Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27C. Knives and spikes. .

The challenge: to stay alive when in contact with piercing, cutting, and pressing tools. See motive K27.

Taiwan - Philippines. Apayao; Tingyan.

China - Korea. Chuan Miao [the bride gives amulets, immobilizing knives and spears].

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais [sit on knives]; Ossetians [jump on the edges of swords].

Baltoscandia. Karelians [walk along the edges of the stakes]; Ingrians: Kiuru 1990, No. 17 (Toksova, D. Europaes, 1847) [the son of the sun came to Tuoni, Manala to marry his daughter; he demanded to run along needles, blades, knives; twist a rope out of a chaff, tie an egg in a knot, take a steam bath; the groom did everything and took the girl; 9 years later she ran back to her father]: 67-70; Kiuru et al. 1974, No. 3 ( (western 1968) [same story; more than 50 options in total; difficult tasks: run on blades; build a fortress from willow shoots one night old, from stumps two in the morning; build a bridge across the sea overnight; then the son of the sun gets daughter Tuoni]: 256-258.

Eastern Siberia. Evens [jumping on trees, stumps with knives placed between them].

Amur-Sakhalin. Udege people [running along the edges of sabers, spikes].

SV Asia. Chukchi [rolling wooden, iron, copper disc].

NW Coast. Spikes, stakes. Quakiutl (tlatlasiquala neveti) [room covered with sharp nails]: Boas 1895, No. XVIII.1:170-171 (=2002:377-379); Nootka.

Subarctic. Atna [is thrown at a protruding knife].

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [needle cave]; comox [thorns]; chalkomel [thorns]; clallam [thorns].

Southeast USA. Chirokee [thorns].

California. Coastal gloves [obsidian blades in a pond].

Big Pool. Utah [pitchfork].

The Great Southwest. Navajo [knives, spikes]; hopi [ladder with knife bars]; tiva [obsidian fragments]; oriental keres (Cochiti) [knives].

Mesoamerica Veracruz Nahuatl [knives]; mountain booths [arrows]; quiche [knives].