrow shafts into the abyss, they throw him himself; the bear guards feathers for arrows; they kill a bear, pull a stuffed animal on a rope, scaring the mother; they wrap themselves in the skin of a killed deer and allow themselves to be carried away by the eagle; eaglets are killed and thrown out of the nest; they kill the arriving eagles; a groundhog plants a seed near a rock, a piñon pine tree grows, and they climb down it; the giantess puts them in a basket, carries them behind her back, they grab onto a tree and run away; she catches them again; sends for fuel at home; eats their excrement, thinking he is eating their meat; they themselves push her into the fire; they shoot lightning arrows; a mole digs a hole under an antelope; the twins impale her from below; they tell the antelopes to eat grass, not people; the mole is promised her offal]: 43-52 in Boas 1928a: 251-252; pima : Russel 1908: 233-237 [Sandy Coyote is the elder, Yellow Coyote is the younger brother; ZhK's wife - Corn Woman; they come to the PC, who considers CE a dirty syphilic woman; LCD loses property, body and soul to PC, PC kills, eats him; a widow gives birth to a son; when he is 9 years old, PC drops a piece of fat, the boy picks it up and hides it under his arm; The PC finds him and offers to play the same game as with his father; mother says that father died while playing with a PC; mother and son run away and live alone; the boy kills ever larger game; The vulture brings his arrow to the village, the PC recognizes it, comes to his nephew, he is not treated, he leaves in tears; mother goes to visit relatives; the son follows her later; seeing two girls, he turns into a corpse; girls hear a euphonious song; the youngest realizes that this corpse is singing; the eldest mocks her when she returns to the corpse; instead of a corpse, a handsome young man; now the eldest also wants him, the youngest refuses; the young man takes both; their former husband offers to play, let the young man bet one of the wives; the young man invites him to bet his shirt; he replies that it is his skin; the young man shakes him out of his skin, he dies; the young man's mother returns; a young man goes to play with a PC; passes off pebbles as bird eggs (the PC thinks that birds cannot lay eggs yet, argues, loses); turns his nail into a new moon (the PC knows that the new moon is far away, argues, loses again); the young man continues to win, grabs the PC by the hair, and kills him; mother offers to go to her homeland; at each overnight stay, she, the eldest, and the youngest wife turn into gray, black, yellow spiders; left alone, the young man turns into a black lizard], 239-240 [a beautiful mat maker rejects suitors; becomes pregnant from a drop of rain dropped by a Cloud; calls all the men together; her twin sons must climb into their father's lap; they reject everyone; their mother tells them that their father is Cloud; they come to him; unharmed in the pouring rain; send lightning, imitating their father; recognized by him; returning home, they stop on the sides of the road, avoiding a meeting with Coyote; turn into mesquite trees], 241 [girl rejects suitors; takes a skull as her husband; everyone laughs; at night the skull turns into a handsome man; 1) they announce a hunt, all the deer go to the Skull, who kills them with his gaze; 2) The skull is the first to go the distance, chasing the ball in front of it; they don't laugh at him anymore]; parrot [Acorn Eater - Big Brother's sister; refuses Puma and Jaguar, Hawk and Eagle; her brother advises her to marry Gopher; A gopher magically impregnates her and she gives birth to twins; Coyote and other men claim paternity; the mother collects them, but the children do not crawl to anyone; everyone left, Coyote stayed, said that he was the twins’ grandfather; they grew up and went to destroy the eagle's nest on the rock; the eldest turned into a snake, hit the middle, fell, died; the youngest revived him, became a ball of feathers, the wind lifted him to the nest, they descended with two eaglets; the brothers argue over who should take the smaller chick, the eldest has to take the smaller one; snow fell, the eaglets froze, the brothers burned them, the mother revived them from the remaining fluff, told the younger one to take the smaller chick; Coyote made himself a good bow, but the mother was in a hurry for her sons; became a deer to teach them how to hunt; mother orders to bring bamboo from the lake; there is a lightning snake lying around the bamboo; the youngest managed to get there, the mother made bamboo flutes for her sons; in the east lived the Brown Vulture; his two daughters follow the sound of the flute; along the way, an Owl, a Barn Owl, a Hawk, and another bird raise their voices to prove that they were playing, but were rejected; the girls come to the brothers' mother; she feeds them, but does not let them into the house; the younger one broke his flute, after which the older one also stopped playing; the sisters return to their father, the youngest is expecting a child; after their wives left, the brothers lost their luck; they came to the wives, the Hawk destroyed their strength, their father-in-law killed and ate them; promised to eat the child of his youngest daughter if a boy was born; but he went blind, he was told that a girl was born; then he tries, but fails, to kill his grandson; his mother sends him to his grandmother; the young man stirred the fires, images of his father and uncle appeared in front of him, but immediately began to disintegrate; they said his grandfather killed them; the young man comes to his mother; he was swallowed by a water monster, but he collected sharp stones in advance, cut the monster’s belly, and came out; the grandmother made four playing sticks from that bamboo; a young man comes to his cannibal grandfather, a bamboo falls on the old man’s head, kills him (var.: the bet is life, the young man wins); the young man brings his scalp to his grandmother, who dances; she goes overseas; the young man comes to his mother and aunt; goes to his grandmother, his mother and aunt follow him; he made a bridge, when they were in the middle, he brought it down; they turned into birds that walk along the sea beach; the young man began to live with his grandmother]: Densmore 1929a: 54-79; Navajo : Haile 1950: 1-82 [The Holy Youth (SJ, Holy Yong Man) sees fire at night, cannot find its source during the day; finally finds a snake, enters the house of snakes through its mouth; two coiled snakes formed the entrance, white at the top with its head to the north, black at the bottom with its head at the south; there is a serpent man, his wife and daughter; the daughter is also a wife, so he is jealous, although he calls SY “son-in-law”; SY wins tobacco smoking four times; The snake loses consciousness every time, SY revives him, for this he receives 4 sets of clothes; the adviser SY sitting behind his ear always teaches him what to do; until the end of the tests, SY lies with the Snake’s daughter, but does not touch her; she warns that her father sees what is happening behind him; going outside, SY gives the snakes pieces of clothing received from the Snake; for this they let him pass, now they wear these clothes (snake colors); SY gives two feathers to the Hare, they turn into his ears; SY does not eat poison; The snake always points out where not to go, SY goes there; these are the four cardinal directions, every time a bear comes out there (apparently this is the Serpent himself); The snake admits that SY is stronger than him; SY finally copulates with his daughter; he is fed good food; Coyote throws his clothes over SY, turning him into a coyote and taking on his appearance; the wife feels deceived because... SY never returned without venison and did not eat greedily; also smells coyote; SY's younger brother finds him in the guise of a coyote; The Sun, Moon, Winds, Thunders return human form; he throws Coyote his skin, takes his clothes; airs it out for a long time, washes himself]; 1984, No. 14 [the girl to whom Coyote is wooing demands 1) get a lot of rabbits; the hero steals them from his opponent; 2) kill the cannibal, 3) be killed and come to life again]: 69-75; Matthews 1994 [poor young man Bumps goes to look for a missing pet turkey; Piniltans tells his daughter to greet son-in-law ; smokes a pipe four times, loses consciousness each time, N. treats him; N. is given poisoned food, he eats from the other end or does not eat at all; The wind warns him of danger; the wife shows N. four underground caves (each like a separate world), where P. keeps deer and other ungulates; P. asks to go with him to catch four runaway deer; orders to be in ambush; N. climbs onto a rock, P. drives four bears towards him, N. kills them, P. is upset, transforms into a snake, waiting for N., who recognizes him; P. leads N. against the enemies, he himself unleashes 12 bears on him, N. kills them; at the overnight stay P. says that the place is called Ridge of Burnt Moccasins ; both put moccasins under their heads; N. replaces them, P. burns his own; the next day his wife brings him new ones; P. tells N. not to go east; he goes, the bird-man greets him; he enters the house of the chief of the Pumas, Blue Foxes, Yellow Foxes, Wolves and Lynxes; he says that N. is P.’s first surviving son-in-law; P.'s wife is his daughter, he kills her suitors; gives N. an antidote; the episode is repeated with a trip to the south, west, north; N. tells P. that he knows everything about him; he agrees, but promises that he will not try to kill N., that he has acquired new knowledge; N. does the first feather ceremony ; returning to the people, he teaches it to the Navajo]: 175-194; Newcomb 1940 [Monster Slayer marries two Corn Girls; their grandfather Corn Mold tells him not to go east, then south, west, north; he violates the ban, pacifies or kills monstrous eagles, flying monsters, rattlesnake, bear; his father-in-law tries to poison him, but the Wind always warns the Monster Slayer of the danger; father-in-law recognizes his strength, teaches the ceremonies of the Way of the Eagles]: 59-65; O'Bryan 1956 [the girl to whom Coyote is wooing demands 1) kill the cannibal, 2) be killed and come to life again]: 41]; Navajo [the divine player Naqaílpi ("The Beater") descended from the sky; a piece of turquoise served as his talisman; the Pueblos lost their property and themselves to him; lost two precious shells, the Sun asked N. to give them to him, he refused, the Sun became angry with him; God Qastcèyalçi came to tell the Navajo young man about this, ordered him to come to the meeting; there among the players were Wind, Darkness, Bat, Big Snake, Bird, Gopher, as well as animals that had previously obeyed N., but opposed him; Darkness quietly penetrated the sleeping Player and returned, saying that he repented; The wind did not believe it, but returned with the same news; N. puts parts of his body against parts of the young man’s body; puts his wives; he has no wives, but two young men put on women's clothing and pretend to be the hero's wives; 1) 13 chips must be thrown, they must fall with the white side up, not the red side; The Bat hides under the ceiling, having prepared 13 white chips on both sides, throws them instead of the thrown ones; 2) drive the hoop (the Snake hides in the hoop and drives it where it needs to go); 3) knock down a tree by flying into it (the Gopher gnaws the roots of the tree that the hero is pushing); 4) drive the ball beyond a certain line (Bird instead of a ball); N.'s animals ordered the Wind to blow harder in order to justify their inaction to N.; the hero wins, places N. on the bowstring, shoots it into the sky, he flies to the moon god; he gives him those domestic animals that the Mexicans now have, returns them to the land in Mexico; he became the god of the Mexicans]: Matthew 1889: 90-94; series [man wants to find the house of God; God is the Sun; he comes to the Moon (Moon?; the gender is not clear from the context), he plays the musical bow, birds flock, not one knows the way; the last one to arrive is a little duck, which leads the man to the Sun; He has a daughter, she agrees to marry the newcomer, but the Sun does not allow it; plays with the groom (cards!); the loser must give himself up; The sun wins, covers the person in the house; in the morning the Sun sets off, the man and the daughter of the Sun run away]: Kroeber 1931, No. 5: 12-13; the mohaves [gambling; betting on whether a chipmunk will lift a rock; will the lizard get the scalp from the post]: Kroeber 1948, No. 1: 18; 1972, No. 17 [also game of reed chips]: 97; Grayling : Opler 1940: 33-36 [No. 6; The Slayer of Enemies marries the daughter of the Great Owl; he sends him to the mountains where his assistants live; 1) a woman pushes passers-by off a cliff; I.V. pushes her herself; 2) as in (1), the monster is a man in flint clothing; 3) a person with a thin, almost invisible body. I.V. dodges the blow, kills him with a club; 4) a tall man throwing lightning from his eyes; I.V. kills him with a club; leaves his wife and father-in-law], 87-93 [fierce animals play against harmless ones; you have to guess which moccasin the bone is under; bet - life; Rabbit, Antelope play on the side of the evil ones; if they won, there would be eternal night; the good ones win the day, thanks to the Possum, who got under his moccasins and changed the bone; for this the evil ones beat him into the ground; Some of the losers take the fat from some of the losers; In a hurry, the bear put his moccasins on the wrong foot, so he clubbed; the birds beat the Big Owl, he hides his heart in his leg, the Lizard hits him there with an arrow; his body turns into flints, an ordinary owl flies out of him, asks for a little darkness, lives in caves], 93-95 [as on p. 87-93; The Sun, the Morning Star play on the side of the good], 199-200 [Puma, Coyote and other four-legged creatures fight with insects; they bit everyone; Coyote stayed behind, ran away]; Chiricahua : Opler 1942, No. 1a [birds play against four-legged animals in a game of chance (moccasin game: under which moccasin is hidden a short stick, pebble, etc.); if the birds win, there will be daylight in the world; the winners will destroy the losers; the birds almost lost, but the sleeping turkey had 3 more sticks in stock and the birds won back what they had lost; when the animals had 2 sticks left, day dawned; Coyote decided to go over to the birds' side; the wren began to sing: day, day; the giant told him to shut up and poked him with a firebrand, since then the wren has had a black spot on its head; the wren flew up onto the rock and light poured through the crevice; the animals lost the last stick and the birds began to kill them; the giant walked away; the birds' arrows did not harm him; the lizard, although he was among the animals, reported that the giant’s heart was under the sole; shot at her, the giant fell dead; now there are white stones - his bones; the snake hid in a crack in the rock, but they couldn’t get it out; the bear ran into the forest, where it now lives; I was in such a hurry that I put my moccasins on the wrong foot, now I have a club foot], 1b [the world is dark; birds decided to play against four-legged animals in a moccasin game; the winners will kill the losers; insects on the birds' side; Coyote supports those who win; a gopher from underground would throw a stick under another moccasin if the birds guessed correctly; At first the birds lost, but then the plantain cuckoo began to guess, the birds won everything back; someone hit him with a firebrand, now he has red feathers on his face; then the quadrupeds began to win again; the turkey hid several sticks, now they are in his paw; after that the birds began to win completely; giant: it’s time for me to leave, I’m walking slowly; he went and hung his testicles (on a tree) and sat in their shade; when the quadrupeds lost their last stick, the day sowed for the first time; those whom the birds killed are no longer on earth; the coyote sided with the birds; the arrows of birds did not harm the giant; the lizard decided to help, shot the giant in the sole, where his heart was; he died; the snake went into a crevice, the birds shot arrows at it; in the thickets where the bear disappeared, there are now many bears]: 23-25, 25-27; Jicarilla : Opler 1938, No. IV.C [daytime birds and animals play against the Bear and night birds led by the Owl in a game of chance (moccasin game); if they win, there will be day, and if they lose, then eternal night; plantain cuckoo: I bet the sun will rise ! owl: I bet it won't rise !; The first to guess correctly was the plantain cuckoo; (further details about the course of the game); when the owls who were playing on the side began to lose, they ran, because they did not want to see the rising sun; but the rays scorched them, so the fur is yellowish in places; and those who wished for the day to come chose their own colors, and therefore are variegated; the moccasins left after the game turned into stones and are now visible; the bear disappeared into the thickets, where it now lives; the snake disappeared into a crack in the rock, they shot at it with bows; While flying away, the owl hit the plantain cuckoo with a firebrand, leaving a burn mark under the eyes; coyote: I bet there will be no stars at night! partridge: There's nothing you can do! (more about how the fox tricked the coyote into sealing his eyes with tar)]: 231-234; Mooney 1898a [people live in darkness in the nether world; Bear, Puma, Owl and other nocturnal animals want darkness, Magpie, Partridge and others want light; decide to play; those who wished for light win four times; for the first time Black Bear, then Brown, then Puma, Owl go into the darkness; accordingly the Morning Star, the dawn, more light, the Sun appear; The sun tells people to come up; they build four hills at the cardinal points, on each they plant plants with fruits of corresponding colors: black in the east, blue in the south, yellow in the west, variegated in the north; the hills stop growing when two girls go to pick berries; this is why boys do not grow after their first contact with women; feathers are too light to make a ladder out of; four bison expose their horns; people come to the ground; the horns have been crooked since then; the earth is covered with water, four winds of corresponding colors dry it]: 198-199; Navajo [The player steals Pueblo Indian valuables; the hero sleeps with the Player's wife; wins against him; shoots it into the sky]: Matthews 1994: 82-87; Hopi [Player - eagle man; kidnaps the hero's wife; competitions: smoke a poisonous pipe (the mole helps the hero remove the smoke); break the horn (the Spider tells which of the horns is wooden); pull out the pine tree (the mole gnaws the roots); eat a lot of food (the mole helps hide the excess); survive the fire]: Mullett 1993: 84-88; Zuni [brothers Ayauta they come to play with the Player, they lose; he fries them; their grandmother sends their four sisters to help; three also lose even themselves; the fourth throws the Player's dice into the fire; playing with his own, he wins; A. they cut out the Player’s eyes, throw them into the sky, they turn into the Evening and Morning Stars; The player releases a fireball; people close their doors, the ball rolls past the village]: Parsons 1930, No. 12: 45-46; Western you are looking for (Acoma) [Player steals valuables; the hero plays with him, the last bet is the heart; instead of a heart, the hero takes out the Player’s eyes, throws them to the sky, they turn into stars; The player attempts to destroy the world with a stream of burning tar; rain pours fire]: Benedict 1930 [players play on people's lives, Kaupata most dangerous of all; The sun sends his son to change the rules, to play only for valuables and decorations; he wins; cuts out K.'s eyes, turns them into two bright stars; K. sets the world on fire; birds fight fire, acquiring their current colors (a raven becomes black, a hummingbird flies through a rainbow, becomes motley); rain pours fire]: 62-65; Boas 1928a [Player steals rains, people; tells you to guess four times what is in two vessels; The Sunny Youth names beads, butterflies, pebbles, the Pleiades; then ants, bumblebees, wasps, Orion; the last ones in each series of answers are correct; The player releases the Pleiades, flying to the west, agrees to be killed; The Solar Youth takes out his eyes with a flint knife, throws them to the south, they turn into stars (it is not specified which ones)]: 76-82, 253-254 [summary]; White 1932 [ Kaubat rapes a girl, she gives birth to twins; they come to him to play; win; one of them correctly guesses that there are stars in the bag]: 165-168; have fun : Smithson, Euler 1994: 44-49 [woman's son grows up without a father; wants to find a wife; the mother says that women's fathers kill their suitors; these are Starlings (? - Blackbirds), then they turn into Hopi Indians; the young man meets two sisters, they say that they are not married, in fact their husband is Starling; when he arrives, the young man tells his sisters to give their husband the clothes that he gave them when he married them; the eldest gives him a piece of flesh from her body, he places it on his beak, since then starlings have red feathers on their beak and wings; along the way, the older sister dies because of this; the young man and his youngest burned her and came to his mother; the mother went with her daughter-in-law to collect seeds, she disappeared; the husband tossed the feathers - it turned out that his wife was carried away to heaven; the husband goes up there, the old woman says that the Wind holds her in the kiva in the middle of the village; The wind offers competitions: whose hair is longer; other; who runs faster? when the Wind turned into a tornado, the young man knocked off his head with a stick; descended with his wife to earth; their mother built a house for them; In the morning Thunder came, then clouds of heavenly birds, Rain, but the young man fought off; so four days; a young man with his wife and mother flee to the south; the mother loses strength; a young man and his wife come to the horizon, from there to the sky, lower their mother’s rope, lift it to themselves], 62-69 [people come to the Sun to play; he gives the guests corn porridge from the eye fluid of killed people, beans from kidneys, pumpkin from intestines, human flesh instead of venison, tears instead of drinking water; having tasted this, people lose, the Sun kills them; Puma tells Coyote to collect flint arrows and fragments in a bag and throw them towards the sun; he does not take the fragments, so only old people were reborn in the village, but not children; two Squirrel brothers ask Badger to dig an underground passage to the Sun; he digs badly, crookedly; the same Gopher (prairie dog), Groundhog (ground squirrel); Pocket Gopher digs well; the Squirrel brothers, Puma, and Coyote approach the house of the Sun through the passage; he orders 1) to split the elk horn (Squirrel splits); 2) orders the daughters to bring water, porridge, meat; only Coyote drinks and eats it (others understand that all this is from the bodies of the killed); The sun tells his daughters to sharpen their vaginal teeth; Squirrel inserts the penis, putting a sheath of mountain ram's horn on it, breaking the teeth, after which Coyote and the others copulate; 3) the antelope of the Sun loses in a race to the deer of the elder Belka; Coyote cuts down the Sun, but does not tear out the heart, but only cuts off the hand; fire haunts everyone; stones and water cannot protect animal people from heat; ants hide underground; the Rabbit's back was burned (the origin of the dark spots on his skin); the fly, then the bee report that the earth has cooled; those hiding come out and turn into animals]; wallapai [the sun has a wife and two daughters; they kill the suitors with their vaginal teeth, their father eats the bodies; Coyote told his two brothers, Makwitia (the eldest) and Kah a waga; so that the Sun would not notice him, M. asked Coyote to dig an underground passage; he did not dig, other burrowing animals continued, the gopher finished; The sun offers dried meat to those who come; M.: This is human flesh, whoever eats it will be defeated; The sun proposes a running competition, the loser will have his genitals cut off; the daughters of the Sun undressed and exposed themselves; The coyote is ready to rush towards them; M. stopped him, began to copulate himself, putting a mountain ram horn on his penis, and broke off his teeth with it, although the girls bit with all their might; since then the head of the penis has been red; after that the rest got along with the girls; M.'s people brought the ball in first; Coyote cut off the Sun's testicles; he jumped in pain, the earth caught fire, all the animals and plants died; Rabbit (Cottontail) asked the sedge if it would burn completely; no, it will only burn on top; The rabbit hid under her roots, only the back of her head was burned, since then there has been dark fur]: Kroeber 1935: 272-275; NE yavapai : Gifford 1933a: 349-364 [people lived underground at the bottom of a deep sinkhole; there grew a pine tree (“dog-tail tree”), entwined with vines; people got out along it to the ground, their leader was Hanyiko’ (Frog); his shaman daughter made him sick; before his death, he ordered to burn it and watch the stars; when two stars appear in the east before sunrise - these are the feathers decorating his head; after 2 months 5 stars will appear - this is his right hand; after 3 months it will become cold, his whole body will be visible; the red star will mark 4 months; corn will grow on his grave; when the corpse is burned, everyone surrounds the fire, but Coyote jumps over the short Badger, grabs it, carries it away, and eats the heart; before this, people said that the deceased would be reborn in four days; Coyote: let him die forever; H. died forever; they agreed with Coyote; his daughter died, people refused to change their mind; snow; people: the mountains were covered with cornmeal; Coyote: snow; therefore snow is not made of cornmeal; when it rained, the dry tree did not get wet; Coyote: let it get wet; due to the fact that Coyote took possession of H.'s heart, water gushed out from the hole from which the people came to the ground; people placed all kinds of seeds and a girl in a hollowed out pine tree trunk and sealed it; after the flood the girl came out, the rest died; she lay down so that water was dripping into her vagina, the sun was shining on her; conceived and gave birth to a girl; she grew up, her mother placed her in the same place, but Water and the Sun did not want to converge with their daughter; then the mother covered her with her body and the daughter became pregnant; her son Skatakaamcha; his mother was carried away by an eagle and fed to her chicks; he broke the leg of a partridge; when he repaired it, she told about the fate of his mother; S. decided to kill a monstrous bull (buffalo?); The badger dug an underground passage under it, S. stuck a red-hot knife into the monster and killed it; put on a blood-filled stomach; the eagle brought it to the nest; the eaglets say that the prey is alive, the eagle does not believe it; the eagle flew away, an eagle flew in, S. killed her with a hatchet; ordered the eaglets to be silent; killed the eagle when it returned; threw the eaglets out of the nest; made the rock twice as low, but no more; The Bat lowered him in a basket; he opened his eyes, the Bat fell and was injured, S. cured her; came to grandma, she was crying; he threw eagle feathers at her, said that he killed both eagles; married; The wind stole his wife; The Spider warns that the Wind offers to compete and kills the losers; S. beat him in a game with a ball and a ring; won a competition to see whose hair is longer; The wind struck S. with a knife 4 times without causing any harm; S. killed him with a knife; threw one hand to the east, the other to the south, one foot to the west, the other to the north: let the wind blow from different directions; S. returned his wife; grandma: there is bad Chewasistesikkaamcha; S. came to his house and slowly threw away the food, afraid of being poisoned; killed Ch. with a knife; Bear's arrow reed; S. invites him to marry his grandmother; he gave the reed; believes that the best tips are carbon; S. killed him with a flint; wood for the ends of Owl's arrows; S. offered him his grandmother as a wife; she found the Owl's heart, it is on the sole; S. shot there and killed Sova; bow tree in a canyon with converging and diverging walls; S. thrust a deer antler between them; went east to his father the Sun; the Sun's wife warns that the Sun will try to kill S. in the steam room; but S. is not afraid of the heat; The Sun recognized him as his son and gave him the choice of a horse; a man on a cliff kicks passers-by; his back was rooted to the rock; S. lets the fox go first, it dodges; then a rattlesnake, a man is afraid of it; S. disconnected it from the rock with an ax and threw it into the abyss; below, 6-7 women devour the fallen; S. threw that man’s stomach into the fire, it burst into the women’s eyes, S. hacked them to death; there was a boy there, he ran to the cave, S. could not get him, left the snakes to guard, but they fell asleep; the boy left, creating new ones like him; grandma: you can't handle them], 373-377 [The Sun always beats Coyote in a game in which the participants kick a ball with a stick; in the end Coyote even lost his son, daughter, wife and leg; The sun cut off his leg, Coyote made himself a wooden one; Coyote came to Squirrel and asked him and his people to go play with the Sun; in his house the Sun sees each of those passing by and sends them back; only Hummingbird was able to sneak in undetected; under the leadership of Belka, animal people dug an underground passage into the house of the Sun; The squirrel orders not to eat or drink what is offered, otherwise they will lose; sat down where the Sun usually sat, refused to change places; they began to play a game where they hide a yucca root disk under a pile of earth; only the Sun and the Rabbit never made a mistake; but at midnight the Sun got tired and began to lose; The Sun sent the Rabbit to lie with his daughters; continued to play with other participants and lost everything, including Coyote's leg; in the morning competition with the two sons of the Sun - run, kicking the ball; the sons of the Sun overtake both Rabbits (Rabbit and Jackrabbit), but cannot get the ball over the rock; The rabbit wins, the Sun allows himself to be killed with a stone hatchet; Belka tore off the Sun's hand and threw it into the sky, the hand became the current sun; The sun has been flayed; Squirrel: just don’t drop anything on the ground; but Coyote cut a piece out of the Sun's belly and laid it on a rock; the ground caught fire; everyone burned down, turning into red ants], 402-412 [people live underground; the younger brother invites the elder to illuminate the world; he makes a disk, smears it with ocher, hangs it, but the light is twilight; the younger one makes a disk of white lime and smears it with ocher; it is made light, but too hot; the younger brother asks the elder to raise the sky with a reed pole, he did it; at night the older brother touches the genitals of his two daughters; they hide on the shore under a willow, where he relieves himself, and swallow his excrement; he begins to lose strength, orders him to be cremated after death; the people sent Coyote for fire, at which time they lit a fire, standing around; The badger was shorter than the others, Coyote jumped over him, carried away the heart and ate him; it was necessary to put earth on the burnt heart so that cultivated plants would grow; and so only one stalk of corn grew; the best cobs went to the Hopi and Navajo, and the worst to the Yavapai; people decided to get out to the upper world; The hummingbird found a hole in the sky; under the guidance of their younger brother, they planted a pine tree and a vine that entwined it; they climbed up, but the old man and his two granddaughters remained; when we got to the ground, water gushed out of the hole; the flood was caused by those two daughters of the elder brother who turned into frogs; people hollowed out a pine tree, placed a girl and food supplies inside, and sealed it; only the girl was saved, the rest drowned; she lay down, exposing her vagina to the rays of the sun and under the drops of water, conceived and gave birth to a daughter; she grew up, tried to repeat everything, but the Sun and Water recognized their daughter, conception did not happen; then the mother covered her daughter’s body with her body, the Sun and Water did not notice the substitution; daughter gave birth to a son Matinyaupakaamcha; the eagle took her to his nest and ate her, M. stayed with the grandmother; broke a bird's leg with a stone; ta: if you cure me, I’ll say something; Having learned that the old woman was not his mother, but his grandmother, he killed the eagle, on the advice of his grandmother, by heating the tip of the spear; grandmother sends to kill a bison (ox); a badger and a gopher dug an underground passage under a lying bison; the mouse plucked the fur from the place where the heart was, explaining that its children were freezing; M. pierced the bison from below; he thrust his horn into the underground passage, but M. dodged; made a cape from the skin, and under it was the blood of a buffalo; let the eagle grab him; blood gushed out, the bison decided that M. had been killed; the chicks see that the prey is alive, but the eagle does not believe; when she flew away, M. found out where the eagle would fly; becoming a lizard, he smeared with resin the places where the male and female sit; killed an eagle; ordered the chicks to be silent, otherwise they would kill them; The Bat lowered M. in a basket, telling him to close his eyes; he opened it, they fell, M. broke the Bat’s bones, but healed her; M. looked into the grandmother’s house through a hole in the roof; called her; grandma: the wind whistles; seeing her grandson, she began to dance for joy; a bald eagle carried M. to an island on the lake; there are already many prisoners there; M. ordered the captives to put crushed flint in the eagles’ food and hide by digging an underground passage; the eagles died; A crane stretches its leg across the lake; people cross it like a bridge; children fall into the water and turn into ducks; M. decides to make a bow; the grandmother warns every time about the dangers of where to look for materials for the bow; bow wood where canyon walls meet and diverge; M. put a deer antler between them and took out the material; arrow reeds owned by Owl; M.: I propose marriage with my grandmother; The owl is glad, he himself gave the reed; when the Owl arrived, M. told the grandmother to find out where his heart was; in the sole of the foot; M. shot there and killed Sova; the grandmother straightened her vulva like an arrow; when M. looked, the arrow broke; where the flint is for the tips, sparks fly out; M. covered himself with a turtle shell and took out a flint; wood for the front of the arrows, owned by Bear; M. invited him to marry his grandmother; said he makes arrowheads from coal; The bear believed, shot at M. with an arrow with a coal tip, and M. at him with an arrow with a flint tip, killing him; grandmother: butcher the deer in a clearing, not under a tree; M. began to butcher under the tree; a naked woman came down from the tree and chased M. in order to get along with him; the grandmother hid it under the hearth; but the woman began to write there, M. got out; M. made penises from blue stone, quartz, lava and clay, used each one one night, breaking off the woman’s vaginal teeth; she became his wife; she is actually a bear; offered to hunt him; he hung his clothes on a post; three or four bears rushed at her, M. killed them, pulled out their fangs and claws; The spider told M. that the Wind took his wife away; let M. compete with him outside, and not in his cave; who will kick the ball faster; M. won all the captives and the life of the Wind; whoever has longer hair - M. won again, killed the Wind with a club; they spent the night in the Wind Cave; the wife became snakes in front of the entrance, M. jumped over them; M. went to look for his father the Sun; along the way he spent the night with people who wanted to kill him; at night he covers his eyes with pebbles (“glass eyes”), the owners think that he is awake; wife of the Sun to her husband: your son has come; he wants to test the newcomer, invites him to the steam room; M. keeps giving in to the steam and says that it is cold, the Sun believes that he is his son; M. tamed the horse and rode home; The Sun and the Cloud began to argue over him; each painted one half of his body; M. returned east to the Sun, and grandmother went west into the ocean].

NW Mexico. Or [{second half – European borrowing}; the leader of the vultures brings the young man to heaven; orders 1) to sow the field, 2) to bring firewood, 3) to build a temple; the vulture's daughter helps the young man do this; they run; the father-in-law does not find his son-in-law when he turns into a tadpole; into an aquatic plant; the mother-in-law overtakes the fugitives at the border of the earthly world; promises his daughter that her husband will leave her; he returns to his earthly wife]: Giddings 1959: 68.

Mesoamerica. Tarasky [Cupantzieeri (Sol despojado de los cabellos {"The scalped sun?}, or perhaps more accurately Apantzieeri ("ball player") goes to play ball with Ahchuri-hirepe (La noche que apresura, "The rapidly approaching night "), loses, is sacrificed by him in Xacona ("House of Night"); after his death, his son Sira-tatáperi is born; while hunting he is going to shoot an iguana with a bow; she asks not to kill it, talks about the fate of his father; S. finds, digs up his father’s corpse, carries it on his back; on the way, a flock of quails (codornizes) takes off towards him, he puts the corpse on the ground to shoot the birds, the corpse turns into a deer with a tail and mane (crines a la cerviz), runs away to the right, perhaps , to where those who later came (the Spaniards) then came from]: Relación 1989: 259 (retelling and interpretation in Corona Núñez 1957: 20-22 [according to Seler, the name Sira-tatáperi means “the main root or trunk from which, like side shoots, people sprouted"; in Cuitzeo, Michoacan, they still play on dark nights with a burning-smoldering ball made from the dry root of maguey; the drawing from the codex (fig.1) shows a ball court framed by stars and two players apparently playing with the sun]; German. lane in Krickeberg 1928: 169); Uasteki [the young man Heart of Corn (SK) lived with his grandmother, constantly playing melodies (apparently on the flute); these sounds irritated the big judge on the other side; he sent twice to tell the Investigative Committee to shut up; the third time he ordered him to be brought; a crocodile swam out with a boat, SK kicked him, he disappeared into the water, called the turtles, they formed a chain, SK crossed the river along it; listened to the judge, returned, began to play again; they brought him again, the judge orders 1) to wash the house (washes quickly), 2) to wash where the bees, wasps, hornets are, they are all black (washed, painted everything yellow, the insects became yellow-black striped); 3) play catch with the referee with an iron ball; SK threw the ball to the sky, it fell on the referee’s head, he died]: Relatos Huastecos 1994: 76-95; otomi [the woman kept her daughter in a box and did not let her out; the young man made wooden spoons and bowls and came disguised as a salesman; the girl asked her mother to buy it; Seeing him, the girl felt itching; when she went to swim and took off her dress, she found a grain of corn in it; she rubbed it and threw it into the water, the shrimp took care of it, the fish raised it, and since then some have had dark spots on their backs; the boy grew up and asked the girls who were washing clothes to take him across the river; they refused; then he persuaded them to stand in a row to cross on their backs; as he walked, the girls turned into frogs; came to his mother, she was making clay vessels, he broke them with arrows; she began to scold him, he explained that he was her son, whom she ground and threw into the water; he began to play his grandfather's musical instrument; She ordered to stop: another, evil, grandfather would hear, he killed the one who was playing; he came, took the young man to the temazcal, closed the door, gave him a couple; opened it, intending to cut up and eat the boiled one; the bathhouse was empty, the young man came up from the source, all wet; then the grandfather suggested separating the black grains from the white ones; the young man crossed the vessel, the grains separated; but the grandfather could not separate; the young man offered to catch the thrown stone; the young man caught; he himself threw a stone, and when it fell, he threw corn thorns (espigas) into his grandfather’s eyes, the stone hit him in the head and killed him; I asked my mother for flatbreads, she replied that they only eat bones here, there is nothing else; he ordered to take the pot, it boiled, and there were cakes in it; ordered the field to be prepared, the first corn grew on it]: Oropeza Escobar 2007: 185-191; tepeua [Thunders tell the young corn god to 1) eat a lot of food (the rodent Agouti makes holes in the vessels), 2) play with an iron ball (catches balls, kills opponents with them)]: Williams García 1972: 91; mountain totonaki [girl rejects suitors; the musician turns into a flea, penetrates her, clinging to her clothes; becomes a man at night; playing the violin; four Thunders hear the game and order him to be shot; a woman gives birth to a boy, he dies; she buries him, corn grows on the grave; a woman makes bread from green cobs; he is bitter, she throws him into the river; fish eat it, the turtle carries away a piece on its back; the piece turns into a boy; when he grows up, she leaves him on the shore; The crocodile wants to swallow him; the young man orders him to open his mouth, cuts off his tongue, and cuts him into four parts; puts them with river foam in four reeds; pieces of tongue turn into lightning; the young man calls his father from the grave, carries him on his back, and tells him not to be afraid; a leaf falls, the father gets scared, turns into a deer, runs away; the boy's mother makes pots; he smashes them with arrows; tells her who he is; predicts that she will be called the grandmother of all creatures; he plays the violin and harp like his father; The Thunders send the Fly, then the Vulture, and the Hawk to find the musician; a young man hides in a flute; the second time the Fly finds him; The Thunders offer competition; 1) playing ball (they cannot kill a young man with a ball); 2) who will eat the beans and corn faster (the ants take away pieces of food from the young man’s mouth); 2) who drinks a lot of water faster (the Mole makes a hole in the young man’s vessel, the water pours out); 4) steam room (the brooms of the Thunders withered, the broom of the young man was covered with flowers); the young man gives Thunderbolts lightning, orders them to create thunderstorms and showers (previously there were no clouds); youth - corn, reborn annually]: Ichon 1969, No. III-10: 68-69; nahuatl Veracruz: González Cruz 1984 [young corn god stays alive 1) in the room with moving knives (stops them forever), 2) in the room with snakes]: 223; Münch 1983a [a hunter sees two doves turn into girls, bathe in the river; hides the clothes of one of them; gets married; her cannibal father demands the site be cleared with a weaver's sword; the wife does this, harvests the next day; the cannibal pursues them; she throws a rag, a comb, salt; vines, thorns, and the sea appear; the cannibal stops pursuing; the wife turns into a flower, the husband into the stem of those plants that people eat (corn?)]: 162-163; mountain in the afternoon [the old woman Tsitsimat saw an egg in the lake and began to catch it with a net; I realized that this was a reflection, and the egg was on the tree; She told her husband to get it, and the boy Homsuk hatched from the egg; he shoots fish and lizards with a bow; I realized that the old man wanted to eat him; hid under the roof, taking a bat with him; the old man climbed up, the bat cut off his head; the old woman drank the blood that poured out, thinking that it was the blood of the young man; rushed after him; the person he met replied that X. had been passing here for a long time; the old woman burned, Kh. ordered the Toad to throw away the ashes; she opened the bag, the ashes turned into poisonous snakes and insects; when H. was little, he always cried; the mother ground it and threw it into the water; now he came to her, asked where his father was; He went to the land of Thunders and died ; The turtle took H. across the sea; she got hurt, she came back; because the Rabbit cured her, Kh. gave him horns; The deer began to compete with him, the antlers suited him better, he took them for himself; Kh. arrives to the Thunders, who put him in a cage with snakes and jaguars; Kh. easily pacifies them, sitting first on a snake, then on a jaguar; remains unharmed in a house filled with arrows; sits in a hammock over a waterfall; when Groms sit in the hammock, the rodent bites the rope, Groms fall and die; one remains, asks not to kill him, revives Father X.; X. sends an animal (lizard) to tell his mother to laugh when the dead man returns; the lizard told her to cry and bite the ground; X's father died again; H. tore the lizard's tongue in two]: Elson 1947: 195-213; (cf. Foster 1945a, No. 1 [the old woman saw an egg in the river, began to catch it with a net; realized that it was a reflection, and the egg was on a tree; told her husband to get it, the boy Homshuk hatched from the egg; he shoots minnows with a bow; minnows say that he is just an egg caught in a net; the old woman tells him not to pay attention; the same with the blackbirds in the forest; the old woman tells him to return the caught minnows to the water, revive and release the dead blackbirds; hid under the roof, ordering the bat to cut off the old man’s head; the old woman drank the blood that poured out, thinking that it was X.’s blood; burnt out; on the seashore Kh. beats the drum; Hurricane sends to find out who it is; I am the one who sprouts in the knees, who blooms ; Hurricane again asks X. to name himself, he names him, says that he is the one who is peeled and eaten; H. asks Tarantula to build him a house, because... Now the Hurricane will come; in the morning Hurricane's people again find H. beating a drum on the shore; The turtle agrees to transport him across the sea, but returns because... her shell cracks on her stomach under his weight; this type of turtle is pecho quebrado; the larger one transports it to the country of the Hurricane, for which H. paints it brightly; Hurricane puts him in a cell with snakes; with jaguars; in the morning he sits on a snake; on a jaguar; with arrows; H. orders them to be servants of man, binds them; who throws a stone across the sea; H. asks the woodpecker to knock on the tree when he throws a stone, as if the stone had fallen and jumped up; and when the Hurricane threw, there was no sound of the fall; Hurricane offers to transport H. across the ocean using a hammock; swings, thinking that he fell out and drowned; X. did not fall out; when Hurricane and his people sit in the hammock, H. asks the agouti to gnaw the roots of the trees to which the hammock is tied; everyone is drowning, Hurricane himself escaped, but broke his leg after falling from a height; recognizes the power of X., promises to water it in June-July]: 191-194; Maya Yucatan (Uxmal) [the old woman finds an egg, a dwarf boy emerges from it; orders him to challenge the ruler's son to a competition; teaches how to complete difficult tasks; 1) various competitions in strength and dexterity, the dwarf repeats what the ruler does; 2) the ruler orders a high temple to be built overnight (the old woman builds the Temple of the Wizard (aka the House of the Dwarf - the main temple of Uxmal), the dwarf wakes up on its top); 3) they hit each other with a heavy sack (the old woman orders a cake to be placed on her head; the dwarf is alive, the opponent dies from the blow); dwarf proclaimed ruler]: Stephens 1842(2): 423-425 (Stephens 1962{1843},2: 166 adds that in Mani (east of Uxmal) there is a well, at the bottom of which there is a cave leading to Merida; in the cave That old woman sits by the stream under a tree, with snakes nearby; she sells water in small quantities not for money, but for the children that the snake feeds); in the evening [cm. motif J4B; brothers Blood-Akhpu and Shbalanke invited to play ball at Xibalbu ; they send a mosquito to bite all the rulers of Sh. in turn; each asks the other who stung him, calling him by name; the mosquito tells the names of the young men, warns that the first figures are wooden, they should not be greeted; twins do not sit on a hot bench; 1) spend the night in the House of Darkness, illuminating it with the feathers of a red parrot, placing fireflies on the ends of the cigars (thus fulfilling the requirement to return the torches and cigars intact); 2) win the game by playing with their own ball; 3) spend the night in the House of Knives (they promise the Knives the meat of all animals); 4) they bring flowers of four colors, guarded by two Swallows (they send ants to cut them off; the lords of Sh. punish the Swallows by tearing their mouths); 5) spend the night in the House of Ice (burning pine branches); 6) in the House of Jaguars (they throw bones to them); 7) in the House of Fire (do not burn); 8) in the House of Bats with sharp blades; the brothers hide in their blowpipes; HA looks out, they cut off his head, hang it on the ball court; Shb. replaces his brother's head with a turtle; during the game of Lord Shib. chasing a rabbit, mistaking it for a ball; at this moment Shb. returns his brother's head; brothers kill rulers or deprive them of their power]: Popol-Vuh 1959: 32-78; Lacandons [the owner of the underworld tells his son-in-law 1) to repopulate the forest with moles, which he had previously exterminated; 2) weed the field and tidy up the father-in-law’s yard (it’s infested with snakes); 3) prepare an intoxicating drink for the father-in-law; 4) steal from him flower of immortality ]: Boremanse 1986: 87-90, 296; 1989: 82; kakchikeli [husband went to Cerima to get money; saw the gate, identified himself, replied that he wanted to talk to the main boss; for this you need to overcome trials; he forded the river, the water in it was up to his eyes; passed by jaguars and other predators; he was asked to lift a bag of money, but he couldn’t; they offered to take, as much as he raises, he gets as much; The gentleman promised to give money on the condition that when he rode, having two more horses with him, to Kantaria (a place nearby), a person should recognize him and call out to him; the man returned three days later, thought he had been away for several hours; at midnight he came to the outskirts of K., saw a gentleman with horses loaded with money, but was frightened and did not call out; The gentleman galloped off; person missing]: Hinojosa 1999: 116-118; Tzutuhil [the poor young man turns into a hummingbird and enters the garden of the king’s two daughters; one of them tells her father that she would like to use a hummingbird as a pattern for her weaving; going out to buy fruit, both sisters meet the same young man in the form of a man, fall in love, and invite him to their place for the night; hearing laughter at night, the king sends a bug (the young man kills him), a louse (he is blind and does not see), a flea (the girls kill him), a firefly (he sees and reports everything); one of the sisters gives birth to a son; the king tells the young man 1) to prepare the plot ( zompopos work instead of him); 2) sow in a day (the young man throws red scarves, they turn into pepper; from the seeds thrown into the middle of the field, the whole field is sown); 3) clean a bag of rice (ants do this), 4) bring cachos de los animales (animal bones?), the young man brings, it turns out that’s what the king calls firewood; the young man and both wives run away; the king asks the angel to strike them with lightning; the young man turns his wives into dolls, hides them among curls of won , but lightning incinerates both; the young man brings a vessel with his mother’s ashes and orders it not to be opened; in his absence, she hears a noise inside, removes the lid, and two doves fly out; wives are lost forever]: Petrich 1997: 161-166; work [god Oev Akchi falls in love with Maria Marcao , daughter Mataktani ; turns into a hummingbird; MM wants a bird as a sample for a design on fabric; lovers spend the night together; in the morning M. finds the door locked; sends a louse, it drinks blood, gets drunk, and does not return; for this she was left to live on the street, drink blood; dies; sends a flea, the same (M. makes it useless, preventing people from sleeping); the firefly is ordered to penetrate through the roof and illuminate the room; he says that the hummingbird has turned into a man, sleeping with MM; the firefly was given a light to shine at night; MO marries MM, father-in-law orders 1) immediately sow corn, ayotes, chilacayotes, beans (M tells her husband to measure the field, leave the machete on it, go to sleep; an insect like an ant does all the work; AO brings the father-in-law a harvest); 2) build a house (there are no trees around; MM gives AO his breast milk to spray the hill, leave a machete on the ground; when AO wakes up, there are trees around; he builds a house); 3) build a temazcal and collect firewood (there is no dry wood around; MM orders to leave the machete on a hill where there are a lot of stones; AO wakes up, there is firewood around); 4) M tells MM and AO to take a steam bath first, closes all the holes; the mole digs a hole, the lovers run away; they come to a narrow passage, MM gets stuck, her father strikes her with lightning; AO collects her bones in a handkerchief, comes to his aunt, puts the bones in a vessel, closes it, tells his aunt not to touch it; it opens to see what’s inside; bones turn into deer, rabbits, wild pigs, and other animals; see motif B30]: Colby, Colby 1981: 181-183.

Honduras - Panama. Kuna [the future Sun wooes the Crocodile's youngest daughter; he surrounds him with fire in the garden plot; armadillos and fish make an underground passage, the Sun escapes; The crocodile proposes a competition to see who can stay alive in a burning house; The sun withstands the heat, the Crocodile burns; his spine is thrown into the river, becomes a crocodile; The sun lifts the bride into the sky; the rest of Crocodile's family are thrown into the fire by his brothers]: Chapin 1989: 74-76.

Northern Andes. Embera [the master of the earth and the master of the underworld compete, both pass the test; 1) spend six days in a burning oven; 2) spend many days under water; var.: God emerges young from a boiling fire, only bones remain from the jaguar]: Pinto García 1978: 134-136; who : Preuss 1926, no. 9 [Niuálue puts on the vulture's clothes, at that time white; the leader of the vultures in the guise of a man catches him and gives him to his daughter; the hero lives with her; the shaman locks them in the house and sets it on fire; the hero takes the seeds and shoots of all cultivated plants and flies away with his wife; his clothes turn black; invites father-in-law and mother-in-law to visit; they walk through an area prepared for burning; the spouses set it on fire, the father-in-law and mother-in-law burn]: 205-211; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985(2), No. 6 [together with the vulture people and the Thunder people (Makú) Duginavi lives in the sky; asks the King of Vultures to lend him his white robe to come down to earth; on the ground he cultivates the field (puso a hacer un sembrado), feeds on fallen animals, and returns at night; Thunder's people are surprised that he has a lot of food; Téiku (inventor of axes and machetes) and Nyiueldue (owner of gold, boats, trees) set a trap, catch D., N. puts him in a cage, leaves his daughter to guard; D. turns into a man and gets along with the girl; N. locks the lovers in the house and sets it on fire; D. covers the girl from the fire and ash with his wings, since then the feathers of the Royal Vulture from the back seem to have been burnt; when two unripe calabashes prepared by D. in advance burst, N. thinks that the lovers have burned; D. brings the girl to his field, there are cassava, yams, and sweet potatoes; N.'s crop died from drought; N. sees ants dragging pieces of yam, etc.; comes to the field, does not recognize D.; he sends him to the middle of the plot to dig cassava, sets the plot on fire; N. burns, and the King of the Vultures, who lent D. his clothes, flies out of the smoke; see further motif G9, motif K8A]: 38-40; witness [a man goes after his dead wife; she disappears, he ends up with Thunder (Mareiwa, creator); he gives tasks; the daughter of Thunder helps to fulfill them; 1) bring a snake (catch with a noose), 2) cut down the forest (the ax cuts itself), 3) cultivate and sow the field (the digger works itself; it is enough to sow one seed), 4) build a corral (the poles fold themselves); lovers flee; by the seashore a girl turns into a tree, Thunder runs past; then returns, throws lightning, misses the tree; Thunder stops the pursuit]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986(1), no. 106: 299-301.

Llanos. Sikuani : Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 101 [text contains European motifs; the young men go to woo the king's daughter; on the way they meet an old woman; She guides the one who shares food with her on the right path; he buries himself in the ground, plays the flute, and a flower grows in this place; the flower and the game attract the princess; she carries out difficult tasks for him: 1) cut down trees (the ax becomes dull, the princess cuts the trees with her hair), 2) kill a deer (her gun shoots, he doesn’t), 3) burn the vegetation on the site (she lights a match, he can’t ), 4) sow a lot of maize (he digs holes, does not have time to sow, she scatters the grains), 5) shoot fish (his bowstring breaks, she fishes out the fish with a vine); the spouses run, become doves, tsar gets entangled in thorns created at the request of his daughter], 141 [father-in-law Wereketo assigns his son-in-law more and more work; asking for palm starch, he tells the tree to grow; the young man asks the Caracara bird to call his (the young man!) grandfather, the Royal Vulture, for help; The vulture lowers the young man to the ground, and the palm tree falls; the young man returns home in the guise of a water snake, lives in his mother’s womb; crawling out of the womb, climbs a tree, drops pendare fruits to the mother; when the snake was in the tree, the mother ran away and hid; the serpent came in the form of a young man; enters the river, when he greets his father, thunder is heard; the mother dies, her spirit ends up where her son is]: 373-375, 476-477; guayabero [at first there is water everywhere; Wamek sets the wax on fire, it spreads over the water, and earth is formed; V. makes plants and animals; Laman lazy; V. sends him for water; he sees the reflection of two women sitting on a branch; they spat, he brought them home; they like V., they went to him; V. plays ball with his wives; L. brings a parrot-snake, which takes the form of a ball; V. was bitten in the back of the head; comes to life after three days; his grandmother was unhappy and refused to warm the water to rinse his mouth; V. goes to heaven, followed by his grandmother; L. goes underground with the spirits game ]: Schindler 1977a: 221-222.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritare : Civrieux 1960: 180-185 and 1980: 89-93 [Thunder's sister digs cassava on his property; for this he kills her; takes two boys out of her womb; the youngest wants to marry the daughters of Thunder; the bird Trogon collaris gives him a drink that allows him to do any work, tells him that Thunder killed his mother; the hero 1) clears the plot, 2) builds a house, 3) weaves bags for squeezing juice from cassava; Thunder intends to kill his son-in-law; he replaces it with a reed for throwing lightning; kills him; he himself becomes Thunder], 97-99 [having sent his son-in-law to get fish from a trap, the father-in-law turns into a jaguar and tries to eat him; the son-in-law saves himself and sends his father-in-law into the forest, where he is eaten by ants; jaguars arise from drops of his blood], 103-108 [Mahanama and his wife have a pregnant daughter; she went for fruits; Jaguar's men shot her and ate her; among them were the Anteater, the Lizard, the Oriole, all of them were Stars; the child fell out of the stomach into the river and swam away; Sardine, then Perch, and Stingray swallowed it, it grew in their stomachs; began to go ashore, steal pepper from M.’s area, and return to Skat’s stomach; M. leaves the Caracara bird as a guard and catches the boy; he says that he is his grandson Kuamachi; promises to avenge his mother's death; kills the Anteater; meets Jaguar's daughter; The jaguar invites his son-in-law to hunt a paca in order to attack him in the form of a jaguar; K. makes a trap, kills Jaguar, kills his father; Jaguar's son indicates which of the skulls belongs to K.'s mother; K. brings it to his grandfather]; I'm sorry [bird Ramphocelus carbo married the daughter of a Mazama Americana deer; the father-in-law demanded the fruits of a peach palm tree from his garden, but there were palm trees with inedible fruits (without thorns, the fruit looks like the fruit of a peach palm tree); the son-in-law brought his own edible fruits, the father-in-law began to claim that he had collected them from him; suggested that his son-in-law inhale a hallucinogen, instead he gave him his intestinal gases in a calabash; his brother-in-law gave him a strong drug; the father-in-law began to cut off pieces of flesh from himself, turned into a deer, his son-in-law shot him, the deer was eaten]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, no. 102: 194-197; sanema [(Colchester 1981: 54); Oropendola married Deer's daughter; an episode with peach palm fruits, like among the Yanomami; the father-in-law began to cut off his flesh with a peccary tooth and turned into a deer]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, no. 103: 198; Yanomami : Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 104 [(Lizot MS); like sanem; son-in-law - cacique bird; The deer cuts off its flesh with a sharp shell; the wife tried to follow her father, but Cacique held her back], 105 [(Lizot MS); as in (104)]: 198-199, 200-201.

Guyana. Varrau : García 1993, No. 5 [to become a shaman, a young man fasts for 10 days and smokes tobacco; lies in a semi-fainting state by the river; a female vulture descends on him and turns into a woman; gives him bird clothes and wings, rises with him to heaven; the father of a vulture woman named Burecuamana gives his son-in-law tasks; 1) cut down a tree, the trunk is hard as stone, four different birds appear in the guise of people, they cannot cut it down, the Woodpecker appears fifth and cuts it down; 2) scoop out the pond with a cloth vessel; water pours into the holes, the bird lowers the vessel into the pond, it dries up; 3) catch fish (the man didn’t catch anything, the birds caught it); 4) make an image of the father-in-law from wood; the son-in-law turned into a lizard, but the father-in-law heard and disappeared; Then, in the ant, I noticed that my father-in-law, the vulture, had two heads, and cut out the image; 5) build a house at the entrance to heaven; caballito del diablo warns that the father-in-law will kill the man, orders him to run away, putting on wings; when he descended to the level of the treetops, the vulture wife asks him to return; Having been refused, he says that he will eat him when he dies; soon the man died, the vultures ate him; since then they have been eating corpses]: 39-42; Wilbert 1970, no. 45 [approximately as in (149)], 149 [a man was harpooning a fish; a two-headed female vulture descended from the sky - the daughter of the king of vultures; he caught her, she became his wife; offered to visit her father; giving him clothes made of feathers, she helped him fly; says that her father does not want to see him, asks 1) to bring firewood, 2) to bring water in a basket (he asked the old woman, she filled it while he was not looking); 3) make a dugout boat; around the rock, the wife says that these are such trees; the old dwarf cut a boat out of them with an ax while the man was not looking; the wife called the father to look at the work; the two-headed vulture came; the man blew off his heads with a stone club, put on feathers, and flew down; his wife did not catch up with him, otherwise she would have killed him; said that now vultures will eat human corpses]: 118-119, 315-318; karinya (Orinoco) [a man is jealous of his wife, she leaves; he comes to her father, lies down in a hammock; his son finds him dead; tobacco grows on the grave; the young man hides the wings of the arriving doves; doves lift him to heaven; there the old man and the old woman order 1) to make a stone bench, decorated with copies of the heads of the old man and the old woman; 2) dry the pond; 3) make a bridge; the helping spirit does everything; reports that these old man and old woman killed the father of the young man; when the young man felled the trunk to make a bridge, the wood chips turned into piranhas; the old man and the old woman stepped onto the bridge, it fell, they were eaten by piranhas, and their heads remained; the old woman's head rose to the sky and became the Morning Star; tells his daughters to avenge her; They gave the young man something to drink and lifted the sleeping man high up a tree; the eagle asks how he got here; a vine emerges from the eagle's excrement and a man climbs down it; the eagle wanted to kill him, but he hid in the water, returned to his mother, and gave her the eagle chick to raise; he grew up and began to bring deer and fish to the woman; she held a site clearing celebration; people came to help, one asked the eagle to bring him an old woman, the other a young one; so the eagle began to drag people; in one village they made a trap, a bait girl was caught in it, an eagle was caught and killed; the woman came, an avenger feather fell on her chest: all its fibers turned into diseases; a woman blew on them, they scattered around the world]: Civrieux 1974: 104-108; kalyna : Magaña 1987, no. 33 [a man pretends to be dead, leaves excrement next to him; The King's Vulture descends and the man kills him; the Vulture’s assistant invites him to take the place of the dead man and gives him wings; Vulture's wife suspects a substitution and invites her father to give her husband difficult assignments; 1) make a bench in the shape of the father-in-law’s head (the Fly climbs into the Vulture’s nostrils and tells the person what the head looks like); 2) get the arrow from the top of the ceiba (Belka brings it); 3) the same, from the top of the giant ceiba; the man runs back to earth; teaches others how to make wings; orders not to fly high; one man flies up, Vultures attack him, he falls, punching a hole in the ground; people forget how to make wings], 51 [a man takes a Vulture woman as his wife, ascends to heaven with her; the father-in-law suspects that it is a stranger and gives difficult tasks; 1) carve a bench with your image (oropendola tells what it is like); 2) build a house on a rock (the worm helps); 3) climb a tall tree; the man cannot do this, but other vultures hide him, he runs to the ground; the boy steals his wings and takes off; does not know how to use his wings, falls into the hands of vultures, they attack him, he falls, falls into the ground]: 242, 246; the chamber [Maichak kills a tapir, plays dead {by hiding in the carcass?}, captures a female vulture; every evening, returning home, he finds food cooked; M. waylaid and caught her, she is the queen of the Vultures; one day M. rises to heaven with her; the father-in-law demands 1) dry up the lake (dragonflies dry up), 2) build a house on the rock (animals are building), 3) make a bench with the image of the father-in-law (a bird flew past, a vulture stuck out its two heads, the son-in-law saw them); the father-in-law wants to kill his son-in-law, he hides on the mountain, a large lizard takes him down; he returns home, where his two sisters and brother grew up; M. became a fish, let himself be caught, became a man again, said that he was their brother]: Simpson 1940: 585-591 (=1944: 269-271); pemon [man marries Thunder's daughter; he demands to process the area before his return (birds perform this and other tasks); a man replaces Thunder's club with a powerless counterfeit; The man's younger brother turns into a tapir, Thunder kills him; a man puts a tapir's heart in a pot, it turns into a man-eating bird By urine ; birds kill M. with poisoned arrows; M.'s feathers turn into huge earthworms; reeds grow on the grave, from which blowguns are made]: Armellada 1973, No. 15: 61-63; taulipan [the enemies killed all the inhabitants of the village, Maitxaúle pretended to be dead and escaped; pretended to be dead again, vultures flocked, he caught the female, asked her to become a woman; she lives in his house, in the evenings he finds food cooked; finds a woman, she agrees to marry him; one day she asks to let her go, promises to return; returns with his two brothers, they give the man an outfit of feathers, the man rises to the sky with the vultures; his wife sends him to the Parrots' house to eat, they have kashiri (alcoholic drink); The father-in-law has two heads, he tells his son-in-law to 1) dry up the lake in two days (the water maidens dry it up, the vultures have eaten enough fish); 2) build a house on a rock (the worms made holes for the pillars, the bird put up the walls and roof); 3) make a bench decorated with two vulture heads (termites made it, the bench itself walked); the father-in-law drinks corn beer, M. hides a grain of corn in his mouth (there was no corn on earth yet); he orders the wasps to sting his father-in-law when he sits on the bench, the bench runs along with the father-in-law sitting on it; the nightingale smoked M., he became light, descended to the ground, brought a grain of corn]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 27: 81-91; curl : Coll 1907, no. 1 [Maconaura puts the top whoever steals fish from it; M. leaves Woodpecker as guard, he gives the signal too late; the Cacique bird; M. sees a caiman and kills him with an arrow; the next time he finds the girl Anuanaïtu at the top, she is the sister of the caiman; gets married; she wants to see her mother, M. accompanies her; Kaikoutji's father-in-law orders 1) to make a bench with an image of a jaguar on one side, K. himself on the other (he walks in a mask, insects offer to bite him; from the bite of a cousin (type of insect), a spider, K. does not move; from the bite of ants he raises his head) , 2) build a house with a roof made of feathers overnight (birds gave feathers); M. visits his mother briefly; if K. kills him, the Owl will fly to tell him; K. kills M. with a club and an arrow, his mother arrives in a boat and takes his remains; two people promise to avenge M., turn into a boa constrictor and a jaguar, kill K., his wife, his people; A. avenges his mother, kills M.’s mother: after this the animals become predatory, storms and bad weather appear]: 682-689; 1908, No. 2 [a man catches the queen of vultures and ascends to heaven with her; the vulture mother-in-law demands 1) make a bench (as in Coll 1907, No. 1; the mother-in-law has twelve heads), 2) catch fish, 3) bring water in a basket (ants cover the holes); a person is surrounded by a fence in a garden; he flies away like a fly]: 483; Goeje 1943, no. d3 [Makanahoro turned into a dead deer; the vultures flocked, he grabbed the female, who took off her feather clothing; married; they ascend to heaven to her father; he gives difficult tasks, animals help to carry them out; in the end M. is killed]: 96; Roth 1915, no. 303 [vultures fly to earth, a shaman marries a female; she herself orders 1) to clear the area (vultures restore the vegetation; then the ants eat what was cut down), 2) bring water in a sieve (the ants covered the holes with clay), 3) make a bench with the image of the mother-in-law (the son-in-law threw off the centipede, the mother-in-law raised her head); the shaman and his wife ascended to heaven, then the shaman descended back]: 343-345; karinya (Guyana) [a man kills a vulture, removes and hides its clothes; another finds it, puts it on, flies to heaven to the vulture’s wife, lives with her under the guise of her husband; her father suspects deception, demands 1) to make a bench out of stone with his image (there is one stone around, a woodpecker is hollowing it out), 2) to build a stone house (a woodpecker and a worm help); the father-in-law lets the son-in-law go, he returns to the ground, takes off the vulture’s clothes]: Gillin 1936, No. 4: 194-195; makushi : Roth 1924, no. 601 [Maichoppa wanted to see the leader of the vultures; the inhabitants of two communal houses quarreled and killed each other; M. lay down among the dead bodies; the urubu vultures flew in, took off their feathers and wings, M. took possession of their outfit, but could not fly up; The spider tied one end of her thread to the top of the tree, and gave the other to M.; lengthening the thread, lifted M. to the mountain of vultures behind the clouds; M. wants to marry the daughter of the vulture chief; he demands 1) build a house on a bare rock (the eel drilled holes, animals and birds built the house); 2) make a bench with your image; the young man climbed onto the web and relieved himself on the vulture’s head; he ordered to bring fire to understand what had fallen on him, M. saw two heads; a bird and an ant carved a bench out of stone; the vulture's daughter sent the karaka bird to capture M.; he runs from house to house, runs to the Spider, she hides him under cotton yarn, does not allow K. to stir it, so as not to tangle the yarn; M. goes down to the top of the ceiba, lets go of the thread of the web, does not know how to get down to the ground; sits on the back of a lizard, which is about to eat him, runs up and down the trunk; M. manages to jump to the ground; M. comes to Agouti, his wife is at home, all the cassava is stolen from M.’s garden, Agouti’s wife says that she prepared it especially for him; M. is satisfied, returns home]: 486-488; Soares Diniz 1971, no. 17 [people died of disease, a young man remained; the urubu vultures ate rotten meat; the young man ascends to heaven, marries the daughter of the chief of the vultures; the father-in-law demands 1) dry up the lake (armadillos diverted the water, birds caught fish), 2) build a house (birds and animals helped), 3) make a stone bench with the image of the father-in-law (a lizard relieved itself on the vulture’s head, he asked his daughter to shine the light, the young man saw two heads, termite and woodpecker carved the bench); Urubu decided to kill his son-in-law anyway; his daughter warned the young man; when Urubu sat down on the bench, the tião lizard hiding behind it killed him; the sons of Urubu rushed in pursuit of the young man; he hid in a basket in the Spider's house; the Caracara bird cut the thread, the young man fell to the top of the samaumeira tree; a lizard lived there, she offered to sit on its back, ran along the trunk, wanted to eat him, but he jumped to another tree, returned to the ground]: 92-94; wow : Fock 1963: 65-67 [Kurum-yenna (Vulture people) are jealous that Shoheli has a beautiful wife; They are ordered to 1) clear the area, 2) sow and harvest, although there are only rocks there (the ants do everything), 3) catch fish (the frog drinks water from the lake, Sh. collects the fish, the frog regurgitates the water back), 4) clear the area again ; set fire to vegetation, Sh. hiding in a lizard hole; turns Kurum-yenna into vultures, orders them to eat carrion; remain Sh. and Wayam, decide to turn into animals themselves; Wayam becomes a tortoise (wayam), Sh. – small sloth (shoheli)], 91-92 [hoping to destroy his son-in-law, his father-in-law sends him to kill akri {agouti?} and frogs; in fact, Uruperi lives in the indicated place - a snake covered with wool, with the paws of a jaguar; a man runs and grabs a tree; U. swallows it, but the man did not let go of the tree, U. belched it out; on human skin there remains an imprint of the waratapi meander pattern, which covers the U. itself (it is now reproduced on cassava sieves); while inside U., the man became bald from the heat; died and soon came back to life; again went to W.’s habitat; W. appeared in the form of a man, gave a rattle covered with the same waratapi pattern; if you shake it, lightning flies out; if directed at an animal, it kills it; W. warned not to show the rattle to others; the man became a good hunter; he soon died, and W.’s spirit took the rattle]; Roe 1989 [father-in-law sends son-in-law to kill agouti; he meets there an anaconda with rainbow skin; kills her, skins her, brings her to the community house; the skin emits thunder and lightning; people reproduce the patterns on it to decorate baskets]: 23-25; Khishkaryana [{text outlined in fragments}; Sloth is Vulture's son-in-law; the father-in-law tried to burn him in the field, the son-in-law escaped from the fire in a lizard's hole; father-in-law orders to make a bench of stone, he does]: Derbyshire 1965: 41-43; waxed : Wirth 1950: 192-193 [man smears himself with shit, pretends to be dead; the daughter of the Vulture chief sends a fly, which confirms that the man is dead; the Vulture's daughter comes down, the man catches her, brings her home; at night she turns into a woman, invites the man to take him to her father; he orders 1) to build a house on a rock; cavalo-de-cão does, warns that his father-in-law is going to eat him; 2) make a bench in the shape of your head; The Lizard (a osga) defecates on the Vulture's head, he asks his wife to bring fire, the Lizard sees that the Vulture has two heads; the man made a bench, stayed in the sky with the vultures], 193-196 [a man catches the daughter of the King's Vulture on the lake, brings him home; by day she is a woman, by night she is a bird; mother-in-law is unhappy that she stains the floor with her excrement; the wife decides to leave; a person sits on it, closes his eyes, they find themselves in the sky; the father-in-law asks 1) to take the sand flea out of his leg, pulls out his eyes, hides them in a vessel; The rat finds and returns the eyes; 2) climb a miriti palm tree and throw fruits down; makes the trunk thick, the person falls; father-in-law thinks he crashed; at night a person comes to life, returns; 3) make a bench with an image of your head; the lizard defecates on the Vulture, he takes off the scarf from his head, it is clear that there are two heads; pinicapau makes a bench; 4) build a house on a rock (birds do it); 5) prepare a plot for a vegetable garden; ants do it in six days; Vultures set fire to the area, Spider saves a man by inviting him to climb into his hole; lowers it to the ground in a basket to his mother], 196-197 [the young man’s friend does not give him feathers for arrows; he smears himself with shit to attract vultures; catches a king's vulture and brings it home; in his absence, he turns into a girl and cooks kashiri; a young man spies on a bird, grabs a girl, marries; she offers to visit her parents; carries him on his back to heaven; her father has two heads and four eyes; he demands 1) dry up the Pleiades lake (the Sun dries it up, the son-in-law brings rotten fish to his father-in-law); 2) build a house on a rock; minhoca helps do this; 3) make a bench in the shape of your head; the ant says a osga poop on a vulture's head; he lights a fire to wash himself, his son-in-law sees what he looks like and makes a bench; father-in-law enters his new house, dies of fright; the mother-in-law orders her son-in-law to be killed; he runs away and returns to his mother]; trio [the hunter marries the daughter of the jaguar he saved; the father-in-law demands to clear the plot and grow crops on the rock (sloth, ants help); man killed jaguar's daughter, returned home]: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 13: 65-70; wake up [the bride's mother demands 1) build a house, 2) bring a snake, 3) wasps; gives his daughter to the groom; now demands to bring a water spirit; he dragged his son-in-law into the river]: Magaña 1987, No. 32: 40; Oyampi [the man had a tame jaguar; The man's younger brother went hunting with this jaguar, the jaguar ate him; the man killed the jaguar, the vultures flocked, the man killed everyone; the last to arrive was a two-headed vulture, brought a man to heaven, and gave him a daughter as his wife; demands 1) build a house (termites help), 2) burn the forest on the site (the spider hides a person in its hole from the fire), 3) make a bench with the image of the father-in-law; a dove brings a man down to earth]: Grenand 1982, No. 53: 305-314.

Western Amazonia. The house : Bellier 1991b, no. 4a [Maineno (future Month) married to daughter Bek style='font-family:ɨtu; father-in-law asks to bring firewood; M. knows that the tree must fall on him, makes him thin, brings him; B. asks his daughter to remove the splinter from his thumb; as a result, Ñukek style='font-family:ɨ – Earthquake is born; M. feels that the earth trembled], 4c [1) Bek style='font-family:ɨtu tells Maineno (future Month) to get the chicks; makes the tree tall, causes wind; the son-in-law does not fall, goes down, 2) sends to check the trap; the son-in-law gets caught in it and hangs upside down; the ducks free him; he turns his father-in-law into a tapir]: 180-181, 187-192; kandoshi [God informs the young man in a dream that a woman will come to him; let him not be afraid if she is cold to the touch; she comes, he hides her under a pile of firewood, does not tell his mother to chop wood there; she chops and wounds a woman, with three children with her, they disappear; three Vultures offer the young man to take him to heaven if he kills his mother for food; he kills the mother with a spear, they gnaw the corpse, but are unable to raise the young man; The Hummingbird places it on its back, lifts it, slips between the blades (something like scissors), which open and close, only the Hummingbird’s tail is cut off; The hummingbird tells the man to answer that he himself ascended to heaven; the young man's wife carries cassava, the rope breaks, her sisters go ahead; the husband grabs his wife; she is afraid that her father will kill him; the father makes thunder; throws the young man into the fire, throws a stone at him, spits out fire, the young man recoils; his father-in-law recognizes him as his son-in-law; they go together to kill people ima tanga]: Page 1975: 55-62.

NW Amazonia. Andoke : Pineda 1975: 452-453 [The sun kills and eats the sons-in-law, sending them to cut down a tree from which heavy fruit falls; the wife warns the hero; he builds a shelter; monkeys cut the vines that keep the tree from falling, and gadflies bite those who hold the tree; tree falls; The sun devours a termite mound, thinking it is eating its son-in-law]; 464-469 [the hero marries the daughter of a bird ghost egg ; wants to build a house, but his father-in-law hides poles and vines; the wife helps to get them, also to get leaves for the roof; the hero leaves his wife]; the wheat [father-in-law eats sons-in-law; the hero washes his wife's vagina with poison; snakes and poisonous insects come out; only after that does he sleep with her; his father-in-law sends him to cut down a tree from which heavy fruits are falling; the father-in-law keeps the tree from falling by the top, the hero sends a gadfly, he bites the father-in-law, the tree falls; the father-in-law sends his son-in-law to the site and sets it on fire; the hero is saved in the form of a hummingbird and an iguana; leaves his wife]: Preuss 1921, No. 19 [sends son-in-law to the tree for fruit, makes him tall; son-in-law turns into an animal and descends]: 92-93; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, no. 19 [father-in-law sends son-in-law to check the top; a jaguar jumps out of it, but the hero himself turns into a jaguar and escapes; a tree mushroom grows along the perimeter of the tree, sheltering the hero from falling fruits]: 151-156; wretched [(Zap. 1980); Gotátzika has a daughter, her suitors (these are the people of Ñamrako:ma:ndio, the Morning Star) disappear; then her son Ñ will marry her; father-in-law 1) gets up at night to kill him with a club, but son-in-law only pretends to be asleep and jumps up; 2) orders to get the game from the trap, the son-in-law does not fall into it; son-in-law finds skulls of previous sons-in-law; 3) does not fall into a trap when sent to get fish from it; 4) G. orders the tree to be cut down, quietly puts the chips back; the son-in-law asks his father for help, he sends rodents, they take the chips to the river, throw them into the water, they turn into all types of fish; the chopped trunk continues to hang, a sloth is holding it on top, this is the spirit of G. himself; the son-in-law's father sent various biting insects, the sloth let go of the tree, it collapsed, the earth shook (the origin of earthquakes); 5) burn vegetation on the site; there was fire all around, the iguana sent by the young man’s father carried him out of the fire; now the son-in-law left his father-in-law in the burning area, he burned down; daughter found father's bones; his son-in-law revived him with tobacco and told him to become good; they went to S., the father-in-law was swallowed by a fish, his son-in-law brought him out alive]: Blixen 1999, No. 9: 205-238; kubeo [cm. motif K30; after the death of his first wife Uanari takes the younger of the old woman's two daughters; she meets Anaconda in the form of a man; W. followed, killed his lover with an arrow, gave his penis to his wife to eat under the guise of a fish; said she was eating; mother-in-law asked U. to clear the area; the birds helped do it in a day; the serpent son came out of the womb of W’s wife to gather fruit for her; the tip remained in the womb; the woman threw him at the foot of the tree and ran home with her sister; U. made all the participants in the holiday like him and left himself; people rose to the sky, a storm began; W.'s wife turned into a river dolphin, her sister and mother threw her into the river; the son-Snake screams to his mother, Inhom, inhom! ]: Pereira 1980(1): 269-277; vacuum [in the garden of Made-of-Bones' mother, someone steals pepper; SK is on guard and sees how the vultures took off their clothes and began to tear the pepper; he hides the clothes of one of them, the rest fly away; the Vulture woman becomes his wife; she wants to visit her relatives, he accompanies her; the wife warns to answer her father only the third time, otherwise he will eat him; SK kills a deer, father-in-law hides it; when there are worms, he leads people to “fish”, they bring worms; the wife smears the potion on her husband’s eyes, now it’s a fish for him too; father-in-law tells SK 1) to make a boat in a day; he does, but when the father-in-law steps on it, it splits; the wife's younger brother fumigates the stone with tobacco, the boat is ready; 2) make a rope from the leaves of the Moriche palm tree; the same young man burns the leaves, pours the ashes into a calabash, drinks, takes the rope out of his nose; SK can live with his wife; after the birth of the child they return to his mother; the wife and son fly away in the form of vultures; husband remains alone]: Hill 2009: 42-48; don't stay : Århem et al. 2004 [see motif J15; Meneriyo turned onto the path leading to the cannibal ~Gãsũ; he kills her with a dancing rod; G.'s mother saved her baby Rĩyãkomakü (her son from her brother the Month) by releasing him into the river; R. goes ashore to play, colored the butterflies (they were white); three daughters of Ũmawãtĩ buried one of them in the sand, wrote on the sand, butterflies flew in, R. approached them, the girl grabbed him; he stopped crying in the arms of his youngest; grew up in a day; U. had to take him with him to G.’s house and tell him about the death of his mother; W. tied it with bitter leaves; G. licked it, it turned out to be bitter; in the forest G. became a jaguar, but R. became a lizard and slipped away; at night R. put a log in the hammock instead of himself, G. attacked it; in the afternoon G. and his brothers began to throw M.'s head like a ball, and gave R. a lighter one from a calabash; if R. does not throw his over the maloca, he will be eaten; R. transferred the force from his mother’s head to the calabash and threw his ball; since then, children are forbidden to throw the ball through the maloca (it’s like throwing the mother’s head); R. threw garbage into the backwater, puño fish (Serrasalmus rhombeus) and piranhas appeared; on the shore he created a fruit tree, with a fish lock connecting it as a bridge; when G. and his people went, R. ordered the bridge to fall apart; everyone was eaten by piranhas, but G. only had his legs eaten off and he rose to the sky; U. suggested that R. burn the area from the middle, and he himself lit it along the edges; R. became a fish in a hole of water and waited out the fire; W. sent R. for the daughter of Thunder; R. replaced Thunder's lightning club with a wooden fake; R. brought G.’s daughter to W., telling her to be unfaithful; she took the Chief of Pisces as her lover; knocked on the calabash on the water, summoning him; the bird told W. about this; W. killed his lover with an arrow, cut off his penis, and gave it to his wife under the guise of a fish; told her what she ate, turned her into a dolphin; the fish began to fight with U., he defeated them, ascended to heaven; in the morning U. appears in the form of a rainbow]: 484-494; Trupp 1977 [jaguars eat a woman; the baby Ri Hako Make jumps from her womb into the river, he is caught by the Umavado sisters - the rainbow snake; he kills jaguars; W. treats the surviving jaguar and tries to kill R.; 1) sets fire to the vegetation cut down on the site, sending R. there, he turns into a fish and jumps into the water; 2) orders to bring the daughter of Thunder; U. finds Grom sleeping, replaces Grom’s club with his own, kills Grom and his daughter, comes to U.]: 50-56.

Central Amazon. Maue [jaguar eats daughter's suitors; the toad son-in-law enters and exits through the roof, the father-in-law does not have time to rush at him; tells his son-in-law to 1) check the top (he quickly gets the fish, the jaguar doesn’t have time to come eat him), 2) get the parrots from the tree (throws a sticky branch to the father-in-law instead of a bird, manages to get down from the tree and run; throws a hot stone into the jaguar’s mouth; the corpse of a jaguar throws into the river, he turns into a caiman]: Pereira 1954: 101-104; Uggé 1991, no. 6: 172-181; munduruk : Barbosa Rodrigues 1890 [Rairu's shamanic knowledge is greater than that of his father Karusakahiby; his father is his enemy; 1) asks to get an arrow from a tree; R. tells the thorns on the trunk to turn, climbs the tree, brings an arrow; 2) K. sends R. to the garden plot, knocks down all the trees on him, he is alive; 3) sets fire to fallen trees, R. hides in a hole; 4) K. makes an armadillo from leaves; R.'s hand is glued to him, the armadillo drags him into the hole; R. gets out and reports that there are people in the hole; first the ugly ones come out, then the beautiful ones; the rope breaks, some of the beautiful ones remain underground; K. paints people; many begin to doze, he turns those who doze off into birds, bats, wild pigs, butterflies]: 250-251; Kruse 1949, no. 20 [as in Murphy; the shaman eats his daughter's suitors; 1) the hero is small in stature, slips into a hole in the wall when his father-in-law wants to kill him; 2) manages to climb down from the tree several times, although his murderous father-in-law is waiting for him below; when his father-in-law overtakes him and throws hot stones into his mouth, he turns into a caiman]: 627-628; Murphy 1958, No. 37 [ Karuekabyo devours the next son-in-law when he, having gone out to urinate, returns to the house; Amabiot small, enters the house through a hole in the wall; K. tells him to make a shelter in a tree for hunting birds, and is going to eat him when he starts to climb down; A. sets four birds as watchmen, they warn of K.’s approach; shoots an arrow, asks K. to pick it up, manages to get down; K. orders to climb another tree for fruits; A. sends him out for a new climbing ring, but manages to climb up himself; creates parrot chicks, throws them to K., he picks them up; getting down, A. throws a sticky mass of chewed fruit in K.’s face and runs away; people hide it first under the elbows, then under the knees, then at the back of the head; they ask K. to open his mouth, throw hot stones there, K. dies; his body is thrown into the river, it turns into a caiman]: 116-117.

Eastern Amazonia. If nothing else: the twins come to the heavenly deity; the youngest is not his son; he dies or shows weakness during testing; the elder revives him, helps him; if nothing else: both are recognized as deities. Hissing [sitting in the fire and supporting the frying pan]: Nimuendaju 1920: 1018, 1021; the tenethara : Nimuendaju 1915: 186-187; Nimuendaju 1915, № 9: 296-298; Wagley, Galvão 1949, № 14 [ Mayra leaves, leaving his pregnant wife; she follows him Son Mair (SM) shows her the way out of the womb; asks to pick a flower for him; a wasp bites a woman in the stomach and slaps itself, trying to kill the wasp; the son thinks that his mother hit him and falls silent; a woman spends the night at Possum's house; he makes a hole in the roof, rain drips on the woman, Possum offers to hang the hammock closer to him, then move into his dry hammock; this is how a woman conceives Son of Possum ; CM dissatisfied; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars, the old woman hides her under a pot; The jaguar finds her, the woman turns into a deer and runs away; A jaguar with dogs catches up with her; he tries to fry, boil, and pierce the twins taken out of his stomach with a sliver, but only scalds and injures himself; the old woman makes them her grandchildren; they turn into parrots, macaws, other animals, and finally into people; one day they search in the heads of old women, tear off the heads, throw them to each other, then revive the old woman; the jaku bird tells them about the death of their mother; they cry, they tell the old woman that their eyes are swollen from wasp bites; they build a bridge over a dry swamp, fill the swamp with water, throw straw fans into the water to fan the fire, they turn into piranhas; they invite the Jaguars to fish, step on the bridge, and collapse it; Jaguars are eaten by piranhas; the spirit of the one who ate his mother CM encloses in a bamboo vessel, gives Maire; he demands proof that the brothers are his children; 1) kill the female spirit Azang; CM sets her long hair on fire, dries up the lakes in which Azang trying to put them out Azang burns out; 2) kill the male spirit Azang ; he cuts down a tree to make a bow and arrows that kill all animals; CM plunges the sharp hand of the spirit into the log, leaves it to die; 3) kill Azang - fisherman; CM in the form of a fish, Surubim removes the bait from his hook; the brother is hooked, caught, fried, eaten; CM asks Azang give him the bones, revives his brother; asks his father to break a rock with an arrow; he can't CM breaks, he is stronger than his father; both are now in the Village of the Gods], 25 [the bachelor picked up and raised a female royal vulture; dreams that if she were a woman, she would cook for him; someone is cooking, a man finds a girl, grabs her feather clothes, takes her as his wife; offers to visit her relatives; she replies that her father is dangerous, but still raises her husband to heaven; father-in-law demands 1) make a dugout boat in a day (woodpeckers made it); 2) clear the area in a day (also by woodpeckers); the father-in-law orders the vegetation cut down on the site to be set on fire, starting from the middle; A spider hides a man in its hole; coming out, the man asks the harpy eagles for help; they took him, his wife and son to their village, they stayed there to live]: 139-140, 150-151; tribe [ Mair in the guise of a bird flies over rotten fruit; a woman comes out of the fruit, he takes her as his wife; she does not believe that the yams, cassava, etc. planted by her husband ripened on the same day; angry M. leaves; his wife follows in his footsteps, his unborn son shows the way from the womb; After spending the night in Possum's house, the woman conceives a second son; Criticism of Maira takes offense at his mother, becomes silent; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars; The old woman hides her under a vessel, the Jaguars find her and eat her; children are thrown into boiling water, they jump out; The grandmother adopts them; brothers fell trees into the river, they turn into piranhas and crocodiles; an island is made on the river, fruit trees are on it, a bridge is built to the island; when the Jaguars go across the bridge to get fruit, the brothers cut down the bridge, the Jaguars are eaten by water creatures; because Son of Possum hesitated, two escaped; brothers come to M. , he gives them bows and arrows; out of resentment for their mother, the brothers throw them into the forest, they turn into snakes; Mair wants to know if the children in front of him are his; 1) remove the bait from the hook Anyang a; Criticism of Maira takes off the bait, then tugs at the line for a laugh; Son of Possum takes a hook into the mouth, fished out, eaten; in the guise of an ant Criticism of Maira collects his bones, revives him; 2) go to Grandfather Wind; he's not at home Criticism of Maira tickles his wife, the husband hears her laugh, blows, a tree falls on the brothers; Son of Possum dies, revived by brother; 3) walk between two converging and diverging grating stones; Criticism of Maira passes, Son of Possum crushed, revived by brother; M. realizes that the youngest of the brothers is not his son, orders him to go back between the stones; Son of Possum crushed again; Criticism of Maira in anger he rises to heaven, taking stones with him; from now on they produce thunder; Son of Possum rises to brother]: Huxley 1956: 217-220; tupinamba [Maire-Ata leaves to travel, his wife cannot accompany him due to pregnancy; follows, the son from the womb shows the way; she doesn’t give him any fruit, he gets angry and becomes silent; loses his way, ends up with the Possum; at night he conceives a second son; Possum turns into possum; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars; The jaguar eats her, the twins are thrown onto a garbage heap; one woman picks them up; the twins hunt for her; show the Jaguars an island in the sea, where they will find a lot of fruits; The jaguars are swimming there; twins cause a storm; Jaguars drown, turn into jaguars and other felines; the twins come to MA, he tests them; 1) walk between the pushing rocks; Possum's son dies; MA's son revives him, both pass; 2) remove the bait from the hook Anyen 'A; Possum's son is caught, A. tears him apart; MA's son resurrects him, both take off the bait; MA recognizes them as his sons]: Thevet, 914-915 in Metraux 1932: 135-136.

Central Andes. Warochiri (dep. Lima) [rich Tamta Nyamka pretends to be a sage (god?), but gets sick; no one can determine the cause of the disease; poor man Uatia Kura , son Paria Kak ’and falls asleep on the road in the mountains; hears two Foxes exchanging news - one coming from the mountains, the other from the coast; The Fox from the Mountains says that TN's wife dropped a grain of corn into her vagina, picked it up and gave it to her husband to eat; she cheats on him; because of this, two snakes began to live in the roof of the house, and a two-headed toad began to live under the grain grater; they eat TN; UK promises to cure TN if he gives him his youngest daughter; dismantles the house, kills the snakes, drives out the toad; a man married to TN’s eldest daughter is dissatisfied and challenges the management company to a competition; Every time UK goes to ask for advice from his father PC; 1) the criminal code turns into a dead guanaco; when the Fox and his wife Skunk approach, scares them, they throw a magic drum and an ocarina, he takes these objects, wins the competition with their help, forcing not only people to dance, but also the earth itself; 2) drink (UK doesn’t get drunk; he gets everyone drunk), 3) put on the best puma skin (when UA puts it on, there’s a rainbow in the sky), 4) build a house (birds and animals build; scare away llamas carrying the opponent’s building materials); the hero tells his opponent to dance, turns him into a deer; the rival's wife follows him, the hero puts her on his head, turns her into stone ( wow in the form of the legs and genitals of a woman)]: Salomon, Urioste 1991, chapter 5: 55-59; see motif K57. The condition for a girl's marriage is the groom's obligation to dig an irrigation canal; Peru as a whole: Dumézil, Duviols 1976: 173-195; Paramon (dept. Lima) [Paramonga was a fortress in which the beautiful daughter of the cacique lived; promised to marry another cacique if he would build a canal and irrigate her garden (on the terrace of the pyramid); he carried out this almost impossible undertaking and got married; but she hated him and killed him, waiting for an opportunity]: Calancha 1638, book 3, chapter 2: 551 (reprint: Dumézil, Duviols 1976, no. 5: 175-176); Risua, Andamarca , dep. Junin [Ri Inca - son of Atawalpa and his wife Mancu Capac; the owner of the estate agrees to give him his daughter as a wife if he builds a bridge from Apurimac to Cusco in three nights; RI sets the stones in motion with a word, completes the work overnight, gets married; builds the village of Arequipa]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1980: 137-138; district Cusco : Arguedas, Izquierdo Rios 1947: 71-72 ( Tracing paper ) [(reprinted in Dumézil, Duviols 1976, no. 2: 174); Orcco Huaranca promises to give the daughter of Pitusira to the one who will make the channel; Sahuasiray leads from the top of the mountain, faster; Ritisiray leads down the heart-shaped slope, is late, but the girl loves him; after the wedding she runs with him to the mountains; God turned them into two mountains as punishment, Pitusira is always cold and covered with snow], 72-73; Dumézil, Duviols 1976, no. 4 [(prov. Tracing paper , from a newspaper in Cusco); Tambo Urko gives his daughter Sumac Tika to the one who will build the canal; one breaks through the tunnel and wins, the other leads along the slope; the girl runs with the loser, the father asks the Sun to punish them; they are turned into two snowy peaks Pitusiray and Sahuasiray (Sawasiray)]): 175; Itier 1996 (prov. Tracing paper ) [the father promises a daughter to the leader who builds the canal; the daughter loves the loser, runs with him; at the request of the father, the Sun turns the lovers into two mountains]: 175-176; mountains southern Peru [two brothers Utqha Páuqar and Utqha Maita want to marry Ima Súmaj - the daughter of a curac; Kuraka promises to give it to the one who will build a canal to his palace; although UP is a sinchi (noble warrior) and has many people under his command, UM with his agricultural experience wins; Over the course of a year, two armies fight, then the brothers agree to resolve the matter by single combat; at the last moment the UM admits that he is wrong; UM marries IP]: Lara 1973: 185-189 in Toro Montalvo 1990b: 447-448; in Dumézil, Duviols 1976, no. 15: 187-189 (also after Lara short version, no. 14 [Utqha Páuqar, Utqha Maita, Ima Súmaj, Awapanti]: 187).

Bolivia - Guapore. Takana : Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 48 [Beni (South Wind) Udutzi (ancestor) found several types of cultivated pepper in an abandoned area; turned one into a human, easily defeated; the same with the second; made a comrade from wild pepper, he is equal to him, this is Bidutzi (wild pepper) Edutzi; both came to the sorcerer Macanaua (name in the Eseeha language); he gave his two daughters, ordered 1) to clear the plot, 2) to harvest corn by evening, 3) to build a strong house by evening; they do everything instantly; M. locked them in a stone house; all the birds and animals are chiseling the stone; the squirrels gnawed through, the brothers came out; During this time, the wives married one a vampire bat, the other a melero marten; Beni killed M. with a club; the brothers each killed his wife, her husband, the children in her womb, two escaped, from them are the current vampires, martens; the brothers came to the water separating our world from the other; the bird Dzuducu carried them, told them not to look down, Bidutzi looked, fell, and was swallowed by the snake Tsrabuna Bacua; Beni called the animals, they drank all the water, at the bottom there were small snakes asking them not to kill them; Beni ripped open a large snake, took out his brother; from the belly of the snake all the midges came out; the brothers walked along the dry bottom to the end of the world, where the crushing rocks are; slipped into their world; var.: leaving the stone house, the brothers in the form of doves flew to M., sat on a tree above the pond; M.'s daughters saw their reflection, the brothers became people again; the girls married two melero during this time; the brothers killed the new husbands and the girls' father and brought back their wives; asked the Woodpecker to take them to the land of edutzi; he carried them, and when he carried the wives, they looked down, fell, and became fish], 62 [father-in-law and mother-in-law send an orphan son-in-law to bring chicks from a tree; the father-in-law trims the ladder vine and summons a poisonous snake from the hollow; the owner of the forest kills a snake, makes a person a good hunter; gives fat, after eating which the mother-in-law became a snake; son-in-law turned into an anteater]: 104-107, 165-176; baure [ Father of the Earth sends a snake to bite his son-in-law; orders to bring the sun; sends him to make a boat, from which a jaguar should eat him; catch a fish so that a caiman can eat it; the son-in-law remains alive, brings fish to his father-in-law, he is not satisfied, devours the entire harvest from the fields]: Nordenskiöld 1923: 133; guarasu [the chief's daughter named the man as the father of her child; the father-in-law orders 1) to collect all the corn from the field in a day (the ants did it), 2) to bring a seven-colored tapir (the fox showed where to find it); the leader said that the man had passed the test and was allowed to marry; the woman admitted that she was not pregnant and made a foolish joke; the bird Chuúbi stole someone else's baby and brought it to her, the father did not find out about the deception; husband and wife lived happily]: Riester 1977, No. 46: 300-302; surui [a man asks his brother to get a harpy eagle chick from a tree; asks what it is like, whether its feathers are big; Like your wife's genitals! The man cuts the vines, leaves, the brother cannot come down; the chick turns him into an eagle; the mother eagle orders him to bring game, but he cannot, the chick hunts instead of him; the hero sends a bird to track where his brother is; in the form of an eagle kills him, lifts him into the air, eats the flesh, the skull turns into a tinamous bird (Tinamus sp.); Lefty wounds the hero with an arrow and hides in a cave; women go to him, calling him by name, Mosan ! the hero calls him in the same way, kills him, he turns into a cancer; the eagle father demands from the hero 1) to make arrows (suitable feathers are needed; the beetles first eat the young man’s feather decorations, then magnificent plumage appears on the arrows); 2) spin cotton for a hammock (the trumpeter birds spin); 3) cut a wooden mortar for corn (the squirrel makes one); 4) clear the area; the hero clears, leaving one tree; asks the eagle to cut him down; he becomes exhausted from this work and dies]: Mindlin 1995, No. 4: 14-20.

Southern Amazon. Wow : Schultz 1966 [Thunder kills people; the hero marries his three daughters; he orders 1) to make a boat from bark, 2) to catch fish, 3) to build a house; son-in-law remains in heaven with thunder]: 84-86; Schultz, Chiara 1971 [in Morena on the banks of the river. Kuluane Kanalapá sleeps with his uncle Yanamá's wife; he gives difficult assignments; the grandmother helps K. with advice, orders him to wrap his arms and legs with cotton threads, kill them, and take mice with him; Ya. orders to bring 1) a scraper made from the tooth of a poisonous snake for making ritual cuts on the body (catches the snake by throwing a circle of ember fibers over it; it becomes covered with bark when cuts are made with a poisonous scraper), 2) heavy wood (termites gnaw out the core), 3 ) fruit seeds (for a rattle?) from a rattlesnake (the locust got it), 4) reeds for arrows, which Fire owns (the bird brought it), 5) the fruits of the genipa growing on the island (the spider brought it, the piranhas didn’t eat it), 6) a belt from cannibals (the bird helped Jacques), 7) a drawing of a house like that of cannibals (he tells the cannibals that he is sleeping with his uncle’s wife; they laugh, he examines the house), 8) an armadillo’s claw (goes down into a hole, kills the armadillo), 9) get a harpy eagle chick; K. finds an egg in the nest, with a chick in it; Ya answers that the chick is covered with down, like the hair between Ya’s wife’s legs; Ya began to hit the tree, it grew to the sky; K. unwound the threads, but there was not enough to reach the ground; the mouse spoiled, the urubu vulture flew in, K. descended to the ground on it, promised to leave him a share after the hunt; at midnight he came to his grandmother, she ordered him to make a wooden spear and become a deer; in the morning K. played ball; K. entered the belly of a deer in the forest, the deer crossed the road near Ya.’s house, everyone with clubs behind him; The deer killed Ya with a horn and ran away; people didn't know that the deer was K; K. began to play ball, married his uncle’s widow]: 111-119; tinker [Jemenari meets her sister, Kelenawary is born; he grows up sleeping with his father/uncle's wife; he orders to get 1) a colorful fruit from the tree where the snake lives (the hero scared it away), 2) cross the river with piranhas (K. was bitten, recovered), 3) bring valuable wood from the house of Rain (Rain copulates with his wife many times, falls asleep , K. takes out the wood); K. and J. make a cage for the harpy eagle together; K. sits on the cage, says that it is no more than one hair on the pubic hair of J.'s wife; he took out a vertical pole, the poles sprung, K. fell onto a tall tree; the anthropomorphic flying creature Nane heals him; J. makes a deer to kill K., but the deer kills him; K sleeps with his uncle's wife]: Murphy, Quain 1955: 73-76; Monod-Becquelin 1975, no. 12: 80-92; kamayura [younger brother sleeps with older brother's wives; he gives difficult tasks; the grandfather advises how to fulfill them; 1) bring a heavy tree (the termite gnaws out the core), 2) bring a mako chick living in a hollow (only a snake lives there, the young man brings it), 3) go through the procedure of applying ritual scars with a scraper (puts on a suit made of bark; then the grandfather makes safe cuts) , 4) bring tobacco from the spirits (hummingbirds bring), 5) bring reeds for arrows (a monstrous armadillo owns it; finches, doves bring), 6) get axes from Thunder (the hero tells Thunder that he is chopping wood for his mistress; Thunder laughs, his wife tickles him until he loses consciousness; allows the hero to take axes; Thunder pursues him, but woodpeckers protect), 7) bring necklaces and bracelets from the cannibals (brings, leaves behind clay, stumps, convulsions that interfere with the pursuers), 8 ) get the eagle chick (the brother throws away the ladder; the hero takes with him a dead mouse to lure the vultures; they lower him); the older brother invites the younger brother to hunt so that the beast will destroy him; the beast raises the elder on its horns; the younger one takes women for himself]: Agostinho 1974, no. 9: 192-199; Münzel 1973: 120-147; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973: 213-225; nambikwara [Forest spirit Sivityahlusu brings two brothers to himself, gives his daughters as wives; orders 1) to bring nuts (the harpy eagle attacks the older brother who is climbing a palm tree; he breaks his wing; the father-in-law revives the bird; next time everything is repeated, but the bird cannot be revived), 2) the older brother gets the armadillo out of the hole (S. tries to kill his son-in-law, he kills him himself); the mother-in-law kills her older brother by releasing poisonous insects; wives turn the youngest into a pashiuba palm]: Pereira 1983, no. 40: 58-61; Iranians [at night, the youngest of three brothers sees his parents copulating, his mother’s vagina; cries; brothers paint themselves with ocher, rape their mother; she looks in her youngest son’s head, notices the red paint, realizes who raped her; tries to throw his son into the fire, his brothers won’t let him; she and her husband turn into tapirs; their brothers kill them; the liver is given to the grandmother; the younger one arranges it so that she steps on a wasp’s nest and dies; Possum asks them to clear his area; brothers fell trees with the wind; Possum's wife doesn't believe they've finished their work; they are going away; refuse to take the daughters of the Forest Monitor, because... he is ugly; The woodpecker throws wax to them instead of honey; they kill him with an arrow, cut off his penis, throw him onto the Otter Trail (var.: dead); they see how first one, then the second old woman-Otter (dead man) picks him up and masturbates; The vulture steals their arrows; invites him to marry his three daughters; asks the elder to remove the bark from the tree; a giant eagle flies in, the son-in-law breaks its wing; The vulture treats him, this is his pupil; asks his sons-in-law to bring logs to build a house; the brothers are attacked by a snake, they kill it and bring it to their father-in-law; he revives her; asks the eldest son-in-law to get the armadillo out of the hole; hits him with a club, misses; his son-in-law kills him himself; the Vulture's wife kills two older brothers by setting an ant, a wasp, a bee on them; the youngest marries all three sisters; glues bird feathers on himself, flies away like a falcon; sisters turn into plaintively screaming birds]: Pereira 1985, No. 41: 179-183; paresis : Pereira 1986, no. 7 [younger brother falls into the trap of the demon Shikhali; he brings it home, says that he brought firewood; his two daughters lie with the young man; they have poisonous insects in their vaginas, they tell him to put a reed in, pull out the insects, copulate, then put the insects back; at night the young man falls asleep, eaten by Sh.; the same thing happens to the older brother, but he does not fall asleep; Sh. 1) sends him to bring toucans (they kill people); the old woman orders first to burn the thorns on the tree (var.: wives seal the holes on the young man’s face with wax, the toucans did not peck him); the young man brings toucans, Sh. revives them; 2) clean the bird cage (there are snakes there, the old woman or wives warn, he burns the snakes, Sh. revives); 3) catch fish with poison (old woman: there are caimans there, created by Sh.; you need to heat the stones, boil the lake; Sh. revives the boiled creatures); 4) get a vine to make arrows (the vine should fall on your head, the water spirit can get it); 5) tear the bark from the tree (the son-in-law climbs up, throws the bark, killing Sh.); bugs crawled out of his stomach, so his daughters could not revive him; a sacred nose flute was made from two beetles; a young man, along with his newborn boy and girl, floats down the river in a cassava trough; wives send two parrots; they fly into the young man’s mouth, cut his heart, and come out of his sides; Since then they have been red; children tease the woman who came to them Cocotero (their father's sister) that she has a hairy vulva; every time she wants to grab them, they jump into the water; Zatiamar (the older brother of K. and the dead youths) catches them in a trap; the forest spirit copulates with the girl, she herself turns into a spirit; the boy is killed by fish, he flies away as a falcon; Z. finds his veins, teeth and brain, makes timbo from them - fish poison, kills many fish], 14 [Erwaxixi - son of Káymare, gets along with his younger wife; he gives his son tasks; the grandfather teaches the young man how to fulfill them; 1) get a liana from the tree (it should fall on the young man’s head; the bat cuts it off), 2) cut the reed for arrows (snakes should bite the young man, Kabipara cuts it), 3) bring the reed from the other bank of the river (Euterpe ripesti cuts down the tree, makes a bridge; the second time the father destroys the bridge; the young man lures the vultures, smearing himself with dead fish, catches them, pulls out the feathers, flies over the river, kills his father with his horns; they notice the blood on his head and kill him] : 131-149, 236-242; mother : Schultz 1962, no. i [fishermen eat the entire catch themselves; one girl hides in a tree where her father is fishing; the men invite her to go down and eat fish; she jumps over their heads, runs into the village, tells the women; they kill their husbands with clubs; one is pregnant and gives birth to a boy; bandages it as if it were a girl and runs away with it; blood drips from her vagina, this is how rivers appeared; the women chase them, but cannot cross the big river, they return; the boy grows up, marries a jaguar, a turtle, a blue and a yellow arara; the children from these marriages are half birds or animals; when he marries the daughter of a snake and a jaguar, people are born; kills father-in-law, wife and mother-in-law do not object], p [nephew sleeps with uncle's wife; uncle's name Etoriká; he orders 1) to get nuts from the palm tree (the young man manages to get down before his uncle cuts down the palm tree); 2) get the genipa fruit; many young men climbed the tree; Uncle chops him down, everyone falls and drowns; the young man was taller than everyone else, fell far from home, and did not drown in the river like others; in the forest he pretended to be dead, grabbed the uruba, but it began to fly in circles; the young man broke his wings, he fell; from the hill the young man saw the house and came to his mother; ordered her, when she washed her tired husband, to throw sand in his eyes; he is furious, then he sees his son and is afraid; (text is torn off, switches to European plot)]: 239-242, 250-251; boro : Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, no. 48 [the young man Kuiéje Kúri bathes, leaving his stone labret (lip insert) on the river bank; the girl Meriródo likes him, she secretly picks up the jewelry, hides it under her belt, conceives a child, hides from the others who the father is; To find out, the men decide to compete in shooting in the air, hoping that the boy will pick up his father's arrow; and so it happened; other men want to shame KK, offer 1) to get hawk and eagle feathers, 2) a puma and jaguar tooth (he turns leaves into feathers, dead wood with mushrooms on it into a puma and jaguar), 3) grow corn (he grows huge cobs); The young man’s grandmother teaches him every time what to do; M. was bitten by a snake and died; during funeral rites, a man who entered stumbled; some laughed, others smiled, some continued to cry; This is reminiscent of the facial coloring under the eyes of members of certain tribal groups of Bororo birds (in myths, people are synonymous with birds); so vertical stripes under the eyes are traces of tears; a man from the Íno bird family invented songs that have since been performed at funerals], 104 [Toribugu - son of Kiare Ware from his deceased wife; another wife seduced him, decorated him with white fluff; KV noticed this fluff on his wife’s belt; arranged a holiday, saw that only T. was decorated with the same; KV decides to kill his son, the grandmother helps T.; 1) kill the jaguar; 2) get a rattle from the spirits (brought by the locusts); get the fruits of a tree growing in the middle of a lake in which there are spirits (a spider transported a squirrel, it got it, the spirits caused a flood, but the spider saved the squirrel, it bit off the fruit and brought it); 4) go with KV, get mako chicks from the cliff; KV began to swing the pole on which T. was climbing, he stuck the stick given by his grandmother into the rock and climbed up; KV removed the stairs, T. suffered from hunger and thirst; T. made a small bow, shot lizards, hung it on his belt, the vultures pecked his buttocks, raised the corpse to eat on the ground near the water; T.'s food falls right through; T. applied the root given by his grandmother, it became new flesh; people left the village; T. caught up with the grandmother, first in the form of a bird, then a lizard; his grandmother and younger brother recognized him; on the occasion of his son's return, the father organized a hunt; T. made himself antlers from branches, became a deer, before that he ordered to drive the deer to KV, lifted him onto the horns, threw him to the piranhas, and returned in the form of a man; KV's wives noticed scars on T.'s head where there were horns, they wanted to kill him, he killed them himself], 105 [Geriguiguiatugo has a relationship with a young stepmother; his father gives difficult assignments, the young man’s grandmother teaches him every time what to do; 1) kill the jaguar, 2) get the rattle from the spirits (the locust gets it), 3) get the nuts of a palm tree growing in the middle of the water (there are dangerous spirits in the lake; the spider transports the squirrel, which brings a nut), 4) get the chicks from the cliff (the father throws away the ladder , the young man goes down with the vultures); turns into a deer, kills father with horn; when the father's wives find out about this, he kills them too; paraphrased in Lévi-Strauss 1964: 43-45]: 102-105, 198-203, 204-209.

Araguaia. Karaja : Baldus 1953: 213-214 [the old man-Sun has two daughters; Abobädäri and his brother want to marry them; The sun demands 1) bring tobacco; the leaves stick to your hands, the wives gave you the remedy, the tobacco came off; The sun scolded his daughters; 2) bring fish; the river is full of piranhas; the bird picked up the piranhas, brought them to the brothers, who gave them to their father-in-law (piranhas are the fish of the Sun); 3) get the resin for rubbing; the resinous tree is surrounded by fire; the brothers asked the birds, they brought water, poured fire, the brothers brought resin; A. does not dare to sleep with the daughters of the Sun; they may have piranhas in their wombs; the brother suggests turning to the Howler Monkey; he shows how to copulate; A. pulls him away by the forelock, thinking that’s enough; Since then, monkeys have had a bare forehead; brothers sleep with their wives, abandon them; turn into pirarucu fish; Jabiru storks shoot arrows at fish; A. unharmed, has a hard body, brother is soft, killed, eaten], 214-215 [the name of the main character is Idianakatú; 1) bring live piranhas; the brothers smeared themselves with the sticky milky sap of the mangabeira tree, dived, and the piranhas stuck to them; 2) bring resin; The sun hoped that she would burn and disfigure them, making them unattractive to his daughters; I. asked the god Inoschiuä, and he asked the swallows to fill the fire; That's why swallows fly low over the water; The sun inserts piranhas into the daughters' womb; brother bitten; I. asks the Monkey to copulate first; since then the monkeys have had a red penis and half-bitten testicles; I. asks Jabiru for a branch of the timbo vine, inserts it into the vagina, the piranhas die; one left, causes women to menstruate; wives answer their husbands that the trees are more beautiful than them; the offended brothers leave; the Sarakura bird invented a boat, the brothers asked to give it to them; rowing with an oar handle; the pigeon Miriti explains that you need to row with an oar; I. kills trees with arrows; brothers turn into piraruku fish (the origin of these fish); both versions also in Baldus 1937a: 226-228].

Chacko. Never : Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, no. 1 [The sun demands meat from the husband of the eldest daughter; he got four rheas on the first day, two on the second, then nothing; The sun ate him; the same with the husband of the middle daughter, although he took longer to bring meat, gradually reducing the portions; the youngest husband runs to the Month, married his youngest daughter; he caught a lot of wild pigs, but the month did not eat much; The Sun came, the Moon gave him a lot of meat, but did not give him a man; leaving, the Sun began to freeze, it was the Moon that froze it; in response, the Sun called the Month to eat the harvest from his field; on the way back, the Month suffered from the heat; The Sun again demanded the return of the man; The month came, they made a drink from honey; so that it matures, the girls of the Moon and the people of the Sun sang; The Moon and the Sun completely quarreled, but decided not to fight anymore; The sun turned into a ball of hot coals, rose into the sky, and people on earth died from its heat; The Moon rose, his people left, shaved their heads, the Month's son-in-law too], 2 [as in (1); son-in-law - Woodpecker; The moon is young, the sun is old, the moon always wins over the sun during eclipses; both are great shamans, cannot kill each other], 3 [as in (1), the Sun is looking for a son-in-law from the Month, he defeats his brother the Sun with rain], 4 [beginning as in (1); The moon is angry with the Sun because it comes and eats all the meat; The sun is afraid of him], 15 [a tame eagle in the young man’s house (this is a celestial being captive on earth) lifts him into the world of bird-people, warns him not to respond to the first greeting of the leader of the thunderbirds; a terrible jaguar kills local women; the young man easily kills him, the jaguar turns out to be a rat; everyone is happy; he kills the bird, forgetting that it is a thunderbird, a local resident; the eagle who brought him protects him and trains him in running; the young man is offered a running competition, he wins against several birds; looks at the sky of stars, which is above the sky of birds, desires female stars; two stars are adjusted so that while running he hurts his leg; they go down to him, lift him into their world, marry him; the eagle lowers him to the ground]: 21-25, 26-30, 31-33, 34, 59-64; trouble [the father-in-law tells the son-in-law to 1) catch a lot of fish in the river where the water monster lives (catching an otter), 2) bring fuel from the other side of the river; the first time the nutria brings it, the second time the snake swallows it; he cuts her heart, comes out bald; father gives his daughter a comb, she touches it to her husband, his hair grows]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, no. 79: 171-173; my mother : Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, № 199 [у Oh well brother demands that he 1) collect corn in his field by midnight (ants collect); 2) drank the pond (mother-in-law water Catella drinks); brother is happy; both are fishing with a hook, agree to eat the catch together, starting with O.’s; when O. wants to take the fish caught by his brother, he does not give it; next time O. refuses to share his catch with his brother], 205 [father-in-law orders 1) dig a ditch, 2) make a corral; the wife digs a ditch, fells trees, builds a corral with the help of magic; leaves her saliva to answer for herself, runs with her husband; turns him into a bottle tree, himself into a log; throws the comb, it turns into a forest; turns into a turtle, into a hawk, into a river; father cannot cross to the other side]: 327-328, 318-319; toba : Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 96 [an ugly man hides the clothes of a heavenly maiden and ascends to heaven with her; her father orders 1) to sow the field, harvest the next day, 2) pull out a large tree; The hummingbird did everything for the hero; a man and his wife are running, their father-in-law and mother-in-law cannot catch up with them]: 195-197; 1989a, No. 276 [daughter of the Sun Sakai marries Woodpecker; Novaicalachigi tells the thorn to stick into his heel, tells the Woodpecker that he is his wife's uncle, let her carry him home on her back; tries to copulate on the way; then comes to the river, where she bathes, puts on her clothes, takes her form, comes to the Woodpecker; he suspects deception, seeing that his wife eats a lot; tells the ant to bite her, N. screams like a man; The woodpecker sends arrows in different directions to find out where the wife is; the son born to S. picks up his father’s arrow; they all come to the Sun; he 1) tells the Woodpecker to kill the jaguar (the wife warns that you need to shoot in the face, the Woodpecker brings the jaguar); 2) bring a certain water plant; Capybara gives it to Woodpecker, but the Sun demands that Woodpecker picked it himself; Woodpecker swallowed by water monster Medicine ; The sun drains the lake, takes the Woodpecker out of Lek’s belly, and revives it; the water disappears, remains only in the Woodpecker’s well, he does not give it to his father-in-law; runs away from the Sun with his wife, he cannot catch up with the fugitives]: 363-365.

Southern Cone. Araucanian [5 texts; two nephews woo the daughters of Uncle Latrapai; he orders 1) to cut down the oak tree with one blow (text 1); cut down a tree that spews fire when struck (texts 3 and 5); cut down a large tree near the volcano where the thunderbird Pilyan lives; L. gives axes that break when struck; the brothers ask P. for an ax, the ax (= thunder) falls from the sky, they fell a tree or all the oaks with one blow; or the wives extinguish the fire with snow), 2) knock down the fire stone (the wives extinguish it with rain and snow), 3) kill the cannibal Guanaco (swallows one young man, he cuts the monster’s heart, his brother helps him get out), 4) kill the bull (they are caught with the Thunder lasso )]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1929: 42-51 (=Lenz 1896, no. 5: 31-36); southern teuelche [Elal rises to heaven on a swan, wooing the daughter of the Sun and Moon; correctly distinguishes her from a maid; becomes the supreme deity]: Hernández 1992 [kill the monstrous guanaco (this is a relative of the Sun; E. kills, but the Sun does not give up his daughter)]: 138-139; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, no. 7 [Karro – Evening Star, daughter of the Sun and Moon; Elal flew to her on a swan and completed difficult tasks; now the souls of the dead go to heaven with him, Uendeuk brings them there; they turn into stars], 27 [the former Heller (distorted. Elal) was afraid that his son (with the same name), vulnerable only at the heel, would deprive him of power; chased after him, he galloped away on a magic horse; threw arrows behind him, creating obstacles - mountains, rivers, valleys; the father fell exhausted and died; the mother advised her son to woo the daughter of the Sun; turned into a swan, brought him to the Sun; 1) he changed the clothes of his daughter and the maid, but Heller found out who the bride was; 2) kill a guanaco who killed people with his gaze (crept up unnoticed and struck him in the heart with an arrow); 3) get a ring from a rhea egg, the contents of which are deadly poisonous (putting on a guanaco skin, broke the egg, splashes got on the skin); father-in-law grew old, died, Heller inherited the world, lives in the sun], 49 [the cannibal killed his wife; The mouse tuco-tuco stole the baby taken out of the womb; Mouse's wife raised the young man, this is Elal, she is his grandmother; he shot the bird's beak, the grandmother said that it was better for him to avenge his mother; E. asked his father for an arrow, but he kept giving him the wrong one; E. grabbed everything, scattered it, these are the tips that are found on the ground; E. flew away from his pursuer-father on a bird; shooting into the sea, he created islands for rest; The sun promised E. his daughter as a wife if he fulfilled the instructions; 1) get out of the way of the approaching fire in the passage, behind which there is a well, and on the sides there are points (the bride’s maid teaches you to move away, attaching iron soles), 2) get a flake for a scraper (the flint rock rolls behind E. , he substitutes a stone, the rock breaks), 3) kill the killer guanaco (the guanaco runs after E., falls into the ditch and drowns); E. gets married, a child is born, E. orders him not to cry; the child cries and immediately dies; mother drowns in the sea], 50 [The sun burns her daughter’s suitors with its heat; Elal flies on a swan, it gets tired, E. then rides on a guanaco; the maid Sparrow warns that 1) The sun suggests setting, there is a pit below with a lizard at the bottom; E. opened the hole, killed the lizard; 2) kill the killer guanaco (E. creates a swamp, the guanaco gets stuck, E. kills him with a bola stone), 3) bring two eggs of a dangerous rhea (the eggs fly up, do not hit him, he kills the rhea with an arrow); guanaco and rhea are relatives of the wife of the Sun Moon, she mourns them; 4) bring flints for scrapers (Mountain is another relative of the Moon; The Mountain rolls behind E., he puts a stone behind him; having stumbled upon it, the Mountain explodes, E. took refuge behind a stone fence, picks up the flints); Luna puts up two maids to choose from, E. says that these are not her daughters; They hid their daughter in a toldo and covered her with pimples; but E. chooses her; having married the daughter of the Sun and Moon, E. goes back, sails across the sea; his wife tries to follow him and drowns; on the new moon the sea is agitated, the daughter is glad to see her mother], 51 [The sun eats the sons-in-law; Elal rides to the sea on a guanaco, then flies on swans, shoots into the sea, creating islands for rest; 1) sit at the edge of the well (didn’t fall, killed the lizard), 2) bring rhea eggs (two eggs fly into E. from both sides, break on E.’s stone cap; E. kills the rhea, takes the eggs), 3) and 4 ) kill the guanaco, bring flints; The mountain shoots flints at E., he hides in a stone shelter, picks up flints, brings them; grandmother helps E.); all these creatures are relatives of the Moon; The sun exposes the maid, hides her daughter, covering her body with a rash; E. marries; if he had gotten along with her right away, both would have died; but during coitus the grandmother was nearby, everything turned out okay (what exactly the danger was is not said); E. left, his wife followed him, drowned in the sea, became a water woman; on the new moon, when he sees the mother Moon, he makes the sea worry], 52 [ Elal flies on the Swan to the Sun and Moon; the bird-servant of the Sun warns him of dangers; 1) The sun creates a swamp on the path of those coming, E. dries it up by throwing a stone; 2) starts a hot fire, E. blows it out; E. asks their daughter to marry him; The sun demands 3) kill a dangerous guanaco and 4) a bull (E. kills with an arrow), 5) bring a dangerous flint scraper (it is not indicated what the danger is, E. brings); The sun makes the daughter ugly and the maid beautiful, but E. makes the right choice and gets a wife; they have a son; his wife gives him the wrong name, so the son throws himself into the sea; E. leaves his wife behind him, she turns into a manatee], 53 [as in (54); 1) not to drown in the quagmire, 2) guanaco and would, as in (52); after his son throws his wife into the sea], 54 [as in (53); The sun and moon live on earth; The moon orders to bring flint scrapers and kill the guanaco]: 21, 45-47, 74-76, 77-81, 82-87, 88-90, 91-92, 93-95; Selknam [many tried to approach the North and defeat him, but he is too strong; The South decided to do this and take the North's daughter as his wife; The South-East has already tried to do this several times, but the North put insurmountable obstacles in its way; The South carefully hid how deeply he was in love with the daughter of the North; the people of the South went north, but when food supplies ran out and clothes were worn out, they had to return; on the second attempt, the South and his people reached the North’s camp; The North did not enter into an open fight and proposed competitions - single combats between participants; the people of the north were gaining the upper hand; one bent the Rainbow so much (he was with the South) that it remained crooked; but then the South itself came out, defeated many, and then threw the North beyond the border of the area in which the fight was taking place (this is considered a defeat); after that he grabbed the hut in which the daughter of Severus was and carried her away along with the girl; The North gave chase; trying to overcome the mountain during the rain caused by the North, people of both the North itself and the South fell and slipped; both sides decided to take a break; South sent a man to his father asking him to send the worst weather; people of both the North and South hunted; the people of the North made a bundle resembling a guanaco and rolled it down the mountain; the people of the North began to shoot at him, and the people of the South laughed; then the father of the South sent such a snowstorm that the North had to urgently retreat; The South began to live with the daughter of the North; at times, either the North or the South attacks the enemy]: Wilbert 1975a, No. 16: 49-55.